mdemontespan1667 · 2 years
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“You need help with that Darlin? Hose looks a bit big for you.”
It never fucking failed.
Every time you filled up your bright, fiery orange ‘72 Chevelle some wannabe Alpha male had to make some sexist comment.
It wasn’t your fault the designers had put the damn fuel cap under the license plate. 
And it certainly wasn’t your fault you had to bend over to keep the nozzle from falling out.
Nor was it in any way your fault that you occasionally might over exaggerate how far you had to bend over, especially like today, when you were wearing tight, frayed jeans and a wide neck off the shoulder teal sweatshirt.
“I’m fine.”
“Oh yeah,” he whistled, “You are most definitely fine.”
The pump kicked off.
You put the nozzle back, securing the gas cap before facing the latest offender.
He was tall, rough cut facial features with a mop of short, dark curls.
You made a show of pushing down your sunglasses as you blatantly checked out the rest.
Wide chest and muscle corded arms encased in a tight black t shirt.
Tan cuffed cargo pants sat high on his tapered waist.
Nothing wrong with that either. 
You licked your lips, hand propped on your hip.
“I bet you say that to all the girls.”
Your voice dripped, saccharine sweet.
“No, it ain’t like that.”
His knuckles brushed along your upper arm.
“You are hands down, the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Snorting, you batted his hand away.
“Bullshit. That line might work on your little dirt road honey’s but..” You slid your oversized tortoise shell Ray-Ban’s back in place, “It’s not working on me.”
You pushed past him, strutting toward the tiny attached convenience store.
God, it was so easy winding men up.
Fun too.
They were so damn transparent.
And, despite how you’d coldly dismissed him, you knew, KNEW, he’d be jacking off later thinking about you.
Not because you were devastatingly beautiful or had a killer body. 
In those categories you ranked a solid average.
What you did have was confidence with a capital fucking C.
Own every room you walked into, all eyes on you, smart as hell, know your worth, every woman wants to be you, every man wants to fuck you, (and woman, let’s not be coy here, you knew damn good and well your face would be buried between Ivy’s lush thighs at some point this weekend, you were all about equal opportunity), bone deep confidence.  
It’s what had gotten you through Grad school and later your Doctorate in Mathematical Engineering.
The rusty bell above the worn metal screen door dinged, announcing your arrival.
You took your time perusing the limited snack aisle, selecting a bag of Funyuns and a fountain Pepsi, flicking the straw provocatively, making sure to flash a little cleavage at the old guy working the register.
Back at your car you checked your phone.
“No service. Fucking wonderful.”
When your best friend had proposed a quick getaway to celebrate your latest promotion you’d been expecting sun, sand and endless Mai Tai’s, not a rustic cabin on some forgotten lake in rural Georgia. 
You waved your phone around trying to find a signal.
“Ain’t gonna work.”
Oh lord, not him again. 
“Why not?” you huffed.
“We’re in the middle of a deadzone Darlin’.”
You took off your sunglasses, resisting the urge to throw them at the odious man.
“How the hell am I supposed to find that goddamn cabin without my phone?”
“What cabin are you looking for, girl?”
Your eyes narrowed at the nickname.
“Some stupid fucking cabin on some stupid fcuking lake off of some stupid fucking Bob’s road!”
The octaves rose with each word until you were practically yelling.
“Bob’s Road?”
Oh shit. Probably shouldn’t have shared that with the entire gas station.
“Uh, yeah.”
You pulled a piece of paper from your back pocket.
“732 Bob’s Road, Lake Horton.”
He chuckled.
“That’s Bob Schermer’s place. I can give you directions.”
The setting sun sketched him in shadows. 
A kernel of unease settled in your gut.
Jesus, get a grip. This isn’t Deliverance.
“That, uh, that’d be great.”
He smiled, teeth showing.
It reminded you of a predator sizing up his next meal.
“So you’re gonna take a left outta here on’ta Highway 92. Just keep going North for about an hour and a half, maybe two. You’ll take a right at white mailbox. If you see the “Jesus Saves” sign you’ve gone too far. Go about three miles then turn left. Cabin will be on the left.”
“Two hours?”
You exhaled dramatically.
“Fucking great.”Dropping into the driver's seat you cranked the ignition, the Chevelle’s 454 V-8 rumbling to life.
“My pleasure.”
Another unnerving smile.
The hair on your arms prickled.
“You be real careful on those back roads. It gets awful dark out here.”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
With a curt nod, you revved the engine, throwing gravel in your wake.
They like to get you in a compromising position
Well, they like to get you there and smile in your face
Yeah, they think they’re so cute when they get you in that condition
But i think its a total disgrace
And I say
I fight authority, authority always wins
Well, I fight authority, authority always wins
Well, I’ve been doing it since I was a young kid
And I come out grinnin’
Well, I fight authority, authority always wins
You cranked up the volume on your after-market stereo singing along to your Spotify road trip playlist.
Jesus fucking tits, the guy was right, it was dark.
Not like the dark you had grown up in.
A pale shimmer had blanketed San Diego from sundown to sunup.
The light from a full moon helped soften the inky landscape, a little.
God only knew what might be hiding out there, watching, just waiting for the perfect moment to…
You slammed on your brakes.
Was that a white mailbox?
Turning the volume down so you could see, you dropped the transmission in reverse, taillights casting an unsettling glow. 
You sighed in relief at the sight of the pock marked mailbox.
Shifting to First, you swung off the HIghway to a narrow gravel road.
I swear to God, I’m never, ever letting Ivy pick a destination again. After this she’ll be lucky if I let her pick a restur….”
Red and blue flashing lights blazed in your rearview mirror.
What the fuck?
 Where the hell did he come from? 
You hadn’t seen another vehicle since you left town. 
“License and Registration.”
You jumped, startled.
“License and Registration.”
“Yeah, Yeah, I heard you the first time.”
You reached across the seat digging the items from your bag.
“What am I….Oh my God, you can’t be serious.”
Leaning in your window, now attired in a shit brown Sheriffs uniform and matching baseball cap, was the man from the gas station.
“I’m gonna need you to exit the vehicle, ma’am.”
Something was off.
“Why? I didn’t do anything. I wasn’t speeding.”
“Please step out of the vehicle.”
“Oh for fucks sake.”
Climbing out, you glared at him, arms crossed.
“Ma’am, you were driving erratically. I detect the smell of alcohol on you. That gives me probable cause to search your vehicle.”
Ducking, he rummaged through your car, dumping your purse and overnight bag, scattering the contents.
“Well, look what I found,” he announced, producing a half drank pint of cheap vodka.”
“That’s not mine. I don’t even drink vodka. You..you put that there..I’m not.”
‘Hey, Shane, taillight’s busted out too.”
In total disbelief you watched another officer bash the red plastic with his boot.
“What the hell!” you hollered, charging toward the other, leaner built man, “You can’t fucking do that…”
Grabbing your elbow, Shane swung you back, jerking you off your feet.
You stumbled, arms pinwheeling.
You bumped into him, knocking his hat to the ground.
“Woah, woah, Sweetheart, now that’s assaulting a police officer.”
He placed one steel cuff on your wrist, tugging the other behind your back.
Twisting, you wrested your arm free.
Shane slammed you face first onto the hood of your car.
Wrenching your arm, he secured it in the cuffs.
Hauling you up he snickered.
“Guess we’re adding resisting arrest to the list.”
He paused, eyes crawling along your form.
“Unless you want to work out a little private restitution.”
“Are you fucking kidding me,” you laughed, “What? You can’t get a piece of ass like a normal guy? Let me guess? Can’t get it up? Two pump chump? Or..”
“Ought to be polite to a man with a gun.”
Shane’s partner pressed the gun barrel to your temple.
“Only common sense.”
“Oh shit,” you rasped, “yeah, okay, what..whatever you want.”
Shane unzipped his pants, stroking his cock.
“On your knees.”
You knelt down as best you could.
“Doesn’t she look pretty like this Rick?” he called to his friend.
 “Open wide. Let’s see if you suck dick as good as you mouth off.”
Gun still aimed at your head, your mouth fell open.
Shane gripped the back of your head.
Viciously, he shoved his cock to the hilt, your nose nestling in his pubic hair.
You gagged, trying to draw back but he was too strong. 
Holding you steady he languidly fucked your throat, his cock cutting off your air.
Tears poured down your cheeks.
“Maybe next time you’ll show a little respect Darlin’”
Time stood still.
Shane rammed his cock down your throat over and over and over again, both hands keeping you in place.
Eventually he came, warm, sticky cum filling your mouth.
Finished, he pushed you away.
He bent down to your level.
“That wasn’t so bad now was…”
You spit on him, mixed saliva and cum dripping from his chin.
“You’re done!” you shrieked, “Both of you! I’ll own the fucking Cook County Sheriff’s when I’m through! You limp dick bastards won’t be able to….”
You reeled from Rick’s backhanded slap.
“I don’t think she’s learned her lesson yet, brother.”
Shane wiped his face.
“I guess we’ll just have to keep teaching.”
Tugging you to your feet, Rick threw you on the hood, upper body jarring from the impact, cheek thumping the cold metal.
He tore off your boots then ripped your jeans and underwear off, kicking your legs apart.
“Don’t touch me, you fucking piece of shit!” you bellowed.
Shane stuffed your thong in your mouth, ending your tirade, his hand splayed between your shoulder blades, pining you to the hood.
“You talk to fucking much,” he snarled.
Panic took hold when you felt Rick’s cock brush against your slit.
Rick spit on your inner lips.
You screamed behind the gag, your dry cunt unprepared, as he plunged in. 
He was bigger than Shane, your walls straining to accommodate him, every thrust carrying fresh agony.
Rick snapped his hips quicker, zipper chafing your tender skin. 
Sobbing softly, you closed your eyes, vainly wishing this was just a dream.
“Fuck. Haven’t been in a pussy this tight since before I married Lori.”
“Just hurry up, man. I want another turn.”
Your eyes flew open to see Shane palming his newly hardening length.
Rick’s movements became stilted, hips pumping wildly with his orgasm.
Pulling out, he motioned to your prone body.
“Batter up.”
The two men switched places.
Gritting your teeth, you waited.
Instead of Shane’s cock, his fingers gently probed your battered cunt.
You jolted at the swipe of his thumb across your clit.
Deftly he worked you, circling your nub, slick coating his hand.
Shame and disgust gnawed in your brain at your body’s natural reaction.
He draped his large frame over yours.
“You love this, don’t ya.”
You shook your head frantically.
“Knew you would. Way you showed your ass, flashed your tits at Charlie. Damn near gave the old man a stroke.”
Shane applied more pressure, eliciting a series of muffled moans.
“Hear that Rick? Slut loves this.”
Your pelvis rocked against his swirling digits. 
He pinched your clit,sending you over the edge, streaks of lightning fraying your nerves.
Shane wasted no time in slipping inside.
You keened at the intrusion, channel swollen and bruised from Rick.
He left a heated handprint on your ass.
Grasping your hips, he pounded your cunt feverishly, your juices and Rick’s cum easing his way.
All out of tears, you stared into the darkness.
Shane rode you cruelly, your legs growing numb.
His breathing hitched, hips faltering.
He came with a grunt, grinding into you.
Almost tenderly, he released the cuffs, holding you upright, removing the gag.
Trembling, you shimmied your jeans up. 
Nearly catatonic, you barely registered him speaking.
“Listen to me.”
You tried to focus, terrified it wasn’t over.
“Rick and me? We got your ID. We know where you live.”
Blinking, his threat set in.
“You tell anyone, we’ll find you.”
“I..I won’t tell…never tell..” you stammered.
“Good girl.”
The two men sauntered to their cruiser.
“Thanks for your cooperation ma’am,” Shane taunted as they drove away.
 Crawling into the driver’s seat, you clutched your phone. 
“911. What is your emergency?”
“I need,” you sat up straight, “I need to report an assault.”
Shane and Rick were about to find out they had fucked with the wrong woman. 
Authority Song
John Mellencamp
@caffiend-queen @fanfic-fangirl @alexakeyloveloki @americasass81 @lokislastlove @sweeterthanthis @ironlady1993 @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @nildespirandum @jennmurawski13 @gigglingtigger @starynighty @sapphirescrollsv@xsapphirescrollsx @dragon-of-dreams @momc95 @sagechanoafterdark @jtargaryen18 @demonsandpieohmy @toomanykids @lizzystuffsthings @km-ffluv
@sinceimetyou @buckybarnesandmarvel @imdarkinme @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @saiyanprincessswanie @titty-teetee @maroonsunrise83
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darlingshane · 8 months
Bartering 101
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Dark!Shane Walsh x F!Reader
Summary: Shane drives a hard bargain.
Content/Warnings: 18+, Explicit, Dub-Con, BJ, Sexual Coercion, Degradation, Pet Names.
Word Count: 807
— Read below or at AO3.
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A/N: Following AO3's tagging system – I chose not to use certain warnings to avoid spoilers. By clicking 'keep reading' you accept that you're aware of the mature and possibly triggering nature of those themes.
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Shane Walsh is an asshole. That’s a fact. You were warned before knocking on his door, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
You needed to use a radio, and Eugene's was completely on the fritz. So the only alternative was to barter with the ruthless scavenger in the compound who had the only working radio that wouldn’t be intercepted by The Commonwealth.
“Save those for another time, sweetheart,” he waved off the ammo box you brought, rubbed a palm on his buzzed head before throwing back a glass of bourbon.
“But Dixon said-”
“Don't care about what Dixon said,” after placing the glass down on the table, he rolled the sleeves of his shirt. “My radio, my rules.”
“What do you want then?”
His lips curled into a vicious smile while his hands moved to unbuckle his belt, “your mouth.”
“That's ridiculous, Walsh. That wasn't the deal.”
“Like I said, my radio, my rules. Tell me, sweetheart, how bad do you need to use it?”
“Not that badly,” you scoffed, throwing the ammo back into your bag.
“Are you sure?” He sauntered in your direction with his fly half undone, forcing you to back up until your back touched the wall.
His hands braced the wall on either side of your head, caging you, as you gulped down the lump lodged in your throat and let the bag in your hand thud on the floor.
He licked his like lips, tilted his head to the side while you took a moment to consider whether it was worth it to accept his disgusting offer. The truth was that you really needed to make contact with your friends that traveled outside the walls. You had information that could save their lives, and couldn't leave his fucking apartment without using the damn radio.
For a second, you entertained the idea of picking up the knife in your belt, shoving it in his neck and letting him bleed out before dragging him out to the woods at night. But Shane Walsh didn’t mess around. No matter how skilled you thought you were, he had the upper hand and wouldn’t hesitate on crushing you like a bug before you could draw your blade.
“I work at the hospital, I could get you pills. The good kind.” You tried one more time.
“Uh-uh, I already have my eyes on something else,” He cupped your chin using his thumb to tug on our lower lip. “C’mon, I’ll make it quick, sweetheart. I promise.”
Swallowing your pride, you let your back slide along the wall until you were down on your knees.
“Attagirl. I knew you couldn't say no to a cock with lips like those.”
“Go to hell,” you gritted between teeth as he whipped out his half hard erection in front of your face and waved it like a flag.
“Already there,” Shane scoffed, pumping his hardness a couple of times before haphazardly shoving it into your mouth without a warning.
His bulbous head was already wet when it pried your lips open. It immediately made you sick to your stomach when it touched the plane of your tongue.
You had to remind yourself that it was for a greater good to keep your jaw slacked instead of biting his thing off.
“Hey! Make a fucking effort here, or there'll be no radio,” he scolded, grabbing harshly on your chin.
You inhaled deeply, wrapped your lips tighter around him, and bobbed your head for his pleasure. He grew firmer as you did, and you tried not to gag when his head grazed the back of your throat.
“That's it. That's the stuff,” he lewdly grunted, looking down on you, pushing his fingers in the hollow of your cheeks. “Good God, look at you. You're such a little whore.”
Admittedly, being degraded in the right situations always turned you on. In a case like this, you hoped it wouldn't happen. You tried your best to keep your composure, but for whatever fucking reason your body wasn’t immune to his power play, and soon you started feeling that tingle that brought some wetness between your legs.
You hated that.
Digging your nails on your thighs, you squeezed your eyes shut and tried not to focus on your own arousal but his. You could tell how much he loved it by the lascivious taunts, and those swollen, throbbing veins that pulsed hard between your lips.
“Oh, Jesus Christ! Keep your head still, sweetheart, I wanna fuck your mouth now,” he gripped at your hair, and kept the back of your head pressed against the wall as his hips started pushing relentlessly into your mouth as deep they could. That time made you gag. He didn’t care, he kept going. Forced his load deep in your throat and didn’t pull back until you swallowed every drop.
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danineedsanap · 1 year
I need all my Daryl Dixon girlies to remember that, at the very least he USED to, POSSIBLY STILL DOES, believe he saw a real Chupacabra.
That’s it
That’s the post
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bobbyseyesmile · 1 year
Attitude | Part 2
Summary: You learned your lesson to never run your mouth again. Or so Shane thought.
A/N: This is literally pure filth ok? And I love it. Also anal sex isn't as easy as it's portrayed in smut, pls don't forget that. This is purely fictional. Never ever have anal sex without proper preparation. also the lovely @angel-litter inspired me to write a third part so yeah, there’s more Shane coming ya way!
Characters: Dark!ShaneWalsh x Reader
Word count: 4k (sorry not sorry)
WARNINGS: age gap (reader is 18+) / explicit sexual content as in anal, oral (F receiving), swearing Trigger warning: dub-con | 18+ 🔞 MINORS DNI below the cut! 🔞
➻ Part 1 [M]
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Weeks had passed and Shane couldn’t have been happier: Rick finally agreed to clean the barn from the walkers, everyone learned how to handle their guns properly and some of them, like Andrea, were actually pretty good shooters. It was good to have trained people around in case of an emergency.
And, of course, there where you; currently the most well-behaved angel there could have been. After the lesson Shane taught you a few weeks ago you barely looked in his direction, did everything when someone asked you to do it and remained quiet. Not one snarly remark or side-glance. So yeah, life’s been pretty good lately, or as good as it could be in this shitshow of world they lived in.
“Y/N?” your mother called and you turned around to see her standing at the porch of the white farmhouse. She just found out that she was pregnant and now her and your dad slept inside the house instead of the tent. You stayed back, happy to have some privacy for yourself as your mother got on your nerves more than ever. You were sure it was Shane’s child, everyone probably knew, even Rick.
Lori waved her hand to get your attention and you yelled a quick “Be right there” before she disappeared inside the house again. When she was out of your sight you let out an annoyed groan and rolled your eyes but as soon as you turned your head you saw Shane leaning against the RV, his arms crossed in front of his broad chest and he cocked an eyebrow when he noticed your disrespectful behavior. You gulped and quickly finished your chore before sprinting towards the house.
You did a good job avoiding him, too afraid he would keep his promise of teaching you another lesson. Even though you never experienced Shane like that before and the whole incidence was disturbing, to say the least, there was something that had changed; the way you looked at him from now on. Was he always that well-built? Did the veins on his arms and hands always pop out as soon as they were physically strained? And whenever he spoke, didn’t matter the words, you felt a slight tingle in your stomach area.
Disgusted with yourself you shook your head to organize your thoughts before facing your mom in the kitchen. “Yes, mom?” you asked and she turned around. “Baby, could you please gather everyone for dinner? Your father and Glenn are still on their supply run but I figured you could go with Shane to look for them, it’s getting dark.”
You stepped from one foot to another and rubbed the back of your head. “Why can’t Daryl go?” Lori noticed the reluctance in your voice but she just figured you were in a bad mood, typical for a young person.
“Because-“ she continued to chop the vegetables “Daryl’s still recovering from his wound and shouldn’t strain himself for another few days.”
Oh yeah, you forgot… He fell from a horse and put an arrow through his shoulder. A snort escaped you as you remembered when he told you what happened, you felt bad for him, you really did, it was still kinda funny to imagining the Daryl Dixon falling off a horse.
“Okay but I don’t think Shane’s going to like the idea of another two people going out after dark…” you tried once again and saw as she stopped in her motion. “It’s your father, Y/N.”
She couldn’t see it so you rolled your eyes once again. Sure, the man you cheated on and got pregnant by his best friend. Mother and wife of the year…
“Fine-“ you sighed “I’ll ask Shane.”
The mere thought of being alone with him again made your stomach turn. He acted like nothing ever happened except giving you here and there a warning glance before returning to his old self. Asshole…
“Shane?” you said when you walked towards the open RV and heard a grunt from within. You stopped in front of the open door not wanting to be alone with him in such small space once again. “You in there?”
“Yeah.” Seconds later he appeared in front of you, his blue shirt unbuttoned and you quickly licked your lips when you stared at his exposed abs. “What is it?” he asked impatiently when he noticed your stare. Your eyes fluttered shut before looking up to meet his. “Uhm… Lori wants us to go look for dad and Glenn.”
“Thought I told ya not to call her Lori, didn’t I? She’s your mother.” You withheld the urge to roll your eyes at him and gulped to suppress the anger pooling in your stomach. You’re not my fucking father and I also fucking hate you, you thought to yourself but none of those words went over your lips. You just nodded and asked a small “So?” instead.
“Yeah, lets go.” He sighed before grabbing his gun and walking towards the car. ”Got ya gun?” you replied with a bored “Hmmm” but flinched when Shane suddenly stopped to face you.
“Use your damn words, girl. What are ya, five?” he grunted and grabbed the gun from behind your pants. “And I fricking told ya to put it in the holster, not your goddamn pants, you know what could happen if it goes off?”
