#Hair tests for truck drivers
amhnationwide · 1 year
Taking the Wheel: What You Need To Know About Hair Tests for Truck Drivers
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Taking the Wheel: What You Need To Know About Hair Tests for Truck Drivers
categories: #DrugTesting tags: #HairTestsForTruckDrivers, #SubstanceUse, #TruckDriverTestsPositive
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sassypossumm · 1 month
Definetly A Different Universe...
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What is this time... Miguel is the anomaly showing up in a universe he definetly doesn't belong in...throw in a monster hunter with daddy issues and an egocentric billionaire, what could possibly go wrong?! Nerd!Miguel x Reader
“What is it, Stark? I’m kind of busy right now?” You shouted into the phone, swinging your arm sending the bat into the gut of another small creature.
“I have something I think you’ll be interested in, Y/N.”
“Hold on, Tony.” Snapping your neck around, you swung again, knocking out the last abomination. “Okay, you’ve got my attention.” You huffed, throwing the bat in the back of your truck. Jogging around the driver’s side, you buckled yourself in while listening to Tony.
(New York, SHIELD Base)
“So, you have no idea how this new friend of yours got here?” You turned to look at your old friend as you walked with him towards the lab. Tony nodded and moved to open the door for you.
“Yeah, it’s kind of a mystery, and I know how much you love those.” He motioned for you to go before him.
“Why do I get the feeling that’s not the only reason I’m here?” Pausing you raised a brow and propped a hand on your hip.
“Miss Bloodstone, your mistrust wounds me!” Tony placed a hand over his heart and shook his head. You merely snorted and slid past him.
“Whatever, Tony.” Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath and sighed. “It is good to be home again, no matter what your real motivation is.” Turning slightly, you gave Tony the side eye, he merely brushed past you and headed towards a cluster of monitors. Finding his glasses, he motioned for you to join him.
“Take a look at this.” Tony pointed towards a particular monitor. Putting on your own glasses, you grabbed a wheely chair and pulled up to the screen. Leaning forward, you felt your interest growing with every frame of the video. What appeared to be some kind of rift opened on the street of New York City, and out it spit a hulking man with wild dark hair. Furrowing your brows, you rested your chin on your hands and adjusted your glasses.
“That’s how I found him. Conked out on central avenue.” Tony paused the video and pointed at the man lying motionless on the street. Turning in your chair you looked up at him.
“You’ve piqued my interest.”
“That’s what I hoped you’d say, Y/N.” Tony grinned widely and motioned for you to follow him. “And I wouldn’t take your glasses off yet, Honey Badger, I think there’s someone else you're going to want to be able to see.”
“Are you implying that I am,” You ground to a halt and narrowed your eyes. “Someone?” Tony froze and turned his neck to glance at you.
“Oh, did I say someone?” His tone was nonchalant. You rolled your eyes.
“You know exactly what you said, Stark.” Tony merely shrugged his shoulders and quickened his pace as he scaled the stairs.
“Keep up, Bloodstone.” With a shake of your head, you hurried to catch up with him.
“How’s it coming along, O'Hara?” Tony called into the lab.
Not much progress yet, Mr. Stark.” Came another voice. You followed Tony into the lab to see a man hunched over several test tubes. From your view all you could see was that the man was wearing a lab coat, but he clearly seemed to be at home in this kind of environment.
“I’ve told you to call me Tony.” Tony said, walking over to the man and clapping him on the back.
“I’m sorry, Tony.” The man turned to look up at Tony. Stark merely shook his head and stuffed his hands into his pockets.
"Don’t worry about it. I’ve brought you a present, take off the goggles and come see.” You rolled your eyes.
“Really, Stark, I’m a human being, not a present.” Taking off his goggles, the man stiffened at the sound of your voice before turning to look at you. When your eyes met, you felt your breath hitch. He had beautiful vermillion eyes. The kind of eyes that pulled one in and made them want to share their life story. And his hair, it was wild and stuck out in every direction. And if you weren’t mistaken, it was one of the richest browns you’d ever seen. As a matter of fact, brown just might have become your new favorite color in that instant.
“Y/N?” Tony waived a hand in front of your face. Snapping to attention you turned to look at Tony, blinking rapidly.
“Yes, Tony?” Tony shook his head and chuckled. The man, Miguel, stood and hurried towards you and Tony. Wiping his hand off on his coat, he offered it with a small smile.
Hi, I’m pretty, I mean Miguel, Miguel O'Hara.” His face reddened. He was cute. With a warm smile of your own, you offered him your hand in a firm shake.
“Y/N, Y/N Bloodstone.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Bloodstone.” Miguel smiled wider and vigorously shook your hand.
“Now, none of that.” You shook your head and released his hand. “I am Y/N to my friends.”
“You two kids have a lot in common, Y/N.” Tony said over his shoulder, and in tony fashion,not bothering to elaborate nor turning his attention away from yet another monitor screen he was staring at.
You looked at Miguel with renewed interest.
“Is that so, Mr. O'Hara?” Miguel shrugged and ran a hand over his hair.
“Please, call me Miguel.”
“Miguel.” You gave him a smile.
“Alright kiddos, if I could have your attention, please.” Tony held up a finger and crooked it in his direction. Giving Miguel a look, you put your hands behind your back and moved to stand next to Tony. The diagrams on the screen made no sense to you. Raising a brow, you gave Tony a questioning look.
“What am I looking at, Tony?”
“Residual signatures left in the wake of the event.” Zooming in on a portion of the diagram, Tony pointed towards some discolored spots. Leaning forward you examined the screen more closely.
“What are we thinking? Possibly a temporal anomaly?” Placing your chin between your thumb and forefinger you turned to look between Tony and Miguel.
“I would say it’s too early to rule out the possibility of that.” Miguel folded his arms and stared at the screen. Turning back to the screen you nodded and leaned in again.
“These spots,” You motioned towards the discoloration. “Could be any number of things, and I’m just spit balling here, but maybe even residual tachyon particles.”
“Not a bad hypothesis, Miss Bloodstone.” Miguel glanced at you before turning back to the screen. You felt your face heat, despite your best efforts.
“Thank you, Mr. O'Hara, but I haven’t as fine a mind as you two. As this one likes to remind me from time to time.” You gave Tony a side eye. He cleared his throat and turned to another screen.
“Not at all, Y/N,” Miguel turned to look at you again. “It’s original thinking.” You gave him a wry smile.
“Well, you can thank Star Trek for that.”
“You like Star Trek?” Miguel's face lit. Your grin widened.
“And that’s not the best part, Migs.” Tony pocketed his glasses and leaned against the table behind him. With a sly grin he turned to look at you. “Tell him what you do for work, Honey Badger.” You rolled your eyes at the nickname. You’d always hated him calling you that.
“I freelance.”
“Freelance?” Miguel furrowed his brows. “I don’t understand.”
“Come on, Y/N.” Tony snorted.
“I’m something of a cryptid chaser.” Closing your eyes and gritting your teeth, you waited for the ridicule. When you heard nothing but silence you opened one eye a crack to peak at Miguel. His expression caused you to fully open both eyes. You were pretty sure you hadn’t seen a person that excited in a long time. Miguel was fairly beaming.
“No way!” Miguel unfolded and refolded his arms in a rather animated fashion. “You’re a monster hunter?” You were slightly taken aback by his enthusiasm. If he wasn’t careful, you were pretty sure Miguel was going to crack his face. Tony smiled with self-satisfaction and clapped Miguel on the back.
“What do you think of your present, Miguel?” You frowned at that.
“I like it,” Miguel said hurriedly. You felt your face go completely hot. Miguel's face contorted in horror as he turned his head to look at you. “I mean, I like you,” He sputtered. Your eyes widened. “I mean, you’re not a present, Miss Bloodstone, I just meant,” Miguel floundered helplessly, growing redder by the moment. Tony leaned on his shoulder and laughed.
“Tony.” You hissed, narrowing your eyes at the man. Turning towards Miguel, you held up a hand to stop his rambling. “It’s okay, I know what you mean, Miguel.” He visibly slumped in relief.
“Thank you, Miss Bloodstone.”
“Not that again.” You shook your head firmly. “Y/N.”
“Y/N.” Miguel smiled, leaning against the table behind him. Before you could warn him, several test tubes were knocked to the ground. Miguel flinched and jumped away from the table, and directly into you sending you flying towards one of the display monitors. And once again, before you could make a sound, you heard a sound and felt something stick to your back and pull you back. This time you landed against the solid form of one Miguel O'Hara. Making sure you were not going to fall over; Miguel gently released you. Your eyes flickered towards his wrist.
“What’s that?”
"Lo siento.” Miguel moved to cover up his wrist, but without thinking you reached forward and stopped him.
“No, it’s okay.” You glanced into his eyes and felt yourself getting pulled into their warm depths. Tony cleared his throat catching your attention.
“If you kids are done making a mess of my lab…” He smirked, looking between you and Miguel. Realizing the grip you still had on his wrist, you pulled back cleared your own throat.
“Right,” Brushing a hand over your hair and dusting off your clothes, you turned back towards Miguel. “If I may ask, what is that exactly?” You motioned towards Miguel's wrist. He glanced at Tony, and when the man nodded, he extended his hand and what appeared to be webbing shot out and landed on the table. You raised a brow and leaned closer for examination. “May I?” You looked up at Miguel and motioned towards the substance. Miguel shrugged.
“Sure.” Reaching out a hand you tentatively touched it. When your fingers made contact, they began to stick before you quickly pulled away.
“Fascinating.” You gave Miguel a look of intense interest. He fidgeted and flushed.
“Oh, Honey Badger, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.” Tony cut in, shattering the moment. Flicking your eyes towards Tony, you furrowed your brow before turning back to Miguel. With a sigh, Miguel pulled back the substance and gave you an intense look.
“Ever hear of Spider Man?”
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nordschleifes · 3 months
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body work
➝ maybe agreeing to go to saudi arabia wasn't a bad idea…
➝ word count: 4,5k
➝ warnings: dakar!fer, flirting, mentions of bdsm, hot weather
➝ author's note: this last week has been extremely difficult for me, both emotionally and physically. i had a terrible migraine attack that left me practically unable to do anything other than cry or want to vomit. however, when she gave me a break, i managed to finish this one shot. i would really like your feedback, if possible!
You could feel your white t-shirt sticking to your skin, as well as your hair on the back of your neck. The desert sun made even the slightest effort feel Herculean, the hot wind doing little to alleviate the heat you felt even under the tent pitched on a stony plain near Al Wajh.
This was definitely not the way you wanted to start your year, but it wasn't like you had much of a choice. With a practically free schedule and a colleague unable to travel due to personal problems, it was up to you to go to Saudi Arabia to take care of one of the clinic's most famous patients.
— Fernando is almost here — you heard someone murmur next to you. Turning your face, you found a man with wavy hair messed up by the wind and his eyes half-closed as he looked at the horizon, searching for something on the horizon.
— Are you sure, Alberto? — you asked the businessman, raising an eyebrow — It's been ten minutes since people started arriving and nothing about them...
— From what they said, they were right behind another Toyota — he said, while a cloud of dust rose in the distance, indicating that another competitor was arriving at the competition camp — Ah, look at him there.
After crossing the finish line, you accompanied Alberto in an attempt to take the red, white and black painted Hilux to the closest point to the motorhome that had become your base of operations. As you approached the vehicle, which smelled of hot oil and gasoline, you saw the door suddenly open, revealing a figure wearing a blue helmet and a black jumpsuit with white and red trim.
— How it was? — Alberto asked, while the driver disconnected something from the central panel.
— Sand, stone and dust for ten hours — Fernando replied, as he unbuckled his seat belt and removed his helmet, revealing a tired smile — Ten hours! Can you believe that?
— I do — the businessman said, while helping the driver out of the truck. After throwing his helmet on the seat and hugging Alberto, Fernando headed towards the reporters who were crowding around a railing to talk to him.
Watching the driver take off his sandy coveralls, leaving his sweaty white Nomex in full view, you felt something warm rise up your cheeks, teeth finding your bottom lip.
You had never been carried away by the physical nature of your work. The barriers you had placed for yourself were always firm, as were your ethics that dictated that you should never get involved with anyone who requested your services. But since you had set foot in Jeddah, you have seen your own conviction tested every day.
And it was getting harder and harder to resist.
Taking a deep breath, you turned and headed towards the tent set up next to Fernando's motorhome. Upon entering the space, you realized how much needed to be done there before the driver arrived for his much needed physical therapy session. You still had to set up the table, arrange the materials and put on the instrumental playlist you loved. “Let’s go”, you thought as you headed towards your bag.
You were whistling some tune while lighting the scented candles when you heard a clearing of your throat coming from behind. When you turned around, you met Fernando's dark, curious eyes.
— Which song is that? — he asked.
— Ah — you smiled, while shaking the match you had used to light the last candle — I don't know, actually...
— It doesn't sound like that Ayurvedic nonsense you listen to during sessions — the driver slowly approached the massage table, resting one hand on it.
— It's not nonsense, Fernando, it's a way to help you disconnect and relax — you replied — Lie down.
— Edo doesn't put things like that — he murmured, as he sat on the kind of stretcher you had set up in the middle of the tent. Wearing a black coat over a white shirt and shorts of the same color, his hair had damp ends, probably from the shower — He knows that doesn't help.
— And that must be why you're always stressed — you said, giggling — Do you prefer forest sounds, then?
— I prefer the lovely chirping of a V10 engine — Fernando said, as the table he was sitting on creaked under his weight.
— Sounds of the forest, then — you concluded, taking the phone and connecting the device to the small speaker that was next to you. It wasn't long before the rustling of leaves filled the tent, contrasting with the engines and conversations coming from outside.
Putting your cell phone in your pocket, you brushed your hair away from your face as you approached the massage table, assessing Fernando's expression, who seemed bothered by something.
— Any points I need to focus on today? — you asked, resting your hands right next to his leg.
— On the left ankle — the driver replied, the crack drawing your attention to the spot below him. Moving the foot in circles, the sound repeated itself in an almost sickening way — It doesn't hurt, but it didn't make that noise before, so...
Standing next to his foot, you began moving it, trying to understand where the sound was coming from. Your fingers pressed Fernando's skin in search of the tendons and joints, the precise touch in search of what was bothering him.
After a few minutes of thorough exploration, without the driver making a sound of protest, you pressed your lips together. Although the absence of pain was a relief, unusual and frequent sounds meant there was an injury waiting to happen. And considering how much he must use that foot, having a strength problem at that point wasn't a good thing.
— Well, you aren’t injured…
— Excellent.
— Yet — you added, while letting go of his ankle — I think you'll have to do some tests when you get back home to see if you really have any problems.
— Could it get worse in the next few days?
— In theory, no, especially since you're not feeling any pain. But I'll talk to Edoardo and see what we can do. Any other points that worry you? — you asked, receiving a refusal from Fernando — So let's move on.
Turning to the small table you had requested to place your materials, you picked up the bottle that held your favorite massage oil and dripped a few drops into the palm of your hand. Then you walked back to the massage table where the driver was lying, his eyes fixed on the roof of the tent.
— Let me know if you feel anything — you murmured, before taking your hands to his calf and starting to massage it.
The movement of your fingers under Fernando's skin, searching for the small nodules where the stress and, consequently, the pain were, was something that relaxed you, in a way. Maybe it was the way you repeated the movements, the way your chest filled with satisfaction when you found a point where you could release the tension that was built up in his body after ten long hours of driving in the middle of the desert.
When you pressed a specific spot near his ankle, you heard him hiss.
— Did it hurt? — you asked.
— A little — Fernando replied, still staring at the ceiling.
— I'll be careful.
— No need — he murmured, which made you look at his face.
— Fernando…
— I’m fine, you can continue. Pain is good, sometimes...
You couldn't hold back a smile.
— Is there something bothering you? — you began, while pressing his calf muscles again in search of stress points — Or is this your way of revealing to me that you are a masochist?
The driver suddenly raised his head.
— Masochist?
You felt something warm rise up your cheeks. That kind of conversation was definitely not in the appropriate category, as your professor of ethics and deontology in physiotherapy had put it on the blackboard in one of the classes.
— It's just a guess — you replied quickly, turning to the table in search of more oil and a few seconds to breathe.
— Based on what? — Fernando asked.
When you turned back to the driver, you found him raised on his elbows. His gaze had a gleam of curiosity and something you couldn't identify.
— You just said the pain is good — you said, placing one of your hands just above his knee and below the edge of his shorts — I think it's a rather obvious hint of what you like in bed.
Fernando raised an eyebrow.
— You mean you think about what I like in bed?
A nervous laugh escaped your lips, fingers starting to work on his rectus femoris.
— Please, Fernando — you murmured, feeling your heart pounding inside your chest. That wasn't right, you couldn't think about those details about your patients, especially when it came to him.
— Come on, do you think or not? — he insisted, in a challenging tone.
— I'm not going to answer that — you just said, trying to focus on the tension points on his leg — Now you can lie down straight, I need to work on your thigh.
Lowering his head again, Fernando let out a long sigh, his eyes fixed on the roof of the tent. However, if you expected him to remain silent after your denial, you were sadly mistaken.
— I think about it…
— About what you like?
— About what you like — the driver replied, emphasizing “you”.
The statement made you swallow hard, hands running up and down his lightly tanned skin. It wasn't like you tried to get Fernando's attention all the time, quite the opposite. You always thought you were invisible to his eyes, just a face among the entourage that accompanied him during his participation in that competition.
— I wonder if you like to take it slow or if you prefer to get straight to the point. If you like to dominate or if you prefer to be at the mercy of your partner. If you like being touched or prefer to just touch — Fernando said, his voice getting lower, almost hoarse, as he explored the possibilities — I think about your eyes rolling, your mouth open, the noise you would make if I were inside you.
