#Actually after some consideration I've changed my mind
waffietato · 2 years
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bu-blegh-ost · 9 months
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The time has finally come, @girlsonlytreehouse !!!
Today I shall share with you the fruits of my work. But first, allow me to take you on a journey I myself have been through while counting all of this shit down.
First things first, I decided to count the rolls in the context of the characters rather than the people playing them, simply because the luck of the actual people could not be measured accurately if I only take Riptide into consideration (and also I thought it would be more fun). The guys have several different campaigns, some that I do not have access to, so I've decided to seperate all their Riptide rolls into characters they play instead, cause then we can clearly see which character is the luckiest. But ofc if you want this to be attributed differently, the data remains unchanged, so that way you all can interpret the results however you wanted and still have all the info you need on hand.
Another issue were the advantage/disadvantage rolls. When a character rolls at advantage, they roll twice and the only roll that counts is the one that was higher, while the other is discarded and the opposite goes for disadvantage. So for example if you roll at Disadvantage and you roll a nat 20 and a 2, that nat 20 technically doesn't matter. Despite that I decided to count each adv/disadv roll anyway, because despite the fact that it does not count, it was still physically ROLLED, which means it contributes to the character's overall pool of luck. I tried to separate them at first so you guys can make your own decision whether to add them or not, but in the end I decided against it cause it was insanely hard to keep up with. There were just too many and too often, which led me to believe that it was fair enough to count everything as long as they actually rolled a dice.
Which brings me to the last complication, which is of course Gillion's Prophetic Screwup. At the beginning of the campaign Gillion was able to exchange anything that he actually rolled into a nat 20, and in return the DM can change any roll he does afterwards into a nat 1. That way there was supposed to be an equal number of wild unrolled nat 20's and nat 1's to balance Gillion out back to 0, but it didn't turn out this way. In more cases than not, Grizzly would either forget or fail to find a good place to screw Gillion over, so the ability bacame much too unbalanced. So they changed it somwhere in the middle of Edison Kingdom Arc. From then on, if Gill rolled anything from 1-10 it would automatically become a nat 1, and if he rolled from 11-20, that'd be a nat 20 instead. Either way these rolls had nothing to do with luck, as he wasn't actually rolling anything, thus I decided not to count these 'artificial' nat 20's/1's. However I did keep track of them nonetheless and I'll still give you the number of those, just separately, and from then on you guys can make your own decision on whether or not you wish to count it.
Without further ado, here are the nat 20's results (up to ep106):
Gillion: 52
Chip: 58
Jay: 55
Goobleck: 8
Surprised? Yeah I was as well. First things first I never expected this to be this close. And never in my right mind could I possibly predict that it would he CHIP of all people to have the highest score here. But I've seen it with my own eyes. And tell you what. Jay had this in the bag for most of the damn series. She would consistently roll good and always when you need a good roll the most. There were times when she would have such a massive lead it was unthinkable she could loose it. But then she would just kinda...stop rolling good for a bit and allow the other two to catch up. It just wasn't as visble if you don't pay much attention, but I thought it to be cute. It's as she was waiting for them <3 But she was still mostly leading. It was only the current arc that made Chip surpass her. After his terrible luck in Feywilde, he bounced back so strongly right after, that he managed to jump in front of the luck queen herself.
And now I bet you're curious about the other side of the coin. Give it up for natural 1's!:
Gillion: 55
Chip: 53
Jay: 52
Goobleck: 1
You see, I kind of expected it to be Gill, but I need you guys to know that this wasn't the case at all times. Jay? Yes. If there is one thing that's consistent is that she had the lowest amount of natural 1s at all times almost, but the person that was suffering from nat 1 curse for a long while was Chip. In the Feywilde Arc he would be so far ahead of everyone, that I was genuinely sure that there is no way anyone catches up to him. But then he popped off in the next arc with nat 20's and Gillion? Oh my gosh, Gillion didn't disappoint. I've never seen a man fail this much let me tell you XD He ended up with the least nat 20's as well, but I thought the difference would be much higher until he didn't roll 4 fucking nat 20s in ep 100 and then this double nat 20 attack roll in the Black Sea whduihdius AND HE CAUGHT UP AS WELL, more or less.
