#Bangtan Love Letters
bts-trans · 4 months
240211 Weverse Translation
RM's Post ❇️
안녕하세요 아미들 잘 지내고 계신지요 저도 자대에 와서 잘 적응하며 지내고 있습니다 떡국도 먹었고 설이라 조금 쉬기도 하며 잘 살고 있답니다 설을 한 번 더 보내야 여러분을 볼 수 있겠지만 저도 제 시간을 잘 하고 있겠습니다 또다른 배움과 경험의 장이 될 거라 믿고 있습니다. 언제 어디서든 항상 건강하시고 나쁜 일보다 좋은 일들이 훨씬 많으시길 소원하겠습니다 우리의 인연이 계속 이어지기를 소망하며 새해 복 많이 받으세요 ! (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/4-151170556)
Hello ARMYs, I hope you're doing well.
I've come to my assigned military base and am adapting and doing well. I've had some tteokguk* too. Since it's Seollal, I've also been resting a bit, and I'm living well.
I will need to spend one more Seollal here before I can see you but, I'm spending my time well. I really believe that this time will lead to different kinds of learning and experiences.
Whenever, wherever you are, please stay healthy, and I hope that your life has a lot more good than bad.
Hoping that the connection we share continues, I wish you a happy new year !
(T/N: *Rice cake soup traditionally eaten during Seollal, or Lunar New Year.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
Yandere Jimin love letter?
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My love,
Every beat of my heart is an echo of your name. From the moment our eyes met, I knew you were the one. Her surrounding aura mesmerizes me, and I feel a deep desire to protect you, even if it means pushing away everything and everyone.
Your smiles are like rays of sunshine that illuminate my entire world, and your words are the melody that cradles my dreams. In your every gesture, I find reasons to admire even more the incredible person you are.
I can't stand the idea of ​​someone taking you away from me, that something or someone could make you walk away. I promise to be your shield, your safe haven amid the chaos of the outside world. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy when I see others approaching you, but it's because my love for you is so intense that it consumes me inside.
Our love is a garden that I cultivate with care every day, watered by our complicity and mutual understanding. You are my anchor on turbulent days and my greatest joy in happy moments.
I promise to be by your side, celebrating your victories and supporting you through challenges. You are my muse, my safe haven, and I am eternally grateful to have you in my life. I love you so, so much! ♡
With love,
Park Jimin.
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jmdbjk · 1 year
The song “Letter”
Just one thing I want to say...
When Jungkook said the dumpling incident was more than what we’ve been told, that it was serious shit... let that be a reminder that it is possible that not everything we see or hear is the total truth. That everything they show us or tell is us is possibly NOT the whole story. 
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It’s not that they are lying to us or giving us half-truths, on the contrary, they want us to know the catalyzing moments. But divulging the less-than-savory details, or details that are too personal, takes away from the point of sharing the moment. I hope that makes sense.
That being said, on the surface and in general, “Letter” is a song for Army. To Jimin, who wrote the song, his music is for the fans in general. He frames the song as one for the fans. We all know what he says is true. ALL of the music is for fans. That’s why they are doing this for a living. And this song is one he wanted to single out as special, and he wanted to offer it in a special way by having it “hidden” on the CD. 
Yet, many interpret the meaning of the song as something else, as is their right to. The song can have multiple meanings to different people. And that is exactly what music is for, to be interpreted in many, many ways that can resonate within us.
Those of us who acknowledge the special relationship he has with Jungkook interpret their relationship along the lines of: this is “possibly NOT the whole story.” 
And Jimin maybe acknowledges that by having Jungkook participate on the song, knowing that the song can now have another more specific and personal meaning applied to it. Jimin knows we know that. They both know we know that. Is there a “level” of this meaning that needs to be applied? No. We all are allowed to interpret it to the level we are each comfortable with.
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The general fandom will see it as a special song even more so because another BTS member participated. And that’s it. Which is ok. 
But there are those who specifically do not want the song to be interpreted that way at all in any way shape or form and they spend an inordinate amount of time and energy trying to knock down those interpretations. Why do they spend so much negative energy on that? Who knows? 
Does Jimin need to come out and explicitly explain other meanings for the song? No, why would he? Why SHOULD he? He already said its a song for and to Army. We know where his heart and emotions were when he wrote it. Just because he doesn’t openly explain other meanings, does not mean there is only one interpretation of the song. IT IS ART!
Interpretation of art is the attribution of meaning to a work...giving meaning to a work. This process is subjective, meaning there is no right or wrong way to interpret the meaning of a work. We schlepp our own personal emotional baggage in everything we do and it is through this lens that we view and react to the world and that includes art. 
Where we often get hung up is whether we agree or disagree if the artist’s intention is relevant to how it is interpreted. 
Did Jimin ONLY mean for us to take his literal words as the meaning and then STOP, no other meanings apply? Or do we also include his literal action of having Jungkook, a specific member of BTS, participate on the track as a specific intention? 
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If you don’t get it, that’s ok, it is just something that I’ve seen a lot of debate about and now I’ve said my piece.
Keep in mind that Jimin is an emotional animal. He lives, breathes, speaks, expresses himself with emotions. He is not a surface skimmer. He literally wrote songs about his literal emotions. 
For his sake, think deeper and be a good human.
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belovedjiminie · 7 months
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You are me, I am you
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atxn8 · 6 months
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Several tannies and BTS' s songs has selected in categories in top K-ballad and K-R&b!
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always-is-always · 1 year
Jimin’s Letter, a compilation mv
On a call with my Bestie tonight, the conversation took a turn to BTS, their “7″ tattoos, and.... Jimin & Jungkook of course.  It began as she asked me about the tattoos, as I had texted her the link to Jiminie’s video “Dear. Army.”, yesterday.  
