#HOPEFULLY i might start posting art again if i . can keep a consistent style this time 'round
wanderingcoyotes · 6 months
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umm contemplating my artstyle and designs AGAIN! now that i kind of like rw again
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i rlly like beast rivulet
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beringandwells13 · 2 years
13 Years of Bering and Wells!
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Thanks to this screenshot from Time Will Tell, we know that Agent Myka Bering and rogue former agent Helena Wells met for the very first time on April 23, 2010 - a date which will see its 13th anniversary next year!
An anniversary that should be celebrated! - and this blog will keep you informed as to the what, when, where etc. Under the readmore, find out:
What are we planning?
When are we celebrating?
How can I be part of this?
How can I make sure I know what's coming?
Who's behind this, anyway?
What are we planning?
Ideas include, but are not limited to:
a Big Bang (more info soon to follow!)
a list of themed prompts for fics and art
a Zoom get-together like we had last year; just a casual hang-out with other Bering and Wells fans around the world!
a round-robin style fic collaboration, in which every author writes one chapter for the prompt "13 missing scenes from 13 years of Bering and Wells" (as in, one scene from each year)
If you have more ideas for what we could do, please reach out! Here's a Google Form where you can put your ideas in! This is the same form that was already floated around in April of this year, so if you took part back then, you don't need to do so again!
When are we celebrating?
April 23rd 2023 is a Sunday, and with all the above ideas, we hope to be able to fill two entire weeks leading up to it, starting from April 13th (another 13! This can't be a coincidence!) for example by having a prompt for each of those days.
If we do another Zoom meeting, the 23rd is probably the best date for it! It's gonna be hard to find a date that works for everyone, we know that, but we hope that with this much of a heads-up, hopefully everyone who wants to come hang out can make it work.
How can I be part of this?
There are many things you can do!
You can create art, or fic, or any creation for Bering and Wells (prompt list will be posted as soon as they are finalized!), you can reblog what others are posting, you can just enjoy what people come up with, you can join us in Zoom and hang out, you can sign up for the Big Bang as an artist, a writer, or a beta reader, you can kudos or comment on anything that gets posted to AO3 - any kind of participation is just fine!
We want this to be a celebration of this entire fandom, of people who create things and people who love these creations, of new fans and old fans, of casual fans and hyperfixated fans - we want to celebrate the love that we all have for Bering and Wells.
How can I make sure I know what's coming?
This blog will be your central information source for this event; you'll find anything you need right here, and if you have any questions, you can use the Ask or the Message function.
We'll also use the hashtag #beringandwells13 for all our posts - so you can either follow that tag, or this blog!
And you can help spread the word about this, by reblogging our posts far and wide!
Who's behind this, anyway?
Thanks for asking! Right now, the organizing team consists of @galactic-pirates and @purlturtle. As the event gets closer and more things need to get organized, we might bring more people on board as needed. If you have ideas for how to organize this, by all means let us know, here or on our individual blogs!
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kumeko · 3 years
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Title: home isn’t a place (it's a person)
A/N: For A Lover’s Lullaby: @doropetrazine! I wanted to write some tender care during the war, with Petra helping Dorothea center herself in the midst of all the tragedy and bloodshed.
Dorothea had long mastered the art of post-battle self-care. Trapped in a war she’d never wanted, she had to. This wasn’t like her academy days, where the worst she’d faced was a menacing brigand, where her faltering attacks only had to maim and not kill. If she had failed then, her housemate or her teacher could pick up the slack. And if she killed, well, it was only a ruffian. There wasn’t any need to hold back.
Not that that made it any easier. The ever-stoic Hubert had treated those missions like another duty, just another item in his checklist to help Edelgard, and Felix had the strength to shrug off the blood like water off a duck. Dorothea had done neither of those things, the red staining her clothes too bright for her to ignore. A life was a life, no matter how corrupt. Back then, she would beg Ingrid to take her on a long, lazy flight, or borrow one of Hilda’s trashy romances for an extensive hot bath.
Those weren’t options for her anymore. The blood on her hands burned like a brand these days. Her enemies were her former schoolmates, old friendships gone wrong. Dorothea’s attacks were deadly, living in a kill or be killed situation. Any reprieve she’d find off the battlefield was a solitary one.
No, that wasn’t entirely right. Dorothea smiled softly as she stood in front of a plain beige tent, on the outskirts of the battle camp. Five years ago felt like an eternity sometimes, with how everything’s changed, but at least one thing remained consistent. No matter where she’d went the past year, Petra had been by her side.
And hopefully, no matter where she went after, that would still ring true. Ducking into the tent, Dorothea smiled automatically as her eyes landed on her paramour. It was hard not to. Petra stood out no matter where she was, and nowhere more than against the drab browns and greys of their standard issued tents and linens. As with all tents, there was a single cot on the side, with barely enough free room for a person to pace, let alone decorate. Despite that, Petra had managed to put her colourful touch on everything—her clothes strewn against her bed, the bags and pillows that covered her floor. Two lanterns hung off center pole, casting long shadows that did little to dim Petra’s natural cheerfulness. She sat cross-legged on the floor, her axe to her side. It gleamed in the flicker light. Humming off-key, Petra’s focus was entirely on the bow she was restringing.
“I didn’t mean to make you wait so long!” Dorothea apologized as she stepped further in, the tent flap closing behind her.
Surprised, Petra’s attention snapped to her. It took mere seconds for her serious expression to melt into a softer smile, her eyes lighting up as she took in Dorothea. Setting aside her bow, she leapt to her feet. “Dorothea! You have come much later than I was thinking!”
“Sorry, I had to…” Dorothea clasped her hands. After several rounds of washing, they were practically scrubbed raw but she could still feel the grime in her nails. “Clean up a bit,” she finished lamely.
Petra grimaced, no doubt remembering the muddy terrain they’d just crawled through. “I do not want to be experiencing that again. My weapons are very dirty.”
“I can tell.” Dorothea chuckled, gesturing at the polished weapons and then at Petra. “You still haven’t taken your armour off.”
“Of course.” Petra turned to her axe, her chest puffed slightly with pride. “These weapons are how I am being able to protect you.”
Her heart made a funny flip at the casual line, at how matter-of-fact Petra was about it all. Petra always acted like it was common sense, these small trinkets of devotion, these little declarations of love that Dorothea had never experienced before. “Petra…”
“Hmm?” Petra looked back at her and cocked her head. “Is something being the matter?”
“No, not at all,” she replied truthfully, her ears burning red. Reaching out, she tugged on Petra’s armour. “Here, let me help. It’s good to take care of your weapons, but you have to remember to take care of yourself too.”
“That is why you are being here,” Petra replied, her smile growing broader as she turned around to give Dorothea access to the many straps that kept her leather armour together.
The hide always felt too thin to protect Petra as she fought on the front lines, but it was lithe and flexible, allowing her to move as freely as she wanted. Dorothea would probably never stop worrying about it. Keeping her gaze firmly down, she calmed her beating heart she nimbly pried off the armour with a practiced hand.
It wasn’t long before Petra was free of it all and back to her usual bright outfit. She extended her arms above her, her eyes closed as stretched out her muscles. “Thank you! That is much better.”
Dorothea giggled as her girlfriend rolled her shoulders. “You wouldn’t be half as stiff if you’d just take this off sooner.”
“I will be keeping that in mind,” Petra agreed amicably, leaning backwards to realign her spine.
“Now the last part.” Dorothea sat down on Petra’s bed.
“Are you sure?” Petra asked, stepping closer. She leaned down slightly, her hand cupping Dorothea’s cheek as she studied her face. “You are looking tired.”
Reaching up, she covered Petra’s hand with her own. It felt like touching the sun. “Aww, you don’t want me to fix your hair?”
“That is not what I am meaning,” Petra replied softly.
“I know.” Dorothea lowered her eyes, leaning into Petra’s touch. “I know, I just…I need to fix your hair.”
It was her aftercare, though she hadn’t told a soul about it. She wasn’t sure she could even admit it to herself yet, just how much Petra had ingrained herself into Dorothea’s daily routine.
Petra frowned before pulling away. Dorothea immediately missed the warmth. “After this, you must be resting. You are tired, even your laugh is tired.”
Dorothea had appeared in several major productions, acted since she was little, and made it a point of pride that no one could tell when she was faking it. Somehow, Petra always saw through that. It was something she both loved and hated about her. Nodding, she agreed. “I will. Just after this.”
Satisfied, however reluctantly, Petra plopped on the ground in front of Dorothea. She leaned back slightly. “You could get hurt if you are tired.”
“I’ll be careful,” she promised, already reaching for one of Petra’s braids. It didn’t take long for her to unravel it, to take the thick strands and split them apart. Petra had spent weeks teaching her Brigid’s braiding styles and Dorothea’s hands had long memorized the steps.
For a second, she was transported to another time, another place, when the hair in her hands had been golden and the room they were in made of stone. Five years ago, she had carefully brushed Ingrid’s hair while Annette had worked on her nails. Hilda had gone through her closet, searching for something, anything, that could work for a ballgown. It had been a gossip-filled day, enhanced only by Ingrid’s constant flustered state. “We can’t do that again,” she muttered.
“Do what?” Petra asked, curious.
She hadn’t meant to say it aloud and Dorothea smiled ruefully. “Silly classmate things. If the war hadn’t started…we could have worried about balls.” Distracted, she stopped braiding. “If the only battle we’d faced was the Battle of the Eagle and Lion…I wonder what could have happened.”
Petra didn’t say anything, and Dorothea chuckled awkwardly. This was supposed to be her relaxing session, not deep, dark thoughts session. Trying to dispel the heavy mood, she went back to Petra’s hair. “Sorry, that was a silly question.”
For a while, there was only quiet. Her dress rustled slightly as she shifted in her seat. Petra’s long soft locks bound together easily, unlike her own silken mane. Outside, the sun might have set, people had their dinner, patrols walked the camp. Outside, a war raged on but here, in this tent, there was only peace. Only her hands and purple hair and more colours than she could ever name. The candles flickered, casting long shadows over them, and Dorothea wished she could see Petra’s expression right now.
“I am glad,” Petra finally uttered. Despite how quiet her voice, her tone was unerringly confident.
Dorothea blinked, not sure she understood. “You’re glad?”
“That even though war is happening, we are being together.” Even without seeing Petra’s face, Dorothea could picture the gentle expression on it. “I do not think I could be fighting you. Not ever.”
“Me neither,” Dorothea replied immediately. It hurt to imagine Petra on the battlefield, under the banner of a different army. Of them facing each other on opposite sides of the war. To have lost love before it could have even started, a world without these quiet evenings—she would have been infinitely poorer for that.
Petra turned back now, her eyes shining in the dim light. “No matter what will be happening, I am happy. You are my home.”
Dorothea swallowed and maybe it had been better when she couldn’t see Petra’s expression, couldn’t see the naked love that shown brightly for all to see. All those years ago, when she had worried about marrying for money, when she had pictured her future as an empty one as some noble’s consort, she could never have imagined she’d be here. Flustered, she reached into her purse, pulling out a small seashell. If there was ever a time to give her gift it was now. Pressing it into Petra’s hand, she murmured, “For you.”
“A shell?” It was Petra’s turn to be surprised and she held it up, admiring how the light reflected off the reddish-brown shell. “It is very pretty, but I am not understanding.”
“You can’t go ho—” You’re my home and Dorothea faltered, her skin too hot. Me too, lingered on her tongue, too heavy to say. “To Brigid for a while, right?” She held a hand to her ear, motioning for Petra to do the same. “It sounds like the sea. It’s a lot clearer than other shells, and I know it’s not the same but—”
“It is beautiful,” Petra interrupted, closing her eyes as she listened. “Thank you.”
“No, thank you for, for…everything.” It had been a silly crush all those years ago. Now it was something far deeper than that. She tucked a lock behind her ear, her cheeks still flushed red. “You…you’re my home too. I’m glad I’m marrying love.”
At that, Petra opened her eyes, indignant. “It is better to be marrying love, but you are to be marrying me.”
Dorothea couldn’t help it, she laughed. She leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Petra and burying her face in her neck. Pressing a chaste kiss against her brown skin, she murmured, “You’re right, I’m marrying you.”
