#Dark Swordsman Dante
n41r · 27 days
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Oh hey, it's Dante's Day! Let them eat Baumkuchen!!!
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sinful-morningstar · 8 months
Spartober day 17 Gunslinger (VerDante)
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Author's note: Sorry i didnt post last night something came up but i managed to write this while recovering from a hangover so its kinda short and sweet and as per usual i canr write about Dante without Vergil and i cant write about Vergil without Dante (or Nero..or Sparda...) anyways Enjoy todays (Technically yesterday's) prompt! Prompts by whatsanapocalae1 (I use a combination of SparTober and Devil MayTober Prompts ) 17: Gunslinger (VerDante) Vergil and Dante stood in the underworld fighting off the monsters that came their way, slaying them all down one by one, back to back the Sparda twins did their best to defend themselves and each other.
The older Sparda twin couldn't pry his eyes off of Dante who used a swift mixture of the Rebellion and his beloved pistols Ebony and Ivory, an odd name for such weaponry but he admired the way Dante moved and how he would say a clever quip while taking the monsters down.
Their eyes met as a dust of pink showed up on their cheeks; they both had a knack for showing off especially to one another in an odd attempt of not just competitiveness but also a form of flirting this duel of wits and weapons clashing together while they worked together as a truly dynamic duo.
As the battle raged on in the dark and fiery realm of the underworld, Vergil and Dante continued to stand back to back, their trust in each other unshaken by the relentless hordes of monstrous creatures. The scent of sulphur and brimstone filled the air as they unleashed their formidable powers against the unholy forces that assailed them.
Vergil couldn't help but admire the grace with which Dante moved, his long, Silver hair swaying in the heat of battle. With each swing of Rebellion and each bullet fired from Ebony and Ivory, Dante made it seem like a lethal dance, his movements both fluid and deadly. The playful quips that rolled off Dante's tongue only added to the charismatic flair he brought to the battle, and it was impossible for Vergil not to be captivated by his brother's bravado.
Dante, too, found himself drawn to Vergil. His elder brother's stoic determination and precision in combat were like a finely crafted masterpiece. The way Vergil effortlessly dispatched foes with his Yamato sword and summoned arcane magic left Dante in awe. He admired Vergil's brooding intensity, the way he carried himself with a quiet confidence that could silence even the fiercest storm.
Their eyes locked again, sparks of unspoken words passing between them. The dusty pink blush on their cheeks deepened as their playful banter continued, a symphony of flirtatious teasing.
"You know, Vergil, I thought you said you'd handle the tough ones," Dante quipped as he shot a line of demons with Ebony and Ivory.
Vergil smirked, his voice cool and composed, "I merely left them for you as an appetiser, little brother."
Dante chuckled as he executed a daring flip to avoid a charging demon, "Always keeping me on my toes, aren't you, big bro?"
Their laughter mixed with the sounds of battle, a unique harmony that only the Sparda twins could create. They were, after all, cut from the same otherworldly cloth, each born of their demon father and human mother. The competition and camaraderie between them were as much a part of their nature as the demon blood that coursed through their veins.
In the heat of the battle, their flirtatious sparring with words and glances continued, and it was clear that they enjoyed this dance as much as the one with their weapons. They were a formidable duo, not only in terms of combat skills but also in their ability to draw strength and support from each other.
As the last of the monsters fell, Vergil and Dante stood victorious, their eyes still locked, and their smiles revealing more than words ever could. In the underworld's fiery glow, they knew they would always be each other's greatest rivals and closest confidants, a Swordsman and a Gunslinger whose bond was as unbreakable as the weapons they wielded.
They met in the middle as they stood toe to toe, their eyes locked on one another while they drew in closer. Dante’s hair falling in his face as he let out a fond chuckle, Vergil humming with amusement in turn. The tension between them was prominent with each step they took moving closer their hearts beat as one.
Dante's fingers brushed a lock of his unruly hair back, revealing his mischievous grin. "You know, Vergil," he mused, his voice a low rumble, "I think we make a pretty good team."
Vergil's eyes sparkled with a rare warmth, his lips curving into a half-smile. "Perhaps. But don't let it go to your head, little brother."
With a slow, deliberate movement, Dante leaned in, his breath warm against Vergil's cheek. "You've got to admit, Verg ," he murmured, "we're unstoppable together."
Vergil's breath caught in his throat, a surge of something electric coursing through him. He met Dante's gaze, his own eyes holding a fierce intensity. "Indeed, little brother," he replied, his voice a low, intimate murmur, "we are."
The pair leaned in close, letting their weapons rest to the side of them clutched in their hands, they were mere inches away from each other, their breath ghosting on one another’s lips.
“Dante~” Vergil purred sweetly, his tone soft and gentle.
Dante sighed as he moved closer “Cmon Vergil..just once…” he pleaded with a whisper.
Time seemed to stand still as they hovered in that charged space, their worlds colliding and merging in a way that felt both inevitable and right. As if pulled by a shared gravity, their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss. It was a moment of sweet surrender, a testament to all that had brought them to this point, a promise of what was yet to come.
In that fiery realm of the underworld, the gunslingers stood united, their hearts beating as one, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them next. They were a force to be reckoned with, a pair of kindred spirits bound by more than blood, destined to conquer whatever trials came their way, together.
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brokenhardies · 1 year
Siobhan's PR Universe (2023 Update)
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Rainbow Express: The mysterious Necro Line is a group of aristocrats obsessed with sucking the life out of the Earth and using it for their own nefarious purpose. Four teenagers from Earth are chosen by the Conductor (Ke Huy Quan) of the Chrono Line - an opposing force to the Necro Line - to become the newest Power Rangers team to protect the Earth from falling into darkness. However, the sudden influx of light energy awakens a young android on the Chrono Line named P0PPY (Lana Condor), who becomes the unofficial leader of this rag-tag team. Also featuring Jacob Latimore as Indigo Campbell, Peyton List as Daisy McNamara, Hero Fiennes Tiffin as Forest Whitmore and Ciara Bravo as Camelia Whitmore. (Adapted from Ressha Sentai ToQger)
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Digibeast - Everyone in the small town of Summerville is obsessed with the mobile game known as Digibeast - a creature-raising simulator that transforms into a game where you force those creatures to fight. What they don't know is that the app was created by a nefarious group known as the FANG Corporation, obsessed with using Earth's teenagers as an army and using the game to make them docile and more susceptible to brainwashing. To combat this, five Digibeast hatchlings contact their hatchers and use them to combat the corrupted soldiers created by the FANG Corporation. Starring Xolo Mariduena as Maddox Clemente, Hayley Tju as Dawn Sudarso, Diego Tinoco as Dante Carerra, Chantz Simpson as Caleb Jones and Emily Skinner as Brooklyn Matthews (Adapted from Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger)
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Turbo Prism - The ancient underground tribe of Jewelia is under attack by a group known as Axium, which is disguised as an Earth-based mining corporation. Desperate to save her people, Jewelian Princess Seraphina (Isabela Merced) sends four of her people's finest to the surface - a cocky royal guard (Froy Gutierrez), a kleptomaniac urchin (Rachel Hilson), a charming swordsman (Tyler Alvarez) and her personal Lady In Waiting (Savannah Lee May). The only thing missing is a leader, and thus, the group arrive on Earth to prevent Axium from stealing its resources. While in the town of Silver Hills, they meet socially awkward high school student Mitchell Park (Lance Lim) who shows the right amount of courage and imagination to become the leader of the new Turbo Prism team (Adapted from Mashin Sentai Kiramager with Choushinsei Flashman archive footage)
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Cyberspace - A hot new VR game named Space Deleter has just come out, and an E-Sports team known as Alpha Phi (αφ) are tasked to test it. However, when Henri (Aramis Knight) accidentally touches something he shouldn't have, he sets off the bad guys from the game into the real world. Fortunately, the company had the exact failsafe for this situation -- grant the five test subjects the ability to become Power Rangers and protect the world from the Bugster Army. Also featuring Quincy Founce as Elijah Frank, Kira Kosarin as Flo Dupont, Lyrica Okano as Stevie Kitagawa and Ryan Potter as Kasper Kitagawa (Adapted from Battle Strike Team Space Deleter)
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devilhuntr · 8 months
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prolestariwrites · 3 years
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The Wish [8]
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: Dante, Vergil, Nero, V, Lady, Eva, Sparda, OC Rating: General Tags: Family, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Typical demon hunting violence
Summary: A demon gives Dante the chance to have his greatest desires made real. When he finds himself in a seemingly idyllic life, all seems well until it starts to unravel. Will he sacrifice himself to save the family he lost, or will he choose to give them up for the truth?
Now Posted: Chapter 8, in which Dante has to face the most intimidating creature of all... his wife.
Chapter 8: Dante Sparda, Legendary Demon Hunter
Dante pulls up outside of Vergil’s house and turns off the car. They sit in silence for a long moment before he says, “Thanks again for what you did back there.”
“You’re welcome.”
His brother’s voice shakes a bit, but it seems like he’s holding onto control, even if it’s barely. Which is something at least. “It’s funny,” Dante jokes, “you’ve used Summoned Swords on me half a dozen times at least, and this might be the first time you used it to save me.”
“Summoned Swords,” Vergil murmurs. “Is that what that’s called?”
“It’s what you called it in my world. Although it’s a bit different there.”
Vergil nods, and silence settles again. Dante scratches his chin as he searches for what to say. “You know, Nero can do it too. Surprised the hell out of me the first time I saw it.”
“Nero.” Vergil turns his face to the window. “I should get inside.”
“Yeah. But, Verge…” Dante sighs as Vergil looks back at him. It is obvious his brother needs him now: he needs comfort, reassurance, something to help him process everything and come to terms with the truth. He needs wisdom. He needs tact and compassion.
Damn it all. “I’ll pick you up in the morning,” Dante says. “Then we’ll look for dad.”
Vergil reaches for the car door and Dante blurts out, “Don’t worry about anything. We’ll find him. And if any demons show up, you can use Yamato. You’re a better fighter than I am, so you’ll be fine.”
“I’m not a swordsman, Dante,” he grumbles. “I haven’t fought with anyone since we were children.”
“But you can. And Mary can too. She’s a way more successful demon hunter than I am.” Vergil frowns at him, but Dante continues, encouraged, “She kicked both our asses. She’s always got some demon on the run, knows how to use dozens of weapons and make her own even. And Nero? He’s got all kinds of crazy power. He was demon hunting before he even knew how.”
“Nero’s just a child.”
“Yeah, here he is, but in my time, he’s older, and I’ve seen him in action. Took down a whole evil god robot once.” Vergil huffs and shakes his head as Dante leans his elbow on the steering wheel. “I’m just saying, you don’t have to worry. You didn’t think you could fight but then you skewered that guy. So trust that they can handle themselves. And your V, Vitale? He’s not… I don’t know him, he’s not from where I’m from, but if he’s anything like you, then he’s got this too.”
Vergil glances at him briefly before nodding. Then he opens the car door and climbs out, and Dante watches as he hurries up the driveway to his front door, still clutching the sword.
Dante heaves a long sigh before starting the car again. On the drive to home, he wonders what he’s going to do about Lir. He’s still not entirely sure she’s not a demon too, so if he comes clean with her, there’s no telling she won’t attack him just like the bar waitress.
His questions are answered when he walks in the front door. “Dante? Dante!” Lir practically runs to greet him from the kitchen. “There you are! What happened? Are you okay?”
Before he can answer she pulls him into a hug, forcing him to bend over so she can press her cheek to his. “Dante,” she murmurs, and he feels a pang of guilt as he returns the hug. “I was so worried.”
“I’m okay.” He eases up and pushes her hair back from her face. “Why were you worried?”
“Your mom called all frantic. She said your father ran off and broke a window and in his study… there was…” Lir’s voice trails away as she examines his front, and Dante glances down. There are splatters of blood on his jacket and shirt, and he steps back as she gapes. “She said there was blood on the floor. What happened?”
Her eyes are wide with alarm as they rise to meet his. “Let me get cleaned up and I’ll explain.”
Dante eases past her and heads to the kitchen. Lir follows, hanging back in the doorway as he moves to the sink. He uses the minute to think as he runs his hands under the hot water, taking a few pumps of dish soap to clean the blood away. He shuts off the faucet and grabs a dish towel, drying them as he turns to face her.
He leans against the kitchen counter and swallows thickly. “Mom was upset, huh?”
“Very.” Lir takes a step closer before hesitating. “What happened?”
“We… fought. It’s fine,” he says hurriedly, holding up a palm as she opens her mouth. “My dad’s been keeping secrets and I confronted him. It didn’t go well.”
“Secrets?” she asks. “What kind of secrets?”
Dante folds his arms with a sigh. “He’s not who he says he is. He’s… something else.”
“Something else? What does that mean?”
“It means he’s not human.”
He waits for a long moment to let the news absorb. Lir stares at him with wide eyes, and he notices how her fingers tremble as she reaches out to brace against one of the chairs at the little breakfast table. “He’s not human,” she murmurs.
Dante nods and she tilts her head towards him. “And the blood?”
He glances down at his soiled shirt. “That was my mistake. Dad was lying and I wanted him to tell Vergil the truth. So I stabbed him with a sword.”
“You stabbed him?”
“Yeah. He was fine though. Got right up.” Dante chuckles. “Shoulda seen the look on his face. Serves the old man right. He kept refusing to come clean, and I—”
“Dante.” His mouth snaps shut as she sinks into the chair, looking pale. “I don’t understand any of this.”
“If it makes you feel any better, this isn’t all his blood.” Lir looks up sharply as he spreads his arms. “Vergil and I got a drink afterwards and got attacked by a couple of demons in the bar. Had to kill a waitress and all I had was a chair leg, if you can believe it. Luckily Vergil came through. Wasn’t that bad, he killed the bartender.”
“You killed a waitress?”
