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"Wake up, I'm back..."
Still a W.I.P!!!! Here I am, searching my own coloring style...
More informations about my lineart process on my Ko-Fi page (free access!)
Thanks to @goodomensafterdark and you all amazing goblins ❤️‍🔥
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Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
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Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
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Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again
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However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you
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Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I’m alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again
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However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you
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@dream-of-pain Madam ♥️🔥
Original Art: @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist
Ko-Fi: Elenthya
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demonsandpieohmy · 3 months
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Crowley has a pretty new dress. And Aziraphale wants to ruin it.
Rating E, 1.7k words
To Shreds
This was a collaboration with the amazing @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist (ElenthyaOlyenths on reddit) for the @goodomensafterdark smut war. I was inspired to write this by one of Elenthya’s drawings, and then she made some gorgeous new pieces for the story.
Thank you to my lovely beta reader @watsonsstressball
“What’s the, erm, occasion?” Aziraphale asked, trying to keep his voice even, while knowing he was utterly failing.
“Small temptation outing,” Crowley said. He leaned over the table to pour out the wine, stretching forward and giving Aziraphale a view of how the lace pulled over the fine muscles of his shoulders. “I showed up like this to the Royal Ascot, quite a shock for all those prim and proper socialites. By the time I left there were all kinds of…” he glanced sideways at Aziraphale, “...impure thoughts running rampant.”
Aziraphale had no doubt of that. Crowley looked like sin incarnate. But then a horrible feeling of possessiveness twisted in his gut. A feeling that had no business being there.
“And did you… take an active role in that inspiration?” he asked.
“Nah.” Crowley leaned back against the couch. He toed off his heels and crossed one long leg towards Aziraphale, the slit in the fabric falling open around it. “Didn’t want to stick around too long. I was looking forward to seeing you.”
Aziraphale grabbed his wine and took a big gulp. Crowley couldn’t possibly be insinuating what he thought he was. This wasn’t part of their usual dance. But then again, Crowley wasn’t usually looking like sex on a stick.
(That was a lie. Crowley could be wearing a potato sack and still be the most delicious thing Aziraphale had ever seen.)
“I suppose you depend on me to dig up the best vintages,” Aziraphale said. “Not exactly room for a wine cellar here.” He gestured around the flat.
“That’s not what I meant,” Crowley said lowly. He leaned forward, inches from Aziraphale’s face. “Do you like the dress?”
The thin rubber band of Aziraphale’s restraint snapped, and he surged forward to capture Crowley’s lips in a desperate kiss. He buried his hands into the soft russet hair that he desperately wanted to mess up.
“You little minx,” he panted against Crowley’s mouth. “You know I like it.”
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mimisempai · 5 months
Bonjour mimisempai😊
Je me permets d'écrire en francais, tout d'abord pour te remercier pour tout ce superbe contenu que tu proposes quotidiennement. Ton rythme d'écriture est effrayant ! Et après le tsunami émotionnel Good Omens de cet été, tes Incorrect Quotes, fanfictions et autres Ineffable Smiles ont été (sont toujours) comme un baume sur les plaies béantes de mon pauvre coeur meurtri (😭) Quel bonheur!
Je souhaiterais te demander si tu as des conseils pour quelqu'un qui voudrait prochainement publier une fanfiction en français sur Good Omens. Existe-t-il un tag précis sur Tumblr pour les fanfictions francaises ou un autre moyen qui permettrait de mieux connaître et mieux se faire connaitre des lecteurs francophones du fandom GO? En effet, même si j'écris des fanctions sur d'autres fandoms/plateformes depuis de nombreuses années, je suis nouvellement débarquée sur Tumblr (moins de 3 mois) et sur le fandom GO (moins d'un an) et je maîtrise encore assez peu ce réseau social. Et je voudrais vraiment éviter de faire des erreurs 😅🙈
Dans tous les cas, un grand merci, et belle continuation à toi! 🥰
Bonjour Elenthya 🥰
Tout d'abord merci tout plein pour tes compliments! (Pour être honnête, le baume était autant pour mon pauvre coeur meurtri que pour celui des autres)
Le monde la fanfiction française m'est quasiment inconnu je dois dire. Tumblr il n'y a pas de mystère, les tags et les reblogs sont la clef. (même reblogger tes propres posts est une pratique courante et qui n'est pas mal vue)
Il y a aussi un discord Good Omens français qui pourrait aussi peut-être t'aider à connaître et te faire connaître du fandom Good Omens Français. https://discord.gg/Cvb5EY95Cc
J'espère avoir pu un tout petit peu t'aider!
Toujours disponible pour d'autres questions!
Bonne journée à toi!
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blairamok · 3 months
Hello Blair!
I am so sorry about you in ER. Hope you will be okay soon!