— Fernando — you murmured in an almost reprimanding tone.
He suddenly sat on the massage table, his face close to yours.
— Tell me you don't think about that either. Tell me you don't think about me.
You blinked, cheeks growing hotter.
It was obvious that you thought about him. There wasn't a day that went by that you didn't think about the way he smiled, the way he ran his hand through his hair before putting the white cap with black and red details on his head. There wasn't a moment where you didn't fantasize about what it would be like to kiss him.
— I — you stammered, about to give the answer he wanted, when you realized a particularly important detail at that moment. The most important thing, actually — Linda.
Fernando blinked, looking confused.
— Linda? What about Linda?
— She's your girlfriend, you're not...
He snorted.
— She's in the past, Y/N.
— But, you…
— Just answer me, do you think about me?
The air escaped your lips shakily.
— Yes, I do. All day. All the time.
Your confession made Fernando smile, bringing his hand to your face. The look you exchanged for long seconds spoke more than any dialogue you could have had. There were no ethics classes or girlfriends that could stop what was about to happen inside that tent.
And it was to the sound of the artificial rustling of the tree leaves that you kissed Fernando.
His touch was gentle at first, as if the driver wanted to make sure you were on the same page, wanting this as much as he did. And, the moment he realized that you didn't move away from his touch, Fernando deepened the kiss, his tongue touching yours for the first time.
There was something different in the way he kissed you, a kind of thirst, as if you were an oasis in the middle of that desert. His hands held your face tightly, as if you were going to run away from his touch at any moment. As the sound of the birds was drowned out by your own pulse, you were sure you would never leave that place as long as you were there. And you made sure to make that clear by nibbling on his lower lip when Fernando pulled away slightly, completely panting.
Opening your eyes, you met his green-stained gaze. That made you feel the same heat as the first day, when you introduced yourself to him as the physiotherapist who would accompany him during the competition. There was an intensity that permeated it, a glow that you hadn't identified until that moment, but that became clear in a split second.
It was desire. It always had been.
— Fernando? — you heard someone say.
You didn't have time to say anything before he turned his face away, running a nervous hand through his hair. His gaze went to the entrance of the tent, his expression undeniably tense, as if he had done something he shouldn't have done.
And, in a way, he had. You both had.
Alberto's smile as he entered the tent made his stomach turn. Did he know what you had done? Did he imagine that his best friend had just kissed the physical therapist?
— Is there a problem, Galle? — Fernando asked, in a calm, almost natural tone — Y/N is finishing looking at my foot.
— The one that's clicking?
— Yeah, that one — you managed to say, your hands cold as ice.
— Injured?
— Not yet — the driver replied — Apparently it could evolve if I’m not careful. I'm going to see Edo to do some tests when I’m back.
— Well, if you say so — Alberto murmured — The mechanics were adjusting the axle and wanted to talk to you. Are you done there?
Exchanging a brief look, Fernando knew the answer almost immediately. You wouldn’t be able to touch him again, especially after that kiss.
— Yes, Y/N is done here — he said, while you nodded — Tell them I'm coming.
Alberto just said 'ok' before leaving the tent, leaving you two alone. Fernando's gaze on you seemed to burn into your skin, trying to read your body expression and, above all, your face.
— Y/N?
— Yeah, Fernando?
— See you later? — he asked, in a low voice.
— Later?
— In your motorhome. I think we can… Continue our conversation there.
An involuntary smile appeared on his lips.
— After dinner? — you questioned, as he got up from the table.
— Don't you want me to prepare my omelet for you? — he smiled, before putting on his flip flops.
— Definitely not — a laugh escaped his lips — It's disgusting.
— It was Edo who recommended it to me.
— Because he is crazy. You both are.
— Maybe we are — Fernando replied, walking towards the entrance of the tent — See you, Y/N.
— See you.
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yoitsjay · 6 months
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Pairings: Keegan P. Russ x M!Reader
Summary: you had been hiding your abilities ever since your kind had been wiped out. But your team was in danger, you had to do something... at the cost of your life perhaps?
Warnings: mentions of death, COD typical violence, blood, gunshots and gun wounds, fire, revival, nudity
Word count: 3,161
You, like everyone else now, were a hybrid. There was no real or true human left in the world, not since the monsters and creatures began to mix breed with humans, and the humans of course fell in love with the idea of having a monster as a lover, who wouldn't? they were faster, stronger, more intelligent and in most cases, hotter. You were a member of the Ghosts, a renowned special forces team in the United States. You were a new member, unfortunate as that was however regardless the team accepted you as one of their own.. maybe because you were strong… or terrifying.
The Ghosts consisted of a mix of hybrids, Logan was a vampire hybrid with enhanced smell and super strength, Hesh was a werewolf hybrid with the smell, hearing, scent and vision to boot, Ajax was an avian hybrid with strong wings which matched his hair. And then there was Keegan, and keegan being the leader seemed quite powerful himself, Being a wraith he had the ability to disappear into shadows, physical shadows that could snap the neck of an enemy without much force. He was strong on top of that, with his training and his ability. Made him all the more sexy really.
And then there was you, one of the strongest hybrids in the world… a phoenix. This mythical legend is said to never die, and if it did it would simply be reborn from ash over and over again, the only thing to kill a phoenix is iron as it will burn them and kill them. Because they are so powerful they were hunted down and killed, all but you and your mother who managed to escape one fateful night… your father and brothers weren't so lucky, but you were.
The thing was, they had no idea that you were a phoenix hybrid, your mother told you to hide your abilities, lie and say you weren't a hybrid, or that you were something else completely. Now it wasn't entirely impossible to be a human in a hybrid run world, they did still exist but the few humans that were around were used as slaves for the superior like dragons, or other powerful beasts, so, human it was then.
Despite posing as a human you were still abnormally strong, and you had a faster regeneration rate than most other people in the Ghosts, but when they ask you always used the same lie, that you were tested on because you were human and it gave you regeneration, or inhuman strength when you were indeed human. Still, you were strong and funny, and if Keegan liked you then so did the rest of the ghosts. But in order to protect you and your abilities, you still had to hide it.
Currently you are sitting in a transport plane with the rest of the Ghosts, sitting across from Keegan and between Logan and Hash. They were like brothers to you, so them pushing and nudging you didn't really bug you. Ajax was seated beside Keegan and then of course there was Riley, the ever brave Ghost dog, who was laying in her own carrier, strapped down so it wouldn't move, but it was a big crate so she was comfortable. The test of the Ghosts were back on base or… dead, may they rest in peace. So it was just you and the boys listed already.
You were heading to Chile where you heard reports of some pretty bad militia reading havoc on the locals, while also wearing rumors that he was part of an Operation in Russia, a terrorist operation that you had to shut down. Little did you know how dangerous it all would be… regardless, the plane landed on a bare strip between two smaller mountain ranges, and there was already a big truck waiting for you. A driver was waiting outside with a more serious look on his face, however when he saw the Ghosts his smile grew and he waved as you and your team walked over. “Mr. Russ, Ajax, thank you and the rest of you for coming, we are in desperate need of your help now more than ever. I'll explain everything on the way but we need to get moving.” The man stated, and the Ghost piled into the car with you being right between Keegan and Logan.
See, you and Keegan had a secret you both hid from the rest of the team, a couple months ago you were in a tight situation with Keegan and it escalated… but not in a bad way. And ever since then you and him… well let's just say it developed into something that the rest of the team would tease you for. Regardless, no matter what mission you and Keegan were on it was always his personal mission to touch you and tease you in some form of way, whether it was when you were in a sniper position with him and he HAD to touch your thigh or ass, or hold your waist to keep you still. It was frustrating, yet you never stopped him before.
Keegan even had the balls to do something like that now, sneaking a hand behind you and down the back of your pants, subtly squeezing your ass which made you tense up quite a bit, though when the car suddenly hit a large bump in the road you took the opportunity to pull Keegans arm away, and instead grip onto him and Logan so you didn't fall forward since there were no seat belts. “Fuck that was a bad bump.” you played off quickly, patting Logan’s thigh which you previously had an iron grip on, shifting yourself so you were more comfortable in your seat. You pinched Keegan however, a subtle way of telling him “not here asshole” before letting him go too.
When you arrived at your destination Keegan and Ajax talked with the driver, getting more information while you, David and Logan took all your gear into the safe house where you would be staying and planning. The two brothers left their gear on the table like ruffians, however you took the time and instead moved them to a safer location so the table could be used to plan with a map amongst other things.
When Keegan and Ajax came back inside it was time to divide and conquer. Ajax stepped forward to separate the teams, however because there was an odd number between them there would either be a group of three, or two groups of two and one loner.
“Alright, Keegan and Logan and Y/n you're in a group, Hesh you're with me. Here's the plan. Keegan and his group are going to be infiltrating the West part of this compound here where we believe our target is staying. Hesh and I will take the East side. Once inside we split off and each take a section of the house, luckily enough there are five sections. Y/n you take the southwest corner, Keegan you take the northwest. Logan, you head to the center where there are some hostages being held, free them and arm them and then get their help to take over the compound. Hesh will take the southeast corner and I'll take the northeast. Clear your sections and if you find our target bring him to the center of the compound alive for questioning. If anything goes wrong, get out of the compound and meet at the rendezvous point here-”
While Ajax was explaining everything, he pointed to certain sections on the map, showing the team where they would all be going, and then again once they would split up. You felt uneasy, however. It's not that you didn't trust Ajax, or didn't believe that this plan would work, but you just had an uneasy feeling in your mind. A hum left your lips but you nodded to the plan, you wouldn't let anyone get hurt, that was a vow you silently swore to everyone.
However, now, it was time to rest as the infiltration would be tomorrow. There were not enough rooms for you individually so you split up again, however even though Keegan was offered his own room he rejected it and grabbed you to bunk with instead, bringing you to the master bedroom where he closed and locked the door once you both were inside. “God it's been weeks since we've been alone darlin I missed you.” He grumbled, dropping his bag as he pulled you into his arms, holding you tight.
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck as you embraced him in return, pulling off your mask so he could see your face as you smiled at him. “I could say the same Keeg, but that was a risky move that you pulled back in the car.” you huffed, pulling away with furrowed eyebrows. Keegan shrugged, almost like he didn't care anymore which was probably the truth.
“Y/n I don't want to hide our relationship- whatever it is- from the boys anymore. They have almost caught us a dozen times now and I know they're starting to get suspicious. I know they won't judge, or tell anyone else… but I don't want to hide my feelings for you.” He huffed, sliding his hands down your waist. You sighed, leaning up and kissing his cheek which still had the mask covering it. You didn't bother taking it off, knowing Keegan would if he felt comfortable, but this was a new place, who knows who could be watching.
“I know Keegan… look- how about we tell them after the mission then. We have to keep everyone's heads clear for tomorrow, we wouldn't want to distract them and get them hurt.” You explained, and Keegan nodded in agreement. However before you could move away he quickly pulled you close, pulling his mask up over his nose as he leaned in and kissed you gently, smiling against your lips before pulling away shortly after.
“I'll protect you and them no matter what. You guys are my family, and you're my everything.” He spoke softly, kissing you again just once, only to pull away too soon, walking into the bathroom attached to the bedroom to shower and get ready to sleep. You rolled your eyes, having already showered before leaving so you just stripped down to the under clothes you had on, getting in bed and getting comfortable.
Tomorrow would be a wild day, you knew it.
You were up before anyone else that following morning, now downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast for the team with whatever breakfast foods were left in the fridge for you and the boys. There wasn't much, mostly ration tubes amongst snacks and other things, but you managed to cook up a pretty decent breakfast, setting the table.
You grew up in a house of women, being the second oldest you were taught a lot of the house chores too, so doing stuff like this not only came easy to you, but it was like second nature to get it done. The Ghosts were always grateful for your help and cooking however, it just meant they didn't have to cook for themselves as long as you were around.
When everyone was awake because of the smell of food, they all wondered downstairs to the table, thanking you, finding a plate and eating almost immediately. They were like zombies or robots, awake but programmed to do straightforward things like this… you chuckled to yourself before finding a seat and eating with them. Logan was somewhat excited about the mission, and his brother shared that excitement but you still felt nervous…
After breakfast it was time to leave, the Ghosts gathered their weapons and gear, arming themselves to carry as much as they could while you attached a med pack to the back of your gear, followed by a couple of reloads for your rifle and pistols, strapping knives to your legs, hiding some in your boots, under your sleeve where an arm sheath was, and then putting a hunting knife in its designated sheath on your vest, and lastly getting your radio in place.
When all of the Ghosts were ready, you left in the same car that picked you up from your transport plane. The driver brought you close to the compound but it was still far enough where you had to walk the rest of the way. Once you were close enough on foot you split into your groups, you Keegan and Logan, and then Ajax and Hesh going the opposite way. With your weapon in hand you fell into line behind Keegan as he sprinted to the west wall, you started looking for a way in without explosives while Keegan had readied the C4… but before you could place it, you pressed in a brick and with surprise the wall in front of you shifted and opened up to reveal a dark corridor that lead into the compound.
“Lucky me.” You muttered, allowing Keegan to take the lead again as you took your position second with Logan watching your back. Successfully you managed to get into the compound, and with a whispered battle cry, you split up with your group, stealthily creeping through the south west corridor, using your knife to Stealth kill anyone you crept up on. You did have a picture of what your target looked like. Short, brown hair and green eyes with a very pale complexion, always wearing his medals whether fake or real. Very arrogant.
You continued to search your corridor clearing rooms through your radio like everyone else, however just as you cleared the last room you heard gunshots from the other side of the building, followed by shouts over the radio from Ajax. “Hash Is down! Shot to the knee he's okay but we need backup! NorthEast corridor!” Ajax called out through the radio, immediately your knife was back in its sheath and your assault rifle was in your hands and you were running down through the south hallway, killing any enemy you stumbled across before running to the North hallway where you saw Hash clutching his knee. Immediately you got down on your knees beside him, shooting a few enemy soldiers who came up from behind you before you grabbed the med pack and started patching up his knee. “It went through Hash, I can't tell if it hit a nerve or not but I'm going to stop the bleeding.” You explained, not giving him any warning as you pressed down roughly with your hands, putting pressure on both sides of the wound. Soon Logan arrived and he covered your flank, but more and more soldiers surrounded you, and your team was starting to run out of bullets. Hash had passed out from the pain but that didn't stop you from holding that pressure. “Where's keegan?” You suddenly asked Logan, realizing he wasn't there. Logans eyes went wide and he looked around in a panic. That's when you heard sounds of struggle. A grunt left your lips, and you looked at Ajax. “we've got this, go get Keegan.” You pleaded, pulling your hands away when you were sure the bleeding was stopped (while secretly using the powers you hid to heal him faster).
Once Ajax moved, you covered his position and started shooting the enemies in front of him, eventually giving him a clear way to get to Keegan. He brought the man back, and luckily Keegan was uninjured. But Keegan, Ajax and now you were out of bullets, and Logan was running out even after using Hash’ bullets. It was like they knew you were here…
Just then explosions were heard from the south west corridor, then again where Keegan was. The house shook violently, and you quickly realized they were dropping bombs. “Quick, to the middle I have an idea!” You shouted, and Logan grabbed his brother who was still unconscious. You lead everyone to the middle, surrounding yourself with furniture and crates. Everyone was in danger if you didn't do something… you had to do something…
You stood up quickly, bullets whizzing past your face bit you ignored it, stripping off your gear as you looked down at Keegan. “what are you doing Y/n get down!” He shouted, but you shook your head. “I'm doing what I should have done long ago. I'm done hiding what I am Keegan. I'm not human, I've never been human… Keegan, Ajax, Logan… I'm The Phoenix.” You stated, and with that fire erupted out of your skin, but to them it wasn't hot fire, nor did it burn them, you started transforming into a large beast, covered in fire. Your wings spread out, and you covered your team with said wings as several bombs were dropped around you. However because you had covered your team and protected them, they were unharmed. The compound had been flattened, and obviously your target escaped…
But as the dust settled and Keegan opened his eyes, he realized that… you weren't there. You had sacrificed your life and now- you were a pile of ash in the middle of the Ghosts, hot to the touch. Keegan tensed up, experiencing not only the loss of a teammate, but the loss of his lover.
Keegan screamed, throwing a piece of furniture that surrounded them away as he took a few steps forward, Logan held his brother close since he was still unconscious, and Ajax just stared at the pile of ash. But… that wasn't the end, no…
Out of the ash, a fire sparked and suddenly a smaller version of the Phoenix you had turned too had materialized out of that ash, reborn you were, and once all the ash was gone, the fire went out and there you stood… naked as a newborn babe. A nervous chuckle left your lips, and immediately Ajax looked away, as did Logan. “Keegan?” You called out…
The man turned with disbelief, running towards you and picking you up in his arms. He didn't care if they were watching, but he pulled off his mask and he kissed you, setting you down on the ground before pulling away, quickly realizing that you were in fact naked. “well look at that, naked for me darling?” He asked with a smirk, only to get slapped on the arm. However he didn't care.
You were alive and safe, and now that he and the team knew what you actually were, they vowed to keep you safe. Once you got some clothes on, you were taken home, as was Hash who needed to heal still but he'd be able to walk again, thanks to you and your abilities…
Your target got away, but Keegan would find him, he couldn't forgive what had been done to you, even if you were revived it still called for revenge… and he would get it, for you.
