#Ask me about my blorbos
greypetrel · 11 months
✨Meet the Blorbos✨
Or: a small guide to my characters and AUs in Dragon Age universe. They’re all in continuity, I played more than once and suffer from a sever case of indecision, so here you go.
A small scheme, and more details under the cut! Yes they're colour coded of course.
Dragon Age Origins: Alyra Mahariel. Double-wielding Rogue, Duelist + Bard, True Neutral, ❤️ Alistair / Morrigan
Dragon Age II: Raina Hawke. Double-wielding Rogue, Shadow, Chaotic Good, ❤️Merrill+Isabela > The Trash Raccoon Garrett Hawke. Mage, Spirit Healer + Blood mage, Chaotic Good, ❤️ Fenris
Dragon Age Inquisition: Aisling Lavellan. Mage, Lightning + Knight Enchanter, Neutral Good, ❤️Cullen Radha Lavellan. Double-wielding Rogue, Tempest, True Neutral, ❤️ Solas
DadWolf AU: Modern time AU, follows da2 + Inquisition. Solas woke up 30 years before, Varric is older and Malcolm's best friend. They co-parent Aisling and Dorian, shenanigans happen.
Dark Lady AU: Someone on Instagram asked me if Aisling was Sauron. It's a crossover between Dragon Age and LOTR/The Silmarillion where Aisling is Sauron. "It was all a big misunderstanding". Read it here!
Whale AU: Fully historical, non fantasy AU. Aisling is a zoologist with an hyperfixation for sperm whales, she saves Cullen, a harpooner after a shipwreck caused by a whale.
Cuties Coexisting: A parallel world, Fenris met the Lavellan and hid with them until Act 2 in Dragon Age. Fenris/Lavellan, very very angsty, I'm not planning on writing more of it, but it's open for prompts if you like it. Read it here! (named by @/daggerbean )
Alyra Mahariel
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Double-wielding Rogue, Duelist + Bard, the shade of True Neutral that’s tired of everyone’s shit and is not remotely paid enough to deal with your problems, but will do it anyway because somebody might as well.
No-shit-taken person, she appears to be cold and unsympathetic, dued to the mother of all resting bitch face and the nice tendency to not blink when you’re saying something particularly stupid and she wants to underline that she’s judging you. Will go down in a fight when she’s dead, and it will take a while to kill her. Under the surface she’s very caring: her Vallaslin is for Sylaise, the goddess of the Hearth, and she will do many things to protect her loved ones. She’s reliable, once you’re on her good side or she feels responsible in keeping you alive, she will. Would manage to sell ice cubes to penguins.
Pansexual and poly, romanced both Morrigan and Alistair. Currently Warden-Commander of Fereldan, in a tense relationship with Weisshaupt, Arlessa of Amaranthine and Chancellor (and mistress) of King Alistair. Did the ritual, Kieran is 100% her son if you ask her. Don’t speak good of the Guerrins to her.
Raina Hawke
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Double-wielding Rogue, Shadow, Chaotic DumbassGood and official Purple trash raccoon.
Would reply with a witty remark even in a life or death situation, is the queen of awful coping mechanisms. Very street-wise, never had some formal training, learnt everything on the go becoming something very difficult to predict in a fight. Human disaster, disappointed her mother in every single one of her life choices, on purpose after Malcolm died and the mediator between them was no more. She took care of the farm and her siblings, will go the extra mile and some to keep everyone safe and fed and warm, but refused to abide to any other request. Is the chilliest person in the world, will not question and be friendly -if you like a witty, sarcastic friend that is- until you step outside her boundaries. Won’t shut up if the ideals she believes in are crossed, and can’t stand people in power who do nothing. She knits like her life depend on it, all her friends have hand-knitted garments as gifts. Will only refer to Varric as “Her beloved husband”, particularly if there’s Bianca around.
