#Fuji Rumors
karingottschalk · 1 year
Non-Professional, Non-Commercial But Passionate Photographer Peter Poete Wants A Great Fujifilm X-Pro4 Too
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Chilled and did a lil “what if human forms?” It’s already been established Fuji can’t transform but…He can have this. As a treat.
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conkreetmonkey · 7 months
Splatoon 3 is wild because imagine if you were living in Japan due to a recent economic and cultural boom, and suddenly a space shuttle with a mutant house-sized T-rex riding it suddenly burst from the center of Mt. Fuji and disappeared into space without explanation, and all you ever find out about what the fuck that was about is that Zuckerburg mysteriously disappeared the same day and was never seen again, but still "officially" ran Meta through an open secret Queen-Elizabeth-being-in-good-health gaslighting campaign, and everybody kind of suspected he may have been connected but never figured out anything conclusive.
Also the T-rex is now orbiting the earth in the fetal position like the guy from Jojo, and there are rumors of a substance that, if touched, turns you into a half-dinosaur monster. Nobody understands any of this but Meta employees just keep going to work and pretending Zuck still exists. The same 12 prerecorded voicelines constantly squak from the PA system.
Oddly, the statue in front of Meta HQ of a T-rex eating a human changes overnight into one of a giant human eating a tiny T-rex. Nobody noticed the switch, despite the statue being in a constantly bustling area. It happened shortly after the shuttle incident.
Jack Black's tiny clone, Lil' Jack, now wears a headset at all times and has been acting really shady since the incident. Also they're both hyperintelligent, immortal velociraptors found in an ancient cryogenic chamber who spend their days judging college football and eating the legally harvested flesh of hillbillies. Lil' Jack is probably plotting to kill Big Jack, but Big Jack doesn't seem to care, growing fat and lazy, sleeping on public benches in a bed of throw pillows. Also, he's very open about the fact that, as a velociraptor, humans look delicious, but he hasn't actually eaten anybody aside from the aforementioned hillbillies because he's civil.
Everyone is just expected to move on with their lives after this. This is normal to you.
The local art school was recently attacked by giant sea serpents, which were actually hideously bioengineered hillbillies, fulfilling a biblical doomsday prophecy, and they were driven back by Meta's army of minimum wage, part time child soldiers armed with warcrimey jury-rigged weaponry. The sea serpents had giant frying pans grafted into their mouths, which launched primitive tactical nukes made by filling garbage bags with their explosive blood. They still exist, and occasionally defend their comrades, but spend most of their time in the deep sea.
The local homeless emo twink everyone's attracted to is a closet millionaire who sells bootleg clothing in exchange for live rats, which he messily devours behind closed doors. He's also 8 feet tall and British and only has one eye.
North Korean refugees now flood the western world, after a greasy 14 year old hipster, under the guidance of Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift, beat Kim Jong Un in a mech battle, and the EDM remix of the Japanese national anthem they performed caused like half the soldiers to immediately realize North Korea sucks ass and defect. One of these individuals, 7 foot tall hypergenius, becomes a newscaster alongside a nepo baby rapper with dwarfism who likes to eat entire jars of mayo, and also they're a popular band. Also also, they may or may not be gay. Almost the entire population is gay, so this isn't a huge deal.
The new local newscasters are a famous Japanese lion tamer, an Indian girl with a bloodline trait allowing her to control snakes, and a Brazillian man the size of a smart car who exclusively communicates via grunts.
Gods, souls and zombies are objectively real, and you're effectively immortal because real-life respawning was invented a while ago. It works like a Keurig, but with mucus instead of coffee. Submersion in water kills you.
A good deal of the population is a hivemind. They pretend to be individuals for no reason.
Almost all men are now femboys.
Despite all this, you still have to go to work at 9 tomorrow.
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Eyoooo, thanks for answering my last ask!!! anyways, gotta new one for ya, same groups if ya able but with a really pretty/attractive mc s/o like manhwa mc level kinda pretty. I can imagine kaito being somewhere along the lines of 'they tossed me over their shoulder and I've been on it ever since' with a little touch of internal screaming. I just wanna see if any of the boys would be flustered or have their ego stroked with having a really pretty s/o -👾
Thanks for sending asks in fam! This will be fun since I have so many ideas for these boys!
Being honest, his ego is entirely stroked by an attractive MC.
The one thing he finds a pain in the ass is all the gossip. He's always hearing some baseless rumor that someone is cheating or MC got surgery done or whatever.
It pisses him off to hear people talk about his beautiful/handsome partner like that.
Whenever he gets the chance to show MC off, he does and he makes sure their outfits are to DIE for.
Congrats! MC will most likely be spoiled with a new fancy wardrobe. (He would do this with any serious partner but it's AMPLIFIED with an extra attractive MC)
Whatever they need for their skincare or whatever routine they need. He'll take care of it. Just give him a list and he'll get someone on it ASAP.
The ego boost this man gets! OH MAH GOD!
He's not shy and he knows what he's about so he's not necessarily flustered, but he's definitely proud to land such an amazing looking partner.
A lot of others start referring to MC as royalty once they start dating, they start it sarcastically of course but when Tohma hears it, he flips it right on its head.
I mean like, using it to fluster MC: bowing, taking their coat, carrying things, etc (again, he'd be doing that stuff anyways) but he would take the time to fluster MC at the same time.
What i mean is like kissing the back of their palm and whispering against their skin something along the lines of,
"Only the best for my Prince/my Princess/ your Majesty/etc"
Kaito does not know how the hell he got here with them but he doesn't give a single fuck.
He will spend the first part of this new relationship in all of the self doubt, because In his mind, this could be a prank or some kind of mistake. But when MC shows him that, no baby girl this isn't a mistake..? Mans here thinks he's died and that MC really is his guardian angel.
He will try to spend what money he has to try and spoil them how he thinks they deserve. He's just really trying his best.
When Frostheim throws their fancy ass balls, Kaito is BEAMING with pride. Yeah, he's on the arm of the best looking person here! Eat it!
And when they dance with him, there is so much internal screaming going on. He's worried he's gonna mess up and make MC look dumb, but with some time he'll loosen up and have some fun.
Okay, another one with gossip. But its surprising not about the relationship itself. Its about each individual.
I think Luca and MC have separate fan clubs. I'm sure We've all seen that Luca has fans at the school. an extra attractive MC for sure has one too.
It all started with the two fanclubs talking shit about the other and spreading rumors. Like the usual rumors about cheating, or about how they don't deserve the other, etc.
However, there is a small part in each club that joined forces to try and spread gossip to break them up.
Ofc it doesn't work, Luca and his partner trust each other and do their best to communicate, so it doesn't really effect the happy couple all too much. I mean if you're gonna be subjugating a demon together, there's a LOT of mutual trust going on there.
Alan would be a bit more protective of his partner, because in his experience (*cough cough* LEO *COUGH*) more attractive people, aren't really fighters.
If and when MC manages to prove themselves capable in a fight, he'll back off a little bit, but he'll still be a little protective.
He'd try to do things he thinks MC would like, that he's not the most comfortable with. Like fancier dates, dressing up, going out, etc.
If MC wants to squash that, they gotta do it RIGHT AWAY, since in his mind, they're more attractive so they've gotta like the fancier stuff...right?
Sho is a guy who will take them out for rides on Bonnie (his bike) but he doesn't really care about their appearance.
Sure its a plus and all, but he doesn't care if their hair looks really good today, they're wearing a damn helmet when they go on rides.
He figures MC knows their stuff when it comes to appealing design, so he values their opinion on his project (those who know, know). He takes all their critiques on the chin and does his best to listen.
its still his so he won't let them change it entirely, but he'll for sure keep it in mind.
Okay if you think Luca and Jin fans were wildin, Leo's fanclub is WAY worse.
To start off, Leo will do small things with MC. Probably not show their amazing face too much.
It's a mix between wanting to keep things as private as possible and keeping them all to himself.
The internet being the internet, someone eventually got a pic of them together and people figured out that MC was this mysterious partner that Leo has been hiding.
Once the secret is out, he's full on bringing them into his content, like get ready with me's, matching outfit checks, etc.
