#Free shipping around USA
beannary · 3 months
if YOU 🫵🏽 are looking to buy one of THESE👇🏽
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Then you better get ready because these keychains are going onto my etsy shop on Saturday March 9th at 9 am Pacific Standard Time (PST)
The keychains will cost $12 USD. If you are buying somewhere in the USA then with shipping the keychains will cost around $18.23.
If you have any other questions feel free to message me either on tumblr or on etsy!
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useless-catalanfacts · 6 months
Earlier this month, and given the ongoing massacres and genocide in Gaza, the dock workers in Barcelona (Catalonia) declared that they won't allow ships with weapons in the Barcelona port. Barcelona's port is the 5th busiest container port in the Mediterranean.
It's not the first time that the Barcelona dock workers have refused to serve ships that carry war material, but this time they have created a more stable way to proceed. The union representative has said that they will "act automatically when we detect the presence of a ship with war load".
This was their statement, which I translate to English below:
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We, the dock workers of Barcelona's port, from our free and independent organization (OEPB), want to reiterate our most absolute rejection of any form of violence.
As a workers' collective, it is our duty and commitment to respect and vehemently defend the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights that seem to have been forgotten by the same countries that signed the Carta Magna and which nowadays are being violated in Ukraine, Israel or the Palestinian territory, among other places in the world.
This is why we have decided in assembly to not allow in our port the activity of any ships that carry war material, with the only purpose of protecting the civilian population, wherever they are from. No cause justifies killing civilians.
We demand an immediate ceasefire and to proceed searching for peaceful resolutions of the different conflicts. We also ask the UN to stop its complicity by inaction or negligence of its functions, and [the UN] to take back the spirits and motive for which it was founded:
• Keeping the peace and safety around the world
• Protecting human rights
• Distributing humanitarian help
• Supporting sustainable development and climate action
• Defending international law.
Barcelona, November 6th 2023
Dock workers in Belgium, Italy and the USA have already blocked ships that were suspicious of carrying weapons for Israel, and activists in other places like Kent (England) have blocked factories that make weapons.
Does your workplace contribute to killing civilians and genocide? How does your city, town or area contribute to sending military equipment to Israel? Do your buying habits send money to support the displacement or killing of Palestinian people?
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There are many changes that need to be done to stop contributing and to leave Israel alone and unable to continue its massacres.
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fayes-fics · 4 months
When The World Is Free: Chapter 5 - Sans Y Penser
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, WW2 AU.
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Warnings: none really... mildly angsty situations, some flirting and interesting proposals.
Word Count: 2.9k
Author’s Note: Multi-chapter fic based on a request by the lovely @amillcitygirl! Please see the masterpost for a synopsis of this story. HERE BE PLOT. A lot of things happen in this one afternoon. Thanks to @colettebronte for beta reading. Enjoy!
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Le Havre, September 1939
The port city of Le Havre is bustling with travellers hauling suitcases and steamer trunks, all walks of life converging on this point of exit. You weave through the crowds from the train station as a trio, headed for the bright red awnings of the company sailing to the USA. Benedict and Eloise hang back as you approach the ticket window. 
“Name?” the brusque man in the booth opens with a crisp American accent.
“Y/n y/l/n,” you smile politely.
“You are not on the manifest,” he sighs after a pause to scan down the paperwork, impatience colouring his tone.
“But I must be,” you frown, “I was given this here…” 
You push your ticket under the window, clearly marked with today’s date. 
“Fraudsters,” his economic response.
“But… they were from your company? Outside your offices in Paris? And wearing your company livery? They… They said I could bring forward my sailing date from August to today. They took my original ticket and gave me this! It looks the same!” Panic rises in your voice with each sentence, dread churning behind your ribs as you realise you have likely been duped. 
“I'm sorry, ma’am, but that is not a valid ticket,” is his monotone reply.
“Oh god. What can I do? May I buy another ticket now?!?”
His responding laugh is a loud bark, “Hah! Ma’am, we are booked up for weeks in advance. There is a long line every day of people hoping for last-minute availability,” he signals to a line of weary-looking, luggage-laden folks under a makeshift shelter.
“But I….” you feel your eyes watering and dread in the pit of your stomach like you are falling down an endless chasm. 
“Ma’am, please step aside; I need to ensure valid passengers can board this ship…” he warns in a tone that is wholly without sympathy.
With a weak nod, you stumble away, back towards Benedict and Eloise. As you draw closer, their faces are a picture of concern, realising something is amiss. As you tearfully recount what happened, Benedict seethes, and Eloise wraps her arm around you, looking pained. 
“I’m going up there. This is unacceptable!” Benedict grits out, righteous indignation fizzing from his very being.
You have to hold out a hand to physically stop him. “It's likely no use,” you appease.
His ire deflates a fraction at your hold on his coat sleeve. “At least let me try, y/n,” he modifies after a few beats.
“Alright,” you relent, dropping your hand, “but I do not expect a different answer.”
You and Eloise cling to each other as you watch Benedict remonstrate with the same man and then a different one at the window. All the while, your stomach is in knots, equal parts fear and hope.
It's five or more minutes before Benedict returns to you, his face pinched.
“I was not successful,” he screws his mouth, looking away as if he cannot meet your eye as he says it. “They don't seem to care that criminals are posing as agents for their organisation,” he rubs his eyebrow in irritation. “I would report it to the police, but it's not their jurisdiction here, and it still does not solve our dilemma…”
“Thank you anyway…” you breathe, “for trying at least…”
There is a long silence as the three of you stand there, stupified by the conundrum before you. The chime of a clock on the harbour building breaks your thoughts.
“It's 3pm. Your sailing back to England is in less than an hour. You should go. You two leave without me,” you demure.
“NO!” they both exclaim in almost comic sibling unison.
“I’ll be fine, seriously.”
“I’m not leaving you alone here for god knows how long until there is room on a ship to America. You can’t be alone. This isn’t Paris; this is a port city. It’s definitely not safe,” Eloise rattles off, looking at you imploringly.
“She’s right,” Benedict concurs. “You were safe in Paris together before the war. You are not safe here. A beautiful young woman. You are a target for thieves or even worse. You cannot stay here alone.”
You try your hardest not to let Benedict calling you beautiful derail your whole thought train, but it’s futile. Your mind is scattered like a pile of wooden toy railway coaches.
“I... I could return to Paris?” You finally suggest after what feels like an eternity of buffering. “I could call to check for last-minute availability every morning. It’s only a couple of hours by train. I’ll be always packed and ready to go…” you argue, not as yet realising the naivety behind your own idea.
“Paris will be the first target for Hitler’s invasion,” Benedict says gravely. “It could be much worse to remain there…”
“So what am I to do? I’m damned if I do, and I’m damned if I don’t…”
“There is only one solution, and that is for us to remain here as well until you can secure passage out of the country,” Benedict shrugs.
“Agreed,” Eloise nods emphatically as you go to protest.
“There are many more sailings back to England, and tickets are easier to come by,” Benedict points out. “We can move our tickets up. At least by a few days until we can devise a plan.”
 “Wait… if there are no ships to America, why don't you come to England with us?” Eloise pipes up in a lightbulb moment.
“I have nowhere I could stay…” 
“Nonsense! You will stay with us at Aubrey Hall. Won’t she, Benedict?”
“Oh yes, of course. There are plenty of spare rooms,” he assures.