Lesbian, in a happy poly relationship (after fucking up gloriously with both) with Merrill and Isabela. Sided with the Mages, exiled Anders at the end. Carver with the Wardens, Bethany in the Circle, if you ask her it’s all her fault.
Garrett Hawke
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Mage, Blood mage + Spirit healer, Chaotic Good and the one who just knew he would have better stayed in his bed today. He knew it.
One year younger than Raina, they grew up together, joined at the hip. He just wants to live a peaceful life, have his own farm, grow pumpkins and cabbages and go with the flow. As it is, will let Raina lead towards the next crazy adventure and tone her down a little, or catch her when she’s choosing something overtly risky. It was him who convinced Raina to take Carver but leave Bethany at home for the Deep Roads and he never really forgave himself for it. Particularly because Raina took the blame for it. Got the message from Malcolm that if he wanted to make it as an Apostate, the number one rule was to lay low, be pleasant. Will not stay at home if his family or friends are in danger, tho. Learnt Spirit Healing from Anders, but he’s not extremely talented for it: knows the basics, can stitch up cuts, his talent with Spirits are bones. Learnt Blood magic spending more and more time with Merrill when she moved in with Raina, and that’s his talent. He usually mixes the two things: if he’s a mediocre healer with Spirits, he is pretty talented drawing energy from blood, manipulating it and the body to heal. Keen for the same reason on manipulating and using Water in his magic. Everything that flows. Has a severe case of Dad humour.
Bisexual, romanced Fenris. Same choices as Raina, he would have forced Anders to fix his mess up, but considering he used him and his sister and de facto involved them without telling them… Didn’t put up a fight.
Aisling Lavellan
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Mage, Lightning + Knight Enchanter. So much of a Neutral Good she is your mom friend and therapist and she's not cottagecore, she's directly grandma-core. Will ask if you ate. And serve you something more anyway.
She was adopted by the Lavellans at 6 and put her whole effort into becoming the best Second ever. And she managed: she passed as First as soon as she got her Vallaslin. The former First, Pavyn, was more socially savvy than her, but didn’t put her effort. Could be a Spirit Healer, but when she was 20 she had to restore to Blood Magic to save her friend and got scared that she never touched any Healing spell again. Instead, she’s a decent herbalist, convinced that everything can be solved with enough Elfroot treated in the necessary way. Horse Girl extraordinaire and a very practical person who likes to work more than to talk. Nice and welcoming, will give a second chance to almost everyone (the big exception is Erimond). Hates being called the Herald of Andraste. Magically very savvy, she’s not the most powerful spellcaster around, but she’s extremely precise: would catch a running rabbit with a lightning. Loves to experiment on magic with Dorian, they formed a great team working together: he theorizes, she puts in practice, they’ll invent teleportation given enough time.
Bisexual, romanced Cullen (tried to romance Cassandra, you can mock her for having a Templar kink). The Inquisition is for all, strongly refused being the Herald of Andrasted. Mages as full-fledged allies, Wardens rehabilitated, Celene reconciled with Briala and on the throne (with some blackmail just in case, but she couldn’t bring herself to like Gaspard or trust he won’t turn on Briala at the first chance). Didn’t drink from the Well, disbanded the Inquisition and became a Red Jenny. Chose to redeem Solas if that was possible.
Radha Lavellan.
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Rogue, Tempest. True Neutral and a person who’ll read you in five minutes, the Keeper told her her Vallaslin was either Dirthamen or none.
Elder adopted sister of Aisling, she and Pavyn (eldest) are the sons of the Keeper. She stood around mages for enough to know some theory and use it for her specialization. A woman of few words, won’t speak if she has nothing important to say, and passes as haughty and judgemental even if she’s not. She just likes to observe people and gather every single scrap of knowledge she can get her hands upon. She should have been the one to travel to the Conclave and spy, but Aisling convinced the Keeper and the Clan to go in her place. Feeling guilty, she jumped on the first ship as soon as Aisling wrote and told them she had to stay with the Inquisition, to help her. Sees her as her responsibility, and struggled to accept the fact that she was not. Since it was clear when she arrived at Skyhold that Aisling couldn’t get back to the clan any time soon, she joined in, and started to work with Leliana, as a spy. And oh she’s good at it. Hurt her hand badly in a fight, her right hand can’t grab fully and isn’t strong at all. Learnt to work around it, is pretty much ambidextrous in activities that doesn’t require a strong grip.
