swiftfootedachilles · 6 months
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breaks into your car with gentle sensuality🖤
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ocudeus · 1 month
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infernalurge · 8 days
aright so this is what I'm talking about
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guys there's literally no reason to put stuff like this in the tags lol!
for those who may not understand tumblr culture: character specific tags are utilized mostly by FANS of the character to discuss the character, search out meta, or look for art and fic.
it's considered bad etiquette to post character hate into the tag for the character. but with characters who have a lot of people who hate them (like Emp), this is very hard for us to self-police. it's especially annoying because it can lead to the tumblr algorithm placing these posts directly into our timelines because of how they're tagged.
literally every day we see a handful of the exact same post:
[screenshots of Emp with someone's character.]
caption: god I fucking hate him I'm going to kill him soon grrr!!
even ignoring the bad-etiquette part of it, you're basically just spamming the tags with a post that's been made 1000s of times?
it's not at all conductive to building discussion or community.
squidfuckers are gently requesting you all stop doing this lol.
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yumethefrostypanda · 3 months
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Ya'll know that Thaniel is fey, right? That's he's not really a little boy, but a magical spirit of the land? That he must be much, much older than Halsin?
Okay, good, just checking. Carry on. But pray your unhinged hate posts stay off my dash. Or it will be you feeling very self-conscious about what on God's green Earth drove you to such conclusions.
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cladestruction · 10 months
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the way his face chaged,,, my poor boy 🫂🫂🫂
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mumms-the-word · 3 months
seeing everyone getting their opinions out there about Gale being 35 (or 35-38 according to one dev/artist) and lots of people being “absolutely not no 35yo has knees that bad or gray hair or talks like that or—“
my brother/sister/sibling in Christ as someone who is not quite 30, my knees are trash (creaking, popping, cracking, weak, aching, some days they’re absolutely useless and stairs/steps will make them twinge for hours) and I also have crow’s feet and chronic pain, not unlike gale himself
my mother had gray hair at 21 from nursing school. my cousin has had streaks of gray in her hair since 9th grade. my buddy has a streak of gray in his bangs and he’s 27.
gale talks like every humanities/academic person in a PhD program who has spent the last ten years trying to get a degree and pretend like it doesn’t wither him inside to hear “what are you supposed to do with that” after someone asks him what he’s getting a degree in
gale acts like the guy who is only just now emerging from grad school or at least extended time in higher academics and has to adjust to the world outside of his rigid academic program where not everyone wants to hear random theories or understands his research (and who is realizing he can finally define himself based on something that isn’t his academic area of expertise)
if he talks or acts like he’s older than 35 it’s probably because he’s an academic, most 20s/30s academics are just Like That (source: me, i’m a grad student/academic with grad school/academic friends as young as 22. I joke that my 27yo academic friend channels Tolkien every time he opens his mouth to explain his theories/thoughts, like he doesn’t talk like a 27yo “normally”)
(what the hell is normal anyway)
All this to say, it’s not unreasonable for Gale to be 35. People age differently. People act older or younger than their age. You’re welcome to ignore the canon age and headcanon your Gale as old or as young as you want him to be. But him being 35 is totally reasonable.
Anyways this is for all the friends who just need a bit of affirmation that it’s okay to believe Gale is 35 💛
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tullecake · 2 months
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Welp, i've been convinced Here's my sonadow kiddo (though technically he has Silver's DNA in him as well), Sony !! These drawings are about a month old, but I've been itching to draw him more anyway - Put a bunch of em on one canvas, and snipped some closeups!
Bottom drawing is his usual outfit, cause in present canon he's around 5-6 yrs old
He's a lab baby from around 500 years in the future, made from preserved samples of Shadow, Sonic, and Silver's DNA He's still got some lore to be figured out but hey, I like drawing him regardless of whether his backstory is consistent yet :D
he's basically my little guy <3
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prostocupoftea · 2 months
Guys i made it
i put him in blender
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My dummass kinito shape design was too hard to draw so now he is menacingly A-posing in my .blend file
I will need to rig him and then i can make him do silly dances. Jk mostly posing
Also i think i'll draw eye on him by hand in each frame just so that he'd have that vibe of... idk, my sufferings maybe ? but i think that could look cool
Anyway, he is stupid, i love him, i hope you do too
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eff-plays · 1 month
AA girlies want to choke on Astarion's dick and get slapped around by him because that's true love.
Spawn girlies want to wrap him in 7 layers of bubble wrap so he doesn't hurt himself thinking too hard.
Cool girlies flush him down the toilet and watch him swirl around in the bowl because he's finally where he belongs.
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I've been looking through mods for stardew valley cuz i want to try them out and I found a really cute one for elliott's kids. I love the designs so much lkfdskljsd
Since the artstyle for the kids felt out of place next to the stardew valley artstyle I tried my hand at redrawing them in the stardew artstyle and.
I've only finished the boy's design but omygod so fucking cute
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reduxable · 1 year
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maelstroem-of-love · 7 months
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Ennis is never one to pass up an opportunity to hug the animals
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ride-a-dromedary · 5 months
Tell me how it is that star boy says: "What you CANNOT do, is make my decisions for me." and yet I see that very thing happening in fandom whenever this character makes a decision surrounding how he is handling dealing with his trauma that people don't like, by *deciding for him* how he's actually feeling?
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“ola queridinhos”
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