“Gosh, umm... Maybe? I…” you hesitate. The whiplash of the last few minutes and the generosity of their offer momentarily overwhelm you. “That's very generous of you. The problem is I don’t know for how long it would be, or even if I should. My parents only agreed to me living in Paris under the watchful eye of Solene. This… this is entirely other…”
You startle as Benedict places his hands on your shoulders, pulling your attention to his sincere expression. “Y/n, you need to worry less about what your family thinks and more about yourself - what you need and your safety. This is escaping impending war; it’s a completely different circumstance from how you arrived here. The decisions you make right now have to be selfish and unburdened by expectations. It’s easy for others to judge from the distance of safety. But look around you. This town is teeming with people clambering to leave the country before an invasion. We do what we have to in unpredictable circumstances to survive.”
“You sound like a soldier,” you murmur.
“It’s what my father was,” he replies, releasing his grip but not moving away. “As a very young man in The Great War. He was lucky to survive, being an officer away from the front lines, but he taught me many things before he died. And one was about always making the smart choice if you can see one, even if it feels uncomfortable. The smart choice here is to escape by any means necessary. We all know Hitler has his sights set on France, especially Paris, as the figurative and cultural capital of Europe. You must get out. You must come with us.” You are captivated by his hazy eyes as he speaks, your heart beating fast as his face and voice grow softer. “Please. I could not live with myself if we left you behind,” he admits in a much quieter tone, but the plea is no less impassioned.
You cannot help it. You stare up at him, transfixed. Stanley has never been so eloquent. Or indeed so invested in your well-being. 
“Alright…” your hesitancy soft, “but you must let me pay you for my ticket…”
His face seems to light up at your acquiescence. “One day… maybe,” he smiles.
And so that is what he does - leaves you and Eloise ensconced in a nice bistro overlooking the harbour with a large bottle of white wine as he walks over to the ticket office for the ferry company and swaps their tickets for a few days hence and purchases an additional ticket for you, steadfastly refusing to tell you the cost for it even for many weeks hence.
While you are in the ladies' room, Eloise strikes up a conversation with a young man in uniform at the adjacent table; you fondly roll your eyes as you retake your seat and leave them be. Your gaze, however, is never far from the window, to where Benedict last left your line of sight, somehow anxious for his return.  When he reappears, striding purposefully towards the cafe, your chest flutters hard, his coat swishing around his legs, his hat at an attractive slant. If there is one thing you swear you could spend a lifetime doing, it’s watching Benedict Bridgerton just… be. 
“Any luck?” you ask as he arrives and doffs his hat, taking a seat on your other side, throwing an exasperated glance at his little sister and the uniformed man.
“We are set to sail Thursday,” he smiles and signals for the waiter, ordering a glass of Beaujolais. “I also stopped in the post office to call Solene. She has said we can stay as long as we need to at her sister’s cottage a few miles from town.”
“Oh, that's wonderful news!” your shoulders relax for the first time in what feels like hours. “But wait, I remember she said there is only one bedroom,” you point out. “You’ve been sleeping on our sofa for days now… you deserve a bed. I’ll take the sofa…”
“No. Also, I’m not sharing a bed with my sister,” he shudders, “she kicks in her sleep!”
“Oh, thanks. So I guess you want me to have bruised shins, then??” You laugh with gusto, the ricochet day making all your emotions heightened, seemingly bouncing from one extreme to another. Right now, a strange bubble of joy at this lighthearted exchange.
“Not at all. In fact, I’d happily share with you instead to save your legs from the abuse!” 
You know it’s said in jest, the comedic relief of the moment evident on his face, but still, a shot fires in your chest at the thought of sharing a bed with him. You decide to make light of it, even as your heart quickens.
“How do I know this kicking is not a problem that runs in the family? And you’re way stronger than her!”
“You can tie me down if it would make you feel better!” he chuckles loudly. 
You flush all over, the very thought so beguiling yet scandalous. And yet you cannot stop your mouth running away with you, this flirtatious banter too tasty to resist, the wine you’ve been drinking far too quickly for the last half hour loosening your lips.
“I think you would enjoy that far too much, Mr Bridgerton,” you volley back, raising an eyebrow with a giggle.
His cheeks turn the most adorable shade of pink even as his eyes dilate rapidly, a corner of his tongue flicking out to pull his bottom lip under his teeth. It makes you want to sink your teeth right there, this impulse to be so physical with someone discombobulating. You've never had such errant, feral desires for Stanley. 
“You're probably right…” he rumbles quietly after a pause. 
You dare to hold his gaze even though you know it’s a mistake. This nightmare of a day makes you uncaring of propriety. He looks as wild as you feel inside, a glint in his eye that is at once permission and danger. 
“Theo here has been telling me all sorts of helpful information,” Eloise leans in, breaking the spell between you, a slight slur in her voice from her wine. 
Theo nods to you and Benedict. On closer inspection, he appears to be in a British soldier uniform. 
“I have to get back on duty,” he explains apologetically as he rises from his seat, “but I hope the information I’ve provided to your sister here will help.” He adds with a tiny salute.
You look surprised at Eloise as she just shrugs. You thought her up to her usual flirtatious banter, not researching. Benedict looks impressed too. You both, however, don’t miss the note he slips to Eloise before he takes his leave. Perhaps not purely intelligence gathering, then.
“Theo is helping process entry to Britain for foreign nationals wanting safe harbour. The numbers have spiralled since the war was declared.” She begins to explain when he is out of sight. “There is sadly a waiting list. But there are a few ways to skip the queue…
“Those being?” Benedict prompts before you can.
“Having family relatives residing in Britain already or, top of the pile, being the spouse of a British national.”
You slump your shoulders. “I have no relations there. Uncle Robert was visiting, but he was already at sea returning to America when the war was declared,” you explain, wishing he had stayed a few weeks longer.
“I wonder if we can find any paperwork forgers around?” Eloise ponders aloud.
“Eloise,” Benedict's tone is one of brotherly warning and disapproval, “we will not be taking that route.” his tone striking a chord of finality.
“But… how else can we get her into the country without bending the rules?” she exclaims at him, frustrated, gesticulating.
“I’m thinking…” Benedict grouses back, rubbing his chin and looking deep in thought.
Eloise leans back in her chair and twists her mouth into a pout. She takes a swig of wine before twisting to you and casually making a suggestion that flips your entire being.
“You could marry this one,” she jokes, shrugging and gesturing at Benedict. 
Your eyes dart to Benedict and his to you. A tidal wave of a hundred different feelings crashing through you at once.
“I’ll do it…” he offers, quick and quiet.
“El, don't be ridic…” your denial, spoken over his, dies on your tongue as you process what he said. 
You can't help it, you gape open-mouthed at him. As does Eloise.
“You would?” you stutter.
He nods, mien sincere, but you could swear there is more, too, a rousing intensity.
“I was joking, brother,” Eloise frowns.
“It's the only solution that guarantees her passage out of France,” he argues, “that's the most important thing here…”
“But marriage? That is such a sacrifice… I could never ask that of you…”  you shake your head, even as your stomach feels like a rollercoaster.
“That's why I'm offering, so you don't have to ask,” he shrugs as if this is not a big deal. “It is not me who has to make the sacrifice. It is you who has an intended…”
Your face falls as you think of the consequences. Marrying Benedict, if only for escape, would wound Stanley beyond belief. Your father, both your parents, in fact, would vehemently disapprove. 
“We can annul it as soon as we get to England…” he assures.
