kirbyliker12 · 11 months
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finished rqs AND me history final (MY DESK WAS SOOO SQUEAKY IT WAS AWFUL) think I did p good on le test though
more elaboration from rqs below😲
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Ok one Suzy n Kirby uhh I feel like Suzy would kinda be a tiny bit jealous of Kirby since ??? Kirby’s kinda like suzy but if everything went right in a way like they have the same signature color(pink) AND eye color 😙😙
also Kirby managed 2 defeat mecha knight even though it was seen as impossible n right after that Suzy tried messing up her father(in the Japanese version she actually says it came “sooner than expected”) but failed n then sent Kirby off to defeat star dream against impossible chances n won so Yeah hashtag when the 9 year old is stronger and has more friends than you in every single way
Obviously Suzy still likes Kirby bc it’s kirby n kirby likes Suzy bc it’s kirby n they both like having FUN n indulging in useless little things like favorite ice cream flavors or karaoke 👍👍
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I genuinely think taranza is one of the strongest Kirby characters ever but he just neva feels the need to apply himself bc it doesn’t seem that appealing (the only times he fights is from outside influence like sectonia or da mirror) his guard in star Allies also makes him invincible n doesn’t get chipped off like magolors(I think????? Yeah I don’t have star Allies sory guys kirbyDISLIKER14 theory confirmed) he could prob do all sorts of stuff but just. Doesn’t feel like it n would rather sit around appreciating nature or something
Magolor is magolor he’s so ambitious n flashy and schemy I hate dis guy……magolordisliker14…that’s ME!!!!
Nyway ya they kinda contrast each other in the silly way Taranza being the bearer of world controlling powers but just Not Using It At All Really is incredibly funny 2 me😋
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blazingstaro · 7 months
I love Magolor's Mechanical Madness (nice alliteration)
This is seems like a what if scenario where Magalor tried to save dreamland in planet robobot prior to Star allies.
I love the addition of the cute contractor waddle dees, Fumu and Bun grown up, and the comments made for each post, specifically the halberd getting destroyed on a Tuesday.
I adore that Magolor can wield Galaxia, as he can wield a giant ultra sword from his epilogue.
I hope kirby, DeDeDe, Bandana are involved so that the heroes of dreamland return once more.
I also hope Captain Vul is saved, despite his immoral actions in Super Star (Ultra).
I also hope that their are soundtracks from the kirby games and the halberd in kirby's mouthful mode!
Nice story!
This is such a huge compliment! Thank you!!! 💜💜💜 I love alliteration, so I take what chances I can get with titles. This one was too perfect, because as an acronym no less, it's so hilarious to read!
Indeed, it's a somewhat scenario! It's more of a "what da Magolor doin" during the events of Planet Robobot. Following his perspective during the main plot, and what sort of contributions he made (at least in my AU) to make things move forward
Sort of answering various questions throughout the game, such as:
"Why did all the major security doors open for Kirby when he was a main threat to the facility" ; "How come they didn't send Mecha Knight after Kirby earlier, and frequently" ; and many more!
Little things that made me in particular ask, "Why is that so" in the face of a multi-billion dollar, highly advanced tech company with nearly god-like machines at their fingertips
I'm glad you enjoy my witty commentary, heheee!! It's one of my favorite parts of posting pages! So fun!! I'm glad you enjoyed my additions as well! After all, this mostly takes place in parts of Popstar/Access Ark that we don't see in Kirby's perspective of the game, so I have tons of room for creative liberty and so forth!
Mmm yes the bit with Magolor and Galaxia. You see, I mix both anime and game story/plot into my AU, so if you're familiar with Galaxia's lore from the anime, then you may know as to why that is. 👀
King Dedede will be taking a back seat in DotS:MMM just as he did in the game, but we will be seeing Bandana Dee alongside Kirby!! There are a few instances where they cross paths with Magolor!
As for Vul, we shall see what fate has in store for the old bird 👀👀👀
Not sure what ya mean by soundtracks, but OST is a banger and I love it! Love Access Ark's first major theme with that dubstup, just MMMMMM— even my dad loves it!
Also! I will not be drawing the accursed Halberd in full for this comic omg— I did once before for an entire battle scene and don't want to go through that again LOL Those pages were FIRE, but oh my god nope, never again, my soul will surely whither away into dust
Again, thank you so much for this lovely ask!!
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newsintheshell · 1 year
Con il nuovo megapost vi porto tanti nuovi video, locandine e anche qualche data. Spoiler: l'anime di Shy è programmato per quest'anno!
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Fra scosse di terremoto che mi hanno fatto perdere anni di vita e altre questioni sempre non propriamente piacevoli, che non vi sto ad elencare, vi dirò la verità, me la sono presa con più calma del solito nel raggruppare le novità di questo fine settimana.
L'ANIME RECAP era già pronto nel tardo pomeriggio, ma non avevo neanche l'ombra di un'idea di che immagine usare in apertura! Esatto, sono messo così male. 😅
Non c'è tanta roba di cui parlare a differenza dell'ultima volta, ma qualche highlight non manca, tipo il nuovo trailer del live action de I Cavalieri dello Zodiaco (che vi ho messo prontamente in pole position u_u), l'arrivo dell'anime di Shy nell'arco di quest'anno e il primo promo di Reign of the Seven Spellblades, di cui non si sapeva nulla da un bel po'. Buona lettura/visione e buon weekend!
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Novo trailer e continuo a non sapere cosa pensare del film. Di sicuro cercherò di andarlo a vedere al cinema, giusto per farmi qualche risata con del popcorn in mano! Chissà, magari poi non è brutto come potrebbe sembrare e Sean Bean potrebbe sorprenderci ancora di più, non morendo una volta tanto.
Questa prima pellicola (se va bene si parla, potenzialmente, della realizzazione di sei film in tutto), diretta da Tomasz Baginski  e sceneggiata da Kiel Murray (Raya e l'ultimo drago), Josh Campbell (10 Cloverfield Lane) e Matt Stuecken (Notorious Nick), uscirà in Giappone il 28 aprile, mentre qua in Italia il 26 giugno.
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Nuovo promo per l’anime tratto dall’action fantasy harem di Kazuha Kishimoto, che mostra qualche incertezza lato grafico di troppo rispetto al precedente, con disegni e animazioni non propriamente entusiasmanti, devo dire.
Vi ricordo che la serie è il primo progetto in solitaria di STUDIO ELLE e coinvolge principalmente uno staff di debuttanti. Il primo episodio andrà in onda il 9 aprile.
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Anche qua non navighiamo di certo nella sakuga, ma come vi ho già anticipato, con me questa serie ha un occhio di riguardo anche solo per il fatto di essere un vero e proprio thriller puro.
Fra l'altro comincerà ad andare in onda dal 2 aprile e arriverà in simulcast su Crunchyroll
L'anime si basa sul manga ideato da Naoki Yamakawa (I’m Standing on a Million Lives) e illustrato da Masashi Asaki, pubblicato qua in Italia da Panini Comics.
La regia della serie, in produzione presso TEZUKA PRODUCTIONS (Adachi and Shimamura, The Dawn of the Witch), è affidata a Takashi Kamei, che in passato ha supervisionato il capitolo “Il Sorgere della Terra” della trilogia Transformers: War for Cybertron su Netflix.
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Annunciata ormai un paio di anni fa, la serie tratta dal nuovo action fantasy scolastico firmato da Bokuto Uno (Alderamin on the Sky) si mostra in un primo trailer, rimandandoci alla premiere che si terrà a luglio.
Sarà il castello, le tuniche o le spade usate come bacchette, ma il video mi ha portato alla mente Harry Potter e spero veramente che l'ambientazione scolastica venga sfruttata in modo simile.
La regia è affidata a Masato Matsune (Chronos Ruler) e la produzione è in corso presso J.C. STAFF. 
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Lo ripeto sin dall'annuncio, ma questa serie trasuda wholesomeness da ogni frame e questo nuovo trailer non fa che rafforzare la mia idea. Sono contento che avremo modo di seguirla in simulcast su su Crunchyroll dal 9 aprile.
Tratto dal manga di Taku Kawamura, l'anime è diretto da Shigenori Kageyama (Dynamic Chord, Himawari!) presso STUDIO SIGNPOST.
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Waifu con esoscheletri, che combattono come se stesso pilotando dei mecha? I'm in.
Con il nuovo promo è stata anche svelata la locandian della serie e la data di debutto: 3 aprile.
L’adattamento televisivo ispirato al videogioco di COLOPL è diretto da Hirokazu Hanai (Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro, Dances with the Dragons) e prodotto dallo studio NOMAD.
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L'attesa è quasi finita! L'anime tornerà in onda a partire dal 9 aprile. Per chi non avesse seguito la serie, i primi 12 episodi sono già disponibili su Crunchyroll, sottotitolati.  
L’anime è in lavorazione presso lo studio SUNRISE (ora conosciuto come Bandai Namco Filmworks) ed è diretto da Hiroshi Kobayashi (Kiznaiver, Spriggan), assieme a Ryo Ando (Interviews with Monster Girls, Double Decker! Doug & Kirill).
🔶🔸 SHY
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L'anime basato sul particolare action hero manga firmato da Bukimi Miki (pubblicato da Panini Comics in Italia), arriverà nel 2023 a quanto pare. Non è stato svelato in quale stagione, ma presumo quella autunnale ormai.
L’adattamento è in lavorazione presso lo studio 8-BIT e a dirigerlo c'è Masaomi Ando (Astra Lost in Space, Toilet-bound Hanako-kun).
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La nuova serie animata, ispirata allo storico manga di Shigeru Mizuki, sbarcherà su Netflix in autunno.
