#Harding Welsh
thepunkpanther · 2 months
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30 BELOW FEST: character week — Lieutenant Harding Welsh
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redgoldblue · 1 month
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sneaking in to the very end of @ds30below with: Fraser + RayK + RayV + text posts
bonus Welsh:
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pigtailedgirl · 2 months
Lol SassyInkPen's awesome fanvid.
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allofthebeanz · 6 months
Welsh's dynamic with the boys:
Fraser: "I was convinced you were the most annoying Canadian I ever met, but upon reflection of the other Canadians I have graced paths with, I no longer think, but know that you are the most annoying. Now unless you're telling me you found an actual house to live in, go solve the case, Constable"
RayK: "I want you to know, detective, that I would shoot you in a heartbeat, but if you ever plan on trashtalking some agents with a beer, I'm there and I'm bringing a sixpack"
RayV: "Do you see this sandwich, Vecchio? See how there's all these different elements of the sandwich: the pastrami, the lettuce, the cheese, the sesame seeds, the two slices of bread that hold it altogether? Let's say this sandwich is the precinct. Now, if everyone does their job right, we make this beautiful delicacy, here, we make society function. We can make something beautiful. No part is too small, I mean, look at the pickle. One pickle, and it can make or break the sandwich - huh? Yeah, I'm cutting off the crusts because no one wants them there and they ruin the sandwich. No, you're not the pickles, you're the crusts. Now go do your job.
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preetsramblings · 1 year
Absolutely living for the slow descent of 'who the hell is this mountie and why is he still here' Welsh to 'are you sure you don't have anything better to do?? Watch a movie???' Welsh to 'your back? Cmere do this stretch real fast' Welsh to 'constable I'm going intimidate a mob boss for you now get in the car' welsh. Man adopted a mountie and didn't even realize it im--
Maybe it's my innate love of non-blood related dad figures. Maybe Bobby singer and uncle iroh have an iron grip on my soul. But dammit Welsh is now dad figure and I'm stuck with it 😅😅🤣🤣
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ourtubahero-blog · 3 months
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I don’t know where to go with this. He’s too pretty for his own good!
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deadlydelicious · 11 months
Everytime The Witcher appropriates the welsh language but the has the GALL to mispronounce it, the power of my rage grows
do you know how seldom Welsh gets a fucking look in?! and the you have the gall to pronounce it like its fucking English
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ingravinoveritas · 25 days
Have you seen this? I head "Michael got excited about being connected through matching bracelets" and immediately thought that you're going to have some thoughts.
Oh my god. No, I hadn't seen this video until now, but thank you SO much for sending it to me! I'll post a clip of the most pertinent part about what Michael said below, but I urge folks to check out the whole thing on Tiktok, as this is the woman who made the bracelets we saw David wearing at the Proud Nerd Con last weekend:
My first immediate reaction after seeing/hearing this was utter disbelief and delight, coupled with a complete lack of surprise because...Michael. If there is anyone who could channel "15-year-old girl during the last week of summer camp" energy, it is Michael. It's also terribly bittersweet and yet somehow fitting knowing that we're nearing the end of Michael's time in London--which I think we can now refer to as Shennant Summer, at least in Australia, though the last six months were technically the winter here.
(My second thought was that I feel like we're a hell of a lot closer than ever before to my imaginings of Michael and David getting complementing tattoos somehow manifesting into reality...)
But...my god. I don't think any of us could picture Michael and David not being connected in some way, even if/when they're not in the same city, and yet the thought of Michael wanting to have some tangible reminder of David with him always is doing things to my heart that may necessitate the use of defibrillators. I feel like this is some kind of reverse Parent Trap situation where Michael is going to "accidentally" pack one of the Tennant kids in his suitcase, which will mean David will have to go to Wales to collect his wayward offspring, and then the next thing you know they're on a yacht drinking Champagne while "I Love You (For Sentimental Reasons)" plays in the background.