On the down side, there's a LOT of MC haters out there. Leo typically ignores those comments, he figures their just jealous (of him or MC im not sure)
But if anyone even TRIED to threaten or do his MC. they're done. Their reputation might as well be in the trash. Leo is absolutely not above blackmailing someone to get what he wants so good luck to whoever fucked up that bad.
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absolutebl · 5 months
54 BLs Announced for 2023 that didn't happen
Here if you list of BLs announced for 2023 that didn't happen and for which I have no word on whether they'll release in 2024 instead.
I've put the ones I really regret didn't get made in bold.
If they actually happened and I just missed it please let me know in a comment with the place you watched it. Thanks!
Organized by country!
My Croissant
trailer - announced 4/2023
Couple or Not
From Durian Culture Production this was suposed to be an A/B/O. Gui Ming who swaps consciousness with himself in a parallel universe. In that universe he is married to his rival Shi Youtian.
Desire the series
Another one that was supposed to be A/B/O The story of Bai Lan, a young man who wants Mr. Shen, a proud alpha, to be his omega. According to the casting announcement ‘Desire’ will consist of 24 episodes with 45 minutes runtime per episode.
Boys Love Omegaverse (Boys Love Sequel)
Announced for 6/9/2023 but never aired. This seems to just be borrowing the branding and have nothing to do with either BL originals since it's about 4 men in an idol group.
Given the series (remake)
Fuji TV announced and episodic series focuses on Ritsuka as he rediscovers his love for music thanks to Mafuyu. Given the Movie focused on their bandmates, Akihiko-Haruki, and their tumultuous relationship. The storyline for this second film involves Ritsuka temporarily joining Hiiragi and Shizusumi’s band, and the tension that brings to his new relationship with Mafuyu. It will also delve into the relationship between Hiiragi and Shizusumi.
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa
remake of the first movie
Blueming 2 AKA Blueming Season 2
This was one of my favorites from 2022 year (9/10). I’m not thrilled about this. It’s the same director as TMS2, and I didn’t like that one all that much either. Still, I’m always intersted in where Korea goes when it’s given enough rope to hang itself.
Choco Milk Shake 2
First Love's User Manual (TutorYim) Silkwood (Peach Of Time)
Heesu In Class 2
was to air 2023 03.02
Korea's gay version of Sex Education. Heesu’s world revolves around Chanyoung, his best friend and secret crush. He doesn’t mind cheering Chanyoung from the sidelines or listening to all his girl problems. He doesn’t care if people only know him as “Chanyoung’s friend.” Then one day, Heesu starts hearing his name everywhere. On the bus, in the halls, during lunch… Turns out, there’s a rumor going around school (Got a love problem? Find Heesu in Class 2 and he’ll tell you what to do!) and with that, Heesu suddenly finds himself the center of attention. But how could he give anyone advice? He doesn’t even know what to do about his own crush!
Jump the series
From SOL Entertainment (producers of Cherry Blossoms and others) for Gaga. Coming-of-age drama that 'jumps' to the next chapters of life: love, friendship, competition, mistakes, dreams and hopes.
Love Supremacy Zone
Best on a novel and 29 year old man wakes up in a 19 year old's body and has to make his friend happy or die
Wuju Bakery AKA Space Bakery (JeffBarcode)
Silkwood and Be On Cloud partnered for this. ‘Wuju Bakery’ was originally scheduled to be released in 2024, but changes in the production house’ schedule showed that it would air sooner in November 2023, and then it didn't. The drama stars Thai actors Jeff Satur and Barcode Tinnasit and Korean actors Dion and Jun In-Kyu (Q) About a spaceship that crash-lands into and destroys a bakery shop. Of course this means the alien and the baker end up living together. At the same time, other aliens-in-hiding all around the city start hunting for them. One of my most anticipated BLs. It sounds SO WEIRD.
First Note Of Love
Was casting 5/2023. About a singer with stage fright and his timid fan
Pray in Love
From SoulChill (the producers of Innocent) the illegitimate son of a mafia family and his policeman boyfriend who's lives get upended when one has an arranged marriage and the other a promotion.
The Only One
Based on a novel Mou Mou from the Your Name Engraved Herein folks, high school set stepbrothers trope!
Wishing Upon The Shooting Stars
Reunion country set romances from director Ryan Jiang: My Tooth Your Love, and WBL.
2 Worlds (MaxNat)
Domundi announced parallel worlds love triangle story with MaxNat as the leads (finally!) PuPa & Kram are in love but PuPa is murdered and Kram is pulled into a parallel world. In that place, 12 years ago, Kram & Tai were in love but Kram was killed by Tai's dad. Now Tai encounters the Kram from another world, what will happen next? Is this a second chance or is Kram sill morning his dead lover, and does Tai need to help him get home or convince him to stay?
4 Minutes (BibleBuild)
Be On Cloud announced original story written by Sammon (Manner of Death/Triage) especially for them… described as a ‘bitter’ drama. When asked if there are many love scenes, Bible said yes! It was planned for the 4th quarter of 2023. Didn't happen.
7 Times 4 Days
Arton A Bangkoks The story of ‘Won’ a 27-year-old Korean teacher who travels to Thailand on an exchange program. Stays with his mother’s friend who has an 18 year old high schoolson.They get closer.
Star Hunter announced this may bot be bl? The Eclipse + Destiny Seeker + Harry Potter 4 + The CW.
After Sundown (ZeeNew)
Mandee announced for 7/15/2023 Phra Plerng and Rawee enter into an arranged marriage. The two have to solve mysteries according to the scholars’ prophecy, but the twist is, if 6 months passes and their relationship hasn’t progressed, Rawee will have to break the engagement immediately.
Big Dragon 2 the movie (concludes the series)
Star Hunter announced.
Boy Never Smiles (KimCop)
Follows the story of a young man who travels to the future. To return, he must make that boy smile.
Boyy of God
announced for 11/2023 about the lives and loves of a group of Christian boys that play together on a water polo team.
Chiang Mai Adventures From Wayufilm for subscribers only, a travel romance. Aired as a film on YT here.
Cinderella Boys
From Cloth Lab who brought us Restated (which I never watched and never got EngSub).
Close Friend 3 Soju Bomb
sampler pack VIU ? new cast from seasons 1 & 2 group of friends who traveled to Korea with dreams of becoming idols. Unfortunately, they don’t debut, so they invite each other to get drunk before they return to Thailand. during this night, several events transpire that change the course of their friendships
Deep Night
MCOTHD30 was casting this 4/2023
Flirt Milk
Star Hunter announced this Y-novel adaptation standard pop fodder, but they are cute. One boy accuses another of breaking up his relationship to pursue his gf, but it's not the gf the boy was into.
Friend. Boyfriend
The series depicts Aum and Nack who are best friends and co-workers at a bar. Their personalities are very different, one is quiet and caring, the other is a laid back playboy. Mew is a newly recruited staff member at the bar, he is good looking, talkative and it doesn’t take long for him to grab the attention of Nack. This creates tensions at the workplace as Aum realizes he has more than platonic feelings for Nack, forcing Nack to choose between the two.
Future From Me
Was casting 5/2023 One boy secretly in love with another since middle school.
Heart by Heart
Half Toast Production adaptation of the y-novel of the same name, the trailers are GOOD. I’m more excited for this one then I thought I'd be. Has a bit of Tasty Florida, bad boy/good boy, high drama going on.
Hot Bamee and Yummy Gyogung
9Cats Studio was to brign us this starring Nutt Witsarut (Daisy from SCOY) as Gyogung & Boat Yongyut (Tim from My Secret Love) as Bamee.
Lost in the Woods
Fifa, a high school student preparing to enter university, is given the duty of taking care of his grandma in the province before the school year starts. There he meets Chief Hem, a forest ranger.
Love Puzzle AKA Plengrak AKA Pleng Prai Love Puzzle
From KOB Entertainment set in the same universe as Chains of Heart (SIGH). BUT Noh Phouluang is in this so you know I will watch it but it looks like it'll be a hot MESS. A new exchange student has a one night stand on the night of his arrival, turns out the boy is a senior in his new uni department.
Love Syndrome – The Beginning prequel
Tells how the couples from Love Syndrome met originally.
Mystique in the Mirror
Side couple is PitchBank from Golden Blood, authored by Dr. Dr.Patrick Rangsimat (My Ride) interview here.