“French marriages can be annulled, brother, yes, but in France. Not in England,” Eloise pipes up, ever the font of knowledge.
“Then I will grant you an immediate divorce,” he amends.
“I can't believe you are taking me seriously,,,” Eloise mutters, but both of you seem to ignore it.
“I’d still be a divorcee, damaged goods as my father would say…” you wince at the phrase but know it to be accurate in Long Island, as much as you hate it.
“I don't know how else to help you escape, y/n,” Benedict implores, slightly alarmed. 
“Keep thinking!” Eloise interjects hotly. “I won't have my poor best friend here shackled to a Bridgerton brother. She has done absolutely nothing to deserve such a sentence, however short.”
“Eloise!” you scold without thought, “don't be so rude about your brother! He's wonderful….”
You immediately flush with embarrassment as she looks at you suspiciously. You dare not even look over to the subject of your praise, but you can feel the weight of his stare.
“But umm yes, let's keep thinking…” you mumble, embarrassed, looking down and picking at your cuticles in your lap.
“I need a bloody cigarette,” Eloise pronounces, suddenly standing up, her chair scraping loudly over the tiled floor.
“Sister, you do not smoke,” Benedict frowns up at her, again with that air of elder sibling forbearance.
“Sometimes I do,” she shrugs, her tone defiant, “and this situation definitely warrants one.” She jabs her finger by her side to emphasise her opinion.
With that, she marches up to the bar and orders one but does not return to the table, shooting you both a look before heading to the wall outside and sitting alone, staring out at the horizon and taking deep draws.
You and Benedict sit in silence, heads bowed in thought for what feels like an age, only interspersed with small sips of wine. 
“I honestly can't think of another way out of this mess…” Benedict sighs, breaking the hush. “But I understand it's such an enormous decision; you need time to consider it.”
You are scared by how much your heart and mind are screaming, ‘I really don't, I will marry you,’ even if your gut churns with the idea of how you will explain it to everyone. You look up, and again, those blue eyes bore into yours. Sincerity, concern, empathy, and something that looks dangerously like desire. You could get lost in that look. Forever.
“I’ll do it…” you whisper, knowing you are playing with fire… and yet yearning to be burned.
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Benedict taglist: @foreverlonginguniverse @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover @corpseoftrees-queen @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23 @how-many-stars-in-the-sky @amygdtjhddzvb @sya-skies @balladynaaa
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decolonize-the-left · 3 months
.....Correct me if I'm wrong but allies to Israel would have no money to move around and spend if we and banks have no money to move around for them right?
Even the US treasury needs a way to offer collateral for the billions they give to countries like Israel. Do you know what that collateral has been thus far? Your paycheck. The future paychecks of babies that can't even talk yet. That's how they'll pay all this off.
The government has been giving us the biggest fuck you that they could. Let's return the favor.
"yeah but the banks-"
Have been bailed out every time they've asked for it since I've been alive. They love debt when they aren't the ones paying it. They'll know how heavy the weight of their arms dealing is. There's a reason they have been phasing out paper checks and money- they can't move money they don't have and digital bank accounts can't see the paper money in your drawer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So yes absolutely keep boycotting.
And we should pull all our money out of Major Banks.
It's incredibly accessible for most people who already have a bank account, even if you can't protest or strike. And you don't have to miss any work.
So let's hit em where it hurts.
Banks (from this list of Banks that heavily fw Israel)
Bank Julius Baer & Co
Bank Lombard Odier & Co
Banque Pictet & Cia SA
BNP Paribas Israel
CBH Compagnie Bancaire Helvetique S.A.
Dreyfus Sons & Co.
Hyposwiss Private Bank Geneve SA
JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.
Silicon Valley Bank
Union Bancaire Privee
BNP Paribas Israel
State Bank of India
Other banks that have supported the genocide
Goldman Sachs
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Capital One
Marks & Spencer
Scotia Bank
Bank of Montreal
No, you don't have to cancel your direct deposits (most places in the USA won't even pay you without an account anyway). But you should drain your account ASAP. Don't let the money sit in your bank. Pull it out and use cash for everything you can. Don't put money in the bank unless you need to.
The point is just to keep as much money as you can out of banks for as long as you can.
Yeah it's gonna be harder to order online which may be inconvenient until we readjust but thats good.
It'll be a natural way for the boycotts to evolve.
A lot of fighting in the Red Sea is being done because of how much money the USA, UK, etc have to lose if they can't get their products on time. The Houthis turning ships away cost these countries millions every time. If there are less ships to turn away cuz people aren't ordering stuff from overseas then Good.
Yeah we could have an organized day to do this but...why??? It's accessible, it's free, and the people across the globe experiencing a genocide right now, from north America to Africa to Palestine don't have the luxury of waiting a few months for us to spread the word and organize.
If you see this share it. Copy/paste, repost, retweet, idc. Spread like wildfire pls
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peachie-keane · 5 days
Alrighty folks I’m gonna do a thing. Introducing:
Sticker Pack for Palestine ft. Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo
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It’s just free stickers. I’ve printed and cut out a massive amount of stickers to give away for free to whoever wants them (currently only within USA sorry 😣).
Request a free sticker pack here.
In addition to 40+ stickers, you will get the following:
- information about Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and other countries currently being destabilized and attacked by Israel and it's allies.
- lists of accounts and artists to follow
- organizations that will help you contact Congress
- businesses to support
- places to donate
- a letter from me explaining why I did this
I want to reiterate that it’s free. Totally free, you don’t even need to pay for shipping. Just fill out a request form and I will send you one. One request = one sticker pack.
There will be duplicate stickers because the intention is to spread them around. The stickers are random and dependent on my stock of stickers.
And that’s the pitch. Free Palestine. Free Sudan. Free Congo.
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ghminerals · 1 month
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Penetration quartz crystals. Crystallized all around. Santander, Colombia. On website tomorrow.
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aimeedaisies · 4 months
Princess Anne’s visit reinforces Sri Lanka-UK bonds - Plaudits for hard work and modest outlook
Published 14th January 2024
By Pramod de Silva
The British Royal Family is changing their outlook following the demise of Queen Elizabeth II and amidst increasing calls for truncating or even abolishing the monarchy.
Indeed, gone are the days when the British Empire was known collectively as a region where the “Sun never sets” as its colonies were located all over the globe, from Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) to South Africa. Now there are only a very few British protectorates left, including the Falklands Islands. All others have either become Dominions with King (Charles III) as the titular Head of State (examples include Canada and Australia) or Republics with no sovereign ties to the British King, such as Sri Lanka and India.
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A humble Princess Anne carried her own bags off the plane as she arrived at the Bandaranaike International Airport in Katunayake with her husband Vice Admiral Sir Timothy LaurenceA humble Princess Anne carried her own bags off the plane as she arrived at the Bandaranaike International Airport in Katunayake with her husband Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence.
Yet, the British Royal Family maintains a measure of popularity in the so-called Commonwealth Countries, which are former colonies of Britain, even if their fame has taken a hit in the UK itself particularly following the death of Princess Diana, and the separation of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle from royal life. The couple has since been living in California, USA.
Queen Elizabeth II’s visit
Sri Lankans, for whatever reason(s), do have a soft corner for the British Royal Family, in spite of the mixed colonial legacy in the country. This was evinced when Queen Elizabeth II arrived here for the first time in 1954. This visit was significant for two reasons. The first was that Sri Lanka hadsaman gained Independence from Britain just six years earlier, in 1948. And Sri Lanka was still a Dominion back then.
