#someone bring back Orkimedes ffs
castellankurze · 3 years
Actually it just hit me, you know who would make a perfect expy of the power rangers in Warhammer 40,000?  Orks.
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First we bring back Orkimedes, because the ongoing lack of Orkimedes in 40k is one of the biggest missteps the franchise has made ever since he appeared in the 3rd War for Armageddon.
Orkimedes, seeing the return and proliferation of Imperial Knights, conspires to steal and rebuild a bunch of Imperial mecha ork-style and recruits a bunch of boyz to run them.
Jazon - Evil Sunz.  Has the red stompa because it goes fastest and is stripped-down to basics to aid its speed. Billee - Deathskulls.  Has the blue stompa which is chock full of gadgetry and looted weapons. Zak - Goffs.  Has the black stompa which is unbalanced by a huge axe on one arm, but balanced out by the equally huge axe on the other. Teenee - Bad Moons.  Has the gold stompa which is heavily armored. Burlee - Blood Axes.  Has the pink stompa which has the biggest damn gun a mech its size can mount.  Probably a bit bigger. Tommee - Snakebites.  Doesn’t use a stompa, instead rides an armored squiggoth named Da Dragon.
Ulfa - a Freeboota who supplies boss Orkimedes with scrap and transport.  Does a lot of complaining he didn’t sign up for the kind of shenanigans this impromptu team puts him through.
Orkimedes secretly has his own kustom-stompa in cases where he needs to do some fighting himself.  In case of emergency he can launch the cockpit from the torso which becomes a miniature space-capable fightercraft he calls a ‘core-boosta.’
The group don’t actually seem to accomplish a great deal no matter how many Imperial Knights, Eldar Wraiths, or Tau Suits they defeat, or how much collateral damage they inflict, but orks across the galaxy love them and they teach good lessons on proper orky behavior.
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