#Facebook Safety
my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months
Creating Safety for Autistic Folk
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melyzard · 1 month
Okay, look, they talk to a Google rep in some of the video clips, but I give it a pass because this FREE course is a good baseline for personal internet safety that so many people just do not seem to have anymore. It's done in short video clip and article format (the videos average about a minute and a half). This is some super basic stuff like "What is PII and why you shouldn't put it on your twitter" and "what is a phishing scam?" Or "what is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS and why do you care?"
It's worrying to me how many people I meet or see online who just do not know even these absolute basic things, who are at constant risk of being scammed or hacked and losing everything. People who barely know how to turn their own computers on because corporations have made everything a proprietary app or exclusive hardware option that you must pay constant fees just to use. Especially young, somewhat isolated people who have never known a different world and don't realize they are being conditioned to be metaphorical prey animals in the digital landscape.
Anyway, this isn't the best internet safety course but it's free and easy to access. Gotta start somewhere.
Here's another short, easy, free online course about personal cyber security (GCFGlobal.org Introduction to Internet Safety)
Bonus videos:
(Jul 13, 2023, runtime 15:29)
"He didn't have anything to hide, he didn't do anything wrong, anything illegal, and yet he was still punished."
(Apr 20, 2023; runtime 9:24 minutes)
"At least 60% use their name or date of birth as a password, and that's something you should never do."
(March 4, 2020, runtime 11:18 minutes)
"Crossing the road safely is a basic life skill that every parent teaches their kids. I believe that cyber skills are the 21st century equivalent of road safety in the 20th century."
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A woman who blew the whistle about Facebook ignoring potential harms to users of the social media platform says proposed laws by Canada and B.C. have promise to hold tech companies to account for profiting off harmful content. 
Frances Haugen, a former Facebook product manager, says big tech companies such as Facebook's parent company Meta need to be held accountable for the harms their products cause while profiting at handsome margins of up to 30 per cent. 
Haugen, who testified before the U.S. Congress in 2021 about Facebook's refusal to mitigate harmful content in favour of profit, says American government lawsuits were "transformative" in revealing information about societal impacts of harmful online content. 
She says B.C. crafted the law using information brought to light in U.S. lawsuits, and she looks forward to seeing how the province will use it. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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rovermcfly · 2 years
Media Literacy Masterpost
This post is constantly evolving. You can help by sharing resources you know, pointing out broken links or even expressing criticism of the resources provided here if you have any. Come back any time to see if there's anything new. (Google Docs version for easier sharing outside tumblr)
Updated: September 14th 2023
The Basics
Get answers to the first questions you might have: What is media literacy? Why should I care? How does it affect me and others? Is there even anything I can still learn if I feel pretty internet-savvy? And more.
Get a more in-depth look at certain aspects of media literacy and learn about and apply media literacy skills. (alphabetical order)
Casey Fiesler
Check Your Fact
The Conspiracy Chart
Harvard Misinformation Review
The Media Bias Chart
Media Literacy Now
MediaWise (by Poynter)
National Association for Media Literacy Education
News Literacy Project
Reuters Fact Check
Truth Decay Project Tools Database* (A lot of websites that are relevant are listed here. Only websites that aren't on that list will be listed in this post)
See what experts have to say.
Interactive Learning Tools
This can help you learn about media literacy in a more hands-on way. (alphabetical order)
Critical Thinking Project
Go Viral! (Covid Misinformation)
News Lit Quiz
Truth Decay Project Education/Training Tools* (A lot of interactive tools that are relevant are listed here. Only websites and tools that aren't on that list will be listed in this post)
Social Media
Following these accounts can help sharpen your media literacy skills and you don't even have to do much because it will just pop up in your feeds! Follow, like, comment, retweet, etc. to help spread the word. (alphabetical order)
Media Literacy Now
Abbie Richards
Adam Conover
Aslan Pahari
Astro Alexandra
Hank Green
Professor Casey
Zeke Darwin
I have personally left twitter due to its new ownership, so it will be difficult for me to keep vetting the listed accounts the way I used to, however I will keep them listed as long as I still trust them.
Abbie Richards
AFP Fact Check
Fact-Checking Network
Media Literacy Now
National Association for Media Literacy Education
Reuters Fact Check
My media literacy tag
Remember to share these resources to help shape a world wide web that is safer and smarter and protect yourself and others from manipulation and radicalization.
