#Happy bday clear!!!!!!! 💖
clearmybeloved · 1 year
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abiiors · 1 year
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE!! 💖💖 also maybe for the bday concepts: matty buying u this rlly pretty set of lingerie and asking you to wear it under your dress when he takes u out on bday dinner, but THEN he has all these filthy thoughts in his head cuz he KNOWS whats under the pretty dress so he gets impatient and smth happens under the table or maybe when they are done with dinner and are back home🥰
THANK YOUUU (ik i'm replying to this a two days late but we will pretend otherwise!) smut-ish, so minors stay away
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he has spent so much time visualising you in this set now that he actually, for one moment, considers ripping off your dress as you put on your perfume and some finishing touches. on the outside, you're in a beautiful silk dress with a sweetheart neckline that has the perfect plunge. it hits your mid thighs and makes your legs look a mile long; the perfect combination of classy and sexy but he knows underneath it, you're wearing a deep red revealing lingerie set that he selected so carefully over a number of days and now as you slightly bend to pick up your shoes off the floor, he catches a flash of red that is almost enough to drive him insane. and yeah, he does wonder if dragging you back to the bedroom is a good idea but your phone chimes with a text just then; your best friend telling you that she's leaving which means you need to leave too so you can both reach the restaurant at the same time. and just like that you're holding his hand and excitedly tugging him out the door and into the car. so like the gentleman that he is, he opens the door for you and tries to subtly...adjust himself.
anyway the restaurant is very beautiful, a place you've been wanting to go to for months and you finally let matty use his celebrity privileges to get you a reservation (not that he was going to listen to you otherwise). now that you're actually here, everything is so exciting and fun so you quickly settle down and start thinking about what you want to eat, completely unaware of what's going on in matty's head at that exact moment.
he has not stopped thinking about that small flash of red for the last 20 minutes. his hands hover so close to your thigh, simply waiting and wanting to feel the soft skin he has touched a thousand times now. the sweet breathy moans he would elicit at the barest touch of his fingers; hands dragging up, up, up, and legs parting to make space for him where he fits so perfectly. but first he would take his time ripping apart the pretty red thing with his teeth, with his hands, hear all your whines and pleads before giving you exactly what you want and more. he almost groans at the thought, the feel of you clenched around him is so familiar, your sweet taste on his tongue that he craves every single minute of the day.
'...matty? babe are you listening to me?' it's only when you click your fingers in front of his face that he realises that you've been trying to get his attention for a full minute now. your best friend and her date look at him with some degree of concern but they quickly go back to scanning their menus once he smiles at you sweetly. 'i asked if i should try the chicken or the fish,' you repeat and he has to actually clear his throat before he can answer. and then like a pathetic, horny teenager he wonders if he should go into the bathroom right now so he can do something about the ache between his legs. or...he could...
a soft gasp, just like he predicted in his head, as soon as he drags the hem of your dress to the apex of your thighs. your legs were already crossed but now you clench them tighter as he draws patterns with his calloused fingers. 'what are you doing?' you mumble just loud enough for him to hear while you pointedly study your menu. he doesn't answer, doesn't stop; he keeps moving his fingers inward, right towards your covered slit, so very close to the ache that's starting to form there. a swarm of butterflies erupts in your stomach as you think of how public this is, what if people can see? what if they can tell just from your faces. and although he looks all cool and nonchalant, you're sure your face is bright red. all thoughts fly out the window when his fingers tap your covered clit, just once but enough to send shockwaves through your whole body.
the server comes back, and the other couple gets busy placing their orders and asking questions while matty whispers right into your ear, 'how can i focus on food when all i want to do is bend you over right here?' a sharp intake of breath from you while he moves his hand to the nap of your neck, fingers slowly dragging over your pulse point, smirking at how fast it is just under your skin until you place a hand on his thigh and lean into him. 'i heard they have nice bathrooms...' and now it's his turn to swallow roughly as he quickly starts thinking of all the excuses he can give for you both going to the bathroom at the same time.
'you alright, love?' your friend's voice shocks you out of your thoughts and matty's hand stills in place. 'you look a bit red, are you too hot?' you almost choke at her words and quickly shake your head, no, just feel like i might combust... but you don't say the words that are on the tip of your tongue.
'actually, darling,' matty pipes up and then gives his most normal smile to the other two, 'i wanted to introduce you to the chef...she's my friend. how about we go say hi while we wait for the food?'
your friend rolls her eyes affectionately, such a celebrity, she must be thinking but you almost jump up at the opportunity and squeak out a yes. matty, ever the gentleman, has a hand on your lower back as he guides you around the table and makes sure to brush against you just enough, then whispers a quick, 'be a good girl for me and be quiet, we don't wanna get thrown out. the chef isn't actually my friend,' to which you laugh and try to leave the dining room with as much dignity as possible while you're on your way to fuck in the bathroom like horny teenagers.
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griffincastle · 1 month
Wait it's your bday?-
*clears throat*
🎶Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu
Happy birthday too yooouuuuuuu
Happy BIRTHDAY dear griffin💖
Happy birthdaayy tooo..YOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU❗️🎶
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its-deputy-caleb · 2 years
It's MY BIRTHDAAAAY! Can I get a gender neutral reader celebrating their birthday with Camila, Juan, Clara, Dani, and Philly? Love you bestie!