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mysticsparklewings · 4 years
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Ziggy Crossing
Still not quite sure I'm 100% back into the swing of things (posting regularly and being more present) yet, but time will tell. For now I'm testing the waters. Anyway. In the time I've been away, I ended up talking to some friends about (to the surprise of absolutely no one) Animal Crossing, and in that conversation, the idea of drawing my cat, Ziggy, as an Animal Crossing villager came up. I'd toyed with it before after seeing some other people draw their pets as villagers, and that conversation more or less sealed the deal for me to at least try it, even if my attempt didn't pan out and see the light of day. Obviously, things went pretty well because here I am posting this. The first step, as it is 90% of the time for me, was to come up with a sketch and go from there. I primarily used Olivia and Lolly [pre-existing Animal Crossing cat villagers] as my references--Olivia for the pose and eyes, Lolly for the stripes and some details regarding the ears and face--but I also checked certain things across the various cat villager models so that details could be consistent where they needed to be. I think if I missed the mark anywhere, it's probably in the proportions. Namely the size of the head and length of the body. But I think it's close enough that unless you compare it directly to Olivia's model that I referenced for the pose, the proportions aren't so off that it's distracting or off-putting. I did originally have trouble figuring out what pattern to put on her shirt though because the real Ziggy doesn't really have anything I could pull a pattern from. These days she does wear a white and silver collar, but that's not a whole lot to work with. So I left that alone while I pondered how I wanted to go about coloring the whole thing. My plan at the beginning was to use this sketch as a test piece for some acrylic paint markers I recently acquired (which you will be seeing me talk about in the future), but once the sketch was finished and I went back to check the colors I had (you know me; gotta have a swatch chart for everything), it was pretty obvious that if I want this to be my dear Ziggy and not just a random tabby cat, I needed to figure out a different coloring method. I could have just done regular acrylic paint, but that sounded like a chore and thus I was not interested. Same with gouache. Colored pencils were on the table, but the main problem I have with those is that they can be pretty slow and personally I think their texture really lends them better to replicating the 3DS/Animal Crossing: New Leaf style, as opposed to the look of New Horizons, and that's not what I was going for here. That left me with two main options: Watercolor, which was a hard pass for this kind of art (at least for Ziggy herself), and alcohol markers, which I did use quite a bit on the last Animal Crossing artwork I made, and they had worked out fairly well. Alcohol markers it was! Of course, even after that decision was made, there was the issue of how to handle the lines of the drawing. When I was planning on using the paint pens/acrylic markers/whatever, that seemed a lot simpler because, in theory, I could just use the same pen I wanted to color with to do the outlines and then fill them in. And because that would be using mostly opaque paint, if I needed to I could just cover up any overlap with relative ease. Alcohol markers don't play by the same rules though, so I had to re-think all that. In the end, I pulled out a pale warm gray Polychromos pencil close to the main color of alcohol marker that I had picked out that I figured would also be light enough to blend in everywhere else. That way I could have the defining lines that I needed without having to worry too much about them being visible in the final product. [For clarification: I picked a Polychromos because once sharpened they tend to hold a point longer and better than the other colored pencils at my disposal and I really needed to keep a sharp point as long as possible to do the lines here.] In retrospect, I do think it might have been to my benefit to pick out a pink for doing the inner ear lines, but the end result there isn't so awful that it single-handedly (paw-ed-ly?) ruins the drawing for me. It's just something to take note of for next time if there is a "next time." Once I had my lines (including doing the eyelashes and mouth with one of my usual black fineliners), the next challenge was the actual coloring. Mostly because I had to be very careful around the edges so that the marker ink didn't feather out too far (as alcohol markers do on any paper that isn't marketed as "bleed proof" because that's what bleed proof in paper actually means--not that it won't bleed through to the other side, though that is less common with that kind of paper, but that it won't "bleed" across the page), and I also had to be a little careful and choosy about how I did any blending or shading. Again, my blending and shading plan was going to be different had I used the acrylic markers. The main thing I ended up doing here was trying to find areas that needed to be layered so that the one-color shading could act as a line/barrier between sections. Best example: Where the ears meet the head, I shaded the bottom portion of the ears. You can also see this a little bit where Ziggy's tail meets her body and where the legs intersect at a few different points. By no means did this turn out perfectly, considering that I really wanted to stick to use as few colors as possible (which means pretty much all the shading is just layers of one color to darken it) which means there isn't as much distinction or variation as there could be. And I feel it necessary to note here that I was worried when I first finished the lines that the eyes looked wonky, but after coloring pretty much everything else in that concern dissolved because 1. It's harder to tell and 2. Even if they aren't exactly the same, it makes visual sense because it looks like her head is slightly turned, meaning the eyes wouldn't be identical anyway. Never underestimate the power of coloring your work in! Speaking of which, you might be wondering about her shirt by now. Well, after toying around with some ideas I got it in my head that a good way to tackle that problem might be with washi tape, as I've used it in this manner before and worked out pretty nicely. Even though it wasn't a lot to work with, I did like the idea of the base color for her top being white like the real Ziggy's collar, and that narrowed down my tape options considerably. Of the options I had that I thought would be suitable, I ended up having a choice between one with small rainbow-colored polka dots and the decidedly less vibrant small triangles that you see here. The polka dots seemed a little too peppy for Ziggy, so I went with the triangles. And this, I must say, is one of those artistic decisions that I feel even better about the longer that I see the end product.   The main issue I have with using washi tape, and thus why I don't use it in this way that often, is because cutting the washi tape to fit a specific shape is a process that doesn't get much easier even with practice.  And even if it did, that wouldn't eliminate the very real possibility of cutting or indenting the paper underneath while you're cutting the tape. Of which, I have not yet figured out how to totally avoid short of forming the washi tape on a separate piece of paper, cutting it there, and then moving it to the final piece. But that method comes with its own problems too, so... Still, I made the decision to go through with it here and just accept the rough edges/lack of precision and all that. Before I put the tape down though, I did do a little shading with some light gray markers that I was counting on showing through the tape to give it a little more dimension. Seeing it now, I do think I could've stood to go a little darker, but again this isn't something that totally ruins the end result for me. Just something worth noting. After all of the above, I was left with one lingering problem: The background. Which I've noticed seems to normally be a "problem" area for me in that I don't always have a solid idea for what to do with it. I did consider what exactly I wanted to do earlier on in the process, before I started on Ziggy on the final paper, even. Briefly, I thought I might cut her out and put her on a separate background as is sort of a go-to background method for me. Something just didn't feel right about doing that here though and it feels like I've done that a lot lately (you know, when I've not been drowning in mandalas for NaPoWriMo...). So it was at this early stage that I locked in the idea of adding in the background in later, probably doing something kind of loose to give a general idea that hopefully wouldn't take too much time or effort. We've already established that I wasn't super keen on the idea of using acrylic paints or gouache for this drawing, and that remained true for the background too. Although, I don't really like using alcohol markers for backgrounds either because it can be tricky to keep things smooth and consistent. That left me with colored pencils and watercolor. Colored pencils are usually hard pass for backgrounds for me for a number of reasons. So! Watercolor, hmm... I drew Ziggy here on my darling Strathmore 400 series mixed media paper because I love how it handles markers and it has enough weight and texture to it that it handles a lot of my other go-to options with little fuss. Watercolor is really the only thing I have trouble using on it, the main problem being that sometimes (not always) the paint doesn't like to blend out super smoothly and certain watercolor techniques don't work the same on it. This doesn't mean it's useless for watercolor (at least not for me), that just means I have to be more careful about how I choose to work with watercolor on it. In this case, the blending issues lined up with the idea I had of letting the background have more texture since Ziggy came out a lot smoother by the very nature of alcohol markers. Somewhere in all this, the idea struck me to use my Gelatos to leave behind some crayon-like texture. That idea seemed fitting to me since Animal Crossing is a fairly light-hearted and child-friendly game, themes that crayons go along with. The gelatos are water-soluble but not every color dissolves completely when activated with water. This should be pretty evident here because I didn't try to hide it. I wanted quick and easy, and without a doubt just letting the texture do whatever it wants is the quick n' easiest method to use with the gelatos. Once I'd done a bit of back and forth with two greens and two blues to give me the solid suggestions of a sky and ground, it still felt like it was missing something. Ultimately, it seemed like a good idea to me to try and mimic the triangle pattern/texture that New Horizons features. (In past games you could get squares or circles for a grass pattern at random.) And while I as per usual I had to think on how to go about this, in the end, the best solution I could come up with turned out to be drawing the triangles in with alcohol markers. Truly, I'm surprised to be reporting this because I fully expected the creamy nature of the gelatos to make using alcohol markers on top feel disguising and unproductive. But not so! At least not with the limited gelato use here. The creamier areas do soften the color of the marker, but I think that worked to my advantage. Although, I did end up using a little bit of my yellow Moonlight gel pen because I felt like I needed some yellow triangles for balance and I knew transparent yellow markers wouldn't do what I wanted. But that brings us to the final product. I'm happy with it. And I do really like how the grass ties in with Ziggy's green eyes. It's just a nice little touch of visual cohesion in my book. As I always say, I'm sure it's not perfect and there are some missteps here and there or things that could be improved. Nevertheless, it was a fun experiment and serves as good encouragement for me to continue playing with the lineless look, among other things. I do have to note though that it feels super weird to just leave the eyes like this with no indication of shine on them! I made the choice not to since it's not a common trait with the official character models (at least not for eyes in this same style) but part of me still feels like it's incomplete. As I've said before recently and I'll probably say again, I can't promise I'll be getting back to a regular upload schedule now, but it's on my mind. I want to get to that point soon. I do have the acrylic markers I mentioned to talk about and another supply in the mail, and some other art in my backlog. So if you can be patient with me a while longer, there will be more from me to look forward to. In the meantime, please be kind to yourself and others. ____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram 
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embidoesocrp · 4 years
Comprehensive RP Standards & Rules
Please Note: If I’m slow or unable to reply, there’s likely a very good reason behind it (ie. mental illness/lack of spoons, inability to get into character, personal matters, etc). All I ask is that you’re patient and understanding -- we’re only human after all! You can even occasionally inquire updates from my end since I do care about keeping both of us up-to-date. Thanks for understanding!
RP Standards & Guidelines
This RPer is friendly/practices [unless otherwise stated] towards the following:
OCs and muses
Multi-verse & AU’s (unless otherwise stated or specified in RP Blog descriptions)
Smut/SRP, NSFW, Fluff, Dark/Triggering content
Trigger Warnings will be tagged respectively -- please notify the mun if you’d like a TW tagged on a post!
SRP will be censored via Read-More Feature
Multi-ships – both platonically & romantically; Canon×OCs are welcome!
by default, i make ships strictly tied to a respective relationship sub-verse tag -- main verses are usually left without a permanent relationship.
because the mun welcomes almost all kinds of ships (albeit depending on the fandom), be sure to check for respective ship tags in order to blacklist appropriately for those you do not like!
Chemistry/Relations between muses = RP/Interacting with each other
This way, I’m able to get a feel for how you portray your muses, and can determine whether or not there’s compatibility. This also helps me understand you as an RPer, too!
regardless of muses being canon or OC’s, please consider having some chemistry (interactions/threads) done before trying to ship with my muses!
As much as I advocate having All the Ships™, jumping straight into ships without getting a feel of your muse(s) makes it difficult for me to get into them. (´・ω・`) Apologies about that!
pre-plotted/pre-existing relationships will require that we’ve RP’d together enough for me to get a feel of your RP style, especially with OC’s.
canon characters & their canonical history/relations are assumed to be their default and are thus taken into consideration unless circumstances (i.e. AU’s, verses, etc.) state otherwise
regardless, i would still highly recommend we interact with each other enough so that I get a feel of your portrayal!
Format Leniency™ w/ icons, rp length and formatting as well as script-style and paragraph-style RPing (link for info on ‘em) 
script-style/in-character RPing for me will always be in third-person for action
basically, you are absolutely free to follow your own kind of format, and are not obligated to follow the length/format that I use so long as I have something to work with!
Getting referenced/mentioned/involved in other RP threads (IT’D BE AN HONOR.) 
muses that I refer to for specific circumstances (i.e. events from a thread, sub-verses, etc.) will be @mentioned on my part.
‘Read-More’ Censorship – for SRP, spoiler content, extreme gore [on a (N)SFW labeled blog], & long posts
Aged-up versions of fictional characters who are originally/canonically no younger than 14 years old.
I am perfectly, absolutely aware of the fine lines over aging up fictional minors for smut content and will admit that I am perfectly fine/understanding towards RPing such things—so long as it applies to the 14+)—while also fully understanding the controversy it brings.
Aged-up characters or verses that I RP/provide are never intentionally or solely made for smut/SRP content, nor will they ever be.
There’s a good chance that any of my originally/canonically minor teenager whose blog is labeled 18+ may imply an aged-up verse for SRP content. Hopefully, this will help determine if you should be wary of these blogs of mine!
If all else fails, you are absolutely allowed to politely and respectfully ask if there is an aged-up verse with potential SRP content! This way, you can blacklist appropriately.
RP Blogs with smut content will always be labeled accordingly
Rule of Thumb on Age Gaps for Ships: no more than 2 years between minors with 18-year olds, and 3 years between muses aged 18-20 years old with 21+.
Even then, minor×adult SRP/smut is PROHIBITED.
Both muns must take/understand necessary precautions when involving aged-up fictional characters or minor muses, consider any adjustments that may be needed, and must be both adults (18+). 
Of course, if you yourself actually condone pedophilia, I will block you.
This RPer is against/does not practice the following:
Godmodding Rude/Excessive reminders to reply to thread Complaints of unreplied/dropped threads
Engaging in SRP content with minors – will be blocked upon discovery
doesn’t include engaging in SFW content, but once you are blocked you’re unable to interact with me at all
I do not condone pedophilia and RP smut with RPers who are minors.
Reblog Karma – you are not obligated/required to send an ask in exchange for its respective inbox meme; feel free to reblog any memes from me!
If you, however, do practice reblog karma and I reblog without sending something in, though, please let me know!
Likewise, if you prefer people reblogging from the source and not you, please let me know if I ever do as such! I am a very forgetful bun.
Hate mail/anons in any shape or form (ie. suicide instigation, death threats, cyber-bullying)
Hate/‘Phobias’ towards any gender
Soft-blocks — you’re either permanently blocked or not, so be sure to act accordingly.
If for any reason I have blocked you by mistake or under a misunderstanding, I will either unblock or consider unblocking.
Likewise, if you have soft-blocked me for any reason and I, for some reason, somehow, still get to you, you have every right to let me know that I’ve made you uncomfortable and request that I no longer interact with you! (And if it still persists because I can be one hell of a forgetful bun, do remember that you have the right to permanently block me, I understand!)
I’m honestly still trying to understand these soft-block mechanics, if I’m honest...
Racism, Discrimination, Witch Hunts/Call-Out posts — being actively involved in one will automatically be an unfollow & potential block from me.
Pressure regarding thread replies/involvement in drama/desired content
Mutuals-Only interactions
More often than not, my RP blogs may be side-blogs to a main hub (especially if I’m RPing more than one muse in a fandom). Please be sure to check if they are! They’ll usually be mentioned in the descriptions of the blog.
If you are a mutuals-exclusive RPer, please let me know!
Outside Reblogs on RP Threads — Unless you are the RPer(s) involved, DO NOT REBLOG the thread.
Liking & commenting the post is okay for me. HOWEVER, please also respect what rules & policies the other RPer(s) may have! They have the right to react accordingly on their part.
This RPer has the rights towards the following:
Not expanding on ask-response replies
Refusing to start/continue a thread for any particular reason
Dropping a thread for any particular reason (especially when it feels that there isn’t much to continue on in it)
Giving more attention to some threads than others
Being finicky between doing legitimate RP threads vs. casually being IC
Being finicky with social interactions between individuals
Not becoming mutuals
Other Universal Standards & Guidelines
Dash Organization > Mutuals-Exclusive Practices
Follows & Mutuals =/= Interaction Privileges --- for me, follows are a means of controlling the content on my dash, not an indication of whether or not I want us to interact!
Depending on the blog’s popularity, RP blogs may or may not be fandom-restricted (interactions exclusive to canon/-versed/-oriented muses/OCs), unless exceptions for particular individuals are granted.
Multi-Muse Blogs are less likely to be followed (which might also be highly dependent on blog’s popularity) for dash content organization, especially if the muses extend across multiple fandoms.
Interactions > Reading Rules/Following when it comes to receiving a follow from me as it again depends on how often we interact.
Individual RP Blogs can and will have their own, more specific guidelines to follow depending on its fandom/popularity! 
 Policies can usually be found at the top of the blog’s description, listing what the blog consists of and what content is followed/allowed/restricted.
These policies can and will overrule respective universal policies here.
RP & Liked Content =/= Morals & What I Condone
Likewise, even if there are ships/morals/opinions that do not match with mine, it’s just as the saying goes: to each their own. So long as conflicts do not rise, we can still interact! People can like different things and still be nice to each other. God, I can’t stress this enough.
“I find that, for me, the work is a safe place to put all the stuff you don't want to put in your real life. I don't want to be a crazy, manic asshole. I don't want to have an affair. I don't want to have a fucking gunfight. But! There's a part of your brain that wants to experience everything, and so work's a safe place to explore it all. Both in the writing and in the performing. I get to write about an affair. I get to have the guilt and the feeling of that without having to fuck my life up. [laughs] Art is the place to safely explore all those other sides of you, because the side you want to bring home is the side that wants to be a good father and be a good husband and be a good son. In art we can be fucking nuts.” -- Lin-Manuel Miranda [ x ]
Muse =/= Mun
Rule of Thumb: if the muse’s behavior is beginning to come on too strongly, chances are that I’m fully aware of this and will most likely show it via tags!
