#Deku uke
misssmina · 2 months
I have this different (platonic) ships I have and was wondering about your thoughts on them since you really know the characters! I don't like shipping non-compatible characters so your thoughts on if they'll get along or not would really help!
The platonic ships are:
Baku&Camie (I feel like he would put up with her slang bc of dealing with Denki)
Melissa&Deku (They would totally [and did] geek out on tech/quirks)
Baku&Ocha (He already acknowledges her strength)
Kiri&Tamaki (They already work together with FG so I like to imagine Kiri begging Tamaki to spar with him)
Momo&Iida (With being Class president and vice, I feel like they would hang out a lot and develop a friendship that way)
Sero&Todoroki (Todoroki is pretty dense romantically and I think the same applies platonically, but Sero probably approached him after the sports festival because he found him interesting)
Mina&Jirou (Mina helps with Jirou's style and Jirou teaches Mina an instrument [I like to imagine the uke, but maybe something else would suit her better-])
Anyways! These were just some of my platonic thoughts because I've noticed how crazy the fandom is with romance and thought why not mix it up a lil with asking your opinion on them!
So I love these! I’m big on platonic ships.
But here’s the thing,
Bakugou is friends with all the girls (whether he’d admit it or not). Canonically, he gets along with them because they simply do not care about his little attitude issue. My favorite platonic Bakugou pairing is him + anyone in the rich kid club. (Momo, Iida, Todoroki, & Jirou)
Melissa and Izuku but also Monoma (If he can figure out how to stop being a dirt bag). I feel like they all geek out about quirks, especially Monoma because he wants to try them.
Kirishima and Tamaki are already sweet on each other. They both push each other to be better and Kirishima likes to take him on little introvert adventures to make him feel good. (Book cafes, walks, etc)
Momo and Iida, I feel like they get along outside of school very well, but often they’re together for things like press conferences and business meeting, same with Bakugou and Todoroki.
Todoroki and Sero are friends, but I think there’s a very specific dynamic they have. Tired friend + Snarky friend.
Jirou and Mina are BESTIES. Typical yapper+listener friendship. Can be very messy with gossip lol. They are normally who plan dorm activities (movie night, game night, birthday parties, etc). The equal opposite to their friendship is Kirishima and Kaminari.
Sero and Ojiro are best guy friends, they can talk about just calm, normal things. Low energy pals.
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moonsb1996 · 21 days
MHA 243…
What the fuck? The heroes attack the AFO so they don't know where Izuku is coming from. Fighting and fighting, AFO's body (Shigaraki) begins to decay. Hero: "Yay! We're about to win!” AFO: "No! The Demon King is the best! Give your powers to other heroes and steal their bodies. Izuku came in and sent his power to take over that bastard's body!" And yes, and yes… Kuroboro enters the field! LOV's mama won't let Shigaraki is sure to die, his friends are waiting! (We never saw Shigaraki mention Kuroboro when he was captured and handed to the police. LOV fans are probably in tears right now. (Sarcasm) Kuroboro is gone!! What the heck again!! Bakugo! Ideok Baku (F@UK) Go! You won't show up to steal the MC light. Is that so difficult? Horikoshi Kohei, if you don't let him (Bakugou) show up or be mentioned, will you die of a heart attack? And then enter the same circle. The villain is mentally and physically destroyed by the reverse power. LOV fans, woohoo! Tomura-kun hits old AFO with Deku, yay!! (And Horikoshi has a face to add the power of Ying Yang (white and black) even though he never brought it up to play with from the beginning. Ugh) Tomura: Deep inside I am a crying child. ME: And all the people who died, how will you (all LOV members) pay for it!!! Going to prison and complaining that he doesn't want the death penalty anyway! (I won't forget what you said, Toga!) Ha ha ha! If Spinner doesn't die, tell him, "Tomura Shigaraki tried to destroy everything until the last second." Ha ha ha (What the fuck?!) This is the second time! At Izuku and Shigaraki they talked after the mall! Very deep, very deep! (throws table) in the end ! Fuck, the episode is over. What the fuck!
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Thanks to the owner of the picture (my sister). This is how I feel about MHA. Alright, I'm going to wait for Kaiju number 8.
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rachi-roo · 9 months
i have loved reading all of your fics! could you do one that is lee!bakugo and ler!todoroki? hope you are doing well!!
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My Hero Academia: Cooking up trouble!
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Weeeee! Finally, another fic is out! I really appreciate all the support you've given me recently, and thank you, anon, for this request! These two are such a mismatched pair. Their dynamic is so fun! XD
Summary: After Shotos' attempt at potato chopping goes wrong, he's forced to deal with an angry Chef Bakugo his own special way.
Characters: Ler!Shoto, Lee!Bakugo, mentions of other 1A students.
Tw: Swearing
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"Damn it, Icey-Hot! How are you so bad at this!?" A certain explosive blonde snarled as he looked at the miss-shapen potatoes that Todoroki had been peeling for the classes dinner.
The bowl of oddly cut spuds made Bakugo want to cry or hurt someone. Or both. They were supposed to be sliced into thin circles to make chips. Instead, they were odd bolder shapes. He angrily moved Todoroki away from the counter, taking the knife from his hand.
"What's wrong with them?" The raspberry ripple hero asked, tilting his head as he was placed by the door.
