#Don Jakoby
80smovies · 4 months
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90smovies · 1 year
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theoscarsproject · 11 months
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Blue Thunder (1983). The cop test pilot for an experimental police helicopter learns the sinister implications of the new vehicle.
As far as action-thrillers go, this is just fine? It touches on a few interesting themes particularly around surveillance, but it undermines any criticism of it by really re-enforcing its 'police statefor the greater good' ideologies, and that just generally leaves a pretty bad taste in my mouth. I get why people like this one, but yeah, not for me. 4/10.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Death Wish 3 (1985)
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Even as an entry in this series, Death Wish 3 is thinly written garbage. Between you and me though, that garbage is nice and toasty when you burn it and once covered with snow, it makes a mean tobogganing hill. Absurdly violent, tasteless and so over-the-top it’ll put you in a catatonic state, I hated the film initially but now I'd consider it "so bad it’s good".
Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson) returns to New York City after 10 years and finds his friend Charley (Francis Drake) dying from wounds a gang inflicted him. Accused of Charley's murder by a corrupt and impotent police force, Paul is let free on the condition he resumes his vigilante ways and cleans up the crime-ridden neighborhood.
This film cuts right to the chase. With all of Kersey’s family are now dead and buried so we're introduced to his “best friend”. Charley has a handful of lines before he is viciously butchered by the film’s villains: an endless gang of psychopaths who have nothing better to do than rape, steal, vandalize and murder. As before, there is no attempt to make any of these villains into human beings, they are simply meat bags for Kersey to fill with lead once the even bigger cartoon that is Inspector Richard Shriker (Ed Lauter) lets him go. After Kersey receives a beating from a trio of officers, Shriker steps in. “This is my jail, Kersey. And I’m the law. That means I get to violate your constitutional rights.” I don’t know whether to laugh or fall into a pit of despair. For some reason, Kersey decides to go along with the man’s instructions and moves into the gang-turf war zone so he can kill as many of them as he can.
This film is just an excuse to have a climactic massacre. The gang responsible for Charley’s death performs ax murders in broad daylight and they commit so many crimes you wonder how they’re able to afford the drugs they’re seen consuming. If you rob people every single day and you murder the ones who don’t cough up money, who will be left to exploit? Anyway, Kersey does his usual thing but this time, all subtlety is thrown out the window. He’s got the police’s blessing so he turns into an urban Rambo. I’m not exaggerating. I wouldn’t have expected to see any buildings explode in a Death Wish sequel, much less 3!
You can tell no one cared. Bronson is zombie-like in his performance even when he’s shacking up with the then-32-year-old Deborah Raffin, who plays a public defender unusually interested in Kersey. Bronson was 64 at the time. Gross! The characters are flat and their dialogue is frequently unintentionally hilarious. The plot is repetitive (within itself and the series) and lazy. At least it’s got the courtesy of going all-out in its climax, a gleefully ridiculous departure from any semblance of reality that jolts you awake. And they made two more of these? @#$@#$% my life.
Death Wish 3 is a long smelly turd but that last squeeze before it’s over is kind of soothing in a way. With a crowd of people who can ignore just how stupid and borderline offensive it gets, I think you'll have a good time. (Full-screen version on DVD, December 13, 2018)
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thebutcher-5 · 7 months
Space Vampires
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo siamo tornati a parlare di horror e l’abbiamo fatto con un film che fece molto parlare di sé ai tempi e che ebbe un’influenza enorme quando uscì elle sale ossia The Blair Witch Project – Il mistero della strega di Blair. Il film si apre spiegandoci che quello che stiamo vedendo è il filmato di tre universitari scomparsi l’anno…
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Hi, everyone! I hope you're having a nice fall weekend. 🍂
I just wanted to share some BEAUTIFUL art I was lucky enough to acquire recently from two incredible artists 🎨
The first is one of my favorite pieces that combines two of my passions, one from my childhood and one since 2019: Peanuts and Bo Burnham!
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Bo as Charlie Brown/Schroeder is just perfect, and I can't rep @lomleyo enough. She is an EXCEPTIONAL artist and also created my SUCH logo that I adore 🥰
I was finally able to pick up the Peanuts print because I needed to get the perfect birthday card for my best friend @ilickedthegardenwall on her 30th birthday—and BOY did Kat deliver on that one!