Dante winces. “Okay, it sounds really bad when you say it like that. But they were demons, I swear.” He starts to walk towards her, and Lir scrambles up, pressing back against the wall. The fear on her face makes him freeze, and he watches as her eyes start to tear up. “Hey, relax. Really. It’s gonna be fine.”
He takes another step and Lir launches herself across the kitchen, diving for the knife block. She pulls a long bread knife from its slot and spins, holding it out like a magic wand as if to ward him off. “Don’t come any closer!” she shrieks.
“Okay. Obviously I’m telling this story wrong.” Dante holds up his palms. “I’m not gonna hurt you. See?”
“You’re crazy!” she cries. “Demons? Killing?” He rolls his eyes and she shakes her head furiously. “Stay away from me!”
She steps to the side, keeping pressed against the counter, as she fishes her cell phone from her pocket. Dante frowns as she swipes it on. “What are you doing?”
“I’m calling the police.”
Her voice has an edge now, and Dante can see she’s a dangerous mixture of frightened and furious. “I’ll just go,” he suggests.
Lir shoots him a look to kill as she raises the phone to her ear. “Hello? Yes? Yes, I need the police, my husband—”
As she speaks, something catches Dante’s attention, like a pinprick on his neck. His head turns just as the ceiling explodes in a shower of drywall, the window shattering as something breaks through. Lir screams and he sees her drop the phone in the corner of his eye, and Dante steps between her and the two demons that now stand towering in their kitchen.
He looks up at the hole in the ceiling and grits his teeth when he sees the sky. “We have a fucking door you know,” he growls.
Lir’s voice is wild with panic, and he holds out a hand. He curses silently, knowing her being here is going to just make this harder. It’s bad enough to fight a demon when a human is around, but now his instinct to protect her is screaming loud enough in his head to drown out any reason. He’s got to get her safe, and then he can deal with them.
“Lir, I want you to run.”
“Get to the front door and run. Now!”
He doesn’t know if she obeys because at that moment they advance. Once again he tries to summon Rebellion, and again he realizes he’s left it in the damn car. Two sets of teeth and four sets of claws come for him with a screech, and then Dante is dodging, throwing one punch after another as he tries to make a plan. One of the demons picks up the toaster and throws it at him, making him duck. It sails over his head and implants into the wall behind him. “What the hell!”
One of the demons grabs his leg, pulling him to the ground. Dante lurches to the counter as he falls and grabs a drawer, yanking it free with one pull. He prays it has something he can use, but inside are dish towels. “Damn it,” he mutters, but he swings the drawer, which breaks with a spray of splinters as it hits one demon full on the face. It falls back and lets his leg go, and Dante scrambles to his feet, pulling open another cabinet.
This one has plates at least, so he grabs the stack and throws them one by one at the other demon. They explode in its face, the porcelain shattering loudly as it falls in pieces to the floor, but they disorient it enough that Dante can deliver a kick that sends it sailing across the kitchen. Before the two demons can recover, he lunges at the knife block, and with a steak knife in each hand, he quickly dispatches them both, slitting their heads open, both collapsing in a pool of dark blood.
Dante catches his breath and drops the two knives in the sink. When he turns, he finds Lir on the ground, her knees drawn up as she gapes at him.
“Lir…” he murmurs with a wince. They stare at each other for a long moment, and he takes in the pieces of drywall stuck in her hair, the way her shoulders shake, the bright flush on her face. But she’s alive, that’s all that matters. The rest of this shit he can explain, and fix, and make up to her.
Just then, there is the sound of someone talking, and they both look down at the phone on the ground. It looks like it takes a half minute for her to remember what it is, but then she jerks it up to her ear. “Hello? Hello, yes I’m here. No, no, everything’s fine.” Her eyes are wide as they take in the mess now that it’s settled, but her voice is steady. “I thought my husband was hurt, but he’s fine. A cabinet fell over in the kitchen, that was all the commotion. I’m so sorry.” She listens for a moment and then says, “Really, it’s not necessary. We’re fine.”
Dante takes a deep breath as she finishes the call, looking out the hole in the wall where the window used to be. He scans the darkness for any more demons, but his senses don’t pick anything else up. Lir says goodbye, and he glances over as she presses a finger to the screen before slowly setting the phone on the ground.
Their gazes connect, and he feels a twist in his chest as he sees tears swimming in her eyes. But then Lir scrambles towards him, and he catches her in a tight hug, her face pressed to his neck. Dante gives a small smile as he holds her closely, rubbing a soothing hand on her back as her breath shakes against his skin.
“So that’s everything.” Dante looks over at the passenger side, where Lir stares straight ahead. “Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.”
Her eyes fall to where her hands sit in her lap. “So you’re not Dante? My husband?”
“I guess not,” he replies. “I mean, I’m Dante, but I don’t know if I’m him or if he’s me or if…” He rubs his face and glances at the clock on the dashboard which shows it’s nearly midnight. The gas station they had pulled into is deserted, and the light from the shelters over the pumps gives enough light that he can see the pained expression on her face. “Sorry. I keep saying the wrong thing. And uh, I guess I should apologize… for the other night—”
“No, it’s…” She glances over, almost shyly, and Dante’s heart skips a beat. “You’re still him, just not him him. I think.”
“Right.” He chuckles humorlessly with a half smile. “You hungry?”
Lir shakes her head. “Not really. I’m exhausted.”
“Let’s get some rest then.” He starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot, heading down the nearly empty street. After a few turns he finds a little motel, and Lir luckily doesn’t argue when he parks. She stops to grab the bag she had packed in haste before they fled the house as he heads into the office, emerging a minute later with a room key. “Funny, the guy didn’t blink twice even though I’m a mess,” he jokes.
Dante grabs Rebellion from the trunk, remembering this time, before he leads her to room six.  But he hesitates when he slides the key into the lock. “I guess I should have gotten two rooms?” he murmurs.
“No. I don’t want to be alone.” She presses her hand on his back lightly. “It’s fine.”
He nods as they enter, flicking on the lights as Lir follows inside. There is a Queen-sized bed in the middle, a television, a chair and table, and Lir shrugs off her jacket before opening the bag. She pulls out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, holding them out to him. “Do you want to get cleaned up?”
“Yeah.” Lir doesn’t look up at him as he takes the clothes, and not knowing what else to say, he heads into the bathroom.
His reflection is a mess, his hair sticky strands covered in blood and dirt. His face and neck aren’t much better, and as he strips off his clothes, he thinks about what he must have looked like arriving home like that. “This is why I never got married,” he mutters to himself as he turns on the faucet. “Too much trouble.”
His dialogue continues as he starts the shower and unwraps the little bar of free soap, listing the reasons why a relationship and marriage don’t mix with demon hunting: too much blood. Too much laundry. Too many questions. Weapons. Blood. Death.
He leans his forearm on the tile, watching as red swirls around the drain until the water goes clear. Stupid fucking wish, he thinks. This life he had always wanted? It’s not possible, and he needs to accept that and move on. He had no idea what he was asking for, Dante realizes.
It makes sense, really, he tells himself as he towels off. After all, Lady didn’t have anybody. Neither did Trish. Whoever Nero’s mother was, it couldn’t have lasted long before Vergil was gone, if his brother even knew he had a kid in the first place. Too much liability when you have someone in your life. He remembers Lir’s scream as the demons crashed into their home, the way the fear hit in a way he hadn’t experienced in a long, long time. But Nero has managed it, hasn’t he? He has Kyrie, and goes home to her every night, blood and guts and all. Dante frowns, wondering if it’s not meant to last. It would kill the kid to lose her.
Sparda, Vergil, him, now Nero… their whole family, one after another, losing someone close before disappearing too. Like some big cosmic joke.
Lir is curled up on the pillows, the lights off and the television on. She pulls back the covers when he climbs up to join her, and Dante smiles a bit when she repositions herself with her head on his chest and her arms tightly wrapped around him. “This okay?” she asks.
“Yeah,” he whispers.
“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.”
Dante snorts. “Nah. It’s a crazy story, I know.”
“I pulled a knife on you.”
���Not the first time someone’s done that.”
Lir stiffens a bit before lifting her head. She looks at him sadly, but he grins. “Don’t worry about it.”
“You didn’t tell me who I am,” she says.
Dante glances away with a shrug. “I don’t know you in my time. We never met.”
“Oh.” She lays her head back down against his shoulder, and Dante settles his hand on her hip. “I’m glad we got to meet here.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Dante listens as Lir’s breathing goes steady, her body sinking against him as she falls asleep. He stays awake, watching the light behind the curtain grow darker before slowly turning gray. By the time the sun comes up, his decision is made.
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imaginetheending · 3 years
Vacant Chapter 1 Preview
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Here is a preview of Vacant chapter 1. To read the rest go to: https://www.wattpad.com/story/254655449-vacant-the-devil%27s-son
Chapter 1
It's hot outside.
Blood and dead bodies occupy the only decent shade. A trail of blood leads to the forest. It's created by Scouts dragging soldiers away by the straps of their boots. Grains of sand are crushed under Rapture's feet as they shift in the sand. He's been acting off since that morning, thinking of something else.
"Where did the furniture come from?" I ask.
In front of us, under the second floor of a three hundred year old building, sits worn down, used dressers, cabinets, and beds against broken and crumbled down walls.
"Probably from one of the traders" he responds.
One of the traders…
I'm impressed. All I own is a rusty mattress and a romance novel I kept when I was captured. These people managed to sneak in an entire dining room set with a working kitchen and chairs. Whoever did this has to work for Imports.
"I want you to come with me," Rapture says suddenly, dragging his fingers over the sides of his mouth.
Rapture is quite scary when you first meet him. His head is shaped like a human skull with hard features extruding from the back. His eyeballs are black just like mine, but he has golden lizard-like irises. After you get to know him, tough, he has a charm. A very sarcastic charm.
Without another word, he starts walking off. Adjusting my gun, I follow him. Angel does, too. The gear makes it hard to tell the difference between us. The only way to identify a Scout is by our bodies. Each species has a different body structure. Especially the legs. Since Angel is the same species as me, we have very similar forms. We both have thick female legs with no feet and big Canals. Compared to humans, our torsos are quite masculine.
Apparently, my big identifier is hips. I have thick thighs. It's true. I can crush a man's head between them, but the observation still feels somewhat perverse. Soldiers make similar comments towards Angel.
Lieutenant Bade, Angel, and I are Rapture's bodyguards. We follow the General around while he does his duties. It's not the most exciting job in the world, but Rapture is the best swordsman on the planet. No one messes with him. It is a safe, cushion position compared to the conditions other soldiers lived in.
"Angel, could you leave us? I want to talk to Siren alone," Rapture says.
We both look at each other. Angel steps back, not sure what to do. It takes a second for him to join the other Scouts.
I follow Rapture into the forest. After a while, it becomes grey. The pale, thin trees cover the bright sky. We walk for hours back to a part of camp I have never seen before. This is dangerous, I thought, for the two of us to be out here alone. However, whatever part of the forest this is, no one visited.
In the distance I see a small wooden cabin between an assortment of tree trunks. It has to belong to a General. No one else is allowed housing. The lights are off for the dusty building, though. We keep walking for another ten minutes, and arrive at an even bigger house -- a small, one bedroom home. Just like the rest of the planet, the exterior looks like old, American human architecture. On RubenDies, you can probably find a house like this for super cheap in a bad part of town, but here -- well, I have never seen anything like it.
Rapture grabs the door handle and yanks it open. The door stutters releasing dust and plant pores into the air. I am careful to breathe it in. He enters.
Dark inside, I can barely see the living room from the front door. Cautiously, I step inside. A thick smell overwhelms me. It's not a bad smell, but it's potent. Like someone lived here for a long time.
Both the living room and kitchen are small. Sun seeps through the closed blinds onto a rusty, old pale, orange refrigerator. The cabinets are dirty -- crusted. A small wooden dining table sits in front of it. There are more than one chair. Multiple people live here. Lived here -- I should say.
"Where are we?" I ask.
Rapture doesn't respond. He just walks between the dining room and living room towards a bedroom in the back. It's the only thing that lit up the hallway. My footsteps are unbelievably heavy on the wooden floors. I don't think Scouts are intended to be in here. The bedroom itself feels frozen in time. Nothing has been touched in years. There are still dirty clothes laying on a white bed sitting in the center of the room. Dust has collected on all of the wooden furniture. There's a couple nightstands and a dresser.
I'm scared to touch anything.
This doesn't bother Rapture at all. He grabs one of the drawers and opens it. After rummaging around, Rapture pulls out a stack of thick, white, plastic paper. He gives them to me, and I realize they're photos. Very small, rectangle photos. Each one is stained with dirt and muck. It's hard to tell what they consist of. The helmet makes it even harder. Rapture talks to me as I look through them, my eyes trying to make out vague shapes and sizes.
Each one shows a very attractive, young man that's the same species as me.
Most of the species outside of the Milky Way don't have names. We found no reason. It wasn't until the Human Reformation that it changed. Humans got confused by our lack of categorization, and decided to introduce a naming system. So, for clarity sake, I'll call our species BSBE.
The young man sits on a hotel bed, arched forward. A gaudy, geometric tattoo covers his sickly, gray, toned back. There are dog tags hanging from his neck. In each photo he is wearing different tank tops. In this one, it's white.
"Zerethus had a son. He escaped ten years ago," Rapture explains.
Oh, I see. I know who Zerethus's son is. Who didn't? The female camp whispered daily about him after his escape. By the time I made it to the male camp, the rumors had died down, however. All I know is that Cain isn't liked very much, and that he is permanent with most of the female camp.
In the second photo, he sits in a swimming pool, shirtless. It's at a wealthy establishment. The orange walls of the fancy hotel reflect off the blue, crystal water. It gave some color to Cain's dull skin.
"Zerethus has been looking for him ever since," Raptures continues as I shift to the next photo.
