#Down the TBR
charlisbookbox · 2 years
Down the TBR Hole #9
This week I removed 3 book sand kept 2. Find out what was removed and what stayed on Charli's Book Box...
So I found Down the TBR Hole on Pages & Plots, but I’ve also seen it on Kerri McBookNerd, and Read to Ramble. It was originally created by Lost in a Story (blog unavailable). Basically you go to Goodreads, look at your “Want to Read” shelf, order it in ascending order of when the books were added, then take the first 5 (or more) books, read the synopsis and then decide whether or not to keep the…
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Books of 2024: THE GREAT CITIES DUOLOGY by N. K. Jemisin.
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
I've got a dumb idea for a request;
despite all of dusknoirs skills, he can't tell apart his own team from a glaringly obvious ditto
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Twig has to break the news to him that he’s got a seventh sableye in his squad and that it’s not even a sableye in the first place. Dusknoir is impressed by her ability to identify a transformed Ditto and asks how she could recognize the disguise. She says magic, and pointedly doesn’t tell him the real reason is because she’s been catfished by ditto on two separate occasions.
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thepurplebones · 1 year
Me, trying to patiently wait for AO3 to restart:
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lucy-goosey · 7 months
I feel sorry for people who say they can’t DNF a book. Why are you putting yourself through the torture? Just put it down, tell it that you’re disappointed in it, shake your head and then pick up a new one.
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theosconfessions · 8 months
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me: maybe ill buy the home chef hustle stuff pack today after i see how the bbs are doing.
robin: immediately starts large ass fire.
me: maybe not.
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bypatia · 2 months
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life lately ft 2024 tbr
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deadgirlwalking91 · 7 days
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Finally finished this absolute masterpiece and while I may never eat cookies and cream ice cream again, I think I have found the most perfect banter ever written 😍
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charlisbookbox · 2 years
Down the TBR Hole #8
This week I removed 2 books and kept 3 on my Goodreads Want to Read shelf. Find out what stayed and what got tossed on Charli's Book Box...
So I found Down the TBR Hole on Pages & Plots, but I’ve also seen it on Kerri McBookNerd, and Read to Ramble. It was originally created by Lost in a Story (blog unavailable). Basically you go to Goodreads, look at your “Want to Read” shelf, order it in ascending order of when the books were added, then take the first 5 (or more) books, read the synopsis and then decide whether or not to keep the…
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oneblackbraid · 2 months
"Your feminism has to be for EVERY woman, even the ones who..."
Haha nice try, Stacy. I see you trying to to cross this bridge called my back.
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thesistersarcheron · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
What’s that? I’m participating in WIP Wednesday? Yes, because I’m in a horrible writing slump this week and I need a little public pressure to keep me on track with this next chapter of As the World Falls Down.
“Not going to speak to me tonight?” Feyre thought she saw the corner of the male’s mouth edge upward beneath the veil of shadows obscuring his face. “Cat got your tongue, perhaps?” Despite being faceless and nameless in her nightmares, his presence was as arresting as his voice—as his touch—suggested. The way the air itself seemed charged around him pulled at the very core of her being. Fear filled her mouth and coated her throat like acrid smoke, but Feyre foolishly wished she could see his face—just a glimpse, to tell if he were as beautiful as the stars that began twinkling in the swath of midnight that veiled him, little glimmering pinpricks that seemed almost amused as she took notice of them. “Shame. You sounded so pretty last night.” Her faerie clicked his tongue, and Feyre scowled. His easy laugh shivered in the space between them before settling against her bones, and she used that momentary break in his attention to wrench out of his grip. He let her go, shoving his hands into his pockets as he prowled, circling her. She tried to ignore him, searching the blurred edges of her dream for an exit, a door, a hallway. But his easy strides were feline, predatory, and in all her years stalking quarry in the forest and hiding from wolves, Feyre had never felt so much like prey. The shadows settled slightly, clinging to him like a king’s mantle and crowning him in swirls of midnight. The closer she looked, eyeing him in her periphery as the dark throne room began to take shape around her, the more she imagined she could see his basic outlines, the jagged sketch that revealed the upward sweep of his cheekbones, a straight, strong nose, and the dangerous edges of his jaw. She could just make out an expression beneath them, as still and focused as the full moon on a winter’s night. He finished his rotation and hooked a finger under her chin, guiding her eyes toward his. His touch crashed through her like a lightning bolt. “I knew that dress would suit you better than those dreadful human hunting rags.” A deft hand untwisted the chignon at her nape, freeing her hair so it fell around her shoulders, tickled her neck, and tangled in the pale gems that littered the neckline of her gown. “Though the idea of you in nothing but Illyrian leathers is also appealing…”
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bigbrainbiology · 2 months
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I'm still alive guys work is just ✨busy✨
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questwithambition · 1 year
Me: has read two (2) books in the past month
Also me: I will definitely have time and energy to read all of these in the next few weeks :)
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wonkyreads · 20 days
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Hi! These are my TBR shelves. My goal this year has primarily been getting this down to a reasonable number. I made a rule where I can’t end a month with more on my physical TBR than I started with and right now I’m over that and I can’t read enough books before June to make up for it (my preorders this month got out of hand and I’ve been writing more than I’ve been reading).
I’m looking for suggestions on where to cull! So please, please snoop through my shelves and give me your opinions?