Tag Commentary — you are absolutely free to not provide OOC commentary in the tags, especially if you are an IC blog. This just helps show who I am as a mun!
Level of Investment = Thread Priorities & Muse Activity
I, unfortunately, am inspirationally-driven when it comes to my musings, and can therefore be selective with my activity or drop threads I’m unable to continue having a musing for. However, this does not mean I have anything against you, it’s just how my fuel for RPing works. 
Still, I do my best to answer all my threads, so please be patient and understanding with me! Thanks!
By default, I will always assume that threads with me are the lowest priority and can/will eventually be dropped at any time by you.
All in all, so long as we keep to our own lanes instead of actively pursuing the other on behalf of our differences in beliefs, there shouldn’t be any problems. RPing is meant to be a fun, creative and laid-back FICTIONAL environment that is meant to be kept separately from reality.
Regarding Asks & IMs
IC & OOC Asks outside of inbox memes are allowed!
If sent anonymously for side-blog reasons, tag your blog and it will be re-tagged for notification purposes!
ex: ((@nameofrpsidebloghere))
If responding to an ask-response, please post it in a new text post by tagging the blog name and adding a link to the ask-response!
ask-response posts and even photo posts clutter the dashboard and ruin RP consistency...!
You are free to IM me for plots and reply reminders! (I’m a really lenient, GWF/go-with-flow RPer) 
Please note, however, that if I feel the thread isn’t really going anywhere, no longer following a sort of plot, and/or isn’t keeping my interest, I eventually assume that it’s drop-able and will drop it myself.
Universal Tags for Inbox Memes & Themed Starters
For IC
Ask/M!A/RP asks --- #askmarp memes || #askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #inbox memes || #inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #starter memes || #starter response
Drabble Memes --- #drabble memes || #drabble response
For OOC aka the Mun 
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #mun inbox memes || #mun inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #mun starter memes || #mun starter response
For NSFW Content
Ask/M!A/RP asks --- #nsfw askmarp memes || #nsfw askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes --- #nsfw inbox memes || #nsfw inbox response
Themed Starter Memes --- #nsfw starter memes || #nsfw starter response
For a Faster Inbox Response – include corresponding rp/ask meme post! 
 ex: [Name of Meme Here!:] ♡ - symbol description here!
If even after reading the standards you still aren’t certain how RPing with me is like, you can also refer to these universal tags:
#rp guidelines - guidelines I follow as an RPer
#chill rp blog is chill - worrisome topics I’m okay with as an RPer
That aside, when in doubt, just ask! I’m totally cool with it, and always want to make sure the both of us are having a fun, comfortable time RP/interacting IC with each other! Do also remember that you are always, always able to just unfollow me, even softblock me if you have to (though I’d appreciate a direct notification/explanation for the first time I address the softblock if that ever occurs...!).
Were you able to read the whole thing?
Feel free to let me know by sending ‘whispers among psithurism’ in the ask (you aren’t required to, though)! Thanks for taking time to read this! Happy RPing!
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oceanmotioned · 4 years
Harry Potter Games
About The Games
With current events being what they are, we are all in need of some serious distraction. In the interest of something to do, I’ve come up with some weekly headcanon challenges that people can participate in as actively or casually as they please.
The dates themselves are more like guidelines than rules - this is not meant to add pressure or stress to anyone’s day but provide a fun exercise to keep the dash busy and alive throughout the course of a tough time.
There are no rules to how many challenges you need to complete per week and nothing stopping you from completing week one during week four or, if you’re just not feeling a week’s theme, doing another week entirely. It’s all up to you to have fun at your pace!
Please reblog this challenge so that others can see it and participate in it, or link to it somewhere in your headcanon. The more this spreads ( especially in smaller communities ) the more activity it will hopefully inspire!
Due to how --- unintentionally long this turned out to be, I am using a read more to spare everyone a mile long adventure!
Week 1
[ April 07  -  April 18 ]
This week will be longer than the others in order to compensate for time spent spreading this around and for the fact the idea didn’t come to me on a Sunday. The theme for this week is origins & first experiences. 
April 07 - What was your character’s first sign of magic according to their parents? What’s the first act of magic they personally remember - is it the same one, or was there another signal or outburst that stands out to them?
April 08 - When they first received their school letter, what excited them most about the shopping list? The prospect of a wand or cauldron? The books or maybe new clothes? Why was this the thing that leaped out as the most exciting? ( Leave pets for tomorrow! ) 
April 09 - Upon starting school students may bring if they wish a cat, rat, owl or toad. What did your character most want as their school pet? Were they able to get what they wanted or did they have to compromise? If they compromised, did they get what they wanted at another time? If they got exactly what they wanted, did it work out the way that they hoped? Feel free to share some pet anecdotes and shenanigans while you’re at it!  
April 10 - Sorting time! Did your character have any expectation on them for what house they should be in? Family legacies or personal preferences? Did those pressures influence your character’s ceremony in any way? Or did they go in blind and hope for the best? 
April 11 - First ghostly encounter! Was your character prepared - did they know ghosts were real, had they ever met one before? Did they have particular expectations about ghosts? How were they met or disproved? 
April 12 - Upon receiving their time table, what class most excited your character? Did they feel the same after attending it for the first time? Did any classes take them by surprise - either to seem more or less interesting than expected? 
April 13 - First Quidditch match of the season! Did your character attend? Who did they root for - were they familiar with Quidditch at all or was it a whole new experience? What were their thoughts after watching a live match? Did they have aspirations to play themselves? What position did they like most?
April 14 - Your character has gone through their very first magical midterm and gotten their results. Do these scores reflect the trajectory they take through to their O.W.L.’s or did they fare better / worse in certain subjects and consequently decline / improve over time? Did they have a lot of pressure from home or was their expectations set entirely by their own metric? [ Don’t worry about O.W.L.’s and N.E.W.T.’s - they’re coming. ]
April 15 - First magical creature encounters! Share the most memorable encounters your character had with magical creatures during their educational period. Be it by taking a COMC course, having creatures introduced in other classes ( I, personally, would count a mandrake as a creature feature ) or something unprecedented and unique to your character’s school experience! 
April 16 - It’s time for O.W.L.’s - and by this point, your character likely has a firm idea of where they are strong and where they are struggling when it comes to course work. Career counseling directly references what scores are needed in various subjects for particular paths upon graduation - how did this affect changes to your character’s focus in classes? Did grades raise in areas where they had been left to float, were they on the right track, did they have to challenge themselves? In the end, what did all their efforts achieve? What were your character’s O.W.L. scores?
April 17 & 18 - First school dance! This is a worldbuilding opportunity as well as a headcanon one, so feel free to ignore it or go as big as you like by making a post detailing your character’s school’s take on dances and another detailing your character’s own first dance. Alternatively, just a post answering the questions is great too! In the event that school dances are an annual thing for older students, had your character been looking forward to theirs or done any planning? Were they excited, nervous or indifferent about the prospect of a party? Did they know who they wanted to go with - and were they able to go with that person?  Specifically for those who attended the Yule Ball, how excited was your character? Did they order a special outfit, or were they already prepared with their dress robes? Were they happy to attend or did they try to beg out of it?   Alternatively, Did your character know of dances being traditional events in other institutions? Did they like the fact their school experience didn’t include them? When was your character’s first experience with a big party event as a result of not having one at school? Did your character ever have a liking for parties? How did they discover that inclination or disinterest?  
Worldbuilding Notes!
Although canonly we only hear of one ball, school dances are something of a teenage right of passage in certain cultures, so it is entirely possible that there’s one every year for the older students attending certain schools. Hogwarts is in Scotland, so it is entirely possible that a school formal would be held in June for the elder classes which would be in keeping with their Muggle counterparts who host one for the S6 students ( Ages 17 - 18 ) Ilvermorny is in America, which means they may have en entire formal season between April - June and they may host dances for 15 - 16 and another for 17 - 18, or simply for the latter crowd. American traditions make end of year socials more like debutante balls, so it would be safe to assume Ilvermorny goes out with a bang every year and that it is a very exciting or stressful time for those who have seen it coming for years and now it’s here. Contrary to both of these however, is Beauxbatons. France doesn’t celebrate prom and has more of a focus on the Baccalauréat, a final exam that marks the end of one’s high school career. It has significantly more value in French society than American SAT’s have across the pond, so it is likely Beauxbatons keeps with that tradition and focuses more on a magical equivalent of that. Then again, it is a magical school with a giantess for a Headmistress so who knows!   It’s up to you to decide if your character’s school does dances, and how or when they do them. If you ultimately decide to avoid the party entirely, ( or your character is from a school unlikely to host dances ) there are questions above to cover that so please do not feel obligated to go on a party building journey! 
Week 2
[ April 19  -  April 25 ]
This week’s theme is seemingly insignificant details that other characters might pick up on and maybe use in threads as a way of demonstrating how well they know your character!  
April 19 - Your character likely has some preferences when it comes to drinking sociably. Do they go for butterbeer, firewhiskey, gigglewater, or a muggle vintage? Alternatively, how do they take their tea and coffee? 
April 20 - If someone were to have your character in mind when brewing or smelling Amortentia, what scents would most likely associate to them? 
April 21 - When your character dresses in the morning, do they have any signature items that might be notable? Always a wand holster on the left side, forever finding a way to incorporate house colors into an ensemble, notoriously missing the top button on their shirt, a family ring? If there isn’t a specific thing, what about your character’s style is memorable - how would you describe what they wear? Are they always formal, buttoned up and prim, or do they prefer a casual, even rumpled look? If someone were to see a Certain Profile on the street to immediately think of your muse, what would the profile be?
April 22 - Does your character have tattoos? Are they magical or muggle? The stillness of a muggle tattoo would be notable in a magical world! Are they a mix of both - a seemingly still tattoo that appears as one thing to certain people, and another to those who bear a similar signature? Body art world building - @ me directly because I would love to see it!
April 23 - What are your character’s top three most used  /  signature spells? These should be the spells your character has on default setting - they don’t think about them anymore, it’s all but conditioned response now. If someone thought about your character and how they cast spells, how would they detail those default spells? Are they cast lazily? Distractedly? In perfect form? With no form, yet perfect results due to consistent use?  
April 24 - When it comes to being magical, there is always something that stands out above the rest. If someone were to think of your character, what would be the first magical element they would think of? Transfiguration, Flying, or Charms? Potions or Herbology? Is your character famed for that element or just known to be good at it within their private circle? Why is that their area of expertise and association? 
April 25 - Now for some abstract thinking. If a character’s happiest memory involved your muse, and your muse directly influenced what that character’s patronus would be --- what is their patronus and why? What about that animal reflects your character? This can be as symbolic or abstract as you like, but if you’re struggling to think of animals and how they might correlate to your character’s personality or how someone might perceive your character’s personality, here are some resources that might help with the creative flow! A good idea is to look at multiple sources for the animal that jumps out at you, and build off that as one culture may look at that same animal very differently. Animals in Celtic Mythology | Native American Symbolism | Animals In Art
Week 3
[ April 26  -  May 02 ]
For this week, lets explore the psychological profile of your character by digging into all the things that really make them tick. Going forward, questions are going to be a little less detail oriented and more open ended! 
April 26 - What is your character’s boggart and why?
April 27 - What is your character’s stances on blood purity? Think about your character’s own blood status and upbringing, and how those factors would impact their worldview.
April 28 -  What is your character’s stance on the fact wizards have determined what species can be counted as intelligent? What are their stances on werewolf rights, vampire rights, or the rights of other creatures deemed to be intelligent?
April 29 - How would your character cope in the world if they were not able to use magic?   
April 30 - If a dementor were nearby or feeding on them, what are the three memories that would cause the most significant damage? 
May 01 - Your character has been threatened with Veritaserum. What three things do they most fear revealing?   
May 02 - They are standing before the Mirror of Erised. What do they see?
Week 4
[ May 03  -  May 09 ]
Jumping into lighter topics, for this week we’re going to look at happy memories to remind ourselves that no matter what hell canon ( or lets face it, we writers! ) has put our character through, they have had good times too! 
May 03 - What memory would they use to cast a patronus, if they were capable of one?
May 04 - Describe a time when your character was feeling down, and someone lifted them up - what did they do and why did it work? 
May 05 - Talk about the best prank they ever took part in, or remember observing.
May 06 - What is your character’s happiest memory involving a magical creature? Or an owl, or their pet - or someone else’s pet!
May 07 - Describe your character’s happiest memory involving flying - it doesn’t have to be on brooms, or related to Quidditch, or even of them flying. Just the best memory that in some way, involves flight. 
May 08 - Their happiest memory involving the news - be it delight at a ridiculous headline, vindication in a particular result or even just excitement for someone else’s success. 
May 09 - If someone else were to think of your character at their happiest, how old was your character and why was that time so joyful?
Week 5
[ May 10  -  May 16 ]
Bouncing off our happy memory high, characters who may be more withdrawn, depressed, grumpy or just plain unsociable might be feeling confident enough to give us a look into their accomplishments, goals, and insecurities - so let’s dig in while they’re still malleable!
May 10 - What would your character claim as their greatest accomplishment in the magical world? Would others agree, or say something different?
May 11 - What is one thing they would change about wizarding society if they could? Are they taking any active measures to bring this change about themselves? Why is it important to them? 
May 12 - Do they have any idols or heroes that they look up to and aspire to be like? Do they wish to emulate their house traits in their efforts to be their best selves? What does their best self look like to them?
May 13 - What is their biggest obstacle in achieving their goals?
May 14 - Everyone has weaker subjects - does your character experience ridicule for their struggles, internally or externally? What areas do they struggle most in? Wand work or theory? Incantations or brewing? 
May 15 - If your character were to invent a potion or spell, what need would it fill either for themselves, a friend, or the community as a whole? Why would that be their choice? Are they capable of it or working on it, or is it just a pipe dream? 
May 16 - Detail a time your character was undermined and how that impacted them. Do they no longer try, or do they just try harder?
Week 6
[ May 17  -  May 23 ]
For this week, we’re going to take a look at the relationships that impacted and molded our character into who they are today!
May 17 - Discuss someone who changed, influenced, or significantly impacted your character’s view on blood purity. 
May 18 - If your character could use a time turner to go back and say something different to someone, who would they go back to talk to and what moment would they be correcting? 
May 19 - Does your character have a rival? Who are they, and what caused the tension? 
May 20 - Who comes to mind first when your character is asked who is most important to them? Why does that person stand out so much?
May 21 - Discuss the mentors that challenged your character the most, the people they feel took the most interest in building them up, and how they feel about those people now versus how they felt of them then.
May 22 - If your character was told they could walk through the Veil at the Ministry and bring someone back from the dead, who would they restore and why? 
May 23 - Who are the people they most want to impress in life? 
