chaos-grimlin · 1 year
Another part of marked please
Yes here you go!
Intro: No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked (Poly! Billy Loomis and Stu macher x reader)
Word count:1046
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Chapter 19- My hero
^3rd person P.O.V^^^
After 3 weeks the doctors finally cleared Y/n to go. And once she thought she was finally free, people that wanted answers would surround her.
News reporters, cops, students from school was all she seen as she stepped out, turns out, word about her leaving the hospital spred quickly, although barely anyone knew she was coming home other then Dewy, her parents, and Randy.
"MISS. L/N! MISS. L/N WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT" a news reporter screamed as a camera was shoved into Y/ns face.
Y/n felt tears pool In her eyes as she shoved the camera out of her face.
Y/n felt her already shattered heart break even more.
"Please leave me alone" she whispered, bareluy finding her voice.
"Hey kiddo" a soft voice chimed out through all the choas as a hand lightly grasped her shoulder.
Y/n flinched and turned on her heels, her e/c eyes locking onto a pair of brown ones.
"Dewy" she said in a breathy voice as he pulled her towards him. "Come on lets go" he said as he eyed the reporters that followed them.
"Leave the kid alone!" Dewy yelled as he walked Y/n to his police cruiser.
Dewy kept Y/n close as he opened the car door for her.
"Thanks" she whispered forcing a small yet fake smile.
Dewy nodded as she slipped into the car.
Once she was fully in, Dewy shut the door and quickly made way to the drivers side and opened the door and hopped in before the reporters could bug him.
Dewy shut the door and started the car, looking over at Y/n as he did.
"Hey, kiddo, im sorry" Dewy whispered as the car engine roared to life.
"For what?" Y/n said as she wiped away her tears with the palm of her hand.
"I shouldn't have let you walk home at night" he said, guilt lacing his voice.
Dewy started driving as Y/ns body went stiff.
"Its fine" she choked out
Dewy stayed quiet as he drove, tears stung his eyes as he thought of everything Y/n had been through.
Him, Randy, and Tatum have all been blaming themselves.
"Don't cry Dewy" y/n whispered.
"No no listen. Im so sorry i let you walk home alone, none of this would have happened." Dewy rambled, his grip on the steering wheel tightening slightly.
Dewy saw the image of her, of her laying there, looking almost lifeless as Randy untied her.
Dewy heard Randy's screams, he felt the pressure of needing to hurry up before she died in Randys arms.
No amount of police training could have trained Dewy for that..
"I was the stubborn one...it...it was all my fault" Y/n muttered, her voice cracking as she hung her head low.
If she would have let someone walk with her, she wouldn't have gotten raped...
A thought, a singular thought flowed through her mind..
And that was...
There was two of them...they were both strong...so... If Dewy, Tatum, or Randy went... They all would have gotten hurt, maybe even killed...
Maybe it was for the better that she had went alone...
Yet... She wished she didn't.
Y/n moved slightly in the hard seats of the police cruiser as tears built up in her eyes.
She let out a small sniffle as she wrapped her arms around herself, finding a little bit of comfort.
"No..i shouldn't have taken no for an answer.." Dewy protested.
Y/n hated hearing people blame theirself for this...
It was all her fault...
She took full blame..
If she would have fought back more
Kicked and screamed more
If she would have just went the next day...
None of this would have happened.
Y/n trailed her fingers lightly over her covered thigh, feeling the thick bandaged that laid under her clothes.
"Were going to find out who did this to you.." Dewy said as he looked at her, the whites of his eyes were stained red.
Y/n looked up at him, she wanted to say something but the words didnt come out, instead they stayed in her throat.
"This is among one of the worst things to have happened here..." He muttered under his breath, fixating his eyes back onto the road.
Y/n stayed quiet, letting her head droop down, allowing her eyes to lock onto her hands.
Countless thoughts raced through her skull, mostly ones blaming her for all of this.
It was like all the sadness from all of this was hitting her all at one time, seeing her spiraling into a vas pit of darkness, one she couldn't climb out of as her world crumbled around her.
She wanted to give up at this point...
The rest of the car ride was silent, no noise filled the car other then Y/ns small sniffles.
"Were here" Dewy whispered as he pulled up to his and Tatums house.
Y/n looked at the house, thankful he didn't bring her to her own house.
Y/n feared going back to her own house, especially her own room.
"Thank you for picking me up" Y/n said with a soft smile.
"No problem" he said, returning the smile.
Dewy opened his door after he parked the police car, and Y/n did the same.
As she stood up and shut the door, her legs started to shake under her own weight slightly.
"Y/N!!" A group of voices screamed out in unison.
Y/ns eyes snapped upward only to see the whole group running at her.
In seconds, Tatum, Randy, Billy, Stu, and Sidney had their arms around Y/n, trapping her in a group hug.
Y/n gasped as she stumbled slightly.
She didn't know why, but something didn't feel right...
She felt that same fearful, gut wrenching feeling in her stomach..
The same feeling she had before she was attacked.....
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spectrestar · 2 months
The past two days since moving in with Lindsay I have made us sit and eat my food together at the table and it’s actually like so awesome I want to make/share food for her everyday
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moechies · 2 months
giving older bsf toji a bj cs u dont have any money on u for gas 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
oh mi gosh. dis is absolutely so filthy ‘nd absolutely perfect for him . dis is how grimy he is in my mind.. (modern au where toji is RICH $$)
“hm, darling?” you look upon the questioning man sitting besides you, one strong hand that guides the steering wheel of your own car. he insisted to drive, and in what position would you say no? you’d never pass up an offer to be passenger princess.
“i-i forgot.”
“forgot what?”
“forgot money for gas, toji.”
“are ya dumb sweetheart? goin’ t’get gas n the one thing ya forgot is gas money?”
“‘m s-sorry toji, can you lend me? please? promise i won’t forget next time!”
he scoffs, knowing well that he would’ve paid nonetheless. but watching you nervously scramble yourself together, anticipating a response from him is too adorable, he thinks.
“yeah, but ya gotta pay me back.”
“course i will! gonna give it back as soon as we ge-“
“no sweetie. not with money.”
your head turns slow to the man, already shooting you a evil-intentioned smirk. his free hand comes down to scarce over the evident bulge that pokes through his sweats, indirectly instructing you.
“with your mouth, honey.”
he chuckles when your face flushes red, how unexpecting.
with over 3 years of close friendship, the man had assumed that you at least would’ve noticed; his stares that pierce into your skin, touches that linger a little too long, and the constant absence of your favorite panties. what a naive little thing you were; he loved it.
if you didn’t know his true intentions then, you’d definitely know now.
“c’mon, y’want me to fill it up right?”
“the tank sweetie. the car. don’t you want gas?”
you huff when he chuckles at your flustered expression. your small fingers dance across his bulge, his own hand messily slipping under the band of his sweats, releasing himself. he can’t help the smile that spreads across his face when you gasp, fawn like eyes that immediately shoot up to meet his gaze.
“s-so big..���
“mm, you think so?” he teases.
his hand slithers to the back of your head, fingers playing with one or two strands of your hair.
“c’mon, be good..”
he smiles at you coyly, desperate even, and it makes your heart and your cunt clench.
with slight pressure from the man’s hand, you find yourself lowering onto the tip of his cock. your puffy lips press against the warm slit, an immediate groan that spills from his lips,
“no action recently?” you tease, facing him with a slight smile,
“shaddup princess. yer lucky you’re cute.”
you snicker, separating your slicked up lips to wrap around the thick of his cock head. your tongue presses against the slit once again, tasting the sweet substance that coats his dewy slit; more that spews from the teasing licks.
“don’t t-tease.”
you hold yourself further onto his cock to accommodate his length, a light gag that elicits from your throat. tears brim in your eyes when you feel your jaw begin to ache, but the needy man pays no mind when he begins thrusting into your warmth.
oh and when he feels a warm tear fall onto the skin of his thigh, he nearly cums.
“heh.. there you go, see? ya can do it.”
you hum around him, the light sensation that drills right through his sensitive cock.
“g-gunna cum. shit.”
and with a few shallow thrusts, his cum brims. it’s warm, and thick, but you swallow without a second thought. you pull yourself off to meet your eyes with his, vision daisy and face flushed with a sweet pink once again.
“hah.. gonna have to fill you up, darling. we’ll worry about the car later, kay?”
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gamermattsgf · 4 months
Dirty little monster // Chris and Matt
Warnings: threesome filth / lowkey toxic relationship plot?? / ownership kink / degradation Chris / praiser Matt / cunnilingus / doggy / wrist restraints / unprotected sex / blindfold kink / manhandling / missionary / exhibitionist kink / brief mention of somnophilia / Eiffel Tower position / blowjob / edging / jealousy + possession kink / female stimulation / spit kink / slapping / hair pulling
Summary: Chris and Matt know the deal. They’re supposed to share you, but sometimes that idea gets in the way of their individual feelings, especially in situations like these…
Author’s notes: finally the threesome you’ve all been waiting for. If this is not your cup of tea PLEASE just scroll!! You guys are probably sick of the amount of goddamn warnings that come my shit hahaha. Also, happy late birthday present for @sturnsmadl I hope u like ur gift baby.
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“You’re a dirty little monster, a coked up little pop tart… can’t keep your head out your dreams” - Too Much Sauce, Harry Styles
‘Fuck… Matt…’ you pant, your head twisted to the side as you feed your bottom lip into your teeth. The harsh pressure you exert upon it almost makes it split, the stinging sensation helping to distract you from Matt’s face that pries open your inner thighs.
His own lips look dewy and puffed, his tired eyes sleepy but alluring as the pale bags underneath them exemplify his chalky blue rings. Just showered and shaved, the smell of his cologne is almost intoxicating when it feeds itself up into your nose and diffuses across your senses. It’s sharp and citrusy and fits his clean cut personality perfectly like a breath of fresh air.
His hair is still slightly wet, and strands trace damp streaks over your stretch marks when his tongue gifts open mouthed kisses to your clit.
He presses himself so close to your throbbing sensitivity that you can barely see his face and eyes because they’re covered with his scruffy brunette hair.
You can’t help but rut your hips onto his nose as your back arches, the whine peeping from your throat breathless and needy whilst he grinds himself into the mattress. He just can’t help himself as the bed shakes backwards and forwards. Every couple of seconds you have to readjust your thighs around his head and when you do the rough skin where his beard grows grazes against the plushness of your flesh.
‘You like that sweet girl?’
The voice you hear is not Matt’s, because he is too busy licking away at your velvety slickness. But Chris’. He sits with his back against the headboard, and your back propped up against his bare chest. You lie, nestled in between his two spread thighs that are clothed over with grey sweats and subtly squeeze against your thick hips after every time you arch your back from off of his stomach.
You yourself are fully naked, with your tits out and resting softly on your chest, until Chris’ larger hands slither up your ribcage and cup them gently, his thumbs rubbing over your stiffened nipples. The pleasure from both ends is almost too much, and a hot rush flurries over your cheeks when you allow yourself to throw your head back and lean it into the crook of his shoulder.
Chris smirks as he watches the top of Matt’s head moving from in between your silky thighs intently, mesmerised by the way he swirls his tongue and causes whimpers to claw their way up your throat. He gets off on watching Matt eat you out because it’s almost as if he’s watching a high definition sex tape of himself eating you out.
‘S’Matt treating you well baby…? Making you feel good huh?’.
He presses his lips to your temple gently before pinching your nipples and loving the way you squirm at the sensation. He then kisses the side of your head softly. ‘Y-yes’ you moan, your calves sliding up and over Matt’s shoulder blades to give him better access whilst your hands grapple to squeeze against Chris’ sweatpants. Matt grunts at Chris’ praise of his work whilst lathering his tongue over your spongy nerve messily.
‘Yeah? His mouth making you wanna come?’
Chris speaks for Matt so that Matt can keep working against your clit, his face rocking backwards and forwards over your cunt as his hands come to splay about the tops of your thighs. You can feel the way Matt’s cheeks apple when he smirks at what Chris says, because he knows it’s true, and he knows his tongue has the ability to make you unravel at his fingertips.
‘Please’ is all you can heave whilst craning your neck forwards once again to look at Matt.
‘That’s my good girl, so polite aren’t you?’
Chris coos once again from behind you. Suddenly Matt pulls his heavenly tongue away from his teasing so that he can spit a string of saliva all over your dripping folds. He leers upwards which makes your calves fall from his shoulders. Lazily, they plant themselves back down onto the mattress at his sides as his saliva seeps down you slit. He raises his eyebrows incredulously at Chris, before licking his lips and flicking his dilated pupils back to yours.
‘Our good girl’ he corrects bitingly, before leaning over from his position in between your spread legs to smooth his lips onto yours. He bites your bottom one gently and sighs into the kiss whilst pushing his tongue through the barrier of your teeth.
Whilst Matt kisses you, Chris finds it necessary to let one of his hands delicately trail down your navel, only to slide in between your folds and stroke your slimy clit, saturated in Matt’s saliva.
Chris practically cradles you to himself within his larger frame as you crumple back into him in pleasure.
You uncontrollably moan into Matt’s mouth at the rough pads of his long fingers moving in slow concentric circles whilst he manoeuvres his lips to the side of your neck, just so that he isn’t missing out on the action. ‘Love my fingers touching you like that, don’t you baby?’ He teases, lusting after the feeling of your hot clit easily skimming against his fingertips. He doesn’t just kiss your neck though, he bites and sucks it, each time pulling away to see how much darker he has the purple roses blooming on your flesh.
He likes it that he’s the one who’s now making you whine, not Matt, so grins deviously into your neck.
All of you know the agreement. Matt and Chris are supposed to share you, but sometimes each one of them can’t help but want you to themselves. And sometimes they do take you for themselves. Matt had you in the shower last week, and Chris had you in the coat cupboard the other day. But the catch is that they do it secretly - behind each other’s backs - not that you mind. It just means that you get more out of the deal than them. So you just don’t tell them.
The three of you know that this is a toxic relationship you share, and a toxic cycle at that… but you’re all addicts, and you can’t help but crawl back to each other after every single time you give into these frivolous sexual desires.
Chris is a selfish fuck, but Matt is an obsessive one. Both of them are possessive, and whenever you three are together it is a constant competition to see which one of them can make you cry harder, moan louder, cum quicker. They can’t help but be competitive when around you, because they want to feel like their cock pleases you more, stretches you out thicker and fills you up the most.
With that being said, as you moan softly into Matt’s face, he’s envious that your lips get lazy and languid with their kissing motions. I mean… you’re barely even trying to make out with him anymore, and it’s all Chris’ fault. So he fixes that by scooping his cupped hands underneath your armpits in the heat of his jealous moment.
He always has a couple of those when you three fuck together.
He detaches you from his mouth and lifts you high up enough to be thrown over Chris’ thigh and into the centre of the bed. This therefore also rips Chris away from you and he huffs in annoyance when Matt clambers over him to get to your body.
You lie in the centre of the bed in helplessness, your cheeks an embarrassed red and your thighs shyly clamped together in modesty because of the way Chris and Matt look at you. They devour you with their eyes… their pupils peeling apart each section of your skin and feasting on it. And you just know that when they’re done with using you, they’re going to be licking their sticky fingers clean of your honeyed mess.
‘Fuck, look at you, all wet and needy for us. You’re so pretty…’ Matt muses whilst admiring you before he’s bending his torso over and peeling his cropped blue shirt from off of his back. This reveals his smooth skin, and now he matches Chris in attire, until Chris sees that he’s evened the odds and decides to take off his sweats so that now he’s only in his underwear.
You blink and place your palm over your eyes in humiliation. ‘Stop’ you whine slightly at his praise, and it makes it even worse when Chris decides to join in too. ‘You greedy baby… wanting both of our cocks at the same time, you’re such a little cum slut aren’t you? Naughty girl. What’re we gonna do with her Matt?’.
Chris smirks as he looks over to a Matt that has to purse his own lips together to suppress his grin, his chest rising and falling as he debates on how they’re going to take you today.
There’s a moment of silence before Matt presumably has an idea.
‘Go get one of your bandanas Chris…’ he requests, nodding his head towards one of the shelves in the room that had Chris’ various bandanas draped over the top of it. You swallow nervously as Chris catches onto Matt’s idea. With a cheeky glint in his eyes he withdraws from the bed, ‘sure thing Matt…’.
Matt watches him for a second before turning his attention back to you as he fumbles with his Diesel belt buckle. You watch attentively as his spindly fingers wrap around the clanging metal, the leather expertly being pulled through the clasp. Then he’s opening it and slowly sliding it out from his belt loops. The agonising pace is to tease you, of course, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
‘I haven’t stopped thinking about using this on you since the last time it happened’ Matt reminisces, and it takes you back to that one time you three had been fooling around, and Chris and Matt had used their belts on you. One belt had been tied to a wrist and an ankle each. This had spread you open and allowed them to fuck you from behind, as they took turns to hitch your hips up and keep you still for them.
‘Can I do it again baby, will you let me tie you up? Please… it’ll be so pretty I promise’ he begs whilst the floorboards creak under Chris’ footsteps. His black bandana is slung in his right hand lazily as he makes his way back to the bed, just in time for you to give in and nod with agreement.
‘Whatever you want Matt.’ You mumble submissively with a little seductive smile. It drives him fucking feral to the point of insanity when you do that, he had only had his lips on you just minutes ago but now he wanted to do it all over again.
His mouth waters for your sweetness, your pre-come, the wetness leaking from your folds that he creates with his tongue.
You squirm about to position yourself on your knees, before leaning up and arching your back. You bury your face into the pillows at the top of the bed and give Matt an eye-full of your pulsating core whilst you lift your wrists to rest them together on your tailbone.
Matt’s cock is so fucking hard and so fucking sore, he’s definitely saturated under all of his layers, just as he’s sure Chris is too, because he also gawks at you and licks his lips when Matt shuffles up to your behind. From there, he loops his belt around your flimsy wrists. You hiss slightly when he knots it tightly, his biceps flexing and his nose scrunching. Simultaneously, Chris decides to shuffle up towards your head.
