ruggiethethuggie · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Astie !
Summary: Jamil invites you over super early before you have to start your day. But why?
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WC: 1062 Tags: Jamil x reader, fluff, gn!reader, self insert for Astie because I said so, Jamil cook the food, Kalim is the sunshine baby in the sky in teletubbies
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @astiesgoldenberry ! For me it’s still the day before, but I hope that you have a good day today. I know you said you have a bunch of shit to do, but I believe in you. Jamil believes in you. I love you, I hope you enjoy this and have a beautiful birthday!
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It was still dark outside, the early morning sun not even fully arisen in the sky yet. You smacked your phone trying to turn off the blaring alarm coming from it. “Shut up, shut up, shut up,” you repeated over and over until your fingers finally found the button to silence it. You looked at your phone, seeing just how early it was. Why of all days does today have to be the day I have to get up early, you thought to yourself as you let out a long exhale. Your day was about to be busy, full of running around and finishing school projects, there wasn’t going to be a moment to breathe it felt like. Just as you were rolling out of bed to get ready, your phone vibrated. Why is someone messaging you this early, now is not the time.
You aggressively snatched your phone off the bed and huffed as you opened your notifications, all animosity you had left you as you saw the name across your new messages. Jamil. He was always up this early too, probably making sure Kalim was awake and getting ready for his own classes. You opened his message.
[Jamil] hey, come to the dorm before your classes (: and don’t say you don’t have time, I know you can spare a minute or two
[Y/N] if you think I am coming over to help you get Kalim ready, then I refuse lol he can be late for class
You laughed as you sent the message. You assumed that wasn’t why Jamil wanted you to come over anyway, but it was funny to tease him a little bit. As you finished getting dressed, he texted back.
[Jamil] pfft, he’s already up and awake, stop playing around and come over already
[Y/N] okk, fineeeee ;D
After sending the message, you threw your shoes on and headed out of your dorm. The sun was starting to rise now, giving you a beautiful visual on your way to Scarabia’s dorm. You were wondering why Jamil really asked you to come over at the crack of dawn, but maybe seeing him so early in the day would be a good sign that your day would be a good one. Jamil always made you feel safe and centered, there was no stress when you were with him. And given the enormous list of tasks you had on your to-do list for today, this would be the highlight of your day.
You arrived at the Scarabia dorm, texting him to let him know you were here instead of knocking and waking up those that were still asleep. You hit send and within a few seconds saw Jamil in front of you holding the door open. “Were you just waiting for me at the door?” you teased. Jamil looked like he had been up for a little bit, already fully dressed and wide awake. There’s no way he just woke up a few minutes ago, you thought to yourself. Jamil smiled at you as you came inside the dorm and followed behind him. “Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t,” he shrugged and then gave a soft laugh.
He was leading you towards the kitchen, a common place where the two of you spent time together. Every time you came over to Scarabia, Jamil enjoyed showing you his cooking skills and even helped teach you new ways to cook things. You weren’t allowed to cook a lot at home, so it was nice having someone so willing to teach you and help you learn. As you got to the kitchen doors, Jamil paused and turned to you. “Okay, before we go inside, you have to close your eyes,” he said with a beaming smile. “Close my eyes? You better not lead me into a snake pit, Mr. Viper,” you giggled as you closed your eyes. You held out your hand and Jamil took it as he led you through the doors. You could tell there were more people in the kitchen from the small hushes and shh’s you heard.
Jamil led you to the table and sat you down. “Can I open my eyes yet?” you asked. The crowd at the table whispered to each other. Jamil was standing behind your chair and leaned down in your ear and spoke. “Sure, open your eyes.” You opened your eyes to see a whole entourage of Scarabia students in front of you smiling. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!” they all shouted. Jamil led the group in singing to you happy birthday as you looked around the room in awe. He had got the whole dorm together just to have them wish you a happy birthday? As they finished singing, you clapped your hands and smiled widely. “Jamil, what is all this?!” you exclaimed. 
“That’s not all!” Kalim shouted from across the table and then proceeded to get up and run to the kitchen counter. He grabbed a tray that was there, carried it over, and set it down in front of you. You looked at the dish in front of you and then up at Kalim. “You made this?” you asked surprised. “Oh, god no, Jamil’s been up for hours just to make sure it was perfect for you,” he said as he put his hand on Jamil’s shoulder. Jamil must’ve not wanted you to know he had been up for those hours as he shyly looked away as Kalim boasted about him.
The dish in front of you was one of your favorites. The thought that Jamil had made it for you made your heart swoon. The champorado in the bowl looked amazing, Jamil must’ve been up early soaking the rice this morning. “How’d you know this was my favorite?” you asked Jamil as he sat down beside you. “What do you mean? You told me a long time ago it was your favorite. I just wanted you to have it for your birthday,” he replied. You smiled down at your bowl of food and then looked back at Jamil. “Thank you, I appreciate you a lot. This is definitely giving me the boost I needed to get me through this long day~” Jamil pulled your face close to his and gave your forehead a gentle kiss. “You might have a long day, but it’ll be a good day. Happy birthday, mahal ko.”
Credit: Birthday divider
© please do not copy and or repost my work as your own, my brain is massive and these are my thoughts.
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asti-doodles · 8 months
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Happy birthday my favorite October baby!! This is the first year I get to celebrate this great day so I hired a clown to come and congratulate your birthday!! (I hope you're not coulrophobic-)
Anyway, I wish only the best of the best for you, thank you for existing and making the world a slightly more bearable place to live in!!
With love,
Your bully friend,
(find the no text version under the cut)
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ruttotohtori · 10 months
Harva kuitenkin tietää, että suomenkieliset, Sauvo ”Saukki” Puhtilan suomentamat sanat on suojattu tekijänoikeuksilla eli kappaleen esittämisestä eri tilaisuuksissa pitäisi maksaa Teosto-maksu. Maksut pitää tilittää vielä pitkään. Suomennoksen tekijänoikeudet ovat voimassa vielä 70 vuotta tekijän kuolemasta eli vuoteen 2085 asti.
Asian vahvistaa Ylelle Teosto.
Itse kappaleen ja englanninkielisen Happy Birthday to You -tekstin tekijänoikeudet ovat rauenneet. Englanninkielistä sanoittajaa ei tiettävästi tiedetä. Warner/Chappell maksoi kiistassa 14 miljoonaa dollaria aiemmista tekijänoikeuksista.
Oikeus päätti vuonna 2016, että Happy Birthday to You -laulu on julkista omaisuutta toisin kuin suomenkieliset sanat.
Laulua esitetään myös Suomen päiväkodeissa ja kouluissa yleisesti. Esimerkiksi kunnalliset oppilaitokset ja päiväkodit kuuluvat yleisesti Teoston ja Kuntaliiton solmimaan kuntasopimuksen alle, minkä takia ne saavat esittää mitä tahansa musiikkia juhlissaan.
Kuntasopimus ei kuitenkaan kata musiikin käyttöä netissä, esimerkiksi sosiaalisessa mediassa.
