#Create coding curriculum for kids
inkskinned · 9 months
it is totally okay to be hurt and tired and fed up with the american schooling system but i need you to understand that we need to be better about loudly and routinely defending public education.
yes, many teachers suck, many schools utterly suck. i also got bullied and was absolutely not given the right support for my needs. i am not defending public education because it was kind to me. i am defending it because it needs to exist.
right-wing republicans do not want an educated population. they want kids to be homeschooled or in private school. there is a huge religious undertone to this.
the most common argument is that despite high costs, the "result" is not "good" enough. they point to failing schools as proof that public education is just never going to work out. there will be arguments made here that you actually agree with: that teachers can be bullies, that we taught online for 2 years and still charged the same amount of tuition, that we have no recourse for students to actually have agency or a voice, and that schools are now unsafe for kids due to risk of illness and gun violence.
these are all placing the blame in a fraudulent way, one intended to get your parents to homeschool you. the less kids in a school, the less federally-awarded funding for that school, the less any school succeeds. they will not mention the fact it is their legislation that takes away important funding opportunities, that teachers are living at or below the poverty line, that buildings are not kept up to code, that administration is overpaid and forces specific curriculums, that corporations like (my personal enemy) Pearson Education control certain classroom goals because teachers can't afford other options. they pretend to be ignorant of the gun violence and say "oh just get a gun" - but these are the same people who will be sending their child to a private school with a bulletproof backpack. they don't care if your kid dies, though. they "don't believe" in covid, but they did get their kid vaccinated, because of course they did.
it is a closed loop. conservative parents hear the fearmongering and remove children from the system. frequently these parents are also deeply religious. the kids are raised without access to other media & learn to parrot their parents. you have now created a new generation of conservatives. additionally, one of the parents/caregivers must stay home and homeschool the children, usually for free. i will give you 1 guess which parent tends to stay home to homeschool the children. these parents are encouraged to have many, many children. those children are most likely not getting access to safe sex ed.
we might laugh at fox news suggesting teachers are forcing children to use kitty litter but: first of all, there is kitty litter in the classroom. it's part of an emergency kit in case children are locked in due to a shooter. so that's fucking dystopian, and the fact they've completely reimagined the scenario to somehow make the teachers look bad when it's instead a fucking huge symbol of our failure as a country to protect our children.... it feels a little intentional.
secondly: don't just dismiss the situation. because, yeah, obviously, no teacher is encouraging kids to be a catboy. but the actual undertone that fox news is trying to sew is an outright distrust of teachers and of public education. they rely on the dehumanization of trans people as a common touchstone to hide the fact they're pushing two agendas at once. (which is ironic. because the thing they accuse teachers of. is pushing. an agenda.)
whenever someone tells you they want you to read less, you should be suspicious of that. when someone tries to separate you and your education, you should be suspicious of that. i don't even like incel rhetoric nor would i want my kids exposed to it - but i would not take away my child's (age-appropriate) access to the internet. i would just provide more educational materials, not less. the difference here is that i believe we can resolve ignorance with knowledge; whereas conservatives believe that ignorance is bliss.
they misappropriate funding and demonize teachers. they pull the same trick each time - the same thing we are seeing with anti-trans rhetoric. they do not want you to have access to safe sex ed, so they act horrified, claim sex ed teaches you how to thrust deep, claim that we have no idea what "age-appropriate" means. since the mid-nineties, the united states has spent at least 2 billion dollars on abstinence-only education, even though to quote the above link: "a preponderance of studies has found no effect of abstinence education at reducing adolescent pregnancy". conservatives want you to think less of any person struggling with addiction so they can continue their racist "war on drugs", so they spend up to $750 million dollars a year on the DARE program which has absolutely no effect. acting like teachers "must" be "grooming" children is just the same thing - so they can demand that funding either goes to their causes or the funding doesn't "exist" ("i'm not paying for our kids to learn that thing!")
and they want you to feel uncaring about this. they are aware that you will hate some parts of your school experience. pretty much everyone does. they want to lean into the parts that you hate so that you don't put up a fight about it when they take it away for not being "good enough."
i know i maybe sound like a conspiracy theorist. but truly. truly. it is beneficial for conservatives to reduce your faith in the american public schooling system.
one of the explicitly stated campaign promises of the conservative party: to axe the Department of Education in 2024.
i know we are all tired and burnt out and there is so much else wrong with their entire platform. but maybe just - pay attention to this one.
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ominoose · 3 months
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𝐎𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫 𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐜 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫'𝐬 𝐀𝐬 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬
Characters: Steven Grant, Nathan Bateman, Llewyn Davis, Jake Lockley, Blue Jones Summary: Oscar Characters characters teaching subjects at school. Warnings: None WC: 1.7k
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𝗦𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁 - 𝗛𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆
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His natural passion and accidental ability to hyper-fixate on things means he can teach all the required topics with ridiculous detail, but we all know which subject he dominates best.
The vast majority of the students adore him. Mr Grant’s lessons are always fun, he lets the class make posters (that include all nine members of the Ennead), do Kahoot quizzes, create live re-enactments of historical events. Even when he’s just talking off a power point, his voice, mannerisms and tendency to act things out has the children engrossed and giggling. 
The classroom walls are absolutely littered with posters, some bought and some done by students. There's inspiring quotes, positivity kittens and Egyptian puns.
Not only is he a good teacher, but a good mentor. Being autistic himself, he notices any neurodivergent or “othered” kids and makes it a point to find what they’re passionate about and working it into their curriculum. If someones struggling he’ll arrange one-on-one time, asking them what they’re strengths are not just to help figure out how to work with them, but to remind them they have strengths.