L'anime è diretto da Fumitoshi Oizaki (A Centaur's Life, Romeo × Juliet), dietro alla supervisione di Junichi Sato (Aria, Sailor Moon), che al tempo lavorò pure all'originale prima serie del 1989.
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Fissato anche il periodo di debutto per la serie che, a partire da ottobre, porterà in tv l'action adventure di Katarina e Ryosuke Fuji (L’Attacco dei Giganti - Lost Girls), edito qua in Italia da Panini Comics.
L’adattamento arriverà in streaming su Crunchyroll ed è in lavorazione presso lo studio C2C. La regia è in mano a Toshiyuki Kubooka (Harukana Receive, Wandering Witch - The Journey of Elaina), assistito per l'occasione da Hiroki Ikeshita.
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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amazing-spiderling · 2 years
for the fic author ask game: 😅 🥚🌾
😅 Was there a fic/chapter that you were nervous about posting? Why?
I was pretty nervous about posting my first Daredevil fic, "Not For Honor, But For You" because it was my first attempt at writing an actual story (at this point I think I only had a few comics and some RP under my belt) but because it was an AU genre that I didn't have a ton of experience with (knights and tournaments). I was unsure if I'd be able to deliver both a story that made sense for the universe, and keep two characters I was still figuring out feeling like themselves.
In the end, I really had no business worrying. The story came out okay, and tbh this is such a supportive and cool fandom (shout out to all my avocados on discord) that not only did the story find an audience, but I got a lot of encouragement after the fact. Whew!
🥚 Any easter eggs you put in a fic that you hoped people would notice?
SO MANY. This is honestly my favorite thing. I put so many in my comics (where it's very easy to drop visual gags) but I like to work them into fics when I can as well. Sometimes this is a reference to canon, but other times it's just little nudges about things that seem like they make sense. For example, in Metal Gear Solid, my favorite character Otacon is an 80's/90's otaku all grown up saving the world, but he's still a complete nerd who talks about things like building in "character defects" in his BIPEDAL NUCLEAR MECHA TANKS. Oh, and also the only reason they have a cockpit for a pilot (when an AI could do the job) is because he grew up watching piloted mecha anime. That's canon. So when I write stories that involve him (pretty much all of my MGS fics) I try to work in as many references to old school anime as I can. Sometimes this is something like the description of a t-shirt he's wearing (described not by the title of the anime, but a character or ship) but in one case he was at a cocktail party talking shop with a bunch of engineers and there were a TON of anime references there. (There was also a dig at one of the canon MGS robot designs because everyone thinks it's stupid. I didn't name it by name but if you know, you know).
Oh, and I don't know if it's an Easter Egg because it's literally in the title, but "The Indictment of Sick Jan" is named after/partially inspired by the Chris Fleming song, "Sick Jan". There is no reason for the average Daredevil/Murderdock enjoyer to know that, it's just funny for me.
🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven’t (yet)?
I feel like everyone has a pile of WIPs and maybe even some "Works in Purgatory", don't they? I have outlines for a TON of darker, and yeah, probably "problematic" spideypool fic that I may or may not ever get to because I'm a lot slower about writing for that ship these days (I have no abandoned it, though!) and I feel like that fandom skews so MCU these days I'm not sure how much I want to deal with people yelling about me writing horrible things about their sweet baby boy etc etc.
I have some Earth-65 snippets I want to work on, but I'm not sure if they'd make a better comic or fic, y'know? It kind of depends on whether I think I can come up with compelling enough page layouts, that's not really my forte. I did hash out the dialogue at least for the night Foggy wins the election for District Attorney, so that's out there.
Also, this is an extremely cracky idea I had at 2 am last night, but I was making myself laugh at the idea of an Earth-65 "Spy x Family" fake marriage style AU. I don't really have any details, and I may just end up making a doodle but something about "DA x Family" is hilarious to me.
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bilaldemirkr · 3 months
F1 23 geliyor: Xbox Game Pass 2024 oyunları belirli oldu! (Tam Liste)
New Post has been published on https://bilaldemirkr.com.tr/f1-23-geliyor-xbox-game-pass-2024-oyunlari-belirli-oldu-tam-liste/
F1 23 geliyor: Xbox Game Pass 2024 oyunları belirli oldu! (Tam Liste)
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Merakla beklenilen Xbox Game Pass 2024 oyunları belli oldu. F1 23’ü bu yıl bünyesine ekleyeceğini açıklayan Xbox Game Pass, birçok oyun için tarih verdi. İşte abonelik sistemi ile çalışan oyun platformu Xbox Game Pass 2024 oyunları.
Yeni oyunlar 16 Ocak’tan itibaren Xbox Game Pass bünyesinde olacak!
Microsoft, bugün Xbox Game Pass için yeni oyunlarını duyurdu. 16 Ocak’tan itibaren yeni oyunları Game Pass bünyesine ekleyecek olan şirket, F1 23‘ün ekleneceği haberi ile abonelerini sevindirdi. Pekala 2024’te diğer hangi oyunlar Game Pass’te olacak? İşte tam liste.
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16 Ocak Those Who Remain Konsol, PC, Cloud 18 Ocak F1 23 Konsol, PC 18 Ocak Turnip Uzunluk Robs A Bank Konsol, PC, Cloud 19 Ocak Palworld Konsol, PC, Cloud 25 Ocak Go Mecha Ball Konsol, PC, Cloud 25 Ocak Phantom Abyss Version 1.0 Konsol, PC, Cloud 30 Ocak Brotato Konsol, PC, Cloud 6 Şubat Anuchard Konsol, PC, Cloud 15 Şubat PlateUp! Konsol, PC 22 Şubat Open Roads – Mart Lightyear Frontier – 24 Nisan Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – 26 Nisan Manor Lords PC 5 Eylül Stalker 2 Konsol, PC, Cloud
Microsoft tarafından gelen bilgiler tam tarihleri ile birlikte 2024’te Xbox Game Pass’e eklenecek oyunları gösteriyor. Bir de tarihi belirli olmayan lakin 2024’te Game Pass’e eklenecek oyunlar var. Gelin onlara da göz atalım.
2024’te Xbox Game Pass’e eklenecek öbür oyunlar!
33 Immortals Age of Mythology: Retold Another Crab’s Treasure Ark 2 Avowed Botany Manor Bounty Star Bushiden Cities: Skylines 2 Citizen Sleeper 2 Commandos Origins Dead Static Drive Dungeons Of Hinterberg Ereban: Shadow Legacy Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn Flock Galacticare Ghost Bike Harmonium: The Musical Harold Halibut Hollow Knight: Silksong Large Batch Of ActiBlizz Games! Little Kitty, Big City Magical Delicacy Manor Lords Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Nirvana Noir Pigeon Simulator Replaced Routine Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 She Dreams Elsewhere Sopa Still Wakes The Deep TO A T Towerborne Vapor World: Over The Mind Way To The Woods
Tüm bu oyunlar 2024 yılında Microsoft’un sunduğu Xbox Game Pass bünyesinde yer alacak. Tüm bu düzgün haberlerin yanında bir de berbat haberimiz var. Gelen bilgiler şimdiye kadar Game Pass içerisinde yer alan Hitman World of Assassination’ın 31 Ocak’ta Game Pass listesinden çıkacağını lisana getiriyor. Hala oynamadıysanız 31 Ocak tarihinde kadar oyunu indirip oynamayı unutmayın.
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chelzone · 11 months
big chel's big summergamefest reactions
new prince of persia: looks like a mobile game with fartnite graphics, bored
new mortal kombat: looks dreadful and way too slow at times
path of exile 2: not for me
mecha ryu and guile vs dinosaurs: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LET'S GO
nic cage debby daylight trailer: still funny, also wild to see how diff he looks compared to his game equivalent
witcher tv show: i dont care
witchfire: ?????? (genuinely kinda headscratching at this)
crossfire sierra squad: man i dont give a shit about VR games anymore this is lame
remnant 2: not for me
sonic superstars: looks cute. never really been into the 2D sonic games personally tho, sowwy ;w;
honkai starrail: a Polite thing for me to say is Not For Me but also i hate anime games like these LMAO
lies of P: conceptually and visually really cool but bit of a letdown to not see any gameplay ;o(
Sandland: genuinely looks REALLY FUCKING AWESOME and goddamn toriyama's style translates wonderfully ot this
throne and liberty: anything worked on by amazon games is an immediate stinker in my mind
warhaven: boring
party animals: back in like high school i liked watchin folks play gangbeasts and the like but these days its very much not for me, i feel too old for that stuff and im only 25 dfghfhgf
crash team rumble: i loved the new crash stuff both the 4th game and the remakes but this looks ???? and really bad dfgdf
alan wake 2: i liked the first one a lot even if folk's didnt. never played american nightmare or saw the control-related DLC. this one could be interesting if theyre goin further into the twin peaks vibe??
new warhammer: the series in general is not for me hyuuuu
yes your grace DLC: i really really despite the game art style of these 32-bit adjacent aprooximations on realistic backgrounds sorry AUGH
john carpenter's toxic commando: looks like shit!
baldur's gate 3: i know nothing of this series, also where's the gameplay????
spider-man 2: i wanna play the modern spiderman games at some point, the pre-marvelified version of the ps4 one looked amazing. also the miles morales one i wanna play sometime toooo
palworld: pokemon with guns is incredibly funny especially since they can get away with it this long, in no world am i playing this tho dfgdfgfd
black desert DLC: probably one of the mmos i care about the least. we really peaked with oldschools runescape and wow
LOTR return to moria: DWARF FORTRESS 3D CONFIRMED #REAL (could be good genuinely?? its not the gollum team thankfully LMAO)
FF7 evercrisis: what? huh? why (my phone cant run this shit and i dont like mobile games anymore)
banishers: games dont even feel real anymore man, sad, whatever
like a dragon gaiden the man who erased his name: a mouthful of a title but this new yakuza game looks fucking SICK!! I LOVE IT!!!
under the waves: could be something interesting?? kinda soma-adjacent vibes sooorta.. also happy world ocean day i guess fgfhf
cod warzone shit: who cares
porsche xbox: sick pride flag bro
faefarm: Not For Me
marvel snap: zzzzzz / prozd chasing that bag i see, more power to u i guess
king arthur legens rise: shit
wayfinder: shit
unreal editor for fartnite: There's Nothing Nice For Me To Say
stellaris nexus: i hear people say its good, im probably too dumb to play it
space trash scavenger: cool ps4 tech demo
star trek infinite: do NOT tell mike or rich about this game (civilization-type game maybe?????)
twisted metal tv show: where da cars
lysfanga: not for me, part 4599504
immortals of aveum: is medieval era the current trend?? robot knights too???? im seein too much of these
fartnite wilds: man,,,
ff7 remake pt 2: kinda didnt care for the first part, not for me i guess. also andrew tate off the shits
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castellankurze · 3 years
Actually it just hit me, you know who would make a perfect expy of the power rangers in Warhammer 40,000?  Orks.