Announced for 12.29.2023 didn't air. Postponed from 2021 to recast one of the leads, never a good sign.
Punk Spy
Domundi trying out Tommy (formerly JimmyTommy) to star opposite Thomas Teetut (new talent). OMG are we gona call them TomTom? Please people. Please? Small town romance of two people who keep secrets. And they are searching for the truth. Poppy (everyone’s favorite comedic character actor) is in this one too.
Rule No.1: Don't Be too Emotional
Oxin brings us a Korean novel (by Hwang Seol!) adaptation, freshman realized his senior is hiding dark secrets. Was casting 4/2023
Sunset Vibes
Star Hunter reusing the Big Dragon pair as a one night stand but uh-oh he’s my boss, adapted from a web series! I’m game. Trailer here.
The Chinese Family (working title)
GDH to star Billkin of ITSAY
The D Project (working title)
GDH to star PP Krit of ITSAY
The Internship
This Wayufilm short film was set to premiere in June 2023 on their YouTube Channel. The storyline follows an intern who encounters a ghost at his workplace.
The Outing Series (Max Nattapol & TopTap)
BL sub plot within a story of 3 families that manage a top advertising agency. Anan, Phupha & Taurus take their families & close employees for an annual outing at a resort. There, the dark secrets of 22 people with different views on love and relationships are revealed.
True Moon
Star Hunter to do yet another loosely disguised attempt at the 2 Moon franchise? Trailer here.
Two Worlds (MaxNat)
Lakorn style, Phupha and Khram love each other but later Phupha is murdered. However, something happens and Khram is pulled to a parallel world where, 12 years ago, Khram and Thai were in love. However, Khram was killed by Thai’s dad.
Waterboyy 3 AKA Waterboys (KaownahTurbo)
not a remake. Why do they not cast Est Supha in one of these? That's the real quetion. Ram, a young fisherman from the country after he gets accepted into the most prestigious swimming academy in the country. Ram has a hard time fitting in with the high society students that populate the school because he didn’t grow up in a life of privilege. Luckily he has Q to protect him during these trying times.
Wish Me Luck
Be Brave Entertainment Hub to produce this BL about a boss and his temporary employee in an advertising company, based on Bittersweet's y-novel of the same name สุดที่รักษ์. Starring my boy Fiat (Grean Fictions, SOTUS S, My Gear and Your Gown, Triage) who I’ve been waiting to lead a BL for a decade (it feels like) and Na Naphat (KinnPorsche, UWMA). Trailer here.
Wish You Luck
StudioCommuan Sci Fi dystopian BL about a luck-stealer and an optimistic innocent. Trailer here.
Mflow consortium piece of some kind.
Okay that's it. I won't be updating this I don't think, so make sure to comment with any corrections.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 6 months
I dunno if this was already pitched before, probs was, but essentially: Mewtwo Mama AU. Delia was a Mewtwo with an abnormal rate of maturing. Like the actual Mewtwo, she was in close contact with Dr Fuji's daughter's clone and would start looking after the kid like she was her own.
Upon escaping one day, she found and took away a baby she named Ash (ambiguously rumored to be the product of an affair with an unknown woman that Giovanni is denying), taking shelter in Oak's house while on the run.
Ash grows up with overprotective but caring psychic cat mama, who could clean out the house and get him back into his room without lifting a finger.
As a result, the actual Mewtwo gets initially annoyed but also confused when this human kid keeps calling them "Mom". Even moreso when an older version of them shows up looking absolutely FURIOUS, shielding the human like her life depended on it.
Technically its already a thing with the Falsemother AU!
And this one where she's a kangaskhan mix!
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questintheskies · 2 months
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Kasumi Arimura rumored to be the heroine of Fuji TV getsuku drama in July starring Ren Meguro
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Hopefuls to Heroes
(Closed RP with @oc-menagerie)
About a week ago, a young man was rumored to wash ashore on route 12, just south of Lavender Town. As the rumor goes, Mr. Fuji took the young man in and nursed him back to health in a few days time. To show his thanks to Mr. Fuji, the young man was helping with nursing the injured pokemon Mr. Fuji took in, as well as paying respects to pokemon lost at the House of Memories. On his way in to the House of Memories today, the young man would meet eyes with a young woman, long hair like midnight, and eyes like swirling purple whirlpools.
"Ya also drop in t' pay respects?" The young man stands about a head taller than the hex maniac, with a strong-looking build. His eyes are a deep crimson, and a scar adorns his left cheek. A slightly long head of brunette hair is kept in check by a black bandanna tied over the top of his head. The rest of his attire is a navy blue jumpsuit fitted with polished pieces of black armor complete with gold trim. A rainbow stone adorns the upper portion of the chest piece, and a flowing black and red cape completes the rather conspicuous ensemble, matching with his black bandanna and crimson eyes. Despite his... Intense appearance, his crimson eyes shone with a gentle, honest light.
"Name's Layle. Hope ya don't mind my being here at th' moment, miss." Layle gives the hex maniac a small smile, and a friendly nod of his head.
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turojo · 6 months
Thinking about the underground and what he knows regarding that 🤔 in his timeline and time away from Paldea he has fallen into teams and organizations as a contractor, by work, or as a intern. He has no regard to morals, only that they have very sophisticated workspaces and there’s work that keeps him engaged (and most villain spaces have the high tech juiced up labs don’t they LMAO)
I’ll write a more in-depth and better looking timeline but it follows like:
Early 18-20s: Intern at Dr. Fuji’s company on genetics and engineering. He worked on Mewtwo’s armor and knows/has contact with Giovanni at one point professionally. Mildly understands Rocket as a syndicate but he only focuses on the work really.
If any of the admins were old enough at the time or around Mewtwo’s lab at New Island to accompany Giovanni or check in his stead with progress they might’ve crossed paths with a young Turo at some point.
He was off the week the lab was kinda uh…blown up and massacred cause he had finals. Close call—
Post Paldea: In his field and w/ Sada probably as either newly weds or deep in their relationship, he has collabed with Aether Labs because of how close their study fall into each other. Wormholes, the astrophysics and theoretical physics play into potential time travel scenarios and an infinite energy source to create these scenarios because of dark matter and science science science.
He knows Lusamine and Mohn on a personal and professional level. Probably mildly keep in touch between projects, was sympathetic to when Mohn was lost in a wormhole incident and tries to get back in touch just to say “hey I’m not dead” when he comes out of his ten years of hiding.
Post Alola plot if an Aether or a sumo muse is in that: he knows only that there was some conflict and wormholes tears were in the atmosphere (probably readings from his own technology, he keeps track). Doesn’t know intimate details and tbh…he wouldn’t bat an eye? More like: huh. …but the device and work behind it was a success..! And cryostasis as well? That’s quite an achievement-
Post Area Zero Accident: Left the labs, Sada and Paldea before the incident that kills her and sets up the events. Works covert for ten years with a very low profile.
- Worked with NEO Plasma on the ray gun technology. Knows of Ghetsis, maybe even crossed paths or spoken from a professional distance but primarily worked with Colress since he was far more prominent as the “leader”. Left post when his work was done and contract stipulated. Wasn’t there for the end of the BW2 plot.
- Fell into Flare to work on their own technology and understanding the ancient technology of the flower death ray thing. Near the end of the ten year period and he was really in the personal wringer. Like I’m talking rock bottom, doesn’t care about himself or what his work was being used for. Worked directly with Lysandre and Xerosic most likely. Probably has met some of the admins.
Either found a way out of his contract or escaped when he realizes he wants to go back home and fix the life he left behind. This was probably just before the day the weapon was going to go off and slipped away during the chaos.
- and currently in Paldea dealing with the consequences of his actions :’)
Again can work or omit certain details for muses. Just plot w/ me 👍 One thing muses outside the nuclear cast will know was that the second regional professor has come back after being gone for so long or even considered dead to take over Sada’s duties who passed in some accident. The details aren’t too clear how and why.
Closer colleagues will know about his theoretical physics, mechanical engineering and teracrystal studies and Area Zero Labs in Paldea. The Time Machine nor are the paradox Pokémon are really known. Maybe some rumors of strange happenings.
They know there was a falling out between him and Sada and they separated work wise as well, that the program went defunct after an incident, she passed and he came back to fall back into where things were left off.
