#Dating Websites
dealsdart · 3 months
how to find the right woman: dating tips, attracting women and dating advice for men
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Outline of the Article
Understanding Yourself First
Identifying your values and goals
Knowing What You Want
Clarifying your ideal partner Understanding
Building Attraction
Where to Meet Women
Online dating platforms
Navigating the Dating
Handling Rejection and Setbacks
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Setting the stage for finding the right woman involves laying a solid foundation of self-awareness and intention. Before embarking on the journey of dating and relationships, it's crucial to understand oneself deeply. This introspection involves identifying personal values, goals, and desires, which serve as guiding principles in the search for a compatible partner. Additionally, cultivating confidence and self-improvement is essential, as it not only enhances attractiveness but also fosters a healthy sense of self-worth. By setting clear intentions and understanding what one truly seeks in a partner, individuals can embark on the path to finding a fulfilling and meaningful relationship with the right woman.
Understanding Yourself First Identifying your values and goals
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Understanding yourself is the cornerstone of personal growth and fulfillment. It involves delving deep into your inner workings to identify your core values and goals. Values serve as the guiding principles that shape your decisions, behaviors, and attitudes. They reflect what truly matters to you and what you stand for in life. By recognizing your values, you gain clarity on what drives you and what you aspire to achieve. Similarly, setting clear goals provides a roadmap for your journey towards self-improvement and success. Goals give you direction and purpose, helping you channel your efforts towards meaningful objectives. When you understand yourself first, you align your actions with your values and goals, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life. This self-awareness enables you to make decisions that resonate with your true self, fostering a sense of coherence and inner harmony. Moreover, understanding yourself empowers you to navigate life's challenges with resilience and confidence, as you know who you are and what you want to accomplish. Ultimately, by embarking on the journey of self-discovery, you lay the foundation for personal growth, fulfillment, and a life that reflects your true essence.
Knowing What You Want Clarifying your ideal partner Understanding
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Knowing what you want is the foundational step towards achieving any goal, and finding an ideal partner is no exception. It involves a deep exploration of your values, desires, and non-negotiables. When clarifying your ideal partner, it's essential to delve into both the tangible and intangible aspects of compatibility. This means identifying specific traits, such as kindness, ambition, or a sense of humor, while also recognizing the deeper qualities that resonate with your core being. Understanding your own needs and preferences is crucial in this process. It requires introspection and honesty with oneself to discern what truly matters in a relationship. Additionally, recognizing what you don't want can be just as enlightening as knowing what you do want, as it helps to refine your search criteria and avoid settling for less than you deserve. Ultimately, knowing what you want in a partner is about aligning with someone who complements your life in meaningful ways, fostering growth, mutual respect, and happiness. This clarity not only guides your search but also empowers you to recognize and appreciate the right person when they come into your life.
Building Attraction
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Building attraction is a delicate dance of connection and chemistry, a symphony of gestures and words that ignites the spark between two individuals. It begins with the initial encounter, where a captivating smile or a meaningful gaze lays the foundation. Authenticity is the cornerstone; being genuine and sincere creates an irresistible allure. Engaging in meaningful conversations that delve into passions, dreams, and shared interests cultivates a deeper connection, fostering a sense of understanding and resonance. Vulnerability becomes the bridge that allows emotions to flow freely, creating an atmosphere of trust and intimacy.
Humor adds a layer of levity, sparking laughter that resonates deep within, forging a bond that transcends the mundane. Shared experiences, whether exploring new places or indulging in common hobbies, create lasting memories that bind hearts together. Attention to detail demonstrates thoughtfulness and care, making the other person feel valued and cherished.
Physical touch, when appropriate and consensual, communicates desire and affection, heightening the intensity of attraction. Gestures of kindness and generosity showcase character and evoke admiration. Building attraction is not just about superficial charms; it's about creating a magnetic pull that draws souls closer, weaving a tapestry of emotions and desires that intertwine seamlessly. It's a journey of discovery, exploration, and connection, where every moment is an opportunity to deepen the bond and kindle the flames of passion.
