#Apollo can try being a therapist but I’m pretty sure he’s a different kind of doctor
greekgodssitcom · 2 months
Apollo: Wait what happened? Ares are you okay??
Ares: No but that’s unrelated to the concussion
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transrevolutions · 3 years
exr with 15 and/or 18? :)
don't feel pressured though
15: I’m not going to let you do this to me anymore // 18: I would have taken a bullet for you
“What the fuck.”
Enjolras is making toast, because that’s really all he can bring himself to do these days- or he was making toast before his dead boyfriend appeared in the middle of his kitchen.
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” Grantaire- the ghost- whatever it is- said quietly, in what his idea of a placating tone apparently is.
“Why the fuck are you in my kitchen?” Enjolras’s brain had gone full-on autopilot, and that’s a good thing because otherwise he was pretty sure he’d pass out.
“Shit, are you, like, mad? Because I- um, sorry? Bad time?”
“You aren’t real. I’m not going to let you do this to me anymore,” he said, more to himself than the thing in his kitchen. He thought he was over the stupid fucking hallucinations, he’d seen the therapist even though he hated the therapist, he’d taken the pills, it had been over a month! Things were supposed to be improving!
“What the hell do you mean, I’m not real?”
“Because,” growled Enjolras, gritting his teeth, “You died a month and 18 days ago and ghosts don’t exist.”
“Oh yeah, about that, I owe Combeferre money. Give him my paypal or something.”
“No. What the fuck am I supposed to say to him?”
The ghost rolled its eyes in mock surrender. “I feel like you don’t want me here.”
Dammit, Enjolras, he thought. Get it the fuck together.
“No, I want the real Grantaire back. Not this... hallucination bullshit.”
“You really think... you really think I’m not real.”
Enjolras leaned his head against the wall. “Obviously. Listen, I’m going to take a fucking nap and you’ll be gone, okay?”
He didn’t wait for a response. He was done with whatever game this was. He buried his head under the pillow and pulled the blankets over him. He still was not used to being the only one in a bed sized for two.
Enjolras woke with a start. Had Combeferre or Courfeyrac come over? Had he even given them the key? 
Grantaire- the ghost- stood awkwardly in the corner, looking like he’d been caught red-handed doing something wrong.
“The fuck?”
“It’s five in the evening. You slept the entire morning and most of the afternoon.”
“No, I mean why- can you just-” Enjolras screamed in frustration, a deep guttural noise that probably scared the cat into hiding under the sink. “If you really are Grantaire, why- why are you here?”
“Honestly I don’t have a fucking clue. I remember dying, sort of. Like, I remember the hospital and you were really upset? And then everything kind of... blanked. And then I woke up except I didn’t. Does that make sense?”
“No. Continue.”
“Anyways, I was pretty fucking confused,” Grantaire said, shrugging. “And Jehan told me not to try and contact you yet because it would make it worse for you. Grief processing or something.”
“Wait, did you just say Jehan talked to you?!”
“Yeah. It was probably shit advice, but I didn’t want to risk it.” Enjolras shoved the Jehan-talking-to-ghosts revelation in the back of his mind, because he just could not deal with that right now.
“Then why are you here now?” Enjolras couldn’t believe that he was doing this, having a conversation with the hallucination/ghost of his boyfriend. This wasn’t normal activity, at least in his opinion.
“Because I just gave up, okay? I couldn’t take it, seeing you beat the ever-loving hell out of yourself. And so I thought, screw the healthy grieving process, I’m going to talk to you. And. Well. Apologize too, I guess.”
“Apologize?” he asked numbly.
“You see, I promised- I promised you I’d do all this shit. Marry you, quit drinking, help you make your flyers, fix the stove boiler, all of that. So I’m sorry. I’m sorry I let you down like this, okay?”
“Grantaire,” whispered Enjolras, half-hysterical. “You- you died and then now you’re here fucking apologizing to me for all of that? I- I should be the one apologizing to you! I should never have let you go to that stupid party by yourself just because I had work, I should’ve- I don’t know, I should’ve done better! I would’ve taken that bullet for you, you know that?”
“Please don’t take a bullet for me, Apollo. I’d argue with you but I don’t think either of us want to have a debate right now,” he said bluntly. “So can we just... it cancels out, right? You’re sorry. I’m sorry. Can we... not fight right now? Please?” The tremor in Grantaire’s voice shoved a crack through Enjolras’s heart, and he shoved his face into the pillow, sobbing.
“Grantaire... Grantaire, why did you have to leave?”
“I’m sorry. I’m... this is the best I can do.”
“Can you hold me?” Enjolras whimpered, not sure if ghosts could touch people or, really, anything anymore. He’d never been so unsure in his life.
