#Bart is made of rubber and cloth
thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Fastest little alive and a super caretaker (DC)
Bart was willing to do many things for his friends, Help them out in epic battles, babysit (though most people only made the mistake of letting him baby sit once), Run errands at super speed but today Bart Allen, the fastest boy alive was going to go about and beyond in the favor he was going to do for his second best friend. Because today he was going to let Kon diaper and baby him.
The urge to baby and look after a little guy was a left over from Kon's time spent in Gem world. After posing as and to some extent becoming the husband to Lophi and father to her son little Lon. Rao knows Kon had tried to just work his feeling out looking after little ones at a daycare job Kal had set him up with but it wasn't enough and he knew there was NO way in hell he'd be able to adopt. That left finding a little (Something Kon hadn't even known had existed till a little google search) or someone close to one who could be trusted to keep his mouth shut. Considering all of his options, it naturally came to him that Bart would fit the role perfectly. 'Now the only question is will I be able to keep up with a speed forced charged big toddler.'
Bart arrived five minutes late from when he was suppose to arrive having gotten distracted by a new arcade in town though he lied and said it was a intergang attack. Since he was doing Kon such a big solid Kon decided not to call Bart out on his bullshit excuse and just led him to the bathroom instead. "Sooo why are we coming in here? I thought I was gonna be going in diapers? Or a training potty. Oh, Do you just want me to wear?" Bart asked, going a million miles a minute like always as Kon just chuckled. "Bart, when was the last time you took a bath or had a shower?" Kon asked reasonably, starting to run a tub. "I didn't come here to have my personal hygiene attacked!" Bart huffed and pouted, crossing his arms and glaring. "Bart, Daddies give their their little ones baths and you smell like you need one." Kon said chuckling. Bart went to argue then held up a arm and sniffed a pit and made a face at the smell. "I say we agree to disagree but I'll humor you and let you give me a bath.. if I can play with some bath toys." Bart said, striping down at super speed and having spotted a few toy boats. Since Kon was going to be diapering him anyways the smaller boy didn't bother to cover up and Kon wasn't shocked that he was devoid of any chest hair or pubic. "I suppose that can be arranged, but I need to wash you first so g-" Kon started and then was hit with a splash of water as Bart jumped into the tub, shocking him.  "-et the tub.. I'm starting to see this is going to be a little different from looking after Lon." Kon sighed, dabbing his face with a towel as Bart giggled impishly.
Bart giggled as he let Kon go to work washing him. Normally he considered Showers and baths a semi waste of time because of how slow they were but having someone else do all the work was actually kinda fun. After having his hair and body washed Bart was left to coo and play with the boats and a rubber ducky as Kon cleaned up the water Bart had displaced and then went to change into dry clothes. Oddly the more he played in the tub the more he started to wonder how the ducky would taste and kept stealing glances at the door, not sure how Kon would react if he came back to Bart popping the toy in his mouth. Deciding to risk it Bart tugged the shower curtain semi closed, and then nommed on the head of the rubber ducky, and giggled, having his mouth stuffed and acting so babyish was bringing flash backs of sucking on a paci and sitting in his parents laps while they watched holo shows. He was enjoying it so much he just closed his eyes and chewed (making sure not to chew too hard) and lost himself in the feeling. So much so it wasn't until he felt the water getting warmer he realized that apparently he had relaxed a little too much, he was peeing in the tub! "Ah! Kon!" he yelped, spitting out the rubber ducky and pulling the curtain back. "I-I had a accident!"
Kon had been not only getting changed but setting up the cloth diapers for Bart, making sure he could get the little guy right into the diapies when he heard the cry and dashed into the bathroom. he might not of been as fast as Bart but he could still hit a pretty nice burst of speed and was picturing the worse. he figured Bart had gotten hurt trying to get out, or had cut himself or something else, cursing himself for leaving the little guy all alone only to get in and see the once clear bath water now had a tell tale yellowish twinge to it, and his super sense confirmed that Bart not only had peed in the tub, but needed to drink more fluids. The fastest boy alive was standing up in the tub, blushing badly and his bottom lip was trembling. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to it just came out an-" Bart was saying rapidly, sounding like a over sized toddler. "heh, it's ok little man. I know you can't control it. I should of sat you on the potty first. At least you didn't make any 'torpedo's' in the tub." Kon said tugging the plug out of the tub and then making use of the removable shower head to re-wash Bart down. Bart whined at the torpedo's comment but just shushed up and let Kon re-clean him then get him out of the tub, drying him off with a soft and fluffy towel. "Speaking of stinkies though, I only have so many diapers and we wanna make it last before I have to wash any to change you..so did you wanna sit on the potty and try to go boom boom like a big kid?" Kon asked. "I can go potty like a big kid!" Bart whined and huffed, his tone taking on a fussy toddler twinge. "And I KNOW I don't hafa uh-oh!" "mmmhmmm..Of course you know when you have to go." Kon said, smirking and using a condescending tone. "Alright, if your SURE you don't need to sit, let's go get a diapie on you widdle guy." Kon coo'ed.
Bart was huffing and pouting as he padded along, Thinking about just how much of a meanie butt Kon was being when he was trying to be a good friend, even though as they got to the bedroom he could feel his tummy churning a little. It was too late now though to say he needed to potty so he just convinced himself he could hold it for a little while. "uh Kon..you know that there are disposable diapers on earth right?" he asked, even as he dropped the towel and plopped his butt on the thick white terrycloth diapers, nothing it was pre-powdered. "heh, yeahhh but I'm used to cloth, and this is just cuter. plus I got you some adorable plastic pants." Kon chuckled, holding up a light base colored pair with rainbow sprinkles and teddy bears in diapers all over it. Looking them over, Bart's face went shocked to curious while Kon swallowed, looking unsure/hopeful that Bart would like them. As squeal escaped from Bart's mouth and he went all sparkle eyes, cooing and reaching up to hold them. "They're so cuttttttte!" the worlds fastest little in the making gushed. "heh, Glad you approve. they cost a pretty penny but figured you were worth it!" Kon said as Bart giggled and hugged the plastic pants, holding up and looking at them again then hugging them over and over. "uhhh buddy..I'm gonna need those back." "...Pin my diapies up first." Bart said, giving a toothy grin. "So clearly I'm gonna need to get you lots of teddies if we're gonna keep doing this huh?" Kon asked, tugging the cloth up and with expert ease getting the pins in and making sure the diapers were nice and tight. Bart coo'ed and squeezed his thighs together, finding he couldn't get his legs to touch Kon had gone so thick but also finding he didn't mind at all, letting out a muffled poot and getting a raised eyebrow from Kon. "Heh, you SURE you don't wanna go sit on the potty little man?" Kon asked, holding out his hand for the plastic pants. "I'm good!" Bart giggled and gave the teddy bear plastic undies one last hug then handed them over. Bart wasn't actually sure if Kon was gonna be able to slide the plastic pants over his puffy diapers, but though determination and the used of super steaght the deed was done, and Bart sat up on the bed and went to zip over to the mirror and see how he looked. went, but didn't because the thickness though off the speedster and 4 steps in he ended up plopping on his butt, a adorable surprised look on his face as Kon chuckled and gushed. "Awww! Babies first steps! wanna try again little man? I can help you if need me too." Kon coo'ed, coming over and leaning down holding out his hands. Bart almost took the offer up, but then giggled and rolled over onto all fours, and showed that even reduced to crawling he was a quick widdle guy.
Honestly the sight of Bart crawling around in JUST his diapie and getting over to the mirror and coo'ing and giggling at how he looked was just too adorable, and if it hadn't of been for the agreement of no pictures Kon would of used up half a memory card already. he almost just let Bart keep posing in front of the mirror but they did only have SO long they could do this before Bart would have to go home, so he cleared his throat as he picked up a t-shirt he had a sneaking suspicion Bart was going to lover.. since it shared the same color and designs as the plastic pants. "You don't mind if I finish getting you dressed do you?" Kon asked, a big grin on his face. Bart turned to whine that this was good, then spotted the shirt and zipped over so fast Kon barely moved to the side in time to avoid being balled over and then Bart was on his knees reaching up and trying to grab the shirt. "I want! I want!" he whined as Kon lifted it out of his reach. "ah ah ah, Let me dress you little one..arm's up." Kon said. Bart looked like he was gonna argue for a second (Kon figured he just wanted to hug the t-shirt like he had the pants) but then stuck his arms up in the air like a good little boy. Sliding the t-shirt down and adjusting it, Kon wasn't really shocked when Bart crawled back over to the mirror to look at how cute he looked and giggle like a mad man. His only regret in the whole thing was that originally it had been a teddy bear onesie Bart was meant to wear, but the company he had ordered from had messed up and there hadn't been time to fix the order. That and the company had forgotten to send the pacifiers Kon had ordered but at least his next order was going to be half off because of the mix ups. 'Oh well, always next time. sometime tells me I'm not gonna have a hard time convincing him to come back.' Kon thought. Bart coo'ed and giggled and in a move that made Kon's heart melt, leaned in and kissed his reflection, something Kon had seen other toddlers do.
Moving from the bedroom Bart's tummy was rumbling lots though Kon had given up on asking him to use the potty, which was good because he didn't wanna lose any his new favorite outfit. 'Besides, I'm just hamming it up for Kon..I'm not really a widdle diaper boy..even if i am super duper kewt.' Bart thought, though he knew he was lying to himself. there was no way he wasn't coming over and getting babied like at least ONCE a week from now on! Sitting on a blanket on the floor he studied the baby toys Kon had gotten him, he was used to the toys of his time period and these were actually more fun to play with, though he kept nom'ing on some of the more brightly colored toys. "Remind me to get you a teeth ring before next time." Kon chuckled, patting Bart's head. "..That's a thing!? I want that!" Bart said excitedly. "You sit here like a good boy while I go and make you a ba-ba, I don't want you getting all dehydrated." Kon chuckled, clearly not shocked by Bart's response. "ok..but then a teething ring? Pleassssse?" Bart whined and tried the puppy dog eyes on his new semi daddy. "Not today buddy. at least not right now." Kon said. "Whyyyyyy?!" Bart whined and huffed "Because you'd have to go shopping in your little outfit and it's mid day. Didn't think you'd wanna make this public." Kon pointed out and a muffled fart escaped as Bart blushed. "Oh..yeah.. ehehehe..didn't think about that." he said sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "I thought that might be the case. Apple juice or milk?" Kon said, chuckling lots at just how silly Bart was. "Milk please. apple juice gives me the poops. trust me, you'll take me later." Bart said and giggled, blowing a raspberry. "heh, So what your saying is if I want a super little present maker.." Kon said and winked, but then disappeared into the kitchen. '..Why do I get the feeling I'm gonna regret telling him that?' Bart thought, but then had his attention drawn to a white and blue rattle with a teddy bear on the handle and started to shake it lots.
Kon had just finished making the ba-ba of milk, 3 percent, when a loud racket started to fill the apartment and he almost dropped the bottle, stumbling out and holding one hand to his left ear and the bottle in the other, he could see Bart had found the rattle and was playing with it..at super speed not aware of the racket he was making. Not only was it loud enough to hurt Kon's super hearing, but the windows were vibrating and were seconds away from shattering.. all the while Bart was just looking at his rattle and shaking it unaware of the damage he was doing. Coming over as fast as he could (he tried to yell and get Bart's attention but the noise was too much and Bart was off in his own little world) Kon got a hand over the rattle and stopped the noise. "hey! what cha do that for!" Bart huffed. "Buddy, you were shaking it at super speed and almost blew out my eardrums, as well as break my windows." Kon said. "What? No I.." and Bart stopped and looked around, a few picture frames were cracked and things had been knocked around the room. "oh..Oh...Um.. Sowwy?" Bart said, gulping and giving a weak smile. "...it's ok buddy. I didn't think about it when I gave you a toy like that. why don't I get rid of any noise makers while you drink up." Kon said. he could see how bad Bart felt about it, but just like a parent with a real baby or toddler, he knew Bart hadn't known any better and like he had said, it was his own fault for leaving the toy there. Getting rid of anything that made noise when it was shook Kon turned around to see Bart drinking his bottle, but with a few tears coming down his cheeks. "Bart..it's Ok buddy. I'm NOT mad at you." Kon said, coming over and scooping up the big baby who tugged his ba-ba out of his mouth. "I just..I was having fun and didn't..Please let me come back for more baby time!" Bart sniffled. "Bart of course you can. I'll just have to be careful about toys I get you from now on." Kon said and kissed the whimpering big babies forehead, Taking a seat on the couch and taking the bottle from Bart and starting to feed him himself. "Besides..now we know what to do next time some Parademons attack, get you two rattles then dive for cover." Kon teased getting a giggle out of the big baby. Before the bottle was half drained two things started to happened, the first being Bart's eye lids started to droop and he was clearly falling asleep in Kon's big strong arms. the second and less adorable for anyone with a super sense of smell was Bart started to poot up a storm. 'can't say i'm shocked, known he had to go for awhile now.' Kon thought and just put up with the smell. he'd put up with worse stinks on the farm between the animals and changing Lon's diapers so it wasn't like Bart could be any worse right? with his eyelids shut tight and Kon pulling the ba-ba from the big babies mouth, moving the sleeping boy up to burp him, Kon got his answer. Between the massive budgle that was rapidly forming in the back of Bart's diapers with a series of gross sounding farts and the stink penetrating the whole apartment.. Bart was much, much worse. '...being a daddy isn't all fun and games.' Kon thought, wrinkling his nose. Still he made no move to get up and change Bart, worried about waking the little guy up. 'but I'll be damned if I'm gonna like a little..ok..BIG stinky diaper stop this!'