"What's wrong with you!? These potatoes are less straight than Deku!"
"Heeeey!" Dekus little voice grumbled from the lounge.
"SHUT IT! Anyway, they won't cook properly if they aren't thin enough. And they're cook unevenly too. Uuugh... Now I gotta get a new bag of them and do it myself and-" Bakugo grumbled on, swearing and fussing under his breath as he stomped around the kitchen, finding an unopened pack of fresh potatoes.
Shoto blinked as he watched Bakugo angrily start cutting up their dinner with his back to him. His flighty little mind thinking over the situation. Angry Bakugo is never nice to deal with. Maybe there's a way he could cheer him up?
Maybe that would work? It always helped brighten Dekus mood.
He smiled, approaching Bakugo quietly as he continued to grumble.
"I'm stuffing you in a box and shipping you all the way to the UK so Ramsey can train you u-HUP!" Bakugo jolted, arching his back away from a sudden tickly sensation. He turned quickly, glaring at Shoto, who stood with two, pokey index fingers, poised and ready.
"What are you doing?" Bakugo asked, setting the knife on the counter. Maybe the airhead just wanted some attention?
"I'm making you happy again. Or the food will taste bad." Shoto said plainly, his expression soft. Still pretty vacant as usual, but with a hint of a smile.
"The food will taste bad if I'm not happy?"
"First of all, my food always tastes awesome. And second of all, I don'tneed to be made happy. I'm fine."
".... You're lying."
"I am not! You just- hey, HEY! Back off!" Bakugo stammered as Todoroki casually reached for Bakugos sides, squeezing ever so lightly.
The light touch already had Bakugo biting back a smile as he tried to lean away from Shotos teasing fingers. His back met the counter, unable to shimmy any further. Shoto used that opportunity to attack!
"Got you." He smiled, suddenly shifting his hands up to Bakugos' worst spot. Below the underarms above the ribs. When it comes to Bakugo, you have to strike hard and fast, or face the consequences!
"GYAHA! N-No! I-Icehey-hyAHAAAA!" The blonde crumbled, his arms immediately clamping to his sides as he leaned against the counter, sliding down the surface and plopping onto the kitchen tiles with Shotos tickling fingers following.
"GEHEet offa meeeEHEHE! AHA! SHIHIT!"
"I do this to Midoria when he's sad too. It seems to have the same effect on you. I'm glad."
Shoto hummed, using very little effort to make Bakugo squirm under his touch. It was just so easy!
He drummed his fingers up and down Bakugos sides, causing the boy to curl in on himself, trapped between Shoto and the kitchen counter.
"Damn ihit! StAAHA! I-I'm n-nAHA! NOT SAD!" Bakugo howled as he made helpless attempts at grabbing Shotos hands. Nothing worked! Every time he thought he had a wrist gripped, Shoto managed to just slip out and tickle him again
"StahaAHAHAP! Y-You- I-IhIHI'M not making you DINNER!"
Shotos hands stilled. What? No dinner? But, Bakugo always helps with dinner! This won't do. No. Not at all!
"No dinner?... Well. What if I keep tickling you until you agree to cook?" Bakugo shot him a glare. How dare he threaten him like that!
"You wouldn't..." A silence fell between the two, staring at each other, a smirk growing on Shotos face.
"Hey... Icey-hot... OI! Don't just stare like that! I'll kiHIHIII! AHAHA! STAHAHAP! Fuhuck!"
"You know very well the rest of us can't cook. You're our only hope." Todoroki deadpanned as he spidered over Bakugos tummy, switching between different tickle spots to keep him overwhelmed and unable to escape.
The fact that Shoto was so calm and expressionless made the situation ten times worse for Bakugo. He couldn't read the situation properly. It was awful! Not that Bakugo could really see much with his eyes scrunched shut, forcing tears of mirth down his cheeks.
He wasn't giving up though!
Shoto smirked briefly, deciding to take things up a notch. He stuffed his hands up Bakugos shirt, using his Quirk to make one set of fingers warm, and the others awfully cold. A cruel and conflicting method.
A shriek left Bakugos' mouth as he felt the icey cold didgets pressed against his bare ribs, sending a shock wave up his spine.
"FFFAHAHACK! Noho! NahahaAHAAA!" He flailed, arching his back as he twisted and turned this way and that to try avoid the relentless, freezing, fingers!
Every time he leaned from the icey coldness, he was reminded that the warm hand was still there, attacking his worst spot whilst the cold fingers switched to another when he was distracted. There was no escape. Maybe he'd have to surrender?
"SHIHIT! N-NooOOHO! Ah! HAHA! IHICEY- SHIII-!" The blonde's laughter fell silent as Shoto latched onto his worst spot again, upper ribs, below armpits. He was going to make sure Bakugo never threatened to leave them hungry again!
"Hmm, Midoria also reacts when I say tickle. Does it affect you, too? Tickle, tickle." Shoto smiled, repeating the word in his near monotone voice, making poor Bakugis face light up like a Christmas tree! A pretty crimson red.
"S-ShuHUT- AAAAHHHH-!.... UWAH! F-FuhuHAHAK!" Again, his laughter went quiet before he gasped for air. His head threw back, mouth agape as the endless stream of laughter flooded forth.
"Is someone dying in here?"