FC6 — Celebrating your birthday
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HAPPYY BIRTHDAYYYY!! ILYSM 💕💖 i hope you had the most amazing day— i'm sorry i couldn't get these done for the big day but we all get to celebrate our bday for a week anyway so i hope these make up for it 💕
Dani Rojas
Dani is so excited for your birthday. She’s been planning the big day for months, organising food, music, gifts, cervezas and all the other small details so everything is perfect for you.
She’s got a big party planned at Libertad HQ, with Clara and Juan helping her set up decorations and a bonfire. She even managed to get Talía and Paolo to DJ after running around Yara for them.
“Its your special day! Get out there and celebrate!!”
Dani is with you all night, dancing by your side as everyone cheers and wishes you happy birthday. Her hands are linked with yours as she spins and dips you in a cheesy attempt to steal a kiss.
When it all goes quiet and everyone is curled up on the beach shore, Dani pulls out her gift for you— a handmade charm with your initials on it. Theres a little antique charm connected to it, a relic from your first date exploring the Oluwa caves and its the perfect match to your weapons.
Despite the darkness and faint moonlight, Dani’s blush is clear as day when you lean forward and kiss her but she doesn’t let it get in the way as she kisses you right back.
Clara García 
Clara is looking forward to your birthday and the intimate gathering she’s put together for you and your close mutual friends. She hasn’t planned everything in detail but she worked very hard in the recent months to make sure Libertad’s leaders could have a night off.
Everyone is settled by the warm fire, Clara’s head resting on your shoulder as Julio plays the guitar and Lita sings with him. The two of you are sharing a beer as Juan cracks jokes and passes another round of rum to everyone.
Clara takes a blanket and wraps it around your shoulders when the temperature drops as the sun goes down. Her arms stay wrapped around you in a tight hug as you both rock to Julio’s melodies, and she whispers only to you how much she loves you.
Eventually she brings out a wrapped box and gifts it to you, letting you flick through the scrapbook she’s put together. There’s photos from your first few dates at Esperanzas University and others from your trips scouting for libertad recruits.
The last end of the scrapbook is empty and has Clara’s printed handwriting that explains that section is for when Yara is free and you can grow old together in peace. She doesn’t get to explain it further though, when you’re tackling her into a hug and littering kisses over her face.
“I promise, mi ángel we will free Yara together and then we will celebrate so many more birthdays to come.”
Juan Cortez
Juan is surprisingly nervous for your birthday, not because he doesn’t want to celebrate but because he actually planned something akin to a date and he’s not good with those intimate situations.
After a lot of drinks and planning spiralling with guapo, Juan has a boat ready to go and a cooler full of snacks and drinks waiting. The two of you find a spot in Quito bay to anchor and have a picnic on the water.
Mindful of any sharks, your legs get to rest in the cool blue water as you chat for hours. Of course, it wouldn’t be Juan style without his fair share of sex jokes and innuendos but it’s all because he loves to see you laugh.
At the end of the evening, when you think its time to leave Juan has one more ace up his sleeve as fireworks go off in the bay. Your head is tucked under his as you watch the lights and if you look close enough you can see Dani igniting everything and waving from Fort Quito.
Juan’s never been one for gifts in general but he’d break all his rules for you. The newspaper wrapped gift reveals a custom supremo comic which he made for you, the book containing a badass storyline and a superhero which is no doubt you with a cool cape. That includes your own real custom supremo Juan designed, made and painted for you to use out in the field.
At first he thinks you’re going to hate his gift but that all leaves when you lean over and plant a kiss to his cheek and both of you laugh at the way his eyes light up under the light of the fireworks.
“Feliz cumpleaños cariño.”
Camila ‘Espada’ Montero
Camila is equal parts excited and nervous for your birthday celebrations, but mostly because she doesn’t want her family to be overbearing on your big day.
She’s planned a big dinner at the Montero Farm, with music, food and most importantly family. It means a lot to her that Carlos, Alejandro and Philly all welcome you and she wants your birthday to be perfect.
Of course, there’s no need for her to worry as you’re all seated on a long dining table. Her hand is squeezing yours under the table as Carlos gives his blessing and everyone cheers and congratulates you for your birthday.
The food is amazing, with Carlos’ infamous slow cooked croc and your favourite dishes Camila spent perfecting. Chorizo begged you for food (which you snuck him some without Philly noticing) whilst everyone chatted between plates of food.
When everyone went quiet and turned to you, there was a brief moment of panic before you noticed Camila holding out a dagger. There were little engravings all along the handle and fabric matching her shirt along the grip.
“Happy birthday amor, you’re a Montero now… and don’t worry I’ll teach you how to use it.”
Everyone is clapping and cheering (with a few celebratory whistles) as your arms are wrapping around her neck and kissing her gently. Both of you laugh under your breath when Carlos goes into protective dad mode but you know deep down he’s happy and wants you to have an amazing birthday.