Jos kyse on omista juhlista eli esimerkiksi juhlista perheen ja ystävien kesken, Paljon onnea vaan -laulun saa vapaasti laulaa.
–Tästä saa myös tehdä videon ja laittaa someen, koska Teoston ja useimpien isojen somealustojen välillä on sopimukset, jotka kattavat yksityishenkilöiden musiikin käytön, Yli-Äyhö sanoo.
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placegrenette · 1 year
Who are wives of ZaQ and Alem? Like do you know anything about them more than their name? Thank you :)!
Why yes, anon! Admittedly some of this stuff I'm not very well informed on, and I will kick you over to the lovely Sara (@bbcblackjack) for more detailed explanations. But I will also thank you, for giving me the the opportunity to say nice things about Veronika and Zhadra!
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So, first up: Veronika Zhangalova and Alem started dating in... I want to say, 2019? I'm not sure. And then very quietly got married in 2021. I don't know her birthday or hometown but I'm pretty certain she, like a lot of Kazakhstanis, is ethnically Russian, and she may only speak Russian and not Kazakh but don't quote me on that. Anyway. She was, and is, a working model (here she is modeling some of Bibotta's clothes, for example) and was working in some kind of management capacity for Juz when she and Alem started dating. I don't know if she has an official position at Ninety One's company, but given how active she is on IG / TikTok, it wouldn't surprise me if she did some kind of social-media content management for them. (It would also not surprise me if she were the one to suggest that the absolutely epic face she pulls at about 3:50 of last year's Aqtobe tour stop video be kept in final edits, and thus preserved for Eaglez' enjoyment forever.)
Also, by the way, the story I have heard is that Veronika is singlehandedly responsible for the Irina Kairatovna / Ninety One bromance, as she was in an IK video and then introduced the two groups to each other. So if you liked "Taboo," you now know who to thank.
If you go through the Veronika tag on @ninetyonekz you'll figure out pretty quickly that she's an unabashed Ninety One fangirl and also very dedicated to promoting herself and Alem as True Love. I do think there's a bit of calculation in this: promoting the two of them as True Love enhances their individual respective brands, to give it the most crudely materialistic spin. But I also think that the calculation is in the social-media posting and not the love itself: that she's genuinely crazy about him and he about her, and they like to hang out together and have shared hobbies. Q-Eaglez apparently gave her some grief when it was first revealed that they were dating (which was, IIRC, an Eaglez asking at a fanmeeting, "There's something going on between you and Veronika, right?" and Alem bashfully replying, "Uh, yeah"), because a lot of Q-Eaglez are immature teenagers, but hopefully that's died down by now and everyone can just enjoy good-hearted people being publicly happy with each other.
Speaking of which:
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ZaQ's wife's name is Zhadra Abdulzhapparova, and I honestly know even less about her background than I do Veronika's, although given her name I strongly suspect she's ethnically Kazakh. She may also speak Russian only? I'm not sure. Anyway, she has been Ninety One's primary hair and makeup artist since at least 2017, as she has sole MUA credit for "Su Asty," but she and ZaQ didn't get together right away, I think they didn't become a couple until 2018 or 2019.
(Yeah, Ninety One are apparently kings of office romance, which has worked out beautifully in two cases and still leaves me a little nervous. You can start to understand why Bibotta at one point had to devote a whole series of Instagram Stories to shooting down rumors that she and Ace were an item. Like brother and sister, she said. I'm pretty much hoping that's the case for all the other women working for Ninety One at this point, with regards to Ace and Bala.)
I don't follow Zhadra on IG, so I've missed a lot, but my impression from following the guys is that ZaQ kept things pretty quiet until the split from Juz and then posted this pic with the caption "Wife," in April of last year. Which of course set off some speculation, which turned out to be unnecessary, because in July THEY GOT MARRIED and it was WONDERFUL, Boss Yerbolat gave a toast and sweet Nurs Bazarbay danced all night and Bala did the Macarena and everybody Instastoried the heck out of the event and I just had a big smile on my face all morning watching the live updates roll in. And now that they're married, ZaQ makes no secret of finding his wife super cute. I think Zhadra's less outgoing on social media than Veronika (and generally less interested in being a celebrity in her own right), but they did do one professional photoshoot together, from which the above photo was taken.
(Also see here for a ramble on my part on why it's particularly adorable that ZaQ, of all the members, married the group's makeup artist.)
Also the cats are originally Zhadra's, which is why you may now refer to ZaQ as Cute Cat Stepdaddy. Their names are Flerken and Vivian and I don't know which is which.
One thing I've noticed (and I've referred to this before) is that ZaQ & Zhadra + Alem & Veronika seem to work well together; last year they traveled as a foursome to the UAE to see 50 Cent perform, for example. Which is a good thing, if I'm right. I also think that the natural outgrowth of ZaQ and Alem spending more time with their wives is that Ace and Bala have been bro-ing around with each other more than either of them have with the other two (hence Space Season 4 Episode 4, 75% of the footage of which is Bala beating up his hyungs and Ace videotaping it). I mention this to shoot down the hasty conclusion that Zhadra and Veronika, separately or together, might be sowing dissension within the group; I think the individual friendships between the members can (and should) change over time, as they age and grow and confront new challenges, but "change" doesn't equal "become worse." I prefer to hope that everyone gets along with everyone else and Zhadra and Veronika are universally valued parts of the whole Ninety One enterprise.
Finally, anon, I have not the slightest wisp of a clue who Ace or Bala (or AZ) might be dating. If you hear anything credible, feel free to report back!
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ofstarsandskies · 6 months
( ooc ) omg it's kika's birthday?? yoooo happy, happy birthday, you fantastic and awesome person and rp friendo! hope you're having a swell and fun day.
hopefully when i get to play finish the two xillia games i can formally and properly gush about 'em to you, one of the ogs in this site ;3
@ervaurem ignore me being the late one lol
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OutOfCanonShips;; D'aw, thanks Shai! My day did go super well! Even my Asty guild said good things and that EoSed in May. Didn't think they'd remember their old guild leader.
Also kinda crazy to think that Xillia 2's WW release is itself almost coming to 10 years and my time as Ludger with it! It doesn't feel that long at all from when there was basically a multi-blog verse of the different Ludgers running around. All but one (@ad-simul, who even predates me!) have since left tumblr, but I will carry the banner in their honor!
And yes do know that if you ever wanna nerd about X2, especially Ludger and/or Julius, I have hilariously obscure knowledge I will dump at any opportunity. For fun, here's a spoiler-free freebie:
There's a funny glitch only doable in NG+ using grade to keep all artes. To prevent crashes, if you do a Linked Arte for a weapon Ludger doesn't have yet, it'll give him a placeholder one that can't use artes but can normal attack just fine. Well in Ch1 the game expects you to have a sword equipped since you don't get the other weapons till later. But if you have Jude Linked Arte with Ludger and keep him in hammer mode, Ludger blocks bullets empty-handed in one cutscene. Other cutscenes in that chapter don't do that sadly, but my stream and I had many lulz.