Idunno, maybe this is just how luck works, but it truly seems that the trio shares their successes and burdens almost equally. They support each other and in return fate has their backs as well. Honestly I couldn't have hoped for better results. Also can we give shout out to Goobleck, the true MVP? He's been on the show only for a while but look at this nat1 - nat20 ratio!!! Go goop man goo!!!
So now for the additional stuff that I also counted just for fun:
*Prophethic screwup nats:
Before the rules changed Gillion replaced 8 of his rolls into natural 20s, and in return Grizzly replaced 3 of his rolls into natural 1s.
After the rules changed he only got high enough number for 4 nat 20s, and a low enough number for 7 nat 1s.
So that together makes additional 12 nat 20s and 10 nat 1s from the prophetic screwup alone. I don't think they should be added, but the numbers are there so feel free to do whatever you want with them :)
Downs and death saves:
Throughout the campaign Gillion went down 14 times and rolled 8 death saves.
Chip went down 6 times and rolled 4 death saves.
Jay went down 4 times and rolled 3 death saves.
No shocker here, Gillion dies a lot XD
In their journey Gillion knighted 4 people: Julien Booker, Clorton, Garrieth and Duke.
Corruption score:
Thus far each character has the following amount of corruption points (Black Sea):
Gillion: 0
Chip: 2
Jay: 3
Queen: 1
Gryffon: 2 (i think, unsure abt that one, may edit later XD)
Earl: 1
That is all I have for now. I may be clinically insane :)
Good day to everyone and I hope you found this data interesting. Take care <3
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Pre season 2 rant - heavy on sarcasm!
This is the... well by now somewhat meditated on rant I promised a while ago. It has a lot of cussing, so be warned.
It is a… summary comment about some views I‘ve seen around, from “bad writing“ to the “abuse“ and other things. Oh, and it's about the "lying" subject. With receipts!
I‘m getting this out of my system before season 2 hits, and before more of the press leading up to it is released, because cast, crew and writers as well as the show have given us all of it already and, tbh, if I‘m going to see anyone scream “bad writing“ or “Louis being made a liar or the memories revisited/changed is racism“ when the changes will hit I‘m just gonna block you.
Fair warning.
This is long… so under the cut.
This show has made color-conscious choices. Brilliantly so. They also have an astonishing meta level.
And what we saw was not the truth.
Jacob has said at the TCA panel that Louis is trying to regain his true memories.
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Here is a reminder of some key statements by cast and crew:
Here are interviews and statements by Assad and Jacob and Sam and Rolin and the writers & producers that what we have seen was not the (whole) truth, that Louis’ tale has been “tinkered” with, influenced.
I'm heroically refraining from adding the gifs of Rolin and his statement again. Which are from the episode insider… and remember when that aired?! Yeah… 😒
But I've seen things recently that make me want to pull my hair out, to be frank. For example this, behind the link:
...Like, not making him a whole flat ass liar is actually the point, guys. And no it does not undermine the story....
As the writers said:
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I mean, I get it to an extent. It's becoming clearer and clearer that the show some people made up in their heads is not the one they'll be getting. (We've been trying to tell them, but hey.)
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Yeah.... That.
Unfortunately @blackgirlasis has blocked me, (and I have returned the favor now that I noticed), we only discussed something recently, but I think the reason might have been after I posted that video, in which it is literally said that "not everything Louis says is a lie", which, given her statements here might speak for itself, especially this part of that statement:
"It is actually ACTIVELY harmful to perpetuate the idea that the Black characters aren't to be trusted with the narrative and that we need Lestat to come through with the honest accounting."