“As if you cared…” you mumbled but bit your lips when you saw his annoyed expression. “Shut it, I don’t have time for your hormonal whining, this is grown up business. If ya can’t handle it then go back inside and chop some veggies with the others and I’ll go alone.”
Shane studied your face and saw the tears forming in your eyes but he simply couldn’t care, this was life and death and not prom and Friday-pizza-nights or whatever shit ran through your mind. He need to keep you safe and alive; he didn’t matter if you hated him for it. “I got it.” You answered through clenched teeth and he stared another five second at your before finally giving the gun back and getting into the car. You took a deep breath and tried to remain as calm as possible but the truth was, your blood was boiling.
You drove only for about ten minutes before you ran into your father and Glenn as they were on their way home. Rick gave Shane a small nod and Shane turned the car to drive back to the farm. You let out a small sigh and were glad when Shane didn’t notice it but your eyes kept staring at his fingers around the steering wheel; the same fingers which painfully grabbed your hair and kept your head in place as he fucked your face.
Shane noticed your glance and turned his head to meet your eyes; you didn’t look away but continued to stare at him like a doe that got caught in spotlight. He couldn’t make sense of your behavior towards him; some days you seemed almost scared and avoided him completely (just as he thought you would react after what he did) and other days you practically couldn’t get enough of him, always staring or biting your lip whenever he caught you. Only thing missing was the drool coming from your mouth.
“Want a picture? It last’s longer, princess.” He snorted and as soon as you saw the smirk around his lips you quickly looked away. “Shut up-“ you mumbled embarrassed and tried to hide your reddened cheek from his sight.
“Aw come on, ‘was just joking, don’t be like that.” He laughed and tried to poke your side. “Stop!” you squeaked and swatted his hand away which made him chuckle even more.
“You’re actually pretty cute when you’re not a bitch, ya know.” Your head snapped towards him and he grinned when he saw your angered expression. “You have no idea what I’m like when I decide to be a bitch.” You spat and made him snort in return.
“Actually, I caught a glimpse of her a few weeks back but strangely she’d never appeared again. Hm, don’t know why.” You felt the heat in your face and ears as he nonchalantly hinted on the incident in the RV and held back from striking the back of his head, he probably would have killed you right then and there. Shane notice the way you clenched your fist in a pathetic attempt to hide your anger.
“I think you should stop or else I’m going to tell my dad.” You said calmly before quickly exiting the car as soon as he stopped at the farm. Shane watched as you slammed the door shut and took fast and long strides towards the house, probably too afraid of his reaction. Coward, he thought and got out of the car as well.
“What happened?” Rick asked and turned to look after his daughter who seemed aggravated.
“Ah, you know. Probably that time of the month.” Shane answered calmly and his best friend nodded in return. “I heard that women adjust their cycles if they live together long enough.” Glenn mumbled and earned himself some looks from the older men. “What?”
“Ya know, boy-“ Shane spoke and put an arm around the younger one “You’re so lucky that you’re one of the last fellows around and Maggie likes you.” Glenn raised his eyebrows and Rick laughed in return as the walked towards the house to finally eat dinner.
Everyone sat around the huge table and chattered to their hearts content except you who only picked in the food on your plate. Shane sat across from you and gave your knee a soft kick under the table. You looked up and he mouthed a silent “Stop that” signaling you to behave and to eat your food like a normal person.
“Bite me.” You whispered back but it was loud enough for your mother to hear. “Y/N! I don’t want you to talk to anyone like that. Apologize.”
“I’m not a kid anymore, mom. I apologize if I want to.” You answered and an uneasy silence spread in the room. “Y/N…” Rick spoke softly and your expression turned soft. “But dad, it’s true. I’m so sick and tired of her treating me like a child!”
“Yes, I know, honey but-“ your fathers soft spoken words were cut off by Shane’s harsh ones: “Then maybe act like your age instead of a bratty and whiny little kid.”
You turned around and gave him an infuriated look. “Excuse me but this is family business and you are not family, okay? Just because you fucked and impregnated my mother doesn’t make you family so back off!” The last words came out louder than you intended to but it felt so good to finally acknowledge the elephant in the room. You saw the hurt in your fathers eyes but it was time for him to learn that literally everybody knew. “Don’t gimme that look, dad. Everyone knows. We all knew way before you came back to us… I caught them in the woods a few times.”
“That’s enough, Y/N!” Lori suddenly yelled and you cocked an eyebrow. “That’s something we can agree on, mom.” You spat back before slamming the fork on the table and walking out the door, towards your tent.
You set up your camp inside the barn, it would be your retreat for the night, also it had a good outlook in case of some unwelcome guests. You were a pretty good sniper and were sure you could handle some walkers wandering around in the open field if they decided to come to close to the farm. Neither one of your parents tried talking to you after what happened at the dinner table and you were glad to be alone; all the rage still inside your guts.
You nestled inside the hay and closed your eyes after checking your surroundings one last time soon afterwards falling into a deep slumbers. Your precious sleep was disturbed as soon as you heard rustling noises outside the barn and the hand that grabbed the gun was immediately in position to put a bullet between two walker eyes if necessary. “Daryl?” you whispered because you remembered that he sometimes wandered around to check the areal but there was no answer. “Hello?” you asked once again and looked outside but everything was quiet. Maybe it was just the wind or some animal you thought and as soon as you turned around a giant hand grabbed you from behind, firmly pressed against your mouth to silence the scream inside your throat. You frantically tried to free yourself and remembered the gun in your hand but it was quickly taken from you.
“Sh-“ you suddenly heard and relaxed a little bit as you recognized Shane’s voice. The relaxation wasn’t long-lasting when you stared into dark pupils, his lips slightly agape and his right hand still grabbed the back of your head as his other hand kept your mouth shut. Shane saw the shift in your eyes; first there was the relief to recognize a familiar face but when your brain finally processed it, he could see the sheer fear in your eyes and honestly? He lived for it.
 “Just came to talk-“ he mumbled softly. Too softly. You gulped and blinked a few times, trying to come up with a plan; a way out of here but Shane knew exactly what you were thinking about and smirked. “Oh, princess, don’t be afraid-“ he spoke with false concern, his voice still as soft and smooth as butter but the grip of his fingers told you otherwise. Shane slightly moved his hand over you mouth when you started mumbling. “Hm, what was that?”
“I-I’m going to scream, Shane, if you’re-“ your words were cut off by his huge hand, once again firmly pressed over your mouth. There was a glimmer in his eyes and it made your stomach turn as he bend down, his lips softly hovering over your ear as he said:
“Oh, I know you will.”
Shane turned you around so your back was against his stone hard chest; while the hand over your mouth never left its spot his other arm wrapped around your frame like a boa constrictor pulling you harshly against him. A small whimper escaped your throat and Shane stopped in his tracks. “Was that a fucking moan I heard?” You reluctantly shook your head but he knew better, your body reacting almost on its own as it melted against his own. “Look at you, pressing your little ass against my dick, you fucking want this, huh? Where you a little bitch because you wanted me to fuck you?”
This time you didn’t shook your head nor nodded; truth was, you were confused on what you wanted. Your feelings for Shane were mostly pure hate but his body was to die for.
“Fucking answer me-“ he growled next to your ear and you immediately shook your head; no, you didn’t do it on purpose, he was the one that went too far meddling in your family business. You just told him, simply as that. “Bet you thought I wouldn’t repeat what I did to you before, bet you thought you were safe…” you felt his lips against your neck and closed your eyes. “But I also bet you liked sucking my dick. Tell me, how many nights were you lying awake playing with yourself wishing it was me?”
You remained quiet as you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction that he was absolutely right. Shane removed the hand over your mouth but grabbed your hips instead. You slightly turned your head to look towards the big barn door, trying to calculate if you could be fast enough to run but he just chuckled. “Come on, try running. I’m just going to fuck you in the grass so everyone in their tents can hear you.”
That was something you definitely didn’t want, inside the barn there was at least some privacy. Your thoughts were interrupted as you felt Shane’s hand reaching inside your jeans, slipping inside your panties and your breath hitched. Maybe this wasn’t so bad, you were hot for him after all and something told you that Shane wanted you as well, not only to teach you a lesson but because he had it as bad for you as you had it for him.
Shane felt your body relax as his fingers dipped into your already wet folds, giving your clit a lazy swirl making you moan in the process. “Shit, you’re such a little whore for me.” Your head nodded on its own as you rocked your hips against his fingers, relishing in the fact that Shane actually touched you.
Your breath was suddenly squeezed from your lungs as he harshly pushed you onto a nearby table, bending you over. “Shane-“ you gasped and heard him hum in return. Shane quickly pulled your jeans and panties down and stared at your small ass; it was pure perfection to his eyes. Art. Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt the rough skin of his fingertips on your sensitive skin, softly caressing and kneading the flesh in is hands. “So perfect.” He leaned over you and gave you a small kiss in your cheek making your heart melt in return; it wasn’t only hate you felt for the older man, the butterflies in your stomach made that pretty obvious.
The first slap on your ass took you completely by surprise and you let out a small shriek. There was a short pause before his hand curled around your neck, pushing your face deeper into the surface while he gave one harsh slap after another. You tried to scream but could barely breath, your fingers clawing into the wood beneath you desperately trying to hold onto something for support. Tears formed in your eyes and ran over your heated cheeks as Shane continued to abuse your already sore behind; one slap harder than the other till you were a sobbing mess underneath him.
“Shane, please-“ you managed to breath out but he didn’t care.
“Fucking told you what happens if you run that mouth again, told ya I would come for that sweet ass of yours.” He chuckled and finally stopped the abuse of your behind. He softly caressed the reddened and swollen skin, helping you relax a little bit. Your eyes were shut with tears still escaping as you silently cried. You were sure he would continue any moment but instead Shane kneeled down, spreading your cheeks and buried his face against your dripping cunt.
You gasped once again as you felt his tongue down there, turning you into a writhing mess. Shane licked, sucked and tongue-fucked your sex as he continued to merciless eat you out. “Fuck, Shane…” you moaned and felt him hum, the vibration sending shivers down your spine. It was almost too much; your ass that hurt like hell, his stubbly chin against your sex but his tongue that felt like heaven giving you a bittersweet experience you never felt before.
Shane could tell you were close as your hips began to quiver and your moans became more intense. His lips found your clit and gave it a strong suck as you came all over his face. He continued to eat you out even when you tried to get away from him but his fingers dug into your hips holding you into place.
You let out a relieved sigh when he finally let go. You couldn’t see it but Shane’s face was covered in your juices, making him lick his lips. “You taste so good, princess, almost came into my pants.” You tried to get up but Shane pushed you down, his hand resting on your back. “Oh, baby… we’re not done.”
“Shane?” you asked as you heard rustling noises as if he undressed himself all while holding you into place against the wooden table. Was he still going to fuck you? Was this really the night you’d lose your virginity?
You felt as he pulled his rock-hard member out of its fabric prison before poking it against your entrance but he didn’t enter yet, not before sliding it a few times through your throbbing pussy to gather enough slick. “Shane-“ you whined once again and heard him grunt in return. “Please-“
Just as your body started to relax his cock was suddenly gone from your throbbing entrance and positioned at your asshole. Your eyes widened in shock as realization hit you; he would fuck your ass.   “Shane, what are you doing?!” You asked panicked and felt the weight of his body on your own. “Teaching you another lesson. But this time you’ll remember for sure…”
You wanted to protest, to push him away as you were definitely not ready to take it there.
“Shane, wait, I never-“ His member slowly pushed into the tight ring of muscle as he covered your moth once again, this time to mask your screams for sure. His fingers found your clit as he drew circles over the still sensitive nub from your previous orgasm. “Fucking shit, so tight-“ he growled and your nails dug into the wood once again, this time you were sure it made you bleed. It took a few soft thrusts before the pain turned tolerable. Shane pulled slightly back before delivering a harsh thrust that knocked the air out of your lungs.
His cock entered you with such a force it literally threw your forward and your feet lost contact with the floor. You tried to grab something but your body just didn’t obey, your brain in a foggy haze as he kept fucking in you from behind.    
“Shit; how can it be so fucking tight?” he groaned and his fingers dug into the soft skin at your hips. It would leave marks; you were sure but couldn’t care less for now. With every harsh thrust his balls slapped against your throbbing clit making you close your eyes in pure bliss. You weren’t even sure how it was possible for him to be this deep inside you; his length made it seem impossible but your body proved you wrong as your hungry hole swallowed him; the grip around his dick so intense Shane felt his own release approaching.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your mouth hung open for a silent cry, drool dripping down your chin and neck and for Shane it was the most beautiful sight; there you were, a drooling, moaning and writhing mess as he fucked your tight virgin hole. Your orgasm washed over you in intense waves; blood rushing in your ears as you came all over his dick. “Fuck!” Shane closed his eyes as well before his grip on your waist increased, threatening to break you in half as he fucked you through both of your highs. He gave one final thrust before he came hot and heavy, painting your insides white.
You didn’t know how long you stayed like this; heavy panting as Shane’s fingers still dug into your skin, his cock turning slowly soft. Shane pulled out and licked his lips as he saw his own cum dripping out of your ass and down your legs. Your legs felt like Jello and if it wasn’t for Shane, you surely would have collapsed. Shane bend down to give you an intense kiss, his teeth colliding with your own as his tongue dominated your mouth. You let it happen while your hands rested against his chest.
As he pulled away you let out a small whine and he smirked. “Hope ya learned your lesson.”
“Well…” you cleared your throat, voice all raspy. “Just because I made you cum doesn’t mean it wasn’t a lesson, ya know.” He spoke firmly but there was a hint of a smirk around his lips.
“Besides… you won’t be sitting for at least a week.”
You’ll only find my work posted here and and on my AO3 blog. I don’t give consent for my work to be re-posted (in any language) onto any other platform, even if it is with credit. Thank you.
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anna-hawk · 1 year
Shane Walsh + “weakness”
Erm… I think that you might have expected something different from me with this, but my brain thought, let's do some heavy angst tonight 😬. It's written through Shane's PoV, but Reader clearly has canon typical dark thoughts, even if only suggested. It obviously has a good ending (you know me), but yeah…
Send me a character or ship + a title (I'll try making it more light-hearted)
Weakness… Shane had decided to never let that word apply to him ever again after leaving the Greene farm. Not after Lori, not after Carl… And especially not after Rick.
But then he met you. You were everything he wasn't character wise; silent and always remaining in the background, watching while the leaders of the small settlement Shane had come across talked, planned and organized. You weren't weak, however, didn't ask for or needed help. Never defenseless. And Shane found himself unable to tear his eyes away from you whenever you were in his line of sight.
Given his curious attraction to you, Shane might have tried coming on to you at any other time. He didn't. He had always been someone to go with what his gut was telling him, but after the so-called end of the world happened, he'd listened to it all the more. Even if it had cost him a lot over time.
With you, he knew that there was something… else.
You'd talked a few times over the weeks since he'd joined your group, but you hadn't revealed much about yourself. Something he couldn't fault you for, since he was just as reluctant to go into details about how he'd come to this place. You didn't speak a lot, but you weren't meek. You spoke your mind when asked, and never shied away from eye contact.
After the first two weeks, he'd realized that while all the houses in the fortified abandoned town the group lived in were shared by at least two people, you lived on your own. Even Shane had been offered a room in one of the leaders' homes. To him, this meant that your isolation was by choice. Your choice.
As your house was sitting across from his, his bedroom window looking into the street you shared, on the nights Shane wasn't on patrol, he often sat by the window and waited for you to leave your house. He'd noticed that as well. If you weren't standing watch over the town, you still left every night. Without fail. He'd been tempted to follow you out of sheer curiosity, at first, but he'd refrained himself from doing so. It wasn't any of his business, after all.
Over a month after watching you repeat the same pattern day in and day out, what ended up breaking Shane's resolve to not follow you was that you started coming back home later and later. At first, you'd leave for an hour before coming back, but now it was in the middle of the night, or even at dawn. He watched you every day, eyes tired, face drawn, but still efficient in your duties. His jaw worked as his gut screamed at him to find out what was going on. He'd tried casually asking other people about you, but while they had only kind things to say about you, their smiles were sad, although, they didn't say more. No one seemed to have noticed what you were doing, however.
That night, Shane stood hidden in the shadows of his house as he waited for you to make your exit. Sure enough, you left your home and turned the corner at the end of the road. Shane knew that it lead to the back of the town, where there was a small park. He followed you from far enough away that he was sure that you couldn't hear his steps, and watched as you reached the tall, broad wall that served as protection and went around the whole town. Shane had been impressed by the giant structure on the day he'd arrived, and it hadn't failed the group so far. His eyebrows jumped up his forehead as he saw you climb the wall, but instead of standing on it like when on watch, you moved off the other side and out of sight. He wasn't too worried since there was a fence surrounding the wall and putting you out of any walker's reach, but people usually didn't walk along the ground between the fence and the wall. With his brow now furrowed, Shane quietly climbed after you while making sure to keep his movements as silent as possible until he caught sight of you again. Which was only a few seconds later once Shane reached the top, crossed to the other side and looked down the wall. You were standing several feet below him, next to the ladder you'd used to get down there, your back resting against the wall, arms at your sides and looking into the darkness. Staying where he was, Shane could hear the shifting of walkers stumbling around. After a long time, the light of the full moon gave him enough vision to see one of the walkers notice you and approach the fence with a low rasping sound. You didn't move as the creature started pushing against the fence, the metal so thick that it barely moved at all. After another minute, you pushed off the wall and walked straight to the walker. Shane's breath caught as the walker's fingers grazed your chest as it tried, unsuccessfully, to get its hand through the small holes. You stayed in front of the walker, unmoving, as it kept pushing against the fence and snarled every now and then. As you lifted a hand and pressed it against the metal, Shane finally moved as he realized what you'd been trying – hoping – to do all this time by coming here. His legs swung onto the ladder, and he let himself slide down the sides, his palms burning from the quick descend. Your face snapped to where he landed, but with the moon shining onto your other side, Shane couldn't make out your features.
“Don't,” he spoke in a low rasp, while his fingers gently curled around your wrist and pulled it away from the fence.
Your fingers formed into a fist, and Shane thought that you were going to hit him, but you only hung there, neither moving further nor speaking. You didn't have to for Shane to know, anyway. Facing the fence again, as the walker rattled the fence, the moon light revealed your glistening cheeks.
“I'm tired, Shane,” you breathed, and Shane knew you weren't only talking about the lack of sleep.
“I know.”
Because he really did. His family might not be dead, but he'd lost it all the same. Giving up had sometimes sounded like the easiest thing to do.
You looked back at him, and while he couldn't see your expression anymore, he knew you were observing him intently, looking for something. He kept his gaze unflinching, until you nodded the tiniest bit and sagged against him. His arms immediately went around you to pull you closer.
As he climbed the wall after you and pulled the ladder up, Shane knew, as he followed you into your home, that you'd become his last weakness without him realizing it. Curling around you on the bed, both of you still fully dressed, Shane found that, for once, he couldn't begin to mind.
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intoxicated-chan · 4 months
❝𝐉𝐔𝐃𝐀𝐒❞ ↳ 𝐃. 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧
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Inspired by “Judas” by Lady Gaga // Best viewed in Dark Mode
You were part of the tight-knit group that consisted of you, Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, and Shane Walsh. The married couple made a bet if you and Shane would end up together, they both knew Shane liked you, and you would say you were interested but not really.
Yet you felt like something was missing, you found the idea of being with Shane depressing. If it wasn’t for Andrea and Amy dragging you to a bar, you never would’ve met the man that flipped your life around. The man in the black leather jacket with the name JUDAS printed on the back.
Daryl ‘Judas’ Dixon…
Paring ➳ Biker!Daryl Dixon x F!Reader
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Content Warnings ➳ Female Reader, MODERN AU/NO OUTBREAK, age-gap (Reader’s in late twenties, Daryl early forties), terribly written smut, violence, swearing, toxic relationships, mentions of marriage, mentions of having children…
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CHAPTERS ↓ Tumblr Only
All of the titles are lyrics to Lady Gaga songs!
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 ║ ❝𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐈𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐞❞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 ║ ❝𝐘𝐨𝐮❜𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭❞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 ║ ❝𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐩 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐮𝐭❞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 ║ ❝𝐖𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐧 𝐚 𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧❞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 ║ ❝𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐈𝐭 𝐁𝐚𝐝, 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞❞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 ║ ❝𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐇𝐞❜𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝❞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕 ║ ❝𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡❞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 ║ ❝𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐡❞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗 ║ ❝𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧❜𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞❞ (Coming soon!!)
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission. None of the photos used belong to me! Credits to @cafekitsune and @benkeibear for the dividers. I use it all the time.
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chellestrash · 4 months
A long road ahead
Shane Walsh x Female!Reader
summary: bored in the car with your boyfriend you decide to make the drive a bit more fun for both of you. warnings: pet names, explicit language, explicit content, teasing, exhibitionism, masturbation, oral sex, unprotected sex, car sex, pure smut, not much plot to it word count: 2.2k a/n: i literally got the idea and then sat down and wrote it in like the same day? Had to get it out of the system before I work on some bigger projects, hope you'll enjoy it!
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You watch the not so well, lit road from the passenger's seat of your car while Shane drives you both to a little party at one of your old friend's place, a couple of cities over. It's not a short drive, but you figured it won't be too bad on a Friday evening, and you quickly realize your assumption was correct. It's not bad, but it is boring, the road is long, and you start to get bored...quickly.
You turn to your boyfriend, watching as he skips through the radio station for a bit before setting on something that seemed semi familiar to both of you. He clears his throat, tilting his head to the side, as he goes back to watching the road in front of him. Your eyes linger on his arms for a bit, the fabric of his t-shirt tight around his bicep as he grips the steering wheel after changing the gear. You trace your eyes down his body, from his rough side profile, over that pretty neck, down to his broad shoulders, his chest and the down and down and lower until you stop right between his legs. 