Philly Barzaga
Philly has the biggest grin on his face for weeks leading up to your birthday cause he know’s he’s got it all in the bag. With Chorizo’s help and some of his infamous ‘Philly magic’, he’s planned a whole date for you.
Going with the intimate theme, Philly put up lights in the airstrip runway of his home with a canopy, pillows and beanbags for you to sit in. He planned all the little details including a small table to eat some home cooked food on and a stereo for music.
Of course, being a mechanic he wired a projector to play your favourite films along the wall of the airplane hanger and the two of you curled up in a pillow fort for an outdoor movie together.
“Happy birthday hero— hey hey! Don’t get distracted this is the best part!”
As the credits roll sometime between the third and forth movie, chorizo comes waddling out with a present tucked into the work-pouch of his wheels. Inside the small box is an engraved, handmade necklace for you that Philly delicately made and is signed, ‘from your favourite guerrilla’s Philly & Chorizo’
After putting the necklace on you, Philly messes up your hair and you pull him into a bear hug. You gently kiss the corner of his mouth before curling back up with your head on his chest to binge another movie and cuddle.
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brandycranby · 9 months
so i heard 😏 it’s someone’s speeeciiaaalll daaaaayyy, braaaandy!!!! you know what that means—
*ehem.. clearing throat… preparing the band..*
haaaaappppyyy biorthday too yoooooooou 🥺🫶😃
happy biiiiiiiirrrthhdaaayy to youuuuuouou 😍😇😎
happy bioooooiiiirthday deeaaarr brrraaaannddyy, my brandy bby my angel myyy sweeetieee pppiiieeee,,, 🥺🫶🥺🫶🥺🫶
happpyyy biiiiirttthdaaay tooooo youououuuuiououpupuuuuuuuu 😤😎😩🤗🥳🤩😘
oh brandy bby i just don’t know where to start!! your friendship is so special and precious and important to me, and i’m so grateful to have such a wonderful person in my life. you are such a gift to this world and i am so so so thankful to have been born in the same lifetime as you 🩵☁️✨ i hope you have the funnest funnest funnest birthday ever, and i hope this coming year is full of so much happiness and laughter and joy and peace and love for you!!! i am sending aaaallllllll the boys to give you the biiggest birthday huggies and kissies 😘🩷🫶 love you brandy!!! happy special day!!!!
!!! oh my sweetie darling 🥹🫶🏻✨💖 ty for singing for me, you're an angel!! am so thankful that we're friends 💕💕 i had a lovely day and now im so so sleepy 🥺 hehe am waiting for my bday kissies
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jayflrt · 2 years
Heyy, I'm back. How are you ? It's been some time since my last ask. This one's going to be a bit long :)
First and foremost, diamond league ??? This smau has me giggling like a school girl. Where do you get unhinged ideas from. Please teach me miss, your humour is just chef's kiss :))
Also, i finished up with my school, yayy !! Got a 94% overall, and a perfect 100/100 in psychology. I also scored a 96/100 in english, which apparently hard to get considering all the writing skills part.
And finally, i took a major decison, which was to take a gap year. It has been amazing till now, and i hope it stays that way :)) During this gap year, I'll be prepping up for the medical exam of my country, it is one of the toughest exams to clear due to the number of people who sit for it. My teachers are very confident that I'll be able to clear it with a top rank, I'm honestly just hoping for the best.
I would really like to sayyy a big thank you, for writing your spiderman jake fic - I'll save you (again). That fic was my major source of comfort during my exam days as well as the time during which i was taking some vv important life decisons. Honestly, that particular story became such a source of happiness and a means of a escape for me during that tough time. I mean people usually think fic writing is for fun. But Honestly, you people and your fics are such a source of comfort and they do have an impact on people's life. So thank you again, for writing story that i now call my safe place </3
Also, I got into svt recently :)) and f1 as well. And i celebrated my birthday in another city !! My parents surprised me with a birthday trip and since we loved the place so much the trip got extended by 7 days ?? we went through 3 different cities in a span of 15 days :))
Also, i would love to know How are you doing, How's your job ?
