#Alas no Leafeon
wispofwillow · 1 year
Wisp as a Gym Leader
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Wisp got water-type: perhaps not as apt as grass-type would seem (and dress well is...a stretch), the diversity and (forgive me) fluidity of water type may suit them.
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Take the quiz here
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Thank you for the tag @scales-claws-and-thorns
Most folks have been tagged I think, but, for yourself or a character, tagging: @reflectionsofacreator @locketship @khalacrumbles @toeskater91
(Apologies for messy formatting)
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littleaipom · 1 year
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"The two became a somewhat rocky alliance. Crystal often grew impatient with Willow's cautious and considerate approach to things, insisting to brute-force their way forward instead.
They had both been born in the same village and grown up through the same years, and yet, as a product of their differing environments, were nothing alike now."
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chisatowo · 1 year
I love how my first two pmd randomizer teams I characterised them in my head as different flavors of ah goofy and now these new guys are just a bunch of assholes. Just a gaggle of shitheads who think they're better than everyone else. They all hate eachother and think they're the only normal person here. They r also best friends but they do kill eachother on a regular basis.
#rat rambles#I wish that last part was a joke but alas shitty ai moments#also funnily enough dusknoir got randomized to mightyana again (he also did in the last one) so thats convienent#but yeah mantis and moth are no memories rip buddies and their partymembers spider and gnat are their gay worsties (seperate not dating)#moth used to be a different pokemon they know that much but they dont remember anything beyond that#but yeah moth is very polite and anxious to most but to their partymembers they r a lot more blunt and snappy#they value their time greatly and always want to cut to the point when they can and they are also incredibly power hungry#mantis is very Tired and also blunt but they care less abt not upsetting higher ups so they just speak their mind always#this initially pissed moth off but as mantis started saying the things they actually wanted to say for them they tollerated it more#spider is a mismagius and hes very smooth talking thinks hes soooo cool type but he still has a short temper#he also loves poking fun at the others and coincidentally if any of them are killed by another its usually him#and lastly the newest recruit gnat the leafeon. she is loud and confident and is also very ambitious#she is a masterful lier except for the fact that shes always obviously lying but ppl just believe her anyways?? and it drives mantis mad#together they may get the job done but they also may just all kill eachother before they can finish one mission lol#also Ive found so fucking many gold masks its stupid theyre fucking everywhere#Ive also found two space globes which is pretty sick#since I have my full team assembled now Im gonna need to chose out a new held item for mantis tho so spider might lose his space globe rip#if I can get the trap seeing glasses whatever theyre called though he can keep it those things are so fucking useful#its honestly less the trap showing part and more the hidden stairs showing part for me thats twice the stairs on each floor#well theyd be there anyways but like yknow what I mean
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kafus · 2 months
is there a particular shiny pokemon you'd change purely out of personal preference?
overrated answer but leafeon!!
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(image is a screenshot of pokemon db)
see i am not a subtle shiny hater, there’s a lot of subtle shinies i really like, including glaceon which is pretty damn subtle just like leafeon is. but i don’t like the Way shiny leafeon is subtle - i like all the shiny eeveelutions (some more than others) EXCEPT leafeon, i just think it’s ugly and not effective. and besides they’re missing out on the chance to make its shiny autumn leaf colors!!
i genuinely think if leafeon was released in a more modern gen there’s a high chance it Would have been autumn colored actually - a good handful of modern shinies have references to the real life stuff the pokemon is based on embedded in the coloration in a way they didn’t really do during the 2D era and i’m sure they’d give special attention to an eeveelution too. but alas we do not live in that reality
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scarletwritesshit · 5 months
Warmth of Night's End ❄️Pokemon Winter Wonderland Zine
The second piece I wrote for the @winterwonderlandzine
The cabin door creaked open, and one by one, each of the Eeveeloutions trotted inside. Clumps of snow on their fur began to melt, drenching each of them in cold water. From the door, well into the cabin, the water dripped off of their fur and congregated into a pool trailing behind them. None of them paid any mind to the water on the wood, as the heat from the fireplace would soon take care of drying the floor. Hopefully, the heat would not dry up the Vaporeon, but at this point, she felt as if she was at risk of her body solidifying if she didn’t seek out warmth.
All nine of them took their turns attempting to shake off the cold water and clumps of snow, only for it to splash right onto the ones closest to them. The Flareon got off rather easy, as her natural body heat instantaneously vaporized any water droplets that made contact with her fur. The Glaceon did not mind the splash of cold either, as he naturally thrived in such conditions. In fact, he much preferred this feeling compared to the radiation of an open flame.