Your mind wanders, pretty quickly finding its way back to yours and Shane's favorite ways of passing the time together, and you suck your lower lip in between your teeth.
Watching him for another moment, with your mind occupied by the memories of his body, your hand slowly finds it way under your dress and make up your mind the second your boyfriend's voice brings you back to him.
“You okay?”
He asks, eyebrows pulled together as he turns from the road to you and back to the road again. 
You answer quickly, and he glances over at you again, scrunching his nose up slightly as he does his best to figure out if you mean it or not.
“You sure?”
“I'm fine, Shane, watch the road.”
You instruct him, and he does as he's told. After turning to face the window on your side of the car, you prop your head in your palm and watch the dark buildings pass by behind the glass. It doesn't take more than a couple of minutes for your brain to wander back into the place Shane managed to, oh so effortlessly, pull you out off. 
Rubbing your thumb over your thigh, you slowly move your palm higher and higher up your leg before pushing it under the fabric of your dress. 
“What are-”
Shane starts, catching your hand move out the corner of his eye, but chokes on his own words once he turns his head to look at you, his eyes immediately falling between your legs. His jaw drops, eyes widen when he registers the subtle movements of your hand under the fabric, and you take this opportunity to make the ride a bit more interesting for both of you. Lifting your ass up from the seat, you quickly pull your black panties down, opening your legs slightly to allow them to fall onto the floor of the car. 
He curses, dropping his hand to the now, growing bulge in his jeans, doing his best to keep the car in the right lane without looking at the road too much.
“Wait- wait wait wait - fuck what-”
He tries, but you speak over him.
“I'm sooooo fucking bored, Walsh.”
You tease him with a whine, pulling the dress up just enough for him to catch the glimpse of your pussy before finally touching yourself properly.
Humming, satisfied with the sensation, you rub your fingers over your center for a moment before spreading your legs open some more to focus on the clit. 
“Shane! The road!”
You point out after a moment, realizing he probably didn't look away from you since the panties brushed over your ankles. He doesn't listen, reaching his hand over to your side, trying to touch you.
You push his hand away, and nod towards the road in front of the car.
“Walsh! You want me to call the cops on you? Watch the damn road!"
You warn, hand never slipping away from your center as you address him directly.
“God- fuck-, god damn it!”
He huffs, slamming his hand into the steering wheel, frustrated as he focuses back on not causing a major car wreck before reaching over and pushing your hand away from your pussy. 
“Don't fucking do that then.”
He warns you, and you give him a shocked smirk.
You push your hips forward, the hand immediately back between your legs.
"Hey! What'd I just say, what-"
Shane glances between you and the road, trying to focus on both things at once, but you won't let him win.
"What'd i say?!"
He warns, harsh, loud voice fills the car but, you know him, it doesn't work on you.
Propping your knee on the ledge by the window, you spread your legs open even more, making sure to turn in his direction slightly, wanting him to get the best view possible. 
“Oh, I don't know...didn't hear you."
You point out as you continue to rub your fingers over your clit, feeling the warmth between your legs growing more and more the more you touched yourself, but most likely the more he watched you do it. It wasn't the first time you did shit of this sort in the car, but it was the first time you decided to not let touch you, at least not yet. You wanted to tease and get to him, and that's exactly what you wear doing. Judging by the now, completely hard cock staining against the fabric of his jeans, you deserved some praise. 
You moan theatrically, earning yourself another “made you look" point before, he glares into the mirror and onto the side of the road.
“I'm pulling over-.”
You protest.
"Yeah, you think I'm gonna listen to you now?"
He mumbles, eyebrow raised as he glares at you and into the mirror again.
"Think I'm gonna-"
“You pull over, I'll stop. You got that?”
He turns to you quickly one more time, and you know if looks could kill, Shane Walsh would be a murdered right now. 
“You're on- real thin ice right now, you know that-”
He warns you, but you manage to cut him off yet again, the wet sounds of your fingers slipping inside you cuts off any sort of communication between his brain and his lips.
You watch the way his knuckles turn white against the steering wheel as you continue to do to yourself, what he wishes he was doing right now, when the car suddenly stops.
The intersection feels like a gift from God when the red light forces him to stop the truck.
Fighting with the buckle of his belt with one hand, he undoes the seatbelt and leans over to your side of the car before ducking down, between your legs. You slip your fingers out and lift your hips up slightly to make it easier while he grunts into you. Your mouth falls open and eyes shut tight when you feel his tongue press hard against your sensitive clit. 
“Oh shit- oh shit.”
You push his head harder against you, the short, buzzed hair prickling your palm while he hums loudly, licking up your slick. Digging your nails into his back, you attempt to pull him even closer, feeling the climax building up deep under your bellybutton. You don’t even dare to think about it too much, but to be completely honest, you’re pretty sure, despite the late hour, if someone looked at the car even for a moment, they’d figure out what was going on. 
You half gasp, half moan when the green hue of the streetlight snaps you out of the pleasant moment.
“Fuck- Shane!”
Taping the side of his head with your hand, you attempt to get his attention, but he only lifts his head up once the car behind you hooks impatient.
He pushes his head up, whipping his mouth with the back of his hand quickly before doing his best to frantically get the car in gear before stepping on the gas. Your slick shines on his lips in the lights of the streetlamps while he speeds down the main road, pushing his hand into his boxers at the same time. You watch the fabric move as he strokes his cock again and again and again, biting into your lower lip at the site
“Pull over.”
You finally get the words out, feeling way too close to stop now, but not wanting to come without him. 
“I'm fuckin- tryin-”
He almost shouts now, glancing around the car's surroundings.
You warn, and he catches your hips buck up, pussy clenching around nothing, the last straw.
“Fuck- don't, wait, god fucking-”
The car jerks to the side as he cuts through the two lanes and comes to a sudden stop on a small dirt road off the side of the main one. It's, in no way, secluded, not any more than the main road, but neither of you care enough for that fact to stop you. Not at this point.
You pull your hand away from yourself and Shane yanks his jeans and boxers down, his cocks springing out, hard for you already, before he pushes his seat back enough to make room for you.
“Fuck, fuck f- c'mere darlin' c'mon-“
He grabs onto your arm desperately, helping you throw your leg over the middle of the car, and you wait exactly half a second for him to line his cock up with your entrance before taking him in at the same time as he bucks up into you.
“Oh shit- oh shit, god-fuck!”
He curses under his breath as you feel yourself stretching to accommodate to his size. His hands drop to your hips, under the dress, fingers digging into your ass when you begin to ride him, both of you working on the deep thrusts. You throw your arms over his neck, head falling back slightly, your nails on his back again as you feel his cock drag out of you before pushing in, nudging right under your stomach on the inside. 
His lips find yours as the trusts speeds up and so does your breathing. You taste yourself on him and hum into the kiss before he pulls away, pushing his face into your neck with a loud grunt as he feels himself almost falling over the edge now.
“Fuck-fuck- oh shit- “
As his hips speed up even more, he pushes his hand between your bodies, and you feel his fingers on your clit.
A loud moan lets him know they're in the right place, and he scoffs loudly, smiling wide as he watches you fall apart on top of him.
Your climax hits, harder than you've anticipated, definitely harder than what you've expected when you slipped your hand under your dress a couple miles ago, and he lets you ride the high out on his cock before finally letting himself come as well. 
You grip onto his torso as he fucks through your body's post orgasm clenches, listening to the wet sounds filling the car. He grunts, loud, really loud, and you know he's there.
“Ohhhh there he iiiiis. Good boy Walsh!”
You tease immediately after, not really giving him even a second to catch his breath. Resting his forehead against yours, he pants loudly, swallowing hard as he does his best to speak up now.
“Fuck you.”
He mumbles, and you laugh out loud, pressing your lips into his before dragging your hand down his face to clean him up a little bit. 
“Again? You wish”
He scoffs loudly this time, rolling his eyes at your words, before wrapping his arms around your back, pulling you even closer to him.
“Think anyone saw us?”
He asks after you sit in silence for a moment, your body rising and falling with his chest, your fingers scratching the back of his neck gently, his hands on your lower back under the fabric of the dress, thumbs brushing softly over your skin.
You shrug, not really sure if it honestly matters much to you.
“The car behind us at the stop light?”
He laughs loudly, looking off to the side, out the window and back at you.
“Yeah, shit. S'what i though too.”
You breathe out a laugh and shrug your shoulders. 
“Well, if they did, then…lucky them, I guess.”
Shane nods, approving of your answer with a quiet chuckle, and you smile at the sound.
“Lucky them.”
He repeats before sighing loudly.
“Christ…don't know how we didn't fucking crash.”
He mumbles, holding your hand as you stand up and pull off of his cock before falling back onto your seat before he slowly and gently tucks his cock back into him boxers then pulls his jeans up.
“Should we try the party still?”
He asks, watching you lean down to pick something up from the floor.
“Eeeh I don't know.”
You state, not even turning to face him before hanging your lacy black panties over the mirror before turning to face him again.
“Your choice Walsh. We still have a bit to go."
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shagatron · 2 years
Motorcycle Shane-anigans
Summary: Annoying Shane was your favourite thing to do, except this time he exacts his revenge....
Pairing: Shane Walsh x reader
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, public sex, degradation(?), caught in the act
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The day Y/N met Shane Walsh was the day her life changed forever. Whether it changed for better or for worse was still to be determined.
She had been on her own for some time by then, her brother and her best friend having already succumbed to the virus. She had been doing well by herself, relying on the survival skills her late father had taught her and had no plans to ever ally with anyone, content to live out the rest of her days alone.
Originally from Alabama, Y/N had chosen to travel rather than stay in one place, her logic being that she would be less likely to run out of supplies. Eventually, she found herself in Altlanta, Georgia where she came across the ramshackle group of survivors she came to call her family.
Although she hadn't intended on staying long after they had deemed her a non-threat and welcomed her, she was eventually drawn in. Y/N hadn't realised just how much she had missed the warmth and love brought by good company.
Among the group, she had immediately bonded with Glenn and Lori, whereas she had some... issues with other certain people. Namely Shane Walsh. The man infuriated her to her core. The former deputy was a single-minded, fearless man, and although Y/N knew he had the groups best interests at heart, he had a funny fucking way of showing it.
Y/N herself was a headstrong individual and often found herself clashing with Shane and his controlling manner. She had previously been a surgical resident, over halfway in her journey in becoming a registered surgeon. Y/N had saved countless lives, run her own O. R and managed to maintain a relatively healthy work-life balance while doing so, and refused to be ordered around by some random deputy who believed he knew better than her.
The bastard knew what he was doing too. He purposely provoked Y/N, as if he enjoyed making her want to tear her hair out. However, she endured, finding creative ways to get back at him.
On this particular occasion, she had stolen Shane's distinctive knife and popped the tires on Daryl's motorcycle after the two men had had a rather explosive argument, effectively framing Shane.
The following day, after a vigorous fight with Daryl, Shane appeared in front of Y/N, with a dark purple eye, at around mid-day as she organised the small amount of medical equipment they had.
Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of his beaten face, quickly regretting it as he grabbed her by the wrist and marched her to a secluded spot at the edge of the forest that surrounded them.
With camp in the near distance, the only other visible object was Daryl's motorcycle, parked beside a large oak tree. The direction Y/N was being dragged to.
"What the fuck Shane! I was busy, what the hell do you want?", she demanded, attempting to resist as he carried on.
"You think you can get away with this shit?", he questioned, gesturing vaguely to his bruised face. Y/N began to grow apprehensive as her anger began to wear off, hearing the pure rage in Shane's tone.
"What are you going to do? Huh?", she shot back, unthinking. "Gonna hit me back?"
He froze and Y/N suddenly began to regret every word she had ever uttered. He turned around and his glare was icy. He had let go of her wrist by now and was slowly advancing toward her, intruding in her space until they were chest to chest.
"What the hell are you doi-", Y/N was cut off by Shane, capturing her mouth with his in a fierce kiss. Their teeth clashed as they fought for dominance, neither conceding to the to the other.
Jesus Christ, she thought, he kisses like he fights. Holding nothing back. With the harsh swipes of his tongue Y/N felt her underwear begin to dampen, this was the most action she had gotten in over a year. All thoughts of pushing him away, swearing him off, screaming at him, faded as the kiss grew more and more passionate.
The kiss broke off and they stood staring silently at each other, their breathless pants echoing throughout the empty space. With a frustrated groan, Y/N dove back into another kiss, this one somehow becoming more vigorous than before.
"Oh, I fuckin' hate you", she breathed out, as Shane moved his mouth down to her neck, eliciting a surprised chuckle from the man. Her words quickly escalated into breathy moans as sucked on her most sensitive spot just below her ear, while grasping at her tits, twisting her sensitive nipples through her thin shirt. She would bet that there was a wet spot forming on her underwear by now, as she grinded against his solid thigh, the denim rubbing at her throbbing clit.
As he moved down her body, he tore each item of clothing off of her like it was on fire, grabbing at every inch of exposed skin he could find, while she struggled to get his shirt off. Finally, tearing the shirt off Y/N raked her nails down his back, relishing in the pained groans Shane let out in response.
Y/N nearly screamed in a strange mixture of pain and pleasure as Shane exacted his revenge, beginning to suck and bite at her hardened nipples, causing shocks to travel down her body, directly to her pulsating clit.
Y/N had failed to notice that while they were locked together, they had managed to stagger back and she now found herself pressed tightly against Daryl's motorcycle as Shane pulled her jeans down, her underwear with it. She jumped as she suddenly felt his thick fingers explore her soaking pussy, collecting some of her wetness before driving into her greedy opening.
The stretch of his large digits was excruciating but so, so fucking good, as they started to scissor in and out of her. Y/N bit into Shane's shoulder, trying to silence her desperate screams as he nailed her g-spot over and over again. Tears started to run down her face as the pure pleasure overwhelmed her.
As she reached out to free his straining dick, wishing to reciprocate the pleasure she was experiencing, Shane's fingers pulled out of her, slapping her hands away and she felt as if the world had turned underneath her feet when she was roughly swivelled around, her stomach now resting, on the seat of the motorcycle. Shane's still clothed cock pressed into her bare ass. Y/N's face warmed as she listened to the slurping sounds of Shane licking his fingers that had previously been inside of her, while his remaining hand pressed her firmly into the seat.
"Fucking delicous. ", he stated. Y/N's blush reached her chest and ears by now as both embarrassment and some sick sort of pride shot through her.
"Christ, Shane", her moans were almost gutteral by now as she became increasingly desperate to feel his fat cock deep inside her.
"How'd you like me now, Y/N?", he questioned, grinding into her.
Y/N could only moan in response, practically dripping by this point. Goddammit, she despised this man. But she was beyond caring about that, only thinking about satiating the need he had sparked in her. For God's sake she was so wet, it had started leaking down her thighs.
Suddenly, he pulled away from her, ready to protest, she attempted to turn around but was halted by Shane forcing her legs to widen further and pressing his now bare cock between them, her juices dropping down onto his dick.
She felt him grab his length. Finally, she thought. Y/N let out a high-pitched yelp as his fat cock-head slapped her clit a few times.
"Get on with it, you fuckin' dick", she groaned, tired of his teasing, longing for something more.
This elicited another enraging chuckle from him.
"Is this what you wanted, darlin'?"
She hardly even registered his words when he positioned himself right at her drenched opening and oh. The only thought capable of running through Y/Ns mind in this crucial, world-bending moment was 'oh'. The feel of Shane's thick length as it split her open was bordering on painful and yet with the pain came indescribable pleasure. She swore she could feel him all the way in her stomach, she was so full. His calloused palms gripped her tits tightly, as he slowly but surely thrusted into her soaking core from behind, letting out barely audible groans of pleasure.
The thought of being bent over Daryl's motorcycle, ass out, as Shane fucked into her, on the edge of the green forest, where anyone back at camp could hear, was one that inspired intense anxiety and apprehension into Y/N, her worst nightmare. But the reality? Oh, the reality felt like the sweetest fucking dream.
"You like that? My cock pounding into your tight little cunt?" he panted out. She could feel herself flush, the heat reaching her ears. Shane's words sparked something deep inside her, making her grow wetter and wetter. The only sounds that could be heard throughout the desolate forest were the wet sounds of his hips slapping loudly against her ass and Y/N's desperate moans as her clit rubbed against the rough leather seat.
"Answer me.", his voice was rough as he took pleasure from her stilted gasps and pants.
"Yes, yes, I like it." Y/N stammered out, overwhelmed by the sensations. "I fucking like it."
His hands began pressing at the bulge in her stomach, feeling his dick fucking into her over and over again. Y/N didn't know if it felt so good because she hadn't gotten any in a while or if the bastard was just this damn good.
Shane chuckled, his voice gruff, amused by her enthusiasm. He rutted harder against her, reaching deeper and deeper inside, hitting her just right.
"Oh fucking, god!", a throaty scream erupted from deep within her.
"Nope, just me darlin'", Y/N didn't know how it was possible to loathe someone so deeply as they provided you with such indescribable pleasure.
Her soaking cunt began to clench on his cock, urging it deeper and deeper within her as the pleasure built up, the combined sensations of the aged leather scraping against her throbbing clit, Shane's rough hands rubbing into her hypersensitive nipples and his gigantic dick pounding into her g-spot, driving Y/N closer and closer to orgasm.
"Jesus, how tight are you? It's like a god damn vice grip", his deep voice was strained as he increased the speed of his powerful thrusts. He too, coming close to his release.
Y/N, swore she could hear a commotion, somewhere in the back of her mind, but was so clouded with pleasure she let the distant thought fly away.
"Are you going to be a good girl and cum for me? Huh?", he questioned her, pushing so deep, Y/N thought he had breached her cervix.
"Yes, fuck, yes.", she felt as if the response burst from her, as they both reached their climax.
Shane finally released her tits, choosing to grip on to her hips, bracing himself as he fucked into her, hitting her g-spot over and over again, leaving her tits to violently sway back and forth with the force of his thrusts.
"Shit, shit, shit. I'm so close, Shane.", Y/N was almost begging at this point, right on the edge she only needed a tiny bit more before she would be flying.
Shane reached one hand down to her pussy, quickly finding her clit and rubbing at a furoius pace.
The air was filled with their combined moans and grunts and the squelching of Y/Ns gushing core. Everything, every minute sensation was coming together.
Yes, yes, yes.
A scream exploded from her chest, a groan from Shane matching her as they arrived together.
"Oh, shi-"
"Y/N, where are you! We need y-", Glenn stopped short at the opening of the spot they were in, jaw hanging open as he stared at the sight that greeted him.
Y/N and Shane mid-orgasm could only stare back at the man in horror. Coming to their senses, the two swiftly parted, sharing an embarrassed glance as they rushed to reclothe themselves.
It seems Glenn was frozen as he stayed unmoving as they dressed, his expression becoming increasingly pained as he saw Y/N cover her tits with her torn and tattered shirt.
Y/N was shocked to see him there at all, for the obvious reason and because he was supposed to be on a supply run in the city with some of the others. Something must have gone wrong. Why else would they be back this early?
Shane seemed to reach a similar conclusion as they shared a concerned glance before realising the situation they were in.
Once they were clothed (mostly), Glenn appeared to come back to himself.
"There's a new-comer, we found in the city. Dude's a sheriff or something, saved my ass from a hoarde of walkers but he's pretty banged up. We need you to look at him Y/N", Glenn rushed out, looking like he'd rather be anywhere other than there.
"Just let me get a shirt and I'll be right on it.", Oh god, she could never look her friend in the eye again.
"Here just take mine. Go.", Shane intercepted, throwing her his shirt, he had soundlessly removed.
There was a silence as she shrugged it on.
"... Thanks. ", it quickly became awkward, as Y/N let out a small smile and rushed off back to camp, leaving Glenn and Shane staring at one another.
Shane levelled Glenn with a harsh look.
"You never speak of this. To anyone. If I hear you've even uttered a single word, I'll have your fuckin' head. Alright?"
Glenn's head nearly flew off his shoulders as he readily agreed.
"Okay then.", They strode off, on the short walk back to camp. Shane started interrogating Glenn, on the recent trip. "Tell me about this guy you picked up."
"Oh, it's insane. Guy woke up in an abandoned hospital, fresh out of a coma, to this shit. He's looking for his wife and kid."
Shane froze. It couldn't be. Wasn't possible.
"What's the guy's name?", Shane's breath began to tremble.
"Rick Grimes, he said. Why?", realising he had stopped, Glenn turned around, finding Shane looking vaguely ill.
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annwrites · 1 month
i'm willin' if you are
— pairing: shane walsh x fem!reader
— type: ficlet
— summary: you confide an end-of-the-world wish to shane & he makes you an offer.
— tags: just the two of you conversing during an evening at the farm
— tw: mention of past suicidal tendencies
— word count: 2,048
— a/n: i've had an idea for a little scene like this for a very long time & finally decided to bring it to life. i plan to write more for shane in the future & build up more of a relationship between him & the reader. it's why i've indicated the reader as being fem for this post, despite there not being anything in this particular ficlet to indicate a gender; the other posts i hope to eventually write for shane will involve the reader as clearly having more feminine features.
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Shane comes up onto the porch, his boots thumping against each step. He stops, standing in front of you, watching you for a moment as you sew a button onto one of Dale’s shirts.
The button was near-silver in color, whereas the shirt was white, but it’d been the closest match you could find in the collection of them Maggie had let you sift through a little while ago. So, silver it was.
You look up to him, his hands on his hips, a small smirk on his lips as he watches you with mild interest.
You raise a brow slightly.
