#Eli rants
fureliselost · 7 months
Dpxdc twin au in which Danny and Damian are fraternal twins
It's a classic "the Fentons misunderstood Danny's name and registered him as Daniel" but they accidentally transe Danny's gender and Danny never corrects them. Strangely, Danny likes it.
Eventually, the Fentons figure out, but Danny says he doesn't mind and they go with it.
(note: In this Danny is kinda nb/transmasc/gender weird, gender is neutral to him and he's fine with being called whatever, although male pronouns are the ones he uses the most)
Cut to Danny being dragged by Vlad to a gala (Vlad can be good but annoying in this idc) and Vlad is proudly displaying his "godson".
Duke: Hey, Damian, did you see the kid Vlad Masters brought?
Damian: I thought father said he wouldn't go into business with Masters.
Duke: He still attends for appearances. (Shrugs) Anyway, got any twins you didn't tell us about?
Damian: Yes.
Duke: 'Cause that guy looks just like—what?
Damian: I said I have a twin you don't know about.
Damian explains to the batclan that Danny was sent on a mission (as punishment) to keep track of the Fentons, since they studied "Lazarus Water". And then they forgot about it. The last time Damian heard of Danny was right before the accident.
On Danny's side, he knows Damian will be there before he goes — he's kept track of his twin's public persona (and vigilante life). He'd been doing a great job of not interacting and keeping from being spotted, as was protocol for if two agents ended up on the same field — he knew Damian wasn't an agent anymore, but assumed the protocol still applied. He knew, the moment Duke Thomas spoke to him and then went straight toward Damian, that he'd failed that protocol.
Now, Damian was trying to convince him to leave the League.
"Daniyah, there is another way."
"I know there is another way," Danny replied, "Except I told you about it for years and you never listened." During the years away from his family, Danny had missed them, his memory softened the feeling of anger at the way his twin always moulded his ideals to whoever ruled him. "We aren't supposed to be speaking, I'm still an agent, I'm breaking protocol by being here."
They'd sneaked off to a room along with Damian's siblings, who watched attently and and silently. "You don't have to be an agent anymore."
"Yes, I do." Danny spat, "You don't seem to have realized, but some of us don't have the privilege of being the favorite. I never had the privilege of being saved."
Damian scowled, "Being saved is not a privilege."
"It isn't," Danny agreed, "You're just forgetting that when you got freedom in reward, I got sent on a mission as punishment. You're still free and I'm still being punished, so I'm not sure you understand exactly what my position is." He moved to leave, "I'm not a damsel in distress, and I don't need your furry parade to save me."
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badasgirlfriend · 4 months
how insecure do u have to be to lie abt ur age and send urself hate all for attention😭😭
there are a few bada writers who send hate to themselves AND pls i dont wanna call u out but yk if im talking abt u
STOP SENDING URSELF HATE ure not beeing cool ure not being funny ure just being pathetic ure making it so obvious???
STOP LYING ABT UR AGE like melody said being a minor here isnt a crime ive had wattpad at 13 but at least i didnt go in ppls dms who are adults flirting w them and talking. im sure when u get older you'll understand
im lazy to write more but u get it😴 dont make me expose u
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Think my problem with a lot fics revolving jealousy is that they always make Astarion Ascended. And, in that, they therefore always make the jealousy Tav's problem. It comes off as more than toxic, it comes off as the least sexual the concept can ever be. Jealousy can be more than the dominant person getting angry at you because you looked at someone, or someone touched you when you weren't paying attention. Jealousy can be just as sexy and raw.
It's LESS about punishing the other person- Tav- for doing something wrong, that wasn't even their fault, and making yourself- Astarion- small and childish, and MORE about reminding and cherishing your person- how much you want them. It's not about Astarion's fragile ego- with Ascended Astarion, I can see the angle but half the time it doesn't delve into his emotions in any reasonable way- and it's not about carrying the emotional baggage with your pussy. It's supposed to be about being wanted and being reminded of a positive relationship.
I think the worst part of these fics is that I actually believe that there are a lot of women who have to deal with men- or partners in general- who actually act like this. And I get being able to unpack those emotions in a safe space like in fanfiction. I'm not saying you shouldn't or attacking anyone for what they like.
Jealousy can be written in a sexy way but petulance is not sexy.
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cosmiclion · 1 year
Even though I’ve seen a few posts about it I wanted to wait until I actually watched the thing to form my own opinion but now that I’m up to date I can finally say it:
If you think that Miri’s birth mother sucks or that she’s just as bad as her birth father I hate you personally.
I’ll be honest, I really liked her. Like yes, sending such a young child away on her own with absolutely no supervision was horribly irresponsible, by any means hold her accountable for that. But I just love how flawed and realistically human she is and I honestly want to see more of this type of character in media. Especially in anime, maybe I just haven’t seen a lot but I feel like we often see parents who are either super loving and caring or awfully abusive, we don’t see a lot of parents that are just trapped in a life they don’t want and tired of holding a facade (I could be wrong but it looks like Misaki never abused Miri or even showed her unhappiness around her even though she was on the verge of snapping any minute). Idk maybe I just sympathise with her because I neither want nor like children and I know I’d hate my life and resent the kid if I was ever forced or coerced into the role of a caretaker, but is it too much asking to have some nuance? I’m begging y’all to consider why you think a trapped, unhappy, desperate abuse victim is on the same level as a human trafficker. I’ve seen some of y’all bring up abortion or adoption and I know you have good intentions but please do some research into social situations in Japan, or at least think before you type, this post explains it well. I’ve also seen a lot of people comment that they want Misaki to “work on her issues so that she and Miri can be together again” and all I ask is: why? Why is that necessary? Why is there such a pervasive idea that children are always better off with their mothers? I sincerely think a happy ending would be for her to get help and get better but NOT get the kid back and I hope the writers go this route, it’d be very refreshing. I want the message to be “Not everyone is fit to be a parent and especially not every woman is fit to be a caretaker and there’s more than one loving type of family for a child”.
