#Damian like to bossing Anya around
nomaejie · 1 year
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Master Damian x Maid (spy) Anya 
 Anya tried horseback riding for the first time. Later they return to the mansion
Anya: It was fun. Next time we should bring 2 horses.
Damian: ...
Anya: (He doesn't look happy at all! Damn I accidentally asked too much for a servant! He'll hate me. This is not good for the mission!)
Damian: (She doesn't like riding with me..? Pffft, it's not that I like it or anything! It's just out of habit that I only brought one horse!)
Here is the plot. I bullshiting their clothes so I’m not sure what year its set:
The sudden death of the King forced the young prince to ascend the throne, which caused turmoil in the court. The nobility did not submit to the New King because he was too young. The New King, while taking on a new role, opened an investigation into his father's sudden death. He appealed to the Imperial Knights' underground knight squad - WISE. The best spies are sent into the houses of the nobles one after another to investigate the clues about the assassin of the Old King, and at the same time to spy on their loyalty to the New King. Loid, one of the knights of WISE, he is normally pretending to be a writer, with his wife Yor - a gardener, and his adopted daughter Anya. By order of the king, he was tasked with infiltrating the Desmond family. Speaking of the Desmonds, they are a family that has served the royal family faithfully for two centuries. That also means about the level of power of the Desmond family. Which side they sided with would have enormous influence over the fledgling dynasty. However, Desmond's family is known to be extremely reserved, with a limited number of servants, rarely changing. Getting in is extremely difficult. Coincidentally, the Desmonds were in need of a new maid. Loid's daughter, Anya, feels this is a golden opportunity to help her father, so she volunteered to accept the mission. Although very dissatisfied, he agreed to let his daughter perform the task. Instead, Loid will be on an outside investigation mission. Damian, the second son of the Desmonds, 17 years old. He seems to like Anya at first sight and likes to bully her. In an impulsive moment, Anya succumbed and gave Damian a punch. It was thought that the mission would end from here, but Damian did not fire Anya but also concealed the incident for her with the excuse that "it would be embarrassing if this story got out". He "punishes" Anya by making her his personal maid. He likes to command the girl constantly and make her follow him whenever he can (this greatly hinders Anya's mission). However, he was no longer acting as exaggerated as before. Their friendship gradually blossomed.
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sy-on-boy · 5 months
"Anya, are you... feeling okay?"
Anya stared at Becky with with big, blank, buggy eyes. "I don't understand," she said in a monotone.
Becky squinted at Anya. Anya was usually weird, but Becky knew her well enough to discern Anya's different types of weirdness. "Are you trying to be like Damian's creepy older brother?"
Ewen and Emile heard and quickly turned around to defend their best friend's brother. "Oy, don't insult Demetrius!" "He's not creepy, he's a genius! His mind operates at levels we cannot understand!"
"You guys are talking about my brother?" Damian's voice came. "What's all this fuss?"
Becky sighed, then deadpanned, "I think Anya's trying to be like your brother. For some reason."
Damian jumped and instantly scowled. Anya continued to silently stare at Damian with her buggy eyes. Damian backed away, weirded out (and oddly jealous) by Anya imitating his own brother. "Ugh, what's wrong with you, Forger?" he spluttered out, cheeks turning pink.
Upon seeing Damian's distaste, Anya blinked, dropped the act, and looked normal again. "Super Sy-on boy is a genius so I'm going to be like him until I become a genius. I wanna get stella stars like Super Sy-on boy."
"But Bossman also has stella stars," Ewen said innocently.
"But Super Sy-on boy has more stella stars," Anya interjected just as innocently. Damian's face instantly darkened.
Becky noticed and nudged Anya. "You didn't have to rub it in his face!" she hissed to Anya.
"Rub what in Sy-on boy's face?" Anya might not understand the saying, but now she knew she shouldn't had compared Damian with Demetrius even if it was unintentional. Anya gulped and nervously glanced at Damian, who was looking solemn and suddenly older than he was.
"Of course my brother is always better at everything. Even an idiot like her can see it. I don't like how she's imitating Demetrius (hah, a commoner like her would never come close to us Desmonds) but I see her point. Maybe I should be more like Demetrius too..."
Anya blinked. Becky's earlier words of "rub it in his face" came back to her. Face, face... Sy-on boy's face? In her mind, she superimposed Demetrius' buggy eyes and slicked back hair on top of Damian's. Hmph, a bit off-putting, but this was actually fine because Damian still looked stupid and snot-faced as he always did.
But then Anya imagined Demetrius' complete lack of expression on Damian— no more taunts, no more temper tantrums, no more of his silly red faces, but also no more smiles, no more tears, no more of that unadulterated fear she saw during the bus hyjacking, no more of that determined face of his when he shielded her from the dodgeball, no more of Damian being his annoying, crybaby, sometimes heroic self. A Damian with barely any thoughts. A Damian who didn't understand people and didn't bother with anything at all. No more Sy-on boy being Sy-on boy.
... And Anya didn't think she liked that.
"You don't have to be like Super Sy-on boy," Anya blurted out. She felt bad for making Damian feel down earlier, because she was supposed to be friends with him, and friends didn't make each other feel bad.
Damian looked at her, bewildered and somewhat taken aback. "Huh??"
What Anya thought was "your mom is weird and your brother is weird and your dad is an evil super boss. You're a jerk sometimes but you're not weird like they are, and I feel bad for you", but obviously she couldn't say that, so she simply said, "Sy-on boy is Sy-on boy. You're not Super Sy-on boy and you don't have to be like him (because I need to read your mind for the mission)."
Damian blinked, his heart warmed by Anya's unexpected sincerity. Anya wanted him to be himself? And not like his brother? She... didn't expect that from him?
Becky, intuitive as always, chimed in. "Damian, you're a bit of a brat, but don't turn into a creep like your brother."
Damian scowled. "My brother's not a creep!!"
"I'm just making a honest statement! It's for your own good!"
Anya stepped aside to let Becky and Damian bicker. Her eyes flitted over to Damian— Damian without those buggy eyes, Damian with long eyelashes, Damian with anger and scowls, Damian with thoughts and feelings and fears and likes and affection.
Then she thought of Damian's mother and brother with the odd, mysterious, and almost chilling darkness in their heads. In some way, Demetrius' apathy was easier to stomach than Melinda's tornado of chaotic and contradictory thoughts, but both of them threw her off. Damian, despite being Damian, despite being the son of the evil boss, was still... relatively normal. He smiled. He loved his dog. He was protective of his friends. He wanted stella stars. He threw temper tantrums. He wanted his family to love him. (He was scared of being abandoned.) Despite everything, Damian was still like Anya.
... Yeah. Anya hoped Sy-on boy would stay Sy-on boy for as long as he could.
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giggly-squiggily · 25 days
Forgive me if I'm being a pest, but...
Can you write a tickle fic of Yor and Loid being a Tickle Monster Duo chasing Anya.
And Anya uses Damian (who was there for study reasons) as a human shield. And the poor boy gets roped into the situation.
Hey anon! First and foremost, you are not a pest at all! This prompt is beyond adorable! :D Unfortunately I couldn't quite figure out how to include Damian into the mix so this is just the Forger family. I hope you like it! :D
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @dirtpie39 @duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @backy-san @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart
Anya leaned back against the wall, her eyes narrowed as she dared a peek around the corner. In her hands, her bright green pistol gleaned beneath the overhead lights. “I’ve gotcha now, bad guys. Agent Anya’s not letting you get away.”
Her target was sitting on the nearby couch, a newspaper in hand as he scanned over the pages. A quick poke into his mind confirmed what she already knew.
Boring. Everything he was reading was boring.
Rolling into position, she made it to the next rendezvous spot, daring another peek around the coffee table at him. The bad guy flipped a page and leaned back, crossing one leg over the other. His guard was down, this was her chance!
“Take this, bad guy!” She cried, diving out from the table and pointing her gun. The bad guy blinked and looked over, eyes widening.
Bang! Smoke rose from the steaming barrel of her pistol. Anya watched with cool composure as the bad guy slowly fell from his seat, clutching the chest wound she gave him.
“No…this isn’t how..it’s supposed to end..” He groaned out, coughing. Anya gave her gun a spin as she tucked it against her hip, puffing out her small chest. “Agent..Anya..”
“What?” She gasped, her mistake hitting her like a ton of bricks. Such a careless mistake- how did she forget to ask him where the hideout was? “Tell me where your boss is!” She ran over to his dying body, grabbing him by the collar. “Tell me before you go!”
“Hehe..that stays with me..to the end..bleh.” The bad guy gave her one last smirk before his head tilted to the side, showing he was gone.
“...” Anya sighed, releasing him from her grip as she took a step back. Well- there went the easy route. She’d have to hold a meeting and decide what to do next. Turning her back to the body, she pulled out her walky-talky and brought it to her lips.
“Agent Penguin, Agent Bond, do you read me-over?” She waited for a response, staring down at the peanut shaped walky-talky.
Then she peeled back the shell of said walky-talky and proceeded to eat it. She’d get a new one at headquarters.
“Time to go-” She went to leave, but before she could- a hand grabbed her ankle!
“Agent….Anya…” The voice behind her groaned, slowly sitting up as she let out a shriek. “Why…did you kill me…?”
“Oh no! A zombie!” She cried, reaching for her gun. Unfortunately for her, it had fallen off her hip, scattered across the way. “Agent Bond! Agent Penguin!”
“There’s…no use…” A new voice groaned out, making Anya gasp. Another zombie had appeared, face hidden beneath her long dark hair. “We’ve come…for your sooool!”
“AHHH!” Anya screamed as they attacked, her life flashing before her eyes.
“AAHH-Aheahhahahhahahaha! Gehahahahha, nohohohohohoho! Doohhoohohn’t eahahhaht meheheheheehe!” Anya squealed as she was gathered in Loid’s arms, Yor’s fingers dancing against her stomach and sides as she kicked and giggled. “Mahhahahamahahaha!”
“Who’s that? I’m a zombie!” Yor cried back in glee, giggling just as much as she carried on prodding her daughter. “And I found myself a tasty morsel! You should try this, Loi-I mean, bad guy!”
“Who are you calling a bad guy?” Loid teased gently, adjusting his hold on Anya so he could sneak a few tickles into her neck. “Though I suppose I’m willing to give this a try.”
“Aheahhahahaha! Nohohoohoh, nohohohoohoho pahaha-Pahhahahahhaha!” Anya let out another loud shriek when fingers pressed into her chin, going for her worst spot. “It tihiihhiihickles!”
“Does it now?” Pulling his hand back, he pretended to give it a taste. “Mm, she tastes like peanuts.”
“Really? I love peanuts!”
“Eheheehheehehehe!” Anya was sure there’d be nothing but bones left of her when they were done! Desperate for help, she cried out one last time. “Bohoohohohond!”
Like an angel descending from heaven, a blur of white fur and huffing came charging from around the corner- going straight for Yor! The woman yelped as she was tackled, flailing over with a squeal of mirth as Bond began licking her face relentlessly. “Bohohohond, it tihihihickles!”
“Uh oh- our only weakness!” Loid gasped in mock fear, letting Anya go as she rolled onto her feet. “Huh? How did you-”
“You’re done for, Zombie!” Anya cried, grabbing her gun and pointing, pulling the trigger. Loid yelped in surprise before falling back, falling still for good.
Well- good being about five seconds before Yor freed herself and proceeded to tickle him.
“Trahahahitor!” He cried out, his window to fight back growing smaller by the second as Bond threw himself across his chest, effectively trapping him. Anya laughed in delight before joining the fray once more, giggling alongside her parents.
Anya Agency Report:
Operation Zombie Hunt- Success.
Thanks for reading!
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mj-ackerman · 2 years
Tatsuya Endo's Character Commentary from the Official Spy x Family Fanbook English Translation Part 2:
Long post ahead. <<Part 1 here>>
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(Endo) The model for his character is Mozzie, who is next to the main character of the foreign drama "White Collar". The glasses are also exactly the same. He's a really good character who talks a lot of nonsense, but not a despicable one. It is rare to find a character with a model in "SPY x FAMILY".
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This is Mozzie from White Collar, played by the actor Willie Garson.
The stripes on his socks are intended to make him look a little more fashionable, to give him a popular look.
He is well liked by the people from the underground. The tobacco shop is a sort of hideout for Franky, and if he's chased out of there, I think he's got another place and identity. His name "Franky" seems like not his real name too.
