dittolicous · 2 years
as far as time travel family trees go Ingo dodged a bullet the size of a moon
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snow-den · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Malevolent (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: John/Arthur Lester Characters: John (Malevolent), Arthur Lester Additional Tags: Love Confessions, Conversations, Introspection, Set After Intermezzo, Bittersweet, More Sweet Than Bitter But Not Completely Happy Summary:
It was exactly the same argument, the same anger, as when Kayne had just left them in England, Arthur realized, feeling tired all of a sudden. “Let's not,” he mumbled.
Made to sit down on the ground instead, John's hand coming down to support him, even now, even when they were like this, and it would hurt so much less, Arthur thought, if he could make himself believe that John didn't care at all about him.
But his words to Yellow back in New York had been as truthful as the ones he said to Kayne, that much Arthur was willing to believe.
It didn't change though what John had done.
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To Love Who Wears The Crown Pt. 8
Pairing: Modern Royals: King!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: none really, you should be fine tbh
Genre: mostly fluff I think
Summary: You meet the king of Andia by chance when he hosts a ball and he's immediately taken with you, enough to invite you to spend your summer at the palace with him while he formally courts you. Although he's everything you could dream of from the moment you arrive, nothing is ever straightforward in the world of powerful people. Who would have thought that when you tripped over his feet at a dance you'd eventually have to find out what it means to love a king.
You shove open the door to Bucky's office and his head snaps up upon your entry.
"Hi doll." Bucky says with confusion on his face.
"Remember how I told you I was going to find your rat?" You tell him, pushing Izzy forward who stumbles a bit.
"Izzy? You're telling me Izzy is the traitor?" Bucky's expression is stoic but there's a glint in his eyes that show his surprise. Izzy fidgets awkwardly under his gaze.
"I heard her myself on the phone with the king of Weldon. It makes sense if you think about it. Who else would know that much about our relationship and be able to get me kidnapped without anyone noticing?"
"I don't understand, Izzy you've been here for years. How could you do this?"
"She's being blackmailed. Doing the king of Weldon's bidding to protect her mother."
"Is this true Izzy?"
"Yes, your majesty." She mutters.
"She's not working alone. I told her you would offer her mother refuge in Andia if she told us who else was working against you." You tell him.
"And did she?" He looks at you.
"She did. One of the cooks."
"Chris." Izzy offers a name.
"And two of the guards."
"Johnathan and Mark." Izzy says.
"And that's all of them?" Bucky asks.
"That's what she told me." You nod.
"Izzy is that all of them?" Bucky looks at her.
"Yes your majesty." She says, keeping her gaze on the floor. You turn her to face you.
"My best friend's life is at risk Isabel. If anything happens to her because you lied I will make your life hell until the day you're hanged." You warn her.
"Your majesty, I know I have no right to ask this but-" Izzy stops when Bucky holds up a hand.
"Wait a minute, y/n, Monica's life? What are you talking about? What the hell does she have to do with this?" Bucky looks at you.
"King Zemo kidnapped her to blackmail me." You say. At this point, Bucky stands and walks over to you.
"Why didn't you tell me?" The concern in his voice is clear as he talks, his hand coming up to stroke your cheek.
"I didn't want you to try and save her before I could find out who was working against you. I was trying to protect her. Since the spies could've been anyone it wouldn't have been safe to make a move, you wouldn't know who to trust. And you can't very well go to war with Weldon over my best friend." You explain.
"She's Andian and being held hostage actually. I could go to war over this." Bucky muses.
"We have to come up with a less costly plan. Wars don't help the kingdom and we shouldn't enter one if we can avoid it." You say.
"Well, do you have a plan in mind?" He asks.
"Izzy, you told me you're only doing this to protect your mother. You want the chance to prove your loyalties?" You look at her.
"If it means you won't kill me for treason, absolutely." Izzy nods.
"Very well, then I have a plan. We'll need Nat and Steve and maybe Sam; no one else can know." You tell Bucky.
"I'll call them." Bucky says. You aren't even sure this idea of yours is going to work but it's probably your best shot at outwitting king Zemo without any unnecessary bloodshed.
Izzy laces up the back of your dress as you adjust the hair piece on your head. Your gown for the evening is a dusty rose colored piece, floor length with a flowy skirt made of layers of sheer fabric.
"You're nervous." She notes.
"Well yes, I'm being announced as the king's girlfriend. It feels like kind of a big deal." You say.
"It is a big deal but you have nothing to worry about. People will love you." She tells you.
"I'm sure you're right." You breathe out. You turn to leave when Izzy stops you with a hand on your arm.
"Don't forget this." She holds out a small glass bottle to you.
"Right. Thanks." You nod, tucking it away before leaving your room. Kate's outside your door chatting with your guards who stiffen up when you push them open.
"Hey! You look amazing!" Kate says.
"Thank you, Kate. Let's get going." You say to her. The two of you walk through the palace until you eventually arrive at the ballroom where the party is already in full swing.
"Are we late?" Kate frowns when you walk in.
"No Kate, we're right on time." You tell her with a small giggle.
"Okay but everyone's already here?"
"I know but James is behaving like I'm the guest of honor. So I'm meant to come later according to him." You shrug. As if hearing his name was enough to summon him, Bucky appears in front of you moments later.
"Hello doll." He says holding out a hand to you.
"Speak of the devil." You joke to Kate, placing your hand in his and allowing him to place a kiss on the back of it.
"You look gorgeous sweetheart." Bucky says.
"Thank you, your majesty." You nod to him.
"Come, we should make the announcement now so the celebration can really begin." He says leading you to the front of the room. With one glance at a guard posted up near the front, a loud bang resounds through the room, silencing all conversation.
"Everyone, thank you so much for coming to this little celebration. I've invited you all to tell you I have, found someone special to me. We've been courting for a few months now and I believe it's time for the next stage of this commitment. I'm pleased to introduce you all to my girlfriend, y/n y/l/n!" He gestures to you dramatically at the end and you're unsure of how to react so you wave shyly.
"I look forward to speaking to all of you tonight, in the meantime please enjoy the party! Eat, drink, dance, mingle." You say after a moment. You turn to Bucky after that who quickly seems to know what to do.
"You heard the lady! Can we get some music going?" He orders and moments later the party is back to action.
"I feel like that didn't go well." You cringe.
"You said two sentences doll how could that have gone bad?" He chuckles.
"Well you know how in TV shows when the main character tells a joke on stage and there's like a cricket sound effect to show how the joke did not land? This felt like that." You explain.
"And I'm telling you that it wasn't anything like that don't worry. Watch, everyone's going to love you." He says placing a hand at your back. Bucky leads you into the crowd and the two of you are pulled into conversations pretty much immediately. It's a while later before you manage to get your hands on drinks for you and Bucky from one of the trays. While he's distracted talking to some diplomat who has barely said two words to you, you discretely untuck the little bottle Izzy handed you and pour the contents into Bucky's glass.