All the commotion had gained the attention of the rest of class 1-A. A curious Sero peered around the island counter, spotting Bakugos flailing legs sticking out from behind. One of his slippers had been thrown as he kicked and squirmed.
The rest of the class stood in the doorway, grinning from ear to ear at the sight.
"I think he's had enough, Roki." Sero continued, chuckling as he watched Bakugo make another desperate attempt at grabbing his attackers hands.
Shoto stilled his hands, giving Bakugo the chance to finally catch his breath, as he looked up at Sero innocently.
"Bakugo said he wouldn't make us dinner." He explained. Missing out the part where it was partly his own fault.
"Ooooh..." Sero nodded in understanding. He looked at the dishevelled Bakugo on the floor tiles, smirking as he made an attempt at glaring. It wasn't very convincing through that veil of happy tears and rosy cheeks.
"Well," the tape weirder shrugged. "We can't have that now, can we?" He shot Bakugo a cheeky smirk. "As you were, Roki. Call if you need any assistance." He chuckled.
"W-Wait! Hey! Soy sauce face! That's not your decision to mAHAHAKE! NAAAHAHAAA-!"
"Let us know when dinners ready, kay?" Sero called back with a wave as he left with the rest of the class. Condemning Bakugo to his tickly doom!
Shoto looked at Bakugo, casually continuing to tickle him all over.
"I want Soba."
"S-Stuff your damn SOHOBA! DAHAHAHMN IT!"
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Thank you for reading~ ✨️
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maoam · 10 months
The bottom/top debate is tiring because as someone who’s not all that interested the sexual aspect of sns’s relationship (not saying others can enjoy that aspect, it’s just not for me.) I just wanna read about them and their relationship without people using their top/bottom bias to characterize naruto and sasuke.
It’s so prevalent as well, much more than I think people recognize.
That’s why I like your account, you don’t fit naruto and sasuke into these little stereotypical boxes.
Yeah I like to talk about their craziness the most. The writing, the mirroring, the development, the contrasts... how perfectly they fit together.
Anyone notice how this happens in every single fandom? People mischaracterizing characters for a ship? Het shippers do this as well, but if we talk about fujoshis, they often pick like, one character that is woobified and made to be lusted after by all the other male characters. Often this is the main character of a shonen series, Like Naruto or Deku. Or most recently, Yuji. It's kind of comical for me to look at a character who so far is so straight like Yuji to be made into this whimpy uke that all the guys fuck lol.
While Naruto is gay, Kishimoto's characterization of him is so far from what certain people wished it to be. He's a mess, he's not feminine, not girly, not polished, not frail and certainly not a doormat whimp. Kishimoto said he wanted Naruto to be like a typical messy and mischievous boy. Near the end of the story, he said he wanted to draw Naruto as more mature and cool. He also put a lot of his own personality traits into him. It's like people either just don't know how to read or they just don't care. Naruto is his own character, not a vessel for people to project onto. Why don't people care about the actual character and his actual story? To me they aren't different from SS who also don't care about the characterization of Sakura and Sasuke, they just like how they look together.
I haven't read fics in a while because I just can't get into them usually, but I really wish people didn't fucking focus on dick size during a sex scene so much... it is not crucial during butt sex, the size of the dick. And not all sex requires penetration to begin with. But most of them are written by straight women so I guess it's to be expected.
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jfilhol · 20 days
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Deku - Izuku Midoriya
Off for a bit so the shop will reopen after that.
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 367 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 彼方に見えるは… かなたにみえるは… kanata ni mieru wa... What he spotted...
1 あれは…‼︎ are wa...! "That's...!"
2 迷子の味方通学バスのお出ましだぜ まいごのみかたスクールバスのおでましだぜ maigo no mikata SUKUURU BASU no odemashi da ze "My lost ally, the school bus is here!"
3 掴まれ小僧ォ‼︎ つかまれこぞうォ‼︎ tsukamare kozouO!! "Grab on, kid!!"
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1 ありがとうございます! arigatou gozaimasu! "Thank you!"
2 まったく! mattaku! "Jeez!"
3 本来なら雄英の対空警護についてなきゃいけねぇってのに… ほんらいならゆうえいのたいくうけいごについてなきゃいけねぇってのに… honrai nara yuuei no taikuu keigo ni tsuitenakya ikenee tte no ni... "Originally I should have gone with UA's anti-aircraft guard..."
4 すみません! sumimasen! "I'm sorry!"
5 頼むぜ! たのむぜ! tanomu ze...! "[We're] counting on you...!"
6 俺たちゃそもそも撤退命令をブッチし続けて日本に駐留してる おれたちゃそもそもてったいめいれいをブッチしつづけてにほんにちゅうりゅうしてる ore-tacha somosomo tettai meirei wo BUCCHI shi tsudzukete nihon ni chuuryuu shiteru "We're ignoring our orders to retreat in the first place by continuing to stay in Japan."
7 何故だかわかる⁉︎ なぜだかわかる⁉︎ naze da ka wakaru ka!? "Do you know why!?"
8 妹が いもうとが imouto ga "Because our little sister" (Note: He means Star.)
9 おまえらに賭けたからだ おまえらにかけたからだ omaera ni kaketa kara da "bet on you guys."
10 おまえがオールマイトの力を受け継ぐ者ってンなら おまえがオールマイトのちからをうけつぐものってンなら omae ga OORU MAITO no chikara wo uke tsugu mono tteN nara "If you're the one who inherited All Might's power,"
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1 行け いけ ike "then go!"
