#Anti Shinsou Hitoshi
nutzgunray-lvt · 6 months
Why I Hate Canon Dadzawa
I'm pretty sure I've said this before multiple times, but Aizawa is my second least favorite character in MHA behind Bakugou and ahead of Shinsou. Most of this is because of his canon actions/how he's written, but a lot of this is due to people INSISTING that Fanon Dadzawa is Canon Dadzawa.
To put out a disclaimer, I don't mind Fanon Dadzawa. There's been some really well written Fanon Dadzawa fics that I like, and I'm of the belief that you can and should write whatever fics you want. I also think that Canon Dadzawa/Aizawa as a whole could have been such an interesting character had he been written better. Instead (like with almost every other character in MHA) we get someone whose actions don't match how he's supposed to come off as.
This topic is a sore spot for me, because the people who got me into MHA tried selling me on Dadzawa, Dadzawa, Dadzawa. I felt so tricked when I first got into it and saw that none of what they were saying was true.
Just like how Bakugou is a Temu version of Vegeta (so insulting to Vegeta) and Sasuke (who is another character I don't really like, but will put well above Bakugou), Aizawa is a SheIn version of Kakashi; a conventionally attractive, badass, no-nonsense teacher who genuinely cares about and is protective of his students. I have my problems with Kakashi, but it's at least been actually shown that he cares for his students, and whenever he does a "Rational Deception", he not only immediately explains himself, but he only ever did them in his introduction. For that matter, he's actually a good friend to Guy.
Aizawa, on the other hand, is a hot mess of a walking, talking contradiction in writing and Character Shilling. We're constantly told that he's this amazing teacher and amazing person, but the evidence doesn't match up with these claims.
He never owns up to his failings, choosing to a) ignore them entirely, b) excuse them away, or c) throw other undeserving people under the bus to make himself look good. We see this in how he halfheartedly acknowledges Ida angrilly calling him out on his repeated lying to 1A, when he excuses away his utter failure in curbing Bakugou's awful behavior with his "deep seated conviction" in bring a hero, and when he tries throwing All Might under the bus when Hound Dog calls them out in exaserbating Izuku's trust issues after the Gentle Criminal fight.
For that matter, he has yet to apologize to Izuku after his realization during the Liberation Front War of how much of jackass he was to him. Seriously, Izuku has saved his ass I don't know how many times, and he continued being such an ungrateful bastard towards him. I'm not saying he should have gotten on his knees and proclaimed his life to him, but you would think that would have at least changed his attitude towards him.
And speaking of Izuku, while he's always on his ass about his Quirk control... he completely ignores the issues that Aoyama and Kaminari have with THEIR Quirks. Kaminari being taken hostage at the USJ due to his lack of Quirk Control goes completely unacknowledged, and Aoyama's lack of Quirk Control is treated solely for comedic value. You'd think Dadzawa: Best UA Teacher would try to help the two of them as well, but nope.
I could go on all day about his expulsion record, but the point is, he's ruining these students' lives due to him projecting his own traumas onto them. I have to reiterate this, but these expulsions DO IN FACT stay on their permanent records. In Japan, having an expulsion on your permanent record CAN AND WILL prevent you from getting a well paying job. Expulsion is treated as an absolute last resort for a reason, and to see him throw that threat around like it's nothing is horrible of him. Nedzu is a horribly negligent principal for letting Aizawa do this, and the fact that nobody has sued UA for this is a miracle.
Then we get to his favoritism of Bakugou and Shinsou, probably the biggest indicator of his hypocrisy.
It makes absolutely NO SENSE that Aizawa's presented as this strict hardass of a teacher, and then he's shown giving preferental treatment to an abusive egoist (that was canonically how Bakugou was described in his character profile) and a whiny, Quirkist Troll doll that's not even in the Heroics Course. This is especially egrigious considering how often he bitches and moans about All Might mentoring Izuku! He sticks his neck out for Bakugou when he absolutely doesn't deserve it and when you know for a fact he wouldn't do this for his other students.
For that matter, he's such an awful friend to Mic and Midnight. His relationship with both of them is all take and no give. Mic canonically surpressed his own grief and trauma surrounding Oboro and Midnight's deaths for Aizawa's sake, and while it was wrong of Midnight to throw Aizawa's name into the teacher's ring behind his back, he repays her trying to get him a job by doing all the above I just listed. His relationship with them is unhealthy as hell, especially since they NEVER take him to task for his awful behavior.
On top of all of THAT, he genuinely thinks he's this amazing teacher and person, given how angry he gets at Mic for calling him a terrible teacher during the Sports Festival. He calls Vlad King a better teacher than him... but doesn't do ANYTHING to change his ways. You can't have it both ways, Aizawa.
In conclusion, Aizawa would have been such an interesting character had he been allowed to examine and change his attitude and teachings. Instead, we get someone who unfairly has a reputation of being a paragon of goodness and rationality.