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scotianostra · 1 year
Happy Birthday Scottish operatic soprano Isobel Buchanan.
Buchanan was born in 1954 in Glasgow,and won a scholarship to the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, where in 1974, she was awarded with Student of the Year prize. She also won the Governor’s Recital Prize that same year.
In 1975 she auditioned for Richard Bonynge and Joan Sutherland and was offered a three year contract with the Australian Opera. Her professional debut was in January 1976, singing the role of Pamina in Mozart’s The Magic Flute, one she was to repeat many times throughout the world.
She made her British debut at Glyndebourne in 1978, again singing Pamina, in the Cox/Hockney production and in 1981 she sang The Countess in Peter Hall’s production of The Marriage of Figaro, a role repeated for the 50th Anniversary of the company in 1984 with Bernard Haitink conducting.
1978 saw her as Micaela at the Vienna State Opera in the legendary production by Franco Zefirelli, with Domingo, Obratsova and Mazurok. Conducted by Carlos Kleiber, the performance was broadcast live throughout Europe and released on CD and DVD.
Isobel’s Covent Garden debut was in Parsifal, conducted by Solti. Among other roles, she went on to sing Sophie in Werther, with Alfredo Kraus and Teresa Berganza, later recording the opera with Jose Carreras and Frederica von Stade, Sir Colin Davis conducting. She has appeared in opera houses in Cologne, Paris, Munich, Santa Fe, Brussels,Hamburg,Sydney, Wellington Chicago (with Pavarotti and Bergonzi) and Monte Carlo (with Raimondi).
She has also appeared with all the major British orchestras and has collaborated with many of the world’s leading conductors, including Solti, Haitink, Andrew Davis, Colin Davis, Celibidache, Pritchard, Mariner, Kleiber and Menuhin.
Isobel has made numerous recordings and in 1981 the BBC made a documentary, La Belle Isobel, of her career up to that time. She has had her own television series and has also appeared on such programmes as Face the Music and The Michael Parkinson Show.
After bringing up her two daughters, Isobel has recently resumed her career singing recitals with Eugene Asti and Malcolm Martineau at St John’s, Smith Square, as well as performing Sheherezade with the South Bank Sinfonia and, most recently, Haydn with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Walton’s Façade with Jason Thornton and the Bath Phil at Longleat.
She also teaches voice privately, is a regular tutor for the Samling Foundation, gives master classes and workshops throughout the UK and teaches at the Guildhall School as a visiting professor.
I’m quite biased because this was my mums favourite Burns song, just listen to the clarity in her voice, Perfect….
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emma-radfemcanu · 2 days
Hehe it's nearly 1am here so technically no longer my birthday but I'm a glass of Asti down and am very happy (yes, a single glass, I am a massive lightweight lol)
Still slightly in 'oh god I am now in my mid 20s instead of early 20s' crisis mode but I think it will pass. Birthdays are never as exciting when you're an adult but I had a nice dinner and then cocktails with my friends last night, and I'm seeing my best friend next weekend, and I have lots of other things to look forward to :)
I hope 24 is good to me 💃🏻
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My thoughts on Dr. Stone’s Chapter 210 (“Not One-Way”)
My thoughts after reading Chapter 210:
01. It was nice of them to reassure us immediately with the chapter title that this will NOT be a one-way mission! :)
02. Chrome’s determined to come up with a plan! >:O Go, Chrome! :D
03. Poor Yo... you tried to escape intricate backbreaking computer labor but sailed right into actual backbreaking mining labor... XD
04. Ooh, a new roadmap, this time for the rocket! :D They need a bunch of stuff, including “a crazy, baaad, asty-nay amount of electricity” :O And, of course, the flourite that Kohaku noticed on the roadmap! :)
05. For some reason, I think I assumed they were going to build everything there on Australia, because that was where they found the aluminum. But... this is Japanese manga, starring mostly Japanese characters, and Ishigami Village is so important to the story... of COURSE they’re going to launch from Japan! :O Ahh, silly me for not thinking of that immediately! XD
06. Kohaku’s excited about the project converging on Japan! :D Ruri is there, Kokuyou is there, Ishigami Village is there, so many people are there, and it’s where everything started... :D
07. Ryusui guessed the Medusa’s secret just like that... :O And then Senku admitted it just like that... XD And Ukyo was so shocked; hahaha! :D
08. This is a big moment for Chrome :( He’s thinking through the situation; guessing who the ship’s crew members will be; what people will think of the one-way mission plan; and coming to terms with the fact that they’re the experts and he’s... just an amateur... :’( But, he didn’t go along with Senku’s plan back then to risk his life by himself at the sulfuric acid lake, and he’s not going along with the one-way mission plan now! >:O Go, Chrome! >:O I SO agree with everything he said about their victory toast and happy ending! :D EVERYBODY has to be there, ten billion percent! :D
09. I really respect that Chrome was honest and clear about his own deficiencies when he asked (sort of) for Suika’s help, and that talked about her own strength when it comes to science :)
10. And after Suika joined Chrome in the plan to build the return rocket, she immediately started thinking about their next step! :D
11. Sai is the PERFECT person to help! :D As Ryusui’s older brother, he’ll be just as, if not even more, invested in making sure the space crew comes back to Earth, and he can teach them everything they need to know about math and calculations! :D
12. No way it’s just gonna be a one-way rocket, Senku... Chrome, Suika, and Sai are going to study and work hard to make a return rocket so that everybody can be there for the final victory toast! :)
13. This is AWESOME. We have Chrome, Suika, and Sai... I’m hoping they get Kohaku on board next because I love Kohaku! :D Being one of Senku’s oldest and closest friends in the stone world (and hopefully his future love interest too :D), she’ll definitely want to make sure Senku comes back (if he’s the scientist to go in the first place). As Tsukasa’s sister, Mirai will definitely want to help (maybe she’ll innocently ask science questions for the return ship crafting team?).
14. Also, Ruri is the closest thing Senku has to a sister (Grand Bout victory aside), and Kokuyou’s former position of authority in the village means that he’s the closest thing he has to an older male relative... and I’m sure everybody in Ishigami Village will want to help with this, just like they helped with Senku’s birthday telescope! :) And Senku’s used to Chrome going off and working on ideas of his own, so he won’t even be suspicious! :D (I hope XD) They might have to get more people on board too, like Ukyo, so that they can take more aluminum to Japan for the return rocket... and Taiju and Yuzuriha will of course want to help, if they knew about the plan...
15. The secret team will definitely grow from three to lots of people, and I’m looking forward to seeing this team and Ishigami Village and the kingdom of science work hard to make sure everybody’s together for their happy ending! :) On to the next chapter, which I hope will involve Kohaku, Japan, Ruri, Kokuyou, Chalk, Sagara, and secret team recruitment! :D
https   ://   firefly-hwufanficwriterrrrr   .   tumblr   .   com   /   MyDrStoneEpisodeMangaThoughts
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justalittletomato · 2 years
Birthday Bash! (Danica turns 21!)