“’Course I can,” Grantaire soothed, and Enjolras felt a light, cool pressure settle around him. “I’ll stay right here.”
“Please don’t disappear...” Enjolras didn’t think he would be able to handle Grantaire coming back only to leave again.
“Oh, no. I won’t go. Not until you’re here with me and then we can go together. I promise. And I can visit those theatre shows and art galleries without paying, isn’t that neat?”
“That’s illegal, Grantaire.”
“They’re all run by capitalist pigs anywhere. But like, half-price dates, am I right?”
“How on earth are we going to make this work?” Enjolras asked, feeling a stab that was simultaneously hope and disappointed. “I mean, I’m gonna keep getting older, and a million other things. I don’t want it to change.”
The cool feeling moved closer and tighter. “We’ll figure it out. It’s gonna be different but we’ll figure it out. If you want to, I mean. I understand if you want to move on from me, or date someone else.”
“Grantaire, even if you didn’t come back, I’d never date someone else, honestly. It wouldn’t be the same.”
“Ah, I forgot. You aren’t the flighty summer love type.”
“Look at me, Enjolras,” Grantaire said suddenly. Enjolras turned around in the bed to face Grantaire, who was translucent with only the faintest traces of color. His eyes though, were much the same. “I love you. And this isn’t going to change that. I promise.”
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Kristoph’s Relationship with Apollo and Klavier
So I’m going to start by saying that this is DARK. Huge trigger warning for mental and emotional abuse and manipulation. Kristoph is an absolute monster and he’s such a great villain that I utterly despise him sooo... yeah.
I like to think that Kristoph was an absolute master of emotional manipulation. Like. He really gaslighted people. Phoenix had Edgeworth to make sure he knew everything Kristoph was trying to make him believe was wrong, but Klav and Apollo? They didn’t have anyone.
Kristoph had his claws in Klavier from the beginning. I like to think that the Gavin parents were distant- not in an abusive way- but they were distant. Kristoph was always fine with this but Klavier needs reassurance. Kristoph realized this and instantly recognized the potential this had.
Kristoph was the one who reassured Klavier every time he thought he was doing something wrong. Kristoph was the one to comfort Klavier when he had nightmares. Kristoph was the one who was there. It didn’t take long for Klavier to trust his brother so much that he’d do anything Kristoph asked without question
Kristoph used this “power” sparingly at first but the older Klavier got, the more Kristoph manipulated him. He convinced Klavier to go into law (which turned out to actually be a good thing because Klav genuinely loves law) and he convinced Klavier that he should pursue music because he thought Klav would break under the pressure of both (with also turned out to be good for Klavier)
And then the Gramarye case happened. From the get go, Klavier was suspicious that Phoenix hadn’t ordered the false evidence, but Kristoph just kept telling him that he did the right thing and that Phoenix was guilty and Klavier should just continue law and music. Klavier tried pushing back against law but Kristoph was pretty much pushing him back into law, hence the break he took.
And that’s when the gaslighting started. Kristoph knew that Klavier trusted him without question and used that to his advantage. Every phone call had something about the Gramarye case. First it was mention that Trucy was adopted by Phoenix, but it devolved into Kristoph basically explaining how terrible so many people’s lives were because of that trial. Then, it was the win record. By the time Kristoph was arrested, he’d convinced Klavier that the Gramarye trial all his fault and that he was a total failure because his brother had a perfect win record and he had one unfinished trial. He managed to hide it because of his acting abilities but when he met Apollo, his self esteem was so intensely tied to being perfect that the only reason he was so helpful to Apollo is because he genuinely fell in love with him on sight.
Then there’s Kristoph and Apollo’s relationship. Apollo, being abandoned by Dhurke in a foreign country and really only having Clay who probably lost his dad sometime around the end of high school, had pretty much no money. In fact, he didn’t really have enough spare money to even buy a suit and because of that, he got rejected from a lot of internships (it didn’t help that his background seemed pretty sketchy. No record of him in an orphanage and no record of a family references, an ever changing place of birth, etc). Kristoph however saw this as an opportunity. Not only did he hire Apollo, but he even gave Apollo money for a suit and just over all quickly established himself as someone Apollo could trust.
It didn’t take long for Apollo to not only trust him, but for Apollo to start acting somewhat like him. He was pretty much a dog. Kristoph would give him an order and he’d follow it no questions asked. And man did Kristoph take advantage of that. He basically got Apollo so addicted to being given orders that Apollo literally could not do anything law related without asking Kristoph, and after a bit, it started bleeding into his every day life. Clay managed to curb it to an extent, but once Apollo started doing things by himself, Kristoph found something wrong with it every time. Sure he’d point out the mistake with a smile and a hand wave and a simple ‘don’t worry about it- it’s just a small mistake”, but with Apollo having some pretty bad self confidence due to him being abandoned, his confidence was stripped away pretty quickly.