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doodlegirl1998 · 10 months
In your opinion in regards to the Sports Festival, which arc would you say had the most disappointing/ abysmal conclusion or just ?
Looking back through them, in my opinion, I personally do think the Sports Festival takes the cake imo.
It started out strongly enough. Yes, so many readers have brought to attention the flaws the whole concept of the Sports Festival, but it also was a good starting point to introduce us more of Izuku’s classmates and flesh them out.
We see a setup for Todoroki and we get to know more about him and his story, as well as setting up for a rivalry between him and Midoriya.
We get to see more of Uraraka, such as what drives her (having a sustainable job to help her parents back), and showcasing it’s great to rely on friends, but sometimes there’s battles you’ll have to learn to fight on your own.
We are introduced to interesting characters like Kendo, Testsutestsu, Monoma, and the rest of 1-B.
We also see more moments of the rest of 1-A like Ashido, Yaoyorozu, Iida, Ojiro, and of course Tokoyami, who seems to be the new, mysterious powerhouse.
We also see Midoriya on his absolute A-Game, relying on his wits alone to get through the obstacle courses! This was peak Midoriya in my opinion. Not just in him being successful in the festival, but him being human to the other competitors, particularly with Shinsou and Todoroki.
SO many characters with great potential and plot points to consider, and it got me to thinking, “Who’s actually going to win this?”
Oh, and Bakugou is just acting like an absolute dip**** throughout the arc, but who cares about that, right?
Well, apparently HORIKOSHI cared.
Bakugou had no impactful or actual significance to the story, just kept insisting“I’m gonna win! I’m gonna win!” And all of a sudden he wins the entire thing. All the while being an asshole to everyone around him. So the childish idiot gets his way instead of letting other more interesting characters to shine and Bakugou instead learns something from LOSING to someone other than Deku.
And I recall the first I got finished watching the arc, I thought, “…really? That’s how we’re finishing this? All these characters to focus or benefit from being in the spotlight or at least winning the tournament, and Hori decides to reward HIM? That’s pathetic.”
Anyway, back to my question, do you have an arc where you felt like this the most?
Hi @khonaker 👋,
The most disappointing arc to me was of course the Izuku Solo arc concluding with 1A vs Izuku and Bakugou's apology.
The solo arc seemed to be taking a tonal shift, seemed to be perfect opportunity to focus on Izuku again, seemed to be building up AFO again as an actual threat via Nagant explosion and hinting at DFO in places ("It's your turn," and "This path you have chosen is a thorny one.")
Then 1A vs Izuku, Bkg's joke of an apology and taking him back to U.A crapped all over it. I feel like I haven't gotten as excited over MHA since. Most of the recent arcs are a bunch of empty hype then a huge let down.
I'd also like to give my opinion on the Sports Festival arc specifically since you mentioned this one.
I also found it a huge let down with how it concluded by the very notes of how Shoto's quirk works he should have been able to stomp Bkg with just his ice. ❄️ But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Like you mentioned it fleshed out Izuku's classmates well. It set up a rival class in Class 1B and introduced Shinsou (personally I'd change a few things about him such as have him train prior to Aizawa's mentorship, have him actually be bullied in his backstory and narrowly miss out on entering the hero course by a couple of points.)
I'd change a few things with the one on one battles too because I feel like the Sports Festival would work better with a few shake ups.
Round One
First, Bakugou vs Shinsou and have Shinsou win. This would be Bakugou's pride getting the best of him because he would refuse advice from an 'extra' like Ojiro and pay the price for it.
I'd have Aoyama vs Midoriya. With Midoriya winning. This is to hint at the traitor reveal earlier, to build their bond earlier with their similar self harming quirks.
I'd have Mina vs Momo, just because I feel like they'd be an interesting match up. Momo is versatile and intelligent and Mina is, quite frankly an under used powerhouse and has a quirk that would counter creation. I feel like Momo should win and show off her smarts by creating something to counter Mina's acid. Plus it would build their friendship earlier.
I'd keep Kiri vs Tetsutetsu as it was in canon just because I liked that battle and their friendship that came from it. 🤣
I'd have Tokoyami vs Ibraha and have Tokoyami win.
And I'd keep Mei vs Iida as canon because I found that fight funny.
Then Sero vs Uraraka because that could also link into her growth with wanting to learn to fight hand to hand through failing to win against a more nimble Sero and a poor quirk match up. So Sero would win this.
I'd have Kaminari vs Todoroki with Todoroki winning because I feel like they would be an interesting match up. And Todoroki could similarly stomp him with his ice just like he did with Sero.
Round Two
Shinsou vs Midoriya with Midoriya winning, like how Midoriya's canon first battle went but in round 2 this time so it's more realistic that Shinsou impressed Aizawa and Midoriya being BAMF more - yes please.
Momo vs Sero with Momo winning, I feel like Momo would have to make lots and quickly against someone like Sero who is able to quickly restrain her. It would make for a good battle.
