#Airdrop food for Gaza
claraameliapond · 4 months
I'm so glad this is finally happening! AIR DROPPING FOOD AND AID INTO GAZA - because there's literally not another route- "Airdrop aid for Gaza", begun by Yosi Zelalem, and created alongside many activists, including Sarah Wilkinson:
Jordan are air dropping food as well as medical and into Gaza, northern Gaza, as a result of activists requesting this change be made; other countries are beginning to help - the Netherlands are airdropping food into central and southern Gaza, France has made one medical aid air drop. What is required now is a coalition of countries working together to provide food aid airdrops, there are many that can, many are interested- urgent aid is required because we are looking at a week before thousands more die as a result of forced starvation by Israeli blocks to food aid trucks entering Gaza by any means.
"An airdrop now is the only way to save the lives of over 600,000 Palestinian people "
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Food Airdrop In Gaza
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The White House is examining options to begin airdropping aid into Gaza as the humanitarian situation worsens & famine sets in, esp. in Gaza's north, which is isolated. The US Air Force has vast air cargo capacity to effectively airdrop food & aid, saturating the Strip with help.
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oneshortdamnfuse · 3 months
One of many pieces of information rarely discussed that has stuck with me in studying the Holocaust in a literacy class is that people who survived the death camps often did not survive starvation. It is very difficult for a severely malnourished body to recover from starvation. A severely malnourished body will struggle to process food at all, and many people die in the process of “refeeding.” This is called refeeding syndrome for this reason. Reintroducing food can and often is fatal without careful, medical guidance.
Starvation is one of the most common and effective forms of genocide. What makes it effective is that past a certain point, even if aid has been delivered, it is not enough to save someone from death by starvation. What also makes it effective is that withholding food is viewed as a passive consequence of political turmoil rather than an intentional act of violence among a people. You will see more people die from starvation in genocides across history because it is an effective way to kill many people without the use of state resources.
The starvation of Gaza is intentional. The United States and Israel may gesture that they are delivering or allowing aid into Gaza, but in reality they are active participants in the starvation of Gaza by destroying medical infrastructure, limiting the amount of aid “allowed” in, and blocking aid trucks from entering. Throwing food into Gaza by airdrop at this point in the genocide will not be enough without medical infrastructure to refeed a severely malnourished population. Many will die anyways. Many have already.
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i-am-aprl · 3 months
Today, Jordan airdropped food for Gaza. Most of it landed in the sea as fisherman went by boat to grab the bags. The food was sealed and everything was packed tightly for the possibility of it dropping in the sea so the food was edible but this is not enough. 4 planes for 2.1 million people is not enough. We need a ceasefire now and for the thousands of trucks that are blocked at the border to enter before this catastrophe continues to take lives.
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anonymusbosch · 25 days
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odinsblog · 3 months
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Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is pushing harder for a cease-fire in Gaza and demands that the United States send “not another nickel” to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
“My view, not another nickel for Netanyahu’s government if he’s going to continue this wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people,” Sanders told MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Friday.
Sanders’ declaration comes just days after the death toll in Gaza surpassed 30,000 people since the start of the war on Oct. 7, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. More than 100 Palestinians in Gaza City were killed and more than 700 injured Thursday, when Israeli soldiers opened fire on the people scrambling to access humanitarian aid, some media outlets reported.
Sanders, who recently voted against sending more aid to Israel for its war against Hamas, stressed the importance of stopping the “unprecedented humanitarian disaster.”
The Vermont senator argued that President Biden, who has put pressure on Netanyahu and Israel to scale back its attacks, is taking “an important step forward,” but argues that “we need to do more.” Biden said Friday that the U.S. will begin airdrops of aid to Gaza amid negotiations for a cease-fire.
Sanders said Biden should be telling the Israeli government to open borders so trucks of food, water and medical supplies that are critical to the more than 1 million refugees in the region can be delivered.
During the interview, Sanders said that “it’s totally absurd” that the United States is sending humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza, but also supplying Israel with the funds and military capabilities to hurt those civilians.