"James." You say softly, handing him his drink.
"When did you grab this?" He smiles.
"Just now, a tray finally passed us." You joke.
"I didn't even see it wow."
"That's why I got you one."
"Thank you." He says sipping the drink before returning to his conversation. Eventually, you continue on to another set of people and a new conversation, circling around the room and making niceties as you watch Bucky down the contents of his cup over the course of the next hour. When his cup is finally empty, you check the large clock in one corner of the room and count the minutes. After about ten you notice Bucky blinking irregularly.
"James, are you alright?" You ask him with a concerned frown.
"Actually- I don't feel too well. I think I need to lie down." He says quietly.
"I'll take you to your chambers and then have Nat and Steve close out the party, okay?" You suggest.
"Sure." He huffs out. You tuck yourself under his arm, allowing him to rest as much of his weight against you as he feels comfortable and lead him quickly out of the ballroom and to his chambers.
"Get Banner." Bucky groans as you help situate him in bed.
"Of course." You nod. You find Natasha and tell her about Bucky's situation and she quickly makes arrangements to end the gathering while you hunt down Dr. Banner. It doesn't take you long to find the introvert in his labs.
"Oh hello y/n, what brings you by? Isn't there a party in your honor going on?" He smiles.
"Something is wrong with James. He started blinking weird and then he could barely walk and he was really warm when I left him." You explain and his smile drops.
"Where is he?" Bruce grabs his medical bag.
"In his rooms." You say following him out of the lab and back towards Bucky's room. A quick examination later Burce lets out a heavy sigh.
"I believe the king has been poisoned." He says.
"Poisoned?!" You gasp.
"I mean, I'll run a blood test to be sure but this sudden onslaught of symptoms? Fever, unfocused vision, dizziness; poison is the only logical explanation."
"Can you cure him?" You ask.
"I'll have to identify it first but I'll do everything I can. Don't worry y/n." Bruce says with a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I have to get started, time is of the essence with things like this." He adds after a moment.
"Go ahead. Thank you Bruce." You mutter. He's out the door quickly and after a few moments, you leave too, rushing back to your room.
"Izzy, that bottle you gave me, you swear it's safe?" You ask her quietly.
"Yes of course, it's only going to mimic the effects of the poison, long enough to trick my father and his spies. I'll call him in the morning and tell him you've done your part and when the others corroborate that, I'll tell him he has no choice but to send Monica home." She says.
"You think he'll listen to you?" You ask.
"That's the deal you struck, I can be very convincing."
"This better work because Bruce is running labs right now to try and save the king." You tell her.
"Well let's hope Zemo works faster than he does."
"I have to go, Natasha will probably be looking for me soon to find out what's going on with James." You tell her.
"Okay. Good luck." Izzy nods.
"Ditto." You nod back and head back down the halls to Bucky's room. You pull up a chair to his bedside and place your hand over his. "I'm sorry my love, I hope you're not too uncomfortable." You whisper to him with a frown. It's a while later before Natasha comes in.
"Okay, party is over everyone is gone. So- what did you say happen?" She asks.
"Well, Bucky said he wasn't feeling well so I brought him to his rooms and then he told me to get Banner who- who thinks he's been poisoned." You say.
"Wait I thought the plan was to fake poison him not to really attempt to kill him?!" Natasha crosses her arms.
"It is fake! You know how when you get a vaccine for stuff sometimes you get symptoms of the thing? It's kinda like that. I gave him something that mimics the symptoms. It'll pass but- hopefully not before Zemo and his goons fall for it." You mutter.
"And Isabel?"
"She's calling him in the morning to tell him I've done what was asked of me. So long as the staff finds out the king has 'fallen ill' the other spies will verify her story and that should be enough to get Monica back here safely."
"And then we can do something about him plotting against the king." Natasha huffs.
"I don't think we can without starting a war," You trail off.
"Maybe that's what needs to happen." She says leaving the room.
"Man she's intense huh." You chuckle. You stay with Bucky for the rest of the night, doing what you can to make his symptoms more manageable where you see ways.
By noon the next day you can hear the hushed chatter of staff speculating about the fate of the king. They wasted no time at all with the rumors of his poor health. That's good, for the sake of fooling Weldon you need as much gossip about it as possible.
"Y/n!" Izzy catches you as you walk through the palace, on your way back to Bucky's room after freshening up and having something to eat.
"Yes Izzy?" You turn to her. She pulls you down a side hall before speaking again.
"I'm to meet Weldonian guards at the border this afternoon to escort Monica home." Izzy tells you in a hushed tone.
"Holy shit it worked?!" You gasp.
"It worked!" She beams at you.
"Okay okay okay. Bring her here when you collect her. She'll get better care and be safer."
"Okay. What about my mother?" Izzy asks worriedly.
"Once James is better we'll discuss it with him." You tell her.
"Alright. I'll be back in a few hours." Izzy says.
"I'll be waiting." You nod. Izzy goes in one direction down the hall and you in another, trying to contain your excitement that everything is going as planned.
Part 8/???
Tagged Users: @calwitch
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anagram-in-color · 1 year
Tumblr media
Andian Ghenie
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themculibrary · 11 months
Moon Knight Masterlist
5 times the Avengers (Clint to be exact) were confused about Moon Knight +1 time they weren't any longer (ao3) - Beyney G, 3k
Summary: OR
Marc, Jake and Steven try to keep their secret identity. It works as well as you'd expect.
a drink to shitty rescue plans (ao3) - notmadderred layla el-faouly/steven, layla el-faouly/marc T, 18k
Summary: In other words, a fantastic day for one Jake Lockley. If he didn’t share a body with them, he’d have strangled Marc and Steven both for their stupidity of getting in this situation, seeing as if Jake was in charge, this definitely wouldn’t have happened. Well, maybe it would have, but Jake was reasonably confident he wouldn’t have woken up in a fucking coffin if that were the case. And not waking in a coffin goes a long way.
All this time I was just waiting for you (ao3) - Nakimochiku steven/marc E, 20k
Summary: “Was… was that your first kiss?”
Steven sprays the bathroom mirror and wipes it with a piece of news print, and stops humming what might be a pop song but sounds so terribly mangled Marc can’t actually tell. “What?”
“With Layla. Back at Ammit’s tomb. Was that the first time you’d ever kissed anyone?”
Carve Your Words Into My Skin (ao3) - Andian khonshu/marc E, 4k
Summary: Slowly Marc raised the blade. “My words. On you. Forever,” Khonshu said. Marc’s hand was shaking, exhaustion or fear, it didn’t matter but if he gripped the blade tighter, he would be able to keep it still. Hopefully long enough.