Cain is smoking a cigarette. He is maybe twelve or thirteen years old. A train of smoke trails to the sky. His expression is calm. Happy.
"I want you to find him before Zerethus does," he says.
My hand freezes. I heard his words clearly, but stammer.
"You want me to find Cain," I ask confused.
"Yes. Is that a problem?"
When the soldiers brought me to Edeon, they asked me for my gender. Stupidly, I said female, and was thrown into the female camp. From that day on, my life was shit until I got kicked out. Edeon doesn't like women. They never did, and my presence in female housing left a mark. Everyone knows I lived there. Everyone remembers.
I want to object. Ask him questions.
"No, sir," I respond instead, cowardly.
I would send anyone on this mission but me. The Generals are some of the best fighters in the galaxy. They're trained to search and find targets. As a Scout, I am also trained to do this as well, but I am nowhere near as talented. Finding Cain would be a high profile mission. Only the best of the best would be put on it. I am not the best.
Send Dante. Or Felix. Or Moon. Angel. Reaper. Hades. Pain. Cerberus. Vnux. Serpen. Dalen. Gabriel. Michael. Archer. Rion. Tarli Nobi. Th'Aman. Brani. Xani. Kreniea. A'Zule. Feri/ Q'Urlid. Achan. Meni.
Literally anyone but me.
"Who is my lieutenant?" I ask.
Every soldier gets a lieutenant when sent off the planet. They watch over the group. Make sure everything goes according to plan. If he picked anyone to go with me, he would pick Bade. Bade is pretty good. He'd make up for my lack of skill.
"You are," he obviously lies.
My mouth falls open, "What?"
No, I wasn't. This is the biggest bullshit I have ever heard. First of all, there hasn't been a new lieutenant in over ten years. Second, the only women of power on Edeon are Lieutenant Reaper and General Mourning. No one even knows how they got promoted. Third, if I was promoted, I would be promoted by Zerethus himself. So, something is very fishy.
Rapture cups his hands, and smiles.
"The mission is simple. Give Cain a message. The Devil is looking for his son. He wants to cut off his wings. He'll know what that means."
"Where is he?" I ask.
I remember that I still have the photos dangling in my hands. While he continues, I look at the next one. Now, Cain has his arm draped over Angel's opal, white shoulders. Huh. That's weird. In our species' culture we don't touch each other, but they seem chummy. Either Cain is straight as fuck or they were in a relationship. Bold for him to have this photo as a part of his collection. All homosexuals get killed on this planet. There isn't a warning. It happens suddenly, and mercilessly.
"The Luminary. He works for an agency called The Eye. Goes by Hayze Redborn. Was put on a mission recently to find an Alex Hall. Code name Aex. He's a super hacker."
Cain is butt naked in the next photo. It's in the same room as we are standing in now. He's maybe eighteen. Every detail of his muscles subtly defined, his body is gorgeous. Due to the pose, and moody lighting, this is definitely a selfie. Luckily, the photo cuts off at his penis, but you can still see the top of the shaft. I laugh. Why would you take a photo like this on Edeon? We don't have Be-book. There are no dating profiles or blog posts.
"If you catch Aex, Hayze may follow," Rapture says.
The last photo is the worst. It's just his dick.
This guy took a dick pic.
I roll my eyes. How many women did he try to show this to? Knowing his reputation, he probably sent this to multiple. It's girthy. Long. Blood rushes under his skin creating purple. His skin is smooth. There are only a few faint veins. The top is round and soft. There is no color difference between the tip of his penis and the base, outside of some discoloration. He has a pretty penis. I have to give him that.
"Siren," Rapture scolds venomously and grabs the photo from my hand. He rips it in pieces and then slams it into the dresser.
Oh, shit.
I don't think he knew that was in there.
My hand hangs loosely from where the photo once was. Scared, eyes fixating on him, he's mad. After a moment, he brings his hand to his face and makes a loud sigh. He takes out another sheet of paper from his pocket. This one looked like it was printed off an old printer. It's very faded. It is a much more recent picture of Cain. Cain is much older, and worn down. In the old photos, he is vibrant and active. Here he is dead inside.
His skin is a very healthy baby blue. The black that consumed his eyeballs is clear, and not glossy. A couple other things are off about his appearance, but otherwise Hayze and Cain are identical. Over his shoulders he wore a deep, aqua blue coat. It had a very nice, faintly, shiny, textured material. Under it, he wore a black shirt similar to the ones he wore when he was younger. His dog tags could be seen through his fabric.
Behind him, a short, gray-ish brown overweight being stands at a podium wearing a nice, trim suit. His species is a cousin of Rapture's. They look very similar, but this species has more than two eyes. The overweight being has the appearance of a government official. A banner hangs behind him. It's a symbol I feel like I should recognize.
"What happens after I tell him the message?" I ask.
"Protect Cain with your life," he remarks. To continue reading go to: https://www.wattpad.com/story/254655449-vacant-the-devil%27s-son
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dawnshadowlegacies · 3 years
Demetrius Dawnshadow
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Face Reference: Jon Snow, Dante from the Devil May Cry series, Tom ellis, and Kate Beckinsale Mix.
Name: Demetrius Dawnshadow
Race: Sin’dorei
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Class: Demon Hunter/Rogue
Height: 6’0 
Weight: 175 lbs
Body Shape: Athletic
Occupation: Demon Hunter, Adventurer, Rogue, Lord, Captain, Spy (formally)
Nicknames: Deme, Dem, bastard, Tatsu Longwei, Pain in the Arse
Titles: Lord of House Dawnshadow, Slayer, Dragon of the Illidari, Captain of the Red Siren Count of Starhaven (fromaly)
Alignment:  Chaotic Good
Demetrius is a toned athletic elf with long dark shoulder length hair and a pale complexion overall with a reddish demonic hue around his hands and lower arms.  He has a rugged roguish look to his facial features that some may consider charming especially when he dons his trademark grin showing the barest hint of his tiny fangs.  He has a black Dragon tattooed on his right shoulder, while on his left is an elvish sword that bears a resemblance to his own weapon.  His eye sockets are an almond shape with fel flame that can turn crimson when excited.  He keeps a well groomed goatee on his face further accenting his roguish charm.  He has various scars across his body from years of fighting, the most prominent being the scars under his eye sockets, a scar near his heart, and a burnt scar tracing up his lower right arm.  Clawed nails tip his fingers and from time to time his reddish wings are out and folded round him like a cloak.  While in his demon form his skin takes on a dark red color, his feet become cloven hooves, and horns grow from his head.
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He wears dark black and red leather clothes with minor nether dragon scales on the sides and a coat made of the same materials with a sewed on black hood. An onyx etched dragon shaped pendant with ruby eyes hangs from his neck while his onyx and ruby shaped wedding ring that bears his house's emblem rests on his left ring finger.  He keeps his family heirloom dragon hilted sword Dragonkin at his side.  His belt holds his bag of holding as well his trinket to summon his fox friend Dexien. He wears the standard black Illidari blindfold as well.   From time to time he can be found wearing his coat tied around his waist and a set of warglaives on his back.
Demetrius’ personality can be best described as outwardly as both brooding and fun loving as well as bold, creative, mischievous, and reckless.  Dem is devoted to his family and his friends doing what he can to safeguard and protect them.  He follows his own code of honor choosing to defend the innocent and avenge the dearly departed.  While he is known to brood and seem standoffish once he gets to know a person he tends to open up more and show that more playful side of his.  Dem tends to enjoy a good fight and will taunt and display a devil may care attitude to most foes unless the fight is deeply personal or what he would consider serious.  He is creative and will improvise new ways to attack enemies and look good doing so as well as create strategies on the fly.  He is reckless and impulsive to the point sometimes he will do something because it seems fun to him at the time.
Dem enjoys swordplay, riding on the back of a dragon, fox, or his mechano hog, adventuring, writing, reading fantasy novels, sailing, games, and playing his lute.  He hates monsters and people who would prey on the innocent, Blood Knights, demons, undead, and most void entities as well as all their former minions though he is not above giving them a chance to redeem themselves. 
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Dragonkin:  Dragonkin: A prismatic elementium, titansteel, and dragon bone runeblade crafted in a joint effort between the Kaldorei and the Black Dragonflight before the War of the Ancients in the arcane forge of the aspects in the elven style.  The curved blade is 27 inches long and was folded 16 times to pound out the impurities in the metal. The blade has a dull silver to blackish sheen to it after being polished. The Hilt is made of the fang of a dragon and coated in the same material as the blade and is 13 inches long.  The hilt is shaped in the head of a dragon with the tail wrapping along the groves of the hilt. The eyes of the dragon are made of hardened sapphires that depending on the mood of the wielder can turn blood red in an instant. The tsuba or hand guard is formed into the shape of a dragon claw plated in true silver and gold.
The curved blade is enchanted to drain the life of its wielder’s enemy if they are living.  It used to choose its owner binding itself to them until their true death.  It was gifted to the Starshadow family by a Black Dragon before their corruption and contains a fragment of his soul.  The blade would be passed down to the Dawnshadow family till Demetrius obtained it.  Recently it was broken during the first battle on the broken shore  and then reforged by the Netherwing Pyreaku and now is bound to Demetrius’ own soul for eternity and thus is able to deal shadowflame damage as well as appear in Dem’s hand with a thought.  If Dragonkin is broken or destroyed Dem can still call on it again after a period of time has passed.
Demetrius’ Clothes and Waistcoat (Grab of the Dragonfox): Demetrius normally wears a pair of black leather pants with netherwing scales swon between the leathers and inside the cloth of the pants.  His black boots are made of the same material with white fur lining on the top and elementium steel toes.  His shirt is a simple black shirt with an exposed neckline and sleeves that reach to his forearms.  His waistcoat is a sleeveless red and black leather piece with high collar and a black hood within it.  This ensemble is dubbed the Garb of the Dragonfox.  It is heavily enchanted to protect him in battle as well as repair itself should it become damaged as well as adjust its size when he transforms into his demon form.  The hood is enchanted to withstand mind based attacks and compulsion while the mask filters out poisons and diseases.  Despite the nature of his boots, when he clicks them together the sound from his footfalls is muffled to be near silent.  Minor slits in the back open up so that Deme’s demonic wings can push through when needed.  Due to the inherent properties of the outfit, Deme can summon it back to him through his bag of holding.
Jewelry:  Deme wears two rings, an amulet and a piece of eight.  His amulet is an onyx etched dragon shaped pendant hanging from a true silver chain.  His ring on his right hand is a true silver band and red dragon eye gem. On his left he wears an onyx and ruby shaped wedding ring that bears his house’s emblem.  It was given to him by his wife Gwenda'lyn Starshadow.  It is enchanted with fire resistance and a magical link private mind link between him and Gwen.  The Piece of Eight he wears is an enchanted Elunite Coin signafing his place on the Midnight Corsair’s council.  It is enchanted to defend him from time magics, and should the need arise hasten his movements for a limited time.
Miscellaneous Items:   Deme wears a black leather belt that has three pouches one of them being a bag of holding.  His bag of holding contains food, water, tent, bed roll, healing potions, first aid kit, a set of thieves' tools, a small portable alchemy station among other things.  The rest of his pouches contain various other tools.  He wears simple black gloves, a white wrapping on his upper right arm down to the top part of his lower arm.  From time to time he wears a black and white furred cloak.
Armaments and Trinkets: Besides his own physical and magical abilities as well as Dragonkin, Deme has a few other weapons at his disposal to help in his adventures and quests.  
Clipped with an elementium and netherscale wrapped chain is a white fox tail.  With it Deme can summon to his side the Fox Spirit Dexien from the Emerald Dream to fight beside him or mount for 24 hours.  If Dexien is knocked unconscious his essence will return to the tail and Deme must wait 24 hours for him to recover.  If lost or stolen Deme can concentrate to pull the tail back to him.
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Besides his own physical and magical abilities as well as Dragonkin, Deme has a few other weapons at his disposal to help in his adventures and quests ranging from an array of swords, daggers, and his own set of warglaives.  
Demetrius is a Demon Hunter and thus has the physical abilities they all possess.  His strength is at the point he can stab a dagger into a bolder down to the hilt.  His speed, agility and dexterity has been boosted to be greater than mortal standards .  His body also heals faster due to his damned blood, healing most wounds in a manner of seconds and some of the greater wounds in minutes and the most severe in a matter of hours or days.  He can call upon his own wings to glide and fly around if needed and bite down on an enemy with his fanged canines.  His skin though not scaled is thick enough to ward off some cuts and slashes.  Thanks to his furthering demonic nature Deme can grow bone spikes or as he calls them hidden blades from his wrists and has claws for fingertips.
Due to his training and adventures as well as being hailed as a prodigy with the blade he has become a master swordsman, a competent assassin, a master of parkour and freerunning, as well as having knowledge in the Temple of the White Tiger style of unarmed combat, and an adapt marksman.  He has developed a keen sense of tracking, deductive reasoning, and a knowledge of anatomy.  He has also learned how to navigate and sail a ship as well as fight on his fox or wolf mounts.  He is also a Dragon Rider and has learned to use his glaives and felmagics when riding on Pyre’s back.  He is a decent writer though has terrible handwriting thanks to his claws.  He is also a master swordsmith and has begun to study more alchemical pursuits.
From a magical standpoint thanks to his blood he can control and bend shadows to the point of fading away, shadow stepping and dropping a field of shadow to conceal himself and others.  Like other demon hunters he is able to conjure green fel fire and the chaotic forces of the fel and has the ability to temporarily become a demon elf hybrid. He has begun to master combining his fel flame and shadow flame together due to his link with the darkness flame.  He can manipulate it to form the shape of a black and fel accented dragon to devour and burn away his enemies. He has begun to learn how to create barriers using his magical abilities or soul magic as well as create sigils with his fel, shadow, or own blood.