In short: Danica goes to a club for her birthday, Aster, Eris and Poppy join in. 
Mentions of alcohol  @patchiefrog just a hint of angst but not really 
Danica was new to all of this. Why yes she went out prior but this was different. 
Not her bookstores or cafes where she would get extra chocolate in her mocha.
The heat of the day had yet to dissipate even as twilight set in she still felt it in the air. Aster busied herself with making sure each of Danica's curls was soft to the touch. 
Their cousin Eris and her fiance Poppy adjust the wingtips on Danica's eyes. 
“Is this not excessive?” asks the youngest of the Oppress girls. 
Aster dressed in her signature violet-blue shakes her head, “It is not every day one of us turns 21. Now hold still birthday girl I am going to make sure any Chiss there has their eyes on you.” 
Danica makes a small squeak, “Don’t say that!” 
Eris and Poppy laugh, “Don't tease her like that,” Eris starts
“However, true it is!” Poppy adds, “ Really Danica it's quite clear…” 
“That me and Ava are best friends forever and ever?” Danica quickly says. “Just that!” her shoulders droop, “Always that…” 
Aster kisses her baby sister’s cheek, “ Never say never. Now how about a pair of heels?” 
Eris laughs, “Aster we want her to reach 22!” 
Danica laughs, “Please, Asty you know I can’t!” clumsy as she was as a child, but Aster was determined. 
With some practice and a miracle Danica more or less carefully navigated a pair of black kitten heels that complimented the night blue dress Aster put her in. 
“Just a bit of deep red,” deep burgundy staining her full lips. Aster gives her an encouraging smile, “ how lovely you are Danica.” 
“My oh my,” Poppy giggles, “Miss Danica Oppress you are sure to steal hearts on your birthday!” 
Eris gives her small applause,  “Uncle Maul must not know of how many people will be entranced by his dearest little Dani.” 
Danica wrinkles her nose at the smell of the drink, “Why would I drink something if it isn't tasty?” 
“The feeling, it gives a nice buzz, oh also here is number 3 I think.” Eris passes Danica a paper. 3 comm numbers and 4 people who have already flirted with her. Danica was already a blushing mess. 
Aster calls for another drink instead, “It's on the house anyway…” a green drink passed to Dani with an apple rind. 
“Seriously, Aster? You still can do that?”  Eris and Poppy explain. 
“What can I say? I get better as time goes on.” 
Danica sips at her drink. Sweet. Apple. A bit of bite from the alcohol. 
“Awww her first drink!” 
Danica gives a sheepish smile, she and Ava had stolen champagne bottles since they were 17…laughing and taking sips as they ran through the shelves of the library. 
Yeah first…
“Go dance with her.”  Ezra Bridger more or less pushes Ava toward the dance floor. A tad difficult since the Chiss shot up since turning 16. Now at 6 feet he was slightly taller than the Jedi. 
“What?” Ava stumbles and almost drops the drink in his hand. 
“Go dance with Dani.” Ezra tries again
“Ezra we came here to make sure…” Ava tumbles over his words. 
“I came here to make sure everything was alright, I brought you to make sure you got to dance with the birthday girl” 
“ AVA?!”  Danica squeaks 
“Uh hi…” his face must be purple now. Oh she is just a vision in her outfit! 
“Oh hello Ava! Is my husband around then?” Aster instantly perks up and wanders off into the crowd. An audible groan from some of the bar attendees. Married?! 
Eris and Poppy have also disappeared. Leta and Cress who had also come along to celebrate were dancing already on the dance floor. Letas laughter ringing through with Cress’s. 
 Ava and Danica are alone with the sound of music loud and lights intense. 
“Happy Birthday. Again…” 
He had told her a dozen times, little gifts throughout the day. Pens, stamps and even a first edition of her favorite book….
“Thanks…again. Ava can I ask for another gift?” she knows her face is dark red now. 
“A dance?” 
The two laugh and spin. Ava taking gentle care to hold Dani tight so she wont fall. Its so easy its so simple! Just like they have always done! 
“And now we slow it down….”
A slow dance now…pressed closer than before. 
“Danica can I give you one last gift?”
He tilts his head slightly,
“Please…” Dani whispers. 
Lips shy from another and the birthday kiss is instead pressed to her temple. “Happy Birthday Dani…” 
Sweet drinks are dangerous at times, she pulls at him, and thier lips touch.  “Yes…the best…” 
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kenofos · 3 years
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A new guy. Actually a very old one but redesigned.
Name: Astar Omikrain Nickname: As, Asta, Astie, annoying dog, golden sentry Age: Ageless (physically 21) Height: 180cm. Blood: Definitely not human blood Birthday: April 30 Species: Nizoid Gender: Genderless Pronouns: They/He/It Sexuality: Pansexual Occupation: Sentry Ability: “Overseer” - The ability to sense every living being's energy in a radius of 660 ft. around him, allowing him to foresee surprise attacks and avoid an ambush. However, this ability doesn't seem to work with machines and other nizoids. Status: Alive - Active
Description: The golden sentry of his agency. A cocky guy with an apparent big ego but low self-esteem, he will find any moment to show off his abilities but also to joke about his defects, such an emotional rollercoaster he is. However, despite everything, he's very good at what he does and takes his work seriously.
Extra: The yellow appendage that floats around him is a magnetic device that works as a transmitter and receiver of signals, it's a device every nizoid have. It also behaves like a tail, "wagging" it whenever they're happy. Every device has a distinct extra ability, Aster's being "Overseer".
Random fact: Coworks with Riono in the agency and knows about his old crush on a certain cambion, Astar often bothers him with suggestive jokes.
Monster Warrior alternative info.
Earth: 9 University class: 3-A / Gold
Relationships: • Love - N/A • Besties - Riono, Marie, Victor • Friends - Luzverly, Charlotte, Ling, Harper, Misty, Daniel, Vincent, Eden • Acquaintances - Yukari, Rachel, Alison, Riley, Chloe, Marion, Veronica, Esnes, Blair, Louis, Hagan, Amory, Hiromaru, Paolo, Tadeo, Yuta, Edniel, Chase • Neutral - Ash, Noirz, Dennard • Enemies/Rivals - Maroon
Monster Warrior © @espzyhr
Maroon/Riono/Marie/Astar © @kenofos
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anywhozits · 3 years
Kristoff’s Favorite Christmas Present
Rating: G
Words: 4583
Verse: Canonverse
Pairing: Kristanna
Summary: Anna has a plan to give Kristoff the best present of all time. Naturally she must enlist the help of her magical sister and twin daughters.
“I’m sorry—you put the peppermint where?” Anna gasped, stopping her frantic Christmas present rearranging to stare wide-eyed at her daughter.
Two-and-a-half-year-old Iduna’s lower lip curled as she whispered, “Reindeer’s nose?”
“Reindeer…” Anna furrowed her eyebrows. “Sven’s nose?”