The blade touched his thigh and for a moment there was nothing. Then he felt the cut, as he pressed deeper, carving the first hieroglyph into the suit. Into his skin.
Khonshu tries to leave a message on the suit. Marc tries to resists. He doesn't quite manage.
Crying Over Ivory (ao3) - comatosc layla el-faoly/marc M, 31k
Summary: Marc's not gonna let some kid in spandex run around unsupervised.
Alternatively ... Marc meets Spider-man, Steven meets Peter, and Jake enters from stage right.
i had no loving arms - to hold me (ao3) - starmoons M, 5k
Summary: With the Avengers poorly failing to defeat an enemy on the streets of New York under a starry sky, a certain Moon Knight has to swoop in and save them from the mess they made. The Avengers are rightfully curious as to who this mysterious Moon Knight is. They end up meeting. He is nothing like they expected.
let these flames engulf all of my skin (let my memory get scorched by the wind) (ao3) - JaggedEmeraldsOfGold T, 13k
Summary: “I’m eighteen, if that’s what you’re worried about,” the kid continues, shifting slightly, and his voice is quiet and subdued and hoarse, and Steven’s knee bounces.
“That’s not,” Steven says, “That’s not why I came over here. Ah,” he licks his lips, unsure how to continue. The kid raises an eyebrow, expression very clearly reading then why the hell are you over here,and Steven clears his throat a bit. “Just,” he says. “To talk.”
Or: Marc happens to pass by a random homeless kid on the streets of New York. This, it turns out, is a mistake, because Steven- Steven, for some Khonshu-damned reason, grows attached.
(And Marc doesn't. He really, really doesn't. He swears.)
Meeting the Knight (ao3) - Dancingdomino G, 6k
Summary: It wasn't Moon Knight who met the Avengers first, or even Marc. It was Steven and Jake. Unfortunately for Marc his alters failed to relay to him that they've each met Earth's mightiest heroes without him, leading to mass confusion.... Awkward....
More Than What I Fear (ao3) - yersifanel layla el-faouly/steven/marc M, 106k
Summary: Marc clenched his teeth, “Did I just land myself in the middle of a cult?” The question was rhetorical, but the disembodied voice answered anyway, sounding slightly amused. “Yes, you did… care to surrender the body to Steven now?” “What the hell do you want Steven for? Read to them?“ He grumbled, stepping backwards, “Also he’s not around anymore.” “You would be surprised…”
Or: with Marc practically at death’s door, it is Steven who ends up in Khonshu’s temple and makes a deal with the god to become his avatar instead.
Our Body (ao3) - apartment marc/steven E, 1k
Summary: There are benefits to sharing a body, Steven realizes, especially when getting kidnapped is commonplace these days.
or: the "you don't have him; he has you" meme, plus marc's attempts at being a boyfriend
Steven has no idea what he did to make this man so angry. But he knows what he’s about to do.
“You don’t even know how fucked you are,” he says. A hysterical laugh bubbles from him, which turns into a groan when one of the guards smacks him. “Oh, big mistake. He really doesn’t like it when people touch me.”
Papyrus Stalks And Tapestries (ao3) - Andian anton mogart/marc, steven/marc E, 2k
Summary: Mogart demands something more before showing Marc and Layla the sarcophagus. Marc is fine with this, truly is.
He is less okay with Steven having to watch him get on his knees for Mogart.
Protector (ao3) - goldenambedo G, 1k
Summary: set after Debriefed but can be read standalone
Marc's nowhere to be found so it's up to Steven (and Jake) to explain to the Avengers a bit about their DID.
see through my act, tell me I'm wrong (ao3) - snapdragonpop007 steven/marc, steven/jake T, 31k
Summary: The precanon Marc backstory we've all been waiting for. Featuring Marc struggling to deal with his past and mental health as he meets, falls in love with, marries, and eventually leaves Layla.
so this could be the death of me (or maybe just a better me) (ao3) - darkerintheday layla el-faoly/marc G, 25k
Summary: “Do you remember me?” There’s a gloating quality to this man’s voice, and Steven decidedly hates it. “Two years ago. Amsterdam. You ruined my entire operation in one night, but you made one mistake, Spector, you know that? You know what it was?”
“This is a rhetorical question, isn’t it?”
“It was fucking me—”
“Absolutely not,” Steven interrupts. “Marc’s standards are higher than that.”
His head gets snapped back for that, a swift punch to his jaw sending hot jolts of pain down his face. He is definitely going to bruise. It’s still kind of worth it.
Or: One time Marc saves Steven, one time Jake saves Marc, and one time Steven saves Jake. (And so forth.)
The Moon Knight System Meets The Avengers (ao3) - vvi59a T, 11k
Summary: The title is pretty self explanatory “crossover” its the same universe 😭
Marc is tired and Khonshu doesn’t care. They meet a few new acquaintances.
The Wonderous World Of DID (ao3) - KUR4M4 G, 2k
Summary: "How are you still alive, you freak? I took your soul!"
Moon Knight loomed over him with a menacing stare," But we got him back."
Or : Steve and Natasha are really confused. How did Moon Knight get back up after he had just got a part of his soul taken from him?
Tightrope (ao3) - Macx layla el-faoly/marc T, 64k
Summary: They had won. At a price. He had saved Khonshu. Oh, and humanity. Actually, the realm. But he had saved Khonshu first. He... they, him and Steven, they had done something no simple human should be able to. Not just save a god, but also defeat another.
This is the aftermath. And a new beginning. Because Khonshu is still there and damnit, he had missed the cranky old bird when he had been ripped from him. Marc knows he's screwed, but he always was. This time, though, Steven is along for the ride.
Together's where we both belong (ao3) - RebeccaOTool T, 17k
Summary: When Khonshu tries to split Steven and Marc for good, things go awry. With Layla's help, they may be able to pull it together. If their own doubts, fears, and flaws don't finish the job.
