#Frankie Drake Mysteries
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Chantel Riley as Trudy Clarke in Frankie Drake Mysteries (TV Series, 2017–2021). 
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Lucas Bryant as (Step)Dad (2004-2023) [for Finnish Father's Day 2023]
1. Nathan Wuornos (Haven 3x13 Thanks for the Memories/ 5x26 Forever, 2013/2015)
2. Young Chuck Taggart (Odyssey 5 1x14 Begotten, 2004)
3. Calvin Puddie (Playing House, 2006)
4. Harry (Faux Baby webseries 1x5 Super Dad, 2008)
5. Peter Claus (Merry In-Laws, 2012)
6. Jesse Powell (Cracked 1x12 Old Soldiers, 2012)
7. Daniel Kenman (Secret Summer, 2016)
8. Colin Fitzgerald (Summer Love, 2016)
9. Phillip Anderson (Frankie Drake Mysteries 1x8 Pilot, 2018)
10. Jack Sutherland (Time for You to Come Home for Christmas, 2019)
11. Matthew Anderson (The Angel Tree, 2020)
12. Matthew Jamison (Five More Minutes: Moments Like These, 2022)
13. Eric Parsons (A World Record Christmas, 2023)
1. Biological father of James Cogan (Steve Lund), 20 years before he was born. Gets to raise him after the finale from a baby.
2. Young version of Chuck Taggart, father to Neil and Keith.
3. Expectant father, briefly co-parent, ends up with the mother (Joanne Kelly).
4. His wife (Missy Yager) gets a practice doll when they are thinking of getting kids.
5. Son of Santa, a teacher, wants to marry an astrologist (Kassia Warshawski) with a son who is in his class. Jacob Thurmeier as Max Spencer.
6. Homeless army vet suffering from PTSD makes some attempts to be a better father to his son raised by his brother.
7. Father and husband with two kids works a lot, so he has his brother take care of the kids during a summer. Max Page as Noah and Chiara Aurelia as Hailey. Emily Rose as wife.
8. Maya (Rachel Leigh Cook) works an internship at his tech company over the summer, they fall in love. Maya's daughter approves as they go sail around. Hannah Cheramy as Addison Sulliway
9. 1920s Canadian pilot and eugenics enthusiast. Has a deaf son he tries to get kidnapped and killed. He dies instead.
10. Meets a widow (Alison Sweeney) and her son on the way to figure out who saved his life years prior. Turns out it was the widow's late husband. He falls in love and gets along well with the son. In Time for Them to Come Home for Christmas (2021), Alison Sweeney's character reveals they got married. Kiefer O'Reilly as Will Moss.
11. Reunites with childhood best friend (Jill Wagner) who has a daughter and a dead husband. Also raising his nephew while his sister Zoe (Clare Filipow) is stationed over seas. Cassidy Nugent as Cassie McBride and Oscar Farrell as Owen Anderson.
12. Played football with the widow's (Ashley Williams) husband in high school, now works as a real estate person wanting to buy the house they lived in. Helps renovate the house and they fall in love while he also develops a relationship with the son. A funcle to 8 nephews. Brady Droulis as Adam Morrison.
13. Stepfather to an autistic kid. Bio dad left. Becomes Dad to Charlie and has another baby with his wife (Nikki DeLoach) in the end. Aias Dalman as Charlie Parsons.
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thegayestofagendas · 13 days
I've stated that I'd love for them to revive Frankie Drake Mysteries in light of getting closer to ww1, but if we don't want to do that, might I suggest a new spinoff show: Freddie Pink Investigations?
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sunshineraccoon · 8 months
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Day 14: Trudy Clarke and Frankie Drake from Frankie Drake Mysteries in a 1970's AU
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canadachronicles · 1 year
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I miss these gals so much!
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exhaustedstorm · 10 months
Frankie is so often really condescending to the people she interacts with. Then she gets frustrated when they don't cooperate with her. Gee. I wonder why. If she used that attitude asking me anything I would refuse even if it was something simple. A good detective are supposed to get people to lower their guard and share knowledge in confidence (like Trudy does multiple times). But Frankies method seems to be aggravating people and then pushing them into a corner. Or going to the police. The number of times she threatens to call the cops or brags about her connections with the police department... Sigh.
I strongly dislike how she acts like she deserves to know everything just because she asks. She has no delicacy and I don't remember her giving the people she expects information from anything. Even though it's beyond obvious the people she's asking leading questions to & sensitive information from are risking a lot even talking to her. Often she doesn't even manage a thank you.
She does so little of the work herself (most of it is Trudy & Mary) but takes all the credit.
Also. Her costumes. What. In. The. Seven. Hells. Every other character is at least vaguely era-appropriate. But Frankies costumes get progressively worse. In season 3 she looks like she's from the present and just raided a school theaters wardrobe.
I need to breathe a bit because when I get worked up my pain gets worse. So rant over for now. I will be listening to the rain & try to think about other stuff for a while.
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cookiepotofchaos · 1 year
I just went on a whirlwind Google search tour of some of the sapphic ships from TV shows I had when I was young and first finding fanfic and fandom.
Xena: Warrior Princess was probably my first TV based sapphic ship and the thing that opened up this idea of a fandom community for me. Before that, fanfic had been me, a pencil and paper, and rewriting my favourite books just for me. Entirely solitary.