The end
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bellasauruss · 3 years
Ok so I inherited this horrifying Bart dummy doll from my great Aunt who passed recently
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I was literally eating supper one night and my gaze fell onto our dark laundry room where he was just sitting there like that and I went
“Dad wtf is that”
He is now in the garage lying like this on the cold, hard, concrete.
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Like this
And I HAD to draw him. He has the gaze of a tortured Victorian era child. Everywhere I go he haunts me
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corner-stories · 2 years
thrift store sluggers
Irey West. Bart Allen.
Baseball Bats. Gatorade. Thrifting.
1010 words.
Bart was often placed on “Irey Duty,” which usually involved picking her up from school or baseball practice. On occasion he would chaperone her in gatherings of young heroes, and somewhat rarely he would be tasked with teaching her the tricks of the speed force trade. The day he taught her how to run on water was one he remembered fondly, as she spent the rest of the week referring to herself as “Speedster Jesus.”
But today was different. At a normal pace, the plucky speedster duo browsed the aisles of a Keystone City thrift store. The place was modestly sized and quite clean, a perfect treasure trove of random goodies just waiting to be found. It was somewhat crowded in the afternoon as the working class rifled around the place in search of good deals.
After walking amongst shelves and shelves of junk and knick-knacks, Bart and Irey come across the sports section.
They rummaged through random football pads and hockey sticks in search of anything that resembled baseball gear. Even though Irey was flourishing in Keystone’s Little League, she was tired of having to borrow bats from her teammates and wanted one on her own. Bart figured that thrifting one for her would cheer her up today, especially considering that he had to pick her up from after school detention.
He never did ask her how she got in trouble, but according to her teacher it had something to do with a bottle of red gatorade.
Soon enough, Bart discovered an aging Louisville Slugger in a barrel full of golf clubs. It was made of a chunk of maple that time forgot, but the price tag said ‘15$’ and it seemed to have a few more swings left in it.
“Yo, Irey! I found one!” Bart called out.
The little redhead scuffled towards her cousin. She eyed the bat, confused and unsure if it was a good fit for her.
Bart felt the weight of the Slugger in his hand. He had only seen a few of Irey’s games, but he could recall seeing her borrowing a bat of a similar size. The only difference was that said bat was made of aluminum and belonged to the largest kid on her team. Growth spurts in middle school were common, but Bart swore that Lita Roman was tall enough to pass for a high schooler. No wonder they let her play as catcher.
Irey often refused the offers of smaller bats, even by her coach. Perhaps she was just used to swinging with a bigger size, or maybe she was just very determined to prove that she was the strongest player and didn’t want to show any weakness. It could have been a bit of both.
“What size are you again?” asked Bart.
Irey shrugged as she took the bat in her hands. Almost immediately, she grasped it at the end and swung it with all her might.
Fortunately, she did not hit Bart. However, the bat just happened to strike a conveniently placed lacrosse ball just sitting on the shelves.
The plucky speedster duo could only stand and watch as the chunk of rubber flew from its stationary position and soared throughout the thrift store. It struck a wall and bounced off with a startlingly loud impact noise.
The other customers glanced over in shock as the ball descended down to the ground and landed in a basket of clothes near the changing room. Luck was on the side of the speedsters today, as the elderly lady working the cashier was conveniently napping as this all happened.
Irey’s eyes were wide and panicked when she glanced at her cousin again. Looking to him for guidance and advice was a common occurrence and Bart glaring like a deer in the headlights was even more so.
“Uh… okay, I guess we’re taking it,” Bart said, taking the Slugger from her hands. “My treat.”
Irey nodded quickly. “Okay. Can we stay here for a bit longer? I saw some old balls over there.”
It took all of Bart’s willpower to stifle a snicker. “Oh you betcha, sure.”
Irey grinned and happily skipped over to a large bin of miscellaneous sports junk. Most of them were depressingly deflated footballs and dodgeballs, but after rummaging around she managed to find some softballs and baseballs. It would be good to have a few around for practice, especially since her Little League coach had deemed Irey as “Official Back-Up Pitcher,” her killer curveball bringing her to glory.
As Irey gathered a bunch of old balls into her arms, Bart walked over with the old Slugger resting upwards against his shoulder.
“So… mind telling me why you got detention today?” he asked idly. “Did you like… pour gatorade all over a desk or something?”
Irey pursed her lips into a line and she focused only on the old bin of balls. “Do you know Linus Petzler?”
Bart nodded. “Yeah, the little shit in your gym class?”
Irey huffed. “He started tugging on girl’s ponytails during class. The teacher told him to stop but he kept doing it.”
“So you… threw gatorade at him?” Bart tried, confused.
Irey shook her head and stared her cousin straight in the eye. “No — at lunch all the girls were still mad at him, so we poured red gatorade all over a tampon and I chucked it at his table. It hit him in the face, so all the boys screamed and ran away and I took the fall for my classmates.” She spoke with a kind of honorable pride in her voice, as if she did a noble thing in order to protect the most vulnerable ones in the world.
Moments passed and Bart could only stare at her in shock. He wasn’t sure whether to fear Irey or respect her. Somehow, he managed an awkward chuckle and patted her on the shoulder.
“Well, girls will be girls,” he said with a joking grin. He gave her right arm an affectionate squeeze. “At least you’re using your powers for good.”
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Worlds fastest Little and a Super caretaker
Bart was willing to do many things for his friends, Help them out in epic battles, babysit (though most people only made the mistake of letting him baby sit once), Run errands at super speed but today Bart Allen, the fastest boy alive was going to go about and beyond in the favor he was going to do for his second best friend.
Because today he was going to let Kon diaper and baby him.
The urge to baby and look after a little guy was a left over from Kon's time spent in Gem world. After posing as and to some extent becoming the husband to Lophi and father to her son little Lon. Rao knows Kon had tried to just work his feeling out looking after little ones at a daycare job Kal had set him up with but it wasn't enough and he knew there was NO way in hell he'd be able to adopt.
That left finding a little (Something Kon hadn't even known had existed till a little google search) or someone close to one who could be trusted to keep his mouth shut.
Considering all of his options, it naturally came to him that Bart would fit the role perfectly.
'Now the only question is will I be able to keep up with a speed forced charged big toddler.'
Bart arrived five minutes late from when he was suppose to arrive having gotten distracted by a new arcade in town though he lied and said it was a intergang attack. Since he was doing Kon such a big solid Kon decided not to call Bart out on his bullshit excuse and just led him to the bathroom instead.
"Sooo why are we coming in here? I thought I was gonna be going in diapers? Or a training potty. Oh, Do you just want me to wear?" Bart asked, going a million miles a minute like always as Kon just chuckled.
"Bart, when was the last time you took a bath or had a shower?" Kon asked reasonably, starting to run a tub.
"I didn't come here to have my personal hygiene attacked!" Bart huffed and pouted, crossing his arms and glaring.
"Bart, Daddies give their their little ones baths and you smell like you need one." Kon said chuckling.
Bart went to argue then held up a arm and sniffed a pit and made a face at the smell.
"I say we agree to disagree but I'll humor you and let you give me a bath.. if I can play with some bath toys." Bart said, striping down at super speed and having spotted a few toy boats.
Since Kon was going to be diapering him anyways the smaller boy didn't bother to cover up and Kon wasn't shocked that he was devoid of any chest hair or pubic.
"I suppose that can be arranged, but I need to wash you first so g-" Kon started and then was hit with a splash of water as Bart jumped into the tub, shocking him. "-et the tub.. I'm starting to see this is going to be a little different from looking after Lon." Kon sighed, dabbing his face with a towel as Bart giggled impishly.
Bart giggled as he let Kon go to work washing him. Normally he considered Showers and baths a semi waste of time because of how slow they were but having someone else do all the work was actually kinda fun.
After having his hair and body washed Bart was left to coo and play with the boats and a rubber ducky as Kon cleaned up the water Bart had displaced and then went to change into dry clothes.
Oddly the more he played in the tub the more he started to wonder how the ducky would taste and kept stealing glances at the door, not sure how Kon would react if he came back to Bart popping the toy in his mouth.
Deciding to risk it Bart tugged the shower curtain semi closed, and then nommed on the head of the rubber ducky, and giggled, having his mouth stuffed and acting so babyish was bringing flash backs of sucking on a paci and sitting in his parents laps while they watched holo shows. He was enjoying it so much he just closed his eyes and chewed (making sure not to chew too hard) and lost himself in the feeling.
So much so it wasn't until he felt the water getting warmer he realized that apparently he had relaxed a little too much, he was peeing in the tub!
"Ah! Kon!" he yelped, spitting out the rubber ducky and pulling the curtain back. "I-I had a accident!"
Kon had been not only getting changed but setting up the cloth diapers for Bart, making sure he could get the little guy right into the diapies when he heard the cry and dashed into the bathroom.
he might not of been as fast as Bart but he could still hit a pretty nice burst of speed and was picturing the worse. he figured Bart had gotten hurt trying to get out, or had cut himself or something else, cursing himself for leaving the little guy all alone only to get in and see the once clear bath water now had a tell tale yellowish twinge to it, and his super sense confirmed that Bart not only had peed in the tub, but needed to drink more fluids.
The fastest boy alive was standing up in the tub, blushing badly and his bottom lip was trembling.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to it just came out an-" Bart was saying rapidly, sounding like a over sized toddler.
"heh, it's ok little man. I know you can't control it. I should of sat you on the potty first. At least you didn't make any 'torpedo's' in the tub." Kon said tugging the plug out of the tub and then making use of the removable shower head to re-wash Bart down.
Bart whined at the torpedo's comment but just shushed up and let Kon re-clean him then get him out of the tub, drying him off with a soft and fluffy towel.
"Speaking of stinkies though, I only have so many diapers and we wanna make it last before I have to wash any to change you..so did you wanna sit on the potty and try to go boom boom like a big kid?" Kon asked.
"I can go potty like a big kid!" Bart whined and huffed, his tone taking on a fussy toddler twinge. "And I KNOW I don't hafa uh-oh!"
"mmmhmmm..Of course you know when you have to go." Kon said, smirking and using a condescending tone. "Alright, if your SURE you don't need to sit, let's go get a diapie on you widdle guy." Kon coo'ed.
Bart was huffing and pouting as he padded along, Thinking about just how much of a meanie butt Kon was being when he was trying to be a good friend, even though as they got to the bedroom he could feel his tummy churning a little.
It was too late now though to say he needed to potty so he just convinced himself he could hold it for a little while.
"uh Kon..you know that there are disposable diapers on earth right?" he asked, even as he dropped the towel and plopped his butt on the thick white terrycloth diapers, nothing it was pre-powdered.
"heh, yeahhh but I'm used to cloth, and this is just cuter. plus I got you some adorable plastic pants." Kon chuckled, holding up a light base colored pair with rainbow sprinkles and teddy bears in diapers all over it.
Looking them over, Bart's face went shocked to curious while Kon swallowed, looking unsure/hopeful that Bart would like them.
As squeal escaped from Bart's mouth and he went all sparkle eyes, cooing and reaching up to hold them.
"They're so cuttttttte!" the worlds fastest little in the making gushed.
"heh, Glad you approve. they cost a pretty penny but figured you were worth it!" Kon said as Bart giggled and hugged the plastic pants, holding up and looking at them again then hugging them over and over. "uhhh buddy..I'm gonna need those back."
"...Pin my diapies up first." Bart said, giving a toothy grin.
"So clearly I'm gonna need to get you lots of teddies if we're gonna keep doing this huh?" Kon asked, tugging the cloth up and with expert ease getting the pins in and making sure the diapers were nice and tight.
Bart coo'ed and squeezed his thighs together, finding he couldn't get his legs to touch Kon had gone so thick but also finding he didn't mind at all, letting out a muffled poot and getting a raised eyebrow from Kon.
"Heh, you SURE you don't wanna go sit on the potty little man?" Kon asked, holding out his hand for the plastic pants.
"I'm good!" Bart giggled and gave the teddy bear plastic undies one last hug then handed them over.
Bart wasn't actually sure if Kon was gonna be able to slide the plastic pants over his puffy diapers, but though determination and the used of super steaght the deed was done, and Bart sat up on the bed and went to zip over to the mirror and see how he looked.
went, but didn't because the thickness though off the speedster and 4 steps in he ended up plopping on his butt, a adorable surprised look on his face as Kon chuckled and gushed.
"Awww! Babies first steps! wanna try again little man? I can help you if need me too." Kon coo'ed, coming over and leaning down holding out his hands.
Bart almost took the offer up, but then giggled and rolled over onto all fours, and showed that even reduced to crawling he was a quick widdle guy.
Honestly the sight of Bart crawling around in JUST his diapie and getting over to the mirror and coo'ing and giggling at how he looked was just too adorable, and if it hadn't of been for the agreement of no pictures Kon would of used up half a memory card already. he almost just let Bart keep posing in front of the mirror but they did only have SO long they could do this before Bart would have to go home, so he cleared his throat as he picked up a t-shirt he had a sneaking suspicion Bart was going to lover.. since it shared the same color and designs as the plastic pants.
"You don't mind if I finish getting you dressed do you?" Kon asked, a big grin on his face.
Bart turned to whine that this was good, then spotted the shirt and zipped over so fast Kon barely moved to the side in time to avoid being balled over and then Bart was on his knees reaching up and trying to grab the shirt.
"I want! I want!" he whined as Kon lifted it out of his reach.
"ah ah ah, Let me dress you little one..arm's up." Kon said.
Bart looked like he was gonna argue for a second (Kon figured he just wanted to hug the t-shirt like he had the pants) but then stuck his arms up in the air like a good little boy.
Sliding the t-shirt down and adjusting it, Kon wasn't really shocked when Bart crawled back over to the mirror to look at how cute he looked and giggle like a mad man.