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444names · 1 year
imperial names from tes + spanish and greek forenames
Absalus Adacav Adorgia Adrida Adrigio Afrén Agapras Aguel Aidia Alania Albeldo Alberia Albimus Alburio Aleorena Allia Amilia Amilianza Amita Andalor Andian Andrius Andrix Anges Annian Antepus Antevin Antis Antura Apanaïs Aparido Apocís Aquimeta Arena Arentius Arinus Arrinia Artorn Arval Asilleas Aspio Auccutro Aucius Audia Aulinos Aunia Aurias Auriccus Avelia Avius Aximesa Belalvi Belcara Bella Bellini Bentus Beremia Berio Bersilia Blandolus Borvia Bracho Bratus Brenthia Briantín Brius Buranus Caecel Caetundes Caitan Calama Caldonius Calioc Caliphon Calispida Callusus Cando Canianio Caron Caros Castro Catios Cecania Celixo Cesent Chano Chemó Chola Chorrel Chrio Chrippe Chrotián Chryitos Cicias Cimano Cirocrios Clasia Cletrato Colaulano Colidius Comna Conchoria Corus Crowinus Culmus Cunicus Césatio Dafinia Dames Daracto Deciosus Deliano Demestrib Dides Dobergelt Dolatta Dolojano Domiá Dorto Douisana Dounia Doxia Drina Drunuelia Dubiosc Dulchio Dèboni Eduanatus Egios Eleme Elerius Elius Elivia Eloscius Elotelios Eminus Emito Emmiano Enganes Entoresus Epina Epissidia Epius Equien Esdrén Espely Euano Eudes Eugus Eulia Eulix Eullius Eupimona Eureius Evino Faberen Fagino Falerios Falia Fauros Felarin Fellus Femaxis Feria Ferpo Filanos Fildo Flata Flatius Flonça Florelia Fonia Fralus Frana Fraza Gallad Gamida Gemaranus Geocolios Geocre Gilius Glarla Glonebere Grandus Grasta Guadna Guantius Guita Halda Halla Helinagia Helius Hellus Heria Hirgiu Iaria Ideli Ignarinus Inmastia Ioaquirna Iresdro Irilim Irius Isman Itasó Jandro Janos Janoulia Janveta Javro Jazaricus Jaïes Jertino Jertus Jesso Joano Joria Juard Julmia Junda Kalensus Kiriacara Kirtensis Krián Laispro Lamaria Lantius Larius Laullios Layottius Leodenus Leofaedo Leolaol Leopera Leopia Leosola Letracas Letry Lichil Licius Liciusin Ligias Liley Lilina Llomina Louki Louronel Luccarna Lucus Luphan Lurisa Maccus Macio Maesc Maldia Maldoxius Malgoner Malippa Mameto Mandrare Mantius Marando Marbel Margio Marnia Marugus Marus Maryssyn Massia Melico Menia Mentilia Merestanç Mesul Mettas Micida Midarnán Milus Miracio Mirtonan Modreldo Munus Naber Nadra Nafilex Nallio Naria Natius Nazalonis Nefana Nelemo Nicania Nición Nicosh Nicosyna Nicta Niercio Ninia Nirnalore Nitakosé Octorne Odina Ofael Ofella Ontuca Orassia Oregros Orispa Orlia Oswalore Pabia Panellis Panias Parda Pardinian Pasobio Pauago Paura Pelidol Perman Perrus Petus Phemoni Phisla Phistius Pitius Plarulso Platus Polamada Ponsta Prinadina Priomé Pronç Purrius Quana Quania Quellus Querno Quilio Quius Rafaelius Ralareber Ramfia Ravoracad Rayna Remenus Remiagros Remos Reykata Roclisto Rolanus Romia Romèni Rudoundo Rullius Sabas Sadenna Salius Sanaia Sanalia Santhar Satto Savat Savida Schio Schlos Scios Sebrovia Sebusius Segrippus Seguel Selado Seles Selus Sephon Sercert Seronnus Sevencos Simus Skyrevino Smanutus Socel Soladiane Solia Spindius Stertula Stonius Strius Sulina Tacinus Tappos Tarius Tatio Telia Teoulaone Terian Terrudele Terte Tertus Thalutia Themmas Timio Toulliana Toundouka Trena Tripos Turius Ulicetan Urbat Uulcar Uulluc Valonius Valtra Varatta Vastantus Velodus Venia Verta Vette Vexxania Vicadius Vicia Vigidox Vilione Viniaki Viruzdius Vitaki Vitiá Vivia Vlinos Vlius Voced Vodia Vodis Vodius Voruzin Westas Xania Yampa Yarace Yeran Yermeixa Zorios Zullén
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thecaledoncasinooa · 2 months
วิธีเปิดบัญชีเก twitter อย่างไรในคาสิโนออนไลน์?
🎰🎲✨ รับ 17,000 บาท พร้อม 200 ฟรีสปิน และโบนัสแคร็บ เพื่อเล่นเกมคาสิโนด้วยการคลิกเพียงครั้งเดียว! ✨🎲🎰
วิธีเปิดบัญชีเก twitter อย่างไรในคาสิโนออนไลน์?
การสมัครบัญชี Twitter ในคาสิโนเป็นขั้นตอนที่ง่ายอย่างไม่น่าเชื่อเลย การสร้างบัญชีของคุณบน Twitter เป็นการเปิดโอกาสให้คุณได้รับข้อมูลล่าสุดเกี่ยวกับคาสิโน แลฮคการพนันออนไลน์ที่คุณสนใจ นอกจากนี้ยังช่วยเสริมสร้างความสามารถในการเชื่อมต่อกับผู้คนที่มีความสนใจในคาสิโนเช่นกัน
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เมื่อสร้างบัญชีสำเร็จ, คุณสามารถกำหนดรูปโปรไฟล์และเขียนคำอธิบายตัวเองให้ถูกต้อง
ตามหาผู้ใช้ที่คุณสนใจ โพสต์เกี่ยวกับคาสิโน และติดตามความเคลื่อนไหวในวงการคาสิโน
ด้วยการสมัครบัญชี Twitter ในคาสิโนคุณจะได้รับประโยชน์จากข้อมูลที่มีประสิทธิภาพและมีคุณภาพจากที่คุณสามารถติดตาม ทำให้การเล่นคาสิโนออนไลน์ของคุณเป็นประสบการณ์ที่สนุกสะใจและเป็นประโยชน์อย่างยิ่ง
ขั้นตอนการสร้างบัญชีเทวิตเตอร์ในเว็บคาสิโนเป็นขั้นตอนที่สำคัญที่ผู้เล่นควรทราบเพื่อเข้าร่วมกิจกรรมและเพลิดเพลินกับการเล่นเกมออนไลน์ได้อย่างเต็มประสบการณ์ การสร้างบัญชีเทวิตเตอร์ในเว็บคาสิโนมีขั้นตอนง่ายๆ ที่ต้องทำตามนี้:
เข้าสู่เว็บไซต์คาสิโน: เข้าสู่เว็บไซต์คาสิโนที่คุณต้องการสร้างบัญชีเทวิตเตอร์ และคลิกที่ปุ่ม "สมัครสมาชิก" หรือ "ลงทะเบียน".
กรอกรายละเอียด: กรอกข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลของคุณ เช่น ชื่อ, ที่อยู่อีเมล รหัสผ่านเพื่อลงทะเบียนบัญชี.
ยืนยันบัญชี: เปิดอีเมลที่คุณใช้ลงทะเบียน และคลิกที่ลิงก์ยืนยันบัญชี เพื่อเปิดใช้งานบัญชีเทวิตเตอร์ของคุณ.