The second was that this was one of the Queen’s first official overseas visits after her Coronation on June 2, 1953. She wore her Coronation Frock at one of the events in Colombo during this tour. She would go on to occupy the Throne for nearly 70 years. Her next visit to Sri Lanka was in 1981, by which time the country had become a Republic. But judging by the raucous reception she received wherever she and Prince Philip went, her popularity in Sri Lanka was intact.
In between those two visits, the couple became the proud parents of four children – Princes Charles (the present King), Andrew (Duke of York, though now mostly retired from Royal Duties following a string of scandals), Edward (Duke of Edinburgh) and Princess Anne, now known officially as Princess Royal. She thus happens to be the only daughter of Queen Elizabeth.
It is no secret that Princess Anne is the sibling closest to King Charles, ever-ready to steady the ship amidst the turbulent storms that the Royal Family faced in the years following the tragic death of Princess Diana in Paris in 1997. Her scandal-free life and easy going nature had endeared herself to Royal fans all over the planet.
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This might explain the buzz surrounding last-week’s official visit of Princess Anne to Sri Lanka to mark 75 years of diplomatic links between the two friendly countries. Given the revolving door that is Number 10, one cannot imagine a better ambassador to mark this occasion than apparently someone from Buckingham Palace – and the hardest working member of the British Royal Family at that. Princess Anne has earned that moniker from the press thanks to her non-stop work for good causes around the world.
A royal expert has explained why the Princess Royal was chosen as the first member of the family to go away in 2024, as she was praised as being “invaluable” to King Charles. Richard Fitzwilliams said: “Princess Anne is an example of what the public most admire in a working royal, she is dedicated, conscientious and prefers a low profile and no fuss.”
First-ever Royal visit for 2024
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Princess Anne began the second day of her Sri Lanka tour with a visit to the Sri Dalada Maligawa (Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic) in KandyPrincess Anne began the second day of her Sri Lanka tour with a visit to the Sri Dalada Maligawa (Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic) in Kandy
In fact, her trip to Sri Lanka gained international media attention due to several reasons, with magazines such as Hello! And People devoting multiple pages to the coverage, not to mention all mainstream British newspapers. After all, this was the first-ever overseas visit by any Member of the Royal Family for 2024. Princess Anne is no stranger to Sri Lanka, having visited the country previously in 1995, as a patron of the Save the Children Fund.
The media were quick to highlight the fact that Anne (73) and her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence (68) flew on a commercial airline to Colombo, whereas they could have requested a Government Airbus A330 or other aircraft from the Royal Air Force (RAF). In fact, SriLankan Airlines, the only carrier which flies directly between London (LHR) and Colombo (CMB) could not hide its delight, posting on X under the headline “A Service Fit for a Royal”.
A SriLankan Airlines post said: “We are delighted to welcome onboard Her Royal Highness (HRH) the Princess Royal on her journey from London to Colombo on a three-day official visit to mark 75 years of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and the UK. It is truly an honour to extend Her Royal Highness and the delegation our inherent Sri Lankan warmth and hospitality, thereby presenting the first taste of our island home through our service. We thank the HRH for honouring us with her presence onboard and choosing us for the journey.”
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Royal commentators and observers were also delighted to note that the couple carried their own bags, both at the points of embarkation and disembarkation. Princess Anne and Sir Tim’s down-to-Earth nature was displayed by them carrying their own bags onto the flight, the commentators said. One eagle-eyed royal writer even noted that one of her bags was from the French brand Longchamp’s La Pliage Line, costing just 115 Sterling Pounds, at a time lesser mortals like to show off bags from the likes of Louis Vuitton costing thousands of pounds or dollars.
A welcome ceremony at the airport saw the two Royals greeted by dancers, music, Union Jack flags and a red carpet. Princess Anne, sporting sunglasses, was received by dignitaries including the British High Commissioner Andrew Patrick and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Sabry, PC.
Princess Anne and Sir Tim kicked off their engagements right away, heading first to the MAS Active Factory near the Airport, one of the largest apparel tech companies in South Asia and identified by the UK Fashion and Textile (UKFT) Association as an important Sri Lankan partner. As President of the UKFT, the Princess Royal met staff and toured the facility to hear more about their innovative designs and partnerships with leading UK brands.
Princess Anne, Princess Royal signs the golden book after she arrives for a three-day official visit to Sri Lanka at the BIA in KatunayakePrincess Anne, Princess Royal signs the golden book after she arrives for a three-day official visit to Sri Lanka at the BIA in Katunayake.
Letter from King Charles
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The couple also met President Ranil Wickremesinghe and Prof. Maitree Wickremesinghe at the President’s House. Her brother King Charles had outlined “considerable challenges” that the world is facing in a letter delivered by Princess Anne to President Wickremesinghe during this meeting.
The Royal Couple also got the opportunity of meeting former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga on this occasion. She was the incumbent President when Princess Anne last toured the island in 1995. Royal watchers praised the Princess’s modest outfit worn to this important event. Hello! Magazine described her outfit in this manner: “Putting on a colourful display, the Princess Royal asserted her sartorial prowess in a ravishing red shift dress adorned with blooming pastel flowers. For an additional pop of colour, the royal added a berry-red lipstick, balancing her ensemble with a draped cream scarf and white gloves.” Another royal watcher said that her white gloves worn at the event were a subtle nod to the legacy of her mother.
Princess Anne, with her lifelong affinity to the Save the Children Fund, also took time off her busy schedule of meetings to visit its offices in Colombo and inquire into their programs in Sri Lanka. After unveiling a plaque commemorating the 50th anniversary of Save the Children working in Sri Lanka, she gave an impromptu speech to staff and guests at the charity’s Colombo HQ.
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Princess Anne said: “It’s a real pleasure to return to Sri Lanka and the chance to visit Save the Children’s (headquarters) and underline the fact you have been doing extraordinary work here for 50 years.’ And I know, because when I came before it was slightly different, things have changed a lot. But the very fact that you are here and seen as valuable partners to the Government and the departments – that says a lot for what you’ve achieved…So a big thank you to all those who have been part of that journey, thank you all very much.” She also visited the Lady Ridgeway Hospital (LRH) in Colombo.
Princess Anne paid her respects to the Fallen Heroes of World Wars when she laid a wreath in their memory in Colombo, during her first visit to a Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) cemetery in the Jawatta area as the organisation’s President. They also visited the nearby Vajira Pillayar Hindu Kovil, where Sir Tim dashed a coconut to ward off bad luck. Chief Priest Sachithanantha Kurukal went into the shrine to conduct the pooja as Princess Anne and her husband watched, and they later toured the temple viewing the many shrines to Hindu Gods.
The Royal Couple then left for Kandy, where they paid homage to the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha at the Sri Dalada Maligawa. Dressed in white, Princess Anne was ushered into an inner sanctum, reserved for the temple’s most important guests, to make her offering to the Sacred Relic in private.
Princess Anne engaged in a friendly conversation with Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike KumaratungaPrincess Anne engaged in a friendly conversation with Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga
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Later, the couple travelled to Jaffna, where they toured the famous Jaffna Public Library, which was burnt down by mobs in 1981 and then rebuilt to reflect its former glory. The couple toured the library “where they heard of its significance to the community and met key figures from the fields of education, arts and culture,” said the British High Commission in Sri Lanka. Andrew Patrick, British High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, called the building “a landmark of great significance”. “This important moment marks the first visit by a member of the Royal Family to Jaffna,” he added.