His only regret in the whole thing was that originally it had been a teddy bear onesie Bart was meant to wear, but the company he had ordered from had messed up and there hadn't been time to fix the order. That and the company had forgotten to send the pacifiers Kon had ordered but at least his next order was going to be half off because of the mix ups.
'Oh well, always next time. sometime tells me I'm not gonna have a hard time convincing him to come back.' Kon thought.
Bart coo'ed and giggled and in a move that made Kon's heart melt, leaned in and kissed his reflection, something Kon had seen other toddlers do.
Moving from the bedroom Bart's tummy was rumbling lots though Kon had given up on asking him to use the potty, which was good because he didn't wanna lose any his new favorite outfit.
'Besides, I'm just hamming it up for Kon..I'm not really a widdle diaper boy..even if i am super duper kewt.' Bart thought, though he knew he was lying to himself.
there was no way he wasn't coming over and getting babied like at least ONCE a week from now on!
Sitting on a blanket on the floor he studied the baby toys Kon had gotten him, he was used to the toys of his time period and these were actually more fun to play with, though he kept nom'ing on some of the more brightly colored toys.
"Remind me to get you a teeth ring before next time." Kon chuckled, patting Bart's head.
"..That's a thing!? I want that!" Bart said excitedly.
"You sit here like a good boy while I go and make you a ba-ba, I don't want you getting all dehydrated." Kon chuckled, clearly not shocked by Bart's response.
"ok..but then a teething ring? Pleassssse?" Bart whined and tried the puppy dog eyes on his new semi daddy.
"Not today buddy. at least not right now." Kon said.
"Whyyyyyy?!" Bart whined and huffed
"Because you'd have to go shopping in your little outfit and it's mid day. Didn't think you'd wanna make this public." Kon pointed out and a muffled fart escaped as Bart blushed.
"Oh..yeah.. ehehehe..didn't think about that." he said sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head.
"I thought that might be the case. Apple juice or milk?" Kon said, chuckling lots at just how silly Bart was.
"Milk please. apple juice gives me the poops. trust me, you'll take me later." Bart said and giggled, blowing a raspberry.
"heh, So what your saying is if I want a super little present maker.." Kon said and winked, but then disappeared into the kitchen.
'..Why do I get the feeling I'm gonna regret telling him that?' Bart thought, but then had his attention drawn to a white and blue rattle with a teddy bear on the handle and started to shake it lots.
Kon had just finished making the ba-ba of milk, 3 percent, when a loud racket started to fill the apartment and he almost dropped the bottle, stumbling out and holding one hand to his left ear and the bottle in the other, he could see Bart had found the rattle and was playing with it..at super speed not aware of the racket he was making.
Not only was it loud enough to hurt Kon's super hearing, but the windows were vibrating and were seconds away from shattering.. all the while Bart was just looking at his rattle and shaking it unaware of the damage he was doing.
Coming over as fast as he could (he tried to yell and get Bart's attention but the noise was too much and Bart was off in his own little world) Kon got a hand over the rattle and stopped the noise.
"hey! what cha do that for!" Bart huffed.
"Buddy, you were shaking it at super speed and almost blew out my eardrums, as well as break my windows." Kon said.
"What? No I.." and Bart stopped and looked around, a few picture frames were cracked and things had been knocked around the room. "oh..Oh...Um.. Sowwy?" Bart said, gulping and giving a weak smile.
"...it's ok buddy. I didn't think about it when I gave you a toy like that. why don't I get rid of any noise makers while you drink up." Kon said.
he could see how bad Bart felt about it, but just like a parent with a real baby or toddler, he knew Bart hadn't known any better and like he had said, it was his own fault for leaving the toy there.
Getting rid of anything that made noise when it was shook Kon turned around to see Bart drinking his bottle, but with a few tears coming down his cheeks.
"Bart..it's Ok buddy. I'm NOT mad at you." Kon said, coming over and scooping up the big baby who tugged his ba-ba out of his mouth.
"I just..I was having fun and didn't..Please let me come back for more baby time!" Bart sniffled.
"Bart of course you can. I'll just have to be careful about toys I get you from now on." Kon said and kissed the whimpering big babies forehead, Taking a seat on the couch and taking the bottle from Bart and starting to feed him himself.
"Besides..now we know what to do next time some Parademons attack, get you two rattles then dive for cover." Kon teased getting a giggle out of the big baby.
Before the bottle was half drained two things started to happened, the first being Bart's eye lids started to droop and he was clearly falling asleep in Kon's big strong arms.
the second and less adorable for anyone with a super sense of smell was Bart started to poot up a storm.
'can't say i'm shocked, known he had to go for awhile now.' Kon thought and just put up with the smell.
he'd put up with worse stinks on the farm between the animals and changing Lon's diapers so it wasn't like Bart could be any worse right?
with his eyelids shut tight and Kon pulling the ba-ba from the big babies mouth, moving the sleeping boy up to burp him, Kon got his answer.
Between the massive budgle that was rapidly forming in the back of Bart's diapers with a series of gross sounding farts and the stink penetrating the whole apartment.. Bart was much, much worse.
'...being a daddy isn't all fun and games.' Kon thought, wrinkling his nose.
Still he made no move to get up and change Bart, worried about waking the little guy up.
'but I'll be damned if I'm gonna like a little..ok..BIG stinky diaper stop this!'
The end
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twistednuns · 4 years
October 2020
To buttress - increase the strength of or justification for; reinforce / to mollycoddle - to give someone too much care or protection. 
A letter from Nina. One of those weird internet connections. Not my first one, certainly not my last one.
Frank’s DnD backstory reads quite insightful/poetic to me as he has taken so much from his life. He might have done it without intent but it’s quite obvious to me. I’ve agreed to make a character sketch for him. I’m looking forward to the challenge but I’m also afraid of starting the project because obviously I want it to be perfect. Anyway so the other night I sat at his kitchen table and started drawing a facial composite for his goliath. Lots of sketches actually with him giving me some prompts and ideas. I think he loved watching me do my magic. What a peaceful moment.
Applause from some students. Simply for entering the room. They must really hate their English teacher, eh?
I’ve started forming the habit of drawing tarot cards on a full moon and new moon night. It helps me set an intention for the following two weeks. So on the first of October I drew the Queen of Wands to represent me and I’m loving it. It’s the perfect choice.
The fabric dyeing process for the Plot exhibition at Haus der Kunst
Inviting warmth into my life. Wearing appropriately warm clothing. Even hats. Drinking tea all the time. Turning the heating on even though it’s only September. Warm breakfast. Ayurveda inspiration. Hot baths. Thinking about buying an electric heating blanket for my bed.So far I’ve been taking a hot water bottle to bed with me pretty much every night.
Finding one of those Barts woolly animal hats online. This one came with tigers. And the seller sent me a cherry marzipan teabag. I enjoyed it on a cold and rainy Saturday morning.
FAQ: The Status of the Shits Women Have Left to Give
Reading the final scenes of Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone trilogy. I actually took the wrong bus one evening and ended up in front of one of the Pinakotheken instead of Villa Stuck. I must have been quite immersed. I’m very happy with the ending. I mean, the main character is walking around the house barefoot with the smell of fresh paint following her, her hair loose. What a wonderful image.
The wind blowing through the maple trees outside my living room window. I’m just going to quote a Wikipedia article to explain what happened next: The distinctive fruits are called samaras, “maple keys”, “helicopters”, “whirlybirds” or “polynoses”. These seeds occur in distinctive pairs each containing one seed enclosed in a “nutlet” attached to a flattened wing of fibrous, papery tissue. They are shaped to spin as they fall and to carry the seeds a considerable distance on the wind. People often call them “helicopters” due to the way that they spin as they fall. During World War II, the US Army developed a special airdrop supply carrier that could carry up to 65 pounds (29 kg) of supplies and was based on the maple seed.
Monsieur Wiener - I’ve paid him a visit when I had problems with my analogue Pentax camera!
I don’t know why but one dark Friday evening I slipped into the empty church at Odeonsplatz. I loved the peaceful atmosphere, the specific smell and the red church candles flickering.
I loved meeting Flo. We had such a great time, constantly joking, talking about this and that. Sailor Mercury, Hades, our family. His wink. He said that I had been exactly right but in the end apparently I wasn’t. It stung because he had been one of the rare guys in the last months (years, actually) I actually liked. Oh well. I guess it wasn’t meant to be after all. This is what the Universe had to say about it the other day: There are no accidents. If it’s appeared on your life’s radar, this is why: to teach you that dreams come true; to reveal that you have the power to fix what’s broken and heal what hurts; to catapult you beyond seeing with just your physical senses; and to lift the veils that have kept you from seeing that you’re already the person you dreamed you’d become.
Videos of Marno and Erin together. Also: she is so freakin’ beautiful as a marauder.
A surprise call from Ann-Katrin.
Sweet chai tea with milk.
The bright moonlight making the neighbours’ roof look like fish scales.
Forensic linguistics. I listened to a podcast episode about the Unabomber who was only discovered after his brother had noticed some stylistic irregularities in his manifesto. You can’t eat your cake and have it too.
Autumn leaves. Especially when it’s just the outer leaves turning red or yellow while the rest of the foliage is still green.
Sitting next to my ten-year-old student Ella on the bus on our way home on a Friday afternoon. She’s a very chatty Gemini and even though her self-importance and constant talking can be quite annoying I’ve kinda taken a liking to her.
A bunch of Alstroemeria in my dark green glass vase on the desk. A pretty image.
I still appreciate how beautiful my LuLuLemon thermos bottle is after all this time.
I should probably mention my new hair (extensions). Well, it looks absolutely gorgeous from the front. But I already know that I won’t get them again because you can see the glue in a few places, it’s quite hard, often painful and feels unnatural. And of course it’s much too expensive.
Baby carrots with King hummus.
My lunch dates with Becky.
Making my favourite sour thai curry. With rice noodles. And peanuts and cilantro. Yum.
Starting to work on a big soapstone sculpture. It’s going to be a hand! I love it when I have a group of calm students. It allows me to work on a project with them.
Making delicious pumpkin lasagna.
Visiting Manu’s mum. Making plum dumplings together. A fun afternoon in their kitchen.
A very cosy Sunday. Waking up at 5:30am. Watching Practical Magic in bed. Having a slice of pumpkin lasagna for breakfast. A sudden urge to get out, dressing up to keep out the cold, going out, early, streetlights still on. A walk through the woods. I loved how calm everything was. Being out before all the others had a chance to disturb the stillness with their kids and dogs and bicycles. Making lebkuchen. Lots of pecans. Having a nap. Writing a letter. Drawing weird mushrooms and bugs.
Autumnal smells. The moist smell of the forest ground, mushrooms, the smell of chimneys on a cold Sunday morning. Incense, gingerbread spices. Facial oil with lavender and iris. Roasted pecans.
A crafty day. I made a haunted house, some ghosts, spiders, bats, skulls and pumpkins out of paper.
Meeting Frank in front of Residenztheater. The whole square was empty, he was the only person there. Waiting for me. Looking up to the opera roof. What an impressive building.
Talking about living life in story mode and action mode. I feel so stuck in action mode at the moment and desperately want to switch to story mode. Fantasy, magic, coincidences and meaning.
Spicy pumpkin recipes in the current issue of Schrot und Korn.
Rice and hazelnut milk as a bedtime treat.
Collecting autumn leaves. Chestnuts, acorns, feathers, beechnuts. Making a little autumnal alter with some crystals.
Thursday mornings. So much time for myself. Lots of tea, warm breakfast.
Treating myself to massages and nice facial creams and serums. Ya Yah is such a gifted person. I love her massages the most. The other day I also got a facial for the first time in many many years. It was nice to be wrapped in an extremely fluffy blanket. When the bright lights were on I could see different colours after closing my eyes and imagined being at a tropical beach. Unintentional ASMR sounds from the rubber gloves. Cosy.
Spicy winter tea in my new thermos bottle. The steam swirling up from my favourite mug (the moon phase mug I bough in Canada).
Buying cheap sparkly stickers, washi tape and stamps. Just because.
Pecan nuts are the BEST. Crazy delicious.
Porridge with coconut milk and mango for breakfast. Persimmons. Candles in the morning.
Gloomy twilight. The dark hour right before sunset/sunrise. Spooky black silhouettes against the ink blue or greyish white sky. Fairy lights. Memories of spending Halloween at Greyfriar’s Kirkyard in Edinburgh.
Finding yet another woolly hat for my collection. This time with pheasants.
Deltavenus’ Instagram feed.
Cutting open a fresh lime.
Happily singing along to my two favourite mantras (Jai Mata Kali / Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha) while making apple galette. Trying to harmonise in different ways.
A very surprising call from Claudia. She ended up in my kitchen, drinking half a bottle of wine.
A lovely Sunday with Sash. A walk through the English garden.   Watching the waterfall, falling leaves, backlit by the afternoon sunlight. Haus der Kunst. Getting in for free (art teacher bonus). I really liked the Michael Armitage exhibition and the enormous dyed curtains in the hall. Franz Erhard Walther’s Dust of Stars autobiography was impressive as well. I just ordered the book online; I’m looking forward to reading it. We also had a drink at Goldene Bar and enjoyed a late lunch at Baoz Bar.
Becky leaving me a lovely note and an English magazine on my desk.
Fink’s Knödelstube with Lena and Sash. We had 13 different kinds of dumplings. Heavenly delicious.
I came to realise that mornings are my favourite time of the day. I love gloomy, dark sunrises and my usual productivity highs.
Writing limericks with the kids.
Getting lost in the woods after dark which might not look like a good think at first glance but I uncovered a little secret - some bee hives I had never seen before!
A mild obsession with The Corrs’ song Old Town. I didn’t even know where it came from. It’s not a song I’ve ever actively listened to.
Learning about sesame plants. Another one of those plants I expected to look completely different.