‘Look up for me a sec baby’ he demands you softly by patting your hair, and you do as your told, only to immediately have your vision obscured when Chris forces the bandana over your face and onto your eyes. You twist your head helplessly and whine a little when Matt forces your hips downwards into the mattress.
Your stomach roughly hits the mattress at his manhandling and your legs give out underneath you.
‘Turn around for us honey’. It’s Chris speaking again, you recognise the tone of his voice so you try to look in the general direction of it but to no avail. You wriggle around with great difficulty what with having your wrists restrained behind your back, and as you do, you also hear the small sound of Matt’s zipper scratching against the seam of his jeans. He’s taking them off.
‘W-what are you gonna do to me?’ You mumble nervously, now sitting on your ass with your legs crossed awkwardly so that you aren’t completely spread out and on display in front of them. Something about having a blindfold on and having your sense of sight completely eliminated made you jittery, especially when you couldn’t tell who’s cold hand was playfully skimming up your bare thigh.
‘We’re gonna play a little game, aren’t we Chris?’ Matt speaks, his voice nearest to you ear, so you assume that he’s the one who has just trailed his hand up your skin.
‘What kind of game?’ You swallow nervously, trying your best to look up at Matt, but you no longer feel his warm presence beside you and so you furrow your eyebrows underneath the bandana.
‘Simple. You try and guess who it is that’s touching you. You guess correctly you can have your orgasm, you don’t… we’re allowed to edge you’ Matt explains, before clarifying with an ‘s’that fair princess, hm?’.
The princess name has you blushing. You love it when Matt calls you princess.
After fucking them a couple of times, you realised each one had different tastes. Chris seemed to like degradations, and using methods of ownership to get you to your high, he liked things rough and fast and even sometimes couldn’t help his wandering hands that frequently reached out to playfully slap your thighs or face whilst he buried himself inside of you.
Matt was vastly different, he took the very definition of the word ‘praise’ and ran with it. He was all about the idea of feminine pleasure, and preferred to help you reach your high with words of affirmation and sugary sweet pet names. He liked things slow, sensual, intimate… and sometimes even lazy. Sloppiness and saliva was key whether it be him waking you up in the morning with his mouth on you or him fuck you in the simply position of missionary. He always wanted eye-contact.
Chris fucking lusted dominating you, it didn’t matter how, he just chased that possession of control. Matt wanted to establish connections and soak in physical touches. Which is why you liked having both of them, because it introduced an interesting dynamic to your experimentations. You liked having two people with completely different kinks because in the end they would always come together and use them both on you simultaneously.
The proposition seems easy enough to you, considering the fact that you know both of their bodies like the back of your hand, so you agree, simply just desperate for an orgasm now seeing as Matt had pulled away from your core right before he could give you one earlier.
What you don’t know however, is that Matt and Chris had anticipated this. And so had mutually agreed before this rendezvous that they would completely switch up their tactics to mirror the other one’s sexual habits.
You lie there statically on the bed patiently waiting for someone to viciously attack you with their onslaught of tongues, and soon someone does.
Matt makes eye contact with Chris and nods his head towards you, signalling that he wants to go first. Chris grins and decides to lie down on the other side of the bed whilst Matt crawls up to your awaiting body. He twists his head to look over at the two of you and bites his lip when Matt roughly wrestles you back around and onto your knees. Your breath hitches a little because you’re not expecting it and you almost fall back over trying to balance.
Matt roughly flattens his palm in between your shoulder blades and forces your front downwards so your tits and left cheek are pressed into the duvet cover. Matt uses his knee to kick out your thighs and spread them for him whilst he smooths his hands against your hips. Just as Chris would usually do.
Whilst this is going on, Chris throbs and watches with drool almost falling from his mouth. Matt takes his underwear off and very quickly is able to slide himself into your plushness. The cry you expel is muffled with the soft fabric of the sheets on the bed as his cock stretches you out unexpectedly. Everything feels wet and hot as his prick throbs inside of you before he starts to rock his hips roughly.
Chris can’t help but bury his own hand beneath his underwear to stroke himself whilst he admires the way you get fucked in his favourite position. He loves the way that your hips always swivel and the way your back always arches, even when it’s not him who’s fucking you, it just looks so hypnotic, and he loves watching it happen.
Matt smirks down at you, panting as his hips snap up to hit against your ass rhythmically. Your moans are still quietened but they do a great job at getting both Matt and Chris worked up.
And as much as he hates to admit it, Matt likes this oppertunity to be rough with you in front of Chris, because he knows how jealous Chris gets when he sees him fucking you how he normally likes to fuck you.
Matt then suddenly reaches one of his hands forward to greedily take a fistful of your hair and yank on it, lifting your head up a little and allowing you to now groan into the air. Chris has to roll his eyes back into his head and close them at this, just to suppress the moans he wants to shout, because if he gave in to his temptations it would ruin the game. And he doesn’t want to miss out on his turn to do a better job than Matt.
You feel flurries of pleasure rippling past your thighs after every time Matt’s cock returns and hits the right spot. With your hair pulled back, your voice strains at the awkward angle your neck is tilted at, but you blurt out a laboured ‘C-Chris, it’s Chris isn’t it?’ when your build up starts to get more intense. Matt and Chris stop what they’re doing to grin maliciously at each other, they knew you’d fall for this idea of theirs.
Matt turns back to you, before slowing his thrusts with a ‘guess again sweetheart’ cockily singsonging from his mouth. He’s smug with it as he pulls his cock out of you completely before slapping your ass in playfulness whilst your shoulders deflate.
‘What…?’ You breathe in delirious confusion, so sure that it was Chris because he usually liked to fuck you that way. Guess you were mistaken. But now you’re pouty because that’s the second time you’ve been denied an orgasm. You huff in annoyance whilst Chris giggles. ‘God, are we gonna have to gag you as well? S’that the only thing that’ll keep you quiet? Wonder what the neighbours think…?’.
You bury your head back into the mattress in embarrassment, not being able to help your sensuous sounds. Your cheeks turn pink at Chris’ insult. ‘I’m sorry… I can’t help how good you make me feel’ you mumble, trying to retaliate his harsh words with flattery. Chris likes to have his ego stroked, it comes hand in hand with his ownership kink, he likes to hear how good he makes you feel, so you manipulate that to your advantage to soften his exterior. Chris and Matt make eye contact with each other, knowing what kind of game you’re trying to play with them, so Matt gestures for Chris to have his turn.
You again, sit and wait for someone else to pounce, now in a more conflicted mood than before, knowing that both Chris and Matt are going to make this a lot harder than you first anticipated.
It’s not long before Chris can’t contain himself anymore and he’s practically sprawling over to you with a yearning to finally have your cunt to himself.
He makes sure you have your back fully pressed to the mattress with your cuffed wrists wedged uncomfortably between your back and the sheets. He moves in between your spread thighs, squeezing his hands down the backs of them whilst he opens you up before painting the tip of his red cock right over your throbbing clit.
Your head throws itself back when Chris feeds himself into you, going slowly to make sure you can adjust before he starts to rock his hips, his cock wetly slipping in and out of your already used hole. His figure soon looms over so that his face can nuzzle into your tits, spitting on your nipples and then passing his tongue over them, strings of saliva connecting his lips to your flushed skin. The constant rocking motion is almost too much for you, and you nearly cum by accident, but you hold back.
Instead of cumming though, you yelp instead because suddenly Chris takes one of your nipples into his mouth, only to bite at it harshly. Tears spring into your eyes, too focused on the pleasure and the pain to figure out who the fuck this could be. It could be Chris… but it also could be Matt going again… trying to trick you.
Chris pulls away, only to tip his chin up and look past your head at a Matt that sits and watches the two of you with his lips set into a dissatisfied line, seething with jealousy even though Chris and him had agreed to work together.
He can’t stand sharing you sometimes, and it’s just agony to watch Chris touch something that should be his.
Chris looks directly at him with a challenging gaze once again, a panting smirk on his stupid fucking face after every time he grinds himself forward and elicits a strangle breath from you. ‘Fuck, it hurts…’ you whine breathlessly, your sensitivity so overwhelming after being stretched out by two different cocks. But Chris decides to smooth his hand over your mouth and utter a possessive ‘shh… baby, I know… I know’ gently into your ear as he uses his other hand to stroke gentle circles over your hipbone.
Chris couldn’t help it. He let his voice slip, and that gave you exactly what you needed to guess correctly this time. And thankfully you guess right with a panting ‘Chris! It’s Chris!!’ right up onto the seal of his sweaty hand.
You don’t think you would have been able to suffer through another round of this torture so you are relieved when Chris slips his bandana from off of your head. He grins down at you at throws the forgotten fabric to the floor.
‘Hi sweet girl…’ he coos down to you, still moving his hips up and loving the way your little face screws up cutely in pleasured suspense after every thrust.
He smiles down at you but the moment is rudely interrupted by a Matt that grunts ‘alright that’s enough’ as he moves up to the both of you. He doesn’t want to give Chris the satisfaction of being the only one who’s able to get you off, or the delight of being the one who’s able to cum all over you. ‘I want her gut, you had it last time, s’only fair’ he barks at Chris, and gives his shoulder a brotherly shove to which Chris begrudgingly complies with a roll to his eyes and a subdued sigh.
Even though you love having both of them at the same time, you’ll admit it gets a little irritating when they constantly quarrel over who gets to finish where, especially when you’ve been edged about three times now this time.
‘Guys… p-please can you just let me cum? I don’t fucking care how you do it, just- please!’ You whine like a petulant child, knowing that if they see you’re desperate for them, they’ll listen to you.
‘Fuck, sorry baby. We’re sorry, sweetheart’ Matt immediately dotes upon you by profusely apologising, before coming up to you and spreading his hands over you hips so that he can flip your body over and onto your knees for the last time. ‘Shh, shh, c’mere baby’ he continues as he once again comes up behind you and stuffs you full of his cock. You moan, this time in aggravated pain at how long your aching walls have had to wait whilst Matt uses his quick fingers to finally untie your wrists, his belt loosening ever so slightly before it slides off completely and you can put your arms back onto the mattress.
This allows you to lean up onto your hands whilst Matt starts moving. You come face to face with Chris’ cock and look up between your eyelashes to see the way he smirks down at you hungrily.
‘Go on then pretty, I know how much you like giving me head…’.
You roll your eyes with a glare before succumbing and sliding his perfect thickness right past your teeth, already accustomed to his size because of how much he loves to have you suck him off.
Whilst you work yourself against Chris’ thick skin, you struggle not to choke on him as he starts to teasingly thrust into your face. This pushes himself further down your tight throat. Chris shivers and arches his back, Matt slipping his finger down to your clit so that he can rub it as he finishes you off.
‘Can- can I cum down your throat?’ Chris utters through a groan, asking for your permission to finish.
You nod sweetly and let him, which he does. His cum seeps out stickily from his head and making its way into your mouth almost on command. You suck him a little more to get rid of everything he has before he slaps your cheek a little at his overstimulation. ‘F-fuck- that’s enough baby!’. He carefully slides himself out and watches Matt help you to your own high.
Your neck crooks as you throw your jaw back when Matt continually ruts his hips into you throughout your intensive orgasm.
After you become spent and just as sensitive as Chris, you whine for him to stop, so he pulls out and strokes himself until he too finishes all over your ass, his sticky cum sliding down your hot skin.
All three of you collapse onto the bed in a panting sweaty mess. You lie there and look at Chris who smirks back at you, before casually reaching for his phone and putting in his passcode like nothing had even happened before hand.
Matt reaches out his hand to affectionately trace circles over your back before he’s shuffling around behind you. The bed creaks as he gets up. He leans over you to kiss in between your shoulders blades before mumbling ‘I’ll go get a cloth’ to both you and Chris.
As he walks away, Chris glances down at you, deciding to thread his fingers through your hair and stroke it absentmindedly whilst he clears his throat and quickly shoots a random text to one of his friends.
Both of you melt into the mattress in relaxation, Chris’ fingers scratching your scalp just enough to lull you to sleep after your exhausting escapade with the both of them.
You know you guys should probably stop this. But you can’t. It’s just so addictive… so much so that you think it’s fair enough to title all of you a dirty little monster for enjoying such a filthy fucking thing…
Author’s notes p.2: I’m writing whole ass novels, fuck me bro. Technically the song I used is an unreleased Harry Styles song so only the real ones know how it goes teehee. But anyways, this was literally like- Skye Teller but the 18+ version lol. I lowkey felt so much pressure writing this bc so many people have been fangirling about it, so hopefully (with a little bit of luck) I didn’t disappoint you lovely readers who I love so much for giving my silly little stories attention :). As always, request / ask whatever u want thirsty hoes!!! Until next time 🎀
Taglist: @lovingmattysposts @luvmila444 @luverboychris @luv4kozume @strniohoeee @sturniolosreads @thesturniolos @vecnasnose0 @meanttomeet @ellie-luvsfics @matthemunch @mattsleftnipple03 @robins-scoop @asturniolos @imwetforyourmom @sturnioloenthusiast @breeloveschris @kvtie444 @rootbeerworshiper @strawberrysturniolo @chr1sgirl4life @hrt-attack @gigisworldsstuff @stargirlsturniololover @imlidewwallyhittingdagwiddy @sturniololoverr @jahlisa22 @bernardsgf @luvasr @meg-sturniolo @blahbel668 @liz-stxrn @sturnreblog @ratatioulle @isabellehoran @carolsturns1 @1800chokedathoe @sturnsmadl @sturniolossmut @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattswifey00 @sturniolowhore @skadltmf @sturniolosstar @luvsturns @chrizznmetswife @i-heart-mattsturniolo @lovergirl4387 @sophie21153-blog
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cordeliawhohung · 1 month
take this pornstar!gaz idea. it sounded better in my head, but oh well.
cw: alcohol, mostly fluff, a little angst, two idiots in love.
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Kyle’s never seen you in public before. 
Really, he hasn’t seen you anywhere that wasn’t either in your dressing room, or in the studio, so it feels like a dream when he catches you in the corner of his eye. Glitter captures the dim glow of the streetlamp like starlight on your eyelids as you giggle and sway on your feet. He’s never seen you dressed up, either; at least, not of your own accord instead of some stylists choosing. You’re absolutely radiant as you try to fight off the two girls on either side of you, both of who huff and puff at you as they try to drag you towards a running car parked just off the pavement. 
“You’re fucking pissed,” one of them says. “No damn way you’re taking the bus home.” 
Your response to her is muffled behind a whine and then another giggle as you paw at your eyes. Glitter stains your fingertips like dried blood, and you quickly wipe it off on the front of your shirt, spreading it along your body like a curse.
The night air grows heavy as Kyle adjusts the strap of his bag on his shoulder. Sweat still clings to his skin from a late night workout, but he ignores it as he allows his attention to wander. There’s a dewy glow to your skin — and not just from the glitter — that snitches to him that you’ve had more than enough to drink that night, as if the stumbling wasn’t enough. Despite your disheveled look, you’re still the most beautiful creature he’s ever laid eyes on. 
Except he’s seemed to have kept his eyes on you for a bit too long, because one of the women you’re with glares at him as if he’s human filth. It’s a sharp glare, one that warns him she’s not really one to mess with. It has his teeth digging into his cheek, and his feet stumble under the heat of her gaze. 
“The fuck’re you looking at?” she asks, voice dropping low.
Her biting tone has you looking at her with narrowed eyes before your head whips to the side with such force the rest of you nearly follows. Your eyes don’t quite reach his face, and you end up staring at his chest with squinted eyes for a solid few seconds. He’s sure the distance between you two — a good and safe couple of feet — doesn’t help either, but he stops in his tracks the moment you finally find his eyes. 
“Kyle!” you coo. 
His name sounds like a holy hymn on your tongue, and you slip out of the grasp of your friends in order to throw yourself at him. Catching you is easy. All it takes is his hands on your waist and your palms on his chest to steady you. Sour booze fills his nose, but he doesn’t even flinch at the burn. Your grin captivates him too much for him to do anything but smile. 
“Hey, doll,” he greets, his suave aura hiding the fact his heart pounds in his chest so violently it almost hurts. “Havin’ a good night?” 
“Well I was,” you groan. Your forehead presses against his chest, and Kyle is suddenly aware of the heat radiating off of his body. However, if you do smell the slight musk clinging to him after hitting the gym, you don’t mention anything. “They’re trying to get me into that stupid fucking uber and I just wanna walk home.” 
“You are not walking home,” one of the girls — the one who had glared at him before — interrupts. “And I’m not walking halfway across the city with your drunk ass, either.” 
“It’s not a great idea,” he concurs.
That only makes you groan again before leaning your entire body weight on him. You’re throwing a childish fit, yet he can’t help but chuckle as he wraps his arms around you in a light embrace to help keep you from falling face first into the pavement. Settling down, the two girls you’re with stop looking at Kyle as if he’s the devil himself, and more so just have an overall appearance of embarrassment for you. 
“I hate it here,” you whine. 
“How about this,” Kyle proposes, “you let your friends take the uber home, and I’ll walk you back to your place?”
“You’d do that for me?” you mumble into his chest. 
“Anythin’ for you.” 
Although you’re on board right away, it takes a little convincing to get your friends comfortable enough to have you walking home with an unfamiliar, sweaty man. They refuse to let you out of their sight until you admit to them that he’s technically your coworker (while also not so tactfully admitting he’s seen you naked and fucked you countless times and that you’d trust him with your life). After you promise to text them the moment you arrive home, your friends give you an awkward farewell before allowing Kyle to whisk you off into the night to lay down for a well deserved nap. 
It’s about a block and a half in that Kyle realizes why your friends fought so hard to take an uber. Not only is your flat truly on the other side of the damn city, but keeping you upright on your feet should be a sport. He keeps an arm around your waist for the entire walk just to keep you steady, but it also has the added benefit of warding off any shady eyes. And there are a lot of shady eyes. Enough to be grateful that he was the one who ran into you tonight rather than anyone else. 
By the time the two of you reach your apartment, you’ve hardly sobered up. Not that Kyle minds, of course. You’ve obviously had a fun night, and he rather enjoys your aimless rambling. It’s the most he’s heard you talk. Not even your fucked-out babbling on set gets you to talk that much. 
“Alright,” Kyle says as you unlock the door, “you gonna be alright for the night?” 