Week 7
[ May 24  -  May 31 ]
An extra day to finish out the month and end the games with a bang! This week’s theme is wishes and dreams, which is an opportunity for muns to stick bait on a hook and fling it onto the dash for some more fun interactions! 
May 24 - A character you would most like to have yours interact with, and three ideas for start up interactions. 
May 25 - If your character was trapped and forced to work with (1) other person in order to get out, who do you think would be the most challenging and entertaining for your character to be stuck with? 
May 26 - Earlier on we discussed school dances - who would your character spend the most time with / want to go with? Or for adults / the more politically inclined, we discussed something your character would like to change in wizarding society - who would they recruit to the cause? 
May 27 - Due to a series of unfortunate events, your character is now the caretaker of a magical creature. Who do they rope in to help them care for it?
May 28 - 3 to 5 obscure / rare characters you would like to see and maybe a bit on why you think they would be interesting - a little blurb that might inspire another to pick them up! 
May 29 - 3 to 5 songs that you would love to build a thread around in some way, be it inspired by the vibes or the lyrics. 
May 30 - Make a list of 5 - 10 sentences guaranteed to get a visceral response from your character and invite your followers to send them in.  
May 31 - Tag 5 people --- I’m kidding. Take today off for self care, or post how your character self cares and pat yourself on the back for even reading this far! And absolutely treat yourself if you did even one of these <3 I hope this was at least a little fun for folks! 
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mashitandsmashit · 4 years
America’s Got Talent: Champions 2 - Preliminaries 1
Hellooooooo, Tumblr!
So first of all, I would like to explain why I haven't moved this blog to WordPress as promised. Right now I'm not in the best position with money, which is something I will have to invest in order to open a blog there. It's not too much, but for now, I'll need to be in a more sustainable situation to start making such payments...But this site seems to still be up for the time being, and I have taken the liberty of archiving everything FrankDoc and I posted since Season 11. (Don't worry Frank, I won't post any of your stuff without your permission...It's just in case is all...)
So with that out of the way, let's talk about Champions, shall we?
To start, it seems like Julianne Hough and Gabrielle Union were too boring even for AGT! (Or some kind of behind-the-scenes drama with Simon, whatever...) So after just one season of them making so little impact on the show, they're out! Now Heidi Klum's back, and Alesha Dixon from “Britain's Got Talent” is taking the other vacant seat...Already, things seem quite a bit more lively now! And yes, I know this is just Champions, so we'll see if they keep this line-up for the main series...
So looking at this season's acts, I will admit, it's not nearly as exciting as last year's, though I suppose that's because there appears to be less American acts this time...And most of the American acts they DID bring back weren't exactly on my wishlist...
Kodi Lee is not part of this line-up, which is good, because we all know he would have won again, and every season's winner would just be whoever won the last season of AGT...The only AGT winner they're bringing back this season is Michael Grimm, who most people probably weren't dying to see again...But I for one am glad he's back!
And just to clear this up...I went ahead and read all of the spoilers for this season off of the Wiki forum, so I BELIEVE I already know how things are gonna go down...(I say “believe”, because spoilers I read for last season lied to me about who would win, as well as which acts made Fourth and Fifth, so I'm gonna follow them with caution...) Let's just say, there are gonna be some shocking advances this season, most of them in a good way...I think...We'll just see how everybody does...
Speaking of which...Let's start the countdown for Week 1!
10: Dan Naturman. I'm not gonna lie, I kinda forgot who this guy was in the five years since he competed...I guess his name sounds familiar enough, but otherwise, he kinda just blurs together with all of the other hack comedians we saw during the Howard Stern era of the show...(I guess that's what happens when the two most influential judges on the show are a Shock Jock and the guy from “Little Monsters”; We get unfunny comedians up the wazoo making actual progress in this talent competition...) Honestly, some of these jokes might have actually landed if this guy had better delivery. All that was missing was if he ended every joke by shrugging and going, “Eh? Eh?” I'd say the best part was Heidi basically roasting Howie over the low bar he sets for comedians! I guess I AM happy that she's back!
9: Jack Vidgen. It's good to see that he's overcoming the puberty curse that befalls a lot of boy singers, but that performance still doesn't even come CLOSE to what I saw from his fourteen-year-old self in those brief clips! I guess he's capable enough, but the vocals weren't all consistent, and in the end, it was just kinda dull and forgettable...
8: Paddy & Nico. This was precious! Not the first time I saw an old lady getting spun around by a man half her age, but this was arguably superior! Not enough to get my vote (not that it matters), but I'm still happy to have seen this! ...Not so happy to see a few too many shots up her skirt though...
7: Eddie Williams. If I didn't read his description on the Wiki already, this would have been a VERY amusing twist once he started singing! Now if he would sing WHILE lifting a bus, then I would vote for him in a heartbeat!
6: Mike Yung. Still one of the best singers I've seen on this show, even if the song choice wasn't the best display of his talents...
5: Hans. He's back, dahlings! And apparently Simon has suddenly lost his sense of humor with him...I guess he just BARELY made it through thanks to some troll votes (including Howie, who probably wanted him to make the Semi-Finals back in Season 13 THAT BADLY!) I will admit, this performance was a bit sloppy compared to his previous ones, and maybe THAT'S why Simon suddenly hates him now, but I'm still happy to see this guy get voted through! Let's just see how crazy and naughty it gets NEXT time...(Also, on a side note, I wonder if the judges will start picking the last act to advance out of three instead of two in the main show as well now...)
4: Junior Creative. The only shame of Hans going through is that this group had to be dropped in the process...That said, I have seen quite a few acts like this...Don't get me wrong, they keep raising the bar, and this was no exception! But knowing that this isn't the first of its kind, and surely won't be the last, it's no huge loss...Besides, there's another act in this genre performing on a later week that will HOPEFULLY live up to said bar!
3: Duo Transcend. I won't lie, I'm very happy to hear of the successful eye surgery! It always pains me to hear about people gradually losing their senses knowing that they'll have to spend the rest of their lives without it...But that still doesn't mean he isn't willing to perform without seeing! (Get it? 'Cause...the blindfolds? ...Yeah...) These were some of their best tricks, though I don't always notice because I might tune out here and there...I don't know what it is; This just isn't the most interesting act for me...But I'm still glad they advanced!
2: Dania Diaz. Not entirely original...This was pretty much a combination of things I've seen from Mat Franco, Shin Lim and MAYBE Jon Dorenbos in the past...But it was still the best magic trick I've seen in a while, especially after Eric Chien and Dom Chambers failed to live up to the hype! This lady is definitely talented enough to hold her own in this male-dominated art!
1: Angelina Jordan. Wow! Heidi actually gave the GB to a legitimately promising singer for once! We've heard “Bohemian Rhapsody” quite a few times on this show, but never performed Norah Jones style! The only pity of this selection is that due to her skipping the Semi-Finals, that means we only get to see her one more time in this game...This new format is a definite improvement over last season, but it can still use some tweaks...
This show...was okay...I guess the results were satisfying enough, though aside from Angelina and MAYBE Dania, nobody was super-exciting...Still not bad so far...
I'll talk about next week's acts once the list comes in...
Edit: It appears that next week’s acts should be quite interesting (if a bit of a sausage fest...) I’ll go ahead and rank them based on how much I’m looking forward to them...
10: Collabro
9: Oz Pearlman
8: Luke Islam
7: Spencer Horsman
6: Ben Blaque
5: Marcelito Pomoy
4: Marc Spelmann and X
3: Ryan Niemiller
2: Puddles Pity Party
1: Boogie Storm
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Comprehensive RP Standards & Rules
Please Note: If I’m slow or unable to reply, there’s likely a very good reason behind it (ie. mental illness/lack of spoons, inability to get into character, personal matters, etc). All I ask is that you’re patient and understanding – we’re only human after all! You can even occasionally inquire updates from my end since I do care about keeping both of us up-to-date. Thanks for understanding!
RP Standards & Guidelines
This RPer is friendly/practices [unless otherwise stated] towards the following:
OCs and muses
Multi-verse & AU’s (unless otherwise stated or specified in RP Blog descriptions)
‘Read-More’ Censorship – for SRP, spoiler content, extreme gore [on a (N)SFW labeled blog], & long posts
Smut/SRP, NSFW, Fluff, Dark/Triggering content
Trigger Warnings will be tagged respectively – please notify the mun if you’d like a TW tagged on a post!
SRP will be censored via Read-More Feature
Multi-ships – both platonically & romantically; Canon×OCs are welcome!
by default, i make ships strictly tied to a respective relationship sub-verse tag – main verses are usually left without a permanent relationship.
because the mun welcomes almost all kinds of ships (albeit depending on the fandom), be sure to check for respective ship tags in order to blacklist appropriately for those you do not like!
Chemistry/Relations between muses = RP/Interacting with each other
This way, I’m able to get a feel for how you portray your muses, and can determine whether or not there’s compatibility. This also helps me understand you as an RPer, too!
Regardless of muses being canon or OC’s, please consider having some chemistry (interactions/threads) done before trying to ship with my muses!
As much as I advocate having All the Ships™, jumping straight into ships without getting a feel of your muse(s) makes it difficult for me to get into them. (´・ω・`) Apologies about that!
pre-plotted/pre-existing relationships will require that we’ve RP’d together enough for me to get a feel of your RP style, especially with OC’s.
canon characters & their canonical history/relations are assumed to be their default and are thus taken into consideration unless circumstances (i.e. AU’s, verses, etc.) state otherwise
Regardless, I would still highly recommend we interact with each other enough so that I get a feel of your portrayal!
Format Leniency™ w/ icons, rp length and formatting as well as script-style and paragraph-style RPing (link for info on ‘em)
script-style/in-character RPing for me will always be in third-person for action
basically, you are absolutely free to follow your own kind of format, and are not obligated to follow the length/format that I use so long as I have something to work with!
Getting referenced/mentioned/involved in other RP threads (IT’D BE AN HONOR.)
muses that I refer to for specific circumstances (i.e. events from a thread, sub-verses, etc.) will be @mentioned on my part.
Aged-up fictional characters who are originally/canonically no younger than 14 years old.
I am perfectly, absolutely aware of the fine lines over aging up fictional minors for smut content and will admit that I am perfectly fine/understanding towards RPing such things—so long as it applies to the 14+—while also fully understanding the controversy it brings.
Aged-up characters or verses that I RP/provide are never intentionally or solely made for smut/SRP content, nor will they ever be.
There’s a good chance that any of my originally/canonically minor teenager whose blog is labeled 18+ may imply an aged-up verse for SRP content. Hopefully, this will help determine if you should be wary of these blogs of mine!
If all else fails, you are absolutely allowed to politely and respectfully ask if there is an aged-up verse with potential SRP content! This way, you can blacklist appropriately.
RP Blogs with smut content will always be labeled accordingly.
Rule of Thumb on Age Gaps for Ships: no more than 2 years between minors with 18-year olds, and 3 years between muses aged 18-20 years old with 21+.
Even then, minor×adult SRP/smut is PROHIBITED.
Both muns must take/understand necessary precautions when involving aged-up fictional characters or minor muses, consider any adjustments that may be needed, and must be both adults (18+).
Of course, if you yourself actually condone pedophilia, I will block you.
This RPer is against/does not practice the following:
Rude/Excessive reminders to reply to thread
Complaints of unreplied/dropped threads
Hate/‘Phobias’ towards any gender
Hate mail/anons in any shape or form (ie. suicide instigation, death threats, cyber-bullying)
Racism, Discrimination, Witch Hunts/Call-Out posts — being actively involved in one will automatically be an unfollow & potential block from me.
Excessive pressure regarding thread replies & involvement in drama/desired content
Engaging in SRP content with minors – will be blocked upon discovery
Doesn’t include engaging in SFW content, but once you are blocked you’re unable to interact with me at all
I do not condone pedophilia and RP smut with RPers who are minors.
Reblog Karma – you are not obligated/required to send an ask in exchange for its respective inbox meme; feel free to reblog any memes from me!
If you, however, do practice reblog karma and I reblog without sending something in, though, please let me know!
Likewise, if you prefer people reblogging from the source and not you, please let me know if I ever do as such! I am a very forgetful bun.
Soft-blocks — you’re either permanently blocked or not, so be sure to act accordingly.
If for any reason I have blocked you by mistake or under a misunderstanding, I will either unblock or consider unblocking.
Likewise, if you have soft-blocked me for any reason and I, for some reason, somehow, still get to you, you have every right to let me know that I’ve made you uncomfortable and request that I no longer interact with you! (And if it still persists because I can be one hell of a forgetful bun, do remember that you have the right to permanently block me, I understand!)
I’m honestly still trying to understand these soft-block mechanics, if I’m honest…
Mutuals-Only interactions
More often than not, my RP blogs may be side-blogs to a main hub (especially if I’m RPing more than one muse in a fandom). Please be sure to check if they are! They’ll usually be mentioned in the descriptions of the blog.
If you are a mutuals-exclusive RPer, please let me know!
Outside Reblogs on RP Threads — Unless you are the RPer(s) involved, DO NOT REBLOG the thread.
Liking & commenting the post is okay for me, but please also respect what rules & policies the other RPer(s) may have! They have the right to react accordingly on their part.
This RPer has the rights towards the following:
Not expanding on ask-response replies
Refusing to start/continue a thread for any particular reason
Dropping a thread for any particular reason (especially when it feels that there isn’t much to continue on in it)
Giving more attention to some threads than others
Being finicky between doing legitimate RP threads vs. casually being IC
Being finicky with social interactions between individuals
Not becoming mutuals
Other Universal Standards & Guidelines
Dash Organization > Mutuals-Exclusive Practices
Follows & Mutuals =/= Interaction Privileges — for me, follows are a means of controlling the content on my dash, not an indication of whether or not I want us to interact!
Depending on the blog’s popularity, RP blogs may or may not be fandom-restricted (interactions exclusive to canon/-versed/-oriented muses/OCs), unless exceptions for particular individuals are granted.
Multi-Muse Blogs are less likely to be followed (which might also be highly dependent on blog’s popularity) for dash content organization, especially if the muses extend across multiple fandoms.)
When it comes to receiving a follow from me, it again depends on how often we interact.
Individual RP Blogs can and will have their own, more specific guidelines to follow depending on its fandom/popularity!
Policies can usually be found at the top of the blog’s description, listing what the blog consists of and what content is followed/allowed/restricted.
These policies can and will overrule respective universal policies here.
RP & Liked Content =/= Morals & What I Condone
Likewise, even if there are ships/morals/opinions that do not match with mine, it’s just as the saying goes: to each their own. So long as conflicts do not rise, we can still interact! People can like different things and still be nice to each other. God, I can’t stress this enough.