I can smell mushrooms. On Saturday morning I went to the forest again early in the morning and whenever I would get a whiff of mushrooms and look down there they were.
Dog owners wishing me a good morning on my walk. Interestingly only men, the women tend to ignore me.
Wicked! - Modern Art’s Interest in the Occult. Learning about Leonora Carrington.
James’ chameleons in art class. He drew one representing each of his family members. He was the one licking a bat. Bold.
Buying far too many books. But I found out that Naomi Novik just published a new novel about a school of magic. And within two days I came across the writer Ursula K. Le Guin three times so I took it as a sign and got one of her books as well.
Prepare for the Roaring Twenties - The human desire to socialize will survive the pandemic.
A deep talk session with Jonathan about getting old, having children, self-worth, dating, obeying rules.
Finding my favourite pair of jeans on Kleiderkreisel for a fraction of the original price. And a baseball jacket with a Strange Ladies Society print on the back.
A walk in the forest before work. Something I’ve never done before I think. So good for my nerves, really.
The art of decision-making.
Joy praising me for my authoritative voice (effectively making the fifth-graders do what I want).
Decorating the classroom with the fifth-graders. I love my haunted house on the window pane, their lovely spiders, ghosts and bats. I should probably mention that our class mascot is a cute spider named Crawley so we’re all quite into spooky stuff. On the last day before the holidays we all showed up in costumes, played a Halloween quiz, listened to creepy music and I brought some candy, too. Fun!
Meeting the gang on Halloween. Japanese-inspired dinner and a board game.
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rupturedtaleblog · 5 years
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[Original Post]
[Image Mirror]
Here it is, everybody!
Thanks to your submissions, this horrifying abomination of an image has finally been created!
Or, as I like to call it...
The Jack Battalion
In order of appearence (along with the sprite contributors):
Original Hatless.
Original Hatless & Jacketless
Vriska Serket from Homestuck.
Christmas Outfit.
Phoenix Wright from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. (Halloween Costume).
Split Personalitale Jack (First Split).
Split Personalitale Jack (Second Split).
Jisk 1.
Jisk 2.
Jisk 3.
penthos. (Rupturedtale Edition).
Joseph from Preboot @ut-fragmented-au
Peter from @terraformed-au
Abigail from @ut-ladentrue by Datudou
Valor from @ut-metal-and-magic
Aston from @barrier-blocks-au
Frederick from preboot @whatitoncewas-au
Asgore from Reflective Journey, by @mamar12
Asgore from Reflective Journey, by @mamar12 (joke)
Sans from Reflective Journey, by @mamar12
Frisk from the @ut-tantamount Preboot
Jack from Team Surge Tubertale.
Cole from The Waking Dream.
Hinawa from Mother 3.
Brad Armstrong from LISA The Painful RPG.
The Batter from OFF.
Spades Slick from Homestuck.
Karkat Vantas from Homestuck.
Mario from Super Mario on the PS4.
Porky Minch from Earthbound and Mother 3.
Schoolgirl Jack.
Squidward Jack.
Jack’s Final Form
Broken Jack
Actual Tile as Jack.
Jack as Actual Tile
Female Jack
Fat Jack
Jack Pawnthos from @auversallockdown
Vessel Jack by Puffle
Beta Jack by JakeThatDog
Jack With Three Hats by Puffle
Jile by JakeThatDog
Nelson Jack by Aqua
Red Mist Jack by Aqua
Nogla from @official-tubertale by Pixelcrusher
Sans from @ut-storyspin by Pixelcrusher
Reverse Jack by @fmsdraws
Paper Jack by @fmsdraws
Joseph from @ut-fragmented-au by @swordlover87
Jack Caretaker by @fmsdraws
Female Jack by @fmsdraws
Goo Jack by DastardlyDeacon
Frisk from Deacon’s Swapspin by DastardlyDeacon
Frisk (Revised) from Deacon’s Swapspin by DastardlyDeacon
Jinty 2.0 from @rupturedtaleblog by JakeThatDog
Joge from @rupturedtaleblog by JakeThatDog
Joge (Armored) from @rupturedtaleblog by JakeThatDog
Cerulean by DastardlyDeacon
Protagonist of Freefall by Namiki
Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair by ThatoneJimmy12
Sou Hiyori from Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-
Jack Noir by Alan900900900
Jack as Dusted from @ut-impulse-break by Dihze
Dusted as Jack from @ut-impulse-breakby Dihze
Jack’s Ultimate Form by @swordlover87
[...] from @undert-a-le
Dino Jack
Beefy Jack
Child Jack
Adult Jack
Yes by @skeletalscallybones
Jack’s Penultimate Form by Jellybean_Bloom
Awful Hospital Jack by Puffle 
Awful Hospital Jack (Green) by Puffle 
Awful Hospital Jack (Blue) by Puffle 
Awful Hospital Jack (Green Gown) by Puffle 
Awful Hospital Jack (Blue Gown) by Puffle 
Jack Awakening by Puffle
Trans Rights Jack by Puffle
Bear Jack by Puffle
Bojack Horseman from the hit tv sitcom Horsin’ Around.
Jack by Skulgan
Conveniently Shaped Jack by JakeThatDog
Blue Cheesecake by Jellybean_Bloom
LustJack by Jellybean_Bloom
Jackgar by JakeThatDog
98 Killjoy by JakeThatDog
Jack Chungus by Puffle
The Spy by JakeThatDog
The Spy (Disguised as Doge) by JakeThatDog
Goomba Jack by Puffle
Ruptured Jack
This Stop Sign Is a Hexagon by @audiospawn
Upside-Down Jack by Puffle
Jack Dying For Our Sins by Puffle
Tiny Jack
Crossbones from @tsunderswapofficial by Beethovenus
W.D. Jack by JakeThatDog
Jack Spep by Beethovenus
Madjack by Beethovenus
Burgerpants from @tsunderswapofficial by Beethovenus
Wet Jack by Beethovenus
Jack Wazowski by Puffle
Ice Cream Cone Jack by CHAOS_FANTAZY
Jack Unyessing by Jellybean_Bloom
Fresh Jack by Jellybean_Bloom
Tux Jack by Time Traveler
Jack MC by JakeThatDog (why)
99 Hot Air by Puffle
Airplane Jack by Puffle
Alien Jack by Puffle
Alien Jack (Attack Mode) by Puffle
Rubber-Band Jack by Puffle
Jack Simpson by JakeThatDog
Jack HD Remastered by JakeThatDog
Annoying Jack by Puffle
Chef Jack by Puffle
Jaggie Parsa by JakeThatDog
Jalphis by JakeThatDog
Jack from Rupturedcraft by JakeThatDog
Winter Jack by @mamar12
Japyrus by @subna03
Jalsei by @subna03
Jack doing his best by Jellybean_Bloom
JC by JakeThatDog
AK by JakeThatDog
Jack Troll by JakeThatDog
Jack Skellington by JakeThatDog
Business Jack by JakeThatDog
Jack Sanchez by Tyler Boomed
Papyrus from @invertedfate by JakeThatDog
Sack by Thatonejimmy
Jack’s Head
Jack’s Head Yessing
sack rupturedtale by Thatonejimmy
Gabriel by @vuristwo
Bald Jack
Homer Simpson by Tyler Boomed
Peter Griffin by Tyler Boomed
Undetailed Jack by JakeThatDog
Undetailed Jack by Puffle
Bart from Title Pending
Grimmer from Until De4th
Jumbo Jack by JakeThatDog
Glyde After He Stole Jack’s Clothes
Ninty In Jack’s Body by @skeletalscallybones
Shrak Has Swag by @skeletalscallybones
Jack Edit by @wingeddogglob
Yoshikage Kira from Diamond is Unbreakable by Spouting - @ut-sudden-changes
Yoshikage Kira from JOJOLION by Spouting - @ut-sudden-changes​
Jack Penthos by Spouting - @ut-sudden-changes​
Deltarupture Jack (Light World) by Spouting - @ut-sudden-changes​
Deltarupture Jack (Dark World) by Spouting - @ut-sudden-changes​
Jack Minecraft Skin by Wrongnut.
Doge’s Human Cosplay.
  Bonus 1: Homestuck Kid Jack by Aurial.   Bonus 2: Homestuck Troll Jack
(Any sprite that’s missing a sprite creator was most likely made by me.)
Thank you for participating in this awful great social experiment! This battalion wouldn’t be complete without your help!
Submissions for more are closed now, but they might re-open in the future.
With that said, please, enjoy this creation.
Enjoy it, and suffer.
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mayleebaby28 · 5 years
College AU: Someone Still Loves You
Kon really wasn’t surprised when Tim sat down in the same clothes as the day before, but what was a little off putting was the shoe print on his sleeve and the leaves in his hair.
“Don’t.” Tim snapped as he flopped into his chair and crossing his arms. He didn’t even have his backpack. He reached over and snatched the piece of paper off of Kon’s desk and the dull pencil out of his hand.
“I sooo don’t have enough stuff to share,” Kon said, raising a brow.
“Just let me write the notes, I have better hand writing,” Tim sighed, glaring at the end of the pencil where the eraser was non-existent. “How is it that you can do bullshit like this but I’m the mess?”
“Because I genuinely don’t care and you pretend you don’t care but actually care too much,” Kon said, raising a brow. And really, he didn’t care, as long as he graduated. If he kept his grades decent he could stay at school and didn’t have to move home and that was the whole reason he went away to college.
Tim turned his glare to his friend.
“If I had gotten more sleep, I’d say something equally as painful and true back to you, but I don’t have the brain capacity,” Tim said with a raised brow.
“What happened last night?” Kon asked, though he was sure he at least knew it had to do with-
“My dumbass roommate brought a girl home last night,” Tim said. “And of course I didn’t know that before I went to get a cup of coffee so I could hammer out my paper, left my laptop, backpack, everything but five bucks in cash in the dorm. I slept in the hallway, got stepped on this morning. I didn’t have my key so I couldn’t get into the dorm even though he went to class already, and then I was walking to class and tripped and fell in the shrub outside.”
Kon blinked a few times.
“You know you can come bunk with me and Bart if you get kicked out of your room,” Kon said, and Tim sighed. “Like, we’ve got that chair that’s pretty comfy. Remember, you slept in it after freshman orientation.”
Tim remembered. He also remembered throwing up in the trashcan beside it. College was an experience.
“Well based on the sounds I could hear, I think she’ll be back tonight so maybe I will,” Tim nodded. Kon reached over and pulled a leaf out of Tim’s hair as the professor walked in.
Tim had managed to at least grab his laptop and backpack out of his room before there was a girl at their door and his roommate asked if he could take a walk or something.
Of course.
Tim grabbed his beanie and skateboard and headed out. Kon’s dorm was on the other side of campus, in the slightly nicer, newer building. He and Bart had a kitchen and a bathroom to themselves, which was so much better than the communal bathrooms that Tim got stuck in.
The wind whipped a few hairs around his face as he let his board carry him down the sidewalk, and he crouched to get a bit more speed as he rounded a corner and started towards the stairs. He gripped his board as he jumped and slid down the rail, which was so much better than last time he had tried and missed and fell the six steps down.
That resulted in a fractured wrist and a hot pink cast.
He finally got to their dorm and shot Kon a text so he could be let in. The student who usually buzzed people in during the day was gone, since it was so late.
It took a few minutes, but soon he saw Kon walking towards the glass doors, looking as hot as Tim has ever seen him.
Tim had harbored a small crush on Kon for three years, but had mostly ignored it because they became such good friends freshman year. Tim had been skating as fast as he could for orientation because he was running late, and ended up colliding with Bart and Kon, who were running because they were also late. From there they stuck together all day, went to the parties together, even roomed in one of the big, seven person dorms last year.
But none of them got good assignments that year, so Tim was suck with a prick who liked women far too much.
“Hey,” Kon said as he opened the door with a smile. “Get kicked out again?”
“Yeah,” Tim nodded, picking up his board. “Mind an extra roommate?”
“Nah, come on,” Kon nodded his head towards the inside of the building, and Tim followed. Kon was wearing a charcoal t-shirt and light, ripped up jeans that were rolled up his calved, and a red and black flannel tied around his waist. He even had his silver cross necklace and a leather bracelet. He looked like he walked out of a teen magazine.
Meanwhile, Tim was wearing a dark red hoodie and a black t-shirt with his black jeans and maroon beanie, all of which screamed ‘fuck off’.
“So who was it this time?” Kon asked as they headed up the stairs.
“The screamer from the third floor,” Tim rolled his eyes. “Not the one from last night, that was the girl who kept calling him Daddy. I think she was from the sorority house.”
“I don’t think I could live in that room,” Kon said, wrinkling his nose, which brought out his few freckles. “I mean, who knows what they do and where they do it.”
“Yeah, I’m not a big fan of it either,” Tim said as they got to the third floor and headed down the hall.
“Bart’s at a study group at the library and then he’s going for his evening run,” Kon explained as he opened his door and let Tim in. “So it’s just the two of us.”
“Okay,” Tim shrugged, leaning his board against the wall by the door and kicking his shoes off. “You want to go over the homework for class?”
“Not really,” Kon scrunched up his face again as he flopped onto his bed. Tim smiled at him as he took off his backpack and set it beside the armchair. It was a really ugly green color, but it was better than a floor.
“Well what would you like to do?” Tim asked, sitting down himself.
“Rematch?” Kon asked, grabbing his X-box controller off of his dresser. Tim laughed, reaching for the one on Bart’s bed.
“You’re on.”
The two of them had played games for a few hours, Tim still coming out victorious because he was usually better at the strategy games while Kon was better at the racing games.
“Let’s do something I can beat you at,” Kon said, setting his controller aside.
“I’m really not up for a racing game,” Tim shook his head. He and Bart had decided to power through every race on Mario Kart in one go last Saturday, and that was probably not a good idea because he had vivid dreams of driving on every version of Rainbow Road.