Have an amazing day/night ahead 🌻
- 🌿
OMG hihi 🌿 anon !!! how have u been?? 🥰💖 it’s been so long HAHAH i hope you’ve been taking care <3
AHHH IM GLAD UR LIKING DIAMOND LEAGUE :’) thank you sm for checking it out! i’m sure you’ve been busy so that means a lot 🤧🤧 ALSO CONGRATS WOOOO 94% is an amazing score great job!!! 💝💝 omg the psychology major in me is BUZZING so proud of u for that 100/100 :’)) and congrats on english as well!! it can be tricky so that’s such an accomplishment <33
a gap year is a great choice !! :o i hope you have a fulfilling one 🥰 sometimes i wish i took a gap year tbh HAHAH but omg med exams are brutal but i wish you all the best !! i’m sure you’ll do golden >:) and oh my gosh i didn’t realize my jake fic helped you out that much 😭😭💖💖 that makes me so happy omg thank you sm for reading it and i’m rlly glad it was able to provide you some comfort !! i rlly loved writing that fic so it makes me so incredibly grateful to see you enjoying it so much :’) THIS MADE MY ENTIRE WEEK PLS im so honored that my writing had that much of an impact :(( it rlly touches my heart and i’m so happy to provide that kind of space for you ♡
AHHH SVT 🥳🥳🥳 i love them omg i’ve been binging gose again lately HAHAH who are your biases?? :o also a bday trip sounds so fun! i hope you had a great time 💗💗 it sounds like you had fun even tho you had to buckle down and study sometimes !! :’) i hope you’re having a great day/night btw 🥰
also i’ve been doing pretty good !! my internship’s wrapping up so i’m just tying up loose ends and putting together the last work i have for this week 🤧 i’ve also been gaming a lot LMFAO (rip my 102 hours on omori) hbu?? :o
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underhercovers · 7 months
HUZZAHZ, not all hope is lost, my college bestie finally reached out to me to wish me a happy bday, which made me really happy that she remembered, but I brought up how I was feeling and how much it was hurting my feelings to not head from her so long in my time of emotional need, she totally understood and apologized for hurting me and making me feel like she didn't value my friendship, it was very sincere, and made me feel a lot better bc I really didn't want to believe out of all of my CF she wouldn't check on me, but she just didn't want to be bothering me or be nosie, but it's all clear up now. I'm grateful for friendships like this we're they can be fixed bc both parties want it 😊💖😊💖
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rrxnjun · 1 year
yeahh stress is pretty bad and it got to me so🤕🤕 but doing much better now so that's at least good!! ahhh i hope u don't stress much as well!!!! and sometimes it's good to just take brakes from studying so i think u should count being on tumblr as that🫠
chenle hit hard dude and i'm so happy about it in a way cuz at least i relate to something🥲 but what took me off guard in the middle of wiping my tears is when i saw my birthday as one of the dates so that made me laugh so hard for some reason🫡 well it will be a while till i know the results so we will see but i don't think it will be better🥲 ahhh thank u for saying that i appreciate it i kinda needed to hear that so thanks;-;-;-;💓💖💞u are too lovely;-;💖💞
well i'm very glad that u translated it to me so u are the best slovak person out there imo🫡🫣
oo god🥲 IDK WHY PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SO RUDE ABOUT NOT SPEAKING A LANGUAGE☹️SOME PEOPLE ARE SO DUMB AND RUDE MY LORDDD☹️☹️and german is a hard language anyways🥲 that's probably more than enough german words a person should know🫡 well let's just hope and pray u only run into nice people in hungary!!! I WILL GLADLY HELP WITH ANYTHING NEED IN HUNGARY🥳🥳🥳 (ofc sending it right now as i write/j)
i'm not gonna lie i will call myself a stan of treasure but still have trouble with jeongwoo and jaehyuk for some reason AND I HAVE BEEN FOLLWOING THEM FOR LIKE A YEAR NOW AND ITS NOT LIKE I DIDNT WATCH A CRAP TON OF STUFF WITH THEM so🤕🤕🤕 and i genuinely don't know why i switch them up so often🫤 i'm praying for u hopefully u won't die from laughing too much cuz they are very funny (and i tend to be the same way so i feel u on that one🫣) DUDE I LAUGHED OUT LOUD LMAO u really said the communist bugs bunny meme with that one🤣 i knew it wouldn't be long till i have to share him💔he his just too amazing🤭 YEAH I SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED IT TBH🫠🫠that's what got me as well and his whole style tbh
U NEVER DISAPPOINT!!! AND U JUST NEVER MISS!!! i think my thoughts were kind of a mess cuz of the crying but it was amazing i loved the whole story so much!!! thank u for being an amazing writer!!!
