#Buy Premium Cleaning Products
strongtofinich · 6 months
Sparkle and Shine: Uncover the Best Cleaning Products Available Online!
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In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding effective and convenient cleaning solutions is essential. And luckily, many online stores have emerged as a reliable source, offering a range of top-notch cleaning products that can be delivered right to your doorstep. Read this article now!
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empty-movement · 7 months
May I ask what scanners / equipment / software you're using in the utena art book project? I'm an artist and half the reason I rarely do traditional art is because I'm never happy with the artwork after it's scanned in. But the level of detail even in the blacks of Utena's uniform were all captured so beautifully! And even the very light colors are showing up so well! I'd love to know how you manage!
You know what's really fun? This used to be something you put in your site information section, the software and tools used! Not something that's as normal anymore, but let's give it a go, sorry it's long because I don't know what's new information and what's not! Herein: VANNA'S 'THIS IS AS SPECIFIC AS MY BREAK IS LONG' GUIDE/AIMLESS UNEDITED RAMBLE ABOUT SCANNING IMAGES
Scanning: Modern scanners, by and large, are shit for this. The audience for scanning has narrowed to business and work from home applications that favor text OCR, speed, and efficiency over archiving and scanning of photos and other such visual media. It makes sense--there was a time when scanning your family photographs and such was a popular expected use of a scanner, but these days, the presumption is anything like that is already digital--what would you need the scanner to do that for? The scanner I used for this project is the same one I have been using for *checks notes* a decade now. I use an Epson Perfection V500. Because it is explicitly intended to be a photo scanner, it does threebthings that at this point, you will pay a niche user premium for in a scanner: extremely high DPI (dots per inch), extremely wide color range, and true lossless raws (BMP/TIFF.) I scan low quality print media at 600dpi, high quality print media at 1200 dpi, and this artbook I scanned at 2400 dpi. This is obscene and results in files that are entire GB in size, but for my purposes and my approach, the largest, clearest, rawest copy of whatever I'm scanning is my goal. I don't rely on the scanner to do any post-processing. (At these sizes, the post-processing capacity of the scanner is rendered moot, anyway.) I will replace this scanner when it breaks by buying another identical one if I can find it. I have dropped, disassembled to clean, and abused this thing for a decade and I can't believe it still tolerates my shit. The trade off? Only a couple of my computers will run the ancient capture software right. LMAO. I spent a good week investigating scanners because of the insane Newtype project on my backburner, and the quality available to me now in a scanner is so depleted without spending over a thousand on one, that I'd probably just spin up a computer with Windows 7 on it just to use this one. That's how much of a difference the decade has made in what scanners do and why. (Enshittification attacks! Yes, there are multiple consumer computer products that have actually declined in quality over the last decade.)
Post-processing: Photoshop. Sorry. I have been using Photoshop for literally decades now, it's the demon I know. While CSP is absolutely probably the better piece of software for most uses (art,) Photoshop is...well it's in the name. In all likelihood though, CSP can do all these things, and is a better product to give money to. I just don't know how. NOTENOTENOTE: Anywhere I discuss descreening and print moire I am specifically talking about how to clean up *printed media.* If you are scanning your own painting, this will not be a problem, but everything else about this advice will stand! The first thing you do with a 2400 dpi scan of Utena and Anthy hugging? Well, you open it in Photoshop, which you may or may not have paid for. Then you use a third party developer's plug-in to Descreen the image. I use Sattva. Now this may or may not be what you want in archiving!!! If fidelity to the original scan is the point, you may pass on this part--you are trying to preserve the print screen, moire, half-tones, and other ways print media tricks the eye. If you're me, this tool helps translate the raw scan of the printed dots on the page into the smooth color image you see in person. From there, the vast majority of your efforts will boil down to the following Photoshop tools: Levels/Curves, Color Balance, and Selective Color. Dust and Scratches, Median, Blur, and Remove Noise will also be close friends of the printed page to digital format archiver. Once you're happy with the broad strokes, you can start cropping and sizing it down to something reasonable. If you are dealing with lots of images with the same needs, like when I've scanned doujinshi pages, you can often streamline a lot of this using Photoshop Actions.
My blacks and whites are coming out so vivid this time because I do all color post-processing in Photoshop after the fact, after a descreen tool has been used to translate the dot matrix colors to solids they're intended to portray--in my experience trying to color correct for dark and light colors is a hot mess until that process is done, because Photoshop sees the full range of the dots on the image and the colors they comprise, instead of actually blending them into their intended shades. I don't correct the levels until I've descreened to some extent.
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As you can see, the print pattern contains the information of the original painting, but if you try to correct the blacks and whites, you'll get a janky mess. *Then* you change the Levels:
If you've ever edited audio, then dealing with photo Levels and Curves will be familiar to you! A well cut and cleaned piece of audio will not cut off the highs and lows, but also will make sure it uses the full range available to it. Modern scanners are trying to do this all for you, so they blow out the colors and increase the brightness and contrast significantly, because solid blacks and solid whites are often the entire thing you're aiming for--document scanning, basically. This is like when audio is made so loud details at the high and low get cut off. Boo.
What I get instead is as much detail as possible, but also at a volume that needs correcting:
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Cutting off the unused color ranges (in this case it's all dark), you get the best chance of capturing the original black and white range:
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In some cases, I edit beyond this--for doujinshi scans, I aim for solid blacks and whites, because I need the file sizes to be normal and can't spend gigs of space on dust. For accuracy though, this is where I'd generally stop.
For scanning artwork, the major factor here that may be fucking up your game? Yep. The scanner. Modern scanners are like cheap microphones that blow out the audio, when what you want is the ancient microphone that captures your cat farting in the next room over. While you can compensate A LOT in Photoshop and bring out blacks and whites that scanners fuck up, at the end of the day, what's probably stopping you up is that you want to use your scanner for something scanners are no longer designed to do well. If you aren't crazy like me and likely to get a vintage scanner for this purpose, keep in mind that what you are looking for is specifically *a photo scanner.* These are the ones designed to capture the most range, and at the highest DPI. It will be a flatbed. Don't waste your time with anything else.
Hot tip: if you aren't scanning often, look into your local library or photo processing store. They will have access to modern scanners that specialize in the same priorities I've listed here, and many will scan to your specifications (high dpi, lossless.)
Ahem. I hope that helps, and or was interesting to someone!!!
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lambsouvlaki · 8 months
Hey its been a while are we gonna get more Jason and Andy and baby character who I’ve forgotten the name of
Much love tho I love your story
Jason and Sophie walked in from the rain. A chime played as they passed the threshold of the small shop and a wave of warm air enveloped them. Soft instrumental music played.  
He was holding his baby girl’s hand as she stomped along next to him with big exaggerated strides. 
“I like puddles,” she informed him seriously. 
“Then I have good news for you about the city we live in, kitten,” he said, and he pulled out a tissue to gently wipe her face. She scrunched up her nose but let him without complaint. 
She turned three in one month and was tall for her age. She wore her favourite yellow rain boots, a red tutu and green wool tights under her bright orange rain coat. Curly black hair frizzed out from under a yellow beanie. She was daddy’s favourite little traffic light. 