“It’s been a while since we played poker,” Kon said, going to grab the deck of cards off of his messy desk.
“Okay,” Tim nodded, patting down his pockets for his wallet. They were empty. “Wait, shit.”
“What’s wrong?” Kon asked, furrowing his brows as he unwrapped the rubber band around the cards.
“I don’t have my wallet,” Tim said, opening his backpack and digging through it just in case, but he came up empty.
“We don’t have to play for money this time,” Kon shrugged. “We’ve got like four kinds of gold fish we could use as chips.”
“I might still have my uno cards in here,” Tim said, digging through his bag again. He wasn’t keen on using food as currency because they always forgot what was what, and one of the three of them always started eating their pile without realizing it. Usually Bart.
“Or we could use something else,” Kon said, and Tim turned at that tone. Kon usually only used that tone when he had a bad idea. Tim raised a brow at him. “We could play strip poker.”
“Strip poker?” Tim asked, his face heating up at the thought. “Um.”
“No, that was stupid, forget I suggested it-“
“No,” Tim said, and Kon’s eyes widened, “No, I-I mean, strip poker is fine. Just unexpected is all.”
“O-okay,” Kon nodded, sitting down on the floor by his bed, shuffling the cards in his hands. Tim sat down, leaning back against Bart’s bed. “You sure?”
“Yeah,” Tim nodded, picking up the cards he was dealt.
The first hand he took, which was kind of really exciting except Kon took off his bracelet. But the second hand was also his, and Kon took off his necklace, meaning he only had actual clothes left.
But then Tim lost a hand and unzipped his hoodie, tossing it in the direction of his backpack.
“Well played,” Kon said, throwing him a wink.
Hands kept getting played, and it was Kon’s flannel, then Tim’s socks and jeans, then Kon’s shirt. They were both getting down to the bare minimum, quite literally. Tim could see the band from Kon’s underwear sticking out of his jeans, and he felt really self-conscious in his boxers and t-shirt.
Especially after seeing Kon’s abs and arms. Those alone made him hot.
“Full house,” Kon said, setting his cards down, and Tim scowled because he couldn’t beat that.
“Dammit,” He said. He really didn’t want to take his shirt off because he was pale and awkward, but obviously he didn’t want to take off his boxers-
“You’re forgetting something,” Kon said with a chuckle.
“What am I forgetting?” Tim asked, raising a brow. Kon crawled forward, and Tim got a whiff of his cologne and a closer look at his pecs which was, just, wow. Then Kon was reaching up and sliding the beanie on his head back until Tim could feel it moving through his hair.
“Your hat,” Kon said softly, eyes falling to meet Tim’s, hand still holding the hat against the back of his head.
“Oh,” Tim mumbled, and he glanced at Kon’s lips.
And oh God, Kon was leaning closer.
“Sorry I’m late.”
The two turned to see Bart standing in the open doorway, key still in the door and staring at them, wide-eyes.
“Oh, uh, sorry,” He sputtered, glancing between the two of them. “Uh, I forgot my key at the library, be back in like ten minutes. Or like, 20. I’ll knock when I get back.”
Bart pulled his key out of the door, seeming to realize he just gave the worst excuse to leave but ran off anyways, letting the door shut with a loud ‘thud.’
Kon sat back first, resting his hands on his thighs as he struggled to not laugh. Tim covered his face as it burned, realizing that Kon still had his hat in his hand.
“Well, I think we’ll have some questions to answer in 20 or so minutes,” Kon laughed, and Tim kicked a foot out at him.
“So not funny,” Tim argued, and Kon scooted over to sit beside him, moving his hands out of the way.
“No, hey,” Kon said, grasping one of his hands. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you.”
“So, uh, this is the part where we talk now, right?” Tim asked.
“Tim, I’ve had a huge crush on you for like, forever,” Kon said, squeezing his hand. “Sorry I suggested strip poker, that was probably a real dick move.”
“No, no,” Tim shook his head. “I have a crush on you too.”
“Really?” Kon asked, sitting up straighter.
“Yeah,” Tim nodded with a smile. “I just didn’t want to tell you because you’re my best friend and-“
Kon leaned in and gave him a quick kiss.
“I know,” Kon nodded. “Me too.”
“No, do that again,” Tim said, bringing his free hand up to cradle Kon’s chin as he leaned in for another kiss, this one slower and longer and softer and hotter.
“We’ve got like 18 minutes,” Kon said, and Tim laughed as he leaned in again.
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2002 Kids Choice Awards: The Show: Part 1
On stage at the Nickelodeon Laboratory, Jimmy, Cindy, Libby, Eliza, Debbie, Helga, Angelica, Susie, Jade, Penny, Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, and Lisa all gathered in front of the crowd of screaming kids, ready to start the loudest and messiest Kids Choice they ever hosted. “Hello babies and germens! Welcome to the 2002 KIDS CHOICE AWARDS!!” Angelica screamed at the top of her lungs through a megaphone before handing it to Jade.
“It’s Bigger! Louder! Messier!” Jade shouted, to which the crowd screamed even louder. Jade then handed the megaphone to Jimmy.
“Who’s ready to have an awesome time?!” Jimmy asked the crowd, to which they screamed with approval. “Great. But before we get to all of that, I would like to explain the mechanics of the Nickelodeon Laboratory’s main star invention-”
Libby then grabbed the megaphone out of Jimmy’s hand and pointed to a woman, running towards the stage with a crowd of kids following her. “And now, here comes PINK!” Libby announces to Jimmy’s confusion.
“What? Wait! I was supposed to-” Jimmy tried to argue before he was pushed off the stage by Cindy, much to the young genius’s disappointment.
“LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!” Penny yelled, and coincidentally, PINK’s hit song ‘Get The Party Started’ started to play as the singer made her way to the stage and the kids made their way to the mosh pit. 
Jimmy then got up and just growled at Cindy, knowing it was probably her idea to sabotage his introduction to do a dance number.
Among the crowd of kids were Penny’s girlfriends from school, Dijonay Jones, Zoey Howzer, and LaCienega Boulevardez came onto the stage with PINK to perform alongside they’re friend.
PINK and the girls: I’m comin’ up so you better get this party started
I’m comin’ up so you better get this party started
Meanwhile in the audience, Penny’s mother Trudy, and grandmother Sugar Momma, were watching Penny and her friends give a performance of a lifetime, and they couldn’t be more proud of her.
Jimmy continued to scowl with anger as the girls continued to sing and dance along with PINK.
The girls: Get this party started on a Saturday night
PINK: Everybody’s waitin’ for me to arrive
The girls: Sendin’ out the message to all of my friends
PINK: We’ll be lookin’ flashy in my Mercedes Benz
The girls: I got lotsa style, got my gold diamond rings
PINK: I can go for miles if you know what I mean
“Here we go!” Pink shouted.
PINK and the girls: I’m comin’ up so you better get this party started
I’m comin’ up so you better get this party started
Jimmy then grinned mischievously as he grabbed his shrink ray and made his way back to the stage. Let’s see how they like it when they dance the tiny mouse dance, Jimmy thought to himself as he snuck behind Cindy and Libby.
Pink then handed the microphone to Jade so she can sing the part of the lyrics and pass it around to her fellow performers.
Jade: Pumpin up the volume, breakin down’ to the beat
Angelica: Cruisin’ through the west side
Debbie: We’ll be checkin’ the scene
Helga: Boulevard is freakin’ as I’m comin’ up fast
Buttercup: I’ll be burnin’ rubber, you’ll be...
Susie: ...passin’ gas
Jimmy prepared to shrink Cindy and Libby down to a size of an ant, but Cindy expected him and kicked him in the face, knocking him out.
Libby: Pull up to the bumper
Lisa: Get out of the car
Penny: License plate says Stunner number one Superstar
PINK and the girls: I’m comin’ up so you better get this party started
I’m comin’ up so you better get this party started
PINK: Get this party started
“What’s up?!” Pink screamed to the crowd, who basically screamed back.
Jade then handed the microphone and megaphone to PINK. “Sing it louder PINK!” Jade said with a smile.
PINK: (through the megaphone) Makin’ my connection as I enter the room
Everybody’s chillin’ as I set up the groove
Pumpin’ up the volume with this brand new beat
Everybody’s dancin’ and they’re dancin’ for me
The girls: I’m your operator, you can call anytime
PINK: I’ll be your connection to the party line
PINK and the girls: I’m comin’ up so you better get this party started
I’m comin’ up so you better get this party started
I’m comin’ up so you better get this party started
I’m comin’ up so you better get this party started
Get this party started
Get this party started right now
Get this party started
Get this party started
Get this party started right now
Jimmy finally woke up and saw that the performance was now over and the kids were screaming with joy. The song was a hit. He just growled softly, accepting defeat.
“Thank you.” PINK said, then a wave of pink slimed hit the kids, soaking them. It then hit Jade, Angelica, Cindy, Libby, Lisa, Penny and her friends, who screamed the moment it hit their clothes.
“Oh no.” PINK said, noticing the mess. Then, a fountain of pink slime then soaked PINK, messing up her outfit and soaking her.
“Eww!” LaCienega whined as she still felt the wetness of the pink slime on her shirt.
“Yuck! Pink slime?” Jade asked, wanting to know where it came from. And she didn’t like pink, being a tomboy. “What happened to the green?”
Cindy and Libby then saw Jimmy laughing his butt off and immediately glared at him. “Neutron! You really had to go this far for a boring presentation?! By sliming us?!” Cindy asked, loudly.
“It wasn’t me! I wish it was me, but it wasn’t!” Jimmy said innocently while giggling. Then, on the big screen, a livestream of Bart came from backstage. The ten year old was laughing hard and holding what appeared to be a giant remote.
“BART!!!” Lisa yelled at the top of her lungs. When Bart heard that, he knew he was in trouble.
“Uh oh.” Bart said, running for his ten year old life.
“You better run.” Lisa growled softly before the announcer began to announce the line up for the show.