(continue reading)
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sayruq · 3 months
The Jerusalem Post said the maritime corridor plan was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s idea, citing an unnamed “senior diplomatic source.” Netanyahu had reportedly first proposed the plan to Biden in October, and pressed the issue again with the US president in January.“ This source, close to the prime minister, insinuated that Biden was simply implementing a plan by Netanyahu, not actually initiating anything new,” the Post reported. While touring Gaza’s coast in a naval vessel on Sunday, Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant expressed enthusiasm about the plans of a maritime corridor. “The process is designed to bring aid directly to the residents and thus continue the collapse of Hamas’s rule in Gaza,” he said.
But why would Israel, the engineer of the Gaza famine, endorse the idea of establishing a maritime corridor for aid to address a crisis it initiated and is now worsening? This might appear paradoxical if one were to assume that the primary aim of the maritime corridor is to deliver aid.Palestinians in Gaza received the news about the planned port with fear and suspicion. Analysts have speculated that this could be a ploy to eliminate Egypt as an outlet between the Gaza Strip and the rest of the world, and sever the coastal enclave’s reliance on Egypt economically and politically by way of the Egyptian-controlled Rafah crossing – the sole point of exit and entry for most people in Gaza. This would ostensibly complete Israel’s control of the Gaza Strip without dependence on Egyptian cooperation, reliable as it may have been. Abdel Bari Atwan, a Gaza-born world-renowned Palestinian journalist, invoked the US-facilitated evacuation of thousands of Palestinian guerilla fighters of the Palestine Liberation Organization from Beirut in 1982 as an insight into what these plans could possibly suggest. Palestinian fighters were transferred by US warships off the Beirut coast to Cyprus and eventually to Tunisia. Atwan indicated that the maritime corridor would create a pathway for the forcible evacuation of Palestinians by sea. Other analysts have expressed similar fears.
Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, slammed what he called “absurd” US plans for getting aid into Gaza, whether through airdrops or the temporary port. “From a humanitarian perspective, from an international perspective, from a human rights perspective, it is absurd in a dark, cynical way,” he said. Human rights groups have dismissed announcements of building a temporary pier as a distraction from Israel’s systemic and deliberate policy of starvation of Palestinians in Gaza. “The proposed maritime humanitarian corridor and temporary seaport is another tool to weaponize aid,” the Palestinian refugee advocacy group Badil said. It is meant to “absolve Israel of its responsibilities and obligations, and support Israel in its ‘day after plans’: to eliminate and replace UNRWA [the UN agency for Palestine refugees] and establish a potential mechanism for Palestinian forcible transfer out of the Gaza Strip.”
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nando161mando · 3 months
The food that was airdropped by the US to a starving and besieged population in Gaza included Tabasco sauce and peach/apple sauce!!! Much of it was expired and it was not 'halal' (permitted for Muslims to eat)
Instead of airdropping this shitty aid, which is both unsafe and humiliating - open the borders to let aid in, stop sending weapons to Israel and call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.
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serialunaliver · 3 months
This is fucking insane. US government directly supporting conditions leading to famine--and the military that opened fire into a crowd of civilians waiting for aid--now airdrops food after international outrage. While still supporting Israel while Israel is STILL blocking aid trying to enter every single day. In case it wasn't already clear literally anything not explicitly pro Israel the US government does/says is a PR move...
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claraameliapond · 3 months
Children in Gaza cheer for Jordan as they airdrop food aid 💖💗💕💞🍉🫒🇵🇸 thank you Jordan 🇯🇴 💕💕💗💗💖💖
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capybaracorn · 3 months
Sweden resumes aid to UNRWA as Israel steps up Gaza attacks
First payment of $20m to be disbursed after Sweden gets assurances of the UNRWA’s checks on spending and personnel.
(9 Mar 2024)
Sweden has said it is resuming aid to the cash-strapped United Nations agency for Palestinians with an initial disbursement of $20m after receiving assurances of extra checks on its spending and personnel.
The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the main humanitarian agency in Gaza, faced an unprecedented funding crisis after its major international donors led by the United States cut its funding over “terror” allegations.
Like several other countries, Sweden suspended aid to the UNRWA after Israel accused about a dozen of its employees of involvement in the October 7 Hamas-led attack before the conflict in Gaza.
