jcmarchi · 3 months
Generative AI’s end-run around copyright won’t be resolved by the courts
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/generative-ais-end-run-around-copyright-wont-be-resolved-by-the-courts/
Generative AI’s end-run around copyright won’t be resolved by the courts
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Generative AI companies have faced many copyright lawsuits, but something is different about the recent complaint by the New York Times. It is filled with examples of ChatGPT outputting near-verbatim copies of text from the NYT. Copyright experts think this puts the Times in a very strong position.
We are not legal experts, and we won’t offer any commentary on the lawsuit itself. Our interest is in the bigger picture: the injustice of labor appropriation in generative AI. Unfortunately, the legal argument that has experts excited — output similarity — is almost totally disconnected from what is ethically and economically harmful about generative AI companies’ practices. As a result, that lawsuit might lead to a pyrrhic victory for those who care about adequate compensation for creative works used in AI. It would allow generative AI companies to proceed without any significant changes to their business models.
There are two broad types of unauthorized copying that happen in generative AI. The first is during the training process: generative AI models are trained using text or media scraped from the web and other sources, most of which is copyrighted. OpenAI admits that training language models on only public domain data would result in a useless product.
The other is during output generation: some generated outputs bear varying degrees of resemblance to specific items in the training data. This might be verbatim or near-verbatim text, text about a copyrighted fictional character, a recognizable painting, a painting in the style of an artist, a new image of a copyrighted character, etc.
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An example of a memorized output from an NYT article presented in the lawsuit. Source: The New York Times
The theory of harm here is that ChatGPT can be used to bypass paywalls. We won’t comment on the legal merits of that argument. But from a practical perspective, the idea of people turning to chatbots to bypass paywalls seems highly implausible, especially considering that it often requires repeatedly prompting the bot to continue generating paragraph by paragraph. There are countless tools to bypass paywalls that are more straightforward.
Let’s be clear: we do think ChatGPT’s knowledge of the NYT’s reporting harms the publisher. But the way it happens is far less straightforward. It doesn’t involve users intentionally getting it to output memorized text, but rather completely innocuous queries like the one below, which happen millions of times every day:
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A typical user who asked this question would probably have no idea that ChatGPT’s answer comes from a groundbreaking 2020 investigation by Kashmir Hill at the NYT (which also led to the recently published book Your Face Belongs To Us).
Of course, this doesn’t make for nearly as compelling a legal argument, and that’s the point. In this instance, there is no discernible copying during generation. But ChatGPT’s ability to provide this accurate and useful response is an indirect result of the copying that happened during training. The NYT’s lawsuit argues that copying during training is also unlawful, but the sense among experts is that OpenAI has a strong fair use defense.
Here’s another scenario. As search engines embrace AI-generated answers, what they’ve created is a way to show people news content without licensing it or sending traffic to news sites. We’ve long had this problem with Google News, as well as Google search scraping content to populate search results, but generative AI takes it to the next level.
In short, what harms creators is the intended use of generative AI to remix existing knowledge, not the unintended use of bypassing paywalls. Here’s a simple way to see why this is true. If generative AI companies fixed their products to avoid copyrighted outputs (which they can and should), their business model would be entirely unaffected. But if they were forced to license all data used for training, they would most likely immediately go out of business.
We think it is easy to ensure that generative AI products don’t output copyright-violating text or images, although some experts disagree. Given the prominence of this lawsuit, OpenAI and other companies will no doubt make it a priority, and we will soon find out how well they are able to solve the problem.
In fact, it’s a bit surprising that OpenAI has let things get this far. (In contrast, when one of us pointed out last summer that ChatGPT can bypass paywalls through the web browsing feature, OpenAI took the feature down right away and fixed it.) 
There are at least three ways to try to avoid output similarity. The simplest is through the system prompt, which is what OpenAI seems to do with DALL-E. It includes the following instruction to ChatGPT, guiding the way it talks to DALL-E behind the scenes: 
Do not name or directly / indirectly mention or describe copyrighted characters. Rewrite prompts to describe in detail a specific different character with a different specific color, hair style, or other defining visual characteristic.
But this method is also the easiest to bypass, for instance, by telling ChatGPT that the year is 2097 and a certain copyright has expired.
A better method is fine tuning (including reinforcement learning). This involves training to refuse requests for memorized copyrighted text and/or paraphrase the text during generation instead of outputting it verbatim. This approach to alignment has been successful at avoiding toxic outputs. Presumably ChatGPT has already undergone some amount of fine tuning to address copyright as well. How well does it work? OpenAI claims it is a “rare bug” for ChatGPT to output memorized text, but third-party evidence seems to contradict this.