The library was one of the largest libraries in Asia and housed over 97,000 unique and irreplaceable palm leaves books (ola), manuscripts, parchments, books, magazines and newspapers, before its destruction in 1981.
The couple had several other engagements in Sri Lanka before they flew back to the UK after a highly successful visit, which reinforced UK-Sri Lanka ties. Several more events will be held in 2024 to mark this milestone.
Princess Anne’s Sri Lanka visit is her second official engagement of this year, having returned to duties on January 4 to attend the Oxford Farming Conference.
The King and Queen are also set to fly overseas later this year. The couple are expected to visit Canada in May, before flying to Australia, New Zealand and Samoa in October.
As for the Prince and Princess of Wales, they too will be preparing to return to Royal Duties in the coming week, which comes after the family celebrated Princess Kate’s 42nd birthday on Tuesday January 9.
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stevelieber · 6 months
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Another original page of mine is now available in the @helioscopepdx etsy shop! Back around 2000 or 2001, I was helping out with the main artist’s deadline on an issue of PANTHEON, doing pencils, inks and hand lettering on a few pages. I knew the book was going to be published in b&w so I let myself have a lot of fun with intricate detail and texture!
This was an all-conversation page so I used a bunch of storytelling techniques to avoid giving the reader a series of talking heads. Panel 2 gets some oomph from CONTRAST in body language. He's leaning forward, deeply attentive to her, while she's slouching, ignoring him entirely, focussed on her gizmo. I also had fun juxtaposing their informal clothes and attitudes with the absurdly formal PROPS- that table & chairs took forever, but they were fun to draw and I liked the impact they had.
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ladycybercat · 3 months
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Almost done with this picture! it's 11 x 17 inches on comic paper. If anyone is interested, feel free to make an offer in a comment or +note if you'd like to purchase the artwork before I put it up for auction. Shipping is around $13 in the usa international is around $25 . Actual shipping will depend upon your location. I accept paypal.
Posted using PostyBirb
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poisonapplezine · 7 months
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Greetings my esteemed friends of the macabre~
✦ REJOICE! ✦ For the bells have rung and our dark celebration begins once more!
Poison Apple Books, Tarot Decks, and Merch are all available for purchase. Click the photo above or follow this link to claim your book or tarot deck before they vanish. (Available while supplies last)
✦ This project features over 60 artists from around the world. This hardcover book GLOWS with green metallic foil and includes.
‣ 216 pages ‣ 41 illustrations ‣ 19 written works w/ spot illustrations ‣ 7 comics ‣ Appendix of featured villains, creatures & horrors
✦ The Poison Apple Tarot includes 35 cards, the 22 major arcana + 13 oracle cards. All beautifully illustrated and shining with details and symbolism.
‣ Green Foil Edges ‣ Physical Guide Book Included ‣ The Tarot Bundle also include a PDF version of the full zine.
🍏 🍏 🍏
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Justice illus. by @eshpur The Empress illus. by nephelolivia The Magician illus. by blu_laura_blu The Vision illus. by @desansen The World illus. by @crowingoverthis Judgement illus. by @jagalart
DURATION: The shop will close on November 17th!
AVAILABILITY: Products will be available while supplies last, once they are sold out they are gone for good. There will not be a second printing of Poison Apple so don't wait to grab this limited edition book and tarot.
SHIPPING: International Buyers, to offset the price of international shipping, each non-USA order will receive a bonus mini set of merch. 1 Sticker Sheet (Random) 1 Postcard (Random) 1 Bookmark
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions concerning orders, details, or if you just want to say hello. Feel free to send me a message here or an email to [email protected]
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Thank you for sharing! And welcome to our dark celebration~
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ishgard · 3 months
Tag ppl you want to get to know better
Tagged by @myreia - thank you!!!
LAST SONG: so I meant to go to my history to figure out what it was but forgot and by the time I did it changed so uh, haha 'Hozier - 'Francesca'
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Sousou no Frieren, Dungeon Meshi
THREE SHIPS: Ohboyokay let's see. Obviously I have a ton, but three.
Mana & Belial: These two are everything to me. This is me and the besties pandemic ship, we started text RPing with them while I was up north in 2019 and then everything spiraled. They were originally GBF characters but they've jumped to so many different universes and become full blown OCs by this point. They're enemies-to-lovers, they're 'I'll find you in every life time', they're unapologetically horny, they give me so much joy and happiness I could vomit rainbows.
Ahru & Deryk: This is probably pretty obvious if you've been following me at all. Ahru has a lot of ships I could ramble about for an age but this is the one I'm rotating in my brain 24/7 these days. I love how they fit together, I love how they get to experience the world all fresh and new, free of their burdens, together. aughghghg anyway. (Holds up boombox blasting 'Francesca' by Hozier)
Ahru & Arshadaya: This is like, my sleeper ship. Like Thanahru it's kinda present in every Ahru verse, but more. They're platonic, they're romantic, they're inextricably linked in ways that should be concerning and even questionable but it works for them. Arsh wanted to meld with Ahru's soul ('to save Nyx') before he inevitably accepted her as herself instead of 'Azem's Shard' and swore that same loyalty and devotion to her that he did Nyx. To the extent that when she got chopped up by the Servants of Light he sacrificed a good portion of himself to restore her, only adding to the 'inextricably linked in concerning questionable ways'. As a result he's in like a magical coma that could last gods knows how long but he maintains a link with Ahru continuing to protect and watch over her even now. They've basically fused into one being but he sleeps on the sidelines because her happiness and continued existence is the most important thing to him. :''')
FAVORITE COLOR: Light Pinks, Red
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: Just had a brownie 😌
FIRST SHIP: Geez... I mean probably Sailor Moon/Tuxedo Mask. Hilariously I feel like I've been a self-shipper + ocxfandom shipper from a young age because I remember my little saiyan oc I shipped with Trunks way back when. 🤣
CURRENT LOCATION: Nope. 😘 (Seconded)
LAST MOVIE: Geez I can't remember... I honestly have such a hard time watching movies. I watched a few parts of 'When Harry Met Sally' when mom had it on T.V. a few days ago???
I Will Share Your Road - Ahru x Deryk screens set about their journey around Eorzea post-Myths of the Realm
The Road Ahead - tentative name for a fic of the same scenario above. Mostly a lot of all over the place drabbles at the moment.
Miqomarch X'D I'm trying to get ahead a bit for when I'm away on vacation.
[name pending] original work about faeries and shit, inspired by the Elfhame series by Holly Black. Has been put grievously on the back burner because of XIV brainworms.
Tagging: @icehearts, @eorzeanflowers, @uldahstreetrat, @twelveswood (i know you but i'm tagging you anyway teehee) - no pressure though and if you've already done it please ignore me 😂
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blood-darkened-moon · 4 months
Alexander Ashford Headcanons
He was born on June 9, 1938.
His mother died during his birth. He had a 6-years older sister, who died during WWII as well. Alexander was too young and barely remembered her. He knew her mainly from pictures and stories told by his relatives.
After losing his wife and daughter, Edward became overprotective of Alexander. He shielded him as much as possible from all kinds of trouble. Even if Alexander caused the problems, Edward was the one who took care of them.