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First we bring back Orkimedes, because the ongoing lack of Orkimedes in 40k is one of the biggest missteps the franchise has made ever since he appeared in the 3rd War for Armageddon.
Orkimedes, seeing the return and proliferation of Imperial Knights, conspires to steal and rebuild a bunch of Imperial mecha ork-style and recruits a bunch of boyz to run them.
Jazon - Evil Sunz.  Has the red stompa because it goes fastest and is stripped-down to basics to aid its speed. Billee - Deathskulls.  Has the blue stompa which is chock full of gadgetry and looted weapons. Zak - Goffs.  Has the black stompa which is unbalanced by a huge axe on one arm, but balanced out by the equally huge axe on the other. Teenee - Bad Moons.  Has the gold stompa which is heavily armored. Burlee - Blood Axes.  Has the pink stompa which has the biggest damn gun a mech its size can mount.  Probably a bit bigger. Tommee - Snakebites.  Doesn’t use a stompa, instead rides an armored squiggoth named Da Dragon.
Ulfa - a Freeboota who supplies boss Orkimedes with scrap and transport.  Does a lot of complaining he didn’t sign up for the kind of shenanigans this impromptu team puts him through.
Orkimedes secretly has his own kustom-stompa in cases where he needs to do some fighting himself.  In case of emergency he can launch the cockpit from the torso which becomes a miniature space-capable fightercraft he calls a ‘core-boosta.’
The group don’t actually seem to accomplish a great deal no matter how many Imperial Knights, Eldar Wraiths, or Tau Suits they defeat, or how much collateral damage they inflict, but orks across the galaxy love them and they teach good lessons on proper orky behavior.
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animegirlsakurablr · 2 years
If you'd indulge my curiosity a bit more, I was wondering- what are 5 servants that you enjoy having, and 5 that you want? You can include some reasonings if you want, but you don't gotta
Well, this is gonna be fun. 👀 Sorry that this'll probably be long!
Servants that I enjoy having:
I know that not a lot of people like her for one reason or another, but I'm glad that I was able to get her. While her NP can truly be the most effective against a select few enemies, it can still hit everyone on the opposing side, and she's a better unit after getting her upgrades. And while her debut (writing wise) was... less than stellar, she does get better later on (ex: her relationship with Nitocris). Looking forward to Ooku and going through her interlude.
Martha (Rider)
One of the few non-Casters that is a healer. Simple, but still good. I personally like how she tries to keep a calm, saintly image when there are a couple of times where she's down to throw hands (it's also implied in her second interlude that she sometimes struggles with being a saint, since she got angry at seeing damned souls not being able to pass on after J-boy's sacrifice, and she feels ashamed that she got angry in that situation).
Cú Chulainn (og)
Simple kit, but it works very well. Even though he'll do somethings that would enrage modern day society (like killing his son in combat), he does have standards. Very charming.
Gundam/Kamen Rider jokes aside, he is a good unit. Unique selective lock-on, NP charge skill that also grants charm immunity, and his NP removes defensive buffs before doing damage (Medea take notes). It also helps that he's a charming (haha) character as well. Also, Mecha Horse go brrrrrrr. :D
Clear bias aside, he is a good unit... after he gets his upgrades (also I low-key hope that his Armor of Fafnir skill somehow gets integrated into his kit, since he sadly doesn't have it as a passive, but that's neither here nor there). Even though he's a bit too self-sacrificing, he does have good and noble intentions. Also, he's an absolute dork (affectionate) during Summer 4 (he thinks glasses automatically increases intelligence, if that's not a somewhat himbo thing then I don't know what is).
Honorable mentions: nearly everyone except a few (Benkei, both Gilles, Phantom).
Servants that I want:
Voyager/Kijyo Koyo
I'm just gonna combine two options into one, since they're gonna be on the same banner and I'll be happy to get either one or both. Not much reason here, just looking forward to having a Foreigner and a neat Berserker.
I find him a very interesting character that I hope to get one day. I know that I missed my chance to get him on NA, but his interlude's dropping next year, so I'll get another chance.
Fairy Knight Gawain/Barghest
Yes, I'm one of those fans who like her, you're free to judge me. 😅 When she was first revealed, I didn't think much of her, except that I think that she has cool armor and the colors used for her are really nice to look at (until her third ascension, but that's also not here nor there). And then her bio was translated, as well as her role in LB6... and the next thing I know I developed gap moe for her.
Okita Souji
Even though her interactions are restricted to GudaGuda/Koha-Ace stuff (as far as I'm aware), I find her enjoyable and I really like all her ascensions.
Leonardo da Vinci (Caster)
I miss Genius Mom a lot. 😭
Honorable mentions: Jack the Ripper (I want to adopt my stabby daughter), Katou Danzo (I want to reunite Kotarou with his Robot Ninja Mom), Caster Gilgamesh, Gray and Taisui (I know that these two are welfares, but I'm still including them), James Moriarty (nice design and a fun and interesting character)
This is a bit longer than I thought, whoops
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firebirdtransam68 · 4 years
Anime Shows I Have Seen (Including Those I Have Not Completed Yet); And Anime Shows I Am Considering Seeing
I became very interested in original anime (but especially Mecha anime) ever since I discovered Beast King Golion; the first time I came across original anime was when I noticed someone watching a Sailor Moon clip in English subtitles rather than being dubbed in English.  Because of this, I then became curious, and started to explore the animated genre.  Now, I have been searching for more shows of the Mecha genre (or even the regular Shounen genre) that I may like (or may not, depending on the quality, production, plot, voice acting, animation, and/or the execution of the premise) and add to my favorite work list in the future.
Here are the following anime shows (original with subtitles) I have seen from the first (other than a brief Sailor Moon video) to the most recent, starting with the shows I have completed:
- Transformers: Micron Legend
- Transformers: Superlink
- Brave Police J-Decker
Now with the shows that I watched, but have not yet completed:
- Beast King Golion
- Sonic X
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX
Here are the following anime shows I have not seen yet, but I am considering seeing at some point in the future:
- Brave Exkaiser
- Brave Fighter Of Sun Fighbird
- Brave Fighter Of Legend Da-Garn
- Brave Express Might Gaine
- Brave Of Gold Goldran
- Brave Command Dagwon
- GaoGaiGar
- Armored Fleet Dairugger XV*
- Lightspeed Electroid Albegas
- Star Musketeer Bismarck
- Transformers: Car Robots
- Transformers: Headmasters*
- Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
- Transformers: Victory
- Super Dimension Fortress Macross
- Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross
- Genesis Climber Mospeada
- Raideen The Brave*
- Raideen The Superior*
- Neon Genesis Evanglion
- Magic Knight Rayearth
- The Vision Of Escaflowne
- Super Electromagnetic Robot Combattler V
- Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V
- Fighting General Daimos
- Dai-Guard
- Mobile Police Patlabor
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
- Mighty Orbots
- Space Runaway Ideon
- Getter Robo
- Metal Armor Dragonar
- Any Gundam series that is not too well-known by fans
*Note: seeing a few clips or even parts of the show does not count as actually having watched the show; to have seen the show, I must watch at least one whole episode from it
Most of the anime shows I liked, completed, or want to see later contain Mecha robots that are in the Super Robot category, especially those that remind me more of Transformers, the first giant robot franchise I ever saw and really like a lot; bonus points if the Mecha robots are sentient like the Transformers and/or even pilot their own Mecha robots!
If you like, feel free to add other suggestions for anime shows that I can watch that I have not listed, yet.  Otherwise, I will leave it at that until I find something that further catches my interest.
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ariesgamesandminis · 4 years
Massive Restock for BattleTech!
MASSIVE restock for BattleTech from Iron Wind Metals...and this isn't even ALL of it!
PLEASE REMEMBER...I'm out with my kids this weekend for some fun before they go back to school, so there will possibly be a delay in shipping depending on order volume.