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“I just got the notice.  It’s done.  I never thought I would have seen a wire transfer of fifty thousand dollars into my account.  OK shithead, you are for real.  Get naked.  I want to inspect my property.  That’s what you are to me.  You are a cunt.  You are a toilet.  You are a punching bag.  You are whatever the fuck I want to make of you.  Right now, I want you naked…. 
“I don’t give a shit about those two drivers over there.  Leave your clothes right there, but hand me your phone.  Look at the screen.  I saw your post to Facebook.  You were able to follow orders.  The video was short and to the point.  You let your family and friends know that you met a hot daddy that you are moving in with, and that you will be living off the grid and that you won’t be able to respond to anyone for a long time.  You actually told them not to worry, that you trust me.  That last part was a nice added touch.
“What’s your passcode?...  I’m going to change it and then deactivate the facial recognition.  Your phone will be locked away, but I will still need to access it from time to time—you know, for the $5,000 monthly payment to me.  Which reminds me, what is your password for money transfers?...  Ok.  This is your first real test….  Yup that works.  I’m going to change that code later.
“Stand up and turn around.  Let me see what I own for the next year.  Nice tiny pecker.  Don’t like that it feels that it is free to get hard.  I completely understand why it is hard.  I’m that fucking hot.  When I install you inside the cab, I’ll have a cage to put on it.  It won’t come off too often, if ever. 
“Are you naturally smooth, or do you shave your chest?...  Good.  No manly pelt for you, God made sure of it.  Your pubes will come off in a bit too.  Turn around, let me see my new fuck hole….  Nice and hairless.  You douched out like I told you?  Good.  We’ll get you set up for cleaning out while on the road.  How many times in the past week have you been bred?... 
“Interesting.  I don’t get it.  You are quite cute.  You seem to have no problem getting men to fuck you.  You have money, enough to not only pay me over 100K across the next year, but you can take a year off to be tied up, roughed up, fucked up in the back cab of some unknown brutal asshole truck driver.
“I don’t know what you are running from.  And I don’t care.  What I do care about is I don’t want some drama creeping into my cab, during the year you are with me and the time after.
“Get on your knees and look up and into your phone’s camera.  I want you to say the following in your own words.  That you come here of your own choice.  You are paying me $50,000 up front to live in cab with me, and $5,000 each month.  This is non-refundable at any time.  You want to be controlled by me in all aspect of your life.  You know that I am a brutal sadistic man.  Sex with me is not a guarantee and is not part of the money paid.  I want you to beg on camera for me to brutally use you, sexually and otherwise.  That includes using you anyway I see fit.  You consent to all my demands.  You can revoke it at any time and terminate our agreement.  In fact you know either of us can terminate this role.  If I do it, you will be left naked on the side of the road somewhere.  If you do it for any reason, then you would gladly pay me a penalty of additional $50K, transferred from this phone.  You will beg to be bound for most of the day.  You will beg for me to humiliate you and degrade you.  You got all that?
“Good.  Now look at your phone’s camera…. Wait I should also get you on my camera too.  Can’t be too cautious….  Focus your attention on your phone, and… go….
“That’s done.  So now let’s get you locked up properly in the cab.  Come here.  When crawling into my cab and I’m right behind you, pause and lean over my seat.  Stick your pussy out.  Let the world see your ass.  I want to check out my new fuck hole. 
“This is a pretty pussy.  Oh there is some hair back here.  Don’t start yelping now.  I just yanked out a couple.  There’s a lot more to pull out.  What?  You think I’m going to use my clippers on a pussy?  Or your crotch?  Fuck that.  You’ll be fine with a yank or two… or twenty, or whatever it takes. 
“If you are going to have an issue that I’m going to yank out your hair, this is not going to go well for you.  If you can’t handle one minute with me, how the hell are you going to last for a year?  You paid for one year to submit to a sadistic trucker with one the fattest cocks out there.  Do you still want to do this?  Or are you living in a fantasy world?  If you want to bail, now is the time.  I will pull out of here, leaving you naked without your phone.  And I will definitely make sure that the penalty fee is transferred to my account before you can even make it over to one of those two drivers over there.
“What’s it going to be?  Climb down and go over to them, or climb into the bunk on your back and get your legs up high.  You have ten seconds to decide your next year.
“Atta faggot.  When you get up there, you’ll see some ankle and wrist cuffs.  Go ahead and put them on.  I need to secure your shit. 
“Hey shithead.  I talked with one of the other drivers who was watching you present yourself to me.  He wants to fuck you.  I told him that I will only let him if he’s brutal.  He just smiled and said, ‘Ohhhhh I can do that.’  So it looks you got your first fuck customer. 
“Damn you look good.  But let’s get you secured.  These wrist restraints get clipped here.  You secure?...  Good.  Now this ankle goes over here.  The hard one is this last ankle.  The fags I secure always find this difficult….  Relax.  Relax this leg.  Fucker, just suffer through the pain.  This is the pose you will be in as we drive across the country; your cunt leading the way.
“Now for this.  See this.  This is not your ordinary chastity cage.  No this one flattens your dick head to just over half an inch.  There is no way for you pull out.  Your balls, as tiny as they are, are pushed in your taint region so that when you sit down, you will crush them.  You won’t be able to get a hard on due to the pain it causes.  This is going to hurt. 
“Scream.  I don’t give a fuck.  This is going on.  There!  Now for the lock….  With that click, this is not coming off. 
“Oh shit!  He’s already here.
“Come on up….  I was about to cunt the fag.  You can watch….  I just need to remove some of his pubes.  Get over there so you can watch.  I don’t use a clipper or anything like that.  I just grab a hold of a tuft and yank it out.  The faggots always scream when I do that.  That’s music to my ears.  Gets me rock hard.
“No, you can leave the curtain open.  I don’t give a shit who sees me take ownership of this fagmeat.  If the other driver wants to join, so be it.  This is the pussy’s first moments submitting to me; he needs to know what’s in store for him for the next year.
“Hey shithead, open your fucking mouth.  Eat your pubic hair.  Chew and swallow.  Everything that gets yanked out goes right into your mouth.
“That’s what you got to do to these fags.  He knew that I am a sadistic bastard when he agreed to live with me for a year.  He knew that’s what he was paying me for….
“Yeah, he paid me fifty thousand to ride with me and ride me….  No shit!  And he’s paying me five thousand every month.  Fuck yeah.  The first transfer went through about ten minutes ago.  A friend of mine told me that I should be charging for my fat cock.  He told me about a site where this type of shit goes on.  I posted that I’m a driver with a seven by eight-inch dick looking for a hole to fuck while on the road for the next year.  I jokingly put a fifty-thousand-dollar price tag, and wouldn’t you know it within a week, this faggot replied.  Once I showed him a pic of my cock and me next to my tractor, he wanted to throw money at me. 
“Open up.  Eat this last tuft.  I will save the rest of your snatch for another time.  It’s time for me to fuck this cunt.  Let me show you the dick that will own your life.  Look at it.  It’s barely rock hard, and it’s already fatter than a beer can.  You got me leaking boy.  There is so much slop under my foreskin.  You will be expected to clean me up every day, after every time I fuck you.
“Hand me some of that lube.
“Hey shithead.  You ready to be cunted?  The lube goes on for my pleasure, not yours….
“Scream fucker scream.  Right to the root.  Resist or accept me, I don’t give a shit.  I’m going to dump my three-day load into you through all your screaming.  You want me to cum faster, keep screaming.  It ain’t going to take me long.  First cuntings never do.  Your pussy walls are like silk on my dick.  Oh fuck.  I’m gonna cum. 
“Look up at me.  You know I own you?  You know this cunt is mine?  Just nod.  Good.  You want this load?  Of course, you do.  It’s what you live for.  It’s gonna cost you though.  Look at my fist.  Here comes your first black eye.
“BOOM!  Fuck yeah.  And I’m gonna cum.  I’m gonna cum!  Ahhhhhh!  Ahhhhhh.  Fuck yeah.
“Whew!  That was fucking good.  You’re up!...  What?  That bother you?  Then don’t fuck him.  I don’t give a shit.  Besides, I love giving black eyes.  My favorite part is making the fagmeat respond ‘I didn’t listen’ to any inquiry as to how it happened.  Damn.  Thinking about that is getting me hard again.  He’s already starting to regain consciousness.
“Hey Shithead!  Rise and shine in the summertime!
“Your dick is still hard.  Go on.  Fuck him…. Yeah, there you go.  Go on give it to him.  You said you would be brutal.  Fuckin’ be brutal….  Yeah yank his nips right off.  He needs to know the year of hell that lies in front of him.”
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Once again, I am tested by my circumstances. The local animal shelter was looking for someone to drive some dogs to their various appointments. That responsibility fell to me, a drivers-license-having individual with a community service requirement with an “exponent” symbol in it in Microsoft Excel, to truck them there. Nobody else wanted to do it, possibly because some of the dogs have what medical experts are calling “the terror shits.”
Naturally, I couldn’t do this in my own car. Not only is the Volare incapable of holding any passengers due to the structural rust issues, but I like to keep the car clean. That’s why there’s the big holes in the floor: any dropped candy wrappers, stray strands of hair, or spilled coffees will just run out when I lift the floor mat on the expressway. No: the animal shelter was very insistent that what I would receive is a 2005 Chevy Express van, white-on-white.
This van was, well, a van. For some reason, everyone I met was apologizing to me about “how old” it was, and how they had “no money” in the budget with which to upgrade it. I didn’t have the heart to tell them that it was several decades newer than anything I’d ever operated, and I was a little bit intimidated by driving something that could go forward and backward, without having to turn the engine off and push it a little bit first.
Still, after a few minutes on the road, I immediately saw what they meant. It didn’t have any soul, this new automobile, being enormously competent at virtually every task. It didn’t shake violently on the highway, all the doors stayed closed, and it could go around corners without the windshield falling out. Soon, I was going an integer multiple of the posted speed limit, still feeling it was too slow because the sensation of danger was no longer prickling its way up my spine. I was practically falling asleep, and when I arrived at the vet’s office an hour away nearly 45 minutes ahead of schedule, I decided something had to be done for the safety of my canine charges.
While the dogs were in the shop, getting their tires rotated, I decided to do a little bit of work on my own. I had been stuck behind a slow-moving BMW SUV on the off-ramp. It was now parked outside a realtor’s office, taunting me with its copious reserve of compressed air and torque. I decided that if they weren’t gonna use their turbocharger, then I should rightfully be entitled to it. After all, it’s for the public good: who would deny these dogs an efficient, comfortable ride? Using the BMW’s toolkit and a piece of parking lot rebar as a lever, I soon had the turbocharger worked off of the engine, dropped out the bottom, and swaged into the van’s induction system. To test it out, I jumped in and pinned the throttle a few times, hearing the delightful whoosh of at least a hundred more horsepower. Yeah. This would do nicely.
All I’m legally allowed to tell you about what happened next is two things. One, the van really was less boring after all this work. The little V8 sang with the joys of forced induction, and the tires smoked well through however many gears this magic future transmission had in it. Two, it was a good thing I was going to the dog groomer’s next, because none of these animals were in a presentable shape. It turns out dogs afflicted with the terror-shits don’t like to pull a deep thirteen-second quarter mile, which is definitely something they should have told me before they gave me the keys.
Not every day of volunteering is going to be perfect. Next time I go back, I think I’ll cut a hole in the floor instead. At least that will make the cleanup easier.
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cherrycoloredfaith · 3 months
Kiss Off
Pt 1 | pt 3
Chapter 2: Two for My Family
Steve was certainly disappointing Eddie. He couldn’t accurately test the concrete. He couldn’t properly hold the nail gun. His soft hands blistered at the slightest wears.
The project they were on was simple: constructing a ramp and walkup for an elderly woman’s front yard. They were in a suburb on the outskirts of the city with only a small crew. It would take them only a day to complete.
When Steve drove up to the office to meet everyone and travel to the site together, he wasn’t sure what to expect. Before yesterday, he would have imagined a group of big, burly, hairy men, probably chewing tobacco and losing their hair, but as he pulled into park, he saw the assortment of characters waiting for him.
They were gathered around the bed of the truck, Eddie sitting on the tailgate, lighting a cigarette as soon as Steve stepped out of the car. The boys were making Eddie laugh, and Steve caught a glimpse of that same smile from yesterday, this time real. He did have a good smile.
As he walked up, he took in the scene before him. A shiny new hard hat and yellow vest rested beside Eddie’s thighs, covered once again in a dark denim. The truck was loaded with fresh lumber and large dusty bags of cement mix. The truck next to it also looked packed, full of various types of equipment and tools safely strapped in. Wayne wasn’t in sight, so Steve returned his attention back to Eddie. When he wouldn’t meet his eyes and stared at his watch, Steve quickly decided to introduce himself to the two strangers before him.
“What’s up, I’m Steve,” The two other guys smiled and murmured hellos; Eddie’s attention was finally on him.
“Stevie. This is Gareth, and this is Jeff,” said Eddie, gesturing. Steve blinked at the nickname, but nodded in acknowledgment at the others.
Gareth was short, a curly mop of hair nearly covering his eyes. Jeff was taller, dark-skinned, clean shaven, and looked at Eddie with a smirk once Steve waved hello. They looked young, aloof. Altogether, delinquent.
“Hey, nice to meet you guys,” said Steve. He could almost admit it was the truth, considering these guys didn't look half as intimidating as he expected.
“Riveting. Alright, we can talk small later. Right now, we’re running late,” said Eddie. He clapped his hands on his thighs and hopped down off the tailgate, closing it.
“I thought we were supposed to be here at 7:00?” Steve inquired, concerned. He followed Eddie around to the side of the truck, watching distantly as Gareth and Jeff quickly moved to the other truck full of equipment, snickering at something. Eddie rolled his eyes.
“We want to be at the site at 7:00. Usually it takes us thirty minutes to load up. Try to be early next time,” he stated bluntly. Eddie pressed his gear to Steve’s chest, none too gently, and got in the driver’s seat without another word. Steve didn’t know what else to do other than follow him.
Climbing up into the passenger seat alone in the truck with Eddie, he couldn’t help thinking this was a shit way to welcome a new team member. Steve didn’t know what his problem was, but he clearly didn’t want him around. He decided to try and appease.
“Sorry, Eddie. About being late,” Steve apologized, attempting to seem genuine. “Is there anything else I messed up?”
Eddie looked up, cocking his head to the side, and started the truck. He seemed to think about it for a moment, then his features softened.
“No, man, I’m sorry. It’s my problem with Wayne right now. I… I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I wasn’t expecting a new crew member so soon, and he just kind of sprung it on me.” Eddie pulled out and started to drive, Gareth and Jeff trailing behind.
“Oh, I hear you. Maybe we could start over?” Steve holds out his left hand for a shake. After a pause, Eddie takes it with a small smile that looks like it pains him.
On the drive over, he gave Steve a rundown of the project, telling him what parts he’s planning to train him on for today: mostly carpentry and quality assurance practices. Steve did his best to keep track of all of the new information, but he’s pretty sure any progress he made with Eddie in the truck was shot by the end of the day. Steve kept forgetting key details, almost punched a hole in his hand. He couldn’t help thinking he should have had a safety course before all this. Gareth and Jeff did most of the work under Eddie’s instruction as he trained Steve who was working at a much slower pace. Eddie got more and more frustrated with him throughout the day, but Steve would notice when he schooled his emotions back to calm. He could see he was trying to be patient with him. He appreciated Eddie making an effort. It also made him feel slightly feverish.
Not that he wasn’t already feeling that. The hot Indiana sun bore down them all day, reddening everyone’s skin except Jeff’s. Steve couldn’t understand how Eddie was wearing a black t-shirt and still had his hair down. It wasn’t until the late morning that he stretched upwards, pulling a hair tie off of his wrist with his teeth and gathering his curly, wispy locks into a high ponytail. Unruly pieces at the front of his face sprang free and some stuck to his forehead and he bent back down to continue hammering a nail. Steve was on a water break and had to take an extra few minutes to look in the opposite direction.
Their day ended without many hiccups, and Steve was exhausted by the end of it. The ride back to the office was quiet as Eddie played music. Steve was mostly lost in thought.
Suddenly, Eddie leaned over to turn the volume down, and glanced over. “What’d you think?”
Steve blinked the sleep out of his eyes in the bright afternoon light. “About what?” he said.
“The job, Steve. This is your first construction job, I can tell.” He tried not to squirm as Eddie’s eyes flitted from Steve’s face to his blistered hands in his lap and then, after a beat, back to the road ahead. “No shame,” he started again, “just observations.”
Something lit up in Steve. “Nah, you’ve got me all wrong. Maybe Wayne and I are hustling you, and next week I’ll blow it out of the water.”
“Not sure how that would benefit you, Stevie, and I haven’t placed any bets,” Eddie laughed.
Steve took a moment to think. “Okay, well, to answer your question, I don’t know what I’m really doing. Today was cool though, I learned a lot. Lately…–I’m just trying things out I guess.”
Eddie nodded like he understood, but Steve knew he didn’t explain it well. He didn’t know if he should share that ending up at this kind of place was not in his plans.
“Well, you did good for your first day,” Eddie said. Before Steve could think about it, he was grinning, heart fluttering from the praise; he instead looked to his hands clasped in his lap. Eddie glanced over but didn’t return his smile.
When they were finally back, Gareth and Jeff had beat them, already walking to their respective vehicles. Eddie slowed the truck and rolled the window down. “See you losers tonight?” he called out. They yelled out their agreements, Gareth saying something about how he better be luckier than last time. When Eddie made no moves to invite him on their outing or whatever, Steve decided to forget about it. Moments later, as they parked, the other boys had already left.