You throw him an odd side-eye as the door swings open. “Of course.” 
That was supposed to be where he said farewell, and yet you grab his hand and yank him into your apartment like you’re dragging around a dog on a leash. He figures sticking around for a little longer to at least help you into bed might not be a bad idea, certainly not with how inebriated you are, and somehow he ends up in the bathroom with you. 
Your legs swing carelessly as you sit on the counter, facing away from the mirror. You’ve roped Kyle into helping you take your makeup off, which so far has consisted of nothing but him holding your chin still and tilting your head as he fruitlessly wipes at the glitter on your face with a makeup wipe. There’s easier ways to get body glitter off of skin, but you rather enjoy the serious face of concentration that sets deep in his features as he gently scrubs at you. 
“You’re cute,” you giggle. 
“I’m cute?” he repeats. 
You nod, which makes him huff and readjust his grip on your chin. “You’re concentrating so hard.” 
“‘Course I am, gotta get this damn superglue off your face.” 
Kyle continues to wipe at your face for only a few more minutes before he decides that’s as good as it’s going to get. With his hand in yours, you lead him into your bedroom where the remaining evidence of your preparation for the night litters the foot of your bed in rejected clothing and accessories. You gather them up into a big pile in your arms where you toss it on top of your dresser before raiding the drawers for pajamas to wear. 
You don’t warn Kyle before you slip your shirt over your head. For some reason, it catches him off guard. He’s seen you naked countless times before; hell, he’s quite literally ripped clothes off of your body, yet this feels like a breach of privacy. You’re not in your right mind, still in a drunken stupor after a night out with the girls. It feels wrong, like he’s taking advantage of you, and instead of gawking at you like he normally does,  he turns away. 
It isn’t until you stand there in only your panties that you realize Kyle’s averted his gaze. A smirk pulls at your lips as you forget about changing and trot up to him, forcing his attention back on you. His eyes quickly wander, yet refuse to go any further than past your chest before they flicker back up to your face. Your small smirk quickly turns into a grin. 
“What’re you acting shy for, Kyle?” you tease. 
“Just givin’ you privacy, doll,” he defends. 
“Privacy?” you repeat. A small laugh leaves you as your hands press against his chest, forcing him to stumble backwards towards your bed. “You look nervous.” 
When the back of his legs hit the mattress, Kyle has no choice but to fall back. He sits on the edge of the bed with his hands propping his torso up, but you don’t allow him any breathing room before you’re straddling his hips. Perfume and alcohol fills his nose as you make yourself comfortable, and your eyes drink in his expression. You’ve never seen his eyes so dilated before, and you bask in the way they reflect the dim lighting of your bedroom. 
“Do I make you nervous, Kyle?” you ask, voice soft and low. 
The Adam’s apple in his throat bobs as he swallows, still unable to take his eyes off of you. Warm hands rest on your hips to keep you steady as you lean closer to him, lips ghosting against his earlobe as you continue to tease him. 
“Don’t tell me you’re all bark and no bite. You always said you wanted to get me without the cameras, didn’t you? Fuck me properly? Well, now’s your chance.” 
God, he wants to. It’s almost as if it’s part of his nature at this point; to please you. Your body has become his bread, the only sustenance he needs to keep himself going. As he stares up at you, he thinks of all the ways he could have you right there in that room that he can’t on set. The things he can say, admit; the sounds he could pull out of you for his ears and his ears only. He yearns for it so bad he feels it tearing him apart. 
But as he notices the glazed look in your eyes, he knows he can’t do it. You can hardly sit in his lip without him holding you steady, lest you fall backwards onto the floor. Images of fucking you when you’re like that, far from sober, flood his mind, and he feels ill. 
In order to get control of himself and his wandering mind, he quite literally turns the tables on you. Your vision blurs as you’re suddenly on your back, body resting on the comforter of your bed as Kyle sits back on his haunches between your legs. He taps your thigh before sliding away from you, and much to his surprise, you don’t even pout. 
“I’m gettin’ you water, and then you’re going to bed, yeah?” he says, gaining control of the situation. 
You stare up at him incredulously, hardly believing a word he says. Still, you agree with him as you shimmy up the bed where you rest your head on your pillows. The way you position your body, with your tits on display and a small smile on your lips, reminds him of the way you pose on set for the cameras. He wonders if you even know what it’s like to be fucked without having to perform anymore. 
“Whatever you say, Kyle.” 
When Kyle leaves your room, he wipes at his face with both of his hands and does his best to stifle a groan. It’s late, significantly later than he’s used to staying up, and his muscles ache from that evening’s workout. The mental jump rope he’s playing doesn’t help the fatigue in his body either. This is the most emotionally confused he’s been in quite a while, and he’s hoping he can just go home, take a cold shower, and forget about all of it come morning. 
It takes him longer than normal to get you a glass of water. Adrenaline courses through his veins like boiling water, and he can hardly hear anything over the thumping of his heart in his ears, so he tries to take a moment to panic by himself in your kitchen. By the time he returns to you, you’re passed out. Eyes fluttered shut, chest lazily rising and falling with your breaths, Kyle finds himself stopping at the foot of your bed in awe. 
He’s glad he stopped you. 
After placing the glass on your nightstand, he folds your comforter over you as best as he can, covering your bare body. The light fabric moving across your skin stirs you awake, and your eyes flutter open just long enough to grab his hand. His heart stops as you attempt to pull him closer, and he finds himself kneeling next to your bed, utterly lured. 
“Are you staying?” you ask, not even bothering to open your eyes. 
His thumb brushes over your knuckles as he shakes his head. “Sorry, doll. Not tonight.” 
“Oh,” is all you can say. 
You fall silent again, and he stays kneeling next to you for a moment as he enjoys the feeling of your hand in his. Once he thinks you’ve fallen asleep again, he presses his lips against the back of your hand before returning it onto the mattress. Your lips curl at the sensation. 
“I love you,” you whisper. 
Those words have been in the back of your throat ever since the two of you filmed the honeymoon shoot together, and it has Kyle stopping in his tracks. He wants to stay. Everything in him screams at him to. To crawl into bed with you, to wrap you in his arms and comfort you in the morning when your hangover gets the best of you. But he can’t. He can’t even tell if this is what you truly want, or if it’s the alcohol talking. 
He swallows. 
“Love you too, doll.” 
When Kyle turns to leave, he tries not to look back. He knows it’ll destroy him if he does. Instead, he keeps a steady pace as he exits your apartment, leaving you to wake up in the morning with nothing but cold sheets and a migraine. 
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luxeslore · 2 months
DILF!simon is rotting my brain rn and i need more<3
consider this a follow-up to this post.
18+ CONTENT, MDNI -> themes & warnings: f!reader, heavier / plus sized!reader, mentions of weight gain, pregnancy + parenthood, simon is a handsy pervert (out of love) in every scenario, some sneaky bathroom sex.
many grueling months fly by and as expected, a baby is born. and yes— as cliché as it may sound, everyone and their literal mothers were right when they said all the discomfort and fussing would be worth it the second you see your pudgy, bundle of joy. a baby girl with wispy blonde hair and a scowl that could rival her father’s any day. she’s perfect. the spitting image of all the best parts of you and simon combined and oh, you’re crying again just thinking of it.
your shared world becomes a whirlwind of bottles and pacifiers and diapers, and neither of you would trade it for anything ever. not even simon who’s sure that your beautiful but screaming baby is definitely helping him go grey quicker as more time passes. until she’s eight months and mostly babbling instead of screeching— has rolls of fat on her arms and legs leading up to her tiny hands and feet, shiny eyes, and cheeks that make your hearts melt into puddles. again, she’s perfect. your whole family agrees, too.
as simon says, your whole entire fuckin’ family— he wasn’t too happy when they shared they’d be visiting. mostly because you already have too much to worry about and now being a pretty, little host is thrown into the mix. you don’t seem to mind much as you walk around the get together with the baby on your hip, checking on everyone to see if they’ve helped themselves to enough food while your baby giggles along. his two sweet girls.
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“thought i’d never catch up t’you,” he gruffs behind you.
you hear the sound of him placing his can of beer down on the kitchen counter and before you can move on your feet to grab another out of fridge for him, he stops you.
“enough,” it’s not harsh. it’s breathy and amused— “just relax for a second, mumma. everyone’s fine, babygirl’s with your mum. breathe.”
breathe. maybe you forgot how to do that today.
at that, you melt against simon. you rest your dewy forehead against the stone wall of his chest and he’s quick to pat your head, to trail a hand down your back in a soothing caress. he doesn’t mean to reach the hem of your sundress. just happens naturally, and so does the way he grabs up your thighs that have gotten deliciously plump under the stresses of motherhood. filled you out in all the right places that he already loved so much. he could haul you up and have you right there— “simon, we can’t.”
“think we can do whatever we want in our house, dollie.”
you hate when he’s right, and you hate how you let him yank you into the bathroom down the hall of all places. the click of the lock makes whatever anxiety hanging around in your chest finally dissipate. you’re hoisted up onto the sink before you can bat your lashes at simon, and the next second you’re wrapped up in a nasty kiss he places on your lips. it’s nearly all tongue as you whimper into his mouth, tugging at his shirt while his own hands make quick work of your dress.
the material becomes bunched up around your squeezable waist, exposing your comfy panties to simon and leaving you half bare— “we’ve gotten too comfortable with quickies,” you cant help but whine the words out.
you miss the days of him laying you down and making you cum until you just can’t take it anymore, and vice versa.
“i know, i know,” he attempts to soothe you through sweet, rough kisses. “gonna take good care of you soon, promise.”
you nod along to his words. only to softly gasp when he finally pulls your undies to the side.
simon always takes a second to play with your pretty cunt, rubbing a thumb through your messy folds and circling your clit how you like it. loves to watch your thighs lock up and hear you squeal his name like you used to when you first started dating— some things will never change no matter how settled down you two are. his cock aches in his jeans as you pussy drools around nothing. you’re about to open your mouth, about to tell him you both need to hurry.
but he’s already unbuckling his belt, eager to make you forget that there’s other people in the house aside from you two for even a few minutes.
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hyunsvngs · 10 months
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𝐠𝐨 𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐲 - kim seungmin x gn!afab reader (side lee minho x gn!afab reader)
wc: 6.6k
cw: very mean dom seungmin, like seriously very mean, mc being a whore, sex with no strings (again), SMUT MDNI.
synopsis: following the events of your almost-orgy, you can’t stop thinking about a certain someone and the way he behaved in bed.
a/n: y’all asked and i delivered! jk this was happening regardless. I HOPE YOU LOVE IT! here is part six of hot bitch summer, our frat skz au. smut warnings under the cut!
sw: creampie, dom seungmin, sub reader, a LOT OF DIRTY TALK, one (1) face slap, spanking (mc rec), fingering, grinding, multiple orgasms!, seungmin cums in mc’s mouth, seungmin is VERY MEAN, safeword negotiations (it’s never used), lovely soft aftercare and a friendship blooming tho <3
Minho’s hips smacked against your ass as he fucked into you, that large vein on his thick length doing wonders against your fluttering walls. You’d lost count of how many times you’d already cum around him, something he’d probably tease you about later - but you could care less when he had you in this position, tummy pressed flat against his mattress and his cock bullying into your hole with zero restraint. 
You wanted more, though. You wanted it rougher, harder, deeper.
“Min, please, harder! Be rough with me, please, I can take it-”
You were cut off when an arm wrapped around your neck, yanking you back so your chest pressed flush against his toned stomach. You could feel his milky skin against yours, soft but dewy with sweat from the exertion of fucking you deep like this. Your own back wasn’t faring too well, the dew on your skin making you slide around against him. 
“Be rough with you? This isn’t rough enough, slut?” Minho murmured into your ear, his teeth nipping your earlobe. You shook your head rapidly, hands going to grip around Minho’s forearm while he fucked into you without abandon. You were gonna cum like this, you realised - for the umpteenth time around him.
“No, ‘s good, just- I’m gonna cum, I need rough, please?” You managed to stammer out, eyes fluttering shut at the sensation of his heavy balls slapping against you. Minho let out a small, mirthless chuckle, as if he was going to shake his head in disbelief.
“You want it so bad, why don’t you go to Seungmin and be his little painslut?” Oh. My. God. With those words and an expertly positioned thrust to your g-spot, you fell apart around Minho, whining and babbling incoherently. You could feel your wetness flood his cock once again, and Minho groaned. His hands moved to your hips to hold you tightly against him, shooting ropes of hot cum into your core.
Later on, when you were cleaned up and thoroughly fucked, you laid on Minho’s chest with him scrolling through social media on his phone. You watched him like Felix’s newest post before commenting something about how he looked like a baby chick, before he continued scrolling absentmindedly. His thumb paused on the screen when he came to Seungmin’s post.
You blinked hazily at the screen. Okay, it had been on your mind, admittedly - the way Seungmin had behaved during the time you all had fun. It was a week ago at that point. Maybe it had been invading your dreams at night. It had clearly been invading your sex with Minho. He also looked really, really good in the picture, which just didn’t help at all. It looked like he was at an event of some sort - perhaps one of Hyunjin’s art exhibits - and he was in a plain black blazer, shirtless underneath, with a chain around his neck. He just looked expensive. It had you thinking of all the ways he could ruin you. Would he deny you in bed, or would he make you cum over and over-
Minho’s head had turned to look directly at you, and he was laughing. Unashamed, loud, full body laughs that really gave away just how humiliating you looked in that second. “You know, if you just promised him you’d be good, he’d fuck you.”
“Shut up!” You huffed, burying your face in the fabric of Minho’s tee. Then, you thought about it. That’s all you had to do? Be good? Not be a brat? Yeah, you could do that. You looked up at him, one eye exposed. “For real? He would?”
Your voice was slightly muffled in his clothing, but Minho nodded anyway, still with a stupid smile on his face.
You took that advice to heart. The next day, after yet another sleepover with Minho that ended up in you getting fucked into the mattress, you walked down the hallway to Seungmin’s room and knocked on the door rapidly. Just ask. Just say you’ll be good for him, and-
He swung open the door quickly, glasses perched on his nose. He was shirtless, in just plaid pyjama bottoms. Planes of lightly tanned skin clung to just a slight ghost of abdominal muscles beneath, taking over your entire vision. Oh God. He wanted you to die. He actually wanted you to die.
“Um, so,” You began. You chuckled nervously, ringing your fingers together. Staring at your feet, you blushed crimson. You could do this. Just say it. “So. After last time, y’know, I’ve kind of been thinking. Maybe… would you wanna? Y’know. Fuck. I’ll be good for you, I won’t be a brat. Haha, Minho told me to say that bit, so-”
“Nope.” The door slammed in your face, and you were left blinking at the wood in front of you. Oh. Right. Okay. You had been well and truly humiliated - you were cursing Minho internally for giving you this dumb idea - but you decided not to let it take over your senses.
It was alright - you could get away with only fucking seven of them. Life goes on.
Except, life didn’t fucking go on. Less than a week after you’d been rejected by Seungmin, the air conditioning in your dorm house was well and truly shot. You were pacing around the kitchen for five minutes dumbly in just a sports bra and shorts before you realised you could actually call someone about it. You could get someone out to fix it - I mean, surely they still had people working over the summer on campus to fix these kinds of things, right?
A quick phone call informed you that no, they don’t. It would take a week minimum for someone to come out and fix your air conditioning, and even with every single window open, your body was still covered in a thin sheen of sweat that made your hair way more greasy than normal. You’d tried cold showers. They just made you heat up way quicker when you got out. You’d even tried buying one of those expensive fans, but it just blew hot air around the place and made you want to jump off of a cliff. Why exactly had you decided to stay on campus over the summer again?
The boys were going home for a week tomorrow, too, which not only put a stop to your hot bitch summer plans temporarily but also left you without friends. Why is life so hard?
You sighed, throwing yourself down to lounge on your sofa. The leather stuck to your skin uncomfortably. You wanted death. Craved it, even. You picked up your phone with a lot of hesitation before clicking on your texts.
[9:31am] You: min. i need a favour 
Definitely sounded more suggestive than you’d intended, but that’s okay. Before you could ponder on what he was going to reply, his contact image flashed on your phone notifying you that he was calling you. You swiped to accept, putting him on speaker. Your body would simply go into oversensitivity if you put the phone to your ear. 
“Hey, Y/N. What’s up?” Minho sounded concerned. You sighed deeply. 
“My air conditioning is broken. Like, dead. I was going to ask if any of you knew how to fix it?” 
Minho groaned on the other end. “Sorry, baby, no. Felix’s knowledge stops at computers, unfortunately. Can no one come to fix it?”
You wanted to die. It was so fucking hot. Minho’s voice wasn’t exactly making it better, to be honest. “Nope. It’d take a whole week apparently, because of it being the summer and the air conditioning systems being like, I don’t know. I stopped listening.”
“Of course you did,” Minho hummed. There was a beat of silence before you heard a little ‘aha’ come from his mouth. “Stay here for the week. No one will be here, so you’d have the house to yourself.”
A whole frat house to yourself? Damn. It would definitely be a lot less claustrophobic than the house you were currently in. Their house was huge, after all. You could get a lot done. Not that you had a lot to do, but… it would be nice. Their air conditioning also actually worked, so that’s a bonus. “Oh. Sure. Okay. Shall I pack my stuff and come now, or…?”
“Mm, maybe not, baby. We’ve all got to get up early tomorrow to leave, and I’ll just end up fucking you into the mattress if you come now,” Minho mused. You could hear the slight amusement in his voice, knowing the effect the words would have on you. You groaned despairingly, kicking your feet around on the couch. “I’ll leave the key in the dead plant outside. Come tomorrow morning.”
The key was in the dead plant outside of the house. You wondered briefly why they even had a potted plant, a house full of eight men who could barely take care of themselves, let alone a plant. You remembered the time Jeongin briefly had a goldfish in the first year of university. It hadn’t gone well, and you’d all had to hold a very dramatic funeral three weeks later. Jeongin sang in the funeral through his tears.
Stuffing the key in the lock, you swung open the front door and slammed it shut behind you. Silence. Honestly, the frat house had never been so silent before. Jisung was always screaming. Changbin was also always screaming. Chan had headaches all the time. It was never silent. 