20-209 Rifleman RFL-8D 20-217 Crusader CDR-5K 20-223 Saladin Hover Tank (2) 20-235 Partisan Heavy Tank 20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R 20-279 Clint IIC 20-290 Ajax Assault Tank Prime 20-305 Scorpion Light Tank (2) 20-346 Crimson Hawk 20-382 Heavy LRM Carrier 20-397 Orion ON1-M 20-424 Bombardier BMB-12D 20-450 Hiryo Armored Infantry Transport 20-451 Copper SecurityMech CBK-6 20-482 Xanthos XNT-30 20-496 Thunderbird TRB-D36 Aero Fighter 20-497 Moltke M1 Main Battle Tank 20-5007 Turhan Wheeled Vehicle (2) 20-5016 Apollo APL-1M 20-5021 Deimos 20-5023 Hyena Salvage Mech HYN-4A 20-5025 Mad Cat IV "Savage Wolf" 20-5041 Nyx NX-80 / NX-90 20-5049 Carnivore Assault Tank (Standard) (2) 20-5074 Dola DOL-1A1 20-5082 Gyrfalcon (Standard) 20-5088 Hollander III BZK-D1 20-5093 Lament LMT-2R 20-5096 Dragon II DRG-11K 20-5098 Black Knight BLK-NT-5H 20-5106 Tiburon 20-5110 Carronade CRN-7M 20-5114 Zeus-X ZEU-X4 20-5121 Lu Wei Bing LN-4B 20-5122 Tenshi TN-10-O Prime 20-5123 Wendigo Prime 20-5126 Gun GN-2O Prime 20-5127 Flashman FLS-8K Resculpt 20-5131 Centurion CN11-O Prime 20-5132 Templar III TLR2-O Prime 20-5133 Gotterdammerung GTD-20S 20-5134 Juliano JLN-5A 20-5148 Flea FLE-14 20-5151 Avalanche AVL-1O 20-5155 Cougar Prime / B Resculpt 20-5163 Mongoose Gunslinger MON-66GX 20-5167 Raven II RVN-5X 20-5169 Shadow Hawk SHD-2Hb 20-5170 Ryoken III-XP (Skinwalker) Prime 20-5173 Scourge SCG-WF1 20-5182 Catapult CPLT-C1 / K2 20-5183 Locust LCT-1V / 1E / 1Vb Royal 20-5184 Griffin GRF-1N 20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime 20-603RE Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime 20-695 Fire Falcon Prime 20-706 CHIPPEWA FIGHTER CHP-W5 20-723 Warrior Helicopter H-7 20-739 Ontos Heavy Tank (2) 20-741 J-27 Tow Vehicle 20-747 Zhukov Heavy Tank (2) 20-774 Black Knight BL-6-KNT 20-777 Falcon FLC-4N 20-779 Manticore Heavy Tank (2) 20-798 Hammer HMR-3M 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-802 Mongoose MON-66 20-803 Hoplite HOP-4D 20-806 Hunter Missile Tank (2) 20-822 Demolisher Tank 20-865 Commando COM-2D 20-869 Jenner JR7-D 20-876 Dervish DV-6M 20-879 Clint CLNT-2-3T 20-898 Imp IMP-3E 20-899 King Crab KGC-000 20-932 Vindicator VND-1R 20-976 Hellion Prime 20-983 Mad Cat Mk II 20-991 Shadow Cat Prime AR20-246 EAGLE EGL-2M AR20-248 DONAR ASSAULT VTOL AR20-249 CRONUS CNS-5M AR20-294 MAGI INFANTRY SUPPORT VEHICLE AR20-325 Morpheus MRP-3S AR20-344 Flashfire FLS-P5 AR20-349 HACHIWARA AR20-363 Koto KTO-2A AR20-367 SPIDER SDR-7K / SDR-7K2 AR20-405 Great Turtle GTR-1 AR20-418 Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L AR20-421 Ronin SA-RN7 AR20-429 Mantis MTS-S AR20-445 Longshot LNG-2 AR20-466 Neptune Submarine (full and waterline) AR20-637 MANTIS LIGHT ATTACK VTOL (2) AR20-655 Fire Scorpion AR20-720 THRUSH AR20-745 SKULKER WHEELED SCOUT VEHICLE AR20-785 DEMOLISHER II HEAVY TANK AR20-790 SALAMANDER PPR-5S     AR20-931 URBAN MECH IIC     AR20-943 ARCTIC WOLF AR20-957 LAO HU  LHU-2B   AR20-977 CESTUS CTS-6Y   AR20-985 ARCAS 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2 99-203 Extra Large Flat Top Hex Base ATLASLTD-12 Limited Edition Jumping Atlas BT-004 Afreet Battle Armor BT-005 Grenadier Battle Armor BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-008 Void Battle Armor BT-011 Thor "Summoner" B BT-019 Leopard BT-026 Union BT-028 Cavalier Battle Armor BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-064 Trike BT-065 Minigun Cycle BT-067 Golem Battle Armor BT-129 Infiltrator Mk I Battle Armor BT-130 Hauberk Battle Armor BT-132 Clan Medium Battle Armor BT-133 Corona Battle Armor BT-160 Elemental Battle Armor Point BT-172 Prowler Tank BT-178 Jade Hawk JHK-03 BT-187 Djinn Battle Armor BT-192 Purifier BA C (2 pc) (advancing) BT-197 Aerie Battle Armor BT-198 Tengu Battle Armor BT-199 Asura Md. Battle Armor BT-200 Shedu Assault Battle Armor BT-201 Nephilim Assault Battle Armor BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor BT-207 Delphyne ProtoMech BT-209 Se'irim Medium Battle Armor BT-210 Armorcast 28mm Elemental Battle Armor BT-217 Dragon's Breath BT-224 Heavy Jump Infantry BT-230 Kopis Battle Armor BT-231 Ironhold Battle Armor BT-232 Warg Battle Armor BT-234 Davion Firefighter ATV BT-239 Jump Support Infantry BT-243 XTC Marine BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing BT-250 Ignis Infantry Support Tank BT-251 Blood Asp A BT-252 Blood Asp E BT-253 Cauldron-Born "Ebon Jaguar" Prime BT-257 Concordat Frigate BT-260 Sprint Scout VTOL BT-269 Sling SL-1G BT-270 New Sytris Carrier BT-271 Conqueror Battle Cruiser BT-272 Davion Destroyer BT-273 Osteon D BT-276 Maxim Hover Tank (3058) BT-278 Panther PNT-9R BT-282 Pandion Combat WiGE BT-283 Svartalfa Ultra ProtoMech (Standard) BT-291 Super-Griffin GRF-2N-X BT-292 Shiro SH-2P BT-294 Hatamoto-Suna HTM-30S BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime BT-305 Thor II Prime BT-306 Thor II B BT-311 Savior Repair Vehicle BT-312 Gun Trailers (2) BT-319 Wheeled APC BT-320 Tracked APC BT-321 Hover APC BT-322 Rifleman RFL-1N BT-326 Stinger LAM MK I STG-A1 (Air Mech) BT-335 PWWKA S-PW-1LAM (Air Mech) BT-343 Tomahawk II A BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A BT-348 Centurion CN9-D / CN9-AL Resculpt BT-349 Lament LMT-4RC BT-351 Mad Cat MK II 5 BT-363 Swiftwind Scout Car BT-364 Gabriel Hovercraft BT-369 Elemental Battle Armor (3) BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3) BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft BT-381 Basic Inner Sphere Battle Armor (3) BT-385 Grey Death Legion Battle Armor (3) BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor (3) BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor (3) BT-390 Fa-Shih Battle Armor (3) BT-391 Fenrir Battle Armor (1) BT-393 Kage Battle Armor Squad (4) BT-395 Centurion CN9-YLW / CN9-YLW2 "Yen Lo Wang" BT-397 Gùn GN-2O A BT-399 Shadow Hawk SHD-2K BT-403 Highlander HGN-738 BT-407C Orion ON1-H Arm Sprue BT-408 Loki II A BT-411 Archer ARC-1A BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor BT-416 Testudo Siege Tank (Standard) BT-418 Saladin MK II HCV BT-419 Wolverine WVR-1R BT-425 Uziel UZL-8S BT-427 Balac Strike VTOL (Standard) & (LRM) BT-429 Catapult CPLT-C2 (Dark Age) BT-430 Wulfen H BT-434 Leonidas Battle Armor BT-437 Regulator Hovertank (Arrow IV) BT-438 Von Rohrs (Hebis) VON-4RH-5 BT-439 Black Wolf Battle Armor BT-440 Bellerophon BEL-1X BT-442 Wulfen A BT-444 Flatbed Truck (2) - Cargo & Wpn options CE-001 Primitive Shadow Hawk FT-002 Boomerang Spotter Plane FT-003 Sea Skimmer FT-005 Monitor Naval Vessel FT-008 Avatar AV1-OB FT-012 Nightsky NGS-5T FT-025 Samurai Mech Scale Fighter FT-026 Sabre Mech Scale Fighter FT-027 Gotha Mech Scale Fighter MS-001 Union Dropship OP-005 Thor B Arms (2) (from BT-11) OP-007 Thor C Left Arm (from 20-320) OP-029 Gladiator C Left Arm OP-030 Gladiator C Right Arm OP-033 Gladiator E Left Arm OP-034 Gladiator E ATM 9 OP-040 Gladiator E Torso OP-045 Black Hawk C SRM4 OP-084 Masakari Torso OP-097 Generic Missile Launcher (3) OP-098 Missile Launcher Front Panel (3) OP-099 Gauss Rifles OP-100 Ultra Autocannons OP-101 Hyper-Assult Gauss Rifles OP-102 Inner Sphere PPC's OP-103 LB-X Autocannons OP-104 Extended Range Lasers and PPC OP-105 Pulse Lasers OP-106 Small Launcher Plates OP-107 Medium Launcher Plates OP-108 Large Launcher Plates OP-109 XL Launcher Plates OP-110 XXL Launcher Plates OP-111 Inner Sphere Small, Medium, and Large Launchers OP-112 Inner Sphere XL and XXL Launchers OP-113 Clan Small, Medium, and Large Launchers OP-114 Clan XL and XXL Launchers SFB-016 Upper Stackable Steel Building 20-220C Longbow Missile Pod Sprue 20-233C Warhammer IIC Missile Sprue I 20-233D Warhammer IIC Missile Sprue II 20-317D Ostroc 4C Arms Sprue 20-325C Morpheus Left Arm 20-325D Morpheus Shoulder Pad 20-326D Loki Anti-Personal Pod Sprue (From 20-326) 20-360C Paladin Arms Sprue 20-412E Grigori Weapon Pod Sprue II 20-413B Archangel Spikes/Arm Sprue 20-432B Valiant DA Mech Legs 20-432C Valiant DA Mech Arm Sprue 20-432D Valiant DA Mech Shield Sprue 20-442B Copperhead Arm Sprue 20-453G Pariah Jump Jet Sprue (from 20-453) 20-5136 Hound HD-2F Weapon Sprue 20-603E Mad Cat (Omni) Missile Pack 20-605E Masakari (Omni) Right Arm 20-605F Masakari (Omni) Left Arm 20-610D Black Hawk (Omni) Arms 20-613C Koshi (Omni) Arm Sprue 20-616B Grand Titan TIT-N10M Right Arm 20-616C Grand Titan TIT-N10M Left Arm 20-616GN Grand Titan TIT-N10M Small Gun 20-617B Tempest TMP-3M Right Arm 20-617C Tempest TMP-3M Left Arm 20-627BTUR LRM Carrier Turret 20-699AMG Emperor EMP-6A Arm / Gun 20-779TRT Manticore Heavy Tank Turret 20-780AGN Hussar HSR-200D Arm / Gun Sprue 20-793GN Hollander BZK-F3 Gun 20-802ARM Mongoose MON-66 Arm Sprue 20-810B Hatamoto-Chi Fin / PPC Sprue 20-864ARM Hatchetman Arm Sprue 20-873FNS Spider Fins 20-888ARM Grasshopper Arm Sprue 20-969B Banshee Arm Sprue 20-987A/WP Locust Arm / Weapon Sprue 20-988ARM Phoenix Hawk Arm Sprue 20-993D Thunderbolt Arm Sprue
#battletech #alphastrike #ironwindmetals #miniatures #catalystgamelabs #battlemech #mechwarrior #mwo #mecha #tabletop #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #wargaming #wargames #hobby #scifi #sciencefiction #miniaturepainting #mech #hovertank #6mmminis #6mmscifi #tank #dougram #gundam #robotech #armypainter #thearmypainter
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ligaora · 4 years
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Finito il Justice Knight Gundam da Build Divers Re:Rise. In pratica il fratello scemo del Justice Knight da Gundam Seed (per i Puristi: sì, so che è un "custom dell'Infinite Justice... ) #gundam #gunpla #nerd #plamo #plasticmodel #gundammodel #bandai #mecha #covid19 #quarantena #sunday #rerise #builddivers #justiceknight #justicegundam (presso Borgo Venezia, Verona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CGNKqqHg_/?igshid=1c8wp7kahknnk
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eirian · 5 years
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updated commission post, including a new option! please consider buying or spreading the word by reblogging!