Sweden said on Saturday that “the government has allocated 400 million kronor to UNRWA for the year 2024. Today’s decision concerns a first payment of 200 million kronor ($19.4)”.
To unblock the aid, the UNRWA had agreed to “allow controls, independent audits, to strengthen internal supervision and extra controls of personnel”, the government said.
[See article for embedded video] The Swedish move came after the European Commission earlier this month said it would release 50 million euros ($54.7m) in UNRWA funding.
On Friday, Canada announced it was lifting a freeze on funding for the UNRWA, after it joined the US, the United Kingdom and other countries in cutting aid in late January.
“The agency is at risk of death, it is risking dismantlement,” the UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini told Swiss broadcaster RTS in an interview aired on Saturday.
“What is at stake is the fate of the Palestinians today in Gaza in the short term who are going through an absolutely unprecedented humanitarian crisis.”
The UNRWA has been at the centre of efforts to providing humanitarian relief in Gaza, where the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported last month that at least half a million – or one in four people – face famine.
Israel has severely restricted the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza by land, prompting the US and other countries to resort to stopgap measures such as airdropping meals into the enclave.
Such steps by the US, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt have been criticised by aid agencies as a costly and ineffective way of delivering food and medical supplies.
The UNRWA has said that Israeli authorities have not allowed it to deliver supplies to the north of the Strip since January 23.
Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud reported that in northern Gaza “we are seeing children dying in this enforced starvation and dehydration due to the famine spreading”.
He said on Saturday that three more children died at al-Shifa Hospital, as a result of starvation and dehydration, increasing the number of such deaths to 23.
At least 30,960 Palestinians have been killed and 72,524 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The death toll in Israel from Hamas’s October 7 attacks stands at 1,139, and dozens continue to be held captive.
[See article for embedded video]
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northgazaupdates · 3 months
2 March 2024
Journalist Hossam Shabat writes on Twitter and Instagram:
Airdropping aid to northern Gaza is certainly better than nothing, but the way it's currently being done is dehumanizing, chaotic, humiliating, dangerous and somewhat ineffective. Airdrops occur randomly in various locations in northern Gaza, leading to situations where all supplies may land on the roof of a single house or be scattered around bombed houses. This chaotic distribution method forces people to act as if we're in a scavenger hunt, and the quantities dropped barely suffice for 1% of the population.
What northern Gaza truly needs is well-organized aid convoys entering through the border and distributed in a systematic manner.
The current practice of airdropping aid in northern Gaza serves more chaos, dehumanize the populatio, and very humiliating to see my people chase for food. We deserve to be treated with dignity, receiving assistance through organized channels rather than having aid dropped on us like animals in the wild.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 months
Celebrity chef José Andrés' World Central Kitchen, among the largest providers of desperately needed humanitarian aid to Gaza, is pausing its operations following the deaths of 7 workers in an Israeli airstrike, the organization said Tuesday.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said an investigation into "a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people" was underway.
Despite coordinating movements with the Israeli military, the convoy was hit Monday as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse, WCK said. The team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza on the maritime route.
The workers killed include a Palestinian and citizens from Australia, Poland, United Kingdom and a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada. [...]
Haaretz reported that Israelis fired three missiles in quick succession at three vehicles[...]
Netanyahu vowed Tuesday to probe the deaths of the World Central Kitchen workers.
"It happens in war," he said [sic]. "We are conducting a thorough inquiry and are in contact with the governments. We will do everything to prevent a recurrence."[...]
Hamas condemned the "heinous act" and demanded the U.N. Security Council put an end to Israel's "crimes of the occupation and its aggression" against Palestinians and their supporters.
"This crime reaffirms that the occupation still insists on the policy of systematic killing against defenseless civilians and against international relief teams and humanitarian organizations, within the framework of efforts to terrorize their employees, to prevent them from continuing their humanitarian duties," the militant group said in a statement.[...]
“I am heartbroken and appalled that we, World Central Kitchen, and the world lost beautiful lives today because of a targeted attack by the Israeli military," CEO Erin Gore said.[...]