Still, you moved upstairs with your duffle bag and just dumped it on Minho’s bed. The air conditioning was sweet, a harsh breeze against your skin. You already felt cool, relaxed. The house was really so big too, you could have so many pets living here. 
When you made your way back downstairs, you were in search of a nice, cold lemonade. You knew there was some in the fridge since you’d put it in there yourself, and you were hellbent on getting it. As you passed the living room, you stopped dead in your tracks.
There was someone sitting on the sofa. Your heart picked up speed, eyes widening. No one was meant to be here. Everyone was away. Which meant… oh my God, someone had broken in. You were alone. It was like that horror movie you’d watched with Jisung where you’d both ended up crying. 
You blinked, squinting to look further into the room. The figure’s back was facing you, dark hair clipped back on his head and his fingers clicking away at a laptop. Okay, if he was going to kill you, he wouldn’t have a laptop. You leaned in subconsciously, barely making out the clips in his hair, until Pochacco was staring you dead in the face. His stupid cute face was printed onto the clips. 
You’re safe. Wait, no, you’re totally not. Why is he here? You walked into the room, pointing at him straight in his face. Seungmin looked up at you, eyes wide and owlish. His hands had paused on the keyboard of his laptop. He literally had a sheet mask on his face. 
“What are you doing here?” You hissed. “You literally gave me a heart attack, Seungmin. I almost died.”
Seungmin scoffed, eyebrows furrowing. “I… live here, Y/N. I thought you knew that.”
You rolled your eyes, hands now on your hips. “Well yeah. I knew that. That’s the exact sofa where we-“ you blanched. The exact sofa where you got fucked senseless by Felix while Seungmin commanded you around. “Nevermind.”
A smile played on Seungmin’s full lips, and he shook his head, turning his attention back to his laptop. “I’m guessing Minho didn’t tell you I’d be here.”
No. No, he fucking didn’t. “Is it obvious?”
“You literally just said you almost had a heart attack seeing me,” He was still typing furiously, before he nodded towards the space next to him. “Come and sit. I don’t bite.”
Wish you would. You moved towards the sofa, hesitating before just deciding to sit on it with enough distance between you two. “So, uh… whatcha doing?” 
Seungmin raised an eyebrow beneath the thin sheet mask. He didn’t respond, only turning the laptop to face you on his lap. There, in black and white, was the Hall of Fame blog except… there was a new post being written. About who, you had no clue. Some random. More importantly, Seungmin was making a new post there, which meant it was him. All of your suspicions had been confirmed.
“I… I fucking knew it, Kim Seungmin,” You whispered. Seungmin smiled, turning the laptop back to him. “Is that- is that why you’ve stayed here?! To work on… this?! Seungmin, it’s really bad, y’know. You write about people’s lives on that page.”
“Hey,” Seungmin admonished. “I do not. Well, okay, I do. I always use initials, though. No one knows it’s for sure about anyone.”
That was fair, you supposed. You shrugged. Seungmin started to slowly peel the face mask away from his skin, revealing his facial features to you. It dropped to the wooden floor messily before you spoke again, with a question this time. “Can I help?” 
Seungmin shrugged. “I’m currently writing a piece about how this girl has no girl code and kissed her friend’s boyfriend at a frat party the other night. Got sent in anonymously - I presume it was sent by the friend. You know anything about that?”
You thought hard. If it was what you thought it was, then yeah, you did. Jisung had mentioned something about it when you saw him last. “I think it was that girl… Teri, is it? She did kiss her friend’s boyfriend.”
Seungmin nodded, amused. You’d gotten into his good books at least. He started to tap away on his laptop, and you sidled up closer to watch him. He didn’t seem to mind, turning the laptop back slightly towards you so you could see.
He did have a way with words, and never gave away too much, but it made you think.
“Hey, Seungmin?” Seungmin perked up, making a little hum as acknowledgement. “Why have you never written anything about me? I mean, this hot bitch summer thing has surely got to be something you’d write about.”
Seungmin’s fingers paused again. He turned to you with an almost horrified expression on his face. “It’s a gossip column. I only write about stuff that’s wrong. Morally wrong things that people have done, and even then I give them dignity by keeping it relatively anonymous. How is what you’re doing wrong?” 
You stayed quiet, staring at him blankly. 
“Listen, Y/N,” He sighed, shutting his laptop. “I think what you’re doing is fucking awesome. Power to the pussy. You wanna know why I won’t fuck you?”
You nodded, arms wrapped around your legs where you sat. “I thought it was because you didn’t want to.”
Seungmin let out a small laugh, fingers moving to brush your hair behind your ear. The air conditioning’s high setting was blowing your hair everywhere, and he took a second to smooth the locks down. “Believe me, I want to. I just don’t think you could handle it.” 
“I definitely could,” you blurted. Then, you didn’t stop blurting. “Handle it, I mean. I could. Totally. I got a taste for it the other week and honestly? It’s kind of been plaguing my mind. Like, I kind of need it, Seungmin. I need to know. I’m so fucking curious, and-“
“This is the first problem,” Seungmin’s hand fell. He slipped the clips out of his hair, throwing him onto the floor where he’d dropped the face mask. “You don’t stop fucking talking. Have you ever thought of being quiet for more than five seconds?”
You shook your head, smiling teasingly. “I can’t say I have, no.”
Seungmin rolled his eyes. He placed his laptop on the floor alongside his discarded items, off to the side of the sofa. “Are you really that curious?”
“So curious.”
“Get on the floor in front of me. On your knees,” Seungmin spoke, his voice suddenly monotone and strict. You were quick to follow his demands. Minho had told you to be good for him, after all. You sunk onto the floor on your knees, feeling the wood biting into your kneecaps. Looking up at Seungmin expectantly, he scoffed. “Don’t fucking look at me.”
Oh. Your eyes immediately dropped to the floor, feeling a telltale wetness pool in your core. 
“Listen. Don’t talk,” Seungmin began. His hands were placed calmly on his legs, over another pair of those fucking plaid pyjama bottoms. At least he was wearing a shirt this time. Not for long, hopefully. “I’m going to give you a taster. I’m not going to take it easy on you. If you don’t like it, we walk away, move on and never comment on it again. If you like it, we will continue. How does that sound?”
You nodded.
“So dumb. You can talk now, obviously. I asked you a question.” 
“Yeah, Seungmin. It sounds good,” You mumbled, still staring at the floor. Seungmin leaned forward, pulling your head back sharply by your hair. You fluttered your eyes shut, unwilling to look at him until he’d given you permission. You would be good. Minho had told you to be. 
“Ready?” Seungmin asked. You hummed, and that seemed to be enough for him, because in one flurry of movement he’d raised one large hand and it was colliding against your cheek sharply. You could feel the skin already smarting, and you’d let out a loud, obnoxious moan at the pain. You wanted more - no, you needed more. 
“Oh. My God,” you huffed out, chest heaving. You heard Seungmin chuckle condescendingly above you. 
“You fucking liked that, didn’t you?” 
He dropped your hair, leaning back. You nodded again at his words, rather eagerly, biting your lip. “Seungmin, oh my God. Please fuck me. Please?”
“Hmm. Sure, why not? I’ll play with you for a bit,” He mused. You could hear movement again, your eyes still shut. “Open your eyes. You can come to my bedroom with me.” 
Immediately, your eyes opened, and you were scrambling to your feet. Seungmin had already started to walk out of the room and towards the large staircase leading to the bedrooms, and you had to pick up your pace to follow him. You knew where his room was. It was the same door you’d been rejected at - but now, you knew the reason for your rejection, and he knew you could handle it. You couldn’t fucking wait, almost vibrating with excitement. 
Seungmin sat at the edge of his bed, legs spread. To avert your eyes from trying to stare at his dick, your eyes flitted around the room. It was neat. Pristine. Not one thing was out of place, including the white sheets. Even the blankets were tucked in the corner like a bed in a hotel. It made sense - you could remember Jisung and Seungmin being roommates before they joined the frat, and Seungmin always had something to say to Jisung regarding the state of the room. 
Seungmin was a man who liked control. You could see that, most definitely, and it showed outside of sex too. It made you excited.
“I’m going to ask you again. Are you sure?” Seungmin spoke up. You finally looked at him, taking in his appearance. His face was still slightly dewy from the face mask and his plump lips were parted as he looked at you, eyes soft. The plaid pyjama bottoms encased his long legs, making him look way taller than he actually was, but the oversized t-shirt made him look like the soft boy you actually knew. Well, the soft boy you were getting to know. What better way to get to know him than to fall into bed with him? 
“I’m sure, Seungmin,” You breathed out. You felt like you were getting a bit too excited, maybe. “I’ll… I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”
“I’m afraid that’s not what I’m looking for, Y/N. I want it to be too much. Come and sit on my lap,” You obeyed, scurrying over to straddle those long legs. His hands immediately went to your hips, drawing soothing circles over your hip bones. “If it’s too much, I want you to say ‘red’. Can you do that for me?”
“I can do that,” You were speaking in a whisper again. Seungmin nodded, seemingly pleased.
Then, he was lurching forward, hand on the back of your head and bringing you in for a searing kiss. Those plump lips felt as good as they looked, slamming against you in a haze of vanilla chapstick and dominance. You immediately keened into the kiss, hands going up into his hair to try and get more of his lips against yours. Seungmin grabbed your hands instinctively, returning them to your lap. 
“I’m not going to spank you for that, but one more disobedience, and I will,” He mumbled against your lips. You nodded, waiting patiently for him to kiss you again. He delivered - tongue immediately pressing into your mouth in a heated kiss instead. You let your lips work in harmony with his, a simple kiss turning into a heavy makeout session. It didn’t last long enough, though - he was quickly pulling away with a few more pecks to your lips. “Bend over my lap.”
Huh? “But- you said you weren’t going to-?”
“I’m not going to spank that pretty ass. Dumb sluts don’t ask questions,” Seungmin scoffed. “Be a good little bitch and bend over my lap. I’m not asking again.”
Oh God. You immediately scrambled to lay your tummy over his legs, and he was quick to yank your joggers down. You’d realised it had been getting close to laundry day, and so all you had left really were your skimpy thongs that were to be hand washed delicately. 
“So you can follow orders, huh? Shocking,” Seungmin spat, one hand rubbing over your asscheek. With a quick move, he was pulling your ass apart. His other hand pressed your head down into the bed firmly. “Tell me again. How long have you wanted this? How long have you wanted to be treated like a fucktoy by me?”
You squirmed, sighing. “Since- since that night. With the others. Haven’t stopped thinking about it, Seungmin.”
Seungmin hummed, slender fingers pulling your thong down and revealing your pussy to him. You knew your folds were wet, slick and ready for him to fill you with something - his tongue, his fingers, his dick. You didn’t care at that point. 
“Makes sense. This pussy’s fucking wet, didn’t need any convincing,” His lithe digits slid through your folds, teasing your hole over and over but not quite pushing in. You just had to keep repeating the same thing in your head - be good, be good, be fucking good. 
You couldn’t hold back the shifting of your hips, however, trying to push back to gain more friction.
“Stop squirming,” Seungmin sighed. You nodded into the sheets, willing your hips to stop moving. On a particularly well timed brush against your hole though, your hips shifted again, a sigh falling from your own lips. Seungmin’s hand raised and came down against the flesh of your ass with a harsh smack, the skin rippling with the force. You gasped, head raising from the sheets. “I said to stop fucking squirming. Are you stupid or did you just choose not to listen?” 
You blinked, willing the haze to leave your eyes as you tried to focus on the scene. “I’m s-sorry. Sorry Seungmin.” 
With another quick move, Seungmin was flinging the fabric wrapped around your ankles off the rest of your legs and pulling you back upright into his lap. You were confused, wondering why he hadn’t fingered you, before he was looking into your eyes with a firm grip on your chin. It was a soft look on his face, a wordless question - are you doing okay? You smiled softly in response, and he looked to be holding back his own smile. 
Dropping his grip on you, he leaned back, leisurely resting on his hands. “You want to get off? Go on. You can grind on my lap. You lost the pleasure of having my fingers in you when you disobeyed me.”
“On- on your lap?” You asked, eyes looking down at the bulge encased in plaid fabric. He wasn’t quite hard, maybe half hard at a push. Seungmin didn’t answer your question, simply raising an eyebrow.
You hesitantly ground your clit down against Seungmin’s bulge. It was surprisingly pleasurable, perhaps too pleasurable - you were already holding back noises at the feeling of it against your swollen bud. You could feel the wetness starting to accumulate on Seungmin’s trousers, and you whined, leaning back with your hands splayed on his knees to get a better angle. 
“Feeling good?” Seungmin asked. The t-shirt you were wearing was almost covering you completely, but Seungmin was quick to yank that off, too, giving him a better look. “Shit, look at that pussy. I’m going to toy with you until you fucking break.”
“Yeah, yeah,” You blurted, hips quickening on his lap. “Yeah, break me- make me, make me good, yeah?” 
“Make you a good little bitch, huh?” Seungmin replied. He raised an eyebrow, looking down at the wet patch forming on top of him. “You are a filthy little thing, aren’t you? Look at you getting off on being treated like this.”
Your eyes went down to his lap, widening at the way the fabric was wet with your juices. It only made you grind harder, hands moving up to grip his shoulders tightly. He allowed this, clearly, his own body moving upright for his hands to grab your hips. 
“Oh, that look in your eyes. So out of it, fucked dumb and you haven’t even gotten my cock inside you,” Seungmin was laughing. He was laughing at you, degrading you, humiliating you - and it only made your pussy flush wetter. One hand came up to stroke hair out of your face, and it landed on your cheek, cupping it almost softly compared to the way he was speaking. “Are you gonna cum?”
You moaned loudly. You were going to cum, the feeling of impending bliss crawling up your spine and pushing you closer to the edge. “Yeah, yeah, I-“
“Aw, you’re gonna cum?” He cooed, a false sound of sympathy. His hand immediately went to your hair, yanking your head back once again and making you squeal. “Too bad. I decide when you cum and how you cum. You’re not cumming yet. Okay?”
It was a rhetorical question. It had to be, because you couldn’t form words at this point. Instead, your hips slowed down, staring into Seungmin’s round eyes. He screwed up his face in disappointment, using his free hand to move your hips again. 
“Don’t you fucking slow down. You keep going.”
Oh God, you were going to die. You whined obediently anyway, picking up your pace again. The feeling of being close returned almost immediately, accelerated by his hand in your hair and his filthy words. 
“Beg. Beg for me to allow you to fucking cum.” 
“Please, please Seungmin- I can’t hold it, I can’t-“
“You can, and you fucking will,” Seungmin retorted instantly. That cocky smirk was on his lips again. “Not good enough. Beg.”
“Please! Please, please, I’ll be so good for you, I promise. I’ll be- I’ll be your good little slut, yeah? Yeah? Can I cum? Please?” You were babbling again, eyes fluttering shut and your thighs clenching around his hips. It was taking every nerve in your body to try not to cum before he told you that you were allowed. You had to be good. 
“Mm. Okay. Cum for me, c’mon,” You instantly arched your back, fingers digging in even tighter on those nice, broad shoulders. You moaned loudly as you came, eyes watering with tears at the intensity of it. He’d be lucky if he didn’t have to throw those pyjama trousers out, to be honest. You could feel your pussy flooding the cotton.
Once you came down from your high, Seungmin’s hand relaxed in your hair. You were sufficiently sated, but you had to see it through. Shifting around on his lap, you noticed something out of the ordinary.
You just had one of the strongest orgasms of your life and he wasn’t even hard.
“Um, Seungmin. You’re… not hard?”
Seungmin laughed again, a condescending chime to your ears. “Why the fuck would I get hard over a slut like you in my lap?” 
Oh. It was very hard to ignore the incessant throbbing in your pussy returning from that one comment. Your eyes widened, giving you away, and Seungmin licked his lips. 
Not hard, though? Maybe you had to be a little bratty to get your way. “What if I showed you my pussy, Seungmin? You wanna see? ‘S wet for you.”
“For me?” Seungmin raised an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure just being present in this house gets that slutty cunt wet. Lay on your back.”
Damn. He always had to one up you, always putting you in your place. You loved every second of it. You moved off of his lap, laying on your back and staring at him expectantly. He stood up, shucking his t-shirt off and folding it up as if he had all the time in the world - because of course he did. His body was exposed to you again, and you took your time ogling him. Slender figure, but lightly toned. Very nice. He pulled off his pyjama trousers, again folding those too, and when he turned to face the bed, you saw it.
Big. Long. It was similar to Hyunjin’s. Nice and long, but not an abundance of girth, not like Changbin’s. It wasn’t fully hard yet, but what it was looking like was very promising.
“Stop eyeing up my cock,” Your eyes immediately darted up, finding a teasing, amused expression on Seungmin’s face. He was quick to make his way onto the bed, and you gazed up at him needily. Before you could even speak, his hands had flipped you over so you were on your stomach. “All fours.”
Obediently, you shifted to rest on your hands and knees. It was hard, arching like that and feeling your wet pussy leak down your thigh in need. 
“Beg for it. Beg for me to fuck you,” Seungmin’s fingers swiped through your folds again, and a wet noise filling the room displayed that he was jerking his cock to full mast using your pussy as lubrication. You moaned, turning your head to watch. His hand quickly shoved your head back in the pillows. “I said fucking beg.”
“Oh God, please, Seungmin,” You whined, muffled by the pillows. “Please. I need it, I need to fuck you. I’ve been good, haven’t I?”
“Hmm, you have been good. But have you earned it? Do you think you’ve earned it?” More rustling of fabric was heard and then Seungmin’s cockhead was pressing at your core. You gasped, trying to push your hips back onto him. His hand came down on your ass in a loud smacking noise. You could feel the skin turning red with the pressure. 
You almost fell over with the impact, clutching onto the sheets desperately. “Please! Please. I promise I’ll be good, I promise-“
“Listen to you, begging like the pathetic little bitch you are. That pussy’s so wet for me,” Seungmin swiped the tip of his length through your folds. The sensation made you whine, but you fought to not push back. With a small hum of approval, he was pushing in all at once - bottoming out instantly. He gave you no time to adjust, thrusting into you at a fast, precise pace. Of course he’d know how to fuck. It just made perfect sense. 