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Sylvia Sherwood: 
(Endo) The cool big sister superior officer. Big sister...? Her design was inspired by the Paris Collection, or whatever fashion magazine I was looking at. Her glasses, curly hair, and the hat are all a bit too troublesome to draw...
She has the appearance of an independent woman, but in her private life, she is a very sloppy person. She lives in a very dirty room. I may draw that in an extra chapter soon. Her fighting ability is unknown, but it seems she's not that strong. 
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Yuri Briar:
(Endo) His visual is exactly like Yor, a male version one. I thought about him having short hair, but it didn't feel right, so I decided to go with my current style. If he doesn't talk, I'm sure he'll be popular (with girls). I wonder if he's interested in anyone other than his sister? 
(Hayashi) I think he's interested in his job?
(Endo) Yuri is certainly a very hardworking and a serious person. He really wants to protect the peace of Ostania, and I think he truly believes that this is for the sake of his sister. After all, she is his sister. He doesn't seem to have any hobbies that involve spending money, and since his taste buds are spoiled, he doesn't seem to eat gourmet food either. 
He thinks Anya is a "despicable little brat". Compared to Franky, he's not used to children, so he competes with them in the same way.
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Henry Henderson:
(Endo) Most of the characters are introduced only for a particular episode, but if I try to draw them and find them easy to move, I stick with them. I never thought that Henderson and Yor's boss, the shopkeeper, would play such an active role...
By the way, he's the only character who has a fanservice scene (the shower scene) in the work.
I liked the mismatched jersey he wore during the dodgeball round, so I'd like to have him do various cosplays as well. Like doing "Today's class is [redacted]", but I don't think there will be much demand for it.
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Damian Desmond: 
(Endo) He's exactly like Domyoji from "花より団子 / Hana Yori Dango / Boys Over Flower" (by Yoko Kamio) (Laughs). In his first appearance, he was a jerk who boasted about his status, but he soon became a good boy. I wanted to make him a meaner character though.
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This is Domyoji Tsukasa, the main lead of the romance series Hana Yori Dango or Boys Over Flower, a manga by Yoko Kamio
(Hayashi) Because Ewin and his friend are good guys, I think he's getting better hanging around with them. They're really good guys who are always there for Damian and give him the attention that he needs. Damian should be thankful to the both of them.
(Endo) In the future, there may or may not be a dark episode of "After all, humans only want money and power...." (Laughs)
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Becky Blackbell:
(Endo) Like Damian, she started out as a tsun-tsun (tsundere), but she soon became friendly.... And she was able to get along with Anya in just one episode. She's very easy going.
She thinks people her age are "brats" and doesn't have many friends other than Anya. I would like to make at least 1 more person to be her friend. Her personality and design are probably based on Marika-chan from "愛してるぜベイベ★★ / I love you baby ★★" (Yoko Maki). She's precocious and cute.
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Marika-chan from the manga series Aishiteruze Baby / I love you baby by Yoko Maki
Unrelated, but I kinda like her last name "Blackbell". I don't remember the reason why I gave it to her though.
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Fiona Frost: 
(Endo) I really like "Nightfall's" design including her coat. The image color is "blue" in contrast to Yor. In terms of standing position, her character is to stir up the romance part of the story. I thought of it as a way to add variety to the story.
(Hayashi) There was quite a bit of talk about putting out a character on WISE's side as a friend during Twilight's meeting. I thought it would be nice to have at least one colleague for Twilight.
(Endo) The name "Nightfall"  means to "follow around after Twilight (evening)". Emile and Ewin start with "E" because they're following Damian "D". I know people might think that the names of the other characters also have meanings to them, but I actually just added them on a whin (Laughs)
Donovan Desmond: (I can't add his pic anymore)
(Endo) Since he's the last boss, I'm careful not to make him look like a dull character. With a face like this, I'm sure that Damian looks like his mother (Laughs)
He was a member of the ruling party during the war, but now he's a member of the opposition party, so I have an image of him hiding in the background.
(Hayashi) He's a character with a lot of secrets, but the goal is to get into his heart, so please pay attention to him in the future!
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fairyv-ice · 2 months
Love Wins All
HI! I hope you guys like this chapter!! it was fun to write (especially the end!)
Here is Chapter 1 , chapter 2 , Chapter 3 Below!
Chapter 3
~Where does the fault lie when no matter how we try it's you and I~
After lunch they all continued with the rest of their day per usual. Time moved quite quickly and soon it was the end of the day.
The bell for the end of the day rang and everyone was packing up their stuff. 
“ I’m sorry we can't go today Becky, I was really looking forward to it!” Anya says with a pout
“ My sweet Anya, I know you studied so hard for this test so you HAVE to take it today! The bakery will still be there tomorrow! PLUSSSS'' Becky gets closer to Anya to whisper “ You get some MOREEEEE alone time with Damian and you have to tell me EVERYTHING tomorrow about this little something something that’s going on between you two!”
“Beckyyy there is nothing going on between Sy-on bo-” Anya says but gets cut off by Becky rushing to get the rest of her stuff and running to grab Emile and Ewen’s arms and starts to drag them out with saying
“ C'mon boys, can't let a lady walk by herself to the car!
“ I wasn't done writing the homework!” Emile said worriedly
“I will give it to you in the dorm, let's just go. Bye boss man see you in the dorm”  Ewen  said as he waved.
Damian and Anya still at their seats confused at how fast their friends left them. They both continued to pack their stuff Damian finished before Anya so he got up to go stand by her seat. 
“Is it just me or have they been acting kinda weird today?” Damian asked Anya.
“Honestly, I was going to ask you the same thing. They have been whispering all day to each other. Are they planning something?” she asked. 
“ Who knows, I don't want to ask because I don't want to get into any trouble. Anyways, how is your ankle feeling?? It doesn't look as swollen as earlier, so that's good.” Damian said with a small smile and grabbed Anya’s bag when she was done packing it. 
Anya got up noticing he had her bag. She grabbed her water bottle and headed toward the door as he followed.
“hehe Trouble is my middle name Mr. Desmond. Well I guess we shall see in due time what they are up too. And yah! I feel a lot better thanks to you…” She ended that sentence shyly and looked back at him “Really though, thank you for earlier Sy-on boy, you are a really good friend and i really appreciate you.” 
He started getting a hint of red on his ears “It’s not a big deal Forger, I’m sure anyone would have done the same.” He said.
“But I'm glad it was YOU I ran into and not just anyone” she said with pink on her cheeks now walking backwards.
~What is that supposed to mean? Why does she look so cute right now? What the heck is happening~  He thought  and she heard causing her to stumble as she was walking backwards. She began to fall back and he rushed. He wrapped his free arm around her waist to hold her from falling back. 
“You really need to start paying attention to where you’re going, Forger. What would you do without me?” Damian said coolly with a hue of pink on his face now. ~ACT COOL, DON'T MAKE A STUPID FACE, COMPOSURE DAMIAN. Wait, why are you freaking out? You are just helping your FRIEND~ Anya avoided his eyes, she was red as a tomato. He brought her back to standing up straight. 
She cleared her throat “ Thank’s Sy-on boy, I don't know why I'm so clumsy today” she said, still looking away.
“Is everything okay Anya? You know I'm not one to pry, but I guess.. I Just.. You were pretty upset this morning and you have never come to school like that and I guess I just wanna make sure you're okay and If you need to talk about it I have been told I’m a good listener and-” he cuts himself off realizing the word vomit coming out of his mouth. ~What is wrong with me? Can I not be a normal person around her?~ he thought. She turned to look at him again and raised her eyebrow.
~Why is he so worried about me? Has it always been like this?~ Anya thought. They were about to walk into the library, she looked at the door and back at him. She gave him a small smile and said 
“ I’m okay Sy-on boy, I just had a small argument with my papa this morning and I got too sensitive. Thank you for caring. It really means a lot but really dont worry I will be okay! Now… Let's get in there so we can take this test before I forget everything.”
 She gave a little laugh and he offered a small smile as he reached behind her and opened the door for them both. 
~He has always been like this, he always opens doors for me and acts like a gentleman but why does this make me feel all strange right now? Like all warm and fuzzy inside… does that even make sense?~ Anya thought as they were walking to the testing room in the back of the library. She is too caught up in her own thoughts to even hear his not too far behind her
~She has been acting a little different today, not in a bad way or anything but after this morning  just being able to see her smile and laugh make my chest tighten a bit, is this normal? Am I Dying? Maybe I’m the one who is acting differently? I mean I am just trying to be a good FRIEND aren't I? It’s not that my feelings or anything for her are more than platonic.. Right?~ he thought as he was blushing while walking behind her.
They got to the testing room, she sat and he handed her her bag and he went to sit at a different table. Shortly after they got there the chemistry professor came in and looked at them confused.
“Why are you guys sitting apart? Did you not know it was a partner test?” said the professor, confused.
The two looked at each other and then at the professor. 
“Well go ahead… one of you move, The test if 5 questions and work has to be shown on ALL of them and remember team effort”  the Professor said. 
Anya looked at Damian with a smug smile patting the chair next to her.
Damian grabbed his stuff shaking his head with a smirk and moved to sit next to Anya.
“You lucked out Forger, looks like you are gonna pass with a perfect score today” Damian said smugly.
“Listen here Sy-on boy, you will be passing because of me. I know all the formulas like I know every episode of spywars!”  Anya retorted with a bit too much confidence. 
~ These two have not changed, they are quite a handsome pair together~ the Professor thought with a smile on his face as he handed them the test. Anya looked at him confused but shook it off. 
The two got started on the test. To Damian’s surprise Anya really took charge of the first three problems. But then got stuck on the fourth, and he could tell she wanted to figure it out on her own/ she was being stubborn and not asking for help. 
“You remember this is a partner test? Right?” he said with a smirk. 
“I want to do this, you ALWAYS do all the work whenever we do projects or anything.. I want to be able to help too. I just need to remember the formula.”  Anya said with a pout on her face. 
~gosh she is acting cute again. Why does she have to pout like that.. It makes me want to..~ his thoughts got cut off by the professor standing up. Him and Anya stared at the professor.
“I see you two are almost done. I have a meeting in the main building. Can I trust you two to finish up and drop the test off in my mailbox in front of the library?” the professor said
“Yes sir, we should be done in 20 minutes or so. Thank you again for letting us take it today.” Damian responded confidently.
“ Thank you professor,” Anya said after. 
He continued out the door. They were alone in the room. 
“Will you let me help? You did the first three on your own, it's only fair, right?” Damian said with a smile. 
Anya pouted again, sliding the paper over to him so he could look at the problems that were left. He looked back at her and she was still sulking. He leaned a bit closer to her and tilted his head to get her attention. She turned her head to look at him. He cupped her cheek in his hand.
“Stop pouting Forger, you did well. Don't worry your pretty little head, I will finish this really quick okay?” He said with a smile and let go of her face, he turned back to finish up the test.
“Sy-on boy?...” she said.
“Hmm?” he responded not looking up so he could continue on the problem.
“You… You think my head is pretty?” She asked, her face was pink. His pencil stopped moving. 
~did I actually say that out loud? what was I thinking~ he though
He turned to look at her, his ears were a shade of red.
“Well, it was a figure of speech. You know? But it's not that I don't think you're pretty because I do think you’re pretty. I just didn't mean for all of it to come out like that. Now I feel like I'm just embarrassing myself so I'm gonna finish the test.” He said as he turned to continue writing “But to answer your question Forger, I do think your head is pretty.”
“oh… Uhm thank you? I think.” she was looking down at her hands that were on her lap and blushing. 
“No need to thank me for telling you the truth,” he said. “I finished it, are you ready to turn it in?”
She nodded. 
“Oh wait, our names.” he wrote their names down really quick and handed her the paper. He started packing his stuff.
“Sy-on boy.. My last name is Forger”Anya said, confused.
“Yes? I know. I call you that every day?” he retorted.
“You wrote Anya Desmond on here”she said 
~I WHAT~  he thought 
“I’m so sorry, it's just a force of habit. I don’t think I ever really had to name and date a paper with someone else's name other than my own. Here let me fix that.”  He grabbed the paper as fast as he could from her and looked at it.
 ~Anya Desmond it really doesn't look that ba- what the heck Damian why would I think that, it’s not like I'm gonna marry her or that wouldn't be so ba- Brain please stop thinking for two seconds~ He thought, Anya looking at him wide eyed at his internal bickering. He erased and corrected his mistake, still in shock at himself that he did such a careless thing.