You know, I would actually agree! Which is also why I always emphasized that we did not get the WHOLE truth. I also kept more than hinting at the fact that Armand is, well Armand.
BUT - and here it gets interesting - why is JACOB's - a BLACK man's - statement discarded? Why do they do not want to hear it that Louis does, in fact, lie? And, just to be clear - I do not NEED Louis to lie, nor be proven a liar, and I think the show will do its damndest to explain via the "tinkering" that Armand did. They will give some of the blame to Armand.
But to flip one's shit over argumentation that the MAIN CHARACTER, a BLACK MAN has already stated... that is what I find interesting.
Like, why do you* (*generally spoken, not her especially) accuse people of racism over this, when HE has already said that Louis does, indeed, lie. Why is he not actually listened to? I don't get that. Why is agency taken away from a living, breathing person to give it to a fictional character? Why is his statement that "not all representation needs to be healthy representation" not kept in mind?
Louis is Louis. Louis being color-consciously handled didn't "change the character an awful lot".
JACOB said that. Here. Interestingly enough in a comment about the racial consideration the show does(!).
Louis is NOT a whole other character despite the changes, and the twists that will happen in season 2 were always set to come, as the friggin' video of BEFORE the show aired is proof of. They talked about all that. They know it didn't all happen as shown. They knew Louis did lie. But NOT about everything.
They also knew that some of the scenes did not happen (at least as shown). And now... "it’s clear that Louis is somebody hugely angry with a man he loved deeply and now presents them as a monster…" Also Jacob Anderson.
Presents. Them. As. A. Monster.
Bailey Bass said in the SDCC interview, that it is not clear who is the "villain here" in various scenes, interestingly enough, because the dynamic keeps changing. Which of course was after they shot a myriad of scenes that would not make it into the final s1 cut. Again: why is she not listened to? Why do you take her agency away to give it to a fictional character?
And I'm not even starting on the others. Sam. Rolin. The writers.
Also, re the abuse and scenes being revisited. Again, screenshot as example:
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There is nothing simple about this show. Especially that scene.
BUT the show knows what it‘s doing! I'm not going to rehash all that here now, here are links on that.
A revisit and a change of that scene will not be bad writing. (Or tasteless.) They already DID so in the last episode of season 1, continuing that will simply fall into line with what we have already been given. That's not bad writing. That's just the show, and there's people who just did not want to examine that.
Because it will be echoed, and it will serve a purpose.
I know the show did the meta level of patriarchal domestic abuse, but for fuck‘s sake, the story itself is about vampires struggling, and Louis is struggling.
The show has a meta level of abuse, and patriarchy, and recognizing is valid and the meta discussions are too.
But Louis is not chained to his coffin guys, he could have left, and a fight which shows off power discrepancies within the show story line is not automatically domestic abuse.
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*slow clap*
No-one wants this to happen for the sake of "redeeming" Lestat. Because he does not need that redemption. They're all murderers and monsters.
They kill. For a living. LITERALLY.
THEY ARE VAMPIRES It's not about vampires trying to find their humanity.
It's about vampires trying to find a way to live with themselves, because they are, indeed, monsters.
Doubting the narrative which was TORN APART WITHIN THE SHOW is not the same as bad writing or racism FFS, nor is actually looking at what we're given - and knowing the fucking, 50 year old books. And recognizing the hints and parallels.
I have also seen the take that Lestat isolated Louis... and like, did we watch the same show? You know, even with the vampirism (which, of course™, could not free Louis as promised)...
Months of flirting openly in NOLA, public wooing. DECADES LIVING IN NOLA. Operas. Restaurants. Family dinners. (And Louis stopping Lestat there, AS a mortal...) Cleaning the cribs, years of "human entanglement" because Louis wanted it.... Banjo barbecues, political influence, wakes... Everybody knew.
(Like, I could pull up gifs here.)
"Isolation". Right. It has nothing, at all, to do with the Rite of Passage, or Louis' depression.
Of course not.