“Oh-! Oh, ‘s deep,” You writhed, feeling his cock hit your g-spot. More. More. Fucking more. “It’s so deep, Seungmin, I-“
“God, shut the fuck up. Listen to your pussy, the sounds it’s making for me. Listen to how much your pussy wants my cock,” Seungmin yanked your head up again, a large hand covering your mouth. His other hand rested on your ass, pulling you back onto his cock with every thrust. True to his word, when he covered your mouth, you could hear the wet slapping sounds of your tight hole hitting his balls. “Minho was right. That pussy does feel nice and tight on my cock.”
You squealed at the mention of your lover, toes curling into the sheets. It was muffled by Seungmin’s hand, and he shoved two fingers into your mouth upon hearing the noise. Sucking on them dutifully, you let out another quieted noise when his other hand smacked onto your ass roughly. His thrusts didn’t slow down, cock bullying into your hole and pushing you steadily into your climax.
“Should I send a video to Minho? Should I show him how much of a good slut you can be when you’ve been broken in?” He halted his pace, grinding softly against you. You could feel the brush of hair against your asscheeks and you whined, pushing your hips back. 
You shook your head rapidly, garbled words coming out. “N-No! No, Seungmin, just- harder, please, hnngg, need it harder-“
“Harder? You’re not in the position to make commands. So fucking dumb,” Seungmin yanked his fingers out of your mouth and pushed down on your back roughly. When you flailed, trying to catch yourself, he grabbed both of your wrists and pinned them behind your back. The slow pace continued, just grinding against you rather than fucking you senseless like you wanted. “Maybe I still have to break you in. Do you need to be shown how to fucking behave?” 
“I’m good, ‘m good, promise- I promise, Seungie, ‘m good,” You mumbled out, eyes hazy from where they’d been pressed against the pillow. Seungmin laughed at your use of his nickname before he completely pulled his cock out of your pussy. You whined, hating the loss of fullness, but then his hand was dropping from your ass and filling you up with two long digits.
“I’m going to make you cum like this,” He murmured, eyes focused on where your hole was leaking out around his fingers. His fingertips expertly crooked down to meet your g-spot, frantic rubbing bringing your high right to the precipice, as if he’d never stopped fucking you. Your legs were shaking, trying so hard not to squirm. Seungmin dropped your wrists, smiling when he saw you kept them where he’d put them. His hand smacked another large handprint into the flesh of your ass. “Feeling good, slut?”
“Aah… ‘s good..” 
“Fucking hell, maybe I have broken you,” A scoff was heard ringing around the room, making you feel so used, humiliated and plain fucking horny. Seungmin used two fingers on his free hand to rub precise circles around your clit, using the wetness of your pussy to make the slide slick on your swollen bud. You were done for. Your pussy clenched tightly around his fingers when you came, whines and broken noises flooding out of your mouth.
With a swift move, Seungmin was shoving long slick covered fingers around your throat and his cock back into your pussy. It made you gasp, eyes fluttering shut and your hips softly rocking as he picked up his fast pace again.
“‘S too much, Seungie,” you whined, shaking your head. Seungmin yanked your head back to face him where his chest was pressed against your back, raising an eyebrow at your expression. “I can’t-“
“You can’t? You know your safeword. If it’s too much, you say it,” Seungmin reminded you. Of course you knew your safeword. Red. You hadn’t forgotten it. You just would probably die if he stopped. When you didn’t reply, simply letting out another audible moan, Seungmin smirked and let your head drop again. “Fucking bitch. You want it to be too much, don’t you?”
You squealed when he grabbed your hips with both hands, pulling you back against every thrust. Your hands stayed obediently behind your back, gasps and loud moans flooding past your open mouth. Your jaw was perpetually dropped as he fucked your slick back into you, your toes curling in ecstasy. 
All too quick, Seungmin’s pace faltered, and his head dropped to in between your shoulders. His hair tickled your skin as he sighed deeply, uneven thrusts continuing inside of you. “I’m gonna cum. Pussy’s too fucking wet. Fuck, you’re such a good little slut for me, huh?”
“Yeah, yeah! Good- ah- slut for you, Seungmin. Cum inside me, please? N-Need it!”
“Need it inside you? Or do you want to taste it, whore? Wanna taste my cum?”
“Fuck, yeah, taste-“
Seungmin was pulling out with a swift movement, yanking your hair so you were sitting upright facing him. You stuck your tongue out obediently before you allowed your eyes to open, gazing up at him. 
God, he was a pretty fucking picture. Lightly tanned skin covered in a dew of sweat just like your own, large hand pumping a just as large cock right in front of your face. As soon as you locked eyes with him, Seungmin groaned, his head falling back as cum started to paint your tongue white. You moaned, curling your tongue around the cockhead to catch all of the substance.
“You are fucking gorgeous,” Seungmin huffed, deep groans still racking his chest as he came all over your tongue. You wanted to smile, but you suckled on his cockhead approvingly instead. 
Immediately, once Seungmin had finished painting your tongue with his cum, he was pulling out of your mouth and pushing you softly to lay down. You let out a confused noise, but he was already up and grabbing some baby wipes and a bottle of water from his drawer. You laid there, mind still hazy while Seungmin wiped you down with baby wipes. 
“Does anything hurt?” He questioned, rubbing soft fingertips over your thighs. It should’ve felt awkward, just lying there naked, but your mind was too fuzzy to care. 
“No, ‘m okay, just a little sensitive,” You mumbled, enjoying the feeling of soft sheets against your burning skin. Seungmin nodded, tossing the baby wipes on the floor carelessly before sidling up next to you. He slung one arm around your tummy, pulling you over so that you were laying on his chest. 
“Are you okay?” You nodded. Seungmin hummed, running his fingers through your hair. “You did really good for me, y’know that? Took it so well.”
You made a small noise of affirmation before Seungmin was grabbing the forgotten bottle of water, pressing the rim to your lips. Obediently, you glugged back half of the bottle in one go before falling back onto his chest. 
After blinking the haze out of your eyes a few times, you finally felt human again. “Seungmin, you fuck like an animal.”
Seungmin burst out laughing, drinking some of the water himself between giggles. “I did warn you!”
You laughed yourself, slapping his arm softly. Seungmin was still giggling, soft vibrations of his chest making your head shake on top of him. 
“Was it worth it?”
You blinked. “Stupid question. So fucking worth it. 10/10, would do it again.”
“You still have one to go, y’know. You can’t be coming back to me for more, Chan will get jealous and wonder when it’s his turn.”
One? You perked up your head, looking into Seungmin’s puppy eyes. “I’ve got two to go, not one. Chan and Jeongin.”
Seungmin raised an eyebrow. “You can’t fuck Jeongin.”
You scoffed. “Why not?”
“He’s a virgin, Y/N.”
Oh, now that was interesting.
taglist: @moasworld @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @queenofthegardengnomes @boomfrogg @hoeinthehouse @msaddictions @sunnyhonie @hizliyuruyen @jyu037 @jouoy @drhsthl @seungincore @jellylver @veedoesntknaur @meloncremesoda @k-poplv @livieloo914 @fekixfmp @fawnpeaks @minnielvr @imastraykidsfan @hanjisung2023 @hoelynecujoh @kyrviu @sxgeofprohets @everydreams-penumbra @chaneomma @kkissreol @phtogravi @secretjj @princelingperfect @personawthai @dirah-h @straykids5star @luvhyux @chuuswifereal @stg110 @cookiesandmilfx @number1seungminstan @skzswife @starsandrqindrops @poody1608 @cutiespaghetti @hwa-0403 @i8rsie @kpopsstuffs @everyonehatesshani @han8ul @velentine143 @vixensss @cuddlehye @sheeshhhhfelixsworld @angeldhd @comicnerd557 @leeknowfz @imwithurmother @hrtsformin @maknae00 @teaholic @ficrecnctskz @tasteskz-sworld @ilychee08 @thehomotron8000 @romynochill @freckleboilix @yunhorights @marrivmel @realrintaro @leoisanot8-wh0re @jazzyluuv @telesvng @jihanlovic
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holybibly · 4 months
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It's my hard/unholy hours
We have the super sexy and feisty wolf Hwa and now I want to write about the needy cute bunny Seonghwa.
At the adoption centre, Seonghwa was not a popular hybrid. Indeed, he kept a bit of a distance from the others. No one wanted him, and there were many reasons for this - his appearance, his size, his age, but most of all, his extremely frequent heat.
No one wanted to mess with such a sensitive, attention-seeking bunny with a rather gentle and meek disposition. He didn't look like the sexy and charming vixens like San and Wooyoung. He wasn't the sophisticated and sensual leopard with a sultry, dewy look like Hongjoong, and he certainly didn't have as much positive and radiant energy as the loud wolf pups Yunho and Mingi.
He was just himself—quiet, unassuming, shy, and super sensitive. Say the wrong thing, and he'll start to cry.
All Seonghwa ever dreamed of was to be loved and to belong to his owner. But all he could do was watch as the hybrids left the adoption centre one by one, leaving him to be alone with his loneliness.
All he had ever wanted was love.
And then you showed up, self-assured, sumptuous, glorious. At that very second, as the thick scent of your perfume filled the space of their centre, all the hybrids were aroused for you.
Seonghwa knew you were not for him. You would have been better off with Hongjoong, who purred like a kitten attracted to you and fluttered his incredibly long eyelashes at you. Or Wooyoung and San, who hugged each other in front of the glass case of their enclosure, showing off their half-naked, flexible bodies and waving their fluffy, thick tails.
He resigned himself to it. It was true. So when your long nails tapped on the glass of his enclosure, it turned his whole world upside down for him. And then you took him home with you, and you put the most beautiful satin collar on him. You owned him.
It didn't go well at first; Hwa was shy but wanted to get to know you desperately. He rubbed against you awkwardly, bit your shoulders and fingertips a little, and pressed closer, but he didn't know at all how to become bolder and show you how much he loved you. And his heat was getting closer. Seonghwa could already feel the growing warmth under his skin and a tugging feeling in his lower abdomen. This would be his first time in heat with his owner and God; he was so in love with it.
You couldn't help but notice how Seonghwa seemed to change lately. He had become more moody and pushy. He was always sucking your fingers like candy, rubbing his face against your thighs, and biting. He was biting you all the time.
But what excited you even more was when he started to make his way into your bed. And God, he was so fucking pushy, all over you, burying his face between your breasts or giving you a weak bite on the skin of your neck as he squealed in the most adorable way. One day, you even woke up with the feeling of his palm on your pussy. Seonghwa just grabbed it possessively and held on to it the whole time that he was sleeping next to you.
All of this made you want to investigate and find out. The information hit you like a freight train - he was in heat and according to Seonghwa's information from the adoption centre, he had it almost every month. Seonghwa was a huge bomb of untapped sexual desire, and as the owner of him, you were the one responsible for it.
It all happened so fast. You didn't even understand it. It was just another one of those evenings where you were snuggling up on the couch and watching some TV show or other. Hwa had been very affectionate with you the whole evening and now he was just crushing you with his weight, he was literally lying on top of you. He whimpered weakly into your tits and rubbed his face against them, but you had gotten used to it over the last week, until you felt his drooling. And all hell was breaking loose.
And that's how you ended up where you ended up— your bed with your ass held high in the air while Seonghwa played with you like a toy. He was literally beating you with his dick, with such a force that you couldn't even say anything. You were panting and whimpering under his flexible, slender body. Hwa grabbed your hips with his hands and drove his thick cock all the way into you, his balls slapping loudly against your buttocks with every powerful thrust he gave you. And at the same time, he had the courage to do so with a sweet and charming squeal.
What a darn cute bunny!
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malusokay · 1 year
How to be like Jang Wonyoung
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As many of you requested, part 2 of my it girls series is all about Jang Wonyeong, who's not only absolutely STUNNING, but also incredibly talented, hardworking, and of course successful. Let's get right into it!! <33
Wonyoungs Energy:
Wonyoung is incredibly charismatic, which makes her stand out without even trying!!
She has a bubbly and likeable Personality, Wonyoung appears happy and welcoming, she easily lights up a room with just her presence.
Aside from being cute and cheerful, Wonyoung is also known for being extremely hardworking!!
Confident and Unbothered. Despite receiving quite a bit of unnecessary hate, Wonyoung stays indifferent and true to herself!!
Elegant and feminine. No one does the ‘Elegant feminine self-love girly’ aesthetic like her, she is THE girly girl!! <3
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Learn to deal with jealousy, Wonyoung gets plenty of hate, but let's be real for a second… we all know that is because of jealousy. Pretty, successful, smart, and popular? Of course, people will be jealous!!
“While practising self-love, you see good and pretty things about yourself. If I focus only on those things, I don't need to pay much attention to the criticism.”
Don't compare yourself to others “You are you, I am me”.
Keep to yourself. Stop telling people your ideas, your dreams and how you plan to archive them, your goals etc. Let your actions speak for themself!! <3
No more negative self-talk!!
Be your number 1 priority!! Take care of yourself, do what's good for you, eat well, care for your body, skincare, haircare, and your education!! PRIORITIES
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Skincare. Wonyoung has Flawless skin, finding a skincare routine that works for you can help you archive similar results!!
Wonyoungs skincare routine:
According to Google, Wonyoung only uses Innisfree products and starts by double cleansing her face, for that, she uses the Green Tea Cleansing Oil ($24), and the Green Tea Amino Acid Face Cleanser ($12)
To get the dewy class skin effect, hydration is key!! In the morning, Wonyoung likes using the Green Tea Hyaluronic Acid Serum ($30) and the Dewy Glow Tone-up Cream ($26)
Of course, you can't forget SPF. Wonyoung uses the Mild Cica Sunscreen Tone-Up SPF 50+ PA ++++, which is also great for acne-prone and sensitive skin types!! :)
For her night routine, she likes the Retinol Cica Moisture Recovery Serum ($37) and the Dewy Glow Jelly Cream ($26).
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Elevate your daily life:
Healthy diet. Eating nutritious and healthy food is the first and most important step to clear skin and an overall good feeling!! Make sure to eat enough protein (ex. yoghurt, chicken, tofu or eggs), lots of fruits and veggies, and healthy fats (ex. Avocados, fish, nuts, olive oil)!!
Exercise daily. Besides dancing, Wonyoung loves pilates!! You can find lots of great Pilates videos on YouTube!!
Work on your posture!! Having good posture will not only make you feel better but also lets you appear more confident, elegant and put together. Try daily stretching and exercises to improve it <3
Try establishing a proper morning and night routine, this can help you stay structured and relaxed even on more messy and busy days.
Content that makes you feel better!! Start watching channels like thewizardliz, vogue beauty secrets, and read motivating blogs. (like mine lol <3)
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Wonyoung is known for her iconic glittery and feminine make-up!!
Light pink blush, plump lips, glowy skin and a glittery but not too heavy eye look.
Foundation on the centre of your face and blend outwards for a naturally contoured look.
Always apply your matt products before your shimmers, that way, your makeup looks cleaner!! Also, apply your glitters from finest to chunkiest. :)
Don't apply your shimmers/glitters past the middle of your eyelid to avoid looking puffy.
If you have warm-toned skin, go for peachy glitters, for cool-toned skin, choose a champagne-coloured one.
If your struggle with dark under eyes, blend your concealer with your fingers!! This will give it a lot more coverage.
You can find lots of tutorials on Wonyoung-inspired make-up on YouTube, this one is my favourite.
I hope this little guide was helpful, I wasn't too familiar with Wonyoung, but I did some research since she was the number 1 most requested person for this!! :)
As always, please feel free to share your own suggestions in the comments and let me know who you want me to write about next! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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lancabbage · 6 months
Some idiots on Reddit...
"MXTX isn't very good at writing sex scenes"
"Why did WXs first time have to be in the dirt, in a bush"
"why couldn't they have found a nice inn instead"
Seriously? Are they stupid?
Firstly, I commend MXTX for writing more realistic (bar WWXs self-lubricating asshole) sex scenes. Especially first times, which can be messy and a fumble! Personally, I enjoyed the sex scenes in MDZS, they were important to the plot and even had bits of information and revelations peppered in them!
Secondly, it wasn't "in the dirt" you illiterate moron. MXTX actually set the scene beautifully with the morning dew perfusing in the air around them, the soft grass underneath them and everything. It was actually rather romantic in my opinion. MXTX had them do it there for two very important reasons, that should be obvious to anyone with half a brain cell.
They were so fucking turned on by each other, they simply couldn't wait. That's hot, that's sexy, that's romantic. They've had feelings for each other for years, both wanting the other's attention and affection. Finally, finally everything is cleared up and they know how in love they truly are. They can't wait a second longer. And why the fuck should they? Just because some idiot wanted cliché candles and a bed in an inn.
It wasn't feasible to have them do it in an inn either way. The amount of noise and egging on WWX spouted as they discovered their shared kinks! It had to be somewhere far away from people, otherwise it wouldn't have happened because WWX would have held himself back and so would have LWJ. MXTX set the scene for this perfectly.
And finally, the other reason MXTX has them get busy in the bushes... To clear up the final misunderstanding, the blindfolded kiss. The fact they were in the woods, with the scent of dewy grass was all part of her setting the scene to jog WWX memory and remind him of that time. Of that non-con kiss that contributed in giving him a bit of a sexual awakening (alongside seeing a hot and bothered LWJ) and a nod towards the CNC kink he had and obviously enjoyed!
We get to see just how turned on WWX is by LWJ being so forceful. How delighted he is that his first kiss was taken by the only person he ever had feelings for. He loves how crazy he drives LWJ, how unrestrained he can make him, and how much LWJ wants him. That's the whole god damn point of this scene! To show their kinks and have them explore them freely.
So, sorry it wasn't in some shitty inn... But MXTX wanted to actually further the plot and give WX so much more than just sex. Why don't you go read some fluffy, cliché porn without plot stories on AO3 instead of shitting on a masterpiece that clearly went above your head.