“It’s not a big deal Sy-on boy, I.. I guess I liked the way it looked. I never saw my name with a last name until Forger became my last name so seeing it with your last name looks different in a good way.” 
He dropped the pencil, his thoughts were racing trying to grasp what she just said. He bent down to grab the pencil unknowing that she bent down as well to pick it up. They were face to face, each had a hand holding the pencil basically touching each other. Without thinking he moved his hand from the pencil to her wrist and pulled her closer than they were before, he hooked a finger under her chin, gently lifting her gaze to meet his, and their lips met, their eyes closed, a world of unspoken promises and untold stories unfolded between them, leaving an irresistible curiosity for what the future held for them.
Until she opened her eyes
A/N: I hope it was okay! Pls let me know what you guys think! i really need the feedback! Also Lmk if you guys want a taglist! I can start one!
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mareposie · 2 years
eden kids high school hc
They are imperial scholars (Damian was the first and he helped Anya to be the second one by getting a perfect grade)
They have this friend group with Becky, Ewen and Emile (occasionally George) they are always together and they are the most popular students in Eden.
Nobody bullies Anya because one day in middle school there was this accident and Damian said “Disrespecting Anya Forger is disrespecting me, a Desmond and you don’t want your family to be blacklisted.” + everyone knows Anya’s mother is close to Damian’s mother so they leave her alone.
Anya knows it’s BS because Damian is not close to his parents at all.
Damian knows Anya’s powers and this alone was enough to forgive her for using him for the mission, actually he even helps her because he’s angry at his father and doesn’t feel bad because he’s not the favorite son. They bonded through that a lot and they tease each other a lot in public and keep acting like they are annoyed by each other.
Damian is the school president, Ewen is the soccer team,  Emile is the Becky is in the radio club (she does announcements and says a lot of BS in the morning) and Anya is the school’s council treasurer after she tried to start a nap time club.
They have their own table in the cafeteria. They even have a stupid name like 5den or Damian and the e-boys or whatever.
They are the first ones to arrive in school and last to leave. Damian sometimes buys his coffee (dark raw coffee) and decides to treat everyone with their favorite drinks. He brings Emile his latte, Ewen his iced americano, Becky’s it girl order (venti matcha ice latte with half oat milk half almond milk and 3 teaspoon of agave syrup) and finally Anya’s hot chocolate milk with cake.
Actually he always buys her cake for their study sessions.
A lot of physical touch. They don’t mind sharing food and using the same glass, fork, spoon etc. Anya loves to draw on Damian’s hand during class, while he is focus on taking notes for the both of them. Anya notices his dry hands and put her hand cream on them. Sometimes she even put some chapstick on his lips. 
Becky puts concealer on everyone’s face whenever she spots dark circles.
Anya scolds him for sleeping late and Damian scolds her when she eats with her hands. By scolding I mean screaming “OI! YAH” and slapping each other.
Anya cried in preschool because she had no chocolate on V-Day and eversince, Damian secretly puts her expensive chocolate in her locker every year + publicly give her some and to close friends. She knows he knows that she knows but it’s a tradition anyway.
Damian hates chocolate on V-DAY because he received some with a strand of hair in it and got disgusted for life. He throws away the hundreds of chocolate boxes he gets every year. But he would totally eats Anya’s. She offered him the strangest things, she even gave him his first Tonitrus Bolt.
They both date around a lot because they don’t want to ruin their friendship but everyone knows it’s a matter of time. There’s this saying in Eden “getting punched so hard, he fell and never got up”
There was this girl who dared to call Damian Sy-on Boy and oh, she created chaos in the school. Anarchy. Anya was so pissed and Damian was even more pissed, since they are in the school council it was AWKWARD.
Anya calls him by his full name when she’s upset and vice versa. He usually calls her Forger. She actually tried to call him “Dami” once because that’s how his house staff used to call him and he fainted.
Emile and Ewen calls Anya “Boss Woman” and Jeeves calls her “Young Master’s girlfriend”. Max LOVES Anya and Bond is jealous. Melinda LOVES Anya as much as she loves Yor but that’s for another day.
Damian is a honorary Forger, he spends a lot of time in the house when he is not overworking himself to death. Yor calls him “Dami”. They always have those deep discussions with Loid and the blonde is like a father figure for him.
During parents’ meetings and other school events, Yor and Loid are present for Anya AND Damian since his parents are never there. Yor always tells everything to Melinda afterwards.
Also everyone has a crush on Dr Forger.
There was that time in preschool where Loid and Yor visited during an event and everyone was mesmerized by their looks. And someone pointed out that Anya didn’t look as good as like them and was probably adopted and poor girl cried because she’s adopted 💀
Only Becky knew the secret, then Damian. It’s a big secret.
Damian can’t read under his favorite tree in peace because she will always snuggle next to him to take a nap.
They shared a bed so MANY times it’s ridiculous. Actually the 5 of them often share a bed when they are on a trip. Ewen smuggles beer cans during the school trips and got caught so many times 💀 Anya and Becky are his favorite drink buddies because Damian and Emile go into coma sleep after one drink. Becky is always clubbing barely gets any sleep so Damian and her bonded through energy drinks.
Damian sends texts like “you up ?” at 2 am then deletes it. They have a chaotic group chat and Anya is terrible with texting because she makes a lot of typos so she only does loud audio messages. Emile is the one who takes pics and sends them on the gc. He always takes pics of the sunset and shows it to everyone like “look how beautiful our planet is, I can’t believe we’re so blessed” with shiny eyes. Damian corrects everyone’s typos in the gc. Becky is the most active in the group.
When they want to skip school, Damian is the one who calls the school and acts like a parent to say the student is sick and won’t be in class. Anya did it one time and she said “This is Anya and Anya’s mother won’t be in class today because she’s sick” and the school staff made her repeat it three times then she got a Toni lmao.
See the Prince Yuki Club in Fruits Basket ? There’s a Prince Damian club in Eden and its president is the headband girl, of course, Anya is the nation’s enemy.
There’s also a Damianya fanclub and they became ally with Prince Damian club to ruin whatever relationship Damian has. Anya is also popular because of her looks and her quirky personality but nobody beats Becky who owned the school at some point.
Every single girl Damian has dated ended up with a broken heart because they thought they could change him. Every single boy Anya has dated ended up crawling in front of her house and crying with loud music to get her back.
Actually Anya and Damian kissed several times ‘just to try’ but nobody knows.
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Damian Desmond
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Age: 6
Home: Berlint (Spy×Family)
Likes: Football, cartoons, Stella Stars, Anya
Dislikes: Worms, peppers, the national language, Anya
Stella Stars: 2
Second son of warmongering former prime minister Donovan Desmond, Damian is as arrogant, ambitious, and quick to anger as you would expect from that pedigree. (And being six years old.) He bosses his classmates around when given half a chance, bullies the one girl who consistently ignores him, and sometimes he’ll yell at other kids even when they’re trying to be nice.
All of which is a little more understandable when you look at his family. His father is cold, distant, and busy; we see even less of his big brother; and while it’s not 100% clear what his mom’s deal is, she is both reluctant to show affection to Damian and clear evidence that the Desmond household is even more dysfunctional than we realized.
Also, he’s six. (Not all anime kids can be pure cinnamon rolls.) If you want a nice, well-behaved kid, there are plenty of better options. But if you want an affection-starved kid to love, he’s a solid pick.
What does Tumblr have to say about Damian?
I’d like to express how cute Damian’s crush on Anya is. It’s adorable. One of the cutest things I’ve seen in my life. Ok bye now, just wanted to say that
I hope the Desmonds can heal too, especially Damian. The poor little boy started school thinking he’s Important as a Desmond but by now he’s been disabused of that idea. He carries his last name and his own desire to emulate his ‘war hero’ father as burdens. And he’s 6. No child should be crushed under all that weight.
I love watching Damian be a little fuckin brat and Anya reflecting all that right back at him in her own special way. MWAH
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ath3nasc4f3 · 2 years
A mutual understanding. (Chp 1)
       After the unfortunate and unexpected passing of Demetrius Desmond, Damien is suddenly thrust into the position of heir. Giving the young boy exactly what he wanted, his fathers attention, with the new title of heir coming right along with it.
That stupid sound was what 12 Year old damien heard. The sound that changed the course of his life. God, that terrifying sound. 
The day of the Incident damien was having a relatively good day. Anya had seemed to be paying way more attention to the boy than what was normal.  Damien hadn’t been so mean to everyone around him that day either. He’d been relatively polite to everyone. (except the occasional snarky remark that slipped out.) 
Something was off that day. Anya had seemed on edge that entire day, making a point to stick close to the boy, as if she knew something was bound to happen. He’d even caught Anya crying in the library. 
He’d gone looking for the girl, since neither Becky nor him had seen her in a while. Not that he missed her or anything! (he did.) He’d found her under a table hidden away in a far corner of the library. Her favorite hiding spot, and by extension, his own. 
He found her with her knees up to her chest. Quiet sobs escaping her lips. Her face was hot with tears. Tears of which, damien couldn't decipher. And that scared him. Damien was one of the only people who could really tell what anya was thinking, He could usually decipher that look in her eye. Those crocodile tears she used to get out of things. So when he couldn't tell what her tears were about, he freaked out. 
He rushed to her side as she would for him. 
“Anya? Are you okay? What's wrong??” A hiccup erupted from the small girl. She looked even smaller all curled up like that. 
“A-anya c-can't tell you!” She sobbed even harder. Breaking the boy's heart even further. “Anya it's okay please tell me!” Damien mustered up the most comforting voice he could, and considering Damien hadn’t heard such a voice as a kid, it wasn’t a very good one. Though, Anya could really care less due to their circumstances.
Anya wouldn’t tell him, but eventually they fell into a comforting silence. She clung to the boy for dear life. That morning, Bond had come to her with a terrifying premonition. One of the two Desmond boys would die. Seeing as one of the Desmonds was her dear friend, she was obviously terrified. She came to school that day, basically in a trance. Everyone looked at anya like she was about to pass out, and to be honest  she probably was. She looked sickly, pale and frail. 
Becky was just about to comment about her unwell state, when anya had run out of the room in order to puke. Everyone had turned to stare as she ran. The clacks of her heels were like hearing a pin drop in the completely silent room. 
Of all the stares she had received that day, the one that burned the most, was damians. Be it the chance that today was to be his last day on this plane of existence, or just her regular awareness of his stares. 
Damian glare towards the door lingered minutes after the pink haired esper had run out. 
Emile and ewen had definitely noticed it, just as they had noticed every single smile, and blush that the boy had directed at anya. At this point they were used to teasing him over it, at damiens dismay.
“Boss man, If you’re really worried about stubby legs THAT much, why don’t you check on her?” Ewen smirked. He knew she was ill, but that wouldn't stop him from teasing the poor girl, let alone pass up the opportunity to tease damien. 
Damien rolled his eyes. “This isn't the time for that, Ewen. Anya’s ill. Let's treat her with kindness… At least till she's well.” he sighed. He was used to the constant teasing, but when it was towards her while she was in such a vulnerable state, it riled something up within him.
Once anya had returned, the prior attention to her had returned full blast, except this time, people were whispering. Childishly giggling about the fact she had vomited. They were twelve for god's sake, not six again. Damien groaned before slinking back into his seat to pay attention to their teacher. Only to quickly turn around, feeling as if he was being stared at. Clearly he was, as Anya was looking at the boy, eyes filled with tears. 
He quietly raised his hand. “Teacher, anya’s clearly ill, may i take her to the infirmary?” He spoke with little volume, not wanting to bring more attention to the poor girl. The teacher nodded, so Damian packed up, pulling Anya along with him. 
“Alright what's wrong.” He sighed as soon as they were in a more secluded area. His usual defensive aura being placed down in turn for a genuinely concerned one. But the girl just ran. 
And for the rest of the day (until she’d been found in the library.) No one had seen Anya since. 
That worried the group of kids who’d grown to love anya’s silly demeanor. Three of which used to relentlessly make fun of the poor girl. In the moment though, till they’d find anya, they’d pass up the opportunity to tease her, instead opting to help track the girl down. Afterall, what's the fun in making fun of someone who wouldn't even be there to witness the teasing?
Anya still wasn't letting up what was wrong. And so they sat. And they sat for a while. Until anya finally decided to speak. 
“Damien? Can you stay with me for another while?“
“I already am, Aren't I?” He sighed. His heart felt like it was going to burst in the few moments that passed. 
