kokoronashi6090 · 4 months
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from bloodmoon
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the-nerd-beast · 2 months
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Level I: Poyomon
Level II: Tokomon
Level III: Tukaimon
Level IV: Devidramon
Level V: LadyDevimon
Level VI: Lilithmon
This is my personal partner digimon line as decided by random chance giving me both Ladydevimon and a Poyomon egg. Didn't want to use Blacktailmon for Level IV and thought Devidramon would be a unique choice to become LadyDevimon though the rest is probably typical choices especially Lilithmon lol.
I love them very much 💜
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sheiyavlad · 2 years
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Damian x Devidramon
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Dick x Garurumon
You may not know this about me but im a huge digimon fan. I always loved the show more than pokemon. Together with DC and Yu-Gi-Oh! it kept me afloat during the hardest times of my life. I've been playing each game that came out together with the most recent one, digimon survive. Which is a masterpiece in my opinion, though it has gotten quite a bit of hate. Youtubers i used to like are tearing it down and it honestly hurts me. I guess this was my way of coping with it. Digimons are kinda like mirrors onto your hearts. They are your therapy-soulmates, and who needs them more than the bat family? This might not reach that many people but that's OK. This one is for me ❤️Thank you so so much if you read all of this.
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drowsydarling · 1 year
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woop woop checkit outtt
a little survive evolution style thing of jessie and her partner :D
really proud, digimon are so hard to draw but im alowly getting the hang of it💛💛
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theluckystarfish · 2 months
Devidramon plush
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I wanted to make a mini tsum tsum like plush of Devidramon. I think I pulled it off pretty well. Like with Pidmon I went with a simple desing since it's my first time making such digimon
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thegraver49 · 1 year
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...will receive the right to become a dragon.
And today's song recommendation is "EVO" by Wild Child Bound
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cobalt-axolotl · 23 days
The digivolution line for another zwart minion devidramon in my fnaf digimon fusion au.
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purple-winged-angel · 2 years
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some more digimon self insert doodles.  When drawing Devidramon, I decided to go a little more dragon-y in look. Ended up making him look like a Mirror from flight rising, oops XD
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Today’s fuckable dragon of the day is...
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lightluxcollie · 11 months
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Commission done for Analternateguy234 Devidramon joins my evergrowing tg'd cheer squad. I'm convinced I'm going to end up with a cheer army at some point. ... https://www.sabercolliestudios.com
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flameingdarkness · 2 years
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It is October once again, which means it’s time to rise from the dead once again to post as many irl drawings of dubious quality as possible before returning to my grave.
This is day one, with the prompt gargoyle! 
Devidramon has acted as gargoyles in the digimon anime before, and I drew a little Tsukaimon pretending to be a statue next to their older sibling, because I thought it was cute. I’ve loved Tsukaimon ever since I saw it; it’s Patamon, but a purple menace. What’s not to love?
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arcthebreeder · 11 months
07/08/2023, 08:36 (GMT-5)
First of all, I apologize for not posting yesterday, second of all, WE TRAINED SO HARD, so, let me tell you what exactly happened.
As I said in the previous post, Guilmon and I dedicated the whole day to the training, our routine included shadowboxing to improve our attacks, sprinting to increase our evasion, crunches to better our resistance and the most important part, gaining battle experience, after all that exercise, I sent Guilmon back to my PC and we started searching for a strong digimon to fight against, we struggled a bit but in the end we found two interesting species, the first one being Siesamon a digimon apparently based on the Shiisa, japanese mythological creatures who are rumored to protect temples from evil spirits, the Siesamon we found wasn't feral, he was actually pretty pacific and well spoken, we found him guarding the official website of a church someone I know used to run, which may explain why that Siesamon was there in the first place, since the church member who coded the page was also was a member of the digital monster forums, so I'm sure he left Siesamon there so he could protect the website if anything were to happen, but yet again, I deviate from the topic, Siesamon despite being pretty logical and an overall pacifist, recognized my manners when chatting, so he was willing to help, not to join us, but to help us train a bit, and so we did, Guilmon was clumsy at the beginning obviously but we managed to improve our strategy and moveset, we managed to beat him a few times and moved on.
Do you remember that time I wondered where the evil digimon could be? Well... We got kind of an answer, I entered into a website I'm not going to mention but it has a bird as a logo, and wandering around, Guilmon found a Devidramon, an evil dragon type of digimon who was not visiting but CONDUCTING a gross violence page, he was apparently sapient enough to run the page but feral and violent, so when he noticed Guilmon, he attacked directly, since Devidramon took us by surprise, he got advantage for a while but when we noticed that he was just moving and attacking erratically, we managed to knock him out, we didn't kill him but reported the account and it's now closed, however Guilmon ended up pretty damaged, so we couldn't fight against Zanmetsumon that same day, I explained the situation while Guilmon was resting and Zanmetsumon understood the situation and admired what we did against Devidramon, the fight against Zanmetsumon will be held today, so let's have our fingers crossed and hope for the best, I'll keep you posted.
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clawz-out-archive · 2 years
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Updated evolutions for my partner Demidevimon
And I know Voltobautamon is supposed to be a Vamdemon/Piedmon jogress, but I couldn't find any other possible megas I liked.
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midnight197 · 2 months
I noticed, how hard it is, to get the desired Ultimate/Mega you want in the DM Color. Since there are so less Ultimates but so many Champions in comparision. If you want a specific Ultimate you have to be specific with the Champion you go for and if you fail, you're stuck with a Digimon you might already have. (I have Machinedramon already on my DM Color Green and wanted to try to go for Gaioumon, but I got Devidramon as my second Champion instead of Raremon, so I would just get Machinedramon again. Not being able to keep track of the Caremistakes you make, makes it a lot more difficult too.
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mukesh-singh · 1 year
Virat Kohli coming IPL 2023
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volbeast · 8 months
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So normal about my Digimon-sona rn might actually finish a thing :’3
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