His hard hat and vest sat in his lap, and he thought about how he should write his name on them, even though the guys didn’t need them for today’s job. Eddie held his hand out; sitting in his palm was a key. “To the clubhouse,” he clarified. “You can put that stuff away, whatever locker you like.”
Steve took the key and nodded, trying to ignore the feel of Steve’s fingers brushing Eddie’s rough palm. Dirt caked their fingernails and formed a layer over everything. Steve couldn’t wait to shower.
Their eyes met over the center console of the truck. “Same time Monday,” Eddie stated. “Well, earlier next time, big boy.” He winked. Steve’s heart skipped a beat. “Have a good weekend.”
Before he knew it, Eddie was out of the truck, trekking towards Wayne’s office, probably to go tell him what an actually bad job Steve did today and how distracted he was by Eddie’s arms. He took a deep breath and tried to steel himself, heading towards the clubhouse. Once inside, he was surprised to find Max there, sitting in one of the seats at the table playing a Gameboy. She looked up as he opened the door, but quickly returned her attention. A skateboard sat at her feet and she was absently rolling it back and forth.
“First day?” she asked.
“Yep,” answered Steve.
“Yep,” he repeated. He placed his gear into the first open locker he saw, trying to ignore the way his skin screamed as he stretched.
“You might want to invest in some sunscreen next time,” said Max, grinning at his pained expression.
“Ha-ha, thanks,” he responded sarcastically. He admittedly was concerned if Max could see his redness from so far away. He dashed to the bathroom to look in the mirror. A harsh blush decorated his nose and cheeks; his ears were mostly protected by his hair. His arms felt warm and tender to the touch. He decided to wash his hands and face while he was there. He heard the front door open and slam shut once he wet his face.
“Goddamn it,” he heard Eddie’s voice yell from the other room. “Goddamn it. It’s just like last summer. He’s going to ruin everything.”
Steve froze. Was he talking about him?
“Whoa, Eddie, calm down,” Max had an emphasis to her tone that he knew was trying to communicate to Eddie that Steve was still here. He heard hushed tones after that, finished up in the bathroom just as he heard the door at the end of the hall close. Steve stepped out.
The door to Eddie’s office was shut, and Steve grew an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. Didn’t he say Steve did a good job?
He came into the kitchen and looked to Max; she gave him a slight smile but made no moves to explain what had just happened. He only checked to see that she seemed alright, then gave her a small salute, and he headed out the door. He was tired and wanted nothing more than to get home. If Eddie was going to complain about him behind his back while being nice to his face, what was Steve even doing? Was he really that bad?
He placed the key on his key ring, climbed into his car; all the short-lived joy from the praise earlier disappeared. Feeling defeated, Steve headed home.
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blackroseguzzi · 1 year
The Girl Next Door Part 2
*This series will go back and forth between flashbacks, and I promise they all tie together to why the characters don’t talk anymore (but I think I might add in a few present day chapters along the way) 
Summery: Another flashback of your relationship with Kai. Angsty conversations over an Adderall deal.
Warning: Language, mentions of drugs
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You slipped on your sweatpants and University sweatshirt, knowing that you had an entire night full of studying left. Caffeine was coursing through your body, but your eyes still felt heavy like sleep would be the only way to comfort you. That’s why your roommate had asked her boyfriend to hook the two of you up with his Adderall dealer. It was your last year of college, and you had to finish strong in all your classes. Of course, you had your fair share of partying and sex but you had never done drugs. A little wiggle room would be okay since you knew the only way you were going to stay up and cram for this test was to take something to keep you awake - Caffeine pills just made you shit your brains out.
“Lets go, he’s just down the street behind the 7/11. Robbie is going to drive us,” Your roommate, Sophie, called out. You checked your appearance in the mirror. You never went anywhere in your sweats, but you figured you didn’t have to dress up to go get drugs. 
“Geesh relax, I’m coming.” You both left the dorm and walked quickly towards Robbie’s beat up truck. You snuck in the back, cringing inwardly as the couple exchanged a wet kiss. 
“This dude isn’t some freak, right?” You asked as you watched the snow fall outside of the truck. Robbie’s laugh filled the air.
“I mean he’s eccentric but I doubt he’d hurt a fly.” 
“That’s what they said about Jeffrey Dahmer!” Sophie smacked her boyfriends arm playfully. They pulled into the 7/11 and Robbie pointed towards the back next to the dumpster and bathrooms. 
“Alright, He’s back there. Y/N, just knock on his window and he’ll give you what you need.” Robbie twisted himself in his seat to look at you in the back. You scowled at him, realizing they expected you to go by yourself.
You weren’t scared, obviously but you were annoyed. You gave them a tight lip smile, knowing the momentary alone time was going to be spend touching each other as much as they could.
You hopped out of the truck, the light dust of snow falling down onto your head. You pulled up your hood, and smashed your hands in your pocket where they $100 dollars in 20’s lay rolled up. 
You walked towards the back of the 7/11. There was one old black car with tinted windows. Before turning around and running away from this sketchy situation you found yourself knocking on the driver side window. You watched as the man opened the door, stepping out as he dug into his pocket and pulling out the ziplock bag of blue pills.
“Here. $100 for 6 pills.” The guy finally looked up and you felt your heart stop when you noticed his dark eyes and familiar low voice. 
“Kai?!”  You pulled back your hood, revealing yourself and staring at him like you’d seen a ghost. It had been three years since you’d last seen Kai. You two had an extremely rough ending to your friendship/relationship/friends with benefits or whatever you’d like to call it. 
“Oh wow, y/n,” Kai’ voice sounded different. He also looked nothing like the mental picture you always had of him in your brain. His hair was much longer and unkept, his eyes sunken in with dark circles around them and his clothes were much more baggy. What struck you the most was that his cheerful demeanor was replaced with seriousness. 
Speechless, you just reached into your pocket and handed him the wad of 20s. You wanted to get this interaction over as soon as possible.
 He looked between the pills and your money.
“Nah, I can’t do business with you.” He pushed your hand away, about to get back into his car. You let out a cruel laugh, grabbing his sweatshirt and twirling him back to face you. 
“Are you kidding me Kai? After four years you can get rid of the protective savior complex.” 
“Why do you need Adderall anyway?” Kai narrowed his eyes at you. He was used to your anger, especially when it came to his protectiveness over you. If you had been any other girl he would have taken that money without a care, but after all those years he still held you on some kind of pedestal, yet he’d never admit it after the way you had hurt him.  
“Isn’t your job just to take the money and give the drugs?” Eyebrows raised, you shoved the money back towards him. 
“Answer my question.” Kai growled. 
“I have a fucking test I need to study for and I’ve had a long week. I don’t think I can really focus unless I get something to help me,” You kept pushing the money at him until he grabbed your wrist. 
“You don’t need this, I’m not giving them to you.” He shoved your hand away and the money flew to the ground. 
“You’re such a fucking piece of shit, Kai. As shocked as I am to see that you’re a freaking drug dealer now, I’m glad you’ve sunken this low.” Your words hit hard, Kai’s face sunken with regret and pain as he watched you retrieve the wet dollar bills off the cement. The snow was sticking to your dark hair, and as you popped back up he could see tears brimming your eyes. You clearly still harbored the same pain as him.
“Jesus Christ y/n, just go back home. I don’t ever want to see you buying drugs again. I’ll make sure that nobody in this area deals a fucking thing to you either so don’t even try.” 
You slowly shook your head, a few tears now slowly falling from your eyes, down your cheek and onto the ground.
“Why after all these years do you still need to make sure you can control me?” You felt all your emotions over the last four years tumbling around in your stomach. Just looking at him made you an anxious mess, and it’s why you tried your hardest not to go home for holidays unless absolutely necessary, staying only a very short time without a thought of visiting the Anderson house. 
“ME, control YOU??” Kai let out a scoff and ran his hands through his long greasy hair. You wanted to know how he had gotten to this place in his life, your soul screaming that you were partially responsible.
 “Last I knew you made all of your own choices, without me.” You could see the anger in Kai’s words, his face twisted in a way you’d only seen a few times in the many years of knowing him. 
“Looks like I made the right choice,” You spit out, eyeing up and down his disheveled drug dealing state.
Kai walked up to you, his face inches from yours, his hands wrapped around the extra fabric in the shoulder of your sweatshirt. You wanted to push him away, but your body was frozen in fear.
“Like I said before..Go the fuck home. I don’t ever want to see you again.” As much as you wanted to break the stare between you two, you couldn’t help but watch his pupils glass over as his final words left his mouth. 
Everything in you wanted to retaliate, to breath out more hatred towards the man you once considered your best friend, the one who you’d grown to love, the one who you had clearly broke - but those famous words replaying in your head; “it takes two” had gotten you through a lot of guilt. It wasn’t hard to forget that he too hurt you just as much. 
You clenched your jaw as you threw the hood of your sweatshirt over your damp hair and marched yourself back to Robbie’s truck. 
“So?” Sophie turned to you, her eyes wide and her lips were tickled pink from the friction of Robbie’s.
“He ran out, said he only had Oxy and I can’t do that shit.” You avoided her glare, knowing it was disappointed.  
“What are you talking about, he said he was all good on the phone earlier,” Robbie questioned you further which deepened your anger.
“Fuck, I don’t know Robbie! I didn’t get the Adderall so please just drive me back to the dorms so I can start to study.” You pushed your head back in the seat and Robbie decided not to pry more, just turned up the radio and pulled his truck out of the parking lot. 
You were never going to be able to concentrate on studying after that interaction. 
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jimmyssnuggs · 2 days
nights like these, in the august heat | red dirt roads
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If Calla had to list her top ten favorite things in this world, sunsets would be number six. Ever since she was a little girl, she’d been fascinated by the blends and varieties of colors they showed. They were different looking every day, and that’s what kept her watching them every night. As she waited outside the airport, she couldn’t help but stare at the one that lit up above the airport building. 
The piece of white cardboard her aunt had shoved into her hand is loosely gripped by her fingers. She protested the idea of her aunt making a sign with their names on it, but her aunt had gently pushed her out the door insisting it was the only way they would know it was her picking them up. In black sharpie, the names SNUGGERUD and CHESLEY are written in big, bold, uppercase letters. She felt silly holding it, and the stares she was receiving from various people didn’t help. 
She wishes she made Annie or Shay come with her. Their presence would calm her nerves, but Shay was studying for a test and Annie was at work. 
Meeting new people wasn’t something Calla was a fan of. Her sister would’ve been a better option to pick up the hockey players, but Cassie was no were to be found, as always. But she promised Aunt Ginny and Uncle Chris she would make them feel at home on the car ride back home, and she intended on keeping that promise. 
Two teenage boys walking toward her snapped her out of her thoughts. She took a moment to compose herself, smoothing out her tank top and adjusting her baseball cap. Aunt Ginny’s words from earlier pop into her mind, and she flashes a bright smile, in order to make the boys feel welcome. 
The two boys stare at the sign as they stand waiting to cross to the truck, and Calla clears her throat. “I’m assuming you're Ryan and Jimmy? Or, are you two random guys who need a ride and are gonna pretend you are?”
The USA hockey sweatshirts the two are wearing already confirmed the answer to her question, but cracking jokes was the way she removed any awkward silence from a conversion. It was her best quality, at least in her opinion. 
“Um,” One of them says, not meeting her eyes. “Is there a back seat? How will one of us sit?” He puts his bags in the tailgate while he waits for an answer from the blonde. 
She laughs for a moment, and the two boys look at her extremely confused. “It’s Uncle Charlie’s old truck. It has one row, but fits three people,” She taps the side of the truck, motioning them into the car. She shuts it, closing the tailgate before getting in the driver's seat. “Alright, if you wanna open the windows, you have to crank the handle down. I suggest doing so, because the AC of this car hasn’t worked since my brother was born. He's 18, so it hasn’t worked for 19 years.” 
The car ride to Northville is filled with Calla asking the boys questions, wanting to get to know them better. She learns the one with the shaggier hair is Jimmy, and the other one is Ryan. She doesn’t say it, but she can’t imagine how hard it is for them to leave their homes and their families.
She could never imagine leaving Michigan. This is where her family was, and would probably always be. 
“Can we play music?” Ryan interrupts her train of thought. She forgot to go through the process of finding the stations that worked before she started driving. Still focusing on the road, she begins pressing various buttons and dials before the sound of country music fills the car.  
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees their faces at the long dirt road ahead of them. There’s a house just down the road, and one directly diagonal from it. “Uncle Charlie said I’m in charge of showing you two the farm chores you’ll do when you’re not at hockey.”
“Farm chores? We’re living on a farm?” Ryan’s face pales.
“Dude,” Jimmy whacks his arm. “I told you we were. I think it’s sick.” Jimmy shoots Calla a smile. 
“My whole family lives on it. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. All in different houses by family.”
“That’s really cool.” Jimmy nods his head.
“We’re actually gonna drive to my Mimi and Pops house. Sunday night is family dinner night, and everyone gets together. You get to meet everyone!”
“Great!” Ryan throws his head back, an annoyed groan slipping out of him. 
“It’ll be fun, Ry.” Jimmy pats his friend's shoulder. 
The best word to describe what Calla pulls into is chaos. There's a number of children running around, clearly a variety of ages. She nearly runs over Willow’s soccer ball, braking just before she popped it. “Watch it Calla.” The 10 year old redhead glares at her as she opens the car door. 
“Sorry Willow. Next time, don’t kick it into the driveway please.”
“There is no driveway Calla. It’s dirt.” She rolls her eyes before stomping off into the backyard. 
Calla turns to the two boys who are amazed at the amount of people at the house. “You’ve never seen a big family before?” She laughs, leading them toward the porch. “The adults are on the back porch, I’ll introduce them fi-”
Before she can finish talking, a football comes flying toward the three of them. They duck, at Calla’s voice urging them too. The football is maybe an inch away from hitting Ryan in the head, but lands behind him. His eyes are wide as three boys stare guiltily at him. “Xander! What did Pop say about throwing the football?” The blonde yells, and the tallest looks visibly scared. 
“Watch where you’re throwing it before throwing it.” He doesn’t meet her eyes, looking at the patch of grass on the dirt road.”
“Right. You almost just gave Ryan a concussion. Now go, and remember the rule,” The three boys attempt to take off, but remember they need the football. “I’m sorry about them. When you’re at this house, always watch for flying balls. They could be anywhere.”
“Noted.” Jimmy shakes his head, stepping inside and looking around. 
“As I was saying, come meet the adults,” Calla opens the patio door, motioning them to come. “Jimmy, Ryan.​​ This is everyone. That’s Aunt Sheila and Uncle Mike, and over there is Auntie Ginny and Uncle Chris, the one’s you’ll be living with, as well as me. Right here is Aunt Sandy, and then at the end is Aunt Colette and Uncle Rick,” She points them out as she introduces them. Both are in shock at the number of aunts and uncles she has. “Aunt Melissa and Uncle Adam are on vacation. You’ll meet them soon.”
“Okay.” Ryan nods his head, soaking up the information. 
“I’ll introduce you guys to the kids next. All my cousins, and Connor, my brother,” She turns her attention to her Auntie Ginny. “Is Cassie here?”
“Nope. She’s at Spencer’s.”
Calla rolls her eyes. Her twin was almost never home anymore, spending every second she had of free time she had with her boyfriend. “That right there is Lucas. He’s 6 and you’ll see him everyday, because he’s Aunt Ginny and Uncle Chris’s. The blonde girl playing with dolls over there is Kendall, and she's four.” At the sound of her name, Kendall snaps her head to look at Calla, and runs toward her. 
“I’m Kendall,” She looks up at Jimmy, a pink cowgirl hat falling off her head. “You should come play with me.” She grabs Jimmy’s hand, trying to pull him with her. 
“Well, she likes you. That’s an accomplishment, because she doesn’t like many people,” Calla chuckles, picking up a baby from the blanket. “This cutie right here is Aubrey, and she's one.” The one year old squishes Calla’s cheeks, then bursts into a fit of giggles when Calla starts tickling her stomach. 
“Dinner’s ready,” Ryan assumes it's Calla’s pop who says that, by the gray hair the man has. “The guests of honor get to make their plates first,” He laughs at the horrified look on Ryan’s face for bringing the attention to him and Jimmy. “Don’t be scared, none of my family bites. Unless you take the last slice of pizza.” He laughs. 
They sit down, and everyone starts filling up their plates. “We’re excited to watch you boys play hockey. You’ll have a whole cheering section at all the games.”
“I’m excited for it too. You all are lovely people.” Ryan says what his mom told him too. He looks at Jimmy, who’s stuffing his face with homemade potato salad. He gives his shoulder a shove, and a ‘really’ look. 
“The food is amazing.” Jimmy says after he swallows his food. Everyone laughs, before digging into their own plates. 
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mackeydoodledoo · 7 months
The Beginning of Something Wonderful
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[GIF not mine]
Pairing: Peggy Weaver x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: A Gallows Creek native moves out of town for a better job opportunity in the next town. But after finding out her crush is in danger, springs to help.
Warnings: Town Murdering, Attempted Murder
Key: Italics = Thoughts, +*+ = Time Skip, Italics/Bold = Past, Y/n/n = Your nickname
Theme: "All it Takes" - Empathy Test
A/n: I recently started listening to synth-pop and it brought me back to this game :) Happy Halloween
You sit at your desk, the clock ticks, filling the white noise of the silent police station. Your eyes travel up to your little knick-knacks corner: a polaroid of you and Peggy sits upon the lamp lighting your desk.
I miss you Peg...
"Go take the job in Henderson," Sheriff Matthews suggests, "It's better than being a local Cop 'round here."
But, there was one person you'd be willing to stay for.
Peggy Weaver.
