#Chunnin Exams
tora-the-cat · 22 days
Temari, beating the absolute shit out of a 13 year old half because it's the most politically apt move and half because she needs to blow off some steam and have a little sadistic fun to destress from the HOLY SHIT SHES ABOUT TO START A WAR ITS GOING TO VE HER FAULT PEIPLE SHE KNOWS ARE GOING TO DIE IN THE WAR SHE'S. GOING TO START. and also in general like having to be super cool and composed and normal about it because if she freaks out then her brothers will freak out which would only make everything so much worse.......She's winning at shows of political power through proxy wars fought by children, something it'd both normal to want and possible to achieve. But she is also very seriously sizing them all up as threats in the IMMEDIATE future because she's going to start. A War. Ughhhh my brain hurts
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team7-headquarter · 8 months
No but "Naruto can be (mention all his flaws) but at least he's not a coward" is a perfect Sasuke-Naruto moment to parallel with Ino hiding in the bushes as Sakura tried to fight those sound ninjas.
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droshawoluv · 2 years
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Uchiha Sasuke - Chidori
source: PV “ROAD OF NARUTO” (20th anniversary)
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lakecityquietme · 13 days
damn I'm back to the chunnin exams i fucking love this arc
there's something about it that makes it so great. It might be the textbook's perfect example of a masterpiece anime arc
and at the same time, it is intriguing cause, although i can pinpoint what it has that makes it so great, i can't determine what it has that others don't (it might be just the excellent execution of every single detail that makes it so good)
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rara-is-trying-art · 8 months
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I made this two months or so ago and forgot to post, but here it is!
A small break to my one piece brainrot
Personal headcannon that Sakura Kiba and Lee would train taijutsu together after the chunnin exam, mainly because Sakura need a life outside Sasuke and Tsunade
And because I think it would be funny if Kiba sees Sakura and Lee fighting and just jump in
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titisorriso · 4 months
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Haven't posted sketchbook drawings in a WHILE. Have these sketeches i made in my rewatch of Naruto. (also, Boruto is way more enjoyable when you stop watching before getting Kawaki into the mix. In my world, Kara does not exist.)
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Thanks to @thoughtsareclouded for the ss ✨
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*Sometime before the chunin exams*
Gai: No, no. Listen to me rival, Neji misunderstood the situation, I wasn’t trying to teach Lee how open the eight gates!!
Tenten: Sensei, if you’re going to lie to your husband, then don’t start the sentence with “Neji misunderstood”, that’s a dead giveaway
Kakashi *boiling rage*: Well?
Gai *sweating*: Ok ok, it’s true I did taught him how to open the gates! But in my defence I forbade him to use them unless it was an emergency!
Tenten: His only options here are to fake a heart attack or have a real one
Gai *nervously sobbing his right arm*: My arm is feeling numb
Neji: Nailed it
Kakashi: That’s the wrong arm for a heart attack doofus
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aceyanaheim · 2 years
it’s baked into my understanding of kakashi hatake that he has absolutely no clue how children work and thats just part of team 7s dysfunction listen.
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Hello and welcome to Day 7 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Sorry for posting this a bit late today, I was busy, and the idea was a bit complicated to put in words. (Don't you love when your brain gives you only vivid images but abandons you when you need to describe them? Yeah, me too)
The fic idea I wanna explore today is actually a collab fanfic between me and my friend @yokomisaki.
This is a Canon Divergence AU for Naruto that both of us came up with around *checks notes* July 13th, 2023. It actually started with me saying that "Shiranui Genma is definitely a motherhen to anybody that he deems in need of motherhening" and that evolved into "Shiranui Genma would make a great Jounin Sensei" before it settled into "Make Shiranui Genma a Jonin Sensei and then throw Naruto at him cause god, does the kid need someone like him in his life".
I came up with a title for this fic, and we already started writing it. I have done a small part of the prologue so far, but we have chapters planned out (just not written out yet).
Title of the fic:
"The late dog always barks at the closed door"
(Yes, it is a jab at Kakashi's habit of being late. Is it mean of me to do this? Yes. Do I care? Not really. I feel he needs a bit of a reality check for that; like, you can be late for your own personal meetings but NOT FOR A FREAKING OFFICIAL MEETING)
Shiranui Genma is many things, but he is not a teacher. At least not until the Hokage decides that, in the wake of one Jounin Sensei's death, he is to take a team of 3 freshly graduated children under his wing. The good news is that he is not obligated to pass them. The bad news is that he actually likes the brats - despite the fact that he knows only headaches will follow him now.
In the one year he had the brats for a lot changed, including what one of his students wanted to do with her life as a shinobi. Now, Genma is required to get a new Gennin to make up for the student (and she is still his student dammit; no official paper will ever change that) that decided to pursue the career of "not-battle active medic-nin".
When it was time for him to choose, he recognized a certain hyperactive blonde as part of the rooster he could choose from - which is weird since Hatake seems to want him. So then why was not the kid already spoken for?
After some consideration, Genma came up with his answer.
"Hokage-sama, I want to take Uzumaki Naruto as the new member for Team 3."