The United Nations agency charged with leading the humanitarian aid effort in Gaza has complained for months about obstacles created by Israeli officials. In a report issued Monday, prior to the WCK tragedy, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) said that "access impediments continue to severely compromise the ability of humanitarian actors to reach people in the Gaza Strip." Since March 1, 30% of humanitarian aid missions to northern Gaza were denied by Israeli authorities, the agency said.[...]
The obstacles prompted other efforts, including sea shipment such as the one World Central Kitchen was using Monday. The U.S., partnering with Jordan and other regional nations, has also used airdrops. But trucking aid in from Egypt is viewed as the best method for meeting the tremendous demand.
2 Apr 24
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thecosmicpunk · 3 months
North Gaza is being starved.
They are entering a famine, people are dying from hunger.
No aid has entered North Gaza.
Airdropped food is not reaching North Gaza.
North Gaza is STARVING!
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Interviews with current and former US Agency for International Development (USAID) and State Department officials, aid agencies working in Gaza and internal USAID documents reveal that the administration rejected or ignored pleas to use its leverage to persuade its ally Israel – the recipient of billions of dollars of US military support – to allow sufficient humanitarian aid into Gaza to stop the famine taking hold. The former officials say the US also provided diplomatic cover for Israel to create the conditions for famine by blocking international efforts to bring about a ceasefire or alleviate the crisis, making the delivery of aid almost impossible. “This is not just turning a blind eye to the man-made starvation of an entire population, it is direct complicity,” former State Department official Josh Paul, who resigned over US support for the war, told The Independent.
From the time of the first warning signs in December, intensive US pressure on Israel to open more land crossings and flood Gaza with aid could have stopped the crisis taking hold, the officials said. But Mr Biden refused to make US military aid to Israel conditional. Instead, the Biden government pursued novel and ineffective aid solutions such as airdrops and a floating pier. Now, some 300,000 people in Gaza’s north are experiencing a “full-blown” famine, according to the World Food Programme, and the entire 2.3 million population of Gaza is experiencing catastrophic levels of hunger. The level of dissent within the US government agency responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and combating global hunger has been unprecedented. At least 19 internal dissent memos have been sent since the start of the war by staff at USAID criticising US support for the war in Gaza. In an internal collective dissent memo drafted this month by numerous employees of USAID, the staff assail the agency and the Biden administration for its “failure to uphold international humanitarian principles and to adhere to its mandate to save lives”. The leaked draft memo, seen by The Independent, calls for the administration to apply pressure to bring “an end to the Israeli siege that is causing famine”. Not acting upon repeated warnings like these was a political choice.
At least 254 aid workers have been killed throughout the conflict, including 188 UN staff – representing the highest number of UN personnel killed in a conflict in the history of the organisation. Multiple aid convoys have come under Israeli fire. UNRWA, the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency, said that despite sharing GPS coordinates, the number of trucks and the contacts with the military, three of their aid convoys have been hit by Israeli naval artillery and gunfire.
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taviamoth · 3 months
🚨 Resistance News Network:
War criminal and American president Joe Biden announced moments ago that the US will carry out food aid airdrops to the #Gaza Strip in the coming days.
This disgraceful show comes after the martyrdom of 30,000 Palestinians in a genocide with full military and political support from Biden's administration, after the US cutting off financial support for UNRWA to provide aid following ludicrous allegations, and after three US vetoes of UN Security Council ceasefire resolutions.
In the shadow of the Flour Massacre, Biden sends a message, like Arab regimes, that opening land corridors for aid is futile, obeying the whims of the occupation and further solidifying that the miniscule amount of aid carried by airdrops is the only path for relief. This move aims to divert attention from the heinous zionist-perpetrated massacre, which the US blocked a condemnation of in the UN yesterday, despite overwhelming proof [referring to the findings by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor] of the IOF's intent.
The US, with this superficial facade, seeks to restore its shameful image as the driver of this war by providing drops of aid that do not meet the needs of the starving and besieged masses in the Gaza Strip, all while the IOF continues to massacre Palestinians in an ongoing genocide.
As one American plane drops food into Gaza, another plane drops weapons for the IOF to continue its massacres, siege, and genocide.
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