Anya leaned into his side. Desperate to know he was real and alive. Desperate to know he was well and breathing. If not for his own sake, for her own. A selfish thought, if she thought about it. But she didn’t care. She just cared that he was alive. She cared that the boy who’d been in love with her since they were six was okay. 
Anya didn’t like damian. At least that's what she told herself. Trying to convince herself of such, because damien desmond, would never love a commoner like her. 
And that's when they heard it. 
In the midst of her slowing breaths, she sharply inhaled. Looking at the boy who she was told was destined to die that very day. Except he was alive and well. If not only startled and afraid. 
It wasn't a moment to remain calm though. The kids knew what the bang was. They were smart enough to know what the sound was. And in turn, they heard the library doors shut. As the kids inside were instructed to hide. Told that they would be let out soon. And that everything would be alright. 
But the school that held children of such high societal positions was being targeted, which meant families in turn were being targeted. 
And so Damian quickly pulled out his cell phone, quickly texting his brother, then ewen and emile. Making sure to look back at anya every so often. Making sure the small girl was alright. 
“Anya are you alright?” He whispered. Careful not to disturb the dead silence of the library. Anya’s already broken composure, only deteriorating more as she spoke. 
Well that wasn’t reassuring. 
“Anya, if it's about the gunshot, we should be fine. We’re safe in here okay?” Logically he knew it wasn't only about the gun shot. But he ignored it, for his sake at least. 
“No! I-it’s not that! You don't understand damian!” His name burned on her tongue. She almost never said his first name, to her he was always sy-on boy, not Damien Desmond. 
And then for what felt like the 100th time, they fell into a comforting silence, the only sound escaping from the two were the quiet sobs escaping anya's mouth. 
It’d taken them 2 hours for everyone to be evacuated. 
It’d taken him 5 to find out of his brother's death. 
Those three hours in between was the calm before the storm. He and Anya had ended up finding the rest of their little group. Anya seemed on edge still, but was calmer, at least in comparison to what had happened in the library. 
“Anya, where were you all day? We’ve been worried sick…” Becky sighed as she rushed over to hug the pink haired esper. “Even Emile and Ewen were worried! Are you ill?? Did you get hurt?” The girl began to ramble. Much to anya’s dismay, since her head was still hurting quite a bit, due to all of the thoughts of the people in the library.  
About an hour later, after everyone's parents had been called, Becky's driver had come to pick her up, and then went Emile and Ewen, leaving Anya and Desmond alone and sitting on a patch of grass. Damian's parents hadn’t even picked up the phone, leaving him sitting there. Unsurprised by the lack of care on his fathers part. Careful not to place blame on his mother. 
“Anya? Do you want to talk about what you were upset about earlier?” Careful with his volume. He was always able to tell when anya was having a headache.
“I… I had a bad dream.” 
“That's it?” Damian scoffed, his typical teasing tone back in full force at the moment. But it dissipated as soon as he saw her face. He wanted to take back his words, because to her, it wasn’t just a bad dream. 
“I, I had a dream you died…” Anya sighed. She hated withholding the fact that it wasn’t a dream. It was a premonition. And it was either him or his brother. 
“Oh. Well, I’m alive, no?” He chuckled. He knew it wasn’t funny, but he at least wanted to try to be comforting. Even if he had no clue what that was supposed to look like. 
But that only panicked Anya further. The day isn't over yet. He still needed to be protected.  
“Damian, do you want to come to Anya's house while you wait for your papa?” Anya looked up at the boy. That was it! If she could keep him within arms reach, he would be safe! Especially with mama and papa being a spy and an assassin!
“Uh, I don’t know. Would your parents be okay with that?” He fidgeted. She was so persistent about coming to HIS house, that he never thought he’d be invited to hers. 
“Of course! Mama and Papa wouldn’t mind at all!” And for the first time that day, she finally cheered up a little. Even if it was just a front. Even if Damian could see right through it, he wouldn’t dare say anything about it. Of course it was to not get sucker punched in the cheek again. Though, if it were coming from her, he wouldn’t mind her doing it again.
By the time Loid had shown up at the school to pick up anya, Damian had already let his family know of his whereabouts, but he knew they probably wouldn't see it anyways.
“Papa! Can we take sy-on boy with us while he waits for his parents?” Anya was attached to her fathers hip. 
Loid began to think. ‘If I bring the Desmond boy with us, I'll be able to meet his father. Therefore, eliminating the need for the imperial scholar scheme. And also improving anya’s relationship with the boy, giving me another entrance to the boy’s father…’ 
Anya stared at her father while he was lost in thought, quickly tugging on his pant leg to get his attention again.
“Papa?” Anya looked up at him with her puppy eyes she knew he couldn't resist. 
Loid sighed, before looking at the both of them. “Sure, Damian, I'm assuming you’ve let your family know about your whereabouts?” Loid looked at the boy with sad eyes, as if he knew something the boy didn’t, and he did.  
Anya automatically knew what her father knew. Given the premonition of the morning. She knew.
Anya was so thankful that it wasn’t him. Of course she felt guilty of the fact she was practically celebrating while his very own brother had passed. 
But he didn’t know that. Not yet at least. 
Anya knew her father knew. And she knew why too, he’d most likely been on the scene,trying to take down the boy's assassin. Or gathering intel on the incident. Since one could assume that after the death of Desmond's most prized son, that a war would break out.
It was only a matter of time till Damian found out. 
And anya was determined to make the wait in between as comfortable as possible. 
As the three of them began the journey to the forger house, anya was adamant to holding damians hand, much to Loid and Damian's dismay.  
“Anya has to hold your hand so you don’t get lost!” Anya giggled when she saw Damians tomato red face. It totally wasn’t out of fear that the boy's life would be ripped away from her! Why would that be the case at all!
By the time they had gotten home, yor was already beginning to prepare boiling water for that night's dinner. And while she had been aware of what had happened at the school, she wasn’t aware they’d bring the Desmond boy along. 
Now both Loid and Yor were aware of each others true professions, but they weren’t aware of anya’s abilities. 
Not only did this give anya the upper hand, it also had led to the discovery of their true identities. 
So when Loid left the home in a hurry, he’d quickly explained what had happened, before rushing out of the door. He’d love to say the rush was for the mission, but he knew that the rush to leave and get on the scene was to keep his anya safe. 
“Oh hello there! You must be sy-on boy! Miss Anya had told us so much about you!” Yor smiled, the sight of the two children holding hands not going ignored. Though for the moment, especially for Anya’s sake, she let it slide. After all, they were only 12, not like anything weird was going on. 
“Mama! His name is damian!” Anya blushed furiously, embarrassed by the words of her mother. 
It seemed as if Damian was flustered too, but for other reasons. It seemed as if Anya was the only one allowed to call him that, not that he minded of course. 
“Oh I'm sorry!” Yor chuckled. “Well Damian, are you going to be staying for dinner?” She smiled politely at the boy. 
“Um I think so? I don't know when my driver's coming…” Damian sighed. Not that he minded being in the girls house. He just knew that, it’d probably be a while, if not all night, that it’d take his father to note of his absence. 
His state of reverie was disturbed by anya. 
“ C’mon sy-on boy! Let's go to my room so we can do our homework!” Anya smiled. Quickly afterwards, Loid lent a reminder to anya that might’ve just made the two kids' faces combust.
“Keep the door open. I don't want to hear any smooching from 12 year olds.”
Both Anya and Damian shot around to stare at the older man before them. Yor was busy giggling in the background to tell Loid off for teasing them. “Well then run along you two! Have fun! But not too much!” Yor smiled before going back into a laughing fit, this time with Loid by her side. 
The adults voices began to muffle when the children entered the girls room. 
“Damian? I’m glad you're safe.” Anya’s voice trembled. As if she were going to burst into tears for the umpteenth time that day. 
“So am I, would want the world's living without me, Damian Desmond am I right?” His lazy attempt at humor in the moment, seemed to work on the young esper. He was sure that if the girl's parents heard her cry, his head would be on the chopping block, awaiting a quick execution for making their beloved daughter cry. 
“Sy-on boy? Do you wanna help me with my math work?” Anya grinned. 
“Hold on, was this a ploy for me to do your homework??”
After the pair were finished with their school work, they were called into the dining room for dinner. Perfect timing on the adults part.
“Well Damian, Miss Anya tells us a lot about you! How's school going for you two?” Yor smiled as she put down her glass of water. Loid ended up taking over dinner. Not wanting to disappoint the high standards the wealthy child had. For the mission of course!
“Um, It’s going well. Anya still doesn’t really get the math that well though… Though I've been trying to help her with it.” Damian felt a sheen of sweat pool on his forehead, not liking the amount of attention he was receiving. Even though he preferred to be the center of attention, when it was the parents of his cr- sorry sworn ‘enemy’. 
“That's awfully nice of you damian!” Yor smiled. Loid also smiled. The picture of a happy family with two loving parents, made him slightly jealous of the girl. He could have almost anything he wanted. But two loving, caring parents, was something the boy was sure he would never have.
“So Damian, I take it you and Anya were together when it happened?” Loid was unsure if the boy knew what had happened during the events of the lockdown. So he wanted to test the waters before letting it slip. 
“Uhm, we were in the library, me and Anya were kinda just sitting there when the gunshot went off…” Damian tried to leave out the fact that the girl was crying, not wanting to face the possible wrath of her parents.
By the time they had wrapped up dinner, Damian and Anya had taken up washing the dishes themselves. That's when the doorbell rang.
When loid had opened it, he sighed heavily before turning to the children. “Damian? Can you come here please?” The face at the door was an unusual one for Damian to see. His father, with a grim face, was at the door. Since when did his father care enough to come pick him up? 
Something had to be wrong. He knew that at the very least. 
“Damian. We have to go. We can talk about this in the car. It's important.” His stern voice gave no hints to the boy. 
“Can’t you tell me now? I want to say goodbye to Anya…” Damian fidgeted unconsciously. “Damian, your brothers dead. Is that what you wanted?” Donovan desmond let the bomb drop on his son.  
A wave of grief and guilt hit Damian like a ton of bricks. Was this what Anya’s dream was about? Was that why she was so upset all day? The boy felt tears well up in his eyes. Wiping them before any could escape his grasp. He quickly turned around and grabbed his bag, before saying a quiet goodbye to Anya. And a quick thank you to the forgers for having him.
Damian followed his father to the car. In which his mother was hysterically sobbing. The sight of his two parents in the same room as him, at the same time. Filled him with some sort of comfort. Even though it all went away when he remembered the reason for them all being together. 
“Damian, things are going to be different from now on. Since your brother is no longer with us. That makes you the new heir. There will be a grand change to your life, boy.”
“Yes father.”
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thelreads · 2 years
You fool! You should have predicted his father arrived the moment Anya was removed from the situation! He is after all, like Anya says, the last boss and notoriously mysterious and secretive. We literally know nothing of this man and his true personality which is why Anya will probably never, ever be allowed to meet him until his plans are already revealed to us. (It's a smart choice, it allows us to be completely in the dark like Loid is about what Desmond is thinking about. Anya would take the suspense away and immediately vanquish the enemy in a second... so, the overpowered gremlin was quietly put in time out by a Higher Being that is the mangaka.)
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Absolutely. The thing is that Anya can never be around someone that knows too much, because she can quickly change the game just by being in their presence. She can't meet Damian's dad no matter what, because all the mystery of the series will be solved in a single sweep. She's the shonen character that is too op to help the main team, she sits on the bench until the series is about to reach the climax, only then she's allow to unleash all her might.
