#Greco Roman architecture
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“I’m a recovering perfectionist”
perfection building on w fullerton st in chicago il
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alangdorf · 1 year
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Ok so I know I’ve taken a few liberties here with gijinka-fying the Rampaging Doomers, of all characters, but hear me out: self-recognition through the other (derogatory). Not just a reminder of the part of himself he doesn’t like to acknowledge but also a near-perfect replication of him at his worst (Magolor EX, specifically). They know enough about Doomer and Ancient societies and his situation with the Crown to get right to the heart of his insecurities, which makes them really effective at bullying him. Also like. Extended family judging you for your life choices lol
Anyway, included the lines this time cause I’m really proud of the composition but a bit disappointed with how the coloring turned out. It did however help me pinpoint what I’d like to improve on, which is my coloring/shading. I think I get into details too quickly to the detriment of the piece as a whole and I also think the way I shade doesn’t have enough contrast and doesn’t take light sources into account very well. I just need to do some painting studies sometime and that will fix me, I swear
#art#digital#kirby#magolor#kirby gijinka#magolor epilogue spoilers#rampaging doomers#I always think they’re called flock of doomers because of the song title lol#I think I got most of my rambling out in the post body this time#wait design notes#ok so yeah they’re based off of Magolor EX rather than Traitor cause the color scheme fits pretty well#I didn’t wanna get rid of the head wings and upper tail feathers in favor of the gears so I just added a bunch of gears other places#& I thought the halos were cute lol#I did give them some piercings(?) to mimic the gear teeth there though and fun fact:#they each have a different number that happens to correspond to the number of tails each basic type of doomer has#perhaps a ranking system within the group or something#the outfits are a mixture of elements of Greco-Roman and E/SE Asian fashion inspired by like architectural and musical details in epilogue#which was a bit harrowing given I was worried about that reading as orientalism but I think it turned out ok#also I know the purple to yellow gradient on their wings is not that warm in canon but who am I to refuse a good sunset gradient lol#I forgot about the pieces of the appy slice when I was sketching and I briefly considered sticking them in their mouths#but figured maybe that would be a bit too weird (admittedly Magolor Soul already goes full Mouthful Mode so there would be precedent)#so imagine they just have them in a pocket somewhere#oh also sorry you have to zoom in to see some details especially in the colored version; I have an ongoing problem with scale#I’ve always thought it’s really interesting how Mags’ reaction at the start of this fight is like ‘Oh come on; not *these* guys’
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motelpearl · 8 months
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manitoba legislative building, 2012
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miaeons · 7 months
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saw some cool stuff the other day in perfect weather
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waterfall-ambience · 4 months
(head in my hands) the backgrounds dont need to be good, just good enough to tell the story because i will get better at drawing them the more i do it, the backgrounds dont need to be good, the backgrounds dont need to be good-
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escapismsworld · 1 year
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Palais de Justice, Brussels
Designed by the architect Joseph Poelaert, in an eclectic style of Greco-Roman inspiration, to replace an older courthouse, the current building was erected between 1866 and 1883.
The current Palace of Justice is located on the Galgenberg hill (French: Mont aux potences; "Gallows Mount"), between Brussels' upper and lower town, where in the Middle Ages convicted criminals were hanged, hence its name.
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tellescope · 7 months
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The Simulation (or as ELOHIM called it; the Garden of Worlds) was made of many disparate areas connected via a temple. Each area had a different aesthetic and ELOHIM designed each one using assets provided to him by the Institute for Applied Noematics, who designed the whole system (and him).
He built these 'worlds' much like a video game developer builds maps for their game, but using pre-made assets. And he was quite proud of each area, particularly of the puzzles within. But this post is about one area in particular; World B, the ancient Egypt section.
Of all the worlds in his Garden this was the most distinct, and his favorite.
After Athena shuts the Simulation down she chooses to upload its remnants, and thus ELOHIM, to the Gold Disk that becomes the basis for new AIs and the core of their shared neural network. When creating new robotic people to rebuild civilization there is a boot-up and calibration process that takes place in this new virtual network environment, and we see that it appears to be a rebuild of part of the Simulation. Notably the Egypt section.