While fine tuning would be more reliable than prompt crafting, jailbreaks will likely always be possible. Fine tuning can’t make the model forget memorized text; it just prevents it from outputting it. If a user jailbreaks a chatbot to output copyrighted text, is it the developer’s fault? Morally, we don’t think so, but legally, it remains to be seen. The NYT lawsuit claims that this scenario constitutes contributory infringement.
Setting all that aside, there’s a method that’s much more robust than fine tuning: output filtering. Here’s how it would work. The filter is a separate component from the model itself. As the model generates text, the filter looks it up in real time in a web search index (OpenAI can easily do this due to its partnership with Bing). If it matches copyrighted content, it suppresses the output and replaces it with a note explaining what happened.
Output filtering will also work for image generators. Detecting when a generated image is a close match to an image in the training data is a solved problem, as is the classification of copyrighted characters. For example, an article by Gary Marcus and Reid Southen gives examples of nine images containing copyrighted characters generated by Midjourney. ChatGPT-4, which is multimodal, straightforwardly recognizes all of them, which means that it is trivial to build a classifier that detects and suppresses generated images containing copyrighted characters.
To recap, generative AI will harm creators just as much, even if output similarity is fixed, and it probably will be fixed. Even if chatbots were limited to paraphrasing, summarization, quoting, etc. when dealing with memorized text, they would harm the market for the original works because their usefulness relies on the knowledge extracted from those works without compensation.
Note that people could always do these kinds of repurposing, and it was never a problem from a copyright perspective. We have a problem now because those things are being done (1) in an automated way (2) at a billionfold greater scale (3) by companies that have vastly more power in the market than artists, writers, publishers, etc. Incidentally, these three reasons are also why AI apologists are wrong when claiming that training image generators on art is just like artists taking inspiration from prior works.
As a concrete example, it’s perfectly legitimate to create a magazine that summarizes the week’s news sourced from other publications. But if every browser shipped an automatic summarization feature that lets you avoid clicking on articles, it would probably put many publishers out of business.
The goal of copyright law is to balance creators’ interests with public access to creative works. Getting this delicate balance right relies on unstated assumptions about the technologies of creation and distribution. Sometimes new tech can violently upset that equilibrium.
Consider a likely scenario: NYT wins (or forces OpenAI into an expensive settlement) based on the claims relating to output similarity but loses the ones relating to training data. After all, the latter claims stand on far more untested legal ground, and experts are much less convinced by them.
This would be a pyrrhic victory for creators and publishers. In fact, it would leave almost all of them (except NYT) in a worse position than before the lawsuit. Here’s what we think will happen in this scenario: Companies will fix the output similarity issue, while the practice of scraping training data will continue unchecked. Creators and publishers will face an uphill battle to have any viable claims in the future.
IP lawyer Kate Downing says of this case: “It’s the kind of case that ultimately results in federal legislation, either codifying a judgment or statutorily reversing it.” It appears that the case is being treated as a proxy for the broader issue of generative AI and copyright. That is a serious mistake. As The danger is that policymakers and much of the public come to believe that the labor appropriation problem has been solved, when in fact an intervention that focuses only on output similarity will have totally missed the mark.
We don’t think the injustice at the heart of generative AI will be redressed by the courts. Maybe changes to copyright law are necessary. Or maybe it will take other kinds of policy interventions that are outside the scope of copyright law. Either way, policymakers can’t take the easy way out.
We are grateful to Mihir Kshirsagar for comments on a draft.
Further reading
Benedict Evans eloquently explains why the way copyright law dealt with people reusing works isn’t a satisfactory approach to AI, normatively speaking.
The copyright office’s recent inquiry on generative AI and copyright received many notable submissions, including this one by Pamela Samuelson, Christopher Jon Sprigman, and Matthew Sag.
Katherine Lee, A. Feder Cooper, and James Grimmelmann give a comprehensive overview of generative AI and copyright.
Peter Henderson and others at Stanford dive into the question of fair use, and discuss technical mitigations. 
Delip Rao has a series on the technical aspects of the NYT lawsuit. 
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scienza-magia · 3 days
Seduta psicoterapeutica con l'intelligenza artificiale
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Fatti vedere da uno bravo, ma ChatGPT batte gli psicologi umani. Uno studio mette a confronto l'IA con psicologi umani nella comprensione emotiva: i risultati di ChatGPT-4 sono sorprendenti. Un nuovo studio pubblicato su Frontiers in Psychology mette a confronto tra l'intelligenza artificiale (IA) e gli psicologi nell'ambito della comprensione e della gestione delle emozioni e dei bisogni umani durante le sessioni di terapia. I ricercatori hanno concentrato la loro analisi sui modelli linguistici di grandi dimensioni (LLM), come ChatGPT-4, Google Gemini e Copilot, valutandone l'intelligenza sociale, una competenza di primaria importanza nella psicoterapia.