2 俺たちを伝って おれたちをつたって ore-tachi wo tsutatte "Follow us,"
3-4 あの史上最悪の敵を倒せ! あのしじょうさいあくのヴィランをたおせ! ano shijou saiaku no VIRAN wo taose! "and defeat that worst villain in history!"
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1 緑谷 みどりや Midoriya "Midoriya"
2 出久‼︎ いずく‼︎ Izuku!! "Izuku!!"
3 前より強くなっている…⁉︎ まえよりつよくなっている…⁉︎ mae yori tsuyoku natte iru...!? He's getting stronger than before...!?
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1 あの発光エネルギー… あのはっこうエネルギー… ano hakkou ENERUGII... That luminous energy...
2 あいつの… It's his...
3 っし! sshi! "Done!"
4 緑谷格納完了! みどりやかくのうかんりょう! Midoriya kakunou kanryou! "Midoriya's entrance* complete!" (Note: Literally the word here is "storage" for Izuku getting stored in the box/coffin with everyone.)
5 遅れてすみません! おくれてすみません! okurete sumimasen! "Sorry I'm late!"
6 皆 みんな minna "Is everyone"
7 無事ーー ぶじーー buji--- "okay---"
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1 遅刻の… ちこくの… chikoku no... "For being late..."
2 言い訳はいいのか? いいわけはいいのか? ii wake wa ii no ka? "do you have a good excuse?"
3 トガあたりの…しわざだろ? TOGA atari no...shiwaza daro? "It was Toga's doing, right?"
4 緑谷出久 みどりやいずく Midoriya Izuku "Izuku Midoriya"
5 言ったらどうだ…? いったらどうだ…? ittara dou da...? "How about you say...?"
6 「仕方なかったんだ」 「しかたなかったんだ」 「shikata nakattanda」 "'I couldn't help it.'"
7 「僕も予想外だったんだ」って! 「ぼくもよそうがいだったんだ」って! 「boku mo yosougai dattanda」 tte! "'I also didn't expect it!'"
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1 そうやって sou yatte "If you do that,"
2 「奴等」と同じように 「やつら」とおなじように 「yatsura」 to onaji you ni "won't you be the same as 'them'" (Note: I think "them" means all the heroes ShigAFO hates, like those who didn't save Tenko, and even those present on the field that failed to save Katsuki.)
3 責任から逃れたらどうだ⁉︎ せきにんからのがれたらどうだ⁉︎ sekinin kara nogaretara dou da!?" "runing away from responsibility!?”
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1 怒れば彼は おこればかれは okoreba kare wa When he's angry,
2 極めて短絡的な動きになる きわめてたんらくてきなうごきになる kiwamete tanrakuteki na ugoki ni naru his movements become extremely short-sighted.
3 カウンターで脊椎を壊す! カウンターでせきついをこわす! KAUNTAA de sekitsui wo kowasu! I'll break his spine when I counter!
4 さぁ来い! さぁこい! saa koi! Now come [at me]!
5 プレゼントは喜んでもらえたかな? プレゼントはよろこんでもらえたかな? PUREZENTO wa yorokonde moraeta ka na? "Were you happy with your present?"
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1 大丈夫だ だいじょうぶだ daijoubu da “It’s all right”
2 デク‼︎ DEKU!! “Deku!!”
3 あいつ… aitsu... "That guy..."
4 自分が許せないんだろ⁉︎ ああわかるぜ じぶんがゆるせないんだろ⁉︎ ああわかるぜ jibun ga yurusenaindaro!? aa wakaru ze "You can't forgive yourself, right!? Yeah, I get it!"
5 でも それは敵の思う壺だ‼︎ でも それはヴィランのおもうつぼだ‼︎ demo sore wa BIRAN no omou tsubo da!! "But that's just what the villain wants!" (Note: This is an idiom that literally means, "That's the villain’s thought pot.")
6 大丈夫!環たちまだ息してた! だいじょうぶ!たまきたちまだいきしてた! daijoubu! Tamaki-tachi mada iki shiteta! "It's all right! Tamaki and the others are still breathing!"
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1 今エッジショットが いまエッジショットが ima EJJISHOTTO ga "Right now, Edgeshot"
2 爆豪くんの救命措置にあたってる‼︎ ばくごうくんのきゅうめいそちにあたってる‼︎ Bakugou-kun no kyuumei sochi ni atatteru!! "is taking life-saving measures for Bakugou-kun!!"
3 彼は絶対に成功させる! かれはぜったいにせいこうさせる! kare wa zettai ni seikou saseru! "He will definitely be successful!"
4 その前提で戦ってる‼︎ そのぜんていでたたかってる‼︎ sono zentei de tatakatteru!! "We're fighting [based on] that premise!!"
5 俺たちはまだ何一つ失っちゃいない! おれたちはまだなにひとつうしなっちゃいない! ore-tachi wa mada nani hitotsu ushinaccha inai! "We haven't lost anything yet!"
6 諦めちゃいない あきらめちゃいない akiramecha inai! "We aren't giving up!"
7 きれい事ばかり並べ立てる事を きれいごとばかりならべたてることを kirei goto bakari narabe tateru koto wo "Just spouting off lip service like that"
8 現実逃避というんだ げんじつとうひというんだ genjitsu touhi to iunda "is called escaping reality."