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All of these prints and more can be found on the artist's INPRNT shop. Check it out! 👀
The second is a recent discovery on Instagram that blew me away: A Vincent van Gogh-style representation of Inside, with so many hidden gems from White Woman's Instagram (like an embroidered fox and dreamcatcher, for starters). Just AMAZING attention to detail!
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I am an ENORMOUS fan of Vincent van Gogh (Starry Night is my favorite painting), so this image spoke to me immediately, and I actually reached out to the artist (Jakobi Holck Luke) to see if he would add it to his Redbubble shop (IncredibleHolck), which he did thankfully.
Fun fact: Bo has been compared to the troubled painter by Pete Holmes ("It's exciting to see van Gogh walking in the Mall of America"), and the lyrics to Vincent by Don McLean really sound like Bo imo (especially the intro and this last section):
Now I think I know
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they're not listening still
Perhaps they never will
Anyway, I'm just in love with my new art pieces, and I hope you all consider supporting these two artists in the future! ✌🏼🐔
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bebe-benzenheimer · 11 months
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year: 1985
plot: the Pinocchio story set in a dystopian New York, featuring Lee Marvin as Gepetto and to be directed by Tobe Hooper under distribution from Cannon Pictures
reason for cancellation: possibly due to a pay dispute involving scriptwriters Dan O'Bannon and Don Jakoby
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justzeldaa · 7 months
Zdravím, tady máte mé pojetí akce "Goretober" ^^
Hello! Here is my take on "Goretober" ^^
Den č.1 :
“Otevři tu hubu kurva” zanadával ten v bílém a strhnul mi mojí masku s kyslíkem. Bílé světlo které na mě zářilo měl připnuté k náprsní kapse, natáhnul jsem k němu ruku ale těsně před mým cílem vzal ten druhý, ten v růžovém, ruku a přivázal mi ji ke křeslu. Uvědomil jsem si to až ted že sedím ve studeném koženém křesle. Kůže se mi vždy nepříjemně lepila k mé zpocené pokožce. Druhou ruku mi ten v růžovém taky přivázal. “Rozumíš?! O-T-E-V-Ř-I D-R-Ž-K-U” ten v bílém vyhláskoval, připadal jsem si jako malý, to jsem ještě řeči pořádně nerozuměl a doopravdy jsem potřeboval aby mi ti v barvách  slova hláskovali. Moc jsem nevnímal, tak jsem se soustředil když mi ten v bílém vysvětlil potřetí co potřebuje, poslechl jsem a pusu otevřel. Zuby se mi leskly, pamatuji si že včera přišla Ona, čistila mi zuby asi hodinu a vyprávěla mi co dělala. Mluvila ale tou její řečí, pořád se jí snažím porozumět ale pořád nerozumím. Mrzí mě to, vždy mluví s úsměvem na tváři, včera švitořila ve vyšším tónu než obvykle asi měla velkou radost. Snad jednou budu vědět z čeho. Ten v růžovém mi vytáhl jazyk ven a nastříkal na něj štiplavou dezinfekci, už jsem začínal tušit co mě čeká. Zubů mám spoustu, celých 80,. pamatuji si to jelikož mi jednou Ta Druhá pomáhala s počty, ta naší řečí mluví, ale neusmívá se tak často jako Ona, jenom vyjímečně ale nevím proč. To nevadí, jednou se snad taky bude pořád usmívat jako Ona. Ten v bílém vytáhl malý nožík, byl překrásný, celý černý. Věděl jsem co mě čeká.
Je to proces kdy mi jednou za 22 cyklů vytrhají veškeré mé zuby a zkoumají jejich regeneraci. Zuby mi totiž narostou pokaždé co to udělají. U Nich to totiž není normální, pochopil jsem jelikož tímto objevem byli fascinováni. Bolí to, hodně, ale já se bránit nemůžu jelikož to jinak bude bolet ještě víc, mrzí mě to ale to nevadí. Pomáhá to Jim, a to mě stačí, Ta Druhá mi vždy opakuje jak jsem naděje. Naděje ani nevím čeho nebo koho, ale naděje je silné slovo. Já mám také neděje, jednou se odsud s ostatními dostaneme a budeme žít stejný život jako Oni. To je má naděje, a Ona. Prvních deset zubů necítím, vyrůstají z těch ostatních takže k ním nedosáhnou nervy. 