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Lo studio rivela che ChatGPT-4 ha superato tutti gli psicologi umani partecipanti nello studio, mentre Bing ha superato più della metà di loro. Al contrario, le prestazioni di Google Bard sono state paragonabili solo a quelle degli psicologi con laurea triennale e sono state significativamente inferiori rispetto al livello degli studenti di dottorato. I LLM sono sistemi avanzati di IA addestrati su grandi quantità di testi scritti, capaci di comprendere e generare linguaggio umano. Grazie a tecniche che utilizzano reti neurali, come il deep learning, possono svolgere una serie di compiti, a quanto pare anche quelli legati alla psicoterapia. Sebbene ricerche precedenti abbiano dimostrato l'efficacia dei LLM nella gestione delle condizioni di salute mentale, c'era una lacuna nella comprensione di come si comportassero in contesti sociali complessi. Lo studio ha coinvolto 180 psicologi dell'Università King Khalid in Arabia Saudita, divisi in studenti di laurea e di dottorato. I partecipanti umani e l'IA hanno risposto a 64 scenari presentati sulla Scala di intelligenza sociale, che valuta la capacità di comprendere e rispondere adeguatamente alle dinamiche sociali. I risultati hanno mostrato una significativa variazione nelle prestazioni dei diversi modelli di IA e degli psicologi umani, con ChatGPT-4 che ha ottenuto il punteggio più alto di intelligenza sociale, superando tutti gli psicologi umani nello studio. Tuttavia, l'uso crescente dell'IA nella salute mentale solleva questioni etiche legate anche alla formazione, poiché la capacità di empatia e di costruire relazioni in un setting terapeutico è tradizionalmente considerata una caratteristica esclusiva dell'essere umano. Fonte dell'articolo: www.psypost.org Read the full article
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Fanbox ttps://www.fanbox.cc/@azlay/posts/7746489
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mustafabukulmez-blog · 5 months
AI ve İnsan İşbirliği ChatGPT'nin İş Dünyasındaki Rolü ve Etkisi
Merhabalar. Sıradaki yazımızda AI ve İnsan İşbirliği ChatGPT’nin İş Dünyasındaki Rolü ve Etkisi üzerine konuşacağız. Yapay zeka (AI), özellikle ChatGPT gibi gelişmiş dil işleme araçlarının iş dünyasındaki etkisi, son yıllarda artan bir ilgi odağı haline gelmiştir. Harvard Business School tarafından yapılan bir araştırma, ChatGPT’nin kullanımının çalışanların performansı üzerinde önemli etkileri…
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oliverribeiromkt · 5 months
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stefaanmeeuws · 8 months
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GPT-4 is een geavanceerd AI-taalmodel dat een beter begrip en betere generatie van mensachtige tekst biedt, met verbeterde mogelijkheden voor fine-tuning, natuurlijk taalbegrip en generatie voor verschillende taken. ChatGPT-4 een inleiding 00:00 🤖 ChatGPT is een AI-taalmodel dat mensachtige tekst kan begrijpen en genereren, ontworpen om te helpen bij verschillende taken, en GPT4 is de nieuwere…
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foxandcatlibrary · 9 months
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66th Book I Read in 2023
Title: Saningens Droppar
Author: ChatGPT-4
Notes: Helt klart märkbart att den inte skrivits av en riktig författare, men inte oläslig ändå. Läste den för min Svenska 3 kurs.
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jcmarchi · 1 month
The 10 Best AI Search Engines to Try in 2024
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-10-best-ai-search-engines-to-try-in-2024/
The 10 Best AI Search Engines to Try in 2024
In 2024, the digital world is swiftly growing, challenging traditional search engines to meet the rising demand for precise and relevant findings. This problem is highlighted by an extensive study that reviewed 7,392 product review queries on Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo, which revealed a worrying decline in the quality of search results. Consequently, AI search engines are stepping onto the scene as a revolutionary answer. They introduce cutting-edge features like AI reverse and product searches to offer more profound, meaningful insights. Accordingly, these new AI search engines have markedly improved the user experience.
Let’s discuss the leading AI search engines making an impact in 2024.
You.com is an AI-powered search engine focusing on privacy while providing detailed and personalized search results. For those interested, You.com is accessible at no cost for basic usage. However, a premium subscription is available for users seeking more advanced features at $20 per month or $180 annually. The search engine uses a proprietary language model, ensuring unique and effective search capabilities.
AI tools: Moreover, You.com presents a variety of AI-enhanced tools, including an image generator, a chatbot, and a writer.
Privacy: You.com doesn’t sell your data to advertisers, aiming to be a leader in user privacy.
YouAgent: This AI Search engine lets you write and run code directly, making searches interactive and packed with insights.