“This seat taken?” He asks, nodding to the rocking chair beside you.
You shake your head and he sits.
He leans back. “You the camp seamstress now?”
“There’s always work to be done. Even if it’s just fixing a shirt.”
“Dale can’t do that himself?” He asks, his tone not betraying the mild dislike it seemed he’d recently developed toward the man. You couldn’t understand what had occurred between the two to cause such a sudden rift, but you didn’t bother asking, either. None of your business and not your problem.
That was the issue with near-everyone in this camp: dealing with walkers and supplies constantly dwindling, then needing to be replenished—if not the occasional injury or loss of life—wasn’t enough. No, they needed to further their problems by causing more with others by sticking their noses where they didn’t belong, nor where they were wanted. And that included Shane.
More than included him, perhaps. At least at times.
But he’d always been kind to you. Helpful. Not that you didn’t know why: you pulled your weight. You hardly ever stopped working, really. Because when you did take a break, that allowed your mind to wander. Not that it didn’t anyway, but at least this way you were always exhausted at bedtime, so there was no opportunity for you to dwell on troublesome thoughts when it was quiet and dark and you had nothing else to think about than the horrors you’d endured. The losses you’d suffered.
Finally, you shrug, continuing to sew. “I don’t mind.”
Shane leans back. “Somethin’s on your mind.”
You look at him and he continues. “I can tell. Not very good at hiding it. At least not from me.”
You pull through the last bit of thread, then snip, setting the shirt and sewing materials on the small table settled between both your seats.
“I’m fine.”
He sits back, rocking in his chair. “Heard that before. And it was a load of bullshit then just like it is right now. So, you want to give me the truth, or am I going to have to break out Officer Shane to get it out of you?”
You glance to him and he has a playful smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye, but you don’t laugh.
“Just thinking about my bucket list.”
His smile disappears. “That somethin’ I need to be worried about: that you’re thinkin’ like that?”
You settle back in your seat, bringing your left leg up, bending it at the knee, resting your foot on the seat as your other continues to push against the floorboards of the porch, gently rocking the chair. You face him, back turned toward the front door behind you. “No.”
He sighs, shaking his head. “You have to give me more than that.”
You’d expressed a loss of will to live to him weeks ago at the quarry, but had stated the only reason you bothered to keep breathing was due to the unknown of what death—caused particularly by suicide—would hold. And then you had considered staying at the CDC with Jackie and Jenner, but he’d talked you out of it, pulling you along beside him—his hand holding so firmly to yours you were sure he’d dislocate your shoulder as he pulled you along—out of that building. Then he’d covered your body with his as the building exploding, sending debris in every direction.
After, as you traveled the highway, he’d—every now and again—rest his palm over your knee. A reassuring touch that you weren’t alone was all it had been; you had no doubt about that. Just innocent bodily contact.
Once the group was stranded at the highway, though, that sense of fear you’d felt watching the CDC burn had calmed. Your will to live dissipating once more. As you scavenged abandoned vehicles for supplies, you didn’t even think to use any of it to keep yourself on your feet.
And then you’d collapsed from dehydration. You’d woken up in Dale’s RV, Shane holding a bottle of water to your lips…begging you to wake up, cursing you for being just one more person to try and leave him. That he wouldn’t let you.
He may’ve been understanding of your behavior, but he’d not been pleased that you’d nearly died…again. He’d made as much clear. Had made you promise to be smarter in the future. To think before doing. To take better care of yourself going forward, or he would do it for you. And he assured you that you did not want Shane Walsh as your designated baby-sitter.
Neither of you had discussed the things he’d whispered to you in the RV that day when he’d thought you unconscious. You knew that he knew you’d heard some of it, but neither of you were going to acknowledge the soft, desperate words he’d uttered while pressing a cool cloth to your forehead, his hands shaking out of fear that you'd slip away.
In truth, you couldn’t understand it: why he cared so damn much what happened to you. He so often implied that he had no patience, nor need for the weak. And that’s what you were, weren’t you? Then again, he’d told you more than once how he admired how much of a hard-worker you were, even if it’d gotten you in trouble with him more than once now, because perhaps you’d been working too hard… Just a few times, though.
And now you were here, working yourself to the bone again, just like you’d done at the previous camp. You clearly never learn your lesson.
Finally, you sigh. “If I do, you have to promise to keep it to yourself. And that…that you won’t laugh or mock me.”
“I give you my word,” he states, eyes not leaving you.
You nervously wrap your hands around your bent knee, not looking at him. You felt so stupid even thinking it. The fact you were about to say it out loud? Even worse.
“Given the current state of things—not just the world, but right here with all of us—I want you to know that I know just how stupid and selfish I’m about to sound.” You look up to him. “It’s why I planned to keep it to myself. It’s not the sort of thing you share with others.”
He doesn’t speak, just continues to listen, waiting for you to give him the answer to the mystery of what had seemed to be on your mind all day.
“I’m also about to sound incredibly cliché.” You internally cringe before finally speaking it aloud. “I don’t want to die a virgin.”
You don’t look at him when you admit it. “I don’t mean that in some ignorant I-just-want-to-finally-get-laid kind of way. I just…I just wanted to know what it felt like to have that with someone; that experience.”
You look at him, tears shimmering in your eyes. “I thought I’d have more time. I wanted to do things ‘the right way’. I wanted to fall in love, get married—and, yes, I know how old-fashioned that sounds—but I thought I’d one day get that opportunity. Now? Now I just wish I’d done it. Gone to a bar, gone home with some stranger, and gotten it over with. But it still wouldn’t have been the way I wanted it to be. Now I just wish it could be, at the very least, with someone I care about. And if I’m lucky, they’ll care about me, too. If not?” You shrug.
You expect him to at least give you a look which insinuates that you were being ridiculous to be thinking about such things. Such frivolous and literally useless things. Sex. That was what you were thinking about lately. Not food, or water, or ammunition, or literally anything that would help to keep you all alive.
You were thinking about something that just…didn’t matter. Not anymore.
But he doesn’t give you such a look. Instead, you find understanding in his eyes. “I don’t think it’s any of those things you said at all: stupid or cliché or selfish. Hell I…I get it, y’know. It’s one of those things—life experiences. Somethin’ most of us want to have at some point. Not everybody cares whether it’s with a stranger or the love of their life, but some do. Nothin’ wrong with that. I’m not judging you for wantin’ that.”
A tear slips down your cheek at his understanding, which you quickly wipe away. In truth, it wasn’t just about being intimate with someone. It all came down to just how utterly lonely you were. How desperately you wished to have someone of your own.
But that wasn’t going to happen now. Not in this new world.
You couldn’t just bump into someone in the grocery store or meet someone online now.
Now… This was your life now. And you needed to live with that.
You’re both quiet for a moment, the only sound the crackling of the campfire a few feet away, clanging of dishes being washed after the last of the camp finishes up their supper, some idle chatter coming from inside the farmhouse, and crickets and frogs singing as a choir of the forest.
Until Shane speaks. And what he says next takes you completely by surprise. “I’ll have sex with you.”
Your head shoots up and in his direction. Your eyes widen, but he quickly holds his hands up in a gesture which says ‘let me explain first’.
“I don’t mean it in that kind of way, as in ‘you’re wanting to get screwed, and I think I’m the man for the job’, which really translates to me just wantin’ to get lucky. You want more than that—something deeper and…and actually meaningful, I mean. Like I said: I get it. You want someone who cares about you, and…hell, you know I do. Saved your life more than once, as I recall, at that,” he says with a smile. “I just…it’s somethin’ for you to think about, I guess. That I’m willin’ if you are.”
You’re left speechless for a moment. He’d offered himself up so easily that it made you wonder if he’d thought about this before. Being with you in that way, that is.
You glance over to the campsite, Lori and Rick talking amongst themselves, Carl having already gone to bed. You then look back to him and speak lowly. “Lori wouldn’t get jealous?”
He shifts uncomfortably. “I don’t know what you-”
You cut him off. “Please, Shane, spare me. I may be quiet and keep to myself, but I’m not blind. I’m nothing if not observant. I’m not judging you, either. Either of you. You both thought Rick was dead; you were grieving and scared. And you were all the other had. You were already practically family to one another.” He remains quiet. “I get it, Shane. I just…I’m not willing to give myself to a man who’s in love with someone else. I’m sorry, but thank you for the offer.”
He nods, refusing to meet your eyes now, perhaps out of shame.
You pick up Dale’s shirt, ready to give it back to him now that it’d been tended to, but Shane speaks again. “Anybody else know?”
You shake your head. “I don’t think so. Or, if they do, they haven’t shared as much with me. Not that I talk much to everyone here to begin with, I suppose,” you say with a small laugh, fairly devoid of humor. “And you don’t need to worry about me telling anyone, either.”
“I know that,” he says, reaching over to rest his hand on your thigh.
You stand, then, heading over to the RV.
Meanwhile, Shane’s eyes never leave you.
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enretrogue · 5 months
Bumblebee Series: 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 ⎢ 7 ⎢  — @angrythingstarlight .☘︎ ݁˖
Soft!Dark!Mafia!Bucky x Runaway Bride!Reader — @angrythingstarlight .☘︎ ݁˖
Peachy Sweet: 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 — @straywords .☘︎ ݁˖
Apple Bottom Jeans (+Billy Russo) — @bubuslutty
#15 w/ Frank Castle — @bits-and-babs
Bambi With Fangs ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 — @bubuslutty
Bring Me Home — @frvnkcastles
Bakery AU — @devils-dares
Love Language (+ Billy Russo) — @bubuslutty
Imagine #1,044 (+ Shane Walsh) — @komotionlessqueenmm
Primal — @darlingshane
Instagram AU — @amhrosina
You’re Everything I Never Knew I Needed — @lemon-world1
Cowboy!Frank — @rrestrella
Really Bad Week — @chvoswxtch
“Come here…Hey! I said come. Here.” — @bullet-prooflove
Sanctuary — @glossysoap
Biting Truth — @narcolini
Soft Morning Sex w/ Frank — @amhrosina
Cutesy Blurb — @thyme-in-a-bubble
Frank w/ An Inexperienced Reader — @amhrosina
His Inheritance: Chapter 26 ⎢ Chapter 27 — @jtargaryen18
Spelling Out “I Love You” — @amhrosina
Baking w/ Matty and Frankie — @chvoswxtch
An Unexpected Delight — @amhrosina
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CDC — @collecting-stories
Feel Me — @nikkisheep
Never Stopped Looking — @glennrheesworld
Sex w/ Glenn — @strgrlxox
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Busted — @mlmxreader
Our Scars — @arzennn
Behind On That Cute Date ⎢ Chocolate Pie — @anonymooseforever007
Airport Snow — @there-goes-thefighter
Angel of Birmingham — @darkdevasofdestruction
Quid Pro Quo — @scorpiussage
Dragon’s Den — @pherelesytsia
Afternoon Shelby Chaos ⎢The Boys ⎢Dad!Tommy ⎢Mr. Giraffe — @teenwolf-theoriginals
Mama Bear — @dlmlufics
Arthur + Cards — @dlmlufics
Big Sister Bess — @dlmlufics
Escape to Me — @daisyblinder
The Proposal (Shelby!Reader) — @anonymooseforever007
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Take a Nap Amidst the Storm — @lloydsbitch
Home — @welcome-to-my-multiverse
Ready for Destruction (Prologue) — @holylulusworld
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Handcuffed — @thisfanisgonesorry
Taking Control — @call-me-little-sunshine84
Workplace Gossip — @darling-i-read-it
Batch of Cookies — @sunnylands-world
Hopper x Sleepy!Reader — @ddejavvu
DBF!Hopper — @ddejavvu
Final Essay — @keerysteacake
Plain Old Man — @ddejavvu
Out of the Woods — @mypoisonedvine
DBF!Hopper — @empresskylo
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topazy · 9 months
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Shane Walsh × reader, Rick Grimes × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood and vomit
Chapter: 2.09
As you come around to the sound of a walker growling and Lori’s loud gasps, you scream as pain radiates through your body. Your eyes open, and you see a walker breathing through the cracked windscreen. With the car flipped on its side, you were stuck dangling from the passenger seat. Lori was able to unstrap herself and crawl out of the car.
“Lori, go, get out of here,” you say, gritting your teeth to bite back from screaming.
“No, I’m not leaving you behind.” She manages to reach for a sharp weapon just as the walker breaks through the glass and stabs it in the eye, then she shoots another one in the head.
Tears spill from your eyes as you finally let an agonizing scream leave your mouth when you fully move your body. Lori tries to assess the damage but can’t fully due to the darkness since it is now nightfall. “Where are you hurt?”
“My shoulder—I think it’s bleeding pretty badly.”
“Okay, okay. Let’s not panic; stay calm.”
“I need you to get out again so I can unbuckle myself.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“If a walker comes back, I’m dead, and I don’t want to land on you,” you pant.
When she’s out of the way, you take a deep breath and unbuckle the car belt holding you in. You hit the ground with a thud and let out a string of curses. As you land awkwardly on your feet, the blood pools down your shoulder. Lori helps you get out, pulls the lightweight jacket from the backseat, rips a sleeve off, and then uses it to wrap around your wound. You had no idea how far away from the farm you were, but you guessed you wouldn’t see it again until daylight.
“Wait!” You suddenly turn to Lori and say, “Is the baby okay? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, and so is the baby. I’ve only got a few cuts and bruises.”
“You sure?”
She scoffs, “Only you would worry about someone else when your arm is about to fall off.”
You glanced down at your shoulder and noticed the blood soaking through the fabric of your clothing. Feeling nauseated, you turn your head the opposite way and vomit. You always hated the sight of your own blood; it turned your stomach.
Lori rubs at your back. “Come on, we can do this.”
You’re unsure how long you’ve been walking back to the farm when a car approaches your head. “Lily! Lori!”
He jumps out of the car and rushes over to you. “What the hell happened?”
“The car flipped.” He shines a torch in your eyes, then checks your head for injuries. Quietly, you ask, “Is my brother back yet?”
He shakes his head. Lori was pacing back and forth, full of adrenaline from the crash. Shane opens the passenger seat for you, then the one behind for Lori. You struggle to fasten your seatbelt, feeling as if your shoulder is burning. You grit your teeth. “How are the boys?”
“Jace and Carl are fine,” Shane says, jumping behind the wheel before speeding down the road back towards the farm. “Dale and Andrea are watching over them.”
You let out a deep breath; at least knowing your son and nephew are safe brought you some comfort. God, you felt so stupid for ever leaving the farm.
“And what about Rick?” Lori asks.
“He’s fine; they got back a while ago.”
You didn’t judge him for lying; Lori would have jumped out of the car then and there, trying to get into town to find your brother. If Rick had gotten back to find out his wife and sister were missing, nothing would have stopped him from looking for either of you.
Soon as the car pulls up at the farm, you see most of your group waiting outside, and as expected, your brother, Glenn, and Hershel were nowhere in sight.
Lori steps out of the car and asks, “Where are they? Where’s Rick?”
Shane ignores her question, “Patricia!”
Andrea runs over to the car and asks, “What the hell happened?”
“The car flipped, then walkers tried to attack us,” you say.
Your first thought is to see Jace. The guilt of ever leaving him was weighing heavily on you. Everything seems blurry as different people try to talk to you at the same time. Once in the house, you try to make your way upstairs, but Shane stops you. “Lily, slow down! You need to have that looked at.”
Patricia appears in the hallway and waves for you to follow. In one of the bedrooms, she shakily cleans the deep cut. “What cut it?”
“A branch, I think.”
Patricia was upset but did her best to maintain her composure. She finishes cleaning the blood off your shoulder, then bandages it up. You thank her, then immediately go upstairs to check on Jace.
The next morning, your brother arrived back at camp with Glenn, Hershel, and a kid named Randall. You weren’t entirely sure what happened yet since you hadn’t caught up with Rick yet, but you knew Randall was bad news. Hershel had managed to save the boy, who looked to be around nineteen years old, then looked at your shoulder. He re-cleaned the cut before putting a few stitches in it and patching it up. Hershel then recommends a light course of antibiotics to fight off any infection. Antibiotics were running low on the farm, so taking them made you feel incredibly guilty. Hershel was currently trying to figure out how to help his daughter Beth, who was still in a state of shock.
You noticed Shane was unusually quiet. After placing Jace down, you sit beside Shane on the side of the bed, taking his hand in yours. “What’s on your mind?”
“Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
“I’ve just been thinking…” Shane licks at his lips; his gaze remains fixated on the spot in front of him. “A lot of this shit that’s gone down here happened because we put all our time and effort into looking for that little girl that we all knew was never going to come back.”
“Carol didn’t.”
“That’s different; a parent's love is different. We should have known better; Rick should have known.”
You feel like a pit is forming inside your gut. You thought Shane had put blaming your brother behind him, but you were wrong. Sighing, you say, “None of us can predict the future, including my brother.”
“Your shoulder wouldn’t be all fucked up if it wasn’t for him.”
“You can’t seriously blame Rick for that? The crash had nothing to do with him.”
He scoffs at your words. “I know you don’t want to hear it, but Rick ain’t man enough to do what needs to be done.”
“Stop!” You unlink your fingers from his and stand beside the crib. “My brother does what he thinks is best; all he has done is try and protect us.”
“I disagree. You may not like it, but I’m just saying what needs to be said: he’s not cut out for this life. Rick should step aside and let someone else take charge, someone who can make tough decisions.”
Seeing the fierce look on Shane’s face, you can’t help but think about what Dale said to him about pointing a gun at Rick. You desperately hoped that it wasn’t true, but there was a tiny part of doubt seeded in your brain. “I’m going to take Jace for some fresh air.”
“You can’t keep walking away every time you hear something you don’t like.”
“You’re right, I can’t.”
“He’s scaring me, Rick,” you say quietly. “That man out there isn’t Shane; he's... He’s becoming undone.”
“He’ll come back around; I just need to give him time.”
You frown as Rick changes his top; you can see all the bruises and cuts he got while being caught up in the shootout at the bar he found Hershel in. “He killed Otis; he says he had no choice, but I'm not so sure.”
Your brother's eyes glaze over; he remains silent for a moment, looking lost in thought, before eventually answering, “For now, we keep that to ourselves.”
Your frown—this wasn’t an issue that was going to go away. You both loved Shane deeply, and ignoring the things he’d done would only worsen the problem. You needed to figure out a way to get through to Shane before anyone else got hurt. “Rick…hey Lori”
Lori looks between you and Rick as she opens the flaps of the tent to get in. “You guys okay?”
“Yeah, yeah.” You glance at your brother, who’s giving you a pleading look not to say anything. “I’m actually just going back inside; Jace is due a feed, then a nap.”
“Should you be carrying him?” She asks.
You pick Jace up from the blanket he was laying on and say, “It's better than the sling pressing into my shoulder. Besides, I’m only nipping into the house.”
Lori’s brows pull together, but she says nothing else on the matter. In truth, you were in agony, but you didn’t have a choice about carrying your son around.
On the way back to the house, you notice Daryl sitting on the steps to the porch, sharpening his knives. Since Sophia had walked out of the barn, Daryl had been different, like a light in him had gone out. “Can you do me a favor and hold Jace for a minute? My arm is killing me.” You don’t give him a chance to reply and place your sleeping baby in his arms. “Thanks.”
Daryl narrows his eyes. “I guess so.”
You sit down beside him; you had hoped Daryl would hold him. Jace would cheer Daryl up since he was usually happy to see him, but his full facial expression remained the same. You sit in silence until Daryl mumbles, “I didn’t know you had gone; I thought Olive Oyl had left herself.”
“Olive Oyl?”
“Popeye's girlfriend.”
“Oh,” you laugh at him calling Lori that. Daryl chuckles along at first, but quickly his eyes fill with tears, and the laughter stops. “Are you thinking about Sophia?”
“I really thought—I thought she was still alive. She was just a little girl.”
He holds Jace closer to his chest, almost protectively. You lean your head against Daryl’s arm, sitting in a comfortable silence until it’s time to feed Jace.
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dyns33 · 2 months
Communication issues part 2
I wanted to continue the lovely Shane x reader couple with communication problems because they needed it
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When Y/N had said they would need help, she had been very serious. Shane had no doubt, he also wanted to do everything to save their marriage and he had promised to accept all her requests. However, he did not expect to find himself in the office of a marriage counselor.
"… It's a waste of time." he growled in the waiting room, his arms crossed and his eyes dark, showing that he didn't want to be here at all.
“Please, don’t start.”
"I'm just saying it's a waste of time and money. We don't need this."
“We clearly have communication problems, and she will help us.”
"We talked like adults and everything is fine now. We should be at the park with Judith or at a restaurant."
There were a lot more romantic moments and family outings since their divorce proceedings were dropped. Shane really tried hard, taking time away from his work to be with his family more often than not.
But it wasn't enough. Not for Y/N.
Something had changed. The trust wasn't completely broken, but it had taken a hit, and despite all her husband's promises and excuses, she couldn't look at him like she used to.
They slept in the same bed, but they didn't touch each other. Shane hadn’t tried, and Y/N wasn’t sure she wanted to at the moment.
It's been over a month. It wasn't normal, it wasn't sustainable, but every time she tried to talk about it, Shane didn't seem to understand, assuming everything was fine. So she insisted that they go see a marriage counselor.
Doctor Noore seemed nice. Smiling, patient. She greeted the couple enthusiastically, inviting them to sit in front of her, and not losing her smile when she heard Shane groan.
"You don't seem happy to be here, Mr. Walsh. Why ?"
“Not my idea.”
"Why are you here ?"
“My wife thinks it’s necessary.”
“And she’s wrong ?” Dr. Noore asked, taking notes.