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tjb1619 · 5 years
~Chapter 5~ I walk inside as soon as I get home and set my bag down on the floor, to which Ayethusa scampers out and lies near the fireplace. I take my shoes of near the door as I hear shuffling in my uncle's room. "Uncle Matt?" I call out, leaning against the table. "Uncle Matt, are you here?" "Amberle," he says, grunting as he is pulling an old trunk out of his room. "Welcome home. How is Maria?" "She is getting better everyday." I eyeball the trunk as he stands up, stretching. "What's in the chest?" "Oh, just some old clothes I have been meaning to get rid of." he says, waving away the question. He kneels down and pops it open, pulling out the piece of clothing sitting on top. It's a white long sleeve shirt with ruffles at the ends of each of the sleeves. It is also so worn that there are holes in various places. I pick up the next piece of clothing to find a pair of dark brown pants with....holes in the knees. I laugh. "Geeze, how many articles of clothing do you have with holes?" I ask with a laugh, only being half-serious. "Most likely," he answers, seemingly a little embarrassed, "this entire trunk is nothing BUT holey clothes. So, what happened a Maria's?" Yep, he was embarrassed. "Nothing, really. I watched Bonnie for a few hours while Maria went shopping." I sit down and cross my legs on the floor and, as soon as I do, Ayethusa gets up from where she's curled up by the fireplace and curls up in my lap. 'That reminds me...' "By the way, Maria knows." He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "Maria knows....what?" he asks. I explain what happened as I was leaving Maria's. After I finish, he is quiet for a minute. "And she is okay with Ayethusa?" he asks, trying to understand. "Perfectly." I answer. "Does she know about Bart?" he asks. "Yeah," I answer, "because she asked me if you knew about Ayethusa. So, yes, I told her about Bartholomew. She actually seemed to like Ayethusa, so maybe if you brought Bartholomew over there at some point she will get a chance to meet him." "I will give it some thought." he says, seemingly interested. "So, have you made any progress on your magic yet?" he adds, changing the subject. "No," I answer, "but I was thinking of trying meditation, to clear my mind." "Are you getting distracted?" he asks. "Well," I say, furrowing my eyebrows, "it's more like my mind wanders and I can't focus." "So you are getting distracted." he confirms, crossing his arms. "I guess, in a way." I glance down at the floor. "Hey, can I ask you something?" "Go ahead." "If you were in my position, what would you do?" I look up at him as I ask. "If it were me," he says slowly, thinking of what to say, "I would think about what I have tried versus what I haven't tried and figure out what to do from there." I am quiet for a minute, thinking. "I am to going to do some meditating in my room for a while." I finally say, getting up. "All right." I head to my room and shut the door. After opening my bedroom window, I sit down on my bed, crossing my legs. I set my hands on my knees and close my eyes, trying to clear my mind. I focus on listening to the sounds of nature. I listen to the birds chirping and the leaves rustling in the trees. Soon, I feel more relaxed. The more I listen, the more I come to notice how each sound that is made is different, unique. I start to realize that everything I hear is sounding familiar, like, if I listen long enough, I would be able to understand it. "...erle. Amberle." Slowly, I open my eyes and realize my uncle was standing in the doorway of my room, grinning. "Uncle Matt?" I ask, curious. "What is it? Is something wrong?" "You have been in here for a while and I wanted to see if you were hungry, or if you wanted to stretch." he answers. "A while?" I repeat. "How long is a while?" "Oh," he says, slowly, "about three days." "Three days?!" I exclaim, eyes wide. "How is that even possible?!" "I am not sure." He furrows his eyebrows. "All I know is you came in here to meditate because you couldn't focus. And you have been in here since." I stare at my bed for a minute in silence. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" he asks, breaking the silence. I explain to him everything I experienced during my meditation; every sound, every feeling. After I finish, he is quiet for a few moments. "Do you think you would have been able to understand any of what you were hearing if I hadn't have interrupted?" he finally asks. "That's just it." I answer. "I am not sure. I mean, maybe. In time. Problem is I don't know HOW MUCH time. It could be days, weeks, months. Or, worse case senario, even years. If I were to meditate consistantly, with very little breaks, I might be able to get the hang of it eventually. But, as to the exact time it will take me...I don't know." I sigh. "Hey," he says, walking up and sitting down on my bed next to me, "don't worry about it. I know you will figure it out. Just don't go wearing yourrself out trying to understand everything, okay?" "Okay," I promise. "Deal." "That's my girl." he says, pulling me into a hug. "Do you feel a little better?" he asks after a minute. "Yeah," I answer, "I do." We pull away. "You hungry?" he asks, standing up and walking towards the door. My stomach growls so loud that I can feel it as well as hear it. My uncle laughs. "I will take that as a yes. When you're ready, come down and I will have something made for you." He leaves the room, closing the door softly behind him. After he leaves, I wash up and change my clothes into a long sleeved white shirt, brown corset and black pants with my dark brown boots. I brush my mess of hair and try to pull it back into a ponytail, but the rubber bands keep snapping, so I decide to just leave my hair down. 'Fine. Be wild, then.' I set down my brush and head down stairs. After I finish eating eggs and toast, I tell my uncle I am going over to Maria's to see how she and Bonnie are doing. I grab my bag, letting Ayethusa get settled inside and head over. Over the course of a couple of months, I meditate about five times. Each time, the meditation lasts about a week. During each session, get closer and closer to understanding each of the sounds of nature. In between sessions, I go over to Maria's to help out. "Hey, Amberle!" I am in the middle of washing laundry when I faintly hear my uncle calling from inside the house. "I am outside, uncle Matt!" I call back. After a minute or two, I hear the door close and I glance behind me to see my uncle walking up. "What's up, uncle Matt?" I ask, when he's close enough that I don't have to yell. "How long until you will be done with that?" he asks, hands on his hips. "I just started this about twenty minutes ago. Why?" I respond, questioning his sudden interest. "I have stuff I need you to do for me in town." he says, holding up a piece of paper. "Like?" I inquire. "Will you go into town for me?" he fires. "That depends." I fire back. "Will you finish the laundry if I do?" "Only if you go." he says, confidently. I glare at him for a minute. "Fine." I huff. I drop the article of clothing I was scrubbing on the washboard and stand up. He holds out the piece of paper he had been holding and, before I take it, I rub my wet hands all over his face, making him wince. Once my hands are dry, I snatch the paper out of my uncle's hand and go into the house to get ready to go into town. "Thanks for that, by the way!" my uncle calls as I leave. "Welcome!" I call back, grinning. As I head into town, I check the list of things my uncle wanted me to do for him. 'See if there is any mail, get bread, pick up some eggs, pick up some more white candles, paint (black, brown and blue), water pouch, saddle, and a blanket (for underneath the saddle).' My eyes narrow at this list. 'Is something wrong, Amberle?' Ayethusa asks. I read the list to her in my head. 'Okay?' she asks. 'What's so wrong with that?' 'What's my unlce need paint for?' 'Maybe he has a secret project he is working on?' she suggests. 'I mean, you have been meditating a lot lately.' 'True.' I agree. 'And that would give him plenty of time to get a project done.' 'Mhmm.' 'Hey, while I have been meditating, have you noticed anything weird that my uncle was doing?' I ask. 'No,' she answers, 'not that I am aware of. Although,' she adds, 'I have noticed he seems to be spending a lot of time in the forest behind your house, usually while you're meditating.' 'Really?' I ask. 'That's interesting. Hey, you'll need to wait on the edge of town. There's too much on this list, and you won't be able to fit with everything else.' 'Okay,' she says. 'I can hang out in the forest while you take care of all of that.' When I get near the outside edge of town, I open my bag and let Ayethusa scamper off into the forest. I watch her run around for a minute, chasing squirrels up trees, scaring nearby birds. Once I get into town, I first pick up the paint, then I get three more candles. After I get a decent enough saddle blanket, I see if there is any mail. I find a letter for my uncle from someone I don't recognize, so I just put the letter in my bag. I pick up a loaf of bread, then a few eggs. As soon as I walk into the shop with all the water pouches, I immediately notice no one is around. "Hello?" I call, looking around. "Is anyone in here?" 'Maybe I should come back later...?' I thought, looking behind the counter. "Can I help you, dear?" I look up to see an older lady with long, salt and pepper hair and more that a few creases on her skin, showing her age and wisdom. I notice she is holding a book and cup in her hands. "Oh, I am sorry," I apologize, "I didn't see anyone when I first walked in, so I wasn't sure if there was anyone in here." "No worries," she says, with a laugh. "I was just reading to pass the time. Don't usually get very many customers. What can I do for you?" "Well," I start, holding my uncle's shopping list, "my uncle wants a water pouch, but I am not sure which one he wants. He didn't really specify." "Well, I have an assortment of wineskins," she says, setting her cup and book down on the counter. "Why don't you walk around and see if there is one you think your uncle might like the best?" I walk around and look at all of the different water skins, picking up each one to inspect it. They all look the same except for the size; some are bigger than others. One of the skins I pick up is a medium sized skin with no designs or markings of any kind. However, it feels just as heavy, or even heavier than the larger skins. Curious, I shake it a little to discover it has liquid already in it. "This skin," I say, holding it up so she can see it, "already has liquid in it. None of the other skins have been filled up." "Does it?" she asks. I bring it to her. "So it does." she says, after shaking it next to her ear. She hands it back to me. "Have you decided on which one you want?" "I think I will take this one." I say, holding the filled water skin. "All right, then," she says. "That will be two silver." I place the coins on the counter in front of her. "Thank you. You have a nice day." After leaving the shop with the water skins, I pick up a saddle and carry it over my shoulder on my way home. On my way home, though, I have to stop several times. 'Man,' I thought, sitting on a rock, 'I forgot how heavy a saddle is!' I pull out the water skin I bought and chug down some water. I become surprised when I discover the water to be fairly cool. I sigh with relief. 'Uh-oh!' Ayethusa says, running for the trees. 'Someone's coming.' As if on cue, I hear horses and the creak of a wooden wagon. I also notice the sound seems as if it was coming from town. I turn around to see a guy about my age, maybe a little older with medium brown hair a little past his ears, a wide brimmed straw hat on, wearing a white short sleeved shirt and dark brown pants. "Is everything all right, miss?" he asks, when he's come closer and pulled the horses to a stop. He glances over to the horse saddle sitting on the rock next to me and sits straighter. "You're not carrying that saddle by yourself, are you?" "Uh," I stammer, not sure if I should trust him, "y-yeah, but my uncle's house isn't too much farther, I think I will be fine." "How much farther?" he asks. "About a mile or so." I answer. "Really, I will be fine." "No," he says, climbing down off his wagon, "let me give you a ride." He starts walking towards me and my saddle. "No," I say, getting up, "really, I will be fine." He lifts my saddle and walks back over to his wagon, placing it in the back. 'Ayethusa, can you make it back to my uncle's on your own?' I ask my companion. 'Yeah,' she says. 'Good,' I say, 'cause it looks like this guy is not taking no for an answer. Stay hidden, wait until we are out of sight, and get back as fast as you can, while remaining out of sight. Got it?' 'Yep,' she answers back. "Ready?" he asks, standing next to the front of his wagon. "Well," I answer him, "since you are not going to take no for an answer, then yeah." I walk over and climb into his wagon. He climbs on and sits next to me and gets the horses moving. "So, where are you headed, if I may ask?" I ask, after a minute. "To visit my godfather." he answers. "My name is Brian, by the way. Brian McCallum." He holds his hand out. "Amberle." I say, shaking his hand. "Amberle Thomas." "So," he says, watching the road, "why were you out there by yourself when I showed up?" "Oh," I answer, folding my hands in my lap, "it's just my uncle and me out here, so he has me go out and do all the shopping in town, while he does most of the harder chores around the house." "If it's just you and your uncle, where are your parents?" he asks, glancing at me. "Dead." I respond. "My mother died when I was a girl, and my father died from a work accident less than a year later. I am an only child. My uncle is all the family I have left." "I'm sorry." He gets a look of sympathy on his face. "It's all right." I give him a smile. "You didn't know." "Still," he says, watching the road, "that's not something a pretty girl like you needs to go throough at that young an age." We are both quiet for a while, each of us not knowing what to say. Then, I start seeing part of my uncle's land. "My uncle's house is just ahead." I tell him. As we pull up to the house, I start yelling for my uncle. "Uncle Matt! I'm home!" Brian pulls the horses to a stop in front of the house and we climb down. "I didn't know you were bringing company." I hear my uncle as he steps outside. "Not at first," I say, as Brian grabs the saddle out of the wagon. "But, trying to carry that saddle by mysef was difficult." "Oh, that's right!" Matt lowers his head for a second before looking at me. "I'm sorry, dear, I forgot I wrote that down." He pulls me into a hug. "It's all right," I say, laughing. "I'm just glad I had help." Brian sets the saddle down next to the house. "Thank you," my uncle says, pulling away from me and turning to Brian, "for helping my-" "Uncle Matt, this is-" "Dear God," my uncle says, "Brian? Is that you?"
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 7 years
‘Of Assumptions and Snogging’ Chapter 7 (The Final Chapter)
This epilogue of sorts turned out to be way longer than I had planned but I hope it's nice to see a look into their established relationship. Thanks so much y'all for reading and reviewing. Thanks again to @writingwife-83 for allowing me to adopt her prompt lol. Until next time :)
Sherlock had a skip in his step as he reentered 221B. John had left after Sherlock was well on his way to Molly's. He stepped inside his bedroom and opened up the bottom drawer of his dresser, digging through the clothes he rarely wore to uncover Molly's gift from five years back. Carefully undoing the ribbon and wrapping paper, it revealed a small keepsake box of sorts. He lifted the lid to find a worn paperback book, a disc in a jewel case flipped over backwards and a letter on top. He opened the letter first, finding the need to read Molly's words and hear her voice in his head.
Dearest Sherlock,
Though you claim to be above sentiment, I don't wholeheartedly believe that's true. I know you secretly appreciate sentimental things. At least that's what I personally deduced about you seeing the items scattered across your flat each time I brought body parts for you.
Anyways, I'm rambling, so here, have a box full of sentiment…my sentiment. The book is the first in a trilogy that I adore. It reminds me of us a bit. Okay, a lot but if you do enjoy the first book, I'll be more than happy to hand over the other two. I have another set, so it's okay. The other gift you'll find is a CD full of music. As to what it pertains to, you'll see when you flip it over to read the inscription.
And for another dash of sentimentality, do you remember the first time we met? Everyone had warned me about you as I was new and replaced the old head pathologist. From the snippets I processed from their warnings, it all seemed to come down to one thing: they didn't think you to be "normal." Well, I had told them that normal was overrated and terribly boring. Meeting you, I was, for lack of a better word, enchanted. The things that made you different are the things I found most charming about you. Anyways…
Merry Christmas,
Molly xxx
Sherlock smiled to himself. He never knew that that was how Molly felt even before they met. He turned the disc over and read the inscription.
I love you, but I'm not good with words.
Things I never said.
She loved him even then and it grew throughout the years into something deeper. The difference between love and being in love came to his mind. The book was revealed to be Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. It was obviously her personal copy, little sticky tabs poking out every which way. Flipping through the pages to give it a glance over, he found her annotations in the margins, sometimes accompanied by a doodle. It was an incredibly personal gift and he mentally praised her bravery. His phone pinged then.
Did you open it yet? MH
Yes. SH
And? MH
I love it. I love you. SH
I'm glad. I love you too, Sherlock. MH
A month later, Molly was tugging on her rubber gloves, preparing for an autopsy. Greg had just given her the run-down of what had happened; or supposedly happened. Sherlock was supposed to arrive any moment now. Molly flicked her eyes over every corner of the room before speaking.
"Pssst, Greg, do you have any tens?" Molly asked, referring to Sherlock's rating system for cases, but it went right over the detective inspector's head.
"Eh…go fish?" Greg shrugged. Molly closed her lips tightly in an attempt to keep herself from bursting out with laughter.
"I was talking about cases," Molly explained. "Do you have any that Sherlock would consider a ten?"
"No, sorry. Why? Is he bored already?" Greg chuckled.
"No, I was just trying to do something special for him," Molly sighed. "Oh well, I'll think of something."
"Lestrade," Sherlock nodded as he flew into the morgue. "Molly," he smiled, caressing her name on his lips as if it only contained the best letters in the alphabet. With a chaste kiss pressed against her cheek, they began to work together, throwing observations at one another until the cause of death and the man's associations were revealed.
"So you've got everything?" John asked Sherlock.
"Yes, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of Rosie while you're on your double shift," Sherlock insisted. John raised an eyebrow.
"Don't worry, I'll keep him in line," Molly smirked.
"Don't you always?" Sherlock asked, flashing a smile at her. John left for work, leaving the godparents to it. Molly held Rosie in her arms, cooing at her.
"We'll make sure Uncle Sherlock stays out of trouble, yes we will," Molly told Rosie in her baby voice. Sherlock was too awestruck to be annoyed at the remark. Seeing the woman he loves handle Rosie with such care with her natural motherly instincts warmed him. He knew then that one day, he wanted a family with Molly. He could see a little girl with Molly's hair color but in curls and her eyes or even his.
"Sherlock? Did you hear me?" Molly asked.
"Hmm?" he muttered, snapping back to reality.
"I said, why don't we go out for ice cream?" Molly reiterated.
"Sounds wonderful," Sherlock agreed.
"Uncle Sherlock's silly, isn't he?" Molly laughed. With a kiss to her temple, he took her hand in his as they left for the ice cream shoppe.
Sherlock had Rosie in his lap as he fed her the creamy vanilla ice cream.