První co si pamatuji je to že zvracím a jediné co vidím je červeno, rudo, krvavě rudo. Opatrně zvednu mou ruku k puse a nakape mi na ní krev. Nechápu jak si to nemohu pamatovat, normálně jsem vždy vzhůru a vše vnímám. Zmateně se potácím po místnosti. Oni všichni jsou pryč, zbylo jen to bílé kožené křeslo které je ted potřísněno tou tekutinou. Najednou do místnosti vtrhne Ona. Mluví rychle, zmateně a vyděšeně. Nejsem si jistý proč, viděla mě v takovém stavu už spoustakrát, než si to uvědomím opět upadám do říše snů.
Probudím se až opět na lehátku s mou kyslíkovou maskou. Ta Druhá mi zaplétá vlasy a brouká písničku. Usmívá se všimnu si a ta dělám jakoby nic a jenom pozoruji a vychutnávám si atmosféru    
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Day num. 1
"Open your fucking mouth," the one in white snarled, ripping off my oxygen mask. The white light that was shining on me was clipped to his breast pocket, I reached out to him but just before my target the other one, the one in pink, took my hand and tied it to the chair. I didn't realize it until I was sitting in a cold leather chair. The leather always stuck uncomfortably to my sweaty skin. The other arm was tied up by the one in pink, too. "Do you understand?! OPEN YOUR MOUTH" the one in white spelled out, I felt like a little kid, I didn't understand speech properly then and I really needed those in colors to spell out the words for me. I wasn't really paying attention, so I concentrated when the one in white explained for the third time what he needed, I listened and opened my mouth. My teeth were gleaming, I remember yesterday She came in, brushed my teeth for about an hour and told me what She was doing. But she spoke in her language, I'm still trying to understand her but I still don't understand. She always speaks with a smile on her face, yesterday she chirped in a higher tone than usual, she must have been very happy. I hope one day I'll know what it was about.
The one in pink pulled my tongue out and sprayed a pungent disinfectant on it, I was beginning to suspect what was in store for me. I have a lot of teeth, 80 of them, I remember because the Other One once helped me with the math, she speaks our language but doesn't smile as often as She does, only occasionally but I don't know why. It doesn't matter, one day she'll smile like Her. The one in white took out a little knife, it was beautiful, all black. I knew what I was in for.
It's a process where once every 22 cycles they pull all my teeth and examine their regeneration. My teeth grow back every time they do it. It's not normal for them, I understand, as they were fascinated by this discovery. It hurts, a lot, but I can't defend myself because otherwise it will hurt even more, but it doesn't matter. It helps them, and that's enough for me, the Other one always tells me how hopeful I am. Hope of I don't know what or who, but hope is a strong word. I have hope too, one day we'll get out of here with the others and live the same life as them. That's my hope, and Her. I can't feel the first ten teeth, they grow out of the others so the nerves can't reach them.
The first thing I remember is throwing up and all I see is red, crimson, blood . I carefully lift my hand to my mouth and blood drips on it. I don't understand how I can't remember, normally I'm always awake and aware of everything. I stumble around the room in confusion. They are all gone, only the white leather chair that is now stained with the liquid is left. Suddenly, She bursts into the room. She speaks quickly, confused and frightened. I'm not sure why, she's seen me in this state many times before, before I know it I've fallen back into dreamland.
I'll wake up again on the daybed with my oxygen mask. The other one is braiding my hair and humming a song. She's smiling, I notice, and I'm doing nothing but watching and enjoying the atmosphere.
#art challenge#goretober 2023#goretober day 1#czech#oc#original character#ocs#picrew
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Movie Review | Blue Thunder (Badham, 1983)
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You know, it would be a real shame if the police became militarized. And it would be a real shame if that was through their adoption of a state of the art attack helicopter. And it would be a real shame if that state of the art attack helicopter were to engage in the helicopter equivalent of a dogfight through a densely populated city that resulted in a shitload of collateral damage, including the destruction of a local Japanese barbecue restaurant. Yeah, that would all be a real shame. Of course, that collateral damage shouldn't have been unexpected. When we first see a demonstration of the state of the art attack helicopter at work, watching it blow away countless red cardboard terrorists while trying to avoid white cardboard civilians, we see it's maybe a bit less accurate than it's been touted.