“I find that, for me, the work is a safe place to put all the stuff you don’t want to put in your real life. I don’t want to be a crazy, manic asshole. I don’t want to have an affair. I don’t want to have a fucking gunfight. But! There’s a part of your brain that wants to experience everything, and so work’s a safe place to explore it all. Both in the writing and in the performing. I get to write about an affair. I get to have the guilt and the feeling of that without having to fuck my life up. [laughs] Art is the place to safely explore all those other sides of you, because the side you want to bring home is the side that wants to be a good father and be a good husband and be a good son. In art we can be fucking nuts.” – Lin-Manuel Miranda [ x ]
Tag Commentary — you are absolutely free to not provide OOC commentary in the tags, especially if you are an IC blog. This just helps show who I am as a mun!
and speaking of tag commentary: Muse =/= Mun
Rule of Thumb: if the muse’s behavior is beginning to come on too strongly, chances are that I’m fully aware of this and will most likely show it via tags!
Level of Investment = Thread Priorities & Muse Activity
I, unfortunately, am inspirationally-driven when it comes to my musings, and can therefore be selective with my activity or drop threads I’m unable to continue having a musing for. However, this does not mean I have anything against you, it’s just how my fuel for RPing works.
Still, I do my best to answer all my threads, so please be patient and understanding with me! Thanks!
IMPORTANT NOTE: by default, I will always assume that threads with me are the lowest priority and can/will eventually dropped at any time by you.
All in all, so long as we keep to our own lanes instead of actively pursuing the other on behalf of our differences in beliefs, there will be no problems. RPing is meant to be a fun, creative and laid-back FICTIONAL environment that is meant to be kept separately from reality.
Regarding Asks & IMs
IC & OOC Asks outside of inbox memes are allowed!
If sent anonymously for side-blog reasons, tag your blog and it will be re-tagged for notification purposes!
ex: ((@nameofrpsidebloghere))
If responding to an ask-response, please post it in a new text post by tagging the blog name and adding a link to the ask-response!
ask-response posts and even photo posts clutter the dashboard and ruin RP consistency…!
You are free to IM me for plots and reply reminders! (I’m a really lenient, GWF/go-with-flow RPer)
RP without any plot tend to be labeled #casual rp (some descriptive no-plot RP content) or #ic chat (muses simply conversing) — can be changed into regular #rp should a plot be implied somewhere down the lines, though, just a heads up!
IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m pretty asocial, so more often than not I tend to forget about replying to IMs especially if there’s no need for it (like an end to the conversation topic). But don’t worry, it’s not you! You aren’t annoying me! It’s just me being an asocial moron. ( ◉◞౪◟◉) You are in the safe zone, friend!
Universal Tags for Inbox Memes & Themed Starters
For IC
Ask/M!A/RP asks
#askmarp memes || #askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes
#inbox memes || #inbox response
Themed Starter Memes
#starter memes || #starter response
Drabble Memes
#drabble memes || #drabble response
For OOC aka the Mun
Ask/Inbox Memes
#mun inbox memes || #mun inbox response
Themed Starter Memes
#mun starter memes || #mun starter response
For NSFW Content
Ask/M!A/RP asks
#nsfw askmarp memes || #nsfw askmarp response
Ask/Inbox Memes
#nsfw inbox memes || #nsfw inbox response
Themed Starter Memes
#nsfw starter memes || #nsfw starter response
For a Faster Inbox Response: include corresponding rp/ask meme post!
ex: [Name of Meme Here!:] ♡ - symbol description here!
If even after reading the standards you still aren’t certain how RPing with me is like, you can also refer to these universal tags:
#rp guidelines - guidelines I follow as an RPer
#chill rp blog is chill - worrisome topics I’m okay with as an RPer
That aside, when in doubt, just ask! I’m totally cool with it, and always want to make sure the both of us are having a fun, comfortable time RP/interacting IC with each other! Do also remember that you are always, always able to just unfollow me, even softblock me if you have to(though I’d appreciate a direct notification/explanation for the first time I address the softblock if that ever occurs…!).
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
Were you able to read up to this point for the RP standards/rules? Then feel free to let me know by sending ‘whispers among psithurism’ in the ask (you aren’t required to, though)! Thanks for taking time to read this! Happy RPing!
1 note · View note
embidoesbnharp · 5 years
Comprehensive RP Standards & Rules
Please Note: If I’m slow or unable to reply, there’s likely a very good reason behind it (ie. mental illness/lack of spoons, inability to get into character, personal matters, etc). All I ask is that you’re patient and understanding -- we’re only human after all! You can even occasionally inquire updates from my end since I do care about keeping both of us up-to-date. Thanks for understanding!
RP Standards & Guidelines
This RPer is friendly/practices [unless otherwise stated] towards the following:
OCs and muses
Multi-verse & AU’s (unless otherwise stated or specified in RP Blog descriptions)
Smut/SRP, NSFW, Fluff, Dark/Triggering content
Trigger Warnings will be tagged respectively -- please notify the mun if you’d like a TW tagged on a post!
SRP will be censored via Read-More Feature
Multi-ships – both platonically & romantically; Canon×OCs are welcome!
by default, i make ships strictly tied to a respective relationship sub-verse tag -- main verses are usually left without a permanent relationship.
because the mun welcomes almost all kinds of ships (albeit depending on the fandom), be sure to check for respective ship tags in order to blacklist appropriately for those you do not like!
Chemistry/Relations between muses = RP/Interacting with each other
This way, I’m able to get a feel for how you portray your muses, and can determine whether or not there’s compatibility. This also helps me understand you as an RPer, too!
regardless of muses being canon or OC’s, please consider having some chemistry (interactions/threads) done before trying to ship with my muses!
As much as I advocate having All the Ships™, jumping straight into ships without getting a feel of your muse(s) makes it difficult for me to get into them. (´・ω・`) Apologies about that!
pre-plotted/pre-existing relationships will require that we’ve RP’d together enough for me to get a feel of your RP style, especially with OC’s.
canon characters & their canonical history/relations are assumed to be their default and are thus taken into consideration unless circumstances (i.e. AU’s, verses, etc.) state otherwise
regardless, i would still highly recommend we interact with each other enough so that I get a feel of your portrayal!
Format Leniency™ w/ icons, rp length and formatting as well as script-style and paragraph-style RPing (link for info on ‘em)
script-style/in-character RPing for me will always be in third-person for action
basically, you are absolutely free to follow your own kind of format, and are not obligated to follow the length/format that I use so long as I have something to work with!
Getting referenced/mentioned/involved in other RP threads (IT’D BE AN HONOR.)
muses that I refer to for specific circumstances (i.e. events from a thread, sub-verses, etc.) will be @mentioned on my part.
‘Read-More’ Censorship -- for SRP, spoiler content, extreme gore [on a (N)SFW labeled blog], & long posts
Aged-up fictional characters who are originally/canonically no younger than 14 years old. 
I am perfectly, absolutely aware of the fine lines over aging up fictional minors for smut content and will admit that I am perfectly fine/understanding towards RPing such things---so long as it applies to the 14+)---while also fully understanding the controversy it brings.
Aged-up characters or verses that I RP/provide are never intentionally or solely made for smut/SRP content, nor will they ever be.
There’s a good chance that any of my originally/canonically minor teenager whose blog is labeled 18+ may imply an aged-up verse for SRP content. Hopefully, this will help determine if you should be wary of these blogs of mine!
If all else fails, you are absolutely allowed to politely and respectfully ask if there is an aged-up verse with potential SRP content! This way, you can blacklist appropriately.
RP Blogs with smut content will always be labeled accordingly
Rule of Thumb on Age Gaps for Ships: no more than 2 years between minors with 18-year olds, and 3 years between muses aged 18-20 years old with 21+.
Even then, minor×adult SRP/smut is PROHIBITED.
Both muns must take/understand necessary precautions when involving aged-up fictional characters or minor muses, consider any adjustments that may be needed, and must be both adults (18+).
Of course, if you yourself actually condone pedophilia, I will block you.
This RPer is against/does not practice the following:
Rude/Excessive reminders to reply to thread
Complaints of unreplied/dropped threads
Engaging in SRP content with minors – will be blocked upon discovery
doesn’t include engaging in SFW content, but once you are blocked you’re unable to interact with me at all
I do not condone pedophilia and RP smut with RPers who are minors.
Reblog Karma -- you are not obligated/required to send an ask in exchange for its respective inbox meme; feel free to reblog any memes from me!
If you, however, do practice reblog karma and I reblog without sending something in, though, please let me know!
Likewise, if you prefer people reblogging from the source and not you, please let me know if I ever do as such! I am a very forgetful bun.
Hate mail/anons in any shape or form (ie. suicide instigation, death threats, cyber-bullying)
Hate/‘Phobias’ towards any gender
Soft-blocks --- you’re either permanently blocked or not, so be sure to act accordingly.
If for any reason I have blocked you by mistake or under a misunderstanding, I will either unblock or consider unblocking.
Likewise, if you have soft-blocked me for any reason and I, for some reason, somehow, still get to you, you have every right to let me know that I’ve made you uncomfortable and request that I no longer interact with you! (And if it still persists because I can be one hell of a forgetful bun, do remember that you have the right to permanently block me, I understand!)
I’m honestly still trying to understand these soft-block mechanics, if I’m honest...
Racism, Discrimination, Witch Hunts/Call-Out posts --- being actively involved in one will automatically be an unfollow & potential block from me.
Pressure regarding thread replies/involvement in drama/desired content
Mutuals-Only interactions
More often than not, my RP blogs may be side-blogs to a main hub (especially if I’m RPing more than one muse in a fandom). Please be sure to check if they are! They’ll usually be mentioned in the descriptions of the blog.
If you are a mutuals-exclusive RPer, please let me know!
Outside Reblogs on RP Threads --- Unless you are the RPer(s) involved, DO NOT REBLOG the thread.
Liking & commenting the post is okay for me, but please also respect what rules & policies the other RPer(s) may have! They have the right to react accordingly on their part.
This RPer has the rights towards the following:
Not expanding on ask-response replies
Refusing to start/continue a thread for any particular reason
Dropping a thread for any particular reason (especially when it feels that there isn’t much to continue on in it)
Giving more attention to some threads than others
Being finicky between doing legitimate RP threads vs. casually being IC
Being finicky with social interactions between individuals
Not becoming mutuals
Other Universal Standards & Guidelines
Dash Organization > Mutuals-Exclusive Practices
Follows & Mutuals =/= Interaction Privileges --- for me, follows are a means of controlling the content on my dash, not an indication of whether or not I want us to interact!
Depending on the blog’s popularity, RP blogs may or may not be fandom-restricted (interactions exclusive to canon/-versed/-oriented muses/OCs), unless exceptions for particular individuals are granted.
Multi-Muse Blogs are less likely to be followed (which might also be highly dependent on blog’s popularity) for dash content organization, especially if the muses extend across multiple fandoms.
Interactions > Reading Rules/Following when it comes to receiving a follow from me as it again depends on how often we interact.
Individual RP Blogs can and will have their own, more specific guidelines to follow depending on its fandom/popularity!
Policies can usually be found at the top of the blog’s description, listing what the blog consists of and what content is followed/restricted/allowed.
These policies can and will overrule respective universal policies here.
RP & Liked Content =/= Morals & What I Condone
Likewise, even if there are ships/morals/opinions that do not match with mine, it’s just as the saying goes: to each their own. So long as conflicts do not rise, we can still interact! People can like different things and still be nice to each other. God, I can’t stress this enough.
“I find that, for me, the work is a safe place to put all the stuff you don't want to put in your real life. I don't want to be a crazy, manic asshole. I don't want to have an affair. I don't want to have a fucking gunfight. But! There's a part of your brain that wants to experience everything, and so work's a safe place to explore it all. Both in the writing and in the performing. I get to write about an affair. I get to have the guilt and the feeling of that without having to fuck my life up. [laughs] Art is the place to safely explore all those other sides of you, because the side you want to bring home is the side that wants to be a good father and be a good husband and be a good son. In art we can be fucking nuts.” -- Lin-Manuel Miranda [ x ]
Muse =/= Mun
Rule of Thumb: if the muse’s behavior is beginning to come on too strongly, chances are that I’m fully aware of this and will most likely show it via tags!
Tag Commentary --- you are absolutely free to not provide OOC commentary in the tags, especially if you are an IC blog. This just helps show who I am as a mun!
Level of Investment = Thread Priorities & Muse Activity
I, unfortunately, am inspirationally-driven when it comes to my musings, and can therefore be selective with my activity or drop threads I’m unable to continue having a musing for. However, this does not mean I have anything against you, it’s just how my fuel for RPing works.
Still, I do my best to answer all my threads, so please be patient and understanding with me! Thanks!
IMPORTANT NOTE: by default, I will always assume that threads with me are the lowest priority and can/will eventually dropped at any time by you.
All in all, so long as we keep to our own lanes instead of actively pursuing the other on behalf of our differences in beliefs, there will be no problems. RPing is meant to be a fun, creative and laid-back FICTIONAL environment that is meant to be kept separately from reality.
Regarding Asks & IMs
IC & OOC Asks outside of inbox memes are allowed!
If sent anonymously for side-blog reasons, tag your blog and it will be re-tagged for notification purposes!
ex: ((@nameofrpsidebloghere))
If responding to an ask-response, please post it in a new text post by tagging the blog name and adding a link to the ask-response!
ask-response posts and even photo posts clutter the dashboard and ruin RP consistency...!
You are free to IM me for plots and reply reminders! (I’m a really lenient, GWF/go-with-flow RPer)
IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m pretty asocial, so more often than not I tend to forget about replying to IMs especially if there’s no need for it (like an end to the conversation topic). but, don’t worry, it’s not you! you aren’t annoying me! it’s just me being an asocial moron. ( ◉◞౪◟◉) you are in the safe zone, friend!
That aside, when in doubt, just ask! I’m totally cool with it, and always want to make sure the both of us are having a fun, comfortable time RP/interacting IC with each other! Do also remember that you are always, always able to just unfollow me, even softblock me if you have to (though I’d appreciate a direct notification/explanation for the first time I address the softblock if that ever occurs...!).
Were you able to read up to this point for the RP standards/rules? Then feel free to let me know by sending ‘whispers among psithurism’ in the ask (you aren’t required to, though)! Thanks for taking time to read this! Happy RPing!
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sickaede · 6 years
Art and Writing Q & A
Ok so my askbox has gotten crazy amounts of people asking me questions about my art, writing, etc. and I figured instead of replying individually (since most are anons) I would just throw up a Q & A to get everyone’s questions all at once. As an added bonus, since I am terrible with explaining things in writing I made a little time-lapse to show the art process as well. Hopefully this satisfies everyone’s questions, but if something you wanted to know was not answered here feel free to send me an ask, they are always welcome!   
The video is at the bottom of the Q/A, click read more and scroll down to see it please!