Once Kristoph got arrested for Zak’s murder, which was mostly Phoenix giving Apollo suggestions and pointing him towards the right direction (which makes me think Kristoph did this), Klavier and Apollo had pretty different, yet similar reactions. Both thought it was a fluke. That Kristoph wouldn’t murder someone for no reason. Apollo just kind of retreated into himself for a while, with Clay slowly helping him learn to actually trust himself to make decisions on his own without someone guiding him. All the while he tried getting another law job, but due to his horrific self confidence and the fact that he got his former boss convicted of murder he couldn’t get a job. It wasn’t until he went back to the WAA and he got Trucy who helped suggest to him what to do that he actually started to be able to make his own decision
Klavier on the other hand was pissed because despite all the shit his brother had put him through, he still trusted and loved his brother so much. He wanted to go and humiliate Apollo tbh. That’s the whole reason he stopped his tour. But then he saw Apollo and fell in love with him and started to pretty much fake confidence because he was trying to show off for Apollo. The nicknames, the flirting, it was an act to impress Apollo. And the whole reason Klavier was so upset about something small going wrong during Turnabout Serenade was because of Kristoph’s influence tbh.
Once the Jurist trial ended however, both Klavier and Apollo realized just how abusive Kristoph was to the other (due to the fact that both kind of froze up whenever Kristoph looked at them) but they refused to go to a therapist because they are both really of the opinion that they can get over it. They do however start meeting up and drinking and slowly explaining what Kristoph did to them and trying to figure out why they still looked up to Kristoph.
They manage to find a lot of comfort in each other (and eventually Apollo realizes he’s fallen for Klav and after a lot of awkward dancing around it they get together) and with Trucy doing everything in her power to make both of them feel like they can do anything, by the time DD comes around they’ve gotten pretty good at handling themselves in public but eventually after DD Athena and Simon realize something is up and basically convince the two of them to go to therapists because they really were quite understandably messed up from everything that happened.
By the end SOJ, they are finally confident in their skin.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk about how horrible I think Kristoph is.
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fireandgloryrpg · 7 years
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Congratulations Micah and welcome! We’re so happy to accept your application to play Percy Jackson with the faceclaim of Tyler Posey in Fire & Glory RPG! We can’t wait to begin roleplaying with you so please remember to look over our checklist!
Out of Character Information:
Name: Micah
Age: 20
Timezone: GMT
Triggers: redacted
Activity: while I’m at uni I work evenings a few times a week, otherwise I am pretty much all the time!
Skeleton Character Application:
Desired Character: Percy Jackson
Reason you want to play this character: Percy is definitely my favourite fictional character. I find it super easy to slip into the Percy muse and he is someone that I consistently enjoy writing, I played Percy in the original fire and glory and I’ve played him several times since then. I really look forward to developing him further and discovering the new avenues of development that I can take with him!
Are there any changes you wish to make (faceclaim, age, affiliation etc)? Please explain and provide alternatives: nope! Considering I wrote his skeleton there’s no reason to :)
Perseus Jackson - or Percy as he preferred to be called - was definitely not hero material straight away, in his younger years he was a scrawny young man with bright eyes and dark hair that never stayed neat no matter how many times he or his mother tried to comb it into order. But never let that fool you, because Percy would later go on to be one of the most powerful, skilled and courageous heroes of all time. But the thing that made Percy a hero was the fact that he was always humble. Except when it came to skateboarding, he knew he was the best at that.
The first twelve years of Percy’s life were far from normal, he lived in New York, growing up with a mother who was kind, loving and together they had a little bit of a strange love for the color blue. You might think that his early childhood and life was ideal, perfect and amazing. You’d be wrong. Sadly. An ugly man named Gabe Ugliano ruined all of that, with his pot belly and the stench of beer on his breath. He was always mean to Percy, and Percy was sure it was more than just that with his mom.
But at twelve years old that all changed when he discovered that he was actually a son of Poseidon, a demigod hero who would eventually save the world. It wouldn’t be easy, neither would it be free of pain, but Percy would do great things. He would fight monsters and slay them, the Minotaur, Medusa, the Chimera and Nemean Lion, Hydras and Cyclopes all within the first few years of his time as a hero. But that never stopped him for one second. He simply kept going. He even fought some gods, now that was interesting to say the least.
His list of achievements include taking Zeus’ nuclear powered lightning bolt back to him, even thought it had been in his back pack the whole time. He grabbed the golden fleece from a cyclopes that barely had one eye. He duelled Atlas the Titan one christmas and he held the sky on his shoulders. He navigated his way through the Labyrinth and fought in the battle of Camp Half Blood, he even duelled Kronos multiple times and eventually saved the world. That was all before he was sixteen.