(u are going to get me blushing for real i'm glad to hear that!!! ur replies usually make my day u are just too lovely🥹) (liebestraum anon💕)
awh i hope you relax even more soon, stress is a bitch. me personally i dont feel it but thats just bc i supress it a lot LMAO 😭😭 but thankyou for saying that yes i do consider tumblr as my mental health brake SJSJS
chenle did hit hard poor boy 💔 also omg no way???? which date 🤭 (if u feel comfy sharing ofc)) i originally wanted to add my bday too but it didnt fit with the timeline so i had to change it 🙄🙄 i did write abt marks and renjuns bday altho i did manage to sneak hyuck's in as well🤭
AHAHA no bc i was telling myself when posting it like "this is my promise that im gonna finish the fic" AND THEN I DIDNT DJSJSJ so i dont want that to happen again. i was clearing out my notes ((where i keep all my fic ideas) and found the liebestraum idea dated all the way back to 2021 😶 SJSJ i really do need to finish it soon
it was a middle aged woman tbf i shouldve expected her to act like a karen ☹ german is a hard language and also austrians sound completely different than germans do 😭😭 their dialect is kinda different and they even have different words for some things LMAO but thats not the point. also im arranging the budapest trip as we speak /j
AHAHA i think im a baby teume now dont tell anyone and after binging most of treasure map i can confidentely tell the three i mentioned apart like 70% of the time so 😶 im so sorry everyone. THEY ARE INSANELY FUNNY and also very very genuine i feel 😶 they are just some guys doing things and being real and i respect that AHAHA its like watching friends hang out and feeling like youre a part of their circle. altho every time yedam appears on the screen my heart breaks bc ive had the biggest soft spot for him ever since seeing him on the stray kids survival show 💔 he has a special place in my heart SJSJ when the news came out i was like oh that must be heartbreaking to hear im glad im not a treasure stan and look where we are now 😭👍THE COMMUNIST MEMEMSHSJSK STOP no but im afraid this is the reality i did not steal your boyfriend we are sharing. HIS STYLE!!!! but also his personality he is a menace (affectionate) and for some reason thats my type of men
also it breaks my heart to hear that ppl cry to my fics oh noo😭😭 but at least that means my words can move someone ig??☹ thank you sm for supporting me and for being great i always look forward to interacting with you
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nako-doodles · 3 years
pick 5 people that make your fandom experience wholesome and write a small paragraph about each one of them 💖
this ask is so stanking cute? buckle in im going to be talking for a very long time 🤣🤣🤣 *taps mic* lessgetit
@cafejoon tate the sun to my moon the stars of my sky the vampire gf of my dreams, where do i even start? im so incredibly grateful that however many moons and however many suns ago we discovered we practically have the same bday, and further discovered our red string of fate via baby shark. its been just an honor and a joy knowing you and talking to you and just being your moon and basking your solar brilliance. heres to another couple millennia together darling. 🥰🥰🥰
@stargazingjin rebecca the jk to my jin the funniest dorkiest person i know the other half of my chaos braincell the most talented photographer E V E R i love you 🥺🥺🥺 youre always so down-to-earth and the bright spot in my days of thunderclouds and lightning (very literal lately) and the hot chocolate on my sleepless nights. cant wait to be the most embarrassing duo at the airport with you darling 🥰💖✨
@jincentvangogh vero the reason why i dont need to go to the gym to get abs i love you 🥺🥺🥺 thank you for indoctrinating me into all of the hip anime and for basically curating your tiktok foryoupage to be for the two of us. our daily min yoongi kim namjoon christian yu nanami kento induced mental breakdowns is honestly what keeps my skin clear. its an honor to be a thirsty hoe with you love 🤣✨😉
@mintagust reka your the flying buttresses to my gothic cathedral the min yoongi of bangtan. thank you for always being so supportive and loving and funny and for always sending me msgs 🥺🥺🥺 they make logging onto this hellsite so worth it i love you so so so much. its an incredible honor to see your artwork and gifs i hope you always send them my way 🥰💖✨
@thatredwine erl! thank you for always sending me the cutest funniest asks and tagging me in the bestest jin content on this hellsite. im not sure what i did to deserve such a fantastic person to bring so much joy and serotonin in my life, but i am grateful everyday for your presence. i hope whatever is stressing you out has been banished from the mortal plane 😌🥰💖
@yoongisbengaliwife t youre just such a bright spot in this fandom im sure im not the only one absolutely in love w you. you bring so much joy on your blog it always kinda feels like a beach vacay every time i got on tbh. ur eid selfies yesterday were so cute i literally turned into heart eyes emoji. thank you for being so supportive and iconic 🥺🥺🥺
@taemaknae nicole youre just so creative and talented with all your edits and mbs and icons and headers it always blows me away. i can always tell who is using your headers and icons bc of your style which is like. super sexy of you 😳😳😳 i love reading your tags and it truly blows me away that your my moot??? like in what universe?????? anyways thank you for sticking up for me and being so iconic 🥲😎🥰
@jinbestboy ugh em you improved my tumblr experience at least a hundredfold by establishing the jinie moot club tbh. thank you for being so funny and loving and jincredible in the tags i love love love reading through them. im sorry i havent been able to keep up w the posts but as soon as im not a zombie im coming back just you wait....just you wait........🤣🥰💖
@luvsjoon cat when i tell you i go on your blog at least once a day to cleanse my vibes and get some serotonin pumping......i read your blog like the morning paper. youre such a happy and bright and sweet presence on my dash.e thank you for being you im a life long fan of you tbh ✨💖🥰
@gimbapchefs nat how do you literally write the funniest captions and come up w the most hilarious gif comps like????? *shakes empty cap* spare funny bones pls. anyways youre such a cool person i look up to you a lot. thank you for blessing us plebes with your iconique self and i cant wait to see what other beauties you make 😳✨💖