Life slowly started to return to them, especially the Leafeon, who was acting as if he was on the verge of wilting just earlier in the evening. Though now in the comfort of the warmth of the cabin, one in particular had left some business unfinished. The Jolteon was rather dissatisfied with his defeat by holiday lights failing to be properly strung, and the snarl on his face showed that he was still raring to return to the battle. He wasn’t alone in his desires, however, as the Glaceon was already missing the comfort of the cold and ice in between his paws.
As for the Eevee, well, she would be overjoyed to once again return to the snowscape, that is, if she had any energy left. The last spark of desire that still burned within her was impressive enough, considering how long she actually lasted in the freezing temperatures at her young age. She would not protest an opportunity to return outside for just a few more moments, but she was comfortable on top of the Espeon’s back, and he did not seem intent on facing the cold winter’s night once more. The Umbreon was in silent agreement with the Espeon that perhaps, it was more ideal for the Eevee to rest and regain her strength, along the others. It wasn’t like she always willing to listen to the two, but the Eevee did not have the energy to defy their wishes.
Laying down in front of the fireplace, she noticed that although it was still rather warm, the heat was being provided by mere embers on their last breath of life. She called for some wood to be thrown in, but alas, the stock was almost completely depleted. With the temperatures drastically falling as the night went on, one of them was going to have to brave the cold and acquire some wood to keep the cabin warm throughout the night.
Who else would be better to take down some trees than the already fired up Jolteon? He was still rather frustrated with his defeat earlier, and so striking down some wood would be a reasonable method of productively relieving stress. The Flareon would go with him, however, free reign of firepower should not be carelessly utilized around a vulnerable wooden shelter.
While the Jolteon slipped through the door to hunt down suitable logs to use as fuel, the Vaporeon made the suggestion of perhaps making some hot chocolate in the meantime to tie everyone over. Her suggestion received unanimous support, as even the cold loving Glaceon would not turn down a sweet treat.
The Umbreon and Espeon worked together to grab enough packets of hot chocolate from the cabinet. The Espeon climbed on top of the Umbreon and, despite their synergy, did not exactly have it easy attempting to keep balance. They did manage to pull down enough packs without any casualties, but not without the Espeon tumbling off of the Umbreon’s back, knocking her onto the floor with him.
The Sylveon shot a rather confused glance at the duo, with his facial expression signifying, "why didn’t you just get my assistance in the first place?" It was more likely the two of them showing off just how well they worked with each other, but the priorities of the others lied elsewhere, such as the hot chocolate at stake.
The Sylveon forcefully shoved the two aside, taking over in order to prevent further botched performances. He grabbed a kettle to set down in front of the Vaporeon to fill, as well as exactly enough mugs for all of them, including the currently resting Eevee and absent Jolteon. For the most part, it was a team effort.
The Leafeon was nowhere to be found by the stove. Instead, he was rather content warming up by the fireplace alongside the Eevee. At the same time, he seemed to be indirectly conveying just how incredibly cold he was feeling. His wincing was somewhat justifiable, given how he wasn’t exactly suited for harsh, cold environments. However, ulterior motives were at play here, and it was, for the most part, an act to lure to Flareon into once again laying with him.
Nobody was buying his act. Not even the Eevee, who was half asleep and felt as if she was mentally on another planet. She knew all too well that he was “secretly” begging for the Flareon’s attention, who was too busy to pay any attention to his begging. It was rather embarrassing, really.
The Eevee desired only to nap, at least until the hot chocolate was prepared. That was proving to be rather impossible feat, however. Through the windows, she could see the night sky being lit up with the lightning shocks of the Jolteon, creating a rather spectacular light show. She was well aware that he wasn’t too happy about his failure to string the lights prior, but not that unhappy to put on a light show of his own. A little dramatic for cutting down trees, if you ask her.
Not only that, but the needy Leafeon whining about being cold (desiring the company of the Flareon) was starting to get under her skin. Despite somehow wanting to get away from these annoyances temporarily and seek tranquility further away in the forest, she was having a difficult time fighting off the urge to sleep. The Eevee was kept awake only by those two causing far too much of a ruckus, and despite knowing that the Jolteon and Flareon were quite busy doing them all a favor, she wanted them both to return as soon as possible just so she could possibly get some shut eye.
Her wish may be partially fulfilled soon, as the cups of hot chocolate were just about finished being prepared. The Espeon and Umbreon insisted on working together to, once again, show off just how compatible they were, but the Sylveon once again shoved them out of the way and grabbed the water with his feelers himself. He was no Psychic-type, but he could foresee one of those two dumping hot water on an innocent bystander and scalding them. The last thing anyone needed were second degree burns to tend to after everyone was already exhausted enough.