“Good morning,” a lady behind the counter called when they were done. They were the only people there. “How can I help you?”
“It’s mommy’s birthday,” Sophie declared. “We need presents.”
Jason picked her up and put her on his hip. She wrapped one arm around his shoulder and looked at the sales lady. 
The woman smiled. “Is it? And what are we getting for mommy today?”
“A flower cup.” 
“What are flower cups called, baby?” Jason asked.
Sophie stared back at him, unimpressed. 
“A big flower cup.” 
He rolled his eyes.
“A vase maybe?” the lady suggested.
Sophie sniffed. “Marlow broke the blue one with his tail.”
“Then right this way, miss, let me show you what we have.” 
Jason put her down and she marched with purpose to the clean white shelves with vases and beauty products on them. He told her not to touch any of them until she decided and then wait for him to come and get it.
“She’s a treasure,” the lady said conspiratorially to him.
“Yeah.” He smiled at his daughter. She had stuck one knuckle in her mouth and studied her options seriously. 
“Did you have your eyes on anything else?” the lady asked. She casually rearranged her hair. 
“You guys have spa packages, right? Massages and skin treatments, all that stuff?”
“Of course,” she said, sliding back behind the counter. “Are you looking for a couples experience or…?”
He shook his head. She leaned forward on the desk and produced a pamphlet and explained their offerings. 
He wanted the best, most premium experience for Andy, but by the looks of things that was some kind of clay body wrap thing. She didn’t like the texture of clay masks on her face. She still did them, but it was with dread and resignation every time. This was meant to be relaxing for her, not maintenance, but the kind of pampering she secretly liked but would never buy for herself. 
“This one.” He pointed to the menu. “With all the add ons please.”
“She’s a lucky lady.” 
“That’s the idea.” His lips turned up in a crooked smile. “I’m the lucky one really.” One weekend’s worth of pampering was nothing compared to the joy she brought to his life. The amount of bs she put up with for him. 
The lady cooed. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Not a lot of men put the effort in, you know. You must be an attentive partner.”
His head snapped around to stare at Sophie. She snatched her hand back from a tall glass vase. He narrowed his eyes and she held her hands behind her back and bit her lip. 
He turned back to the sales lady. She looked a little disgruntled.
“So that’s the Day Dream Package for your wife. And what can I get for you?” 
“It’s not my birthday,” he snorted. And Andy wasn’t his wife. 
The lady bit the end of her pen. “Doesn’t mean you can’t want anything.”
He paused. He did want something. 
He looked back at his daughter. She was camped in front of the vase she wanted, her arms crossed and her expression a tiny copy of her mother’s. She waited with what looked like patience but was really iron resolve. Once she knew what she wanted she would not be moved until she got it, no matter how long she had to wait. 
“Sophie,” he called. 
“I’m going to propose to your mom.”
The lady looked to the heavens. 
“Okay,” Sophie said. She pointed. “I want this one.” 
“Good choice honey,” he said, and swung her up into his arms. “She’ll love it.” 
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wolveswatchspace · 11 hours
How to Spot a High-Quality Replica Watch
In the world of luxury timepieces, high-quality replica watches offer an attractive alternative to genuine models, combining the elegance and prestige of top brands with a more accessible price point. However, not all replicas are created equal, and distinguishing a high-quality replica from a poorly made one can be challenging. Here’s a guide to help you spot a high-quality replica watch and make a smart purchase.
1. Examine the Materials
High-quality replicas use premium materials that closely match those of the original watches. Pay attention to the following:
Case Material: Look for stainless steel, gold plating, or titanium. High-quality replicas will use materials that mimic the original watch, providing durability and a similar weight.
Crystal: Sapphire crystal is preferred for its scratch resistance and clarity. Check if the watch uses sapphire crystal as opposed to cheaper materials like mineral glass or plastic.
Strap/Bracelet: Genuine leather, high-quality rubber, or finely finished metal bracelets indicate a well-made replica. Poor quality replicas often have straps that feel cheap and wear out quickly.
2. Check the Movement
The movement is the heart of any watch. High-quality replicas often use automatic or mechanical movements similar to those found in genuine watches. Here's what to look for:
Smooth Movement: The second hand should move smoothly, without noticeable ticking, particularly in automatic replicas.
Reliable Timekeeping: The watch should keep accurate time. Low-quality movements often result in frequent time adjustments.
3. Pay Attention to Details
High-quality replicas meticulously replicate the details of the original watch. Here are some key aspects to check:
Logo Placement: The logo should be accurately placed and match the original in size and style.
Dial Markers: Ensure that the dial markers are aligned correctly and the fonts match those of the genuine model.
Engravings: Check for clean, precise engravings on the case back, clasp, and other areas. Low-quality replicas often have sloppy or missing engravings.
Date Windows: The date window should be properly aligned and magnified if the original watch has this feature.
4. Weight and Feel
A high-quality replica will have a substantial weight, similar to the original watch. The watch should feel solid and well-constructed when you wear it. Light, flimsy watches are a red flag for poor quality.
5. Research the Seller
The seller’s reputation is crucial when buying a replica watch. Here’s what to consider:
Customer Reviews: Look for reviews and testimonials from other customers to gauge the seller’s reliability and product quality.
Return Policy: Ensure the seller has a clear return policy in case the watch does not meet your expectations.
Customer Support: Reliable sellers offer excellent customer service and clear communication.
At WolvesWatch.com, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality A5 replicas that meet the highest standards of craftsmanship and accuracy. Our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction ensures you get the best value for your money.
6. Compare Prices
While price should not be the sole determinant, extremely low prices often signal low-quality replicas. Compare prices across different sellers to understand the market rate for high-quality replicas.
7. Secure Payment Methods
When purchasing online, ensure the seller uses secure payment methods to protect your financial information. Look for SSL encryption and reputable payment gateways.
Why Choose WolvesWatch.com
At WolvesWatch.com, we specialize in high-quality A5 replicas, ensuring our customers receive the best in terms of materials, craftsmanship, and accuracy. Here’s why you should choose us:
Extensive Selection: We offer a wide range of replicas from top brands like Rolex, Omega, Patek Philippe, and Audemars Piguet.
Quality Assurance: Every watch undergoes rigorous quality control checks to meet our high standards.
Customer Support: Our dedicated customer service team is always ready to assist with any queries or concerns.
Secure Shopping: We prioritize your security with encrypted transactions and secure payment gateways.
Navigating the world of replica watches can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and careful consideration, you can find a high-quality replica that offers the elegance and prestige of luxury timepieces. Start your journey with confidence at WolvesWatch.com and discover a world of affordable luxury.
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godesssiri · 1 year
Auctions can be great fun; I’ve been going for years. My great grandmother was an auction regular, and I’ve got some gorgeous Victorian through to Art Deco furniture that she picked up in the 40s and 50s because it was unfashionable old junk then and she got it for a song. Going to live in-person auctions is becoming a thing of the past in the age of the internet but they do still exist, and they can be a way to get hold of some very high-quality items very cheap. So here's my best tips and advice.