Todoroki vs Iida like canon, Iida gets far into the battle but loses against Todoroki.
Tokoyami vs Kirishima with Tokoyami winning and Kirishima being manly about it. I can see Dark Shadow and Kiri getting along and this would be a good opportunity for them to meet.
Round 3
Midoriya vs Todoroki and the famous "It's your power" moment, I'd have happen here. Along with Midoriya losing, and Todoroki winning
Momo vs Tokoyami, here I would build the foundation for Momo's confidence issues despite her intelligence. I'd have the battle be harder than canon for Tokoyami, but have her make a 'flash bomb' then falter under the pressure of the crowds watching her (maybe insecurity about the amount of skin she had to show, discomfort from the crowds leers) which enables Tokoyami to take her out of the ring. Here Tokoyami would win.
Final round.
I'd have Tokoyami vs Todoroki. Here, this would make sense to have Todoroki lose to a powerhouse like Tokoyami with his weakness being light - not cold. Here it would be realistic that Todoroki's hesitancy to use his fire - to create that light that Tokoyami is weak to - would cost him the match. Plus Tokoyami and Dark I could see being much more concerned for Todoroki than Bakugou was when he passed out.
Therefore in this version of events, Tokoyami (and Dark Shadow) accepting the gold medal with pride, Todoroki being pensive with silver and re-evaulating himself (he can't win every battle with just his mum's ice) and Momo being third (Midoriya breaking himself too much to fight her for third place.)
Let me know what you think of my thoughts and shake up in pairings :)
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violetlunette · 2 years
you know I feel like you're the only person i have ever seen who likes Aizawa but actively dislikes Shinsou, cause if someone likes Aizawa you always assume it's a given that yes they must also like Shinsou because they both have so many charcter traits that they're basically Dr Evil and Mini-Me, they're both insomniacs, they're both assholes, they both have non offensive quirks that are incredibly overpowered given the circumstance, they're both arrogant and they have the same mindset of how heroing goes on hating the flashy heroes who are literally keeping society stable and thinking haha yes underground the best
Sorry, this took so long! I’ve been busy with a lot. ^^; Anyway, I’m going to use this to address some stuff that’s been on my mind.
Any! Long-ish post below. Oh, and this was written in a rush as I’m busy during this time, so forgive any grammar mistakes, repeats, and inconsistencies.
Oh, and if you feel I made a mistake anywhere, please be polite in your corrections.
*A bit of Shinsou-Critical which may come off as anti-Shinsou (it’s not, but some people are sensitive.)
*Small bits of Aizawa Defense
*Spoilers for Vigilantes and the Main Series
*Bakagou critical (Yeah, somehow he slipped in.)
*Take it with a grain of salt
*Bad language
*Again, very hurried so not as detailed as I would like
Basically, this is just me explaining why Shinsou doesn’t appeal to me. I’m not trashing Shinsou or anyone that likes him, these are just my thoughts. The gist is that he’s not a bad flavor, just not one I care for.
I’ll go into another post about why I love canon Aizawa later when I have the time, but this one is about my issues with Shinsou currently.
Before we dive in, a few things I think you might have misunderstood;
1: Neither are insomniacs. Insomnia means you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting good-quality sleep, but that’s not the case here.
Aizawa has zero issues falling asleep. In fact, if SB is canon he can do so very well and instantly. In the same chapter, he was able to stay asleep despite Mic shaking him. He only woke up when his boss came in. The only reason he doesn’t get “quality sleep” is that he’s always working, either as a hero or as a teacher. He only sleeps out of necessity as his eyes need to rest work (along with the rest of him).
Shinsou just has bags under his eyes which could just be from iron deficiency. (I have permanent bags under my eyes and I have a decent sleep schedule.) We have never seen anything to hint that he can’t sleep or is even tired.
2: I think any quirk can be overpowered depending on circumstances but whatever.
3: I disagree. Shinsou is definitely arrogant in his own way, but Aizawa isn’t. He comes off as being so at times but is more than willing to humble himself. One of the reasons that I like Aizawa so much is that he is more than willing to admit his mistakes and flaws and then works on his own to overcome them. Aizawa has even admitted that he admires people like All Might a few times. Speaking of which;
4: Aizawa doesn’t hate flashy heroes, nor has he once stated that being an underground hero is better. He respects All Might as a hero he just doesn’t agree with his teaching methods. At most he doesn’t understand the idea of needing to bother with interviews and such, but not seeing eye to eye and looking down are two different things.
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5: Never once has he stated that being underground is better.
6: When he insults people with flashy quirks, he’s not insulting the quirk, but the person. All he’s ever said on the subject was that UA’s entrance exam was unfair, which EVERYONE online has agreed with.