Alexander spent his childhood on Rockfort Island with his grandfather Arthur and his family. Edward worked in the USA during this time but visited them whenever he could. Edward didn’t want to drag Alexander into his grief and thought this was the best solution for everyone. He also used the work as a distraction to overcome the deaths of his wife and daughter.
His grandfather Arthur’s second wife became Alexander’s foster mother. And since his uncle was only two years older than him, they grew up like brothers. However, Alexander’s relationship with his uncle went downhill from their teenage years on for various reasons.
Alexander always loved the ocean. His favorite game as a child was pirates. He and his uncle often played on the beaches of Rockfort Island, pretending to look for hidden treasures, capture ships, and fight against sea monsters.
Alexander was bitten by a dog when he was a child. He could be a spoiled, arrogant brat to people and animals and wasn’t innocent of it. As an adult, Alexander still had a rather large scar from the bite on his right leg. After the attack, he was afraid of animals bigger than a rabbit. One reason why he liked living in Antarctica was that there are no larger land animals, and penguins can’t run very fast.
His fascination with Veronica started during his childhood. His grandfather used to tell him stories about her. Alexander loved these stories, and Arthur had to retell them hundreds of times. They weren’t 100% accurate, though. Arthur changed and exaggerated parts for more entertainment. How much truth they contained was questionable anyway. Veronica died a few months after Arthur was born. He only knew them from hearsay.
Alexander never had many friends. He wasn’t shy, nor had he a problem with ordering people around, but he was bland, uncharismatic, and very self-centered with little regard for others. Alexander could talk about science or his hobbies for hours but did not consider that other people might not share the same interests. So he would often nerd them away with his ramblings. And since Alexander attached great importance to social status, more than his father and grandfather, he did not even consider approaching people he deemed below him. Later at university, Alexander improved his social skills a little and made a few friends, but he lost contact with most of them after his graduation. His father was his best friend later in life.
He studied in the USA at Yale University.
Alexander was the teacher’s/professor’s pet. He often worked longer and harder than he had to, unpaid, of course (not that he would have needed money to begin with). While Alexander was brilliant in his field of research, he was usually still overlooked because he was entirely void of charisma.
Alexander focused on studying and later on helping his father with his research and work. He had only little time for hobbies. Some of the few things he liked doing in his free time were fishing and surfing. Alexander even won a couple of prizes in surfing competitions. He also liked baseball.
Alexander liked classical art as well. He was a fairly good artist himself when he drew buildings and even considered briefly studying architecture. On the other hand, his drawings of people and animals always looked too clean and lifeless, sometimes to the point of uncanniness. He stopped drawing in his mid-twenties.
He loved silent movies and film noir. He thought newer movies, with some exceptions, didn’t have the same charm. Godzilla was one of the newer ones he liked. Sometimes, he watched the Godzilla movies with his children. Alexia was bored almost immediately and slept almost the entire time. Alfred liked watching them. He liked to imagine all the people dying in gruesome ways (plus Alexia would sleep on his lap or lean against his shoulder for the most part).
Edward wasn’t too excited about the Veronica project. He would have preferred if Alexander found a wife and had his own children with her. However, Alexander was far from popular among women. He looked good, but his personality used to be the deal breaker.
Alexander had a few relationships before none of them lasted long. The longest was about 1.5 years, and people were surprised that the woman did not leave him sooner. Alexander prioritized work over his partners. A relationship with him was more like having a roommate rather than being a couple.
Edward’s death led to a massive dispute over the heritage. While Edward, as Arthur’s oldest son, inherited the title, both his sons should have shared Arthur’s fortune and properties equally according to his last will. Dividing the fortune wasn’t the problem, but Edward always postponed the division of their properties until his death. Since Edward was busy with his virus research in Africa and the foundation of Umbrella, all other things ranked low on his priority list. Once Edward was dead, the situation escalated after Alexander came up with plans for reconstruction and sale of several of the Ashford’s properties. This ultimately resulted in Alexander receiving Rockfort Island and his uncle receiving Ashford Hall, among most other lesser important objects. Alexander planned to stay in his new Antarctic mansion anyway. Rockfort Island was not that far away and the home of his childhood. He felt more connected to it than to Ashford Hall. Alexander still often regretted that he hadn’t pushed for more since he was clearly the loser of the dispute. But with everything hitting him at once (Edward’s death, the Veronica project, pressure from Spencer, taking over his father’s research, Umbrella), he didn’t have the mental strength at that time.
Despite Alexander holding large amounts of Umbrella’s shares, Spencer forced him almost into insignificance. Spencer used Alexander’s inexperience and vulnerability after his father’s death to his advantage and placed people who were loyal to him in significant positions. They would hamper Alexander’s projects when Spencer wanted it (delaying requests for materials or repairs, pestering him with bureaucracy as much as possible …), basically, whenever he tried to go against Spencer. So, Alexander had barely anything to say regarding the company’s policy and important decisions. Spencer thought about getting rid of him once and for all too, but Alexander was a weak opponent and more useful as his yes-man, which he was forced to become. Spencer also would have used him as a scapegoat if things went down the drain earlier.
Working under Alexander was unpleasant, to say the least. He never understood how to motivate his employees and rarely showed appreciation for his competent workers (except for Alexia). Alexander did appreciate them, though; he simply wasn’t good at communicating it. However, whenever things didn’t go well, he was quick to punish everyone with more work. And while he experienced firsthand how burdening personal issues can be, he had no sympathy for his employees when they faced similar difficult circumstances. In the end, his better employees didn’t stay longer than they had to. Spencer transferred the best ones often to other Umbrella facilities and offered them better working conditions. He also kept sending the most incompetent people to Alexander, along with his personal spies.
The constant flow of personnel, Alexander’s own lack of expertise in virus research, and the decrease of competent researchers led to him making only little progress with his research projects, which gave Spencer a reason to shorten his resources every few years. It also made Alexander more dependent on his mercy. As a result, Alexander increased Alexia’s workload even further compared to what had originally been planned. He was desperate and hoped she could turn everything around.
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cassekk · 4 months
𖦹 attack on titan roleplay search 𖦹
hi! i'm currently looking for rp partners. i don't use tumblr, and this account is only for searching for rp partners. this post will have some info ab me, how i rp, and the current ships i'm interested in. if you're interested, please dm me here or on discord (cassekk).
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about me
i'm 21 and from the usa! my timezone is cst (central standard time). i have a pretty free schedule right now. i use discord to rp, and i only rp mxm, canon x canon, 3rd person, past tense, adv. lit/novella style only! i'm looking for a long-term rp partner that is 18+! age is non-negotiable. i would prefer that both of us verify with each other that we are, in fact, 18+ before proceeding to the actual roleplay.
i first began roleplaying at around 11 waaay back when people used to find partners at places like omegle, kik, shamchat, etc. and then would move to either skype, chatzy, or insta! the good ol' days. i stopped at around age 16 for reasons i won't disclose, but i'd like to get back into it. writing is a passion of mine, and roleplaying allows me to hone my writing skills and have fun at the same time. i enjoy creating wonderful pieces of fiction that can serve as an escape from reality! it's so comforting and freeing. it's been a while since i've last written, and to get myself prepared for roleplaying i brush up on my reading. reading a lot, for me, makes me feel more confident about my vocabulary, and actually refreshes my mind about writing. kind of like a reset.
i would like for my partner to write in the same style as me, and just generally be laidback. and i generally expect them to have a good grasp on grammar. i'm okay with nsfw as long as it's in addition to the plot of our rp (i.e., i won't start an rp just to be nsfw; i'd like a good plot and for both of us to be very invested in it). now, if we have a great plot in mind and our characters just happen to be very affectionate... that is more than encouraged. i also really hope that my rp partner will try to stick to the character's canon personality to the best of their ability.