Some details:
I know Team 3 is supposed to be Might Guy, Neji Hyuuga, Tenten, and Rock Lee; however, I have always believed them to be team 9, so it is really hard for me to correct that belief. Thus, just for the sake of my brain, Genma's team is Team 3, while Guy's team is team 9.
This fic will have (so far) 4 OCs: Kawamura Chizuru (Part of Team 3 - retires from active duty but is still considered part of the team by Genma); Nomura Akira (Part of Team 3); Higashi Kyoka (Part of Team 3); Sakaki Ichirou (the boy that takes Naruto's place in team 7)
Yes, at Naruto's graduation team, because he also got to graduate, there was one person that would have to be put in another team as the numbers wouldn't add up (think instead of 21 kids aka 7 teams of 3, there are 22 kids that graduated)
We have most of the plot for the OG series already thought out; the Shippuden part is more complicated (because of what we do with the pervious part)
Naruto is getting the darn support system that he is in need of in this AU
And I am not overlooking Sasuke either. Without Naruto around to push him, Sasuke will realize that he is pretty much isolated (thank you Konoha Elders and Teacher from the Akademy (Not Iruka), you did a fantastic job *note the sarcasm*). Cause really, the main reason why it didn't look like Sasuke was isolated by others (and instead it showed he chose isolation) is because Naruto is like 10 people in one presence-wise. And because I am taking Naruto away from the picture, I raise you this idea: Get Raidou (or any competent adult) to interact with Sasuke. Sasuke needs more competent adults in his life at this point
Everyone - and I mean EVERYONE - is getting character development. Even just some characters that appear for a few times. And I am dragging Kakashi from his brooding corner, kicking and screaming if I have to. (And yes, that includes villains, too. *looks at my brain planned storyline* And summons get the same treatment as well)
Another thing: Political Sub-plot. Ya think that with all the importance they put on, not only rank but missions that get you in different countries, this show would have more political talk; but no. So we are bringing Naruto into politics. Inter-village Politics, to be precise. Naruto, prepare your Talk no Jutsu.
Also, Fuuinjutsu Made-Up Theory Stuff. Just because I can and I will (I am in charge of Fuuinjitsu stuff). Genma is making Naruto learn them from scratch.
We are addressing the fact that the Shinobi Academy of Konoha was turned into a "civilian playground" because of the Konoha Elders. (It's way worse than you can think if Genma makes Naruto re-learn stuff from zero) - there is no way any fight will have some bullshit pop-quiz about History or Chakra Theory. How in the world are those kids alive?
We also have Orochimaru Plot™️. A whole ton of it too.
We also get into the "Preparation to Take a Life on the Battlefield" thing. Because people there seem to not do it anymore. Like, get the kids to kill animals in the wild after catching them. Is it hard? Yes. But THEY NEED THE DAMN EXPERIENCE SO THEY DON'T FREEZE UP AS BADLY IN COMBAT.
Get Naruto into the Tactical Thinking. Not because he is Shikamaru Level at it; but because he is good at surprising the enemy. So Naruto's shenanigans + some tactician lessons = Perfect Combo for Ambush.
Naruto and Kurama interact earlier. And, while it won't be that much better than the beginning of their friendship in the anime, we are getting the friendship a lot faster this time.
Finally, Team 3, being trained by Genma, starts to pick up having Senbons on them. It's like their "mark" as Genma's kids. (Genma is so proud)
This is all I have currently (mostly because it's late at night here, and I am losing my thought process). I will also post what I have written from the Prologue after this is posted, so look forward to that.
So, what do you think? Good? Bad?
I will see you guys later. Take care and have a great day/night!
- TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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tammi25 · 9 months
What's your favorite Naruto story arc (manga or anime)?
This is hard, I’m split into chunnin exams arc or pain arc, because the chunnin exams are where (for me) the good stuff starts, with character like Gaara, Neji, Lee and Sasuke with the mark and you start getting attached to secondary characters like Shikamaru, Hinata, Kiba, like the real rookie 9. But the pain arc is where everyone is kicking asses and Naruto has a huge power and then Hinata’s confession and god I die right there but then the kyubi and Minato and a lot of good stuff.
I think final decision is pain arc, just because I have a lot of emotions. And also the sasuke rescue arc is pretty good, with the boys working as a team.
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tora-the-cat · 4 months
Insert joke about inosaku lesbians and bad DIY haircuts
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rcris123 · 1 year
Oh no, guys, the Naruto brainrot is returning severely.
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akatsukitrash · 2 years
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rose-lalondde · 1 year
every time i read a Drop of Poison the most jaw-dropping shit happens
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It’s so funny how the Uchihas and the Hyuga clan have like no canon relationship with each other. Like the only two dojutsu clans in Konoha and they just don’t give a fuck about each other.
Like Hyuga heir gets kidnapped for her dojutsu by ninjas from another village and a branch Hyuga dies over it. The Uchiha don’t care.
A whole clan who possess a dojutsu gets wiped out by one of their own. The Hyuga don’t give a fuck.
Sasuke and Neji meet during the chunnin exams and they know nothing about each other. They also never interact again. And Hinata and Sasuke doesn’t even acknowledge each other.
Like it’s just so fucking funny.
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