While most students do love him, the few troublemakers know he’s not the strictest and thus will absolutely take the piss. Feigning ignorance and struggles as an excuse to why they missed a deadline or didn’t do the homework. Steven, the optimist he is, is always happy to give second, third and fourth chances. It does take that long for him to realise they’re not genuine, and yet he’ll still try, convincing himself that he’ll be able to turn them straight with the magic of friendship.
𝗡𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗕𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗻 - 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲
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It would be like finding a needle in a haystack trying to find a single student in the many years Nathan had been teaching that didn’t, at least at one point, absolutely despise him. Mr Bateman was far from the friendliest, lax teacher to his students, bordering on a bit of an asshole really. He had an absolute zero tolerance policy for time wasting, messing around and not giving 100%. All students were expected to keep up, get the work done on time and spend time studying and completing exercises at home. If you didn’t do that, you weren’t trying hard enough.
The common conception of a hard-ass wasn’t ill fitting, but it wasn’t without reason. Mr Bateman was a hard-ass because he wanted his students to grasp every opportunity at their disposal and stretch their potential. Some people were born smarter, some learned quicker from a young age but every single person could better themselves regardless of whether they started at Level 10 or Level 0. 
It also shouldn’t be said that he wanted students that simply obeyed. It was a story passed down to students about the time a student, in a fit of frustration and defiance to the teacher that always pushed them, completely disregarded the set code structure and wrote their own entirely new one that completed the aim function. While everyone would expect them to be given weeks worth of detention and a reaming, but Mr Bateman simply smiled, said well done and moved on with the lesson. Apparently the kid managed to get a full paid scholarship into top university, but that was just hearsay. Rumour has it his middle name is Hamlet too, snickering students will whisper.
Besides his rigid teaching style, not much is known about him. The classroom is minimalist, only a coffee flask and a pot of three black ballpoints sit on his desk. The walls are sparse beyond a handful of posters about common coding knowledge.
𝗟𝗹𝗲𝘄𝘆𝗻 𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗶𝘀 - 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰
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The beginning of every new school year followed the same routine. Kids would hear their music teacher was a published artist, get insanely excited, go to class then realise published was not synonymous with success and wither with disappointment. Mr Davis gave up caring years ago, at least he finally had a steady gig, albeit at the cost of his soul.
Classes were average. Sometimes students were treated to his natural singing voice, something that always sparked smiles and attention from the kids, but usually lessons were Llewyn bearing through kids bashing piano keys and drum pads as he wandered around and did his best to tutor them through it.
To kids that were required to take the class, it was alright. Mr Davis wasn’t a hard ass, although it did drain his soul to see kids blind to the brilliance and potential of music. His homework mostly consisted of practicing at home or listening to different genres. To kids that genuinely enjoyed music, it was bliss. Mr Davis was no dream mentor for sure, he was quite stubborn about what he thought “good music” sounded like, but when he sat with someone he could share the passion with, the kid would feel like an equal. 
The classroom was always open to kids that wanted time to practice, he knew what an escape music could be, and would never hesitate to sit and work out a song or even add his guitar to whatever a student was playing.
The room was a riot on a good day. All sorts of instruments littered and surrounded the desks, posters of musicians and notes and the different types of brass instruments lined the walls and there was always something playing in the background. A basket of fruit and cereal bars was always sat fully stocked next to the door, with a “Help Yourself” sign stuck to it. No one knew why, and no one ever thought to question it.
𝗝𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘆 - 𝗦𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗵
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Spanish was always a full class, no matter what year or whether the students actually cared about Spanish. Students either swooned over him or wanted to be his friend. Mr Lockley knew, although had no clue why, but who cares as long as he was able to spread some Spanish around. The point is, Mr Lockley had no enemies at school.
Like a typical Spanish teacher, the register was taken in Spanish, if you wanted to ask to go to the toilet it had to be Spanish and if you wanted to pass notes in class they had better be in Spanish. He wasn’t the most forgiving, the man expected homework to be in on time and god help you if it was google translate. Mr Lockley would call you out, make you re-do it in his class at lunch or give detention to repeat offenders.
If students had been doing reasonably well he’d bring in some traditional Latin American foods for students to try, turn on a Spanish movie or even treat them to a little story about his past. Remember the Chef in Ratatouille that killed a guy with one thumb? That's the type of nonsense he talked about, albeit a bit more kid friendly. Most of the stories were embellished tales of him saving a grannies purse from being stolen, but some students always wondered about that hardened, broody looking teacher.
Mr Lockley prefers to keep his help to class time, long past learning his lesson about the very obvious students that came to him giggling and blushing behind their hands. On a rare occasion however, he will accept a student that comes knocking, overly apologetic and pleading for just a little help on their assignment, especially if the student is a quiet one. His lunch is set aside and he gestures for the student to take a seat before going over it with them, helping them with pronunciation, never shaming them or getting annoyed if they make a basic mistake. At the end he’ll even teach them how to say shit in Spanish, if they can keep it a little secret.
The classroom has posters of different Latin American countries, verbs and nouns, the different gendered terms. His desk was a little cluttered, a ‘Mejor Profesor’ mug, papers half marked and some drawings done by students hung nearby.
𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗝𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀 - 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘆
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No one's favourite teacher but everyone knew him and had something to say. If a student had him later in the day they’d need to pray the morning classes were well behaved or pray they knew someone in said classes that could give a heads up on his moods. It didn’t matter either way, you could walk in one him sucking on his lower lip and glaring the entire class down and walk away with him smiling and patting backs. It was every student for themselves in that class. The only consistency was the white lab coat he wore. 