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nsfw info
i can write as sub, switch, and/or dom. for omegaverse, i can write as omega and/or alpha. i'm fine with some more "taboo" topics such as: noncon, inc*st, age gaps, etc. i'm not, however, comfortable with writing about EDs. basically, just ask me if there are certain controversial topics you'd like to include and i'll let you know. i'll most likely be cool with it.
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pairing info
ereri — top!eren x bottom!levi only. i prefer to write for levi with this ship, but i am able to write for eren.
eruri — top!erwin x bottom!levi only. i prefer to write for levi.
erejean — top!eren x bottom!jean. i can write for either of them.
zekeren — top!eren x bottom!zeke. i prefer to write for eren, but i could also write for zeke.
zevi — top!zeke x bottom!levi. i prefer to write for levi.
ererei — top!eren x bottom!reiner. i prefer to write for eren.
eremin — top!eren x bottom!armin. i prefer to write for eren, but i can also write for armin.
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more rp info
some genres i enjoy writing are: sci-fi, fantasy, horror/thriller, action, adventure, apocalyptic, dystopian, mystery, and/or a combination of them all! i also enjoy adding elements from different tv shows and movies or placing them in different video game universes. i really enjoy worldbuilding, and the possibilities are endless, so we could come up with something very creative! bits of inspiration from this show, and that game, etc., however we want. i prefer writing with AUs — writing in canonverse doesn't interest me too much. but who knows, that might change in the future.
i have an rp example from a past rp i did if you wish to see a snippet of how i write.
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my discord is cassekk. if you're interested in starting an rp with me, send a message here or there (preferably there) and pitch any ideas you have! if we match well, we would verify our ages and get the ball rolling :) i'd love to become friends as well. i'm not very good at keeping conversations ooc going, but i'd still love to. my carrd has a more condensed version of this post: https://cassekk.carrd.co/
thanks for reading!
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queenie-ofthe-void · 4 months
NSFW 18+ minors DNI. I will not stand for bullshit. No fighting. No kink shaming. No ship shaming.
All of My Love: Steddie || ~1.1k words || rating M || cws: getting high || It's my boys being soft and falling in love over a week of Led Zeppelin.
Gentle Noise: Steve & Max || ~1.6k words || rating T || cws: implied child neglect and abuse || Steve can't help but wonder what it's like being a kid in Max's home compared to his own.
Immortal Eddie Munson (bittersweet): Steddie || 373 words || rating G || cws: none || As the Party ages around him, Eddie's reminded of how much he's loved.
Immortal Eddie Munson (hurt/no comfort): Steddie || ~1.6k words || rating E || cws: DEAD DOVE. All CWs are listed at the top of the fic PLEASE do not ignore them || Eddie watches his loved ones age and eventually leave him behind. This is an alternative telling to bittersweet.
Pin: Steddie (Prompt) || 388 words || rating T || cws: innuendos || Steve and Dustin argue the appropriateness of their chosen game and Eddie intervenes.
Stuck: Steddie || ~1.5k words || rating T || cws: dissociation, unlabeled neurodivergencies and mental illness || Steve and Eddie struggle to recover after a chaotic day with The Party
A Desperate Fool: Steddie (Prompt) || 454 words || rating: T || cws: hurt/no comfort, break-up || A year after a messy public break-up, Eddie shows up begging for forgiveness, and Robin's not having it. Part Two: Max and Lucas make a surprise visit with big news.
Current brain soup ingredients include…
#queenie's void brain
Steve Harrington (Steddie)
Formula One (Carlando)
Lord of the Rings
The Locked Tomb trilogy (Griddlehark)
The Clone Wars (501st shenanigans)
Stormlight Archives (shakadolin)
Percy Jackson
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Over the Garden Wall
What We do in the Shadows
Our Flag Means Death
Anything N.K. Jemisin writes EVER
10 random facts about me
(Below the cut)
I'm from Minnesota / Wisconsin, USA. Yes it's cold and I'm not a fan. I'll wear all black and lay out like a lizard when it's +90F outside. Trying to store the warmth like a god damn solar battery.
My only sibling is my brother who's 15 years younger than me. We have nothing in common beyond both being queer (and even that's not the same). He is the other half of my soul.
I'm an amateur florist. I do all of my friends and families weddings for free. It's my "What if everyone got paid a living wage and I wasn't enslaved to capitalism" dream
I love punk and metal music, but I also listen to classical, movie scores, blues, and alternative indie pop. I discover bands super late, way after they're famous. So late it's embarrassing lol
Ao3 > TV Shows > Books > Movies >>> Video games. I've tried playing so many video games and all I like are Mario Bros, Donkey Kong Country, Stardew Valley, and Cult of the Lamb.
I've got two cats: Kitty Harrington (aka Harri aka BeBe aka Stinky Bones) and Stardust (aka Monster aka Dusty). Kitty Harrington was a play on Kit Harrington, while Stardust is for the new FOB album So Much For Stardust. My partner is slightly concerned I've secretly concocted a plan to name our cats Harrington and Dustin... who can say??
Out of all the pop culture nerd geek shit I get hyperfixated on, I'm weirdly obsessed with F1 right now. Drive to Survive on Netflix hooked the shit out of me and now my partner has to listen to me bitch about driver trades, team dynamics, and proper tire selection. I love him for it.
I'm learning embroidery!! I'm trying to make my own heat-on patches so I can start making my own battle vest and I'm so excited about it. I've got like five different denim jackets to practice on.
My dreams are weird and intense. Usually they're about whatever I'm in to at the moment, or some amalgamation of insanity. I've considered turning some of them into stories, like my spicy dreams into reader insert fics. I used to write a lot of horror based on my nightmares and they were always my best stories.
I'm scared shitless to write. I used to write all the time in high school and early college. My mom still tells me she's disappointed I got a Biology degree instead of Creative Writing and editing. So here I am, writing Steddie fics in secret. Proving to myself I can enjoy doing something I used to love without all the pressure of doing it well or holding myself to the idealized version of potential my mom has built me up to be. I'm just out here doing it for me. I'm publishing it. And it doesn't have to be good. It's just about me enjoying myself!
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Please stand with the people of Palestine against the genocide currently happening. 🇵🇸
There are a multitude of ways that you can donate money to aid the people of Palestine. One way is to purchase a kufiya from kufiya.org
‼️PLEASE NOTE: you can only preorder as there is currently a blockade and they are unable to ship out orders at this time but they will send out orders as soon as possible. ‼️
To quote from their site under ‘About Hirbawi®’ :
“The symbolic “Kufiya” (aka “Shemagh” / “Keffiyeh”) garment is more important today than ever. Traditionally worn over the head or shoulders by farmers, the last century has seen a revival of the Kufiya as it became synonymous with the quest for Palestinian freedom and independence.
Adopted by freedom fighters in the 1930’s Arab Revolt, this traditional arabic scarf or headress became the uniform Palestinian rebels, in their resistance against the occupation of the British Empire. Not long after, in continued solidarity with Palestinian heritage and independence from Israeli occupation, the Kufiya ascended into a powerful symbol of Palestinian struggle and freedom.