"Mmm," Rosie hummed in delight with every bite. Molly was enjoying a cup of mint chocolate chip. She couldn't help but think that Sherlock would be such a wonderful father. Her heart jumped at the idea and she knew then that she wanted a family with him.
"Isn't your Aunt Molly beautiful?" Sherlock asked Rosie, gaining a loving smile from his girlfriend.
It didn't take too long before Molly figured out exactly what she wanted to do for Sherlock. It was more of a sentimental route, but she knew he'd appreciate it, as he had grown into his emotions. She had left him a heart in his refrigerator from an autopsy that she performed a couple days ago. When the consulting detective opened the door, he discovered the heart for his experiment with a sticky note on either side of it. I love you is what it essentially said. Their shared morbid sense of humor made it all that more personal.
Friday rolled around and Sherlock was surprised to find Molly at his door.
"What happened to work?" he asked her.
"Traded shifts so I could have the day off," Molly smiled, biting her lip.
"So, what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" Sherlock smirked.
"Here," Molly said, thrusting a rolled up paper into his hands. He unrolled it, revealing a map of various landmarks. She had drawn it herself, symbols depicting each different area.
"What is the significance of these places?" Sherlock questioned.
"Well, you see, that's for me to know and you to find out," Molly teased.
"Consider me intrigued," Sherlock replied. "I take it that 'X' marks the spot where there's buried treasure?"
"Figuratively," Molly laughed. "So, are you up for an adventure? I bet it'll be a ten in your book."
"Then what are we waiting for?" he asked, throwing on his Belstaff and scarf. "The game is on."
Their first stop was Bart's Hospital, where Molly had only written the word 'hello' on the map. They traveled to the currently empty morgue.
"This is where we first met," she told him. "A bit morbid, I know. Loads of other things happened between us here at Bart's." Her tinkling laugh filled the room.
"I remember," Sherlock mused. "You were the first person at this hospital to treat me so kindly. The only person."
"Remember the day after, you were waiting outside of those doors and I was rushing down the hallway because I was late," Molly reminisced.
"Yes, I recall that you ran right into me." Sherlock chuckled. "And then promptly fell down." He laughed once more.
"But you helped me up and made sure I was okay," Molly smiled. "That was the day my crush began."
"I'm always learning something new about you," Sherlock smiled in return.
"So, all of these places have sentimental value, I take it," Sherlock deduced.
"Mhmm," Molly confirmed, walking hand in hand with him. They went inside a building and Sherlock took in the familiarity of this particular stairwell.
"The day I took you out to solve crimes," Sherlock pointed out.
"Our first date, according to you," Molly laughed. "That day, you said things to me that indicated you thought of me as more than a friend."
"Experienced my first heartbreak here," Sherlock told her. "It wasn't fun but I wanted you to be happy."
"I wasn't; not really. If you had come back six months later than you did, I'd be in a loveless marriage right now. Well, maybe not loveless but I knew I wasn't in love. I was settling," Molly explained. "You made me realize that when you came back."
"How so?" he asked.
"When you went to kiss my cheek, all I wanted to do was turn just enough to kiss you properly," Molly admitted.
"Why don't we have a second go at it?" Sherlock smiled. And then he was leaning into her, pressing his lips against hers. He pulled away after a moment and spoke again. "Kiss me the way you wanted to then." That was all Molly needed. She tugged at the lapels of his coat and captured his lips in a most passionate kiss. It was gentle and hard at the same time. It was, in a word, illogical. Beautifully illogical. His fingers found the belt loops of her jeans and pulled her closer, unable to get enough of her. They broke the kiss and leaned their foreheads against one another. The silence was broken by a familiar voice.
"Sherlock Holmes?" Howard Shilcott questioned in disbelief.
"Ah, Mr. Shilcott," Sherlock greeted, pulling his face away from Molly's.
"Miss Hooper," Howard nodded. "I knew there was something between you two. Congratulations." And with that, he stalked off onto the streets of London, leaving Molly and Sherlock to their fit of laughter.
They stopped at her flat, where Sherlock was supposed to search for a note. He found it stuck to her bedroom door, where he used it as a bolt hole. The words written on it only said,
Home is…
The mystery was solved when they arrived at their last stop where 'X' marked the spot: 221B Baker Street. There, Molly handed him the other note that she had kept in her pocket the whole time.
…Where you are.
"Molly," Sherlock whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
"I was thinking, maybe, if you wanted to—" Molly began before being cut off with a kiss.
"Yes," Sherlock told her.
"Do you even know what I was going to ask?" Molly laughed.
"Yes, I want you to move in with me," Sherlock smiled. She should've known he would have deduced it.
"I love you," Molly told him, placing a hand against the side of his face. He snogged her senselessly all the way to his bedroom, now theirs, laughing against each other's lips in a moment of pure bliss.
Fanfiction.Net | Ao3
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poshtvblog · 7 years
The Hunger For Unconventional Costumes Through The Eyes Of Elena Slyvniak
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Image source: Elena Slivnyak Instagram 
The secret formula involves mixing sophistication with unusualness and a pinch of mystery. Each ingredient represents a key element in trying to achieve a non-traditional look or what is best known as the Avant-Garde style. This type of style pushes the boundaries of fashion by integrating elements or one element that transforms an ensemble into a jaw-dropping outfit that’s innovative and striking. Apparently, it’s not so secret anymore since a lot of films throughout the years, especially futuristic ones, have upgraded the definition of fashion. It’s not just about making the most astonishing scenes, but looking for balance between those scenes and the character’s costumes. However, this style is acknowledged more for costumes than for Ready To Wear type of clothing and it leans more towards the idea of the future instead of embracing the present as well. So what’s really the story behind this aesthetic in films and what limitations does it face?
The Hunger Games films portray a futuristic ideal of communities tyrannized by a high-tech upper class elite. That side of the spectrum constitutes the ‘Capitol Couture’ and the four films feature ensembles such as butterfly-bedecked dresses, satin contoured black sportswear pieces in high-tech fabrics, a wedding dress with a metal bodice and metal pieces rising up that signify power, a hot pink suit with a high collar oversized silhouette and architecturally structured dresses. This perspective of fashion showcases the power the capitol holds, by comparing their over the top looks to the simple and minimal garments of the districts, which possessed limited color palettes of gray and blue gray. How is it possible to keep up with the standards of creating crazy shapes and silhouettes garments that resemble so many different themes at the same time? Wearing tight jeans with a long oversized open-knit black sweater dress and an stylized bun, Elena Slivnyak, Ukranian founder of the couture fashion brand IIMUAHII, took me deeper into her world and her genius aesthetic by discussing the challenge of designing one of the costumes for the Mockingjay film and the influence of Avant-Garde fashion and technology in films.
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Image source: iimuahii.com
Your brand IIMUAHII has a futuristic Avant-Garde aesthetic. What made you interested in creating this type of clothing? Elena Slivnyak: When I was in school, I was still exploring who I was as a designer and there was actually a teacher here at the Academy that really pointed me towards that direction. As I started exploring that kind of style, my ideas started blooming and so that’s when it all began.
You designed an amazing costume for the Hunger Games Mockingjay film, how did you get this opportunity? And can you tell us a little bit about the costume.
ES: Sure. I was actually approached by the costume designers Kurt and Bart. I don’t know exactly how they found about my brand; they probably found it online somehow. I had a lot of published editorials and things that were disseminated throughout the industry. They approached me and they were interested in purchasing a few costumes for supporting actors. The costumes themselves were a rendition of my previous work from my previous collection that they really liked, so I had to take that and then develop it into something else, a girl and a boy costume. They were the barbers that were shaving President Snow. So that is how that became a costume. [Laughs]
How do you think your aesthetic relates to the futuristic theme of the movie?
ES: What they ended up doing for the movie is they pulled a lot of different designers work from around the world and I wouldn’t particularly say that every costume in the movie was very futuristic. A lot of them were post-apocalyptic and had a lot of different aesthetics. My aesthetic is a different kind of take on the future and everyone else has their own take on future. So to answer your question, that’s a tough one [Laughs]. I honestly think that futuristic elements in clothes such as the silhouettes and fabrications you use are mostly what relates to the futuristic concept of the movie.  
And it depends a lot on the character as well.
ES: Yes, it depends a lot on the character. There were strict guidelines for the costume. For instance, I had to make it stretchy so that it would be able to fit on multiple different bodies because they didn’t have a set cast for them yet. They were like “Ok make something and then we would make someone else fit into it.” It had to be a girl and a boy. I didn’t really have to work hard because it was based on a design I already did in my previous collection. My take on futurism is a bit different than everyone else’s I feel mine is happier. It’s not post-apocalyptic; it’s like shape shifting and my take on the future is that it’s going to get better, not worse. Maybe it will get worst first, but I believe it’s going to get better after. I’m not saying that this is the way people are going to wear clothes later, is just my opinion on how an ideal futurism would look like. [Laughs].
Did you use any type of technology when creating this costume?
ES: No, just techniques I developed on my own. My thing is working with neoprene. For me, it is a very futuristic fabric because it’s so versatile. You can wash it in the washer, you don’t have to dry clean, it’s stretchy, it conforms to any human body and it does well in cool and hot weather.
I’ve mostly seen Avant-Garde fashion in films that portray a vision to the future. Do you think Avant-Garde can only be successfully used in futuristic themed movies or not necessarily?
ES: Not necessarily. I think the definition of Avant-Garde is new, unusual and experimental fashion, so I feel that can be applied to Ready To Wear as a scale down element. It doesn’t have to be super oversized for a person to be impossible to walk in it. You can take specific details and interpreted into a RTW collection and just transform the whole collection into something unique by doing that.
That actually relates to my next question. Why do you think the fusion between fashion and technology is seen more in films and TV rather than in Ready To Wear?
ES: I think it’s because technology is not there yet when it comes to fashion. There’s still developing and experimenting elements, how it can be integrated into the cloth for example as opposed to a wire in a jacket. Give it 5 to 10 more years and I believe that technology would be there, right now it’s kind of hard to integrate them together because just fundamentally is not there yet.
Do you think it is important for entertainment companies to incorporate technology not just as part of scenes but also as part of the characters costumes?
ES: Yes. Definitely. I believe technology when done right, mixed with fashion can be extraordinary. Just look at the X Machina exhibit from the Met museum last year. There are endless possibilities of how that can be incorporated. Now how do you wear something so innovative and structured, it’s a different story. For example, Iris Van Herpen ideas and techniques are extremely amazing but can you wear them every day? No you can’t because of elements like rubber and plastic. So how do you integrate that into cloth? When that’s figured out we can get somewhere.
What do you think are the key elements to develop an Avant-Garde ensemble?
ES: One of the main key elements that I always start with is texture. Developing and experimenting with unique fabrications and applying them in a new, fresh and 3D way is the beginning of any amazing Avant-Garde collection or any other collection. But that’s what I just do. Obviously silhouettes and shapes have a lot do with being extremely Avant-Garde. You don’t want to just choose a plain tailored jacket and put texture on it. That’s not really Avant-Garde, it’s not new or experimental. Now if you take that jacket and cut it up into pieces and deconstructed it and reconstructed it again in a visually intriguing way that’s avant-garde and if you add texture to that it completely changes the whole piece, it makes it go up in so many different levels. On the other hand, Avant-Garde can be simple; it doesn’t have to be this huge crazy shape with spikes coming out of it.  The piece can include a simple detail that has never been seen before so as long as it’s experimental that’s what I consider Avant-Garde.
The Avant-Garde aesthetic pushes boundaries; however, its meaning varies in every person. From a small detail to a whole structured and complex design, many entertainment industries at present tend to associate futurism and Avant-Garde. However; its association with haute couture or futuristic concepts might develop a different meaning when technology, over the years, become a key asset in giving this type of aesthetic a more easy approach. Can you come up with any other films that combine a futuristic theme with the avant-garde aesthetic in characters costumes?
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putthison · 7 years
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eBay Round Up
Sweet pair of brown suede Vass chukkas up on eBay right now. The boots are handwelted, which means you can get a few more resolings out them than your average pair of Goodyear welted shoes.
If you’d like to dig up more menswear gems, try using our customized eBay search links. We’ve made them so you can quickly hone-in on high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
Navy Ring Jacket sport coat, 38
Anderson Shop tweed sport coat, 42
Ralph Lauren checked tweed sport coat, 42
Navy Ralph Lauren double breasted suit, 42
Navy Boglioli sport coat, 42
Hunting World safari jackets, various sizes
1992 NBA Dream Team jacket, XXS
Mister Freedom navy bomber jacket, 38
Southwick tweed car coat, 38
Denim Kapital trucker jacket, M
Vintage Pherrow denim anorak, L
Tellason blanket lined trucker jacket, L
Vintage denim work coat, L
LVC tweed Sunset jacket, L
Vintage styled LVC leather coat, L
Green Buzz Rickson naval coat, L
LVC 1967 denim trucker jacket, L
August 8.15 navy bomber, L
Wings + Horns wool puffer vest, XL
J. Press cashmere-blend topcoat, 44
Tan Ralph Lauren cotton bomber, XL
Tan Brooks Brothers raincoat, XL
Stutterheim rubber raincoat, XL
Navy Holland & Holland linen coat, XL
Funky patchwork indigo jacket, XXL
Red plaid Ralph Lauren shirt, XXXL
Sweaters and knits
Olive Buzz Rickson sweatshirt, S
Block striped vintage '60s cardigan, M
Vintage tan cardigan, M
Navy N. Peal cardigan, M
Brown Howard Yount cardigan, L
Vintage Abercrombie & Fitch v-neck, 42
Loop & West hooded sweatshirt, L
Shirts and pants
White Thom Browne shirt, size?