Demetrius was born alongside his twin Ambrose into the Dawnshadow minor noble family.  Being born a bastard most of his life he was looked down upon by others his age for his heritage and not knowing who his father was.  He had few friends growing up.  Dem and Ambrose were raised by not only their mother Lana’thel, but also by their Grandparents Avadeth and Kayleen Dawnshadow.  While Ambrose took more to a studious education, Dem felt more at ease with the sword which helped him channel his intal childhood running along the walls' energy.  This didn’t mean he wasn’t educated in history, writing, reading, and his least favorite subject math.  Under his Grandfather's guidance Dem grew into something of a child prodigy with the sword.
In time Dem would spend time with the more criminal element of Silvermoon during his late late teens and early adulthood.  His tutelage from his Farstrider Grandfather paid off and he fell in naturally with the more roguish elements of the city and became something of a spy for one family or another as to make some coin while at school and away from home.  Eventually his mother and Grandparents found out thanks to Ambrose who since childhood never approved of Dem and his antics.  Dem was soon steered towards another more noble path, that of the Farstrider.  And thanks to his roguelike skills and swordsmanship Dem was made a scout in the order after another year of training.  Dem would excel in it and find his new role adventurous especially when it came to skirmishes with the Armani.  Eventually Dem would meet a young Priestess his own age named Gwen and became smitten with her.  After a humorous first meeting with him failing a backflip landing thanks to a log with mud on it he began to court Gwen and eventually marry her.
Over the years Dem would rise within the ranks of the Farstriders as a Captain and join Alleria Windrunner’s unit to fight in the second war.  After the War he and Gwen would finally have a child of their own named Melisande.  Minus skirmishes here and there Dem spent the rest of his time with his family in peace.  That was till Arthas came leading a tidal wave of death through Eversong with his Scourge army.  Dem witnessed a Dreadlord named Dagrim slay his Grandparents during the chaos of the time.  Ambrose and his mother also disappeared in the carnage.  Dem took up his family's Elven dragonforged runeblade Dragonkin and eventually chose to leave Gwen and Meli and venture forth with Prince Kael’thas’ forces eventually fighting up in Northrend and forced to retreat to Outland. 
Dem was chosen to undertake the trials in becoming Demon Hunters.  As part of Dem’s trial he was confronted by the Nathrezim Dagrim, the one who killed his Grandparents.  After a battle that nearly claimed him, Dem used Dragonkin to carve out the Demon’s heart and ate it as well as drank its blood.  After a long battle of wills and seeing the horror of the Legion and their involvement in creating the scourge, Dem pledged his life to the Illidari cause.  He was tasked with hunting demons and rogue Illidari who turned to the Legion.  Over time He along with other adventurers including his Great Great Grandfather of the same name as him; would free enslaved Netherwings and he would befriend the Onyx Netherwing Pyreaku.  For this Dem was sent on separate a mission as a form of semi exile from the rest of the Illidari.  This act saved Dem from being captured alongside his other Illidari by the Wardens.
Dem soon killed the demon he was sent after and learning of the Fall of the Black Temple he returned home and blended with Sin’dorei society as best as he could.  He would stay with Gwen and Meli as well his recently discovered Kaldorei ancestor.  Pyre would join him and together with Gwen he would answer the call to arms and head up to Northrend to take the fight to the Lich King once more.  Dem and his group would find themselves helping the Red Dragonflight in the Nexus war, Witness the calamity of the Wrathgate, fight near the Titan complex of Ulduar where Dem would discover the titan forged void corrupted sentient blade Blackrazor.  Eventually Dem would discover a horrible truth.  A Death Knight loyal to Arthas confronted him up near Icecrown.  The Death Knight was his long lost twin, Ambrose who had willingly submitted himself to the Scourge for more power and as he stated a more natural order.  The twins would fight before Ambrose stabbed Dem through the chest.  If not for his demonic healing factor and Ambrose just missing his heart he would have died.  Instead he was imprisoned within the Crimson Halls of the San’layn with the Darkfallen draining him of his demonic blood and attempting to figure out a way to convert him to their order in undeath.  Being bound to a Dreadlord which was for all intents and purposes a demonic vampire Dem did already show signs of vampiric tendencies.  Luckily Gwen came and saved him along with Pyre during the Siege of Icecrown Citadel.  Dem would heal up and immediately hunt down his brother and find him.  It was then that Dem learned Ambrose as part of a show of his allegiance had killed their mother.  The twins battled once more with Dem seemingly killing Ambrose with Dragonkin and Blackrazor.
The next couple of years were spent with Dem and his family, both Sin’dorei and Kaldorei aiding in the defense of MT Hyjal where Dem saved and bound the spirit fox named Dexien to an item to preserve his soul from death for all time.  All the while thanks to his time captured and the whispers of Blackrazor Dem would eventually begin to lose control of his inner demon before locking up Blackrazor after the defense of Wyrmrest Temple.  When Garrosh bombed Theramore and Dem’s cousin Darron’s died in the defence of the city, Dem planned and failed to hatch a plot to assassinate Garrosh Hellscream.  Recovering on a Bloodsail ship the Demon Hunter began to find it hard to control his inner demon once more.  It didn’t help that the captain of the ship was also a slaver.  Once recovered Dem killed the captain and took the ship for himself and released the slaves in Alliance lands before finding his wife and daughter.  Dem became a privateer assaulting Garrosh’s ships.  He also hatched an Onyx Cloud Serpent named Shen’long whom Pyre considered a little brother.  Dem would even sail to Zandalar after one of the Garrosh loyal ships where after a misunderstanding and a valiant escape, Dem found himself with a portal curse and wanted on Zandalar.  Dem, Gwen and others would soon join the Siege of Orgrimmar on the side of the Alliance the Vol’jin’s resistance.  There they would save a young enslaved Sin’dorei child named Seraphina.  The husband and wife would adopt her and even take in her menagerie of wolves.  
Instead of initially going to Draenor Dem sought out and received a pardon for his privateer actions against Horde ships.  He would also make new friends and along with Gwen’s sisters learned to control and merge his soul fully with his inner demon.  Yona provided him her expertise as a monk and trained him in their ways despite his lack of control of chi.  As for Gwen’s older sister Farei she would provide him a hood that would protect his mind from intrusions and the whispers of the void and other sources though it would cost her her life eventually.  During Dem’s training with Yona he would befriend the Orc named Zuggrum Skullspliter and the Matriarch of House Shadowfel Valanthriel.  Gwen would also take up the path of the Monk after Blackrazor resurfaced and nearly destroyed Dem, herself, and their friends.  With her last act as a Priestess she shattered the blade.  Dem would eventually discover his birth father named Antheleos who tried to bring forth the Legion but failed thanks to Dem bringing in friends and allies alike.  Part of that Alliance would fall apart after Dem broke a blood oath with the Lady Shadowfel and ultimately her potential control of him.
Eventually the Legion did return in full force.  Demetrius would clash with his father on the Broken Shore and once again was nearly killed with Dragonkin shattered.  Thanks to Pyre Dragonkin would be reforged and forever bound to Dem.  Afterwards he would rejoin the Illidari and learn of a special form of fel and shadow magic fused together as shadowflame.  Dem with the rest of the Dawnshadow clan would join forces with an Old Rival House known as House An’velas and their head of family a Blood Knight Knight Champion named Admmari An’velas.  Despite House An’velas’ pledge House Dawnshadow found itself alone till Dem found his Great Great Grandparents once more, Demetrius and Gwenda’lyn Starshadow.  The united family would help fight the Nightmare before heading to Suramar.  An’velas would soon show up.  Instead of helping the people of Suramar from the Legion, they would instead commit war Crimes something Dem stopped them from doing and planned to report to Silvermoon.  Before he could two major events happened.  Dem and his friends and family were greeted by Antheleos once more and after a long battle including a frostwyrm and a portal to the ruins of the original Dawnshadow estate, Dem was able to slay his father and trap his soul in a soul stone, but not before he revived Ambrose from the dead.  The other event was Dem and Gwen adopting the Shal’dorei orphans Aliden and Leysase.  An’velas took these events as a boon for themselves and framed House Dawnshadow for the warcrimes they themselves commited such as murder and pillaging of the people of Suramar.  Dem and his family were forced to abandon their home but luckily the Starshadow clan took them in.  Dem and Gwen would soon discover she was with twin children.
Despite it all Dem focused his attention on the Legion.  Soon he would hear rumors and along with others part of a group called the Raven’s Watch would discover Ambrose undergoing the ritual to become a demon hunter.  With the help of the Heridents, a group of traitorous Illidari Dem sent to the nether with the sole exception of their leader Sensi; Ambrose succeeded and became a hybrid of a Death Knight and a Demon Hunter. The Heridents along with Ambrose would head back to Argus. Dem along with the Raven’s Watch steal a legion ship dubbed the Millenium and would hunt each of them down.  Despite it all, Ambrose feigned seeking redemption and together, he and Dem would fight Sensi only for Ambrose to steal Antheleos’ soul stone and take all of the twin’s father’s power for himself.  Sensi was slain and Ambrose took his spot as leader of the remaining Heridents betraying Dem once more.
Dem knew he couldn’t defeat Ambrose at that moment and instead focused on his training.  Over time he would begin to control a variation of shadow flame called the darkness flame thanks in no small part to Pyre.  During his training Gwen would give birth to baby Darron and Anastasia.   The time had come at last and during the final battle on Antorus the twins battled once more and Dem with his new control over the Fel and Shadow used a special type of shadow flame called the Darkness Flame which in honor of both his bond to Dragonkin as well as with Pyre he molded into the shape of a dragon’s maw.  With his new technique in hand he would confront Ambrose during the final siege of Antorus.  The twins would battle nearly killing one another.  Despite being the better swordsman Dem was still at a disadvantage against Ambrose and his new powers.  When all seemed lost the Demon hunter would unleash the Darkness Flame having it consume Ambrose before falling into a coma.  
When he awoke from his coma, Dem discovered Meli his eldest daughter along with his Great Grandmother Darcynia had been consumed by the void and became Ren’dorei.  He also learned Meli had become engaged to her childhood friend Nihlis, a Sin’dorei paladin pledged to the Silver Hand.  Due to his mastering of the Darkness Flame and the shape it took along with his efforts against the Legion, Dem was bestowed with the titles of Slayer; the highest honor a Demon Hunter can achieve with only a few before him obtaining the honor and, Dragon of the Illidari by the rest of the remaining Illidari.   For a time Demetrius Starshadow had given Dem the title of Count of Starhaven and he looked over it before handing back the title both because he longed to restore his own House and also to spend more time with Gwen and the children.  Once Azerite was discovered some began to appear in the Starhaven mines which drew the attention of House An’velas.  Dem longing for revenge against this house found and fought Admmari and slew the man breaking his ancestral sword Kel’faloom.  Thanks to the notes and letters found on the ship Dem found the evidence he needed to prove his and his families innocence for the frame up as well as discovered Admmari was the last of his own line due to his wife dying before giving birth during the war with the Legion.  Before he could bring the evidence to the Magisters of Silvermoon the call to war was sounded once more.  And once again Dem was forced to watch and be on the losing side of another elven genocide as he along with family and friends tried to defend the Kaldorei people from Sylvanas’ Horde.  Dem fought as a Privateer for the Alliance and learned more about the Inquisitors of Drustvar and the Drust as well as deal in piratetics in Freehold.  
He would join the Kaldorei and Starhaven forces in their retaking of Darkshore thanks to a gambit created by Demetrius the older.  It was then that Dem discovered Ambrose survived Argus and was working with Sylvanas but for his own secret goals and mission.  Even in winning Darkshore Dem knew he would be forced to face Ambrose again in the future.  Before he could follow Ambrose’ trail he joined his Kaldorei kin in Nazjatar and after the fall of Azshara he provided the proof of the An’velas family and their cohorts framing the Dawnshadows.  Dem continued to aid both the Alliance, and Saurfang’s rebels where he could till the end of the fourth war.  Despite his Kaldorei kin still wanting vengeance against the Horde he was able to convince them to focus their efforts in hunting Sylvanas and their loyalists instead of blindly attacking the Horde for the time being at least.  With his family and himself acquitted of the war crimes they were framed for and the Alliance and Horde establishing a tentative peace, Dem for the first time since the start of the last war with the Legion returned to Silvermoon City openly as a Demon Hunter and also as a Grandfather.  Meli had married Nihlus and gave birth to a child of her own.  With his return Dem began to focus on three things, finding and reuniting with his old friends and allies such as Zuggrum, restore his house and finally embrace his role as Lord of House Dawnshadow, and find Ambrose and try to redeem him or put him down forever.  He would eventually discover his sister Ash and became close with her during an accidental trip through with the rest of his family save Ambrose and Meli.  During the time travel adventure Dem and Gwen would separate and upon their return divorce.
After his divorce Dem focused on the House and hunting down evil before the Shadowlans opened up.  He would go on an Odyssey leaving his twin children in his sister’s care.  During his odyssey he would discover the part of Ambrose that remained in the Shadowlands, a Foreworn version who nearly killed Dem and tossed him into Torghast.  Dem endured various tortures before escaping and ending the soul of Admmari An’velas once and for all.  He would find his way to the plane known as Revendreth and reunite with his mother.  After overcoming his open pride and envy and going through Venthyr training Dem fought the Foresworn Ambrose one last time and win.  He returned with that portion of Ambrose’s soul and began to focus more on his family leaving the heroics to others for a time.
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Flying Through The Air
The gloves of Meta Knight began to strum the strings on an acoustic guitar, accompanied by the soft whistling of the masked swordsman. He sat on the edge of a cliff, gazing out into the afternoon sea as he played his leitmotif on his guitar. It reminded him of the Halberd… its glorious majesty and wonder as the sea glistened with sunlight.