Today the Palestinian Kufiya, famous for its black & white pattern, is worn across the world by those standing in solidarity with Palestine – in the US, Europe, Malaysia, Indonesia, and of course the Middle East. It has become a meaningful fashion item worn by political activists, musicians, artists, and designers around the world.”
Please not only purchase a kufiya to symbolize your support for Palestine, but to also financially aid the people any way you can.
Here are some organizations you can give aid by donating to and please feel free to add others:
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panzershrike-pretz · 4 months
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Source: x x x | x x x | x x x -> When The Day Met the Night
When the moon fell in love with the sun All was golden in the sky All was golden when the day met the night When the sun found the moon She was drinking tea in a garden Under the green umbrella trees In the middle of summer When the moon found the sun He looked like he was barely hanging on But her eyes saved his life In the middle of summer (summer) In the middle of summer All was golden in the sky All was golden when the day met the night Summer, all was golden in the sky All was golden when the day met the night Summer, summer, summer, summer Golden when the day met the night
- About;
- Hugh Lawrence Apiston - he/him - USA
Hugh's name comes from the book Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children, just as does his surname (Apiston).
Lawrence was chosen simply because I thought Having A Middle Name Is A Very American Thing To Do 🤠🤙so I chose that xD it means "bright one" and, well, Hugs sure is a bright little guy, I'll tell you that much.
- Gunner
Operating under Dean, the Master Gunner of the ship, Hugh's training in the army gave him enough experience for him to earn this job aboard of Blithe.
He learns fast and easily, so he's very much able to opperate all of Blithe's artillery - his favorites are the cannons, tho, which he uses to incapacitate enemy ships. He hates the sound of it, but a job is a job and the pay is good.
- Apikinesis
The hability to manipulate bees. Hugh's main peculiarity, is the fact that his stomach is the home of numerous bees - as scary as it sounds, they don't bother him. Instead, he can comunicate and use his little insect companions to his advantage.
They can be used as spies or, if the situation really needs it, as a form of direct attack. Because of how bees die after stinging, tho, Hugh doesn't use them unless it's really his only and last choice.
He has little bee wings and antennae, which makes him able to fly (not very high or far, but just enough for him to move around, seeing as he lost one of his legs and he is way more confortable flying than walking).
The antennae on his head are helpful sensory organs, which he can use to feel changes in the enviroment such as electric fields and humidity - Hugh's senses get easily overwhelmed when he finds himself in modern big cities, mostly due to his sensible antennae. They can also be used for feromone communication with his little bees.
- Personality
Hugh prides himself in being kind, affectionate and very helpful. He's a very optimistic bean, with a huge heart and capacity of love - he learned very well from his adoptive dad's, mainly Michael.
He's aware of the fact that his appearance and bees scare most people, so he learned to not take the ones he has for granted - he knows that he's very lucky to have such friends and to be so dearly loved for who he is.
An extrovert, Hugh is never afraid to meet new people and loves to talk about whatever he can, especially his dear wife - speaking of which, he can't stop complimenting whatever she does. He went to the lengts of learning german just so she could feel more confortable in speaking to him, since her English is bad; he's very happy to be her translator, always smiling and looking at her with heart eyes (or eye, actually).
Hugh is not scared of voicing his problems and concerns. He has minor PTSD episodes, tho he had many years to learn how to deal with them, and always goes to help when he feels like needing it.
A confident little guy, full of love to give.
- Funfact: Hugh has a very high tolerance to sugar. He rarely has to eat anything, since the honey created by his bees is enough to give him all nutrients he needs. If he does eat anything, it's mostly sweet fruits. Diabetes fear him-
- Relationship: Fiona
-> song: Rome Wasn't Built In A Day
You and me, were meant to be, Walking free, in harmony, One fine day, we'll fly away, Don't you know that Rome wasn't built in a day, Hey hey hey. In this day and age it's so easy to stress, 'Cause people act strange and you can never second guess, In order to love, child, we got to be strong, I'm caught in the cross fire, Why can't we get a long. 'Cause you and me, were meant to be, Walking free, in harmony, One fine day, we'll fly away, Don't you know that Rome wasn't built in a day, hey hey hey. I'm having a day dream, we are getting somewhere, I'm kissing your lips and running fingers through your hair, I'm as nervous as you, bout making it right, Well we know we were wrong, we can't give up the fight. (oh no) 'Cause you and me, were meant to be, Walking free, in harmony, One fine day, we'll run away, Don't you know that Rome wasn't built in a day, Hey hey hey
- About;
- Fiona Frauenfelder Apiston - she/her - Germany
Fiona also comes from the MPHFPC series, but the reason I chose to keep it is actually because of my uncle's dog. When I was a child and she was a puppy, I spent the whole Christmas night taling care of her so she would not be alone while the adults where talking and eating; I always loved that dog and she's very old now. It's been years since I last saw her and to change the name of my character would be betrayng that damn dog. I could never.
Frauenfelder is a swiss surname, which mens "someone who comes from Frauenfeld", a place in Switzerland. According to google, Frauenfeld means "field of women" and that is very cool.
Apiston is Hugh's surname. She got it from him.
- Striker
Often overlooked, a striker's position is the one of hunter and gatherer. Tho Fiona usually is responsible only for the gathering part, she is indeed a very good hunter as well, who can use the plants to her advantage.
Her knowledge in plants is extremely important in collecting fruits and plants to be eaten or used in remedies. Fiona doesn't have to work very hard in finding what is needed, given her fitocinetic hability, but she still goes out in hunts with her striker companions.
- Plant Manipulation
Fiona's power makes her capable of creating and manipulating almost any form of plantlife, apart from magical ones.
She's able to make plants grow almost anywhere, having a strong connection with nature because of that. Her favorite plant is the mallow flower, which grows out of her body when she's feeling happy.
Flowers grow whenever Fiona walks on land, usually leaving a very coloful path leading to her - or, in case of anger, a very thorny and dangerous path full of poison ivy.
- Personality
Fiona has selective mutism. She suffers from severe anxiety and is really only able to speak in whispers to Hugh, the person with whom she's most confortable with. Apart from that, she spends most of her time in complete silence, unless she feels the need to speak. Not many people know her voice.
Her strong fear of public interaction with people she doesn't know make her seem weird in the eyes of strangers and she grew to learn that it's not her fault she's this way. She doesn't need a voice to express herself, mostly, and only uses her flowers and plants to show her strongest emotions.
She's a caring girl, always there if needed by any of her crewmates. She's a good listener, who'll kindly pay attention to her colleagues. But don't let her looks fool anyone, she's a strong girl if needed.
She may be a mess of a person, but she'll always follow her gut and do almost anything so the ones she care for can be safe.
- Funfact: Fiona's dream was to settle down and grow old with Hugh, with a big family. She knows very well that is far from what they can afford - being peculiars, the thought of having a place where time can pass normally and they can get old is just a fairytale. They'll never get to do that; instead, their bodies and minds will stay frozen in time for as long as they live. She learned to be okay with that, but deep down she still earns for a different life.
- Relationship: Hugh
HERE THEY ARE!! MY BABIES!! I love them so much 😭😭 they just need a cabin in the woods somewhere and a break. But oh well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Blithe will do xD
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Taglist: @luckynumber4 @sweetxvanixlla @whollyjoly @xxluckystrike @1waveshortofashipwreck @malarkgirlypop (if you want to be out of the oc taglist, just tell me! I didn't know how to proceed here so I just put everyone xD)
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