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
do you have any books recommendations? 🙏
okay usually i like to know a general vibe for recommendations bc this is INTIMATE!!! and im actually in a weird place in my reading journey where im trying to branch out and try a bunch of different books in a bunch of different genres bc i got lowkey sick of what i was reading all the time so this is all over the place. whatever fuck it. here are some recent ones in no particular order that ive enjoyed OR at the very least found interesting. most of these are pretty famous i'll be real im not breaking the wheel here. under the cut bc she is long
our wives under the sea by julia armfield. was this book good hmm i dont know. was it kind of fucked up and interesting. YES. some of the prose is legitimately sooo gorgeous and the portrait it paints of the central relationship is intimate and oftentimes heartrending i still think about it which is kind of what you want from a story tbh... a really slow plot (kind of nonexistent) thats frankly more about grief than anything. theres some spooky body horror here so beware
slaughterhouse five by kurt vonnegut. shes a classic for a REASON. do you ever pick up a book that is very beloved and famous. and then get genuinely and pleasantly surprised that it actually rules. happened to me. legit kind of life changing and also made me laugh out loud. if you havent read it get on it
the kingdoms by natasha pulley. read this over the summer and i vividly remember sitting in the basement at my job hiding so i could read one more page i was RIVETED!!! its historical fantasy its time travel its amnesia it is. on a boat. basically like what if fucked up gay love and also magic made france win the napoleonic wars would that be crazy or what!!! and it was!! also read some of her other stuff which is VERY similar and it was like. fine to good. but i LOVED this one
carrie by stephen king. read it around halloween and i enjoyed it more than i thought i would ! some category 5 stephen king sexism but its an interesting 200 page scifi novel with epistolary elements and some great characters i can see how it launched his career into the stratosphere... really good one to start off with reading stephen king if you wanna dip a toe in but are wary of the 1000 page doorstop novels. i say give it a try !
demon copperhead by barbara kingsolver. recent pulitzer prize winner. its a retelling of david copperfield with a distinctly southern appalachian lens which im always interested in because i am from southern appalachia and frankly the way we get treated in fiction is wild. like hillbilly cannibals who are illiterate coalminers wild. if i ever catch the guy that wrote hillbilly elegy we are throwing hands. but i liked this ! the region does have a long history of poverty and it was interesting to think about that in conversation to the social commentary with a victorian vibe from david copperfield. i mean this is decidedly unvictorian but that was floating in the back of my head at all times reading it so it made me THINK.
giovanni's room by james baldwin. another one where i was like do you see this shit?? this shit is crazy. and the shit in question is one of the most acclaimed and beloved novels of all time. anyways another life changer get on it.
even as we breathe by annette saunooke clapsaddle. another southern appalachia moment ! this one rings VERY true for me actually, despite being a historical novel... written with a lot of love for the area and made me cry a bit cause i was homesick at the time... great mystery and cool local history. also! one of the better representations of the cherokee people ive seen in fiction. which usually im hesitant to like. pin that as a THE major reason you should read it bc the story is ALSO very good but its a central theme of the novel so i thought i should mention it. plus the author is cherokee so she's coming at it with knowledge and care
in memoriam by alice winn. recommendation from a tumblr mutual so i thought id continue the tradition! read it in literally a day so im fuzzy on the details but its about rich eton style english schoolboys getting their spirits basically destroyed in the trenches of ww1... also a gay love story... lots of poetry very tragic but not overly so and certainly very readable... a competent historical gay romance if thats ur thing youll probably enjoy it
the poppy war by r f kuang. interesting bc it initially feels like a historical fantasy novel with a young protagonist going to a magic school and overcoming the odds slash beating the evil enemy story thats been done one billion times. but it is DEEPLY not that. takes the conventions of the genre and kind of refuses to make them reducible or easy to package. deals with war (read the warnings etc). deals with genocide. deals with race. wrestles with the ethics of all of its characters and comes down with some nuance. kind of a slay
and then here's some all time faves that are just GOOD and im reasonably sure anyone would have a good time with:
jane eyre. i have quoted this enough on this blog cmon. also if youre following me youre probably a fan of fucked up relationships so you should go. be with the OG. fly. like its foundational to the GENRE babyyyy
dracula. yayyyyy epistolary novelssss... another "fun" classic along with dorian gray... read em both they slap
the book thief. took me a year to read. made me cry lots.
daisy jones and the six. look at me look AWAYYY from the amazon series look at ME. this is a fun book. and if you are in a reading slump i frankly HIGHLY recommend it bc it is done in the style of like. a documentary autopsy on a fleetwood mac esque band implosion so its told in 100% dialogue as if they are being interviewed. you can read it in a DAY and its FUN and sometimes they CONTRADICT each other which i LOVE
the queens thief by meghan whalen turner. GOD!!!!! all time. all time. straight relationships in fiction that make you crazyyyyyyy and also genuinely delightful twists at the end of each book i LOVED them. i read them all in the pandemic they slayyyy
howl's moving castle. delightful. if you like a silly time in a fantasy world that makes you laugh a lot i would recommend. also the sequel its fun
any terry pratchet novel thank you goodnight
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Books of 2023. THE TEN THOUSAND DOORS OF JANUARY by Alix E. Harrow. Up next! Back on my Driscoll-adjacent reading vibes, to fuel the Driscoll-centric revising vibes (pictured in the background).
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