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1 俺たちはヒーローだ…‼︎ おれたちはヒーローだ…‼︎ ore-tachi wa HIIROO da...!! "We are heroes...!!"
2 ヒーローがきれい事並べ立てないで ヒーローがきれいごとならべたてないで HIIROO ga kirei goto narabe tatenaide "If the heroes don't spout out lip service,"
3 誰が理想を現実にするんだ⁉︎ だれがりそうをげんじつにするんだ⁉︎ dare ga risou wo genjitsu ni surunda!? "who will make the ideal into a reality!?"
4 きれい事⁉︎上等さ‼︎ きれいごと⁉︎じょうとうさ‼︎ kirei goto!? joutou sa!! "Lip service!? Bring it on!!"
5 命を賭してきれい事実践するお仕事だ‼︎ いのちをとしてきれいごとじっせんするおしごとだ‼︎ inochi wo toshite kirei goto jissen suru oshigoto da!! "It's part of the job to bet my life and put that lip service into practice!!"
6 妹がおまえらに賭けたからだ いもうとがおまえらにかけたからだ imouto ga omaera ni kaketa kara da Because our little sister bet on you guys.
7 怒るのは良い いかるのはいい ikaru no wa ii It's fine to get mad,
8 肝心なのは かんじんなのは kanjin na no wa but in the end
9-10 心を制する事さ こころをせいすることさ kokoro wo sei suru koto sa you gotta control your heart.
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1 ごめんなさい… gomen nasai... “I’m sorry...”
2 ルミリオン RUMIRION “Lemillion”
3 謝るのは勝ってからだヒーロー あやまるのはかってからだヒーロー ayamaru no wa katte kara da HIIROO “Apologize after we win, Hero”
4 ……
5 AFO… オール・フォー・ワン… OORU FOO WAN... “All For One...”
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1-2 まだそこに死柄木はいるのか? まだそこにしがらきはいるのか? mada soko ni Shigaraki wa iru no ka? "Is Shigaraki still in there?"
tagline 1 怒りを制してーー いかりをせいしてーー ikari wo sei shite-- Controlling his anger--
tagline 2 次号、2号連続カラー第2弾!センターカラー! じごう、2ごうれんぞくカラーだい2だん!センターカラー! jigou, 2gou renzoku KARAA dai2dan! SENTAA KARAA! Next issue, 2nd consecutive color [page]! Center color!
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sliceofdyke · 2 years
i want to study at yaoi university
i would finally find the seme to my uke. i would read doujinshis and get nose bleeds with other fujoshis. i would write gay smut fanfic of bakugo and deku. i would major in BL and minor in yuri. i am also more likely to meet prep, goth, jock, and nerd from the boyfriends webtoon.
i wish i was yaoi :(
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thatmilkshakedragon · 10 months
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Gonna talk about this guy for a second because I genuinely feel like no one is talking about this/ not enough coverage about the Deku headcannons made in the bnha/mha fandom.
I'm gonna spit it out now, I think Bakudeku is the most overrated ship I have ever seen, in any fandom, period. I also think that Deku is one of the most shit on characters by a fandom that doesn't really deserve to get shit on. There is so much I can say about this, but for the purposes of you, the reader, I'll try and keep this as short as I can.
OFFICIAL CONTENT WARNING FROM HERE : I will be talking about alot of sensitive topics in this post but the main ones I will be covering are Underage Sex, SH, depression etc. Also there will be slight spoilers for the show ( I haven't watched it so don't expect anything massive )
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So let's talk about Boku no Hero Academia/ My Hero Academia. Alot of you know about this show already, but for those who don't :
Boku No Hero Academia/ My Hero Academia is an Manga Series turned anime, originally illustrated and written by Kōhei Horikoshi. In the series, we follow a Teenager called Izuku Midoriya (Deku for short) , who is a "quirkless" boy lives in a world of "quirks" (superpowers). He still dreams of being a superhero, and he gets scouted by his hero, "All might", who bestows his powers onto him after seeing his potential, and also helps to get him into a prestigious high school for superheroes in training.
Now in this anime, there is another boy called Katsuki Bakugo, who has bullied Deku ever since he was a child. When they were in middle school, the bullying did not stop, and now in high school they continued to be rivals/ Deku being bullied by Bakugo.
Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with headcannons/au's, in fact, I think headcannons/au's are one of the building blocks of fandom. But there is a certain point in which these Au's can cross a line, and unfortunately in the Bnha/Mha fandom, that line is crossed a fair bit.
Let's start with bakudeku, the thing that sparked this whole post in the first place. At the start of this post I said it was overrated, and I stand by that. The amount of hype I see of these two getting in a relationship fills me with absolute agony. THESE TWO AREN'T COMPATIBLE IN THE SLIGHTEST. Yes, Katsuki may have character development that I have not seen, since I do not watch this show ( the reasons why can get a post on its own ), but from the clips I've seen of Katsuki, he just seems like a huge jackass towards EVERYONE. The only people he does respect are adults who can beat the shit out of him, and that's really sad. Now let's get to Izuku. I'm not very sure but personally I don't think he will be shipped with anyone, at least not for the time being. Izuku seems focused on becoming a hero at the moment in the series, so I'd highly doubt that he will be getting into a relationship.