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And Shinsou doesn’t look down on flashy quirks. HIS quirk is flashy. The only issue is that it’s non-combative and it’s associated with villains. Shinsou’s only bitter that it’s non-combative and tries to tear others down because of his insecurities. That’s not looking down, it’s being jealous. If you want to see how it looks to look down on non-flashy quirks, look to Bakagou who looked down on everyone except Todoroki.
Okay with all that out of the way, let’s get to why we’re here; I like Aizawa and not Shinsou for a few reasons.
First, is that Aizawa, even when he was disadvantaged, never blamed the world for his weaknesses or shortcomings.
He actively worked hard and trained, even before Oboro died. He knew he had weaknesses and while he would bemoan them, Aizawa always did his best to improve. (Actually, Aizawa is a lot more like Tamaki than Shinsou, in that respect, but I digress.) Again, Aizawa trained himself AND he got himself a weapon that worked six years to master.
Shinsou is willing to humble himself later in the manga, however, he did very little on his own. He wanted to get into UA, so submitted a form to general studies and waited for the sports festival. That’s it. He didn’t train, he didn’t study combat or anything to overcome a weakness the entrance exams would have made very clear to him. And even at the sports festival, he relied on the strength of others to get him through it, then complained that the world was against him (we’ll get to that).
That’s not a failing as Izuku was the same before he met All Might. I’m not saying that it’s a flaw that Shinsou did nothing himself.
However, I am saying this is a point for why I like Aizawa over him as I like people who recognize their weaknesses and try to overcome them. He has low self-esteem but he tries. When he was a teen he saw that he had a disadvantage in combat and became a decent brawler and even taught himself to use a very complicated weapon. He saw a flaw in himself and works to overcome it (except for the smiling thing, but oh well).
The next Aizawa never tries to tear people down to make himself look better. He doesn’t actively look to cause a fight or hurt others.
Aizawa was kind even to people who tried to tear him down. (I’m not calling Laser eyes a bully as there’s a big difference between being a bully and being a jerk.) Even after laser eyes insults him and calls him useless--
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--Aizawa acts like the bigger person and extends his hand twice by letting him keep the sunglasses he liked--
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and then by offering advice on how he could improve.
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At first, Shinsou reminded me of Bakagou, in that he looked down on everyone around him. (Again, he got better later on, but for nearly a hundred chapters this was my main impression of him.) True, he didn't insult them, but it came off that he was looking down on them as he had people carry him like slaves.
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(Here, he may be thanking them, but that smirk makes it clear it's not sincere.)
Yes, Aizawa’s rude as well and can come off as a jerk but that’s because he’s blunt. He’s not purposely being an ass to stomp over others. And on the occasions, he is an “asshole” it’s with the intent of helping others (or in the case of Hizashi, playful fun).
The worst thing he does is put a black mark of expulsion on student records and yes. It is VERY extreme but at the same time, we’re kinda forgetting something. See, here’s the thing;
Aizawa is training these kids to fight villains.
They can’t afford to fool around as one single mistake can and will cost lives, either theirs or others. The black mark makes it clear that they’ve got no choice but to improve. And Aizawa doesn’t throw them to the wolves. He does what he can to help them become better (when plot armor doesn’t get in the way). Hell, he remained loyal to the traitor despite that latter setting up Class 1-A to get killed twice. It’s very clear that the expulsion and the black marks are scare tactics. We have seen any evidence of his actions ruining anyone’s life. In fact, we see that the scare tactic actually worked a few times.
In chapter 6 we see that scaring Izuku with the thought of expulsion forced him to figure out how to use his quirk without wrecking his entire body at once like he did the first time using his quirk. And even then, Aizawa wasn’t an ass for the sake of bullying his student like Snape would. He explained to Midoriya why what he was doing was stupid and why that wouldn’t fly in the future.
“But threatened to expel Izuku for not controlling a quirk he only had for two months!” Aizawa was locked out of the loop and didn’t know that. As far as he knew, Izuku had his quirk his whole life. Everyone likes to point out that because of the law there’s no way to properly train quirks but students like Bakagou, Todoroki, and Ochako have full control of their quirks along with the rest of the students. Later in the series—in Tamaki’s flashback—we see that students do get training for their training. Further evidence is that we’ve never seen one person in the world not know how to properly use their quirk. (Morally is another story.) Therefore, from his POV, there was no excuse that Izuku shouldn’t have control either.
 Moving on, all of that was to show that his most jackass actions are not for the sake of being an asshole, it’s actually to help. And you know what? The expel threat and the black marks do help.
It made the rest of the students of Class-A put their best foot forward on the quirk assessment so he could see where everyone’s starting point is. Then there’s a scene where a student states that it scared his previous class into doing better and helped them to grow. So, again, while it’s extreme, we’ve seen that it works.
The bottom line, when Aizawa is an asshole, it’s with the intent to help others. When Shinsou does it, it’s to help himself.
And I do understand that Shinsou does this because a) that’s the best way to use his quirk and b) he has severe low self-esteem in himself.