There were obvious favourites, usually people who found a good balance of kissing his ass but not too overtly, asking for help while still expressing basic knowledge. If you asked too many questions, he would openly sigh or ignore you for someone else. If you gave an answer he thought was stupid, he wouldn’t hide the hands raking over his face in annoyance. If you were quiet and kept to yourself, you’d skirt by okay until one day in the middle of a lesson he calls your name with a faux chirp, predatory smile and ask a question. Answer correctly and you can rest assured he'll (probably) leave you alone for the next few lessons, answer wrong and enjoy doing exam questions as practice.
Detention for even a hint of a Breaking Bad reference. Openly hated a student named Jessie. Weirdly, students notice it's not the chemistry part that annoys him, it's the inaccurate portrayal of drug transactions and the costs. No one has dared ask why he knows so much about that.
Mr Jones’ door is usually locked at lunch and after class, he'll blatantly ignore any student that knocks and continue eating. On the stray chance a rare student manages to find him outside the class and has the balls to stop him, with his trademark sigh he'll begrudgingly set up a day and time to help them. It'll be a one-on-one session filled with eyerolls and being talked down to, but you'll get lots of extra knowledge and he'll even throw some of his old textbooks at you for free. Weirdly, he won't bother you in class anymore, just giving you a little smile out the corner of his eye.
The classroom has old periodic table posters from the teacher that retired years before him, and classroom rules about remembering to wear goggles or you'll go blind. The only thing on his desk besides several piles of paper is teacher mugs with variations of chemistry puns he pretends to hate.
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renthony · 3 months
From the article:
As Republicans nationwide continue to sound the alarm about how children are supposedly being indoctrinated and “groomed” into adopting LGBTQ identities at school, West Virginia legislators are pushing a new kind of crackdown on books deemed “obscene.” The idea is as simple as it is chilling: make librarians and teachers criminally liable for providing such material to kids. House Bill 4654, introduced by Republican Delegate Brandon Steele, passed in the West Virginia House of Delegates on Friday by a vote of 85-12 and now heads to the state Senate. (The “nays” included all 11 Democrats in the House.) Rather than establishing a new law, HB 4654 would simply strike the first two exemptions to an existing code prohibiting the “preparation, distribution, or exhibition of obscene matter to minors.” These include any “bona fide school” presenting the content as part of a “local or state approved curriculum,” as well as any “public library, or museum, which is displaying or distributing any obscene matter to a minor only when the minor was accompanied by his or her parent.” Steele argued in the chamber ahead of the vote that removing those protections against criminal liability for teachers, librarians, and other educators is crucial to children’s safety. “I’m here to protect our young people and make sure they are not put in a vulnerable position where they are presented with pure pornography in an effort to groom them and prepare them for a potential sexual abuse or sexual assault,” he said. Tony Hodge, co-chair of the West Virginia GOP, warned that opponents of the bill “want obscene material available to children.” But the bill’s detractors say it’s a clear attempt to purge books and information that may challenge strict conservative values from institutions of learning. The American Civil Liberties Union of West Virginia noted that fearmongering about “pedophile librarians” brought HB 4654 out of committee and onto the House floor. “The bill is designed to create confusion for educators about what kinds of materials can be taught or displayed,” the nonprofit chapter posted last week on X (formerly Twitter). It also accused proponents of using examples of allegedly criminal content that did not meet the definition of obscenity. In the West Virginia criminal code, “obscenity” is — as elsewhere — broadly described. It includes matter “intended to appeal to the prurient interest,” or that an “average person, applying community standards, would find depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexually explicit conduct,” or that a “reasonable person would find, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.” Such wide-ranging definitions have been key to lawsuits attempting to restrict the availability of books about gender and sexual identity.
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seraphimfall · 1 year
the tradcath religion teacher from my high school who basically traumatized my graduating class left the school. his reasoning? the school wasn’t “catholic enough”. he left to form his own catholic school.
the only word i can use to describe this school’s curriculum is batshit.
he’s opted to combine math and science into one class so he can include theater history as a required credit. there are three religion classes, mass every day, and the history curriculum is questionable at best. Don’t believe me?
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why are the 5th graders roleplaying the battle of lepanto? why are you this deep into the history of the holy roman empire in the 5th grade? don’t you think there’s more important historical events to cover in the 5th grade? given the bs that was taught to me when you were teaching at my school, i doubt you’re covering this topic in an unbiased manner.
the icing on the cake? the website for this school describes the academy as “catholic in spirit” and “independent in nature”. this is code-phrase for “our school wasn’t accepted into the local catholic diocese because it doesn’t meet the requirements”. he confirmed in a local tv interview that his school wasn’t confirmed by the diocese— which means it’s not even a catholic school in the eyes of the church.
the man created a private school for his personal, ultra-conservative version of catholicism— a version so traditionalist it wasn’t accepted by the actual catholic system
this is a cult school, straight up. the lesson plans for this school just completely omit critical parts of the national curriculum in order to give more time to religious indoctrination. this is beyond the harm normal catholic schools do. have you ever even heard of a school that combines math and science into one class? there’s no way the kids going to this school are getting anywhere near the education they need.
anyways, anyone else have to deal w their old religion teacher turning into a cult leader? 🙃
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aninternetian · 8 months
A little update
Still working on CS50 python course.
After that, I'll move to their course on AI.
In the meantime, I've been thinking about personal projects as a thing to work on. It's said to be the best way of learning and it's my cheat in regards to what to do when I'm procrastinating.
Might not always work of course but worth to try.
In regards to that, I'm looking in Godot of course. Gamedev has been my approach to learning programming and I'm trying to figure out how to help teach others in that direction as well.
I've been thinking for a while to create a volunteer teaching project for free and now that idea has gone online as well so that other can contribute in volunteer teaching.
I've found some websites like that but it feels intimidating to choose someone. Maybe it doesn't have to be a volunteer teaching but something like free code camp but for game development.