I mean, Jacob says that Louis is very depressed during the time leading up to the fight, and his and Sam's discussion here is interesting as well, but hey, I mean, why listen to the actual black actor, right.
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As a last thing.
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Yeah. Tell me you know nothing about the books without telling me you know nothing about the books.
And, as a note, context is important if you pull up other scenes from the VC.
Welcome to the fucking Vampire Chronicles.
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Anyone expecting big bad patriarchal abuser Lestat is not going to have a good time.
And honestly, to those: don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Good riddance - and BON VOYAGE
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hakkasm · 29 days
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↑You can read all the pages from the link above!
[Comic] Mafia Sitter
I started writing in mid-January to submit to the Global Comic Award 2024 and finally completed it. Continuing from there is a long feedback.
The working time is two months for the main text and two weeks for the cover. Around January 11th, I received a DM from a friend saying, "There's a contest like this," and thought, "The deadline is the end of March... it's impossible for me (I've never drawn a completed comic before)." But it's a comic contest aimed at the world... My art style is only recognized in this contest... I couldn't ignore this contest. I was in the middle of making another piece, but I interrupted it, and I was full of anxiety about whether I could draw a comic in just two and a half months. However, the thought, "Instead of worrying, I should act quickly," came to my mind, and I started writing from January 13th, changing my mindset.
I spent 1 day on the script, plus 1 day typing the dialogue, and started the "completed 1 page per day" lifestyle from January 16th.
The goal was to complete 45 pages, but at the plotting stage, it was about 56 pages. When I actually started drawing the manuscript, the planned page allocation didn't match, and the total number of pages increased to 65. (I learned the importance of page allocation.) At a pace of 1 page per day, I wondered if I would make it by March... (I'm easily bored, I didn't think I could do 1 page per day.) So, I rearranged my schedule to make 3 pages on weekends, which would give me some leeway. This idea turned out to be a big success.
As a result, I achieved 1 page per day and was able to finish drawing all the pages by early March, leaving the remaining time to work on the cover, which is like the face of the comic.
Since I work as a company employee, I had to finish work by 8:00 p.m. to make time for the manuscript, which was a daily pressure. There were times when I finished the manuscript at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. on weekdays. I fell ill. At that time, I felt like giving up. (On the day I fell ill, I slept for about two hours and resumed manuscript production after my condition improved a bit.)
It was truly a life of "pushing myself to the limit", but accomplishing it gave me confidence. 'Oh, I can make a 65-page full-color comic in 2 months.' It became an advantage for me. (I don't want to push myself like this anymore, though... haha.)
Thank you for participating in the survey for the title logo! The survey results leaned towards the left logo. While the left logo was packed with concept, its font style and thickness varied, resulting in imbalance when aligned in a row and making it difficult to use in monochrome. If the left logo had overwhelmingly won the votes, I would have chosen it. However, since the right logo also received a considerable number of votes, I decided to adopt the right logo.
Now all that's left is to see the results on Global Comic Award. I'm really aiming to win. Both the script and the art are amateur-level when viewed separately, but I balanced them out to make them good enough.
It's my first comic work... I really want a lot of people to read it! *If enough people like the comic and want to get a copy of the comic book, I can make and sell it:)
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raythekiller · 11 months
do you mind doing a NSFW & SFW alphabet for EJ? either one is fine if you don't feel like doing both! if not it's totally fine <3
🗒 ❛ SFW Alphabet ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Eyeless Jack
#Notes: NSFW alphabet can be found here
pronouns used: none, gn! reader
˗ˏˋ back to navigation ´ˎ˗
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He's a little bit distant at first. I've mentioned this quite a few times before, but he doesn't think he deserves affection, so he's a little reluctant to give it as well. Once he opens up, he mainly shows it through quality time - really enjoys when you're both in the same room, doing different things but still in each other's company.
He's surprisingly considerate as a best friend, always hyper aware of your needs and doing his best to make sure you're comfortable. Just a gentle giant.