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casliveblog · 10 months
Custom Toonami Block Week 142 Rundown
Spy X Family: It’s the ‘Anya is bad at everything’ episode, I mean it’s not surprising, she’s only six and probably even younger than that since she padded her resume to get shacked up with Loid in the first place but she’s kind of ridiculously bad at school for a telepath and can’t do sports or concentrate on anything for more than five seconds, so yeah, accurate kid behavior. She says she’s been reading peoples’ minds on tests but doesn’t know who’s actually good at what subjects and everyone sounds confident in their heads I guess so she gets ridiculously bad grades, you’d think she’d at least get a high D based on simple probability like I don’t think Eden has kids that are just complete shit at everything. Though Loid puts a pin in her ideas to cheat since if she suddenly gets good it’ll hurt her popularity which is pretty bad given Becky’s the only one that actually likes her atm. Loid decides to get her some community service to pad her resume which you usually don’t have to do until junior high but I guess it’s fine, they volunteer as a hospital and Anya’s so bad at everything they get kicked out and speaking as someone that fucked up a lot of community service in high school that’s REALLY hard to do. Still Anya hears a kid thinking they’re going to die while they’re drowning with a broken leg and runs off to go help him. Loid’s technically the one that saves him but Anya does get some credit for effort and honestly for risking Loid catching on to her telepathy like even if she doesn’t actually do that much she does a good job putting herself out there and gets her first Gym Badge as a reward (Anya got the Boulderbadge! Doot de doot!) Because Anya’s the youngest person to get a badge this early… basically ever, she becomes a minor celebrity at school but just like Loid said it also leads to jealousy from her classmates though when people start claiming she rigged or bribed someone to get it, Damian sticks up for her… well he sticks up for the school saying that they don’t go to some shitty public school where you can just buy glory (I’m assuming he’s tried) but it ends up getting everyone to shut up about Anya. Becky mentions that kids usually get rewards for big accomplishments like this which idk I think that’s some kind of rich person thing, me and everyone I know just got to keep going on for not fucking up but okay. So she decides she wants a dog because Damian has a dog and if they become dog friends then World Peace or something. Meanwhile a dog that’s used for bomb threats already has visions of the Forgers in his head so I guess this is some kind of Ein Data Dog shenanigans so sure.
Inuyasha: This is one of those episodes that feels like filler but is actually almost entirely canon. Hakudoshi’s still running around cutting off demon heads so he can look into their hearts as they die and see into the afterlife and also the Board guy from the filler episode with the mind control crowns is back for like five minutes before Entei launches him across the sky Team Rocket style again. One of these headless demons is the father of Kanta, a baby otter demon who has retrieved his father’s head and is hoping if he just sticks it back on quick enough his father will live. Shippo, being someone who knows what it’s like to have some bishonen asshole kill your dad for a stupid reason, instantly relates to this and agrees to help. The group track down the body but only after a bunch of villagers have stabbed it and it’s crawled to Sesshomaru with its last ounce of strength. Tenseiga’s telling Sesshomaru ‘hey asshole, care for once in your life I promise there’s something in it for you’ but he’s not budging. Shippo begs Sesshomaru to use the Tenseiga on Kanta’s dad and he absolutely does not care. It’s a rare Shippo/Sesshomaru interaction which I just find kind of funny because in the Inuyasha fighting game Shippo’s basically a joke character and Sesshomaru actually is the final boss of his story mode (which ends up being all a dream). Inuyasha who’s probably still more than a little salty about Sesshomaru just standing there watching Kikyo die is like ‘sorry Shippo, Sesshomaru doesn’t help people, he probably doesn’t even have it in him to care to use Tenseiga’ and Sesshomaru’s like ‘you’re god damn right, I give negative fucks’ but a little more prodding from Tenseiga and the inherent primal desire to prove your younger brother wrong that exists in all older siblings eventually wins him over. He uses the Tenseiga in front of Inuyasha’s group for the first time and resurrects the Otter Dad who then tells everyone about the Afterlife and it rings more than a few bells as Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and Kagome have all been there before (and Inuyasha and Kagome in particular are gonna be spending like 15 years there in Yashahime so better get comfortable) it’s the grave of Inuyasha’s dad which seems kinda funny like you just put your fucking grave/corpse in the afterlife and make it insanely hard for your sons to visit you but then again he also put his sword inside his own corpse so idk what he was thinking. Shippo gets flashbacks about his dad and gets fatherly headpats and the satisfaction of saving a child from being adopted by a D&D party of scoundrels like he was and now Inuyasha’s group and Sesshomaru know where Hakudoshi is headed they just need to get there.
Yu Yu Hakusho: This episode’s a lot of waffling so I don’t know how much I’ll have to say about it but the basic idea is Yusuke is going to let Sensui kill him to let Kuwabara go Super Saiyan and most of the episode is everyone crying about this, like seeing the relationship from Kuwabara’s perspective and hearing him say he doesn’t know who he is without Yusuke is neat but it doesn’t give me a lot to discuss. They do talk about how the point of sealing them in Prismo was so that they couldn’t run away because Kurama and Hiei are crafty enough to hide out for a while and stage a counterattack while demons start wrecking shit so they could come back in like a couple months with a training arc being all La Resistance and be a problem but they aren’t worried that even the four of them put together could stop Sensui. Yusuke tells Sensui to just fucking do it already and Sensui’s kinda like ‘wait this kinda sucks’ because he wanted his viewpoint challenged more but now he’s sure he’s right and won’t be talk no jutsu’d out of it and Yusuke can’t punch it out of him so he’s just gonna poke him to death. Kuwabara summons his Super Dimension Sword and cuts through Prismo just in time to see Yusuke get struck down and we go on for a while about how Yusuke is definitely absolutely totally dead, then again this show didn’t even have the balls to let GENKAI stay dead so I doubt Yusuke’s second death will stick any better than his first one.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Kento and Mahito continue their fight and they don’t outright say it but what I THINK is happening here is that Kento gets super strong during the time of day which coincides with his fraction powers which also lines up with doing overtime in a 9-5 which is pretty funny. He’s able to flatten Mahito but the guy just pulls a T1000 and escapes. Meanwhile Yuji meets up with Junpei and luckily hit it off thanks to Junpei being a film nut and Yuji having spent the past few weeks strapped into a chair watching movies clockwork orange style with a boxing Hello Kitty doll, which is a nice bit of continuity. Because Yuji is an adorable nerd and Junpei’s like a day or two away from becoming a domestic terrorist and doesn’t have friends, Junpei’s mom invites Yuji over for dinner and they hang out and make bad movie references. They talk a bit and since murder’s been on Junpei’s mind lately and he knows Yuji’s a Jujutsu Sorcerer thanks to Mahito telling him to get chummy with any he meets, he asks if Yuji’s ever killed anyone. He says no because technically the zombie mooks were already dead and everything else was on Sukuna even if you’re not being racist about Cursed Spirits not counting. Yuji says he wants to preserve his own version of the value he places on human life and the type of deaths he wants to ensure for people he cares about and even if it was someone evil, killing someone would devalue his perception of life and bleed into how he feels about the lives of who he cares about which I suppose is as good a reason as any for the weird ‘nobody kill anybody unless you have plausible deniability’ that shonen protagonists have for some reason. This reasoning resonates with Junpei and he vows to not kill anyone either… and five minutes later his mom finds a Sukuna finger and dies and he’s officially an emo domestic terrorist. Mahito tells him it’s probably someone who took out a hit on him even though 99% of people probably don’t even know that’s a thing, like at first I thought they were gonna try and pin this on Yuji put they jump right to this asshole dude at school so I guess Yuji’s just too much of a cinnamon roll for Junpei to even think that. Mahito even talks about letting the finger go and I’m not sure if he means he planted it or if he’s just allowing Jujutsu High to have it because his plan is to let Junpei and Yuji fight and have that force Yuji to give Sukuna enough power to take over permanently. Kento confronts Yuji and tells him that it’s not bad that he doesn’t want to kill people but that innocence means he can’t take him to go murder the head honchos even if it means he has to sit on the sidelines and watch his partner die. Junpei had Curse powers now and is getting ready to beat the shit out of School Douche and kill everyone but Yuji busts into Mahito’s ‘weak people only’ barrier and is ready to stop him.
Chainsaw Man: So Aki sticks his head in the Future Devil’s chest vagina so it can tell his fortune and the Devil’s like ‘oh bro, you are gonna have the WORST DEATH, like I’mma give you basically a free ride just because I wanna be there to see it’ and since Aki is Sasuke he’s fine with this. Power and Denji also complete their off-screen training and are supposedly stronger, dunno if they got new powers or if they’re just able to use any two brain cells they can rub together now. Makima pays a visit to the Yakuza to get the names of their former members who made contracts with the Gun Devil who is apparently just running a black market gun smuggling operation at this point but she gets some pushback about how the Yakuza maintain a balance of power as a necessary evil which is really not an argument you should be making to Makima of all people, she’s Mrs. Necessary Evil, she’s been lying to everyone’s face about her motives and is still in power because no one can get a read on her and she can do anything which she proves by rocking up to the Yakuza’s casting couch with a sack of eyeballs which apparently they somehow took out of the Yakuza’s family members without killing them, point being she can now use her Death Note powers on like, the majority of Katana Man and Snake Girl’s mooks. Also the bad guys have some leftover zombies from the Zombie Devil shit in episode one but they’re basically just fodder to keep the other Public Security Devils they introduce at bay but the Angel Devil’s the only one in they opening so I’m assuming they’re the only one that’s immediately relevant (also their introductions use Fiend and Devil interchangeably but I know those are separate things so I’m not sure if some are Devils and some are Fiends but just letting you know the vocabulary is kind of unclear). The main group decide to split up and search for Katana Man and Snake Girl and Aki finds Snake Girl first who has her devil puke up Himeno’s Ghost Devil which is kind of a jip like Himeno had to give up her whole body to even summon it and her eye to use just one arm but I guess Snake Girl was in an advantageous bargaining position given it was INSIDE HER SNAKE, but you’d think the GHOST Devil couldn’t be trapped inside things but what would I know. Anyway, Ghost Devil chokes out Aki, the end.
Ranking of Kings: Daida’s stuck in the sunken place and is left to reflect on what a dick he’s been to Bojji and how his teachers tried to hammer into him how people with disabilities have their own kind of strength from learning to live with them and carrying on that he as a privileged ableist asshole never learned but he didn’t understand until just now. He then finds a reflection of a young Miranjo who’s had her hands cut off and her face deformed by vengeful villagers who blame her for a calamity and despite still being a minor asshole about it, Daida does the right thing and protects her. Meanwhile in the Underworld, Desha has found the rat-eating guy from last time’s stinger has pulled an Impel Down prison break and brought five other notorious criminals with him to go take down Daida!Bosse so Desha’s like ‘okay let’s go save them and take over their kingdom while we’re in the neighborhood’ and the soldiers take Bojji with them on their way back to the kingdom without telling him about that last part. But yeah apparently Miranjo’s some kind of homunculus or something because she’s gone from being a deformed child to a living woman that can kind of awkwardly function to being trapped in a mirror only able to astral project into a puppet so idk what her deal is. But right now Hilling is with Shield guy, and her group and Bojji are both separately on their way back to the castle and Sword Guy and Kirito Henchman are training and waiting while Spear Guy’s simping for Miranjo and Snake Guy is… idk, dying in a cave I think and Daida!Bosse has like five swords pressed into his neck and is still like ‘No sir, not getting out of this chair’ even though he objectively has the strength to flatten them all. So many people in this series act in ways that make no sense and I assume it’ll all get explained but it’s frustrating to watch in the moment.
Vinland Saga: Thorkell’s men are still transporting Canute to hold him for ransom and get into a fun Jesus vs Thor who would win debate and I don’t know when Death Battle will get around to that one. They get jumped by a squad of Ragnar’s men who come to save him and they try the Usopp BS of ‘oh I control thousands of men’ when they have like a fifth of that and they’re mowed down like crazy anyway. Thorkell actually gives Canute back to them so they have no excuse for holding back Ragnar wants to dip the fuck out of English dodge but Thorkell calls them pussies and the men are attacking and getting murdered so quick. Meanwhile Askeladd’s playing both sides and starting a forest fire to cause confusion and whittle down the numbers of both forces. It’s also time for plan ‘Throw Thorfinn in and hope shit works out’ aka Askeladd’s favorite fucking plan and have him run in and grab Canute and run out. Thorfin rides in on a flaming horse and manages to get Canute fairly safely but runs into Thorkell who wants to fight and is just BARELY turned off from it by the fucking flaming hellscape around them killing his murderboner a bit but on his way out he’s like ‘oh bee tee dubs I knew your dad, we fought together in the cold open’ and now Thorfinn has a measuring stick to throw at his inferiority complex. They get Canute back to Asekladd and Ragnar’s like “Askeladd you are in HUGE trouble for doing it this way but you’re literally our only option so we’ll let it slide for now’ Askeladd asks Canute to take off his helmet and to absolutely no one’s surprise watching, he’s extremely bishie like if you were watching this up to this point and didn’t expect him to take off the helmet and be Milliardo Peacecraft under there idk what to tell you.
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yay855 · 2 years
The reason Spy x Family gets so much love here on Tumblr, the Gay Communist Haven, of all places even though the two biggest ships are both straight is because the men guzzle respect women juice and the women are self-reliant and badass.