"No ! Shit, I didn't say that. Don't start doing things to me that I didn't say ! We had problems, because of me. We talked about it and we're working on it. I Don't think you'll help, but I can try if it pleases her."
"Hmm. Mrs. Walsh, why are you here ?"
"Shane and I… We have problems communicating. And trusting each other."
“I have complete trust in you.” her husband muttered quickly without looking at her, perhaps a little too quickly, because Doctor Noore observed him before taking further notes.
The first session was a little chaotic, but according to the specialist, it was normal. They were getting to know each other. Couples always had trouble opening up at first, and she was there to put them at ease.
At the end of the hour, she gave them an exercise to do at home, asking them to give her the results when they came back to see her.
“If we come back.”
"Of course, Mr. Walsh. So, I want you to compliment each other at least once a day. Any compliment, if you notice that your partner deserves or needs to hear something positive, do it."
Shane declared the exercise stupid. He said it in front of the doctor, he said it again in the car, and he said it again when Y/N tried to thank him for taking the time to bathe Judith and put her to bed while she did the dishes.
"No. You don't do that."
"Shane, why ? I'm really grateful that you…"
"That I what ? That I do things that all husbands should do ? There's nothing to say about that, I take care of our daughter, I help you around the house, nothing out of the ordinary."
"You work hard…"
“You work hard too, baby.” he sighed, looking terribly tired. "You do lots of things for us without complaining or expecting thanks. Let's go to bed now."
For the rest of the week, Y/N tried over and over again to compliment her husband whenever he did something good, and every time, he lashed out and left the room in a huff. The exercise was not really a success.
Doctor Noore did not seem surprised. She noticed something while listening to Y/N talk about their meeting and looking at Shane who was staring at the window, as if he wanted to be somewhere else.
They didn't talk about the cheating. It was a topic Y/N didn’t want to talk about.
To her, that wasn't the reason they were here. It was a consequence of the reasons for their presence here, this lack of communication, of patience, of trust. It happened after an argument, and it led to another argument. They had to learn to talk to each other.
"Mr. Walsh, would you say that you have always been an impulsive person ?"
"Yeah. Rick says I'm a brainless moron. My parents said that, my teachers said that. Hey, but if I thought before I acted, I would never have gone to Y/N and asked her to take a drink with me. I would have seen that she was so good and I would have walked away like a coward."
“You think your wife is too good for you ?”
"You don't ?" Shane growled, returning to a defensive position, his back buried in the gray sofa, arms crossed and without taking his eyes off the doctor.
The new exercise given by the doctor pleased Shane even less.
According to her, it was necessary for everyone to take some time for themselves, doing things without each other. This did not mean that they should no longer see each other, it might disturb Judith, but they had to distance themselves, particularly on a physical level.
The doctor explained that this would allow them to develop their communication, rather than going through actions, because both were important in a couple.
Y/N didn't dare tell Doctor Noore that they hardly touched each other since their reconciliation. The distance was already there. Shane would sometimes try to kiss her, with some hesitation, ending up aiming for her forehead or cheek rather than her mouth. She couldn't remember the last time they held hands or hugged.
Obviously, since he had been 'forbidden' to approach his wife, Shane immediately wanted to do the opposite. He had always had difficulty accepting authority and following orders.
“Shane, no.”
“I’m no longer allowed to kiss you before I leave for work, where I might get shot and never come back ?”
“It’s not funny, don’t say that.” Y/N sighed, but without approaching him.
"I'm not kidding. If you want me to sleep on the couch, say so. It'll be better to follow the good doctor's advice. But it's not just that, right ? You hate me. I disgust you. You regret letting me come back. I can leave if you ask me."
Fortunately Judith was already at school. But maybe Shane allowed himself to talk so much precisely because he knew that their daughter wouldn't hear him, and that she wouldn't suffer yet to see her parents arguing.
For her part, Y/N seemed desperate at what he was saying. By what he thought. Her hand moved, almost touching his cheek, but his wife stopped at the last moment.
"We have to try. I don't want to lose you, I'm doing this for us."
"I don't see how that helps us. I love you, dammit ! I'm an asshole who doesn't deserve to be with you. I didn't already deserve it before I fucked up like I did, and yet you married me, you gave me a beautiful child, and I ruined everything. Everyone knows it, the doctor knows it, and now… I can't even touch you."
"Shane. You're only doing this because she said not to. We haven't touched each other in weeks."
“I’m dying to touch you, baby.” he whispered, looking down. "But I have no right after what I did… I expected you would… I hoped… No, it's not your fault. You have the right to hate me. I'm the problem. I'm sorry, so sorry, honey."
"My love… I know. I know, and despite everything I have forgiven you. I love you. Come here."
They did not go to work that day, not leaving the bedroom. The only time apart was when Shane called Y/N's work to say she was sick, then when he called Rick to ask if he could watch Judith tonight, not caring what their boss would say regarding his absence.
Doctor Noore greeted them with a mischievous little smile during their next session, her eyes landing lightly on their necks, covered in marks.
“Did the exercise go well ?”
"Nah. We didn't follow it and we talked a lot, no thanks to you."
“If you say so, Mr. Walsh.” she said while continuing to smile, proving to Y/N that she had always known what her ban would cause. "It's a good thing if you have managed to communicate. We can space out the sessions if you wish to continue seeing me."
"No need."
"It will be perfect." Y/N replied, taking her husband's hand, who growled a little but didn't retaliate.
"I'm happy for you anyway. You're a lovely couple who clearly had a lot of affection for each other."
The sentence seemed to relax Shane. He had cried a lot, when he wasn't busy kissing his wife, apologizing again and thanking her for giving him a second chance when he didn't think he deserved it.
Since their conversation, things had returned to normal. Judith had noticed it too, happy to see her parents smile and taking her to lots of wonderful places whenever they had the chance.
Of course, everything wouldn't be perfect forever. Shane recognized that he had a lot of work to do, about learning how to say what he felt without yelling or being ashamed, and to listen to what others said to him without feeling attacked or judged.
However, he had made the decision to never drink again when he was in a bad mood or alone. Just a few beers, during parties, and only if someone offered him. He would never do stupid things while drunk again.
"I give you permission to cut off my balls if ever… You know. I can write it down, it will be proof in front of a jury."
“You’re still not funny.”
"I'm hilarious, that's how I seduced you the first time. I'm still amazed that you accepted my date at a crummy fast food joint on the side of a road."
“We were young, and I wasn’t there for the food.”
“What for then ? You could have found a lot better.”
“I’m very happy with what I have.” she whispered, kissing his cheek.
"Mommy ! Daddy ! I finished my ice cream, I want to go swimming !"
Forgetting what they were talking about, Shane stood up to take their daughter in his arms, reminding her that she had to wait to go swimming after she ate, tickling her and making her fly through the air, while Y/N resumed reading her book near the tent they occupied during their weekend at the lake as they had to do for months.
And everything wouldn't always be perfect, but it totally was in that moment.
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darlingshane · 7 months
Todo Tuyo (All Yours)
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Pairing: Criminal!Shane Walsh x Spanish!Pregnant!Reader
Summary: Some bonds are unable to explain, and yours with Shane has always been a mystery. No matter how many times he's hurt you, you always ended up taking back his sorry ass. This time, after three years gone, when he comes back, you're married and pregnant. And not even that can challenge that bond.
Content/Warnings: 18+, Explicit, Heavy Angst, Smut, Pregnancy Kink, Breeding Kink, Oral Sex (f. receiving), Vaginal Sex, Complicated Relationships, DV, Abuse, Mention of drugs and violence, bittersweet ending.
Word Count: 10.9k
— Read below or at AO3.
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A/N: A few important things you should know before reading since I couldn't sum it all up:
— The DV and Abuse warnings don't apply to Shane. — Reader's husband is the abuser. — This is kind of a Dark!Shane version, but he's soft for reader, I promise! — I wrote this as a Spanish!Speaking Reader. — Shane is fluent in Spanish. He learned for her. — I tried to keep Spanish down to a few sentences only, but I translated them all in (bold, italic parenthesis like this). — I won't be translating however all the pet names, just when I need to. But for reference – Shane calls reader 'Corazón' (it means heart, it's the equivalent of Sweetheart) and Reader calls Shane 'Cielo' (it means sky, and it's just like Sweetheart or Honey.)
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“What the hell are you doing here?”
You only cracked the door as far as the chain on the lock let you. Through it, you could only see half of your ex-boyfriend's face shadowed under a worn-out baseball cap from Jim’s Body Shop. A handful of curls stuck out on the sides. His chin had a nice shadow from a three-day stubble, and the bags below his eyes gave away that he had been up for longer than he should have. He was still the hottest motherfucker you’ve ever laid your eyes on. No matter how much time had passed since the last time you saw him, Shane Walsh aged just like wine and all you wanted to do is pour yourself a cup of that.
That’s how strong was his hold on you.
You didn't have to be a genius to see that he wanted something from you. That was his MO, he only showed up when he was in trouble and had no one to turn to but poor old sucker you, who never had the guts to kick him to the curb.
“I need a place to stay for a couple of nights,” he said under a breath.
“Things have changed. You can’t stay here this time.”
“Look, I know it's been a while but–”
“A while?” you scoffed. “It's been three years, Shane.”
“I know that. But I don't really have anywhere else to go right now. I drove all the way from Wyoming just to see you. One night. That’s all I'm asking, Corazón. I won't get in your hair. I promise.”
You hated saying no to him, even after all this time. Even after all the times he's let you down, you couldn’t stand seeing him hurt with nowhere to go, but this time there was nothing you could do to help him. Except…
“I could get you a room at The Sennott for half off. If you need money…”
“No, keep your money. I'll work something out. Could I…”
“Before I go, you think I could have a cup of coffee with you?”
You shook your head as his face leaned closer to the door frame.
“C'mon, baby, just one for old times,” his plush lips barely mumbled.
You caught a glimpse of those big, sad puppy eyes of his he pulled off so well. Whether it was genuine, it didn’t matter. The fact is that it worked like a charm and against your better judgment, you sighted, unlatched the chain and welcomed him into your home.
After all that time gone, you still had a soft stop from him, and you doubt that’ll ever change. Alas, he’d always be the man you’ve loved the most. That sucks for you and for him. Cause he has a tendency to disappear on you when you most need him, and after the last time, you decided that you wouldn't be waiting for him anymore.
“Wow, you’re pregnant,” taking off his cap, his eyes grew wide when he stepped inside the house.
“No me digas.” (You don’t say.)
It was hard to miss. You were seven months along already and couldn’t even believe it happened so fast.
Your palm drew the curve of your rounded belly over the t-shirt you were wearing. The hem barely touched the top of your thighs, and that’s where he looked next.
“You always had beautiful legs, Corazón,” he smirked, placing the backpack he was carrying on a chair.
“Flattery will get you nowhere,” you turned around and thought about all those times your thighs were wrapped around his head while he ate your pussy.
“It never did,” Shane scoffed, fixing his messed up curls.
You picked up the carafe from the machine, filled a mug with coffee without even bothering with heating it up.
“Five minutes. He’ll be here soon,” you said firmly, handing over the mug.
“I’ve always liked it cold anyway,” he lifted the cup up to his lips as you leaned on the counter. “You’re not having any?”
“It’s not good for the baby.”
“Oh, right.”
“What have you been up to, anyway?”
“Do you really wanna know?”
“Not really,” you crossed your arms and paused. “I guess I thought I deserved to know why you didn’t come back when you said you would. I saw Rick a few months ago and said he hadn’t heard of you in a while… led me to believe you were dead.”
“Shit happens.”
“Shit happens? Me lo merezco por preguntar,” you couldn’t hide the frustration in your tone. (I deserve that for asking.)
“I thought you’d be over me.”
“I am.”
“Ain't seem like it.”
“Mira, cabrón,” you showed him the ring around your finger, and pointed once more at your pregnant stomach. “I’m completely over you.” (Look, bastard.)
“That doesn’t prove shit. Looks like you wanted to one-up me, and move on as fast as possible so next time I’d show up, you’d have an excuse to throw me away.”
“Yeah, maybe. Doesn’t mean that I’m not over you.”
“You were always a terrible liar, you know that? Do you even love the poor sucker?”
“Why do you care?”
“Cause we both know, that no matter how much you hate me, you’d never love anyone as you love me.”
“That’s bullshit, Shane.”
“Sabes que es verdad, Corazón. You also know that no man would ever care for you like I do.” (You know that’s true, sweetheart.)
“If that were true, you wouldn’t be leaving every five minutes. You think you can just come here like nothing happened?”
“It's worked before.”
“It’s too late now.”
“Is it?”
He took one more sip from his coffee before placing the mug on the breakfast bar and going around it to have you closer.
As your stare fell to the floor, he noticed the bruise on your temple.
“Hey, what happened here?” he lifted his hand to your face and gently touched it.
“Nothing,” you swatted his hand away, swallowing the lump in your throat. “I hit my head with the cabinet last night.”
“Did he hit you?” His brow knitted.
“I told you. It was the cabinet.”
“Hey, mírame,” he placed a finger under your chin, and tilted up to capture your watery eyes. “Dime la verdad. ¿Te ha puesto la mano encima?” (Hey, Look at me. // Tell me the truth. Did he lay his hand on you?)
“Tienes que irte.” (You gotta go.)
“¿De qué tienes miedo, Corazón?” (What are you afraid of, Sweetheart?)
“No tengo miedo de nada… You just can’t be here when he comes back.” (I’m not afraid of anything…)
“Alright, I’ll go if that’s what you want, but I need to do something first,” he lifted his hand up to your face and framed your chin.
“Shane… don’t…”
“Sh, sh, it’s okay,” he said under a breath, placing his thumb gently on your lips.
“Please,” You weakly pleaded, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to stop what was about to happen.
His tongue swiped across his lips, and the next second they were gently pressed against yours.
Your eyes welled up and quickly shed a few tears upon that first initial contact. It didn’t take much to get you under his spell once more, for the umpteenth time. No matter how many times you’ve tried to convince yourself how fucking toxic he is, you fell for it every damn time like an idiot. It didn’t matter that you were married either, as bad as it sounds, what you and Shane had was something that couldn’t be stopped by any means. Only death could put an end to it. It didn’t help either that you weren’t on the best of terms with your husband either, so guilt went out the door the moment you let Shane in.
Unable to pull away, you let him deepen the kiss and invade your mouth with his tongue. He went slow and tender. That’s how it always started, he’d play on your good side, and once your defenses were down he’d go in full swing. He’d breathe in your air, soak in the taste of your mouth, take all the space until you were left breathless.
You linked your arms around his neck, and kissed him back, following the sweet undoing of his familiar lips as they fused tightly with yours.
When he tried to press himself closer to your body, your pregnant belly got on the way.
One of his palms tenderly landed on top of your stomach and drew the big curve that was keeping him away from you. Your heart fluttered as the small gesture.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are like this?” he broke the kiss, and looked down at his hand, while your head responded with a faint shake. “Eres preciosa, mi vida. I’d’ve put a baby in you before if that’s what you wanted.” (You’re gorgeous, my life.)
“I know, that’s why I never asked,” you placed your palm on top of his roughed-up knuckles. “Have you beaten up someone?”
“Something like that.”
“You’ll never change. Will you?”
“I could if you ask me.”
“You are who you are, Cielo. I can’t ask you that, and you can’t change for me.”
“Cielo. I missed that,” his face beamed, framing your tummy with both hands and dipped to kiss your forehead.
“One more for the road?” You held his face, and it was you this time the one capturing his mouth.
You kissed him as if this was the last time you’d ever see him. You needed something to hold onto. It was so fucking naive of you that he’d ever change or settle. He had another mistress, one that had no lips or body or soul that led him to the darkest of paths far away from yours. It was impossible to compete with that. Until he was ready to let that life go, there’ll be no future between the two of you.
Maybe one day, you kept hoping as you basked in the swirl of his tongue. He was so fucking needy and hungry for you, it became desperate. He panted in your mouth, had trouble catching his breath cause all he wanted to do is swallow you all.
His hands moved to your ass, gripped hard at your flesh. You wish you had the power to stop all that at once. You could, but you wanted him just as much. Your hormones were not helping either. They only fueled the flame that was still clearly alive between you.
You moaned in his mouth, as the sloppy doing of his tongue drove you out of your mind. One of his hands reached further down your bottom, slipping between your thighs to feel the dampness pooling on your underwear. He always knew how to get you wet with just a kiss, but this was something else entirely. You were sopping wet. He could feel your juices seeping through the fabric.
“Say that you don’t want me again, I dare you,” he drawled with a shit-eating grin.
“Shut up. I need you to fuck me,” you sucked in his lower lip hard between your teeth, tugged it, and let it go when it was bright pink.
He scoffed at your request, not of mockery but pride of being still able to incite you like that.
“We don’t have much time. You have to do it fast,” you warned and turned around, pushing your panties down to your ankles as he undid his belt and fly.
“Your wish is my command, Corazón.”
Shane quickly pulled out his cock. It was half hard.
Biting on your lip, you glanced over your shoulder to see him jerking himself off up to a firmer completion.
You stuck your butt out and propped your forearms on the hard surface of the counter, as Shane guided his cock oh so carefully between your tender lips.
“I’ve never fucked a pregnant woman before. I don't wanna hurt you,” he confessed in your ear as his hardness stroked just a little further into your walls.
“Don’t overthink it. Baby’s safe. Just fuck me like always.”
“Hmm,” he followed your order and after a couple of experimental thrusts, the pace of his hips skyrocketed to a punishing level that felt like heaven and hell rising at the same time between your legs. He kept your hips locked in his hands, fingers digging in your flesh as you tucked one of your hands between your legs to feel your juices leaking all over your legs and floor. It was like nothing else you’ve ever felt. Most of it was partially hormonal, the other part was a mix of being touch-starved from your husband, and missing Shane, and his cock like crazy.
You rubbed your clit and all of a sudden one of his hands slipped under the hem of your shirt at the front to feel your breasts.
“Fuck, you’re so big and juicy, mi vida,” he grunted, squeezing your overly-sensitive, pebbled nipple that felt like a rock between his fingers. His face leaned closer to whisper in your ear. “I’d put another baby in there if I could. You’d like that?”
“God, I would love that,” you moaned, throwing your head back against his shoulder. “Come inside me, mi amor.”
“Yeah? Tell me you love me, and I’ll give you anything you want.”
“I love you, Cielo,” you gasped as he removed your hand from your pussy to replace it with his own. “I fucking love you and your big cock. Please. Hmm, fuck… fuck, fu…”
“There, mi vida.”
You felt your soul being pulled out of your body when the winning push forced a torrent of pleasure that traveled over your body as your opening contracted around his dick. You went up so high, so fast, you almost didn’t feel when he shot his load.
When he slipped out of you, you quickly went down to pull on your panties back in place. You almost felt embarrassed at the mess that you made on the floor and all over the cabinets below the counter if it didn’t feel that good.
“You really have to go now,” placing a palm on his chest, you glanced out the window, knowing that your husband wouldn’t take much longer now.
“I wanna see you again.”
Your eyes welled up. “We can’t do this again, Shane. If he finds out…”
“Please,” he pleaded over and over in between a trail of desperation and kisses peppered all over your face and neck. “I can’t live without you, mi amor, mi cielo, mi corazón. Te necesito.” (My love, my sky, my heart. I need you.)
“Shit. Alright,” you paused to collect your thoughts. “Come tonight. After ten. He’ll be gone the whole weekend. If there’s a truck on the driveway you turn away.”
“Got it.”
“Leave your car at the end of the street, you walk all the way here, and come at the back. ¿Entendido?” you pointed at the back door in your kitchen. (Got it?)
“Alto y claro.” (Loud and clear.)
“C’mere, Cielo,” you wrapped your arms tightly around him, and inhaled the smell of his neck for a long moment before sending him in his way.
You went into the bathroom to clean yourself up and saw his seed had dripped from your pussy to your panties. It was still warm and wet. You dabbed your fingers on it and shamelessly brought it to your lips to remember how his cum tasted. Then you pushed those same fingers into your opening to pick up the remains of you and him and licked every bit of it off your digits.
You hated that he had turned you into this mess of a woman that couldn’t ever resist him. Some bonds are unable to explain, and as much as you hated him, you loved him even more than you thought.
As you wiped your legs and changed your underwear, you felt the roaring of your husband’s truck pulling up the driveway before stomping into the house. You hurried to clean up the mess in the kitchen. You could tell it smelled like sex, but Clayton had been drinking as usual, and his senses were shot by the stench of alcohol.
You really knew how to pick them. First Shane, then Clayton. To be fair, Clay was a completely different person when you met him. It wasn’t until a few months ago that he lost his job, and you got pregnant that he started showing his true colors. While Shane, you always knew what you were in for cause he was always the same person from beginning to end, he never hid what he was.
Every other weekend Clay went to a cabin up in the mountains with a group of friends to hunt and whatever the hell they did cause hardly you ever saw anything brought back from those alleged hunting trips. He just brought more dirty clothes soaked in booze and muddied boots. Lately, you didn't even care. You actually preferred when he was gone cause it got him out of the house and those weekends away were the only times you could breathe.
For all that he had put you through, you didn’t feel guilty in the slightest from doing what you did with Shane. God knows Clay would probably be fucking around. You were sure of it cause one, he hand’t touch you since you told him you were pregnant; and two you weren't blind or deaf either, and had caught him talking overly friendly, like he used to talk to you at the beginning, over the phone a couple of times when he thought you were asleep.
“Did you have coffee?” Clay picked up the mug with coffee grounds that Shane left on the counter. “You shouldn’t drink it.”
“I didn’t have any. I had a friend over earlier and I forgot to clean it up.”