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syrena-del-mar · 11 months
Folklore of Flowers: Wisterias in 'Be My Favorite' Episode 6
I've finally caught up with last week's episode on the eve of the next (better late than never) and it was one hell of a ride. This episode really upped the excitement for me about the series as a whole, so much of this episode provided exposition on why both Pisaeng and Kawi tick the way they do.
I'm always a proponent that flowers are utilized in background shots not only for the visual aesthetics that their natural beauty and colors bring to the table, but also a way to enhance story telling. Depending on the flowers used, they can set the tone for the scene and create a desired mood that the Director is looking for. They make not only the frame more visually dynamic but they also provide contextual clues to the emotions of the characters. And I find that Be My Favorite incorporated flowers, wisterias specifically, in a significant moment where Kawi is allowing himself to be emotionally vulnerable to Pisaeng.
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Historical Background on Wisterias
Wisterias are native to East Asia, but soon became popularized across the globe for the delicate flowers that would bloom. Each country placing its own significance on the flowers, but across the board, when it comes to the language of flowers, Wisteria flowers typically symbolize an invitation of love and friendship while maintaining it reputation to overcome obstacles and bring prosperity.
In Japan, there's a Kabuki drama, "Fuji Musume", where a young maiden in a painting waits for her lover under a blue wisteria tree. Tired of waiting, she's the moves out of the painting to meet the young man that has been admiring the painting which she came from. She falls hopelessly in love with him, yet it's futile because he does not hold the same feelings towards her. Jilted she returns to the painting and waits for a lover that never arrives. As a resulted, pink wisterias are used to symbolize that you love them. In Shin Buddhism, wisterias are utilized to represent humility and an pen and welcoming mind and heard. The humility derives from the way the flowers hang upside down, as if it were heads hanging down.
In Korea, the flower represents a devotion that transcends death due to legend that comes from the Silla Period. According to the legend, there were two sisters that fell in love with the same man, not knowing that they loved the same man until he went to battle. Rumors flew that he had died in battle, so they in their despair they decided to drown themselves in a pond. Yet, the man that they had loved had actually survived and was overcome with grief about the story of the two sisters, that he also drowned himself in the pond. The two sisters were reunited in death, one the twisting stem while the other became the wisteria flowers. The man also joined them and became the nettle tree in which Wisteria vines grown on in Korea.
When the Wisterias spread into Victorian Europe, the Wisteria vines earned fame for the clinging growth pattern. Culturally, in Victorian Era, a cluster of delicate Wisteria Flowers were used to send a message of desire and passion. They were used to say "I cling to you", just as the Wisteria plant would cling onto the branches of other trees.
Kawi and Pisaeng positioned in front of Wisteria Flowers
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Humility and humiliation are two sides of the same coin, literally deriving from the same Latin root word humus (meaning earth). Humility is often defined a simply a low view on one's personal importance, but a better definition for humility typically engages with the idea of acceptance of personal flaws and shortcomings. Humiliation deals more with the idea of shame about the possibility of shortcomings and failure. For the first time, in this episode, we're seeing the beginning of Kawi's shift from humiliation to humility.
It's important to understand the context of what occurred prior to Pisaeng and Kawi's confrontation in front of the wisteria flowers. Without Kawi's knowledge, Pisaeng spoke to Pear in preparation to help Kawi breach the topic of finding a second medical opinion for his father. He's angry and embarrassed because of his pride, it's not a secret that Kawi has a complex about getting help from others. He doesn't know how to accept help from others, much less ask for it, especially not from friends. So he lashes out, because Pisaeng went behind his back (even if it was with good intentions) to the girl he likes and has been rejected by. Now add in the conversation that Kawi has with Max at the bar, where Max directly asks about Kawi's feelings towards Pisaeng and Kawi practically gives a non-answer.
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Before Kawi could even say anything, when they're in front of the Wisteria flowers, Pisaeng tells it to him straight. He won't apologize because he doesn't see anything wrong in attempting to help Kawi. And Kawi is aware of that, but when they first argued he was humiliated and angry, because he hates being dependent on people for things that are out of his control. So we see a shift in Kawi in the way he portrays himself to Pisaeng. He's apologetic and humble, he explicitly recognizes his fault and how his pride led to the shouting match that they had in the hallway of the café. Kawi is quite literally hanging his head down when he reaches for Pisaeng's arm. He's still dealing with his personal shame and his pride, but for the first time he's directly communicating the reasoning behind his reaction to Pisaeng. Kawi is self-aware and can barely make eye-contact with Pisaeng because of what he deems to be his shortcomings. The humiliation came with the anger, the humility is developing with the acknowledgement of his misplaced anger and will continue to develop when he fully accepts that sometimes people need help.
Pisaeng didn't get himself involved for Kawi expecting something in return. Pisaeng is interested in Kawi, yes, but he also cares for him as a friend. Pear has keyed us in that while Pisaeng might be surrounded by tons of people, barely any of them are people Pisaeng would deem to be more than mere acquaintances. He's a mirror of the maiden in the Kabuki painting, where he goes out of his way for the man that he's learned to care for. He's fallen for Kawi, but he's also intrigued by him as a friend and as a human, because he's different to the other people he has come across. Unlike the maiden from the painting, whose love goes unreciprocated, Kawi is developing some sort of feelings for Pisaeng, even if he doesn't fully comprehend what they are at the moment. It's telling that he was unable to come up with an answer for Max. Pisaeng said it himself, he's patient enough to wait for Kawi. He's not going to become a jilted lover, because Kawi will eventually realize that just maybe those conflicting feelings he's already having signifies that he reciprocates the same love that Pisaeng had once declared for him.
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Rumors play a role in Pisaeng's journey of self-discovery thanks to his mother. For Pisaeng, he's not all of a sudde n learning about the fluidity of his sexuality thanks to Kawi, here the kicker is that he already knew. His mother was well aware and forced him back in the closet. While she may utilize queer issues to push forward her political career, she manipulatively convinced her own son to keep his sexuality a secret. She silently surveils and controls Pisaeng through the usage of her employees to report to her when he appears in queer locations or any potential moment that he interacts with the queer community. She's weaponized what otherwise should be safe spaces for Pisaeng and forced him back into the closet. She utilizes these rumors behind false pretenses of worry for him while not realizing how detrimental it is to him as a person.
When it comes to Kawi, we were able to see the rumors that were surrounding him thanks to Not and Pear's conversation. Not easily speculates about Kawi's sexuality, which is bad enough, but the crux of his reasoning stems from that he's not like other straight men. When the people are confront­ed with what they don't understand, people immediately improvise reasonings, so that they are able to give the confusing situation an explanation. Some rumors turn out to be true. Other rumors turn out to be totally false. There are rumors which are sometimes partially true. The thing about rumors is that no matter the degree of truth or falsity behind them, they still leave behind casualties in their wake.
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And the most obvious parallel of all, Kawi (for the first time) clings onto Pisaeng both consciously and subconsciously in this scene. The moment that Pisaeng moves to leave him, Kawi swiftly moves to hold his arm, keeping him from moving further away. Kawi wants Pisaeng to hear his apology and he doesn't want to alienate him due to his lack of a filter and the arguments he picks with him. Pisaeng is angry and hurt, Kawi is more than aware of that, he holds onto him so that he has a chance to explain himself. He knows that he's starting to lean on Pisaeng more (he says it himself, "Because what you do for me means the world to me") and I think that level of dependency scares him. He's a man that had been isolated for more than 10 years, he's still learning how to depend on people and he knows that he unfairly blew up on Pisaeng, but that doesn't negate that he's still learning to really socialize. He's scared that he might have pushed Pisaeng away past the point of no return, like he had done with Max the first time around. Like they say, a drunk mind speaks a sober heart.
Then he subconsciously allows for Pisaeng to hold onto him the moment that he feels unwell. He lets himself fall onto Pisaeng, knowing that Pisaeng would be the one to care for him, just like he has before. In return, Pisaeng holds onto him and holds onto his head, as if protecting him. It's a protective stance that Pisaeng has taken in response to Kawi fainting on him, not only protecting him from his fall but also as protecting Kawi from his own thoughts. A shield where Kawi could feel secure. By both allowing one another to cling onto each other, they're establishing a new level of tenderness, closeness, and vulnerability within their relationship. Kawi's subconsciously learning to seek comfort and Pisaeng is more than willing to provide a safe and nurturing space for him to find solace.