Romanced Solas. (ouch) Didn’t agree with Aisling on the Wardens, Celene or the Well of Sorrows, but she was the one educated to lead, and she trusts her judgement.
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Hey, love the way you analyze Remus and I wanted to know if you see him with scars covering his face or none at all? Also, my love for Remadora grew thanks to the way you write them together. I enjoy that you don’t shy away from writing their flaws it makes them so much real and that’s the best thing ever
Aww anon this is so sweet, thank you! It makes me happy to no end that your love for Remadora has grown because of the way I write them. I fully agree with writing characters with real flaws - it makes them more real and the stories are a lot more satisfying when there's real tension from human error and foibles. Remus is one of the most flawed characters of the series, and I develop Tonks's flaws based on what I think they'd be. Together, they're not perfect, but boy do they love each other.
As for Remus's scars - I will first say that Harry mentions Remus's premature aging lines frequently, but never scars. That would seem to suggest Remus does not have facial scars, but then in the film adaptations, he gets facial scars. In tons of fanon he has scars.
Personally, I like thinking of some of his premature aging lines as fine scars that have worn over time + the actual aging lines. You might ask how a werewolf can possibly get scars on their face, but if Remus is in a small, enclosed space and thrashes around, who's to say he doesn't smash his werewolf snout/face into something?
I also wouldn't be surprised if he was out and about on Hogwarts grounds as a teen, or in the woods in general, and had some other creature claw at his werewolf face. I mean, I've got two cats and they slap each other silly. Granted, they're playing, but those claws could do some real damage on a dog nose.
So all of this is to say: if we're going by a purely-canon, what-Harry-sees-is-all-there-is, then Remus would only have premature aging lines on his face. If we're going by extrapolation and imagination, why not have some of those aging lines be scars? Why not let Remus have some scars that look like aging lines and vice versa?
I also have to say that the scar issue is at odds with what we know about werewolves in canon + what JKR wrote on pottermore. That is, werewolves are apparently supposed to be just like everyone else, look like others, etc., but they do have symptoms. It's the reason why the older Lupins had to move around so much, because of suspicions surrounding their kid. And since werewolves can be identified somewhat easily - Hermione did it right after the werewolf essay was assigned - there had to be something about Remus other than missing classes around the full moon that suggested he was a werewolf.
As for a purely subjective, selfish reason for the scars: it's satisfying when I write Tonks kissing each of his scars and promising him she doesn't care about them, or that he's a werewolf, and she loves him.
I hope that answers your question, anon, and thank you again for the ask!
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super-ion · 10 months
New original fiction in the works that I'm hoping to post the first chapter of this weekend, featuring my oc's:
Girl who's actually an incarnation of an immortal water spirit
Normal girl who's depressed
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uniquezombiedestiny · 2 years
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autistic swag haver <- going to explode this fucking facility one day
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unluckyplanet · 8 months
fuck cringe culture!
I'm making a self indulgent gravity falls next gen with my ocs!!
And it fucking ROCKS
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zachdanielswhisky · 9 months
That's terrifying but your art has improved very much. But mostly terrifying
u can also always go through my oc tag on my art blog and find some of my older ocs teehee
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doberbutts · 2 years
Good to know the ff7 fandom hasn't changed at all in 25 years, we have flame wars starting based off a couple contextless lines in the trailer 🤦‍♂️
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finally home and able to play some lotro. simultaneously i am plotting out the mahanon meta posts to come... i was going to do one big one, but there's a lot i need to touch on and i'm probably going to split. please!! if there is something about mahanon's themes or worldstate that you want to know about, msg me in some way and i will try to touch on it :3
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moonbeamdagger · 2 years
heart. break.