Twilight is a heartbreaker- for his job. He’s a spy, he gets close to his target, learns their secrets, and then disappears; he can’t let himself love the women he seduces, because that would potentially lead to outright war. And yet, when he met Yor, he had nothing but respect for her- her own coworkers were trying to humiliate her to the point of saying she prostituted herself as a teenager, and Loid genuinely believed, and told everyone there, that such work was admirable because it meant that Yor would go to any length to provide for those under her care. Yor wasn’t a prostitute, but she was (and still is) an assassin. Loid telling her that, respecting her drive and need to care for the people she loves, earned him her affection. Even once they both get married, Yor still keeps both her civilian and her secret job, and Loid doesn’t even expect her to do normal ‘womanly’ work such as cooking; he’s more than happy to do that himself, and he will deck anyone who tries to get on her case for it. Furthermore, Loid will go to any expense to make Anya happy, even to the point of endangering his mission.
Yor on the other hand is able to kill a man a dozen ways using nothing but her high heels. She once fought off dozens of other assassins with only one other person (her boss) as backup, and she won. Also, the one time Loid tried to put on the charm for her, she kicked him out a window. And he never did it again. Yor feels embarassed that she doesn’t know so many basic tenets of being a housewife and mother, that she can’t cook especially, but she still tries her hardest to be there for her new family, and Anya especially, however she can. She even starts teaching Anya self-defense!
Anya meanwhile is telepathic, and has a lot of trauma related to it- she knows that she really shouldn’t reveal her powers, but she also uses them to make herself and the people she cares for happy. She’s also four or five at most, so she’s not very good at figuring out what to do even when she knows what everyone else is thinking. She takes no shit from others, either- when Damian thought very poorly of her to the point of insulting her to her face, she punched him hard enough to knock him into the wall. She still apologized later, though, both because of her papa’s prompting and because she knew she shouldn’t have done it in the first place.
Damian, meanwhile, is a little boy who goes to a boarding school- his father is a very high-ranking politician, but he hasn’t actually seen his father in a very long time, and when he does actually meet up with him, the man treats him rather poorly. Damian’s entire world revolves around power plays- other people want to use him one way or another, whether to improve their own stations or to get at his father. He’s completely used to his own peers simply falling in line to either kiss his butt or at least stay away from him. Anya, however, punched him and then later apologized for it. Does he react with indignity or anger? Nope, he falls in love with her, because she’s the first person his own age he’s ever met who treats him like an equal.
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batfam-imagines · 6 years
The Breakup
For Anya - from Canada who sent me an amazing and detailed request that I did my very best to fulfill. I really hope you like this!
- A
The Breakup – Your POV
“Jason! What the fuck?!”
Jason lets out a harsh breath, “I just can’t do this anymore, Y/N. I need space and I can’t get that when I’m with you”
You can feel the tears start to burn your eyes, but refuse to let them fall in front of Jason, “If you need space we can just – just take a break. We don’t have to end everything, we need to talk things out, Jay!”
“See, that right there! You’re always trying to get me to talk about my problems, or go see a damn shrink! I can’t take it anymore!! It’s like I never get a break from you, we live together and we fight crime together. You even brought up marriage last week!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I just can’t. I’ll be out of the apartment by the end of the week, I already have one of my safe-houses picked out to move into. I’m really sorry it has to end this way”
One-week Post-Breakup
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I know how much Jason meant to you” You and Dick are sitting quietly on one of Gotham’s rooftops, “Why didn’t you tell me right away? I could have been there for you”
“I needed some time to process, ‘Wing. I couldn’t just forget the past three years of my life.” Tears spring up behind the mask, thankfully Dick can’t see them, “He left me, Dick. He left me and I miss him and it hurts so damn much”
“Are you gonna be okay?”
Cupping the back of Dick’s neck, you press your forehead against his, “I’m always okay, Dickie. You don’t need to worry about me”
“If you say so, Sparrow. I need you to promise me that you’ll come to me if you need help.”
One Month Pre-Breakup
“Sparrow is being targeted by Black Mask, Joker, and Ra al Ghul”
Jason’s head snaps up, “Why is she being targeted?”
Bruce lets out a low hum, “Joker is targeting her because he wants to recreated Robin’s death and get back at Red Hood, Black Mask wants her in order to use her as a bargaining chip against Red Hood, and Ra al Ghul wants her for unknown reasons”
“They want her because of me?”
“Yes, Jay, and they are probably going to try and take her while she is on patrol. Ra’s won’t even wait for that, he will have his men attack her while she is a civilian, or he will come for her himself.”
“All this because she’s with me?”
Bruce placed a hand gently on Jason’s shoulder, “You both knew that it would be dangerous for her when you got together. A vigilante and an anti-hero/crime boss is bound to cause a stir in the circles you run in. Jason you’re a danger to her, and this relationship will probably be the death of her”
One Month Post-Breakup
“You have lost weight, Miss Y/N”
Alfred gently guides you to the large dining room table and places a cup of tea in front of you, “Thanks, Alfie. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to the Manor”
“Indeed it has, Miss Y/N, and your presence has been quite missed.” Alfred shot another appraising glance at your figure, “You truly have lost an unhealthy amount of weight this past month, my dear. Both Master Damian and Richard have expressed their concern, so I have made you several meals that you will be taking home with you”
“Whatever you say, Alfie. You know I’m now gonna turn down some of your cooking”
The two of you sit in silence for several minutes, just drinking tea and enjoying each other’s company, “You are not as talkative as you usually are. Master Richard mentioned that you haven’t been smiling as much at his jokes”
You raise an eyebrow, “So is that the real reason you called me here? Because Dick was worried that I’m acting different and that I’ve lost too much weight since Jason left me”
“We worry about you, Miss Y/N. You don’t come around anymore, you have lost weight, you seem depressed. Even though Jason has left you, you are still part of our family.”
“I know that, Alfred”
“Good, then you will be amiable to coming to the family dinner this Sunday, it will put everyone’s mind as ease to see you”
“Fine, Alfie. If it’ll get you off my back, I’ll come to family dinner.”
Alfred gives you a small smile, “Good, I cannot wait to see you then”
Family Dinner
The dinner is actually going surprising well, after the initial yelling from Stephanie about avoiding the family, and the cold shoulder finally thaws from Damian, everything is how it was before.
Tim nudges your shoulder, “You really need to come by more, Y/N. We’ve missed having you around, especially me. I don’t have anyone to keep Damian in line anymore”
You snort, “Well, if you need a knight to save you, princess, I suppose I can visit more”
Thankfully Jason isn’t here, so you’re much more willing to agree to come visit than if he were here. It’s actually a little odd that Jason isn’t here, ever since he had almost completely stopped killing he had bonded more with his family and rarely ever missed a family night.
Of course, you thought too soon, because soon after that thought crosses your mind the front door opens and none other than Jason Todd is calling a greeting from the foyer.
“Hey, everyone! Sorry I’m late, had to stop a mugging on the way here. I hope you guys saved me some -” Jason’s eyes locked on yours, “- food.” He quickly glances away, “It smells good, Alfie”
Jason completely ignores you, he talks and laughs with everyone but you. It looks like the break-up hasn’t affected him at all, he avoids all eye contact with you, acts like you don’t even exist. It hurts, it hurts a hell of lot more than you expected it to. You thought that you were finally getting over Jason, that you were starting to move on with your life, but just being in his presence brings back all of the hurt, brings back just how much you still love him.
You toss your cloth napkin on the table, “I have to go, it was great seeing everyone” You quickly make your way out of the dining room and out of the Manor.
“Y/N! Y/N, wait!” Of fucking course Dick would follow you outside, he wouldn’t just let you make a clean getaway.
“Leave me alone, Dick. I don’t want to be around anyone right now, I feel like – like I’m gonna explode, and someone is gonna get hurt. I’m going home and going on patrol” Dick still looks like he wants to stop you, so you force a smile on your face, “Go back inside, Dickie. It’s family night, I’ll be out patrolling and I’ll have Oracle in my ear. Convince B to stay in, watch a movie with everyone, take a night off. I’ll handle the city, okay?”
“You’re part of the family too, Y/N. You should be staying with us”
“I-I can’t be in the same room as him” Running trembling fingers through your hair, you give a pleading look, “Please, Dickie, I just can’t. We were together for three years, and broke up a month ago but he’s acting like none of that even mattered! He’s acting perfectly fine when I feel like razors are tearing up my insides every time my heart beats!”
“Why didn’t you tell me it was that bad?”
“Because I was handling it! I have to go, Dick”
“I’ll call you in a few days, alright?”
“Fine, you better”
Four Days Post Family Dinner – Dick’s POV
Y/N still hasn’t called or come to visit, and no one has seen even a glimpse of her on patrol for the past two nights. I’m officially worried about her. She wasn’t doing good after the family dinner, and according to Babs was extremely reckless on patrol.
I swing over to Y/N’s apartment window and easily slide in, “Y/N? Y/N, you here?”
I quickly make my way through the apartment, starting in the living room and making my way towards her bedroom.
“Y/N!!” She’s lying on the floor beside her bed, several open and mostly-empty pill bottles lying open on the dresser above her. “Y/N, wake up!! Damnit”
I quickly get Y/N into the recovery position and shove my fingers down her throat, “Please throw-up, please. If you took those pills you have to get them out. Throw-up damnit!!” I quickly grab my cellphone and call for an ambulance before changing out of my Nightwing outfit, unlocking the front door, and rushing back to Y/N’s side.
“Please, please wake up. Y/N, you know you’re now allowed to die on me! We agreed that we’d only ever die when we were old and grey”
There are several loud knocks on the apartment door, “This is Gotham EMS, is anyone home?”
“It’s unlocked! We’re in the bedroom!”
The paramedics are quick to get to the bedroom with the stretcher, “Has she responded at all?”
“Not since I’ve been here, as soon as I realized she was unresponsive I called 911. I have no idea how long she’s been like this, I don’t know how many pills she’s taken, I tried to get her to throw them up but she didn’t. The last time I saw her in person was three days ago”
The paramedic looks mildly impressed, “You seem to know all of our questions before we even ask them”
“My name is Officer Richard Grayson, Bludhaven Police. You’re taking her Gotham General, right?”
“Yes, will you meet us there, or are you riding with us?”
“I’ll be coming with you, I’m gonna make a few calls while you get her on the stretcher”
I quickly walk to the living room as the paramedics try to wake Y/N up and get her up on the stretcher. The first person I call is Bruce.
“Dick? What’s the matter? Are you okay? You never call”
“It’s not me, it’s Y/N. I found her on the floor of her bedroom with mostly empty pill-bottles near her. I don’t know what kind of pills they were, or if it was accident or on purpose. I called for an ambulance and they are taking her to Gotham General.”
“I’ll meet you there with the others. Tim and Damian are still out on patrol, I’m calling them in now. Are you – are you going to call Jason?”
“Why the hell would I call that asshole? He’s the reason she’s in this damn mess to begin with!”
“You know the reason he broke up with her was to try and protect her. He’d want to know if she was going to the hospital”
“I know, B. I know”
The paramedics wheel Y/N out to the living room, “We’re heading to the hospital now, if you’re riding with us we need to go”
“Alright, I’m coming” I trot after the paramedics, “I have to go, B. I’ll call Jason when I get to the hospital, alright?”
“Good, I’ll see you as soon as I can, Dick. Just stay with her”
Thankfully it only takes another 10 minutes to get to the hospital, but Y/N still hasn’t woken up. “Sir, we’re going to have to ask you to wait out here while we change her into a hospital gown, and run some tests to figure out exactly what she’s taken”
“Someone will come get me soon though?”
The paramedic nods, “I’ll talk to her nurse about keeping you updated on her condition and letting you in the back with her as soon as possible.”
“Thank you, sir” I flop on one of the uncomfortable waiting room chairs and pull out my cellphone, already dreading this call.
“What do you want, Big Bird? If this is some social call then I really don’t have time -”
“Jason, it’s Y/N. I found her passed out on her apartment floor, she took a bunch of pills. I’m sitting in the ER waiting room of Gotham General right now. So far she hasn’t woken up”
“W-what? I don’t understand” There’s a loud thud in the background like something heavy just hit the floor.
“Y/N OD on something, Jason. I already called Bruce, he’s on his way with everyone else, he thought that you’d like to know that something happened to Y/N”
Jason lets out a sob, “This is all my fault, what if she did this because I ignored her at dinner, or because I broke up with her, Dick? What if she just tried to kill herself because of me?”