เริ่มเล่น: เมื่อบัญชีเทวิตเตอร์ของคุณพร้อมใช้งานแล้ว คุณสามารถล็อกอินและเริ่มเล่นเกมคาสิโนที่คุณต้องการได้ทันที.
อย่าลืมตรวจสอบข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขของเว็บไซต์คาสิโนก่อนที่จะสร้างบัญชีเพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าคุณเข้าใจกฎระเบียบและนโยบายการเล่นอย่างเหมาะสม. ด้วยขั้นตอนการสร้างบัญชีเทวิตเตอร์ที่ง่ายและรวดเร็วนี้ ผู้เล่นสามารถเข้าร่วมเล่นเกมคาสิโนออนไลน์ได้อย่างสะดวกสบายและมีความสนุกสุดพิเศษต่อไป.
สำหรับผู้ที่ชื่นชอบการพนันออนไลน์และต้องการแชร์ประสบการณ์การเล่นเกมกับเพื่อนๆ ผ่านทางสื่อสังคมออนไ��น์ Twitter วันนี้เราได้รวบรวมวิธีการเชื่อมต่อบัญชี Twitter ของคุณกับคาสิโนออนไลน์ไว้ 3 วิธีเพื่อช่วยให้คุณสามารถแชร์ประสบการณ์การเล่นเกมได้อย่างง่ายดาย โดยไม่ต้องกังวลเรื่องความปลอดภัยของข้อมูลส่วนตัวของคุณ
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ในโลกของการเล่นคาสิโนออนไลน์และการแชร์ประสบการณ์ผ่านทวิตเตอร์ การเพิ่มความสุขสำคัญอย่างมาก เมื่อคุณเล่นคาสิโนในเว็บไซต์โบนัสและโป๊กเกอร์, การแชร์ช่วยให้คุณสามารถเชื่อมต่อกับผู้ชมและผู้ติดตามอย่างรวดเร็ว อีกทั้งช่วยสร้างประสบการณ์ที่สนุกสนานและตื่นตาตื่นใจ
วิธีที่หนึ่งเพื่อเพิ่มความสุขคือการแชร์สถานะการเล่นเกมหรือความคิดเห็นที่น่าสนใจบนทวิตเตอร์ เมื่อคุณแชร์ประสบการณ์ที่น่าสนใจจะทำให้ผู้ติดตามของคุณมองเห็นและร่วมแบ่งประสบการณ์ได้อย่างถูกต้อง อีกวิธีหนึ่งคือการแชร์รูปภาพหรือวิดีโอขณะที่คุณเล่นคาสิโน ภาพลักษณ์จะช่วยเพิ่มความสนุกและเข้าถึงผู้ติดตามของคุณอย่างง่ายดาย
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ที่สุดสุดมหันต์สุดท้าย, เพิ่มความสุขในการเล่นคาสิโนและแชร์ไปยัง Twitter คือเรื่องที่น่าตื่นเต้นและเป็นส่วนสำคัญในการสร้างประสบการณ์ที่ดีที่สุด โดยทำตามวิธีเหล่านี้, คุณจะสามารถเพิ่มความสุขอย่างมากในการเล่นคาสิโนและสร้างความสนุกสนานให้อย่างกว้างขวางให้กับผู้ติดตามของคุณ จึงขอให้คุณเพลิดเพลินกับประสบการณ์การเล่นคาสิโนที่ให้คุณความสุข
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original url http://www.geocities.com/andians/ last modified 2007-07-08 21:50:47
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frank-o-meter · 5 months
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Here’s a cool video of an Andian Condor being released into the wild. (The translation on the post might be mistranslated. It says the bird had been found “intoxicated”.)
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ptseti · 7 months
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snow-den · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Malevolent (Podcast) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: John/Arthur Lester Characters: John (Malevolent), Arthur Lester Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Erotic Poetry, First Time, Love Confessions, Seduction, All Through Poetry, Hand Jobs, Finger Sucking, wrist kisses, Set In An Undefined Time In Canon, They are still bodysharing but also back in Arkham Summary:
There was heat, the stove in front of them feeling suddenly even warmer than it did before as Arthur kept talking. "Counts his nectars, enters, and is lost in balms,” Arthur finished and faintly John became aware that his hand was twitching. He forced it still immediately, embarrassed at his reaction, hoping Arthur hadn't noticed.
“It wasn't just the fire that drew that couple in,” Arthur added, voice less deep again but somehow the stove was still too damn hot, somehow his voice made it even hotter. I … I suppose it wasn't, John managed to force out.
(Or five times Arthur recited erotic poems for John and one time John did for Arthur.)
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To Love Who Wears The Crown Pt. 9
Pairing: Modern Royals: King!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: not a single one at all
Genre: fluff it's all fluff
Summary: You meet the king of Andia by chance when he hosts a ball and he's immediately taken with you, enough to invite you to spend your summer at the palace with him while he formally courts you. Although he's everything you could dream of from the moment you arrive, nothing is ever straightforward in the world of powerful people. Who would have thought that when you tripped over his feet at a dance you'd eventually have to find out what it means to love a king.
Monica's arrival at the palace brought you more relief than you could voice when you saw her. She's been staying here since Izzy brought her back a few days ago and you're hesitant to let her go home when the time comes. For now, Bucky has agreed it's safer for her to stay here with you.
"I can't believe you fake poisoned the king?" Monica scoffs as you walk with her to the music room.
"Well we had moles and I needed to convince them so they'd convince Zemo and you'd be set free. No offense to James but I didn't exactly wanna rely on his acting skills." You shrug.
"I warned you to be careful and that was your plan?"
"I was careful. You're safe, Zemo's outsmarted, the rats have been arrested- I'd say it was all very much a success." You say.
"I'm surprised the king isn't mad at you for basically incapacitating him."
"Honestly I was a little worried about that but then I explained that relying on his acting skills alone was too risky."
"I mean I get the reason you did it but it was still a wild choice."
"I did what needed to be done to protect the people I care about." You drape your arm over her shoulders and tug her closer to you. Monica laughs and loops her arm across your back.
"So what happens to Izzy now?" Monica asks.
"She's moving with her mother into the city. She'll get another job somewhere that's not the palace." You shrug.
"That's a bummer." Monica hums.
"I dunno Mon, I mean I know she helped us in the end but still- considering her actions were grounds for execution I think firing her and allowing her to stay in the city was the nicest thing Bucky could've allowed. I know one of the advisors wanted to push for her exile."
"Exile!?" Monica gasps.
"Well, the argument is that she's not technically Andian and since she did commit multiple acts of treason, why would they want her to stay in the kingdom when she could pose a threat to the king."
"Yeah but she was being blackmailed." She frowns.
"I know, so does James, that's why he didn't exile her, but even with her help in freeing you, since that wasn't a political move, it's hard to make a case for why she should remain employed here. Especially after feeding information to another kingdom."