I have a difficult question to ask and though I would be so happy to have your advice, please feel free to ignore it. (Plus, I am French, so I hope I'll be understandable, so sorry by advance)
Your "On Thin Ice" content is wonderful, I adore everything about it - the fic, the artworks, the "behind-the-scenes" details, everything. But it seems like you need a lot of time for writing the next chapters (and you are so right, please take your time!). And sometimes it seems like writing is difficult for you. So, do you have some advices about how to resolving it?
Let me just explain why I am asking this: I am French and I started to write fanfictions 20 years ago, when I was 15. It was great, it was easy most of the time, and sharing my stories was freeing me. Never have to learn how to write, it was just here, and it worked, people were enjoying my stories a lot and so do I. Music works a lot with me, it helps me, it unleashes my brain and for each story I had written, I can tell there is one or several musics behind it (that's why I am asking you, because you speak about music in your story and I love it)
I have some chronic pain issues, and it will last until the end of my days - it's ok, I am ok with it most of the time. But in 2020, I had a burn out at work and clinic depression. Met several doctors, tried a lot of meds. I was a mess. Didn't write during 3 years, I just couldn't, as if my brain was broken.
Now I feel a little bit better. I can write, but it feels like the spark is gone. Music still helps a lot, but writing is so hard. When I succeed in writing, I am unpleased with what I wrote. Everything seems so bad, or so OOC, or it's too slow, or "readers won't be interested", or "It's useless, what's the point?"
Sometimes I feel lost, I'm scared, it feels like I'll never be the same again. My friends told me it's ok, told me I just grown up and now I am stricter about my stories and it is not a bad thing. People here and there told me to stop to try to write, and to heal first.
I love to write, I love to tell stories. I am just tired to wait to heal, because doctors told me that maybe I'll never be completly healed. So?
Can I ask your advices about it? How will you manage?
Thanks a lot just for reading this. I wish you a lot of courage and a better health.
And thank you so much for shearing "On Thin Ice" and keep us dreaming about our dear ineffable husbands.
first of all, thank you so so much for your kind words and i am so sorry for waiting awhile to answer this (i'm not in the ER anymore!) but i wanted to properly sit down and dedicate all of my brain power to answering because a lot of what you said here resonated with me
yes, writing is very difficult for me. sometimes i just find it very hard to convey what i want to get across, other times it's my own insecurities keeping me at bay. i get stuck in this feeling of being too scared to write because i feel like i'm bad at it and i don't like being bad at things. brains are weird. i don't really have any way of getting over this other than forcing myself to actually sit down and write, and other times i will get a sudden jolt of inspiration (like for particular scenes). i don't understand it! maybe i just don't like connecting the dots lol
and YES, i love music! i think the reason why a figure skating AU resonates with me so well is because music is a sole component of the sport, and i work really well with music in the same way! a lot of my art is inspired by songs or specific lyrics, not every piece, but there is a good chance i had something in mind for certain things. music is a huge part of my AU so i've put a lot of thought in choosing the musical compositions for their programs that are relevant to the current story i'm writing. and i'm really eager to share that at some point
as someone also dealing with chronic pain, i'm really sorry you're going through it as well. i also had a very very low point, i want to say 2018ish. i have a cervical nerve injury that kept me from drawing for almost a year. there was a long time where i also felt lost and scared, as if things would never be the same. and for me, things are still not the same. i have had to learn how to live with a chronic injury, and working around it is one of the most frustrating things i deal with. i had to learn to be kinder to myself, take things slow, listen to my body, and try not to give myself a hard time when i couldn't do things when i wanted to. it's easier said than done because i still have days where i'm just so frustrated with myself. i am at the whims of my body, i can't do things how i did them before and that sucks because that makes finding the balance between the needs of my body and the needs of my mind pretty tricky. and learning how to live with that took a lot of time, sifting through a lot of anger and bitter feelings, at myself and the unfairness of it all. i know waiting around to heal is torturous. my injury will never heal so waiting is out of the question for me
but!! that's another reason i started writing my AU, because i channel all of that frustration into my version of crowley in that story, who doesn't know who he would be without the thing he's done his whole life, who equates his self worth to that thing, who struggles with an injury and being kind to himself. this is one of the many ways i manage, i think
you say that when you do manage to write something, you feel that it isn't good, or there's something wrong with it—i feel this too, and i know the difference between that and what it feels like to LOVE what you're writing, that spark you're looking for. i have a very hard time getting to that point, and i think what helps me here is to just keep spitting stuff out. it's like when i draw, i make a ton a very bad sketches that will never see the light of day, so i also have a ton of drabbles that will also likely never see the light of day, but nine times out of ten something has come from it. for art, sometimes i redo the same thing, sometimes a whole sketch, three or four times to get to a point where i like it, for writing i do the same thing with sentences, paragraphs. it's SO hard and discouraging to look at the bad stuff you make sometimes but the important thing is (if you are able) to keep going, keep trying, but don't push yourself. you do have limits, just don't give up. personally, i know if i just sit down and do the thing then i will at least get something done. progress is progress, after all
i do hope something in this huge chunk of text was useful to you, i'm not as eloquent as i'd like to be on stuff like this, but thank you for sending this ask and i sincerely hope you find your spark again (i have faith that you will) and soon 🤍
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vanam0nde · 2 years
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“Come, Zero.”