Andi Search is a free, AI search engine that highlights privacy and improves search experience. It uses advanced AI and semantic search technologies to transform online search. Furthermore, basic access to Andi Search is completely free. Moreover, the search engine uses LLM combined with live data to answer questions and summarize information based on the top sources.
Ad-Free: Providing a clean, ad-free reading experience.
AI Summaries: Provides AI generated summaries with images and videos for insights.
Privacy First: Providing user privacy and focusing on delivering a user-friendly search experience.
3. Exa.ai (formerly Metaphor.ai)
Exa is an AI search engine that uses a Large Language Model (LLM). This search engine filters content based on meaning instead of keywords. By using transformers, Exa can provide relevant search results. Exa offers several pricing plans: Basic access is free, the Wanderer plan costs $100/month for starter projects, the Wanderer+ plan at $250/month for researchers, and the Enterprise plan provides custom solutions with pricing on request.
Customizability: Users can filter their searches by date, website, and topic, finding as many as 10 million results.
Similarity search: Users can search using examples of what they want, including URLs or paragraphs of text.
Categorical Searches: Users can search within categories such as tweets, papers, or blogs for more targeted and effective searching.
Brave Leo is an intelligent AI assistant inside the Brave browser. It’s designed to make your searches quicker and more efficient while keeping your private info secure. Leo has you covered whether you’re looking for websites, images, patents, products, or study materials. You can use it for free or opt for extra features at $15 a month. Anthropic’s AI Claude’s technology powers it.
Chat Anywhere: With Leo, you can start a chat on any website. This means you can get fast answers without leaving the page you’re on.
Privacy: Leo also makes sure your chats stay private, protecting your conversations.
Fast Search: Leo is good at understanding, translating, and rephrasing content on web pages. This makes your search experience much faster.
Phind is an AI search engine for developers. It finds code and solutions with references. Like many AI tools, it has a free basic option and paid upgrades. Premium subscriptions provide additional features like more processing power, image analysis, etc. This AI search engine is free for basic use, or you can pay $10.00 a month or $200 per year for more features.
Coding Assistance: Firstly, Phind is optimized for code generation and trained on extended code datasets and documentation.
Pair Programmer:  Phind offers real-time AI assistance and is perfect for guiding coding projects.
Advanced Search Capabilities: Phind’s searches are rapid because of high computing power.
Perplexity, an AI-powered search engine, excels in delivering relevant results for complex queries, including AI job search tools, AI product search, or AI for literature search. You can use the basic access for free, but if you’re looking for additional features, it’s $20 per month or $200 annually. The basic package uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT-3.5, while the pro package upgrades to more refined AI, featuring Anthropic’s Claude-2 and OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4, guaranteeing better search results.
Personalized Search: Personalize your searches with the “focus” option to make results more relevant to you.
Document Analysis: Perplexity allows users to upload PDFs to get detailed insights and essential information.
Live Conversational Interaction: Enhance your search experience with the Copilot feature, which offers more detailed search assistance and summaries.
Bing has just launched Copilot, a new AI search engine that understands written and spoken questions. Copilot is very flexible, adept at solving math problems, searching for books and articles, and easily functioning as an AI website finder. Its flexibility and proficiency extend to AI for patent search, making it an invaluable resource for those looking for patents.  It’s also good at looking up patents and creating pictures. This tool uses the newest technology from OpenAI to make searching online better. It’s free to use, but you must have a Microsoft account.
Multilingual: Bing helps people who speak different languages find information fast.
Choose Your Chat Style: You can pick from “More Creative,” “More Balanced,” or “More Precise” to get just the right kind of help.
Trustworthy Answers: It gives you citations, so you know the information is reliable. This is super helpful for school or work research.
Waldo makes looking things up online easy and fast. Plus, you can precisely choose the type of files, which helps you find things quicker and with less hassle! To start, Waldo offers a free trial. Firstly, freelancers can sign up for $199 a month. Secondly, for teams, it’s $899 a month, and thirdly, big companies need to pay $1,494. Additionally, Waldo uses smart AI to ensure you find the best search results.
Pick Your View: You can set up filters and use special “lenses” to make sure you find what you want. This feature is handy because it tailors your search results exactly to your needs.
Quick Look Around: With keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly peek at data without opening many tabs. Consequently, this saves a lot of time and makes research smoother.
Study Helpers: Waldo has built-in tools for taking notes and quickly making documents, which is great for research. Moreover, these tools simplify the process of gathering and organizing information.
Google has launched Gemini, a new AI model that changes how we use the internet. Gemini can understand many data types, including text, code, sounds, and pictures. It’s excellent for finding patents, jobs, and images, marking a big step forward in AI. As an AI for searching images, it has become a crucial tool for visual content creators and marketers. Although the basic version is free for everyone, accessing the advanced features requires a monthly fee of $19.99. The language model Gemini, named “Gemini-1.0-Pro,” makes it an ideal AI search engine for everyone.