Also in the meanwhile, I found something to learn godot myself
I'm really not sure where I'm going to go with this volunteer project idea but will see and update when possible.
To summarise, I'm currently a freelance instructor teaching kids from age 6 to 18 programming stuff and I wish to further teach in this direction for older adults who wants to start but unsure of where to start or how.
I've thought of being a programming coach of sorts and have tried contacting non-profit orgs but nothing so far. Might need to start my own things but also unsure where to start and what to do. May need to develop a curriculum, etc.
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sometimesraven · 1 year
Made For This
Fandom: Quantum Leap (2022) POV: Ian Wright
Summary: In hindsight, Ian's entire life had led up to working for Quantum Leap.
AO3 Link
Coding was always Ian’s solace. Right back to Coding Club in high school, just them and a handful of other kids learning Python instead of spending too much money at the mall, or… whatever kids that age did when they were normal.
Ian didn’t know and didn’t care, because Ian wasn’t normal.
They were diagnosed with ADHD at seven years old. Trying to keep them in one place when there were books at the other end of the room was near-enough impossible and by the time they reached middle school they'd basically taught themself the whole curriculum ahead of time. Genius wasn't a term they liked to use, at least back then. They didn't want to be heralded as some kid prodigy, they just wanted to sit at their computer and figure out how to make it play Minecraft by itself.
Being queer didn't help with that. Attention usually meant trouble, and Ian preferred to stay far, far away from trouble as a kid. So far, in fact, that their first successful coding project involved creating an algorithm that would tell them the safest likely route to and from school every day.
That turned into... a bit of a compulsion. Sooner than later Ian found themself unable to even leave the house if they hadn't checked their algorithm. One morning there was a power cut and they had a full-on meltdown, screaming, crying, smashing things-.. it was ugly.
At first it was just a routine. Mom called it their "little quirks". They'd always been that way, needing a certain order to things; a rightness. Unfortunately the Autism they found out that was down to presented closer to how it did in AFABs (gender affirmed?), so that didn't get caught until they'd already been homeschooled for the rest of High School and were well into college.
Thing is, it didn't stay routine. It became kind of a compulsion. Everything in their life had to have an algorithm; every little possibility had to be accounted for because what if it wasn't? There was a point midway though college that they were consulting statistics and algorithms for basically everything, convinced some kind of disaster would happen if they didn't.
They were skinny, weak and greasy by the time they finished their degree, accepting their PhD with their hair and makeup only done because their friends had wrangled and all but made them accept their help. Then Rachel all but made them go to therapy.
Things had calmed down, since then. Ian had coping strategies that didn't take up all their time, they were able to do things on a whim again, go shopping, go on dates, even get a job. A miserable, boring desk job as a data analyst where they didn't dare tell anyone their real pronouns, but a job was a job, right?
It was there that Magic had found them.
"Dr Wright, correct?"
"Who's asking?" they quipped, spinning on their chair to flash him a smile. This guy didn't belong here -- they could tell that immediately and not just from his visitor's pass. He held himself with a specific kind of professionalism and clean-cut carefulness that people in IT just-.. didn't have.
"Herbert Williams-- but please, call me Magic." His grin was polite, welcoming... Ian knew that grin. They were about to be poached. "I'm putting together a team of talented individuals and I want you to sign up."
"Right to the point, okay, uh-.." Ian blinked at the man's bluntness. "What-.. wahat's the job?"
"You'll be working as head programmer on a government project. The rest is classified."
"That-.. okay." If they couldn't see his credentials right there on his pass, they'd think this was suspicious as all hell. It was suspicious as all hell. They looked around their office, chewing thoughtfully at their lip. God, what they wouldn't give for another algorithm right now, but-.. what did they really have to lose? "Why me?"
Magic raised a brow, "Ian -- can I call you Ian? You graduated with honors in a University course you barely studied for. Before you were fourteen years old you could read and write fluently in a programming language I'd never heard of."
"Python is actually one of the most commonly used--"
"Young man, you have about half a dozen algorithms running right now to predict areas of your life you aren't even living yet, am I right?"
"...How did you-.." Government. Right.
"How would you like to put that talent into something that could change the world?"
For the first time in their life, Ian didn't think twice. In hindsight, maybe this was why they survived their childhood; the reason they could keep going for so long. Their entire life had led up to this.
"Uh-.. Magic? Just one thing," they tried, breathing away the anxiety beating in their chest.
"Anything you want."
"It's-.. young person. My-.. my pronouns are they/them."
Magic smiled and nodded, "Welcome aboard, Dr. Wright."
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cleveredlearning · 6 days
International Young Coders Program: Empowering the Next Generation of Innovators
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In the fast-paced, technology-driven world of the 21st century, coding has become an essential skill, akin to literacy and numeracy. Recognizing this, the International Young Coders Program (IYCP) has been meticulously designed to provide young minds with the tools and knowledge they need to excel in the digital age. This program offers comprehensive programming classes tailored specifically for kids, making it one of the best coding initiatives for young learners globally.
Why Coding for Kids?
The significance of teaching coding to children extends beyond just the technical skills. Coding fosters creativity, enhances problem-solving abilities, and develops logical thinking. These are skills that are valuable in virtually every field of endeavor. Moreover, learning to code at a young age equips children with a better understanding of how the digital world works, preparing them for future careers in various industries, not just limited to tech.
The International Young Coders Program: An Overview
The International Young Coders Program stands out because of its global reach and comprehensive curriculum. Here’s a deeper look into what makes IYCP the premier choice for young coders:
Comprehensive Curriculum:
Foundation Courses: These courses introduce kids to the basics of coding, including simple algorithms, basic syntax, and problem-solving strategies using fun and engaging platforms like Scratch and Blockly. These platforms allow kids to create their own interactive stories, games, and animations while learning the fundamental concepts of coding.