* Criticism of this source has been expressed. I've provided my reasoning to still include it as well. I encourage you to make your own judgement.
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(I could since then not find an obvious bias in the lists that I have linked)
Information on the history of the RAND Corporation and its involvement with the US Military here.
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awetistic-things · 1 year
there’s this trend going around on tiktok right now where moms record a sort-of daily vlog of their toddler/young child, then do a voice-over parody of what they think their child is thinking about their mom and the overall situation
now, lots of these videos are super adorable and funny, but then you see the amount of saves, and you scroll far down in the comments and see some very, very concerning things
in the world we live in, there isn’t a fail-safe way to protect your child from any and all types of harm. i mean, you can teach your child traffic safety all you want, but there’s still a chance of them being hit by a car
but, when it comes to this current trend and social media in general, parents severely miss out on the opportunity of protecting their child by simply not posting them online to millions of strangers
it doesn’t matter how cute you think this video of your child is, at the end of the day, you are exposing them to millions of people with no regard for basic morality and ethics, and i desperately hope parents start to accept this fact sooner rather than later
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Christopher Wiggins at The Advocate:
GLAAD has released its 2024 Social Media Safety Index report, revealing what it says are significant failures by social media platforms to protect LGBTQ+ users from hate speech and harassment. According to the report, most major platforms continue receiving failing grades for handling LGBTQ+ safety. TikTok was the only platform to improve, moving from an F to a D+.
The report paints a grim picture of the online landscape for LGBTQ+ people in an environment rife with disinformation. The 2024 SMSI report evaluates the performance of six major platforms: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, X (formerly Twitter), and Threads. TikTok received a D+ with a score of 67 percent, while Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube each scored 58 percent, and X scored 41 percent. Threads, in its first evaluation, scored 51 percent. Despite these platforms’ stated policies against hate speech, the report finds a significant gap in enforcement, leaving LGBTQ+ users vulnerable to harmful content. The SMSI highlights how social media platforms are increasingly being used to amplify hate speech and disinformation, with algorithms often prioritizing engaging content over accurate and safe information. According to GLAAD, this creates a breeding ground for harmful rhetoric, which can escalate into real-world violence and discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.
LGBTQ+ advocacy group GLAAD released the 2024 edition of its Social Media Safety Index, and it reveals that social media companies are failing LGBTQ+ users, despite the fact that those platforms have rules against allowing hate speech. X (formerly Twitter) is the worst of the bunch.
See Also:
LGBTQ Nation: X is the worst social media app for LGBTQ+ people, says new report
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portiaelizabethharper · 2 months
everything i've ever said about my online safety my ASS au which is still being workshopped
it takes place around 2009-2012 haven't decided
vincent and beatrix were family friends that moved away from eachother in like fourth grade. his mom was friends with her abuela
vincent lives in the US and his family runs a restaurant similar to the adamandi draft
copy and pasting this one from the hcs account oops
vincent and ambrose go to school together but they don't know eachother.
portia meets quincy vice versa online and they facetime and whatnot
ummm beatrix and vincent eventually meet eachother again on twitter or something but because they both look Vastly different they don't know it's the other.
yeah eventually vincent sees ambrose's cringe workout tiktoks or something with imagine dragons as the sound and he's like holy shit that's the guy from down the hall something I DON'T KNOW would anyone like to help me format this au better.. they're online friends.. that's it
portias a big time musical fan. she sees the ones she can all the time
the marmorei exist but in a silly way i'll let them be silly ONCE. adrian, preston, ambrose, and the other members are all in a facebook group thats mostly for working out but also general conversation. except they all live in different states. one member literally lives in france
ambrose never lives down his homoerotic /nsx facebook group with people who live four states away
the gang tm all live in virginia, just on different parts of the state
when beatrix moved away in the first one that was just her moving from her mom's to her abuelas, but still a big move
they're all still 21-23
that's all i have i'm still trying to format how it works instead of just headcanons for it
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The early, motivating animus of the Tories’ Online Safety Act was envious rage at Nick Clegg’s escape to become a tanned and wealthy Facebook lobbyist. -Maria Farrell
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marigoldwitch · 2 years
So I saw the viral story about the young woman being scammed out of over $2,000 on FB, for an apartment, and I wanted to share some of my tips to help keep you and your money safe when apartment hunting:
🏠 Never transfer money into a personal account. Better yet, never transfer money period
For one, most reputable landlords and property management companies will usually request a check or money order when paying your security deposit, first months rent, and any other move in fees (pet fees, broker fees etc). Secondly, if it is a scam a check / money order (from your bank) usually takes 3 business days to clear, giving you the time needed to cancel it and ensure the money makes its way back to your account or isn’t taken out at all. This also creates a paper trail that you can share with investigators. It also ensures that the person you are renting from is legitimate and not a grifter (as you’d need their full name or business name in order to write the check or money order).