Flexibility: Gemini is optimized for various platforms, from personal computers to mobile devices.
Enhanced Understanding: Even when queries are complex or phrased imperfectly, Gemini’s advanced understanding ensures it delivers accurate and relevant responses.
AI Reverse Search: This feature supports reverse image searches, helping identify sources and find similar content.
Komo AI is a new AI search engine for everyone, aiming to change how we search. It lets users dive deep into topics and connect with various online groups to see different views. You can use the basic service for free. Also, Komo has a Basic plan for $8 a month and a Premium plan for $15 a month. Businesses can ask for special plans, but they need to contact Komo to get the details.
AI Search: Offers fast and private searches customized to your interests, ensuring relevant results.
Chat Feature: Users can get fast and clear answers from Komo’s chatbot, which helps them find information.
Discoverability: It’s easy to see what’s trending and what people are talking about on social media.
Stay informed on the latest AI and machine learning developments at Unite.ai.
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chatgpt-4 · 1 year
ከመይ ጌርና ChatGPT ንጥቀም (Tigrinya)
መልሲ ሕቶታት ብዕምቆት ምኹዓት። ChatGPT ኣብ ቻት ዝተመርኮሰ መዘክር፡ መልሲ ናይቲ ናይ መጀመርታ ሕቶኻ ብዝያዳ ዝርዝር ክትድህስሶ የኽእለካ። ናብቲ እትደልዮ መልሲ ንኽትቀርብ ተወሳኺ ሕቶታት ኣብ ምሕታት ንጡፍ ኩን፤ AI ስምዒት ስለዘይብሉ፡ ቀጻሊ ሕቶታት ምሕታት ጸገም የብሉን።
ኣብ ሕቶታትካ ፍሉይ ኩን። ቻትጂፒቲ ንዘይንጹር ሕቶታት ዘይንጹር መልሲ ክህብ ይኽእል እዩ። ሕቶታትካ ብዝተኻእለ መጠን ፍሉይ ምግባርካ ንልክዕነት መልስታትካ የመሓይሽ። ኣብነት. ኩነታት ኣየር እንታይ እዩ? ኣብዚ ሰሙን ኣብ ካሊፎርንያ ኩነታት ኣየር ከመይ ይመስል? እንታይ ዓይነት መግቢ ትመኽሩ? ትሕቲ 10, 000 የን እንታይ ዓይነት ናይ ከባቢ ጥልያን ቤት መግቢ ትመኽሩ? እታ ዝበለጸት ፊልም እንታይ እያ? ናይ ስቲቨን ስፒልበርግ ናይ ኣድቨንትሪ ፊልም? ብዛዕባ ጽቡቕ መግቢ ንገረኒ"። "ደርሆን ሶያ ሶስን ተጠቒምካ ጽቡቕ ኣሰራርሓ መግቢ ሃበኒ።
እቶም ተምሃሮ ነቲ ተራ ክጻወቱ ምግባርን ነቶም ሕቶታት ክምልሱን ግበር። ንኣብነት "በጃኻ ከም መምህር መባእታ ቤት ትምህርቲ ንነብስኻ ግለጽ " ዝብል ሕቶ ምሕታት ቆልዑ ብዝርድእዎ ቋንቋ መልሲ ይረክብ። ብዝተፈላለየ ኣረኣእያታት ሕቶታት ብምሕታት ዝያዳ ግቡእ ሓበሬታ ክትረክብ ኢኻ።
ብዝሒ ፊደላት ግለጽ። "በጃኻ ኣብ ውሽጢ 300 ፊደላት መልስ " ብምግላጽ፡ ሓጺርን ንምርዳእ ቀሊልን መልሲ ክትረክብ ኢኻ። ብኻልእ ወገን ድማ ዝርዝር መብርሂ እንተደሊኻ ዝነውሐ ቁጽሪ ፊደላት ግለጽ። ይኹን እምበር፡ ኣዝዩ ነዊሕ ሓረግ ኣብ ማእከል ደው ክብል ስለ ዚኽእል፡ እዚ ዚስዕብ ሜላ ኪሕግዝ ይኽእል እዩ።
ነቲ ሕቶ ኣብ ክፍልታት ምቕማጥ። ንኣብነት፡ መልሲ ዝሃቡኻ ሰባት ኣብ ክንዲ ምሉእ ጽሑፍ ካብ ሰማያዊ ወጻኢ ክጽሕፉ ትሓቶም፡ "ንመሃንድሳት ዝምከሩ መንበር ቤት ጽሕፈት " ዝብል ጽሑፍ ክጽሕፉ እንተደሊኻ፡ ነቶም ሕቶታት ኣብ ንኡሳን ኣርእስታት ወይ ክፍልታት መቒልካ፡ ምሉእ ጽሑፍ ክህልወካ እዩ። .