Where to Meet Women Online dating platforms
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Online dating platforms have become a popular avenue for meeting women in today's digital age. With the convenience of swiping through profiles and engaging in conversations from the comfort of one's own home, these platforms offer a wide array of opportunities to connect with potential partners. Whether you're seeking a casual relationship or something more serious, online dating sites cater to various preferences and interests. From niche platforms focused on specific hobbies or lifestyles to mainstream apps with large user bases, there's something for everyone. Additionally, these platforms often provide tools and algorithms to help users find compatible matches based on their preferences and personality traits, streamlining the process of meeting like-minded individuals. Moreover, online dating allows for the exploration of different connections without the pressure of face-to-face interactions, making it easier for introverted individuals to initiate conversations and build relationships at their own pace. Overall, online dating platforms offer a convenient and accessible way to meet women, providing a virtual space where connections can flourish and lead to meaningful offline interactions.
Navigating the Dating Process
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Navigating the dating process is akin to embarking on a thrilling adventure, full of twists, turns, and unexpected encounters. It's a journey where two individuals set sail on the vast sea of emotions, seeking compatibility, connection, and ultimately, companionship. As they navigate through the murky waters of initial attraction, they must skillfully steer through the waves of uncertainty and vulnerability, learning to communicate openly and honestly. Like skilled sailors, they adjust their sails, adapting to the ever-changing winds of expectations, desires, and boundaries. Along the way, they encounter hidden reefs of past experiences and emotional baggage, which require careful navigation and understanding. Yet, amidst the challenges, there are moments of joy and excitement, where sparks fly, and hearts race with anticipation. With patience and perseverance, they explore uncharted territories of shared interests, values, and aspirations, laying the foundation for a lasting connection. And just as every voyage has its destination, so too does the dating journey lead to the discovery of love, intimacy, and the fulfillment of the heart's deepest desires.
Handling Rejection and Setbacks
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Handling rejection and setbacks is an essential skill in navigating life's ups and downs. When faced with rejection, whether it's from a job, a relationship, or a personal goal, it's natural to feel disappointed and even discouraged. However, it's important to remember that rejection is not a reflection of your worth or abilities. Instead of dwelling on the negative, use rejection as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. Take the time to analyze what went wrong and what lessons can be learned from the experience. Embrace the setback as a chance to reassess your goals and approach them from a different angle. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can provide encouragement and perspective during difficult times. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that setbacks are a normal part of life's journey. By maintaining a positive attitude and perseverance, you can turn rejection into a stepping stone towards future success. Keep pushing forward, stay resilient, and believe in your ability to overcome obstacles.
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In the journey of navigating the complex realm of dating and relationships, one fundamental truth emerges: understanding oneself is the cornerstone of success. The process begins with introspection, delving deep into our values and goals. By clearly identifying what truly matters to us, we pave the way for authentic connections built on mutual understanding and respect. Moreover, knowing what we want in a partner allows us to navigate the vast sea of potential suitors with clarity and purpose.
Building attraction is an art that requires a delicate balance of confidence, authenticity, and genuine interest. Whether it's through traditional avenues or online dating platforms, the key lies in being true to oneself while actively engaging with others. However, the journey is not without its challenges. Rejection and setbacks are inevitable parts of the dating process, but they need not derail our quest for love and companionship.
Instead, they serve as valuable lessons, guiding us towards growth and self-discovery. By embracing rejection as a natural part of the journey, we learn resilience and perseverance, qualities that ultimately lead us closer to our desired outcomes. Moreover, setbacks provide an opportunity for introspection, allowing us to refine our approach and align it more closely with our values and goals.
In conclusion, navigating the world of dating requires a deep understanding of oneself, a clear vision of what we seek in a partner, and the resilience to overcome obstacles along the way. Armed with these insights, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and ultimately, the fulfillment of meaningful connections.