He truly seems to believe that everyone thinks of him as a villain because of his quirk. (They don’t. They just don’t like it when he uses their quirk on them, something Shinsou very much enjoys doing.)
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And I do sympathize with him on that, believe it or not, but that doesn’t mean I like his attitude. Maybe if he was called out and forced to grow out of this I would be more endeared but still.
But to be fair, we do see him act better after the sports festival as he is grateful to work with the others. He’s even mostly polite. Shinsou even admits that he does want to help others and we see that when he helps Izuku, who has lost control of his quirk.
We also see that Aizawa cares for his students and fellow teachers. We see him make friends with former criminals.
We only get a glimpse of this with Shinsou in School briefs, which I’m not sure how much to take as canon as it’s written by Anri Yoshi and not Kohei Horikoshi, but let’s assume it has the Star Wars canon logic (before Disney got a hold of it) and say that it’s canon because it got his stamp of approval.
In School Briefs, Shinsou is kind, thoughtful, and considerate towards his classmates. He even admits guilt for the effect his actions had on Ojiro, whom he brainwashed without consent.
What annoys me about him though, is his writing.
He is always going on and on about how everyone looks down on him and his quirk but we see the opposite.
Shinsou is overly praised for everything he does and no one has ever said anything bad about him or his quirk. They’ve only said that the quirk is usually associated with villains and not to use it on them. Oh, and that Shinsou could force people to do things for him. It’s thoughtless and insensitive but no malice was intended.
And I’ll throw him a bone and say that Shinsou internalized these comments to the point where he cannot believe people’s compliments. It’s still annoying.
To me, it’s like a woman bemoaning she’s ugly when she looks like a model and has everyone telling her, “Wow! You’re gorgeous.”
And you know what? From a storytelling point, it’s a waste! Shinsou could have been used to explore how people can be prejudiced against quirks. And it’s really simple to do this;
1: At the sports festival have some of the heroes make comments about how questionable his quirk is.
2: In his flashbacks actually have people say bad things about him and call him a villain, or have him overhear conversations.
3: Or—if you want to have an arc where Shinsou just internalized ill-thought words—have him come to realize that he was mistaken.
It really was that easy for the bare minimum. As is, we just have Shinsou’s perception which, when you look at the evidence, shows that he’s wrong about what people think.
He could also be shown struggling with the moral implications of his quirk; true it’s cool and powerful, but it involves taking away someone’s free will and at times affects their memory. Even if he doesn’t see it as a big deal, others obviously do. Why not explore it? See how he handles this, how he comes to terms? Maybe use it to develop Ojiro as well, as he was the one most affected by Shinsou. Have them debate and explain their sides where Ojiro points out the shittiness of using others without their consent and forcing them to do things against their will while Shinsou states that’s how his quirk works, then find a middle ground.
As is, we’re told that Shinsou was told that he couldn’t be a hero with his quirk, but we constantly see otherwise. Again, the only person who gets more narrative dick-sucking is Bakagou. And even with Bakagou, we see him get humbled here and there. (For two seconds, but I digress.)
Plus, Shinny’s personality is basically just copied and pasted. He’s a mini-zawa with a slightly different backstory and a bit more arrogance. And yes. Despite his low self-esteem, Shinsou is arrogant and prideful. (True, this is mostly at the sports festival where his arc starts.)
Look how he uses his quirk; he has others carry him around like a king. This isn’t bad and I like that he is one of the few to stand up to Bakagou. (I wanted them to fight and have Shinsou win, which would have been good for both arcs, but I digress.)
I just prefer Aizawa’s personality with Aizawa, who I see more of and whose backstory and character I like. He’s also not a one-note character, Shinsou is.
Aizawa is a strict teacher but he loves his students and wants to help them in his own way. He’s also a tsundere friend to Mic and Midnight. His relationship with Shirakumo is heartbreaking as he was the one who always inspired him and now he’s a brainwashed corpse.
Aizawa is a hero who stops to help people even on his days off and uses villain fights to get out of events he doesn’t care about. He made friends with low-collar criminals and had them make him so much coffee, he inspired them to open a cat cafe. The list goes on.
Shinsou is just a one-note character. He wants to be a hero but struggles because externally he’s no good at combat and internally he’s got the idea that everyone thinks his quirk is villainous to the point he can’t believe anyone who tells him otherwise (even when it’s LITERALLY everybody). Which is compelling I grant you, but what else? Who's his best friend? What food does he like? Why does he have bags under his eyes and what's up with his hair? Shouta looks like a hobo because he doesn’t think it's rational to waste energy on personal upkeep, what’s Shinsou’s excuse?
This is why Shinsou is a favorite for fanfiction. He has a setup for a tragic backstory that people can have fun with, he has a canon connection to a fan favorite, his past is mostly blank, and family is never mentioned, and his personality is basic enough that writers can add whatever they want to fit the story. But for me, why go for the bland diet version when I can have the more rounded original?
