#Addison Place
federer7 · 2 years
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Bowler, Street Cricket, Addison Place, London, 1957
Photo: Roger Mayne
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zarla-s · 4 months
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Drama is good for sales, man!
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sysig · 7 months
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You don’t get to pick your own nickname, Spamton, that’s like the whole point (Patreon)
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
As much as I like asshole big shot Spamton headcanons, I love the idea he was kinda normal and down to earth or more anxious/pathetic even more.
Like a lot of people make him an asshole to explain why no one helped him or why he avoided getting help cause it meant admitting to his shitty behavior. But from how everyone speaks about him before he went missing he was a decent guy, unlucky but they refer to him as prestigious and speak with regret over his downfall. He was probably a normal but shady guy (due to the phone) who was more an oddity than nuisance to those around him. A lot of him being a jerk as a big shot headcanons sorta stem from the idea he did something to deserve it or his hubris being his down fall and other than him clearly not having money to fall back on I just don’t see it that way.
A crux of Spamton’s character is that he is ultimately helpless and not in control of what happens/happened to him despite the knowledge he had been bestowed. That everyone is a puppet and he was punished for trying to be something more, something that he wasn’t. It’s a lot more bittersweet and tragic if he genuinely didn’t do anything crazy or sleazy until after his fall cause it just reinforces the idea that no matter what he did or who he made connections with or who helped him, he was never in control and someone else pulled the strings.
Spamton playing by all the phone’s rules, everyone else’s rules and still getting the short end is so befitting of his story and fits to why as a literal puppet he seems to out right refuse to adhere to any semblance of the norm or rules of convention.
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furbearingbrick · 25 days
more and more deltarune fanartists are starting to draw the addisons as fur-covered mammals with padded digits
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nebuleer · 2 years
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anyway im still around. heres various spamton doodles from my twitter
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kelpie-writes · 4 months
Okay a quick little intro post before I log off for the night; prob will fix this later
So hi! I'm Kelpie or Kelp and this is my writeblr! (my main blog is @tomatoe-copia so if you get notifications from there, it's me!) my pronouns are they/them!
I write a lot of stuff that tends to be targeted more toward young adult fiction at the moment. There's also a focus on fantasy, sci-fi, and dystopian in a lot of my wips currently.
I'm not great at writing yet since I've only been doing it for roughly 6-ish years but I'm probably going to post some original work anyway. I still have a lot to learn though so this will be mostly fun posting and OC brainrot.
I'll try to tag each piece of media with both the character names and the wip tag I end up choosing for ease of searching for both me and you.
More info about my wips under the cut!
My main two stories (with names) currently are:
The Dark Place
A teen dystopian sci-fi where a government will buy children from poor families to experiment on them for militaristic purposes. Members of their experiments, however, have slowly been breaking out of their testing facilities over the last 8 years and how slowly been building a resistance called The Dark Place.
Main Characters: Pipe (Peter) Braun, Solstice Basara, Jace Ivord, Caroline Darling
This one is a joint work with a friend of mine!
Set far in the future, the entire solar system has been conquered by humanity. Anywhere and everywhere is capable of being traveled to. For triplets Violet, Bell, and Senna Carter, however, they've been stuck on Mars for as long as they can remember. But when their father gets a new job as a biological history professor at the mysterious (and private) Westwood University in New America on Earth, they get the chance to leave just in time for their freshman year of college.
Violet, struggling through the first semester of college, meets Talia Maitra-West, her English tutor, and also the granddaughter of the Dean.
Senna, known for his graffiti murals on Mars, finds himself ostracized in his traditional art classes until he meets the mysterious Corbyn at a party one night, a body modification apprentice in the nearby college town.
Bell, goes missing right after spring break.
The police are convinced everything is fine, but when Azaria, Bell's best friend, turns up at Violet's dorm with her phone, the remaining five's worlds are turned upside down.
Main Characters: Violet Carter, Talia Maitra-West Bell Carter, Azaria Lee, Senna Carter, Corbyn Kassa
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fatalelity · 5 months
honestly, screw seaside / oceanside wellness, addison should run a center for women's health just like when arizona and nicole herman did. in fact, she should ditch seaside and go to new york. she'd be happiest there making real impact on marginalized groups. like cmon, girl didn't wanna live her cushy comfy life in california anymore when there are people's rights being taken away. activism would've made her the happiest honestly and i know for a fact they were too scared to delve into all that on the shows
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afieldinengland · 9 months
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midnightdemonhunter · 5 months
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Watch yourself.
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zarla-s · 1 year
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Maybe a sensitive subject. Blue wanted to hold him but not like this!
I like thinking Spamton likes to draw from the background in his store and during his fight, hehe.
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yanderespamton78 · 18 days
Addicule my beloved,,,,,, where are you,,,,,,
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nicollekidman · 1 year
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cristina has her own room in their dream house!!! this is a family!!!! 
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furbearingbrick · 1 year
Addistripes!Pink: god i hope i don’t see that smelly little white bastard today
Swoleton, stinky as ever:
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sysig · 2 years
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Self-Made Man (Patreon)
#Doodles#Deltarune#Spamton#I guess Pink is technically there too#Pink Addison#Dangit I really should've written down my original haphazardly made-up headcanons while I was deep in the paint lol#I do at least remember not really showing much interest in acid theory(?) or anything I was just off in my own weird little corner lol#I have no idea how much overlap or lack thereof there is but it's fiiine I'm just here for funsies#I do remember the basics! Let's start there it's a good place to start lol#The first two were just headcanoning around Add clothing - either shoes that match pants or something like leggings#And then a jacket right over their chests no undershirt or anything#Spamton texture stim headcanon? Maybe 👀 Is that why he switches to a turtleneck under a similarly cut red jacket? Maybe 👀#Pink's not super sympathetic haha#And then the colour sets in ♪#One idea that's definitely stuck with me is something along the lines of Acceptance of Change or some such - othering oneself#The more distant he feels from the Addisons the more his changes ''take'' if that makes sense#Feeling like a black sheep? Hair more readily accepts the black dye#I left it in a caption but I really liked my description of ''Increase opacity for every inch you fall from grace'' :)c#There's also something to his legs and feet morphing into one shape like how the pants/shoes of the Addisons' outfits look I think hmm ♪#I do overall like the last one but I do wish I'd made his glasses black with little pink and yellow eyelid indications instead haha#Ah well - next time
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beckkii · 10 months
I don't know why, my brain just will not let go of the little fact that rearranged SPAMTON is POSTMAN.
it's probably not the case, but these little what ifs. What if he really was just supposed to be a mail guy? Live a maybe unsatisfying but alright life.
WAIT A DAMN MINUTE i never even realized
the thought of him supposed to be living a life that’s NOT full of him being desperate for attention and fame bc he’s so discarded makes me. makes me. :,)
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