bluegalaxy7 · 5 months
I took a midterm exam today it was not the best but while watching Hitler's circle of evil I came across a photo of Reinhard and Lina which I have never seen before and that brought me real joy
His gaze is soft , lovely and heartwarming
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jackassdemocrats · 5 days
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BREAKING: Judge Aileen Cannon has unredacted documents showing the Biden administration coordinated with the DOJ prior to the FBI raid and during the prosecution of former President Donald Trump.
Election interference at it's finest. The socialist democrat party has gone full 3rd world regime.
#trump2024 #joebiden #electionfraud #electioninterference #faniwillis #letitiajames #electionintegrity #DOJ #judgeaileencannon #FBI #Gestapo
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
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warsofasoiaf · 9 months
What exactly was the difference between the SS and the Gestapo? Both organizations just seem to be made up of thugs whose job was to terrorize the citizens and enforce the grotesque Nazi ideology. But if I am missing something please let me know.
It's not wrong to be confused, since the confusion primarily stems from the fact that in 1934, about a year after its founding, it was headed by Himmler and there was frequent overlap. The primary difference between the Allegemeine-SS and the Gestapo is that the former were the bodyguard paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party, while the Gestapo was a secret police unit whose job it was to ferret out internal discontent via informants and secret agents. The SS wore uniforms openly and frequently acted in conjunction with the Orpo, the uniformed police, while the Gestapo cultivated an aura of secrecy by blending in so no one could be sure who was a Gestapo agent.
So what was primarily different was the method and means, not the overall goal.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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usauthoritarianism · 14 days
This is a Chicago Jump Out Squad
In DC this sort of thing is normal too.
People need to understand. I have spent my adult life in driving distance between the urban centers where this slave catcher ass policing style is the reality, and the prison(s) where massive prisoner populations are rented out to governments and corporations for literal pennies to the inmates.
-and this article is from 2014
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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About the Author
Harold H. Thompson was a 58 year old Irish-American anarchist serving life plus sentences in the State of Tennessee. He was a poet, his articles have been published in anarchist newspapers and newsletters over the years plus has published a booklet of prison writings and struggle poetry by Huddersfield ABC In England titled “They Will Never Get Us All!” He worked within prison as a jailhouse lawyer aiding other prisoners with legal matters, filing of intenal grievances, post-conviction and lawsuits against prison officials when warranted. He was engaged in fighting a pro se civil rights complaint against State employee defendants who were complicit in an assault on him by white racist inmates at Turney Center Industrial Prison during 1999. Harold stated the reason he put together this pamphlet is it saddens him when he heard stories of animal rights activists, environmentalists and anarchists being arrested and put through the Judicial mill by the monsters of the earth. Harold was a strict vegetarian, supports those brave comrades struggling for animal rights and against those raping our earth for corporate greed.
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robcoopz · 2 months
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Medal of Honor Underground: Enemy/Ally Designs
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sandjosieph · 4 months
I think the reason a a lot of people miss the detail of Captain K bringing home Rosie’s bike during the gestapo raid is due to the fact that it's not the same bike as her's, which is a black women's bike with a basket on the front and wheel guards on the back. The bike Captain K brings home is a tan men's bike and looks similar to ones issued by the German army at the time.
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estefanyailen · 7 months
G E S T E À P E A U.
- Jacques Marie Émile Lacan.
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quotesfrommyreading · 10 months
Sexual relationships between men were anathema to Nazism. The notorious Paragraph 175 of the German criminal code, which outlawed such behavior, was made far more stringent in September 1935. Mere allegations led to wide-scale persecution, including the arrests of more than 100,000 men, as well as the imprisonment of at least 50,000. Some 5,000 to 15,000 of these individuals were sent to concentration camps, where they were treated with contempt, subjected to punitive labor and sometimes castrated, all while wearing a pink triangle on their uniforms.
Up until his 1937 arrest, Hans [Scholl] had thought himself the ideal Nazi youth: decisive, devoted, even fanatical. He hadn’t even known that same-sex intimacy was a crime, or so he claimed in his Gestapo interrogations. Nonetheless, he admitted to continuing his relationship with a “special friend,” the younger Rolf Futterknecht, for nearly two years. He described it to the Gestapo as “an overpowering love … that required some means of relief.”