Iduna bobbed her head up and down, and Anna couldn’t help but laugh despite feeling mighty sorry for Sven.
She shrugged. “He was hungry!”
Anna laughed again, dropping to her knees to explain calmly, “Hungry means you should put the peppermint into his mouth, not his nose. Nose is for smelling. Mouth is for eating. Let’s get this sorted out, okay? Why don’t you go with…” Anna’s eyes scanned the entire room for somebody—anybody—to lead this expedition, but they all looked more than busy.
Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Kristoff. The reminder that he was only minutes away from opening his Christmas present was enough to send an excited tingle down her spine.
Her wonderful husband had his arms full carrying their other twin, Asta, while also trying to balance Elsa’s presents. Anna could hear Asta’s adorable squeal, “Papa, papa! Booger tastes gingerbread-y!”
Anna chuckled. Oh, Asti…
For fear of spoiling everything prematurely, Anna had to look away, thus noticing that only one person—well, snowman, appeared not otherwise occupied. Smiling widely all the way, Olaf hobbled around the room, greeting everyone he saw with a wave of his twig arm and a repeated “Oh, I just love the holidays!”
“Oh, hi, Anna! Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas! Hey, can you take Iduna to find Sven? I think he might have a peppermint stuck up his nose…”
“Gotta put mouth! Sven hungry!” Iduna reached out to grab Olaf’s hand.
“Gotcha!” He said, giving Anna a wink. “Why, hello, Princess Duna. Looks like we were both on the nice list this year?” Olaf gestured to the mountains of presents under the tree. Each member of the family had a different wrapping paper color to help differentiate the gifts. Olaf’s, for instance, was blue, centrally featuring several friendly snowmen. Both Iduna and Asta, however, had already opened their presents when they woke up at the literal crack of dawn. The carnage of red and gold wrapping paper now sat in massive piles in the corner of the ballroom.
Iduna let out a high-pitched laugh. “Ya!”
As Anna watched them walk away, she let out a sigh. Still so much to prepare… and she started to feel so nervous and excited (hah—nervecited) all over again.
Her eyes drifted to Kristoff once more and then all the butterflies in her stomach unleashed themselves at once. She needed to look away. Nervecited. Yup. Still couldn’t look at Kristoff. Noted.
“Els!” Her sister, instead, provided the perfect distraction.
“Yes, Anna?” Elsa was working diligently on her ice sculptures, finishing up the last details of the ice sleigh she loved featuring as a centerpiece.
“Are you—you know what we’re gonna do? You know the plan?”
Elsa smiled. “Yep. I’ve got it.”
“Okay. Good—great.”
“You feeling all right?”
“Yes, actually. Just—”
Elsa gave Anna a gentle nudge. “You don’t have to wait much longer, you know.”
And then Anna sighed. “It feels like I’ve already waited too long.”
“Why don’t we get on with it, then?”
“Okay. Yeah. Okay. That’s a good idea. Why wait anymore, right? We can… we can just go for it. Celebrate! He’ll want to celebrate, right? We’ll all celebrate?”
“Definitely, right! God, I’m so excited! Wanna grab the girls? I sent Iduna off with Olaf to find Sven and fix his nose—"
"Fix his—?"
"And once they’re back—”
“Oh! They’re here!”
Turning around, Anna saw her daughter and Olaf quickly approaching, both of them moving about in a clumsy pattern due to their collectively short legs.
“Mama!” Iduna called. “Sven love peppermint—no hungry more!” Anna giggled as she picked Duna up and snuggled her.
“Thank you for doing that, sweetie.”
“Welcome, Mama!”
“I’m happy that he loved it,” Anna said. Afterwards, Iduna tightened her hold on Anna and snuggled in close, popping her left thumb into her mouth and sucking gently. Anna kissed the top of her blonde hair.
“Shall we get started on our present for Papa?”
Iduna’s head nodded a couple times.
Okay—it was time. Nervecited. But now, way more excited than nervous.
Just one more twin to round up…
She heard a little bit of a moan or a groan or maybe even an excited squeal and turned to see Asta stuffing her face with most, if not all, of the chocolate from her stocking. Her mouth was so stuffed that barely any sound could make it out.
There was also heaps and heaps of melted chocolate on her hands and her cheeks and her lips. She was a chocolate mess.
But Anna loved it. She didn’t even mind when Asti took her hand and all that melted chocolate squished between them.
“We’re gonna give Papa his present, okay?”
“Mmm!” Her mouth was still so full of chocolate.
Elsa soon joined them next to the tree, bouncing up and down in her own excitement. She took Asta’s other hand.
“Okay!” Anna shouted. “It’s time to finish opening presents!” Excited, excited! Nervous—nervecited. Excited! Anna’s mind and heart utterly couldn’t pick an emotion today. “Kris, you’re next!”
He strolled toward her with an amused smirk, kissing the twins’ foreheads before bringing in his wife for a tender smooch.
“I told you not to get me anything,” he said as he snaked an arm around her waist.
Anna laughed. “Oh, hush! You know we’d never listen to a request as ridiculous as that!”
“Besides, Kristoff, you’re gonna love it,” Elsa explained. “Right, Anna? He’s gonna love it?”
“You’re gonna love it,” Anna confirmed.
“Okay,” he said, kissing his wife yet again. “I’m intrigued.”
Anna absolutely beamed before handing Iduna over to Elsa. Elsa immediately placed her gently on the floor next to her twin. Iduna looked up at her aunt with her big cerulean eyes and kept sucking on her thumb.
The three of them—Elsa, Iduna, and Asta—then formed a circle. Elsa got on her knees, trying to remain at eye level of the two-and-a-half-year-old twins. She whispered something into both of their ears, and they smiled. Iduna freed her thumb from her mouth.
“Remember what I told you yesterday—think really, really hard about what you want to do. Picture it in your head. Concentrate… on what you want to create and how much you love your mama and your papa.”
“Auntie, too!” Asta added.
Elsa hesitated. “Oh—I… if you want to think of that, too, then—yes. You can… you can think of Auntie Elsa, too.”
“Love you!” Asta squealed, making Elsa blush.
“And I love you, too. Both of you!” Elsa booped the girls on their noses and they giggled. “Okay—are you ready?”
Both Asta and Iduna nodded and joined hands. To harness the full strength of their magic properly they needed to share it. Either they used their powers together or one relinquished the powers temporarily to the other. It’s a twin thing. And given their May Day birthday, their power must be spring themed…
Branches came to life, flowing across the room with an elegant choreography. The branches weaved together to form the shape of a wicker bassinet. The twins controlled nature—springtime nature—the earth, really. Flowers, dirt, trees, the like. The other side of Elsa’s powers.
As the girls finished their bassinet, Elsa swirled her own hands together to create the final touch—a baby made out of permafrost and ice, connected to the twins’ creation. Complete with a lovely semi-circle arrangement that allowed this piece to hang on a Christmas tree.
Ta-da, Elsa gestured. “It’s an ornament!”