a scene from Elenthya’s fanfic Bloody Cross Chronicles (still the best VK fanfic there is, and I’m not saying it just because she’s a friend)
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take-me-to-valhalla · 5 years
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This week: Yuuki gets more than she bargained for.
Original author: @elenthyaolyenths
English translator: this devoted blogger
English beta-reader: @lavenderghostgirl
FF.net link: here
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 5 years
Something You Can't Deny
Something You Can't Deny by Elenthya
Quand on est des super-héros et qu'on tient absolument à garder secrètes les identités des uns et des autres, bosser côte à côte sans faire de lapsus est un défi quotidien. Mais comment procéder quand se profile l'idée d'une sortie "entre coéquipiers"? Comment faire si une rencontre en civil s'avère hors de question, tandis que votre simple apparition en costume crée un mouvement de foule ? ...Et si on avait besoin d'un petit coup de pouce du Hasard pour nous amener la reveal qu'on attendait tant? Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence: reprend la série et sa mythologie jusqu'à l'épisode 7 de la saison 2 (plus de détails en introduction) Ce One-Shot (posté en 2 parties pour des raisons pratiques) est un clin d’œil au chapitre 6 de ma fanfiction principale « Blanc, Rouge, Noir », et à une promesse de Ladybug qui d'ailleurs n'aura jamais pu être exaucée. "Something You Can't Deny" - une histoire complètement indépendante de BRN! - se charge donc d'apporter son grain de sel et propulse nos héros dans une situation exceptionnelle de sortie "entre collègues"... mais qui pourrait tout aussi bien se gâter!
Words: 8483, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Uptown Cosplay(Guest), Momma Sammu(Guest)
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Plagg & Tikki
Additional Tags: Cosplay, Fluff and Humor, Mystery, Quand je déprime trop sur BRN j'écris SYCD, Conventions, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/17184386
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With my dear friend @demonsandpieohmy, we are cooking a little spicy surprise - delivery scheduled for May 😋
Since all the projects I am actually working on are secret, I can't publish as often as I want. Buuuut permission granted, I am able to show to you all the present one! (and, oh, be assured that this WIP is the fluffiest and softest of them all. Huhu.😈)
Full version HERE! (NSFT)
I promess, my dear author is preparing a veritable killing shot. 🫠
See ya, dear Good Omens fam! ❤️‍🔥
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Day 22: "After you." (SFW)
Some last - but not least I hope :-p - illustrations for "To Shreds", the one-shot written by @demonsandpieohmy!
First entry in the Aftercare week on @goodomensafterdark Reddit.
You can discover the full version here on Reddit or here on Ao3.
Prints of this artwork available here: my shop
If you want to support me: my Ko-Fi
Share the Ineffable love! Don't forget to 💕/ reblog ;-)
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Day 19: "Take it off, Angel." - Good Omens - Happy Birthday to you too, Aziraphale!!!
(yes, it's Michael Sheen's birthday today btw! Happy B-dy to him!!!!!)
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Completion time: about 10 hours? I learnt a lot while doing this one!!
Inspired by this post on Reddit. Thanks for both this wonderful idea and for the tip, Flomacaroon!!!!!
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Do you remember...? Here we are, now.
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Hey the Good Omens fam. Still having fun? :-p
Well well well. I just realised this morning that this post will be my 100th.
I wanted to duly celebrate it, so I hope you'll like this new little sneak-peek.
Thank. You. So. Much!
As I am writing this, my “Good Omens Richard-II Kiss WIP” has reached 1216 notes. I WAS NOT expecting such a thing when I posted it almost absent-mindedly a few days before New Year Eve. This is so wild. Thank you SO MUCH.
And the pressure is so wild, too – yeah. Here I am. Searchingformytrustthatdoesntexist, me.
I am taking all the time I can before completing it. My Daily Challenge is quite effective, as I am doing twice as much more dumb mistakes and technical errors, I think I am doing twice as many more progresses too.
I really, really want to learn how to keep in the final version of my drawings the movement and the emotion presents in most of my sketches - and so emblematic of my "Richard II Kiss WIP". These sparks are often lost when I start colouring / shading and I WANT to resolve that.