There is a local auction house I go to that has a no reserve auction every other Thursday and it’s so much fun, I’ve gotten some real treasures there. They do estate, police, insurance, and business closure auctions.
Estate is exactly what you think it is. Someone is downsizing or has died and so anything that might be worth money gets sent to auction, this is where you get the amazing antiques, affordable furniture, and box lots of random treasures/junk. Police auctions are lost property, looooots of bikes, drones minus their controllers, cell phones. Police hold onto that stuff for a certain amount of time then auction it to help with the storage costs. Insurance you get some really good new stuff. If things are freight damaged a company will make an insurance claim and get paid out the price of the whole crate or pallet or whatever, but the insurance company will take anything that’s not broken. So, if a box of 8 bottles of whiskey gets dropped and 4 of them smash then the insurance company has 4 unbroken bottles to sell, and they put them in an auction to re-coup their costs. Insurance auctions often have lots of booze, industrial quantities of cleaning products, some fancy shelf stable foods, beauty products, all brand new with maybe just some packaging that’s worse for wear. Business closures are either when the owner is voluntarily closing down or when they have gone insolvent, and the liquidator is selling off everything. This can be a great source for tools and specialist equipment.
All things sold at auction are sold as is, so buyer beware. There will be viewing before the auction during which you can handle the items and check them over, if they’re electrical plug them in a see if they work. I have bought some lemons from auction because I didn’t check them thoroughly enough and that was my own fault. Also check if you can still get replacement parts for the make and model of what you’re looking at, yeah got an impact drill that just needed a replacement part, except they don’t make parts for that model anymore. Police auctions especially watch for faulty/damaged stuff, particularly the bikes, there’s a reason that stuff has ended up in police lost and found lock up. Once you’ve decided that the thing you’re looking at is in good enough condition for you mark it in your auction catalogue.
Everything in an auction will have a lot number. Things will be sold either as an individual item or as a lot, if you only want one thing in a particular lot then too bad, you’re buying everything so if it’s a box lot of junk with 1 gem then you are responsible for finding homes for all the junk if you buy it to get that one gem, sometime it’s sooooo worth doing this, sometimes it’s not. The auction house will have a catalogue which is usually just a few sheets of paper with a numbered list of items. Carry your catalogue around with you at the viewing, take a pen, make notes of what you want, identifying info about the item, what you’re willing to pay, any other relevant info. It can be a really good idea to research on your phone. If it’s an insurance auction I always look up what you can buy things for retail, there’s no point getting caught up in bidding and paying more than you would at a retail store. Last auction I went to people were bidding $40 on a lot of 2 bottles of liquor that sells for $20 a bottle and with the auction fees they’ll have ended up paying more than retail.
You have to pay the auctioneers fees/premium. At most places this is about 15% so keep in mind if you bid $100 on something you will actually be paying $115. You agree to this when you sign up for the auction and get your bidding number, it’s a legally binding contract. Those people who were buying the lot of 2 bottles of liquor and bidding $40 would have actually paid $46 which is $6 more than they would have paid down the road at the liquor store. I put in a couple of bids but stopped when it got over $30 because it wouldn’t have been a bargain. The person who won that lot for $40 was obviously attending their first auction with a giggly group of friends and got caught up in the thrill of having the winning bid, I very much doubt she’d considered the premium, so she probably didn’t realize until later that she hadn’t gotten a good deal. This is why it’s really really important to have a good idea what things a worth, what you could buy them for elsewhere, and be very disciplined about how much you are willing to bid. Go into each auction lot with a figure in mind, calculate what the auction premium will be on that figure and do not go over it. Again remember that when you signed up for the auction and got your bidding number you entered into a legally binding contract so if you over bid that’s your bad.
If you have a problem with gambling, then auctions are not for you. It’s the same kind of adrenaline rush and a very similar financial risk. You might walk out with something worth far more than the money you’ve put in or you might overspend and end up feeling down on yourself for being so stupid. It’s very easy to get caught up in the rush of bidding and justify to yourself just $10 more but is it really just $10 or is it 3 or 4 times just $10 more? Always keep the figure you are willing to spend in the front of your mind. Write it on your catalogue. Have the calculator app open on your phone and quickly add 15% to the current bid. Is it still a bargain? Or are you caught in the rush and about to overspend?
When you sign up for the auction you will be given an auction number, this is important to hold onto, it’s how the auctioneer will identify you as the person who has put in the winning bid. When you bid you can wave your number or catalogue, or nod at the auctioneer, or say ‘bid’ or ‘yep’ or ‘here’, if possible, make eye contact with the auctioneer or their spotter when you bid. The auctioneer will be looking all around the room for bidders and will usually have at least 1 assistant who is also looking and will bring your bid to the auctioneer’s attention if they miss you. When you win a lot then the auctioneer will take your number and write it on the auction sheet, hold up your card and/or call out your number once you’ve won. If you have the winning bid, then write what you bid on your catalogue and add the auction premium. When you’re ready to leave go to the cashier and give them your number and they’ll go over the lots they have you down as winning and give you a total – check this against what you’ve got written on your catalogue, so you make sure you get all your stuff. Once you’ve paid you can go and collect your wins, you can do this even if the auction is still going, if there’s nothing else you want to bid on, they’re usually happy for you to pay and leave part way through.
Don’t make the first bid. Auctioneer’s will often put in an opening bid of what they think is reasonable for the item, sometimes it’s worth way less than that, sometimes it’s worth way more. If no one bids they’ll drop the opening, if still no one bids they’ll drop it again. Remember if you’re at a no reserve auction they have to get rid of this stuff, if that means accepting twenty bucks for a 200-year-old antique then they will. Wait to see if anyone else is going to bid then take your shot. Sometimes bidding will start slow but build up and the lot will go for close to or way more than the auctioneer’s opening bid but sometimes you can get something amazing for a ridiculously low price because no one want’s that particular lot. The last auction I went to was an antique store closing down and the retail price stickers from the store were still on all the items. I got a 500-year-old celadon glazed ginger jar for thirty bucks!!! $34.50 including the premium. The antique store’s price sticker was $375. The auctioneer started bidding at $100 but no one went for it, so I waited, and the auctioneer dropped it to $50 then $20. Someone else bid $20 but I wanted that jar, so I bid $30, and the other person didn’t want it enough to get into a bidding war, so I got it. Often if an item looks like it’s going to go for next to nothing then a dealer will put in a bid figuring that they’ll at least be able to make little profit on something they spent peanuts on and I’m pretty sure the other bidder was a dealer who didn’t want the risk of finding a buyer and making a profit if they couldn’t pick it up super cheap. Auctions are very much the luck of the draw with who is attending. Sometimes you’ll get lucky and the people who are there won’t want the same things you do. Sometimes you’ll have to fight for the thing you want.