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flirthouse-blog · 2 years
Flirt Intro
Flirthouse is perhaps the best-known underground dating site in the world for men over 40. We have been bringing older men and younger women together for years. Flirthouse has a peaceful online environment where all members can chat, flirt, mingle, get familiar and have fun. Our role is not to govern any offline activity. This blog is meant for men over 40 specifically. Why men over 40? Because it is at that stage in a man's life when that often talked about mid-life crisis tends to kick in. Having a younger woman under your arm always makes life easier especially when you are a man over 40. With that said, we hope our series of articles will enlighten you as to why online dating for men over 40, is a viable and acceptable path to take.
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datingappsguide · 2 months
Meine Erfahrung mit Dating-Apps: Frustrierend, aber eDarling hat sich bewährt!
Hallo zusammen,
ich wollte meine Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Dating-Apps teilen, da ich denke, dass viele von euch ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht haben könnten. Ich habe verschiedene Apps ausprobiert, von Tinder bis zu Bumble, und ehrlich gesagt war die Erfahrung größtenteils frustrierend.
Das Hauptproblem, das ich mit den meisten Apps hatte, war die Oberfläche und die allgemeine Benutzererfahrung. Viele von ihnen schienen oberflächlich und es war schwierig, wirklich bedeutungsvolle Verbindungen herzustellen. Das ständige Wischen nach links und rechts fühlte sich oft wie eine Zeitverschwendung an.
Aber dann bin ich auf eDarling gestoßen, und das war eine angenehme Überraschung. Ja, ich weiß, die Registrierung bei eDarling ist etwas aufwendiger, mit diesem langen Fragebogen, den man ausfüllen muss. Aber ich muss sagen, dieser Fragebogen hat sich gelohnt.
Die Fragen waren wirklich tiefgehend und haben mir geholfen, mich selbst besser zu verstehen und auch meine Vorstellungen von einer Beziehung zu klären. Und das Beste daran war, dass die Matches, die ich aufgrund dieses Fragebogens bekommen habe, viel relevanter und ernsthafter waren als auf anderen Plattformen.
Ich denke, wenn man wirklich nach einer ernsthaften Beziehung sucht, ist eDarling definitiv einen Versuch wert. Die Qualität der Matches ist viel höher und man spart Zeit, da man nicht durch endlose Profile wischen muss, die nicht zu einem passen.
Natürlich ist eDarling nicht perfekt und es gibt immer noch einige Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten. Aber im Vergleich zu anderen Apps, die ich ausprobiert habe, hat es sich definitiv als die beste Option erwiesen.
Wie sind eure Erfahrungen mit Dating-Apps? Habt ihr ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht oder vielleicht sogar eine andere App gefunden, die besser funktioniert hat? Ich bin gespannt auf eure Meinungen!
Liebe Grüße!
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puqme · 5 months
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jaythelay · 5 months
Real fucked up that every dating site basically died to become a shitty tinder knockoff.
Honestly stunned there's literally NO ONE competing in this space when Tinder is so god damned worthless.
I do not give a FUCK about your superficial looks, Do You Play Left 4 Dead and mostly watch YT content. Are you a good person. Your fucking face isn't even going to be seen in the relationship because I don't look anyone in the god damn face because it's fucking weird man.
Let's talk, let's hang, let's discuss interests, while having the discussion be open to dating at anytime.
Shit man, it's not difficult to make a good dating site, we had them, but again, literally, all of them died. I wanna read unhinged answers to pre-made questions, completely generic music interests, give me some fucking humanity man.
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tmamarriage · 6 months
We are always happy to find or connect with people in our community. If you are looking for Japanese friendship online, you will find many websites that offer Japanese girlfriend dating services. 
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G.I.Joe. or vibrator with passion dots?