But with Xena, there was this wonderful Xena website which had an episode-by-episode subtext analysis that I just poured over time and time again (Still accessible now via Oocities), and a community around it full of people analysing the same sapphic subtext that had drawn me to search in the first place. I've rewatched the Xena episodes multiple times over the years.
It was the others I had forgotten about. As I started to remember actors and shows, I was reminded of how many fics I wrote (long since lost or thrown away) for these fandoms, trying to find some kind of sapphic representation in shows that I really don't think had even an inkling of it. (Xena aside)
Shows like Cleopatra 2525, with Helen Carter and Sarge.
Like Mutant X, with Shalimar Fox and Emma deLauro.
Like Andromeda, with Beka Valentine and Trance Gemini.
I know there probably isn't anything to the sapphic headcanons I had when I was younger, beyond the wishful thinking of someone looking for representation at a time where it just wasn't really there. As much as I'm tempted to rewatch some of the shows, I dread that time has not been kind to the memories I have of them.
It does make me smile that Lauren Lee Smith starred in another show that I loved - Frankie Drake Mysteries - 20 years after I watched her in Mutant X.
Maybe one day I'll try and do a timeline of all the fandoms, tiny and big, which have made up a part of the sapphic fandoms I love. At one time or another, they held some importance for me, and I'm wondering how how many others I've forgotten over the years.
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veshialles · 2 years
hm. I think I might have a new blorbo 👀
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Today's government mandated femslash couple of the day is
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Frankie Drake and Trudy Clarke!
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emeliesmusic · 2 months
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Lauren Lee Smith
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jlbilu · 1 year
Why so many cahiers
I own several cahiers/notebooks with no specific use or purpose. Maybe I bought them because they seemed cute, pretty or whatever. Most of them don't have an even medium quality paper.
The thing is- I've thought about to write and ¿"illustrate"? my few original characters & what's related to them.
(i. e. : birthplace-> its language, dialects, folklore, History, gastronomy, traditions; profession-> its world, some History, how it worked at the time... those things, the mostly accurate possible having in mind that creative freedom/artistic license would be present since it's just fiction & I'll write it just for me, for myself. But anyway, it would imply tons of research; even if it's fantasy, nowadays I don't feel right, comfortable, creating out of the blue. And needless to say, my suspension of disbelief has been waning over the years. Well- the "speech" is way too long. Not thick, but long)
Should I use these cahiers with crappy paper... or bought anoter one where I could use glue, washi tape and those things...?
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Frankie Drake should do a crossover with Murdock mysteries
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ninjakittycomics · 2 years
Re re re watching Frankie Drake and Rizzoli and Isles.
And it occurred to me why I actually was able to ship everyone in their cannon ships as well as each other with Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.
Jack Robinson can be a bit bull headed at times, but he respects, appreciates and when he can, involves Miss Fisher.
Hugh Collins is a bit of a dumb puppy, but he is sweet, gentle, and he comes around and shows respect for Dot.
Most of “Frankies men” dismiss her or treat her like shit (Mr Moses Page excepted...need more of him in the show)
The men they wrote for Rizzoli (or Isles’) love interests?  from the damn garbage can they were so....uuuuuuuuugh.
That’s why I mostly refuse to canon ship.    Good men and good drama can be written together, and be interesting.  Hugh and Jack are absolute beacons of that.
If you’re a show runner/writer, and you REALLy want people to ship your ships the canon way, Please.... Take a page from Hugh and Jack, and write decent people.  
Otherwise, why are you show runners complaining?  You did this.
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crabtreee · 8 months
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Edit a Day — Count Down to Season 17, 2 Days (insp.)
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exhaustedstorm · 10 months
Just rewatched a bunch of Frankie Drake episodes & I'm so frustrated. I'm gonna be ranting about the show for a bit so if you want to skip i will tag the posts with 'f d rant'. I will also put most of it below the read more.
I really like almost every character except the titular frankie and her wardrobe/costumes makes me increasingly angry.
Trudy is a gem and I wish she was the focus. She is cunning, adventurous and could honestly run the agency by herself. She does most of the groundwork anyway & has almost all of the important contacts. Also she is gorgeous in anything.
I want more of Flo's backstory and would have really liked an episode focused on her. The other girls had at least one each so I can only assume one was planned for Flo before the show was cancelled. I just like her general vibe and the scenes she is in are always good. A woman studying on her own while holding a job she is passionate about is easy for me to relate to and Flo is a great character with strong loyal ties.
Mary is hilarious and the only thing I wish was different was that Frankie & Trudy included her more or actually gave her information back intead of just taking it from her, often without a thank you until the general 'good-job-everyone' at the episodes end. Sure she is naive and is made fun of by that by the narrative and a lot of the other characters, but she states outright that she's not living in a bubble and tries to make the best choices she has with what she's allowed to know. Considering few people (even her friends!) actually bothers to tell her relevant information in time it's no wonder her actions are sometimes misguided. I have a hard time relating to her cop-behaviour, but it's a strong motivator for her character.
I really love Wendy and she could not show up enough times! Same with Nora. She is a dynamic character that really brings excitement to any scene.
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