The cups were neatly arranged and each had one packet of instant hot chocolate mix poured into them. The Sylveon, to the best of his ability, carefully began to pour the water into the cups. The Flareon grabbed a spoon and awkwardly tilted her head to the side and started stirring the mixture, unbothered by the hot water splashing against her fur. The Umbreon glanced at her with a concerned side eye, a bit confused as to how a Fire-type was remaining unaffected by perhaps her greatest weakness. The droplets splashing against her face were in such miniscule amounts, and so they sizzled away practically instantaneously, causing no harm.
Nudging their cups along the floor (due to an unfortunate lack of hands), the Eeveeloutions slowly made their way along to all gather around the fireplace. Well, all except for the Glaceon that is, who was enjoying the dwindling temperatures away from the direct heat. In spirit, he was laying right in the midst of them all, but physically, he preferred to distance himself from as much warmth as possible.
The flame was growing smaller by the minute, and the temperatures were noticeably dropping in the cabin. The hot chocolate could only last them for so long before they would have to resort to each other as a source of warmth. Unsurprisingly, the Leafeon, despite being one of the more susceptible to the cold, did not seem to mind this possibility one bit. Anything that gave him an excuse to huddle closer to the Flareon, he was going to jump at.
After a while, they realized that the sky was no longer being lit up with furious thunderbolts. It remained eerily silent for quite some time, and confused glances were exchanged between each other once the realization truly sat in. Suddenly, the door flung open, and their heads turned to face the door practically in sync. The chill from outside invaded on their space, blasting each of them in the face. In the doorway, they saw the Jolteon all by himself attempting to push the logs through, as they were far too wide to simply roll.
Eager for one last taste of the cold, the Glaceon leaped up and provided him with some extra firepower to help push the logs inside. Once all of the logs were shoved into the cabin, the Jolteon slammed the cabin door shut. They may be inside now, but the logs still needed to be stacked safely to the side, as well as a few thrown in to refuel the flames. With still having labor ahead of him, the Jolteon scrunched his nose and weakly snarled out of irritation. For a Pokémon that was still rather young, he had the attitude of an old soul.
The Sylveon used his feelers to aid the Jolteon in lifting the logs, and the Flareon spat a few embers into the fireplace to once more bring life to the flame. Finally, with the fire once again burning bright, and the hot chocolate cooled to a temperature comfortable enough to drink, they were all able to settle down together for the evening.
The Glaceon was still physically close in spirit, as he especially had no interest in laying in front of a brightly burning flame. In fact, he had so little interest in the warmth, that he frosted the outside of his coffee cup to bring the temperature of his drink down further. Unsurprisingly, the Espeon and Umbreon were on the verge of falling asleep together, leaving half drank hot chocolate in front of them. The Eevee, on the verge of falling asleep herself, winced at the two, though she sleepily eyed up their hot chocolate, should an opening arise for her to swipe their drinks for herself.
The consistently cold Leafeon was shooting "desperate" glances at the Flareon, occasionally looking back at the Espeon and Umbreon to get his point across. She had already curled up with the Eevee, who arguably needed the warm comfort more than he did. His futile attempts became fewer and farther in between as the evening went on, only subsiding once he fell asleep.
The Vaporeon was already fast asleep, confident that she would not freeze over now that the fire was going strong. Soon to follow, the Jolteon would eventually fall asleep himself, too tired to continue fussing over a battle surrendered previously in the evening.
With the stories that each of the nine Pokémon could tell, one might presume that they are speaking of a year’s worth of tales. This night, however, was only the first of many snowfalls to come that winter.
And though each snowfall may feel the same as the last, one has but a singular chance to experience a first snowfall only once in their lives, and this was one that the young Eevee would look back upon with great fondness for as long as she may live.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I love your take on Red and Laventon’s friendship
But may I introduce you to something else ? We established the fact that Blue and Palina are besties, but what about Red and Sabi ?
They would share that sibling friendship and rivalry in games (Sabi is happy to have a new friend to play with !)
Just- Sabi being too small to see something so Red picks her up and put her on his shoulders ? 🥺
Pikachu is also now glued to Sabi and I stand by that.
I want Blue and Red’s reaction to seing Melli. Red and Melli’s relationship would be hatred at first sight, Blue losing his shit when he hears Red lowly growling at the blue haired.
Pikachu hates the Stunkank, and vice versa. Red absolutely loved Melli’s face as he realized he messed up with someone much stronger in a lot of domains than he is.
And Melli ends up fearing him a bit as Red manhandled his noble lol.
Blue and Adaman’s friendship would be funny and beautiful.
Adaman is going at full speed towards Kamado’s office the second he heard his bestie was banished from the village. (Sabi is also on her way with a very angry birb).
Blue’s Flareon and Adaman’s Leafeon are vibing.
Blue doesn’t like Irida as much when he heard what happened to Growlith from Palina. He was mad honestly.