im taking four slots per batch!
PLEASE read all the rules !!
im only allowing one order per slot because it would be confusing to take multiple ones in this case !!  you may order one option per slot, but im only allowing at most two slots per person so ppl have a better chance of grabbing one !!  if you want to order two things, you must request two slots !!
i work on a first-come-first-served basis !!  though your slot may be before someone else’s, if they pay first, then i will work on theirs first !!
I ONLY ACCEPT PAYPAL !!  all prices are in USD and some are ranged; if your character is detailed, i’ll charge the higher price !!
rules, details, slots, and T.O.S. under the cut !!!
T.O.S. (also stated on the form) ((updated october 14th, 2018))
i will post all commissions with a watermark to reduce the risk of theft; if you do not want me to post your commission and want me to instead just send it to you, please specify !!
i will NOT share your email; i will only use it for sending you your commission and invoice
i am not a machine !!  please be patient; i WILL finish your commission, whether it be the same day or the week after !!
i have the right to decline or cancel any commission if it makes me uncomfortable or if i am unable to do it.  in the event that your commission is cancelled after you have paid, you will receive a full refund
i sometimes send wips of the commissions and possibly stream while i work to both help me focus and also to make sure things are looking alright with your commission; if you have any issues with this, please tell me !!
i will send a watermarked and unwatermarked version of your commission (excluding icons).  ONLY POST THE WATERMARKED VERSION IF YOU PLAN ON REPOSTING IT–this is to prevent illegal usage and theft !!  the exception to this is for toyhou.se, but please credit my toyhou.se (DanPhantom) for the art! in addition, i’d appreciate if you simply reblogged/retweeted your commission instead of reposting it, except on websites where i do not post such as instagram
you may NOT reproduce the commissioned work for monetary gain in any way, shape, or form
200x200 px
solid, pattern, or transparent bgs
border or no border
square, rounded square, circle, or other shape
*i can do joint icons! but this requires two slots because its technically two icons. just say you want this before i give you the form!*
400x400 px
transparent bgs
flat colors only; no shading
multiple characters are allowed; they’ll be + $20
characters will be simplified !!  if your character has details you want me to include, you must specify so i wont exclude them from simplification !!
sketches or full color
sizes vary (i work at 100% zoom but i increase the size)
*pls note that the brush i use for sketches changes constantly*
multiple characters allowed; they’ll be + $40-$50 depending on complexity
SIMPLE bgs (such as shapes or gradients) are allowed but nothing i’ll actually have to draw out
white bg
color palette
single full body*
sizes vary (i work at 100% zoom but i increase the size)
*extras (such as extra shots of the head for hair styles or something) will be available for at least $5 more!  anything more complicated than that will cost more!
i’ll start out by sketching out concepts for your design and you help me pick out what works best for you
i’ll then go through the coloring process, again getting your feedback on what you like best
the final product will be a simple ref sheet of your design [read: a full body + color palette], but you may add extra details just like with the simple ref sheets!
+extra head shot (for maybe a different angle) = +$10
+extra body shot (for multiple outfits or body scar/tattoo/marking references) = +$20
+anything else can be discussed!  some things (such as paw pad refs or extra eye colors) will be free
**THIS TYPE OF COMMISSION WILL TAKE A WHILE AND WILL INVOLVE A LOT OF TALKING WITH ME!  character design is a process, so please be patient with me!  i’ll probably ask a lot of questions, too, so be ready for that!**
canon characters (danny phantom and dragon ball characters are easiest for me !!)
refs from 3d models or real photos (i’m not very confident in my ability to do these, so fair warning on that)
text-only references (i can only work with pictures!)
nsfw/fetish/kink stuff (although i MIGHT be willing to do slightly suggestive stuff. i like drawing butts)
mechas/armored characters (UNLESS the armor/tech is simple and cartoony, like skulker or fright knight) ((also possible exceptions for icons)) (((we can discuss exceptions if i really like the characters, like junkrat)))
shippy stuff (i may make exceptions if we’re friends and im comfortable with it but just to be safe no shippy stuff) ((exceptions for your ocs!))
genderbends (im just not comfortable w/ these sorry)
nazis/nazi imagery
racist caricatures
etc. characters that promote harmful or bigoted views
please ask me if youre unsure whether or not your character fits any of these !!  i reserve the right to decline a commission if i feel uncomfortable with it or feel as if i can’t do it
send me an IM (preferred), ask, twitter dm, discord message (if we’re contacts), dA note, OR an email to [email protected] to reserve a slot
once you have a slot, i will send you a link to a form you need to fill out with all your details
once you’ve filled out the form, you’ll be in my queue !!
i will then send an invoice asking for payment (i dont require you to pay immediately, but i WILL NOT start your commission until i receive payment !!  i allow 10 days for payment but if you can’t pay by then i’ll assume you no longer want the commission and your slot will be reopened)
SLOTS (crossed out is finished):
1. finn
2. jaxon
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aimandmain · 5 years
Sentient robot series I’ve watched and will watch
As the title says! Sentient robot series is a guilty pleasure of mine and I’ve watched a few here and there, so I figured I would give my two cents on the matter.
This list will be updated as I watch more series (and remember what I’ve watched) because I have quite a list I need to go through xD That being said please don’t reblog this since it will be updated as I go on!
Titles written in bold are series I’ve watched
Titles written in italic are series I plan on watching
Iron Leaguer: SUCH A GOOD SERIES!!! Like I seriously love Iron Leaguer so much, it’s cute and filled with action and so tense and goofy all at the same time!! This series is a wild ride and I will definitely recommend it to anyone!!
Don’t watch the OVA, it’s trash. Or well, watch it for the nice screenshots but ignore how they butcher the characters and story and my happy ending.
Appleseed Ex Machina: Not a series but a movie, it’s actually the sequel to Appleseed but it can be watched on its own and you should most definitely watch it. At least just to appreciate Briareos (now that is one HOT mech <3).
Okay but seriously it’s a great movie and very compelling and I really, really liked it, the story is great and the visuals are stunning!
Brave Series: (the entire brave series is on my list and I’m such a fan of this franchise)
Brave Police J-Deckard: Watch this, like seriously, just watch it! I can’t tell you how much I love this series, IT’S JUST SO GOOD!! The characters are all important, accounted for and adorable, the story is great and major twists actually have consequences. Brave Police is AWESOME and you should watch it.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfS8VQ7SmkM&list=PLD42AF03E7468DE0B
The Brave of Gold Goldran:  I finished Goldran just recently and honestly it was pretty damn good, a slow start and you can really feel how it’s sometimes targeted a younger audience but it was still super entertaining and had such lovable characters. So far I’m very impressed with the brave series!!