🏠 Insist on paying each fee with a separate check or money order
Security deposit, first months rent, pet fee etc. always pay these things with separate checks/money orders. This is to make sure that 1) they can not claim you didn’t pay these fees at any point. And 2) when you eventually move (and want your security deposit back) they can’t claim it’s less than you agreed on.
🏠 Make 2 copies of everything!
The landlord usually keeps the original lease agreement, that you sign, but you want to make sure they have an extra copy and you have a copy. Same with your money order and checks. Make 2 copies of each before giving it to them. Give them the checks or money order along with the photocopy of them too and say “I made copies of all the checks and made sure to make a copy for you too, for your records.” A good landlord or property manager will appreciate that you’re looking out for everyone’s best interests.
🏠 Don’t sign any agreement or pay anything until you’ve seen the unit you are going to be renting
Too many times I’ve heard horror stories of someone looking at a model unit, signing a lease and then moving in only to find that the unit they’re renting looks nothing at all like the model.
🏠 Take pictures of everything!
Before you move anything into your new apartment take pictures of everything. And if there’s something like a loose faucet, or a window that won’t open make sure to take a video too. Save these in a Google Drive account. This is to make sure that when you move the landlord or property manager doesn’t try to hold your security deposit based on problems that were already there before you moved in.
🏠 If you find a listing on FB Or Craigslist, and the photos are watermarked with the property management company’s name or the apartment complex’s name, Google search them and see if they have a website or is listed anywhere else online
Scammers are known for stealing photos of real listings, re listing them and changing the contact info to their own personal info. People don’t tend to question it because “why would a scammer leave the real company’s name on the photo?” it’s because they think it makes them look more trust worthy, and when they scam you they’re hoping you’ll blame that company instead of seeking out the real criminal. 
🏠 If it’s too good to be true, it probably is
Sometimes there really are some hidden gems out there. To avoid being put in an unsafe situation be sure to:
📍 Make sure your phone is fully charged
📍 Ask a friend or family member to accompany you when you go to look at a potential apartment
📍 Never give out any personal information like where you currently live until after you’ve seen the apartment and have verified that it isn’t a scam. And only give this information for application purposes.
📍 Tell at least 2 other people where you are going and when your going — better yet text them when you arrive there “I’m at the place now, I’ll update you in about half an hour” and text them when you leave “I’m leaving now” (be sure to actually update them too, if you say you’re going too lol).
📍 Don’t bring cash, don’t wear expensive jewelry and definitely do not bring anything expensive like a laptop or tablet, even if you plan to leave it in your car. This is mostly for if you’re going to look at a private property/listing.
Here are some red flags that I’ve noticed when apartment hunting:
🚩 Won’t even show you the unit until you’ve paid an application fee : This is a big red flag for me, because when I see that a listing has had 70 people apply and they still want me to pay them an app fee knowing damn well the unit probably won’t even be available. They’re using application fees to get more money. If an application fee is $50 and they have 70 applications— they’re making $3,500 on fees alone. Btw these background and credit checks only cost an average of about $5 - $10.
🚩 Will only communicate with you via personal texts or emails : Unless you’re renting a room in someone’s house or from a private landlord, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to contact the property management company via phone.
🚩 They only have 1 photo on the listing and it’s a Google maps screen shot or a screen shot from another website : I think this one is pretty obvious but this is a scam. A very lazy scam lol.
🚩 Doesn’t have the address listed
🚩 Requires you too send them money before they’ll even give you the address or let you tour the property
🚩 Suggests you send them money via wire transfer or other electronic means like Chime, Venmo or Cashapp.
Hope these are helpful for anyone looking to move into a apartment :)
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inhidingxoxo3637 · 7 months
You if you were real (I hope this is as funny as I think it is but it's the only thing I can think whenever i see your blog (sorry))
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xiliaace · 5 months
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My bf is a former cop who worked solely on SA cases that involved kids. PLEASE DO NOT HUNT THESE MONSTERS DOWN. you DO NOT have the proper IT protections to keep you safe. 1 WRONG MOVE and your life IS RUINED. PLEASE leave it to the people specifically trained for this.