Final Thoughts
If I'm not mistaken, Krist mentioned before in the interview that P'Waa was very particular and intentional in every shot that he directed when they were working on 'The Gifted'. It's not far-fetched to think that he's just as intentional when directing 'Be My Favorite'. While the wisterias were solely in the background, the bright pink color and the hanging flowers kept drawing my eyes to them. Wisterias are often used in films due to their elegant and aesthetic beauty, specifically because of how they are able to drape and cascade down, creating a dreamy and romantic atmosphere. Here, in my opinion, I think the wisterias are also being used as a way to provide more exposition for the journey that Kawi and Pisaeng are taking both together and as individuals.
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drgnnova · 2 months
Chapter 4: Mokke.
Amane and Tsukasa came home after their first day of school, Tsukasa had a hopeful look on his face "Hey, Amane. was the rumor true?" He asked his older twin brother.
"No" Amane lied as he hung his bag up, Tsukasa hang his bag beside Amane. Tsukasa had a disappointed look on his face, and it made Amane feel terrible about lying.
Tsukasa started making some afternoon tea for himself, a sandwich. Amane remembered how Hanako had shown him the old abandoned garden, and told him she wanted him to fix up the old garden near the old building and he couldn't say no because she did save him from the mermaid and turn him back into a human.
. . .
Amane sighed as he dig up the dead roots from flowers and vegetables that have been long dead since the garden was abandoned. "do you know why the gardening club is no more, Hanako-San?" Amane had asked her.
she had a sour expression at the question, "N-no…" he could tell it was a lie, but he knew it must be a sore topic if she reacted that way. he bit back his words, not wanting to lose the only friend he had other than Sakura and Tsukasa. he had lied Tsukasa and told him he was studying alone, and Tsukasa had believe him, and left to meet up with Sakura and Natsuhiko.
Amane put some small holes in the garden's soil, as he placed some the seeds that Hanako gave him into the holes. he smooth the soil over the holes, and walked over to get the watering can. he left to fill it up at a tap, he notice Sakura and Tsukasa nearby. Sakura rolled her eyes at Natsuhiko did something stupid. Tsukasa and Natsuhiko started playfully arguing, Sakura sighed as she cross her arm.
he quickly ran off before they could notice him at the water tap. he ran over to the old building's garden. he water the ground where the seed were "Maybe when the flowers bloom I can give some too Tsukasa and Sakura-Chan" Amane said out loud with a smile on his face.
"what about Natsuhiko-Senpai and Teru-Senpai?" Hanako ask as she sat down on the old worn down bench.
Amane sighed "I'm Embarrassed about the incident from yesterday, so no flowers for Minamoto-Senpai. and I haven't… gotten close to Natsuhiko-Senpai yet" he admitted, as he rub the back of his head while blushing in embarrassment.
after he was done with the garden, he went to class. "Amane-San" as he opened the door, Akane the class representative walked over to him. the class was still a bit empty since the bell for last period had only just started. "why are you dirty?" he asked as he grab Amane's shirt. there was dirt on his shirt and cheek.
"when i was coming back to class I tripped on the ground" he lied, he had actually got dirty in the garden.
Akane sighed "be more careful, Okay?" he reminded him, Amane nodded his head. Amane's eyes widen when Akane offered him a cloth to clean his cheek.
"thanks Akane-Kun" he smile, as he took the cloth from Akane, he wondered if he should have been more formal and refer to him with his last name instead of first name. but Akane didn't seem to care to much, so Amane force himself to not overthink about it.
Akane sat down at his own desk, Amane sat down his desk that was beside his twin brother Tsukasa. he rub the dirt from his cheek, and try to get as much dirt out of his shirt before class. "Amane!" Tsukasa yelled out as he ran over to Amane as soon as he got to class. he sat down beside his older brother.
"Hey, Tsukasa. how was lunch?" he asked his brother.
Tsukasa smile "Airhead-Senpai made a total fool of himself in front of Sakura-Chan yet again. and he keeps calling me a kid" he pouted at the end.
Amane laugh, and Tsukasa rolled his eyes.
Fuji walked over to the Yugi twins desks, Tsukasa looked up thinking he was there to speak with him since when their classmates come to their desk its to talk to Tsukasa. "Hey, Fuji-Kun" He smile.
"uh, hey Tsukasa. can i speak with Amane?" he asked Tsukasa.
Tsukasa's eyes widen, but then he nodded. "Fuji-Kun wants to speak with you, Amane!" he told Amane with a smile on his face.
"we're friends right, Amane?" he asked Amane, he smile while he pointed at himself.
Amane eyes widen "Su- Yeah! I mean Yeah we're friends!" he blush while he shuttered, he was shock. 'my first friend… that isn't Sakura-Chan.'.
"meet me at the classroom at dusk. I have some papers I'll need to organize for the student council, and having you there as company will actually make it enjoyable" he told Amane.
Tsukasa noticed Amane's smile, Amane quickly nodded his head "I'll be there, Fuji-Kun!" he told Fuji. Fuji smile and walked away.
"Tsukasa. you'll tell mum and Sakura-Chan that I'll be home late, won't you? I won't let this chance past me" he grabbed his little brother's hands together as he smile
Tsukasa wasn't used to this side of Amane, but he smile "Of course, Amane."
. . .
Amane walked into the classroom at the right time, the papers were on the desk but there was Fuji. he sat down and started organizing the papers for the student council, having the benefit of the doubt that Fuji will come. but as he watch the clock turn, he realize he got stood up by Fuji.
this wasn't the first time something like this happened. the students in middle school would use people pleasing to get him to do their homework. but it still hard none the less, Amane rubbed his eyes as he cries. he took in a shaky breath, as he rubbed the tears from his eyes. he remembered what the book said, to do a small a favor. he thought that maybe if he keeps doing this for Fuji. Fuji will come around and see him as an actual friend.
he finished organizing the papers for the student council, he went home once he was finished. when he open the door, Tsukasa got Amane's dinner out of the microwave for him. "How was the hang out with Fuji-Kun to organize papers?" Tsukasa ask with a smile, seeing his hopeful eyes, he couldn't bring himself to tell Tsukasa what Fuji had done.
he force a smile on his face "it was fun. i told him about my interest in Astronomy as well" Amane lied, Tsukasa handed the plate to Amane.
Amane sat down, and ate his dinner. a bored expression on his face, but then he remembered the time in the library with Hanako. he blush while smiling 'that was nice, i was so happy.'
. . .
he has been working for Hanako for a week after school ends, in the old garden. he sighed, as he rubbed the sweat from his forehead as the sun was on him as he plant some more seeds in the garden. Fuji had asked him to help with papers again "Hanako-San can I have the day off?" he asked Hanako.
"Nope" she smile, she was squatting while looking at the seeds that have started growing. she smile as she poke the sprout. "why did you even want a day off? i thought you said you have nothing to do after school?" She asked him as she stood up.
he glance away nervously "well it's to hang out with a friend" he admitted.
"you have other friends?" she asked him, as she tilted her in confusion.
Amane started shifting on his feet, he smile "Fuji-Kun wants me to help him with some papers" he told her, as he goes to take off his gardening gloves.
"and how is that any different than helping me with the garden?" she asked him.
Amane crossed his arms "you don't do anything" he told her bluntly.
"Does Fuji-Kun do anything?" Amane's eyes widen at Hanako's question.
he glance down, "it fine right. if i do small favours he'll want to be my friend for real, right?" he asked Hanako.
"ah, Jeez. he's just using you Amane. small favours are fine, but he's getting you to do a bunch of work because he's too lazy to do it and knows you'll do it" she told him.
Amane glanced up at her "you've probably fallen for those tricks, when you were alive huh?" he asked her, as he glanced at her.
"I did." she laugh bitterly. "that's why I know this hoping for change will make it hurt even more" she told him, he nodded his head in understanding.
he sat down, as he lead his head into his knees. "I knew it wouldn't change. I already had experience in middle school but i still wanted to hope…" he held back tears.