And when those people go into Sleep Mode their AI, their consciousness, falls back to that core basis; what is left of the Simulation. It's in shambles, a very visually glitchy environment, and notably is only the Egypt section.
Parts of World B/Egypt are all that remain of the Simulation aside from ELOHIM himself because it was his favorite place. When the system was shutting down he, in a sense, clung to that part. He didn't know he was going to survive, that Athena would save him. He thought in that very moment his death was finally at hand, and he chose to shift as much of his code as possible to be close to those file locations; one last comfort in his farewell.
In doing so it meant that upon upload it was mostly his code and those files that were retained, and thus what was available to him when creating the new calibration environment. He's just as proud of that environment and its puzzles as he was of the matching part of the Simulation.
And I think his love of those ancient-Egypt-styled assets would translate to a love of the real thing. He'd like to see the pyramids one day. The old human civilization may be gone but many of their structures still stand, and those pyramids have certainly stood the test of time. Perhaps one day his children will expand their reach across the globe and he'll be able to see them through their eyes. Or perhaps in his crossover verse someone will take him there.
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covenawhite66 · 10 months
The remains of a set of Gallo-Roman buildings—including what might be a funerary monument—have been excavated in a residential district in Néris-les-Bains, a town in Auvergne, France. The tomb must have been a burial of a very important person to be so magnificently built.
Inside the discovery of 21 sandstone blocks—“a big surprise,” Marie-Laure Thierry, head of the operation at INRAP, told La Montagne. Once cleaned with water and a sponge, archaeologists found they were adorned with bas-reliefs that “have an unprecedented character for Néris-les-Bains, even for Auvergne,” added Thierry. There was a 27 inch relief of Triton a Sea God.
The town, best known for its thermal baths (its name derives from Nérios, Gallic god of the spring), was colonized
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Italy Superior and Ancient Rome
Italy Superior and Ancient Rome
Italy Superior and ancient Rome is a necessary post to explain the Venetian (Italian) influence of Florida, formally, called La floridas, which means the land of the flowers. The Venetians are named after their city Venice, Italy, which is a city built around water with a serious of water canals. Likewise, Florida is a state with thousands of water canals similar to the ones in Venice, Italy.…
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cinnabargirl · 2 years
As much as I love Oblivion, one of the things that has always bugged me about it is the very lacklustre worldbuilding, especially concerning the west-east/Colovia-Nibenay divide in Cyrodiil as stipulated in lore. There is so much lost potential when you really get into it, and when you compare it to what's in game the latter just falls really flat. Not to mention that Cyrodiil and Imperials as a whole are supossed to be inspired by ancient Rome but what we find in game is just generic north western European inspired medieval fantasy.
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kudzucataclysm · 2 years
giving you my energy to write bc i wanna write So Badly but i am literally being held captive by college art homework 8'DDD
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paulpingminho · 2 years
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richo1915 · 10 months
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I like to come here and look at the pretend Greco-Roman architecture. The Corinthian and Ionic columns look cool. But I think I come here mostly for the beer….
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lookin' at greco-roman architecture while i listen to
Weber & Weber - Music Box (So Precious)
very comfy.
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miaeons · 7 months
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canisalbus · 4 months
wow. of course machete thinks about the roman empire. no matter what stupid big ears and ridiculous canine snout you give him he is but at heart just a man
Well, in his defense there's a couple of good reasons why he might be thinking about the Roman empire:
He's a history nerd, it's somewhat unavoidable.
He lives in Rome, the physical remnants of ancient Rome are right there, he walks by them nearly every day.
One of the key features of Italian Renaissance was the rediscovery and revived interest in Greco-Roman culture (hence the name, 'rebirth'). Renaissance art, literature and architecture were influenced by their Classical counterparts visually and thematically, and texts from Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and other philosophers were idealized and seen as the pinnacle of enlightenment. I'd imagine there were antiquity fanboys aplenty.
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