samsdei · 8 months
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Stuart Campbell
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shippinginthedeep · 8 months
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grande-caps · 10 months
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The Winter King - Episode 1.01
Quality : HD screencaptures Amount : 1.530 files Resolution : 1.920 x 1.080 px
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 8 months
The Winter King episode 1
First of all I need to add this small warning premise: I read Bernard Cornwell's novels so far ago, and I have been too in the grasp of my adhd to be able to focus on much, so rereading them would be impossible for me at the moment.
I guess this means I will talk about the show from a "ignorant" perspective, without talking too much about the differences between the novel and the actual show. I will judge it for what it is, ignoring that it is part of an adaptation.
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Still, I remember a little, so I can confirm that the show starts the same way. Arthur is a bastard, when his father accuses him of having caused the heir's death, he is exiled, thanks to Merlin's intervention. There is also Arthur's sister (no name yet) who pleaded for mercy. Arthur saves a young Derfel and then we are jumped in a timeskip.
The rest of the episode sees some vague establishing of what "the gods" are and Avalon is. It is not clear at all, just the usual "we follow the GODS" (which gods?? who knows). Derfel is not a young adult, and he is in love with Nimue - who suddenly has to choose between the gods and that guy.
It is all very dramatic, she cannot "deny her past", but given we had known these characters for less than 20 minutes, it all falls flat. The episode RUNS, runs like the wind, trying to introduce all the possible plots around Derfel. I barely had the time to breath and understand what main plot the episode was trying to establish, the truth being that I still don't know.
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I fully believe it would have simply been better to start directly with Derfel, sees him as a kid, let us know him in the classic way "past-family-what he went through" and then see Arthur save him, and introduce his conflict between wanting to stay at Avalon and wanting to be a warrior, just like Arthur.
The plot instead rolls and rolls - suddenly Queen Norwenna is in labour, Merlin and Morgana rush to her side - and for some reason they ask Derfel to come for the extra help (what extra help is not clear). Merlin has a horrible vision of the future when he holds the baby. Uther is happy to have a new son, but Merlin warns him that the child has a twisted foot and a twisted nature (?? the need to offer both at the same time... weird, very weird). Merlin says he saw the end of the whole of Britan in this kid, but Uther ignores him and cuddles the baby.
I know we are supposed to root for Merlin, and see that Uther is foolish for accepting this baby and not Arthur, his other son, but the truth is - the baby is a baby. I don't think the tv show convey the danger, or managed to get me on the side of Merlin because that baby is so SMALL? and innocent? And the show is so fast we never had the chance to trust Merlin, to see him struggle or actually care for Britain, we do not know much of what he cares for (the vague gods).
Suddenly - so fast - Merlin leaves for Arthur, and Derfel says he is gonna stay there while Nimue goes to Avalon. Derfel found a job (in the span of a night?? few days??) and decided (after a nightmare/flashback) to want to become a warrior. The sad music almost made me laugh, I have to be honest, while looking at Derfel leave Nimue behind, as the show spends zero attempts in trying to making us invested in their relationship.
Also I cannot really judge actors, I am not that good at catching who is a good actor or not, but I could barely hear what Nimue was saying, she always seemed almost drunk.
Luckily, among all characters, Derfel seemed to have the best actor to be able to do quite a lot with little. He had a boyish naive quality that made me believe he DID find work overnight, and he did decide to become a warrior just because Arthur told him. I will definitely try to continue watching, as I am curious to see how they are going to make this Derfel into the Derfel I vaguely remember form the books.
Other positive comments I have for the show would mainly be about how well it convey the arthurian feelings of a historial novel like Bernard Cornwell's. I cannot speak about how historically accurate the clothes, weapons and buildings are, but for an untrained eye like mine they all did a lot to world-build, to give me the idea of a prosperous kingdom on the verge of wars.
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buffyfan145 · 10 months
Also I'm still loving this whole relationship between Derfel and Nimue in "The Winter King"!!! :D It's probably since it's so similar to so many of my ships that have so many obstacles keeping them apart and then like a lot of the LOTR ships too and knowing Tolkien loved the Arthur legends too and wrote his own version it just makes sense to me. So I'm even more curious how it'll be when Guinevere gets here and later Lancelot and who I'll be shipping her with as I really like this version of Arthur.