And finally, here are a few very pretty reasons;
1: I don’t like his design. The color of his hair is nice but that’s it.
2: He has angsty teen vibes where he acts “oh, no one likes me!” when everyone is praising him more than Narcissist did his own reflection and people are literally throwing themselves at him to sing praises. And no. The fact he’s literally a teen doesn’t help.
3: And the pettiest reason I don’t like him; he is always shoved in my face. (I told you it was petty, but this is an opinion piece so fuck it! :p)
Everyone and their mother has decided that Shinsou is Aizawa’s son which is annoying. I already don’t like the character, so having him forced in my face is grating. But he’s everywhere because people like the potential of his character. And to be fair, there is a lot of potential. Like Ari, he is good fanfic material. I just don’t like him enough to explore it.
I mean it, I filter every tag I can with them and these fuckers will still show up. I can’t tell you how annoying it is to really get into a fanfic only to have these guys suddenly thrown in. It’s like eating a really good meal only to find a fly in it. Maybe it won’t ruin the meal but it’s not as enjoyable as it was before. (Sorry, small rant.)
It didn’t help that I was getting the face full of Shinny when I was doing the first read and still had the SF impression of him where he reminded me of an Emo version of Bakagou who I REALLY dislike.
His relationship with Shouta doesn’t appeal to me either. Again, there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just we didn’t get to see too much of them interacting and the scenes where they did weren’t much different than the ones with his other students. And there’s not enough contrast in their personalities to set up potential interesting interactions if that makes sense. They’re too much alike to be fun for me and the things that separate them aren’t enough. Yet, in 90% of fanfics, there he is, written as a poor woobie child who needs daddy Aizawa to love him (shut up internet, you know what I mean). I just can’t stand him anymore mostly because of that. (Fanon Shinsou is the worst for me because I know what he’s actually like in the manga.)
Bottom line;
Aizawa is a well-rounded character with virtues and flaws. He struggles with having a non-combative quirk but instead of just blaming the world for being unfair, he works to overcome his weaknesses, earning the admiration of his friends. He’s blunt and rude, but he’s also kind. As a teacher, he’s super strict and merciless, but also forgiving as sin. Why hasn’t he expelled Bakagou or Mineta? He wants to help them get better (not that he takes action to do so but I digress). He’s also more than a one-note character.
Shinsou is very one noted and—mostly due to lack of screen time—relies on exposition for character development. He’s rude and arrogant, and because of his low self-esteem wants to drag others down. He uses his quirk on others without consent even though his quirk requires taking away someone’s free will, then treats them like slaves under his control. Then when they mention that the quirk made them uncomfortable, he blows it off. He also comes off as someone with a victim mentality. He’s always claiming that everyone thinks his quirk is evil but the majority of the scenes show the opposite. People overpraise his quirk. Now, I’m sure he doesn’t have this but it comes off that way.
Shinsou’s writing annoys me and he just doesn’t appeal to me as a character.
I have Shouta who’s a lot better and more fulfilling emotionally. Why do I need his less-developed clone? It didn’t help that due to his lack of screen time, his first impression of the sports festival is what stuck in my mind for the longest time before we got to see him grow up a little and we didn’t even see that development.
Again, it all comes down to personal tastes and I hope I explained this well. I did this all in a rush and luckily I had some images on standby for other characters.
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Izuku: *accidentally spills exactly how badly Bakugo treated him before and even during UA*
Dekusquad @ Bakugo:
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plusultraetc · 10 months
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"You can't help the things your heart longs for."
shinsou hitoshi, season 2 -> season 5
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punkeropercyjackson · 24 days
I'm a sillygirl Momo supremacist.She ain't nobody's class mama,she is SIXTEEN and it's the whole ass plot of Yaoyorozu Rising that being treated as older than she is gives her anxiety attacks and canon she hates Bakugou for being a spoiled dickbag that gets all the praise SHE worked her ass off to earn her entire life only to be treated as nothing but an object for men and as having no personhood outside her gender
So she's goofy as all fuck.She says 'Wozers!!!' unironically and is obsessed with pink and cats and she's trans and learned social skills through video games and memes and cartoons and j-dramas and books and everything BUT irl growing up cause her parents are adultifiers who didn't let her interact with other kids but it's okay because almost all of Class 1-A is equally autistic as her and she has 97 disorders but she is your friend and she loves fast food and eats it sloppily and she's 6'5 and used to hit her head on the UA doors and cry over it and talks with her hands and through mini dance movements and she's blasian dominican-mexican and her ponytail is in butterfly locs and she's got baby hairs too and a bedazzeld name necklace that was a gift from Shouto and she scrapbooks and plays with legos she created and beat Bakugou's ass with her quirk after having enough of the Izuku fuckery because he's like her brother but started it by taking off one of her boot's and using it on him like a chancla and her and Jirou and Mina are a Thing 1,Thing 2 and Secret 3rd Thing typa dynamic and the five of them and Hitoshi get up to crazy ass teenage shenanigans and fight the goverment and discrimination genuinely because unlike Horikoshi i'm not a cop and Shouto and her act exactly like a married couple yet nobody notices they love eachother romantically except Dabi who was gonna use her to get at her stickbug bf by radicalizing her to join the league but caught older brother feelings like she did little sister ones at the same and they got a little silly with it(went through the horrors and fixed eachother while also making eachother worse)
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^^^^The vibe Momo brings to Our Hero Academia
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sapphic-agent · 19 days
I am curious, after seeing the Momo as Izuku’s rival posts (I also love this concept btw) I am curious, are there other characters other than the standards (Todoroki and Iida) that you think would be actual GOOD rivals for Izuku instead of the overrated dumpster fire? Or do you think Todoroki, Iida, or Momo would be the best candidates to be the rivals?