Intermediate Courses: Once the basics are mastered, children move on to more advanced programming languages like Python and JavaScript. These courses delve deeper into computational thinking, complex algorithms, and data structures. By working on real-world projects, kids learn how to apply coding to solve practical problems.
Advanced Courses: For those who are ready to take their skills to the next level, advanced courses cover topics such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and game development. These classes challenge students to develop sophisticated applications and even explore how technology can be used to create positive social impact.
Interactive Learning:
Hands-On Projects: IYCP emphasizes learning by doing. Kids participate in hands-on projects that not only reinforce theoretical knowledge but also encourage creativity and innovation. These projects often involve building games, developing simple apps, or even creating websites.
Hackathons and Coding Competitions: The program regularly organizes hackathons and coding competitions where students can showcase their skills, collaborate with peers, and solve challenging problems under time constraints. These events are fantastic opportunities for kids to experience the thrill of coding in a competitive yet supportive environment.
Expert Instructors:
Certified Teachers: The program boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced instructors who are passionate about coding and teaching. They employ child-friendly teaching methods and are adept at making complex concepts accessible to young learners.
Mentorship Programs: Beyond regular classes, IYCP offers mentorship programs where students can get personalized guidance from industry experts. This mentorship is invaluable for kids who aspire to delve deeper into specific areas of interest within the tech field.
Global Community:
Diverse Student Base: The International Young Coders Program attracts students from all over the world, creating a rich, diverse learning environment. This global community helps kids learn from different perspectives and understand the universal language of coding.
Collaborative Projects: Students often work on collaborative projects with their peers from different countries. These projects not only enhance their coding skills but also teach them important lessons in teamwork and cross-cultural communication.
Flexible Learning Options:
Online and Offline Classes: To cater to different needs, IYCP offers both online and offline classes. The online classes are live and interactive, ensuring that students get real-time feedback and support from their instructors. For those who prefer face-to-face interaction, there are numerous offline centers in major cities worldwide.
Self-Paced Learning: Understanding that every child learns at their own pace, the program offers self-paced learning options. This flexibility ensures that kids can progress through the curriculum at a speed that suits their individual learning styles.
The Benefits of Joining the International Young Coders Program
Joining the International Young Coders Program provides numerous benefits that extend far beyond coding skills:
Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Coding teaches kids to break down complex problems into manageable parts, fostering strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
Boosted Creativity: By encouraging kids to create their own projects, IYCP nurtures creativity and innovation.
Improved Academic Performance: Studies have shown that learning to code can improve performance in other academic areas, particularly math and science.
Future Career Opportunities: Early exposure to coding can open up a world of career opportunities in various fields such as technology, engineering, data science, and more.
Confidence and Resilience: Overcoming coding challenges helps build confidence and resilience, teaching kids to persist through difficulties and failures.
Success Stories
The impact of the International Young Coders Program can be seen in the success stories of its alumni. Many young coders who started with IYCP have gone on to win prestigious coding competitions, secure internships at leading tech companies, and even launch their own startups. Their journeys are a testament to the program's ability to equip children with the skills and mindset needed to excel in the digital world.
The International Young Coders Program is more than just a coding class for kids. It’s a comprehensive educational journey that prepares young minds for the future. By offering a well-rounded curriculum, interactive learning experiences, and a supportive global community, IYCP stands as the best coding program for kids. It empowers them to become not only proficient coders but also innovative thinkers and problem solvers who are ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.
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kidscodingcorner · 12 days
The Ultimate Guide to Coding Classes for Kids: Nurturing Future Innovators
In today’s technology-driven world, coding has become an essential skill, just like reading and writing. Introducing coding to kids at a young age not only helps them understand how technology works but also nurtures problem-solving skills, creativity, and logical thinking. This guide will explore the benefits of coding for kids, how to choose the right class, and the top coding platforms available.
Benefits of Coding for Kids
Enhances Problem-Solving Skills: Coding challenges kids to think critically and solve complex problems, enhancing their analytical skills.
Boosts Creativity: By creating their own projects, kids can express their creativity and innovate.
Improves Academic Performance: Learning to code improves skills in subjects like math and science.
Encourages Persistence: Coding teaches kids to persevere through challenging tasks and learn from their mistakes.
Prepares for Future Careers: As technology continues to evolve, coding skills will be invaluable in many career fields.
How to Choose the Right Coding Class
Age Appropriateness: Ensure the class content matches your child’s age and skill level.
Curriculum Quality: Look for classes with a structured curriculum that covers fundamental concepts and progressively builds on them.
Teaching Method: Consider whether the class offers live instruction, self-paced learning, or a combination of both.
Engagement Level: Choose classes that are interactive and engaging to keep your child motivated.
Reviews and Recommendations: Read reviews from other parents and seek recommendations to find reputable classes.
Top Coding Platforms for Kids
Scratch: Ideal for younger kids, Scratch uses visual programming to teach basic coding concepts through interactive stories and games.
Code.org: Offers a variety of courses for different age groups, including Hour of Code activities and full curriculum lessons.
Tynker: Provides game-based learning with coding challenges and projects suitable for kids from elementary to middle school.
Khan Academy: Features free coding courses that teach JavaScript, HTML, and CSS through interactive lessons.
CodeCombat: Uses a game-based approach to teach Python and JavaScript, making coding fun and engaging.
Tips for Parents
Encourage Practice: Just like any other skill, regular practice is essential for mastering coding.
Support but Don’t Solve: Allow your child to solve problems on their own to build confidence and resilience.
Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate your child’s milestones to keep them motivated and proud of their progress.