But not as much as he was towards the Misfortune sisters my guy nearly throw one in the lava.
-Eds anon
Red was adopted by Sabi, she just wouldn’t leave him alone and following him around.
Red got use to that, and now gets concerned and worried if she isn’t behind him asking a thousand questions.
She’s also a little shit and sometimes throws snowballs at him.
Only to in awe at how well he dodges them without even looking.
Red one shots all of Melli’s Pokémon without even blinking.
Red will put the fear of the almighty into this twink.
Adman and Blue’s friendship started cause if Leafeon and Flareon, the two Pokémon vibe together.
So their trainers ended up hanging out together, and actually realized they are quite similar.
Another “can I pet your dog?” But much calmer.
Adaman defended the hell out of Blue and Red.
But he had to hold back Sabi cause Kamado called her an ankle biter, and she was determined to prove him right.
By taking his ankles.
Adaman wanted to let her go feral, but alas, he’s head of the clan.
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shadowxforce · 1 year
@deimantaimis (continued from here)
Volo's hand falls to lean naturally on his hip as his other combs through his damp hair in an attempt to make it somewhat more tolerable now that he's out of the storm raging wildly outside. Without the rain showing any signs of stopping in a reasonable amount of time, he suspects they might be trapped here for a spell. But, oh, he can't say he minds when the company he's stumbled upon is so very interesting. Perhaps luck, or some twisted act of divine intervention, is on his side for a change, but only time can truly tell. So, carefully, observes Adaman's reaction to him, or rather, lack thereof. If anything, he seems somewhat caught off guard to hear his name on Volo's lips. And Leafeon doesn't display any signs of familiarity towards him either, nor any distrust for that matter. He calls how Ingo, a man who had the misfortune of being thrust into Hisui through one of the rifts torn into the sky, had no recollection of his life prior to arriving either. It appears the same applies to Adaman in this case.
The corner of his lips quiver upwards into a smile as his hand falls softly to his side. 'It wounds me to hear that you don't remember me, Adaman." If Volo were an actor, he would have no-doubt been one of the best Pokestar Studios had ever seen. His tone is sincere--his voice disheartened, and his expression crestfallen. And, while Togekiss harbors mixed feelings about her partner's actions and goals, she echoes his sentiment with a soft coo as she floats downwards to land in front of Leafeon--as if she, too, is saddened by the realization. "My, I know it's been a while, but I'd like to think I have a fairly memorable face. An unforgettable one, I would even argue." Using his index finger he points at his own cheek while staring at Adaman, as if he expects doing so might trigger some sort of recognition in the man, even if he's perfectly aware of the fact that it won't. "But alas, it seems even my dear friend, Adaman has forgotten about all we've endured!"
With a dramatic flare, he slinks to the ground with a soft plop. His hefty backpack bangs against the earth when it collides with it, and he shrugs it off with a roll of his drenched shoulders, allowing it to fall to the ground with a loud thud. "While you might not remember me, I could never forget you! And I'd like to believe fate brought us back together today, so it seems I have no choice but to wait out this storm with you, my good friend, and jog that unreliable memory of yours while I'm at it." He leans against his bag, the wet leather clings to his soaked shirt, and he longs for a nice, warm bath or, at least, a warm towel, but he can't claim he's unused to having to brave storms in far worse situations than this. To him, the memories of centuries ago are still fresh in his mind no matter how man years have passed.
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Togekiss, seeing Volo lay down, waddles over to him and nuzzles uselessly against his arm. Her poor snout already fairly wet, and her short fur sticks up uselessly in almost every direction. Absentmindedly, he runs his fingers along her wet feathers as he stares up at the dark ceiling looming above them. "Ah, we used to explore ruins together often…" he sighs, despondent, as if Adaman had just rejected him, but he shakes his head, and perks up a bit, tilting his head back so he can look the other man in the eyes. "But truly ruins and all of their secrets are fascinating! My heart is racing with excitement even thinking about what discovers are still waiting to be uncovered!"
He harbors some knowledge about the former Diamond clan's leader, after all, the Guild had been a cherished resource by most when Sinnoh had still been known as Hisui. He can's begin to claim they were close, but he is confident he knows enough about the other to weasel his way through this conversation, and test the waters of the boundaries he can push, and how much Adaman is willing to trust his claims. But he wasn't exactly lying either--they did know one another, and they had been on friendly terms, as Volo tended to be with everyone, at least for the vast majority of their exchanges before he found himself rejected by Arceus once more. But oh the desire to meet with the God he once worshipped is far from dead, and Adaman's appearance here is a rare of hope--a beacon of something more to come.