You've been crushing on her since graduation from Gallows Creek High. But, you weren't sure if she was interested. In you, in women, or dating in general.
"Okay fine," You sigh, giving in
You pack the last box into the moving truck and shut the door, latching it.
"You're always welcome back," Peggy says, her arms crossed
"I know," You smile solemnly, "But, being a cop 'n everything... Don't know when I'll be able to come visit. Also don't really have much family around anymore..."
"I... Wasn't talking about that..." Peggy says
"Aw, Peggy you care about me," You smile
"Of course I do, you're one of the very few people in this town that I willingly tolerate," Peggy says
You open your mouth to say something.
"Hey you two lovebirds finished?" The truck driver calls out to the both of you
You hear the doors to the station burst open.
"Help! Gallows Creek needs help!" A familiar voice echoes through the station
"Leslie?" You stand from your chair
"Y/n, thank god!" Leslie sighs in relief
Your other coworkers began gathering in the lobby.
"Take a breather, and tell us what happened," You say
"Y-yeah, I finished packing the last box in here," You call out to him, "You got the spare key, why don't you head off already?"
Both you and Peggy watch the moving truck drive off.
"I'm going to miss you, you know that?" Peggy breaks the silence
"I know, I'll miss you too," You confess
You notice how Peggy's nails were digging into her skin. You grab the lining of your jacket and remove it from your body to put it over her.
"Thanks y/n," She sighs happily, "Well, I won't keep you. You should get going..."
"Yeah..." You sigh
You could tell that Peggy was doing her best to not cry. You take a step forward as your hand instinctively moves up to tuck a few loose strands of hair behind her ear. Your palm opens up as you cradle her head; she leans into the touch. You lean forward and place a kiss on her temple. Peggy wasn't able to hold back her tears as she immediately wraps her arms around you. You return the feeling as you try to keep yourself from crying as well.
Now here you were... Tailing Leslie as she leads you all back to Gallows Creek to bring reinforcements to apprehend two killers. One of them you knew... Marie Campbell... You didn't know she had a son. You kept your radio on 189.16; once you were in range of the radio signal.
"Y/n, you're with me, Peggy is wherever the hell Marie is," Leslie says through your com
"Roger that," You follow
"I... I...," Marie tries to find the right words
You barge the door open with your shoulder, "HENDERSON POLICE! FREEZE!"
"No!" Marie yells, "Henry! get out of there!!"
You pull the trigger, attempting to slow Marie down. However, a familiar scream echoes throughout the gym.
"Peggy!" You yelp
You allow your fellow police officers chase Marie. You didn't really care... Peggy was your priority.
"H-hey Y/n... Long time no see huh?" Peggy chuckles
"Y/n, you stay with Peggy. Get her to the hospital," Leslie tells you
You look down at Peggy again.
"I got a first aid kit in my car," You say
"O-okay... Let's-"
Peggy lets out a gasp as you curl your arms under her midsection and under her knees as you pick her up and bring her out to your car.
"I got you Peg.." You sigh
You kinda knew that she didn't like being called 'Peg', but it was either the current situation you were both in, or any other reason, she never told you not to call her 'Peg'. You felt her head rest against your shoulder as you struggle to open the door.
"I'm leaning you back," You tell her
"Jeez Y/n, calm down, I'm alive," Peggy smiles
"I-I can't... It-it was a stressful night," You nearly fidget with her seatbelt
Peggy reaches and brushes her fingers against your tense knuckles, making you slow down to a stop.
"It's okay," She tells you, buckling in, "I'm okay..."
She groans in pain, "For now..."
You rush into the driver's seat of your car, blaring the sirens as you nearly do a donut out of the school parking lot and onto the road.
"Y/n!" Peggy screams
Her hand clutching her wound and the other on your thigh. Your brain calms your body as you steady the car on the road.
"Sorry," You find a good breathing pattern, "It's been..."
"A stressful night," Peggy finishes your sentence, "You said that already."
You pace around the waiting room for the doctor to return with Peggy's results. Forrest Nash meets you not too long after.
"Thanks for bringing Peggy here," He gives you his gratitude
"Anytime Forrest," You sigh, "You been okay?"
He nods.
The both of you knew each other well before you moved the year before. You weren't as close to him as you were with Peggy, but you tolerate his company.
"You alright?" He asks, seeing how you were massaging your shoulder
"Yeah," You groan, clearly lying
"You sure you don't want to get that looked at?" He asks
Knowing it'll be a prolonged injury if you don't get it looked at. You had one of the nurses quickly check you out. They concluded that you needed to put your arm in a sling: connected to the shoulder that you used to barge open the school gym doors.
The both of you stand once the both of you see the doctor walk towards the both of you.
"How is she doc?" You ask
"She'll live," He says
Both you and Forrest sigh in relief.
"Ms. Weaver wants to see you," The doctor points at you specifically, "Alone."
You nod as you begin to follow behind the doctor. However, you stop and turn back to Forrest. However gestures for you to move on. You turn your back to him and continue following the doctor to Peggy's room.
"Hey, Y/n/n," Peggy smiles
The doctor allows youth step in, then shutting the curtain behind them.
"How are you feeling?" You ask, sitting in the visitor chair
"Had better days," She answers
Awkward silence...
Your fingers were intertwined with one another, thumbs fidgeting...
"You... Came back," Peggy breaks the silence
"Well, 'course I did," You lightly chuckle, "I saw how Leslie was panicked, and single mention of your name came out of her mouth... I just dropped everything..."
"Awwww you still care about me," Peggy tries to lighten the situation, but groans from the pain
"I never stopped caring," You say, "Work had been packed, I never had the chance to make a plan to come back and visit you..."
"Well, you haven't missed much," Peggy sighs
"Well, there was one thing..." You say
"Who may that be?" Peggy asks, as if she didn't already know the answer
Your fingers brush against her cheek as you lean forward, placing a kiss onto her forehead. However, you draw your hand away as soon as you hear Forrest clear his throat.
"Sorry, was I interrupting something?" He asks
"No," You lie, "I was just about to head out to catch up with Leslie, see if there's any update with the chase."
You decided to stay an extra few days in Gallows Creek to provide extra security at the Harvest Festival while your other police friends either went back to Henderson or chased after Marie.
"Hey Peg," You seat yourself at her bedside again, "How are you feeling now?"
"Better, now that you're here," She smiles, "Doctor should be discharging me later today. How was the festival?"
"Like any other festival, Reggie was taking over the KFAM booth, was nice catchin' up with him," You say, "Also, I got this- well, won it... For you."
You awkwardly place the stuffed animal into her lap. You watch her look at it in awe. Even though you have seen better composed toys, but it was a carnival toy... Couldn't get any worse.
"I love it," she smiles up at you
Another session of awkward silence.
"So... When are you going back to Henderson?" She asks
"About that..." You say, running your hand through your hair
"Oh my god... Are you?" She asks, sitting up in her bed
You nod.
You resigned from Henderson and moved back to Gallows Creek. Considering that they lost their chief, you knew they needed you more than anything.
You began hanging out with Peggy before the both of you would head off to your night shifts in the town.
"Thanks for walking me to the door Y/n/n," She smiles
"Always," You smile back, "I'll be tuning in."
You lean down and place a quick kiss onto her cheek.
You sit in your office space that was once Martinez' office. Martinez was promoted to Chief whilst you were immediately reinstated into the Gallows Creek Police Department as Deputy. You jolt to the sound of your office door opening: seeing Peggy emerge through it.
"Hey Peg, is something wrong?" You ask, standing up
You begin to grow concerned when you watch her shut and lock the door.
"Whoa hey Peg..." You say, slowly backing up, "Slow down and-"
Before you could tell her to calm down, she crashes herself into you; body, hands and fingers coiled into your hair, lips met.
"P-Peggy- I-" You try to speak
However, she didn't let you. The only time she did pull away was to let the both of you breathe.
"God I've been wanting to do that for awhile," She sighs into a smile
"Same," You sigh back, your arms coiling around her hips
"Why didn't you do anything? I was waiting for you!" Peggy says
"I... I wasn't sure if you were... Interested. Interested in me, women or dating as a whole," You explain
"Oh, Y/n/n," Peggy says, brushing her fingers against your cheek, "You should have picked up the hints!"
She smacks you in the shoulder.
"Okay okay! Ouch!" You yelp, "I'm oblivious!"
"No excuses, you owe me a date!" Peggy says
"Frankly... I owe you a lot of them," You chuckle
"I know, I've been counting," She smiles
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Summary (request from @thesassywallflower​ for @spnfanficpond​ Secret Santa): Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Warnings/tags: explicit (eventually), fluff (? Idk), angst (? light), domestic (can’t get much more domestic)
Chapter WC: 2000
Author’s notes: There will be multiple chapters to this -- at least three, and they will all be written in 3rd person POV, shifting perspective in each section.
Many thanks and love to my dear friend and the very best beta ever @brrose-apothecary​.  Text divider by @talesmaniac89​.
“That’s it,” Donna exclaims, after wiping down her machete and carefully replacing it in its secure case in the bed of her truck. “You two’re comin’ home with me.”
She’s hyper-aware that the Winchesters didn’t have the most conventional upbringing, but, dangit, how many more times will they break her heart with stories about never going to a Christmas party or experiencing the joy of opening gifts on Christmas morning?
“C- coming home with you?” Dean wonders aloud as if he’s testing the words in his mouth. As if she uttered the invitation in Old Norse.
“Yes, Dean. To Stillwater.” Donna turns to face the brothers who both eerily resemble that deer she missed by a hair’s breadth on Highway 95 last week. “Jody and the girls’ll be there, and all’s you need’re the clothes on your backs. We can stop at the dollar store down the street for you two to pick up a couple white elephant gifts.”
“Dollar store?” Dean asks, looking thoroughly bereft of understanding.
“Dean, stop repeating everything that comes out of my mouth. And close yours while you’re at it; you look like a drowning guppy.”
Donna rounds the side of her pickup to stride toward the driver’s side door. The brothers shuffle after her like a couple of 10-year-olds who’d rather be playing Super Mario than endure whatever perceived Hell she’s invited them to.
“Donna...” Sam lets his words hang in the air while both brothers huff and puff condensation into the frigid night air and fidget after her. “We’ve never been to a Christmas party or anything like that.” 
“That’s why you’re coming to mine. No excuses.” She spins on her heel and stares them down as they exchange looks and unspoken words.
Dean’s the one who breaks first. He swings his narrowed gaze back to her.
“Will there be mistletoe?” he asks pointedly.
Donna tries not to think about Dean and mistletoe at the same time. Not that she’s never imagined kissing him, but now is not the time.
She snorts and rolls her eyes. “Of course! What kinda Christmas party would it be without mistletoe?”
Dean grins before slapping his brother on the back. “Well, Sammy, looks like we’re gonna have Christmas after all. Ya know, one without a Wood Nymph.”
“Huh?” Donna furrows her brow in question.
Sam shakes his head. “Never mind, long story,” he mutters. “I guess we’ll follow you?”
Donna claps her hands together as she nods, bouncing on her toes. “You betcha!”
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“Can’t believe we almost passed this up,” Dean mutters to Sam as they unpack their bags, making a load of laundry. They each showered in Donna’s guest bathroom and she gave them some old clean sweatpants and t-shirts of her dad’s to wear for the night.
“Yeah, it’s nice,” Sam agrees quietly, tossing his last pair of underwear to the floor. He’s pleased that Dean sees the value here in Donna’s home.
Ever since they defeated Chuck, Sam has tried a dozen different ways to get Dean out of the bunker and into a real house and real jobs. Dean seems frozen in time, though, like he can’t see that they can do just about anything they want now. They’re regular hunters — no angels or demons to battle (Jack and Rowena have seen to that). In fact, most of the monster world has quieted and stays in their own lanes.
“Imagine having this on the regular.” Sam tests the waters. “A washer and dryer from this century?” he chuckles, scooping up the dirty clothes and shaking his damp hair out of his face.
“Yeah, well, I doubt Donna wants a couple salty old hunters camped out in her guest room for the rest of her life.” Dean turns down the covers of his borrowed bed and inspects the pillow. “‘Sides, I like havin’ my own room.”
Sam watches Dean smooth his hands over the bedding, wondering...
He knows how Dean feels about Donna, even though his brother’s never put those feelings into words. Sam’s seen the way Dean looks at her, the way he touches her like she’s made of glass, and the tone of his voice when he says her name. Dean adores Donna, but even more than that, he wants her.
“What if...” Sam starts then pauses, shifting his weight. When Dean turns to face him with a questioning brow and wistful smile, he forges ahead. “What if you could share it with someone like Donna?”
Dean almost rolls his eyes as he slowly straightens his stance. His soft smile twists as he meets his brother’s gaze. Sam worries that he’s pushed Dean too far.
“And now we’re back to Donna deservin’ a lot better than...” Dean shakes his head and motions between himself and his duffle bag.
“Heya,” the woman in question sing-songs as she pokes her head around the door. “How ya doin’ in here? Need anything?”
Dean’s edge immediately smooths at the sight of the sheriff.
“Hey,” he answers with a quick, practiced grin. “We’re good. Better than. Just, uhh...” He reaches for the bundle in Sam’s arms. “Gonna throw this stuff in your washer if that’s okay?”
Sam notices the tiniest flush in Dean’s cheeks, and the sight squeezes his heart in his rib cage. Dean doesn’t think he deserves a life like this.
“Yep,” Donna replies, a bright smile gracing her freshly scrubbed and freckle-dusted face. “Right down the hall.”
“Alrighty then. Lead the way,” Dean says, following Donna to her laundry room.
Sam heaves a sigh before wandering to the small bookshelf in the corner for something to read.
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Dean has nightmares almost every time he closes his eyes. Last night, he had a different kind of dream.
Donna was there, her soft blonde waves were piled on top of her head. Her fingers were floured and her big flannel shirt was dusted just the same. She laughed at his jokes and hummed through her smile when he wrapped his arms around her from behind. She smelled like butter and vanilla.
When he wakes, Sam’s already up and out of the room. A low light sneaks through the curtains, and Dean smells coffee. He rolls out of bed, runs his fingers through his hair, and makes his way to the bathroom across the hall.
“Dean, hey.”
Dean cocks his head and squints because it’s too damn early for pleasantries. It’s Kaia, though, and Dean owes that girl a lot of pleasant.
“Hey, kid. When’d you get in?” He turns toward her and she steps into his arms for a hug.
“‘Bout an hour ago,” she replies. “Claire’s in the kitchen.”
“‘Kay,” Dean answers pulling out of the hug with a lopsided smile. “Be there in a minute.”
Kaia nods and shuffles past him. “There’s coffee and french toast.”
“Nice,” Dean grunts, pushing through the bathroom door and switching the light on. When he sees his reflection, he groans. “Christ.”
His eyes are puffy and his hair’s sticking out in nine different directions. He shakes his head and sighs before taking care of business. Dean definitely puts the seat back down, washes his hands, and splashes his face and hair with water.
Before heading to the kitchen, he makes his bed and changes into his own clothes. As he shrugs into his flannel, he realizes it’s the one from his dream. The one Donna was wearing — his shirt and nothing else.
He could feel every dip and curve in his hands. She was so warm and soft. Dean’s thought about a hundred different ways to make her say his name the way she did in his dream. He can still hear her breathy voice in his head as he walks the length of the hallway toward the bright kitchen.
“Mornin’, sunshine,” Donna greets him first, and his skin flushes with heat.
Before he can focus too much on it, Claire sacks him without a word.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he murmurs, holding her close. He isn’t exactly the picture of emotional growth, but since Cas… well, he’s trying to be more present.
Dean closes his eyes and buries his nose in her messy hair. She’s been smoking, and probably drinking by the looks of it. “Takin’ care of yourself?” He pulls back, gripping her shoulders and looking her in the eyes.
Her smile is crooked, and her blue eyes are shot red and rimmed with black, but she’s still the strong little girl from Illinois whose daddy loved God enough to leave her.
Claire shrugs. “More’r less.”
Dean huffs a wry laugh, squeezing her shoulders before releasing her. “Sounds about right.”
“Heeeyyy.” Jody and Alex round the island to greet him with hugs and Patience isn’t far behind.
“Coffee?” Jody asks.
“Absolutely. I also heard there was french toast. Or did I miss it?” He turns to find Donna extending a plate heaped with carbs, and a steaming cup of joe. “Awesome.”
He accepts the proffered items from Donna with a hearty thanks.
Jody and the girls retreat to the dining room where Sam sits, doing a crossword puzzle. He looks up and Dean nods a good morning to him before sliding onto a stool at the island.
“So, uhh, dollar store, huh?” He digs into his breakfast, trying not to ogle Donna’s ass in her cute little red and white snowflake leggings. The phrase ‘thick thighs save lives’ will be stuck in his head for the rest of his stay here and he isn’t mad about it.
Donna nods as she turns to face him with her own cup of coffee. “And if I give you a list, can you pick up some wine?”
Dean bobs his head as he chews and his eyes roll back. “Oh, yeah... Yes, anything. Holy shit, this is good.” He’s momentarily distracted from objectifying his hostess by the un-fucking-believable french toast.
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Donna chuckles, jutting a hip against the island. “Family recipe. Just like the smorgasbord for tonight.” She sips her coffee and watches him devour the rest of the meal in silence but for Dean’s moans and groans of satisfaction.
How many times has Donna thought about this? About Dean Winchester sitting at her kitchen island eating a breakfast and coffee that she made? About him enjoying it?
Experts say that good food and good sex share neural pathways. That a person’s reaction to good food is similar to their reactions to good sex. That theory takes on a whole new level of wow when applied to Dean.