Provide Resources: Equip your child with the necessary tools and resources, such as a computer and internet access, to facilitate learning.
Coding is more than just a technical skill; it’s a gateway to creativity, problem-solving, and future career opportunities. By enrolling your child in coding classes, you’re investing in their future and equipping them with the skills they need to thrive in a digital world. Start exploring coding classes today and watch your child transform into a young innovator.
Additional Resources
Local Coding Clubs: Check if there are any coding clubs or workshops in your community.
Books on Coding for Kids: Consider books like "Hello Ruby" by Linda Liukas or "Python for Kids" by Jason R. Briggs for supplementary learning.
Online Communities: Join online communities.
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ihookieacademy · 14 days
Python Coding Classes for Kids and Teens at iHookie Academy
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, equipping the younger generation with coding skills is not just an option but a necessity. iHookie Academy recognizes this imperative and is dedicated to empowering kids and teens with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the digital age through our comprehensive Python coding classes.
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Why Python?
Python is an ideal programming language for beginners due to its simplicity and readability. Unlike other programming languages that can be daunting for new learners, Python's straightforward syntax allows students to focus on learning core programming concepts without getting bogged down by complex syntax rules. This makes it particularly suitable for kids and teens who are just starting their coding journey.
Our Curriculum
At iHookie Academy, our Python coding classes are meticulously designed to cater to different age groups and skill levels. We offer beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses, ensuring that every student can progress at a comfortable pace while being continuously challenged.
Beginner Classes: These classes introduce students to the fundamentals of Python, including variables, data types, basic operations, and simple control structures. Through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, students learn to write their first lines of code and build simple programs.
Intermediate Classes: As students gain confidence and proficiency, they move on to more complex topics such as functions, loops, and data structures like lists and dictionaries. These classes emphasize problem-solving skills and introduce students to the concept of algorithmic thinking.
Advanced Classes: For students who have mastered the basics, our advanced classes delve into more sophisticated areas such as object-oriented programming, file handling, and even introductory modules on web development and data science. These classes are designed to prepare students for real-world applications and potentially spark an interest in pursuing computer science further.
Learning Approach
Our teaching philosophy at iHookie Academy revolves around making learning fun and engaging. We employ a project-based learning approach where students apply what they learn to create games, apps, and other exciting projects. This not only reinforces their understanding of Python but also allows them to see the tangible results of their efforts, thereby enhancing their motivation and interest.
Moreover, our classes are conducted in a collaborative and supportive environment. Students are encouraged to work together on projects, share ideas, and help each other troubleshoot problems. This fosters a sense of community and teamwork, which is crucial for their overall development.
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Benefits of Learning Python
Learning Python at a young age offers numerous benefits beyond just programming skills. It enhances critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. By learning to code, students develop a logical approach to solving problems, which can be applied to various aspects of life and future careers.
Furthermore, Python is widely used in many industries, including web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and more. Early exposure to Python equips students with a valuable skill set that can open doors to numerous career opportunities in the future.
Join iHookie Academy Today
At iHookie Academy, we are committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment where kids and teens can discover the joys of coding. Our experienced instructors, engaging curriculum, and supportive community make us the perfect choice for young learners to embark on their coding journey.
Enroll your child in our Python coding classes today and watch them transform from consumers of technology to creators of technology. With iHookie Academy, the future is code, and the future starts now.
Contact Us 
IHookie Academy 
📍Business Address : Austin, TX, United States, Texas
📞 Phone:  +1 512-991-8198
🌐 Website: https://ihookieacademy.com/
 🕘 Hours of Operation: Monday 4pm - 7pm 
                                        Wednesday 4pm - 7pm 
                                         Friday: 4pm - 7pm
 👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/IHookie-Academy/100094117548474/
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nice-product · 29 days
Sparking a Love of Coding: A Review of Kids Coding Membership Area
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Interactive Learning Makes Coding Fun
Gone are the days of dry textbooks and lectures. Kids Coding throws out the rulebook, opting for an interactive approach that keeps children glued to the screen. The platform boasts colourful graphics, engaging games, and puzzles that transform learning code into an exciting adventure. My child eagerly awaits their next coding session, often asking for "just a little more coding time" before bedtime.
Building a Strong Foundation with a Clear Curriculum
Kids Coding isn't just about flashy animations; it offers a structured curriculum that meticulously builds upon itself. From fundamental concepts like sequencing and loops to more advanced topics like variables and functions, the program takes children on a progressive journey. The bite-sized lessons are perfectly digestible, allowing them to grasp complex ideas without feeling overwhelmed. I've noticed a significant improvement in my child's problem-solving skills and logical thinking, areas that directly benefit from coding exercises.
A Safe Space for Budding Coders
As a parent, a key concern with online platforms is safety. Kids Coding prioritizes creating a secure environment where children can explore their coding prowess freely. The age-appropriate content ensures my child isn't exposed to anything unsuitable, and the intuitive navigation makes it easy for them to explore independently. Additionally, the platform offers complete peace of mind with its robust parental controls. The built-in dashboard allows me to monitor my child's progress, identify areas needing extra focus, and even discover recommended activities to support their learning beyond the platform.
A Community of Learners
Kids Coding fosters a sense of community by connecting children who share a passion for coding. This collaborative environment allows them to learn from each other, share their creations, and gain valuable social interaction. My child thrives in this supportive atmosphere, feeling motivated by the achievements of their peers and inspired to create even more innovative projects.
Investing in the Future
Subscribing to Kids Coding membership has been an investment in my child's future. The platform not only equips them with a valuable skillset but also fosters critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities – all essential tools for success in the 21st century. Witnessing my child's newfound confidence and excitement for coding has been incredibly rewarding.