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mcrizzystardust · 1 month
HEY what’s your favorite Pokémon :D
.... you know, when i left the same ask in your box first, i should have known you'd ask me the same, but alas, i somehow did not anticipate this 😭
so, um.
this is going to be a long post..
i have found that i am utterly incapable of choosing a single (or even 2. or 3. or 4.) favourite(s), so, to make this easier for all of us, im gonna tier rank all my favourite pokemon!!
impidimp, morgrem, goomy, gible, obstagoon, quaxly, quaxwell, quaquaval, gengar, clefable, golett, golurk, psyduck, sprigatito, floragato, meowscarada, toxtricity, sableye, gligar, zangoose, blacephelon, sobble, drizzile, mudkip, marshtomp, swampert, litten, torracat, pumpkaboo, chespin, noibat, slowpoke, sewaddle, swadloon, leavanny, krookedile, espeon, umbreon, sylveon, shinx, archen, sharpedo, kricketot, gallade, cacturne
maractus, noivern, scorbunny, raboot, cinderace, espurr, dratini, dragonair, dragonite, riolu, sliggoo, joltik, mimikyu, petilil, lilligant, tepig, pignite, politoed, spoink, grumpig, gastly, rockruff, cosmog, wartortle, breloom, scizor, mudsdale, mareep, starly, dreepy, smeargle, nihilego, oshawott, leafeon, yamper, corvisquire, victini, zorua, houndoor, scolipede, lurantis
litwick, lucario, goodra, toxel, gabite, garchomp, drakloak, dragapult, inteleon, lycanroc, marshadow, flapple, seviper, sandile, krokorok, squirtle, mudbray, flaaffy, popplio, brionne, primarina, pancham, vaporeon, piplup, boltund, buneary, lopunny, chimchar, kecleon, bidoof
teddiursa, spinda, cutiefly, ribombee, clefairy, grimmsnarl, vulpix, ninetails, emolga, haunter, incineroar, stufful, bewear, meowth, skiddo, wooper, octillery, bounsweet, jynx, yanmega, eelektrik, eelektross, ampharos, applin, eevee, jolteon, flareon, glaceon, shaymin
okay so!! explaining my tier s's:
impidimp is just. like, hes such a fucking menace, and he looks so stupid, and i can't help but love him with my entire heart. same for morgrem, my lil scene kid 🥺🫶
gible is such an ipad kid, im dying on this hill
obstagoon is so silly!! look at him!!!!
quaxly, quaxwell and quaquaval are all drag kings and i love them so so so much and im HHHNNGNGHH /aff
gengar and clefable holding hands onfgcgjdj!!!
golett and golurk are my little babygirls. LOOK AT THEM.
psyduck is actually me. hes so autistic coded!!!! and just,,, look!!!!!!!
sprigatito, floragato, meowscarada: weed cat <3
toxtricity is my lil goofy boy!! my son!!!!
sableye is so 🥺🥺🥺
gligar sees right through my soul and for that i need to give him a lil smooch on his forehead
zangoose!!! need i say more???
sobble is so me, like, yes i love to cry, now come give me a hug you little goober. and drizzile is so emo kid, that lil fucker is screaming along to hell above by ptv as we speak!!
mudkip, marshtomp, swampert are like. three of my favourite favourites!! like if i had to pick a starter, i would be fighting for my life trying to pick between mudkip and quaxly
litten, torracat: fire boyos 🥺🫶
pumpkaboo NEED I SAY MORE
my boyfriend is so chespin coded and i have to love chespin for that
noibat is so cute!! and definitely a 2021 alt girl!!! we stan!!!
slowpoke is one of my top pokemon tbh!!! hes so me
sewaddle, swadloon, leavanny NEED I SAY LITERALKY ANYTHING ELSE? also, swadloon is SO ME
krookedile is just such a vibe, hes just chilling, hes just hanging out!
espeon + umbreon, because thats me and @aaron-hamiltion :)
shinx is so goddamn cute like i just know that fucker is out there scratching up my couch and i'd forgive them for it
archen is so @aaron-hamiltion
kricketot just feels so homey and comfortable, like i just wanna play my fiddle with them :))
gallade is so gender
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ryttu3k · 2 years
Hammer gal specifically, but Fidough is pretty close to. If there’s enough dog Pokémon though, I might just make a team from them!
Dachsbun is super cute! Although I still think it should have been named Labreador ;D And yeah, the hammer cutie is really fun.
lmao I tried to plan that out once. There's actually a surprising amount that you can choose from! (Albeit a bit heavy on the fire and dark types!)
Also a cat-themed one. That one ended up far too heavy on Normal-types, alas, and classifying Eeveelutions was an exercise in torment... (I will die on the hill that Espeon and Leafeon are blatant cats! This is a fun little set that has realistic versions with at least one cat and dog for almost every one, though, with a rabbit option for a bunch of others too. Vaporeon is... an outlier, haha.)