C - CUDDLES Normally the big spoon. He's super warm, almost like a "human" furnace, so he's great to cuddle with on colder days.
He's basically a malewife. Yes he does the cooking, yes he does the cleaning. Likes to keep his space tidy and is a super good cook (you don't wanna know where the meat came from, though).
When breaking up with someone, he goes directly to the point - no beating around the bush. It's most likely because of something they did or his "villain complex", as I like to call it, where he believes he doesn't deserve love due to being a horrible person.
He really wanted to get married before the cult sacrifice thing. His desire didn't change much after, but now he has some issues to work through before possibly making it happen.
Again, he's a big softie. Handles you like you're made out of porcelain, scared that the slightest of touches from him might hurt you. Emotionally, he's not too different - always thinks twice before talking, aware as to not hurt anyone's feelings.
A little reluctant to give them at first, but once he does, he's gentle and warm. He's super tall, so normally your head is resting on his chest. Makes you want to not let go.
My god, it takes him forever to say it. Once he does, it's barely above a whisper, almost like he's hoping you won't hear him as he doesn't want to be too forward or make you uncomfortable.
Doesn't get jealous easily. He trusts you, so he sees no reason for it. Even when he does, he normally keeps quiet about it, accidently giving you the silent treatment.
Super gentle. He has fangs and tusks and such, so he knows he has to watch out as to not hurt you with them. Likes kissing your hand the most, especially if you're cupping his face, giving him easy access to your palm.
Has a soft spot for kids. Sally absolutely adores him and it's mutual - he's just so caring with them in general. Wanted to have some of his own, but given his circumstances, he realizes it might not be the best idea.
He wakes up early and ready to go. Definitely the type to bring you breakfast in bed, especially if you're not much of a morning bird.
Even though he doesn't actually need much sleep due to not being human, he goes to sleep pretty early. The type to cling to you in his sleep.
Takes a long, long while for him to open up about his past. One, because he doesn't like to talk about it, and two, because he doesn't see it as relevant to your relationship. Once you start growing closer, though, he realizes he can't exactly run from it for long.
Absolutely the most patient out of all the creeps. You have to do something seriously fucked up to get him to be even slightly pissed off.
Remembers pretty much everything you tell him, almost like he wrote it down or something. You'll be chilling and he'll just bring you your favorite snack from your childhood cause he saw it and thought about you.
His favorite moment is when he realized you loved him as well. Might be before you even started dating or months into the relationship - the moment you do something that makes it click for him that he's a actually, genuinely loved is his favorite.
Extremely protective, more so due to instinct than anything else. He's not possessive, he just worries about you.
Doesn't really do fancy dates or gifts - thinks that just getting to spend time together is enough.
Unless you don't count the occasional cannibalism, he doesn't really have any bad habits.
Doesn't exactly care about his appearance, per se, but refuses to take off his mask most of the time. Not because he thinks he's ugly, but because he doesn't look exactly human and is self conscious about it.
He never really felt complete before meeting you, there was always a void in his heart he couldn't quite fill until you came along.
Has a tail. Need I say more?
Here's a post about his petpeeves.
Again, goes to sleep really early. Also, he purrs in his sleep. No, I will not elaborate.
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50calmadeuce · 12 days
Ch. 22: Back Home
Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Some chapters have sex.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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A couple of weeks after your journey from San Diego, you found yourself engrossed in work late one evening in your office. The sound of a knock at the door interrupted your focus. Lifting your eyes, you saw Chuck standing there, holding a small tray filled with snacks.
"Come in," you invited, taking a moment to organize the papers strewn across your desk.
Chuck entered, placing the tray on your desk. "Figured you might need a little something to munch on," he offered, a considerate gesture that brought a moment of warmth to the late hours.
You couldn't help but smile at the thoughtfulness. "Thanks, Chuck. That's really kind of you," you expressed, genuinely touched by the gesture. The sight of the snacks—a mix of fruit, nuts, and some chocolate—was a welcome sight, considering you hadn't realized how much time had passed or how hungry you actually were until now.
