#Bud Freeman
jazzplusplus · 6 days
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1941 - Bud Freeman, Johnny Hodges, Chu Berry - Conn Saxophones
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waugh-bao · 2 years
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@charliesmydarling​ The jazz drummer in question is Dave Tough (1907-47). He was an early swing/jazz drummer, and also one of Charlie’s biggest heroes. They’re remarkably similar in appearance and personality, actually. 
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Tough grew up well educated, but eschewed the professional life his father wanted for him to become a musician. He was born in Chicago, and spent a lot of his early life listening to African-American bands (as well as brining others to Lincoln Gardens to do the same), eventually he became a founding member of the Austin City High School Gang and one of the most prodigious drummers of his generation, though he never willingly took a solo. Even as a teenager, he was so good that Louis Armstrong used to stop by the White City Ballroom a few times every week to hear him play. 
Eventually, he moved to New York to try to make it in the big leagues, and, later in the ‘20s, he traveled to Europe, and found a lot of success in Paris. However, he was also epileptic, and at that time some doctors believed that alcohol was a cure for that disorder, so he developed a drinking problem. Right before the Great Depression, he came back to the US, and bounced for a few years between NYC and Chicago, sometimes playing the drums and sometimes essentially living on the street because he was getting drunk so often he couldn’t work. By 1935, he’d gotten himself somewhat together, and he worked in a variety of famous big bands, including those of Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey, Jack Teagarden, etc. 
During WWII, he was in Artie Shaw’s Naval Band, and after that came his apogee. He joined Woody Herman’s First Herd (1945-6), and had his period of greatest professional success and recognition, becoming the first drummer to win the Down Beat, Metronome, and Esquire polls all in one year. But his alcoholism forced him to leave the band, and began drifting around to work occasionally with old friends. In December of 1947, he slipped on an icy sidewalk in Newark, New Jersey and died, aged 41.
Tough is fascinating as a drummer, but also as a human being. He was a talented writer, who worked on a novel (as of yet still unfound) through his life, published a book of poetry so good it was praised by Kenneth Rexroth 40 years later, and wrote music criticism and advice columns for Metronome. In the same vein, he was very interested in, and knowledgeable about, art, literature, linguistics, etc. But he felt that he was an awful writer and an even worse drummer. Those close to him remembered him as a thin, quiet, hilarious little man (about 5’6” and 98 lbs) who always had a book and never had a kind word for himself. A lot of them thought his self-hatred was the root cause of his alcoholism, and why he eventually drank himself to death. 
No-one else saw Tough the way he saw himself, though. He was universally beloved for his extraordinary kindness, and regarded as one of the greatest drummers ever. Woody Herman said, “A giant rhythm player! With the least amount of ‘chops,’ Dave inspired a whole big screamin’ band with his subtleties and strong feeling for time. And he was probably the most gentle, the kindest, one of the grooviest cats you’d ever want to know." Everyone who knew him said the same. Giants of jazz like Dizzy Gillespie, Buddy Rich, Gene Krupa, Lionel Hampton, etc. went on praising him years after his death and the most extraordinary thing you run into reading about him is that basically no-one had a bad thing to say about him. 
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Bud Freeman (1906-1991), the saxophonist, became friends with Tough as a kid, and remained probably the closest one he had through his whole life. They were in the Austin City High School Gang together, went to NYC together, worked to find each other positions in Europe, worked together constantly in the ‘30s, etc. After Dave died, Bud, who was a composer and writer in addition to being a musician, made it a mission to ensure that the world didn’t forget his friend. Dave appears constantly in all of his books. 
“Dave started playing drums as a Boy Scout. He was an Eagle Scout and a fantastic drummer at twelve…Even as a young kid, Dave had something very special. He made it easy for those who worked with him. He practically played your instrument for you. When I performed with other drummers, my fingers would lock up because these guys didn't keep good time. Dave's beat was so powerful that my fingers flew over the horn. Dave was a little beyond being a drummer. That was a hell of a deep mind working there. I don't think an ordinary man could play that well. He was just incredible. So strong yet so subtle. He sounded like another note in the band.”
“The great man who was later to lead all the bop drummers in what they thought was a new style.” 
“Dave Tough, who would become the greatest jazz drummer in America, or anywhere…” 
“In my view, he was a Louis Armstrong, a Bix Beiderbecke, a James P. Johnson. A true giant!”
Essentially, he used his second life as a memoirist as a way to help make Tough immortal, and to carry on their longest standing argument after his death, to try to convince Dave that he really was a great musician.  I think the little story he tells about Dave in Crazeology is a beautiful encapsulation of their relationship. 