“For you, baby,” Anna added as she gave her husband a slight nudge.
“Auntie Belsa! Up, please!” Iduna reached her hands out to Elsa, who happily lifted her up. Somehow, Elsa and Iduna looked more like twins than Iduna and Asta did. Truly the only key difference was that Iduna had slightly darker more-Kristoff-than-Elsa blonde hair.
Meanwhile, Asta plopped down to the floor to start licking chocolate off her hands and her face. She had more of the Kristoff genes—kind brown eyes and a fierce nose. But her face was still covered in Anna’s freckles.
“It’s beautiful,” Kristoff said. “I love that Elsa taught our daughters how to use their powers to make this.”
Anna sighed. If he hadn’t mentioned… did he really not get it? Or … was this an actually a super dumb idea akin to those first few supposedly impossible charades hints that Elsa and Olaf couldn’t get?
Kristoff gave thankful kisses to his daughters and a gracious hug to his sister-in-law. “I mean it. Elsa, you’ve clearly taught them so well. They already have such good control over their powers.”
“Well,” Elsa shrugged. “They’ve got a lot of love in their lives.”
Okay—fine. Time to push a little more. Anna urged, “Sooo, what do you think this ornament is?”
Kristoff looked at her curiously. “What?”
“Like, what’s… what’s in the ornament? What’s the theme? Who’s the baby?”
“Oh—well…it’s a nativity ornament, right?”
Both Anna and Elsa exchanged confused glances before bursting out into laughter.
“What? This is … baby Jesus, right?” Kristoff continued. “The nativity… it’s Christmas.”
Elsa buried her head in her hand and Anna groaned, clarifying, “It’s not a… it’s not a nativity ornament…”
“I can see why you’d think that, though, Kristoff,” Elsa said. “Because, well, it is Christmas. We probably should’ve given this a bit more thought.”
Anna’s heart skipped a beat. All right. Time for Plan B.
She scurried to the tree and pulled out a present wrapped in Kristoff themed red reindeer paper. “Here. This one’s from me.”
Kristoff gave it a couple hearty shakes, then he ran his hands along the creases. “Feels like a book.” Next he brought it up to his face to take a closer look. “Looks like a book.” And, finally, sniffed it. “Smells like a book.”
This was it. The present was obvious—clear. No room for misinterpretation this time.
Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod it was about to happen.
“OPEN IT!” Anna yelled, unable to contain her excitement anymore.
He tore off the paper quickly and started smiling at a black leather notebook. “Thank you, baby. You know I love a good notebook.”
“There’s something inside, Kris!” Anna eagerly explained. “You should read it.”
Giving his wife a curious look, Kristoff opened the notebook.
The second he allowed himself to read the words written in Anna’s script, his jaw dropped.
Baby Bjorgman Number 3
Week 8: Baby’s the size of a kidney bean
-Feeling great overall! Shocker!
-Little bit of nausea when smelling onions
-Truly disgusting amount of saliva in the mouth. Need to spit every 2 seconds
-Kinda tired? Maybe? From baby or from queen things?
-Super weird, vivid dreams about Sven dancing in a tutu. Like, every night.
He was silent—in shock. When he looked up, finally, Anna beamed at him. “See, it wasn’t Baby Jesus. It was—”
Before Anna could finish the thought, she flew in the air. Kristoff lifted her up and twirled her around—his signature move.
He had done the same when she told him she was pregnant the first time, and it meant so much to Anna that he was just as excited this time around.
As Kristoff brought her back to the ground, he kept his hands around her waist and then drew her in for a tender yet passionate kiss. One of his large hands dropped to her stomach to caress her nonexistent baby bump.
“Our little bean!” He kissed her again. “This is the best Christmas present I’ve ever—and it’s even more special since you, Elsa, and the girls worked on this together. With the magic and the ornament, and, obviously, the journal you made.”
“Yay—good! I thought this would be fun! You know—since we surprised Elsa last time, I thought it only fair we return the favor. Really get you good.”
He smiled and said, “You got me real good. I had no idea, honest. I can’t say I didn’t hope but I still didn’t expect it. I take back what I said about not wanting anything for Christmas. This is what I wanted. This is everything I ever wanted.” His hand still rested protectively on Anna’s belly. “How long have you known?”
“Barely a week! I thought I was just late or stressed or something since I’ve been feeling really great, honestly. Maybe this means there’s only one baby this time?”
Kristoff laughed.
“So, you’re happy? You’re excited?”
“Of course, Anna,” he said. “This is the best Christmas present I could ever ask for.”
Tears actually shot out of Anna’s eyes. Her husband was quite literally the perfect human.
Kristoff kissed her again, and he felt it too. Honestly just as emotional as his wife. On the brink of tears. In reality, he had hoped this announcement would come soon. The doctor told them to wait until the twins were at least two before they started trying again, but on their birthday, Anna and Kristoff had decided at least was a useless phrase. Two years would be plenty.
And now, seven months later, their third kid was on the way… 8 weeks on the way already.
When Kristoff pulled away, he suddenly remembered that he and Anna weren’t alone.
“Elsa, I—thank you, again. It means… it’s so much more special now that I know.”
“You’re welcome! It’s been fun to plan. I knew you’d be thrilled.”
Kristoff smiled so genuinely his eyes crinkled. “You know me well. When did you find out?”
“She told me when I got here a few days ago. Well, she said that she thought maybe, but didn’t know for sure.”
“Once the doctor confirmed everything, we started planning this.” Anna had wanted to really surprise Kristoff this time around. She was so anxious and excited and enthusiastic the first time it was nearly impossible for her to keep anything to herself. It all started when she got that weird headache a week before her monthly cycle was due. From that point on, she told Kristoff everything, in great detail. This time, all of her thoughts, feelings, and emotions about being late but without any of her previous symptoms remained barricaded in her mind and her mind only. She really had convinced herself it was nothing more than stress. But even still, given the other-more-exciting thing was definitely a possibility, she had to keep mum. Because she really wanted to surprise him—do something special. And, conveniently, Christmas had been just around the corner.
It shocked Anna that she made it this far, honestly. A perfectly kept secret.
“And you told the twins too?”
“Yep. I told them… although not too sure how much they really understand what’s going on,” Anna laughed. They really did look as confused as ever. “But whatever—I still wanted to make sure our little cuties were involved! And Elsa kept saying that their magic lessons are going so great, too, so I wanted to see!”
Kristoff reached down and took Asta into his arms. She had wholly cleaned herself of the chocolate. Sugar-high very much imminent.
“Asti, you’re gonna be a big sister! How does it feel?”
“I have sister!”
They all laughed.
“You do have a sister. You have Iduna. But this summer—uh, when exactly did they say?”
“Mid-July, probably. Maybe late July. Maybe early August,” Anna responded. “Toss-up between Cancer and Leo baby!”
“Ooh right. That’ll be interesting,” Elsa said. “Honeymaren said she wanted to help me with a full astrological reading whenever you have your next baby. We’ll have some thinking to do before this summer.”