Who attends auctions? Dealers mostly. If you go regularly, you’ll recognize the dealers and re-sellers. They’re there every auction, they know the auctioneers and each other and have inside jokes, they’re very focused and disciplined with their bidding, they know how to pinch a penny until it squeals. If you’re going to buy cool vintage or cheap household items you can sometimes edge out dealers because they know exactly what they can re-sell an item for and they’re thinking of their profit margins, on the flip-side they might outbid what you’re willing to spend because they do know exactly what they can get for that item and it’s worth more to them than it is to you if you’re just looking for a bargain. The other people who attend auctions are the professionals who are picking up tools/equipment for their business. If you’re a diy-er who want’s cheap tools they might outbid you because they know exactly what those tools are worth, if a professional has no interest whatsoever in a tool though then there’s a reason for that and you should probably steer clear yourself. People looking to stretch a buck will go to auctions because you can pick up full dining suites for less than $100 or perfectly good household appliances for next to nothing, if you’re broke and setting up house then an auction can be a great way to get the basics for even less than thrift store prices if you’re lucky. Collectors go to auctions because that’s where we get the truly unique stuff. Things I have bought at auction include the aforementioned 500-year-old jar, a taxidermy armadillo basket, 4 huge Victorian glass domes, a copper lobster shaped mold just like the one The Golden Girls had on the wall in their kitchen (the one that looks like a dick and balls from a distance). Collectors can be tricky because they might want something so much that they’re willing to outbid everyone else, but on the other hand they might not be willing to pay too much because they have to justify it to themselves and/or their partner. Often a collector will go to an auction for just a couple of specific items, if you’re lucky the items you want and the items they want will be different, so you won’t get into a bidding war. My last auction I was incredibly lucky because there were a few collectors there, but we were all after completely different things, one of them is actually in a FB group I’m in so when I showed off my win he congratulated me and said he’d gotten what he’d been there for and we were able to mutually gush over each other’s scores.
This tip is against etiquette in some auction houses and fully against the rules and will get you kicked out of others so be very careful if you choose to do it: If you were bidding on a box lot for one item in it and you lose but you see someone you think is a dealer has won it, you can quietly approach them and ask to buy that particular item off them. A lot of them will happily do you a deal for cash so they make some of their money back then and there and don’t have to take the item home. Maybe just approach them outside if it’s against the rules at that auction house because some places are really hardass about it.
People can be intimidated by auctions because they can be such high risk and high adrenaline events but once you’ve gained some confidence, they can be so much fun. If you’ve got free time when an auction’s on, I’d highly recommend just going and watching, even if you don’t bid on anything. Find a seat and just observe. They can be incredibly interesting, particularly if you like to people watch. Just watching the auction can help build your confidence until you feel like you can participate. You also learn so much by seeing what sells for a lot and what is hard to shift, it helps you gain an idea of what things are worth. There’ll always be a few old lady dealers who’ve been doing this forever and are happy to impart wisdom, or chatty collectors who will infodump about items in the auction or things they’ve scored in the past. Take some food and drink and a pen to make notes on your catalogue. A good auctioneer will usually go through about 100 lots in an hour so a 300-lot auction will take about 3 hours. Make sure you know where the toilet is. Have fun.
My last thrift post
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fuckyeahilike · 8 months
Downsides and dangers of the Carnivore diet - part 3
For some reason the "clean beauty" movement has gotten to the Carnivore community, and now they too are sold on the notion that natural is always better... as long as of course we're talking about natural, home-made animal products, meaning slathering your face with lard or beef drippings.
"Clean beauty" believers say that anything that's artificial is inherently bad for you and toxic and pollutant, and that any commercial cream will cause endocrine disruption and toxicity and cancer etc.
One of the artificial products they most love to vilify is petrolatum (AKA baby oil, mineral oil, vaseline, vasenol, etc, these are all different names for the same thing). Every "clean girl / boy" will tell you this is the devil. When in fact it's one of the most shelf stable and non-toxic products you could ever hope to use on your body. It moisturizes because it's an occlusive, i.e. it retains the moisture on your skin and without clogging your pores. It's super inexpensive, plentiful and widely available. Even the poor can use it to good effect and without breaking the bank. So of course it's just not good enough for the Gwyneth Paltrows of this world and their superstitious belief in all things natural.
This is especially dangerous advice when they also tell you to forego sunscreen and to just let sunshine hit your skin without any kind of protection, otherwise how are you going to reap the benefits of producing your own vitamin D, and however did our ancestors survive skin cancer if they weren't wearing any sunscreen, etc.
They quite simply know fuck all about what they're talking about.
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Do not forego sunscreen. Lots of people who are not sun worshippers and who have never gone into a tanning bed have nonetheless died of skin cancer. I once heard this dermatologist from Seattle, Washington (the cloudiest, rainiest, least sunshiny state in the US) say he nonetheless diagnoses his local patients with skin cancer all the time.
It's pathetic to see women in the Carnivore community in their fifties and older brag about their youthful appearance, all thanks to their diet, and their sycophantic guests (or maybe just polite guests) exclaiming how great they look... all the while looking super wrinkled up and prematurely aged. No doubt they look way better after losing many pounds of fat on the diet, but a youthful-looking skin they do not have.
If there's anything at all that the Carnivore community proves every day (a community full of aging, balding men and wrinkled up women full of sun spots) is that a diet can not prevent signs of skin ageing - sunscreen can. Proper, commercial, chemical-laden, totally unnatural, totally artificial sunscreen in a plastic bottle.
I grew up at a time when the skin care industry was a pure scam pulled off by men who were no more honest than the Wizard of Oz: it was all about selling you moisturizers of different colors and odors at a premium price. The smaller the bottle, the higher the price, and the most outlandish the allegations of erasing all signs of visible aging.
In the mean time just some greasy hand cream that sold for merely pennies a litter served you much better, and that's the truth. So much money that women just flushed down the drain in creams that did nothing for them. They were buying the dream, not the reality. Everybody aged at the same speed.
However - and I never thought I'd be saying this one day - things have in fact changed. The industry is no longer made of total bullshit. I'm not going to call these new-fangled things a miracle, but now you have all kinds of acids and retinols and peptides and led light face masks n'shit that actually do work in ameliorating and even reversing visible signs of skin ageing... as long as you actually use them diligently, like with everything else that also works.
It's sort of fascinating to see IRL women show proof of how they really do look ten years younger ten years later, since they've started availing themselves of these new strategies. And I'm only sorry I don't have a crystal ball to see how young women in their 20s who have already started using these methods will look when they turn 50, and then 70 and so forth. Can women of the future completely avoid ever having to undergo plastic surgery? If so, this is something that radfems should be celebrating. Feminist women and misogynist men alike, we all want to look youthful.
TL;DR don't listen to Carnivore skin care advice, they literally don't know what the fuck they're talking about. If you don't wear sunscreen you'll look really old real soon and you'll be needlessly risking skin cancer. The Carnivore diet is not a cult or a life style, it's just a diet for those who need it. You don't have to get fetishistic about animal products to the point where you start believing that natural and animal is always best, as if "unnatural" man-made things couldn't be infinitely superior and better for you. They sure can.
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accountingacademic · 5 months
New Year, Fresh Start
Daily Reflection Monday, 1 January, 2024
Things I'm Grateful For:
Having my ever-growing to-do list written down in my planner, so I don't have to forget those things I need to do.
Since I was up past midnight with friends, I made a final "fuck it, I'm staying up all night." After everyone logged off, I had a spurt of productivity and got a bunch of little odds and ends taken care of.