Now lets get into another reason for why Izuku is shit upon. The amount of Batsuit insane stuff that the Bnha/Mha fandom has produced. This segment doesn't just run for deku either, this can be for arguably every character in the show (besides grape guy everyone agrees he is a dick) Fanfiction is in my opinion, the core part of a thriving fandom, alongside Fanart and Headcannons, but the amount of fanfiction that has Izuku as a cat maid for todoroki or some shit along the lines of that IS INSANE. A bunch of these characters aren't aged up either, which makes it even more fucking gross. Like youre writing 2 teenagers fucking each other in their rooms which they still have like stuff up from when they were 10 or some shit. I do know about Japan's fucked up sex culture quite a bit, and how the age of consent is lowered there, but this is still a huge problem regardless.
Let's stop with the CP, and now go onto depressed Deku. I also see in the Bnha/Mha fandom, that there is a lot of content about Deku being depressed or like not mentally ok. In alot of these headcannons, there's usually an event where a character will find Deku's arms with giant slits on them, or they will find blood on Deku's clothes, and Deku will try and deny that he is depressed, or go into a massive breakdown. These headcannons usually involve Deku going to a mental institution to seek help, and along the way fall in love with a character ( I lied there's more ship content ) . My personal opinion, these are disgusting headcannons. Yet again, this guy is still in his teens, and you're putting him into crazy scenarios not many teens have.
The last point I have to make is the plague that this character made upon fandom. From Gacha, to Ao3 to Tumblr, the shittyfied Deku has taken over fandom spaces like these. The amount of gacha content surrounding Deku (usually in a relationship with a character) is fucking insane. For every 20 videos you can find on YouTube of Bnha/Mha, at least 15 will be bakudeku. There's not much normal content anymore on the fandom, because the shitty deku has taken over, and I find that really sad.
It's a genuine shame that Deku has been tested like this, because he seems like suck a great character for this anime, but the fandom has just betrayed him. It's saddening seeing the showrunners get harassed for not shipping Deku with anyone, rather then actually critiquing things wrong with the show ( like directing, writing, comedy etc ). Idk man, this whole thing just makes me really sad.
if you do need some guidance for your mental health, you're under 18, and you live in Ireland or the UK, then call ChildLine, they are a brilliant organisation who listens and lets you vent and lets you be heard. To find out more go to www.childline.co.uk for more info.
Please for the love of God reblog this I spent over an hour on it and it's 20 past 1 in the morning kill me 🤠
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wri0thesley · 1 year
HELLO FRIENDS. posting a sales post for some merch!! character bundles, mostly JJK and BNHA but there's a teeny tiny bit of sanrio too. i ship from the UK, you can find feedback for sales i've done before (mostly egl fashion) here.
shipping within the uk is £4, shipping outside of the uk will be £12. the pound is SUPER WEAK against the dollar right now so . . . fnkbgjnfk. i only want to sell as character bundles but if you have more patience than me you could always sell on separately; good bundles for starting an itabag, adding to a collection, or just because you love a character!
if you are interested in anything pls send me a dm, that's the easiest way for me to keep track of things. if you want any more pictures or to ask any questions etc you can also reach out through dms! <3
Geto Bundle (4 Keychains/Straps, hairclips, two cable grip figures, 1 small figure, 1 acrylic stand): £15
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Maki Bundle (6 Keychains/Straps, 1 mini acrylic stand, 1 clip): £15
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Megumi Bundle (2 small plush keychains, 1 clip, hairclips, 2 acrylic stands, 7 keychains/strap, 1 mini acrylic stand, 2 small figures): £30
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Nobara Bundle (2 small plush keychains, 1 clip, hairclips, 2 acrylic stands, 7 keychains/strap, 1 mini acrylic stand, 2 small figures): £30
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Panda Bundle (6 keychains/straps, 1 mini acrylic stand, 1 clip): £15
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Sukuna Bundle (2 keychains/straps, hairclips, 3 small figures, 2 acrylic stands): £15 SOLD
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Toge Bundle (7 keychains/straps, 1 mini acrylic stand, 1 clip): £18
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Yuuji Bundle (2 small plush keychains, 2 cable grip figures, 3 small figures, hairclips, mini acrylic stand, 2 acrylic stands, 8 keychains/straps): £35
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Miscellaneous Bundle (2 plushes of Ijichi, 1 Ijichi cable grip figure, 1 Jogo cable grip figure, small Jogo figure in box, Choso and his brothers keychain/strap): £10
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Deku Bundle (2 orb plush keychains, 1 button): £12
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Ochaco Bundle (1 orb plush keychain, 1 button, 1 keychain/strap): £10
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Iida Bundle (1 orb plush keychain, 1 keychain/strap, 2 buttons): £10
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Kirishima Bundle (1 orb plush keychain, 2 keychain/straps, 1 acrylic stand): £10
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Dabi Bundle (1 orb plush keychain, sanrio x bnha button, sanrio x bnha keychain/strap, 4 buttons, 1 other keychain/strap): £20 SOLD
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Toga Bundle (1 orb plush keychain, 3 buttons, 1 keychain/strap): £15
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Miscellaneous Bundle (2 orb plush keychains, 2 buttons (bakugo and todoroki), sanrio x all might keychain/strap, sanrio x all might button, denki card of some description, froppy acrylic stand, 6 keychains/straps): £15
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Sanrio orb plush, £5 each (Kuromi (SOLD), My Melody (SOLD), Pochacco)
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deku--zine · 1 year
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Preorders are now open for DEKU: An Izuku Midoriya Appreciation Zine! Our team of wonderful artists and creators have worked hard to bring to you the next best thing to Deku himself! ✨
See below for more info!