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhzsrqj62mE&index=1&list=PL5gHOin8W87ewdmNfWVQKpIqRBiGFw8bR
Brave Exkaiser - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-M1nz1mQ1A&list=PLVU94nd5HuqesT2JWNmzH80zLbOqI1nW_
The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp5TrI3UHHc&list=PL5gHOin8W87dYjyI-ueVsFojmqMRwLX31 (Only to ep 13/48)
The Brave Fighter of Legend Da-Garn - https://kissanime.cool/watch/densetsu-no-yuusha-da-garn.o434/y549lj (fairly certain it’s the entire show with subtitles)
The Brave Express Might Gaine - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaCX_Py2aK8&list=PL5gHOin8W87d_MJq-L5JgDRFJY1X_QJC8 (Only to ep 35/47)
Brave Command Dagwon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3iA8KwLm0Y&list=PL5gHOin8W87d1PLRL74JNwwxUxHygo2DP 
The King of Braves GaoGaiGar + The King of Braves GaoGaiGar Final - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4zVQABDBrM&list=PLVU94nd5HuqfSqbURxOTdQP0U0SOIcRTF 
The King of Braves GaoGaiGar Final Grand Glorious Gathering
IDW Comic: I just started reading the comic and I’m reading the IDW collection edition (I’m doing this in the name of the Combaticons and Lambo twinsI will not lie) and there are some of the stories that I like a lot (I’m still screaming over Megatron’s origin story). But then it’s pretty clear that there are some things about the timeline and continuity that are pretty fucked.
In any case, I’m enjoying it and will recommend it so far!
G1: I watched a healthy bit of G1 and this is basically the root of all mecha anime so I do think everyone should watch a little of it. That being said, we sure have come a looooong way in both visuals and story-telling xD I have a not so secret love for the Combaticons and yes I did continue watching just so I could watch my babies come about. Never watched the end and I don’t need it in my life tbh
Unicron Trilogy: I don’t remember if I gave up on watching Cybertron, because I have a feeling that it was painful but I cannot remember anything from it. Armada was alright, nothing to go wild over but I did like Alexa, it’s not the best Transformers series out there that’s for sure. That being said, Energon, the second installment of the series is actually pretty good and I enjoyed it quite a lot, mostly because I was happy to see the token human having a special function and not just “being” there. It was pretty cool.
Animated: I’m not gonna lie I LOVED THIS SERIES!! Like I was super hooked and I could not let it go. If I had the same knowledge of the series back then as I do today i might have been more upset over all the liberties but honestly, Animated was freaking cool and I loved Sari and all the characters!!
Robots in Disguise 2001: I remember watching this as a kid and I’m definitely going to watch it again, if I don’t enjoy it at least I can roast child-me for having bad taste xD
*Prime: Started but never finished so I’mstartingg up again soon
*Rescue Bots: I’m not gonna lie I watched a lil of this and it’s honestly so carefree and fun and the characters are adorable!
*Transformers Go!: I don’t even know what’s up here but hey it’s like 10 ep I might survive
*Robots in Disguise: I will never forgive hasbro for continously cutting out Sunstreaker but i might give it a go
* These four are in the same continoum and should be watched in this order.
Prime Wars Trilogy: I have no idea what to expect
Cyberverse: Looks fun
Bayverse: the first movie was good and i still like it, the third one was also pretty interesting but had a lot of flaws since it’s Michael Bay. I’m not a fan of Michael Bay. The rest of the movies are trash in my opinion... I like Crosshairs tho.
Knightverse/Bumblebee: THIS MOVIE IS NOTHING SHORT OF AMAZING AND EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH IT SO KNIGHT CAN GET THE FUNDING FOR THE NEXT ONE ALRIGHT?!?!? LIKE SERIOUSLY I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!! and fyi this is not realted to Bayverse AT ALL (which is only a good thing yikes.) ((I know it’s official that this is a prequel to bayverse but that would honestly not make a lot of sense and this is transformers live-action done right, Michael Bay take notes.))
Someone, please fix the Transformers univers continuums, it’s giving me a headache QwQ
Gad Guard Idol master xenoglassia Machine Robo Daigunder Chou soku henkei gyrozetter Blue Meteor SPT Layzner Dai-guard Kishin Taisen Gigantic Formula Metabots
Please feel free to suggest other series and movies, as I said it’s a guilty pleasure and I sometimes find it difficult to find a series that fits my taste! Please be aware that there at least needs to be English subtitles!!
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newsintheshell · 1 year
DISNEY+: ecco tutti i nuovi anime in arrivo appena presentati al Content Showcase 2022
Tokyo Revengers cambia casa, la Fenice di Tezuka risorge e altre novità ci attendono nel 2023 e oltre.
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Considerato che a distanza di più di un anno dal precedente appuntamento, tuttora alcune delle serie annunciate in occasione dello scorso Content Showcase di Disney devono ancora cominciare ad arrivare su Disney+, fa un po' sorridere (e anche un po' piangere) che la casa di Topolino si affretti comunque a sbandierarne delle altre.
Quanto ci metterà ad imparare la stessa lezione impartita a Netflix? I fan non amano aspettare troppo, soprattutto se si parla di titoli dal grande richiamo, ma andiamo con ordine.
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Togliamoci subito il dente e veniamo alla prima notizia, che come per "BLEACH: THOUSAND-YEAR BLOOD WAR" penso farà mettere le mani nei capelli a diversa gente: ebbene sì, l'attesa seconda stagione dell’action supernatural drama, tratto dal celebre manga di Ken Wakui (che qua in Italia possiamo leggere grazie a J-POP Manga), sarà distribuita in esclusiva da Disney. Press F for Crunchyroll.
In Asia, fra l'altro, gli episodi verranno passati in simulcast, a partire da gennaio 2023, mentre qua in Occidente non è chiaro entro quando li vedremo arrivare.
Faccio notare che la licenza in questione fa parte di un pacchetto, ottenuto tramite un rinnovato accordo con la casa editrice Kodansha, quindi prepariamoci a una guerra sempre più aperta fra i vari servizi di streaming on demand. 
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Altro sorpresa, stavolta piacevole però. Nel corso del 2023 arriverà un nuovo adattamento animato de "LA FENICE", uno dei grandi classici firmati dal Dio del Manga in persona: Osamu Tezuka.
Il format non è stato specificato, ma il teaser anticipa già il bel lavoro in corso d'opera fatto presso STUDIO 4℃ (I Figli del Mare, La Fortuna di Nikuko).
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Confermato l'arrivo sul catalogo anche della serie mecha sci-fi che accompagnerà il lancio, nel 2023, dell'omonimo videogioco sviluppato da Game Studio per Bandai Namco.
In produzione presso lo studio 8-BIT (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Blue Lock), l'anime ha come regista un insospettabile Yusuke Yamamoto (Encouragement of Climb, OshiBudo).
Spesso me ne dimentico, ma in tempi non sospetti ha anche diretto "KNIGHT'S & MAGIC" e "AQUARION EVOL".
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Per questa siamo ancora, evidentemente, in alto mare. Non si sa ancora se sia una serie tv o no (ma presumo di sì dai), né chi ci stia lavorando o quando arriverà, ma intanto abbiamo la conferma che potremo vedere la commedia romantica comodamente in streaming.
Tratta dal manga di Junta Shima, la storia ha come protagonista un innamoratissimo e determinatissimo liceale, che per vincere il cuore della propria insegnante è pronto a qualsiasi cosa, anche ad un cambio radicale per assomigliare in tutto e per tutto al suo personaggio dei videogiochi preferito.
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Il potere degli isekai è così incontrastato che ormai anche Disney è capitolata. Per l'inverno 2023, infatti, è stato annunciato il debutto di questo originale ibrido fra live action e anime.
Dietro alla cinepresa della parte con attori in carne troviamo Kentaro Hagiwara (Tokyo Ghoul - Il Film), mentre la regia della parte animata è in mano a Takashi Otsuka (One Piece: Stampede).
Quest'ultima sta venendo realizzata presso gli studi PRODUCTION I.G (Ao Ashi, The Deer King) con alla base il concept design di Posuka Demizu, l'illustratrice di "THE PROMISED NEVERLAND".
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In ultimo, chiudiamo con un altro progetto originale nato da un'idea di Sunghoo Park (Jujutsu Kaisen, The God of High School), sulla quale sta lavorando da parecchi anni.
Il titolo della serie è ancora provvisorio e maggiori dettagli verranno rivelati in futuro. Per il momento vi posso solo dire che il tutto è in cantiere presso E&H PRODUCTION (Ninja Kamui), lo studio appena fondato dal regista.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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thevreviews · 6 years
Girly Stuff I like
                                                The Weeb Years
He estado pensando en esta entrada bastante últimamente. Desde el enfoque hasta el material que usaré para explicarla. Quería algo así como una secuela de la entrada anterior sobre mi amor por los musicales.  Así que les hablaré de la edad oscura, cuando empecé a devorar series de anime. 
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Corría por allá el año 2012 donde tuve un año “Weeb” (para aquellos no versados en terminología de internerd, Weeb es un fanatico de anime que consume cantidades extraordinarias de dicho producto).  Mi tiempo no era mío, no podía ver un capitulo cada cierto tiempo de manera constante, así que cuando ya el estudio me freía las neuronas y decidía tomarme un par de días, maratoneaba series. No de manera saludable debo agregar, ninguna de las que mencionaré aquí solo una me duró más de un fin de semana.  He visto de todo, ver anime abrió bastante mis horizontes de lo que considero una historia legítimamente buena, y si bien nunca tuve prejuicio de que “los dibujos son para niños”, descubrí varias joyitas que no esperaba. Mi sorpresa llegó en retrospectiva cuando -al comentar mis favoritos- me di cuenta que lo me más abundaba eran romances.  No es un secreto para nadie a estas alturas, Im a hopless and helpless romantic. Pero el animé siempre fue para mi acción y fantasía principalmente (de hecho la excepción era Slam Dunk) mi acercamiento al género llegó por recomendaciones de internet.   El camarada Redskull en mi querida novena, es alguien muy versado en el tema y sus recomendaciones me sonaron algo fresco, que no estaba acostumbrado a ver. Decidí hacer caso y darle una oportunidad, and oh boy i’m glad i did.