Meta Knight felt at peace, and he always had ever since the war between light and dark. As he whistled his theme, he began to think if there was something more at play. For whatever time he had left, he knew that he shouldn't let I've hold him down forever. Just when things that troubled him seemed to go away through the music…
"Hiya, MK!" Sonic called out right behind him, scaring the masked swordsman and causing him to slip and fall off the cliff. Sonic chuckled with the notion that what he did was a complete accident, watching as a pissed-off Meta Knight transformed his cape into bat wings and glided back onto solid ground with the guitar in his gloved grip.
"¡Idiota! ¡No vuelvas a asustarme así!" Meta Knight snapped in his native language, pulling out the Galaxia and pointing it at Sonic's chest.
"Woah, take it easy," Sonic chuckled nervously, slowly pushing the tip of the golden blade away from him. "I just kinda needed a favor to ask of you…"
"Perhaps you should learn how to not scare people off cliffs, estúpido," Meta Knight growled, slipping his acoustic guitar and sword behind his cape. "Maybe all these months growing up on Arcus has turned you into a reckless rodent, hasn't it?"
"Okay, Meta Knight," Sonic apologized. "I'm sorry. It's just that… this is something very important I can't do without you. Mega Man and I had just uncovered a hidden message in the Earth Citrine, and we need your help decrypting it."
"Decrypting it?" Meta Knight asked, having just gained the curiosity of the situation. "How did you even get the Earth Citrine?"
"Some guy named Dante found it for us," Sonic answered. "He's in another universe with Ganondorf and a few of our pals, trying to find another fighter. The message the Earth Citrine's showing us is something we can't translate well, and Clementine's doing the best she can."
"I believe I know a friend of ours who can help," Meta Knight responded. "I may not know what you just said, but I'll be damned if I don't help you with your current scenario."
"Thanks, pal," Sonic chuckled. "Who's the guy you wanna visit?"
"It may not be likely, but I am certain Link might help with translating," Meta Knight answered. "I believe he's on Luna's Atoll, taking pictures of the wildlife there."
"So… he's on an island," Sonic sighed, knowing he can't really swim due to having terrible memories of being underwater. "Can you fly me over there?"
"Gladly," Meta Knight responded, unfurling his bat-like wings and grabbing ahold of Sonic's bionic hands. He took off into the air, with the blue hedgehog clinging on tightly to his gloved hands as he looked down upon the view of the land near the ocean several feet in the air. Sonic laughed as he felt the cool breeze blowing through his quills, never feeling more alive in his life as Meta Knight helped carry him to a crescent-shaped island in the sea.
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"This is amazing!" Sonic laughed, losing his grip and falling before Meta Knight quickly swooped in and grabbed onto the blue rodent's hands again. "Do you always have this much freedom when you fly?"
"I guess I do," Meta Knight answered. "You know, you should always learn not to be such a reckless rodent."
"Relax, MK," Sonic noted. "Dangerous is my middle name."
"No, it's not," Meta Knight jokingly responded. "Your middle name's 'the.'" Sonic laughed at that remark, keeping memory of what to tell the Champion of Hyrule as the masked swordsman glided down towards Luna's Atoll.
Whew! This took way longer to finish the whole thing than I was expecting (both the actual chapter and the drawing), but I'm glad I finally got this chapter out of the way. I've been procrastinating for a while, so I hope you understand. This snippet is from my most recent chapter, which I couldn't finish until now (mostly due to procrastination).
[C]So I thought I'd share this snippet for you guys, which was ripped out right out of Ch. 94:
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n41r · 6 months
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Fun time doods
Some are based on the battle from 4th of December, some are just funsies
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thefallenapprentice · 4 years
Legally I have to send in Asmodeus
"ask me about my demons"
asmodeus: on whom do you want revenge and how would you take it?
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Despite his better judgement, Dante comes to mind. It was only natural, given what happened to Modeus’ twin brother. But the ex swordsman quickly pushes the thought away. 
He thinks of Sid, the utter scum of a demon that led him and Baul to Dante in the first place. But Sid was already long dead. There was nothing more he could do on the matter.
An image of Mundus comes to him next. He was why Sparda had to leave him and his brother at all. But Modeus was no fool. He was incapable of defeating the Prince of Darkness.
“Revenge is pointless.” he decides, tense and frustrated at his own inability to act. “Nothing would come from it, just more bloodshed.”
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EOR Shimosa Singularity: Section 1~Section 4
Now... The first hell shall begin here. With the first quarter of Shimousa.... Can I mention again that this Singularity is still one I hated most thanks to one fucking boss here?!
Without further ado... Let’s enter the inferno... WHICH FOR SOME REASON I CAN’T POST PHOTO ON TEXT POST, SO I’M DOING THIS... WTF TUMBLR?!
Begin somewhere in Japan of Mt. Kinbou’s Reigandou... Of an old man Musashi at his final days and hours before his passing. While waiting for a certain person to arrive, he narrates about the bloodshed life he did once known as Miyamoto Musashi.
And further laments of how his life would be different if he didn’t chose the path of Samurai. He wants more time... Which... The start of our Singularity begins
Now in Chaldea, Mash find Gudas in recalling the first New Year event that they met Miyamoto Musashi in their dreams. And then explains the reason which why DW decided to gender bend Musashi, making them completely different person.
Mash then revealed she found the Book of Five Rings written by Gudas’s historical Musashi with Chaldea Staff help. Despite seemingly human, Gudas’s noted her strength wtih any Servant they encountered and summoned. Gudas then decided to help Mash in finding out the difference between the two Musashi they learned of
Kojirou soons showed up, which made Gudas reminded of their historical connection? Though doubts are there as the Kojirou summoned in Chaldea reminds he may not be the same Kojirou that encountered Musashi.
Explaining about the Book of 5 Rings to both Mash and Gudas... The two aren’t sure about their intention to summon F!Musashi. But, she is the same case as Kojirou or similar enough...
Turns out she’s still different thanks to not reaching the final layer as stated in the book, the Book of Void. Though... As they were talking, it seems something has dragged Gudas off from Chaldea... Like the same situation with Edmond Dantes.
Remained in coma, Holmes interrogated Dantes which earned definitely a glare for accusing the same trick again. Dantes left Holmes despite claiming not to help Gudas, the two begin their own to help Gudas in this parallel world
Now that awake in a different world, Gudas finally met the same F!Musashi in their dreams or an alternate world!
Section 1
After explaining how they got here with no ways to communicate to Chaldea... Both recalled the events happened in her trial quest. And also noting that if Gudas died here, it’s safe to assume they’ll die back in Chaldea as well. Additionally, both are in the same boat with Musashi arriving recently in this strange land of “Japan”.
Both begin finding either a village or river to rest while finding way out. While walking, the two stumbled to a young girl carrying her infant sibling on her back. Conversing with Onui, Musashi vaugely guess they’ve arrived during Tokugawa Shogunate period of Japan, particularly Kazusa Province...
Or that’s what supposed to be? Now in Shimosa province, but Iemitsu’s reign? Confusing messy Singularity this is.... But before they could go Onui’s house for food.... Sky darkens, and monster begin appearing... To protect the children, Musashi faces off against 2 Assassin Ghost + 1 Saber Samurai!
The sky turns back to normal after defeating the evil spirits. Musashi then notes this world she entered seems to be the worst of all she previously entered, before joining with Onui to her house.
While heading to Onui’s house... Musashi notes once more how now “bad things” showed up whenever the sky turned dark abnormally and randomly. Again another one showed up right before Musashi’s face, pissing her off further at the Singularity’s situation
Before Gudas were about to be attacked, a mysterious monk saved them. The monk then reveals himself as a Servant with True Name of Houzouin Inshun. Houzouin wonders about Musashi’s mysterious existence after seeing her fight...
And... As expected, he doesn’t believe this is also a real Musashi. Look Houzouin, if anything, just point your spear at DW needing to fetishize every heroic spirit into female.
Right they were to go further in comparing two Musashis history... We’ve got company again. Welp, so much for having a law during Edo period. Depending either Houzouin or Musashi picked for support... Time to see who wins against 5 Assassin Evil Spirits!
And Houzouin wins the match! Or at least she hates losing, so it’s a tie? Houzouin is now convinced that F!Musashi is still the real Musashi from complicated matters.
Once explained to Houzouin from the beginning... It’s back to the same thing with Servants showing up in Singularity. Houzouin has no idea who or what has summoned him since 2 days ago.
Believed to have a Holy Grail like every Singularity, a new quest decided by Gudas to find the Grail and end this Singularity. Houzouin also then noted how M!Musashi wouldn’t help Gudas for free unlike F!Musashi decided.
But first thing first... Time to get Onui and Tasuke home safely before the next set of evil spirits showed up again.
Switching to an eerie temple.... The strange sorcerer revealed their motive of summoning 7 different Heroic Spirits in order to destroy this Singularity. Caster of Limbo also revealed of an additional Curse of Annihilation embedded in the Heroic Spirits... Which begins the plan of turning the sky to crimson
As noted that Crimson moon makes thing worse, the group quickly make haste to bring Onui and Tasuke to safety.... Which unfortunately, they got surrounded by the evil spirits.
However, with Gudas’s command seal glowing... You can now use your own Servants to fight against 5 Assassin Evil Spirits + 1 Black Saber Samurai!!
Slaying them down one by one... We’re good! Thanks to earlier fight of Musashi and Houzouin, Gudas gotten their ability back to use their Command Seal again. However, a strange Female Archer showed up and attacked the crew. Along with the six Heroic Spirit Swordmasters appearing before them...
Assassin of Paraiso, Inferno Archer, Rider of Karasutra Hell, Berserker of Samghata Hell, a mysterious Swordsman and Caster Limbo... Yep, things just perfectly turned for the worst!
Targeting Houzouin for some reason, Gudas and crew are defintely outnumbered! But reluctantly, Gudas followed Houzouin’s order of him as a decoy with his Noble Phantasm while they ran for safety.
Fighting against the swordsman alone while the rest watches... But unfortunately even with fatal blow, Houzouin lost to Saber of Empireo. Bound by Caster of Limbo’s spell... Houzouin had become one of them!!
Section 3 & 4 (DISCONTINUED)
Admittedly... I lost all that I wrote and I’m lazy to rewrite them. Because it took until my phone battery nearly died out.
But... FUCK YOU TUMBLR! So next time, it’ll be like this until tumblr settle its shit
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ghostflowerdreams · 5 years
Devil May Cry -- The Series Storyline
Note: This contains SPOILERS! So don’t read this if you haven’t played the games or read the manga/novels. If you don’t care, please enjoy my attempt at putting the beginning of the DMC series story together. I have shitty memory and sometimes I need a reminder of what (and when something) happened. This mostly focuses on Sparda, though...
2,000 years prior to modern times (basically before the events of the Devil May Cry 3 and the rest of the series), a mighty demon swordsman called The Dark Knight Sparda was one of the demon generals working for Mundus. Mundus is also known as the Prince of Darkness who became the ruler of the Demon Realm (also known as Hell, Underworld, Netherworld, Dark World, Devil Kingdom, etc. ) after overthrowing and slaying the previous ruler.
Sparda helped Mundus conquer the Demon World, but Mundus decided it wasn’t enough and he wanted to expand his rule to the Human World as well. However, during the invasion Sparda “woke up to justice” and went against his own kind to aid the humans. Sparda single-handedly defeated Mundus' army and then Mundus by sealing him into a marble vault.
To insure the safety of the Human World from the Demon World, Sparda used his own blood, the blood of a human priestess, his devil sword Sparda (in its unawaken form it’s known as Force Edge) and a mystical amulet in ordered to close the gateway (the Temen-ni-gru tower is what powered the portal) between the two worlds. As an added security measure, he also imprisoned within the tower gatekeepers: Cerberus, Agni & Rudra, Nevan, Beowulf and Leviathan. He also took the names of the Seven Sins to imprison them and set them as seals to keep the Temen-ni-gru hidden underground.
In doing this all, it would also weaken his demonic powers. The reason is that all natural demons are born from the darkness that makes the Demon World. They have a connection with it, and it is within the boundaries of this realm where demons are capable of unleashing their full power and strength. Many demons become severely weakened if they are away from it or have their power cut in half when the portal to the Demon World is sealed shut.
Later on, Sparda came upon Fortuna and sealed another path to hell using the Yamato. In the country’s history Sparda supposedly stayed and ruled Fortuna as a feudal lord for some time. Once he left the island the people living there continued to worship him, treating him like a God.
Sparda's activities after that are shrouded in legend, though it is understood that he proceeded to watch over the humans. He disappeared after a while, but reemerge again in the twentieth century. At that time he met and fell in love with a human woman named Eva. They settle down in a secluded mansion near Red Grave City and had twin sons, Dante and Vergil.
Sparda would trained the boys and for much of their early childhood, neither of them realized that their father was a demon (or that he had any connection with the legend). Eventually, Sparda died under unknown circumstances (and it’s assumed by fans that this happened a year before the boys’ 8th birthday, based on the painted family portrait on the wall), leaving Eva and the twins vulnerable. [1]
For Dante and Vergil's 8th birthday, Eva gave the boys one half of Sparda's Perfect Amulet. But on that day, they were also attacked by Mundus’ demons in revenge. Eva hid Dante inside a closet and told him, “If I don't return, you must run. By yourself, alone. You must change your name. Forget your past and start a new life as someone else. A new beginning.” [2]
She left him to search for Vergil, but she was killed before she could even do so. At the time, Vergil was playing alone at a playground a few yards from the mansion. He was ambushed by the demons and taken to a nearby cemetery to be toyed with. But I could be remembering incorrectly and Vergil might’ve actually been paying his respects at his father’s grave (or his father’s memorial stone) when the attack happened. Anyway, upon seeing his home burning in the distance, Vergil awakens his inner demon and kill all of the demons with Yamato. [3]
Vergil then went on the run, being hunted constantly by demons and believing it was his own weakness that led to the death of his mother, his brother and the loss of his childhood home. Though, Vergil may have also assumed his mother had abandoned him (or didn’t love him as much) and choose to protect Dante over him. Either way, he experience a painful loss and learned the truth about his father. He decided it was better to embrace his demonic heritage from his father and shun his human side.