Anna legitimately squealed. “Aww, that’s nice of her! How fun! I love your readings, Els.”
“So, wait. Anna, you’re really feeling okay?” Kristoff sounded stunned. Granted, he had to watch her throw up everything she put into her mouth (other than chocolate) for the first almost 15 weeks of her last pregnancy, so his shock was more than founded.
“Uh-huh! It’s super weird. Disorienting, honestly. I can eat real food and not have to worry about tossing it back up later. Although now that I said that I bet it’ll all change and I’m gonna have to throw up all the—ugh, I’m totally jinxing it, aren’t I?”
“Nah, honey. There’s no such thing as a jinx.”
“You’re talking to someone who has a fifth spirit sister, a talking snowman best pal, and also twin daughters with special earthy springtime nature powers,” Anna deadpanned, so much so that Kristoff chuckled. “There are totally such things as jinxes, husband. Totally, totally.”
She was probably right on that one.
“Well I know you’re—ah, guess I shouldn’t say that, with the jinx and everything—but, um, even though you’re—” Kristoff gestured and made noises that sounded like he completed the phrase with ‘feeling great’ without actually saying the words. “But, what would you say if I started up my chocolate collection again?”
“Um, well, obviously I would say the only thing I can say which is… bring it on, baby! I’d love some chocolate. Chocolate sounds amazing right now. Honestly I was about to lick it all off of Asta’s hands until she licked it off herself.”
This got Asti’s attention. “More chocolate?”
“Chocolate for Mama this time! And maybe we’ll save some for you, too, soon-to-be-big-sister.” Anna said while giving Asti’s blonde hair a good ruffle.
In the meantime, Kristoff’s eyes darted quickly to the hutch in the corner of the expansive ballroom and he eyeballed the collection of silverware, trying to locate his favorite chocolate-making spoons. He couldn’t help but note the fact that one of the spoons is distractedly off-kilter. He smirked. “Asti, wanna come with me to get some chocolate, love?”
And then they were off.
Anna looked around curiously for a second before turning back to Elsa. “Wait, wait, wait, wait. Where did Olaf run off to? Was he even here when Kristoff figured it out?”
“I have no idea.”
“Duna, have you seen Olaf?”
“Olaf!” Anna called out. “Olaf, are you here? Are you anywhere?”
But then, soon enough, they heard the pitter patter of snowman feet on the wood floors. “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming!” He was going as fast as he can, holding onto an extremely shoddily wrapped present.
He stopped in his tracks, right in front of Anna, took a bow, and then held up the present to her face. “This one’s for you! And Kristoff!”
“Oh! Thank you, Olaf,” Anna said, taking the present into her hands. “When’d you run off?”
“After you gave Kristoff his gift.”
“Oh—so you—”
“Anna! Chocolate!”
Anna snapped to attention when a bar of sea salt dark chocolate barrels toward her face. She caught it with her left hand thanks to some kind of crazy reflex she didn’t even know she had. “Thank you, husband!”
When she gave Kristoff a gracious look, she noticed that Asta was sucking on some more chocolate. All right. Super, super crazy sugar-rush now even more imminent.
Olaf skipped toward Kristoff. “I have a present for you!”
“Oh, uh—”
“I’ve got it here, Kris,” Anna explained, holding up said present.
Kristoff put Asta down and stood next to his wife, helping her tear open the present. Upon removing the crumpled wrapping paper, a marvelous creation revealed itself.
Adorable blue knit booties. Baby-sized.
Both Anna and Kristoff’s eyes widened to a saucer-like degree. Kristoff started, “Olaf, how did you—”
At the same time that Anna added, “Did you make these yourself?”
“Yup! Made them yesterday—oh boy was I excited when I overheard you and Elsa talking about the new baby! And now I know that babies come from eating a special pie thingie from the trolls, and that they start off really tiny inside you and then they’re born after a really, really long time. And when they’re born, they have little feet that could get cold! So yes, I made these,” Olaf said proudly. “And by the way, I did such a great job keeping the secret—but it was so hard. I told so many rocks and trees and snowballs in the forest. And a couple fish. Oh, and maybe twelve puffins!”
“Those puffins. Surprised they didn’t come blabbing,” Anna joked, giggling. “Well, thank you, Olaf. These are adorable and it’s so sweet that you worked so hard to make them! Baby’s gonna love them. You’re right, they’ll be perfect for keeping baby’s little teeny tiny feet so nice and warm. But, wait… since when do you know how to knit?”
“Just something I’ve picked up with my old age.”
Kristoff raised his eyebrows. “Old age, huh?”
Entertaining Kristoff zero, Olaf narrowed his eyes and waddled closer to Anna. “So the baby’s still really tiny, right?”
“Yes! You could tell if the baby were bigger. Remember last time the babies grew a lot before they were born?”
“Oh, yes, I do remember,” Olaf said. “It looked like you ate Sven!”
Laughs all around.
Then, Asta toddled on over to her snowman best friend. “Play, play with Olaf!”
“I would love to play with you, Princess Asti!”
Iduna started squirming in Elsa’s arms, signaling that she, too, wanted to play. Elsa set her down carefully and Iduna’s legs propelled her toward Olaf at warp speed.
“Hello again, Princess Duna.”
“Olaf!” She ran to give him a hug. “Play!”
“Why, yes, I’d love to play with you too! This is so much fun—playing with the twin big sisters! What should we play?”
Asta started, “Ring around rosie!”
And Iduna chimed in at practically the same time, “Olaf says!”
“Hmm. Both wonderful games! And I bet we have time for both. What should we start with?”
“Ring around the rosie!”
“Olaf says!”
“Huh. A stalemate. How can we solve this? A dance off?”
The girls giggled.
“Or can I choose the order?”
They both stared blankly at Olaf.
“Ring around the rosie first! Sorry, Iduna. We’ll play Olaf says next, okay? And I’ll make it extra special just for you, future-big-sister.”
Asta jumped in the air and ran around in probably twenty circles in excitement. The chocolate evidently hit Asti right at that second.
Eventually, they positioned themselves for game time in the middle of the ballroom, leaving Kristoff, Elsa, and Anna alone by the tree.
Kristoff took this as his opportunity to cozy up to his wife. He usually wouldn’t do this in such a public space. As much as he loved physical touch and affection, he was never one for PDA in the usual sense of the term. But something about today felt different. Something about this whole wonderful and exciting situation felt different.
Immediately he dropped to his knees, and then two large hands grabbed Anna’s still-small waist. First, he ran one hand along her stomach, and then he planted gentle kisses on the place that would grow over the next seven months.
Anna giggled and blushed. She always loved when he did this. It made her feel even a pang of regret that she worked so hard to keep the possible pregnancy a secret. Because she missed out on four weeks of this…
But seeing his wide, surprised, ecstatic eyes… and witnessing their daughters working to make this surprise present happen made it all the worth it. They’d still have time for this. Now, even—now was the perfect time.