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you drink your coffee black and we are afraid of each other ; shoko ieiri
synopsis; shoko makes you a morning cup of coffee; turns out she’s not very good at that, but it’s the thought that counts.
word count; 4.2k
contents; shoko ieiri/reader, gn!reader (but written w a fem!reader in mind), fluff fluff fluff!!, just normal morning shenanigans at the ieiri household, implied stsg (my brand), shoko can be a girlfailure. as a treat, reader is absolutely whipped (and so am i)
a/n; been writing too much gojo n geto lately. neglecting my wife :((((((( let it be known that i am a shoko stan first human second. this one is for my wlws pls eat up!!!!
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you wake up to the sound of your girlfriend’s voice.
melodic and soft, low and saccharine; almost like she’s coaxing you out of hiding. a sound so lovely you wish you could drown in it, laced together with a distinctly raspy tilt, one you can only attribute to the copious amounts of cigarettes she smoked back in high school. a leftover residue, bittersweet memories ghosting her lips — one that gets you a little bit weak in the knees.
in the mornings, it’s particularly prominent, a little intoxicating. manifesting itself as a shiver down your spine, a jolt of your heartbeat, a flush on your skin for every word that she speaks. it’s enough to have you slipping from sleep’s embrace, carried back into the cradle of reality.
why you notice her voice first, and not the smell of something burning — or the sound of insistent beeping — is honestly beyond you. 
it doesn’t take long for your sleepy brain to react, however, a pang of anxiety rushing through your slumbering veins. hurriedly stirring you awake. abrupting your dreamlike, drowsy state, tangled up in silken sheets with your neck smudged by lipstick marks; an alluring red, one shoko typically favors when she’s going out for a drink. coming home just a tiny bit tipsy, affectionate and giggly.
and when your eyelids finally flutter open, your mind melting into the motion of the waking world, you shoot up in a sudden bout of panic.
because fuck, you belatedly, groggily realize — that’s the fucking fire alarm.
and shoko is spewing curses, from afar, loud enough that you can hear it even through the fog of fatigue that clouds your brain. a raspy string of words that you don’t quite catch, but they’re enough to have you scrambling out of bed, nearly bumping into the doorframe as you kick the blanket off your legs.
”what happened?” you croak out, chest heaving a little, having stumbled into the smoke-filled kitchen. disgruntled, reeling with the aftermath of your deep slumber, cold air nipping at your bare skin. the balcony door is open, and the smell of rain invades your apartment.
when you look out the window, all you see is a gray sky, blanketed by a thick coating of wool. smothered by clouds, not a single ray of sunlight slipping through the cracks. the world smells dewy and sweet, asphalt and flowers melting into a nostalgic fragrance, one that reminds you a bit of high school smoke breaks — huddling under the slide at the nearest playground, watching a pretty girl wrap her lips around a cigarette, exhaling smoke just for it to melt into the pouring rain.
one that reminds you a bit of the woman right in front of you, balancing on a chair and stretching her goosebump-ridden arms towards the ceiling, wearing nothing but a lacey bra and a pair of unbuttoned jeans. messy hair that cascades down her back, brows furrowed, eyes simmering with irritation — before flitting over to meet your own.
shoko blinks. then sighs. ”you woke up?” she mutters, and you try not to shiver when the tremor of her voice deepens, morning-fatigue seeping into the syllables. “fuck. sorry, i —”
she stumbles a little, shifting her weight from one foot to another, and you take a step forward. on instinct, as if getting ready to cushion her fall. ready to be of service, in any way you can.
”don’t worry,” she fumbles with the fire alarm, clicking her tongue. nails scraping against plastic. “it’s fine, i just need to — there we go.” 
finally, the beeping stops. and your shoulders relax, immediately, the tight little ball inside your chest untangling. with a deep inhale, the fragrance of espresso and smoke fills your nostrils, and a sense of calm washes over you. rooting your feet to the floor. 
shoko settles down, too, seating herself on the wooden chair. a huff slipping from her lips. they’re smudged, a blurry red she still hasn’t found the energy to wipe away. 
bringing a hand up to card through her hair, lithe fingers in between her messy auburn locks, she exhales. a blend between fatigue and relief.
”god. i need a cig.”
a moment passes. she raises her head, and sees the sleepy little pout playing at your lips — her eyes softening. blooming with something fond. giving you a smile, tired, small. but reassuring. 
”i’m just kidding, love,” she chuckles. “relax.”
”don’t joke about that,” you frown, rubbing the sleep from your weary eyes. stifling a tiny yawn. ”.. took me so long to get you to quit.”
(sometimes you can still see the smoke leave her lungs when she exhales.)
shoko keeps smiling, but doesn’t say anything else. the pitter patter of rain against your balcony railing fills the silence of the kitchen, still brimming with a light layer of smoke, slowly dwindling. cold air drawing it out. clad only in one of suguru’s old t-shirts, you shiver, and shoko seems to notice.
“good morning,” she coaxes, opening her arms slightly — and you move forward, a moth to a flame. without thinking. “sorry for waking you.”
she wraps her arms around your waist, attaching her jaw to the curve of your shoulder, and you melt into the embrace. leaning close, to tuck yourself into her neck. she smells like lavender shampoo. “‘s fine,” you mumble, a yawn muffled into her collarbone. “what happened? are you okay?”
when her plump lips press against the sensitive skin of your neck, right next to one of the kiss marks she left there last night, you can’t help but shiver again. she must feel it, because you can hear the smile she’s trying to bite back in her voice when she answers.
“mm,” she hums, a gravelly noise that makes your throat clog up a little. “just burned something, it’s fine. don’t worry.”
tentatively, you take a step back. just to see her. gazing down at her, into her hazel eyes, the fading crescents beneath them. not as dark as they used to be, not as heavy with lost sleep.
shoko is gorgeous. always, every single day, but you think she’s particularly breathtaking like this. when it’s early, and she’s groggy and a little disheveled, eyes weary and lipstick smudged — bra strap close to slipping off her shoulder, black lace against pale skin, moles littering her forearms and chest like star clusters. oversized jeans that expose the curve of her waist, the fat of her hips, and you don’t notice how intently you’re staring until shoko’s raspy voice reaches your burning ears.
“eyes up here, baby.”
you do as you’re told, and she stifles a chuckle. eyes rich with amusement. you try not to blush.
“sorry.” you chew at the inside of your cheek. eyes trailing to the houseplants by the windowsill. “.. you’re just so pretty.”
shoko tilts her head, an exasperated little breath rolling off her tongue. almost a coo. she’s incapable of blushing; but if she wasn’t, you’re sure she'd blush. 
“thanks.” her touch is light, fingertips trailing down the expanse of your arm. “you are, too. red is a good colour on you.”
you blink. shoko’s eyes are crinkled at the edges, soft lines of crows’ feet, and you huff when you realize she’s talking about the marks on your neck. suddenly a little self-conscious, you bring a hand up to rub at the skin — as if hoping to wipe them away. you doubt it works. shoko just breathes out an airy chuckle, getting up from her seat.
she looks tired, still. stretching her limbs out, sleepily, blinking drowsily.
and it’s odd, you think. that she got up this early, that she didn’t cling to you and make you stay with her in bed like she usually does. you don’t know anyone who loves sleeping in more than shoko does. especially after a night out.
so it’s strange. very strange.
“hey, sho.”
you tilt your head. “why are you up this early, anyway?”
she blinks, and then glances at the clock on the wall. ticking idly, counting down. when she looks back at you, she’s got a single eyebrow raised. “it’s not really early.”
“for you it is,” you quip, something resembling a grin tugging at your lips. and she rolls her eyes, smiling, before linking her arm with yours. bringing you to the stove.
“i was, uh —“ a pause. she does a little cough under her breath, clearing her throat. “trying to make coffee.”
silently, you look at the mess in front of you; what used to be your squeaky-clean stovetop, now stained with a muddy, rusty residue. an unassuming coffee pot sits to the side, having seemingly boiled over, smoke still drifting up into the air.
shoko cringes, a little, before a wry smile makes its way to her lips. ”it was…” she clicks her tongue. sighing softly. ”an attempt.”
”… wait.” you turn to look at her, dubiously, and she avoids your gaze. ”that’s what you burned? coffee?” still no answer. a tiny smile tugs at your lips, and you can’t help it if your voice comes out sounding a little teasing. ”how is that even possible?”
”look,” shoko exhales, heavy. ”i don’t know, okay? i think it was the coffee grounds, or something. i look away for one second, and it’s just —”
a little giggle slips from your lips, and shoko shoots you a glare. mostly harmless, but she untangles her arm from your own. ”sorry, it’s just —” you apologize, failing to hide your amusement. ”why didn’t you just use the espresso machine, honey?”
she bites her lip, and you think she might be just a little embarrassed. averting her gaze, briefly flitting towards the machine in question. ”… i didn’t know how to use it,” she mutters. ”i’ve seen you do it, obviously, but i never paid attention to the steps.”
a smile graces your lips. consoling. “it’s not that complicated once you know how it works,” you nudge her arm with your elbow. ”it just looks that way.”
she hums. a click of her tongue, as she adjusts her bra strap. ”well, anyway. i tried. so.”
”right.” you try to stifle a grin, to no avail. ”so… you burned your coffee.”
”and woke you up.” she grins, herself, just a tiny bit self-deprecating. but pretty, always, hair falling over her eyes when she tilts her head. ”a mess, aren’t i?”
”not at all.”
shoko looks at you, and your eyes meet hers. unflinchingly. tired irises falling into the gentle hue of your own, trickling down to the curve of your lips. there’s an honesty to your voice that she’s never quite been able to deal with. 
(love, she thinks. a kind of love she finds somewhat hard to stomach. a sea of acceptance that she fears she’ll eventually drown in.)
before she can properly fall into a morning spiral, you stretch your neck a bit, idly, and she gets a good look at the red marks littering your skin. the way your pulse beats at the base of your throat. tender, slight, a mantra she’s grown just a little bit addicted to. 
”why, though?” you hum, and shoko blinks. snapped out of her thoughts, and back into reality. back into you, the faux pout on your lips. playful, but a little confused. ”i thought i was the coffee brewer of this relationship…” 
and it’s true. you’ve been making shoko’s morning cups of coffee for a while, now, even before you moved in together. she likes it black, sometimes with a drop of cream, sometimes with a cube of sugar. never both. you think it’s very like her, to tiptoe that line between bitter and sweet — never entirely giving in to one or the other. there’s a balance to shoko, something stable. something for you to hold on to, a bitter tinge or syrupy taste that always leaves you yearning for more.
truthfully, your coffee brewing skills aren’t anything special. but it makes shoko happy, to wake up and stumble into the kitchen, being able to hug your back. being handed a cup of fresh coffee. sipping from it in silence, muttering out a groggy good morning that makes your heart flutter.
(to you, it’s precious. that lilt of her voice, that bittersweet tinge. the dearest thing in the world.)
plump bottom lip trapped between her teeth, shoko furrows her brows. ever so slightly. nails tapping at the edge of the kitchen counter, a series of satisfying clicks against the marble. “… well.” 
she clears her throat, but doesn’t say anything else. a moment passes. you try to find the answer in the curve of her lips, the crease of her brow, in the depths of her eyes — but you don’t succeed.
something discomforting settles in the bottom of your throat. almost uncertain, maybe a bit anxious. sheepish, as your tired mind spins in circles. parting your lips. hesitant.
“do you… not like the way i make it?” there’s a dejected tilt to your voice when it spills out, one that makes you feel a little silly. so you smile, or try to, eyes trailing towards the windows; you note that the rain has grown heavier. “i can change how —“
“what?” shoko cuts you off. “no. no, of course not — your coffee’s perfect. honestly.”
again, your eyes meet. and again, shoko seems to be struggling with finding the right words. or maybe she’s struggling to voice them.
“i just… haah.” she brings a hand up to her face, pinching the bridge of her nose. you just watch, silent, hungry to hear the thoughts she’s not letting you in on.
a beat. again, the sound of the rain against steel railings, the scent of honeydew and concrete. espresso-flavored smoke, almost entirely faded, leaving only cold air to nip at your thighs. 
and again, as always, inevitably, your eyes are fixed on shoko — a moth to her flame. helpless to the cinders that ghost at your skin whenever she looks at you. a certain contemplation swims inside her eyes, simmering beneath the surface, as she chews gently at the plush of her lips. before turning to face you.
you can only blink. but shoko finally speaks, clearing her throat in a way that strikes you as rather sheepish.
“well — you’re always the one doing all the work. aren’t you?” her voice trickles out into the air, low and saccharine, a blanket pulled over your shoulders. so soft you hold your breath and strain your ears, just to make sure you hear it. “i guess i figured… i don’t know.”
shoko pauses, again, and you can almost delude yourself into thinking there’s a cherry red tint to the tips of her ears. when she parts her lips, that usually carefree voice of hers sounds almost meek. almost, but not quite. more like unsure. embarrassed?
another moment passes, entirely silent. shoko swallows her pride.
“.. satoru always brags about suguru making him those fucked up sugary drinks he likes,“ she mumbles. turning around, to rest her back against the counter, looking out at the downpour. “says it makes him feel so loved. or whatnot. so i just —“ 
she waves her hand, haphazardly. 
“you know.“
a beat. then another. you can physically feel your lips part, a kind of surprise weaving itself into the contours of your face. 
and when you finally speak, your voice comes out a little garbled, scrambling for the right words. not sure if you should feel deeply amused, or just a tiny bit horrified. “wait. you’re saying you…” a moment passes. silent, slow, and all you can do is blink owlishly. in disbelief.
“… got inspired by suguru?”
shoko groans, deep and gravelly, almost comically agonized. covering her face with her pretty hands. “don’t say it,” she pleads, “you’re making it sound as dumb as it is.”
a little giggle slips from your lips. accidental, but she still shoots you a displeased look, huffing under her breath. crossing her arms just to tap at her forearm with her nimble fingers. frowning.
“don’t laugh at me.”
“sorry,” you search for her gaze, but she keeps looking ahead. so stubborn. “i don’t mean to, ‘s just — not very like you, y’know?”
shoko exhales. nearly a huff, but not quite. and you think she must be embarrassed, gnawing at her lip like that, fingers eagerly searching for something to fidget with. it makes you soften, impeccably, the blood inside your veins warming up beneath your skin. stirring you, coaxing you into soothing her. your very own heartbeat seems to be a little enamored with shoko ieiri.
”i appreciate the thought,” you smile. a tender tone, sincere. lingering with amusement. “really. but let’s not base our entire relationship around satoru and suguru of all people, alright?”
and again, she sighs. brittle, a little fatigued. brows scrunching together. ”look, i —”
a pause. she gnaws at her plump bottom lip, eyelashes fluttering like a battered heartbeat. her voice comes out sounding soft, all duvet pillows and fresh lavender, a lilt that anchors you to earth. sweet words. so honest it makes your breath hitch.
”i want to take care of you.”
and this time, you’re the flustered one. burning under her gaze, feeling a heat blossom on your skin. feeling the fervent pitter patter of your heartbeat, as her pretty eyes look into yours. a nice mocha brown. 
but even with the fresh embarrassment trickling through your veins, you find it in you to speak. desperate, maybe, to cross the distance between you — even when it borders on non-existent. desperate to feel your heartbeats synchronize, figuratively or literally. to stitch them together.
“i want to take care of you, too,” you echo, looking down at the floor. and then back at your girlfriend. hesitant, a tad shy. but sincere.
a sincerity so palpable it makes shoko feel a little jealous. 
(sometimes, she finds herself wanting to put a hand inside your chest. dig around your organs, run her fingertips down every single one, until she finds what she's looking for. that miraculous something that makes you stick around, that makes you so frighteningly easy to love. that makes her want to safeguard you so terribly.)
”then let’s take care of each other,” she breathes, a small smile slipping into the curve of her lips. reaching out to brush against your knuckle, weave your fingers together. delicate. 
she clears her throat. “… i guess.” 
and you can’t help but smile. somewhat cheeky, a little teasing. “ah,” your eyes crinkle, and you stifle a coo. “did that embarrass you?”
a sharp little scoff. shoko gives you a lazy grin, paired with a soft roll of her eyes. brushing her thumb across your knuckles, even still. “oh, shut up.”
the world seems to still, ever so slightly, as you look into each other’s eyes. like everything else is just background noise, from the pitter patter of the rain to the fading smell of coffee all around you. shoko looks at you like she’s trying to see inside your brain, see what makes you tick, see you for what you are.
and when she eventually leans in for a kiss, you’re pliant. expectant. her lips against yours, breathing you in, as soft as ever. like she’s afraid of getting too greedy. she tastes like nectar and cosmetics.
“give me some time,” she says, after pulling back. hands on your waist, squeezing softly. “i’ll make you another cup right now.”
”sure you don’t want me to do it?” you ask. “i don’t mind.”
another little scoff. offended. ”look, i’m not incompetent, okay? i’m just not used to it.” she untangles herself from you, warmth slipping away. you will yourself not to chase it. “just stand there and look pretty for me.”
and she smiles, when those words make you giggle, infected by your sleepy joy. something soft and silky blooms inside her ribcage, mirrored by the glimmer in your eyes when you intertwine your hands again. fingertips brushing against each other, delicate, a love that’s handled with care.
”.. i like making you coffee,” you whisper after a beat. smiling. under your breath, like you’re telling her a secret. ”it makes me happy.”
a moment passes. something in shoko’s bones still, for a second, enough for you to notice. and her eyes fill with a kind of hesitance. doubt, maybe. or fear.
when shoko opens up to you, it’s always like this. sleepy, rainy days, or tipsy afternoons. in no more than a whisper, a fragile breath, the ghost of a confession. when you can feel her heartbeat, one finger on her wrist, listening to the rhythm of her pulse. intimate. a little clumsy, but…
”i just don’t want you to spend too much of yourself on me.”
the words are spoken in passing, almost casually, a lighthearted kind of resignation. a hungry ghost. one that follows her, follows you. suguru and satoru, too. there’s a lump in her throat, you can tell, something that makes it a little harder to say what she means. an intimacy that frightens her in a way nothing else can; frightened to hold it in her palms, to keep it close without having it break apart.