Even if it only really amounts to $1 per day, I enjoy the feeling like I'm setting myself up for success when I transfer some money into my investment account each month. Because January has 31 days, I transferred $31 this time. It's in a TFSA so I won't be taxed on what the money earns, and it's a zero-commission account, so everything that is put into that account will be mine when I withdraw it.
I didn't get everything on my to-do list done for the day, but I still managed to do quite a bit! I don't mind carrying over two tasks, especially when one of them is 90% done.
I couldn't get my money stuff taken care of when I first wanted to because my bank's online portal was down for maintenance. Bit of a nuisance, even though it's not really a huge deal--I don't have to deal with my money at 4:00am, it can wait until a more reasonable hour.
I accidentally ended up napping in the middle of the day. I laid down around 11:00am, and then dozed off and slept until about 2:30pm. So that took a chunk of time away from me that I could have used, but after an all-nighter, three and a half hours won't ruin everything.
I feel like an asshole, and a terrible friend. A friend of mine is going through a rough patch because a woman ran a red light the other day and fucked up his car. He's going through the process of trying to get proof for his insurance that he wasn't at fault, and trying to figure out what's going to happen to his car (he spent all his savings on it less than two months ago, and the odds are pretty much 50/50 that it could be written off). I fully understand that he needs to vent, but I just really don't like listening to that kind of thing. I want to just go and tune him out so it feels like a win-win (he gets to vent, I don't have to actually listen), but that also feels like a terrible thing to do.
The shoes I ordered with my Christmas money are supposed to be here tomorrow, according to FedEx. It's hard to say how accurate that is though, as it's been "we have your package" since the 28th, with the order itself placed on the 25th. If it's not in tomorrow, Wednesday would also work. I just want them in before I go back to school on Thursday.
Lessons Learned:
For all that my friends are usually there for me when I need it (even though I will rarely ask for help), I'm not great at doing the same for them. I think that's part of why I don't ask for help; I don't want to be one of those people who ask for help all the time but never offer anything in return. I want it to be fairly balanced, and unfortunately, holding back on my end is how I can help keep it that way.
Today's To-Do List:
Readjust the cat feeder to dispense at night.
Reorganize phone apps.
Find new wallpapers for my phone and laptop.
Divide my second student loan disbursement into GICs.
Pay board.
Clean out my D&D binder and prepare for the new campaign.
Renew my FitBit Premium membership.
Add $31 to my investment account.
Give the cats baths.
Put together the grocery list.
Clean out my school binder and prepare for the new semester.
Finish catching up on laundry.
Tomorrow's To-Do List:
Buy a mirror that hangs off the door for my bedroom.
Buy a notebook to start a commonplace book.
Get groceries.
Nana's housework.
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kateperkins23 · 5 months
The Ultimate Guide to Buying Men's Footwear Online: Stepping in Style
When it comes to fashion and style, one cannot overlook the importance of footwear. A good pair of shoes not only complete an outfit but also reflects the wearer's personality and taste. In the digital era, online shopping has become the go-to option for many, offering convenience and a wide range of choices. For men seeking to step up their style game, buying footwear online presents an exciting opportunity. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about purchasing men's footwear online and how to do it in style. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or someone looking to elevate your shoe collection, let's embark on this fashionable journey together.
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I. Understanding Your Style and Purpose
Before diving into the world of online shopping, it's crucial to understand your personal style and the purpose of the footwear you seek. Footwear serves various functions, from casual everyday wear to formal occasions or athletic activities. Consider the following factors:
A. Identifying Your Style
Casual Comfort: Perfect for daily wear, casual footwear blends style with comfort. Sneakers, loafers, and espadrilles are popular choices in this category.
Formal Elegance: For professional or formal events, oxfords, brogues, and dress shoes are classic options that exude sophistication.
Athletic Performance: If you're into sports or outdoor activities, high-quality athletic shoes such as running shoes, basketball shoes, or hiking boots should be on your radar.
B. Determining the Purpose
Work and Office: Select footwear that aligns with your work environment, adhering to dress codes or industry norms.
Special Occasions: For weddings, parties, or ceremonies, consider elegant dress shoes that complement your outfit.
Sports and Fitness: Opt for performance-oriented shoes with features tailored to your specific sport or exercise routine.
II. Exploring Online Stores
With your style and purpose in mind, it's time to explore online stores that offer a wide range of men's footwear online. As the Saheli Indian Ethnic Wear website focuses on ethnic wear, you might want to check out other popular online retailers that specialize in men's shoes.
A. Top Online Stores for Men's Footwear
Amazon Fashion: A vast online marketplace with a diverse selection of footwear brands and styles.
Zappos: Known for its extensive range of shoes and hassle-free return policy.
ASOS: A popular fashion destination offering trendy and budget-friendly shoe options.
Nordstrom: A luxury retailer with premium footwear from renowned designers.
Nike: For sports enthusiasts, the official Nike website provides cutting-edge athletic footwear.
III. Finding the Perfect Fit
A. Understanding Shoe Size and Fit
Foot Measurement: Measure your feet using a ruler or a foot-measuring device. Each brand may have slightly different sizing, so always check their size chart.
Width Consideration: Some individuals have wider or narrower feet, so consider the shoe's width for optimal comfort.
B. Reading Customer Reviews
Customer reviews are invaluable when buying footwear online. Look for feedback on size, fit, comfort, and durability to make an informed decision.
IV. Quality and Material Matters
A. Quality Indicators
Materials: Genuine leather, suede, and high-quality textiles ensure durability and a polished appearance.
Construction: Check for sturdy stitching and well-crafted soles, as these indicate better quality.
B. Shoe Care
Investing in shoe care products will help maintain the condition and extend the life of your footwear. Proper cleaning, conditioning, and storage are essential for preserving their appearance.
V. Staying on Budget
A. Setting a Budget
Determine a reasonable budget for your shoe purchase to avoid overspending. Remember that quality footwear is an investment and often outlasts cheaper alternatives.
B. Sales and Discounts
Keep an eye out for seasonal sales, festive offers, and discounts to get the best value for your money.
VI. Embracing Style Trends
A. Classic vs. Trendy Styles
While classic styles remain timeless and versatile, experimenting with trendy designs can add a contemporary flair to your wardrobe.
B. Colors and Versatility
Neutral colors like black, brown, and tan are versatile and complement various outfits. Once you have the basics, you can explore bolder hues to express your individuality.
VII. Making the Purchase
A. Check Return and Exchange Policies
Before finalizing your purchase, familiarize yourself with the website's return and exchange policies, ensuring you have the option to return or exchange if needed.
B. Secure Payment Methods
Opt for secure payment methods and verify the website's credibility to safeguard your financial information.
VIII. Shoe Care Tips for Longevity
Taking proper care of your men's footwear is essential to ensure they stay in excellent condition and last for years. Here are some useful shoe care tips:
A. Cleaning and Maintenance
Regular Cleaning: Wipe off dirt and dust with a soft brush or cloth after each wear. For leather shoes, use a damp cloth to gently remove stains.