Dean drains his mug and wipes his mouth.
“More... anything?” Donna asks innocently -- or so she thinks.
Until Dean’s gaze flicks to hers for a hot minute. She could write his hesitation off as morning brain, but then he drops his gaze to her mouth. He licks his bottom lip into his mouth then slowly drags it through his teeth.
Donna’s breath catches in her chest and her insides flip.
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“Hey, so, we should hit that dollar store, and I think Donna wants us to grab a few bottles of wine, right?”
Sam realizes a beat too late that he’s walked in on something; Dean looks ready to attack and Donna’s cheeks are fuchsia. The younger Winchester’s gaze bounces around the tension between Dean and Donna before he clears his throat.
Dean blinks a couple of times and shakes his head. “Yeah... yeah, uhh...” He draws a deep breath and looks back up at Donna. “Got that list?”
Donna gnaws at the corner of her anxious grin. “Oh, yeah. I’ll text it to ya.”
Dean nods and pushes out of his barstool. The brothers find their boots and coats in the front closet. As they walk out the door, Donna calls from the kitchen.
“Oh, and Dean? When you get back, you need to help me find that mistletoe.”
The screen door slams shut behind them, and Sam laughs.
Chapter Two
Please don’t leave without telling me what you think!
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umbra-vulpes · 1 year
Alegraves' Daily Life Headcanons Vol.1
*Just some Alegraves’ daily life hcs and smut that continue from the previous post. Cheesy af but I just want them to be cute🥺
This is a continuation hcs to this post:
• Alejandro and Graves are both truck guys.
Graves is definitely Ford or RAM 4x4 big-ass off-road truck with all fancy technology in it kind of guy, while Ale just loves trucks because it’s convenient, multi-purpose, and feel good to drive.
Also, Graves definitely has an all-black touring motorcycle because he wants it, he gets it (7 rings playing in the background) and after a few short motorcycle trips together, Alejandro started to consider buying one as well.
• Graves loves to play and sing along with country music while driving and always has a pair of spare sunglasses and a cowboy hat in the car, cause just in case he feels like wearing one.
•Graves has a habit of cleaning his car every time he leaves the car, that’s why his car is mostly clean but always has some random plastic water bottles or a few coins tossed around here and there. Alejandro will toss his gear and stuff to the backseat every time he drives, that’s why his front seat is clean af but the backseat carpet always have mugs, dirt, or tree leaves on it.
• Alejandro has serious road rage and He is proud af of it. Cause drives like a madman did save them from KIA thousand times during missions, but that’s also why Rudy and Graves strictly forbid him to drive in the city or highway during traffic time. Otherwise, there will be a very high chance of seeing a full-on Latino mode Alejandro, head out of the window, yelling and arguing with other drivers on the road while whoever is on the shotgun tries to save everyone’s life somewhere on the road in Texas or Mexico. (Jesus take the wheel!)
•Both loathe big and crowded cities like New York and will never miss the chance of trashing it.
•Graves is that 7-in-1 head and shoulders and random body wash guys. His skin care routine is basically non exist, water, face cleanser and water, because Yeehaw he is a Texas rough man, and he always says he can use all the shower and skincare time to do something more productive.
The fact that he somehow manage to have healthy and glowing hair and skin in such manners makes the British members of 141 and Alejandro a bit jealous about it.
•On the other hand , Alejandro has an intense skincare routine like a movie star and definitely use specific products for skincare and haircare. He knows he is handsome af and intends to use his charm as a weapon. He definitely has spa days during his holidays. Needless to say, Graves ‘care routine’ has definitely given him a shock when he first know.
•Both of them use the word ‘cowboy’ or ‘Vaqueros’ with different meanings depending on the occasion, they can compliment each other using the word and use it as a sweet nickname for each other but can also attack each other using the same word. Nevertheless, if the conversation happens in bed, the term definitely means something good:)
•The ‘oh shit they really are made for each other moment’ for their friends is when the 141, Vaqueros, and Shadows decided to have a barbecue party, and Graves and Alejandro just automatically took over the grill together like two dads and working like they been doing this for 20 years. They just casually feed each other food for ‘taste testing’, and process to lick or suck their own fingers after feeding the other. They also drink each other beer without even asking the other, and the ridiculous amounts of PDA without warning just make their friends stunned and screaming for help(except Rudy who has already seen too much daily)
• Even though both have colognes at home but they always prefer the smell of fabric conditioner and aftershave they use because it smells like home and each other.
•Which brings us to the next hc that Graves is a sense monster, or in Alejandro's words a puppy who has his own blanket that it never lets its owner wash the blanket. He cares A LOT about smells, will steal and hoard Alejandro’s clothes if he is away from home for too long, and loves to wear and give boyfriend hoodies. He also LOVES a good sweaty after training Alejandro. And will always use smells as a compliment.
•Meanwhile Alejandro is a physical touch and kisses monster. ALWAYS TOUCH STAVING. Just LOVES to grab a kiss and hug here and there, Will hug you from behind while you are cooking that type of man, and have no personal boundaries at all, if Graves sits on the couch on his own, he will automatically sit right next to him and wrap him into his arms.
•They are both affectionate af, Like Very Very Very Affectionate at Maximum level. While they both try to be professional when they are at work, the natural habits of showing affection to each other just never seem to be under control. The hand on the waist or sometimes ass, the hug that may be a little too long too tie for comrades, or just random kisses on the cheek and neck, these types of self-displayed PDA just make the Vaqueros roll their eyes and sign, and hope that long time exposure of PDA could consider as mental trauma.
•Graves is a very southern man that will use nicknames like ‘Honey’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘darling’, ‘dear’ etc. on a daily basis, such as calling waitresses or cashiers ‘sweetheart’. At first, Alejandro is a bit bothered by it, but then he realizes that there are some nicknames that Graves used just for him, such as calling him different kinds of nicknames that relate to food(sugar, sweets, pumpkin, pecan pie, muffins, biscuits, butter, donuts), Boo, Babe, Sunshine, handsome and Alejandro’s personal favorites—�� my (little) Cowboy (Vaquero).
•Alejandro uses more classic Spanish nicknames such as 'Mi Amor', 'Mi alma', or 'Cariño' etc. he also uses cowboy(Vaquero) referring to Graves but he also calls Graves 'Mi Sombra/Umbra' which Graves loves it.
•But their favorites are calling each other husband, partner, or my man(Mr.) when they talk to other people. It’s very Cheesy but they love it.
•They both are dog person. They adopted a retired military dog, the dog sometime will go to the Vaqueros base with Alejandro.
•Alejandro is good at cooking anything in general and is always happy to challenge himself with new recipes. While Graves is only good at grilling meat and a few southern dishes that become his signature dishes. Alejandro approves those signature dishes are really god-tier but other foods that Graves made are…interesting.
•Alejandro, Graves, and Rodolfo formed a bully triangle where the two of the trio with work together to make fun of the one that in the trio who is being stupid or mean. Graves and Rudy will exchange Alejandro's past and present secrets and embarrassing stories to make fun of him; Alejandro and Graves will act like super lovey-dovey exaggeratedly to disgust Rudy; Rudy and Alejandro just loved to use Spanish to make fun of Graves when he beings too ‘American’.
•Both are beer lovers, both have a high tolerance for alcohol, and not easy to get drunk, but Alejandro can definitely outdrink Graves. While Graves' face turns red quickly with a small amount of alcohol and gets more excited like a drunk college student, he actually gets quieter and more sleepy as he drinks more. Alejandro looks normal with a few beers but gets high and loud as he drinks more, will yell his heart on karaoke type of drunk.
Should I continue posting this?
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shirohige-pirates · 11 months
Just Like Fire
CisFem Reader x Portgas D. Ace
CW: angst, language, erotic, violence, serial killer, stalking, poisoning, over-bearing controlling parents, attempted forced marriage, possible dub-con, Munchausen by proxy (aka Factitious Disorder), wildly cute and fluffy despite the warnings. 18+ only
Summary: You're Sabo's biological sister in this AU. After college you moved in with your dear brother and his two sworn brothers in order to avoid going back home. You and Sabo despise your family equally.
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Chapter 11: Emotional
You set up a meeting with Chopper to hand off the new medication to him, keeping some of it for yourself in case you needed to prove you had it. Returning to work Friday you used your lunch to go make the delivery, and ate your packed lunch at your desk while you went back to work. You were 11 stories up in a building that didn’t have too many more floors beyond that, which made for a nice view inside and out.
A tall man with short dark hair and brightly colored, if not well-tailored clothing, came up to your desk. Considering how outlandishly you’d seen him dressed before, he almost looked plain today.
“Mr. Bon-chan,” you say, addressing him as he had requested. “What can I do for you?”
“You’re so kind, (Y/N)-chan.” He says, smiling. “I came to make sure you’re doing well. Your brother said you had fallen ill quite suddenly.” He leans down so that you’re not overheard. “You were hospitalized?”
“Some tests were needed. I really am sorry for the short notice.” You offer.
“Non, it’s quite alright.” He says, putting a hand up and waving it dismissively. “You have to put your health first, young lady. It is important to love yourself more than your job, okay?”
You smile. “Yes, thank you Mr. Bon-chan.”
The job you had found was doing accounting and reconciliation for a non-profit. It provided a lot of assistance to those who needed it, from people who were cursed, to people who were ostracized for being themselves. Given Bentham Bon Clay’s own eccentric tendencies, you weren’t surprised at the wide net the organization cast in its drive to help people.
Bon-chan was the newly minted CEO for the company, having taken over from an equally unique character named Ivankov. You heard some people call him Emporio Ivankov, but it was risky to give anyone who was a commoner a name that sounded anything like a title.
You were pretty sure that Ivankov hadn’t retired in the strictest sense of the word. You were also pretty sure you had heard Sabo say that name before as well, but you had too much on your plate already. Worrying about who knew who, or why or how were concerns for another day.
Getting back to work, running your errand to Chopper at the hospital, and knowing you were going to have a visitor tonight was enough for one day. Especially since you were nervous about whatever it was that Law was going to tell you after this second scan.
Your day concluded without incident, and when you got down to the ground floor you couldn’t suppress the smile on your face. Ace was parked in front of the building, in a very well-maintained older model pickup truck. It was the same color as his favorite hat – one he was wearing along with a tank top and shorts. He had a red-beaded necklace on, that you’d seen before, that matched the beads around the cowboy style hat.
He smiles when he sees you and motions toward the truck as he opens the passenger door for you.
“I got kicked out about twenty minutes ago, figured I’d come pick you up.” He explains.
“Kicked out?”
Ace clears his throat. “Okay, so I asked if I could be excused so I could come pick you up.” He admits as his face turns pink. “I figured you had enough on your mind lately that having a ride home wouldn’t hurt.”
“That’s… yeah.” You press your lips together as you step into the pickup truck. “Thank you.”
Ace brightens when he realizes you’re not put off by his gesture and smiles. “Of course.” He says, closing the door for you and coming around to the driver’s side.
“I’m surprised you don’t have the bike today.” You say, buckling yourself in as the truck comes to life in a surprisingly quiet rumble. “It’s a beautiful day out.”
“Yeah, I only have one helmet though.” He says, watching traffic for a second before pulling onto the road. “Someone read me the riot act for making her wear it, so I figured the truck was a better idea.”
“It… it’s a two-seater.” You say, feeling your face go hot. “Wouldn’t you have two helmets just for that reason?”
“Sabo won’t get on it under pain of death.” Ace explains with a smile. “Luffy’s banned from riding it because he wanted to stop for food one time and quite literally rubber banded us through traffic when I didn’t hear him. Fortunately, that was on a bicycle, and not the bike, but I’m not risking it.”
“Certainly, you’ve had, uh, someone…”
“You’re the first person to ride with me like that.”
“… Why is that embarrassing?” You mutter to yourself and hear Ace laugh.
“Sorry for laughing,” he says quickly when you pout at him. “You’re a natural though, we can go on another ride whenever you want. After I buy you a helmet.”
“I can buy my own.” You insist, wishing your heart would behave itself. You knew he was picking on you and flirting with you, and you had learned in college that flirting was something people did. So it didn’t necessarily mean anything, except after the camping experience you were pretty sure you weren’t the only one falling.
At least, you hoped such was the case.
“My bike, my rules.” Ace says, the smile on his face growing wider when you glare at him.
“Tyrant.” You say after a moment, smiling.
“Ruffian.” Ace corrects and you both laugh.
The ride home is comfortable. Ace talks to you about the guys at the station, how they’re looking forward to seeing you again. Thatch said he’d love for you to visit before your birthday – if for no other reason than he wants to talk to you about what kind of cake you’d like.
It felt like you had barely spent any time at all at the station and had already become friends with everyone there. The day was still a vivid and fond memory for you.
It might be the first year you would truly look forward to, and enjoy, your birthday.
“What a novel idea.” You say out loud.
“Hm?” Ace questions as he pulls into the driveway.
You wave your hand. “Oh, nothing. Just musing aloud.” You say as you undo your seatbelt and step out of the truck. “Does Luffy have his own car?”
“Luffy doesn’t have his own driver’s license.” Ace says. “He knows how to drive, in case of an emergency, we made sure of it, but the little gremlin can’t focus long enough to get through the test.”
“Even if you bribe him with meat?”
Ace sighs. “It ended up distracting him worse, cause he spent the whole time looking forward to it.” He laments with a shrug.
You laugh. “Sorry, ah, but that sounds very fitting. Poor Luffy.”
“Well, at least it didn’t cost him the EMT gig, and there’s designated drivers for the fire trucks. Even I don’t drive those.” Ace explains as you two get inside the house. “Most of the time it’s a division lead, but you don’t have to be the driver to be a lead, plus there’s always two or three backups in each division.”
“Not being able to drive to the site of the fire would be terribly embarrassing.” You admit.
Ace laughs. “According to Marco it actually happened once, and it was resolved because Pops picked up the fire truck and carried it to the location of the fire.”
Your eyes go wide, and your mouth goes slack. “Sorry, what?! How?! I mean, that’s incredible, but those trucks must weigh tons!”
“They do, Pops is just that strong.” Ace explains.
“I feel like you’re pulling my leg.”
“You’ll have to ask Marco when you see him next, but that’s the story as I know it.” He says with a smile. “I’m going to grab a shower, you okay?”
“Huh? Yeah, no – I’m okay. I’m a little nervous, but I don’t think Law will be here for another couple of hours at least.”
“Luffy says he doesn’t like bread, so if you’re planning on feeding him keep that in mind.” Ace says as he bounds up the stairs to take his shower.
You shake your head, looking away from the stairs and muttering to yourself that you absolutely could not invite yourself into the shower. For one, you hadn’t so much as kissed someone else, and there’s no way you’d survive any actions required in terms of showering with someone.
“There are proper steps to be followed.” You mutter, admonishing yourself for your thoughts quietly as you begin to take stock of what was available for dinner.
The first step was actually telling him that you liked him. Sabo had assured you that Ace was strong enough that you wouldn’t have to worry about either your station, or your mother, but also, you were living together. If you admitted your feelings to him, no matter how innocently, if they weren’t reciprocated then things would be awkward.
Probably not for very long. Ace seemed like the kind of person who could make anyone, and everyone feel comfortable and welcome around him, unless he truly disliked them. Plus, you were almost positive that your level of like was at least mutual.
It felt icky though, to say such things to someone, when you were technically already seeing someone else. Even if it wasn’t your own choice.
Suddenly, you found yourself even more irritated with your mother than ever before. It seemed so trivial too, compared to everything else, but it still stuck in the back of your mind and bothered you.
But it was too soon. Far too soon. You couldn’t tell someone you liked them after a mere month. Right? That was far too soon. Love at first sight – wait, no, no, love at first sight was the territory of fairy tales and trashy romance novels. This was life, and the feeling was like, not Love, and you couldn’t rush it.
Why couldn’t you rush it?
Because the real world didn’t work like that. Strangers across a room, stealing glances and tensions rise over pounding heartbeats. It didn’t work that way.
But… you weren’t strangers.
You shake your head again. It was reassuring, sure, but you needed to make dinner first. After that, or before it, you were going to be scanned. Somewhere in there you were going to have enough concerns on your plate that it wouldn’t be fair to Ace for you to say anything anyway.
What if you got worse? What if you died? You had always expected you would live a very short life, believing yourself to be chronically ill with an untreatable and incurable disease. Learning that it was your own mother poisoning you, did little to change the possibilities. Your mother may want you to survive to marry Prince Ichiji, but if your body suffered powerful withdrawal, there might not be anything anyone could do.
“When you’re deep in thought,” Ace says grabbing the knife you drop as you nearly leap out of your skin from the sound of him so close. “You really don’t notice much of anything, huh?”
“Apparently not!” You gasp, taking a flustered step back.
“Sorry. I called out a couple times, but you didn’t react.” Ace admits. His wet hair is sticking to his neck and face, a thick mess against his freckled skin. The t-shirt he’s wearing is clinging to him a bit from the dampness, and he’s in sweats now instead of shorts.
You take back the offered knife and turn your attention back to making dinner. “I guess living alone for so long I developed a habit.”
“You had your own dorm in college?”
“Apartment.” You correct. “Something appropriate for one of my station. Which is to say my parents bought the biggest small place they could find. As a disdained child I wasn’t given anything too nice, but as a noble I wasn’t denied luxury either.”
“Is… everything like that?”
“A mind game and or power struggle?” You prompt and Ace nods. “Yeah. There are some legitimate connections and friendships to be had. Plenty of younger nobility especially, are tired of the games, but enough of them thrive on it – live and die by it honestly, that it’s not going away anytime soon.”