"One civilian dead for every ten terrorists. That's an acceptable ratio." "Unless you're one of the civilians!"
This is a movie where its satirical aims probably are undermined by its commitment to its premise, but isn't necessarily less entertaining as a result. I understand the original story idea came from screenwriters Dan O'Bannon and Don Jakoby losing sleep thanks to the pervasive presence of police helicopters, but whatever venom was directed towards these things in earlier versions of the screenplay has been significantly diluted in the finished film, which is hopelessly infatuated with the state of the art attack helicopter that's supposed to represent the military industrial complex run amok, and shoots it with lovingly as it demonstrates each one of its fancy schmancy special features. Not only does it have an advanced targeting system that lets you get a bullseye just by looking at something, or super powerful microphones that let you eavesdrop on army bigwigs as they declare their roles in a criminal conspiracy, but it also has hi-tech cameras that offer not just thermal imaging, but zooms powerful enough to surveil a hooker's tits as she euphemistically negotiates with a john.
Apparently an earlier version of the story had the PTSD-stricken protagonist go on a rampage. Technically that still happens in the movie, although it's softened by having the hero rampage really in self defense as the bad guys are trying to shoot him down, and also by the fact that it looks really cool as it goes down. Any movie with cool helicopter shit is automatically a good movie, and that's especially true here, as this has the coolest helicopter shit and is therefore the goodest movie. The second half of the movie provides a number of great helicopter action sequences. These are executed with a mix of aerial stunts and really convincing miniature work (only a sequence involving F-16s looks a little choppy), and captured by some gorgeous widescreen cinematography by John A. Alonzo, who has the supernatural ability to catch the light bouncing off the helicopter at just the right angles as we swerve through the air along with it over the Los Angeles cityscape.
The PTSD is in the finished film too, less a motivator than shorthand for the hero's distrust of the military. As played by Roy Scheider, he's given a certain amount of grit and texture, lending some conviction to the movie's skeptical viewpoint even as it's completely undermined by the imagery. He's joined by Warren Oates and Daniel Stern, who are on opposite ends of the grizzled spectrum, and butts heads with Malcolm McDowell, who plays the biggest asshole in the continental U.S., and whose wincing from his real life fear of flying only adds to his teeth gnashing villainy. And lest you think the movie's thrills are all masculine and aerial, it throws in a twist in the form of a Candy Clark Car Chase, which it foreshadows earlier in the movie by having her drive like a maniac.
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jedivoodoochile · 2 years
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Un día como hoy, 21 de Junio pero de 1985, se estrenó, 'Lifeforce'.
Dirigida por Tobe Hooper, escrita por Dan O'Bannon y Don Jakoby, Basados en el libro The Space Vampires de Colin Wilson.
La nave espacial angloamericana "Churchill" va en misión de estudio hacia el cometa Halley, que se acerca a la Tierra. Antes de llegar a su destino, encuentran una nave extraterrestre que viaja en la cola del famoso cometa. La nave atrae la curiosidad de los astronautas quienes, al mando del comandante de la misión (Steven Railsback), se lanzan a su investigación. En el interior sólo hallan tres ataudes de cristal con dos hombres y una mujer, los tres desnudos, los tres lozanos y enteramente humanoides. Esto dará origen, a la postre, a una epidemia vampírica y a un alucinante caos en Londres, que se verá dominada por zombies-vampiros.
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80smovies · 2 years
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docrotten · 2 years
LIFEFORCE (1985) – Episode 206 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“I mean, in a sense, we’re all vampires.” Everyone is draining the life out of everyone else in one way or another? Hmmm, that’s a dark take, but a fair point. Join your faithful Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr  – as they drain everything possible from Tobe Hooper’s Lifeforce (1985).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 206 – Lifeforce (1985)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
A race of space vampires arrives in London and infects the populace, beginning an apocalyptic descent into chaos.