@jung-koook sky ill be honest w you. im still shook your my moot and like?? talk to me??? the day you followed back i literally almost accidentally unfollowed you bc i was too busy freaking out. i am in love w you and your content and how quickly and gorgeously you pump out a+ content. youre one of the reasons why i love being on this hellsite thank you for being a pillar of this fandom 🥰💖✨
@koolabjamun aahana darling youre so incredible. you have such a big heart and are central to so many world-changing community bonding things here. im literally always so fucking in awe of you and proud to be your moot. keep being such an iconic human ill try my best to support you ✨💖✨
@seoksjin ellie i kid you not if those hp moving pics were a thing irl, i would print every single one of your gifs out and hang them on the walls. every time you gif jin i ascend to the 7th dimension i astral project to alpha centauri i literally melt into a non-newtonian solid. thank you for being such a jintegral part of being a jin stan🥺😳🥰
@blondesuga melissa if i could marry your giffing style i would. your coloring on your gifs are so fantastic im just permanently shedding heart shaped tears when i see your content. anyways ill be permanently moving to your seokjin boyfriend gifs this has been my written advance notice 😳😋🤣
@taejinnies anj im very much in love with your sexy fifth dimension unable to be perceived by mere mortals galaxy brain. your content is so unique and beautiful and funny and iconic i just. god. im literally one ill adviced chaosing away from getting down on one knee tbh ✨💍✨
@rosebowl sharika hello its me the girl who is very much in love w you. your 100 days of jin is partially why im just barely hanging onto my sanity and also constantly on this hellsite. i love seeing you in my notes and on my dash its such an honor being your moot thank you for being loving and iconic 🥺🥰✨
@jihopes jules youre just such a warming loving iconic talented cornerstone of this fandom thank you for tagging me in your tag games and being so funny and iconic and casually one of the most talented people i know mwah 💖😳😎
and lastly: thank you to everyone following this chaotic mess of blog and interacting w me even tho im shy and get flustered easily 🥺🥺🥺 seeing you on my dash and in my activity honestly makes all of tumblrs flaws and malfunctions worth it i love you ✨✨
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maiverie · 2 years
MAI IM SOSO LATE 😭😭😭 BUT I SAW IT WAS UR BIRTHDAY RIGHT? APRIL 6TH??? well technically is still the 6th for me 😭 timezones oh lord!!
BUT OMG HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY TO U‼🥳💕♥️💚💜🧡💓💟❤💖💛💘💗💝💕❣HOPE U HAD AN AMAZING DAY AND ENJOYED A LOT AND IT WAS FILLED W HAPPINESS AND SWEET MEMORIES CUZ U DESERVE IT SM!!! u re literally one of the best authors in this app and a huge inspiration ‼ i wish u tons of love and good things in life! GJEOSODKX MANIFESTING A HEESEUNG FOR U TOO🙏😭 if i could i would pack him in a box and ship to u🥴 but unfortunately "lee heeseung" ain't available on amazon???? such a crime ngl 🤕
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naur cos the fact he can’t be ordered on amazon keeps me up a night 😤 he’s ltrly all i want and it’s not like i’m even asking for that much 😄 HDKDKDD ILYSM LKE SO SO SO SO MUCH THANK U SM FOR THIS PLS TELL ME WHEN UR BIRTHDAY IS🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️
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sysba · 3 years
4 times
pairing: felix hauville x kiara kingston
words: 1k+
a/n: so, today is @night-triumphantt​ ‘s (aka, one of my favourite people ever) birthday. i cannot give you a gift in person, so i thought i’d draft something random for you just to say happy bday 🥺💖 would’ve loved to add more but writing,, hard sjshjfs but i hope you enjoy my humble offering!!! you deserve all the good things in life, love you so much!
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four times felix smiled at kiara + one time she smiled at him
She looks otherworldly. A vision in beige and gold– Divine, despite the so blatant mortality of her darkened cheeks and hoarse voice from all the laughing. 
The lights of the carnival paint her face with a symphony of shades. Red, yellow and blue reflected in the green of her widened eyes (they’re a bit glossy because of the wind, but Felix can’t help but think it only makes them look more like precious gems). 
She’s grinning wide as the carousel spins faster and faster, and maybe she’s saying something but he’s too distracted by the way the chill air lifts her brown hair and makes it fly around her face, unruly, free. She almost looks like the sun, surrounded by its warm rays and glowing with life. 
It’s a breathtaking sight, he thinks. And the happiness he’s feeling in the moment makes him want to tell her, so he opens his mouth to let the words flow before he realizes that no… No, he cannot describe the beauty of it all, nor the feelings dwelling within him ever since he’s met her. Felix doesn’t know the words for that, not in any human or supernatural language. 
So instead, he smiles.
‘I love you.’
The words are still burning on Felix’s lips, much like the memory of her kisses, and it’s an entirely new kind of heat– how can a flame be both gentle and all-consuming? The question vaguely lingers in his mind for a moment, but it fades quickly.
The cosy warmth of the bed seems to be lulling him to sleep, but he can’t (he knows he can’t) with how his mind is still buzzing. He glances down, eyeing Kiara’s sleeping form nestled in his arms, feeling her chest rise and fall against his as she breathes softly. 
Felix can’t really see her face since it’s hidden in the crook of his neck, but he imagines there’s a peaceful expression on it, with her full lips slightly parted and that thing she often does when she sleeps, scrunching her nose with a small huff (unbearably cute). 
He suddenly feels the ardent urge to get a better look at her, but he fights it– he doesn’t wanna wake her, not yet. Instead he lies there, trying to stay still except for the absent-minded motion of his fingers drawing light patterns against Kiara’s back. And the whole time, he replays her words (their words) of the day before in his mind.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Again, and again, and again. 