(not just her — you all are. all four of you. that’s why you've always been together, you think, why you always will be. four hedgehogs huddling together in the cold of night, too desperate for warmth to stay away from each other's spines.)
carefully, almost cautiously, you bring her hand to your lips. as if you’re handling a flimsy sheet of glass. featherlight, a touch so tender you hope she knows what you’re about to say before the words leave your throat.
“you’re worth it,” is whispered against her skin, your lips against her knuckles. shoko softens, but you think the sigh that slips from her lips sounds just a little shaky. “always.”
and finally, you know you aren't deluding yourself. it’s there, visible, the cherry red of her ears; a red that matches the lipstick on your skin. a flush that never travels down to her face. but it’s enough.
she clears her throat. voice beginning to change shape, slowly but surely, morning fatigue peeled off with the ticking of the clock. there’s still a raspy residue, leftover smoke that’ll never quite leave her lungs, but it’s silkier now. trickling like honey from her parted lips.
and it’s terribly soft, her tongue twisting around the vowels, a low lilt that drips with tenderness. she wills herself to smile. tired, but fond. “just let me make you one cup, then.”
so you do.
you let her, after briefly pointing out the functions of the far too expensive espresso machine that satoru bought you when you first moved in, and she listens intently. those pretty eyes, the intelligence behind them, her lips pursed in focus. shoko’s a genius, you’ve always thought — so effortlessly good at memorization, at figuring out how things work. what ties everything together. 
you think it’s a little comical that she struggled so much with making coffee, of all things, but you choose to attribute it to her slight hangover.  
because she’s focused, when she begins to fiddle with the machine. attentive. as if she’s dissecting it. a satisfaction in the way she moves, the way everything clicks into place as she works. everything serves a purpose, every single part in the machinery, every tube or pump of caffeine. she compares it to the human body, a glint in her eyes, and you can’t disagree.
all you can do is watch her. silently, entirely mesmerized. sitting on the kitchen counter, bare thighs against the marble, swinging your legs. telling her about the dream you had, while she listens. always.
a fresh, thick aroma of espresso and rainwater begins to waft through the apartment. one you drink in, greedy, steam filling your lungs. as you admire how the tiny droplets bounce off the hyacinths blooming on your balcony.
and when she’s finished, producing one cup of espresso, tailored to your liking, you can’t still the beating of your heart. unsure if you should blame it on the caffeine yet to enter your veins, or the proud smile that lingers on your girlfriend’s lips. maybe the way her fingers curl around the handle, the way a soft here, baby, spills from her smudged lips. all of the above, probably.
she’s gorgeous. breathtaking. sometimes you want to give her everything, more than you could live without. your heart, your lungs, your eyes. anything she asks for.
but she would never. all she’ll ever need is for you to keep sticking around, keep telling her about your silly dreams, keep letting her feel the beat of your pulse at the base of your throat. a mantra she’s fallen a little bit in love with.
and when you put your lips against the ceramic, and a bittersweet scent fills your lungs, you think you can taste it. that care, a love soft enough to mend all the jagged edges of your heart.
shoko smiles. smoothing a stray eyelash from your skin, thumb against your cheekbone. “how is it?”
(you swear it’s the best cup of coffee you’ve ever had.)
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writerpetals · 7 months
release | 🔞
; optional male lead smut |  ☁️
The sound of the front door to the home you share with him clicking closed pulls you from your slumber, eyes fluttering beneath the dim lighting of the TV filling the living room. A second later you hear him tiptoeing toward you.
You call for him in a sleepy voice, hearing his chuckle a moment before he settles on the coffee table in front of where he left you on the couch.  
“Did I wake you?” he asks while reaching to brush his knuckles over your cheek, and judging from the way you grin tiredly as you shake your head, he already knows the answer. “I tried to be quiet in case you were sleeping. I ran by the lake tonight instead of my usual route, so it took longer.”
A few nights a week he will go on a quick jog around the neighborhood to let off some steam, and typically you’re waiting in bed for him to curl up by his side after he has showered. Some nights he needs a bit more time for peace and quiet, however, enjoying the adrenaline of a run beneath the moonlight, and sometimes you nap on the couch while waiting on him, allowing him to come home to find you curled up and waiting until he’s returned.
“No worries,” you mumble and grin, fluttering your eyes once again until you can wake yourself. His hand roaming from your cheek, to your shoulder, and finally your hip don’t help in the slightest, relaxing beneath his touch and humming as his fingers begin to linger at the hem of your nightgown. “Did you have a good run?”
“Mhm,” he hums in response, biting his lip as he pushes the silk fabric up to uncover your thighs, then your ass, and a quiet groan builds in his throat before he begins speaking once again. “I might need to let off a little more steam, though.”
Sometimes he goes for runs and comes home ready for a shower and sleep, and sometimes he comes home more worked up than before. It doesn’t help when the strap of your nightgown falls from your shoulder, uncovering the swell of your breast to tempt him or the fact that he finds your sleepy expression cute and irresistible in the moment. He licks his lips the second his hand dips to take a gentle grip of your ass, earning a quiet whimper of his name that fills his body with desire.
A grin forms on your lips as you push yourself from the sofa, wasting no time reaching for him, straddling his waist with your arms wrapping around his neck and your knees digging into the coffee table. A sting sets in against your flesh, possibly finding yourself in an uncomfortable position if the desire growing inside of you didn’t outweigh the subtle pain. Your lips find his own in seconds, kissing him with heat spreading from between your thighs to every inch of your body, hearing him groan against your skin while his hands fall to your waist. He guides your hips to begin grinding against him, his cock becoming hard beneath the motion, pressing against your bare slit through thin sweatpants.
His hair is damp and skin is dewy from a good run, your hands switching between gripping the strands or running your nails over his shoulders. Knowing he’s so worked up has the need for release growing inside of you. His mouth soon leaves your lips to pepper kisses against your neck, earning whimpers of his name in the process as you roll your hips against his body. His cock twitches between your thighs just as he reaches for the straps of your nightgown, tugging the flimsy things lower with a swift, effortless pull to leave your chest bare for his eyes only.
He pulls away to take in the sight of you, but you don’t allow him much time to cherish the view before you lean away from his body to push the hem of your nightgown up to your stomach, all before reaching beneath his tank top to find the band of his sweats, tugging lower and unveiling his cock to wrap a tight grip around the base. A deep groan builds in his chest as you play with his length, teasing him, running a thumb over the head, loving how breathless he becomes when he’s so worked up and you show him affection.
“Hurry, baby,” he groans, resting two palms to your hips and digging his nails into your skin. He leans closer for only a moment, pressing his lips to your own in desperation, all before telling you through his teeth, “I need you so badly right now.”
The words send a chill down your spine before the flash of heat surges through your body. A fire ignites in the two of you, needing to have one another as he pulls you closer while you align yourself with his cock. The tip brushes against your slit to leave you shaking, gripping the back of his neck tighter while sinking yourself onto his painfully hard, needy cock. He hisses and you gasp as he fills you up, body pressed to his and your lips brush against his flesh while you adjust to the feeling of him inside you. His brow furrows and jaw slacks just as your eyes close, holding one another tight a second before you begin rocking your hips against him.
Your thighs are trembling by the time you find a steady pace, slow, easy, grinding your body against his own, coating his skin with your arousal, whimpering his name in his ear. He sighs and wraps arms around your body, then his lips lower your shoulder, leaving soft kisses, teeth scraping your skin, doing whatever he can do to hear the noises he loves so much fall from your lips.
You cry out, beginning to tease him with breathless words, “you feel so good… inside of me.” He groans once again a second before he pumps his hips from between your thighs, if only to hear you gasp and giggle as his cock hits deeper inside of you. Still playful as ever, comfortable with another, and finding pleasure in pleasuring each other. He repeats the motion just to hear your noises once again, flashing a smirk of satisfaction only a second before you squeeze yourself tight around him, causing his eyes to screw shut, his brow to wrinkle, and a heavy sigh to fall from his lips.
His breaths deepen and your hips quicken in pace, grinding against his cock, moaning his name to echo past the small space you share in the living room. You feel him exhale against the flesh of your shoulder and each time his cock pushes deeper inside of you, he can’t help but to curse beneath his breath. You attempt to keep your moans and whimpers of his name low, until the desire to hear you fills him and he thrusts himself into your dripping cunt from below, pushing his hips from the coffee table just enough to have you clutching him tighter, moaning louder, crying out for him in the ways he loves to hear.
From the ways he grips your body tighter as he groans deeper, you know he’s growing closer. You begin to rock harder against him, drawing out every last bit of pleasure until you feel his body tense beneath you. His head falls back as he grows stiff, allowing your lips to fall to his skin while riding his cock until you milk every last drop from him. He fills you up, releasing inside of you to create a mess, mixing with your own juices dripping down his length. And when his body slacks, you slip up and down his length, only a few more times, to hear him hiss and feel him begin to tremble beneath you.
“God, baby,” he groans as you ease yourself off of him, resting your weight on his thighs, “you’re incredible.” The praise makes you grin a second before he kisses your lips, and without warning, he guides your body to the couch the moment he catches his breath, back falling against the cushions and then he settles between your parted thighs. He says nothing while pressing a palm to your knee to keep your legs open for him, admiring the view of a drenched slit and swollen lips, completely aware of how worked up he’s made you.
“Mm, you’re so wet baby,” he hums while brushing his fingers along your slit, causing your legs to twitch as you realize just how desperate the need for release has become. “So messy with my cum dripping out of you.”
With that, he eases two fingers inside of your soaked cunt, pushing his own cum back into you as your back arches from the sofa and your head rolls to the side. A gasp fills the living room as he curls his fingers, applying pressure to the spot that has your body tensing and your eyes screwing shut.
You whimper, chest heaving, fists clutching the cushions beneath you, “that feels… amazing. Don’t stop.” The words fall from your lips in a sigh to have him chuckling, letting you know as he presses his thumb to your clit that he has no intention of stopping.
Your legs fall farther apart as he dips his body lower, lips pressed to your own before his mouth trails down to your chest. He leaves soft kisses as he buries his fingers inside of you, tongue darting out to flick over your nipple before he tugs softly with his teeth to earn an arched back once again. You call his name, whining the words now for him not to stop, that you’re getting close, and from the way he groans, he tells you just how much he loves every second of it.
You call for him with a breathless tone, hands rising to entangle your fingers in his hair. He continues teasing your nipples, licking, kissing, sucking your flesh so it drives you wild, while caressing your clit in small, quick circles and fingering your cunt until your legs begin to shake. He draws you closer to the edge, filling you with bliss while the warmth of pleasure swells, until the tension tightens and snaps, and he has you rolling your hips onto his hand and coming undone with his fingers deep inside of you.
You cry out once more with a gasp, waves of pure bliss washing over you, tugging on his hair to miss the way he groans thanks to the moans that spill from your lips. Your thighs tighten around his body that remains between your legs, walls clenching around his fingers, back arching to give him more of your body to tease and play with. And when you begin to come down, his soft lips ease the tension as you slack beneath him, kissing your flesh, your breasts, your chest, and even your neck before reaching your lips, pulling his hand from between your thighs and allowing you to whimper against his mouth until you pull away in an attempt to catch your breath.
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venuslore · 10 months
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summary ; steve comes home to find you more than just asleep
pairing ; steve harrington x girlfriend!reader
notes ; female oral seggs, slightly pervy steve, kinda exhibitionism, somnophilia. let me know if i forgot any !
do not transfer, translate or share my works to any other sites.
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the air was sticky, cascading a blanket of humidity over your body. a light sheen of sweat present on your now dewy skin. it was hot — too hot for your liking — and you cursed your shitty old air conditioner for breaking at the hottest time of the year.
given your losses, it was enough to warrant your desire of wearing absolutely nothing while having to spend the day cleaning your small apartment. you weren't sure how you had let things get so far behind, but with multiple loads of washing and a kitchen sink filled with dishes, you weren't about to slug yourself around and torture yourself with unnecessary layers of clothing.
you danced around the kitchen, twirling on the tips of your toes as you placed dishes into their designated spots. sticking the occasional finger up at the broken air conditioner for damning you to endure such insufferable temperatures, and for making steve take on more shifts at work so that you could afford to fix it.
after hours of cleaning, the warmth finally starts to take its toll, tiring you out until you couldn't possibly stand on your feet any longer. you seek refuge in the bedroom, falling into a heap on the bed where your book from this morning still laid.
the sheets are soft against your bareness, fitting into every curve and crevice. the window above your bed is open, letting in small gusts of summer as you slowly flip through the pages once more. but not even the words of your favourite author could keep you awake, and your eyes begin to flitter closed.
it's not until the late afternoon that steve finally ventures home from the video store, climbing the staircase in the building and letting out an exasperated sigh when he reaches the door to your apartment. his fingers are tired from constantly prying open video covers and sifting through tapes to scan — all he wants is to see your face.
his shoulders fall when he enters, expecting you to be sitting in the lounge reading a book or baking away in the kitchen like you always were — you loved to surprise him with new recipes — but you weren't doing either of those things.
he's surprised by the silence, and even more so when he makes his way to the bedroom and sees you in bed. the furrow in his brow quickly dissipates, and breath catches in the back of his throat. your face is all cute and puffy as you sleep, lips swollen and cheek squished against your book, but he's mostly surprised by the view he had been granted the second he walked in the door.
another gust of warmth dances across your body, causing your nipples to taut. it was a new sensation, one that you seemed to like, as you stir from your sleep, tossing and turning to get more comfortable atop the sheets. spreading your legs open for some sort of relief while also giving steve the perfect view of your flower as he stands at the foot of the bed. he swallows hard now, his jaw tensing as a heat begins to build up inside his pants, his member straining against the compact of his jeans.
there was nothing steve loved more than the sight of you opening up for him, showing off your velvety centre and letting him bury his head between your thighs. he loved the sight of you — the taste of you on his tongue — and as he stood there watching as you had unintentionally given him the thing he desired the most, he couldn't not think about how you tasted in that moment.
slowly, he slips off his shoes, unbuckles his belt and lets his jeans fall to the floor in a heap, giving his shaft some release as a growl forms in the back of his throat. his family video vest and polo shirt following suit, and with careful motions, he crawls across the bed towards your middle.
he wanted, no needed, you on his tongue now.
he moves forward enough to wrap his hands around the underside of your thighs, large fingers holding them apart in case you felt the urge to close them on him. then, taking in the sight of your beautiful sleeping face once more, knowing how much you were going to love his little wake-up, and with a smirk splayed across his lips, he slowly swipes his tongue across your goodness.
he revels in the taste of you. sweet on his tongue and already slightly wet. you must've been having a good dream.
it takes you a moment, slowly stirring from your sleep, grasping at the sheets around your head while steve laps up your taste. he begins to move his tongue at a faster pace now, making sure to get you nice and wet before starting on your sweet little bundle of nerves.
the instant contact sends a rush of goosebumps across your skin and sets you alight with ecstasy, a whimper leaving your lips as you finally come to. your chest is heaving, rising and falling so dramatically that it takes you a moment to collect yourself.
"w-when did you get home?" you ask between heavy pants, a moan escaping you at the end when he hits your most sensitive spot.
he pulls his tongue away momentarily and you instantly regret asking the question, wanting his touch back on you. his hair tickles your thighs as he moves to press a chaste kiss on your lips, letting you get a small taste of yourself, "a few minutes ago. i couldn't resist..." he smirks before delving right back into your sweetness, this time with the help of this thumb on your clit as he works magic on your core.
"well, i'm glad you couldn't - fuck, stevie." you cut yourself off, the pleasure consuming your every last thought.
steve rubs small circles on the nub, as he tongue-fucks your hole, insatiable moans leaving you. your back arches, hips jutting, and fingers snaking through his hair, gripping onto the loose chocolatey curls as he pushes you closer to your high.
“fuck, right there,” you cry as the pressure grows, a pulsing inside daring to break free.
you can feel the ball inside your stomach, a coil begging to snap, as your hips jut into steve’s face once more. hands now grabbing at the sheets, the pillows, anything to help you ride it out. “god, you’re so fucking beautiful.” steve mumbles, his big brown eyes staring up at you through his lashes and dishevelled hair.
it’s then that the orgasm hits, crashing down over you like a wave as you hold his gaze. he doesn't take his eyes away for so much as a second. he watches you intently, thumb still working you as his tongue licks up your slick. the only sound in your otherwise quiet apartment is the mixture of moans and curses leaving your lips.
steve doesn't stop, wanting you to get the most out of your orgasm, as he takes in the sight of your shaking body. your eyes now rolling into the back of your head as your mouth forms the most perfect 'o' shape. it was a sight he would never get sick of, one that would continue to consume his every thought for as long as he lived.
as your high comes to an end, steve can feel you pulsating on his tongue and presses a soft kiss to you before eventually pulling away. a roguish grin immediately takes hold as he moves to lay with you, slumping down on the sheets.
still breathless, you pant, "that was the best wake-up i've ever had."
"maybe you should be naked when i come home more often," he chuckles softly, brushing the hair from his forehead.
turning to him, a smile present on your lips, you say, "maybe i should."
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luveline · 1 year
Hello! 💕 I love your work!
May I request a small drabble where Roan is at a stage when she's so fascinated with reader's makeup and outfits that Roan wants to copy her mom's style.
Thank you!
thank you for your request!! I know you sent it in April but I hope you can enjoy regardless! dad!eddie x fem!reader, 1.8k
Roan is trying to be respectful. She really, truly is, but this is her chance. She can hear you in the bathroom talking to her dad where he's sitting with his back to the closed door. Eddie hadn't paid Roan any mind when she walked past him into your room, because Roan isn't badly behaved. Well, usually. 
She knows she shouldn't touch your things without asking, but she just loves how you look before you go out with your friends —you'd traipsed down the stairs yesterday afternoon in a casual dress and flats with your make up all shiny and dewy and pretty— and she wants to look pretty too. 
She looks through your make up bag cautiously. She doesn't want to break anything. Eddie's laughing loudly now, and the door must be ajar because your voice is louder. You're telling a story, and Eddie's eating it up, he's practically shouting he's laughing so much. Roan stands up to go and investigate, but then she thinks maybe she won't get to do this again, so she sits back down and picks up a lip gloss. 