Director: Tobe Hooper
Writers: Dan O’Bannon & Don Jakoby (screenplay); Colin Wilson (from 1976 novel The Space Vampires)
Music: Henry Mancini
Cinematography: Alan Hume (director of photography)
Production Design: John Graysmark
Makeup Department: Nick Maley (makeup effects & prosthetics supervisor)
Visual Effects: John Dykstra (special visual effects)
Selected Cast:
Steve Railsback as Col. Tom Carlsen
Peter Firth as Col. Colin Caine
Frank Finlay as Dr. Hans Fallada
Mathilda May as Space Girl
Patrick Stewart as Dr. Armstrong
Michael Gothard as Dr. Leonard Bukovsky
Nicholas Ball as Roger Derebridge
Aubrey Morris as Sir Percy Heseltine
Nancy Paul as Ellen
John Hallam as Lamson
John Keegan as Guard
Chris Jagger as First Vampire
Bill Malin as Second Vampire
Jerome Willis as Pathologist
Derek Benfield as Physician
John Woodnutt as Metallurgist
John Forbes-Robertson as The Minister
Lifeforce is the first of three films Tobe Hooper made with Canon, followed by Invaders From Mars (1986) and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986). As Bill’s pick, it’s a film he frequently revisits trying to understand the choices made during its making. He’s always liked the film, even while feeling a bit baffled. Chad first read about Lifeforce in Fangoria. He loved how crazy and wild it was when he first saw it and he still does. Chad’s never quite sure what he thinks of Steve Railsback’s performance because to him, he’ll always be the Charles Manson he portrayed in Helter Skelter (1976). The excellent practical and visual effects are what pull Jeff into this movie. 
All three of this episode’s Grue-Crew compare Lifeforce to the feel of Hammer’s Quatermass and the Pit (1967) and indeed, may have been a better picture if Hooper had gone full-Quatermass. And of course, they all agree that Mathilda May is phenomenal at portraying the female vampire with style and grace while spending nearly the entire film unabashedly nude.
For other Decades of Horror discussions of Tobe Hooper films (and Quatermass and the Pit to boot), checkout the following episodes:
Eaten Alive (1976) – Episode 136 – Decades Of Horror 1970s
Salem’s Lot (1979) — Episode 69 — Decades Of Horror 1970s
The Funhouse (1981) — Episode 90 — Decades Of Horror 1980s
Poltergeist (1982) – Episode 106 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
Texas Chainsaw Massacre II (1986) — Episode 81 — Decades Of Horror 1980s
Quatermass And The Pit (1967) – Episode 93 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
If you so desire, at the time of this writing, you can stream Lifeforce from Tubi and PlutoTV with ads, or from various PPV streaming services. If physical media is what trips your trigger, Lifeforce (Collector’s Edition) (4K UHD) is scheduled for release May 24, 2022 from Scream Factory. And let’s face it, it’s always time to revisit Tobe Hooper’s films.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Crystal will be Vamp (1986), featuring a speechless Grace Jones. 
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans:  leave them a message or leave a comment on the gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the website or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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rhettakins · 2 years
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Vampires (1998)
Ever since his parents were murdered by vampires, Jack Crow (James Woods) has had one purpose in life: putting stakes through bloodsuckers' hearts. With his battle-hardened crew of vampire killers and the assistance of the Catholic Church, Crow roams the New Mexico desert looking for undead lairs to annihilate. But he meets his match when, at a roadside motel, he comes face to face with Jan Valek (Thomas Ian Griffith), a vampire kingpin possessed of incredible powers.
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90smovies · 3 years
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genevieveetguy · 3 years
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Forget whatever you've seen in the movies: they don't turn into bats, crosses don't work. Garlic? You wanna try garlic? You could stand there with garlic around your neck and one of these buggers will bend you fucking over and take a walk up your strada-chocolata while he's suckin' the blood outta your neck, all right? And they don't sleep in coffins lined in taffeta. You wanna kill one, you drive a wooden stake right through his fuckin' heart. Sunlight turns 'em into crispy critters.
Vampires, John Carpenter (1998)
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memoriastoica · 6 years
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Double Team (1997)
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