“He was a very literary person, with expansive interests. That's what had the impact on me. He had a way of looking at things that was helpful to many of us. An example? Dave and I went to take in a Cézanne exhibit in Chicago—we were just kids. And I said to Dave, “Gee, I wish I could say something about this magnificent work.” And Dave looked directly at me and said, “That's the best thing you'll ever say about it.” In other words, all this bullshit that critics have been getting away with for years has nothing to do with how an artist thinks.”
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b1lliesb1ues · 2 months
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📸 Art Kane
Front row, from left: Bill Crump, Stuff Smith, Sonny Rollins, Coleman Hawkins. At their back you can spot George Wettling, Bud Freeman, Pee Wee Russell, Buster Bailey, Oscar Pettiford. Behind them, Sonny Greer, Jimmy Jones, Charles Mingus, Osie Johnson
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gregpoppleton · 1 year
Bud Freeman Schoolboy Jazz Star - Phantom Dancer 11 April 2023
Bud Freeman was an American jazz musician, bandleader and composer. He is this week’s Phantom Dancer feature artist. Bud Freeman was one of the first tenor saxophonists in jazz along with Coleman Hawkins. The Phantom Dancer is your weekly non-stop mix of swing and jazz from live 1920s-60s radio and TV every week. LISTEN to this week’s Phantom Dancer mix (online after 2pm AEST, Tuesday 11 April)…
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spiderh0rse · 5 months
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look everyone! it's gorbon feedman! (that's how it's spelled, right)
alt ver. without lambda under cut
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gordon-freeman-phd · 7 months
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heartwarming: man gets a meal with more than 5 calories in it for the first time in 20 years
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badmovieihave · 2 months
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Bad movie I have If a Man Answers 1962
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hlvraik · 2 years
Hey Gordon! About that appy juice I owed ya!🧃
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Barney's a bit confused about the situation at first but he'll get it!!...eventually
Click for better quality!!
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comet-forgot-you · 4 months
can we get some more amber smut 🙏🙏
ofc you can.
amber freeman x reader
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shes so babygirl WHAT
summary: amber always comes over when you need her
warnings: 18+ pls, smut, fingering, nipple play, sexting but just a lil, amber’s mean and degrading but in a i want her kind of way, i think thats all
a/n: i know this is late but i hated everything i wrote until i got to this middle ground. do not repost for any reason.
you hated when amber left to her own dorm, hated how empty yours felt the second she stepped out. you hated night like tonight even more. nights where your mind was restless, thinking of one thing over and over and over again.
amber’s fingers buried in your cunt.
you tried to sleep, you really did, but your mind wouldnt stop racing. always going back to amber. you reach for your phone, checking the time. 12 am. you unlock your phone, sending a text to the girl that took over your thoughts.
u up?
yeah, whats up?
js missed u
you peel your blankets off of your body, angling the phone to show off your barely covered body. the only thing covering you being a sports bra and a underwear that left nothing to the imagination.
fuck baby
trying get me back in your room?
ill be there in five.
you smile, locking your phone. your always got what you wanted from her, she wouldn’t let herself say no even if she really wanted too. a few minutes pass before a knock comes from your door. you’re quick to get out of bed, making your way to the door.
ambers on you the second the door closes, her lips pressed against the skin of your neck, leaving marks that will surely get you dirty looks from random strangers in the days to come. you don’t care, though, to focused on the way her fingers roll your clothed nipples.
“such a slut, baby. can’t even go a whole night without me touching you, hmm?” you nod, eyes closing as heat courses through your body. she guides you to your bed, settling herself between your thighs. she thumbs your clit through your soaked underwear, a needy whine falls from your lips, hips bucking against the digit. she tugs at the elastic of your bra and you make quick work of taking it off, throwing it to some random corner of the room.
“ambss,” you whimper out, back arching when her warm mouth meets your pebbled nipple. she hums, the vibration against your nipple sending heat straight to your core.
she pulls your underwear to the side, swiping a finger through your wet folds. you hiss at the contact. she knew how to rile you up, how to get you all needy for her. she sinks two fingers into your cunt, curling them and hitting the spongey spot that has your eyes rolling back in pleasure. she pulls herself from your nipple with a pop, a smirk playing on her lips.
her palm hits your clit with every thrust of her fingers. the sound of your pussy and moans echo off of the walls. you’re certain your neighbors will be giving you an earful tomorrow. her mouth takes your neglected nipple into you mouth, pressing nee tongue flat against the bud.
