sathone · 2 years
Mandatory overtime is unethical and counterproductive
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averygayplant · 11 months
I was talking about this with a friend but it makes me so fired up that I honestly need to rant about it here too-
As I've talked about before, Zane and Kai make an excellent team because Kai takes action when it's needed even if he doesn't totally think it through and Zane doesn't take action until he's considered all the information he has into a reasonable response.
The reason his bye felica moment in season 8 was so scary was because he looked at that situation, thought it through, realized he barely had any information to go off of, and did it anyway. Do you understand how out of character that is for him?? Do you even know how well that ties in to how hard Mr. E fucked him up? Like- Zane thought, became fully aware how stupid and risky the actions he was about to take were going to be, AND DID IT ANYWAY What's worse is that, while this is fairly normal behavior for him when it's only himself that's in immediate danger thanks to his actions, HE DRAGGED COLE INTO IT FULLY INTENDING TO HELP THE BAD GUYS KIDNAP HIM
Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing? Because I'm seeing that the reason Zane started appearing so fucking desperate and panicked by the time he and Mr. E started fighting was because he played incredibly riskily to get more information, put one of his family members in immediate risk and hoped the others would understand the plan only to get so far and gain absolutely nothing from risking his life and Cole's.
I am. Not okay.
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hskinhome · 5 months
General PSA/Information Post (I Guess?)
Hey, Mod Eridan here.
I wanted to address a few asks that have been cropping up recently, and also open the doors a little bit to what's going on behind the scenes here at the blog. I know there's a good handful of you who actively watch for updates from us, even for asks that aren't yours, and there are even more of you who are patiently waiting (which we so greatly appreciate, I would hug all of you if I could) for responses to said asks. This post is long overdue, but it's important, so I'm sitting my ass down and getting to work with it. Let's get into it.
No cut because, like I said, this is important and needs addressing.
"Where are my asks?"/"Why hasn't X been responded to/posted yet?"/VERBATIM asks.
The above is a very shitty logline of what I'm getting at, but I think the point is clear. As Meu has said before, we do not do inbox checks. Those are nonsense. We are not a corporation with deadlines. All of our time, resources, and effort are voluntarily given here. Asking us to see if X post is still in the box or just to give a rundown of what asks we have is ridiculous. If you're so worried about a timeframe for something to be answered, I cannot stress enough that this is not the place for you. I understand Tumblr has a horrible habit of eating asks as well. However, there has been a seemingly recent (to us moderators) influx of "Did my ask for Y get eaten?" to the point where it's become a problem.
As I am writing this, Tumblr (assuming it hasn't glitched out) is showing 49 asks in our inbox. Not including ones that have been drafted (mostly by me, because my energy for these things is extremely touch and go, coupled with my own real-life responsibilities; don't grow up kids, it sucks). However, most of these are asks that a lot of us cover. We just do not have the time/energy/[insert reason applicable to whichever moderator] to do them. Some of these are ones that only one or two moderators do as well, which means the odds are it'll take even longer to get to them. The more "niche" (i.e. the fewer mods that do the particular ask type) there are, the longer it takes for those ones to get pushed out. Please note that I am not saying that this is a reason not to send these asks-- This is just me explaining why it may take so long.
As outlined before, a lot of us also have jobs and other life dilemmas that of course take larger priority over this blog. I can't speak for the other moderators on this blog, but I work 40 hours a week right now at a coffee shop. I'm trying to get promoted to management by the end of the year, which entails a whole lot of back work, even on my off time. What other off time I have goes to doing chores/daily living things. Any extra off time goes to not doing those things, and this blog is one of those-- to an extent. This blog is something I would classify as socializing, for me, personally. Socializing drains my battery, but I enjoy doing it. Most people do. However, opening the box to see more people wondering where their things are is... It's gotten frustrating. It makes me not want to do these requests.
"So why not leave the blog then?"
Because, like the others, I enjoy doing these requests. They're fun. I have fun. I love interacting with you guys. The overbearing demand is just becoming a bit much. It's also not fair to just dump the load onto the others because I just want to call it quits; they're as busy as I am with other things, and I can't speak for them.
In essence though, the TLDR is that this is volunteer work at the end of the day. We'll get to asks when we get to them. It may take a long time, and if that's a problem?