Questions about comissions, other social media, etc. Q: Do you take commissions?  A: Yes! All my comission info can be found on webiste commissions page. If you’d like to donate as well, I also have a Ko-Fi page, and offer (optional) doodle rewards for donors. Q: You don’t post on tumblr frequently anymore, are there other websites I can find your art on? A: Yes! I don’t post as frequently as I used to anywhere anymore due to my projects taking up the majority of my time, HOWEVER...there are other wesites I post on. TMVIX.NET - My website will remain the most up-to-date with all recent art, writing, videos, projects, etc. Twitter - I like to post doodles, WIPs, and updates on my twitter as much as possible.  NSFW Twitter - The good shit.  👌 🌶️ 🔥 I rarely post here, and it is a private account, but no need to ask just click the follow button and I will accept ASAP. Deviantart - Again, rarely post here it’s mostly reposts from tumblr, but it is where the majority of my original content (OC’s, and stuff of that nature) is posted. Questions about my art process. Q: What programs do you use for your art? A: Paint Tool Sai for almost everything, Photoshop CS4 for editing and transparency.
Q: What brushes do you use, and what are your brush settings? A: I pretty much only use the Brush tool, Pen tool, Marker tool, and Watercolor tool for drawing, painting, etc. Here are screenshots of their settings. (The size varies, I chage it a lot.)
Tumblr media
Q: What canvas size do you use when you draw? A: As much as SAI and my computer hate me for it, I typically draw on a 4,000x4,000PX canvas. Once I finish my artwork I shrink it down to 50%-75%, this helps get rid of small mistakes in the piece. Q: Do you use a tablet, if so what kind? A: Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. I use a Wacom Intuos USB Graphics Tablet - 8.5" x 5.3" Q: What kind of pens, markers, paper, etc. do you use on traditional work? A: My art classes have beaten brand loyalty into me, so I am spoiled with the types of pens, markers, pencils, etc. I use. Graphite pencils - Ticonderoga Colored pencils - Prismacolor Markers - Prismacolor Inking pens - Faber Castell Paper - I don’t have a specific brand I draw on, but I like drawing on big paper, usually A2 or A3. Q: How long does a digital drawing usually take. A: Its dependent on how complex and how I'm feeling when I'm drawing it but on average (cutting out time I spend doing other things).
Simple drawings/doodles take me about an hour a pop or less.
Flat colored and shaded drawings with line art usually take me about 2-3 hours.
Paintings and other complex art usually takes 5-6 hours or more.
Comics can take anywhere from 3-7 hours depending on how much detail goes into them.
Q: How long does a traditional drawing usually take? A: Again, depending on complexity about 5-10 hours. Colored pencils are a difficult medium to get right and blending is very touch-and go. Markers usually take a bit less time. Don’t even get me started on graphite and painting... Q: How do you make your line art so clean? A: Erasing/cleaning as you go instead of doing it all at the end usually helps me a bit...and I keep SAI’s stabalizer on S2 most of the time, but if there is a long line I need to make I crank it up to S7. If you want to see the exact process you can watch the video at the bottom of this post.
Q: How do you do your shading? A: I do multiple types of shading, painted, cell, gradient, etc. but the most popular seems to be the painted so I will assume you mean that.
You can watch the video below to see how it's done exactly, but to explain it simply I paint with white on a layer of solid color above my coloring layer, set it to multiply, and bam. Shading.
Q: How you do highlights, lowlights, etc.? A: Those are a bit trickier, and I didn't show them in the video but I will do my best to explain.  
I like to treat lowlights like cell shading for the most part, think of them as a place where the darkest shadows would fall. Don't get carried away, lowlights are supposed to be subtle, and extenuate the depth of where those shadows fall. I use multiply for this shading layer too, and typically use a darker shade of the same color I did for the base shading.
Highlights are easier, just think of where the light falling would be the brightest on your piece. I like to do more than one set of highlights - usually two or three - but make sure if you do multiple sets to make the secondary highlights smaller and subtler than the primary ones or you will end up with a big shiny blob. I also typically use a brighter color than the one I used for shading (for example if purple is the shading color try pastel pink or orange for the highlight color) or sometimes I just use white. I switch between the 'screen' and 'overlay' blending options for them.  
Q: What fonts do you use for your art, comics, etc.? A: Honestly, I usually just write out my own text, my handwriting is terrible but it's easier than opening photoshop and hunting for a good font... When I do use fonts, I HATE the factory ones for the most part, so I use stuff from Dafont.com.
Q: How do you clean your traditional art and digitalize it?  A: I don’t do much traditional anymore, but I actually made an in-depth tutorial awhile back about it and I still use the same method. It can be found here.  
Q: What are your inspirations for your art?  A: My friends are my biggest inspiration, I am lucky enough to know a lot of talented artists that always inspire and encourage me to improve and keep drawing what I love. 
Questions about my writing process.
Q:Can you give some writing tips? (There we a lot of these.)  A: Well, i’m not sure what you mean specifically but I will do my best! Sorry this is a bit long-winded, but hopefully it will be helpful. 
The most helpful thing you can do for your writing is to read other people’s work, of course that does not mean you need to copy their writing style...however, seeing the way other people put words together is very helpful to get out of your own head. It is easy to get stuck in a sort of ‘writing loop’ and end up writing similar things over and over again in different contexts. Taking a look at other’s view on things can help get you out of that loop. 
 Make sure you change up your wording! It’s easy to end up using the same descriptive terminology over and over again without meaning to. What I like to do when I write is to just get a big chunk done without worrying about grammar, repetition, etc. Then when I finish I go back and look over it, change up the words to sound fresh and different, and fix any grammar mistakes. Don’t be afraid to look up synonyms for stuff too if you can’t think of a different word, it isn’t a crime. Getting someone else's opinion on your writing after you’ve finished is also helpful! Proof readers are the best way to help you see your work in the eyes of your readers and make it exciting and interesting to them.  
 Get in the mood of the scene you are trying to set, be descriptive in what your characters are feeling and seeing. Often times people forget that even in simply scenes there is a whole world around your character that the reader cannot see. It’s your job as the writer to describe that world, so that the reader can see it in their head as clearly as you did when you were writing it. Listening to music while I'm writing really helps me with this, for example if you are writing an action scene listen to some high energy music. Get pumped up for that fight scene!  
Build your world, even if it's not an original work. Fanfiction authors tend to forget that despite their fandom’s world being pre-built, it’s still YOUR writing! Leave hints, foreshadow, throw in some background characters to fill up your world and make it unique. Make your readers think about how the world around your characters work, what might happen next, etc. 
 Keep the rules and timeline of your world consistent and understandable. Yes, I know, it sounds boring, but it’s very helpful to make your writing sound more interesting and easy to comprehend. Is there magic in your story, how does that magic work, can everyone use it, are there different types? Apply simple rules like this to your world that apply consistently throughout your writing. Your readers will thank you for it.  
 Do your research, yes again, boring I know. It's easy to project yourself and how you view the world on your own characters, making their personalities similar or identical. Think about how someone in their circumstances would act, if they’ve been through a traumatic experience how might that affect the way things work in their head? The way they interact with others and the world around them? Make sure to diversify your cast, not everyone in the world is alike, and your characters shouldn’t be either. 
Give yourself time, formulate ideas on how your storyline will connect and where it will go. You don’t have to crank out an entire book in a day, think everything over before you go through like a whirlwind and post stuff that you may not like. However, don’t take forever either. (I tend to do this a lot...) Overthinking your story can also hurt, don’t fret over every single tiny little detail. Making a timeframe for yourself and sticking to it can be helpful to keeping yourself on track and posting chapters regularly.  
Lastly, never get discouraged. This goes for both artists and writers. Just because you aren’t entirely happy with how your art or writing looks or sounds at the moment, or you see someone doing it better than you does not mean you should give up. Use those that you look up to as inspiration to improve your own work. Keep going, keep practicing, you will get better! Keep doing what you love doing. 
Q: What has your experience been with writing?   A: I will try to keep this shorter than the last one, but here goes... 
I honestly don’t have that much experience with writing, but I've always enjoyed it. I’ve been writing about my OC’s for MUCH, MUCH longer than I've been writing fics, in fact I can’t remember a time when I didn’t make up little stories for my various characters. Pretty much every drawing you see of mine has some storyline behind it. However, my fanfiction writing was more recent, I didn’t write anything fan-related until a few years ago, and I didn’t post any of it until I put OSR up. The majority of my experience comes from original content, role playing, etc. but I am so happy to be writing fics that people enjoy and hope to continue and eventually adapt OSR into a comic.  
Q: Do you have original stories, can we read any of them?  A: Yes, and no. I do have original stories, but I have not published them anywhere and they are still very much works in progress. Eventually I would love to share them with everyone, but it won’t be for a long time. For now, I hope you can enjoy the small amount of content I post about my OCs, and I will keep everyone updated when I do decide to share my own personal stories. 
Enjoy the video, hope this helped!  ✨
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relikdigitali · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://digitaliproductions.com/blog/?p=266
PERSPECTIVES-The Paralysis of Planning
When  I was a kid, I made all kinds of art, wrote tons and tons of stories and comics and plays.
When I was in my twenties and early thirties I was a creative dynamo, just churning out one project after another.
Somewhere in my mid-thirties, I began to get the habit of planning. Now, on the surface this seems like a pretty good idea. For instance, if you are going to collaborate with others, you pretty much have to have a plan of some kind. “Ad hoc” filmmaking is possible (I’ve done it) but the bigger the project, the more necessary it is to put together some sort of cohesive agenda and develop things according to a pre-determined path.
And again, this sounds so very logical. The problem is that frequently creative people get too caught up in planning what they are going to create that they never get around to creating it. There are two perils.
First, we are the very people for whom the term “down the rabbit hole” was invented. We are creative. Therefore our imaginations are usually on all the time. When we approach a project, we can have a tendency to become -shall I say- obsessed with a particular detail or set of details.
I see so many notes on the internet about how writers should approach “world building”. I love world building. It’s a great exercise if you’re making a role playing game, but it’s a means to an end. In all honesty, “world building” can be a great waste of time.
Consider that most people who will read your work live in this world. You may be utterly fascinated how that  interspatial transwarp hypertachyon subdimensional ductwork gets your characters from point A to point B. But really, the audience is going to expect your characters to act and react pretty closely to the way they do in this world. And if they don’t, there should be a good reason for it that makes sense in this world. If that part doesn’t work, you’re imaginative treatment of quantum mechanics is not going to hold anyone’s attention.
Yes, there might actually be a reason to explain how the intercosmic doohickey works, because it may have something to do with your characters and the plot, etc. But the point is, all you really have to do is figure out the part that does matter to the plot, not the 63rd iteration of the subharmonic phase residue interstitial metaflarn that never comes up in the story. The reader won’t care (or shouldn’t if you’re doing your job as a writer) and neither should you. So don’t get lost on it.
The second peril is the belief that you must plan in order to proceed. This is not necessarily so. That is, while it may be helpful to outline, summarize, and plot model, it is not absolutely necessary to the process of getting something done.
Plan to the level that you need to plan to start working. If you get stuck, go back to the plan. If you don’t keep on churning. It is easier to edit content for style, length, consistency, and just plain sense when you actually have content. Don’t get caught up in making the perfect outline, the perfect summary, template, etc.and never starting on the project.  Hitting the second subplot exactly on page 213 may be someone’s idea of a perfect method, but it can make for dull writing.
On the other hand, just meandering (see down the rabbit hole above) for page after page isn’t good either. There’s a point where you have to know what is going to work for you, and use that method. And let no one tell you that you’re doing it wrong. The objective is to deliver the content as required, when required, and hopefully make it interesting.
These observations, by the way, have nothing to do with my totally forgetting to write an entry last week. I was in the midst of getting a new vehicle and the demands on my time precluded this unpaid writing assignment. However, putting to work the “just do it” philosophy as described has managed to get this week’s done.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
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riskeith · 3 years
hihi! <333
it didn’t stay for long but then it started snowing a lot again and this time it seems like it will stick.. dude crazy how different our climates are rn.. i can only imagine how warm it is rn in aus. no worries! there’s always a tomorrow after today :DDD my days has been nothing but stressing over school and exams, watching haikyuu, playing genshin and thinking about you (sry i have to flirt can’t help it 😜) wbu?
i do have her, i meant hypothetically ! also THE DILUC COMIC IS SO SPOT ON gosh that’s so funny shhdkdhdjdjdj that happened with my boy bennett he just... can’t light those torches... bouken da bouken... 3: gotta bring out amber for that task tbh.
traveller is such a op!! from what i gather people sleep on them because they’re free and there are “more” exciting characters but traveller is a five star!!! put some respect on their name 😤 to each their own, but yk. underrated baby.
YEAH PRO BENDERS!!!!!!! well.. they’re on opposite teams and something happens at an important match of theirs so they’re forced to link up to survive and well.. yeah 😌 i’ve written about 20k words and i’m not even half done with the story help... i really wanna finish it though... anyway yes i do write shdksjdksjdk at first i was too shy to bring it up but you know so much about me already might as well.. 😶 i’ve written for years but i only started posting seriously again after years of not doing it in 2020... i have a couple out actually !! shsjdjhdjdjd not a lot of klance but some bnha ! 🥺 maybe someday i’ll share... 🥺
this connects a bit with this ^ part above as well i suppose. it was incredibly freeing ! it was actually the best thing i’ve done to myself.. idk i realized that that life was just dragging me down so much... always being connected and knowing everything all the time drained me so much. then i just cut everything out and found myself??? this sounds so generic but it’s true jshsjjsisjfj if it’s something you’ve thought about i truly recommend it!!! it takes some time to get used to the silence but god when you do it’s so relaxing. it’s like... so fun hanging out with yourself. i got into so many shows and watched so much movies and stuff by myself and made my own memories and i treasure that so much. shdhdkdhkssj this got so deep..... freelance writing do be like that. you can’t force it you just gotta let it come to you. but looking at your posting list you’re super consistent and it’s always quality fics so don’t feel too bad!! here’s an outside view telling you that you’re doing super well... <333
COUPLES THAT FIGHT TOGETHER STAY TOGETHER. yea they fucking do. look at us being todobaku kinnies... dhsjdhkshsksjdhdkd LMAO. GOD SERIOUSLY AAAA??????? wait 😭😭 venti baby is coming home..... he is coming home!! 😭😭😭😭 i’ve thought about it seriously and i’d happily pay money to have him his fighting style is just soooo good... 🥺 imagine if we had xiao and venti that would be so sexy of us. manifesting it all day every day. you know i would happily give some financial support for your xiao pulls... if it comes down to it <333333 i haven’t read anything either i haven’t thought much about shipping while playing tbh shksdhksshdk maybe someday for fun tho.. also i had no idea!!!! i’m def gonna check it out, is it on their website?
if they announced a movie and it was a prequel... i’d be so upset. like... so fucking upset lmao. there are so many unresolved loose ends it would be so annoying... but truthfully i don’t think they’ll do it. voltron took to hard of a hit for them to pull a move like that lmao .