Polishing: Polish your leather shoes regularly to maintain their shine and keep the leather supple. Match the polish color to your shoe's hue for the best results.
Waterproofing: Use a waterproofing spray on leather and suede shoes to protect them from water damage. This is especially important during rainy seasons.
B. Storage and Protection
Shoe Trees: Invest in shoe trees to maintain the shape of your shoes when not in use. Cedar shoe trees also help absorb moisture and odor.
Shoe Bags or Boxes: Store your footwear in shoe bags or boxes to protect them from dust and sunlight. Avoid stacking shoes on top of each other to prevent deformation.
Rotation: Rotate your shoes regularly to give them time to breathe and recover from wear. This will also extend their lifespan.
IX. Understanding Different Shoe Types
A. Sneakers and Athletic Shoes
Running Shoes: Designed for running, jogging, and other athletic activities, these shoes offer cushioning and support.
Basketball Shoes: Ideal for basketball players, these shoes have extra ankle support and cushioning.
Casual Sneakers: Versatile and comfortable, casual sneakers are perfect for everyday wear and can be styled with various outfits.
B. Dress Shoes
Oxfords: Classic lace-up shoes suitable for formal events and business attire.
Brogues: Dress shoes with decorative perforations that add a touch of elegance.
Monk Straps: Shoes with a strap and buckle closure, offering a modern twist to formal footwear.
C. Loafers and Slip-Ons
Penny Loafers: Versatile slip-on shoes with a strap across the vamp, often adorned with small metal detail.
Tassel Loafers: Similar to penny loafers but with tassels on the front.
Driver Shoes: Casual slip-on shoes with rubber nubs on the sole for added grip.
D. Boots
Chelsea Boots: Ankle-length boots with elastic side panels, known for their sleek and stylish appearance.
Chukka Boots: Comfortable and versatile, chukka boots usually have two or three eyelets and go well with casual outfits.
Work Boots: Sturdy and durable, work boots are designed for heavy-duty tasks and outdoor activities.
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X. Shopping Responsibly: Ethical and Sustainable Footwear
As conscientious consumers, it's essential to consider the ethical and sustainable aspects of the products we purchase. When buying men's footwear online, look for brands that prioritize ethical labor practices, use eco-friendly materials, and implement sustainable production processes. Support brands that contribute positively to the environment and society.
XI. Customer Reviews and Feedback
Before finalizing your purchase, make it a habit to read customer reviews and feedback on the specific pair of shoes you are interested in. Real-life experiences shared by other buyers can provide valuable insights into the shoe's comfort, fit, and overall quality.
XII. Conclusion
Buying men's footwear online can be an exciting experience, offering a vast array of styles, designs, and options. Understanding your style preferences, purpose, and taking factors like fit, quality, and budget into account will guide you in making the right choices. Embrace the trends that align with your personality, and don't forget to explore different online stores to find the perfect pair that complements your style. With the ultimate guide in hand, you are now ready to step into the world of online shoe shopping in style!
Now, head to Saheli Indian Ethnic Wear or other trusted online retailers to find the ideal pair of men's footwear that complements your unique style and personality. Happy shopping!
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strongtofinich · 7 months
The Quest for Supreme Cleanliness: Unveiling the Best Cleaning Products
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Embark on a transformative journey towards spotless perfection as we delve into the realm of the best cleaning products. From powerful disinfectants to eco-friendly marvels, join us in discovering the tools that effortlessly turn cleaning into a breeze. Read this article for more details!
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neemanseating · 10 months
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In today’s fast-paced world, the office is more than just a place to work; it’s a reflection of your brand and professionalism. When it comes to creating an inviting and productive workspace, the right office furniture can make all the difference. Neeman Seating Solutions, your local office furniture expert, offers a range of sleek office chairs that blend style, comfort, and functionality seamlessly.
Sleek Office Chairs: Where Style Meets Comfort
Our selection of sleek office chairs is designed to meet the demands of modern workplaces. Whether you’re setting up a home office or revamping your corporate space, our chairs cater to your unique needs. Here’s why you should consider our sleek office chairs:
1.Contemporary Elegance: Our chairs exude contemporary elegance, elevating the aesthetics of any office. With clean lines, premium materials, and a variety of colors to choose from, they seamlessly blend with your office decor.
2.Ergonomic Support: Comfort is key when it comes to productivity. Our chairs offer superior lumbar support and with or without adjustable features, ensuring you can work comfortably for hours on end. Say goodbye to backaches and discomfort!
3.Durability: Neeman’s sleek office chairs are built to last. Crafted from high-quality materials, they withstand the rigors of daily use, ensuring your investment is a lasting one.
4.Local Expertise: We take pride in being your local office furniture solution. Serving Manesar, Gurugram, Neemrana, Bhiwadi, Dharuhera, Delhi, Faridabad & PAN India basis, we understand the unique needs and preferences of businesses in our locality.
5.Customization: At Neeman Seating Solutions, we understand that one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why we offer customization options, allowing you to choose the chair that perfectly suits your needs.
Enhance Your Workspace Today
Upgrade your workspace with sleek office chairs from Neeman Seating Solutions. Experience the perfect blend of style, comfort, and functionality. Your office deserves the best, and we’re here to deliver it.
For premium office furniture in Manesar, Gurugram, Neemrana, Bhiwadi, Dharuhera, Delhi, Faridabad, trust Neeman Seating Solutions. Visit our showroom at Plot No. 400 & 166E, Sector 7, IMT Manesar, Gurugram - 122052, Haryana, India or explore our online catalog to find the perfect chair for your workspace. Contact us today at WhatsApp by Message to schedule a consultation with our experts and transform your office into a haven of productivity and style.
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amber277 · 1 year
Common Tattoo Kits in the Art Trade
If you're new to the tattoo industry, the ease and convenience of having everything you need in one tattoo kit can seem very enticing. It's cheaper than buying them individually, which means there's zero chance of forgetting something critical to your work. On the other hand, most professional artists with real world industry experience tend to look down on tattoo kits.
Is this reasoning sound, or do these toolkits have a bad reputation? As with most things in life, the truth is a bit more complicated than simple black and white answers. Once you have all the relevant facts about the subject, you can make an informed decision about whether a tattoo kit is right for you.
Practical aspects of Tattoo Kits
There are tons of shoddy "beginner" tattoo kits on the market trying to make a quick buck, but these are easy to spot and avoid. Our store has several popular Tattoo Supply and they arrange, package and sell high-quality kits at very affordable prices. These cost-effective savings are especially beneficial for private tattoo parlors that must manage overhead to keep their small business growing. For apprentices, affordable tattoo kits can lower the cost of entering the industry, which helps aspiring artists pursue their dreams without taking huge financial risks.
The convenience of the premium suite shouldn't be underestimated either. As mentioned above, you can source every machine part, bottle of ink, needle and sheet of stencil paper from different sellers, which can be a tedious job - or you can buy all the necessary ones from the same company in one go source of supplies. Which option sounds better?
A tattoo kit is not a tattoo gun kit, it is a set of items including a tattoo machine, ink, needles and fake skin sold together. With these supplies, you can create a clean, risk-free atmosphere to practice your faux palate. There are several tattoo kits available in different sizes. The best tattoo kits have everything an artist needs to start practicing as soon as they receive an order.