“You know how I feel about having people in my house when I’m not here.”
“It’s my house actually,” you pointed out. “What? Are you gonna forbid me from having friends over now?”
You knew you shouldn't poke the bear when it was drunk, but sometimes your mouth ran faster than your brain.
“We're married, remember? What's yours is mine and all that shit. Don't forget that, bitch.”
God, you had to refrain so hard from punching his face.
As you headed out of the kitchen to avoid getting yourself further into trouble, he grabbed your arm, stopping you from leaving.
“I am your husband. And this is my house. You'd be nothing without me. Show some respect.”
“Men who hurt their wives, their pregnant wives, don't deserve any respect,” you snarled. “Now let me go before you do something you might regret later.”
He looked at you with sharp steel eyes, clutching your arm so hard it felt like he might snap it in half. He wanted to hit you so badly, you could tell, like the night before when he swung the remote across your face when you accidentally knocked over his beer.
You held his stare just as defiantly, and pulled your arm free from his grasp. It left a mark that turned into a bruise quickly after.
Staying out of his way, you went into the nursery and sat down with a book on the armchair to read while he gathered his hunting supplies. You heard him heating up some leftovers and showering before leaving.
All you could think when you listened to his truck drive off was seeing Shane again. You had a couple of hours left to get ready. It was a safe window for you to know that your husband was up in the mountains and wouldn't be coming back till Sunday. You followed his friend's updates on Instagram to keep track of him. Trent was an avid poster, and it was the perfect way to keep tabs on him to avoid the imminent disaster of him finding you with your ex.
You took a shower and changed the sheets of your bed, so they wouldn't smell like Clayton. You were dead set on banging Shane in your bed. Technically, he had fucked you many times before, pretty much in every room of this house but never in your new marital bed. It really excited you thinking about it. You wished you had more time to go to the mall to purchase some sexy lingerie that fitted your pregnant body.
God, Shane really knew how to turn you into an idiot.
In the end, it didn't matter what you wore cause it wouldn't stay on for long. You opted for wearing a pair of lacy panties that you could still fit, but the matching bra didn't stand a chance against your new boobs. You put on a flannel shirt instead, and buttoned a couple of buttons that allowed for your generous cleavage to be the center of attention.
You took off your ring as well and hid it in one of the drawers of your nightstand.
When you finished fixing your hair you went around the house and drew all the curtains for privacy. Then you finally got to relax for a while. You checked Trent's Instagram to make sure they had arrived at the cabin. Exactly like you predicted, he documented the whole thing.
Waiting for Shane, you watched TV and ate some food. When you looked at the clock it was twenty minutes past ten. He couldn't be far, right? You built yourself up to the idea of meeting him again, that’d be disappointing if he didn’t come.
For ten more minutes, you started to believe you shouldn’t have put that much effort until you heard a soft knocking on the back door.
“Empezaba a creer que habías cambiado de idea,” you said, letting him in, and securing the lock on the door. (I was starting to think you changed your mind.)
“When have I ever disappointed you, mi vida?” As you took his hand, you gave him a look, and he scoffed, “don’t answer that.”
“I’m just glad you came back.”
“Fuck! Look at you, Corazón,” his eyes traveled down your body when you turned to him. “You wanna give me a heart attack?”
Taking that as a win, you grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulled firmly towards you to have his lips crash against yours. Then you took him to the bedroom and as you were about to capture his mouth again, Shane stopped you.
“Hold on,” he put some distance between the two of you. “I need to get a good look at you.”
He took off his shirt and tossed aside, as he circled around your body, committing to memory the new curves of your body. When he stood in front of you, you took a closer look at his exposed chest and gulped at the sight of your name tattooed in delicate lettering over his left pec.
“You got that for me?” you traced it with a finger.
“Si, Corazón.”
Your stomach fluttered as his fingers undid the two buttons of your shirt and pushed it off your shoulders to uncover your breasts and baby bump.
“You’re gorgeous like this, mi vida,” the flannel shirt fell to the floor as the back of his knuckles brushed the side of your heavy breast before holding one of them in his hand. It was way larger than his palm he realized, he used to be able to hold it all, now your flesh puffed up between his fingers when he squeezed. “You’re so sensitive.” He noticed your nipples getting hard with just a light touch.
“You can’t even imagine,” you laughed.
“How about here?” Shane guided his other hand between your legs to feel that you were already wet.
You hummed at the soft strokes of his fingers as they slid under the elastic to caress your tender skin. His lips parted at the corner of your mouth as he gathered the arousal from your folds. Your lips down there were puffed too from all the blood gathering all at your core.
“Lay down, I wanna eat you up, Darlin’.”
He bit his bottom lip and watched you following his order. You slipped your panties off under the dark stare of his beautiful eyes that had turned from sweet to a dangerous edge that could set anyone on fire.
You tucked a few pillows beneath your back to keep the weight of your belly off your spine, and reclined as comfortably as you could, spreading your legs wide for him like an offering.
With a grin, he propped a knee on the bed and looked at your cunt as if it was the most precious thing he’s ever seen. He settled between your legs, curled his arms around your thighs and dived right in. With the tip of his nimble tongue, he slowly drew the shape of your lips before circling around your clit. Unlike your husband, Shane was a master of giving head, and was well versed on your pussy. Even after all this time, he still remembered what made you tick.
A shiver ran down your spine as the plane of his tongue licked long strokes from your entrance to your swollen bud.
You threw your head back when his lips wrapped around it. The vicious pressure of his lips around that bundle of nerves felt out of this world.
“God, I’ve missed you, Cielo,” you moaned, threading your fingers in his hair.
“You taste so fucking good,” he grunted ferociously against your folds as a response and all of a sudden he began to suck on you like a starving beast.
Your juices, just as before, leaked all over. It was ridiculous how much you could produce in such a short time. You could feel the fabric below your ass absorbing them.
All your bearings were quickly lost as he took you closer to the edge. All you could do is cry out in pleasure, and squirm as his grip tightened around you to keep your hips in place. You tugged hard on his hair to anchor yourself but all that did is prompting him to go even harder.
“Close… I'm so… fuck, Shane, please… please,” you couldn't stop begging with shallow breaths. Your core was on fire, and you desperately needed to come. “Yes, like that… Ahhh.”
Your legs suddenly clenched around his head a wave of wild bliss coursed through your body, from your center out in different directions. Your toes curled, your muscles shivered, your breathing faltered as your mind was temporarily blown into pure joy. You closed your eyes and let that all take you over your body for a few seconds.
Slowly coming back to your senses, your pussy tingled for a little longer than usual.
Shane was on his knees between your legs, massive erection in his hand when you opened your eyes to find him staring directly at you.
“Goddamn, Corazón. I wish I could take a picture of you like that. I've never seen you come like that for me,” he groaned, pumping his length. “Look how fat you made me.”
Softly laughing, you managed to lift your hand to help him. You replaced his fist with yours and felt the jerking of his firm dick in your palm. His girth was so wide, your thumb couldn't touch any of your other fingers in a curl.
You wondered how many pussies his cock fucked during the past few years. And without thinking or stopping your hand, you asked…
“Di, ¿cuántas zorras te has tirado con mi polla?” (Say, how many bitches have you fucked with my cock?)
“¿Tu polla?” he snorted. (Your cock?)
“Yes, just mine,” you winked as you kept your hand moving. “Dime la verdad o paro.” (Tell me the truth, or I’ll stop.)
“Hmm, no me tortures así, Corazón.” (Hmm, don’t torture me like that, Sweetheart.)
“Come on. Tell me,” you requested again.
“None,” he panted, unable to keep up with the rhythm of your hand. He had to brace a palm on the mattress to keep himself from falling. “You said it. Soy todo tuyo, mi vida. Te lo prometo.” (I’m all yours, my life. I promise.)
You smiled widely, pressing your teeth on your lower lip, as you enthusiastically got him to ejaculate all over your swollen belly. It was warm and sticky, and you couldn't help but spread it like butter all over your tight skin, and bring some of it again to your mouth as Shane’s body melted next to yours.
You turned to the side, pushing the pillows under your back aside, keeping one for your head.
Your fingers found his stubbled jaw as you tilted his face in your direction.
“You really haven't been with anyone since the last time I saw you?”
“No. Not like this, Darlin’. Don’t get me wrong, I fooled around with a couple of girls but nothing else. You know me better than that.”
“I'm not sure if that's still true.”
“Do you wanna know where I've been the last two years?”
You were afraid to find out, but your head nodded anyway.
“Prison,” he said without breaking eye contact.
“What for?”
“Possession. Bet you thought it was about time they caught up with me, huh?”
“No, I’ve never thought that, Shane. As much as I wanted to punish you sometimes, I never wished for that to happen. When did you get out?”
“Yesterday morning,” he smiled softly. “All I could think was you, so I got in the car and I drove all the way here without stopping.”
“You could've called me.”
“I couldn't.”
“Why not?”
“Cause you would've dropped everything to help me, and I couldn't put that on you.”
“I wish you had. I would've done anything…”
“I know.”
“I'd have waited for you.”
“I know that too, Corazón. Don't beat yourself up for it.”
Your phone dinged, and you blindly extended your hand to pick up from your nightstand. It was another update from Trent. They were playing beer pong like fucking frat guys, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“What’s that?” Shane asked.
“Oh, nothing, just checking on him. I’m keeping tabs on his friend’s Instagram to see that he’s still at the cabin.”
“No, not that. This,” Shane lifted your wrist as the soft light from the night lamp highlighted the mark on your forearm. “You didn't have this earlier. I told you my truth. Would you tell me yours?”
Placing your phone down, you pursed your lips, pondering why you’re still protecting that asshole.
“I… you were right earlier. I don’t really love him anymore. I don’t think I ever did. I just needed some stability and I thought he was it. This happened after you left. And this,” then you pointed to your temple, “he smacked me with the remote last night.”
“Why are you with someone like that? I thought–”
“You thought, what, that I had some self-respect? I used to. I think I did. It’s more complicated than you think. He wasn’t like that when I met him.”
“They hardly ever are.”
“He lost his job a few months ago and started drinking, it wasn’t until recently that he-”
“Stop. Don’t make excuses for him. Losing a job doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole and hit your wife or any woman at all. And drinking… I know a thing or two about getting wasted, and I never put my hand on you no matter how drunk I was.”
“You're right… I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Then, kick him out. Call the police. Get a restraining order. This is still your house, right?”
“Yeah, it is. But like I said – it’s more complicated than that. He has two cop friends. Best friends. They protect each other like fucking wolves. Last year, one of them killed a girl in a DUI, and he got nothing but a slap on the wrist. If I were to show up to ask for a restraining order, who do you think they’ll protect?”
“That’s fucking crazy. You can't live like that, baby.”
You sighted, combing the curls behind his ear. “Sometimes, when he goes away like this I think – this time he’d be too drunk to drive, and he’d end up going over a cliff, die upon impact and would never set foot in this house again. I keep closing my eyes at night and dreaming about it.”
Shane softly patted your hair back, and snuggled closer to you, wrapping you in his arms.
“I’m not gonna let him hurt you again. I promise, Corazón.”
“You don’t have to save me.”
“Lo sé, mi vida.”
Smiling against his chest, basking in the familiar scent of Shane, and feeling the big flutter of a kicking storm in your stomach. You held his hand and placed it on the side of your belly.
“She’s kicking. Can you feel that?”
“Yeah, I feel it. She? It’s a girl?”
“She’s strong. Does she have a name?”
“She does,” you placed your mouth over his ear, and whispered the name of your baby girl.
“That’s a beautiful name. She’s gonna kick ass, just like her mama.”
“I hope so,” your lips quirked up as you placed a small kiss on the corner of his mouth and confessed. “I wish she was yours.”
“I wish she was mine too.”
Your lips locked together once more as you rid yourself of all bad thoughts clouding your head. You only ever wanted Shane. It’s easier to forget how much you love him when he’s not around, and just as easier to remember that you’d die for him if you had to. As the intensity of the kiss rose, you shifted and straddled his waist. He watched you become a goddess as you rubbed yourself over his dick, getting it to fully harden.
“Are you in heat or something?” he laughed, holding your hips.
“It’s the hormones. What? Aren’t you up for the challenge, big guy?”
“Oh, I’m up, alright.”
You lifted your ass, held his cock and carefully sank onto it.
Rocking back and forth you propped your hands on his broad chest, so you could boost yourself up to bounce all over his massive erection. His hands held your ass to help you go faster.
When you caught him eyeing your big breast you bent over, holding one in your hand and put it over his mouth, so he can suck on it. His lips wrapped tight around your sensitive nipple and latched on it. You were growling at the wonderful sensation paired with his throbbing cock inside you.
“God, Corazón, you’re amazing, you feel so… “ He moaned as he switched to the other nipple.
This time his teeth scraped the surface, and you almost came at the surprise. You were so close you couldn’t help but bounce a little faster. You had to brace both hands again to keep up with the rhythm. The weight of your belly started to hinder your pace the closer you got to the edge.
“Help me,” you grabbed Shane's hand and put it on your clit, pleading with a cry, “I need it. Please.”
“I got you, baby. I got you.”
He rubbed viciously on your clit until you came with such force all your juices squirted all over him. Then the pleasure of your orgasm forced his own. His cocked jerked, and suddenly you were filled again with his delicious seed.
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You didn’t hear Shane leaving after you fell asleep in his arms.
When you woke up to pee a couple of hours later, the clock marked 4AM, and he wasn't in your bed anymore. He had left the house altogether. You didn't have plans for the next day, but you weren't expecting him to leave that early in the morning either without saying goodbye.
There was a pang of disappointment in your chest as you went back to bed, but you closed your eyes, naively hoping he'd come back later.
It was your lucky day cause when you opened your eyes again, he was back and had brought breakfast with him. All our favorite plates were laid on the breakfast bar as he made a fresh batch of coffee.
“Where did you go, Cielo?” you asked in between bites.
“Went out for breakfast.”
“I can see that. I mean earlier. Woke up at 4 and you were gone.”
He took a long sip of his cup before responding, “I couldn’t sleep, so I went for a drive to clear my head.”
“It must be strange sleeping in a new bed.”
“Yeah, a little.”
“I have to work later. I can call in sick if you want–” you offered.
“No, baby, do what you gotta do. No te preocupes por mí.” (Don’t worry about me.)
“You can’t stay here, but I could still get you a room at the hotel if you’re tired.”
“Nah, do your thing, I’ll figure it out.”
“Would you… come later?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Then I’ll be here, Corazón,” he kissed your hair and picked up your phone from the counter, “unlock it. I’ll put in my new number, and you call me when you’re off. Yeah?”
“Prométeme que volverás,” you said before handing back the phone. (Promise that you’ll come back.)
“Lo prometo.” (I promise.)
After cleaning your plate you relaxed in bed for a little while, trying to get him to catch up with his sleep. There was no luck in that department cause he couldn't keep his eyes and hands off you. So once again, you found yourself in a trance of hormone-induced lust, and had Shane thrusting into you at full force from behind. Your ass was in the air, held in his broad palms, while you sobbed and moaned in pleasure against the pillow beneath your head. You desperately pushed back with your hips, taking him all in. Feeling every stroke, every inch and throb until your legs were left trembling and the fire in your core had spread through your whole body.
When you went off to work in the afternoon, it all seemed to become a hazy dream. It was all so intense that part of you thought it couldn't be real. But that was most of your relationship with Shane. Sometimes you couldn't help but feel you weren't enough for him. Him constantly leaving and breaking his promises was proof that you shouldn’t trust everything he says, but this time felt different. Maybe it was cause he was fresh out of prison, but you could tell that perhaps he was ready to stay out of trouble.
The first half of your shift went by quickly. You kept checking your phone like a maniac to make sure your husband stayed where he was supposed to, and luckily he did. If he wasn’t afraid of hurting you, you weren’t afraid of hurting him back, but you were indeed scared of him finding out about you and your old flame regardless.
You were at the front desk when Shane came in an hour before your shift ended to ask for a room. He needed a place to stay after all, and as the manager you managed pretty well to comp him a room for a couple of days. He carried his scarce luggage that consisted of just a duffle bag to his room, took a shower and waited for your shift to end.
Shane was half asleep when you finished work and knocked on his door. It was easy to see that he was utterly spent, so you didn’t make him drive back to the house. Instead, you stayed with him for the night. You trimmed his curls and shaved his face. Then, you took a long bath together like old times.
“Are you going to stay this time?” you asked once you got into bed.
You faced the other under covers and didn't talk louder than a whisper.
“I don't have anywhere else to go, baby.”
“Does that mean that you're done hustling?”
“I gotta. I don't have any other choice than to be done. Next time it could be 20 or 30 or life. I think I've tempted fate way too many times and got away with more than I should've. I had a lot of time to think and realized none of it mattered. Didn't care about the money. It was just… I don’t know, the power I guess. And I missed on a lot of time with you, and now I have nothing to show for. I don't really know what I'm gonna do, but I'm done with all that. All I know is that I just wanna be with you.”
“I…” your words caught up in your throat, as you tried to convey and process what he said at the same time. “I wanna believe that's true, but you've said you were done before and always felt right back into it.”
“This time is different. I can promise you that I'm not going anywhere this time. Cross my heart.”
Your lips softly pulled up at the corners as you placed your hand over your name's tattoo on his chest.
Regardless of his promise, you’d always have some reservations when it comes to him. Until he really proves it, there’s nothing stripping all those doubts he’s ingrained in you over the years.
When you woke up in the middle of the night he was gone like the night before. This time there was a note saying that he had gone out for a drive and signed it with – I love you, Corazón.
By the time you got up this time he hadn't come back. It didn't worry you though. You just went on with your day, drove back home to take a shower and run some errands before your next shift.
You weren't exactly sure what was going to happen next. You couldn't just jump into Shane's arms after all this time and pretend nothing ever happened. If this was really happening you had to make sure that was true to his word and figure out how he’d fit into your life when you were about to have a baby.
But most importantly, there was something you had to do first. Something that you should’ve done a long time ago and that was leaving your husband. You had been subjected to verbal and mental abuse for months that gradually turned into physical abuse. No matter how much it scared you, it was time to put your foot down and protect not only yourself but your daughter. She couldn’t be raised around him. And Shane or no Shane, it was something you couldn’t keep brushing aside hoping it’ll get better. It was easier to think about it than to actually do it. You weren’t sure how to start. Like you told Shane, going to Lafayette’s Police Department wasn’t an option. But maybe giving Rick a call and asking him for some guidance could be the first step of many.
You pinned that thought for the next day and went back to work a little earlier than usual. It was Sunday afternoon, and you dreaded that Clayton would be coming back later. So you decided to pay Shane a visit before work.
“You know, being here with you this weekend… it’s been the best thing that’s ever happened in a long time, Sweetheart.”
“Well, anything can beat spending two years in prison.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, mi vida. I mean it. I just hope you can forgive me someday for everything I’ve done. There’s a lot of shit you don’t know about that I wanna tell you but…”
He lowered his stare.
“Shane… I… If what you say it’s true, if you prove that I can count on you and that you’re not going back to all that, I’d never hold anything against you. That’s my promise. Whatever you did, you’ve done your time, right?”
“Right,” he picked up your hand and kissed your knuckles before smoothing his palm on your baby bump.
“I can come back later, just for a little while before going home.”
“If you feel like it, I’ll be here, Corazón. Always. No matter what happens.”
He said kind of ominously before you left the room. His tone was certainly different from the night before, he could barely look you in the eye as you said goodbye.
It really puzzled you as you went back to your desk. Maybe he was just tired or perhaps, he was actually feeling the weight of all his actions at once and was actually remorseful. You definitely hadn’t seen that look in his face before that afternoon.
On a quiet evening, when you thought this weekend couldn’t bring more surprises, there was something else that turned your world upside down when two of Clayton’s friends showed up at the front desk. It was the two cops, Simon and Paulie, or Prick One and Prick Two as you called them, asking you for a private place to talk.
You took them into the office where they asked you to sit down, so they could break the news of your husband’s death. It was hard to hear, no matter how many times you’ve fantasized about it, it seemed impossible and your first reaction when they told you he drove over a cliff was to burst into laughter.
“You guys are joshing, right?” you scoffed, and their faces remained unchanged, dead serious. “That can’t be right. He was with you the whole time. I saw it in Trent’s fucking pictures.”
“I’m really sorry, sweetheart. It’s true. We ran out of ice, and he said he was going to the gas station for more and never returned last night. We didn’t find him until this morning… we weren’t sure it was him until they got down to get him. That’s why we waited to tell you.”
“Ice? He went out for ice?” You gritted in disbelief.
“He was pretty wasted. We all were, but you know how he was, once he got something in his head…”
“That’s the last thing he said before leaving.”
“But we believe there was something else that I rather you hear from us than on the news. They found a bag with amphetamines and cocaine in his truck.”
“After he lost his job he was desperate and, we kinda knew that he was selling to-”
They kept spitting out information that didn’t seem feasible to you until you snapped.
“Stop, stop, stop,” you said stiffly, holding your palms up for a moment before getting up from your chair. “Everything you’re saying doesn’t make any sense. He’s many things, but he’s not a fucking drug dealer.”
Though it’d explain some things, you couldn’t believe Clayton had turned into that.
“You kinda knew? That’s bullshit. You either were fully aware of what he was up to or you two are the dumbest cops I’ve ever met. You just don’t – kinda knew –” you threw big air quotes at their own words.
“Hey!” Simon raised his voice for just a second before his partner motioned at him to have some tact.
“We know you’re hurting, sweetheart. It’s a lot to process, but we’re here for whatever you need. Clay would’ve wanted us to help you.”
A lot to process was an understatement.