I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from screaming that of course this is his damn fault, “If this turns out to have been something she did on purpose than we’ll get her the help she needs, Jason. Right now what she needs is to be surrounded by her family, people who love and support her. Do you still count yourself as one of those people?”
“Of course I do!”
“Good, because we’re the only family Y/N has left and she’s going need all of us if she’s gonna to pull through this”
Jason takes a steading breath, “Let me grab my keys and I’ll head to the hospital. Sit tight, Big Bird, and call me if anything happens”
“I will”
Y/N is in a medically induced coma. The doctor says that they’ll keep her that way for about a week because the number of pills she took caused severe central nervous system depression and until they were completely out of her system they didn’t want to wake her up. They said it could cause her to have seizures that could cause irreversible brain damage if they woke her up to early.
I clutch one of her hands in mine, while fumbling for my phone in the other, “B – Bruce, they have her in a m – medically induced coma. It’s pretty bad Bruce, they have her on a ventilator and everything. She’s in the ICU”
“It’s that bad?”
“Apparently! I guess the meds she took weren’t supposed to be mixed, and they can cause severe seizures when they are. Apparently, she had a really bad one before I got there and that’s why she was unconscious! The doctor was saying something about both meds having opposite effect on the central nervous system and the misfiring of the nerves are what caused the seizure! OR at least that’s what they think is what happened, they are waiting for the test results”
“Dick? Fuck, Dick what the hell happened?”
“Jason’s here, Bruce. I’ll see you soon” I quickly turn towards the door where Jason is standing, his eyes wide in shock, “Jaybird, you need to sit down. You look like you’re going to pass out”
Jason’s wide eyes lock on mine and it’s like I’ve been thrown into the past, it’s the same lost look he gave me the first time he came to the Manor, “Why’s she attached to all those machines, Dick? What happened?! You said she just took too many drugs! Why is she on a vent?!?”
“Things are a little more complicated now, Jay. The pills she took, the combination made her have a seizure. She’s in a medically induced coma to prevent anymore seizure and to minimize any brain damage done by the first seizure -”
“They don’t know anything for certain yet, it’s too early to tell. Jaybird, I need you to breath, you passing out isn’t going to help Y/N”
Jason crumbles, like his knees can no longer hold him up anymore, he sinks into on the chairs at Y/N’s bedside. Tears finally spill down his cheeks, “This is my fault. If I w-wasn’t so cruel to her s-she wouldn’t fucking be here! If I w-wasn’t such a – such a fucking coward! I just couldn’t lose her! I – I - ” his words are too garbled to understand after that, but he clutches Y/N’s hand and continues to sob into her side, the only thing I can make out is the constant string of apologies. After about 20 minutes of continuous crying Jason finally grows quiet, he’s cried himself into a restless doze.
Now it’s a waiting game. Waiting for the rest of the family to get to the hospital. Waiting for Jason to wake up. And most importantly waiting for Y/N to heal.
Two weeks into the Coma – 3rd Person
“Why are they keeping her in the coma for so long?” Jason hasn’t really been handling Y/N’s unconscious state very well. He’s a mess, “You said she’d only be under for a week, Dick, it’s been two”
Dick rubs at his tired eyes, “They took her off the sedatives that were keeping her in the coma, Jay. That’s why she’s not on the ventilator anymore, I guess she just … wasn’t ready to wake up”
“I hate seeing her like this” Stephanie whispers, somehow Stephanie and Cassandra had managed to cram themselves into Y/N’s hospital bed and curl up next to her, “Y/N never really gets hurt, it’s just … wrong to see her to still”
Cassandra hums in agreement, “Very wrong”
Without warning Stephanie’s blond head pops up, “Alright, I’m tired of moping around, boys all you need to get out. Cass and I are gonna give Y/N a bath, even unconscious she’d want to be clean”
“Yes, boys out” Cassandra slips off the bed with enviable grace and quickly ushers everyone out of the room.
“How came Babs gets to stay?”
Cass raises an unimpressed eyebrow at Dick, “Babs is female, she’ll help. Goodbye” With that the door closes and all of the boys are left standing the hall.
Bruce gently takes Tim and Damian by the shoulders, “I’m going to take these two home for the night, it’ll do them good to sleep in a real bed. Alfred will probably stop by with some food in the morning”
“Alright, B. You guys get some rest, if anything changes we’ll let you know”
Bruce just nods and leads Tim and Damian away, “And make sure Stephanie, Cassandra, and Barbra head home in a little while, they’re working tonight and need to be well rested”
“You got it, B”
Dick and Jason end up sitting in one of the family waiting rooms, “Big Bird, did you ever ask what meds Y/N took?”
“No, I don’t think I ever asked, I can really quick though” Dick walks out of the waiting area and heads over to the nurse’s station. After about 15 minutes of talking with Y/N’s nurse he starts making his way back to Jason, “Apparently it was a combination of antidepressants, two different medications to help her sleep, some heavy duty pain meds, and something they can’t identify. The nurse says that the mystery agent is probably what caused the seizure, she had a run in with Scarecrow on the last night she was seen.”
“Why didn’t she call for help? She should have had the antidote in her apartment!” Jason groans, “It was probably a new formula, the old antidote didn’t work.”
“She still should have called for help, any one of us could have helped her! I guess it also doesn’t help that she took a few too many antidepressants”
Jason’s head falls into his hands, “I didn’t even know she was on those, are they -”
“According to the prescription she’s been on them for six months now” Jason’s head snaps up, shock obvious in his gunmetal grey eyes, “She was on them when she was still with you. It’s the same with one of the sleeping pill prescriptions, the other one is new, but one of the pills was prescribed at the same time as the antidepressant”
“How did I not notice that she was suffering? Was it because of the threats from my enemies or was it something else?”
“It could have been any combination of things, Jaybird. We won’t know until she wakes up”
Waking up – Your POV
Why the fuck does everything feel so stiff? It’s like you haven’t moved in weeks. Everything sounds muzzy, and it feels like your eyes are glued together. It feels like it takes an hour for you to finally get your eyes open.
“Y/N? Oh my God, Y/N!” Suddenly two blurry figures are standing above you, one on each side of what is obviously a hospital bed. “Tim, get the nurse. Let her know that Y/N is awake. Y/N, can you hear me? Do you know who I am?”
“They said she might have some brain damage, Dick. We don’t know anything yet, even if there’s nothing wrong she’s probably disoriented” Bruce. That sounds like Bruce, so one of the figures above you is Dick. You blink a few times, trying to get your eyes to focus. “Don’t strain yourself, Y/N. You’ve been unconscious for three weeks, you might have some difficulty focusing”
“I need you boys to back up for me, I need to check her over and I’ll give her some water. This level of disorientation is perfectly normal for someone just waking up from a coma” That has to be a nurse. “Alright, Ms. Y/N, I’m gonna sit you up a little bit and give you a sip of water, that should help with your throat”
The nurse takes almost 20 minutes to do a complete neural workup to check for any surface brain damage, she says that you’ll have some scans later but for now it’s imperative that you rest.
“I’m going to go call your doctor, Miss Y/N. If you need anything just hit your call light and I’ll be in here really quick, alright?”
“Thank you” Once the nurse is gone and you feel like you have your bearings again, you finally turn to face your family. “Was I really out for three weeks?”
Dick reaches out and takes one of your hands, “Yeah, Y/N. I found you unconscious on your bedroom floor. Like the nurse said you had a really bad seizure, probably from you taking too many meds and having a run in with Scarecrow.” Dick’s eyes look so sad, “Why the hell didn’t you call us when you realized you’d been hit with Fear Toxin? One of us could have brought you an updated antidote.”
“I thought I could handle it. I took the sleeping pills because I thought I could just sleep it off” You run a trembling hand through your hair, “If it’s really been three weeks I’m surprised you all are still here”
Jason speaks up finally, “Of course we’re here, the hospital told us that we shouldn’t take you back to the Manor because it could be dangerous for you, so we kept coming here. We weren’t going to leave you here alone”
“I’m surprised you’re here, Jason” Your eyes are starting to feel heavy again, “I thought you hated me”
Suddenly Jason is standing right next to you, “I could never hate you, Y/N. When you wake up again I promise we’ll talk. I’ll explain everything, even if you decide not to take me back I’d like to at least be friends, but just let me explain. Alright?”
You nod sleepily, “When I wake up”
A feather-light kiss is placed on your palm, “I’ll be here, Y/N. I promise”
Let me know what you think! Send any requests you have to my Ask box!!
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mareposie · 2 years
Anya : *puts her hair in a ponytail*
Damian *blushing and looking at her neck* : Stop it ! What are you doing ?
Anya : Huh ? A ponytail ?
Damian *tomato red* : Why are you doing this ? Stop being like this ?
Anya : My hair gets in my face... what is wrong with you ?
Damian : Stop doing this, the boys are going to-
Anya : Do what ? Shut up ! *talks to herself* Is he crazy ?
Damian : *blushes and looks away*
Becky, Ewen and Emile : OH SHE BOSSES HIM AROUND !!!!
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mareposie · 2 years
sxf crazy theories time
Anya = subject 007 (esper)
Bond = subject 008 (clairvoyance)
Yor = subject 001? (abnormal strength)
Her abnormal strength is only shown in flashbacks where she and Yuri are already orphans. Yuri is normal (what transformed him is Yor’s cooking which is believable since Twilight became a total softie). The way Yuri got such an important job before he turned 20 is also suspicious.
No parents around anymore, orphans you can easily exploit. I think the Garden saved Yor from the lab and offered her this job. Or they offered her the job with the condition of giving her body to the science (lab), strong Yor was made to serve the Garden, that’s why her boss won’t let her go so easily. The lab’ goal is related to help people stuff.
She really flexible and strong but I think it was not enough because she was already old unlike Anya.
Anya, Yor and Bond are really close to each other, like a small group within the family (Anya and Bond know about each other’s power but still). I think this is why we got a Bond-Twilight bonding chapter.
Yor being so aware of child kidnapping and trafficking issues, I mean, she grew new teeth and almost barked at a dog when Anya was in danger. As if she knows what they do to children because she experienced it herself.
At least Loid recognizes that his past was tragic but Yor gets all bubbly when she thinks of little Yuri. Either she got brainwashed or she couldn’t deal with the trauma and avoided the bad memories. I think it’s the second one.
I suspect Yor of being the culprit behind the fire that freed Anya from the lab, it was for a client.
I also think Yor is Anya’s biological mom : somehow they look alike not in apparence but in the behavior and strength (Anya punched Damian so effortlessly with a bit of training but Becky’s result is just walking upstairs without being tired), also they share a brain cell.
The lab kept Yor’s genes or whatever DNA stuff from Strong Yor and probably used it to create Anya.
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casliveblog · 8 months
Custom Toonami Block Week 148 Rundown
Spy X Family: After romping around with Yor’s cooking adventures and Captain’s Scruffyhead’s search for pussy, we’re back at the main plot and Anya’s looking for a convenient way to show off her new dog to Damian to make him want to invite her over (just wondering but the more we humanize Damian the more we bring into focus how this series is about murdering his fucking dad like the guy does seem like an asshat but I doubt that’s what the series wants to eventually end on so hopefully he’ll stop asshating about or something). But yeah turns out Becky’s WAYY too into Loid for someone who’s six years old like it’s RIDICULOUSLY inappropriate but also fucking hilarious how extremely thirsty she is for him. Anyway the kids get up to a class project of building animals out of paper and toilet rolls and stuff and Anya wants to make a Bond sculpture but as we’ve established one of the rules of Spy X Family is Anya is terrible at everything, meanwhile Damian wants to make a Griffin because he’s a ‘please acknowledge me daddy’ in a completely different way than Becky is currently being and apparently mythological creatures count as animals as much as Becky’s Loid action figure so Anya agrees to help. They collaborate but again, Anya is terrible at everything and at best can kind of make a second sculpture to help support Damian’s half-finished ones and luckily the judges are a bunch of avant-garde rich people that literally don’t know a griffin from a dog and take it as symbolism so Anya’s shitty work actually nets Damian first prize while we get an epilogue about how he’s a Kaguya-sama style rich boy with parents that don’t care about him at all, you know just once I want a character with rich parents that love them so much like just for a change of pace, I know there’s no conflict if everything just kinda works out but it’d be fun like just a rich ass parent with Maes Hughes level affection for their surprisingly well-adjusted rich child. Also apparently the episode ran short because we get TWO 4koma style gags of the Handler walking around with her tags sticking out (and NOT getting into a bikini despite going to the pool, damn you writers) and Yuri getting pounded inside and out by his sister’s food and fists as a kid to become a Shizuo Heiwajima style iron man.