Felix almost burst out laughing at the thought, his eyes full of marvel as he reminds himself that she actually chose him, of all people. She loves him, and chooses him day after day. 
The idea is as overwhelming as it’s exhilarating, and he can feel his cheeks aching for how much he’s smiling.
He doesn’t stop, though.
Chaos never really bothered Felix, especially the fun kind of chaos. And especially now, he wants to take in every bright light and shouted song, everything that makes this party the best day of his life… what could be more worthy of celebration than a wedding, his wedding?
Yet for all he tries to simply enjoy the day as it is, his mind is can’t seem to fully grasp what’s going on. He can barely remember the drums and music as they reached the wedding, he remembers the dancing and the noise but it’s all a blur. It’s like he can only focus on the very important parts– like Kiara finally being pronounced his wife, and the kiss they shared as their friends cheered.
Fireworks tinge the night sky with sparks, and as if reading into his mind Kiara cups Felix’s face so that he’s looking at her. She beams, and that alone seems to clear his mind and pull all of his focus. 
Her heart sings like thunder in her ribcage, the sound so loud he can hear it– or maybe it’s coming from his own chest and he just can’t feel the difference anymore. 
Maybe he doesn’t even want there to be a difference anymore. The thought alone is enough to push him forward until he captures her lips with his own, and as she tells him she loves him, he smiles once again.
The door unlocks with a click, bag hitting the hardwood floor as soon as she enters the apartment. It’s been a long day, tiring, even a bit boring. And for each second of it Kiara has wanted nothing more than to come home. She thought about Felix beaming at her, his usual ‘Welcome home, wife’ (it’s the same every day, his tongue rolling oh-so-happily over the last word) and the kiss that will follow.
And yet nothing she has imagined can remotely compare to the view in front of her. Felix and Rami both wearing shiny tiaras and sipping imaginary tea from a toy cup as Leila plays the host– she’s little but tough; she’s been like that ever since Kiara first held her in her arms and not even Edith can say no to her. 
They all turn to greet Kiara, loud cheers from the kid and the most enamoured grin on Felix’s face as they tell her to join them. She does, of course (no place she’d rather be than with them). 
A chuckle escapes Kiara’s lips as she takes a better look at her husband, whose entire face is currently decorated in glitter and face paint. It’s a good look on him, to be fair… he could make anything work, handsome as he is. 
Rami makes an exaggerated noise of disgust when they exchange a kiss and they laugh, Kiara flashing a bright grin at Felix before he winks back and almost tackles both their kids, closing them in a crushing hug. They giggle as he peppers them with deliberately loud pecks, and Kiara feels her heart clenching because never had she imagined being this happy, this full of love that she can barely keep it in.
She looks at her family, the loves of her life, and she smiles.
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mimondee · 2 years
Hi Mony🧚🏻‍♀️! Thank you a lot for giving us the opportunity of free reading!
Currently, I’m into a two months relationship, actually we have been knowing each other for 9 months already. He was my crush for like 7 months, all this time we texted each other almost daily and often hung out. I have never met a person who I could talk to so intensively, we talked almost everyday and still it was like the first time. After 7 months he finally opened up to me, after we kissed for the first time, it was passionate, he decided to date me. It is his first time. I had some relationships before but very short ones. We broke up after a short time and haven’t talked for almost 2 months. But i texted him and we are again together, this time trying our best to keep the relationship. It is very hard because we have always had fights and arguments, if we are not fighting for a day that’s a holiday for us. It is very hard because of all this fighting. But still, he admits that he loves me a lot, and he will never leave me, only if I’ll do that first. But it is really hard to keep that relationship, maybe because he doesn’t have any experience or maybe because we are too alike. But I feel like there is a strong connection maybe, we can talk openly about everything and that matter to me a lot. Sorry for this big text, but I hope I can find an answer to my question, Is he my “the one” and should I fight for this relationship? Or everything is hopeless? My initials & bday are S.C/8th may and his are C.P/26th february. Thank you so much!!!
Hey, dear@jamlezz ! Thank you for your request!💖💖💖
There are significant signs that you are dealing with someone who is not experienced when it comes to romance and this can make you feel crushed. There is a lot of ego and pride, issues with boundaries, and a lot of confrontation. He doesn't know to communicate and negotiate when it comes to what he wants in life. It's only his way or not, no middle point. You are dealing with an individual who is acting defensively because you are like an uncomfortable territory for them even if you know each other for a long period of time.
This is not a long-lasting relationship/connection. You are going to have a chance to find a new way to love one another where you can see each other in a whole new light experience. IF your actual relationship is making you unhappy, there is a clear sign that it's time to find your fulfillment elsewhere. Push yourself to deal with what happens in reality because this person isn't going to change and the love they have for you isn't enough to grow a relationship.
If you are courageous to end this connection life will bring you a new person(dark eyes, brown or black hair, under 30 years old). You can meet this person while traveling and he is going to be straight to the point, even brutally honest. He is intelligent, determined, and driven. Just be a little careful if he causes drama and doesn't take responsibility for you, put him in his place(but diplomatic because he can see things differently this way). You are going to have a lot of fun with this person, just don't rush into things. Take it slowly and know that he is more a rational than emotional person. So bringing him a good argument when you have a discussion will win his heart rather than starting to cry or scream at him.