"Anyway i treat you must better don't i?" Hanako had a smile on her face, as she lay on her head top of his head, her hand hanging down his shoulders.
he rolled his eyes "You make me stay outside in the heat and dirt… I rather stay in the classroom by myself" he told her.
she pouted as she float away, he was still sitting there. thinking he had won, he was about to get up to leave until he heard the sound of water hitting the ground. Hanako had the hose and was moving closer to Amane. "FINE!" he yelled out as he jumped up and out of the way of the water. "I'LL DO THE GARDENING!" he yelled out.
she turned off the hose and smiled.
. . . Amane and Tsukasa were sitting together, "Ah" he gasped, as he touch his shirt where his tie should be but it wasn't there "My tie is gone!" he told Tsukasa, worried.
"you didn't leave it at home again, did you? Tsukasa asked, he looked at Amane "you use to sometimes forget it at home in middle school" he reminded his older twin brother.
Amane shook his head "no, i know i put it on this morning!" he replied, he looked under his desk but still he couldn't see his tie anywhere.
"Amane" Tsukasa lead his shoulder against Amane's shoulder, Amane turned to face him confused by his younger twin brother action. "Look around, have you notice that a lot of people are losing their stuff as of late?" he asked with a smile on his face.
Amane was about to open his mouth to speak, but then his teacher spoke up "Amane-San! read the first paragraph on page 15" he told him, and then he glance at Tsukasa "please stop bothering your brother, unless you want me to separate you both" he warned Tsukasa.
he stood up as he though about what Tsukasa said, their teacher cleared his throat "oh um-" Amane looked down to grab the book to read. his eyes widen when he noticed that the book and his other school equipment was gone from his desk. "huh?" he said confused.
"Maybe… the fairies showed up!" Tsukasa smiled as he lead against Amane again, Amane gave Tsukasa a look that told him to quiet his voice down a bit.
Amane usually wasn't interested much in the supernatural, but since he was now a assistant of an supernatural he guess it was only natural to show interest in the supernatural. he glance up at his younger twin brother with curious eyes "Fairies?" he asked.
"haven't you heard? everybody's been talking about them lately?" Tsukasa asked, Amane glance down he hadn't heard a thing about these fairies. was he really that unpopular that he didn't know the main talk of the school. or was it because he was busy with helping Hanako-San with the abandoned garden at the old building.
"the fairies have you ever lost something you were keeping a close eye on? or had something that was always there vanish right when you needed it? has that happened to you? then you have been a victim of the fairies. but you must never look upon them because if you do…" Tsukasa was telling him the rumor as he creepily moves his fingers. Amane glance down at his tie, and realize that must have been what Tsukasa wanted to talk about before the teacher interrupt them. "… they will even take your life" he finishes the rumor.
Amane was about to react in fear, but then he thought this was most likely a rumor. why would there be a random supernatural that steals and kills people at the school.
Tsukasa wave his hand "but it just rumors you know. the Hanako-San wasn't true right meaning this one is unlikely to be true as well" he smile.
Amane sweat nervously as he remembered that he lied to Tsukasa about Hanako, and how if Hanako was real that means these rumors have a high chance of being true as well. "are you scared, Amane?" Tsukasa smirked.
When they younger, Tsukasa would get Sakura to tell him all about rumors so he could use them to scare Amane. and surely enough they used to scare them, but then afterwhile he got used to Tsukasa's hyper fixation on rumors and the supernatural that developed over time. going from something stupid to scare Amane to something that Tsukasa is overly interested in. much like Amane's love for Astronomy well more specifically his interest in the moon and going to the moon.
"I'm not scared, Tsukasa" Amene lied, he hoped this one was merely a rumor. but it wouldn't hurt to ask Hanako about this, but then he realize must already know since she had a Hakujoudai following him around since he left the garden.
Tsukasa smile widely "your such a terrible liar Amane, You-" he was laughing but then they went silent when they heard the other students complaining about their items going missing.
"Amane, wait!" he yelled out, as Amane ran out of the classroom. Tsukasa ran after his brother, he was going to run to the garden until he heard a commotion coming from the lockers.
the locker doors were gone "the locker doors are all gone!!" one of the students yelled out. "who would do that?"
"i don't know! i just looked up, and this is what i saw!" another student, a girl yelled back.
Amane gasped, as he move his hand up as he sweat nervously. 'I was hoping it was a coincidence but the locker doors also going missing, is too much. so it's really a supernatural's doing isn't there. I must find Hanako-San' she thought.
he was about to walk out of the crowd, Tsukasa went to go after him but the crowd was pushing and shoving Tsukasa around. in the struggle, someone cause Tsukasa to fall to the ground. "Tsukasa!" Amane yelled out, as he push through the always increasing crowd.
"Amane" Tsukasa smile, Amane kneel down as he starts to help his younger twin brother to his feet.
someone trip over Tsukasa, causing them to stumble and drop a open water bottle on Amane's head "hey, watch where you going!" Tsukasa yelled out to the guy.
"you shouldn't just be standing there in the middle of a moving crowd." the guy argued back, pushing Tsukasa back a little.
Tsukasa glared at him "just standing there. my brother was helping me since I got push over" he declared, as he crossed his arm.
"what brother?" the guy ask, now genuinely confused.
Tsukasa rolled his eyes "don't act like you didn't see him" Tsukasa turned around with a smile on his face ready to prove the guy wrong, reaching his hand out toward Amane. Amane was no where to be seen, Tsukasa smile turned into a frown as his arm lowered "Amane…"
"sorry, I'll get out of your way" Tsukasa bowed his head and force himself through the crowd. he glance around to see if he could see his brother out or in the crowd. but his brother, Amane seem to be nowhere in the hall.
. . .
Amane ran until he was no longer in eye sight of the other students, he ended up running all the way to the old building so there was no possible way for anyone to see him. scales were already growing on his skin from the cursed he shared with Hanako. 'your a terrible liar…' he remembered Tsukasa's words.
and a frown formed on his face, as he glanced down. he felt a pain in his chest, he hated lying to his younger brother. Tsukasa has always been there for him through his life, when Amane had fallen terribly Ill. Tsukasa stayed by his side, even missing special events and after school activities to keep Amane company. and how does he pay him back? by lying and running off.
'should I tell Tsukasa about Hanako-San…' he thought, he decided he will. he started to walk back but then Hakujoudai hit him in the head which reminded him that he still had those scales. 'I need to find something to dry off these scales… but there isn't anything here i can us…'
he noticed a convenient placed towel behind him, he grabbed the towel a he starts drying him to dry the scales dropping on him off. "a clean towel! yes! sorry to whoever dropped this, but I'm gonna borrow it" he said out loud like the owner could hear him.
then he saw someone's lunch box, he realize someone was looking for something like this before. and then he saw Hanitaro, 'isn't this Akane-Kun's, i should return this and the other stuff I've found…' he smile. "Of course it wasn't a spirit, why would it be. I can tell Tsukasa that-" he was saying, but he smile when he saw his tie on the ground with his book.
"My notebook, textbook and tie!" he yelled out, and then he laugh "I told you I didn't leave it behind at home, Tsukasa"
Amane ignored the Hakujoudai pulling at his short hair. he walk around a corner "why is everything gathered here, this is weird…" he pulled the door open "this some kind of prank taken to far…" he was saying, but then he saw a weird eye from inside the reference room.
"shit" he yelled out, as he jumped back and fell onto the ground. "so the rumors they were…" he gasped, more eyes appeared.
hands started to grab on his leg, he was to scared to move or try to escape from them. "You saw me"
his eyes flashed before his eyes, and he looked upon the fairies and remembered what Tsukasa has told him about this supernatural's rumor. 'I'm sorry for not spending much time with you Sakura-Chan, I'm sorry for lying Tsukasa, I'm sorry for not giving you a chance Airhead-Senpai… Hanako-San…'
'I don't want to die yet! I still need to go to the moon, I told Tsuchigomori-Sensei i would do it…'
he cowered in fear of the supernatural, he was stupid for not realizing it was a trap set up by the fairies. he remembered how his father told him to live a happy life, tears slip down his face 'I'm sorry I can't do that… Dad'
"chop them down, Hakujoudai!" he heard a familiar voice yell out, Hakujoudai flew toward where the supernatural and Amane were. it crash right into the supernatural, splitting it apart. "You're easily drawn to the supernatural, aren't you Amane?" Amane eyes widen as he looked up at Hanako with tearful eyes, his hands still on his head.