Inuyasha: Oh boy wasn’t it weird last time how they gave us a two episode flashback about Kikyo even though she died at Mt. Hakurei and is definitely out of the story forever? Anyway unrelated but there’s a new holy person stirring up the countryside and everyone’s taking refuge under the banner of Definitely Not Kikyo LLC since Abi’s basically burning down half the country with her flaming pterodactyl divebombers. Meanwhile Kagura’s checking out her options for murdering her boss, as one does, and learned enough from Naraku’s failed attempts that asking Sesshomaru from a favor and not offering him anything or trying to kidnap his girl is a good way to get yourself killed, so she’s looking for more leverage to barter with Sesshomaru since Inuyasha isn’t fulfilling his main character duties, it’s really a crapshoot with Naraku’s incarnations, either they’re around for two episodes and die instantly or they live through half the series and develop plot armor so thick not even the good guys can kill them. But yeah while Hakudoshi’s gloating about leading Abi’s birds to Not!Kikyo’s place and even blocks the Red Tessaiga, the specific ‘no blocking’ power (seriously I said this before but the Red Tessaiga is the only thing on Tessaiga’s Swiss Army Knife power set that straight up becomes redundant and they almost killed a child to get it, like imagine if we did kill Shiori and the Red Tessaiga just becomes obsolete a dozen episodes later) he gets hit by a Sacred Arrow because we’ve established that Inuyasha has DBZ power scaling powers while Kagome has Sailor Moon ‘either completely useless or always a OHKO’ powers but this arrow came from the mysterious masked holy person of undetermined identity we just met and Inuyasha’s just like ‘cool, barrier’s down’ and Wind Scar’s Hakudoshi which like the Wind Scar’s still enough to take down most things but way too many people tank that, like it destroys Hakudoshi’s body but he shields his head or some shit so it doesn’t matter, so much for destroying 100 demons like you destroyed 0.75 demons in that last one.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke’s still in his pissy post-arc phase, compounded by the whole ‘yer a demon Yusuke’ revelation and the unsatisfying way the fight resolved, but it is kinda cool to see him bum around with Koenma and play video games with Genkai while there’s no world-ending threat on the horizon for once. He recognizes that he made the right choice in returning to his family and friends but also yearns for what could’ve been should he stayed and fought in Demon World. Koenma tells him he’s basically a walking deity but King Yamma may just try and be sneaky about killing him now so watch out. Genkai suggests he go to see the Spirit Detective from before Sensui and she’s a pretty freaking cool Sara Connor type lady named Kuroko Sato (not Konosuba Kazuma’s mom apparently, though that’d make me laugh personally) and she managed to get through her job without wanting to destroy the world and just settled down and had a family and trained her kids to be guard dogs to avoid the whole ‘you murdered my demon friend so now I’m gonna kill you’ deal, so things seem to be working out well for her. Her family is suitably quirky and it reminds me of one of those Makoto Shinkai movies where the main character just goes and visits a cool family for a while just to take a breath. Meanwhile Koenma talks to Genkai and is like “Hey, uhh did you just send Yusuke to the house of a very loyal former government agent for the government that’s supposed to assassinate him?’ and Genkai’s just like ‘oh shit I guess I did do that, oh well’ but before we can dwell on that, Kuroko’s husband tells Yusuke’s fortune and is like ‘bro if you like danger so much you’re in luck because danger’s fucking hounding your ass dawg.’ And three bald guys come out of nowhere to drag Yusuke to Demon World and answer all his angsty teenage angst questions.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Could’ve just titled this episode ‘GIRL’ because we’re getting in all our female character development this time around. Maki fights blue-haired girl and breaks her own spear but manages to steal her sword and since Nice Blue Girl’s whole deal is basically a complicated way of saying ‘dramatic samurai slash’ she basically has nothing else. Meanwhile Nobara’s fighting Kiki’s Delivery Service girl who’s going on about double standards and how much she loves Mai and shit and Nobara is not interested in any of that, she shoots that shit down with all the bluntness of a true shonen protagonist like ‘You ain’t gonna make me think complicated, I like who I like and don’t like who I don’t like, fuck your tragic backstories and gender roles I’mma do what I want’ and it’s really pretty fucking cool. She manages to use her voodoo doll shit on Kiki’s broom (shoulda seen that coming, it’s literally made of straw girl) and disable her means of transport and potentially at least take out their air recon though Mai does her Revolver Ocelot shit before she can deliver the final blow so idk if Kiki’s broom is down for the count and she’s just still in the fight or if they’ll get the broom back up too but now it’s time for the obligatory ‘female friends that had a falling out’ fight, your Sakura vs Ino, your Yoruichi vs Soifon (though less gay than that). We kinda knew Mai vs Maki was coming and it took a few more moving parts but we got there. So turns out Maki’s family is all ‘No, we said she’s shit, stop making her not sound like shit’ whenever the school tries to promote her because Maki left her family and is gonna come back as king of the pirates and overhaul the whole damn thing because apparently if you don’t get their special sharingan deal you suck and if you’re a girl you suck anyway so Mai and Maki were supposed to just be Miko servants and shit but since Maki ran off they sent Mai to school too to go after her but Mai does NOT like any of this shit and is not into destroying the patriarchy and just wants an easy life of doing what she’s told and keeping her head down but Maki deciding to be all Revolutionary Girl Utena (I assume there’s a girl and a revolution in there somewhere though I haven’t seen it) threw them both into a world of fighting volanco-headed dudes and human centipede-creating frankensteins. Also apparently Maki is literally Rock Lee but instead of getting her superstrength from kicking a log she gets it from the glass bones and paper skin ritual Mechamaru was talking about last time and her family is just like ‘man punching out people isn’t cool, creating a bullet-sized piece of matter once a day, THAT’S cool’ because that’s Mai’s power and she uses it to Revolver Ocelot her way into tricking people into thinking she only has six bullets which seems like a lot of work when you can just… get a better gun, like you get one shot at mind games and it’s instantly worse than just a better gun but I guess she really is just Revolver Ocelot and thinks the colt single action army is the greatest handgun ever made. But yeah because Maki is just Rock Lee she’s able to just fucking catch the bullet and like it doesn’t even break skin like you’d think a more dramatic solution would be her deflecting it with her bare hand and getting wounded but like it doesn’t even hurt apparently, like the bullet’s not even hot coming out of the gun I guess, kind of a letdown I always like the whole ‘take one for the team to win and prove your determination’ kind of win.
Like honestly this is something I notice about female shonen fights in general but they tend to end with disarming/breaking the girl’s will to fight and that can be fine and JJK seems to be aware of not treating the girls with kid gloves but like Nobara was the only one that got knocked the fuck out the others were both kinda disarmed and quietly gave up after having a humiliating breakdown, is it wrong to want to watch women beat the fuck out of each other like any good shonen fight? Idk it’s probably above my paygrade and like I said the series does seem to have its heart in the right place but I’d like some grittier female fights in the future if we’re really committing to tackling that double standard.
Zom 100: So we’re putting Sports Bra girl’s arc on hold for a minute and Akira somehow miraculously not only still has power but the internet is still working and he finally starts getting messages and shit (most likely probably ‘oh shit zombies bro wtf’) but scrolling through he finds his contact for his old Rugby buddy Kencho and apparently since rugby players are the most equipped to survive the zombie apocalypse he figures he’s still alive and is right. Now this is kind of a neat misdirect because there’s two people we meet in this segment, Kencho and this idol guy and Kencho has the body type of someone from the OP and the idol guy has the hair but neither of them look identical so it kinda makes you wonder about how they’re gonna do the fusion dance or some shit so that’s a neat way to foreshadow the spoilers the opening can’t help but give. But yeah turns out Kencho was a ridiculously successful real estate guy and they did keep in touch but Akira was not in the mood to hear Kencho’s humblebrags while Capitalism was destroying his will to live. So my man Akira, Monkey D. Luffy if he were human and in a zombie apocalypse, drives all the way to Shinjuku to meet up with his old friend (saving the idol guy in the process) and apologize for being mad about him showing off all over the place and not taking his advice to quit his fucking shitty ass job. They immediately get chased to the roof by zombies because apologies are loud as shit and Akira demonstrates his devil may care attitude by fucking jumping to the next roof. Kencho is ready to call it quits since he says he can’t make the jump and admits he did feel hollow in his old job and was just bragging to try and convince Akira and himself that he really was happy and that he really wanted to become a stand-up comedian and make people laugh instead of throwing them into mountains of debt. So Akira tells him to not let his dreams be dreams and embrace his inner Shia Lebouf by just doing it and Kencho jumps across the roof and strips naked MID-JUMP and almost dies because he just barely grabs onto the edge like bro was about to die to make sure his friend saw his donger that is commitment to the bit my dude. The two strip naked and camp out on the roof and it’s very cute and I’m excited to see how dealing with Akira around other people will work since he’s kind of a little optimistic chaos demon by himself.
Ranking of Kings: So now that the Underworld guys are taken care of, Bojji and Kage are back on the surface, meanwhile Ouken uses his paralysis jutsu on Despa and rushes to Miranjo. Sword Guy and Kirito manage to destroy the gate to the underworld which is apparently made out of the corpses of Kage’s family so that’s a little fucking dark. Bojji and Kage meet up with Spear guy who’s about to start simping for Miranjo again before Bojji’s Conqueror’s Haki knocks him back on his ass (he’s also poisoned so he’s half dead already) and he realizes that the strength Bojji received wasn’t just from training but from Kage’s unfailing belief in him (something Miranjo reiterates later this episode) and since Bojji found someone to believe in him to spur him on just like how he feels about Miranjo he can’t stand in his way (also the being half dead shit doesn’t help). Meanwhile the crafty criminal dude is teasing Miranjo being all ‘ha ha you’re just a mirror’ until she sicks Ouken on him and Bojji comes up at the same time, he blows poison in Bojji’s face but Bojji just kinda has a really high CON stat because he’s a giant so it doesn’t work and they fuck him up before fighting Ouken proper. Seems none of Bojji’s normal attacks work thanks to him being immortal which is kind of weird since Bojji’s techniques work to disorient and disable and we already proved that Ouken can be knocked out with lightning so idk why him being immortal keeps him from being knocked unconscious but I guess the lightning is just a bigger jolt to his whole system at once. But yeah Kage gets tips from Miranjo about how Ouken’s immortal and all and they tell Bojji to run away but Ouken is just gonna kill the short criminal guy if he leaves so he’s kinda stuck here fighting Ouken and he literally can’t be killed also Miranjo reveals herself as the true mastermind because all this time Kage was just like ‘oh sweet, cool mirror, not knowing who it was.
Vinland Saga: So Askeladd’s knee-deep in a Danish revolution and having flashbacks of how his mom told him King Arthur’s gonna return from Avalon and make everything all better, seems to be a running theme of the show that every culture has a story about some mythological figure coming to make things right instead of making things better themselves. Meanwhile back in the present Askeladd seems to have gotten that message and is placing his faith in Canute, seemingly genuinely to be a replacement for the mythical king and he wants to go out with a bang, so he spews his racist thoughts for his Danish comrades and fucking starts murdering them while sending Canute, Thorfinn, Bjorn and the random priest dude off , some of the guys give chase and manage to topple their cart partway down the road and Bjorn takes one of his drugshrooms while Thorfinn realizes ‘wait, Askeladd dies when he’s killed’ and goes back to save his worst enemy/father figure. Meanwhile Asekladd says he’s getting old cause he only killed like twenty of the fifty men attacking him before getting hobbled, he tries to work himself down to being a hostage and avoids dying but Thorkell comes out of the woodwork before anything else can go down. So much for the destroying the bridge plan, like I assumed only some of Thorkell’s men crossed but it looks like the whole thing came with him though maybe they left their caravan on the other side and are just gonna come back for it later idk. Anyway Askeladd’s dudes try surrendering to Thorkell and that goes about as well as you’d expect, they all go ‘fite me or I’ll kill you’ and apparently without Askeladd around his men just kinda fold because despite fighting back it doesn’t look like they get to kill even one of Thorkell’s guys. Thorkell’s just happy Asekladd tells him Thorfinn’s still alive and right on fucking cue Thorfinn rides back on his horse and demands Askeladd back. Thorkell’s pretty amicable and agrees that if he beats him he can have a Askeladd and even a horse to escape on so looks like we’re finally gonna get the big fight, David vs Goliath 2, this time it’s personal.
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