"I guess I just feel bad for the kid- punished for the carelessness of her father."
"Don't worry Mon, Izzy will be just fine. Since she likes fashion so much I got her a connection with some small shops in the city." You tell her.
"You did?"
"Of course I did. I wasn't sure what her mom's condition was and I wanted to make sure she had an opportunity so she could support them both if she needs to." You shrug. Monica hums and nods at your explanation.
"I'm glad. She was always so nice when I was visiting."
"Yeah, I think she felt really guilty about her involvement in all that- apparently she asked about you whenever Zemo called her."
"What a weird situation." Monica muses.
"Oh that reminds me Mon I think you should move." You tell her.
"I mean, you were taken right from your house right? That means Zemo knows where you live and can just snatch you right back up if he wants to get to me again." You frown.
"I mean he doesn't have any inside men anymore though, how would he use me to get to you if he can't get to you?"
"He doesn't have to kidnap me to blackmail me with your life Monica. I really think you should move. Somewhere in the city maybe?" You suggest.
"I dunno y/n, I don't wanna let this control my life ya know?"
"I understand that but- it's not safe there Monica." You frown.
"What happens if you leave here? Will you move too?" She asks.
"Well I- I don't think I really plan on leaving here." You mutter quietly. Monica's face slowly morphs to one of excited surprise as she registers your words.
"Wait a minute are you telling me that if he got down on one knee you'd say yes?!" She gasps.
"Keep your voice down Monica. There are guards everywhere." You laugh.
"Answer the question y/n do you want to marry this man?" She beams at you.
"I'd really like to." You nod.
"When did that happen?! And why didn't you say anything sooner?!"
"Well I mean, I've been thinking about it basically since I got here because ya know that's like obviously the end goal of this entire courting thing but I think this whole situation with Zemo really tipped the scale. I mean he's been nothing but sweet from the very beginning but it's easy to be sweet when everything is going well. This whole thing really made me feel like we make a good team. He's the only person who has ever made me feel supported the way you do Mon and I think that's the best benchmark there could be." You explain to her.
"Wow that's so cute I think I'm going to need a dentist." She gushes.
"Plus I mean- he put his faith in me to weed out the traitors and trick another monarch."
"Only a nut would let his girlfriend of six months plan espionage on that type of scale- especially if the girlfriend is you." Monica nods and you shove her slightly as you laugh.
"You're so fucking annoying." You scoff.
"You love me, don't try to deny it you fake poisoned your boyfriend who’s the king to try and rescue me."
"Whatever." You roll your eyes, though the smile still sits on your face.
"Have you told him that you feel this way?"
"Absolutely not." You shake your head.
"Well why not?"
"We've been together less than a year, wouldn't it be odd to tell him I'm ready to marry him? Like isn't it a bit soon to start considering marriage?"
"Soon is relative plus no one said you had to get married next week, but there's no harm in telling him you're ready for that step. I mean you're functionally a married couple already, living together, sharing meals, the works. I doubt it would drastically change things if he knew you're all in." She shrugs.
"I mean when he first suggested we make an announcement to Andia about our courting I asked if he was proposing and he said not yet but if all goes the way he wants that'll come later." You tell her. "I think telling him can wait, it's not like I'm rushing to the alter."
"I mean if you wanna be a coward fine." She scoffs.
"Bitch!" You chuckle through shock.
"I'm kidding of course! In all honesty though, I think you're perfectly suited for each other. I mean, I wasn't here for all the scheming and shit but since you were successful you're clearly a force to be reckoned with together." She shrugs. "I mean you were a force to be reckoned with alone but as long as he's complementing that I fully support this relationship."
"I am glad you get along. It'd be totally awkward if you didn't."
"I think you'd have left by now if we didn't. Especially since I met him so early on. You weren't attached that first time we all had dinner it was like a week in so you’d definitely be back home right now if we didn't get along."
"I guess you're right. What a different life we'd be living if that happened." You muse.
Monica actually did end up moving into the city. Claiming there were better opportunities here but honestly you think she was mostly motivated by your argument that her old place wasn't safe. Regardless of the reason, you definitely feel better knowing she's moved. Plus she's closer, and that's way more convenient for hanging out.
"You're telling me Izzy made all of these dresses?" Monica shouts from your closet.
"Not all of them. She made quite a few but not all. Some I bought from shops in the city." You tell her.
"Well have you decided which one you'll wear tonight?" She walks out of your closet and flops onto your bed next to you. Today is Bucky's birthday, and he's decided to throw a party for the first time since he took the throne.
"I was thinking one of the gold ones or maybe purple? James doesn't have a theme so it's hard to narrow down what would be good." You shrug.
"Gold or purple? That's where your mind went?"
"Well yeah, do you have a better idea? Wait what are you wearing?"
"I've got this light pink dress I've been dying to test out." She shrugs.
"Pink huh." You hum.
"I think you should go with gold." She pushes herself back up and walks back into your closet.
"I've got a few gold dresses." You call after her.
"So we'll look at them all." She says like it's obvious. It only takes her a few minutes to pull out your four gold dresses.
"Officer Williams!" You shout. A moment later your bedroom door is opened by one of the guards outside of it.
"Yes y/n?" He asks.
"Can one of you find Kate or Natasha please? I'd like some input on something." You tell him.
"I'll look for them." He nods before closing the door.
"You're going to ask them what dress you should wear?"
"In case we're both too indecisive to pick one." You nod as Monica sets the dresses up around the room. One on the bed, another draped on the vanity, the other two over chairs in your room. One of the dresses is a short metallic tube dress and certainly not the look you want for tonight, another is a spaghetti strap a-line dress that stops above the knee and the last two are floor length gowns, one form fitting covered in sparkles and the other off the shoulder with beading and a flowy skirt.
"Well I definitely think you should go with one of the long ones." Monica hums after eyeing all the dresses for several minutes. Before you answer her, your door is pushed open as Natasha and Kate enter.
"Val said you needed us?" Kate says.
"Monica is trying to help me pick a gown for tonight but she's more indecisive than I am so I figured another opinion could help. Although, I didn't need to pull both of you. I told him or." You muse.
"I say the more the merrier. Which of these long dresses do you like better?" Monica asks them.
"Are the short ones already out of the running?" Kate asks.
"Yes that's why I didn't ask about them." Monica nods.
"Well depends, y/n are you trying to seduce him for his birthday?" Natasha asks.
"Is that a serious question?" You blink at her.
"Yes? It's not so outlandish to ask." She shrugs.
"I'm not trying to seduce him for his birthday, no." You snort.
"Well then maybe not the sparkly one. I think the old man would have a heart attack." She says.
"I like the sparkles." Kate says.
"Sparkles are nice, but I'm kind of very much feeling the other one. Do you think sparkles are more on par with the event?" You ask.