People like mamamax on YouTube HAS AN ENTIRE IT EXPERT TEAM to track and jail these child peddlers down. They are TRAINED SPECIFICALLY in how to protect themselves. Y'all random people on TikTok and similar trying to do this? PLEASE DO NOT, you are putting yourself in HUGE DANGER doing this crap
Post 1: This young brave kid sets up and exposes PEDOPHILES online. He should at least have some adults with him or a group of older teens for back-up/protection.
Post 2:
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drjadziagrey · 11 months
I have recently come across multiple posts talking about people using AI programs to finish other people’s fanfics without their permission. In the comments and reblogs, a debate started about whether this was ethical or not.
It is taking someone else’s creative work, which they have spent hours working on as a gift to themselves and other fans, and creating an ending outside the author’s vision because the reader wants a story and for whatever reason the author hasn’t completed it yet. They may have left it unfinished for a reason, or it could be still in progress but taking longer than the reader wants because fanfic writing is an unpaid passion project on these sites.
Fanfic writers shared that they were considering taking down their stories to prevent this, while some fans defended the practice saying they would use AI to compete unfinished works for personal reading but wouldn’t post the AI story. Even if the fic isn’t being posted, the act of putting the fic into the AI as a prompt is still using the writer’s work without their permission.
As you search Tumblr and Ao3, there are dozens of ‘original’ fics being posted with AI credited as having written them. As this practice has become more common, writers are sharing their discomfort with these fics being written by AI using their works as training material.
Fanfiction is an art form, and not a commodity which writers owe to readers. It is a place where fans can come together to discuss and expand upon their favourite fandoms and works, and brings community and a shared appreciation for books, tv shows, movies and other creative mediums. Some of the best fanfics out there were written over the course of multiple years, and in the writing, authors notes and comments, you can see friendships grow between fans.
There is a related discussion in this community of fic writers about the influx of bots scraping existing fanfic. Bots are going through the Ao3 site, and leaving generic comments on fics to make their activity look more natural. In the weeks since I first saw posts about this, fic writers are locking their fics to users with accounts or taking their fics down entirely.
There is talk of moving back to techniques used before the advent of sites like Ao3 and FanFiction.net, such as creating groups of fans where you can share amongst yourselves or the use of email chains created by writers to distribute their works.
This is the resilience of fandom, but is a sad move which could cause fandom to become more isolated and harder to break into for new people.
Here are the posts that sparked this…
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coulsonlives · 11 months
How the eff are people saying Threads is a better platform for people than Twitter, Reddit etc, when you can't even use the service or view anything on it unless you download an app?!
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karkesyc · 6 months
So Facebook recently asked for a subscription fee to get Facebook ad-free and possibly new functions. But I don't think it's worth it's price. Not because of the before mentioned, but for the lack of safety and in general broken base functions.
Like I had my messenger broken for over a year where when the app wasn't constantly active ALL passive functions shut down, including the message(bubble) pop ups. Which is really f*##ing annoying for a message/communication app. A quick review search showed this was a massively reported problem. So what took them so long to actually do something about it, or at least get a statement out?
And I can't even remember the last time birthday notifications came through. Not in mail. No in site/app notifications. Nothing. Which is a problem I'm at least aware of since the past literal year. Friends probably think I hate them for not congratulating their birthdays, while I'm literally not aware of this.
And then we haven't talked about how easy these pages seem to be hacked. Also in the past year, I've noticed at least 3 checkmarked pages to be hacked. One of them had +-300.000 followers. To this day, none of them are recovered. Even when that big page, which had a management running the thing, had heard no response from Meta at all. If not even checkmarked pages are safe, how do they expect to guarantee the safety of our accounts?
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mossfueldgoblin · 6 months
we are witnessing a slow migration to facebook's threads and its very sad to see, have we learned nothing in the last (bit less than) 2 decades?
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ieatpastriesforfun · 10 months
Facebook, Inc. Consumer Privacy User Profile Litigation
I was taking this "Are you smarter than a scammer" test on WaPO, and I guessed correctly that this website is actually legitimate:
Please do your research if you are concerned about the legitimacy of this website. Here's a WAPO article that talks about the actual litigation itself: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/04/19/facebook-class-action-settlement-privacy/
The only reason I guessed it right was because I had received a similar message regarding Udemy a few months back and did some dude diligence to check that one was real.
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