Roan jumps as you get out of the bath, a plastic pulling sound like skin rubbed against porcelain ringing down the hall. She's on high alert, and she's scared of being caught, and she definitely didn't think this through. She grabs your make up bag and flees to the wardrobe, throwing open the doors and climbing inside. She shouts the door behind her, holding her breath in the dark. 
You walk into the bedroom, Eddie on your tail. 
"I don't think you should hang out with her anymore," Eddie's saying, his voice still laden with laughter. 
"By that logic I should've stopped hanging out with you a long time ago," you say. You squeal like you've been pinched, adding, "A long long time ago."
"Yeah, you should've. Do you want to go anywhere, or are we putting our pyjamas on?" 
There's thirty seconds of relative silence and then sound. A plastic lid from your body butter, the bedside table lamp being turned on, Eddie coughing. Her dad's been sick this week, a cold Roan miraculously didn't catch. She made sure to give him extra cuddles and he healed up pretty fast. Roan the Healing Balm, he called her. 
"Nowhere," you say finally. A drawer rolls on its hinges. "Did you want to–" 
"Nah, just wondering. We need crackers for Ro's lunch tomorrow and toilet paper, but we can get those in the morning. That smells nice, what one is that?" 
"One you got me, uh, mandarin and something. Ylang-ylang?" 
"Smells good."
"You want some?" 
"I'm okay." 
"No, come here." 
Roan holds your make up bag closer to her chest. She pushes the door gently to widen a slit so she can spy on you. You're in pyjamas now, a towel wrapped around your hair, sockless and climbing onto the bed where Eddie's lying. He sits up. Roan's worried she'll be caught, so she lets the door fall back into place.
Mattress springs shift, and Eddie says, "It's cold." 
"Your arms are sooo long," you say simply. There's a smacking sound like a kiss. "And kissable! Who knew?" 
"I love you," Eddie says warmly. 
"I love you too…" There's another kiss. "You're pretty." 
"You're pretty," Eddie says. 
"Want a hug?" 
Eddie doesn't say yes or no. Roan peaks out through the gap again to find you kneeling at the end of the bed with your arms around his shoulders. He rubs your back, his tattoo looking darker than usual from the moisturiser. 
"Where's Ro?" you ask quietly, kissing the top of his head. "Maybe she wants a hug too." 
"She's being really quiet today," Eddie says, "I think she's up to something." 
You kiss his head again and peel away, brushing a curl from his eyes as you say, "You always think she's up to something. Your dad sense is on the fritz." 
"Probably. Hey, have you seen my big hoodie? I was thinking I'd take her out for a bit, push her on the tyre swing and burn off some mischievous energy." 
"Gonna wear it over your pyjamas?" you ask. 
"I think it's in the wardrobe. If it's not in there it's in the laundry. I'm gonna go find my girl," you say. 
"I'll be right there," Eddie says. 
Roan holds her breath again as he approaches. She knows she's busted but she can't help trying to hide anyways, burying her face in her knees, hands around her legs, your make up bag lost in the folded jeans beneath her. The door creaks slowly, and Eddie gasps. 
"Oh, holy shit," Eddie says. "Holy sugar. Hey, babe, what the heck are you doing in there?" 
"What?" you ask. 
Roan lifts her head, a pout on her lips that begs for forgiveness. Eddie grins as soon as he's recovered from the shock of finding her, and you're wide-eyed from behind him.
"Well, there's my girl," you say, resting your hand on Eddie's thigh as you crouch. "Watcha doing? Who are we hiding from?" 
Eddie crouches down next to you, and you both look so happy to see her that Roan figures she might not get into trouble after all. Now that she can see, she picks up the stolen make up bag and offers it back to you. 
"I just wanted to try," she explains. 
You and Eddie look at each other. 
"Well, you shouldn't be in mom's things," Eddie begins, gently scolding as you accept the bag.
"All you have to do is ask, Ro," you finish. 
"I want to look like you," Roan says. 
Eddie smiles. "Come on. Get out of the wardrobe, babe, before we close you in." 
You elbow him as Eddie gets his hands under Roan's arms, helping her out of the wardrobe. She doesn't need help, but her dad is super strong and has her sitting on the big bed before she can blink. You follow with your make up bag in hand, sitting down with an excitement that wobbles the mattress. 
"What do you want, babe? Lip gloss?" 
"And the sparkly eyes," she says. They're imperative. 
"Oh, good choice," you say. 
You shuffle closer to Roan and pull out the white square of eyeshadow, flipping it open. There's lots of colours inside, but the best in Roan's opinion is a white that shines baby pink in the sun. Roan tells you what she wants, and you have her close her eyes, leaning in to take her chin into your hand gently. Your breath fans over her cheek. "Keep your eyes closed, lovely girl." 
Roan squeezes them closed.
"Not that closed!" you laugh. 
Roan relaxes. Carefully, softly, you pat eyeshadow onto her eyelids with your fingertip, humming little affirmative sounds under your breath. 
"Good girl," you murmur, blending the ends out with what feels like a different finger. "Just sit still, one more second." 
More patting. Roan tries not to move around, but her excitement has her shaking. After a few more moments you lean back. 
"All done, babe. You can open your eyes." 
Roan opens her eyes wide, the light nearly too bright. Eddie sorts through the stuff in your make up bag, interested, bottles and brushes clinking together. "Oh, hey," he says, lifting a tube up, "this colour?" 
It's the red-pink colour that Roan yearns for. She nods eagerly and you hold out your hand. You unscrew it and bring the applicator to her lips. Roan pouts, which makes you and Eddie smile in tandem. She has no idea why. 
You put a little bit on the centre of her lip and spread it out with your pinky finger. Roan is totally relaxed by your lap. 
"I need the shiny one too," you say. 
Eddie shuffles through your things and procures a clear lip gloss. "This?" 
"Yes, please." 
Eddie hands it to you and you uncap it deftly.
"Rub your lips together, baby," you say, demonstrating. 
Roan rubs her lips together. You brush the clear lip gloss on top of the pink and tell her to rub her lips together again, before smoothing a little bit of moisturiser over her face with kind fingers. You trace the heart of her face down to the chin and beam at her. 
"You look so pretty," you say, falling into the bubbly voice you and Eddie don't use so much anymore. 
Roan's chin dips inward shyly. Eddie pulls a compact from your bag and shows her the mirror part, and her chin quickly lifts. A blush rises to her cheeks as she turns her face one way and then another. 
"What do you think?" Eddie asks. 
Roan nods a bunch of times before she answers, not wanting to tear her gaze from the mirror. "I look beautiful," she says. 
"Yes, you do! You always look beautiful," Eddie says. 
"I need to put my dress on," Roan says firmly. She gives herself one last look in the mirror before sliding off of the bed and out of your reach. 
She races off. 
You and Eddie look at each other while she's gone, two pleased, stickying smiles. "She's so easy to please," you say. 
"No, you just spend the time with her. She loves you." 
You push your hand across the bed toward his thigh and lean on it, looking up at him with a teasing smile. "Want me to do yours, too?" you offer. 
"Definitely. I'll hold off on the dress, for now. I don't think I have one that'll fit." 
You lift your chin for a kiss. "Good idea," you say against his lips.  
"I'd look good though, right?" 
"You'd look amazing. You have the thighs for it." 
"I do, don't I?" he asks, pleased. 
You have your face on Eddie's leg when Roan comes back, his arms splayed across the length of your back, as though you've collapsed in on one another. She does a spin in her second nicest dress. 
"Do I look like you, mom?" she asks. 
You smile like you've won the lottery. "You look a thousand times more beautiful than me, sweetheart." 
Roan laughs and does another spin. Eddie hums unhappily because you're just as beautiful, but he has to admit that his girl looks good. 
"Let me grab the camera," he says. 
For once, Roan doesn't grumble. She poses for pictures and makes sure she has a bunch with you, too, even though you aren't wearing anything so nice as she is. 
"I'm gonna have that one printed," Eddie says after a flash.
"No you are not!" you say.
Eddie and Roan share a look. He's definitely having it printed. 
thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! please think about reblogging if you enjoyed and have the time ♡
more eddie, roan and reader
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artinvain · 15 days
HII!!! ur fics r so amazing and i was wondering if you could expand on needy reader waking abby up in the middle of the night plsssss😅(when u have time ofcc!!!!)❤️❤️❤️
thank u love! and thank u for the req
very soft needy!reader x service top!abby. (men & minors dni - nsfw under the cut)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
it is sunday morning, you can feel the weight of abby's arm around you, your back pressed flush against her chest. you can feel her soft breath at the back of your neck, followed by near silent snoring. the sun's winter rays are just barely shining in through your bedroom window and yet there's a heat rising up in your belly, an ache between your legs that you recognise as one that only abby can quell.
you whine as you shuffle back, your ass pressed to abby's crotch, hearing her hum contentedly her arm pulling you impossibly closer her hips unconsciously snapping softly against yours. you bite your lip at the feeling, you can feel your cunt sticky and sensitive as you twist your thighs together.
you huff, the pressure of your thighs not enough to satisfy you and pulling abby's lax hand down to cup your pussy softly as you whimper. you'd spoken of it before and abby said she's always more than happy to please you -- regardless of the time or the place.
so you only feel embarrassed when you grind against her hand because you've been so needy lately. abby shuffles closer, her hand lowering so her fingers are near your leaky hole, your hand over hers you press her fingers in between you lips, whimpering as you hump her hand, her palm rubbing your clit.
you're huffing and sighing into your pillow, gently biting abby's arm under your head as you guide two of her thick fingers into your cunt. and you groan her name when you feel abby's fingers curl inside you, sliding in to the hilt and you can hear her sigh behind you,
"good morning sweetheart," abby's gravelly voice causes you to clench around her fingers and she chuckles, going to kiss you neck, licking and marking it, kissing up to your earlobe. "that feel good baby? like using my fingers like this?" abby asks, moaning when she feels your gummy walls clamp down on her, pulling her in as she rubs your gspot. you nod your head, whimpering when abby starts to slide her fingers in and out of you, the sound of your wetness starting to fill the room, the smell of your wet pussy permeating the blankets.
"smell so good baby," abby groans, "can i eat you out after? please?" she groans, her hips bucking against you, her fingers digging deeper as you whine out gripping abby's wrist.
"yeah abs, please just -- fuck" your voice a whisper as she twists her fingers gently, "you're so wet," abby can slide another finger in so easily -- "opening up for me so nice baby, fuck you feel so good, always feel so good for me," she whimpers, her fingers rubbing and fucking into you a little faster, she's desperate to feel you cum around her, hear your moans reach a fever pitch and her chest swells with pride and pleasure as your mouth opens, huffing moans and
"god, abby that feels so f-fucking good," your humping against her hand again, her palm rubbing you clit as her fingers rub against your gspot and she can't help but wrap her hand under you chest, her fingers gingerly rubbing at your nipples and cooing softly into your ear --
"you're amazing honey, yes so perfect for me. just, fuck, just feel good for me yeah? that feel good?" abby kisses your temple as she rocks her hips against you, building a rhythm that has your skin dewy, her leg shifting between yours so she can move her wrist properly without your thighs clamping down around her.
"yes, abby, feels so - so shit- shit m'gonna cum," you groan, your hips faltering as abby's fingers twist and fuck into you, never stopping for a second and you grip onto any part of her body you can find, letting her holding you tight and hearing her whining as you start to leak around her, your body tightening and shaking as you cum.
abby lets you catch your breath and then gently pulls her fingers from you to suck on them, moaning -- her eyes rolling back in her head. she's about ready to cum in her underwear.
"please let me eat you out honey," abby moans and she kisses down your body when you nod your head. she's moaning as she mouths you through your panties, sucking your wetness from them and then removing them so she can taste and feel the softness of your cunt against her tongue. finally, finally when she latches her mouth to your clit, her hips rutting against the bed desperately, she cums.
tag list: @lesbian-useless @sexysapphicshopowner @iamaboringrattat @sapphicsgirl @bimboprincezz @abbysprettygiiirl
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ichorai · 1 year
the silent storm ; aemond targaryen.
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pairing ; aemond targaryen x mute!reader (gender-neutral)
synopsis ; aemond pays you a visit in the library and has a confession to make.
words ; 1.2k
themes ; fluff, mildly suggestive, established relationship (married)
warnings / includes ; mentions of killing/death/violence, reader is one of jasper wylde's many children, aemond being whipped for you <3 also he learned their version of sign language js for you, some kisses but nothing more than that, "i'd burn down the entire world for you" trope, lots of pet names :)
main masterlist.
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The candle’s flame warbled as you set it down on the table, bathing the small corner of the library in a dewy, clementine luminescence. You narrowed your eyes at the frayed spines of the arranged historical books, fingers trailing along the dusty shelves. 
After several minutes of debating between a tome on the history of dragonkeeping, and a lengthy volume on alchemic remedies, you settled on reading the latter for tonight. You eased down into a rickety wooden chair that did no favors for your back, flipping the old book open with a gentle smile, and began to read.
Not even ten minutes past, your husband’s voice drifted through the library, quietly calling your name.
You reluctantly pulled your attention away from the miraculous works of potions and brews depicted on the yellowing pages, and affectionately rolled your eyes to the side. It was an ongoing joke amongst the court that Aemond physically couldn’t be without you for more than an hour at once. The two of you were scarcely ever seen without one glued to the other’s hip. The Silent Storm and the One-Eyed Dragon, the lords and ladies oft called you and your husband. 
With your father, Lord Jasper Wylde, being the Master of Laws, he was usually far too busy for the likes of you. Not to mention that he had four wives and twenty-eight other children to attend to—you were simply known as ‘the quiet one’ in your youth, which soon evolved to the Silent Storm when the court witnessed you beating up one of your older brothers with no restrain when you caught him stealing your coffers, where you kept your silvers.
Imagine your father’s utter shock when Aemond set his sights upon you, proclaiming you to be his almost instantly. Not even three months later, the two of you were wed, and you couldn’t be happier. 
“There you are,” the prince said, eye lighting up when he caught sight of you. “I knew I’d find you here.”
You arched a brow. Don’t be so smug. I’m always here, you signed, hands motioning languidly as your lips curved up into an amused grin. 
Aemond moved forward to sit beside you, two of his fingers slotting beneath your chin to tilt your face up so he could plant a sweet, chaste kiss to your lips. “Yes, yes, you and your beloved books. Hardly a second goes by without your nose buried between pages.”
A humored huff fell from your lungs. You lifted your hands. Sounds like you’re jealous.
Your husband watched you sign, before scoffing. “Me? Jealous of books?”
Worry not, husband. I love you more than I love the library, I promise.
Ironically enough, right after you gestured out your reassurance, you turned right back to your book and began reading once more, missing the tilt of Aemond’s head and the widening, lovesick smile curving the corner of his mouth upward.
“What are you reading?” he asked, peering over your shoulder, before softly laying a kiss against the slope of your neck, lips brushing against the cold metal of the necklace he’d gifted you on your last name day. You smelled of lavender and honey, a scent he’d give anything to drown himself with.
Alchemy, you responded. 
“Apologies, my love, I’m afraid I don’t recognize that word,” Aemond whispered into your skin, not unkindly. 
You turned back to your husband, eyes soft and patient. You spelled it out for him, having to lightly swat his face away from your neck with a silent laugh just so he’d be able to concentrate. 
“Ah, alchemy,” he mumbled, voice rife with affection, drawing you closer to him. “What have I done to deserve someone equally intelligent as they are beautiful?”
Instead of responding, you leaned forward to kiss him, his lips melding gently over yours. You pulled away to plant another kiss to the side of his nose, and a final one right below his leather eyepatch.
I love you, Aemond signed to you, before pressing his enclosed fist right above your beating heart. “Avy jorrāelan. I would burn down the entirety of Westeros at your behest, jelmāzma.” Storm.
I’d rather you not, but thank you for offering, you replied, brows pulling together incredulously and your shoulders shaking with muted chuckles. A brilliant smile flickered over your expression, the shadows of your face elongated with the candlelight. What brings about such a… violent sentiment?
A beat of silence. Aemond seemed hesitant, his hand coming forth to lovingly stroke your cheek, thumb running along your jaw.
“Promise you won’t be mad at me.”
You blinked at him in a miffed fashion, then narrowed your eyes accusingly. What did you do?
Aemond winced. There was a reason why the court called you the Silent Storm. “Promise me first, darling,” he said, trying his best to placate you.
Fine, sure, I promise. Your gaze was sharp, and Aemond already had a feeling that your words were empty.
“Well, I was training with Criston when I overheard two bumbling, foolish lords passing by—and they were talking about you. Naturally, I stopped sparring and listened to their conversation. It was… an improper debate about whether or not you’d make sound in bed.”
You sighed, used to the giggles and whispers behind your back. The lords and ladies often forgot that just because you were mute, didn’t mean you couldn’t hear them, either. 
You killed them, then?
“I killed them,” Aemond confirmed, looking none too sorry about it, either. “Slit both of their throats. I couldn’t stand by and just listen to them insult you in such a way.”
They were jesting! you hurriedly signed, frustrated that your husband had taken such drastic measures without confronting you first. That is what men do, they jest and they speak ill-will and they are pigs about it! There is naught that we can do about their behavior other than a slap on the wrist—you cannot just kill anybody who gets on your nerves! Swear that you won’t do it again. Swear it, Aemond!
“But they were—”
You held a warning finger up, effectively halting him in his protests. The glare you had fixed on him held the intensity of a thousand hurricanes. And what was a dragon in comparison to the might of a storm?
“Yes, my love,” Aemond reluctantly said, biting down on his tongue. 
The anger melded over your visage seemed to melt away at his relatively easy acquiescence. 
Good boy, you teasingly signed, which earned you a light, ticklish pinch of retaliation to your side. I love you, too, by the way. But if you take another undeserving soul again—I’m going to have to reconsider.
A deep hum fell from his throat, and you were about to gesture some more warnings (borderline threats), but the thoughts were dashed from your mind when he surged forward to kiss you, pushing you up against the bookshelf. His large, spindly hands splayed over your waist and curved along your back. 
“Alchemy can wait, can’t it?” he murmured into you, nearly dizzy with yearning.
You shook your head with an exasperated beam, before pulling him forward by the lapels of his coat and slanting your lips against his once again.
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