theamphibianmen · 8 months
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Reblog for sample size!
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sometiktoksarevalid · 8 months
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vintagecamping · 1 year
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A botony group heads out for the day.
Oldhorn, Alberta
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internetdruid · 6 months
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Zoology & Botony Druidposting Animal Care Tech Ungulate Enthusiast
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ceratosaurtalks · 8 months
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While I'm working on my Honduran Milks bioactive, I did wanna take the time to talk about Links Bioactive. Link is my overweight[He's working on it! <3] Male Emergency re-home Ball Python. I typically avoid this species, but he's been a fantastic little Unicorn for me. So lets talk about Link's enclosure and how it works! Link is in a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft PVC Enclosure- this is the *minimum* size this species requires to thrive. His substrate is made up of a layer of perlite sitting at the bottom of his enclosure, this layer of perlite acts as a drainage layer. This drainage layer, which catches excess water that seeps through the substrate. It also helps with catching potentially bad bacteria, and helps with your plants roots! The rest of the substrate sitting ontop of that layer of perlite is a mix of Ecogro organic topsoil, Coco fiber, and Sphagnum moss. I cannot stress this enough, but if you choose to do a bio-active enclosure PLEASE be sure to choose a organic substrate!! Fertilized substrate can be toxic to your animal, this includes manure-based fertilizers. To promote healthy growth, I choose to use Coco fiber and Sphagnum Moss. The Coco fibe[Coco peat] Is a safer way to promote healthy soil for both your plant, and your animals, while the Sphagnum Moss is fantastic at holding water and Nutrients for your plants. The arguably biggest and most important part of this enclosure is the cleanup crew. Your cleanup crew will break down decaying plant matter and your animals feces and return it to the soil, as well as cleaning bacteria growth. Bio-actives cannot function in the long-run without a cleanup crew. The cleanup crew I chose consist of Dairy Cow isopods[Porcellio laevis], and Temperate Springtails[Collembola sp.]. You can Mix-and match your Isopods and Springtails as long as its a species that can tolerate the humidity and temps your animal requires, HOWEVER! Its important to note your Isopod species. I chose not to mix Isopods in this enclosure as Dairy cows are kinda known for being aggressive. For plants, ball Pythons are incredibly Bulldozery animals and will trample much of your flora. Needing hardy plants that could survive being trampled and occasionally uprooted was a must for him, and after thought and research, I ended up settling on these: Golden Pothos, Snake plants, and Jade Pothos. Some just overall incredibly hardy plants that, since having them, I've found fantastic success with surviving Links night-time pathing and assaults. I also have a Philodendron [Monstera adansonii,] in there, providing cover and clutter around and over his hot hide. I'm proud of this plant surviving so far, to say I added it with a specific reason would be a goddamn lie lmao I just loved how cool it looked. The fact it's survived and adapted for as long as it has is a miracle in of itself, and I wish great health amongst this trooper of a plant. I deep water once a week to keep my plants healthy and the soil moist enough for my isopods to thrive, with occasional spraying staggered through the week. Overall, this is how Links Bioactive tank is settup! Is this the only way to set up a Bioactive tank? Certainly not! There's plenty of ways you can setup a Bioactive. Does your animal absolutely NEED a bioactive enclosure? For a lot of animals that answers going to be no! It doesn't. Bio-active vs Non-bio-actives have their pros and cons that, maybe Ill ramble about in a later post. And probably talk on what a Bioactive even is and go into much more detail than I did here about how it works. But I chose Bioactive personally because the long-term upkeep is less costly and labor-inducing, and I just love the looks of them. AndICanHaveAsManyGoddamnIsopodsAsIWant<3
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thebeautifulbook · 8 months
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THE ROMANCE OF PLANT LIFE: Interesting descriptions of the strange and curious in the plant world by G.F. Scott Elliot. (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1907)
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faeangelf · 1 month
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adhdaxolotl · 3 months
This is a weird native plant appreciation post tell me your favorite weird plants in you area I’ll start
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This is pickleweed!!! It’s vital to salt marshes because it can take in salt water. Those red tips are where they put the salt they separate out and they get redder until they fall off (or you can eat them for a Salty Snack, hence the name) and the fresh water is kept in the main stems.
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florafloof · 2 months
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ratc10udii · 8 days
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Plants may be the best thing ever. Potentially.
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axololtls · 14 days
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The carnation means fascination, distinction, and love. According to a Christian legend, carnations grew from the Virgin Mary's tears as she watched Jesus carry the cross. This is how they became associated with motherly love.