While Dante on the other hand followed his mother’s advice. He ran and took on the alias of Anthony “Tony” Redgrave, which would’ve allowed him to live the rest of his early years undetected by Sparda's enemies. Over time he forgot his actual name and become a mercenary, mostly accepting jobs involving the supernatural. He settle down in Red Grave City, becoming close with the local gunsmith, Nell Goldstein, (whom he views as a mother-figure to him) and Grue, his mercenary partner’s family. The Devil May Cry novel occurs during this time and at the end of it he embraces his true identity.
That’s when you get Devil May Cry 3 Manga, a prequel which happens a year before the game Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening. It’s followed by the Devil May Cry 1, Devil May Cry: The Animated Series, Devil May Cry 4, and Devil May Cry Volume 2 which leads into Devil May Cry 2. Then we get Devil May Cry 5: Before the Nightmare, which is a prequel novel set before the events of Devil May Cry 5.
After Thoughts:
[1] -- It’s never stated how Sparda died, nor what happened to his body afterwards. It’s assumed that he was killed when he didn’t returned from wherever he went. But most fans believe he died of natural causes, given his extreme age of 2000+ years and the fact that his demonic power may have withered down to almost nothing at that point. Others suggest he might still be alive, but could be trapped somewhere unknown in Hell to suffer or something.
If Sparda was still alive, but sealed or killed I’m sure a demon would’ve bragged about it. After all, Sparda is the Legendary Dark Knight and it would’ve been a pretty big deal to be the one to defeat or kill him. They would’ve wanted to be acknowledged (or take credit) for being the one to do him in. Unless no one lived to tell the tale about what happened to him? Such as, maybe Sparda defeated the demon (and the minions) that was causing problems, but was fatally injured in the process and went somewhere to die peacefully? Maybe someplace that he knew his remains (or ashes) would’ve been left undisturbed by everyone? It would also help to avoid the possibility of being resurrected (and enslaved). I don’t know...
Also, I’m surprised that for a 2,000+ year old demon, who spent quite a bit of time in the Human World didn’t hook up with a human sooner. Hmm, maybe Sparda did a few times, but it never became serious? Or he tried once and it didn’t end well, but meeting Eva changed his mind? Though, I do wonder if any of his past relationship resulted in children (which he might be unaware of)? Probably not, and if he did I doubt that the kids got to lived to an old age. Unless they were kept secret and hidden away, which could’ve allowed them to live peacefully for a long while (it certainly worked for Dante when followed his mother’s advice about hiding his true identity).
Eventually, demons would’ve found them. They’re like bloodhounds, recognizing Sparda’s blood as soon as they cross paths with someone who has it. I don’t know if they can smell the difference in a person’s blood (maybe it’s only when a person is injured) or they could sense it in a demonic energy/essence way (which might only work when they’re close proximity to someone)? Maybe it’s both ways?
Either way, it’s not impossible to believe that Vergil, Dante and Nero might not be the only ones to exist in the DMC universe with Sparda’s blood in them. So this could be an interesting OC (Self-insert, or Reader-insert) fanfiction idea. To basically introduce another descendant of Sparda. I’ll have to keep in mind about their demonic blood from Sparda, because it’s likely to become more diluted with human blood over time. So it’ll depend on how long ago their blood line from Sparda started.
[2] -- I'm curious about how Mundus even managed to get his demon minions to find and attack Sparda’s family when he was still sealed away. I thought it was just plot convenience, but then I realized that if Sparda is actually dead than that would explain it. His death most likely weaken the seals keeping Mundus contained, which allowed him to get messages out to other demons to get revenge on Sparda or the next best thing, his family.
[3] -- An eight year old Vergil was able to kill all of the demons with Yamato (and with his demonic side unlocked, it gave him the power to do so). I find this to be another hint that Sparda was definitely in his sons’ lives just long enough to teach them how to use their swords (since he did gift the Yamato to Vergil and the Rebellion to Dante). I wouldn’t be surprised that after Sparda’s death, Eva encourage and insist that the boys continued to learn and practice with each other.
Sparda and Eva wanted to make sure their children had a way to protect themselves and each other. Because they knew it would only be a matter of time (as Eva didn’t look surprised that they were being attacked in the first place, and was quick to focused on her children’s safety). Also, it’s not that far-fetch that Dante and Vergil learned early on how to use their swords, because in Real Life some parents do have their kids learn martial arts (it may not be for the same reason that Sparda and Eva did, but it’s been shown to have a positive effect such as exercise, critical thinking, being more confident, discipline, self-defensive skills and so on).
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shadowtigers · 5 years
Skyrim SE Mod List  June-2019
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I tried making a modded profile my fiance and I could both share, but things ended up getting way outta hand. I went back thru uninstalled some of the larger mods we didn’t mind going without and things turned out for the better. Here is the updated mod list of most everything I am using if anyone wants to check it out (everything is in semi-random order and there are a lot of .esp files flagged as .esl.)
ENBSeries v0.386 Vixxen Enb -or- Silent Horizions Enb Custom RESHADE made from "Skyshade" preset
SKSE build 2.0.15
Engine Fixes 4.2 for SSE 1.5.73 hdtSSEframework 1 5 73 hdtSSEPhysics 1 5 73 PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions skse 215 King's Font 360 Walk and Run Plus Magic Casting Animations Overhaul SSE Pretty Combat Animations PCA 1hm Overhaul_SSE ST 2 Expressive Facial Animation -Male Edition Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch UIExtensions Skyrim Skill Uncapper Achievements Mods Enabler AddItemMenuSE 190 SKSE2015 AutoHarvest - Loot Container and Deadbodies SKSE 2.15 Better Jumping SE Display Enemy Level skse 215 Immersive HUD - iHUD Special Edition Darkfox127's Main Menu Replacers SE ST Skyrim Main Menu Music Replacer Berserk - "Behelit"(mod a made) Increase Actors in a cell HD LODs Textures SE xlodgen- LODs -(LODs I generated) SkyUI SkyUI Widgets Animated Black And White SE ElSopa - Animated Celtic Icons For SkyUI SE Arcane Archer Pack.esl Plague of the Dead.esl Ruin's Edge.esl Stendarr's Hammer.esl Chrysamere.esl Dwarven Armored Mudcrab.esl Arcane Accessories.esl Staff of Sheogorath.esl Lords Mail.esl Divine Crusader.esl Forgotten Seasons.esm Tundra Hoimestead.esm Shadowrend.esl Nix-Hound.esl Backpacks.esl Myrwatch.esl Nordic Jewelry.esl Pets of Skyrim.esl Rare Curios.esl Wild Horses.esl Staff of Hasedoki.esl Sunder & Wraithguard.esl Bone Wolf.esl Civil War Champions.esl Vigil Enforcer Armor Set.esl Elite Crossbows.esl Saturalia Holiday Pack.esl Shadowfoot Sanctum.esl Umbra.esm Arms of Chaos.esl Spell Knight Armor.esl Unofficial Arcane Archer Pack Patch.esl Unofficial Plague of the Dead Patch.esl Unofficial Ruin's Edge Patch.esl Unofficial Stendarr's Hammer Patch.esl Unofficial Chrysamere Patch.esl Unofficial Dwarven Armored Mudcrab Patch.esl Unofficial Arcane Accessories Patch.esl Unofficial Staff of Sheogorath Patch.esl Unofficial Divine Crusader Patch.esl Unofficial Forgotten Seasons Patch.esl Unofficial Tundra Homestead Patch.esl Unofficial Nix-Hound Patch.esl Unofficial Shadowrend Patch.esl Unofficial Myrwatch Patch.esl Unofficial Nordic Jewelry Patch.esl Unofficial Pets of Skyrim Patch.esl Unofficial Staff of Hasedoki Patch.esl Unofficial Sunder & Wraithguard Patch.esl Unofficial Bone Wolf Patch.esl Unofficial Civil War Champions Patch.esl Unofficial Vigil Enforcer Armor Set Patch.esl Unofficial Elite Crossbows Patch.esl Unofficial Saturalia Holiday Pack Patch.esl Unofficial Wild Horses Patch.esl Unofficial Shadowfoot Sanctum Patch.esl Unofficial Umbra Patch.esl Unofficial Arms of Chaos Patch.esl Unofficial Spell Knight Armor Patch.esl QUASIPC - Qwinn's Unified Automated Self Installing Patch Compendium Alternate Start - Live Another Life Jaxonz Positioner Converted (With almost full functionality) Cutting Room Floor Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE 4.16 Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE patches Immersive College of Winterhold XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended 4.51 ( with physics, Race Menu options) SAM Light 3 SAM Light Texture Add-on 1.1 SAM Clothes-Armor SE 2-17-19 Brutish Argonian Mod UNP Female Body Renewal RS Children Overhaul RS Children Overhaul Patches RaceMenu Special Edition ECEE Sliders for RaceMenu UNP AIO SE Port Tattoo Pack SkFO SE -Skin Feature Overlays- 2K SAM Morphs for RaceMenu Weathered Nordic Bodypaints -Special Edition- RaceMenu Overlays and Warpaints Ziovdendian Bodypaint - Designs of the Lupine - RaceMenu Overlays - Special Edition male body hair overlays v 0 5 1 Ixum's Tattoos Simple Belly Paints SE - Bodypaints of Shadowmarks Skillpaints and Faction Paints - RaceMenu Overlays TSLayered TSMaleWarPaints Neith Team Warpaints Set 50 warpaint WyldPlug Freckle Mania 2 Combo 4K Community Overlays 1 - Main - UNP 4K STBeautyMerge4.esp(mods contained in merge -Cherry's Eyes.esp, Eyes of Aber.esp, KijikoHairCC.esp, KSHairdo's.esp,TheEyesOfBeauty.esp, TrueBrows.esp, saLa_Hairs.esp, Kalilies Hair.esp, KS Cazy Hair.esp, Kyoe BanginBrows.esp, Beards.esp, SVBeardsSE.esp, HowitzerHair.esp, MikanEyes All in one SE.esp, rrhair3.esp, Brutish Argonian Male (female fix).esp, KXHairs.esp, NB-Scars.esp, [KijikoHair_MalePack].esp, Holiday Gift Hairdos.esp, Hair Beneath Headgear SE.esp, YunDao_Hdt_Hair.esp, KSWigsHDT.esp) ApachiiSkyHairMale v 1 2 Optimized ApachiiSkyHairFemale v 1 5 Optimized ApachiiSkyHair v 1 6 Full optimized Apachii Divine Elegance Store STArmorClothingMerge1.esp(mods contained in merge- Hoamaii-IronArmor.esp, Armor of Intrigue.esp, Armour_of_Yngol.esp, AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp, Bandanas of Skyrim.esp, BerserkJudeauArmor.esp, DreamBurrowsRegalHuntsmanArmor.esp, Facial Piercings.esp, FurSet by keung.esp, HoamaiiGannicusArmor.esp, Ursine Armour - Non HDT.esp, _ImoMegane.esp, Persian Armor.esp, NosPiercedEarsAll.esp, STWardrobe.esp, TDNEquipableHorns.esp, Afro_TW2_armorpack.esp, Dr_Bandolier.esp, CommonClothes.esp, dark messiah armor pack.esp, DB WolfArmor.esp, Sword Master Armor.esp, ElMensUnderwear.esp, Pipes Yo.esp, RM Basic Robes.esp, RM Replacers - Iron.esp, RM Replacers - TG and NG.esp, RM Replacers - Wolf.esp, Omegared99-GalleryOfArmor.esp, imp_helm_legend.esp, LadyKdCirclets.esp, LeftHandRings-1stPersonView.esp, LeftHandRings.esp, Master of Beasts.esp, BattleFM.esp, RM Simple Male Outfits.esp, Slof's Just For Men.esp, Slof's Goth Clothes.esp, Survival Gear.esp, The Well Dressed Mage.esp, WitcherSet1.esp, Male_Jewelry.esp, Einar.esp, Everec Outfit.esp, Headwraps.esp, Jake_Asia_RE6.esp, Majinis Clothing.esp, Ulags Legacy.esp, WitchWood Guardian.esp, GladiatorArmor.esp, K9Armor.esp, MSZ_Goods.esp, Ryse.esp, Yoku Porcelain.esp, KL-GeraltWolf.esp, KL-GeraltUrsine.esp, KL-Kyron.esp, KL-Daren.esp, Ophelia.esp, LeatherBackpackStraps-300.esp, CN_Accessories.esp, Torcs.esp, RM Dwemer Gladiator.esp, SAM Dragonbone Set.esp, SAM Tsun Armor - Seedye.esp, True Thief Armor.esp, Nordic Wanderer.esp ,BattlemageArmor.esp, ArcherCuirassUltimate.esp, giftsofakatosh.esp, Dwemer Goggles & Scouter.esp, The Legends-Breton Knight.esp, The Legends-Nord Armor.esp, ssNordMage.esp, DCR_KingCrusaderMegaPack_SSE.esp, Berserk Black Swordsman Armor - No Arm.esp, Spellsword Cuirass.esp) STArmorClothingMerge2g.esp(El_WayfarersCoatSSE.esp, FaceMasksOfSkyrim.esp, FryingPanWeaponsFaceless.esp, GirlHeavyArmor.esp, JoOsArmorCompendiumSE.esp, Keeping Warm.esp, NightsWatchArmorLight.esp, sirwho_Wizard_Hat.esp, TreasureHunterGarb.esp, T'Skyrim - True Weapons.esp, WarmongerArmory_SSE.esp, Wooden Frame Packs.esp, Phenderix Arcane Archery.esp, SneakArsenal_SA.esp, Deckhand Armor.esp, RM Scoundrel Armor Remastered.esp, DMC5 Dante Weaponry.esp, PSBandages.esp, Prince of Persia - Sand Wraith.esp, TERAArmorsSSE.esp, KozakowyIsabellaDeBourbon.esp, Kozakowy's 1600 Isabella De Bourbon Court Gown - Elisif