Only 6 of the approximately 20 boys rounded up were indicted, and just 2 were ultimately tried and convicted. One of them was Hans, whom the Gestapo had entrapped in a web of corroborating evidence from which he could not extricate himself.
The Gestapo transcripts reveal remarkably candid testimony in which Hans strove to justify himself while protecting Futterknecht. “I am inclined to be passionate,” Hans said. “I can only justify my actions on the basis of the great love I felt for [him].” Later in the interview, Hans added, “I can hardly comprehend my behavior today.”
The circumstances of Hans’ arrest raised unexpected concerns in his mind about his sexuality. Indeed, in the very first letter written to his parents from prison in Stuttgart on December 14, 1937, Hans revealed that he had long carried a deep, secret burden regarding his sexual urges. “Through my tireless work on myself,” he told them, he thought he’d managed to be “washed clean again.”
Hans was found guilty on June 2, 1938, with the state’s prosecuting attorney asking for a one-year prison sentence. But the normally harsh judge decided on just one month, which he counted as time already served. The judge cited Hans’ exemplary record, a general amnesty for members of illegal youth groups and the many strong testimonials offered in his defense, ruling that the teenager’s same-sex relationship had amounted to an adolescent aberration.
The traumatic experience of having the Gestapo dig into the most intimate details of his life and put him on public trial for something he thought he’d successfully suppressed fed a gradual transformation in Hans’ views. Soon, his feelings about Nazism turned from admiration to loathing. As early as December 18, 1937, in a letter to his parents from prison, Hans vowed to redeem himself by becoming “something great for the sake of mankind.”
  —  Hans and Sophie Scholl Were Once Hitler Youth Leaders. Why Did They Decide to Stand Up to the Nazis?
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Roman Vishniac. Isaac Street, Kazimierz, Cracow, 1938.
* * * *
“The days hardened with cold and boredom like last year's loaves of bread. One began to cut them with blunt knives without appetite, with a lazy indifference.”
―Bruno Schulz, "The Street of Crocodiles," 1934.
Not boredom, Bruno -- with world's most vicious and implacable, most ancient hatred.
On November 19, 1942, Bruno Schulz, 50 and a genius, was shot and killed by a Gestapo officer while walking back home toward Drohobycz Ghetto with a loaf of bread.
[Mikhail Iossel]
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tmarshconnors · 6 months
“How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause?"
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Sophia Magdalena Scholl was a German student and anti-Nazi political activist
Born: 9 May 1921, Forchtenberg, Germany
Died: 22 February 1943, JVA Stadelheim München, Munich, Germany
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aperint · 7 months
8 de Septiembre “Día Internacional del Periodista”
8 de Septiembre “Día Internacional del Periodista” #aperturaintelectual #juridicoaintelectual @luisr_peralta @Luis R. Peralta Hdz.
Por: Luis Roberto Peralta Hernández Fue el 8 de septiembre de 1958 cuando el IV Congreso de la Organización Mundial del Periodista, celebrado en Bucarest, determinó conmemorar esta fecha como el Día Internacional del Periodista. Como ya ha sido comentado en colaboraciones anteriores, el término adecuado es conmemorar más no celebrar ya que regularmente el origen del reconocimiento de algunos…
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ultimaedizione · 1 year
Quanta difficoltà a dire che l'eccidio delle Ardeatine fu fatto anche dai fascisti
Altro scivolone sulla storia patria. E, soprattutto, quante difficoltà e reticenza a dire le cose come andarono. La storia non si riscrive e a poco serve manipolare le parole per nascondere la verità. Alle Fosse Ardeatine si consumò uno dei più terribili eccidi del periodo di occupazione nazifascista di Rona che ancora era rimasta capitale dello stato fantoccio creato da Mussolini. L’elenco dei…
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The man tried to sue her husband, but the District Court in Philadelphia threw out the case earlier this summer, and it was picked up again by Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice.
Joe Biden’s DOJ just looks for things like this to punish anyone that doesn’t agree with leftist idiocy. What about the pro-life clinics that were burned to the ground? Absolutely nothing has been done about that. Two tiered justice system, DOJ and FBI are just the gestapo of the Democrats.