hmmmm it’s true that studio ghibli movies end too fast.. one moment you’re like... in this amazing beautiful world and the next there are end credits. haku is BESTEST boy. dragon king.... <3333 you’re going on a studio ghibli marathon??? how beautiful of you. <3
🥺 ik but i love asking.... you know that tumblr post where the dude talks about how he keeps calling his wife ‘my wife’ because it makes him happy to remember that they’re married? that’s literally me.. ANYWAY AAAAA ! a one shot multichap sounds soooooooooo good.... i’d love to read it pls i’d be so honored. it’s up to you though i’d accept Anything i too have my whole heart open..
btw i’ve never asked but always wondered: what kind of music do you listen to? <3
*bernie voice* i am once again asking for your forgiveness. i keep sending these long ass asks i rly need to chill... goodbye LMAO :*
(‘read more’ again bc my reply got long fhksjfjds)
hi bb!
oooo nice! did you get to play in the snow~ and yeah ahah it’s close to 30 degrees rn! it was pretty shit earlier in the week but it’s gonna get hotter again for a bit. does it get pretty hot in sweden in the summer? or are you guys too close to the north pole or something for that to happen
that sounds good!! (other than the horrible thing that is school...) ahah you’ve got my heart going doki doki now please 🤪💓. in all honesty it seems pretty balanced tho i do hope you’re taking breaks from study and all!! hmm today i got up super late again and then i tried to go for a walk (it was too hot so i came back) and then i was editing a fic! and now i’m gonna play genshin bc i think a new event started, then hopefully maybe finally start studying fhksjfd
ahh ! AHHAHA nooooo rip :( but omg i still can’t believe you have bennett.. like i know that i haven’t tried for this banner and maybe i would have him too if i did but 😩😩 he’s so cute!! WAIT on that topic guoba does that too i swear i have to like make so many calculations and figure out the optimal spot to place him so he won’t go breathing fire in the wrong direction XD
i 10000000% agree!!! like excuse me they can also control TWO elements???? who else could ever 😩 i watched a video about geo traveller too some time ago and that made me stop sleeping on them like damn they did some damage!
hehehe that sounds so intriguing 👀 20k!!! that’s more than i could ever omg... sending you strength!! you’ve got this 💪💪 icb you were too shy to bring it up pls im losing my mind over here 😭 but aw that’s really nice <3 maybe 2020 did some good after all.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls whenever you’re ready i’m here... or mayhaps would you be okay with just plain copying a snippet into an ask sometime i promise i won’t look it up and try find you 😩 but i wanna witness some of your magnificence !
(also scratch that genshin co-op date idea um... fic collab instead?! could you imagine 😌)
yeah ugh i totally get the being drained feeling.. it’s like it doesn’t bring you joy you know? and you’re just still there bc you’ve just always been there and it’s too late to leave. !!! that does sound really tempting.. but i think i’m a bit too attached to the people i’ve met (you being one of them hehe) to fully let go. but if in the future i just need to take a break i’ll def do it! i was hesitant about doing that last year but now that i’ve done it before surely I won’t hesitate before doing it again (tho i’ve noticed that whenever i try to leave/take a break some new thing happens or releases and i’m losing my mind and can’t go fskjfhsd)
tysm marriage anon i appreciate you sm 😭💞 but yeah it’s easy to get lost in it sometimes but then i’ll look back and see how much i’ve actually done throughout the year and it’s like?? wow i did actually do and achieve a lot? so perspective matters i guess ahah
FHKDSJFH okay but todobaku who’s who? i like writing from bakugou’s POV more which makes me think I can relate to him more (like i used to write from lance’s pov a lot! that, and just bc we both love keith a lot 🤪) but i do write from todoroki’s pov quite a bit too.. hm. 
and yes!!! honestly if venti is actually coming back i should invest in getting him too.. he can do so much !! the only issue i have is that i don’t really like bow users bc i’m shit at aiming hfkdsjfhjsd. waiting for the day we can live out our xiaoven dreams <333 FKJSHFKJSD and please don’t give me money for that fhsdkfjs!! spend it on yourself instead 😩😩 but also real talk i wasn’t gonna say this bc i’m uber paranoid that somehow someone will read it and hack into my account FKHSFKSJD but i have like... 12k primogems rn AHAHAH so i’m feeling good about getting him! ty for the offer tho but seriously, let that go to your own genshin funds first if anything fhksjfds get yourself a c6 venti. yeah honestly me not really shipping anyone is a big reason why i haven’t read anything either lolll. like the art is good and i’m fine but i’m not invested enough to read fics about it yet fdshfkjs. yup it is! in case you haven’t found it yet, here! (i saw that the prologue alone was 74 pages and yeeted out of there hfdsjf)
yeah i think dreamworks ended up kinda unhappy with it all FKJFHKDSHFS but honestly with how they ended the show i feel like in their minds all ends were tied so the only option would be for a prequel? idk. and also bc i feel like movies from shows tend to do that ahaha. or omg a spinoff with completely new characters and maybe we only get mentions or cameos of the old ones hfkdsjf
yesss i’m so excited to at least get through the most popular ones!! still haven’t started howl’s moving castle yet tho lol. can’t wait to finally understand when everyone talks about these movies 😩
no i don’t know that post?? but omg.. 💕💕 also is this an appropriate time to ask what your pronouns are/how you like to be referred to FHSDKFHSD i’ve been using non-gendered language as much as i could bc idk what you prefer! 
okay i might.. post a link to that doc in an ask sometime soon then or hm.... what if i continued working on it instead... many different options hfskjdfd
i mostly listen to kpop!! ahah in recent years i’ve really said fuck western media and fully immersed in the asian stuff.. but yeah my ults are bts but i really got into seventeen in 2020 and i love them so much... they’re all so funny btsvt collab when HFKSFJS. hbu?? 
*bernie voice* i am once again asking you to stop apologising >:( please these are genuinely the highlight of my day LOL i am always looking forward to your messages!! pls do not chill >:((((
yours, c.r. <3
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castielartandcomics · 6 years
OKAY. THE TIME HAS COME FOR THIS POST TO BE MADE. Even if it will be just a bunch of projects and me talking about them, it’s something I’ve been willing to do since a lot of time, mostly for a bit of self-esteem and to let you know that I’m actually working on stuff.
Since this will be a long post with some pictures, everything is under the cut! >:3
Honestly, I could start with a list of all the reasons why I haven’t been posting much, but the main reasons are low self-esteem and little to no time to do my stuff. School has been killing me slowly in the latest times, so the main reason why I post so little it’s actually academic work, nothing more and nothing less. ... this being said, let’s begin from what is REALLY interesting. >:3c
First of all, YES, I’m still working on Gastertale! And I’m extremly sorry for the long gap between the pages: the next page IS done, I just need to add dialogues, but I still haven’t for the simple reason that I don’t want to publish it only to make you wait other three months for another page. Hopefully soon I’ll return to have a bit of time, and at this point I’ll make pages more often and way better. I’ve improved a lot in this months, and despite there will probably be a little gap of style too between one page and another, I think I’ll be able to give you something more! My objective when I’ll restart to post it is to make at least one page a week and give a bit of a regular schedule, but about regularity it’s something that we’ll have to see (again, academic work). But hey, at least I’ll try to make you wait less than three months for the next page! </3
Plus, to confirm that something IS actually done:
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preview, WOHOO!!
Sonic Humanitymorph & Sonic Battle Remastered
Basically. I want to draw more Sonic, and I want to draw him with a purpose. It’s... kind of a long story, but I’ll make it short for you because I don’t want to annoy you with melancholic and dramatic stuff (?). In a few words, I want to build new memories with Sonic and company, since my first memories are... kind of lost. I literally grew up with him, yet I remember little to nothing about his stories and about me in that period, and it’s something that makes me suffer a bit. SO! I’d really love to build new memories and honour a hero I’m really fond to, and I’d love to make this with you all! Since I also noticed that you really like my human!Sonic characters, so-! /)u(\
So, basically, the ideas are: MORE human characters. I still have your suggestions, I simply didn’t have the time to think about them, but I will surely do it! I’d love to make a lot more of the characters, if not all of them! And together with it, also another thing inspired by @slightly-gay-pogohammer‘s adaptation of Rayman “I’m Only Human”, which consist in adaptations of some of my favourite Sonic’s games, but in human form. And with some basic differences of course. I’m already working on it - my idea is of comics (as you could imagine, since I’m writing this on my art blog) but with a “much faster” style that will let me publish pages with a pretty fast rate (gotta go fast). Basically, sketches, and my sketches are very clean so the result should be pretty good. I’m working on Sonic Battle (which name will be Sonic Battle Remastered), which... SOMEHOW is still one of my favourite games of ALL TIMES, but in the list there’s also Sonic Riders Zero Gravity. And for the otheeerrrssss... well. I’m open to suggestions? :3
Rick and Morty: Kattebel
Remember him?
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Rick I-T2B2, my personal interpretation of Rick Sanchez. WELP, I made him with a story in mind - and I actually thought of this verse’s versions of Morty, Summer, Jerry and Beth, even if I still haven’t drwan them because, again, freaking academic work. I’m tired, guys. What I have in mind with them is telling the story via comics, but in a slightly different way. I have little images with them, nothing that can be considered a full episode “worth” of a classic comic adaptation, that I think would be pretty cool if done in the simplest way, like a series of images without the need of making a full page. ... I’m not sure if I explained myself correctly, but in two word: SIMPLER STUFF. I’d love to make them, mostly because it’s a little and fun way of exploring this verse and its dinamics more than with just drawings of the characters. After all, I do want to tell you stories, and I should start to actually do it FOR GOOD, even in the simplest of ways! ... despite... yes, I actually have a more complex comic with Rick I-T2B2, about the “origin” of the condition of him and Morty (and by reflection of the whole family). So I think you can expect something bigger here too, despite it will be a MUCH shorter comic!
[FINGERGUNS] LET’S TALK ABOUT DEPONIA. First objective: actually finish the games. I have them since... a lot, and I still haven’t finished them for-- well, you know by now. An objective is surely to finally play the last two chapters and cry my eyes out, but we’re here for art, so here’s my project with Deponia:
first, drawing it more. Like... a lot more. I have many little ideas for illustrations and many others for little sequences that I think are pretty funny that I’d LOVE to do. I just need to DO THEM. Also, I have a whole lyricstuck in my mind with the Deponia series, and I’d love to make it! Or at least try, I’m not used to lyricstuck. But they’re so good,, Then, I have two projects comic related: one is... little stories. Pretty much it. Something probably of no more than five-ten pages long per story, little missing moments that might be interesting. And angsty, maybe, probably, I’m not sure. The other is... adaptation. Yes, at this point you might have noticed that I love adaptations. It’s just a little idea, but I’ve always found (probably because I’m a comic artist tbh) that the Deponia games would be... really good in comic format. And mostly for training I thought, “hey, I might try some!”. An idea would be of making the whole series as a comic, but I’m not really sure I can do it - but I’m pretty sure I can make little parts of it! It’s a project I had in mind for quite some months by now, and I remembered about it some days ago since I was looking in my folders and...
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a WIP was found. Ten points and a biscuit to whoever guesses the scene. This will probably be mostly training, unless things change or something very cool happens. I lowkey dream sometimes that they’ll hire me, but. It’s just a dream. On the other hand, I might open suggestions for scenes to adapt in the games! uvu ... when I’ll finish the games.
Left 4 Dead 2
Am I late?... naaah. You don’t even have idea of how many ideas I have for this fandom, and all in comic form, just to make my life easier. I have no idea of when I might make these, but will probably be sketchy, pencil stuff, and I will enjoy every moment of them. Boy, I love these characters. I want to tell stories with them,
Oxygen Not Included
I HAVE. A STORY IN MIND. And it will be long, angsty, harsh and tragic probably. I don’t have any WIP nor I can tell many details at the moment because,, I guess it would be spoiler? But, it will be an experiment and something that it’ll be interesting for me to try! All that is needed to understand is,, when I’ll be able to make it, honestly-
And for something less comic-y: references
Because I realized I often post sketches, but not actual references of my OCs. I mean fullbodies fully coloured, with palettes and objects and STUFF. It will be a pretty funny thing for me to do, because the versions I’ll give you of my OCs will be slightly different from the “final” version I’ll show you when I’ll be able to tell you their story - because YUP, I’m working on those too, but for now it’s still a very big work in progress, so I’m still not ready to show you stuff. ;3c But basically, an objective of mine is references. Make those darn characters references with nice palettes and cool stuff, so that you’ll actually have,, at least some more infos than a black and white sketch. ... and a good reference in case you want to draw them? I don’t know just,, dreaming a little bit,, I’ll make the references for the OCs I’ve published (so most probably the ones I’ve put and will put more on @mcmentics, because I’ll surely add someone else in there soon), and after making Leda’s reference sheet (because Gio requested him to be the first >:3c) I might put it “to the vote” to decide in which order make all the others. <3 ... or simply go and make them all with the order I want. I don’t know. Let’s see what the future will offer us. <3
And those other projects?
SECRETS (?) But actually, I have told you just the main projects I have. Some (many, actually) I’ll keep as a secret for now, some are just too vague to make a post about it. But, another project is surely to livestream more! Again, I’ll need to see when I’ll have some time, but as for now I’m starting to have some free moments for myself, and I’d love to share them with you! >:3
AAAAND okay, this post got really really long. </3 Sorry, I thought I would have been much faster, but I had so much to say, haha- I’m sorry if something isn’t explained very good, I’m a bit tired after waking up at 5am for academy (and it’s 10.30pm now so,,), but in case something interests you and you wish more infos, my inbox is always open!! <3
Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening for now, and hopefully,, I’ll start to make something BIG soon! :D Thank you for reading! <3
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godsgirlrachelart · 6 years
Hey Guys, My Art Is Moving!
I’m gonna be starting to post my art on my main blog ( @theoriginalgodsgirlrachel ), under the tag “my art” for a few reasons.
1. It’s been really hard for me to remain consistently active and post art regularly enough that I can run a blog made for ONLY my art, which also causes followers on this blog to be inactive due to MY being inactive. 
2. I have more/more active followers on my main because it’s not only an art blog. Therefore it has a larger chance of being seen and shared.
3. I’m in a (long) process of both figuring out where my mental health is at, and doing stuff to hopefully improve it so I can function like a normal human bean. That might take months, or a year, who knows? Hopefully whenever I figure out What’s Up, and what I gotta do/stop doing in order to make it better, it’ll not be so difficult for me to discipline myself to make/post art regularly enough to run a blog dedicated to nothing else.
4. I’m probably gonna take at least 2/3 years to just do a mix of studying art (like art classes), doing art I enjoy, and getting better at ice skating. I’ve kinda forgotten why I like to do art, so I need to take away the pressure of uploading things regularly for a while, and just focus on improving myself and getting at least a little closer to the skill level I wanna be at first, rather than just focused on making money consistently/enough to be able to move out of living with my parents off of my art.