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meetsinglesusa · 9 months
Free Online Dating Website find love and companionship in the modern world
Online dating has revolutionized the way people find love and companionship in the modern world. With the advent of dating websites, people can now meet and connect with potential partners from all over the world, regardless of their location or social status. Online dating websites offer a convenient, efficient, and cost-effective way to find love, and they are becoming increasingly popular.
One of the main benefits of online dating websites is that they offer a much wider pool of potential partners compared to traditional dating methods. With online dating, you can connect with people who you may never have met otherwise. You can also filter potential partners based on specific criteria such as age, location, interests, and more, making it easier to find someone who is compatible with you.
Online dating websites are also a great way to meet new people and expand your social circle. Even if you don’t find your soulmate on the website, you can still make new friends and acquaintances who share your interests and hobbies. This can be particularly beneficial if you are new to an area or if you are looking to branch out socially.
Another advantage of online dating websites is that they offer a safer way to meet new people. You can take your time to get to know someone before meeting them in person, and you can do so from the comfort and safety of your own home. This can be particularly important for women, who may feel more vulnerable when meeting strangers in person.
However, online dating does come with some risks, and it is important to take steps to protect yourself. It is important to be cautious when sharing personal information online and to always meet in a public place for your first few dates. You should also trust your instincts and avoid anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
When it comes to creating a successful online dating profile, there are several tips that can help you stand out and attract potential partners. First, be honest and genuine in your profile. Don’t try to be someone you’re not, as this will only lead to disappointment later on. Instead, highlight your strengths and what makes you unique.
Another tip is to use high-quality photos that accurately represent who you are. Avoid using blurry or outdated photos, and make sure your profile picture is clear and shows your face. You should also include a mix of photos that show different aspects of your personality and interests.
When writing your profile, be descriptive and specific. Instead of saying you enjoy hiking, for example, talk about your favorite trails and why you enjoy being outdoors. This will give potential partners a better idea of who you are and what you’re looking for in a relationship.
Finally, be open-minded and flexible when it comes to dating. You may have certain preferences or deal breakers, but it’s important to keep an open mind and give people a chance. Remember, online dating is a numbers game, and the more people you connect with, the more likely you are to find someone who is truly compatible with you.
In conclusion, online dating websites offer a convenient and effective way to meet new people and find love in the modern world. While it’s important to be cautious and protect yourself, online dating can be a safe and rewarding experience if approached with the right mindset. By creating a genuine and compelling profile, being open-minded and flexible, and taking the time to get to know potential partners, you can increase your chances of finding your perfect match.
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realsisterwives · 11 months
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gaynoreevans · 1 year
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nandakhil · 1 year
The Relationship’s Today!
I worked on a Wedding show for television. And learnt something that would make me teach how things worked in the years to come. “Storytelling” and “stories” are the two things that connect us the most. A good story, Told beautifully or interestingly would hook us on immediately. That was the foundation of marriage: Make someone believe they are in love with you over and over again until the…
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meetsinglesusa · 9 months
Are you tired of being Single Dating Free Online and ready to start dating again?
Online dating may be the solution for you. With the advancements in technology, it has become increasingly popular to find love through the internet. In fact, millions of people around the world have found their perfect match Single Dating Free Online.
At Single Dating Online, we understand how difficult it can be to find someone you’re compatible with. That’s why we’ve created a platform that makes it easier for Single Dating Free Online to connect with others who share their interests and values.
Our online dating platform is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Once you sign up, you’ll be asked to create a profile that includes information about yourself, such as your hobbies, interests, and what you’re looking for in a partner. This information will be used to match you with other Single Dating Free Online who are compatible with you.
One of the benefits of online dating is the ability to search for potential partners based on specific criteria. Our platform allows you to filter your search results based on age, location, interests, and more. This means that you can focus on connecting with people who are most likely to be a good match for you.
At Single Dating Online, we take safety and security seriously. We use advanced security measures to protect your personal information and prevent fraudulent activity on our platform. Additionally, all of our profiles are verified, so you can feel confident that you’re connecting with real people.