Hanako walked over to him, "You really need to be careful, you know" she says, Amane eyes widen when sees some bunny like creatures Infront of him. "these guys are Mokke. currently known as 'fairies' they're supernaturals that have been with humans since ancient times. performing small acts of theft and other mischief." she was explaining to him, as she place her hands on his shoulders.
"they look a lot different than they did a few minutes ago." he says as his eyes sparkle while he pokes at a Mokke.
Amane wondered why would supernaturals who are close to humans, would try to kill humans if they look at them. wouldn't there be a lot of cases if a bunch of students died at this school. "Mokke are weak, timid supernaturals. so when they attack, they have to get together like that and change form. which is exactly why they're not usually a type of supernatural that would attack people, but…" Hanako was explaining to him, if that's the case something horrible must have happened for them to suddenly attack people.
"we didn't want to kill her. but our story got changed" "we had no choice."
Amane eyes widen at the mention of story 'do they mean the rumors that Sakura-Chan and Tsukasa are always telling me about. I know Tsukasa didn't know about the rumors before Sakura-Chan' his eyes widen, as he starts to breath quickly 'could Sakura-Chan be the one who…'
"you're thinking are the stories, the rumors?" Hanako ask him as she smile. "then yes you would be correct"
she cleared her throat "I should probably tell you about the rumors right?" she laugh nervously. "most supernaturals can't go against their rumors. because any supernatural that does something out of sync with its rumors will eventually disappear from the near shore" she explained to him.
"disappear…" he voice out loud, The Mokke were enjoying themself as they ate candy from a bag. one of them was handing a candy to him.
he looked up when Hanako started speaking to him "Amane. would you change the Mokke rumors for us?" she asked him.
Amane was confuse as he tilted his head "change the rumors?"
"I am one of this school's seven mysteries. it is my duty to supervise all the supernaturals in this school and maintain proper relationships between us and the humans. I can't let dangerous supernatural killers stay here. i have no choice but to exterminate them. but you Amane, are human. you can help them by changing the rumors" Hanako explained to him.
Amane glance at the Mokke, they walked over to him. some of them carrying candy with them by using their ears like hands.
"please." "we're sorry about before." "we'll give you candy." "we've lived happily here for hundreds of years." "we want to stay." "we'll give you candy."
Hanako spoke up "I know i already asked… but they did almost kill you. so if you don't want to, we won't push it…"
Amane held the bunnies in a hug, close to his chest as he smile "I'll do it. I'll change the rumors!" he agreed.
"… You're sure?" she asked, shock he agreed so easily to the request. she wondered if their was a special reason on why.
his eyes soften "yeah. these little Mokke guys, they remind me…"
"of the stories of the bunny on the moon!" he smile.
she stood there, shock by his reasoning. "that's all? even this came back to your interest in astronomy"
"Me and Tsukasa always wanted a bunny. and we're going to get one but then our father died… we never brought it up again." he admitted, as he hugs one of the Mokke.
Hanako gasp "that took a dark turn…"
"and they did scare me… but then you saved me, Hanako-San. I really thought i was going to die, I was ready to accept that fate. but then you came to my recuse just like with the mermaid thing before. thank You, Hanako-San" Amane smile "sure I don't really like gardening, but it not as boring as i thought it would be. and i really do appreciate what're done for me."
Hanako was silent after Amane's gratitude, she begun to walk up the stairs as Amane follow him. "Oh! I might be wrong but… Is this the important job you said you had for me when i was done with the garden?" he asked her.
"Yeah. but i wasn't planning to ask until even later" she admitted.
he smile "I knew it!" and he look at her curiously "does that mean I'm no longer working on the garden?" he asked her.
"Nope" she replied.
they walked onto the roof "do you really hate the garden so much. I think that better than what you originally thought i was going to ask you do" she smile.
"oh the toilets. that would have been so much worse" he made a fake gagging sound.
she laugh "I know right. who would want to cleaning the toilets. scrubbing them, and a bunch of other gross stuff. at least you have more choices when it comes to the garden" she says softly.
Amane stop in his footstep, this garden seems to mean a lot to Hanako. but I cant figure out why, did she use to be in the gardening club. if she was does that mean her real name would be in the gardening club records, would they still have those thought considering the gardening club has been shut down for years. or maybe that friend she and the mermaid mention use to be apart of the gardening club. would that be why she has a gardening shear as a weapon.
"I always look forward to hanging out with you in the garden" Hanako admitted, which brought him out of his thoughts.
his eyes widen, he wasn't used to someone enjoying his company and looking forward to seeing him. sure their was Tsukasa and Sakura, but this felt different. he blush, as a smile form on his lips "why?" he asked her.
"it quite boring without friends isn't it?" she asked him, but before he could answer she spoke up which made him realize it was a rhetorical question. "I was lonely until you came around. At first i didn't think much of you since you aren't my type at all…"
those words 'you aren't my type at all' felt like a stab to his chest. he grab his chest, as he gasp and took a step forward. "but even if we don't have the same interest, we were able to talk about our interest and talk like we've known each other for ages. I'm happy to know you're so comfortable talking to me about stuff… even some stuff come up out of nowhere in the worse times…" she admitted, and he blush in embarrassment at the last part.
"we get to hang out after school. I miss doing that with her… and we always talk about whatever, without worrying about the other person's reaction. it's like having a friend… and I guess in a way, it takes me back" she smile, as she place up at the sky, as if remembering about something.
his eyes widen, he was shock. he wasn't used to someone viewing him like that. that made him realize how stupid it was to wish for friendship with Fuji when he was clearly trying to use him like his old bullies in middle school. at least they didn't have the gut to pretend to be his friend. he was trying to hard for Fuji when Hanako was here. they talk about everything together, bicker and taunt each other like friends, help each other.
"Hanako-Chan" he says as he step forward and grabbed ahold of the back of her middle school's uniform. "that's what I'll call you, that way…" he smile as he stood beside her, both of them holding onto the rail. "it's more like we're friends, right?" he asked her.
her eyes widen, as she was silent for a moment taking everything in and then she smile. "have you decided on a new rumor?" she asked him.
. . .
he walked toward the students who've lost their things. he had a pile of candy in his hand, he usually struggle to talk to people since he overthinks about what to say. but right now he knows what to say, and he was motivated to help the Mokke. he can't let his social anxiety hold him down forever. he force a smile on his face "here." he says.
"Candy?" one of them asked, as they pick up a candy from his hands.
he nodded his head "I heard it helps to carry one around in case you run into a faerie. then they won't kill you, and they'll stop taking your things" he told them the new rumor, he thinks the past experiences have been given him a pinch of courage, but only a pinch.
"huh" "I had no idea"
he sighed in relief that they agreed so easily to the new rumor, he stood there in awkward silence. "I-I have to go now!" he yelled out while his face is red.
they watched him run toward the door "it is your club- but I heard Tsukasa say his brother isn't in a club" one of the girl was asking, but then the other girl spoke up over her. 'Tsukasa…'
"umm…" he stopped in his tracks, and then he turned around and was still a flustered mess "I'm going to see a friend, I guess?" he replied, but it was more like a question rather than a answer.
he ran out of the castle room and down the stairs, the girls looked out of the window as they see him running from inside. he was running toward the old building's garden. "to see a friend…"
"at the abandoned garden?"
. . .
someone was walking, until a Mokke walked right into their foot. "Hey. Pip-squeaks. you know a Hanako?" he asked them, but then he accidentally scared them away. "Ah! hey!" he tried to stop them.
"I guess I'll have to find her myself. this will be easy!" he declared. he got up onto the stair's rail "Just you wait, Hanako! I'm on my way to exorcise you!!" he yelled out, in a proud and overconfident tone.
he laughs, with his Exorcist weapon in his hand. but right now it was hidden as a umbrella as he laugh like a mad man.
Next chapter: Honorary Exorcist!
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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[Rumor] The anime adaptation of Naoki Urasawa and Takashi Nagasaki's Pluto manga, the re-imagining of "The Greatest Robot on Earth" story arc from Astro Boy by Osamu Tezuka, will stream on Netflix. 