After he was sixteen however his life didn’t get any easier, he was kidnapped, had his memory wiped and got dumped in a house full of wolves, from there he made his way up to Alaska and fought giants and monsters he’d never dreamed existed. From there he watched his friend bomb New Rome and start a war, then they fled to Greece, stopping off for some interesting detours.
Yet through and through Percy stayed a good guy, with his trusty pen sword thingy Riptide he fought monsters, gods and even other heroes (when they were being particularly stupid). But with his best friends Annabeth, Grover, Nico, Thalia and Tyson having his back he was never alone. Later he’d made friends in Jason, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, Leo and Piper. Whatever the case Percy was never alone to face the world.
It has been a few years since he saved the world with the rest of the crew of the Argo II, since then he has received a bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology from New Rome and is currently studying for a masters degree in Marine Biology. Life is a mad flurry of books and trying to live a normal life, but it is never that easy when you’re a demigod. Right?
Para sample:
If there was one thing that you had to give a therapist, it was that they definitely had the money to buy nice sofas. You could literally feel how much it had cost, just from running your fingers over the leather. He could feel the expensive leather as he nervously ran his fingers up and down the arms of the chair he was sat in.
It was funny, normally he wouldn’t be nervous. He had fought people who were literally twice his size. He could leap off of a hundred-foot-high cliff into a pool of water without his heart skipping a beat. Yet usually the only thing that made him nervous was Annabeth. When he had done something to piss her off, she would give him one of her trademarked glares that made you think she could see right into your soul, with those stormy grey eyes of hers. Well it was enough to make anyone’s stomach turn. But for Percy it was enough to send him running for the hills.
The key to avoiding the glare was to avoid fucking up too royally. Usually he could manage it. But sometimes he had to hide at the bottom of the lake.
Yet today, he wasn’t nervous about the stare of Annabeth, it was the stare of his therapist. She was an incredibly thin lady. Percy couldn’t help but notice every single bone in her face. Prominent cheekbones, a jawline that supermodels would envy and slightly sunken eyes. She seemed to be a stern individual, however the way she looked at him, staring at him over the rim of her golden wire glasses, he couldn’t help but wonder if she was reading him like a book.
Dr. Arkwright had been suggested to him by Rachel Dare, a good friend of his, apparently she had helped her through a number of issues and was uniquely talented at her job in her own special way. If Rachel swore by her then that was enough for Percy.
“Percy,” she said in a quiet voice, “I know this is our first session, so there is on no pressure for you to open up right away…” she trailed off, her eyes never wavering from him.
He had been to other therapists before, but they had been mortal, unable to see through the mist or understand what it was that he had been through. They had tried to help him, but with everything he had been through, he hadn’t been able to be helped. Not until now, at least, that was what he hoped. The trick to this was that his therapist was a demigod. A daughter of Apollo, cabin counsellor in her day, though that was a long while ago. She had started out working in New York, but after the recall she’d moved her office to New Athens. Percy guessed that Demigods seemed to need therapy too
“… but this will only work if we can develop a relationship of trust, I can’t help you if you don’t let me help you.”
He took a deep shuddering breath and looked away from his hand, meeting people was an easy task, he could deal with that, but it was different when it came to this woman.
Meeting her eyes wasn’t easy, but he forced himself to do so.
“I don’t even really know where to start,” he admitted, biting his lip gently as his sentence ended.
“Just from the beginning perhaps,” she replied. “The beginning of what?” he replied, perhaps a little too sharply, “My life? Or just specifically falling into Tartarus, or the fact that I’ve been all but a child soldier since I was twelve, gods that is ten years…” he said, more to himself than to her. “Wherever you feel comfortable,” she said quietly, she didn’t seem startled by his revelation or his little outburst.
Falling silent again he sat there and shifted in his seat, that was a problem with his ADHD, sitting still drove him insane. He had never been good at it, maybe that was one of the reason he’d always done so badly in class. He couldn’t sit still. So he stood up, and walked to the window. Staring out into the city of New York he thought about what it would be like to be stood out there, rather than in here. He stared at the cabs and the pedestrians on the streets.
Sighing he ran his fingers over the curtains that were at the edge of the window, even this material felt expensive.
“I guess,” he sighed and tapped his fingers against the glass, leaving little finger marks on it, “I guess the best place to start would be with my childhood…”
There was a sudden binging that interrupted his line of thought, reaching into his pocket he pulled out his phone and stared at it.
“Monster attack, need your help, Annabeth.”
“I’m really sorry,” he said, turning to the therapist, “but I’ve got to go, duty calls.” He said wiggling his phone and grabbing Riptide from his pocket. He turned and strode from the room, his heart thumping in his chest. This therapy thing was hard.
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