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rafaelmartinez67 · 2 years
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No todos los héroes llevan capa. 
Durante la 2ª Guerra Mundial, Irena Sendler consiguió una autorización para trabajar en el Ghetto de Varsovia, como especialista de canalizaciones. Pero su trabajo encubría otro: Irena llevaba niños pequeños escondidos en el fondo de su caja de herramientas. En un saco de arpillera en la parte trasera de la camioneta, trasportaba a los niños más grandes. Llevaba allí un perro, al que había enseñado a ladrar a los nazis. cuando entraba y salía del ghetto.Claro que los soldados no querían ni acercarse al perro y los ladridos cubrían cualquier ruido que los niños pudieran hacer.
Mientras estuvo en ese trabajo, Irena consiguió retirar y salvar cerca de 2.500 niños.Finalmente los nazis la descubrieron. El 20 de Octubre de 1943 Irena Sendler fue apresada por la Gestapo y llevada a la infame prisión de Pawiak, donde fue brutalmente torturada. En un colchón de paja ella encontró una pequeña estampa de Jesús con la inscripción: “Jesús, en Vos confío”, y la conservó hasta 1979, cuando se la ofreció al Papa Juan Pablo II. 
Ella, la única que sabía los nombres y direcciones de familias que albergaban criaturas judías, soportó la tortura y se negó a entregar a esos niños ocultos. Le quebraron los huesos de ambos pies y piernas, pero no consiguieron quebrar su determinación.Ya recuperada fue condenada a muerte y mientras esperaba su ejecución, un soldado alemán la llevó para un "interrogatorio adicional". 
Al salir, el le gritó en polaco: "Corra". Así lo hizo, esperando ser alcanzada por las balas en la espalda. Salió por una puerta lateral y se escondió en unos huecos en la nieve hasta tener la certeza de que no era seguida.
Al dia siguiente, ya entre amigos, leyó que figuraba como muerta en una lista que los alemanes solían publicar.
Los miembros de la organización "ZEGOTA" (Rescate) habían conseguido detener la ejecución sobornando a un soldado alemán. Irena continuó trabajando con una identidad falsa. Irena mantenía un registo con el nombre de todos los niños que había rescatado, guardado en un frasco de vidrio enterrado debajo de un arbol en su jardín y lo conservó. Después de terminada la guerra, intentó localizar a los padres que hubieran sobrevivido y así reunir a las familias.
 La mayoría de ellos habían fallecido entonces buscó casas de alojamiento con padres adoptivos.
En 2006 fue propuesta para recibir el Premio Nobel de la Paz, pero no fue seleccionada. Ese año quien lo ganó fue Al Gore (ex-vicepresidente norteamericano) por su campaña sobre el calentamiento global.
No permitamos que alguna vez esta Señora sea olvidada! Ahora Ud. sabe qué es "ZEGOTA". 
Estoy aportando mi granito de arena para que ello no suceda reenviando este mensaje. Espero que hagas lo mismo.
Pasaron ya más de 75 años, desde que terminó la 2ª Guerra Mundial en Europa y este mensaje será reenviado como una cadena conmemorativa, en memoria de los 6 millones de judios, 20 millones de rusos, 10 millones de cristianos (inclusive 1.900 sacerdotes católicos ), 500 mil gitanos, centenas de millares de socialistas, comunistas y democratas y millares de deficientes físicos y mentales que fueron asesinados masacrados, violados, muertos en forma humillante, mientras otros pueblos del mundo miraban para otro lado. Ahora más que nunca, con el recrudecimiento del racismo, la discriminación y la masacre de miles de civiles en conflictos y guerras por todo el mundo, es imperativo asegurar que el Mundo nunca olvide.
*"Fuí educada en la creencia de que una persona necesitada debe ser ayudada con el corazón, sin importar su religión, raza, ni nacionalidad".**Irena Sendler.*
Gente como Irena Sendler que salvo millares de vidas prácticamente sola, es extremadamente necesaria. La intención de este mensaje es llegar a 40 millones de personas en todo el mundo.
Nota: En Netflix hay una película sobre ella: Los niños de Irena Sandler.
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