“sh-shit,” you slur out. she rubs tight circles on your pulsing clit, curling her fingers with every other thrust into you. “needed you s’ bad, ambs. feels so good.” your words are breathy. the coil in your stomach is tight, ready to snap at any moment. her teeth scrape against your nipple before shes pulling away from the bud.
“feel so good, need you so bad, im such a fucking slut, i cant think without you amber,” her words come out in a high pitched voice as she mocks you. “jesus, baby, didn’t think you were such a fuckin slut, shit.” the words send heat spreading through your body, your walls squeeze her fingers. “shit, knew that would turn you on, such a fucking slut i swear.” you whine.
you didn’t know amber could sound so mean, but shit did it push you closer and closer to the edge. she pinches your nipple between her fingers. “look around you, you’re gonna cum and i haven’t even taken your underwear off. you’re so fucking needy.” your hips buck into her hand, you try your best to hold off the orgasm that threatens to take over your body.
“need to- gotta, please ambs, js,” you cant say it, embarrassment filling your mind.
she laughs, “don’t act all shy now, say it, baby. tell me what you want.” your head falls to the side, arms coming up to hide your face from her heavy stare.
“js wanna cum,” you mumble. amber pries your arms out of your face, grabbing your chin to look her in her eyes.
“sorry, didn’t quiet hear that, ask again.”
“i just want to cum, amber. please?” she smiles.
“go on, baby, i know how needy you are.” you’re coming undone on her fingers in seconds, pleasure coursing through your body.
it didn’t matter how mean amber could get, how harsh her words could get. she couldn’t say no to you, especially when you begged to have her fingers buried in your cunt in the middle of the night.
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snailsdraw · 1 year
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[Start ID:
3 pages of HLVRAI narrative doodles exploring a Benrey synesthesia headcanon:
Benrey watches Gordon having a breakdown and wailing incoherently, but his wails correlate with the pitch the colour orange has in Benrey's mind, which is also the colour he associates with laughter, and so he believes Gordon is laughing. That prompts him to go "yo, funny joke. what?", to which Tommy replies with a worried look, "I don't, this- I don't think Mr Freeman is laughing, Benrey-", which is overlapped by Dr Coomer similarly saying "I don't think he is laughing, Berry.". The orange sweet voice that Benrey had let slip while speaking pop in the moment of realisation.
Benrey telling Dr Coomer and Tommy, "bro, you gotta switch names. username update. colour's not right.". Above Dr Coomer and Tommy's heads are their name acronyms in the colours Benrey associates them with -- Dr Coomer's being yellow and orange, and Tommy's green, orange, yellow, and light blue. He then tells Gordon, "Feetman can keep his name though, 's green," which prompts Gordon to ask, "What's that supposed to mean?". Gordon's name is associated with the colours green and orange, like his HEV suit and glasses. Lastly, Benrey says to Bubby, "Bubby's cool too, i guess.". Bubby's name is associated with the colour periwinkle, which isn't too far from the blue he wears. Bubby responds with a satisfied, "Hell yes."
Gordon asks Tommy, "Wait, Tommy- Tommy," to which Tommy replies, "Yeah?", to which Gordon continues asking, "You can read sweet voice. So you can do that too? Hear colour and...names and...y'know what, I dunno. I'm not a psychiatrist or... whatever it is they-". Tommy cuts him off to confirm that yes, he can read sweet voice, but no he can't do the latter. He says, "No, I had to- to learn to read it from the- from scratch, Mr Freeman. But it wouldn't have been easier if I could. It would have been conf- it would have been worse." He continues to explain, "It's like- it's like if I- if we both imagined, uh, apples and mine were green but yours were red." Gordon tells him a regretful: "...you lost me, bud,", to which Dr Coomer responds, "Come now, Gordon! You must know what apples are. Everyone does!" and Bubby says, "Gordon, do you need to go back to kindergarten?"
End ID.]
Starting from my first few HLVRAI doodles and working my way down, so the first few I post are gonna look kinda wonky. Anyways, have my funny little Benrey chromesthesia comic-thing.