Communication is key when it comes to online dating. That’s why we offer a range of communication tools to help you connect with other singles. These tools include instant messaging, email, and video chat, allowing you to get to know someone before deciding to meet in person.
We understand that online dating can be intimidating, especially for those who are new to the experience. That’s why we offer a range of resources to help you get started. Our Single Dating Free Online experts are available to provide advice and guidance on everything from creating a profile to navigating the online dating world.
One of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to online dating is to be yourself. It can be tempting to try to present a perfect image of yourself, but it’s important to remember Single Dating Free Online that everyone has flaws and imperfections. By being authentic and honest, you’re more likely to connect with someone who appreciates you for who you are.
Whether you’re looking for a casual fling or a long-term relationship, Single Dating Online has something for everyone. Our platform is designed to help you find the perfect match, no matter what you’re looking for Single Dating Free Online.
So why not give online dating a try? It may just be the key to finding the love you’ve been searching for. Sign up today and start connecting with other singles in your area. Who knows? You may just find your perfect match.
More Links: Single Dating Free Online
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flirthouse-blog · 2 years
The benefits of Online Dating for men over 40
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The benefits of Online Dating for men over 40
It's not just about meeting women—it's about finding the right woman. And that's something that can be tough to do in real life, especially if you're a guy over 40 who's looking for love.
Online dating gives you the opportunity to meet all kinds of women, from all over the world. You might be surprised at how many beautiful, intelligent women there are out there who are looking for someone like you—and they're willing to meet their matches online. If you're tired of going on dates with women who don't share your interests or values, try online dating!
It’s convenient:
Online dating is easy to use, and it can be accessed from anywhere at any time. You don’t need to leave the house or go out into public spaces to meet women, which can be intimidating for men who are older and more vulnerable to rejection. Online dating allows you to stay in your comfort zone and find dates at your own pace so that you never miss an opportunity because of shyness or fear of rejection.
 It’s economical:
Online dating costs nothing to try out, so there is no risk involved! Most sites offer a free trial period so that you can test them out before deciding which one is right for you. If you decide not to continue with any service after the free trial period, there are no penalties whatsoever—you won't even be charged for cancellations during this time frame!
 It’s private:
Some people may feel uncomfortable going on dates in public places because of their age or appearance; however, online dating allows them to find people who are interested in meeting up with them privately instead of having to go through all the trouble of finding someone offline. 
This article has touched on a few benefits of online dating for men over 40. From this point onwards, feel free to visit this page to read other informative pieces that Flirthouse shall be uploading now and again. Thanks for being here and never be afraid to contact us if you have any questions, queries, or comments.
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jasminewilson143 · 2 years
Virtual dates and video speed dating: Dating.com Group launches a $50 million corporate venture fund
Dating.com Group, a division of IAC/InterActiveCorp that owns OkCupid, is launching a corporate venture fund with an initial $50 million in funding. The new division hopes to revitalize the online dating industry by bringing back real-life interactions between potential partners through virtual dates and video speed dating.
Dating.com Group, which started in 1995 as a matchmaking service, launched a division in 2006 with the goal of revitalizing the online dating industry.
Dating.com Group, which started in 1995 as a matchmaking service, launched a division in 2006 with the goal of revitalizing the online dating industry. The company’s new corporate venture fund will focus on investments and acquisitions that align with its strategy to invest in new technologies and products that help build out its global dating network.
The $50 million fund is being led by new CEO Christian Rudder (pictured above), who joined the company last year after co-founding OkCupid, now owned by IAC/InterActiveCorp (IAC). Dating.com Group was created through an acquisition of MatchNet Inc., dating sites for professionals launched by Rudder and Sam Yagan who later went on to start online dating site OKCupid LLC before selling it for $50 million themselves last year.”