If you're looking for a way to introduce your child to the exciting world of programming in a fun and interactive way, then Kids Coding's membership area is an excellent choice. It's a platform that fosters a love of learning, empowers young minds, and equips them with the skills they need to thrive in the digital age.
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alinagentry90 · 1 month
Best 5 Online Educational Games For Kids
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Unlocking the potential of online education, we've curated the top 5 educational games for kids that blend learning with fun seamlessly. Dive into the world of knowledge and entertainment with these captivating options:
Prodigy: Combining math learning with an immersive adventure, Prodigy engages kids in math battles, quests, and challenges that adapt to their skill level.
PBS Kids Games: From literacy to science, PBS Kids offers a wide array of educational games featuring beloved characters like Elmo and Curious George, making learning engaging and interactive.
ABCmouse: Perfect for preschoolers and early learners, ABCmouse provides a comprehensive curriculum covering various subjects through interactive games, puzzles, and activities.
Duolingo: Learning a new language has never been more fun with Duolingo's gamified approach, offering bite-sized lessons and rewards to keep kids motivated.
Scratch: For aspiring young programmers, Scratch allows kids to create their own interactive stories, animations, and games while learning coding concepts in a playful environment.
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chrisjohn9 · 1 month
Elevate Learning with Kids Coding PRO Courses
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we believe that coding education should be accessible and engaging for young learners. Our expert instructors and interactive online courses create a supportive learning environment that nurtures creativity and critical thinking. With hands-on projects and comprehensive curriculum, children will master programming basics and develop a lifelong passion for coding.
Click Here : https://www.digistore24.com/redir/511398/chrisjohn13/
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contactmasterji · 1 month
Contact Masterji: The Best Choice for USACO Preparation and Online Coding Classes
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Contact Masterji is the leading name when it comes to providing online coding classes for kids and teens, along with their extremely popular and affordable USACO preparation course. They also offer Python programming classes online for beginners and early learners to learn Python right from the comfort of their homes.
The Modern-day Landscape of Online Coding Classes
With the current advancements in the fields of technology and IT, everyone is now aware that coding is a great skill to have. Every industry and research field relies on technology to support its endeavors, and this is where individuals who can code and talk to modern machines shine. If anyone is considering learning coding and programming and trying it for themselves, then online coding classes could be a great way to achieve that. 
Online coding classes give everyone a great atmosphere where they can learn and polish their coding skills. Being able to attend and learn from extremely detailed lectures taught by industry professionals is the best part of online coding classes. From beginners in the field of coding to working professionals, anyone can join and learn from these coding classes. Contact Masterji also offers coding classes for kids and teens aspiring to learn programming.
What’s with the hype of Python programming in recent years?
Python programming has gained recent popularity due to the nature of the programming language itself. Python is easy and beginner-friendly in every way. It’s not a strongly typed programming language, unlike many others, and this makes it more dynamic and easy for first-timers to understand and relate to. 
We also need to keep in mind the sheer application of Python in modern-day technology. Fields like artificial intelligence and machine learning all rely heavily on Python programming because it's the most popular choice for developing machine learning models and creating artificial neural networks. 
Couple this with the number of libraries and modules made available by the community that allows developers to jump-start their development by reducing the initial friction that developers encounter while starting from scratch. Python programming seems like the best place to begin your programming career. The best way to learn Python programming is via a self-paced Python programming course online, where expert instructors teach you Python programming in great detail.
Crack USACO with the right preparation and professional support
USACO is a renowned computer science olympiad for computer science students in the USA. It’s a prestigious competition where top computer coders from around the world participate in the hopes of clearing the top ranks. But the journey to crack USACO is a long and exhausting one. Candidates need proper guidance and curriculum support to streamline and strengthen their USACO preparation. Right guidance and instructor support go a long way in helping candidates achieve great success.
Contact Masterji offers the best USACO preparation course for candidates aspiring to clear this olympiad. Since people from around the world participate in USACO, every student requires special guidance tailor-made for them. Every student learns at a different pace with differing levels of understanding. This requires special monitoring and guidance to strengthen their USACO preparation journey. Contact Masterji offers 1:1 mentorship sessions throughout the course for students to learn and prepare most effectively. All the lessons are recorded for students' convenience to later review topics and brush up their understanding regularly.
Contact Masterji offers the best online coding classes and USACO preparation.
Contact Masterji offers comprehensive online courses to learn coding and USACO preparation. If you’re looking to learn Python, then Python programming classes online offer the best value and the best way to learn to program. If you wish to prepare for the USACO competition, then the USACO preparation courses offered by Contact MasterJi are a great way to prepare for your USACO journey with assured success. Our expert guidance and carefully curated syllabus material allow for the best learning at affordable prices. Try Contact Masterji’s online coding classes and USACO preparation courses for yourself to experience great learning. Our vision is to provide the best instructors to support your learning journey and give you a great learning experience while still being a cost-effective alternative to many other competitors. Visit www.contactmasterji.com to learn more.
Source URL : https://contactmasterji.blogspot.com/p/contact-masterji-best-choice-for-usaco.html
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Unlocking Young Minds: The Power of Python and Data for Teens
In today's digital age, equipping teenagers with essential skills in programming and data analysis is paramount. At NYRA Education, we recognize the importance of providing innovative courses tailored to meet the evolving needs of young learners. Our comprehensive range of programs, from beginner to advanced levels, aims to empower teenagers with the tools they need to thrive in the digital landscape.
Teen Python Courses: Building Foundations for Future Innovators Python, renowned for its simplicity and versatility, serves as an ideal starting point for teenagers diving into the world of programming. Our Teen Python Courses offer a structured curriculum designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of coding while nurturing their problem-solving skills. From basic syntax to advanced concepts, teenagers embark on a journey of exploration and discovery, laying a solid foundation for future endeavors in computer science.