Chuck observed the situation, remarking on your evident busyness. "It looks like this new grant project is keeping you quite occupied," he noted, acknowledging the lengthy days you've been putting in.
You responded with a confirming sound, the weight of the work ahead clear in your tone. "This is just the start. I've been going through resumes to find some assistance for the upcoming winter and summer," you explained, signaling the expansive scope of your project and the need for additional hands to manage the workload.
As a yawn escaped you, you promptly covered your mouth with your hand.
Chuck issued a gentle warning, "Well, don't push yourself too hard. I understand with the Lieutenant away, you might dive into work to keep him off your mind, but it's not the best for your health," he pointed out, concern evident in his voice. "And you've seemed pretty worn out lately."
You dismissed the concern with a nonchalant shrug. "Nah, I'm fine. Just still getting my bearings after all those time zone changes a few weeks back," you claimed, attributing your fatigue to the adjustment period rather than the workload or emotional stress.
"Have you heard from the Lieutenant?" he inquired, observing as you picked up a grape from the plate and popped it into your mouth.
After a moment spent chewing and then swallowing, you answered, "No," your tone casual yet hinting at a deeper resignation. "But that's nothing new." You continued eating off of the plate.
Chuck's observation came unexpectedly, drawing a parallel from his experiences, albeit in a different context. "Doc, I'm no rocket scientist, but I've been around horses enough to see when something's up. Are you sure you're not pregnant?" he asked, noting your sudden appetite as you continued to eat grapes.
You stopped mid-motion, a grape poised between your fingers, as his words prompted a rush of thoughts. The realization dawned on you; you and Jake had been cautious only that one time.
The room suddenly felt too small, your mind racing as you tried to piece together the timeline, the possibility that Chuck's offhand comment might hold more truth than jest.
Chuck, realizing the gravity of what he'd suggested, immediately softened his approach. "Hey, I didn't mean to jump to conclusions or anything. It's just, you've been looking a bit off color lately, and now the sudden hunger," he explained, his voice tinged with concern rather than suspicion.
You set the grape back down, suddenly not so hungry. "I... hadn't really considered it," you admitted, the possibility now taking root in your mind. "But now that you mention it, there have been a few signs that I just attributed to stress and being busy." As you glanced down at the grape held delicately between your fingers, a stark realization hit you. You despised grapes. The fact that you were not just tolerating but seemingly enjoying them now added an unexpected layer of complexity to Chuck's question. This sudden shift in your dietary preferences, coupled with the recent context you were forced to consider, made the scenario all the more perplexing and worthy of deep thought. "I'll make a doctor's appointment tomorrow." You looked at Chuck and nodded. "Good night."
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A few days after your conversation with Chuck, you found yourself in a different kind of waiting—sitting in a doctor's office, draped in a gown that felt less like clothing and more like a symbol of vulnerability. The anticipation was palpable, the room filled with a silence that seemed to echo your racing thoughts.
The door finally opened, breaking the cycle of your anxious musings. A middle-aged woman stepped in, her curly dark hair framing her face and glasses perched on her nose, exuding an air of professional calmness. "Dr. Seresin, how are you today?" she greeted, her voice carrying a blend of warmth and formality, the sort that healthcare professionals master over years of practice. Her presence, while reassuring, also marked the moment of truth you had been both dreading and anticipating.
"Dr. Katz," you acknowledged her, trying to muster a semblance of calm. "I guess I'm doing okay."
Dr. Katz took a seat, her gaze meeting yours squarely, a gesture that seemed to brace both of you for the forthcoming revelation. "Well, we might as well just get right to it. You're pregnant."
The moment the words left her lips, it felt as though the room's atmosphere shifted dramatically. It was as if all the air had been vacuumed out, leaving behind a charged silence that enveloped you. The reality of her statement hung heavy, a profound turning point that was both intimidating and real.