Thank you so much for your support, your enthusiasm and your kindness. Your comments and tags made my day every day since this WIP mysteriously started to be uncontrollably spread out  on Tumblr last week.
See you soon!
Buy me a coffee? ♥ https://ko-fi.com/elenthya ♥
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Day 17: "Bliss" - Good Omens, AziraCrow
(Ineffable Smut War entry, very light NSFW)
Pure hearts stumble In my hands they crumble Fragile and stripped to the core I can't hurt you anymore
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The sunshine trapped in our hearts It could rise again
When comfort And warmth can't be found I still reach for you
But I'm lostCrushed Cold and confused with No guiding light left inside
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You're my guiding light When there's no guiding light left inside When there's no guiding light in our lives...
Please. Let them be together again.
Completion time: 3 hours
Today's theme chosen by me: after almost 3 weeks of daily sketches, I am slowly gaining confidence in both this new “Red Art Style” and drawing smut / sensual scenes. For now, I am searching the perfect balance between a neat, proper way to colour my usual wings (black wings, white wings, etc…) and a way to express motions – and emotions – like I usually manage to show them in my early rough sketches.
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Sometimes I feel like these two goals are incompatible.
And sometimes it just goes perfectly the right way while I am colouring…
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Final goal: being able to colour and shade this "RichardII Kiss" WIP , and make it even better than the rough sketches.
Wanna help me? Come to Reddit and leave an upvote right here! :-)(Reddit Link)
Or consider joining my Ko-Fi page as a follower for more HD artworks, previews and unpublished content – all my art is free there, though all any tips are greatly welcome! (Ko-Fi link)
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(My "personal Daily Challenge" Rules reminder:
Personal challenge: a simple sketch each day
Goal: forcing me to keep things simple - inking, shading, just a few sashes of colour
Improvement pursued: to get the movement, the emotion, finding how to add depth, learning how to leave things barely finished
Max time allowed: 2 hours instead of 8-20 on my previous projects – more like 3 hours here, as usual when I decide to draw wings in this challenge)
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["Overwhelming." - Good Omens] - Entry for the Ineffable Smut War
↓NSFW - Complete artwork↓
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The night would close around us like a dim blue wall,
And your eyes flashed within the darkness, and the sweet
Drug of your breath came over me. Do you recall
How I would love to lie for hours holding your feet?
The night would close around us like a dim blue wall.
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I can relive the ecstasy that Time has slain;
At moments I can feel myself between your thighs.
What use to hope for anything like that again
With someone else? What use to seek in any wise?
I can relive the ecstasy that Time has slain.
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Those cries, those long embraces, that remembered scent:
Can they be lost for ever? Will they not come round
Like stars, like suns, to blaze upon the firmament
Of future worlds, from the abyss we cannot sound?
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— O cries! O long embraces! O remembered scent!
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Charles Beaudelaire, "Les Fleurs du Mal" — Translated by George Dillon, "Flowers of Evil"
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Day 24: "I miss you". - Good Omens, post-Season 2.
Got sad news. It's going to be fine but... Well. You know.
Just a simple idea. And I wanted to take a "break" with my current bigger WIPs. Well this "break" took me almost 8 hours. And yet it seems very simple. Sometimes, less is more, they said. But I guess I feel a little bit better. For now.
Came to my mind while I was driving and listening this : YT - Spotify - Deezer
Love you, Good Omens fam.
f you want to support me: my Ko-Fi - my shop
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Day 21 (NSFW): "To Shreds", the One-Shot!! by @demonsandpieohmy - Good Omens
->Complete NSFW artworks here on GOAD Reddit!!
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My "Take it off, Angel" previous artwork has inspired a one-shot! A smutty one, of course :-p And I proposed to draw some bonus and even spiciest artworks for @demonsandpieohmy the author! Come on, take a look at it on Ao3!!!!
-> Here is the link tothe fanfiction!
Thanks to @goodomensafterdark and the GOAD Reddit for organising the Ineffable Smut War and making possible this exciting artworks/fanfiction partnership.
I am very concerned about Tumblr rules, so pictures below under the cut ARE NOT complete. Please, click here and discover on the GoodOmensAfterDark Reddit my best & sexy complete entries for the Ineffable Smut War. Follow me there, the GOAD community is great♥!
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This is not the way into my heart, into my head
Into my brain, into none of the above
This is just my way of unleashing the feelings deep inside of me
This spark of black that I seem to love
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We can get a little crazy just for fun, just for fun
Don't even try to hold it back, just let go
Tie me up and take me over 'til you're done, 'til I'm done
You got me feening, and I'm ready to blow
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Hold my arms above my head and push my face into the bed
'Cause I'm a screamer, baby, make me a mute
You push your hand upon my neck and feel the pulse beat, beat, beat, beat
It's like a trigger, get me ready to shoot
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