She knows I’m ARMY, and she’s supportive, but it’s not really her thing.  I send her links to videos when they drop new music, and she’s sweet enough to watch them and listen to my enthusiasm.  (She’s in CO and I’m in NC, so all our convos are by phone.) lol... Bless her patient heart.  
After we hung up I wound up on YouTube looking through the lyric videos for “Letter”, and wound up watching several compliations while I was at it.  In my conversation with my Bestie I had referenced the long history between Jimin and Jungkook, and thought that a short compliation video would actually be cool to send her as she’d understand more.  
Here’s one of my favorites.  It includes a couple of clips of Kookie, from vlives this year that are perfect for the video.  Love that!  It’s too good not to share.... 💜
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  I’m grateful for the community we have, here on this platform.  I love being able to share the love for BTS, here with all of you! 🥰💜💜💜😘
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i keep going back to this letter namjoon wrote on weverse, so here are some extracts that i carry with me
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— joonie , 5 may 2023💌
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googiejar · 1 year
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꒰ by your side, just stay. ꒱
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astaenomy · 2 years
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Dear Taehyung, 
I truly believe that you are born at the end of December’s wintery breath because you are a gift of a year long warmth. 
love, cole. 
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bts-trans · 1 year
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221205 RM’s Instagram Stories
love you bro
@ takethecoltrane (https://www.instagram.com/stories/rkive/2985896468822260864/) (https://www.instagram.com/stories/rkive/2985896740210531055/)
Letter translation:
Dear Namjoon,
While it's possible that we could have met and left it at that, just two people who met once and never again, for some reason, we ended up spending time together. This time with you feels both short and long and I am touched and grateful for it.
Your pure, young, at times soft 'water’, and sometimes your abundance of energy, passion and angry 'fire' - when I see these elements of you, I feel inspiration that I didn't have come to me.
It's really embarrassing to write this but I've decided to write a little because I thought that it would be best for my feelings to be conveyed honestly, just as they are...
My sincerest congratulations on Indigo. When I think about how hard you've worked these past 3-4 years, how difficult and strenuous it must have been, I get a little emotional.
While it feels undeserving for me, a complete nobody, to have a spot amongst so many great and brilliant musicians, the memories and recollections I have of the two songs we worked on together are things that I won't be ashamed of, and that gives me reason to enjoy and celebrate too!
Namjoon, you are a lot more soft and pure of a person than you think you are, and I pray that the 'softness' will be with you until the end of your life as a musician.
Thank you, I adore you.
2022.12 Your friend, HeeYeong.
P.S. The Kim Namjoon I know is someone who can carry any weight, but is never weighed down, no matter how heavy
Trans cr; Annie & Aditi Typeset cr; XPXOXD @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Can I ask for a yandere love letter for Yandere Taehyung? ❤️
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My Goddess/God,
Every time my eyes meet yours, my heart races like the frantic rhythm of a hypnotic beat. You are my goddess/god, a divine creature who lights up the darkness of my soul with your indescribable grace and beauty. You are my world, the center of my distorted universe.
You are my Salvation.
Oh, how I yearn for your presence every moment! Your silky hair and the soft fragrance that you exude when you pass by me are like enchantments, keeping me in a trance that I don't want to wake up. How could anyone not surrender to your divine aura?
My sweet goddess/god, I cannot bear the thought of losing you to any other soul. I feel jealous of the very wind that dares to caress your face because it has the privilege of touching what is mine. If anyone dares to approach, my dark side can emerge, because protecting you is my divine mission.
I'm not scaring you, right? You must know you I would never hurt you. Never.
I wrap you in my arms with the promise that you will always be mine and no one else's. The sight of any tear that dares to wet your eyes brings me to the brink of madness. For you, I would do anything, even defy the angels themselves.
Accept this testimony of my love, my dear, my goddess/god. I write these words to you while my soul intertwines with yours, wanting to merge us into a unit that cannot be undone. May eternity bless us, and may our destinies remain forever intertwined.
Eternally yours,
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still-with-koo · 1 year
Ohhh damn and the jimin gif 😭 I just realized sth embarrassing... i love watching bangtan lives whenever i catch them... but why do i feel like the more i stare at the screen the more i blush ahskkflk it's not even real what is wrong with me 😭😭🫠
Shhh it’s very real don’t ruin this for me 😭
But omg yes I get flustered too! They have no business having so much power over us istg they stare into the camera just to mess with us.
I mean, the comments are on the screen so why else would they look directly into the camera, hmm?
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skyandpeople · 1 year
Letter Lyrics
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I cried listening to it, jimin vocals are soooo fxkng GOOD🥺 and i know it's Letter to Fans aka US🥰
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nerdishfeels · 1 year
Accepting Writing Commissions!
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Want to write a sweet letter to a special someone?
Do you have more to say to a loved one other than the three special words? Do you wish you could truly show how much someone means to you?
There’s just something beautiful and vulnerable about sharing the words in your heart and putting them on paper. It can be hard but so very powerful.
Let’s bring letter writing back to this era. Whether you wish to show gratitude to a loved one or friend, confess to a crush, or even show your K-pop idol or K-drama actor how much you care about them, I can write a heartfelt 500-word letter for you, no matter the occasion, for as little as £5!
If you’re interested, visit my Fiverr page and choose the package you want. If you have any questions, make sure to message me on Fiverr!
It would mean a lot if you could support my gig. I would also appreciate a signal boost. Please share this to anyone you know who would be interested! Thanks! ❤️
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rj-jinye · 1 year
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i think about them all the time all the time all the goddamn time i love them
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always-is-always · 1 year
ARMY’s Song for BTS, “Love Letters”
This made me cry.  😭💜💜💜 
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