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ask-neontiger · 3 years
(shaymincafe) Vetle@Dakote: So what all do you have planned for the event? Are you just going to stroll around here or maybe visit the shrines? I hear one of them lets you pray for good luck.
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"I'm just here to cause some problems, really. Nothing more worthwhile than that."
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prof-peach · 3 years
Hi professor! What are your top three eeveelutions? Mine are Sylveon, Vaporeon and Leafeon! (Not necessarily in that order)
Oh damn, blue text that’s neat.
Let’s see, I personally like leafeon the most, worked with them a lot, and get a fair few sent me way for care and general maintenance. After that the espeon-umbreon duo are very dear to my heart. I work so close to Johto, we see those the most, and I find them both pretty to look at and very durable in terms of their skills and care needs. Espeon is especially useful for people who need care and assistance, and I see a lot of folks bond with umbreon to help with the fear of the dark, and more so these days with more nocturnal jobs and lifestyles, and they both have generally good even tempered natures.
If there was a poison or bug eeveelution I’m sure that’d take a higher place, but alas, we have yet to discover one. There’s alwasy hope though.
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iruludavare · 2 years
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     A mug of coffee nestled between two hands, held so close to her features that the steam graces Serena’s cheeks and brings about the slightest of flushed hues, she settles herself down upon the window seat of her room. She hides behind lace curtains that sway gently with the odd breeze that escapes from the sliver of a gap, an arm’s length away from her dear Leafeon, who had taken up residence of the spot but an hour or so ago. A sigh escapes from pale lips as slate blue eyes shift to the scene outside, back leaning against the frame. It is raining. Not overly harsh, but enough for the sounds of pattering against glass to be audible. Enough to tint the world outside a hue of grey.      Yet somehow, not enough to take away the beauty of one of her Florges’ gardens, which sits just outside.
     The roses of castile-- in shades of pink, red and purple. Bleeding hearts. Camelias. Bluebells in shades from pink through ‘blue’. They are all still so vibrant, even now. Perhaps it is a testament to the fairy-type’s powers, or that of their meaning. Love is such a strong thing. So fragile, and yet, so resistant at the same time; changing, but at the same time, not. She should invite him here. He would enjoy it, surely-- surrounded by flora so beautiful and calming, even Serena finds her own nerves melting away. Oh, but what if that is too far? What if he shies away from the offer?
     A hand moves, so carefully untucking the bottom half of the dressing gown adorning her form, and as silk graces wooden floors, the scene is almost picturesque in nature. Like a wistful painting of an unfortunate soul waiting on her loved one. A colourised frame from a film noir, of a leading lady pining for her counterpart. It is dramatic-- almost suffocatingly so--, and yet, Serena finds herself not wishing for the moment to pan out any other way. Her heart, why it is so full, so happy, and yet with each beat does an underlying feeling of pain and longing linger. How the young woman wishes she could tell him how much he means to her. To hold his face between the palms of her hands in a manner so delicate, one might mistake her for cradling their entire world between them. To be held, to feel safe in the embrace of someone who has time and time again been akin to that of a sanctuary for the blonde. To press small, fleeting kisses upon his forehead and cheeks, whispering how much he means to her-- how wonderful he is, and how blessed the world is to have him here.
     Alas, she could not. Not yet. It would all end the same way, Serena tells herself. And another sigh escapes from pale lips.
     What is a girl like her meant to do?
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airmanisr · 3 years
ALA 2020 by Elemental_Oasis Photos Via Flickr: Photo taken at Anime Los Angeles 2020. Sylveon: www.instagram.com/emily.garreton/ Flareon: ariel_does_cosplay Jolteon: baby_bloo Leafeon: goblin_energy Vaporeon: tora_gekko Glaceon: zerachin_gomi If you have a moment, check out their page!