Know more about amazing carnation
Dianthus caryophyllus
Clove Pinks, Angelier (Afr.), Border carnation, Clove pink, Cottage pink, Divine flower, Gilly flower, Picotee
Carnation is the birth flower for those born in the month of January.
Carnation Symbolism & Colors
Carnations grow in a wide variety of colors including pink, white, red, yellow, and scarlet. They are popular flowers for dying, so if you can’t find a natural color you like you can create it! Each color has a different meaning.
White carnations symbolize purity and luck.
Light red carnations symbolize admiration.
Dark red carnations symbolize love and affection.
Pink carnations symbolize gratitude.
Yellow carnations symbolize disappointment or rejection.
Purple carnations symbolize capriciousness.
Traditions and history
In France, purple carnations are the traditional funeral flower.Carnations are given on 1st anniversaries as a sign of love and commitment.They’re the second most popular cut flower after roses.
Carnations are the national flower of Spain and Slovenia.Since Ottoman times, red carnations and tulips are used in the interior wall paintings of mosques in Turkey. It is often said that while tulips represent God, carnations are the symbol for prophet Muhammad .{peace be upon him}
Carnations were mentioned in Greek literature 2,000 years ago. The term dianthus was coined by Greek botanist Theophrastus, and is derived from the Ancient Greek words for divine ("dios") and flower ("anthos"). The name "carnation" is believed to come from the Latin corona-ae, a "wreath, garland,
The formal name for carnation, dianthus, comes from Greek for "heavenly flower", or the flower ofCarnation Cultural Significance.
Carnation in poets
Carnations have inspired many artists, poets, and authors. British composer Joseph Mazzinghi wrote a song entitled “Ye Shepherds Tell Me”, which told of a beautiful girl wearing a wreath of flowers.
A wreath around her head,
Around her head she wore,
Carnation, lily, lily, rose,
And in her hand a crook she bore,
And sweets her breath compose.
Esteemed artist John Singer Sargent was influenced by this song, and created a painting entitled Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, which depicts two girls playing with lanterns in the garden.
Carnation in cooking
A spicy, floral taste. Ideal for adding to cakes or for use as decoration. Could be used as a colourful garnish to add to soups or salads.
Carnation overview
Dianthus caryophyllus is also known by the common name carnation. Historically this species has been cultivated for more than 2000 years. It is used medicinally, cosmetically, culinarily and as an insect repellant. The fragrant flowers are a favourite in many gardens, they make lovely cut flowers and are even listed in the top 10 cut flowers of the world, to grow at home!
Special features of Carnation
Nectar attracts butterflies and bees.
Deadhead flowers to keep this carnation blooming longer. Cutting side flower shoots will encourage the central bud grow into a larger flower.
Dianthus caryophyllus is a herbaceous perennial plant growing up to 80 cm (31+1⁄2 in) tall. The leaves are glaucous greyish green to blue-green, slender, up to 15 cm (6 in) long. The flowers are produced singly or up to five together in a cyme; they are around 3–5 cm (1+1⁄4–2 in) diameter, and sweetly scented; the original natural flower color is bright pinkish-purple, but cultivars of other colors, including red, white, yellow, blue and green, along with some white with colored striped variations have been developed.
Attracts useful insects
Nectar attracts butterflies and bees.
Attracts birds
Fragrant flowers attract nectar feeders like hummingbirds and insect eating birds too.
Facts about carnation
Purple carnations indicate capriciousness. In France, it is a traditional funeral flower, given in condolence for the death of a loved one.Carnations are often worn on special occasions, especially Mother's Day and weddings. In 1907, Anna Jarvis chose a carnation as the emblem of Mother's Day because it was her mother's favourite flower. This tradition is now observed in the United States and Canada on the second Sunday in May. Ann Jarvis chose the white carnation because she wanted to represent the purity of a mother's love. This meaning has evolved over time, and now a red carnation may be worn if one's mother is alive, and a white one if she has died.
Where carnation found
The wild carnation is found in the Mediterranean countries of Spain, Italy, Croatia, Albania, Greece and Turkey.
Know more about any flower??? Just Ask me !!!!
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sometiktoksarevalid · 8 months
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sharry-arry-odd · 1 year
"Well, that's the nice thing about trees." Mosscap put its hands on its hips and looked around. "They're not going anywhere. You can take all the time you need to know them."
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy, by Becky Chambers
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hey-d1ddle · 1 year
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Me and my sister used to throw what we called “stinky melons” at each other when we were younger. When I grew up and moved away I would talk about stinky melons and people told me I must be confusing them for rotten buffalo gourds. Now I’m this random book I was reading I learned that stinky melons are a real thing but they are actually called musk melons.
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