And it was, clearly. Kristoff felt it, too. He cooed, “Tiny bean baby. Not Sven sized—bean sized. I love you, baby bean. Papa loves you.” His voice got pretty high-pitched and sing-songy when he spoke.
Of course, Elsa heard from Anna that Kristoff tended to speak a little differently around her—their cutesy nicknames only one example. But witnessing it firsthand made Elsa smile a smile unparalleled in sincerity.
Bringing in Olaf’s booties close to her heart, Anna blushed in pure delight, cherishing them as much as she cherished the moment.
Kristoff continued making faces at Anna’s stomach, putting his ear against it, and speaking in high-pitched whispers.
This visual was far too cute for Elsa and she felt the emotions getting ready to pour out of her.
“I’m so happy for you two! Really—I said this all to Anna the other day—with tears and everything, but you’ve both been so wonderful to Duna and Asti, and it’s clear to me, given how they already have such a good grasp on their powers. I guess I did have control somewhat when I was younger, but then it got worse, when, uh—” She hesitated but then cleared her throat. Not wanting to go down that road tonight. “But you two. You’re really doing well. You’re great parents. You’re meant to be parents.”
This made Kristoff stop what he was doing and run to give Elsa a nice, big hug. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, Els,” Anna agreed, walking over to put one loving hand on Elsa’s shoulder. “That means a lot to us. Like, a lot a lot. We were just two fools who knew a lot about being alone. And almost nothing about childrearing.”
“Your heart’s so big, though. You… you always had it in you. Both of you.”
Anna laughed and Kristoff hugged Elsa tighter. PDA-mode very much activated. “Hope this’ll hold true once we’re outnumbered.”
“You won’t be outnumbered,” Elsa explained. “You’ve still got Auntie Belsa.”
Anna automatically felt tears welling up in her eyes. One cute little line from her sister and she was off to the crying races yet again. “Thank goodness—we’re so lucky to have you.” Okay, it had gotten worse. Anna was practically a hyperventilating mess of tears at this point. Barely able to get out the sentence without a sob in between each word.
Then they heard a chorus of rambunctious squeals from the twins and an enthusiastic yelp from Olaf. Their attention focused on the middle of the room.
They gasped.
Iduna and Asta had created floating roses that hang above their heads as they play the game, and each of the three held their own bouquet of roses in their hands.
When Elsa said they had good control of their powers, Anna didn’t quite think she meant this. Without Elsa’s coaching, even.
They watched as the roses swelled in time with their singing
Ring around the rosie
A pocket full of posies
“Posies!” Asti yelled. “In pocket!”
With two swirls of her hand, posies appeared. Both Asta and Iduna stuffed them into their dresses. Olaf positioned a couple on his head. The girls laughed at that sight.
Seeing this, Anna sighed, lovingly and longingly. “They’re perfect.”
“And another perfect one’s on the way.” Kristoff smiled and rubbed her belly one more time for good measure.
“Wow,” Anna gushed. “Next year there’ll be three.”
“Outnumbered,” Kristoff added.
But Elsa huffed. “Not outnumbered!”
“I can’t wait!” Anna squealed.
And she couldn’t. They all couldn’t.
Because this Christmas was absolutely everything they could've wished and hoped for. And naturally, all their future Christmases, complete with a gaggle of three or four or five-hundred Bjorgman children, would be just as perfect.
With its open gates, full hearts, and an even fuller castle.
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onigirimsby · 4 years
Happy birthday! (what kind of frosting are you using for the cake?)
My birthday isn’t for an hour and a half more in my part of the world, but thank you!!! 🥰 I made a vanilla buttercream frosting with a tiiiiiny bit of asti mixed in but it was such a small splash I can’t even taste it 😭
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clarechiara · 2 years
Tumblr media
CNY & @astispivey birthday lunch with my favourite ladies. ❤️ Huat Aaahhhh🧧!! Happy Bday Asti 🎂 !! #sugarbabes #momsquad https://www.instagram.com/p/CZMENgPpvI0/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
scotianostra · 5 years
Happy Birthday Scottish operatic soprano Isobel Buchanan.
Buchanan was born in 1954 in Glasgow,and won a scholarship to the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, where in 1974, she was awarded with Student of the Year prize. She also won the Governor's Recital Prize that same year.
In 1975 she auditioned for Richard Bonynge and Joan Sutherland and was offered a three year contract with the Australian Opera. Her professional debut was in January 1976, singing the role of Pamina in Mozart's The Magic Flute, one she was to repeat many times throughout the world.
She made her British debut at Glyndebourne in 1978, again singing Pamina, in the Cox/Hockney production and in 1981 she sang The Countess in Peter Hall's production of The Marriage of Figaro, a role repeated for the 50th Anniversary of the company in 1984 with Bernard Haitink conducting.
1978 saw her as Micaela at the Vienna State Opera in the legendary production by Franco Zefirelli, with Domingo, Obratsova and Mazurok. Conducted by Carlos Kleiber, the performance was broadcast live throughout Europe and has recently been released on CD and DVD. Isobel's Covent Garden debut was in Parsifal, conducted by Solti. Among other roles, she went on to sing Sophie in Werther, with Alfredo Kraus and Teresa Berganza, later recording the opera with Jose Carreras and Frederica von Stade, Sir Colin Davis conducting. She has appeared in opera houses in Cologne, Paris, Munich, Santa Fe, Brussels,Hamburg,Sydney, Wellington Chicago (with Pavarotti and Bergonzi) and Monte Carlo (with Raimondi).
She has also appeared with all the major British orchestras and has collaborated with many of the world's leading conductors, including Solti, Haitink, Andrew Davis, Colin Davis, Celibidache, Pritchard, Mariner, Kleiber and Menuhin.
Isobel has made numerous recordings and in 1981 the BBC made a documentary, La Belle Isobel, of her career up to that time. She has had her own television series and has also appeared on such programmes as Face the Music and The Michael Parkinson Show.
After bringing up her two daughters, Isobel has recently resumed her career singing recitals with Eugene Asti and Malcolm Martineau at St John's, Smith Square, as well as performing Sheherezade with the South Bank Sinfonia and, most recently, Haydn with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Walton’s Façade with Jason Thornton and the Bath Phil at Longleat.
She also teaches voice privately, is a regular tutor for the Samling Foundation, gives master classes and workshops throughout the UK and teaches at the Guildhall School as a visiting professor.
I'm quite biased because this was my mums favourite Burns song, just listen to the clarity in her voice, Perfect....
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trr-fangirl · 6 years
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO THE SWEETEST GIRL!!!💕💕💕 I'm sorry I'm late, just back to tumblr 😭
AHA! ASTI! Thank you so much! No need to apologize, I know you’re a busy bee! I love you!
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callmetippytumbles · 6 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TIPPY!💕 Hope H You have an amazing one and your life always full of happiness and lot of love! 🌼
Thank you Asti.
My birthday was quiet and pleasant, and all I can ask for.  
Thank you for the birthday wishes, I am hoping that this trip around the sun is better than the last.
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