In one of my earlier posts, I brought up how Shinsou could have been a decent rival if written better. He had a lot of potential as a character that Horikoshi really squandered. I personally don't care for him (a lot of Bakugou antis share this sentiment too), but I could see him as being a good rival character.
He's really the only one I could think of other than Todo, Iida, and Momo, but I'm sure there are others
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prxshipping · 21 days
req for ° ° ° @thats-how-i-like-it !
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req: shinsou hitoshi stimboard w/ themes of flowers + cat cafés
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So I find it pretty disturbing how both the heroes and some of the readers are finding it perfectly justified for Hawks to kill Twice or Shinsou to brainwash Machia; because apparently heroes can & should do whatever they want or feel is necessary to villains deemed “too powerful,” no matter the circumstances.
Circumstances such as “the capability of the hero facing them to just arrest the powerful villain instead” or “if that villain was already subdued and jailed. Just in case he rampages. Besides, need to do whatever you can against the also ‘too powerful’ AFO they were totally trouncing 80 km away from your starting location.” Those circumstances.
And I’ve written enough about why that’s wrong of the heroes here and now, but what makes it worse is that; whatever this baseline for being “too powerful” is, more quirks are gonna be crossing it quite regularly in the coming years.
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Back in the same arc that introduced the Quirk Singularity theory; we were introduced to an elementary school class of children who’re already on a low pro-hero level of power because their average quirks are already much more powerful than the pros’ quirks. While they’re still children.
So by the time they’re adults, would they be past that threshold of power if any of them turned to villainy? Heck, the point of them is that they’re the baseline for their entire generation; so will any villain of that generation be powerful enough to justify any means of stopping them? Certainly looks like most of them will.
Geeze, just another way the next generation feels like it’s gonna be worse when it was supposed to be better.
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alpaca-md · 1 month
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Shinzawa Moodboard 💜
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theloganator101 · 2 years
Hello how are you doing? What you honest opinion about Shinsou? Like i think that he is very overhyped of fandom.
I'm fine thanks for asking!
Ah the purple troll kid...
To be honest... he had potential.
Keyword: HAD
Shinsou, like Bakugou and Aizawa, is poorly written and executed when he could've been an interesting character.
But we get:
"Oh boo hoo! I have a quirk that people call villainous and the hero course students didn't have to work for their spot!"
Overall, he's an entitled brat who thinks he deserves to be in the hero course without putting in the work or effort.
And the only time he did was when Eraser-Senpai noticed him and trains him instead of the class he's legally supposed to.
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nutzgunray-lvt · 8 months
There's an aspect about Izuku both in and out of universe that really bothers me, and it's how there's a sort of expectations for HIM to be the one to clear the air between him and the people around him. To be honest, Izuku doesn't owe anyone anything after the way he's been treated.
Why is his bullying at the hands of Bakugou treated as a "mutual" problem by everyone INCLUDING his own friends and mentor (I know it's mostly due to how bullying is treated in Japan, but come on)? Why is it on him to "properly communicate" with Bakugou about "their feelings"?
Why should he be the one to clear the air with Shinsou about how Blackwhip going out of control wasn't planned and how he really expected to get into the heroics course on his Quirk alone with no physical training*? This isn't even counting how Shinsou's been a dick to him in nearly all of their interactions.
Why should he be the one to prove Sir Nighteye wrong about his assessment of him when Nighteye's the petty, controlling, boundary disrespecting adult?
Why should he be the one to prove Aizawa wrong about his assessment of him when Aizawa's the teacher who not only does the bare minimum of what a teacher should do, but who also offers only criticism with no advice for him?
Why should he apologize for leaving UA and not telling 1A about OFA when a) he only had the best of intentions (and was later proven right that they couldn't keep up), and b) 1A didn't even TRY understanding his POV and shamed/beat him into returning, damn the consequences?