She is a good mechanic, and she knows it. She prides herself on her ability to fix whatever may be broken, to mend what may be rent. Her strong arms can lift entire robots, and her deft fingers can find the smallest crack. With a murmured spell, or a twist of her wrench, or, when all else fails, simple duct tape, she will fix anything broken that may fall in her path.
Today, what has fallen in her path is a job. A wealthy temple from the Ivory Tower district, has sent a malfunctioning SecuriBot to be fixed. She does not know why she, a barely twenty-year-old mechanic, only the third- or fourth-best in the city, has been tasked with this, only that her knowledge of programming, and wires, and everything technological will come in handy
A spectral figure hovers over her right shoulder, offering comments that, though they are helpful, she will dismiss as unnecessary.
He points to a green wire.
“Absolutely I will not,” she says. “You do not know what that does.” She swivels to face the monitor on her left displaying the bot’s memory files. She clicks on the latest one, hoping to find out something as to what may have damaged the bot. The video begins to play, but quickly dissolves into static and white noise. She frowns and hits a few keys, trying to restore the image.
“Nothing! Stupid ebanyj SecBot is not durable for to remember damage. I will have to see if memories are encoded.”
“Then we run systems check until something turns up.”
WE? “Well, if you’re going to be here, you might as well be useful and not just annoying, yes?”
“Oh, fignya, you’re the source of my power. My magic runs in my veins and I am plenty good mechanic without, thank you.”
“Then remove it, I don’t give a shit.”
“You won’t though.”
“Mhm. Is what I thought.”
She brings up the base code for the bot, but before she finds what she was looking for, a folder appears, labeled é̵̛̯͍̥̜̑̇r̴̺̄̔̔r̷̨͖̙̬͎͍͊̅́o̸̮͆ȑ̷̢̡̛̻̬. Intrigued, she clicks. A prompt flashes on the screen, asking for a password. Bewildered, she turns to the god over her shoulder. And everything goes bright, then black. Her ears ring, then she hears nothing. And as her heart is pierced by flying shrapnel, pain explodes throughout her body
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babysoftstims · 2 years
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STIMBOARD OF MY BLORBOS!!! They are in love <3
(1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9)
(I know I already linked it but PLEASE check out the artist I commissioned for the center image!!!
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acornpirate · 2 years
My S.O.: “hey, whatchu thinkin’ about? 😏”
Me: “The Straw Hat Pirates and my personal head-canons about each and every member”
S.O.: “ah…c-cool…”
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lonelyshrimp · 4 months
Phoenix Wright for character bingo because I know what you are
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constant phoenix thoughts. always.
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monstercollection · 1 year
Give me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song on my Spotify wrapped that corresponds to it and what character it reminds me of.
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emporium · 1 year
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Ask Me About My Blorbo Keychain • $5.00
Does anyone know Brick's phone number? Or maybe even the address of the mountain he's staying at? I just want to be able to send him updates on our numbers. They're looking great so far. Thanks. —Roberd
Are your keys lonely? Do they need a friend to share their keyring with? Are you lonely? Do you want people to ask you about your blorbos?
Classic plastic rhombus shape
Split ring to fit lots of keys
About the Artist
This design was created by Justin Carlson. When not helping us make fun products for the tumblr shop you can find him do collaborative drawing projects on Instagram.
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anistarrose · 2 years
favorite character havers: this is my fave :) i just think their design and character arc are neat :)
blorbo havers: this is my SCRUNKLIEST little guy and NO one fucking understands them like i do. i found them when they were living alone in a cave and nearly feral but i never gave up on them and NOW they don’t even bite when i put them in the microwave and watch them spin. they’re my best friend and my worst enemy AND my therapist. we share an unbreakable bond
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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ORV is about enduring the horrors in real time.
(for @everyonesfavoritebastard)
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