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cyber-eris · 3 years
Pokemon!X Life Au: Teams
wow this au is getting popular with good reason too! it’s time for the teams also lauren is a ghost type gym because spooky... deer (also also, should I make the au a nuzlocke for extra angst purposes? lemme know) (also also also please be aware i will be basing these purely on aesthetic and x life references and not on strategies or how op the pokemon is, i’m not into that) first three gym leaders, for now GeminiTay Pumpkaboo : She got it from her travels in the Kalos region for a short while, and has kept it on her team ever since. Uses it in her gym battles. Thwackey: Her starter that she has a close bond with, and it is very close to evolving into a Rillaboom. Uses it in her gym battles. Sawsbuck: Was gifted to her as a Deerling from her grandparents when she was young, and has kept it with her ever since, so it is also her first Pokemon! She uses it in her gym battles and is her dynamax Pokemon. Leafeon: She caught it as an Eevee during the time she lived in Sinnoh, and it evolved into a Leafeon after a while. She doesn’t use it in gym battles, as she’d rather not give it the risk of major injury. Is nicknamed Pollux! (After one of the wolves in her beast stables) (She also has a Cubchoo named Blue that she doesn’t bring out very often but loves with all her heart-) Solidarity Kingler: What, did you think I wasn’t going to give him a pokemon related to crabs? Jimmy isn’t exactly fond of his Kingler, but one night he accidentally caught one while trying to aim for a better water pokemon, but alas. He uses it in gym battles. (and lowkey hopes it dies but he doesn’t talk about that) Arrokuda: Remember the Pokemon rescue group that got Scott his Eevee? They also got Jimmy his Arrokuda. He volunteered to take care of it after it washed up on the shore and they got it back to health. Then he just decided to add it to his party! He uses it in gym battles. Inteleon: His starter, and first Pokemon. He had built a close bond with Inteleon, whether it be just a general fondness for water types or a friendship between the two, some of the gym leaders say that it’s one of the top 10 duos in the whole gym challenge! Not the best, yes, but it sure is up there. Uses in gym battles and is also his gigantamax Pokemon! Mudbray: When he and Joel were both young and just starting out their journey as rivals, they went out and ended up catching two Mudbray! After a while, Joel’s Mudbray (which he named Donkey Jeremy because he thought it was funny) had evolved into a Mudsdale, but Jimmy’s didn’t. It turns out, Jim’s Mudbray had eaten an Everstone on accident at one point, and Joel still brings it up to this day as a funny story. Jim doesn’t use it in gym battles, and it is nicknamed Jeremy. (Cause- Donkey Jeremy.) fWhip Arcanine: This was one of his first pokemon that he got while it was a Growlithe when he lived in Hoenn. He still uses it to this day as a fire type gym leader and in his gym battles! It is nicknamed Koda. (His irl dog!) Rapidash: He rode Rapidash for a while when he was young in Hoenn, and he got to keep this one! He has a strong bond with it since he’s known it for so long and uses it in his gym battles. Cinderace: After catching a Scorbunny in Galar, he has evolved it since then into a powerful Cinderace. He uses it in gym battles and it is also his dynamax pokemon.  Shiftry: As a reference to The Lost Village, he has a Shiftry. fWhip prefers not battling his Shiftry after some incident that he would rather not talk about. Still, Shiftry gets along quite well with everyone, and despite specializing in fire types, fWhip thinks it could be one of his strongest pokemon. feel free to draw any of these and tag me in them, i’d love to see it!
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ogamagirl · 4 years
WELL friendos, it looks like it’s gonna be a stressful week. I did a little think last night to de-stress myself, so I figured I’d share it here with y’all as well; maybe it’ll be fun for you to look at too.
It's been a while since I've documented The Plush Hoard, so I went through it this evening!
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A few notes before we begin!
-Before the "but where do YOU sleep" comments come in - I move them around when I sleep lol. The vast majority of my plushies are up on my top bunk nowadays (which u purposefully cannot see because after I was done taking pictures I just started tossing em up there and didn't feel like making them look nice jskdhgf;;; ) - I only keep my very favorites with me. Every time I blog about my plushies I get that comment and it's not funny anymore ;; -I am not a collector that keeps my plushies on shelves or behind glass cases; one of the primary reasons I love collecting plushies is because I love soft textures, so I love hugging and cuddling with them. So some of them are pretty beat up at this point! I also have a cat and if you have a cat, you know cat hair Everywhere is just a fact of life, so if you happen to see any...sorry! I cannot possibly de-cat-hair my entire apartment at all times. -I am not a photographer and my bedroom has crappy lighting, so these pictures aren't ~the prettiest~; the point of this is for me to just have some fun talking about one of my hobbies! -I have cultivated this collection over years and years and years; as I said, it's one of my hobbies, and it just brings me joy!
That said, THIS GON BE A LONG POST LMFAO, so if you're on board, hop under the read more and we'll get started uvu
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We shall start with the non-weeb plushies skdjfhldfg, which is the smallest cohort |D;;; of special note are the baby penguin from Sunshine City Aquarium in Ikebukuro, the moose my parents got for me in Alaska, the big doofy red panda my college roommates got me for my birthday one year, and the dragon. THE DRAGON IS WEIGHTED. The dragon is delightful oh my god all plushies should be weighted;;; 
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Ghibli plushies! I got the vast majority of these while I was physically in Japan - the only two that I didn't were the foxsquirrel and the Totoro on top of it. The soot sprite I got at the Ghibli Museum itself uvu 
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Digimon plushies! I wish there were more decently sized Digimon plushies TAT;; (I like bigger plushies because they are easier to hug ok) The Culumon and Viximon (? I think I'm remembering that name right: Renamon's in-training form, the yellow fox blob sdjfgdfg) are bootlegs I am very sorry ;;; My Digimon Plush Goal is to somehow find an official Culumon someday TAT;;; I rlly like Culumon there was a period of time in elementary school where I drew nothing but Culumon so lol. 