"I don't think it matters as long as you're satisfied with the choice." Kate says.
"I personally don't think it's more par but Kate's right, just wear what will make you pleased with your choice." Natasha says.
"Then, I think I'll go with the beads." You hum. "It's not too flashy, is it?" You add a moment later.
"It's perfect." Kate nods.
"Y/n, you're the king's girlfriend, people expect flashy from you." Natasha tells you.
“Yeah but I don’t want to upstage him though. It’s his birthday not mine.”
"You're going to look perfect." Kate says.
"Thanks." You sigh. Natasha's phone goes off then and she checks the device.
"Sheesh- I hate having to oversee parties. If you marry Bucky y/n, I will not be planning your wedding. Come on Kate we have to go." Natasha says.
"We can hire a wedding planner if it gets to that point." You laugh.
"Wait- do you want it to get to that point?" Kate asks.
"I- well yeah, but it's not up to me alone. I'm only half of the couple." You say.
"Come on Kate!" Natasha says practically tugging her out of your room before she can respond. Once they're gone, you and Monica start getting ready for the party seeing as it starts in under an hour. By the time you're both done and heading to the ballroom, you can hear that the event has begun.
"Oh my days people are already here." Monica gasps.
"Yes, these events are quick to start and slow to finish honestly." You tell her.
"You sound like this is all standard to you." She chuckles.
"I wouldn't call it standard, I really only have our dating announcement to go off of." You muse. When you enter the room there are tons of people and quite a few of them turn to look at you as you walk in.
"People are watching us." Monica whispers.
"Just smile and wave and nod at people." You reply softly back as you address people you make eye contact with.
"The last time I was at a party, I had the marvel of being in the palace for the first time to distract me, what do I do now that I've been here a dozen times?" She asks.
"Mingle? Make nice with the party guests. It may feel awkward but you're always welcome in any space that I'm in." You tell her.
"You want me to rub elbows with all these aristocrats?!"
"First of all, these aren't all aristocrats, James has actually invited so many subjects from around the kingdom. He knows the aristocrats are not exactly great partygoers."
"That feels like a bit of a security risk."
"Natasha thought the same thing but we've got guards making rounds and blocking off the rest of the palace, they're conducting searches and checking invites at the door so hopefully that's enough to-"
"Finally! You're here!" Sam says dramatically. "Hey Monica." He adds when he sees her.
"Hi Sam." She waves.
"It hasn't even been a half hour since this thing started. What do you mean finally?" You scoff.
"We've been planning all day and where have you been?"
"Hanging out with Monica? Nobody said I needed to be part of the planning- wait has Bucky made his entrance yet?" You ask.
"No he's due in like 5 minutes and you need to be at the door when he gets here." Sam says tugging you from Monica.
"Calm down Sammy jeez. I'll find you later Monica." You say allowing him to guide you through the crowd. "I didn't realize I had to be at the door when he walks in? Who decided that?" You ask Sam.
"He did." He shrugs. You and Sam linger near the entrance for a few minutes until a loud thump of one of the guards slamming his staff on the ground silences the party.
"We present to you King James Buchanan Barnes." One of them announces loudly to the quiet room as the large doors are opened behind him. When James walks in his eyes find yours before anything and you glide over to him once he holds out a hand to you.
"Happy birthday your majesty." You say quietly as he walks through the crowd with you at his side.
"Thanks doll, you look gorgeous." He says.
"You look pretty good yourself." You tell him with a smile.
"Dance with me?" He asks.
"I'd be honored." You nod. Bucky gestures at the band and they begin to play a song that allows him to waltz you across the floor with ease. When the song eventually ends Bucky places a kiss on your hand.
"Thank you for the dance sweetheart." He says.
"It's your birthday my love, anything you want is yours." You say with a soft grin.
"All I want is to dance with you, but I do have to make my rounds with the guests. I'll find you soon." He says.
"I'll be around." You say and he slips off into the crowd instantly being greeted by various people. You're watching with a smile as people wish him happy birthday when Monica grabs your arm to get your attention.
"Girl that man is so in love with you it's actually insane." She laughs.
"What?" You laugh back.
"He looks at you like you're more important than the air he breathes that keeps him alive." She nudges you gently.
"I know he loves me but I think you're being dramatic." You tell her.
"You didn't see how when he walked in his expression literally changed when he saw you." She shrugs.
"I mean- alright I guess." You reply. "Oh! You know who you haven't met? Steven! He's Bucky's other best friend and another council member. He should be here so let's see if we can find him." You hum weaving through the crowd. You stop to talk to several people before you actually find Steve, introducing him to Monica. Honestly you make it a point to introduce Monica to most of the people you recognize until eventually, she's comfortable mingling on her own while you do the same. After a while, you notice Bucky take to the front of the room and you watch curiously as he whispers with Natasha and Sam once he's up on the elevated platform. A few moments pass before the crowd is quieted by the guard with the fancy staff again and then Bucky addresses the room.
"Hello everybody! First I want to thank you all for coming. I appreciate all your well wishes as we celebrate. At this time I'd actually like to invite my girlfriend y/n, to join me up here." He says. Those closest to you are quick to clear the way and Sam is suddenly at your side walking you towards the front as confusion shows on your face. You have no idea what they're planning to do even as Bucky takes your hand to help you up to his side.
"James what's going on?" You whisper to him.
"Y/n, ever since you tripped over my foot almost a year ago you've captivated me. I've had the most amazing time getting to know you in the last ten months and I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity." He says.
"I- it's been a joy getting to know you as well." You tell him. "Did this need to be a public announcement?" You add quietly enough for just him to hear. He lets out a breath before stepping back just enough to kneel down in front of you. When he reaches into a pocket and pulls out a little velvet box you can't help but gasp.
"You've become one of the most important things to me in life and- truthfully the only birthday gift I want is to be able to spend the rest of my life with you. I know it's soon but, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife? My queen?" He asks, looking up at you with the most sincere look of pure adoration you've ever seen.
"James I- I would love to." Comes your breathless reply after a moment. James slips the ring onto your finger and you barely have a chance to admire how gorgeous it is before he's standing and sweeping you into a hug as the room full of guests erupts into cheers. You pull back enough to give Bucky a kiss though his laughter makes it hard.
"I can't believe you just did that." You chuckle against his lips.
"I've known for months now that I wanted to marry you. I was just worried about scaring you off if I asked too early." He smiles at you.
"And what changed your mind?" You ask.
"Monica." He shrugs.
"Monica?" You glance at her in the crowd.
"She told me you'd mentioned it but didn't want to bring it up too soon." He tells you.
"Of course she did." You shake your head but there's no way you can even feign irritation right now. In under a year you'd met the man of your dreams and been swept into a whirlwind romance, thwarted an attempt on his life, and caught traitors. It's been quite the adventure.