The company that owned Dating.com sold it to an investment firm for an estimated $100 million in 2007 and the division was renamed OkCupid.
In 2007, the company that owned Dating.com sold it to an investment firm for an estimated $100 million and the division was renamed OkCupid. The new division aimed to create a place where members could come together through the Internet, but actually meet in person instead.
OkCupid is one of several examples where people have created businesses based on dating apps and services.
The idea behind the new division was to create a place where members could come together through the Internet, but actually meet in person instead, according to CEO Sam Yagan.
The idea behind the new division was to create a place where members could come together through the Internet, but actually meet in person instead, according to CEO Sam Yagan.
“We wanted to make a platform that would bring people together,” he said. “There’s so much noise on dating websites and apps today. We wanted something that was more intimate.”
The first step was creating something that resembled a dating site, so it partnered with Zoosk to set up speed dating events where users could go through some of the site’s features.
The first step was creating something that resembled a dating site, so it partnered with Zoosk to set up speed dating events where users could go through some of the site’s features.
Zoosk is a dating app that lets users set up a profile, browse profiles and send messages. In addition to being able to access the website from anywhere in the world using any device or browser, Zoosk boasts millions of members and uses an algorithm to pair people based on interests and preferences.
The company raised $35 million in venture capital from firms like Bessemer Venture Partners and Silver Lake Partners from 2008–2010 before going public on Feb. 22.
The company raised $35 million in venture capital from firms like Bessemer Venture Partners and Silver Lake Partners from 2008–2010 before going public on Feb. 22.
The corporate venture fund will invest in seed-stage companies that are aligned with the online dating service’s business objectives, according to a statement released by the company Thursday.
A virtual date is different than meeting someone at an event like speed dating or at work, and you can use these services to find what works best for you
With the rise of technology, it has become easier to find love. What used to be a high-stakes activity requiring you to know someone in common and go through extensive vetting is now much more casual. Nowadays, you can use these services to find what works best for you: whether that’s a date, friend or relationship.
We’re excited to be able to support our own company with the launch of a corporate venture fund. Our goal is to invest in companies that share a similar vision and values as Dating.com Group, while also being innovative in their own right. We’ll be providing funding for startups with an initial investment of up to $50 million as part of our commitment to helping companies grow into successful organizations.
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drakedrama2 · 2 years
There's no reason why older couples can't have great relationships even if they're married
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You Don't Need A Marriage To Have A Great Relationship When You're Older In the decades following her marriage at the age of 22, retired election consultant Rochelle Ventura felt like a domestic slave. Her living arrangements are with Phil Doppelt, 82, a retired software engineer. Initially, I explained that it wasn't my responsibility to prepare dinner every night. While still keeping their finances separate, they divide their time between her home in Los Angeles and his in San Jose. Since they have been together for more than a decade, they have found love and joy without getting married. During her marriage, she said, she didn't feel like her own person. I felt stuck. In this case, I can leave. With Phil, however, I can't imagine leaving. Both Ventura and Doppelt are riding social and demographic waves. In the last two decades, the social landscape for older couples has undergone a revolution: As Dr. Susan L. Brown of Bowling Green University says, The elderly are at the forefront of family change. Divorce rates after age 50 doubled between 1990 and 2010 and remain at record levels, she says. The result? More older singles. Whether they meet online, in the gym, or at church, there is an unprecedented number of couples emerging in untraditional ways. Brown says remarriage rates have remained steady for those over 50, but cohabitation has increased by more than fourfold between 2000 and 2020. Studies on LATs (long-term committed couples who live apart together) are few, but sociologist Huijing Wu of the University of Western Ontario discovered that in 2011, over a third of unmarried but partnered Wisconsin adults over the age of 50 were LATS. These couples are not just different in how they partner. In her preliminary studies, Boston University sociology professor Deborah Carr has found earlier re-partnered couples are more likely to be equal financially, autonomous as individuals, and free of