Anyway I think that’s enough ranting/rambling, I know a lot of people probably articulated it better than me but I just wanted to gei it out.
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emo-milk · 2 years
that was one of the best my chemical romance performances ever. bestfriends playing music together. thats it. gerard getting to express themselves however they want. mikey and ray look so fucking happy. frank is still playing forhis favorite band 20 years later. i love this band so much. nothing will ever compare to my chemical romance. 
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theelibugs · 9 days
Now Instagram says they're going to scour their posts for training their AI.
Art rant and sadness under the cut.
I'm legit so close to giving up posting my art anymore. It's so discouraging seeing this becoming the next big thing, because I'm not the best artist, but I try. I try and nothing gets seen, and it's just so hard to continue on drawing.
I know I'm supposed to draw for me. I know it's supposed to be my job and something I enjoy.
But I also get enjoyment out of people's reactions and finding people who think like I do, who love a character or a world the same way I do.
And it feels like I'm not getting that anymore. No one cares about your art unless it's part of their every specific fandom. No one cares unless I draw something catered to others, and it's such a large blow to my motivation.
I had a kick of motivation for a bit and this AI shit has brought me down so much, because now no one will see me.
Theyll see computer generated work and think it's the bees fucking knees, and ignore every small artist from now on.
And I hate it.
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ilovechuuy4 · 1 month
*peck loving kisses to your cheeks and wish you have a good day* (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
Oh, thank you?? ^w^
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wolf-knights · 1 month
Going on a little rant here, you can skip if you don't want to listen to a person rant :)
God I hate this subject and the teacher like who in there fucking sane mind gives someone three papers to do like I have told you the website wasn't working... Was it my fault it wasn't working no fucking damit it wasn't so why why why like I haven't done anything creative in 2 weeks and it feels like my brain will be dead before I get done with this stupid stupid subject and this teacher who thinks she is trying to help me here bu fucking overwhelming me 24 fucking 7!!!
Why are teachers so shitty like someone please explain to this to these teachers that students aren't fucking robots we need creative outlits in every circumstance like it's easy saying oh stop writing for awhile or or stop painting for a moment or don't spend time reading you have to study, yeah no shit Sherlock obviously I need to study I know that and trust me it's on my mind when I wake up when I eat when I go to bed or do anything for that matter you don't have to remind me every living second of every single day. It's just fucking exhausting to talk to her and try and explain things to her when she things all I do is lie tell me one time I have lied to you about studying
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who-needs-words · 1 year
Not to rag on East coasters but. ‘Oh no the sky is orange’ ‘oh no I have to learn about the air quality index’ Like. YEAH HELLO WELCOME TO MY LIFE EVERY SUMMER? Like. Why are all the headlines taking about it when it’s the east coast dealing with smoke but the Pacific Northwest has been on fire every summer for like eight years and no one seems to give a shit. THIS ISNT NEW GUYS??!
Listen. I know what it’s like to be worried about the air you’re breathing. I know what it’s like to have your sky turn weird colors. I know what it’s like to not go outside because the air it dangerous.
BUT THATS THE POINT. why do folks care more when it’s the East coast than the west???
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fureliselost · 1 month
Love how some 16 y/o can just crash by my fic, copy-paste it on a Tumblr post, change a couple words, and post, getting like 7k notes despite the fact that I don't have that number on the actual fic
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bleakbluejay · 4 months
you motherfuckers have no concept of what "land back" or "decolonize" even mean. you're too busy demonizing entire groups of people, terrified, shitting yourselves, that they'll do even half of the horrors to you that you've done to them for decades or centuries. this shit comes off as hella racist for real. you hate arabs so much. you hate first nations people so much. you hate black people so much. even if you sympathize with them, you can't fucking bear the idea of them gaining freedom, independence, autonomy, safety, because you're so, so scared they'll hurt you back and cause chaos in the streets. these same people who just want to rebuild. who just want to go home. who just want to see their families again. who just want food. who just want medical care. who just want dry, warm shelter. you're so focused on the ideas of colonization, of "us vs. them", of one people displacing the other for a state to exist, that you cannot comprehend coexistence, and your only idea of peace is if an entire group of people were just gone and dead.
grow the fuck up. for the love of GOD, grow the fuck up.
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the more that im on dating sites the more im struck by frustration over how boring people are
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cosmiclion · 3 months
Every time I see people (unironically) classifying Yuri!!! on Ice as yaoi and grouping it together with series that actually belong to that genre I take physical damage.
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emo-milk · 2 years
That was the best performance of mama to date. The spins. The twirls. The skips. The hip shakes. I AM FUCKING RAVENOUS
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theelibugs · 11 months
God has abandoned the south for being bigots, get out now, can't wait until I move. Just one more year.
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onlyzhuyilong · 1 month
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“Your honour, he is just a baby.”
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