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davidjhopcroft · 1 year
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queer-ragnelle · 2 months
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SAXONS ☞ BRITONS Kai, Arthur of the Britons | Cerdic, Merlin of the Crystal Cave | Derfel, The Winter King
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maypoleman1 · 2 months
5th April
St Derfel’s Day
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Source: St Derfel Gadarn video posted by On This Day on YouTube
Today is St Derfel’s Day. Derfel was one of King Arthur’s legendary knights, known as Derfel Cadarn or Gadarn, meaning ‘the Strong’. He was present at the catastrophic battle of Camlann at which the disastrous civil war between Arthur and his illegitimate son, Mordred, culminated in the death of Mordred and the apparent fatal wounding of his father. With the court in Camelot collapsing in the aftermath of the battle, and the Saxons beginning to overrun Britain as a consequence, the distraught Derfel gave up soldiering for the monastic life.
So runs the Arthurian legend. Derfel however did exist and may well have been a Romano-British warrior in his youth. The battle of Camlann is supposed to have been a real event, taking place in 539, even if details are frustratingly vague. It is not even clear who the opposing sides were, but it is assumed to have been between the Romano-Britons and the Anglo-Saxons, with a Saxon victory being the likely outcome, so the outline of Derfel’s career change as described in legend, may well be based on fact.
Derfel became Abbot of Bardsey and later became the favourite saint at the church at Llandderfel, near Bala in Gwynedd. Apparently the church was equipped with a mechanical version of the saint , who showered blessings on the pilgrims that came to his church, often bearing livestock to be cured by Derfel’s effigy. Inevitably the Reformation interrupted this innocent practice and deeming the worship of Derfel’s peculiar statue as superstitious nonsense, militant Protestants carted the mechanical Derfel all the way to Smithfield in London in 1538 and burned it. The saint’s staff, and the remains of a wooden horse on which the martial Derfel sat, can still be seen in Llandderfel church.
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cuckoovampiro · 2 years
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derfel "i don't care if she doesn't marry me as long as she doesn't marry lancelot" cadarn
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persephonewraith · 2 months
It's St Derfel's Day
...thought someone should probably know
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oldnarnian5 · 8 months
Read Bernard Cornwell's Arthur novels, they are brilliant!!
The Winter King
Enemy of God
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samsdei · 8 months
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Stuart Campbell
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shippinginthedeep · 8 months
Am I crazy or are they going for Derfel/Ceinwyn? At least I can see him falling for her, she's so pretty and sweet. I mean when Arthur had Derfel gave Ceinwyn his present in the betrothal ceremony I thought that was super weird but a great foreshadowing for a future pairing. And now they meet again and talked about their dead mothers and I'm like omg, I think this is happening! lol, they could be cute together, but I don't see how, when are they going to see each other again? or talk and get to know each other? Not unless Arthur kills Gordfydd I'm afraid. But even so she's a princess and he's no one, so it's unlikely. But imagine the slow burn, the longing stares, the pining...I'd love that. We'll see.
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grande-caps · 7 months
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The Winter King - Episode 1.04
Quality : HD screencaptures Amount : 1.568 files Resolution : 1.920 x 1.080 px
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 11 months
Is there a trailer for The Winter King out yet and I'm not sure what to think about it? Opinion?
I am always happy to see arthuriana, but my expectations are -20. I feel like I have seen a hundred of identical trailers to this, there is nothing specifically exciting about it.
But also... Arthur is the protagonist??? What-
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buffyfan145 · 10 months
Just checked out the first episode of "The Winter King" and really like it so far!!! :D It's a new take on King Arthur based off the book trilogy of the same name with more actual British history tied in as well as some fantasy but it's really fantasy lite so far as in Merlin and the others like him in Avalon have some powers but also mostly visions (similar to ancient Celt pagan culture that ended up becoming Irish, Scottish, and Welsh). There's also the rise of Christianity happening too and it is super violent (which I fastforward through LOL). Then also some twists on characters too like Mordred (who is a baby and actually Uther's son with his wife/queen instead of Morgan/Morgana's), Arthur got exiled and is a warlord before Melin goes to bring him back to save their kingdom, and there's a LOTR style doomed ship of Nimue and Derfel as she'll lose her powers from the gods if she chooses to be with Derfel. Guinevere hasn't shown up yet but seems like it's next week from the description, a few of the roundtable knights are already in the show, and I know Lancelot eventually will be on the show too if it gets renewed as he's in the book series. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the show is over the next 9 weeks.
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