Does that mean your commissions are closed? Nope! In fact, I’m gonna learn how to make a Google submit document to make it much easier for people to ask for all their options, know their payment options, etc. As long as you don’t mind having limited examples of my work, those examples constantly going “out of date” because I’ve grown and improved and am just slow as fuck when it comes to finishing personal art, or the fact that the style might change to fit the “look” for the picture (I like a lot of styles and am experimenting around. I like illustrations to have a certain “aesthetic” to them, and One Style Does Not Fit All for that), then my commissions are always going to be open unless I feel like I’ve gotten too many to handle with everything else going on in life. 
Does that mean you’re deleting this/your art blog?
No! I don’t wanna get rid of the art on it, and I do plan to eventually post here again. When that will be, I’m not sure yet~! Whenever I’ve been consistently making art for a while and know that if/when I fall out of it, it just takes a normal amount of pushing to get me back into the groove of things again~. 
What about those Space Ace button designs you made?
I’m really sorry, it takes me decades to save up just $100, and the last button machine I bought was pure crap. If you really want those buttons to become available to buy, you’ll either have to print them out yourself and make them into a button, should you have a button maker (I’m fine with people doing that as long as it’s just for your/some of your friend’s personal use, although I’d very much appreciate even so much as $3 to my ko-fi saying you did that. And/or a picture, so I can see~! <3), OR, you can donate to my ko-fi so that I’m a little bit closer to being able to afford one~. (If/when I get a job of some kind and can save up for it without donations, I will absolutely say so, but of course any ko-fi donations are still welcome if you want to support me/my art. <3) 
Final stuff:
I’m sorry if you wanted a tidy little blog that only had my art and didn’t want the other stuff I reblog on my main to be in your feed, but this is just better for me right now~. :’ ) Also, if you could be a total doll, and follow my YouTube, I’d literally cry happy tears. I go months without posting sometimes, but it’s a labor of pure love, and I DO like/have fun making them. I’m trying to get more creative with my speedpaints, but I don’t exactly have a YouTube family yet, which is something I care about way more than views. <3 I’d love you guys to watch/comment on my videos which have a lot of hard work and time dedicated to them. <3 (There’ll also probably be more ice skating related stuff on there too, till I, again, become more consistent with my art. Then I’ll probably just make a separate channel for that stuff if I wanna keep doing it.) Plus, if/when I should ever make a Patreon, I’d probably announce it there first~!
Thank you guys so much~! <3 I hope I’ll see you on my main blog! <3
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black-dianthus · 4 years
Can Italy Attract Tourism Again in 2020 After the COVID-19 Outbreak?
It has as of late been energizing to encounter Italy, to tune in to the news reports and to hear Italians make arrangements for opening up their organizations notwithstanding outlining their late spring excursions. Subsequent to having been at home so long, few might want to have a 'staycation'. Now, a great many people are now looking hopefully forward to summer, pondering whether it is ideal to go to the ocean or the mountains this August. Additionally, the administration is in any event, considering offering residents the "Buono Vacanze", which are uncommon 500-euro limits to help pay for their excursions inside the Patria. Everybody is headed to relaunch Italy; subsequently, numerous business visionaries in the café, bar, inn, and excursion ventures will be sitting tight with great enthusiasm for travelers from the whole world  Custom Made Jewellery In any case, first of all; Italy's gotta open up! The hairdressers, hairstyling parlors, sports clubs, and other excellence communities are getting readied by sterilizing everything and guaranteeing that individuals will keep the right separation of one meter between each other, regardless of whether this implies serving just a single customer at once. Everything must be prepared for outside sightseers and Italian travelers the same who will before long come back to the spas to unwind in heavenly Italy. These wayfarers are invited to enquire regarding how the shops have been purified and whether they use UV Type-C lights to disinfect their organizations since everybody has the option to be educated properly.
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We have just started to appreciate the pleasures of Italy indeed! A couple of days back, we visited an incredible Gelateria named Sotto Zero in Gattico-Veruno. There was a moderately long queue of eager clients prepared to arrange frozen yogurt. A couple had just put in their remove requests on the web (or by phone) and had recently shown up to get them rapidly. The greater part of the clients in line outside the store kept fitting social removing and wore veils. The post-COVID-19 guidelines were presented on the privilege of the passage in the event that a few people hadn't been educated regarding them. The standards were as per the following: Everyone must wear a cover; just a single individual can enter the gelateria at once; everybody must keep a meter separated from others, and frozen yogurt must be devoured a long way from the shop's premises.
In addition to the fact that Sotto zeroed serve flavorful, incredible frozen custards, however they likewise had some vegetarian, sans gluten, and sans lactose alternatives, which I picked to eat up as opposed to expending regular frozen yogurt. Italian gelato has consistently been celebrated, however the current year's travelers can hope to locate a significantly increasingly far reaching scope of choices to make everybody ridiculously fulfilled! Not a long way from the standard Italian frozen yogurt shops, there are bread shops and pizza joints that will make guests euphoric as Italian food proliferates! Italians are resolved to keep offering treats regardless.
Italy is notable for its perfect originator gems. Vacationers appreciate securing brilliant wristbands, rings, just as high quality authentic silver and artworks. I review in what manner or capacity numerous tourists made photographs of gold knickknacks on Ponte Vecchio in Florence when I was youthful (during the 1980s), and the excitement perseveres today! A gem dealer proposes to purify the entirety of their metal gems for every client who wishes to take a stab at stunning rings, arm bands, or pieces of jewelry. A container with UV Type-C lights may be utilized to guarantee their customers' security. Additionally, they have introduced one of a kind segments that will assist supporters with having a sense of security and agreeable. Almost certainly, looking for adornments will be an unadulterated joy this year for travelers in Italy!
It presently appears as though vagrant homestead laborers will be expected to help pick the new harvests. Italy is more inviting to transient specialists today than a year prior on the grounds that these vagrants can carry out the responsibilities that numerous more youthful Italians no longer skill to do. Also, the transients will at long last find the opportunity to work from inside the lawful economy and get a few advantages. In any case, numerous Italians have as of late chose to come back to rural creation. Youthful Italians realize these occupations have profound roots in the Italian custom, numerous more established Italians having entered in the homestead working field as right on time as age 14. Maybe the ongoing developing enthusiasm for farming has been invigorated by an overall profit to the accentuation for the need to have solid sustenance.
Eateries and bars are not the same as how we think back about them before COVID-19. Getting a remove sack or plate was inconceivable in 2019. In under two months, between 21 February and 17 May 2020, the Italian outlook about eating out has been recreated. In the customary Italian perspective, eating out involved having remarkable holding up administration, one motivation behind why there are such a large number of 'friendliness' schools in this nation. Being served by top holding up staff was a fundamental piece of the standard eatery experience.
I recall the days when I feasted in some incredible cafés in Rome that served dinners in a particular request. Right off the bat, there was an aperitif followed by the appetizer (once in a while singed calamari). At that point there was the standard first plate (traditionally pasta). The subsequent plate comprised of a protein dish like fish and two vegetable sides or a serving of mixed greens. That was trailed by dessert, normally natural product, Tiramisu, Profiteroles, or another light sweet. A diminish candlelight environment improved the wonderful experience. Such old style eating with amazing staff will proceed as long as clients are happy to observe the guidelines in regards to social removing and using defensive boundaries, however on the off chance that cafes like, they can agree to remove.
Having unmistakable remove suppers will be a serious change in a nation acquainted with making do when required. A few Italians are as of now wanting to arrange remove food to praise their sentimental wedding commemorations. Notwithstanding, if couples are resolved to eat out in cafés, they will discover the tables far separated for the current, dislike in the past when individuals used to eat pizza at a mutual table alongside local people. Numerous cafés have just introduced plexiglass in tables to shield purchasers from the coronavirus. One considers how jugs of wine and containers of bread will be passed to and fro between supporters (if there is plexiglass in them), however it would be a superb reason to arrange one's preferred wine as opposed to that of one's buddy.
Explorers shouldn't hope to get any kisses and embraces from excessively agreeable Italians this mid year. Italians mind their own business nowadays and practice social removing as much as possible. Italians weren't known for separating themselves a couple of years back, a remarkable opposite in such a neighborly country, so nearly everybody's as yet garrulous and wonderful these days. Guests ought to hope to address various inquiries concerning what carries them to Italy, and local people will probably help them on the off chance that they get lost and need to comprehend the bearings at the train station, regardless of whether they can't communicate in the language. Most Italians tell guests that their cooking is the best on the planet and that Italian style is the most extreme. Obviously, a large number of travelers long to visit Italy and really welcome all that Italy brings to the table: craftsmanship, culture, music, cooking, and the outfit and-go demeanor.
Laura Gail Sweeney, Ed.D., has earned degrees in Italian Language and Culture, English, Art, and Education. In 1988, she earned a degree in Italian Language and Culture at Middlebury College (Vermont, USA). She made a trip to Cortona twice with The University of Georgia and read for over a year at L'Universita' per Stranieri in Perugia. Sweeney wants to investigate Italy and to visit incredible urban areas like Rome and Florence. She once did a limited time book visit in Milan, Torino, Bologna, and Rome.
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ladytabletop · 7 years
Hello!! I was the one who asked about where to find a group! I have a new question now, apologies if you've answered anything similar. So my friend and I haven't had any luck finding a grouo to join, so we've decided to start our own! I'm the one most interested in DMing out of our group, but here's the problem; I'm inexperienced. This would be my first *actual* game as a DM and I played one short session as a player once. That said: Any advice/tips/resources? ♡ Thank you!!
Hi there, so sorry about taking so long to answer this!
For your first game, there’s a couple important questions to ask yourself before you start. I will give advice under the assumption that you’ve already chosen the system you want to play.
First, how long of a game do you want to run? 
This is important mainly if you’re running something you’ve written on your own. It won’t necessarily be neat and easy, like saying ‘We will play exactly ten sessions.’ But knowing whether you’re looking to run a very long running game vs. a self-contained short can help you the DM when writing plot points and the like.
Second, pre-written adventure or homebrew? 
There are tons and tons of pre-written adventures for pretty much every system out there, whether they are published by the company that made the game or by enthusiastic players and GMs who put their own adventures out there in a published format. It’s worth noting that if you like something like Rise of the Runelords for Pathfinder but want to run it in DnD5, it isn’t too tough to adapt something from one system to another.
On the other hand, a homebrew plot can be really fulfilling! It requires a bit more work on your part, but it can be worth it. Keep in mind that you can start with a published adventure and veer into homebrew territory as you get more comfortable running things.
NOTE: a homebrew setting is a whole other beast, and here’s a post about that.
Also another beast: allowing homebrew in your games. If you’re going to do this, please please please talk with your players beforehand and make sure they know that balancing during the game may happen. Nobody likes to be nerfed, but if there’s homebrew that’s just outclassing everyone else, it has to be scaled back. Use your resources online, ask people to look over things you think might be over or underpowered.
Third, what style of game will this be?
Is it going to be political intrigue and espionage? A classic dungeon delving guild style? A Lord of the Rings-esque sweeping fantasy epic? A more modern fantasy fast-paced mystery? Seafarers and ship combat? A really dark game where things are serious, or a funny goofy romp?
All of these are great options, but be sure your players know a little bit about what type of game it will be so they can get on board! No one wants to bring a hardened vigilante elf barbarian with no stealth to a game that’s primarily social challenges and shadowy murders (actually now that I’ve said it, I do. but he would be thematically appropriate and not useless).
Now that those questions are answered, here’s a few more suggestions.
As a GM, it’s important to root for your player characters. If you’re the type of group that likes to play as GM vs. players, this campaign is deadly, that’s fine as long as that’s what everybody wants. But if not, you the GM need to challenge the characters without decimating them. Find out what their goals are and root for them in achieving them, but don’t make it easy! Help them have fulfilling character arcs and try to be familiar with their characters wants, flaws, past, etc. It’ll help you make things more personal in the plot, whether that be by making them run into an old foe or by helping them eventually trust people again, etc. Being familiar with the characters and what the players want for them will help you make the most satisfying game for everyone.
Remember that you’re a storyteller, but it’s not your story you’re telling. You can have plot points you’re attached to, NPCs you love, but ultimately, the story should be about the players. Let them shape it! Try to get them as involved in the heart of things as possible. Don’t make it seem like things can happen with just the NPCs, as though your characters are the bystanders. Let them be in the thick of the plot. This isn’t to say things won’t happen without them - they have to! But when things start really cooking, the PCs should be there, they should care about what’s happening, and they should be able to affect it to some degree.
Be flexible. Improv is a key skill for DMs. Not everyone is great at it, and that’s okay. That’s what online resources and prep time are for! But regardless of how good or not you are at making things up on the spot, you need to be flexible. Your players are going to change the way you think the plot will go. They’re going to surprise you. They’re going to (hopefully) have character arcs that change, and you need to adapt with them. You need to be ready for these things to happen, which honestly means being ready to throw out your prep and throw out the things you’ve worked on sometimes.
That being said, it’s important to do at least a little prep, especially if you’re running a plot heavy game and not a smash and grab dungeon crawl. This can be as simple as using index cards with bullet point NPCs, treasure, and monsters/encounters, or it can be as involved as writing out details about the setting and plot that you can read when it comes to the appropriate time and making huge complex maps and encounters.
Be consistent in your rulings. Sometimes the rules get debated, or you want a house rule at your table, or a spell is worded vaguely and there’s multiple interpretations, etc. In these instances, you get to say, ‘Hey, GM rules this.’ (I only recommend doing this after having heard arguments for why it could be ruled multiple ways). After you say that, stick to your guns! The rule stands, and it stands for everybody. Unless you really really think you were wrong later, in which case you should talk to your players and rectify things, you need to be consistent in the way you adhere to the rules so that no one feels cheated.
My last piece of advice for you is to always have open dialogue with your players. Get feedback on how they think the game is going. Get their predictions about the plot. Touch base about how their characters are feeling, what their goals are. Make it clear that if any players aren’t having fun/are having issues, they can come to you and you’ll do what you can to help. Just be open in your communication. And remember, everybody at the table should be having fun, including you.
Now that I’ve gotten through all that, here’s some resources I like to use for my games.
Donjon RPG Tools - this is my favorite of all time. Tons of random generators, from names to encounters to maps to treasure. There’s an initiative tracker, an xp calculator if you use experience points, and a dice roller. It’s really an all in one tool.
My resource tag has everything from inspirational art to interesting dungeon builds to how to incorporate linguistics into your games to answers to the question ‘How do I start a game?’ answered by other people. It’s really just an amalgam of collected resources.
I enjoy the Obsidian Portal campaign manager, and there are tons of others out there.
A lot of folks use the Same Page Tool to make sure all players and GM understand exactly what’s happening and what’s expected at the table.
I use the DnD5e Spellbook app (which of course is system specific, but super useful).
And other than that, I mainly just have pdfs of the system I’m using, a piece of scrap paper so I can note NPCs, locations, and plot points that the PCs encounter that may be relevant in coming sessions, notecards with stat blocks for enemies, a sheet to track PC ac, initiative, goals, and flaws. You’ll figure out the setup that works for you the longer you GM.
Good luck!!
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