You looked out the window and saw Shane’s jeep parked in the lot, and it dawned on you. It wasn’t an accident or a coincidence… It was Shane. He killed him. It was as clear as day. You told him about your fantasy of Clayton falling from a cliff the other night, and he made that happen. He murdered him in your name and these two clowns were obviously too stupid to figure that out.
It made you sick to your stomach to think about it and you had to fight not to throw up right on the spot.
“Do I need to identify the body? Is he…?” you couldn’t even imagine what he would look like. All you could think about is the last time you saw him when he grabbed your arm, that same arm you unconsciously were gripping to as hard as he did.
“We can take care of that. You don’t have to see him like that.”
You simply nodded as vile rose to your throat, “there’s a lot… If you could… I need to be alone for a minute.”
“We understand. Call us if you need anything.”
They left the office and the first thing you did when the door was closed was hurl everything you had eaten earlier in the wastebasket.
Beads of sweat covered your forehead and chest when you came out of the office. Your boss dismissed you from work and instead of going home, you went straight to Shane’s room for answers. What he said earlier about forgiveness of all the things he’s done suddenly made a lot of sense. He wasn’t talking about three years ago, he was talking about what he had done last night.
When he opened the door, your cheeks were already covered in tears, as rage just fired through your body. You couldn’t voice anything other than a “how could you….” as you shoved him back several times with all the strength you could muster until his back was pressed against the wall.
You didn’t have to say much cause he was aware that you knew that he indeed had killed Clayton. He fucking knew that sooner or later you were going to find out.
“Lo siento, mi vida. De verdad que lo siento…” (I’m sorry, my life. I truly am sorry…)
He wasn’t in fact sorry at all, he was sorry that he hurt you, but he wasn’t carrying an ounce of guilt from killing your husband in cold blood.
“He had to go. I’m sorry. I couldn’t just let him hurt you again, you gotta know that.”
“No. You’re not putting this on me. You did that cause you’re a selfish piece of shit. I shouldn’t’ve…”
“C’mon, you practically begged me the other day. Why would you tell me that you kept dreaming of him dying if you didn’t want me to do something about it?”
“It’s called being vulnerable. You caught me at a bad time and took advantage of it. I’m sick of men like you and him making the rules as they go.”
“I didn’t make any rules. I did what I had to cause you didn’t have the guts to kick him out of your life.”
“I had a plan… I was going to… and you…” you kept losing the ability to put your thoughts together.
“Babe, I don’t care if you hate me for as long as I live but, I’m gonna sleep tonight like a baby knowing that that asshole won’t ever touch you again.”
“Is that easy for you, huh?”
“Don’t tell me you don’t feel just one bit relieved that you won’t have to see him ever again. Di la verdad.” (Tell the truth.)
You shook your head, and swallowed the hard pill of his words. He was partly right. As shocking as it was, you knew that after all this, you’d be glad he was gone.
“It doesn’t matter, Shane. What you did was evil.”
“I did it cause I love you.”
“No, you did it cause you wanted to.”
“I didn’t wanna, I swear. For the first time… I didn’t wanna do something like this, trust me.”
“Trust you? I don’t think you deserve that.”
“You should go home and rest…. Once this is over you’ll see more clearly that this had to happen.”
“See more clearly? You’re the one with tunnel vision, Shane. If you can admit that what you did was fucking wrong, then there’s nothing else to say here. We’re done.”
“I’m not saying it wasn’t wrong. I know it was. But the only thing that matters to me is that you and your baby are safe. And if they lock me up for it, so be it. I don't fucking care. I wasn't gonna sit down and watch him hurt you again.”
“I… I really don't know what you expect me to do with all this. You killed, not just someone… you killed my husband. How can you sit down and pretend that everything will be fine? How are you gonna live with that?”
“Wasn't really the first time. I told you there was a lot you didn't know about.”
“That doesn't make me feel any better. I said I wouldn't hold anything against you, but this is too much, Shane.”
“I know.”
“No matter what he did, he didn't deserve…” you started but immediately realized you didn't even believe your own thoughts. He did deserve to die. Just not like this, perhaps. “Is there any way this could be traced to you, to us?”
“No, I covered all my tracks.”
“Are you sure?”
“Do you want me to give you the rundown?”
“If someone finds out…”
“Nobody's gonna find out. I promise.”
“Tú y tus malditas promesas. Sigues siendo el mismo cabrón.” (You and your damn promises. You’re still the same bastard.)
“Hey, mírame y dime, en tu corazón de corazones ¿De veras crees eso?” (Look at me and tell me, in your heart of hearts, do you really believe that?)
You glanced at him, but you couldn't focus enough to tell or understand what you believed anymore. Your head sunk into your shoulders in defeat before taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
“Was he really selling drugs or did you plant them?”
“I didn't plant anything. I have no idea what he was up to. I just followed him with my car and made sure he went…”
“How did you know where he was?”
“You showed me where they were in that photo the other night. Their dumbasses even tagged the location.”
“Did anyone see you?”
“So you want the rundown after all.”
“Just wanna make sure… I don’t know anymore… I don’t know why I care at all,” you tiredly held your forehead on your palms.
“Look, the less you know the better. They won’t come after you. I’ll make sure of that… but to answer your question, no, nobody saw me. I used a different car, I scooped up the place the night before and just waited… I thought I’d have to do it when they were all asleep but, when he got into his truck I saw my chance.”
“Ya es suficiente.” (That’s enough.)
You promptly stood up as you were torn in different directions inside. Turning your back on him, your hand reached for the door handle. “You should leave town while you can. I won’t tell anyone… but I can’t see you anymore.”
“So this is it? This is how it ends?”
“I don’t know… I just can’t really look at you right now. You put my life upside down in two days, Shane.”
“I’m so sorry for that. I really am. But I hope one day you have it in your heart to forgive me… I… I won’t be going anywhere. If you need me, I’m just one call away, Corazón.”
You didn’t look back, didn’t even glance over your shoulder one last time to see him as you stepped out of the room.
Emotionally and physically exhausted you drove home as your brain switched on autopilot. The next few days were hazy and draining. As soon as the body was released for burial you got the funeral out of the way quickly. It didn't surprise you that it was ruled as an accident, with the levels of alcohol in his blood and the drugs in the truck didn’t leave room for questioning foul play. And the worst part of it all, and that Shane was right, you didn’t feel bad at all for his death.
Though Shane left the hotel you worked at, he stayed in town. You saw his car parked by the diner the day you returned to work.
He stayed away. More than once you thought he’d come up out of the blue and show up on your porch, and you’d be too weak to deal with him again. But He didn’t even dare to call or text again after that day.
It wasn’t until three or so weeks later, when you started feeling more like your old self, you began going through Clayton’s stuff. There wasn’t really anything you wanted to keep, so you threw most of it in the donation pile and called it a day. There was one thing though, that you couldn’t sort, and it was the storage cabinet he had padlocked in the garage. You went through every drawer and pocket to find a key to it, but there was no luck. Maybe it was lost in the mountains with him, you thought. Then, as much as you wanted to avoid that, you had no choice but to search the bag you were given with the personal belongings he had during the ‘accident’. There you found the key attached to his keychain.
At that point, nothing surprised you anymore when you opened the cabinet to find a backpack filled with prescription pills and other drugs you didn’t recognize. Along with it there was also some cash, a gun with a box of ammo, his work tools, a pair of utility boots, and a few magazines.
Perhaps that’s the excuse you needed to see Shane again, who fucking knows, but for whatever reason you picked up the phone and called him. Without going into detail about your findings, you asked him to come over to look at your car instead and he did. A couple of hours later, as the sun went down, he knocked on your door.
“I’m glad you called,” he said.
“Follow me,” you requested dryly, as you guided him into the garage. With the door shut down to the driveway, you opened the cabinet and showed him. “Can you get rid of this?”
“Is this yours?” He scanned the bag of stash. “Have you been hiding a side hustle?”
“No, asshole. It was his. I’ve just found it and I don’t know what to do with it. Do I call the police?”
“Don’t. Please don’t do that,” he pleaded. “I’ve been watching those two, you know his friends, and they were in it too.”
“How do you know?”
“Cause I know. Why do you think they were so quick to rule it as an accident? They turned him into his errand boy. He didn't just go out for ice, he was making a drop that night. Those fucking pictures they kept posting? Those are their alibis.”
Short of breath, you took a step back and leaned against the hood of your car. “I don’t wanna know any of it. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it. I’m tired of all this, Shane… I want it to be over.”
“Sorry… I… yeah, I’ll get rid of it.”
“What about the gun?”
He picked it up and made a thorough inspection making sure that it wasn’t loaded.
“I’ll take care of it too.”
“Wait, if it’s registered, shouldn’t I just turn it over or something?”
“Ghost gun. Has no serial number, see?” He turned it around and pointed at the side to show there was indeed no number where it was supposed to. “In normal circumstances, you could say you just found it, but in this case… I wouldn’t do it.”
“Got it. Just do what you have to do. Get rid of the cash too, I need all of it gone.”
“Now, hold on, there's like 8 G's here. You should keep that.”
“It's drug money, I don't want it.”
“Yeah, but you could use it for something good. Buy something for you or the baby.”
“I don't need it, I was doing pretty good without his money. I won't be able to use it without thinking about where it came from. I never took yours, I'm not gonna take his now.”
“Think it's for a good cause. Like it or not, he was her father, you could open a savings account for her. Don't let it go to waste, sweetheart. You might need it someday.”
“I… Sure. I guess you're right.”
“I could get you a good price on that bag too. I'm thinking about 5-”
“No, I don't want you to risk it. Just get rid of it. Burn it, bury it, toss it somewhere far away from here.”
“Are you sure? The Dixons owe me one, I could get them to–”
“I'm not gonna bend on this one Shane. I mean it. Stay away from the Dixons. Don’t do anything stupid.”
“Alright, I’ll just get rid of it. But y’know I’m taking a huge risk getting this off your hands.”
“So, are you sure you want me to? If they find me with this, I could get locked up again.”
“Ya empezamos… ¿Quieres algo a cambio?” You huffed, crossing your arms firmly over your belly. (Here we go… You want something in return?)
“No, I mean… I just wanna see you for a coffee sometime.”
“Told you, I don’t drink coffee.”
“It doesn't have to be coffee.”
“I’m too tired to do this again Shane. Do it or don’t. I don’t care. After you’ve put me through… no tienes derecho a pedir nada.” (You have no right to ask for anything.)
“Lo siento. Tenía que intentarlo. Can you blame me?” (I’m sorry. Had to try.)
“Yes, I can.”
“Okay, I set myself up for that one,” he huffed, and looked at the bag in his hand, and reiterated. “I’ll take care of this, don’t worry about it. No strings attached.”
“Thank you.” It took you a moment to say it, but you did. “So, you’re not leaving town. You’re not scared of being found out?”
“No, I’m not scared of being found out.”
“And what’s your plan now?”
“I meant what I saw the other day. I'm staying. I got a job at Jim’s. He’s letting me use the trailer behind the shop to save some money. And that’s my plan for now. Why? Thought you didn’t care.”
“I don’t give a fuck.”
“No? It seems like you awfully care a lot about what happens to me for someone who says doesn’t give a fuck.”
“I was just curious, Shane. You can just go, we don’t have to keep talking.”
“But I like talking to you.”
“I know you do. That’s the only thing you have over me. Every time you open your mouth… you’re just one step closer to…”
“What? Changing your mind?”
“It’s not a good thing.”
“As I see it, it’s the best thing.”
“Of course you do.”
“Okay, let me ask you just one more thing, and then I’ll go.”
“Okay, one.”
“If someone you loved was treated like you were–”
“Shane… don’t.”
“Lemme finish, please. If someone you loved was treated like you were, wouldn’t you do something about it? What if it was one of your friends? What if it was me… or what if an asshole in 20 years treated your daughter like that? Would you just stand by and do nothing?”
“That’s not a fair question. You’re playing on my emotions right now. Of course, I’d do something about it.“
“Then, why is it different? Would you kill for me if I was in danger?”
“That’s more than one question.”
“Would you?”
“I don’t know. I guess it depends on the situation. Once upon a time, if you had asked me that, I’d say yes, I’d have killed anyone for you.”
“¿Y ahora?” (And now?)
“No lo sé… I have something more pressing on my hands right now. I’m not alone anymore,” you glanced at your baby bump. “The difference between you and me is that I have to consider that what I do affects her.”
“Guess I should’ve thought that.”
“You should’ve.”
“We could still make it work. Maybe not now. But maybe someday when you can look at me again without seeing what I did. What do you think?”
“I think you’ve gone over the limit of questions you said you were going to ask, and my head is starting to hurt. But you know that I’ll never rule anything out between you and me. We’re both a lost cause. And if you really stay out of trouble and keep your word, who knows? Maybe one day I’ll change my mind.”
“That’s all I needed to hear, Corazón.”
Shane closed the backpack and slung it on his shoulder.
“Be careful with that.”
“Don't worry about me.”
His hand carefully slid on the side of your neck as Shane pressed his lips to your forehead. It lingered, once again making you feel as weak as the day you met him. It made you question whether to push him away or just give in to old habits. You've accepted that no matter what he did, you'd never be able to get rid of him.
You tentatively held his jaw between your palms, and stared at his lips for a beat before returning the kiss. It was soft and quick cause you didn't want to delve too fast and make it feel like a reward.
“I'll see you around,” you offered. That's the best you could do for now.
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ficnation · 10 months
Chapter 6: Facing the Strangers
Series: Way Down We Go || Season 1 Word count: 2,5k+ Pairing: Rick Grimes x Female! Reader; Shane Walsh x Reader; Daryl Dixon x Sister! Reader Warnings: usual twd themes A/n: Aye, it's WDWG time! I wanted this chapter to be as packed with tension as it was possible. Let me know your thoughts and theories! If you’re not on the taglist but you’d like to be added let me know!
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You woke up to the warmth of the morning sun, the rays streaming into the backseat of the car where you had fallen asleep. Merle snored in the reclined passenger seat, his boots propped up on the dash. You shifted your body into a sitting position, the wound on your side still aching horribly. You clenched your teeth and peeked through the window, gaze searching for Daryl and his beloved crossbow. 
Your younger brother stood near the lake, observing the water shimmering in the morning sun. He was finally taking a break from patrolling the perimeter. You wondered how long it has been since he got some rest—some real sleep—not a fifteen-minute-long nap. 
After the stunt Merle pulled at your camp near Turner Reservoir, you both agreed you’d not let him take another watch shift alone. You, though injured, were more trustworthy than him in spotting incoming threats and getting rid of them. Merle turned out to be too reckless, and you couldn’t risk coming all this way just for him to fuck up again.
As you stretched, the car creaked with your movement, the sound of metal and fabric shifting before settling into silence again. You slid out of the vehicle, unbothered by the loud slam of the door as you pushed it closed behind you. You secretly hoped it was clamorous enough to wake Merle from his deep slumber.
Daryl looked up from his spot near the water as you dragged your feet forward, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes. At least your injury wasn’t pulsing as painfully as it did the day before—that was a win in your book.
“You should get some sleep, Daryl,” you said when you reached him, standing by his side and looking at the water ahead. It was so peaceful.
“Don’ think tha’s a good idea,” he replied, looking you up and down, lost in thought. “Does it still hurt like a bitch?”
“Yeah, but less than yesterday.” You hid your yawn behind your palm. You only managed to get a few hours of sleep—the pain on your side was too unbearable to allow more than that. “Seriously, you should kick Merle out of the car and take a nap yourself,” you insisted, studying the dark circles underneath his eyes and the paleness of his face.
“Nah, I should probably catch us somethin’ to eat.” Daryl stretched his arms above his head with a groan before letting them drop down to his sides.
“Can I go with you?” you asked with an excited glint in your eyes.
You used to do that together when you were kids—when Will took you to the cabin and all the cupboards were empty. Every mention of your hunger was a reason for him to lash out; he used to yell about how ungrateful you were, saying you should finally learn to fend for yourself. You were just a kid, and you had to worry about finding something to satisfy your hunger because your own father was an asshole who refused to provide for you.
Although Daryl is younger than you, he was always the resourceful one while you followed him like a lost puppy, clumsily stumbling over every branch and rock. When you got lost in the woods, he was the one who got you food and clean water as you bawled your eyes out. He was the one who taught you which berries and mushrooms are safe to eat and which can make you wish you were dead.
You shook your head to will the memories away as Daryl responded, “Nah, ya should stay ‘ere with Merle.” Just when you were about to protest, he fixed you with a challenging quirk of his eyebrow and you instantly shut your mouth. “Yer wounded.”
You groaned in exasperation, then nodded your head in agreement. You had no reason to get pressed—even though you could move a little bit easier now, you’d still be a nuisance to him on a hunting trip. “Alright,” you mumbled in agreement.
The moment the words left your lips, your ears picked up noise in the distance. You whipped around toward your brother, meeting his gaze in a silent question. His squinted eyes told you that he heard it too.
The noise got closer and closer with every passing second—its source was definitely heading your way. You could see the gears turning in Daryl’s head as he realized the same thing.
“Get to the fuckin’ car!” he ushered you, swinging his crossbow off his shoulder while his unoccupied hand pushed you gently toward the vehicle.
You listened to him without a second thought, moving forward as fast as your legs allowed you to. You got to the car just in time for another vehicle to come barreling forward and skidding to a stop by the lake, and the large boulders you occupied yesterday. As the door to the black Jeep Wrangler opened, Daryl’s crossbow was already raised and aimed in that direction.
First, a muscular man jumped out of the driver’s seat, then the other doors opened, and a few women exited the car. They had yet to notice your presence. You felt Daryl nudging your arm—a silent sign to get into the truck before they spotted you.
But before you could do anything, the metal door opened with a loud creak as Merle darted out of it. He had the best timing ever—you had to give him that. You heard the commotion as the strangers finally noticed your group of three. And oh my god, Merle had a gun.
You stopped in your tracks, motionless, your eyes darting toward the newcomers. The driver also pulled out his gun as he started moving toward you. Daryl was saying something to your older brother, but your brain turned itself off, focusing solely on the dark-haired man ahead. He came to a stop not too far away, but not too close either, his weapon raised in your general direction.
You had a chance to give him a good look over as the world seemed to slow down around you. His eyes were dark brown but seemed almost hazel as the morning sun hit them. The hair on his head was black and wavey, a subtle stubble decorating his scowling face.
You don’t know what exactly happened, but suddenly those same rich brown eyes were studying your person, almost concerned. “Ma’am, do you know these men?” he asked, his voice deep as his gaze darted between you and your companions.
Daryl moved in front of you, shielding you away from the stranger’s view. No one answered the man’s question—no one even thought about it. You noticed Merle tense up next to you, clutching tightly the pistol in his hands. The stranger’s expression remained unwavering, but his eyes did glance at your older brother’s weapon briefly before they tried to catch a glimpse of you once more.
A thought popped into your head, and you looked down at your injured side, quickly connecting the dots. Now, you understood the glint of concern in his eyes. Your shirt and jeans were still stained with the dried-up blood—you completely forgot about it.
You peeked over Daryl’s shoulder and your gaze met the stranger’s. You’re not sure what he saw in it, but it somehow encouraged him to take another step forward in your direction. Your heart was pounding hard inside your chest. Everything looked like it was in slow motion, the man’s movement, the crowd behind him watching your stare off, every twitch of your younger brother’s muscles. The silence hung heavily in the air as you waited with bated breath to see who was going to fold first and finally say something.
Someone from the unknown crowd walked over and took a stand by the dark-eyed man. “Ma’am, are you injured? Do you need help?” The voice belonged to a woman, it was gentle, with a hint of annoyance at the unnecessary hostility between your groups. “Shane, put the gun away,” she urged the man beside her with a hushed tone—almost a whisper.
Shane listened to her, and although tentatively, he did lower his weapon. The woman stepped forward with a confident walk, escaping the arm that shot out to keep her from going any further. She was a woman on a mission, you could respect that. Her gaze locked on Daryl as she tried to sidestep him, but his aim followed her. You could hear Shane say something to her—maybe even to all of you—but your brain didn’t quite catch it, once again. Merle was oddly quiet.
“Woman, ya step any closer an’ I’ll blow yer pretty brains outta tha’ head.” Yep, he's still here.
Merle didn’t take his gaze off her, he was still clutching the gun, ready for the stranger to try something. Daryl looked even more uneasy than before, and you wondered whether the end of the world squashed all of your trust in humanity into the ground or have you always been like that—you were leaning more towards the second theory. Your older brother, however, seemed calm, like he was the only one who was in control of the situation. He looked around, sizing everybody up with a mean look in his Dixon blues.
“Where did you come from?” Shane asked, tensing up as your older brother stepped into the woman’s path when she tried to sidestep Daryl again.
You noticed the mocking snort that escaped Merle, his knuckles almost white from gripping that pistol so tight. Maybe he wasn’t as sure of himself as he was pretending to be. You had a feeling he was about to do something stupid.
You grabbed him by the wrist, shaking your head disapprovingly. He rolled his eyes, but let you pull him back, seeing the imploring look in your eyes. Don’t do it.
The unknown man’s expression grew darker when he noticed you weren’t really caving in. “Drop your weapons,” he ordered. “We don’t wanna harm you.”
Daryl and Merle didn’t say a word, simply refusing to give up their weapons. You lifted your leg, then kicked the old man in the calf, not too hard, but not too delicately either. He dropped the pistol in resignation, grunted, and pushed it a step away with his foot. Daryl agreed wordlessly and lowered his crossbow.
“Wha’ do ya all want from us?” Merle barked out, towering over the petite woman that finally gave up, understanding she wasn’t going anywhere near you.