When making your final decision on a tattoo kit, you should consider the quality of your tattoo supplies as a whole. The tattoo machine itself is one of the essential components of any tattoo kit, and any professional tattooist knows that a high-quality tattoo machine is a great way to deliver the best artistic results.
How to Choose the Best Tattoo Kit?
Price - When you are in the market for a tattoo kit, one factor that you should definitely consider is the cost. You want to make sure you're buying high-quality merchandise, but at the same time want to stay within your means. Sufficient research must be done to choose a reputable and reasonably priced supplier.
Brand Value - What is the effect of buying an untrustworthy brand just because it is more affordable? There is a greater chance of receiving an unreliable product. Well-known brands are more concerned about maintaining their good name than other companies, but other companies are not. The Favvosee Nebula 2 kits have received rave reviews for their unique qualities that set them apart from their competitors and set them apart in the market.
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orowyrm · 2 years
being wxposed to television after spending all my free time avoiding ads and pirating shit is always so jarring. 90% of the time i’ve spent “watching” this hgtv show my mom left on has been sitting thru commercials that are all desperately trying to market a sense of identity to me and tying it to their product. lose 10 pounds in one week with our weight loss program and take your life back!!! buy this car and become a more exciting person!!!!!! this huge regimen of dietary supplements is SOOO empowering. this premium perfume will make your life beautiful again! have we mentioned our revolutionary new weight loss program???? oh and don’t forget to buy [brand] at [store] so you can be #sustainable #mindful #healthcore or whatever the fuck. our big chain mega franchise retail store is so community and local business, don’t forget to support us on our journey 😇 did you know for every billion tons of pollution we create, amazon plants One(1) tree? hey girl, your skin shows signs of a life lived! that’s disgusting!!! here’s fifteen different creams and concealers to smooth out all that horrid, repulsive skin. fuck it, you and i both know that won’t do anything, but you’ll try it anyway. also have you considered botox? OH AND BY THE WAY - are you suffering constant aches and pains from the multiple jobs you have to work to stay afloat? we gotchu girl!!! this painkiller will help you #girlboss your way through all that easily avoidable agony and maximize your slay so you can come home after a long day at the back pain factory and cook and clean for your husband and care for your children, because you’re an Empowered Woman who can do it all! are you stressed? do you have constant migraines? babe, that’s gonna impact your productivity!!! here, this pill will suppress that chronic health issue just long enough for you to power through your work day and not long enough for you to stop and consider looking into why you’re so stressed once you get home. are you having trouble sleeping because of all the STRESS??? oh honey, don’t you worry, this medicine will knock you OUT the moment you step foot into your home. gotta be rested for all your full time shifts at your multiple jobs!!!! uh oh, all that back pain finally catching up to you? cant find a doctor? our healthcare system is a nightmare! help shouldn’t be so hard to access— luckily we have just the app for you!!!!!!!! don’t forget to buy that luxury car btw!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, you’re having trouble managing your finances even after all the work you’ve been doing? bestie, we’ve BEEN THERE. this totally legitimate stock app is gonna CHANGE. THE. GAME. vote for this politician in the upcoming primary! no wait, that politician is evil. vote for THIS one! you didn’t forget about our new weight loss program, right? just checking. look at all these totally average healthy people— DISGUSTING!!! but look, they lost weight! now they’re beautiful and worthy of love again! don’t look at these pictures too long or you’ll realize the only difference is better fitting clothes and makeup. don’t you want to feel GOOD about yourself again? don’t you want to be HAPPY? aren’t you TIRED? shouldn’t you feel more FULFILLED with your life? buy our product! download our app! subscribe to our premium membership! shop at our store! eat this food! take these pills! still not happy? what’s wrong with you!!!! just keep buying!! money CAN buy happiness, because you’re a #bossbabe and you’re WORTH IT!!!
and then you finally make it through the hellish advertising psychological warfare gauntlet and you get to watch some annoying white couple buy a perfectly nice looking older house in a perfectly nice little neighborhood and totally strip it of all its unique and beautiful features to turn it into the worlds tackiest furniture store showroom with blank white surfaces everywhere and fake succulents glued into planters all over and one piece of wildly impractical ‘upcycled’ custom decor that cost them thousands of real life dollars to make and that you KNOW nobody’s ever gonna want or use and it’ll just rot in someone’s closet or maybe sell for 15 bucks at a garage sale and then they sell the poor mangled corpse of that house for 25x the value of every other house on the block to another annoying white couple and pat themselves on the back for ‘making this neighborhood more beautiful’ but that’s only on for like ten minutes before the next commercial break and then the cycle repeats
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david5321fan · 1 year
Memen trousers | track pants for men
" Memen.in is India's leading online store offering great prices. Provide High quality sports shorts for men | Memen trousers | track pants for men."
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Buying pants for sports is a tough ask. And if you're looking for quality and comfort, you've come to the right place.
Memen trousers from Premium by Adidas are made with sweat-wicking material that keeps you dry and comfortable all day. Furthermore, they are designed with stretchable material to fit comfortably on your legs. Plus, they have an elastic waistband that provides a comfortable fit while you're working out or training hard.
Get ready to feel like a pro in these Men's Track Pants!
It would help if you were prepared for anything when you hit the road to lead your team to victory. That's where Memen trousers come in. These high-quality shorts are made from a durable and breathable material, so you can stay calm and confident as you play your best game. But that's only part of it - they also offer tactical flexibility to switch between softball and cricket gear without worrying about getting tangled up or losing your footing.
Designed for athletic men who want a pair of pants with extra padding, these track pants will help keep you protected on the field while also allowing you to move freely without fear of falling or tripping over. With their sleek look, earthy colours, and sleek styling details, they'll look perfect no matter where they're worn!
Importing high-quality athletic wear is a trend that has been on the rise for quite some time now. And with the help of Memen trousers, you can be sure your money will go towards something special. Made from soft and stretchy material, these track pants are perfect for any occasion. They come in a wide range of colours and styles, so there's sure to be one that fits your style perfectly.
No matter how many miles you want to put on them this season, they'll hold up thanks to their durable construction. Best of all, they're machine washable, so cleanup is a breeze! So what are you waiting for? Get yourself some Memen trousers today and start having fun while you work out!
High quality sports shorts for men look good, feel comfortable and are durable. Memen trousers are perfect for everyday wear at work or play. They can be dressed up or down for any occasion and wear nearly any outfit. A bonus is that they're machine washable, so you can get them clean whenever the need arises!
Pick a pair today and get ready to hit the ground running in style!
Do you feel your brand needs to take advantage of the men's fashion bandwagon? Branding yourself as a male counterpart to your female counterparts might be a clever way of attracting more men. But finding the right pair of trousers that look good and fit well can be difficult.
Luckily, Memen pants have got you covered. These high-quality track pants are perfect for any sports enthusiast who wants a casual yet stylish look. These pants are made of durable material and will give you maximum comfort during your workout sessions. Not only that, but they also come in a wide range of colours, so there's sure to be one that matches your style perfectly!