A now-deleted tweet from Netflix Anime had listed some of the cast and that it will premiere in 2023.
Shinshū Fuji as Gesicht
Yōko Hikasa as Atom
Minori Suzuki as Uran
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weebnotheree · 8 months
♥ Tbhk x M! Reader ♥♡ Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun ♡ CH3
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Ch. 03 - The beginning of: Meeting you again (pt. 1)
Yashiro's pov
[shes walking rn btw while thinking]
I was on my way to the girls' bathroom thinking about what I just did. That boy..he's not like the rumors at all. Well, at least he granted me a wish. [tell me why I JUST noticed I forgot to make m/n grant her wish. THE WISH PART I forgot. Nvm just imaging the wish you gave her and ill go back and edit..maybe tomorrow or Monday.]¨I need to tell Hanako. . . . .HANAKO?! OH NO I FORGOT I HAD TO CLEAN THE BATHROOM TODAY. 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。
I was rushing in a hurry to get to the girls' bathroom. Until I made it. Before I opened the door I was thinking why do I have to clean the girls' bathroom it's gross...'I feel more like a maid than a paranormal apprentice.' I soon opened the door and walked in. ¨Hanako, Hanako, Hanako...CAN I PLEASE GO HOME THESE TOILETS ARE GROSSING ME OUUUT!!¨
¨Not yet!¨ he responded back happily as he came out of the stall.
¨Please, there's just something I have to get done today?!¨
¨mmm no. I've also got something important I need to you to do when you're finished. Sounds like your only option is to clean faster.¨ He said smiling
¨Not faiRrrr! [Shakes him]You may be eternally young but I'm not! I'm at the price of my life right now and I could be missing my big chance today because of youUu!¨
[dizzy] (@□@)
¨Chance for what?¨
[stops shaking him]¨Not trying to brag but I got asked out on the second date by fuji the coolest guy in class.¨ I said happily smiling with my eyes closed while holding up the number two. {¨Are you free after school today?¨} ¨He really wants to meet me alone in our classroom later and i really don't want to stand him up.¨ I said still in the same pose smiling.
¨A date?!!¨ Hanako said. ¨What exactly are you expected to do with this kid?¨ Hakano asked floating close to me in mid-air.
¨If you really wanna know I guess I have to tell youu~¨ I said with hearts above my head smiling with a tent of blush on my cheeks.
. . . . . . . ¨Were meeting in an empty classroom to organize paperwork for student council. Fuji said he has to leave right away though so I told him id finish up. He's so shyy.¨ (ᓀ ᓀ||||)
¨If he's leaving than does that count as a date?¨ (O O)
¨Sure. I may just be a woman of convenience for now. But eventually, he'll I'm a catch.¨ I say trying to reassure myself, crouching down.
¨Well that's one way to look at it. But there's a fine line between optimistic and naive. Sounds to me like he's using you.¨ He says and I feel him behind me. ¨Stay. Don't go on this date.¨ He then puts his hands on mine, closing them together while saying ¨Ill show you a better time than that guy will.¨ I gasps and look back at him and he's looking at me. ¨And I won't leave you alone.¨[now she holding the mop and lets out a weird sound which idk wut to call it.] . . . . .I clench the broom ¨Thank you Hanako but if my choices are to clean bathrooms with you or sort paperwork alone, then please hand me all the stacks.¨
{difeated shocked noises-hanako} ¨Uh??!!¨ Σ(□△□|||)
¨Okay that's fine. You must really miss breathing through your gills. Guess I better go shopping. What's your favorite fish food?¨
¨✨Nothing brings me more joy than a sparkling clean bathroom!✨¨ I said happily mopping.
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missmyloko · 9 months
Hi, thank you about your blog its grate
Do you think that it is likely that Masanao of Man and Fujichiyo of Fuji will turn their collars?
Thank you<3
Masanao won't have her erikae until next year at the earliest, but there are some rumors that Fujichiyo may have hers at the end of this year ^^
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nyankodanyan · 1 year
Nagata Ruriko Membership Number 18
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Date of birth: June 23 1967 Birthplace: Gifu Height: 156cm Weight: 45kg Bust: 83cm Waist: 6cm Hip: 82cm Blood Type: O+ High School: Chiba Prefectural Tsudanuma High School Favorite subject: English and Art Least favorite subject: History Club: None Favorite type of boy: Someone who is taciturn and has no presence. Least favorite type of boy: Someone handsome and someone like Playboy who is awfully kind to women. Hobby:Cooking Favorite food: Ice Cream favorite color: White, Pink and Orange Favorite celebrity: Shibata Kyōhei About myself: Everyday I feel self-loathing. Please give me your support. (DUNK8510 P42)
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She became a member of Onyanko Club in May 1985, when she was a senior at Chiba Prefectural Tsudanuma High School.(OnyankoB p43) She was good friends with Nitta Eri and Nakajima Miharu, who were in the same grade.(DUNK8512 p39) In April 1986, she enrolled at Wayō Women's Junior College near Funabashi, her hometown.(Rumors p86) In terms of looks, she was at least way better than Nitta, and yet she never became as popular as Nitta.(OnyankoC p38) Perhaps she wasn't always suited for an idol, as she wasn't so cheerful and was an extremely difficult type of girl.(DUNK8510 P42) Still, she, like Nitta, really wanted to make her solo debut.(OnyankoB p43) She appealed to various parties to let her make a solo debut.(5ch1 5) However, Kasai Kazuji, the chief director of Yūyake Nyan Nyan, cruelly rejected her request, telling her that she wasn't qualified for the job.(OnyankoB p43) She was extremely disappointed and implicitly criticized Kasai, saying, “I really hate guys who wield power, and I'm fucking pissed off with such assholes."(DUNK87 P67) Still, when Onyanko Club disbanded, she said she had no unfinished business for her and graciously retired from the entertainment industry.(OnyankoB p64) As a member of Onyanko Club, she was the second longest serving member of the group after Tomikawa Harumi.(OnyankoC p38) Tomikawa, however, was out of the program for several months due to problems with her high school, so Nagata was essentially the member who had been involved in Onyanko Club the longest.(OnyankoC p38) She developed a unique rounded script called Rurīru, which is still in use to this day, albeit only slightly.(OnyankoC p38) In spring 1988, she married an employee of a television production company.(Rumors p160) That was just a short time before Takai Mamiko's marriage to Akimoto Yasushi, and Nagata, not Takai, was the first Onyanko Club member to get married.(Rumors p160) She appears to have two children (some say three), but hasn't been seen in public at all since her marriage.(Current)(5ch1 66) She's never been in contact with any of the other members of Onyanko Club, including Nitta Eri, with whom she was good friends.(5ch1 68) There are many other members who haven't appeared in public since their marriage, but she's the only one who hasn't even been witnessed by anyone.(5ch1 100) In the 21st century, she started refusing to give video permissions.(Current) Because of this, whenever Onyanko Club footage is shown on TV, her face is always covered with a mosaic.(Current) A number of DVDs were released featuring Yūyake Nyan Nyan, concerts, and behind-the-scenes footage.(Current) All of her close-ups, conversations, singing scenes, and even her profile were removed from those DVDs.(Current) Since no public explanation has been offered as to the cause of her refusal to give permissions for the footage, a number of theories have been rumored.(net) One of them is that her husband had a dispute with Fuji TV and since then she has refused under his direction.(Ruri) This is the most widely believed theory among Onyanko Club fans.(net) However, this theory ain't worthy of credence because it originated from a post written by an unidentified guy on the Onyanko Club fan site, PANIC THE WWW, over 20 years ago.(Ruri) Given her past history, it's more natural to assume that her refusal is vengeance for not getting her solo debut. This theory, too, ain't certain, though.
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Tell me (Heidi, Girl of the Alps: Animation Theme Song)
The first installment of Japan's Fuji Television's "World Masterpiece Theater." The story of Heidi, a child of nature who grows up carefree in the beautiful nature of the Alps. Isao Takahata of Studio Ghibli went to the site and sketched the beautiful depiction of the Alps. It became very popular in Japan and became a big hit. In particular, it is said that the main story of this story lies in the process by which Heidi's grandfather, who hates humans and is rumored to have killed others, comes into contact with the people surrounding Heidi and regains humanity.
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