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gregpoppleton · 1 year
Bud Freeman Schoolboy Jazz Star - Phantom Dancer 24 Jan 2023
Bud Freeman was an American jazz musician, bandleader and composer. He is this week’s Phantom Dancer feature artist. Bud Freeman was one of the first tenor saxophonists in jazz along with Coleman Hawkins. The Phantom Dancer is your weekly non-stop mix of swing and jazz from live 1920s-60s radio and TV every week. LISTEN to this week’s Phantom Dancer mix (online after 2pm AEST, Tuesday 24…
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jpbjazz · 2 months
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Bud Freeman
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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TODAY'S FROZEN MOMENT - Today marks the 65th Anniversary of this phenomenal photo - August 12th, 1958 - this now-famous photo was taken… later to be given the title "A Great Day in Harlem" when it was published in Esquire magazine. Art Kane, an art director for the magazine, was finally allowed to do a photo assignment... A jazz lover, Kane said he wanted to assemble the best in jazz for a shot, at 10 in the morning... Most people laughed at him...but...somehow he pulled this off; they showed up...as requested, to 17 East 126th Street...astonishing really... Subsequently, a documentary about the photo added to the magic... as did the allowance of the neighbors, the kids in the front and the folks in the windows… just so special… See below for a list of who's who... of the 57 musicians here, only 2 remain: Sonny Rollins and Benny Golson... but the shot, like all of the music, is eternal…
[01 – Hilton Jefferson, 02 – Benny Golson, 03 – Art Farmer, 04 – Wilbur Ware, 05 – Art Blakey, 06 – Chubby Jackson, 07 – Johnny Griffin, 08 – Dickie Wells, 09 – Buck Clayton, 10 – Taft Jordan, 11 – Zutty Singleton, 12 – Red Allen, 13 – Tyree Glenn, 14 – Miff Molo, 15 – Sonny Greer, 16 – Jay C. Higginbotham, 17 – Jimmy Jones, 18 – Charles Mingus, 19 – Jo Jones, 20 – Gene Krupa, 21 – Max Kaminsky, 22 – George Wettling, 23 – Bud Freeman, 24 – Pee Wee Russell, 25 – Ernie Wilkins, 26 – Buster Bailey, 27 – Osie Johnson, 28 – Gigi Gryce, 29 – Hank Jones, 30 – Eddie Locke, 31 – Horace Silver, 32 – Luckey Roberts, 33 – Maxine Sullivan, 34 – Jimmy Rushing, 35 – Joe Thomas, 36 – Scoville Browne, 37 – Stuff Smith, 38 – Bill Crump, 39 – Coleman Hawkins, 40 – Rudy Powell, 41 – Oscar Pettiford, 42 – Sahib Shihab, 43 – Marian McPartland, 44 – Sonny Rollins, 45 – Lawrence Brown, 46 – Mary Lou Williams, 47 – Emmett Berry, 48 – Thelonius Monk, 49 – Vic Dickenson, 50 – Milt Hinton, 51 – Lester Young, 52 – Rex Stewart, 53 – J.C. Heard, 54 – Gerry Mulligan, 55 – Roy Eldridge, 56 – Dizzy Gillespie, 57 – Count Basie.]
[Mary Elaine LeBey]
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strawbunnycakes · 9 months
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(Reblogs HIGHLY appreciated!) 🌈☀️
Do you like cute wholesome animal pals? Do you like feel-good animated series? Do you like supporting budding creators just starting out? Well, the Indiegogo campaign for my upcoming indie animated series is launching in 1 week (SEPTEMBER 1ST)!!~ 🍓
'A Slice of Life with Strawbunny & Friends' is an indie animated series following the new and wholesome adventures of the animal pals of BerryHappy Village! With silly humor and feel-good episodes that are sure to make you smile, I hope this series will be a comfort to some~ ☁️
You can support the creation of this series through our Patreon OR our upcoming Indiegogo campaign to help with bulk funding! Both are super helpful and appreciated! 🥹🌈🍓💕
Credits and cast below! ☀️
animation & color: strawbunnycakes
Music: Bryan Teoh
Meet the amazing cast! 🌈
Strawbunny: Jason Hall
Tangerabbit: Chanisha Somatilaka (singing by Grace Fitzpatrick)
Chip: Kira Buckland
Cubby: Daisy Barajas
Sandy: Maganda Marie
Honeybun: Sarah Anne Williams
Daisy: Lanaisha Jones
Pip: Phoebe Chan
Lolly: Lizzie Freeman
Sprinkles: Nola Klop
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smallpwbbles · 6 months
Saw the Keanu Reeves ask and HAD to chime in. Me and a Bud had a convo about this exact thing after I got told “crisp rat” was a possible shadow choice. Imagine: Morgan Freeman
I rly love Morgan’s voice but for shadow naaaaah, it would be rly funny to see for memes sake
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