*I understand that Izuku also had this problem in Chapter 1, but a) he was rightfully called out for this thinking by All Might, and b) he himself immediately aknowledges that it was a pipe dream that he had been in denial about
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doodlegirl1998 · 11 months
Related to my previous ask, and maybe this is a reach, but how does it make Aizawa look that he not only neglects his students for someone not in his class, but said student repeatedly refers to one of his own by just his mutant atribute?
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋
One word - bad. This makes Aizawa look bad.
In canon, it's established early on through Aizawa's actions he's a godawful teacher but now it's not just because he "lacks energy", "is exhausting himself because of his trauma" or even that he has some sort of health condition where he can't stay awake (if it was the case then he would need to get that looked at in a hospital.)
The point with this mentorship is that it shows Aizawa can teach if he wants to but with Class 1A he doesn't want to. Just look at how he taught Shinsou with his capture weapon and bulked him up.
Aizawa if he wanted could have;
Helped Aoyama with his quirk problems.
Helped Kaminari with his quirk problems.
Helped Izuku with his quirk problems (I've also seen it brought up that in the blackwhip fiasco Aizawa literally sat back and did nothing when it activated despite having no idea what it was. That's dangerously negligent, holy fuck?!)
He could have investigated all the red flags going on with Todoroki only using half his damn quirk until the sports festival and openly hating his fire using father.
He could have deterred Iida from his revenge quest / prevented it if he cared that Iida wanted to take a work study near where Stain was last seen?!
He could have helped Momo with her self confidence issues WAY earlier.
He could have helped Sero with his tape (is it only me thinking that Aizawa and his capture weapon could have helped Sero do cool things with his tape?)
He could have helped Tokoyami with Dark Shadow - he has the perfect quirk for it too.
He could have helped Ojiro and Shoji train their hand to hand.
Literally, these are the points I could think off the top of my head of how Aizawa could help HIS students but doesn't in favour of Shinsou.
To conclude, it's been implied by canon that Aizawa sees Shinsou as a 'mini me' which even Mic points out. And the narrative shows them (Aizawa and Shinsou) to be alike in thier arrogant, quirkist and self centered behaviour so it implies nothing good about either of them.
It could even be inferred that Aizawa shares Shinsou's quirkist views with mutants, or at the very least, excuses it as "necessary / excusable to get a reaction" so doesn't see an issue with Shinsou talking that way.
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shouta-edits · 6 months
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Can I please ask for hitoshi shinso
and kianna komori yandere mood board please
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mytragedyperson · 1 year
OK already tried to post this but there was an error while trying to post it and now it’s stuck in the Tumblr void. since it’s quarter past 11 at night I don’t feel like rewriting the entire thin so here’s the shorter version. I’m going to watch my hero academia purely so i can write the a fic. here’s some points about the fic
- Todoroki never goes to Ua. h runs away from home and accidentally becomes a vigilante.
- very strongly against Endeavour. he gets no redemption 
- it will be mostly neutral towards all might.
- Todoroki fights villains and corrupt heroes and it builds up to him exposing endevour
- I may give some villains a redemption arc. Dabi will definitely get a redemption arc. this will mainly be because Todoroki will be a badass who scares them.
will be eventual Todoroki harem/ todobowl, but will include other ships as well. also may be more hinted or implied than official but most people grow to love him either platonically as well as romantically.
- Aizawa and present mic never officially adopt him and he doesn’t live with them but they do help him when he needs it and takes care of them.
Todoroki isn’t quite as clueless in terms of pop culture and stuff, he��s been planning to run away for a while, and sneakily bought a computer so he could learn more about pretty much everything he’d need to know to survive. however’ he’s still socially awkward, blunt and doesn’t show emotions. add to this the fact that the personality he develops is best described as chaotic little shit and, well, it’s easy enough to pretend not to understand things and watch people struggle to explain them to him. he also loves pissing people off, flustering people and confusing people.
- in addition to this he decides to just do and say whatever he wants, address misunderstandings and offer apologies whenever necessary, and more or less just go with the flow. this lands him in some strange and chaotic moments.
the main focus of this fic is him becoming a vigilante and making friends mostly accidentally. he will be badass. there will be a lot of fluff and friendship things, and later Todoroki family minus Endeavour will get a happy ending but it will be a long journey as Dabi will have to make up for hurting Todoroki’s friends. There will also be angst and hurt and comfort and eventual, slowburn romance.
- It will probably start off with the same events still happening in UA, just more spread out so I can develop Todoroki more, but will probably deviate around the time Bakugo gets taken by villains. also deku and todoroki are instant besties and deku helps however and whenever he can. he may or may not stay quirkless and just become a vigilante or switch from hero to vigilante. others may also become vigilantes though it probably won’t be the whole class
anyway, this is a rough plan as someone whose only seen up to the first encounter with villains but is subject to change as i decide which characters i like and want to include and which ones i don’t.
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v0id-clawz · 1 month
did I ever post the original fireplace drawing?
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The other one I posted a while back is a redraw
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