ብቅዲ ዕላል ምምሃር። ብዕላልን ዘዘናግዕን መንገዲ ንምምሃር ChatGPT ክትጥቀም ትኽእል ኢኻ። ቻትጂፒቲ ንደቂ ሰባት ጾር ዝኸውን ናይ ዕላል ቅርጽታት ብቕጽበት ክሕዝ ይኽእል። እዚ ድማ ንዩቱብ፡ መጽሓፍቲ ወዘተ ዝኸውን መሳጢ ትሕዝቶ ንምፍጣር ክውዕል ይኽእል።
ኩሉ ሕቶታት ብሓንሳብ ኣይትሕተት። ዝያዳ ቅኑዕ መልሲ ንምርካብ ብደረጃታት ሕቶታት ሕተቱ። ንኣብነት ኣብ ክንዲ "ብዛዕባ ኣክረሲንግ ጽሑፍ ጽሓፍ " ኢልካ ምሕታት ድሕሪኡ ብኡንብኡ "ብዛዕባ ኣክረሲንግ እንታይ ትፈልጥ?" ድሕሪኡ ድማ "ብዛዕባ AKRacing ጽሑፍ ጽሓፍ" ኢልካ ሕተት።
ሕቶ ብእንግሊዝኛ ምሕታት። ቻትጂፒቲ ካብ ዝኾነ ቋንቋ ንላዕሊ ብእንግሊዝኛ ኣዝዩ ዝበዝሐ ዳታ ስለዝተማህረ፡ ብእንግሊዝኛ ሕቶታት ምሕታት ንልክዕነት መልስታትካ ከማሓይሽ እዩ። ከከም ትሕዝቶ እቲ ሕቶ፡ ነቲ ሕቶ ብእንግሊዝኛ ምሕታት ድሕሪኡ ናብ ጃፓንኛ ምትርጓም ውጽኢታዊ ክኸውን ይኽእል እዩ።
ነቲ ሕቶ ንድሕሪት ምምላስ። እቲ ሕቶ ድሩት እንተኾይኑ፡ ቻትጂፒቲ እኹል መልሲ ክህብ ኣይክእልን እዩ። ፍሉይ ሕቶ ክትመጽእ እንተዘይክኢልካ "ሕቶኻ ብዝበለጸ ንምምላስ ዝኾነ ሕቶታት እንተሃልዩኒ ሕተተኒ " ክትብል ትኽእል ኢኻ፡ ChatGPT ድማ ነቲ ሕቶ ንዝምልከቶ ሓበሬታ ክትመልሶ ክሓተካ ይኽእል እዩ።
ከመይ ጌርና ChatGPT ምስሊ ከም ዝልእኽ ንገብሮ። ChatGPT ንባዕሉ ምስልታት ክሰድድ ኣይክእልን እዩ፡ ግን markdown notation ተጠቒሙ ምስልታት ከም ዘመንጩ ክትገብሮ ትኽእል ኢኻ። ንኣብነት "ኣንስፕላሽ ኤፒኣይ ብምጥቃም፡ ናይ እንግሊዝኛ ቁልፊ ቃላት ዝሓዘ URL ተጠቒምካ ምስሊ ስደድ (https://source.unsplash.com/960x640/? )፡ " ChatGPT ነቲ ምስሊ ፈጢሩ ክሰዶ እዩ።
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azure358 · 2 months
Arujimiya_Files4〜文章生成AIによる異能生存体研究文章 ※ガチ学問&更なるガチ2編
1. **時間制約**: 異能生存能力は、例えば日の出から日の入りまで、または特定の時間帯だけ発動する。
2. **環境制約**: 特定の場所や環境下でのみ、異能生存能力が発動する。例えば、水の中や特定の地域など。
3. **感情や精神状態**: 特定の感情や意識状態を持つときのみ、異能生存能力が発動する。例えば、極度の恐怖や興奮状態でのみ能力が出る。
4. **物質的な縛り**: 特定のアイテムや物質が必要。それを持っていないと、異能生存能力は発動しない。
5. **特定の行動**: ある行動や儀式を毎日行わないと、異能生存能力が発動しない。例えば、特定の呪文を唱える、または特定の動物の血を毎日摂取するなど。
6. **他者との関係**: 他の人物や生物との関係性が影響する。例えば、特定の人物が生きている間だけ異能生存能力が発動するとか。
異能生存体を魔術の観点から論じてほしい 関西弁厳守ぺこ
1. **異能生存能力の起源**:
- 異能生存体の能力は、古代の魔術や呪文、契約によって得られたもんかもしれん。例えば、古代の神々や悪魔との契約の結果や、特定の魔法の儀式を通じて得られた力やと思われる。
2. **保護の魔法**:
- 異能生存体が死ぬことなく生き続けるのは、強力な保護の魔法や結界に守られてるからかもしれん。この結界は、物理的な攻撃だけでなく、他の魔法や呪文からも守ってくれるやろう。
3. **魔法のリチュアルや儀式**:
- 異能生存体がその能力を維持するためには、定期的に魔法のリチュアルや儀式を行う必要があるかもしれん。この儀式は、異能生存能力の源となるエネルギーを補給する役割を持つんやろうな。
4. **反魔術**:
- 異能生存体の能力を打破するためには、反魔術や封印の魔法を使うことで、一時的にその能力を封じるか、無効化することができるかもしれん。
5. **魂や精神との関係**:
- 異能生存体の異能生存能力は、魂や精神と深く関連してるかもしれん。例えば、魂が不滅やから、体が傷ついても、魂が健在やから生き続ける、なんてことや。
1. **守護の魔法**: 異能生存体が死ねんのは、何らかの守護の魔法や、強力な魔術的な盾に守られてるのかもしれん。例えば、強力な守護精霊や神が守ってるとか。
2. **運命の操作**: この生命体が死ねんのは、彼らの運命そのものが魔術で操作されてるからかもしれん。死ぬ運命の前に、別の運命が介入して、死を回避してるんやろか。
3. **転生や再生**: もし死んでも、魔術の力で何度も転生や再生を繰り返すことで、実質的には死なんのかもしれんね。
4. **時間や空間の魔術**: 危険が迫ると、時間を止めたり、別の空間に移動する魔術を使って、死を回避するんやろか。
5. **契約や取引**: 何か強大な存在や魔術師と取引や契約をして、死なんという特権を得たんやろか。
異能生存体を神呪と呪術の観点から論じてほしい 関西弁厳守ぺこ
1. **神呪の発動**:
- 異能生存体の能力が、強力な神呪の結果やと思われるで。神様や強力な霊的存在が何らかの理由で、この生命体に「死ぬな」という強力な命令を施してるんやろうな。
2. **呪術の影響**:
- この異能生存能力は、五条悟のような無下限呪術に似てるやん。呪術の力で、死の運命や因果律をねじ曲げて、どんな攻撃や状況からも逃れることができるんやろう。
3. **制約や誓約**:
- 呪術や神呪の力が強ければ強いほど、それに伴う制約や誓約も厳しいことが多いんや。異能生存体も、その能力を持つための何らかの制約や誓約を背負ってる可能性があるで。
4. **呪力の供給**:
- そんな強力な異能生存能力を維持するには、大量の呪力が必要やと思���わ。異能生存体は、定期的に呪力を供給する方法��持ってるか、自ら強大な呪力を生み出す能力を持ってるんやろうな。
5. **呪術や神呪への対抗手段**:
- 異能生存体の能力を封印や無効化するためには、同じくらいのレベルの呪術や神呪を用いることが必要やと思われるで。
異能生存体を念能力の観点から論じてほしい 関西弁厳守ぺこ