Ace’s face crinkles in frustration. “I guess, I just expected a family would be united internally, you know? Like nakama, having each other’s backs against whatever is out there.”
“There is hierarchy in everything with nobility.” You look over at Ace and grin. “My parents thought they were punishing Sabo when they adopted Sterry. He’s the eldest, and that gave him certain privileges, but once Sterry entered the picture as heir apparent, he no longer had those privileges by default. If he wanted them, he’d need to earn them.
“But Sabo had no desire to earn anything. At least not from them.”
“And you?” Ace asks, and you look at him questioningly. “What sort of stuff did you get for being you?”
“… Oh! Oh, no, daughters don’t uh,” you laugh a little. “Sorry. A daughter’s only privilege is to be of use to the family as a bargaining chip. My only worth was in how alluring I could present myself. Poise, grace, enough intelligence to be useful, but not so much as to be challenging. My worth would be decided based on whoever I married.”
“Hah?” Ace looked confused and a little uncomfortable.
“Mm. As nobility I would’ve been a useless daughter if I married a noble of lower standing than my family. An acceptable daughter if I married nobles at or a little above us. I would be a worthy daughter if I married Ichiji, and my mother and father might actually die of joy if I were to marry a Celestial.” You explain, setting things to simmer and stepping back as you stood next to Ace by the breakfast bar.
“When things fall apart with Ichiji I’m sure they’ll have all sorts of awful words to hurl at me.” You say it with a smile, and it’s genuine. Now that you’re not living under the same roof, earning words of ire from your parents would be a treat. “Ah, it’s a shame they wouldn’t disown me for it.”
“That would solve a few problems, wouldn’t it?” Ace prompts. “Getting disowned, I mean.”
“Yeah, but they won’t disown me for rejecting Ichiji.” You admit. “If it turns out I’m cursed, then they will. It… irritates me that I would be disowned for something I cannot control, and not disowned for something I would’ve done intentionally.”
“I think I get what you mean.” Ace says. “What if you dated someone who was cursed?”
It takes everything you have to keep your body under control with the warm shiver that slips down your spine. You couldn’t stop the smile that pulled at the corners of your mouth, and so you licked your lips to break it, and let slip a small nervous laugh.
“Ah, haa… um.” You look up at him and look away almost immediately. The flirty look in his eyes, that crooked grin, you’re going to just melt on the spot. “Ah, not to ruin a mood, but they’d be more likely to try and get rid of you then they would do anything to me.”
Ace puts a hand on the counter behind you, leaning down a little. You almost want to run away before you just spontaneously combust on the spot, but you couldn’t move if you wanted to. The scent of his shower still lingers around him, and it’s dragging your brain in several different directions.
 “I didn’t say me, I just said someone who was cursed.” He points out, his voice is lower and softer than usual. Even if you can’t see the devilish smile, you know it has to be there. His hand reaches for your hair, but he stops himself, and your earlier thoughts return.
Too soon?
Not too soon?
What was time but the relativistic—no, wait.
“I… um,” you hear the latch to the front door and nearly leap out of your skin. “Watch-that-for-me-thank-you.” You say hastily and nearly run from the kitchen. You don’t want Sabo to see you so flustered, he’d never let you live it down.
“Don’t tell me you’re cooking.” Sabo says to Ace as he and Luffy come into the kitchen.
“I’m not. Just watching the pot.” Ace answers. “Wanna keep an’ eye on it? I wanna dry my hair a little bit more, before this shirt really gets soaked.”
“You should dry that mop when you get out of the shower.” Sabo grumbles, shooing Ace away. “Not twenty minutes later.”
“It’s not a mop.” He insists, stepping out of the kitchen and heading upstairs.
After a few minutes to compose yourself, you returned to the kitchen and continued cooking. You ended up making curry beef for the boys, and some tuna and salmon rice balls for the doctor. Law arrived just as you were sitting down to eat, and after making sure it was okay to eat first, the five of you sat down to a meal.
It had simply worked out that you were sitting across from Ace during the meal, and you almost would’ve rather had sat next to him. It was hard to miss how often your eyes found one another’s from across the table like this.
“These are really good.” Law says after a few bites.
“Ah, thank you. I had to attend a few classes on cooking when I started college, it’s nice to know they paid off.” You answer with a smile.
“(Y/N) cooks almost as good as Sanji.” Luffy says. He’s spent the entire meal singing the praises of everyone at the table between stuffing his face. It was a testament to his kindness how highly he thought of his nakama.
“You only say that because I give you extra bits of meat.” You tease, and Luffy turns to you with tears in his eyes.
“You do?”
You can’t help the laugh that escapes you. “Every time.”
His arms stretch out and he pulls you over to him in a hug as you and your chair are pulled across the table. You let out a small squeak as Luffy hugs you. He’s blubbering something about how kind you are, and how delicious your food is, and he’s sorry he can’t say it’s better than Sanji’s, but it is really good, and all you can do is laugh.
With your arms pinned in the hug you can’t even cover your face in embarrassment.
“Lu-Luffy, thank you – thank you, but I can’t eat like this.” You manage after his tears start to subside.
Luffy continues to half-cry and half-mumble a bit, but Sabo and Ace come over and help him untangle himself from you. You didn’t expect him to be quite so touched about a few extra pieces of meat, but you thought maybe you could afford to give him even more in the future.
With the excitement of dinner concluded, you lay down on the couch, and Law uses his curse to scan you again.
“Chopper said your mother sent you new medication.” Law says, eyes focused on whatever his ability lets him see.
“Yes. I was able to give him some of it during lunch today.” You answer.
“Did your mother indicate anything specific about it?”
“She knew.” Sabo answers. There’s anger in his voice that almost makes you flinch, even though it wasn’t directed at you. “She knew it was poison and she did all but say so. She stated that (Y/N) would become more energetic, and need less sleep.”
“Would, huh?” Law clarifies.
“Yes. Not should, not if all goes well, but would.” Sabo’s snapping his words off at the bones like you had been the day before.
Law’s power fades and he helps you sit up, checking your pupils’ reaction with a pen light. It struck you as wildly mundane compared to everything else he had done.
“Dizzy?” He questions.
He straightens up and takes a couple steps back so he can see the whole room. “The concentration is less, but not by a lot. It’s leaving you slowly, as I expected. Take it easy this weekend, you can cook meals and run errands, go see movies and stuff like that, but no hiking, dancing, strenuous exercise, that sort of thing. Keep it medium low at the most.
“As long as you continue to detox without any negative side effects, I’d like to come back Tuesday or Wednesday and try to remove some of it more directly.”
“Will we need to be at the hospital again?” You ask.
“We can, if you’re more comfortable there, but it won’t be strictly required.”
“Oh, no, here’s fine, if that’s okay.”
“It is. Dr. Chopper will be accompanying me.” He turns toward Ace. “I heard from Crocus you work at the station with Marco?”
“Yeah, I do.” Ace answers. “Want me to have him over that night too?”
“Please.” Law says with a nod. “Marco’s curse works well in tandem with mine, and it’ll be a good safety net to have.”
“Consider it done then.” Ace says with a smile.
 “As before, call me if anything changes unexpectedly.”
You nod. “Of course, thank you.”
Luffy and Sabo escort Law out, and you sink into the couch with a sigh.
“You alright?” Ace asks quietly. His gaze is down the hall, watching Sabo, Luffy and Law.
“Yeah. It’s just… scary? Frustrating? … Very emotionally charged.” You say finally, nodding your head when you settled on the words that fit best. “There’s too much to it, and I don’t know if I’ll ever untangle it all. But right now? Like, right now now? It’s scary.
“I keep expecting my body to just… give out. Or something equally uncontrollable.” You admit quietly.
Ace looks like he wants to comfort you, but he can’t seem to think of the right words or gestures, and the two of you sit in silence for a moment before Sabo and Luffy return.
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jaehyunspeachparty · 1 year
daddy jaehyun
iv.lxxxi. (a)
The End
Meanwhile, Mia and Xiaojun have come to the hospital. Johnny also followed a few minutes later. Nobody could believe what happened. "Can't you go to her?" Johnny asked Jaehyun, gently putting his hand on his shoulder. Jaehyun shook his head and continued to wait. The doctors and nurses hadn't left your room yet. Seconds felt like hours to Jaehyun. He didn't know how to do it anymore. Mia meanwhile spoke to a medical staff member. Since she was your sister and therefore a close relative, she got every information. "What happened?" Xiaojun asked when his girlfriend came back. He had Kiwoo in his arm, which he was rocking reassuringly. "A truck driver missed a red light. He appeared to be heavily intoxicated and was driving high speed. Doctors said it could have been much worse, but apparently only the front of the car was hit… " "There where Y/N was sitting…", Xiaojun said quietly and stroked Kiwoo over his hair. "Where's Mama?" Sunoh was getting restless. He was quiet for a long time, but he was also getting tired. But then Miga came to him and put her hand on his hair. "Mom is sick, you have to wait for the doctors to give her medicine." Here you could see that Miga was the eldest child. She knew she had to behave calmly now and that's why she tried to calm her brother down. "Should we ask Jaehyun to take the children with us?" Xiaojun asked his girlfriend. Mia nodded and walked over to Jaehyun, who was still staring at the door that leads to the room you're in. "Jaehyun, we'll take the kids until you know more. Is that okay?" Mia wasn't sure if he was listening. He was still rigid and looked towards the door. "Jaehyun?" She grabbed his upper arm, but he flinched. With a startled look he looked at Mia. "I…you can…" He can hardly find the words, but at that moment the door opened and a doctor came out. Jaehyun looked at the man expectantly. "You can go in now, she's awake," said the doctor and nodded confidently. Jaehyun's heart stopped for a short moment, he looked at Mia, who smiled softly. "We're waiting," she said, and Jaehyun started walking.
Jaehyun slowly walked into the room. He was afraid of what awaited him. A nurse labels a blood sample while the doctor whispers something to her. Jaehyun saw you lying in bed. You could hardly move, everything felt numb. At first you didn't notice Jaehyun, but then he took your hand and sat down next to you. "Jaehyun…", you say and realize how much strength it costs you. At that moment he burst into tears. He wasn't one to cry easily, but he was so scared of losing you. Jaehyun lay down on top of you and was so glad to have you here alive. You start crying too. It was all so much and you couldn't remember anything. "How are the kids?" you ask him then, stroking his hair. "They are all safe and sound." He smiled and was so relieved. "And Sophia?" This time you don't look at Jaehyun but at the doctor. Jaehyun sat up in surprise and didn't know what was happening. "I can't feel her…or am I deaf?" Somehow you already knew the answer. You pull down the covers and put your hand on your pregnant belly. The doctor took a step forward and you knew that good news wasn't about to come. "You were crushed in the accident. The pressure detached the placenta and blocked the oxygen supply…we haven't found a heartbeat since you were in the hospital…" You looked at your belly and you kind of knew it. Was meeting your father not a dream after all? "It can't be…how do you know that?" Jaehyun reacted with anger. He didn't want to accept that. "We've done all the tests. There's no sign of life." The doctor showed the videos of the ultrasound. There was no movement, no heartbeats…nothing. "That is not true!" Jaehyun couldn't believe it all. Anger and frustration rose in him. Your daughter was almost a finished baby. Even if she were born now, she would have a good chance of surviving. "Jaehyun…" You take his hand and look at him calmly. But then you turn to the doctor. "What's the next step?" you ask him and you don't understand yourself why you're so composed right now. "We would still induce the birth today. The nurse is just getting medicine for it." "Does that mean I have to go through a normal birth?" You were scared at the thought and slowly you felt sick. Do you really have to give birth to a dead baby? "Isn't a C-Section enough here?" Jaehyun didn't know what to think anymore. On the one hand his baby was dead, on the other hand he didn't want you to go through the pain of childbirth too. "From a psychological point of view the decisive factor is that women cope better with the loss of their child emotionally in the long term if they have given birth naturally. Since a mother-child bond develops during pregnancy, it is also important for many women to to keep their child with them for a while after the birth, so we will give you time with the child then." Jaehyun couldn't look the doctor in the eye anymore, he didn't know how to deal with it. He held your hand tightly and stared at the floor. You were composed…for whatever reason…maybe you haven't realized it yet. "I'd like to see the kids," you say, looking at Jaehyun. "Are they here?" He nodded and tried to collect himself. "Yes, they are outside with Mia, Xiaojun and Johnny. Shall I bring them in?" "Yes…" You nod and smile. Jaehyun got up and walked out of the room. Just a few seconds later he came in with Miga and Sunoh on his hands. Followed by Mia and Xiajon carrying the twins and Johnny. The doctor left the room in the meantime and gave you your time.
Jaehyun lifted Miga and Sunoh up to you. Sunoh immediately snuggled up to you. Then the twins were added to you and you breathe in the scent of your children. "I'm so glad to have you. I love you so much," you say to your children, kissing their hair, forehead, and pinky fingers. Geon was just climbing over your stomach when Miga stopped him. "Take care of the baby!" she warned him. You smile and caress her cheek. "It's okay, the baby doesn't feel anything anymore," you say. At that moment, Mia looked at Jaehyun in surprise, who just stood there rigidly and didn't know how to exist anymore. "Y/N…" Mia also went to the bed. Tears welled up in her eyes and she took your hand. "Dad takes care of her," you say to your little sister. "Dad?" Mia looked at Jaehyun, but he didn't know anything about that either. "When I was unconscious I met Dad at his house in France. We talked about everything and then it was Sophia…" You stop and reach for your stomach. Then you tell the story of what happened. Tears rolled down Mia's cheeks. She sat on your bed and cried into your shoulder. You watch everyone cry, only you couldn't...
After Mia, Xiaojun and Johnny took your kids back and left the hospital, Jaehyun stayed with you. Meanwhile a midwife and a nurse came to you. They gave you the medication to induce labor. They also gave you medication to make the birth as painless as possible. "Do you have any questions?" the midwife then asked, looking at you calmly and gently. "What happens after the birth?" You were unsure of how things will go when your baby is here. "When the baby is born, it will be wrapped up, cleaned and put in your arms if you want it. If you need time for this step, you can get it. You can calmly think about whether and when you want to have your child again. Many parents consciously celebrate the farewell to their child: they hug it, stroke it, take photos or leave footprints in order to retain as many memories as possible. If you cannot or do not like to look at your child at first, you can also ask us or ask a family member to describe her. The milk that comes in after birth can be suppressed with pills." She looked at you calmly and somehow you were glad that for the first time you got a look that wasn't pathetic. "Here the pills." The nurse put the medication and a glass of water on your table. The nurse seemed less composed. She couldn't look you in the eye. It was the first time they had to be with a still birth. To you it felt like sheer madness. Everyone was crying and losing control of their emotions, only you sat there feeling silently numb. Why don't you feel anything? Was your body still in shock? "We'll come by in half an hour and then we'll see when it starts," said the midwife and you nodded silently. In the meantime you have been taken to a room of your own. The room was only for you, far away from children and the childbirth station. Without hesitation, you swallow the medication and then lie back in bed. Everything was so quiet here…too quiet. "Jaehyun…" You look at him. He was just clearing out your stuff. Johnny had brought the birth bag here. You only prepared them a week ago. The most important things were inside, in case the birth would start soon. "Yes?" he asked quietly, but not looking at you. Rather, his gaze was fixed on something in his hands. "What you have there?" You became curious and try to catch a glimpse. Jaehyun turned around rigidly and showed you the piece he has in his hands. "We bought it for her…" It was a white onesie. A romper for your daughter… "We should put it on her," you say then. "Why are you so composed?" Jaehyun yelled across the room and you could see his fingers digging into the white fabric. His veins were popping out everywhere. But you were surprised that he yelled at you. You look at him with wide eyes and freeze. But in that moment he realized what he had just done. "I'm sorry…I'm so sorry…" He walked over to you and sat on your bed. He took your hand and put his forehead on it. "I just don't know what to do with myself. My heart is breaking right now and this pain feels so real. I just don't want to lose our girl." He kept crying. You've never seen Jaehyun cry so much in your life. "I don't know why I'm so calm… maybe because I know she's safe with my dad? Maybe I just haven't realized it yet..." You sigh and slowly feel everything in your body contracting. You knew this feeling well, after all you had already brought four children into the world. It all felt the same. "Jaehyun…" You take his hand and when you feel the first contraction you panic a little. "It starts." You take a deep breath. "Should I get the midwife or a doctor?" he asked worried, but you shook your head. "Can you sing me something?" You look at him and feel how slowly the contractions subside. "What do you want to hear?" he asked softly and lay down next to you. "Lost…" You don't know why you wanted to hear that song, but it was the only thing you wanted. Jaehyun hesitated, but he knew he didn't want to refuse you anything at that moment. "Okay…" He took your hand and looked into your eyes. He started singing.
>>It's been a long time since you're gone Still filled up with the scent of your warmth And staring at a blank wall Drawing what's been natural Gets way more vivid when I'm lost Just wandering in the crowd where I'm standing No matter how much it sways Listening to the songs we used to relay. Nothing will change Done counting down the reasons...<<
Jaehyun was beginning to find it difficult to sing the song. He had more and more problems with every word. But you close your eyes and put your hands on your belly.
>>Honestly, wanted to say "Nobody else," but need you to stay By any chance, it might've been too late, too late And could've been obvious No time to blame All I want is having you in my day...&lt;<
He couldn't sing anymore. His voice trembled and he gasped for air. You open your eyes and wipe away his tears. "Thanks…" You kiss him softly and you were so glad he was by your side.