gender roles than earlier re-partnered couples. According to Carr, the same applies whether they are remarried or cohabiting. Carr has not studied LATs. Nonetheless, living apart together is built upon autonomy and equality. Changing social attitudes also factor into the picture, Carr says. Once, cohabitation was stigmatized as living in sin or being less valuable than marriage. Many older adults don't care whether some disapprove. I'm 60 years old and will do what I damn well please. It is what these couples aren't doing that makes them different, raising children or planning their future together. It is common for couples to keep their finances separate, even if they are married. Approximately 75 percent of Tammy A. Weber's clients have that situation. Most parents want their children to inherit their assets. Many people wish to keep Social Security benefits and alimony received from a former spouse. However, fiscal impacts are not the only reason they separate their money. The 68-year-old financial planner, Maryan Jaross, lived independently and autonomously following her divorce, she says. As much as I wanted to keep it, I couldn't let it go. It doesn't matter if I have a hundred pairs of shoes. Tom Lepak, 65, a salesman for an industrial construction firm, lives with her happily. Due to this and other factors, she has created a legal wall between their finances. Many women like Jaross are economically independent, able, and determined to have equal relationships. Although Lepak loves to cook, she handles the cleaning and laundry. The yard work and making the bed are things he enjoys. In both cases, people are hired to do what neither wants to do. She says it's huge that we don't have children to take care of and obligations. A couple now has a different mindset. They also don't feel obliged to travel together or see their friends, families, or acquaintances as a unit. Jaross and Lepak, for example, see some of their children separately, others together. Shell spent a week with his brother in the East, and spent a month with her aging mother in New York. Sometimes they travel separately. This is also true of Doppelt and Ventura. While Ventura is touring Cuba with his female friends, Doppelt will be hiking in South Dakota with five other guys. According to him, it's fine for me to travel separately. I don't know if I'd felt that way when I was married before. Living in one's own home (and planning to remain there for the rest of one's life) is the least traditional relationship and has the most freedom. Separation allows them to avoid possible conflicts over all the habits, needs, and people they have accumulated over the years. She sleeps late and he is a morning person? No problem. When the thermostat is at 65, he's fine, but when it is 75, she's miserable? Not an issue. Are her grandkids often running around her house? Hey, its her house. For many people, living alone for years has been an essential part of getting along. 'The second love of my life,' Jeff Ostroff, host of the podcast Looking Forward, lives apart in suburban Philadelphia from the woman he calls his girlfriend. During his late sixties, Ostroff operates on his own schedule, spending time with his friends, exercising, volunteering, as well as spending time with work and social media. He and his girlfriend of more than six years talk and videochat several times a day, sometimes for more than an hour at a time, but they typically see each other only at the weekends. Due to his time alone during the week, he is almost able to devote himself to her and give her his full attention. The emotional texture of their relationships really sets these couples apart, whether they marry, live together or apart. Having more info or an empty nest are major life transitions most people go through. It is clear who they are and what they need. What is important and what isn't to them is evident to them. The University of Colorado Denver's Teresa Cooney found that older couples are better at problem solving and argue less in later-life remarriages compared to first marriages. While older adults aren't compelled to remarry, when they do, they choose a mate who fits with who they are right now. One happily married woman told me that she thought her first husband would be a great father, and he was. But he wasn't the right partner for midlife and beyond. Those who partner in later life choose to do so exclusively for the relationship, which provides love, companionship, and emotional support. Psychology professor Chaya Koren observed that in older remarriages that she studied, each partner felt more equal within the relationship, fostering more intimacy and more equality. The passage of time affects older couples paradoxically, according to Swedish sociologist Torbjorn Bildtgard, who studied emotional unions after 60. However, they have more free time together. They are, however, aware that their time together will be limited. Their gratitude for finding each other is immense. They cherish their love. Lepak expresses it this way. As opposed to worrying about our end, he says, we try to make the most of each day we have together. It's a blessing that we have found each other.
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