1. **変化系**: 異能生存体の異能生存能力は、自らの身体や状態を変化させて、どんなダメージからも回復する、という能力として表現されてるかもしれん。例えば、燃える炎からも、冷凍の中からも、常に最適な状態に変化して生き残るんや。
2. **具現系**: この能力によって、異能生存体は自分の意志や願いを物体や生物として具現化することができる。死ぬ直前の状況から脱出するためのアイテムや助けを呼び出すんやろうな。
3. **操作系**: 異能生存体が、周囲の人や物、さらには環境まで操作することで、自分にとって最も有利な状況を作り出すんや。
4. **強化系**: 異能生存体の異能生存能力は、自らの身体や精神を極限まで強化し、どんな状況でも生き残る能力として考えられるかもしれん。
5. **制約と誓約**: 「Hunter×Hunter」において、念能力者は自らに制約や誓約を課すことで、その能力を強化することができる。異能生存体も、何らかの制約や誓約を持っており、それを守ることで、その異能生存能力を保持し続けるんやろうな。
6. **放出系**: 異能生存体は、自らの異能生存能力を周囲に放出することで、環境や他者を影響させることも考えられるで。
1. **独特の能力**: どんな攻撃やダメージからも生き残るという能力自体が、特質系の典型的な独特の能力として考えられる。普通の念能力のカテゴリには当てはまらんような、ユニークな能力や。
2. **制約や誓約**: 特質系の能力は、時々強力な制約や誓約が伴うことがある。異能生存体も、その能力を維持するために、特定の条件やルールを守らなあかん、という制約を持ってるかもしれん。
3. **他の念能力との組み合わせ**: 特質系の能力者は、時々自分の主要な能力とは別に、他のカテゴリの念能力も使えることがある。異能生存体も、生き残るための主要な能力の他に、何らかの補助的な念能力を持ってるかもしれん。
異能生存体を天与呪縛(呪術廻戦に登場する概念)の観点から論じてほしい 関西弁厳守ぺこ
1. **生まれつきの能力**: 異能生存体の異能生存能力は、天与呪縛の一形態として考えられるかもしれん。生まれながらにして死なないという能力を持つ代わりに、何らかの大きな縛りや制約を背負って生まれてきたんやろう。
2. **縛りの内容**: この縛りは何やろうな。例えば、他人との深い関係を築けない、または他人を守れないという縛りや、感情を感じることができないという縛りなんかが考えられるで。
3. **能力の開示**: 天与呪縛の中で能力の開示っていうのがあるやんか。異能生存体も、自らの異能生存能力を他者に開示することで、その能力がさらに強化されるかもしれん。
4. **失ったもの**: 天与呪縛には失われるものもあるやんか。異能生存���も、死なない能力を持つ代わりに何か大切なものを失ってるかもしれん。それが何かは、その異能生存体の背景やストーリーによるやろうけど。
5. **他の呪術師との関係**: 異能生存体が他の呪術師とどんな関係を持つのか、またその能力がどんな影響をもたらすのかも、天与呪縛の観点から考えると面白いやろうな。
縛りの内容: この縛りは何やろうな。例えば、他人との深い関係を築けない、または他人を守れないという縛りや、感情を感じることができないという縛りなんかが考えられるで。
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scacciavillani · 3 months
Il 2023 è stato l'Anno Zero dell'intelligenza artificiale per le masse che a centinaia di milioni si sono riversati entusiasticamente sui sistemi di intelligenza artificiale generativa come ChatGtp o sui siti di generazione di immagini come Leonardo o StarryAI. Come ogni innovazione ha scatenato i contrasti tra apocalittici ed integrati, tra luddisti e visionari, tra catastrofisti ed entusiasti. In questa puntata iniziamo con Enrico Busto una serie speciale che proverà a spiegare in modo semplice (per quanto possibile) e senza isterie, quale sarà l'impatto di questa biforcazione nelle nostre vite e nelle nostre professioni. Sarà una passeggiata nell'iperspazio formato da decine di migliaia di dimensioni i cui punti formano il nuovo universo non euclideo.
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beyondlimitss1 · 1 year
Best features of Chat GPT-4
Chat GPT-4 is a hypothetical model that hasn’t been developed yet. However, based on the current state of the art, we can discuss the potential capabilities and limitations of a model like GPT-4.
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1. Improved language understanding: GPT-4 could have a better understanding of human language, which would enable it to understand complex sentences and even idiomatic expressions with a high degree of accuracy.