Memen trousers
track pants for men
Output: For anyone who appreciates high-quality products that offer maximum comfort and durability, Memen trousers are just what the doctor ordered!
You want to feel comfortable and relaxed when you're running or hitting the gym.
Memen trousers are the perfect choice for men who want to look stylish and feel confident without sacrificing performance. Made with high-quality materials, these shorts are designed to let you move freely while providing maximum comfort. Plus, they come in various colours to find ones that match your style!
Once you try Memen trousers, you'll never go back to wearing baggy gym shorts again.
You want to feel comfortable and relaxed when you're running or hitting the gym.
Memen trousers are the perfect choice for men who want to look stylish and feel confident without sacrificing performance. Made with high-quality materials, these shorts are designed to let you move freely while providing maximum comfort. Plus, they come in various colours to find ones that match your style!
Once you try Memen trousers, you'll never go back to wearing baggy gym shorts again.
You sweat and grind daily, so why should you wear ordinary shorts? Give your wardrobe a shot of class with these high-quality sports shorts for men. Made from the finest materials; these will keep you dry and comfortable no matter how hard you work out. Plus, they come in a wide range of sizes, so there's something to fit everyone out there. Try them on today and see the difference quality makes!
You want to stay active, but you also want to look stylish while doing so. Memen trousers are the solution to that! High-quality track pants are made from materials that keep you comfortable during your workout. They are stylish too so you can wear them with any shirt or jacket. We have a wide range of colours and sizes for men of all fitness levels, so there's something for everyone!
For those times when you want to look your best but also feel comfortable, Memen trousers are a great choice. Made from high-quality materials, these track pants for men provide all-around protection against sweat and dirt. They're also stretchable and breathable, keeping you cool and comfortable while working out. And because they come in several stylish colours and patterns, you can pick the best pair that matches your style.
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tomjonesau · 1 year
Why should you buy a 6.6 kW solar system in Australia?
The 6.6kw solar system is among Australia’s most repeatedly used solar panel configurations. A 6.6kW is an energy-efficient solar system and an excellent house option that can make an unlimited energy supply.
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Our solar panels are an excellent option for Australian homes because of their premium and creative cell technology. The 6.6kW solar energy system has become the most well-known choice available; it can be suitable for families with four bedrooms and office spaces. With an extensive range of options, the 6.6 kw Solar Panel System is a cost-effective and efficient choice for solar power in Australia.
Are you looking to buy 6.6kW solar panels?
Look no further if your home is in a location with good sunlight and enough roof space to install panels! There’s also no limit on the number of panels you can install above the highest limit of your inverter.
Is it worthwhile investing in solar energy?
Absolutely! The most beautiful part of solar power is that it is sustainable and renewable. This means that the sun’s energy won’t disappear or decrease. It’s not dangerous to the environment as one solar PV system can last a long. Solar energy is becoming more affordable by the day due to incentives from the government in Australia. There is never a better time to opt for solar power than now.
TGR is the best in the solar business.
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justkick · 2 years
Ddt wrestling move
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Body Length: Measured from high point of shoulder from the front.
Chest Width: measured across the chest, one inch below armhole when laid flat.
Get a product Wanted Fuego Del Sol’s Tornado Ddt The World’s Most Dangerous Wrestling Move T-Shirt and please visit other products. Shipping or handling charges are non-refundable.
Stick and move tactics followed by raw power. In professional wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler has the opponent in a front facelock/inverted headlock, and falls down or backwards to. Wrestlers Raven, 3 Jon Moxley, 4 Randy Orton, 5 Tommy Dreamer, 6 Arn Anderson, 7 Bobby Roode, and The Rock are among those who have competed in the WWE. In professional wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler has the opponent in a. Maryse, with her French Kiss -a snap DDT with theatrics-, also uses. For the wrestling promotion known as DDT, see Dramatic Dream Team. Please contact me immediately if you are not satisfied with your purchase.ġ00% Money-back Guarantee within 30 days If your Items have not been delivered or the items you receive are not the same as the picture. Warlord-Jannetty is a template for some of Shawn's later matches against bigger wrestlers like Taker and Sid. Jake The Snake Roberts is the guy who perfected the DDT and is also the wrestler who is credited with giving the move its name. The DDT made a return as a finishing move in WWE With Drew McIntyre and his Future Shock DDT, a snap double underhook variant. ( NOT INCLUDE HANDLING TIME ) Returns and Exchanges: In professional wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler has the opponent in a front facelock / inverted headlock, and falls down or backwards to. ( NOT INCLUDE HANDLING TIME )Ģ0-30 days for delivery to Worldwide. In wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler falls down or backwards to drive a held opponents head into the mat. The package will be processed and sent out within 1-3 business days after payment is received.Īny international customs charges or charges by postal services are the responsibility of the customer.ġ0-15 days for delivery to the USA. Inspire Unique T-Shirt Handling & Shipping:Īll orders will be processed only on working days (MONDAY – FRIDAY). We Accept PayPal and Credit/Debit Card – Paypal express checkout Casual elegance will make it an instant favorite in everyone’s wardrobe. This heavy cotton tee has a classic cotton look and feel. Iron on low heat on the reverse side to printĭO NOT iron print, not dry clean, and not bleach Wanted Fuego Del Sol’s Tornado Ddt The World’s Most Dangerous Wrestling Move T-Shirt For Women Or Men Size S, M, L, XL,2XL,3XL 100% combed ring-spun cotton UNISEX T-shirt available for men or women and printed onto super soft 100% cotton t-shirts (heather grey and dark heather grey are a 90/10 and 60/40 cotton and polyester blend). All our shirts are DTG (direct to garment) printed to ensure the durability of the print and give a long-lasting and vibrant finish to all our designs. You can buy this product’s Wanted Fuego Del Sol’s Tornado Ddt The World’s Most Dangerous Wrestling Move T-Shirt on our webshop, This Product made of premium quality ring-spun cotton for a soft feel and casual fit. Welcome to, It’s never been more fun besides Make Your Own T-Shirts Cheap anytime. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world, as well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world.Wanted Fuego Del Sol’s Tornado Ddt The World’s Most Dangerous Wrestling Move T-Shirt For Women Or Men Size S, M, L, XL,2XL,3XL
Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. Speaking of that promotion, Chris Brookes’ final match in the UK before jetting off to Japan for a year will be a SCHADENFREUDE & Friends event in February. The group have also started up their own promotion, SCHADENFREUDE & Friends, based in Manchester, with Brookes starting up a rivalry of sorts for Dani Luna that saw the pair engage in a Cumulative 20 Count Match on the promotion’s second show. Do not attempt this move unless you are in a real pro wrestling ring, and have been trained by a professional. As part of the SCHADENFREUDE group in Fight Club: Pro (FCP), he became a two-time Tag Team Champion with Kid Lykos and then with Kyle Fletcher, as well as being a one-time FCP Champion. Back in the UK, Brookes was always one of the biggest names on the scene, but he’s really become an even bigger asset since the likes of Pete Dunne, Trent Seven, and Tyler Bate all started appearing for WWE on a more regular basis.
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