Machine Learning for Students: Unleashing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence In collaboration with industry experts, NYRA Education offers specialized courses in machine learning tailored for students. Through hands-on projects and real-world applications, teenagers delve into the fascinating realm of artificial intelligence, learning to develop algorithms and models that can make predictions and decisions based on data. Our curriculum fosters critical thinking and creativity, empowering students to become innovators in the field of AI.
Deep Learning Youth Programs: Nurturing Tomorrow's Data Scientists For teenagers with a passion for data analysis and computational thinking, our Deep Learning Youth Programs provide an immersive learning experience. Guided by experienced instructors, students explore advanced topics such as neural networks, convolutional networks, and natural language processing. By working on projects that tackle real-world challenges, teenagers gain valuable insights into the power of deep learning and its applications in various industries.
Data Analysis Courses for Kids: Turning Data into Insights At NYRA Education, we believe that data analysis is a vital skill for the future generation. Our Data Analysis Courses for Kids introduce teenagers to the principles of data science, teaching them how to collect, clean, and analyze data using Python. Through interactive lessons and engaging activities, students learn to derive meaningful insights from datasets, fostering a data-driven mindset that is essential in today's digital economy.
Visual Programming for Teens: Creating Interactive Experiences For teenagers interested in creative expression through technology, our Visual Programming courses offer an exciting opportunity to unleash their imagination. Using visual programming languages such as Scratch and Blockly, students learn to create interactive stories, animations, and games without writing a single line of code. Through project-based learning, teenagers develop essential computational thinking skills while exploring the art of visual storytelling.
Application Development for Youngsters: Bringing Ideas to Life Empowering teenagers to turn their ideas into reality, our Application Development courses provide hands-on experience in building mobile and web applications. From designing user interfaces to implementing functionality, students learn the entire development lifecycle using industry-standard tools and frameworks. By working on projects that solve real-world problems, teenagers gain valuable experience in software development and project management.
Beginner Python for Teenagers: A Gateway to Innovation For teenagers taking their first steps into the world of programming, our Beginner Python courses offer a welcoming introduction to the language of innovation. Through interactive lessons and guided projects, students learn the basics of Python programming in a supportive and collaborative environment. By building confidence and proficiency in coding, teenagers are empowered to pursue their passions and explore endless possibilities in the world of technology.
Join Us at NYRA Education At NYRA Education, we are committed to nurturing the next generation of innovators, problem solvers, and leaders in technology. With our diverse range of courses tailored for teenagers, we provide a platform for young minds to explore their interests, develop new skills, and unlock their full potential. Join us on a journey of discovery and empowerment at nyra.edu.sg/ and embark on an exciting adventure in Python and data for teens.
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codeyoung1 · 2 months
Codeyoung provides coding classes for children to learn programming in a fun and practical way. They offer multiple coding courses suitable for kids of different age groups, ranging from ages 5 to 17 Some of the courses they offer include web and app development, where students learn front-end and back-end development to create interactive websites. Codeyoung also offers a structured curriculum that introduces students to various programming languages and concepts, such as Scratch, HTML & CSS, JavaScript, app development, and Python. They provide live online coding classes with experienced mentors and peers from different countries.
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fleetwoodrobotics · 2 months
Empowering Kids with After-School Coding Programs.
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In our tech-driven world, coding is a superpower for kids! Let's explore the benefits of learning to code, the amazing things kids can create, and how after-school programs can turn them into coding whizzes.
Why coding rocks for kids Problem-solving and critical thinking: Coding teaches kids to break down problems and develop creative solutions. Boosts creativity: Kids can bring their ideas to life through coding, building anything from games to animations. Tech head start: Understanding coding gives kids a valuable edge in the tech world. Future-proof careers: Coding skills are in high demand across many fields, opening doors to exciting careers.
Benefits of After-School coding programs • Hands-on learning: Programs offer a fun and engaging way to experiment with coding. • Teamwork and collaboration: Working with peers fosters teamwork and communication skills. • Real-world projects: Kids can apply their coding skills to create projects they're passionate about. • Supportive environment: Programs provide a safe space for exploration without pressure.
The Rise of coding jobs The demand for coding skills is skyrocketing. By 2035, it's estimated that nearly two-thirds of all jobs will require some coding knowledge! That's a massive 32 million coding-related jobs worldwide.
Finding the Perfect Program • Consider your child's interests: Choose a program that aligns with their hobbies and learning style. • Curriculum and teaching style: Research the program's focus and teaching methods to ensure a good fit. • Experienced teachers and small classes: Look for programs with qualified instructors and personalized attention. • Get recommendations: Talk to other parents and teachers for insights.
What Kids Will Learn • Fun coding projects: Kids will delve into exciting projects using different coding languages. • Building apps and games: Programs allow kids to create their own interactive applications and games. • Coding challenges: Engaging challenges help kids test their skills and knowledge. • Integration with other subjects: Some programs integrate coding with subjects like math and science.
Inspiring Young Coders Kids are already creating incredible apps and winning coding competitions. These experiences can spark a passion for technology and lead to future careers where they can make a real impact.
The Future of Coding As the demand for coding skills grows, learning to code opens doors to a world of possibilities. These skills are valuable not just in tech, but across various fields.
In a nutshell, coding is an amazing skill for kids to learn, and after-school programs make it fun and accessible. By starting early, kids are setting themselves up for success in a future where coding fluency will be more important than ever. Let's get coding!
For more information visit our website: Fleetwood Robotics Join our WhatsApp Channel: Fleetwood Robotics WhatsApp Channel
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