Dr. Katz, observant and empathetic, noticed the change in your demeanor. Her voice softened as she addressed the situation, "I take it this wasn't planned?"
Releasing a deep breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding, you managed to find your voice. "Not really, but..." Your words trailed off, a mix of emotions swirling within you—surprise, apprehension, perhaps a hint of something else. In that moment, with the reality of your situation settling in, you stood at the threshold of an unexpected journey, pondering the myriad ways it could unfold.
Dr. Katz's gaze briefly settled on the wedding ring adorning your finger, a symbol of commitment that prompted her next question. "I didn't know you were married? Does your husband not know yet?"
Meeting her gaze, you clarified, "I've been married for four years. My husband is currently deployed. Due to a past circumstance, we recently rekindled our relationship."
Dr. Katz turned her attention back to the computer, typing away for a moment before stopping, a note of concern in her expression as she addressed a sensitive topic. "Ah. Being kicked in the stomach and losing the baby." Her gaze shifted back to you, searching, as she asked, "How do you feel about this?"
There was a brief pause as you collected your thoughts, the weight of the question pressing down. "Honestly, nervous," you admitted, your voice carrying the mixed emotions of fear, uncertainty, and perhaps a glimmer of hope or resilience. It was a moment of vulnerability, acknowledging the complexity of your feelings in the face of such unexpected and challenging news. he room seemed to hold its breath as you shared a piece of your past, a shadow that lingered over your present. "After it happened, my husband didn't really talk to me for four years," you revealed, the pain and isolation of that time evident in your voice. Meeting Dr. Katz's eyes, you expressed a fear deeply rooted in your experience. "I don't want that again."
Dr. Katz, sensing the depth of your concerns and the weight of your past experiences, offered a supportive suggestion. "There's a psychologist I can connect you with..."
But you quickly dismissed the idea, a reflexive wave of your hand punctuating your decision. "No. No psychologist. I can deal with this." Your voice carried a mixture of determination and perhaps a hint of apprehension.
Dr. Katz exhaled deeply. "Alright, I'll provide you with that information, just in case you have a change of heart. But do start taking a quality prenatal vitamin. I'll see you in a month's time, purely as a precaution because of the last time. It's not that I'm expecting complications, but I'd rather be safe and ensure everything is on track."
"Okay," you nodded in agreement.
"You're going to be just fine, Y/N," reassured the doctor before exiting the room.
You released a breath you hadn't noticed you'd been holding in.
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Entering the kitchen late, you carried a small bag, its contents consisting of prenatal vitamins.
Chuck glanced up. "Everything alright, Doc?"
Setting the bag on the counter, you extracted the vitamins. "You were correct. I'm pregnant."
A smile brightened Chuck's face. "Doc, that's wonderful news! But, why do I sense you're not thrilled?"
"I am happy," you admitted. "It's just the thought of Jake's reaction that's weighing on me."
Chuck nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "I think the Lieutenant will be thrilled about it."
"I hope so, but it's my line of work that makes him anxious. Particularly after the last incident." Drawing in a deep breath, you contemplated your next steps. "I need to see about getting an assistant or an intern. It's time to have a discussion with work."
As if on cue, your phone began to ring, and Jake's name flashed on the screen. "Speaking of Jake," you remarked, pressing the answer button for a face call. "Hey babe!"
Chuck discreetly exited the kitchen, giving you space to talk to Jake.
Jake's voice came through, vibrant and warm. "Hey, darlin'!"
God, how you missed the sound of his voice. Heck, you missed everything about him.
He noticed your weariness. "You okay?"
"I'm fine. It's just been a long day. I literally just got home."
"Well, then I called at the right time. How are things?"
"Things are going well. I've been swamped, between the job and managing the grant, it's been non-stop."
"Darlin', make sure you're not overdoing it," he cautioned gently.
A smile found its way to your lips. "I won't, Jake. Don't worry about me."
His gaze carried a tinge of concern. "You sure you're alright?"