Iré haciendo pequeñas reseñas [an actual Review on The V Reviews?? SHOCKING] sobre series que considero especiales.
Pensaba añadir Clannad, pero After Story merece una entrada por si misma, asi que esperen algún idea una review completa de eso.
Sin más preámbulos les presento [inserte intro musical de Mermelade boy aquí]
“Girly” stuff i like.  Y digo “girly” entre comillas porque el protagonista es masculino, y luego me di cuenta que el target demográfico son hombres. Japón tiene una ventaja de variedad INCREIBLE sobre el entretenimiento occidental, aquí se demuestra. Lo siguiente es una prueba de ello….
♪♫ Uh-uh Uh-uh Uh-uh Uh-uh Yeeeah Uh-uh Uh-uh Uh-uh Uh-uh Yeah
Let me be with youuuuu♫♪
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Me demoré eones en empezar a ver esto. Chobits era algo que tenía pendiente y que de hecho vi completa porque un día agarré un capitulo que mi hermana estaba viendo. No recuerdo exactamente cuál fue, pero me sorprendió la temática y las preguntas que nacían de ahí. Todo el dilema de la inteligencia artificial y los lazos interpersonales que se generaban. Así que le di una oportunidad y -me being me- lo terminé maratoneando. Chobits se convirtió en la segunda serie de Clamp que me gustó –la otra fue Magic Knight Rayearth, en parte porque el juego de Snes era tremendo y en parte porque Sagato fue el mejor villano que el animé había visto hasta esa época (i’ll fight you)-  pero… me pareció rara. La industria se encargaría de explicarme porqué años después, pero dejémoslo en que no entendí por qué era un anime “de niñas”. Verán Clamp tiene una demográfica en su mayoría definida. Lo más cercano a algo distinto es la anteriormente mencionada Magic Knight Rayearth. Y eso sigue siendo del género mahou shoujo, a pesar de tener mechas y que el 90% de los personajes femeninos esté escasamente vestida, la serie está dirigida a niñas enfocada en personajes con los que se pueden identificar y prestando mucha atención al desarrollo de personajes esos personajes. 
Chobits es... complicada en ese sentido. Partamos porque el protagonista es hombre- lo que ya la elimina de ser shoujo- si bien Chii se roba toda la serie y es básicamente su historia, el género es “magical girlfriend” - lo que acá en occidente incluye series como “Bewitched” o “I dream of Jeannie”  y en japon cosas como “Ah megamisama” o “Video girl Ai” (inserte sollozo por recordar el final de esta última)- y creo que no está hecha para niñas. El foco de la serie es claramente Hideki, es el quien siente y sufre, es el quien mueve la historia, Chii es apenas un personaje. El plot es “fantasia masculina” de encontrar una chica sobrenatural con la que formas una relación. Y si bien termina siendo tierna y dulce, la serie… empeora al verla con ojos críticos. Chobits cuenta un romance entre un estudiante y una androide “Personcon” y trata ese tema muy bien, el desarrollo y las implicaciones morales de lo que implica la inteligencia artificial y lo que es el concepto de una “Persona real” maneja esas temáticas de manera sólida y balancea muy bien el drama personal de todos los personajes, el conflicto emocional es creíble y al final del día no tienes una respuesta clara. Y la segunda parte se vuelve completamente “sci-fi” con un giro loco y una resolución emotiva. Los puntos altos de Chobits resaltan y brillan con luz propia es una serie que recuerdo de manera más que positiva. Sumenle a esos puntos un diseño de personajes memorable, un opening catchy AF y una trama que bordea el coma diabético de lo dulce. Hay mucho que querer de la serie… Peeeero, la serie también está plagada de problemas propios de la época y del genero. Chistes de masturbación repetitivos y un protagonista obsesionado con tener un androide para básicamente buscar porno. Un capitulo completo dedicado a la lencería femenina.  Chobits es una serie preciosa que fue víctima de la época en la que se serializó, cae en muchos -demasiados- tropes de anime y chistes fáciles que no pegan. Pero que me sacó preceptos de encima, y fue mi primer paso en anime no tradicionalmente hecho para mi. Pero hubo otro que claramente no fue hecho para mi, el primer shoujo claramente shoujo  que realmente me gustó (pero no sería el ultimo)
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Avancemos unos años en mi weebness, ya tenía unas 20 series vistas ese año (toldja unhealthy AF) y los romances ya se habían hecho una adicción. True Tears, Suzuka, Cross Game, Karekano, Izura na Kiss,  Clannad After Story, Durarara, REC, NANA todas fueron devoradas en muy poco tiempo. Y noté este titulo que tenía buenas impresiones y siempre se mencionaba de forma positiva y lo terminé viendo 
Lovely Complex es derechamente una comedia romantica. Con dos protagonistas y el cómo se dan cuenta de que están hechos el uno para el otro. Es una historia dulce y graciosa como pocas. No es lenta, cosa que el crecimiento se siente orgánico.   Tiene 2 protagonistas que estaban hartos de que los definieran por su altura. Ella era MUY alta –en japon-  (1,72) y el muy bajo (1,56) lo que de partida me hace sentir identificado.  Anyway, con toda la esperanza de encontrar pareja en la escuela, parten tratando de hacer de wingman/woman del otro al entender que se encuentran en situaciones similares. Fallan EPICAMENTE. Las personas que eligieron terminan teniendo poco y nada en común con ellos y luego de un par de percances, sus prospectos terminan juntos (cute couple tho). Es Risa (la chica) quien se da cuenta de las cualidades buenas de Otani (el chico) con quien no solo comparte muchos gustos, si no que se entienden perfectamente y siempre parecen estar ahí el uno para el otro. De a poco trata de acercarse más a él hasta que logra encontrar el valor para una confesión. Y el… derechamente no entiende. Y no entiende hasta el final. Como ven la premisa y la historia son súper simples. Nada del otro mundo, pero el desarrollo y la ejecución son más que correctos, se centra en desarrollar a los personajes, establecer la química y hacer creíble su relación al punto es que la conclusión no es solo predecible es el único final posible. Lovely Complex es la antítesis de obras como Watchmen donde el final lo es todo. Lo que importa aquí es el viaje, al punto que el final es intrascendente y hasta olvidable. El climax existe, y hay satisfacción por llegar ahí, pero más porque todo lo que pasó para llegar a ese punto fue disfrutable que por la espectacularidad del final. Se centró exclusivamente en los protagonistas y en hacer todo correcto al punto que la serie te deja un buen sabor de boca sin tener momentos altos. Lo que es lo contrario de uno de mis favoritos del género.
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Oh boy, KimiKiss Pure Rogue… how do I even begin? Basado en una Novela Visual, es un “slice of life” que cuenta la historia de Koichi -nuestro protagonista- un estudiante normalito quien una mañana recibe una visita de una chica –preciosa btw- en su casa. El no la reconoce, pero ella lo llama por su nombre, entra con una maleta y se va a usar la ducha ante una cara de WTF increíble de Koichi.  Resulta que la chica es Mao Mizusawa (AKA Maoneechan) una amiga de la infancia de Koichi que se fue a Francia y que vuelve a Japon para terminar allá sus estudios. Vuelve sin sus padres por lo que se quedará en casa de Koichi.  Lo que sigue es un culebrón digno de telenovela. De a poco ambos descubren lo mucho que se aman pero ambos deciden alejarse del otro para no estorbar.  2 triangulos amorosos (Mao + un tipo que toca Saxofon, y Koichi con una compañera de la escuela) le ponen un poco de picante a la historia con sorprendente cantidad de lágrimas y sufrimiento de por medio. La historia principal no es nada del otro mundo, pero la ejecución es MAGISTRAL, el beso final es digno de película con todo y escena de aeropuerto (bueh no exactamente pero el principio es el mismo) es probablemente mi segunda escena de beso favorita en anime (o quizá la primera, es debatible). Pero lo que hace a esta serie extraordinaria, son los secundarios.  Veran, Koichi tiene un mejor amigo, Kazuki –quien también conoce a Mao desde la infancia- a quien podríamos bien llamar Adidas porque porque para este tipo “imposible is nothing”. Seriously, es el tipo más perseverante e inspirador del animé, pelotas comparables solo a Kamina en Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.  Al salir de su primer día de escuela, a Kazuki le cae un avión de papel en la frente, al abrirlo se encuentra un formulario para decidir tu futuro que tenía el nombre de Eriko Futami, una genio que se salta la mitad de las clases porque realmente no las necesita. Decide subir al lugar de donde tiraron el avión, encuentra a una Eriko aburrida mirando a la nada. Tras mediar un par de palabras y sin dar explicaciones ella se acerca y lo besa. Resulta que esta chica no entiende bien las relaciones humanas, su modus operandi es muy científico, así que había decidido experimentar con Kazuki, rápidamente así lo explica –sin demostrar emociones- y da por terminado el experimento. Kazuki no está de acuerdo, al tipo lo flecharon y  la convence de seguir reuniendo data.  En varias ocasiones Eriko trata de terminar con todo pero Kazuki siempre regresa. El desarrollo de estos 2 es PRECIOSO y entiendo que IRL la actitud de Kazuki es hasta reprochable, pero aquí… funciona. Y creo realmente que se roban la película, lo que es bastante decir cuando hablo del anime protagonizado por Koichi y Mao. Es algo que hay que ver capitulo a capitulo, como dije anterior mente, la serie brilla realmente en su ejecución más que en su premisa, lo que me lleva al siguiente punto. Los secundarios, personajes que rara vez brillan tanto como hacen aquí. 