"You've made me the happiest man alive today." He whispers as he kisses your temple.
"And you've made me the happiest woman every day since I've arrived here." You reply back and you truly mean it. Bucky gestures at the band to play again and he pulls you onto the dancefloor, twirling you around as you laugh. If anyone had told you last March that in 12 months you'd end up engaged to the king you'd have laughed in their face but truthfully you can't imagine your life any other way now.
Part 9/9
Tagged Users: @calwitch
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set-wingedwarrior · 10 months
Comunque andian bisogna vederlo con amici e da ubriachi o diventa ingestibile, è l:unico modo
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444names · 2 years
animals + american forenames + languages
Agliva Alail Aldrede Alene Alixie Allawna Allie Allina Altois Alvali Amaggy Ambar Amina Aminny Ancecia Ancia Andian Andilve Anianue Aniell Anthon Apreil Apyton Arcucke Ardormi Aridog Arjoe Armat Arricen Ashel Aspane Aurtne Aurtons Backin Badrut Bathar Beanna Beard Beeff Beliany Berri Bettan Bette Birilly Blawna Bluewt Boben Bresie Brister Brolian Calrus Candark Cangon Cankey Carie Caroace Carryl Cartne Casna Cathael Cawnal Chalici Chanth Cherie Chilla Chine Chophid Chove Chrilda Clamsea Clandes Clareth Clarona Cobca Colgark Conie Coodie Corack Coren Coucky Couth Cowla Crant Criandy Crich Cronn Cudreek Czella Dacel Dandy Darlyn Darnet Daver Davey Davive Deago Deerpie Delion Dencer Derfish Derilin Dernia Detnet Dince Ditorim Donie Doray Dorep Dorweah Dowla Drane Duance Duarmic Ducia Dusta Dwaty Dwish Edorace Edort Eettip Ellaula Ellaver Ellia Emmardo Emurey Ennak Erobele Esshele Esuel Eulat Evene Fanie Fanne Feregh Ferise Ferna Ferth Fertna Fisald Flord Fowlank Froke Frubear Galauli Garan Garge Garidie Gazell Gelenny Gelly Gelora Geopam Gerrin Gerthel Glack Glawn Gonne Gorre Gramin Gredi Grele Grete Griet Gristil Groat Groyd Guain Guandam Guttind Gwenig Hadin Haeleon Halody Hecke Herne Hertrie Hidna Hitall Horice Hovam Humarly Hundra Indol Inguth Irgian Ivianie Jacatt Jacel Jacian Jackark Jackri Janthy Jassada Javie Javio Jayton Jeafowl Jeana Jefle Jefowl Jelina Jence Jeren Jerin Jesna Jessh Jessian Jesta Jimark Jodyss Johnne Joray Jorey Jorra Josnat Juailie Juancy Julin Julish Karay Karguy Karlee Karma Karold Karose Katamy Katig Kattah Katte Kelix Kence Kenda Kerack Koaden Koary Komird Komma Krayfis Krian Krild Lacky Laitab Laitah Larubed Laulix Laurene Laurk Leassie Leell Leettia Lence Lenne Lenton Lesill Lianda Liant Licker Llaura Lores Loven Lovene Lucki Luelf Lupine Lyndy Mackoat Mackyl Macon Madaria Manda Manna Mannie Marce Marcin Mariony Marlia Maroma Maron Marook Martab Martlew Massan Materya Mathye Maurt Maxin Maxis Maxisy Megaron Megoo Melain Melia Melsa Micatsy Migue Minter Mitty Moleri Molona Monke Moody Mosey Mouite Mouruis Naker Nalba Neffel Nicany Nienna Nitaiia Nosease Olgaley Ollon Orette Orgibug Orguish Oroos Osaar Oshawn Ossally Ossia Paciss Pamelex Pamsta Panie Paris Parjohn Pather Paudy Peady Peane Peddi Penia Perfla Perhew Pidea Pidger Pindory Polga Porice Poshar Posti Potail Potelaw Prace Prannie Prettie Price Racyn Ranalew Randon Ranzee Redie Relia Riantle Riter Robbie Robby Robcani Robcath Rockyle Rocus Rodne Ronnor Ronyak Rotherk Roucia Rourt Roxan Rusie Ryakel Saler Samel Sammy Saroy Sconie Sealan Seffist Shandy Shard Sharle Sharre Shean Shiton Skiwi Sluelia Sonelie Sonnish Sopon Spalf Spamina Spigue Spira Squanic Squarly Squel Squer Stanne Stelse Sumart Sushon Swalisa Swarley Swingor Talvine Tarti Ternet Tertai Thance Thell Thent Thove Tiely Tinet Tinguan Toina Tonie Troman Turett Turth Turusie Uzaril Velyn Viandys Viant Vicin Vidna Vionack Virand Walber Walie Walvia Warie Washer Wayth Wedus Wifor Wifowl Wigerie Wolie Wolle Worant Worish Yvoly
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themculibrary · 1 year
i have 3 tfatws fics i'd like to rec, if that's okay. Wrong About You, Wrong About Me by betterthanworse. it's 7 chapters of canon divergence around episode 3 and also features the Golden Dagger's Club from Shang-Chi. A Three Part Plan by GrannyUnicorn. a 4 chapter post tfatws fic with Madame Hydra and John Walker. Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me A Match by Andian. one-shot. pre-tfatws with Yori trying to set Bucky up with girls.
A Three Part Plan (ao3) - GrannyUnicorn T, 12k
Summary: Bucky was bored. He’d been staying in Delacroix for nearly a month now that not much was happening since the flag smasher business. Turned out Sam was actually serious about that ‘long vacation’ thing, though the ‘separate’ part seemed to have slipped his mind. Which was fine. This was nice. In the beginning. But Bucky wasn’t used to sitting still, so after one and a half day of sleeping, reading, and looking out over the docks, he had started to get restless, latching onto any opportunity to distract himself. And then John Walker mysteriously shows up on a boat and asks for his help. This can't go wrong, right? (I mean, you've seen the tags and the answer is: yes it can)
Matchmaker, Matchmaker Make Me A Match (ao3) - Andian G, 2k
Summary: Bucky was a good man, Yori had decided quickly. Now if he'd only take Yori's advice when it came to finding himself a nice partner.
Or: Five times Yori tried and failed to set Bucky up with somebody. And the one time he didn't.
Wrong About You, Wrong About Me (ao3) - betterthanworse M, 30k
Summary: It's effortless, really, for Bucky to slip once more beneath the blanket of Hydra’s conditioning; old patterns slipping back into place, nice and easy, as natural as breathing.
In Madripoor, Selby gets to name her price. Sam and Bucky must keep up the charade for a little while longer.
Thank you for sending in your recs!
- Tori
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dai-ilallah · 1 year
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