After half an hour the midwife was back with the nurse. They said that it can already start and you are surprised that everything happened so quickly. But the medication made a lot of things happen. Another doctor came into the room and another nurse made up your bed. "How are you?" the doctor asked, looking at you as he put on his gloves. "I don't know. How am I supposed to feel?" You sigh and you feel the next contractions. But you were drugged, the drugs were working. "Nobody knows," the doctor said softly and you were relieved that he would give birth to you. When it started, Jaehyun was standing next to you. He held your hand, your arm. He didn't leave your side for a second. And it doesn't take long and you're pushing and pushing. It was all easy, painless and quick. It was an unusual birth. Everything seemed like a dream to you, but then the doctor looked up at you again. "She'll be here with the next contraction," he said, and you nod. Jaehyun took a deep breath and he didn't know himself how he would react. The next contraction came and you started to push and then there was she. Sophia was born, but she was silent… Everyone froze. Only the doctor gave the dead child to the midwife, who cleaned and dressed her. The doctor was still taking care of the afterbirth, but you don't get all that. You look up at Jaehyun and he looks up at you. "Do you want to see her?" the midwife then asked. Jaehyun wasn't sure, but you nod. The midwife turned, took the child and came to you. You saw the onesie that Jaehyun had been holding in his hands just a while ago. And then she was in your arms. A little girl, she looked so ready… so alive. She had black hair and she looked so much like Miga. You stroke her fingers and you realize that she didn't react. Nothing moved. Her skin was cold, she had no pink lips, there was no heartbeat. And in that moment you let out a scream that was filled with pain. Jaehyun collapsed to his knees, he couldn't look at his dead daughter and you couldn't stop screaming. The young nurse couldn't take it anymore, she ran out of the room crying. A child should have been screaming here, but now it was you…
When you came home days later, you didn't know if you were ready for it. But you are happy to have your children with you again. Jaehyun drove you home. He hasn't spoken much since your daughter was born, but neither have you. You two just exist right now. He was also not at home in the meantime. His parents took care of everything. Jaehyun never left your side, even when he couldn't find the words. You get out of the car and slowly you went into your house. Jaehyun held your hand tightly. As you enter the antechamber, you hear Kiwoo giggling, Sunoh singing, Geon squeaking, and Miga babbling. These sounds felt like balm for your soul. You didn't think your children's voices would do you so much good. You look at Jaehyun with relief and realize that he felt the same way. "Welcome home," he said, and it was the first words in a long time. You nod and you both go to the kitchen. There were white lilies everywhere in the hallway. The whole room was full of them. There were white lilies all over the kitchen. Every surface was covered with it. "What's that?" you ask quietly, looking around. "I believe these are from your sister Audrey," Jaehyun said, showing you a card. "It's so terribly hard and against nature when children have to go in front of their parents…", you don't read any further, but reach for the next card. "From Taeil: The death of such a young hopeful person is hard for all of us to comprehend…" Jaehyun read. "From Taeyong: We go as we came with nothing but us alone. The world - these are just names...Being is a miracle." You found white lilies and letters from everyone you knew. They were from all your acquaintances and friends. Tears ran down your cheeks and Jaehyun struggled with his feelings too. You stood in the room full of white lilies - the flowers chosen for both weddings and funerals symbolize renewal of the soul and express compassion. "Mummyyyyy," you suddenly hear a voice. And little feet ran towards you. Sunoh immediately fell into your arms. "Mummyyyy!" Miga came right after her brother and Jaehyun saw how his parents cautiously entered the room. "Geon, Kiwoo," you took the two babies with tears in your eyes and collapsed to the ground. "We missed you," your daughter said, looking at you with concern. "I missed you too," you say, stroking her cheek. Meanwhile, Jaehyun also fell to the ground and also took his children in his arms.
And that was it.
That was your family.
Your luck.
Your life.
daddy jaehyun masterlist
I finally wrote the ending that had been in my head for so long. Thank you to everyone who has supported me with this story over the years. I have so many good memories with this and I always enjoy reading back. Thanks to all of you who read, wrote, and brainstormed with me. I hope I was able to bring you joy with this story, you gave me a lot of joy. I'm sitting here having a really hard time finding the perfect words for the ending and I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. I started writing the story in September 2019. It was just an idea and I didn't think it would develop that way. And it hurts me to end it here, but I think everything should come to an end. Of course I won't leave the story entirely, there will always be stories. I'm also thinking about writing a new Daddy Jaehyun story, but I'm still debating whether to publish it here or on my own blog. Even if the story ends here, I'm glad to have met such wonderful people through it, many thanks to everyone ❤
❤ Katy
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conradscrime · 11 months
The Disappearance of Jeffrey Andrew Dupres
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July 6, 2023
On April 24, 1980, a 3 year old boy named Jeffrey Andrew Dupres and his mother, Denise, were outside their home in Slave Lake, Alberta, Canada. Just before 1 pm that day, Jeffrey told his mother he was going to play with his next door neighbour, a 5 year old named Rodney. 
Denise went inside and switched over her laundry, the window was opened. A few minutes later Denise heard Rodney’s dad calling out for him to come inside. At this point Denise looked out the window and did not see Rodney or Jeffrey. Denise believed that Jeffrey had gone inside Rodney’s house with him. 
About 20 minutes went by when Rodney showed up at Denise’s door asking for Jeffrey. Realizing he was missing, Denise immediately called the police at 1:45 pm. The police actually told Denise they were too busy and suggested she continue to look for her son with neighbours. 
At 2:20 pm, Denise called police again. It took them over an hour to get to her house. There were hundreds of volunteers that showed up to look for little Jeffrey, with the news of his disappearance spreading quickly. Jeffrey’s father, who had been working away, Ray, came home and the two parents searched for their son for the rest of the night. 
On April 25, 1980, the search continued. Teachers and 200 students from high school helped searched, and throughout the day many of the same locations had been checked multiple times with no luck. 
The community really came together to search for the little boy, taking it extremely seriously. One man even quit his job supposedly when he was told he would not be allowed to have time off to help search. 
Denise had asked authorities multiple times if they could get the Armed Forces Search and Rescue to come help look for her son, however they ignored her pleas, and the Armed Forces did not show up for almost a week. 
Soon enough, a witness came forward and her and her two kids who also witnessed the abduction were flown into Edmonton and hypnotized. 
Supposedly the woman who kidnapped Jeffrey was an “attractive female in her mid-20′s.” She was about 5′2 feet tall, 110 pounds with shoulder length brown hair. The truck she was riding in was a 1978-1980 custom painted Chevy/GMC short box pickup with chrome bumpers and wheels. The driver of the truck was a male in his early 30′s who was clean shaven, with short reddish-blonde hair. 
Both of Jeffrey’s abductors were described as “relatively small.” Apparently this woman was seen trying to get Jeffrey to go towards the truck. When Jeffrey got close enough she grabbed him and the truck drove off. 
Despite there being a witness who came forward, Denise herself was accused of murdering Jeffrey in the summer of 1980. They asked her to do a lie detector test. 
In 1986, an investigator stated that he had a gut feeling Jeffery was still alive. The same year, the national missing children’s database was developed and Jeffrey’s case was compared to 100 other missing children. There was never any “tell-tale” similarities according to investigators. 
If the woman and the man who abducted Jeffrey were alive today, the woman would be in her 60′s and the man in his 70′s. If Jeffrey was alive today he would be 46 years old. 
It has been over 43 years since Jeffrey Dupres was abducted and there is no further information on his case. 
Tips can be sent to Slave Lake RCMP by calling 780-849-399. An independent tip line has been set up by Recover Agency offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to Jeffrey’s whereabouts.
Source: CanadaUnsolved
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florestmoon · 2 years
Heyooo could i request a part to of the Frank fluff fic? Where he passes the test and they go on a date? <33
yess ofc ! Thank you for giving me an excuse to write more soft Frank <3 i didn’t realize how much I was writing till the end so sorry for the random cut off . I felt like I overdid it lol , Enjoy!
*:–☆–:*:–☆–:*:–☆–:*:–☆–:*:–☆–:*:–☆–:* *:–☆–:*
All that confidence you held that night in Frank’s room— teasing him during your study session with the idea of a date— was ripped away from you the moment he slammed a piece of paper on the table you occupied during lunch. The piece of sandwich nearly dropping onto your tray as the big red 80% written in the corner stared back at you. Neat hand writing making out a “Great Job !” , mocking you while Frank simply leaned down in front of you with a satisfied smirk.
“Be ready by 6” He states, the lingering amusement of his voice is all your left with as he grabs the paper and walks away— the rest of the busy lunch room falling deaf to your ears.
Okay, maybe you were all talk. It’s not like you didn’t expect or want Frank to pass his test, you even stayed up all night just to make sure he got some extra work done in case he fell below the necessary mark. However the reality of the promise finally hit you once it dawned that you were going on a date with Frank Morrison.
So now you stood in front of your mirror, fighting back the urge to throw everything you were wearing on top of the growing pile of clothes on your bedroom floor, and stomp back in your closet in hopes that the perfect outfit will magically appear. One quick glance at the clock on your dresser prevented you from so. 5:50
Your fingers pull at the ends of your clothing, a silly attempt to make yourself seem presentable. You weren’t sure why you’re worried, you and Frank hung out multiple times in the years you’ve known each other. Whether it be in the comfort of your own rooms or him following you around the mall like a lost puppy.
But this was different. The word “date” was attached to this, along with your need to suddenly care about the way your hair looked — the hairstyle was not sitting the way you wanted. Maybe you’ll have enough time to try something else, even grab a jacket that would match the color scheme of your outfit better. It seemed to be colder tonight. Or maybe you could switch the whole outfit-
Flashlights boring through your curtains—painting your room for a second cut your thoughts short. The sound of an engine being cut off outside your home strikes you with nervousness. Heart pounding as you grab your bag and hurry out of your home before your parents could question you even more. Frank was just getting out of his beaten down truck as you closed the distance from your front door to him. His feet betraying him when he stumbled on his way to circling the front of the truck to the passenger door.
The small mistake easing the pit in your stomach. It seemed all that smugness he held this afternoon at school had disappeared.
A shy smile making its way on your face as you take in his appearance. He wore his signature leather jacket, but instead of his grey zip up; he wore a black turtle neck along with black jeans. It was small changes but it was a different look than you were use to, despite the small displeasure of his neck tattoos being covered.
“You look handsome.” You state lightly, watching him pull open the passenger door. He made sure to grab your hand as he helped you onto the truck and in your seat.
“Thanks. You look really good yourself” He pauses before stammering, “I mean you always do , but tonight , you just look..great. Amazing-”
He grimaced at the sound of his stuttering. A blush burning his cheeks as he slammed the door harder than he meant to. Your shoulders relaxed while watching him make his way to the driver seat. You couldn’t help but feel better knowing you weren’t the only who was dealing with the same nerves.
The fact allowed you to ease back into the car seat once you placed the seatbelt in place. All your worries disappearing once Frank started the truck and drove off. It was silent the first few minutes. Frank’s hands gripping the steering wheel as he tapped his fingers along the leather.
He wanted to say something. Anything but any teasing comment went dry in his throat whenever he glanced your way. You really did look good. Not to say that he hasn’t admire your beauty before—he definitely has there’s no denying that — but your hair was styled in a way that framed your face perfectly. Your outfit hugged your body perfectly and goddamit-he really wished he would have spend more moments outside the car for an excuse to keep admiring you.
Finally, your eyes tore away from the scenery outside to the cassette tapes he had lying on top of the dashboard. The need to put an end to the silence prompted you to reach forward and grab a random one, yet the cover had you hesitating as you blinked down at the familiar picture.
“Hey!” You gasped holding the plastic case up to your face to make sure you were seeing things right. It was your favorite artist. “This is mine !”
“What?? No its not.” He nearly snatched the case out of our hands but you reacted in time, leaning into the passenger door as you scoff at him.
“Ive been searching for this tape for a week!” You whine as you turn it over in your hands. “I should have known you liked my music more than you lead on to.”
“I don’t like it..” Frank grumbles, eyes back on the road. Beginning to shift in his seat uncomfortably. “I stole it so I didn’t have to suffer from you playing that garbage over and over again. I was saving my own ears.”
Rolling your eyes at the insult, you didn’t take it to heart. Instead you opened the case in excitement to make him suffer even more, until you were met with the lack of the tape. Blinking, you looked away from the empty case towards Franks then to the stereo sat between you two.
Frank was still as you pushed one of the buttons and watched as the tape —that belonged to the case in your hands—was pushed out. You both stayed quiet while the realization had you slowly grinning.
“I have no idea how that got in there.”
A bubble of laugher filled the space inside the truck. You leaned forward to push the tape back inside and pressed the play button.
“Hm, I guess my music taste isn’t that bad then.” You state playfully, the delight clear in your voice much to Frank’s dismay. “You know you could have asked to borrow my tapes if you liked them so much.”
His groan barely was audible above the first few beats of the first track. Despite his embarrassment, Frank felt himself began to relax as well. The tense atmosphere and silence fading away with the music taking its place. The rest of the ride consisted of the typical banter between you two. The conversation died down once you realized Frank had been driving for a while now, further away from town. It’s been 20 minutes since you left Ormond and was driving down a road surrounded by nothing but trees.
He came to a stop in front of a dirt trail leading into the woods. The trial stretching into a narrow path that was wrapped by the low hanging branches. It still wasn’t dark enough for the woods to be completely pitch black inside but you still felt a bit concerned. You frowned as you looked at Frank who was already getting out of the car.
“Stay here.”
“W-what?” You sat up quickly and made way to unbuckle your seatbelt. Frank only threw you a soft smile as he reached over to grab your arm, steering you to look at him.
“Do you trust me?” He asked. The softness in his voice somewhat allowing you to calm down and let go of the door handle. You slowly nodded your head, confusion still not leaving your expression.
“Of course, I just don’t understand-“
“Then just stay put baby. Don’t worry I’m not going to leave you here.” He reassures, patting your thigh before leaning out of the truck once again. You weren’t allowed to response as he shut the door, the locks clicking in place. Your eyes following him go towards the back of the truck and grabbing something from the back.
You had to force yourself to calm down as you had nothing but to watch him make his way into the woods. The pet name finally settling as you looked down at your hands and scoff. This was such a Frank thing to do. You should have known he would do something like this, probably looking to prank you before an actual date.
You had expected him to maybe take you to the movies and a diner, or even take you to the abandoned Ormond Resort as his own idea of a date. Either way, you would have been happy because it was Frank. You were honest when you had stated that you were always happy hanging out with him.
But being in the middle of the woods ? It was unexpected, something that would obviously only be done by Frank of all people. Yet you were left confused and doubtful.
For a few minutes you were left anxiously looking at the surroundings and making sure the doors were locks while continuing to look into the woods for any sign on him. Your patience was wearing thin before you snapped, getting out of the car and making your way towards the path Frank disappeared too.
What if it really was a prank? You bit your lips as you finally passed the the few sets of trees as you looked around, the only direction being to follow the trail. Slowly you began to walk but felt something grab your shoulder. You stifled a shriek as you whipped around only to see Frank. The sight relieving you as you pushed shoulder slightly.
“I told you to stay in the truck.” He states , whatever he had in his hands now no where to be seen.
“I..I got worried,” You sighed before lightheartedly adding, “You know for a date I wasn’t expecting for you to leave me in the middle of no where.”
Frank paid no mind to your uneasiness as he grabbed your hand and just nodded towards the trail. “Come on. Follow me.”
He leads you down the trail, keeping beside you as you hold onto his arm. He eventually leads you off the path and helps you over roots that were sprouting out from the ground. You were going to finally break the silence and ask him where the hell you were going until the trees opened up and a large meadow came into view. There were a bunch of flowers littered around the grass along with a small body of water about 15 feet away.
You froze at the sight, but not at the colorful flowers or the calm water. No- what caught your attention was what was carefully set up in the middle.
A blanket sat on the grass, along with woven basket that carried treats and snacks that you recognized as your favorite. A small pie sat in the middle of the blanket, between two glasses and a bottle of what you secretly hoped wasn’t beer. There was even a few small candles that were carefully placed surrounding the blanket, illuminating the set up along with the nature surrounding it.
“Wow..” You whispered, processing that Frank had been setting this up for you while you were doubting him. He continued to pull you forward towards the blanket while you gawked at everything. You were at lost for words. “Frank this is..how..”
“Remember that time you made me watch that god awful old romance movie.” He started, now rubbing his arm as he avoided making eye contact. “Which I will never let you pick a movie ever again by the way..but uh..”
He cleared his throat before continuing. “I noticed how much you liked that specific scene when they were having a picnic at a park. Uh so I figured this would be okay..as a date.”
You let out a breath at his confession. Heart swelling at the fact that he could remember something so small, yet important. Your stunned silence seem to push at his insecurity for he began to ramble.
“I know it’s not much, I literally had to steal half of these stuff from Joey’s job. I mean can you believe how expensive that bottle was? I -“
“I just thought a picnic and stargazing was romantic enough, I mean I never done this before so what should I know. You know what, trying to copy that movie was pretty stupid. I don’t know-“
You had grab his hand again and lean up placing a quick kiss on his cheek, to shut him up. His posture relaxing as he looked down at you shyly.
“This is perfect.” You tell him. “I love it.”
Finally, the excitement began to bubble as you plopped down on your knees on one side of the blanket. Your shifted on your knees as you made yourself comfortable with a huge smile planted on your face. You couldn’t figure out where to pay attention to first; the perfectly set up picnic , the lake before you, or the fact that you sat in the middle of a meadow full of flowers that you were tempted to pick at.
Frank settled on the other side, his eyes only on you despite the surroundings. He watched you take in the scenery, engraving the memory of you- sat in front of landscape that was nothing compared to how you looked to him at this moment- in his mind.
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