Replacer.esp) STLocationsMerge3.esp(mods contained in merge- SolitudeRestaurant.esp, ShocksSolitudePhysician.esp, SolitudeBoozeMerchant.esp, BauPetSuppliesSkyrim.esp, HjerimTNF BP.esp, HSTNF.esp, VHTNFSSE.esp, ZenitharWorkshop.esp,I5K Treasure Hunt.esp, Underwater_Treasure.esp, Power Stones Of Skyrim - Special Edition.esp,proudspiremanortnf.esp, HFMerchant.esp, Sky City.esp, The Ruins.esp, Nordic Ruins of Skyrim.esp, Man Those Borders!.esp, morthal.esp, JK's Skyrim - Morthal II Patch.esp, Windhelm Exterior Altered.esp, Windhelm Bridge Overhaul.esp, Windhelm Bridge Overhaul - Patch for Windhelm Exterior Altered.esp, Windhelm Lighthouse.esp, RiftenThiefEdition.esp) STFollowerMerge1a.esp(mods contained in merge- Vath.esp, ST followers.esp, _0CullenFollower.esp, Snakestone Follower.esp, RE6 Chris Redfield.esp, Theo.esp, Immersive Followers.esp, budy_companion_dog.esp, [kiki]kkFollowers.esp, [kiki]kkFollowers2.esp) STAnimalMerge1.esp(mods contained in merge- Ducks and Swans.esp, Farm Animals_HF.esp, JokerinePenguins.esp) ST MiscMerge2.esp(mods contained in merge- SolitudeTempleFrescoes.esp, Obsidian Mountain Fogs.esp, BecomeABard.esp, QuickLight.esp, Laundry.esp, Swamp - Poison bloom.esp, Potions.esp, Lumberjacked.esp, RavenOnMyShoulder.esp, True Scholar.esp, FreshlyGround.esp, Readable_Shadowmarks.esp, CrimsonQuestMarkers.esp, Seashells.esp, UnreadBooksGlow.esp, BBD_SkyrimFishing.esp, S3DSigns.esp HearthCraft.esp, CampfirePrimitiveShelter.esp, DTNecromancerCamp.esp, Warm Drinks.esp) Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE FNIS Spells SE 7.0 FNIS Patch PoserMerge1.esp(mods contained in merge- Halo's Poser.esp, Arsenic Pose.esp, CollyPoser.esp, GPPoses.esp, cpkinokopose.esp, YuiHPoser.esp, WulfPoser.esp, MK Poser.esp, KnoxPoser.esp, FNIS - Shocky Poses Humans.esp, FNIS - Shocky Poses Misc.esp) Eyes AO Clipping Fix RUSTIC ATRONACHS - Special Edition RUSTIC FROSTBITE SPIDER SSE - 4K RUSTIC DEATH HOUND and GARGOYLE - Special Edition RUSTIC SPRIGGAN - Special Edition - 2K RUSTIC AZURA'S STAR - Special Edition RUSTIC CLOTHING - Special Edition - 2K-1K-4703-2-0 ETHEREAL CLOUDS - Special Edition - 1K ETHEREAL COSMOS - Special Edition - Vivid RUSTIC WINDOWS - Special Edition - 1K RUSTIC COOKING - Special Edition - 2K RUSTIC CLUTTER COLLECTION - Special Edition - 2K-1K RUSTIC MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES RUSTIC FURNITURE - SPECIAL EDITION RUSTIC FORSWORN - Special Edition RUSTIC ELDERSCROLL - Special Edition RUSTIC DRAGON CORPSE - Special Edition Ren's HD Shrines by Rengel Embers HD new w. lava Ruins Clutter Improved SE Remade HD Better Dust Piles SE High Poly Project Snow Elf Ruins HD Underground - a dungeon texture overhaul Fluffy Snow - 2K Fluffy Snow 3D Trees Patch Fluffy Snow iNeed Patch Glorious Solitude Door Replacer SE Magnificent Riften Mistveil Keep Door SE Marvelous Windhelm Door Replacer SE Marvelous Windhelm Gate SE Glorious Solitude Door SE Magnificent Riften Door Replacer SE Epic Gate of Whiterun SE 3D Medieval Candlehorns 3D Medieval Silverworks 3D Ancient Pottery 3D Medieval Spirits 3D Realistic RoadSigns Skyrim 3D Furniture Skyrim 3D Blacksmith Skyrim 3D Cooking Skyrim 3D Landscapes Groundcovers 2k Skyrim 3D Landscapes 1.0.6 Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants 4.0.1 Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants Fixes Skyrim 3D Misc Skyrim 3D Rocks Skyrim 3D Gildergreen JS Dragon Claws 2k Textures-1394-1-0 Astral Aspect - 2K - 1.0 Skygazer Moons - Masser and Secunda Ultra HD 4K (2K and 1K) Moon Textures Rugnarok - SE 2k -1k PELTAPALOOZA - Special Edition HD Better Instruments Transparent and refracting Icicle and Frost Atronach Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Bthardamz Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Moths Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soul Gems Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Chaurus Eggs and Sacs Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Arrows ENB Particle Lights - Dwemer Lanterns ENB Light .95 CC's Fort Dawnguard Reborn CC's Castle Volkihar Reborn Whiterun HD Alternative Grass and Stone Roads Mammoth.by.Kajuan Troll.by.Kajuan Giant.by.Kajuan Noble Skyrim HD mod 2K - For Skyrim Special Edition Stunning Statues of Skyrim Static Mesh Improvement Mod Remove Interior Fog-11983-4-0 Dust Effects by HHaleyy Skyrim 3D Icefloes Skyrim 3D StoneWalls Skyrim 3D High Hrothgar Steps Septim a coin retexture Forgotten Retex Project JS Barenziah SE Remove Blood Blended Roads Organic Riften Leaves Male Flame Atronach SE CC's HQ Barset CC's Enhanced Ore Veins SSE Superior Lore-Friendly Hair HD 2K aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Dragonborn DLC aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armors aMidianBorn Book of Silence Blades Armor HOTFIX aMidianBorn stormcloak officer armour aMidianBorn imperial light and studded aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures Realistic Water Two Vivid Weathers - Definitive Edition True Storms Special Edition - Thunder Rain and Weather Redone Vivid Weathers - TrueStorms Patch Lightning During Storms Enhanced Lights and FX v 2 Veydosebrom - Grasses and Groundcover iNeed - Food, Water and Sleep Campfire SSE Tentapalooza for Campfire L.V.X Magicks - Campfire Unleashed - WILD FIRES Hunterborn Hunterborn - Scrimshaw Expanded SSE Distinct Interiors SE v4 fixed EEKs Whiterun Interiors SSE Books of Skyrim SE Provincial Courier Service Palaces and Castles Enhanced SSE Skyrim Reborn - Whiterun Hold Skyrim Reborn - Hjaalmarch Hold JK's Skyrim JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim - Patch T'Skyrim - Riverwood (Addon for JK's Skyrim) JK's Skyrim SE Thunderchild Patch Dawn of Skyrim Director's Cut SSE JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim - Patch Immersive Laundry Wind District Breezehome - Reborn Wind District Breezehome - Reborn - Outdoor Garden Wind District Breezehome Reborn - Outdoor Garden JKs Skyrim Patch Alpine Forest of Whiterun Valley The Autumn of Whiterun v1.3.1 - NO LANTERNS Carriage Stops of Skyrim Tavern Games - Mini Games in Skyrim Solitude Expansion Immersive Weapons Immersive Armors Grandmaster Ursine Armour HDT SMP SE Dark Souls Pack [Team TAL x full_inu] v0.1 Bloodborne Pack [Team TAL x full_inu] v0.51 [Alpha] BDOR Pack by TeamTAL v1.2 SE Royal Armory V2.2 Amulets of Skyrim SSE Cloaks and Capes Artesian Cloaks of Skyrim Cloaks of Skyrim SSE Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE Thieves Guild For Good Guys - Taking Care of Business Redux 3.5 The Wheels of Lull The Paarthurnax Dilemma The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SSE - HD pack The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SE Thane Weapons Reborn SE 4.2 Dark Brotherhood for Good Guys BadGremlins Hunt Collection Artifacts of Skyrim VIGILANT SE 1.3.0 Vigilant ESM Englich voice Skyrims Unique Treasures SE Relic Hunter for SSE AetheriumArmornWeapons Boethiah for Good Guys Artifacts - The Tournament of the Ten Bloods [SSE] Zim's Immersive Artifacts V1.3.1_SE Shezrie's Old Hroldan Town Ver 2.2 SE Dawnguard and Clan Volkihar Epilogues Unslaad SE ESM english text Faction - Pit Fighter Faction - Pit Fighter dlc Moonpath to Elsweyr SSE Moon and Star Heavy Armory - New Weapons Hammet's Dungeon Packs for SE (ESM Version) Fossil Mining - with Legacy support NarrativeLoot Complete-12812-1-0 More Interesting Loot v5_7 Unique Uniques SE Cute Foxes SE HD Rabbit Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition Animallica SE - Skyrim Wildlife Overhaul Beasts of Tamriel Diverse Dragons Collection SE Moonlight Tales Special Edition - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul Moonlight Tales MCM Werewolf Loot Better Vampires 8.2 SE Music Mods Merged Non Replacer Version Unread Books Glow SSE (ESL version) Dynamic Things - Woodpiles and Barrels and More Oh My More Growable Plants SE Flora Respawn Fix SE for Beyond Skyrim Flora Respawn Fix Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim Arcanum - A New Age of Magic .4b Phenderix Magic Evolved Forgotten Magic Redone SE Forgotten Magic Redone - Ordinator Compatibility Patch Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim Thunderchild - Epic Shouts and Immersion Summermyst Ordinator Beyond Skyrim Patch Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim Konahrik's Accoutrements Namira for Good Guys Oblivion Artifact Pack SE Mealtime - a Food and Recipe Mod Bijin Overhaul SE st npc overhaul SE Inhabitants of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul Hot Male Housecarls full pack Version 2.2 SSE male npc overhaul Lucien - Fully Voiced Follower ver.1.3.0 Lucien patches INIGO Populated Cities Towns Villages Lite with Open Cities Support Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO v2.0i (with mcm menu-personal port) Guard Dialogue Overhaul (GDO) Kels version EFF - Extensible Follower Framework Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice The Skillful Chef - Cooking Pots and Ovens give Skill - SE Beyond Skyrim - Bruma - Tweaks Enhancements and Patches SSE Jokerine Eggs-Chicken Butthurt Minimizer Proper Aiming T'Skyrim - True Skyrim LITE Pick up books simple SE Bee Hives AI Overhaul SSE AI Overhaul SSE all-in-one NPC patch (personal patch)
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scarlxtleaves · 4 years
Misc Muses
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Name: Nero
Age: 17-20
Origin: Devil may cry 4
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: Nero is one of the main protagonists of the Devil May Cry series. He first appeared as a playable character in Devil May Cry 4, and later in Devil May Cry 5. He is the son of Vergil who is raised in Fortuna and serves as a Holy Knight in the Order of the Sword, a religious group that worships Sparda and fights to protect the world from demons.In Devil May Cry 4, however, he is forced to fight against the Order after encountering Dante and uncovering a conspiracy to conquer the world using The Savior. In Devil May Cry 5, Nero is a more seasoned demon hunter that has since changed his operation to being a mobile Devil May Cry branch. He finds himself fending off a demonic invasion as he chases a mysterious figure (later revealed to be his own biological father Vergil at the end) that severed the Devil Bringer.
Note: For storylines outside of DMC I will portray him post DMC5 unless we’ve discussed something. 
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Name: Arthur Pendragon
Age: 30′s (Appears mid teens)
Origin: Fate/Prototype
Class: Saber
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: Saber's True Name is Arthur Pendragon, otherwise known better as King Arthur. Approving of the virtuous and correcting atrocities. A hero who is like a knight in shining armor that anyone would dream about as a child. Also called the wielder of the holy sword of the planet. His true identity is that of the “King of Knights” of a parallel universe, who reached this world by chasing after some sort of existence.
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Name: Arthur Pendragon
Age: Eternally youthful
Origin: Fate/Prototype
Class: Archer
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: Saber's True Name is Arthur Pendragon, otherwise known better as King Arthur. Approving of the virtuous and correcting atrocities. A hero who is like a knight in shining armor that anyone would dream about as a child. Also called the wielder of the holy sword of the planet. His true identity is that of the “King of Knights” of a parallel universe, who reached this world by chasing after some sort of existence.
Note: I will portray him a little more tamed than the way he’s portrayed in UBW. Whilst he might still seem tyrannical, in his mind he is doing the world justice because that’s just how much he loves the world which is, of course, his garden.
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Name: Frank Morrison
Age: 19
Origin: Dead by daylight
Icons: No
Icons credit: n/a
About: Frank Morrison was nineteen and had little to show for it. He'd stopped attending school after being kicked out of the basketball team for shoving a referee into the stands. Yet Frank was a man of potential, who could light up a room despite his bleak childhood. At six years old, he'd been taken away from Calgary to start a circuit of foster homes. No matter how many times he'd lashed out, threw tantrums and got into fights, they'd kept moving him to new, unfamiliar houses. His last move had been three years prior when his last foster dad, Clive Andrews, had picked him up from the adoption centre. They'd been on the road for seven hours before reaching a small bungalow in Ormond. It would be the longest time they'd spend together. 