Tengo la obligación moral de mencionar a 2, las “victimas”. Yumi, es la protagonista (heroína) en el videojuego, y en el animé es la que le gusta a Koichi. La típica introvertida del animé, es Mao quien la empuja hacia Koichi hasta que empiezan a salir, pero de a poco, ella se da cuenta de que Koichi tiene fuertes sentimientos por Mao (aún antes de que el mismo se dé cuenta) y trata en vano de sacar a Mao de la cabeza de Koichi, es algo triste porque a ella básicamente la sedujeron y la cambiaron. And that sucks, realmente lo sientes por ella, pero entiendes que tiene que terminar así. La otra es Asuka, una amiga de Kazuki y Koichi que lleva años prendada del primero. Kazuki ignora todas y cada una de las señales, es físicamente doloroso de ver y terriblemente fácil de empatizar. De hecho Kazuki solo se da cuenta de lo que Asuka siente por el, cuando ella –sabiendo que sería rechazada- decide confesar lo que siente y como una forma de despedirse de sus sentimientos básicamente le roba un beso. Overall, La serie me robó el corazón me tuvo pegado a la pantalla del PC de principio a fin, donde realmente me sentí satisfecho con el final.
Cosa que no ha pasado con la siguiente
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This fuckin series… there are no words to describe how much this works for me. Es tan jodidamente simple, entretenida y… brutalmente frustrante. Spice & Wolf cuenta la historia de un comerciante, Lawrence, quien encuentra en su carreta a Holo, una deidad lobo.   Cansada de ser olvidada o culpada por la mala fortuna de las cosechas (porque los humanos no entienden que la tierra tiene que descansar) Holo quiere volver a su hogar, para ello –como dice la leyenda- se esconde en el trigo que compró Lawrence. Al salir de su escondite hace un trato con Lawrence,  este la llevara consigo y ella le traerá buena fortuna. Lo que sigue es, básicamente un animé sobre cómo funciona la economía medieval, cambio de moneda, políticas económicas, gremios, el mercado en general y es... extrañamente interesante. Hay conspiraciones de la iglesia y una historia/ súper solida sobre el pasado de Holo con un misterio que te tiene con el corazón en la mano, hay emoción traición, peleas, acción ¡lo tiene todo!   Pero, lo que la pone por sobre el resto general, es la relación y la dinámica de Holo y Lawrence. Tienen una relación de tira y afloja, con ambos turnándose para ser el que no sabe nada y la mente maestra, no son solo dos amantes que caen el uno por el otro. Son compañeros, son iguales, son socios que aportan el uno el otro. Son la mezcla perfecta entre tierno y gracioso, como dije pueden hacer de un capitulo centrado en el valor de las distintas monedas de algo que te tiene pensando, de básicamente acciones de la bolsa –el equivalente- a algo que te tiene al borde de tu asiento.  Son atípicos en el sentido de que ambos coquetean, no ignoran lo que el otro siente, consientemente buscan proteger lo que tienen al no ir “all in”.   Tu lo sabes, ellos lo saben, la serie lo sabe pero nadie lo dice en voz alta. Pero si juegan con eso. Porque tú quieres que estén juntos, sabes que ellos quieren estar juntos y que serían una pareja tremenda, porque la mayor parte del tiempo ya lo son. Coquetean de forma descarada y están claramente enamorados. 
PEEERO, Hay una doble tragedia ahí que hace que este anime sea agridulce. La primera es la lógica, Holo es una deidad y Lawrence es un humano, la vida de Lawrence es un pestañeo para Holo, es la tragedia inherente de la historia y la razón por la que cada vez que se sienten cercanos ella se aleja. Holo sabe cómo termina esa historia, con un corazón roto y probablemente hasta olvidando a Lawrence.  De hecho todo el misterio del lugar de origen de Holo implica que ella tiene cientos o miles de años y que su hogar ya no existe.   El anime consiente de ello, te embriaga un poco con las reacciones y la dinámica de pareja con su coqueteo, chistes y aventuras hasta que de repente ¡zaz! te  abofetea en toda la cara con una pequeña escena una mirada triste y te rompe el corazón.  Es HERMOSO!!! Lo que hace de la segunda tragedia de la serie algo aún más doloroso. 
La serie tiene solo 2 temporadas y la historia no está ni de chiste terminada. Y no tiene fecha para una tercera temporada (aunque se ha rumoreado muchísimo). La historia sigue en una novela ligera y según entiendo la relación avanza. ¿Pero el anime? Nope y es frustrante a mas no poder, es adorable y difícil de no seguir.   La historia es realmente buena y los personajes cobran vida, se sienten tridimensionales al punto que no importa de que trate la historia mientras sigas viendo a estos dos viajando.  Acompaña todo eso con música que te sumerge en el mundo que te presentan. 
Y funcionó, adoré la serie y todo lo que representa. 
Y esas son 4 series que adoré y que de haber seguido las clasificaciones tradicionales no hubiera visto.  El mensaje y la idea es que -tratándose de entretenimiento- no te cierres y dale una oportunidad a todo. Puedes encontrarte, como yo, con cosas que no sabías que te gustaban.  En mi caso se traduce en “Girly stuff I like”
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bilaldemirkr · 3 months
2024’te Game Pass’e kesin eklenecek oyunlar! Call of Duty geliyor mu?
New Post has been published on https://bilaldemirkr.com.tr/2024te-game-passe-kesin-eklenecek-oyunlar-call-of-duty-geliyor-mu/
2024’te Game Pass’e kesin eklenecek oyunlar! Call of Duty geliyor mu?
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Microsoft tarafından sunulan Xbox Game Pass servisi, oyuncuların aylık fiyat karşılığında yüzlerce oyuna erişim sağlamasını mümkün kılıyor. Bilhassa Türkiye üzere oyun fiyatlarının yüksek olduğu ülkelerde yaygın olarak kullanılan bu hizmet, her geçen gün büyüyen oyun kütüphanesi ile kullanıcı tecrübesini artırıyor. Pekala Xbox Game Pass kütüphanesine 2024 yılında yeni eklenecek oyunlar neler? İşte liste…
Xbox Game Pass kütüphanesine yeni eklenecek oyunlar (2024)
Önümüzdeki yıl itibariyle Game Pass kütüphanesine kesin olarak eklenecek oyunlar listesine baktığımızda Manor Lords‘u görüyoruz. Strateji severlerin kesinlikle takip etmesini önerdiğimiz bu oyun, 26 Nisan 2024’te erişime açılacak.
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Öte taraftan S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl, Xbox Series konsollar için Cities: Skylines 2, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 ve Open Roads da önümüzdeki aylarda kullanıcılara sunulacak. Pekala en çok merak edilen oyunlar olan Call of Duty ve Diablo ne durumda?
Call of Duty ve Diablo serileri eklenecek mi?
Xbox Game Pass‘e eklenip eklenmeyeceği en çok merak edilen oyunlar hiç elbet Call of Duty ve Diablo serisi. Microsoft, geçtiğimiz aylarda oyun devi Activision-Blizzard‘ı satın aldı. Oyun dünyasında gündem olan bu mutabakatın akabinde demin kelamını ettiğimiz iki serinin Game Pass kütüphanesine eklenip eklenmeyeceği merak edilmeye başlandı.
2024’te Xbox Game Pass kütüphanesine kesin olarak eklenecek oyunlar listesine baktığımızda Call of Duty ve Diablo serilerini göremiyoruz. Üstelik geçtiğimiz aylarda yapılan resmi açıklamada yeterli haber verilmişti. Hatta bunun için 2024 yılı öngörülmüştü.
Burada dikkat edilmesi gereken nokta, bunun yalnızca bir öngörü olması. Yani bir mutlaklık kelam konusu değil. Hasebiyle Call of Duty ve Diablo serileri 2024’te Xbox Game Pass eklenebilir de eklenmeyebilir de. Bunun için açıklama beklemekten diğer yapacak bir şey yok üzere görünüyor.
2024 yılında Xbox Game Pass kütüphanesine kesin olarak eklenecek oyunlar;
Oyun Adı Tarihi Turnip Uzunluk Robs a Bank 18 Ocak 2024 Go Mecha Ball 25 Ocak 2024 Persona 3 Reload 2 Şubat 2024 Plate Up! 15 Şubat 2024 Open Roads 22 Şubat 2024 Lightyear Frontier Mart 2024 Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes 24 Nisan 2024 Manor Lords 26 Nisan 2024 Harold Halibut 2024 Another Crab’s Treasure 2024 Little Kitty, Big City 2024 Botany Manor 2024 Cities Skylines 2 (Xbox Series) 2024 Flock 2024 Still Wakes the Deep 2024 Sopa 2024 – 2. çeyrek Dead Static Drive 2024 – 3. çeyrek Vapor World: Over the Mind 2024 – 4. çeyrek ARK 2 2024 sonu S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl 2024 Galacticare 2024 Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn 2024 33 Immortals 2024 Avowed 2024 Dungeons of Hinterberg 2024 Magical Delicacy 2024 Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II 2024 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 2024 Towerborne 2024 Ghost Bike 2024 Bounty Star 2024 Ara: History Untold 2024 Commandos: Origins 2024 Ereban: Shadow Legacy 2024 Pigeon Simulator 2024 REPLACED 2024
2024’te Xbox Game Pass kütüphanesine eklenmesi beklenen oyunlar ise halde sıralandı;
Neon White
Clockwork Revolution
South of Midnight
Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess
Hollow Knight: Silksong
She Dreams Elsewhere
Age of Mythology: Retold (PC)
State of Decay 3
The Outer Worlds 2
Perfect Dark
Way to the Woods
to a T
Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vectr
Harmonium the Musical
Nirvana Noir
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