Our limited edition DEKU PLUSHIE can be bought on its own! But be quick—we’re only selling 100 PLUSHIES for preorder!
- Not eligible for any stretch goals on its own
- 10 inches; includes shirt, pants, shoes, jacket, hat and bag
Our Full Bundle with all the Deku goodness!
- 1 Physical Zine
- 3 prints
- 2 polaroid prints
- 2 sticker sheets
- 3 die cut stickers
- 1 acrylic charm
- 1 notepad
- 1 enamel pin
- 1 washi tape
✨ eligible for ALL stretch goals
Our merch bundle ro add a hint of green to your bnha merch collection!
- 3 prints
- 2 polaroid prints
- 2 sticker sheets
- 3 die cut stickers
- 1 acrylic charm
- 1 notepad
- 1 enamel pin
- 1 washi tape
✨ eligible for ALL stretch goals
Our half bundle, for those of you who like some thrill!
- physical Zine
- 2 prints
- 1 polaroid print
- 1 sticker sheet
- 2 die cut stickers
Items are chosen at random
✨ eligible for stretch goals 1 and 2
Our physical zine for the bookworms who love to flip through pages on a rainy day!
- physical zine
✨ eligible for stretch goals 1 and 2
Always on the go? Grab our digital zine so you can peruse the pages of Deku goodness wherever, whenever!
- digital zine PDF
✨ not eligible for stretch goals
+$5 Broccoli Side Dish
For just 5 USD, you can take a gander at how the zine was made! From walkthroughs on how our creators made their pieces, to exclusive behind the scenes content 👀 This is the zine for the curious, and creative enthusiasts! You even get discord emojis on the side, what a treat!
- Behind the scenes PDF
- Discord emojis
✨ not eligible for stretch goals
For every milestone we hit in sales, respective physical orders receive STRETCH GOAL items FOR FREE! Help us unlock our stretch goals by ordering from our shops today!
US/INTL: https://dekuzine.bigcartel.com
UK: https://etsy.me/3gKxq3z
Mar 11 - Apr 15 (or until we hit physical PO limits)
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dolliedarlin · 2 years
UPCOMING . . . B I R T H D A Y . S P E C I A L ! (12th S E P T.)
hello, my loves!
i'm sorry for being away for such an extended amount of time; as soon as i finished my summer resit exams, i went abroad to the Philippines to see family again after some years because of the pandemic.
i know i said i would be writing during that time but it was kind of a struggle to write because there was hardly any secure wifi where i was living TT^TT and also, i was doing a lot with family and just finally relaxing for the summer after all that stress with exams and such
but just yesterday, i came back to the UK with stable wifi and tomorrow...it's my birthday (september 12th) where i'll be hosting my first ever birthday special!
the rules are pretty simple -^7^-
i'll be accepting and writing any and all requests for the whole day so long as they aren't nsfw, don't include any triggering content and only concern the fandoms i am already currently writing for on this blog (bnha, haikyuu + tokyo revengers)
for clarification, triggering content that i will not be writing for include :
child abuse
homophobia or transphobia
rape and other forms of sexual violence/abuse
animal abuse or death
i will NOT be writing requests that include these topics but everything else, i will do my best to write!
also... just so i can get through as many requests as i can, i'll be keeping the word count for each request between a (min.) 500 to 2k (max.) word length
not only that but, for those of you who have been anticipating an update on my current fics, i will be posting them throughout the day of my birthday too! so it'll be a whole day of finally dishing out the content i've been deprived of posting for so long!
all updates include the following :
extras for kiripima! (kirishima endearment series)
extras for mommy! (bakugou endearment series)
the p.a chapter 6 | poly bakusquad
mechanic x rich girl | shinichiro
snow white and the seven dwarves | bokuto ; dream come true series
for now, think up a request or two, there are no limits; so long as you make the request on september 12th, i'll be writing it!
that's all! see you lovely darlings tomorrow <3
all my love,
dollie x
🔖 : @hangesidekick ;  @emotionalfangirl2002 ; @kookie02 ; @lordbugs ; @answer-the-sirens ; @@toobsessedsstuff ; @moonbinnie0983 ; @kinba-ri ; @beaniebanby ;  @themoonandlover ; @ravensfeatheruniverse
@barbra-annbunny ; @modmochi ; @maybeisthemoon ; @a-book-lover-things ; @thathoneybee3 ; @lostinbooksblog ; @moonlightaangel ; @cocoa-bitter ; @mysteriousparker ; @mha-baku-todo-deku-kiri ; @dangerousluv1 ; @pansexualproblemchild ; @peacchfuz ; @skywalkerstyles ; @chwlogy ; @acuario2 ; @juliannaelee ; @levimeko ; @neutralchaosintheworld ; @saccharisa ; @no1herothatlookslikeavillain
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kitthepurplepotato · 7 months
I honestly stumbled along your works oneday and COMPLELTY FELL IN LOVE. You always make my day just a bit brighter!! Very scrumptious works 💕 I was wondering if I could join the tag list to get updated? Every chapter you put out is always so entertaining, so thank you purple potato🛐🛐
Omg you are so sweet thank you! I’m glad they make your day brighter! 💜💜💜 Would you like to be added to all 3 then? (Aizawa, deku, bakugou)
I won’t add you to any new content that I’ll post in case you don’t like the pairing so just feel free to send a comment and I’ll add you to those as well in the future!