This relationship will bring joy, happiness, is fulfilling, it will take a more serious turn. It has a great potential for growth and you are ready to move into something new. Enough with the old arguments. You will feel comfortable in this relationship(don't be surprised if there will be pregnancy news). So my dear, move on, your current person isn't going to change and is only keeping you blocked. Have the courage to say no and you will be blessed with a new beginning! Good luck!
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selfcarecap · 2 years
Yes, I've seen it as well. Gosh, that's quite a lot of posts! I got to admit, I felt a tad self-conscious about contacting you so often within such a short amount of time. (given that this new account has only existed since around august, was it?) Time sure does fly by faster than we'd like to acknowledge. But that number seems awfully higher than I reckoned it would be, not to say I don't enjoy our little exchanges. I don't regret becoming a constant on this blog, ever. On the contrary, it makes me proud. The other day, I even considered extending my gratitude by writing you, sort of, a thank you note, including everything I deemed "overdoing" in my birthday wishes.
Also, please don't worry. My absence, and therefore lack of communication, has nothing to do with your age. I've been around long enough, plus our earliest conversations made it pretty clear to me where to place you on the "general" age range. (the ones where you told me about your uni experience)
Ahh noo don’t be self conscious about talking to me and becoming friendzzzz 🥰 it’s not a bad thing <3 and dw lovely anon had even more tags (92) on my other blog and coconut oil anon 42 so yk dw <3 and okay sparkles i’m sorry for not knowing but……. how long have we been talking?? cause i feel like i’ve only known you since i changed to this blog.. which would mean the number is so high bc it’s the amount of our all time interactions (that’s not the correct expression but ykwim skjssj). but idk my perception of time has been lacking lately skdhendhsj ik you obv didn’t always have the name but i feel like sparkles was only born after i switched to this blog anyway… like September or something but i could be wrong :( but aww i’m proud and happy ab it too 💖🥰
and awww🥺 ilysm ❤️ haven’t stopped rereading your bday message every day btw 😌
Ahh that is truee. I mean I was aware that my general age group wasn’t a secret, I’ve dropped plenty of hints and I would say I act my age? Ofc we’re all different but yeah I don’t think a 26 year old for example would talk and type how I do so asksjsjsj okay okay i’m glad 😌
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maiverie · 2 years
mai can you do 1,2,3, and 4 pls
[1] who is your favourite character to write for and is this the character you find easiest to write for?
(copied from this ask) OK OUT OF THE CURRENT TUMBLR WORKS I HAVE OUT…….. honestly open sesame’s yn was legit my fave to write for HAJFJSJSKSSHDK THAT BITCH WAS GENUINELY CRAZY 😭 like fr all i had to do was think to myself “ok how do i make her sound like the most disgusting simp in the world” and ez fic completed ✅ HAHSHA BUT TBH triage!hee is really fun to write too bc he’s saur smol and soft 😭 open sesame’s yn probably wasn’t the easiest to write but she was really really fun bc tbh i laughed at my own jokes 😁 the easiest to write is defs triage!yn bc she’s quite stoic and calm and i feel like it’s quite easy w all her dialogue since i have a v clear picture of her??? 😳😳😳
[2] what is your favorite fic of yours?
omg out of my current tumblr works, definitely open sesame! i think it’s probably closest to the type of writing i really enjoy (crack; unhinged crack to be specific AJJDKDKS) and no one rlly knows this but i actually wrote it as a bday gift for one of my best friends (it was orig a baekhyun/exo fic) so it’s quite sentimental to me???? also …… heeseung in a FUCKING robe. LIKE. PALMS SWEATY KNEES WEAK ARMS R HEAVY ITS AN IMAGE THAT IS BURNED INTO MY SOUL💀💀💀 but UH ANYWAY if we’re including every single fic i’ve ever written, published on tumblr or not, then my ultimate fave is a fic i wrote a year ago (just some romcom delinquent/bad boy au e2l fic about a girl who basically teams up w the bad boy to try get revenge on her stepfather and then they both get locked up in a youth detention centre LMAOO) 😭😭 im honestly just a really sentimental person so since it was the first writing piece i’d ever written from start to finish (plus i rlly like the comedy/crack in it HAHDHDHSJA), it’s defs my fave fave fave fave HEHEHHE
[3] what fic of yours do you think is underrated?
oh fuck HAJAHAHAHAHAHA THE FACT I HONESTLY HONESTLY THINK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY FICS ARE OVERRATED 😭😭😭😭😭 and it’s not that they’re even rated that high???? HAHSHSHS LMAOO 💀💀 this is probably going to come off the wrong way and i don’t mean the bitch that tries to be humble but :// idk? i just don’t think any of my fics are all that, coming from an objective pov ! but then again we’re always our own biggest critics? however just to answer the question, my most well-received fic is definitely triage, though i think open sesame is probably better written/of better quality? :00
[4] what fic of yours were you surprised by how popular it was?
send in a question I BEG
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