You don’t know what gave it away, but the strangers seemed to understand the two men at your side were your friends rather than kidnappers.
“We have a camp nearby. We come here almost every day,” the woman spoke, looking you up and down once you sidestepped the protective wall consisting of your two brothers. “Are you injured?”
“She’s good. Old blood,” Daryl responded to her question. He was met with a suspicious look from the strangers once again.
“The woman can speak for herself, for fuck’s sake.” Shane sighed deeply, clearly annoyed by the whole situation already.
“She don’ speak.”
“Oh…” You took the chance to look the brunette up and down. She was quite skinny with sharp cheekbones and long wavy hair with side-swooped bangs. From her behavior, you figured out she was a classic example of a woman who thought she was untouchable.
“Can I at least take a look at it?” she proposed—a pinch of concern in her voice.
You noticed the way her companion looked at her with admiration at her “selfless” attitude—like a love struck teenager. You guessed he was probably her husband—a lover at least. The man must’ve felt your eyes boring into him, he met your gaze, making you withdraw it instantly. The texture of the ground beneath your feet suddenly seemed far more interesting.
“Wha’? Ya wanna get a chance to feel up mah lil’ sister?” Merle, please, shut your fucking mouth.
“Dressing’s old. Might probably need a change, or it’ll get infected,” Daryl’s response surprised you, your eyes shot up to his face and the worry-etched frown decorating it.
“We have a medical kit back at our camp. We can bring it around, or you can come with us.” The brunette seemed just as shocked as you did, judging by her expression. She probably expected him to put up a fight and refuse to say anything about your injury. “You didn’t set up camp anywhere nearby, did you?”
“Nah, we’re jus’ passin’ through.” Daryl’s shoulders relax visibly as he let out a deep breath. “Plannin’ to head into Atlanta once ‘er wound heals up a little.”
“Atlanta?” Shane snorted loudly, earning himself a disapproving shake of his companion’s head. “Man, you got a death wish?”
You glared at him, his tone toeing the line between surprised and sarcastic. Judging by the scowl that started growing on Merle’s face—he was the one who had a death wish. Shane must’ve felt your eyes boring into his face, he stood a little straighter, holding your gaze.
“Place is swarmed with those things,” the woman added, nodding her head in agreement. Her eyes darted between you and Shane, a frown growing between her thin eyebrows.
“You heard ‘bout the refugee camp?” Shane asked as his gaze left yours, focusing on your younger brother instead. Daryl’s nod confirmed his suspicions. “It’s not there anymore. Don’t think it survived the napalm.”
The archer looked at you, and you could almost see the gears turning in his head. You could’ve met the same fate if you didn’t leave the city to look for them. The thought that he could’ve lost you made him sick to his stomach. He exhaled deeply, his chest shaking with the trembling of his breath. You squeezed his arm briefly—a simple reassurance that you’re still there in one piece.
“Guess our plan jus’ died,” he mumbled out, mostly to you and Merle. His words were a weight off your chest.
Shane eyed Daryl’s crossbow, and an idea popped into his head. “You good with that thing?” He nodded his head toward the weapon, making the archer look between him and the crossbow confused.
“Shoots since he was a lil’ bastard,” Merle butted in before his brother could muster up a response. “Should’ve seen how many squirrels and bucks he brings back from huntin’.”
There was an uneasy feeling stirring up in your gut, Merle had a plan, and you were almost one hundred percent sure it wasn’t one worth considering. God, you’d give anything to know what silly little idea he brewed up in this empty skull of his. But he put it in motion before any of you could talk him out of it. Seeing the amazement in the brunette’s eyes and the silent understanding between her and her friend—it was too late for you to save the situation.
“You guys have a tent?” The man asked, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. Did you just see the corner of his mouth quirk up?
“Nah, why?”
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Taglist: @yttricuz @twdeadlysins @donttelltheelff @spidergirla5 @depressedfrog2 @clemscult @lonewolf471 @btsiguess-kpop @notquitecannon @the-daily-multi-fandom-post @xhannahbananax03 @sourwolf-sterek32 @wonderful-writer @phoenixblack89 @yolobloggers @sexyseabass @sweetpotatospock @witch-of-letters @capsiclesdoll @kingtwhiddleston @incorrectcapsicle @queentorresstuff @witheringblooddemon @hopefulatrocity ​ @jaiboomer11 @mewlingoizys
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bobbyseyesmile · 2 years
Summary: Rick Grimes daughter was a sweet soul to everyone but Shane- she knew him her whole life but when Shane changed into a mean hothead of a man she turned into the brat who made his life hell because she had enough. But so did Shane.
Characters: Dark!ShaneWalsh x Reader
Word count: 2.3k
WARNINGS: age gap (reader is 18+) / explicit sexual content as in deep throat, oral (M receiving), swearing, Sir kink (kinda) Trigger warning: non-con | 18+ 🔞 MINORS DNI below the cut! 🔞
➻ Part 2 [M]❤️‍🔥‼️
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Rick and Lori Grimes were way to young when they found out that they would become parents. Barely finishing High School and shortly after graduation they held you in their arms for the first time.
Your friends always envied you for having such cool and young parents; you heard sentences like “Oh, your mom must be like your best friend and not like a mother!”
Truth was- Loris Grimes was neither for you. Yeah, she was your mother but that didn’t automatically make her a good one. You two were too different, all your personality traits coming from your father. When she fell pregnant again, this time with your younger brother Carl, she swore to do everything different! She would be a real mom with real responsibility and raise him right! She didn’t.
But she tried; you had to give her that. She tried to be around and connect to her kids as soon as the apocalypse started- way to late but nonetheless.
But your father- oh you loved your father and worshipped the ground he walked on. He was a gentle and friendly soul, trying to please everyone and looking for solutions that would fit for the whole group. Sure, he too changed when the world went to shit but he still tried his hardest and darn best.
And that was just something your mother didn’t. Bad enough she fucked his best friend when she believed to be a widow and had the nerve to not even tell your dad when he returned to your family.
Of course, her and Shane believed they were sooo sneaky and careful- as if walkers made some sexy noises while they stumbled through the woods. When you caught them in the middle of their act your first reaction was to scream, slap the stupid out of them or puke. But you just stood here, flabbergasted and hurt before you turned around without saying a thing.
They didn’t know that you knew but your mother noticed that something was off when you distanced yourself even more from her and starting to make snarly remarks towards Shane, losing all respect you had for the former family friend.
You grew up with Shane being around; he held you when you were a baby and spent every Friday afternoon at your house watching sports with your father. That’s why you couldn’t wrap your head around why he would go after your mother, the wife of his best friend, doesn’t matter if they believed Rick was dead or not.
Shane noticed your changed behavior as well but you were young and probably had some things and hormones to go through so he mostly ignored it, trying to remain his composure in front of the group. You turned worse with every day that passed; getting cheekier with your remarks, rolling your eyes whenever he said something or ordered you to do. “You’re not my dad” or “You can’t tell me what to do” were some of your favorite sentences, making Shane’s blood boil under the surface.
Loris tried to calm him down: “She’s only a teenager, it will pass.” He knew it but would be lying if he pretended that it didn’t bother him and, on some days, he wanted to spank the everlasting shit out of you. Of course, he would never touch you but still; a guy can dream.
The moment Rick returned and your family was reunited again was also the moment you became your old self again or so Shane thought. In front of the group and your parents you were just the sweetest girl; always ready to help with chores, being polite and well mannered. But as soon as they turned their back and you were alone with Shane your whole demeanor changed into a little devil, determined to make his life a living hell.
He tried talking to you, asking what he did wrong, what he could do to make you like him again but you waved him off, not even interested in his lies of bullshit he’d feed you.
The tension grew when the group reached the farm, trying to build a partly normal life for themselves but Shane had to go full crazy psycho bonkers, ruining everybody’s days.
After the hospital run with Otis he was changed- the good guy was gone and a new and aggressive Shane took place.
You started to keep out of his way, leaving as soon as he arrived somewhere and he didn’t mind as long as you kept your mouth shut.
Rick noticed the silence between you two and asked what was wrong but you just shrugged your shoulders and said in the sweetest tone possible: “Nothing, daddy.”
Your father didn’t push the matter anymore, as long as there was no fighting or dispute going on, you two could continue your weird silence.
And so it was; Shane ignoring you and you ignoring him as well until a few weeks later when the group sat around a bonfire, talking, keeping watch, trying to have somewhat of a good time. You sat next to your dad, your head on his shoulder and staring into the crackling fire.
“Fucking can’t believe this, are y’all kidding me?!” Shane suddenly yelled when he crawled out of his tent. “Y’all sitting on your asses and grilling marshmallows when we should do something about that damn barn?!”
A few rolled their eyes but remained silent, your dad tried to calm him down but Shane only grew louder. That’s when you had enough.
“Shut up, Shane.” You mumbled and your dad gave you a soft nudge. “Hey!” he scolded playfully but wasn’t really angry.
“What did ‘ya just say to me?!” Shane asked and took another step in your direction. You gave him a lazy stare in return, how pathetic.
“You heard me, Walsh. We’re trying to have a good time and you always have to ruin it with your shitty mood swings. Get that stick out of ya ass and relax.”
Glenn’s eyebrows raised and some tried to keep their laughter to themselves but failed making Shane almost explode with anger.
“Y/N-“ your mother said but you threw her a disgusted side glance.
“Mom, don’t even start-“ you warned and she knew what you meant, swallowing before she pressed her lips into a thin line remaining silent.
Rick sighed. “Okay, enough! Shane, we’ll talk tomorrow, alright? I know you’re concerned but the barn is secure for now and we’re safe.” He gave a quick look to the group “We should go to sleep, it’s getting late.”
Days passed and no one thought about it anymore. No one but Shane. He was still upset and would not tolerate being humiliated in front of the others, especially not by a silly teenager.
On your way to the house, you walked by the RV but didn’t notice Shane standing there; watching. When you turned around the corner you ran straight into his chest, a small yelp escaping you.
“Ow! What the hell, Walsh?” you took a step back but he came closer till your back was against the RV.
“I swear to god Y/N- If I keep hearing you calling me by my last time one more time, I’ll-“
“You will what? Huh?” you taunted and gave him a small push to keep some distance. “You know you talk really loud when all you should do is keep your mouth shut or else, I tell my dad that you fucked my mom while he was fighting for his live, desperately trying to find us.”
Shane took a step back as if you had hit him. “That’s what this is all about? You’re being a little bitch because I slept with your mother?”
It all started to make sense now- of course you knew! All those side glances and cheeky remarks; you knew the whole time.
“You two disgust me.” you snarled and Shane let out a small laugh.
"My, my. And here I was breaking my head over why you suddenly hated me. My sweet little Y/N.”
“Don’t call me that! You lost that right as soon as you betrayed my dad, your best friend if I might add!”
“Y/N-“ he still had a smile on his face and all you wanted was to slap it right off. “You will understand when you get older, for now just focus on growing up, these are adult problems.”
“Excuse me?” you responded, completely offended. “I am a grown up! I don’t need to get older to understand that you fucked a married woman!”
“Okay that’s enough.” Shane's smile slowly disappeared.
“Or what? You can’t tell me shit, Shane! You better keep your distance and stay the hell away from my mother or I will tell my dad. God knows what he’ll do to you.”
Shane took a quick look but no one was around, leaving you two alone before he wrapped his hand around your throat dragging you inside the RV. You clawed at his arm, desperately trying to free yourself. Inside he closed the door, releasing the breathtaking grip while pushing you away. You landed on your ass, gasping for air.
“What the-“ you started but fell silent when you saw the look in his eyes; pure anger.
“I am so done with you, sweetheart. This attitude problem stops right now, ya hear me?” Shane’s nostrils were blown wide, a visible vein pulsating at his temple. His large figure hovered over you, giving you a feeling of helplessness.
“What is your problem?” you tried to yell but it was only a squeak. “You can’t treat me like that!”
“Why?” he grinned cheekily “Because your Ricks daughter? I don’t fucking care, darling. Your daddy missed to teach you some manners and we’re going to fix that. Right now.”
You watched in fear as he opened his belt; the noise from the zipper rang in your ears. He wouldn’t...?
“Shane-“ you started and he shook his head.
“Nuh-uh, sweetheart. You lost that privilege- from now on it’s Sir to you.”
“I-I’m sorry…” your voice was a mere whisper but he didn’t care. “No. But you will be.”
You tried to back away when he positioned himself in front of you; your face was now the same height as his crotch. Shane’s large hand grabbed your hair, painfully holding you in place.
“We’re done playing. You wanna be treated as an adult?” When you remained silent, he gave your hair another yank and you yelped in pain. “Answer me.”
“Yes…” you hissed trough gritted teeth but his grip didn’t loosen. “Yes what?” “Yes, Sir!” tears filled your eyes and he finally released your burning scalp.
“Good girl.” He praised and softly caressed your jawline with his fingers. “Now, we’re going to have to do something about that mouth- Open up.”
You pressed your lips together, shaking your head. “No…”
“Oh, sweetheart…” he cooed “You’re only going to make it worse for yourself. Now open.that.mouth.” When he pulled out his already hardened member you were on the edge of crying; desperately begging him to stop. Shane raised his eyebrows looking at you with fake concern. “Poor thing, never had a man handle you, huh? Am I your first?”
You didn’t need to answer him- your flushed cheeks was what he needed to know. His hand stroked his erection and a bit of precum dripped down. The sudden yank on your hair made you yelp in pain, your mouth open in a silent cry when he pushed himself into you.
“If you bite me-“ he warned softly but the grip on your hair was painfully tight “I’m gonna break your jaw. Understood?” You nodded your head; trying to relax your jaw, finding a comfortable position to relieve the pain. But Shane wasn’t a patient person, he literally couldn’t care less about your comfort. The first time his tip hit the back of your throat you started gagging, trying to push him away but his speed increased, barely giving you enough time to breathe.
“Look at me.” he demanded in a low growl and you looked up through your lashes. “Fuck, almost regretting screwing your mom if I could have had that mouth a long time ago. I bet you dreamed about this, huh? Didn’t think I noticed the way you look at me? Strolling around in them tiny shorts, almost presenting yourself on a silver plate for me.”
He let out a deep moan when you released his dick with a loud Pop-sound. Your lips were red and swollen, your knees sore. But you never looked more beautiful to him than right now. He gave you only a few seconds before he shoved himself down your throat again, setting a harsh pace while grabbing a fistful of your hair.
“Fuck, so close.” he grunted and your eyes widened in shock but Shane laughed when he saw your expression “Oh, you’re gonna swallow, babygirl.”
There wasn’t anything that you could have done; you were just grateful that you were still able to breathe. Your eyes were shut, tears streaming over the heated cheeks when his warm load filled your mouth, running down the back of your throat.
Shane let out a long and deep moan- his eyes were closed and finally he released his grip making you fall back, coughing and gasping for air again.
„Damn, baby, that mouth was heaven.“ His voice was soft but the look in his eyes still dark; his pupils blown full wide with lust. „You did so well, maybe I‘ll make it up to you one day.“ You wiped away the tears with your arm- small and pathetic in Shane‘s eyes and he fucking loved it.
He put away his already softening member and started to exit the RV but not before he turned around one last time, giving you a warning glance:
„If ‘ya ever run that mouth again or behave like a brat, I‘m gonna come for that sweet ass of yours and believe me- I won‘t be as gentle as today.“
You’ll only find my work posted here and and on my AO3 blog. I don’t give consent for my work to be re-posted (in any language) onto any other platform, even if it is with credit. Thank you.
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anna-hawk · 3 months
Caution: contents hot
Shane Walsh x Reader
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Summary: A little coffee accident has you meeting Deputy Walsh. Rating: T (for now) // WC: 1,3k Warnings: None, except that it's a totally silly plot 😅. A/N: I wrote this a couple weeks ago, and I might just write the smut to it at some point. I just felt like posting this now, since it ends on a “good” part.
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Finally, after standing in line for ages, you made it out of the coffee shop with your precious hot drink in hand and headed straight for your car. You weren’t in any particular hurry, but you’d had a long day at work and wanted to enjoy that drink before driving over to the grocery store. Sitting in an overcrowded coffee shop didn’t appeal to you, however, and that’s why you chose to simply return to your car to relax in peace. 
Arriving at the car, you placed the cup on the roof and rummaged through your purse to find the keys. Meanwhile, a dark pickup pulled into the space next to yours, forcing you closer against your car as you kept searching. After finally locating the damn keys and pulling them out for a second to press the unlock button, you reached for the cup again, intending to open the driver’s door. 
And that’s when everything happened very quickly.
Since you had backed up into the parking space and the pickup had driven into its own spot the other way around, both driver’s sides ended up next to the other. The person in the pickup had just opened the door to get out, while you took a step back as you did the same, only to get inside yours. Except that this step backwards had you tripping over the person’s feet, and in your flailing while you grasped for something to hold on to to stop your fall, you let go of the cup, which went flying back. As you caught yourself on the edge of the half open door of your car, you knew where the contents of your drink had landed from the loud cry of surprise and hiss of pain coming from behind you a second later. 
Letting go of the door after regaining your balance, you whipped around to find a man in a police uniform pulling at his drenched shirt to get the fabric away from his skin. 
“Oh — Oh my God. I'm so sorry… Shit, shit, Shit. I'm so, so sorry, sir. Are — are you — are you okay?” you gasped out, worry and embarrassment making your face burn hot.
“I… kinda. I-” he grunted, before you realized how stupid your question was and kept talking. 
“No, of course you’re not fine. I just poured scalding coffee all over you… I really am so sorry. I-”
“No, yeah, I’m — shit — I'm okay,” he groaned, wincing as he pulled at the fabric over his chest.
“Really? You sure? ‘Cause — you know, you don’t really look —  shit, maybe if-”
Not thinking at all in your panic, you took a step closer to him and quickly undid three of the uniform buttons to pull the shirt away from his skin. 
“We need to see how badly you got burnt, maybe you need-” You suddenly stopped in your frantic rambling and stilled your hands as you realized what you were doing; standing in the man's space, with your hands holding his shirt wide open. 
Letting go of him as if you’d been burnt yourself and springing away from him, you lifted your wide-eyed gaze from the man’s chest and towards his face. Which didn’t help you articulate any words, either, as his features finally hit you. Not only did you shower and burn a police officer with your drink, but you also had to embarrass yourself by almost undressing an incredibly good-looking police officer. 
“I’m… so sorry,” you breathed. “I just…”
To your surprise, the man’s lips slowly pulled up into a smile. It wasn’t a mocking smile, but an amused one, which had you relaxing a tad. 
“It’s okay,” he said gently, tilting his head to one side as he ducked his face slightly to look at you curiously from under his brows. 
Your eyes fell to his chest as he did the same, and you grimaced at the reddening skin. 
“This has to be painful, though,” you mumbled, holding your hand back from reaching out again. 
He uttered a small bark of a laugh and nodded his head from side to side as he opened the shirt the rest of the way. Since your eyes were already on his chest, they instantly took in the rest of his torso without you being able to stop yourself. 
“Uh, yeah, kinda, yeah. But…” He shrugged as he trailed off.
Your eyes snapped back to his face as your neck heated again with another form of embarrassment. 
“I can go into the pharmacy and grab you, like, a cream or salve or something,” you interrupted, desperate to make it better. 
“Nah, it’s fine. I got what I need at home. Thankfully, you hit me just when I was gettin’ off my shift and not on,” he laughed. 
You cringed at the reminder. 
“I’m really sorry. I didn’t expect to be this close to you and-”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright, okay? Shit happens.” He put a hand on your arm and leaned in slightly to look you in the eyes with a sincere expression. 
“Still,” you breathed, his proximity making you slow with coming up with a reply. “I’d like to make it up to you.”
At your words, the man’s eyes slid to your lips, which had your eyes going wide again in surprise, since he deliberately brought his eyes back to yours very slowly. 
“You don’t have to,” he assured you in a low tone that had a shiver running down your spine.
“But I want to,” you insisted, swallowing at how his eyes went from your mouth to your eyes again at the statement, this time quickly. “The dry cleaning. Let me pay for it? Can’t be cheap to clean a police uniform, right?” 
The man contemplated you, as you forced yourself not to look at his gorgeous body, the dips of his hips that were visible in your peripherals calling to you. He slowly grinned and took a step towards you, which had you automatically taking a step back and colliding with your back against the side of your car. He put a hand on the roof of your car as he leaned in. 
“If you really wanna make it up to me, then how ‘bout you join me for dinner?”
It took you a second to understand his suggestion. You stared at him, surprised. Was that really happening? Was he coming on to you? Just like that, in the middle of a parking lot? After you'd injured him, no less. And you hadn't even exchanged names. 
“I have one condition,” you found yourself answering to your own shock. 
The man smiled slowly and lifted an expectant eyebrow.
“Dinner’s on me.”
He clearly hadn't expected that, since he blinked once before he grinned and began laughing. He leaned in that bit closer, which almost had him in kissing distance. “Deal.”
“Okay… good.”
He didn't move, though, which had your heart racing and your eyes going from his lips to his eyes. When he finally did pull away, he only gave you enough space to get your door open. It was as you stared at him that you saw the name tag dangling from his open shirt. 
“Be at my place in an hour… Deputy Walsh.”
You enjoyed his look of surprise, before he glanced down at the tag with a chuckle.
“Shane,” he revealed, and stared back at you expectantly, but you only got into your car with a small smile.
“The car is registered under my name,” you hinted, as you got the window down to talk to him.
Shane ran his tongue over his front teeth as he watched you with amused interest. It thrilled you to have this attention on you. Not waiting for a reply, you put your car into drive and drove out of the parking space. As you slowly made your way down the aisles of cars, you saw Shane writing something down on a notepad.
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