#But its like midnight here and im tired
megane-sama · 1 year
In my head i exist in an alternative universe where Misaki's gunshot doesn't kill her, she is taken to the safe house alongside Miri thereby creating a steady (kyu-chan still has the coffee shop to run and the image of a good Organization employee to maintain), trustworthy guardian for Miri, thereby giving Kazurei enough time to focus and deal with the organisation completely (because i can't imagine it would take just one day).
Cue some time later, after their last job is finished and the Organization is just a name in the sands of time, they return and since one of the main reasons Misaki is apprehensive of their relationship with Miri is because of their job, hey they're not hitmen anymore and she sees that they love Miri so much they literally took down an entire organisation so she could be safe, how could Misaki not let them have a place in their lives?
They bond over Miri and other stuff like Kazuki teaching her how to cook or she and Rei deciding to seek therapy, she has people by her side as the cancer proceeds and she can live knowing when she dies Miri wont be alone.
One big family and everyone is happier and all the better for it.
That's my au.
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satirn · 28 days
it would be so based if we got anothzr nicktoons unite. like the evil syndicate got zib to join them considering he already has expirence with taking over/destorying the multiverse, this forcing Zim and dib to work together with the nicktoons unite crew to take em down or whatever. maybe with this we get to see like alternate dimensions of our nicktoons unite boys, like a version with ghost king danny or fairy timmy, or a version with all their bad endings and stuff ykyk. by the end zim and dib reluctantly semi-reconcile and dib fully joins the nicktoons unite team, maybe a truce with zim and dib agreeing on a cease-fire whenever the nu team is needed ykyk.
i liek whenever people include dib with rhe good guy team. considering neighter him nor zim are truely considered villans or heros for their world. very grey chatacters ans to reduce them to a dichotomy of good and evil I think is just lame. they were based for making zim go on the good team and dib on the bad gyy team, considering their goals should be the opposite.
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please include my toxic inseparable boys in your nicktoons unite teams 🙏 /silly. they havent been invited to the nicktoon functions in so long </3
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notmuchfordancing · 2 years
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11 midnights until Midnights x
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bluesidedown · 3 months
I just want to fly to Tibet and not think about character growth or the future or navigating relationships
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o-i-w-u · 9 months
silly smear frames (?) i find funny/cute :D
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startin off with the first one- uhm uh you uh,, perce' you good?
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shit shes been turned into a mound o' hair
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i also find this similar one silly :3
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what has he seen...?
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i have nothing to say about this he just looks like a disgusting rat man. (/aff)
okie time for the cute captures :3c
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she look :Dc
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tatonslice · 1 year
uhh sergey saturday sunday its uh. its basically midnight have some ego doodles
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yeah the last 3 are just ruina ego sorry its because i have a hypothetical realization lineup for him. knight of despair isnt on it but i still think it fits him anyway. the full lineup is skin prophecy - notes from a crazed researcher - schadenfreude - nameless fetus - CENSORED (oh hey its the two with the roulette)
none of them actually are in ruina so i have to draw the ego myself. outfit design was never my strong suit :(
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prinny-hell · 28 days
you know what's always bothered me? the crossed out number on sinclair's jacket. think about it. sinclair was originally sinner 10 but was changed last minute to 11 as real number 10 aka dante comes in. but then if dante joined when we saw him do so in the prologue, why didn't outis and gregor have their numbers changed too? from 11 and 12 to 12 and 13. and if they did but got their jackets properly replaced/redone what stopped sinclair from just doing the same? he has no attachment to the jacket all 3 could have easily been replaced. so then dante joined around the same time as sinclair but before outis and gregor, which would explain iirc we see dante in the manager uniform forever (which I choose to believe isn't them being lazy early game because I'm mentally unwell) anyways. so then dante has been a sinner and was also being chased by those animal name people.... but then why do they "recruit" him once he has the clock head? why do the sinners seemingly not know him? or at least know him very little to the point where no suspicion is raised. what the fuck is going on here. I'm reading way too far into it I can tell but also listen to me
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scionshtola · 1 month
it is so hard for me not to post every single thought i have on here the moment i have it
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lazorbeanz · 2 months
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clits-and-clips · 3 months
Don't want to get addicted to sleeping tablets but they've been suppressing my dreams and my cat cant wake me up at 4am so it's temptinggggggg
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many-gay-magpies · 1 year
i love the new thing with saying "i want their gender" about a person because it emphasizes just how much of a social construct gender really is and how, in fact, everyone has their own individual "gender" through their choices of how they present themselves.
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zhuhongs · 1 year
ya ever feel a feeling and you're like. so fully aware it is a poor response to smth but all u wanna do is indulge in that knee jerk reaction... yea
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galactic-drops · 1 year
It's midnight and you hear a noise from the kitchen so you go investigate.
Moon is crouched in a chair peeling an egg.
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catmanbowser · 2 years
teehee :3c
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I put him in the microwave >:)
none of you are prepared for the power of me and free editing software.
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samuraisharkie · 1 year
girl help I’m experiencing that common yet elusive late night motivation to get my life together knowing it will fall apart in the morning </3 girl fucking help me
#I hate ittt#I’m always like ‘I’m gonna start doing this’ or ‘I’m gonna finally try and get myself in a place where I can maybe take college classes’#and ‘I’m really gonna try and fix my sleep schedule and stop getting distracted instead of getting something accomplished’#and then in the morning evil me is back and they hate me and everything else#and would sell the world to hell for five more minutes of sleep#and my executive dysfunction has its claws in me again#man it sucks being so behind. I don’t want to like complain and make it sound like I’m worthless bc I’m not but man it’s hard#it’s hard watching ppl younger than you achieve your dreams of learning and getting better and breaking through that mental fog#they’re not always much younger either just like. two years is enough to make me wonder what would have happened if I was there#I know it’s not all in my control why I’m here either— there’s a lot of factors at play#but one of them IS that growing up I couldn’t never beat that executive dysfunction plus mental fog and procrastination#and then I shot myself in the foot by saying I waited to long and shouldn’t even try#and now I’m realizing I could but the years I spent fighting with myself weigh me down now and then#I can’t let it get to me because if I let myself get weighed down by it all I pull others down with me#but sometimes it does make me sad. and frustrated. when I feel this motivation when im lying in bed tired at some ungodly hour#suddenly struck with wanting to change my life and not having the daylight nor the physical/mental ability to get it done right then#not to mention the privacy. if I chose to get up at the buttcheeks of midnight and morning I would be not only destroying my own schedule#but disturbing a bunch of others too#anyway this wasn’t supposed to turn into a rant sorry#I haven’t talked a lot lately so it’s all bubbling inside I guess
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