Sugar Cane pullover work shirt, S
Red plaid Engineered Garments shirt, L
Vintage Air Bart t-shirt, L
Striped Brooks Brothers t-shirts, XL (1, 2)
Camo Pherrow cargo shorts, 30
Filson raw denim jeans, 32
Paraboot split toe bluchers, 6.5
Carmina suede penny loafers, 7.5
Vass suede chukkas, 8.5 (pictured above)
Mark McNairy black pebble grain bluchers, 9
Rider shell cordovan cap toe boots, 9
Brooks Brothers Black Fleece pef toe oxfords, 9.5C
The Hill-Side white hi tops, 9.5
Carmina single monks, 10 (pictured above)
North Sea Clothing Company navy sneakers, 10
Yuketen exotic leather guide boots, 10.5
Grenson tan suede chukkas, 10.5
John Lobb cap toe boots, 11
Alden black shell cordovan oxfords, 11
Florsheim black shortwings, 11.5
Gaziano & Girling suede shortwings, 11.5 (pictured above)
Ralph Lauren plain toe oxfords, 13C
Holland & Holland hunting ties (1, 2, 3)
Asparagus motif Sulka tie
Red knit Turnbull & Asser tie
Tan checked Pierrepont Hicks tie
Blue floral Drake's tie
Bags, briefcases, and wallets
Briefing x Beams military bag
Tan Makr rucksack
Musical instruments pocket square
Old Louis Vuitton steamer trunk
Antique patriotic top hat
Dexy's Midnight Runners LPs
Sulka silk dressing gown
Rising Sun work vest, M
Tanner Goods leather gloves, XS
Tan Tanner Goods casual belt, 36
If you want access to an extra roundup every week, exclusive to members, join Put This On's Inside Track for just five bucks a month.
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artstarstv · 4 years
‘Costume Design Is Character Creation,’ Edurne Fernandez On Superhero Getup
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Superhero costumes have come a long way. From rubber onesies to Batman armor, things have taken a swift turn since Ruth E. Carter’s Oscar-nominated Black Panther costumes helped changed the game, as have costume design for Wonder Woman to Birds of Prey.
Next to dazzle the screen are the costumes for the forthcoming Cinestudios fan series Impulse, which is slated to have a September release on YouTube, after it’s completed in Australia.
The film, directed by Joshua Hoareau, follows Bart Allen, son of The Flash, who is a boy with super speed powers and the ability to time travel. Since Impulse made his debut in DC Comics in 1994, we’ve known him as a sprightly kid with zing—and zig zags.
Impulse’s costume designer Edurne Fernandez shares exclusive drawings, photos and stills from the forthcoming production, which tells the story of one untold superhero. Though the costumes have been built in Los Angeles and shipped to Melbourne for production (which has been put on hold because of the pandemic), Fernandez speaks from her L.A. studio about 3D printing masks, fabric hunting and Hollywood’s greatest lesson.
From Impulse to Perfectly Natural and FLOTUS, you have worked on a lot of sci-fi film sets, where do you start with this kind of costume design?
Edurne Fernandez: Doing sci-fi has always been fun for me. I see it as a mixture of styles and elements we know and recognize with things that are totally new and made up from the imagination. The key is to keep close communication with the director and, with the production designer, come up with a world that resembles as much of the original idea as possible. Research and mood boards are helpful because they are a great way of visualizing what we are trying to accomplish.
How different is it designing contemporary style in a film or TV series versus costumes for a sci-fi or fantasy superhero series?
People always say that designing contemporary style projects is easier, but I don’t necessarily agree with that. When something has a contemporary style, of course you relate to it because it is something that is happening right now or happened in the near past but costume design is much more than just going to the most popular clothing store and buying the new style of jeans and t-shirts. Costume design is more of a character creation and comes from figuring out deep down who this character is. It is almost as if you and the director were building the personality of the character and that is going to determine what they are going to wear. We sit down to analyze what aspects make each character different from the rest.
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What kinds of things do you talk about?
We talk about personality, likes, dislikes, background, among other things that influence what the actor’s costume is going to be when he or she is portraying the character. We talk about the background and baggage of these characters, what makes them who they are, and this background is influenced by the situation or the time period they are living in. So designing for contemporary or sci-fi features requires deep understanding of who the person is, even if you are bringing back someone from World War II, using Barack Obama as a reference or making up a character for 50 years in the future – who they are and how they are living is going to determine what they wear and what they look like.
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What was it like working on Impulse, and what did you want to achieve with the costumes?
I am so lucky I got connected with this amazing group of filmmakers and that they trusted me from the beginning with their vision. Even though we have been working long distance because they are based in Melbourne, we are in close communication. Since Impulse characters are based on the DC Comics, we had to keep a close eye on who they were, with and without the superhero costumes. Joshua Hoareau, the director, and creator of the production company Cinestudios wanted to stick as close to the original DC Comics costumes as possible
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Where did you begin?
After doing a lot of research on this acclaimed comic, and following Josh’s intuition and expertise, I started digitally sketching each costume. Then, I started searching for the right materials to create these costumes. I sourced a great variety of fabrics and textures here in Los Angeles that fit the needs of each character. I also had to keep in mind while looking for the fabrics that because the actors are portraying superheroes, they are going to perform their own stunts, so I had to make sure the materials were not going to restrict their movements in any way and were as comfortable and practical as possible.
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How did you realize your designs?
With specific silhouettes and designs, we decided to build the costumes with the help of a tailor. I had to draw a series of technical sketches to help the seamstress get the correct details of the design. We are also using a 3D printer to mold and create all the accessories such as masks, visors and belt buckles. For the moment, we had to pause the work because of the pandemic. For now, the only costume that has been completed and sent to Australia is the main Impulse costume. The other three superheroes will have to wait until everything goes back to normal.
What has working in Hollywood taught you?
Hollywood has taught me that there is no small project, job or task; and that there is a place for everyone, if you have the passion and drive to do it. I’ve always been a person who doesn’t give up and works hard to achieve what she wants and, while being in Los Angeles, out of my comfort zone, I’ve come to realize that it is never easy, but it can be done.
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What else?
Hollywood has also taught me that there is no small story and that every story is worth telling, if it is told right. It has also made me realize that we are in charge of giving a voice to those who don’t have one and that it is our duty to use this amazing vehicle of expression to bring these voices to the front of the line and let them speak. When I am working on a project, it is not about me, it is about the character I am designing and bringing to life, to tell their stories, their pain and their successes. Every single late night, extra hour or early call is worth it if you have the passion for it.
Check out the website of Edurne Fernandez and check out Impulse on Patreon.
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Observations 5/18
Sage (older) apologized frequently and made some comment any time she made a mistake or an error. She made slightly self deprecating comments about herself or her failures as well, but smiled frequently and expressed having fun several times. She was sitting in a chair while we cleaned and asked if she could help in any way. She seemed slightly surprised and embarrassed when Pixie complimented her on some muffins she had previously made and Sage expressed twice that someone had said they were terrible. Pixie insisted they were good, and hesitantly said they were a little thick but added that she enjoyed it as she made her own bread that way. When Rachael came over and conspiratorially asked her if she wanted to thry the roller skates Sage said no thank you very politely. After a few moments as Rachael was about to leave she changed her mind and said she would like to try. She took off her shoes and danced around the hall briefly before Rachael told her she didn’t need to take her shoes off. She put her shoes back on and jogged into the bathroom. When she came out she went over and began to put on the skates, asking me how to put them on despite being mostly done doing so. She then also asked if we had any snacks at Trackers as her foster parents would not be picking her up for a while. She said she was not that hungry when I offered her one of my plain tortillas and Rachael said there was cheese and meats in the fridge if she would like a wrap, and began making one as Sage finished putting on the skates. She fumbled a little at first but with very few tips or instructions began to get the hang of it very quickly. After I left to go to my backpack she entered the main hall as I sat down and conversed with me as she practiced, mostly her apologizing and making comments about herself that were met with reassurance by others. When Jason came and told her they would be leaving for the library in about ten minutes she pouted. Earlier as I was putting gear away Jason and Sage were in the archery range and Jason was explaining how to use the microphone in a phone she was holding in her hand while demonstrating on his. She reached over for his phone and he pulled away with a smile and said enough of that in a friendly manner.
An older man approached me and said he did not mean to harass me but that he was trying to sell a newspaper and had only one left. When I said I had no money, he asked if I had even twenty five cents as he was just trying to get on BART. The whites of his eyes were a slight orange color. When I gave him twelve cents he asked if I wanted the newspaper. I said no, and he walked off muttering that he couldn’t get rid of the thing.
The woman in the large hoodie is here again. She is looking at the cover of a library book with a phone and a stylus in her hands. There are earbuds dangling on to the ground. There is a phone charger plugged in to the table outlet. There is a notebook open in front of her and a smaller spiral bound one closed next to it. There is one black bag and a plastic bag sitting on the chair next to her. In the plastic bag is a partially visible label with a chip or snack logo on it. The woman in the black jacket with glasses and silver earings is back as well. She is sitting with one hand in her lap and a computer in front of her next to a large black bag on the table. At the table slightly across from me is a young man looking to be in high school with glasses and an android t shirt. He has a packet of reading open in front of him with a mechanical orange pencil next to it, and a page of what looks to be math on top of a stack of papers next to him. On his other side is a phone and a pair of white earbuds sitting on top of a grey jacket. At the table is a man in a grey cap and grey jacket reading from a book and writing in a blue pen in something next to him. There are two other books on the table in front of him and a small black bag with the word Chanel on his right. At the table with the woman in the large hoodie is a man with hair that ranges from brown to grey to silver along the side. He has a book he is reading from in front of him and a phone being charged by a black cord plugged into the outlet at the table. A man in a black windbreaker and red beanie is sitting at a table in front of a computer typing. He has beat headphones on with a grey water bottle in his left and a blue pen on his right. The woman in the grey jacket is now flipping through the open notebook and hand written words are visible. She has picked up a black pen and is writing in it. There is a young woman with blond hair tied in a bun to one side of her head carrying a book in her hands. She has leaned over to peak through the decorative wooden doors that lead into an unaccessable area of the library, before turning around and making her way out of the room. There is a young man with back hair in a black and blue jersey who is crouched over the table reading a book. The young man with glasses has packed up his things. He put a grey beanie on and as he stood up a crumpled brown paper bag was visible in his right back pocket. The young man left the room. A young woman in a beige long sleeve shirt with a book open in front of her has leaned on her elbows to press at her eyes and is now rubbing her temples while looking down. The youn man in the black and blue jersey has sat up and begun flipping through the large book in front of him while flexing his jaw muscles. The man with brown to silver hair has sat back in the chair and continued to read while running a hand over his head to scratch at the back of his scalp. There is now a large dictionary visible on the table in front of him. The young woman in the beige shirt has her palms pressed against her cheekbones and her eyebrows rose and wiggled slightly before settling back down. The man with brown to silver hair has taken a silver water bottle out from his bag to drink from before putting it back and picking up the book he had set down, opening it up and flipping to his place. An older man who is tall and lean with glasses has walked through the room picking up abandoned books on the tables and setting them in a cart before wheeling it away. The man with the brown to silver hair has licked up the book and his bag and walked away down the stairs while putting sunglasses on, leaving the dictionary on the table. The young man in the black and blue jersey has shifted himself slightly to the right and has his arms folded on the table. The woman in the black jacket has a black notebook in her hands that she has placed a rubber band around before putting it in her black bag and returning her focus to the screen. The older man in the grey cap has gotten out a water bottle and turned to his left away from the table to take a drink before putting it away and returning to his book. And young man looking to be a teenager has been sitting at a table with a large book out while an older woman in a blue jacket has leaned over to talk with him quietly before stepping away and pointing to the table before disappearing behind the stacks. The young man has stood up and taken his backpack along with a small purse that was sitting on the table and walked into the teen section, pausing there for a moment before heading further into the library and then walking back into the teen section. The young man in the ted beanie has moved his computer farther in front of him and has taken out a notebook that he is now writing in with a black and blue mechanical pencil. The young teenager has retunred to the room and walked into the stacks. He is heard conversing quietly with the woman in blue before they both walk back out. She gestures to the big open book on the table which he looks at before shaking his head. They both leave with the young man in the lead, one large book under one arm and two others in his other hand. The woman has the small purse over one shoulder.The woman in the black jacket has taken out her earbuds and closed her computer. She has reached into her black bag and taken out a red and white spotted cloth she has put her computer into and is tying up before setting it on her lap and looking at the phone on her right. She is putting the computer in her black back and is unplugging a black cord from under the table that she is carefully wrapping up. The young woman in beige had her palms pressed against her face again before picking up a small purple card and setting it as a bookmark before closing the book and setting her phone on top of it that she is now looking at. The woman in the black jacket has all her things packed into her bag and is standing up. She picks up a small pencil and places it in the small plastic container on the table before placing the whole thing in the center of the table and straightening it, before putting her bag on her shoulder and walking out. The woman in beige in looking down at her hone with creased eyebrows. The man in the red beanie is leaning back in his chair looking at his computer screen. The young man in the black and blue jersey is slowly rocking back and forth in his chair as he reads. The man in the red beanie has stretched his arms above him to yawn before settling back and looking at his computer without touching it. The man in the grey cap is periodically writing with his lue pen and glancing at the book open in front of him before writing again. The man in th red beanie is clenching his jaw muscles and nodding his head side to side slightly with his hands in his pockets. The woman in beige is typing something into her phone. The young man in the black and blue jersey had one hand up to his lips before leaning forward and flipping through the book. The inside cover of it is in an asian character based language. He has settled on a page and has one hand brought up to his lips again before flipping through several more pages. The man in the red beanie has leaned forward to scroll through something on his computer in front of him. The young man in the black and blue jersey has closed the book and taken a device out of his pocket that he is hunched over with his hands resting on the book in front of him.
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