I think what is so incredible to me is that we know how soft (in the best way possible) Michael is, but to know that he's specifically gotten that way over David--that he holds David in that deep heart space--is achingly beautiful. I know a lot of folks will say that this is giving all of the "friendship bracelet" and "besties" vibes, but I really don't think it's much of a stretch to think that it could be something more. Everything about this just feels so romantic at this point that, in my opinion, it would seem almost ludicrous to not consider it a possibility. Because right now, neither Michael nor David appear to be holding back, and I'm so here for it.
Thank you again so much for sending this my way. I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks, so please feel free to add your thoughts in the comments. Thanks for writing in! x
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adanseydivorce · 13 days
I can understand someone not liking Gansey that much but I Can Not imagine calling him boring. Sir that’s President Freak of Clowntown right there…
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vellichorius · 3 months
unpopular opinion.
they shouldn't have casted michael sheen as william boldwood in far from the madding crowd.
it's just really quite unreasonable - if i were bathsheba there's no way that i would turn that man down i mean PLEASE ????
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not to be rude but bathsheba what the fuck
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duine-aiteach · 3 months
I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m Irish and used to seeing all sorts of haha jokes about how weird our names are etc but yet I’m always surprised how surprised people are when I say that I find Welsh a pretty easy language to get the gist of. It makes sense! Welsh is something I know very little of but yet I find it easy enough to parse out the pronunciation of. I don’t always know what things mean but I’m not usually that far off in how they should be said.
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hypokeimena · 3 months
i just made black sesame shortbread AND welsh cakes AND pasta sauce... full of veggies.
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whitedemon-ladydeath · 5 months
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ACoTaR Aesthetics: Welsh!Night Court Weddings
The people who knew there was a price, and one worth paying for that dream
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moocha-muses · 1 month
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elen-benfelen · 4 months
welsh remus guide pt.2
Second Lesson
Wales vs Cymru
Wales is the English term for the country, deriving from an old Germanic term with a meaning along the lines of “foreigner” or “other”. Cymru is the Welsh term for the country, meaning something along the lines of “countrymen”.
Not to be confused with Cymry which is pronounced exactly the same but means “welsh people”.
To put in a phrase - The Cymry live in Cymru. Welsh - Cymraeg
The Welsh Language - Yr Iaith Gymraeg
Welsh Man/Person - Cymro
Welsh Woman - Cymraes
Cymro is technically masculine but can serve as a gender neutral term if you don’t want to use the plural Cymry. Welsh, like Spanish and many others, is quite gendered.
A Welsh speaking Welsh person might refer to themselves, especially if they’re first language, as a “Cymry Cymraeg” which sounds silly in English as “Welsh Welsh” lmao. If my Mam were to tell me “Arwen is a Cymry Cymraeg” I would know that Arwen is a Welsh speaker. Alternatively you say the more literal “Siaradwr Cymraeg” (Welsh speaker) or “Dysgwr Cymraeg” (Welsh learner).
Side note: These days, there’s a lot of discussion over how labels influence identity. So there’s lots of debates over going by Cymru in official capacities and such, however dw you are not committing any mistakes or hate crimes by using “Wales” or “Welsh”. You are however, definitely an asshole if you criticise a Welsh person’s decision to personally only use “Cymru” or “Cymraeg”.
Next up is a quick guide to the alphabet/sounds before finally, the main meal: slang and terms of endearment
Note: I am not the collective consciousness of every Welsh person. My experience is not universal - especially when it comes to North Walian things. This is just meant to serve as a general guide. Hope this helps and good luck with your writing!
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visenyaism · 11 months
now that u said it the targs are most definitely italian american. pronouncing everything wrong but also policing how other people say it. “you should have been around when my grand great daddy aegon was running the show”. daemon targ is basically the westerosi equivalent of vinny from the shore. in general being annoying purists about a culture they know nothing about and have no real connection to, but trying all the same
i need dragonstone to be new jersey so bad
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