#Germany Jobs
movetogermanywithease · 9 months
High Paying Jobs in Germany
Looking for high-paying jobs in Germany? Check out our list which will help you to decide which industry you should focus on for doing jobs. Read full blog!
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Germany has 2 million job vacancies in October 2022
Germany has a high demand for skilled workers as it is facing difficulties in getting into different sectors based on their level of education. Especially in Sciences, healthcare, and engineering kind of important fields.
Know More : Germany Job Vacancies 
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cowboy-robooty · 3 months
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based on when i said "I dont really like dumbasses. i think being smart is one the things I desire most in people" and then was forced to realize almost everyone im super close to has a room temperature iq
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digital999placebo · 3 months
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to be horny, drunk and in love on a catamaran somewhere in the Mediterranean
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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musashi · 1 month
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Hi all! Welcome to AAblr: Germany. A bunch of AA fans here on tumblr were unhappy with how a previous server of ours was handled, so we all fled to Franziska's (my) party mansion in Germany and now we're straight fucking chilling. And you should come join us!
Here's some cool stuff you can find in AAblr 2:
Channels for every single game, ship, and character you can think of! Hang out in the blorbozone, mute the character channels you hate, meet like-minded people who are insane about all the same things as you.
Weekly calls! We have multiple voice channels and chat daily! Don't want to be on mic? Hey, no worries, we have a TTS bot so you can still be included!
Member-run events! Do you wanna stream your favourite show? Are you making your way through AA and want to voice act it sillystyle with people who love it? Feel free!
Big voice channels as well as small, member-restricted alternatives for people who don't like crowds!
Constantly active chats! We have members in nearly every timezone, so there's always someone to hang with.
Writing/Drawing sprints! Body double with fellow creatives and make some art!
Kin-friendly! We actually started as a kin server, and still have a whole section for kinfolks.
Plural-accessible! We got pluralkit & tupperbox for you and anyone else chilling in your mind palace.
Free of exclusionary bullshit! All are welcome and everyone is kind. Exclusionists and discourse-brainers get flogged.
Open to new fans and oldies! Spoiler-conscious, so don't even sweat!
All ages! I said all are welcome, I meant it!
Tons more fun! Literally too much to list! And so much more to come!
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lennies-blog · 4 months
Translation: Mick about the 2025 Mercedes seat
Source: Sky Sport F1 Germany
I: "If you had one wish - winning Le Man's ir a Formula 1 seat? What would you take?"
Mick: *sighs heavily* "That's an easy question. Formula 1 is the big dream for me, still, the great love, so an F1 seat is still the big goal."
I: "Mick, now the silver arrow, this cockpit will be available next season. Would you be a candidate for it? Would you put yourself in the seat?
Mick: "I - I *has to laugh* If I would put myself in that seat? I think the answer is yes. But in the end it is a position that brings a lot of pressure with it, which I, nevertheless, see myself up to in my opinion. But it's not my decision to make. And that's a decision I have to respect. And time will tell what the outcome will be and I'm excited."
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suspiciousmammal · 4 months
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Some pictures I took while running last year
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ueberdemnebelmeer · 11 months
if you're looking for a simple gender-neutral period tracker that's open-source, doesn't require an account and stores your data only on your phone, you could give drip a try. it's available for both ios & android, and you can import your previous data via *.csv (in case your previous app exports data as JSON, e.g. clue, you can use this tool)
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starfruit-grafitti · 2 years
Your art of nyo!germany is amazing! Can we see more nyo!germany and Feliciano ?
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when your bf doesn't stop being a simp in public smh
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bunnihearted · 4 months
blub blub 🫧🐠
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verysaint-tropez · 27 days
Germany did it's homework and knows Eurovision likes fire
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nightydraws · 1 year
(I planned to post it on last Saturday but it wasn't possible at the time lol)
I didn't think that my post about penguins' nationalities would create some kind of a chain of other people's headcanons... but I'm really pleased with that
Anyway - want to know from where an idea that Skipper is German originates?
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I've found this, I think a year ago, on Skipper's wiki page (link there)... and actually created his backstory on this information, xd
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year
So you think they will actually confirm Eliot as bi?! 😳
I’d sell my soul for it, but I’m not sure they’re actually going to confirm it
the walk in the woods job sure came close, but in the end it was still subtext for the most part
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fanchonmoreau · 5 months
Listening to the original cast recording and watching some pro-shoots of Cabaret and Fräulein Schneider is just everything? She sings a whole song to Cliff about how she's weathered everything she's lost in her life by settling for what she still has, and then two seconds later the Jewish guy next store offers her fruit and a little schnapps and Cliff watches her absolutely melt over it. Clings to outdated ideas of propriety in relationships even when it's heavily implied she had a long-term sexual relationship with a man outside of wedlock. Has a mean and hypocritical streak, particularly with Fräulein Kost. Considers herself the most practical person she knows but takes a total of thirty seconds to agree to marry Herr Schultz when he spontaneously proposes. And a good Schneider will both look at and sing to Schultz like he's the fucking sun.
And you want to hate her for ending the engagement after the brick goes through Schultz's window, but you just can't. She represents all of the people who hated the Nazis but stood by and did nothing, who abandoned the Jews in their time of great need, but how can you resent her for choosing the only way she knows how to survive? You die for love, you're still dead. And she gets the best song in the show, the Brechtian gut-punch of What would you do? that stands in front of the audience and asks them if they really would make a different choice.
You may come to Cabaret for the Emcee or Sally Bowles, but in a good production? You leave with Fräulein Schneider.
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killmymind · 2 months
i don’t think i’ve ever felt this lost in my life. tbh
#feeling sad? sure. hopeless? been there done that. anxious as hell? at least once a week. but lost? no. not really#and that’s really fucking scary because i’m not familiar with it and i just don’t know how to deal with it#i can’t stop thinking that i’m running out of time because i’m 25 and i don’t think i can afford feeling this way#taking a break from uni sounds good in theory but in reality? again. i’m 25. i need to at least achieve one thing in my life holy shit#it’s SO hard to see the good even when it’s right in front of me or someone points it out. like having a job or studying or getting to#travel or even just having friends ARE achievements but i always want More More and More i am addicted to wanting more cause it feels like#nothing i do is ever enough. and now i’m adding feeling lost because i’m finally acknowledging the fact that i don’t know what i want to do#with what i’m studying or how to get a different job in the future when i almost have no experience and everything is just so frustrating#because i simply don’t fucking know. i just don’t. i can’t afford not knowing!! everything is so messy rn you would think i’d be thriving#after seeing louis and meeting aria and traveling to germany and i am genuinely so happy those things happened but fuck man there is always#the Bigger Thing taking over and it makes me feel like an ungrateful brat i just don’t fucking know man. maybe i am an ungrateful brat#but it’s just so hard to be happy when you’re feeling so lost with everything in your life and yourself#anyway i just. needed to let that out#negative#effie talks to the moon
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