Clive was too busy trading cheques from Family Services for drinks at the bar.Ormond was a small, stale place; a remote town of six thousand inhabitants where grey winters drag on for most of the year. Frank did everything he could to get into another adoptive family, but he changed his mind when he caught the attention of Julie, a beautiful girl who was convinced that she deserved better than a life in Ormond, and Frank, as an outsider, was her ticket out. Frank attended the parties she threw where everyone was younger than him and easily impressed, which he liked. He met the impulsive Joey, who liked to show off, and the shy, naïve Susie, who was Julie's best friend.They would hang out at an abandoned lodge up Mount Ormond. Their time together was the perfect break from the boring conformity of their small, insignificant everyday lives. Frank saw it as an opportunity to shape their lack of experience into something powerful. He lined up nights of debauchery and rampage, testing their limits. 
Bullying , vandalism, and theft were essentially their weekend plans. It came to a point where they would do anything he asked. Nothing was off-limits when they put their masks on. One evening, Frank dared Joey to vandalise the store that had recently fired him. They snuck inside easily enough, as the building was supposed to be empty after closing hours. But a cleaner who was still there grabbed Julie as soon as she came near. Hearing her stifled cries, a dark impulse took over Frank. He rushed to her aid, knife in hand, and without hesitating, planted the blade into the cleaner's back.As the group stared at Frank in shock, he ordered them to finish the job. Joey clenched his jaw, grabbed the knife, and stabbed the bleeding man in the ribs. Susie didn't want to do it. Frank shouted at her; they had to finish what they'd started. Julie closed her eyes and slid the knife into the man's chest. She handed the wet blade to Susie: they were all in this together now. 
Susie stared at Julie in disbelief as Frank grabbed her trembling hands and inserted the knife deep into the man's throat. Frank told them to move fast; they mopped the blood off the floor, stashed the body in the trunk of Joey's car, and drove up Mount Ormond.All four were digging in the muddy snow to dispose of the body when Frank spotted something moving through the woods. He grabbed his knife and broke from the group to check it out. The Fog thickened around Frank, becoming so dense that he soon could no longer see ahead. He retraced his steps and stumbled onto an ominous trail. He followed the eerie path, as if called by the darkness. Julie, Susie, and Joey finished digging, but Frank was nowhere to be seen. Julie spotted his muddy footsteps in the snow and the three of them followed the trail, which took them deeper into the woods. When Julie, Susie, and Joey did not return home that night, their parents thought they'd run away with Frank. Each family came up with a different theory. The mood in the town changed, however, when a body was found by an abandoned lodge up Mount Ormond.
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Name: Gohan Son
Age: 17-30s
Origin: Dragonball Z
Icons: No
Icons credit: n/a
About: Son Gohan is the elder son of the series' primary protagonist Goku and his wife Chi-Chi, the older brother of Goten, the husband of Videl and father to Pan. He is named after Goku's adoptive grandfather, Gohan.Unlike his father, Gohan lacks a passion for fighting (although, he does possess a strong power within him) and prefers to do so only when his loved ones are threatened.  Nevertheless, Gohan fights alongside the Dragon Team in the defense of Earth for much of his life.
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Name: Trunks Brief
Age: 17-40s
Origin: Dragonball Z
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: A friend of mine (proper credit later bruh)
About: Future Trunks is the Saiyan and Earthling hybrid son of Future Vegeta and Future Bulma from an alternate future. By the time Present Trunks was born, the timeline had been altered by Future Trunks' and Cell's trips to the past. Therefore, the two Trunks had completely different lives (as opposed to those who lived before the Time Machines arrived, they lived exactly the same lives as their counterparts until the point at which the two timelines diverge: three years before the androids arrived).
Well-mannered, serious and very cautious, Trunks hails from an alternate timeline in which Future Androids 17 and 18 murdered the Dragon Team and proceeded to create apocalyptic hell on Earth. Trunks is trained by Future Gohan as a teenager and become a gifted fighter, swordsman and a Super Saiyan; traits that aid him greatly in the battle against the Androids after traveling back in time in order to save his own future.
Years later, Future Trunks would return in Dragon Ball Super, this time fighting against a mysterious entity referred to as Goku Black (and later his partner-in-crime Future Zamasu) wreaking havoc in the future. In the end, Trunks (with the help of Goku and Vegeta) neutralizes the threat, though unfortunately, Fused Zamasu not only survives the ordeal, but his essence began to merge with the universe itself, to the point that Future Zeno had to erase the future timeline completely. Trunks himself is one of the three survivors and is currently living in another future timeline where another Future Trunks exists - created in the anime by Whis warning Future Beerus ahead of time to eliminate the soon-to-be rogue Supreme Kai, while in the manga Trunks and Mai travel to their timeline's past and prevent Future Shin's death with the blessing of Beerus as it will save his counterpart, thus eliminating the possibility of the Project Zero Mortals.
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Name: Peter Parker
Age: Mid-late 20′s
Origin: Marvel Spider-man
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: While attending a public exhibition demonstrating the safe handling of nuclear laboratory waste materials, sponsored by the General Techtronics Corporation, the 15-year-old Peter Parker was bitten on the hand by a spider that had been irradiated by a particle accelerator used in the demonstration. Unbeknownst to him, after the spider fell from his hand, it bit a girl, Cindy Moon on the ankle before it died from the radiation. Making his way home afterwards, Peter was almost hit by a car; when Peter jumped out of the way, Peter discovered he had somehow gained incredible strength, agility, and the ability to cling to walls, spider-like traits that he immediately associated with the spider bite.
Note: I roleplay as Peter within Insomniac’s Spider-man canon. But always willing to world hop a great type of crossover/au. 
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Name: Vincent Phantomhive
Age: 20-30s
Origin: Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: Vincent was the head of the Phantomhive household and acted as Queen Victoria's Watchdog. As a young man, Vincent attended Weston College with Alexis Leon Midford and Diedrich. He was the prefect of the Sapphire Owl dormitory. Vincent was idly reading a book on the lawn, while neglecting the preparations for the annual cricket tournament on June 4th, when he was approached by an exasperated Diedrich. Vincent made a snide remark that "everything German is pretty tough to handle," fueling Diedrich's anger. Diedrich swung his cricket bat, and missed Vincent, hitting his book instead. He complained that he was forced to handle all the preparations himself, and commented that since the leader is representative of the pack, the rest in Blue House must be awful as well. Provoked, Vincent proposed a contest: whichever dorm is the winner of the tournament will have the loser perform a free request for him. Later, Vincent led his house to their only triumph in the annual cricket tournament—this astounding event was dubbed as the "Miracle of the Sapphires." Afterward, at the Swan Gazebo, Diedrich accepted his loss to Vincent and asserted that he will carry out Vincent's one request. Vincent then told him to become his fag, much to Diedrich's alarm as they are from separate dorms; however, Vincent stated that he must keep his promise regardless and that whenever he is to call him, Diedrich must come without question. He added that their affiliation will continue past graduation and drifted on a boat away from Diedrich (though he was pursued by him), relishing in his success at finally attaining a "loyal German dog."
Note: Should I roleplay with anyone within kuro’s present canon I will simply use an au in which Vincent is still alive. The events that transpire still happens, he’s merely saved last minute and was kept away from London but relocated into Italy where he becomes the head of a mafia group that keeps the city safe from the shadows. Vincent, of course, is told that he is the only survivor, at the time of the murder the group that found him searched for his wife and child(keeping it spoiler safe just in case.) but none were found.
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Name: Byleth
Age: 19
Origin: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: Myself
About: Born to Jeralt and his wife on the 20th of the Horsebow Moon 1159, Byleth lost their mother shortly after their birth. She was buried at Garreg Mach Monastery. Some time after her death, Jeralt left the Knights of Seiros, taking his newborn child with him to travel Fódlan, becoming a mercenary in the process and starting his own mercenary company.
During Byleth's childhood, Jeralt shared little information about the world, the Church of Seiros and especially his past. Byleth either forgot or never learned their true birthdate, Jeralt claiming they were born years after the fire to a woman who supposedly died of illness. Jeralt trained Byleth in combat, eventually joining his band of mercenaries and gaining a fearsome reputation for their unflinching courage in battle. They would soon be known as the "Ashen Demon" as a result.
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Name: Cabba
Age: 19+
Origin: Dragon Ball Super
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: @startnone​
About: Cabba is a Saiyan born in Universe 6 on Planet Sadala. Cabba was trained by Renso, and the latter was his captain. At some point in the past, Cabba fought alongside Frost to stop space pirates on the planet Mayonnai, a group Frost is the leader of in secret.
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Name: Victor Frankenstein
Age: 25
Origin: Code Realize
Icons: Yes
Icons credit: me
About: Victor Frankenstein is a researcher who once had ties to the British Government. Though his knowledge and intelligence are unrivaled, he is genuinely humble and self-deprecating. In addition to being very sociable, he is easily swayed by others. After an unfortunate series of events, he is now a wanted criminal.
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gear-project · 5 years
.     .     .
I've realized it for some time now, but I thought I'd write about it to really clear the air about how I feel.
Of course by that I mean I've been thinking long and hard about the games I play and wish to play, and if, in the end they are truly worth playing.
First and foremost, much of what I've done thus far seems like a vain attempt at bragging to the masses that I "own" certain games, be it posting combos on the internet, matches with friends, or just sharing my overall experiences.
I say "vain" because most of that feels like it's coming from my ego and not really anywhere else.
Most of the games on my wish-list currently are games that either I own and am keeping an eye on, or are games that are a subgenre of games I already own.
Why?  What's the point of that?
A minor update?  An add-on difference?  A PC version of something I've already played?
With Fighting games I am often swayed by the whims of social media, but in reality my situation is much more isolated than I care to admit.
Fighting games are a "social game", so it requires "friends" to play with... And while I do have online friends, that is not necessarily a consistent nor ideal situation to be in.
Then I think about other games I have (or want), and the vast majority feel... for lack of a better term: trying to accomplish a nonexistent ideal "self".
Games are often an extension of the ego, particularly role-playing games.  An alter ego.
So what am I trying to accomplish as a gamer?
Maybe I am brow-beating myself for thinking in this manner... do I really need a goal?
Gaming is, at its core: an experience in the FUN... a release from the mundane.
But what happens when gaming itself becomes... "mundane"?
I've begun to see a pattern in the genres of games I play, particularly in games where I can control my character's avatar or appearance... and I see myself... my EGO... as some kind of "legendary swordsman".
In reality I am far and distant, and even worlds apart from my ideal, but it's more or less a reflection of the games I've played over the many years.
Even in games like Final Fantasy, I tend to latch on to sword user characters as a matter of course: Cloud, Squall, Lightning, Noctis, etc...
Even the games I don't have access to, I tend to latch on to sword users: Link, Lenneth, Dante, Vergil, Yoshitora, Ukyo, and so on...
"ALL IS VANITY! GIVE UP THYSELF FOR TRUE ENLIGHTENMENT!", I hear some ancient philosopher decry on a distant mountaintop in my imagination.
Heck, I have a wooden cross guard hilt sword and a bokken shinai sitting on my bookshelf, gathering dust.
The question on my mind, that has drove me to this point is:
"What is the game... I SHOULD be playing?"
Time is limited, and so I should be wiser in my spending of it, no?
The game called "LIFE" has, thus far... been a kusoge like no other, to say the least.
Even in the times where I worked on my "ideal videogame", I hit several walls in my progress... either because of my lack of knowledge, or just energy limitations, or a lack of inspiration.
Some might argue I am just a junkie looking for the "ideal high" with the right mixture of drugs (drugs called videogames).
All of this... transcends console generations, transcends genres, transcends game companies... all of it goes above and beyond individual talents and game developers from specific developing teams.
It's just me latching on to things I like, in the end.
But then my inner "more honest self" asks me, "Is that so wrong?  You deserve a break once in a while?  You shouldn't have to think so hard about what you want."
What I actually "want", doesn't actually "exist".  And even if it "did exist", it would never achieve the ideal perfection my imagination has "drawn" itself.
So what's the point?  Gaming?  Why bother playing anything?
After my 25-30+ years of holding a game controller in my hands, I still don't know a coherent answer to that question.
I can count on my hands the number of games that I had the most emotional and spiritual fulfillment playing... and believe it or not, most of them aren't fighting games by nature.
So what happens now?  What should happen now?  What should I be doing?
Whether I be the 13th line of Lucis (Noctis), an Ex-member of SOLDIER (Cloud), or just a rebel (Ragna=the=BloodEdge)... in the end I'm just swinging an imaginary sword around with friends or by myself.
I am the "backbone" (Ego) of my swords. Games (Sourcecode) are my body, and Imagination (Modding) my blood. I have created over a thousand gaming scenarios (in my head)... I've experienced Game Overs, But I never gave up (except Dark Souls genres, some are too hard). Have withstood Gachas, RNGs, and Hours Grinding to create MANY WEAPONS. Yet, all I hold is a Game Controller (that sometimes doesn't work). So as I "add to wishlist", Unlimited Videogame Works!
(Even if I don't have a reason, or a means, I still want to have fun, regardless of the futility of the games I play.  I just hope I can still accomplish "having fun" when all is said and done.)
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
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The Switch version of the original Devil May Cry will launch via the Nintendo eShop on June 25 in the west and June 27 in Japan for $19.99 / 1,990 yen, listings on the Nintendo eShop have revealed. It will support English, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Chinese language options.
Here is an overview of the game, via PlayStation.com:
Legends tell of a demon swordsman named Sparda, who awoke to justice and rebelled against the devil, waging a one-man support of the human world. Now, 2,000 years later, a dark figure named Dante–private investigator of the supernatural–finds clues that the devil is rallying to rise up again against mankind. By Dante’s demon blood, you enter this dark realm of demonic marionettes, unearthly phantoms, grim reapers, and other retched souls. Transform to a demon state to inflict devastating attacks on enemies in this gothic battle of good against evil.
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