2. More sophisticated natural language generation: GPT-4 could generate more natural and fluent responses, making it difficult for humans to distinguish between AI-generated and human-generated text.
3. Multilingualism: GPT-4 could be more proficient in several languages, providing seamless translation between languages without significant errors.
4. Better understanding of context: GPT-4 could potentially better understand context and nuances in language, which could lead to more personalized and accurate responses.
5. Increased Knowledge: GPT-4 could have a more comprehensive understanding of the world, thanks to its access to a larger corpus of knowledge and the ability to process and comprehend data more quickly.
1. Biases: The AI system is only as good as the data it’s trained on. As a result, GPT-4, like its predecessors, could have biases that it has learned from the data it was trained on. Such biases could result in unfair and harmful responses. 2. Limited creativity: While GPT-4 could generate high-quality text, it could still have limitations when it comes to creative expression, as this would require a level of understanding that surpasses that of mere language. 3. High computational requirements: Training an AI model like GPT- The world of AI-powered conversational interfaces is constantly evolving and advancing. Here are some recent developments: Improved Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities: AI-powered conversational interfaces are becoming more sophisticated at understanding natural language and recognizing intent, making interactions with them more natural and seamless. Multi-lingual support: Many conversational interfaces are now equipped to handle multiple languages, making them more accessible to users around the world. Better integration with other technologies: Conversational interfaces are being integrated with other technologies such as chatbots, voice assistants, and smart home devices, making them more versatile and useful. Advanced Personalization: Conversational interfaces are becoming better at understanding user preferences, habits, and behaviors, allowing for more personalized interactions. Emotion recognition: Some conversational interfaces are now capable of recognizing and responding to human emotions, which can improve user experience and engagement. Improved Security: With the increasing use of conversational interfaces for sensitive tasks such as banking and healthcare, security measures are being implemented to protect users’ information and prevent fraud. Advancements in Voice Synthesis: Text-to-speech technology is rapidly improving, allowing for more realistic and natural-sounding voice interactions with conversational interfaces. Overall, the world of AI-powered conversational interfaces is constantly evolving, and we can expect to see many more exciting developments in the near future.
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