Update for everyone: hopefully, the next deku chapter will be out tomorrow around the evening (UK time)!
Don’t ask about Aizawa, I haven’t even had time to start the chapter but I’ll work on that next! Last chapter whoop whoop!
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siflshonen · 1 year
What type of music do you think bkdk listen too I want to project onto Deku and say jazz cause it what I listen to but it probably anime soundtrack that edits all might and bkg I know people like saying rock but I think he listens to rap cause of the art hori did of him beatboxing
Huh! That's a fun question. I think it's probably a variety. But given their background and the sorta-meta conversation happening around how much US influence both boys experience and like in their daily lives, this is what I think they'd trend towards. It's funny you mention jazz, because there's a lot of history behind the Japanese jazz scene and music scene in general in response to westernization.
I've never really thought about it in seriousness, just like a passing joke, so here's what's coming to me off the top of my head.
Deku: modern pop, J-rock, anything in an action movie soundtrack and almost anything that has been touched by westernization into the main stream. Somehow, besides themes commonly used for his favorite heroes or in All Might cartoons and shows, I'm not sure how deeply he might think about music on its own instead of just like a casual consumer saying, "oh! I like this!" but if Heroes put out CDs, I'm sure he has them all because it coincides with his other, more obvious obsession. I can see him listening to a lot of different stuff, though.
Given Izuku's admiration for the "very aggressive" and western-like Katsuki, he probably has a collection of very intense and anti-authoritarian rap and heavy rock mixed within all the more general mainstream stuff, too.
Bakugo: I think Katsuki likely has a surprisingly varied library, too, but with a more noticeable trend towards blatantly US or the UK's bands and more of a penchant for heavier rock, metal, and rap than Izuku does overall. Stuff with the rhythm section very prominent rather than just plain "loud" music only. Whatever it is, it is likely more contemporary stuff with a few surprise tracks thrown in. However, I have a gut instinct to say that, of the two of them, I could see him having a fondness for jazz before Izuku, or at least a more noticeable one. I have nothing with which to justify this except a gut feeling.
And, again, to mirror what I said about Izuku's taste probably dipping into edgier territory as a flip to the "expected standard", I think Katsuki probably has the cultural equivalent of, like, what I like to call "sad girl music" - some Taylor Swift, Mitski (actually, yeah, for post DVK2-Katsuki, there's probably a lot of Mitski in there if he ever discovered it considering the topics of many of her songs), and stuff like that - on his playlists.
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elzifelzi · 1 year
So like
I'm not big into ships
As I've said numerous times before
Yes i have ships that interest me and whatever
But I've never been big into it.
Uk 2 things i really hate
Are people who take shipping way to seriously especially their fan ships
And people who will blatantly shit on a canon ship simply because the ship they wanted to happen didn't happen...
Like for example take Deku and Uraraka
From the first time they interact its clear bro has a crush on her
Later on uraraka even acknowledges that she has feelings for deku,there is a wholeee chapter where she and toga literally fight because of their mutual interest in deku..
But for some reason
Folks decide
Nah fuck that
Lets ship deku with the dude who bullied him his whole life and told him to go kill himself on numerous occasions.
Lets ship uraraka with the dude who calls her shit like extra and has like 2 actual interactions with her (one being a fight)..
And then they'll take these 2 ships and try their hardest to say that they make more sense than the one established.
Like again ship who u want that shit is harmless but don't come at me..with a wholepassigr aggressive 6000 page essay on why ur ship is better than the canon one simply cuz i don't agree with you.
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tinychaogarden · 2 years
u can get into ua highschool w out a quirk now deku go in and he become a hero of great value an regard
man shut the uk upo deku you lil bitch fcuck you ugly asss greenbean assss green btuich shut the fuck upo bitch
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ao3feed-toshinko · 6 months
by DulceJime
Todos tenemos heridas Tanto físicas como emocionales, sin duda dependiendo de cada quién las heridas sanan o no. Katsuki quiere creer que su herida se ha cerrado, Izuku no para de herirse. Tal vez entre ellos puedan sanar y cicatrizar la herida "Al amor, como cerámica, cuando se rompe, aunque de reconstruya, se le conocerán sus cicatrices"
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Advertencias ⚠️ BakuDeku ⚠️ Habra bastante Ooc por parte de Katsuki y Deku pero sigue siendo Kacchan seme y Deku uke ⚠️ Mención del KiriKami ⚠️ Mención de uso de drogas, alcohol y suicidio ⚠️Historia mía pero los personajes son de Horikoshi Kohei. ⚠️ Si quieres adaptar la historia pedirme permiso y dar créditos
Words: 1974, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Eri (My Hero Academia), Toogata Mirio, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Toga Himiko, Utsushimi Camie
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul/Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki/Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bakugou Katsuki/Utsushimi Camie
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Drug Use, Anxiety Attacks
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