Bye felica. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Regards, Mod Eridan
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cowardlycowboys · 1 year
bye felica was a thing when I was 12 so sure keep lying to yourself that you're not old i guess
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damn i got scared that ask had accidentally pissed you off. i am in a mono ldr and i think you are too, could be corrected, so i asked you. most people i know are in open relationship so i essentially i wanted the opinion of someone who is not to see how they would feel about it.
I am, you are correct. If she mentioned wanting someone for that I would feel very like "ok cool" bye felica. I'm rarely ever mad I do my absolute best to avoid it to.
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treadmilltreats · 2 months
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The peace in your life
I remember a long time ago I went to a mediation class and they asked what you truly wanted in your life. They made you write it on a piece of paper and speak it to the universe.
Recently, I found that piece of paper in my wallet, and it said
"I want peace within"
Of all the things I could have asked for, I knew I wanted peace in my life, something money could never buy.
I wanted the kind peace that comes in your life, that you no longer worry.
The kind of peace knowing that your faith is so strong that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything will be okay.
The day I cried out to God after hitting rock bottom is the day I received this kind of peace. It is an indescribable feeling when you let go and let God. Your life will never be the same.
In spite of what you have done, he will love and forgive you. No matter how many times you screw up, he still makes you feel like you deserve it. That you deserve his favor, his grace, and his mercy.
I remember the first time I came into this church. I was broken, I was hurting, and I was lost. I had nowhere to go and no one to help me.
God spoke to me through my Bishop. That message, that morning was for me. It was about Peter who was in the boat and Jesus told him to get out of the boat in the storm, to trust him that he could walk on the water. He listened, but once he doubted his faith, he sunk, yet Jesus still saved him.
This was me, I was drowning in a storm. I believed, but not totally, and I kept sinking until I truly gave it all over to him.
Today, I no longer worry about what people say. I don't worry about bills or clients or what ifs. I stand fast in his word... I pray and let God worry. That's it, that is my physiology of life, pretty simple, right? Yup...pray and let God worry. My part is trusting and believing. The rest is up to him.
I have to tell you the last 12 years have been incredible. You can feel the peace when you walk into my home. You can feel it when you're around me, even in my writing. It is everywhere in my life.
I learned that if something or someone is threatening that peace, that they are history, bye Felica. I've worked too hard to get it, and trust me, nothing is going to mess this up.
So today, my friends let go of stress, of sleepless nights, of anger, anxiety, and heart palpitations. None of which will change your situation. Instead, choose peace. If you let go and let God, you will find it. Look what happened all those years ago, I spoke it, and so it was.
“Be the change you want to see”
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Good morning!
In the midst of life's chaos, remember that sometimes, the best course is to simply breathe and have faith. Let go of overthinking and trust that everything will fall into place as it's meant to. Embrace the serenity of the present moment. Motivate and move on those that are with you and have your back will stand beside you and those that don't well block and bye Felica shows that they never had your side to begin with they had other intents.
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drmonkeysetroscans · 9 months
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Bye Felica.
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musesofmaya · 4 years
Nothing breaks my heart more than when I have a crush on a broken guy...
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lupinlongbottom · 6 years
Hey guys!
so school has been kicking my ASS lately and I need to take some time to work on school work (including an assignment literally worth half my grade for a class... yikes). I’m also going on a week-long trip to New York! 3 days in NYC and the rest farther north for a family wedding, so I’ll sorta be off the grid for a bit. 
This means I don’t have much free time for writing. I know I haven’t posted in like a month, but I’ve been slowly chipping away at different fics a bit at a time each instead of just focusing on one (lol sorry)
Thanks for understanding! 
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infinnitc-blog · 6 years
tfw personals start liking my art
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what-makes-a-hero · 6 years
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slimesmiles · 7 years
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Bye stack o’ slimes
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lost-princess101xx · 6 years
I was fine before you so I will be fine after you, just need to keep telling myself that!🤗🙌🏼
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Yeah okay fuck you then.
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joeynavarrajr · 7 years
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Available in my new zine GOODBAD
A collection of short comics I’ve done over the last few years.
Slide into my DM if you want to order one.
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