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Random fandom plushies! Lessee, what's represented here...Sanrio, Hamtaro, Madoka, Heartcatch Precure, Higurashi, OneShot, Made in Abyss, Re:Zero, Undertale, and Deltarune! Ralsei's hat and glasses obviously come off...I, full disclosure, do not know where they are. They are probably under my bed somewhere sjkdfghsdg;;;; 
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OK HERE WE GO: most of my plushies are Pokemon plushies. What can I say...they're just so much fun to collect TAT;;; first up are a couple groups of miscellaneous babbies; you will soon see I like collecting some Pokes over others... 
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Miscellaneous babbies part two! See the lil Riolu? When I lived with my parents still, that Riolu was Joji's favorite plushie to steal |D;; she would semi-regularly come into my room and take plushies from me, but that one she took far more often than any other. She's such a small dog no damage was ever done, but still...Joji these are mine, not yours! 
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Miscellaneous babbies part three! This was originally meant to be legendary/mythical Pokes but then I remembered Raboot and Galarian Ponyta and was like "OH NO I HAVE TO INCLUDE THEM" I am not very good at this jsdhfglsjfdg 
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'pixs! (and two Ninetales) I have a very vivid memory of watching the first episode Vulpix appeared in in the anime and wanting a plushie of one so bad, but alas they were certainly not readily available to me yet, so I carried around a Simba plushie I had that evening pretending it was a Vulpix xD so if little me could see my Vulpix collection now she'd be very happy!! 
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'vees! ...I like me an Eevee, what can I say. There's actually one Eevee that's missing from this pic - I told you I'm not very good at this |D;;; 
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...oh there were TWO Eevees missing and I stuck them in this pic lol I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT I TOOK PICTURES OF HOORAY anyway, Eeveelutions! I obviously favor certain evolutions over others |3 Eventually I would like to get at least one Espeon, Glaceon and Leafeon, just to say I have them all. But there is one more Eeveelution that I couldn't fit here... 
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...cause she BIG. My life-sized Sylveon takes the prize of biggest plushie I own. She hangs out at the foot of my bed uvu (also her ears are top heavy/don't have any wires in them so they've clearly flopped backwards...but she cute any way you slice it TAT) 
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THE PIKAS. ...Somehow I thought I had more Pikas than this. (Oh wait, I DO...they're just coming later cause they're in a special category |3 ) this is still a good amount of Pikas! Detective Pika is extraordinarily soft he's very good TAT;;; also two Raichu cause I don't have enough Raichu to take a separate pic of. 
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Mimis! I have a couple other Mimis that are also in the special category coming up hehe. Big Mimi was stuck in customs for a month after I got him so I'm glad he made it home eventually TAT;;; 
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HERE WE GO I have...a lot of Litten. Litten is my baby. Best Poke-kitty for me. I love my Litten TAT///// 
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PICHU PICHU PICHUUUU!!! My ultimate baby TAT///// Pichu so good...so happy to have so many Pichu...aaaa///// but wait, there are Absol here too?? Well, yes, of course. For I am a Pichu and my love is an Absol. So. I had to take pictures of the plushies together uvu 
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Some Large Friends that got their own picture. That rolly Charizard was the first thing I ever won from a crane game; I was ridiculously proud of myself |D;;; 
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SPECIAL CATEGORY: Halloween Pokes!!!! The PokeCen always has an Extremely Good Halloween campaign and it makes me angry...they're all so good...TAT//////// 
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Aaand! Best for last!! SE plushies T//u//T The middle two Souls are very beat up, ahaha....I've had the smaller one for over a decade and the bigger one for almost a decade, so...they've gotten a lot of love//// (plus it is also funny to tease Soul - u know I'd give u a hug over the plushies any day baaaaaabe u3u) I really want to get Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki too, but Tsubaki is SUPER hard to find and I don't want to get Liz and Patty and not her TAT;;; there are also Excalibur plushies...............but I think I'm ok without an Excalibur plushie sjdkfghsdfg OH also not pictured; I do have a plush Shinigami glove |D
So! There it is! The hoard! If I were a dragon this would be my treasure hoard! It was nice to go through this so if you went through it with me I hope you had fun too!
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bookwormguri · 7 years
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Behold! The eeveelution of freehand and gradients! Leafeon joins the collection! #nails #nailart #nailpolish #eeveelution #leafeon
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