With a reassuring smile, you responded, "I'm fine, Jake, really. Like I mentioned, today was just one of those long days."
Seeing his expression ease brought you a bit of relief. "You'd tell me if something was up, wouldn't you?"
"Without a doubt." You took a brief pause before shifting the focus. "How about you? How have you been?"
"Doing well. There's been a lot of training going on."
"That sounds positive, doesn't it?"
His smile returned, warmer this time. "Always is." His gaze met yours, carrying a mix of longing and affection. "I miss you, Y/N."
The feeling resonated deeply within you. "I miss you too, Jake. Any idea when you'll be back?"
He hesitated, the uncertainty evident. "Not at this time."
You nodded. "Is there anything you need? I took care of your apartment, so you're good on that."
His voice carried a hint of regret. "Nah, I'm alright, but I really need to catch some sleep. Sorry for not calling sooner. This was the first chance I got."
Your words were soft but firm, "Jake, it's part of the job. I get it. Go catch some sleep. I'm heading to bed soon myself."
"That sounds like a plan. I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Jake."
After ending the call, Chuck re-entered the room.
"You didn't tell him, did you?"
Shaking your head, you responded, "No. He's got enough on his plate without adding to his worries. He needs to stay focused on his work." You met Chuck's gaze with determination. "And there's no arguing with that."
Chuck gave a nonchalant shrug, conceding to your point. "Whatever you say, Doc. You call the shots." Moving towards the stove, he changed the subject. "Got an appetite?"
"Starving!" you exclaimed, grateful for the distraction.
Chuck then busied himself with preparing a plate for you, signaling the end of the conversation and a shift to more comforting, domestic matters.
Tags: @buckysteveloki-me @bellyliveslife @tgmreader @callsign-barbell @86laura11 @dizzybee03 @kmc1989 @guacam011y @nerdgirljen @hookslove1592 @dempy @djs8891
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artemis32 · 1 year
I've read Subjugation II, and it's amazing!! I didn't evem notice that was the first time you've written smut (that's the name? I forgot, lol). Anyway, what are your thoughts if reader fells pregnant after that? Or not even after that but in the same universe of the fic? 🙄🙄
Hope you're well 😃
subjugation drabble i
So usually I'm not into the whole pregnancy thing, but oh my gosh do I have some thoughts (also the phrase “barefoot and pregnant” sounds a bit strange in English, I’m sorry ://)
I have no idea if this is a drabble or not, but we’re labelling it as one
Also - my laptop is very buggy at the moment, so until that's fixed, I unfortunately can't write anything (except maybe a few short drabbles)
tw: pregnancy mentions, noncon / dubcon, oral sex (f receiving), creampie
subjugation masterlist
bnha masterlist
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So neither of these men believe in wrapping it before they tap it - why should they when you belong to them. They don’t care much for pulling out either, that’s no fun.
Really, it wouldn’t be any surprise to either of them if you ended up pregnant sooner or later.
Only, it might happen a bit sooner than either of them would like. 
You only just started to “accept” them, they really want to enjoy their time with you for as long as possible - children would be a distraction. 
Don’t get me wrong, they definitely want you to carry their children in the future, and not just one either, though they haven’t decided on a specific number yet.
They want children, they truly do - but they want your full attention more, at least for the moment. They can’t very well get down and dirty if you have a few rascals running around at all hours of the day.
Then again, the idea of you barefoot and pregnant has been one of their biggest fantasies for a while - the gentle swell of your stomach, plush breasts filled with milk, your face glowing beautifully as your pregnancy continues.
It’s tempting, getting you pregnant as soon as possible. But they’ll put it off for as long as they can stand. 
Shota is the voice of reason, reminding Hizashi of how much time and energy goes into raising infants, children who you have to care for all day, everyday.
You don’t get a say in the final decision. They may take into consideration your thoughts and feelings, but ultimately, their word is law. Whether you actually want children or not is irrelevant.
Any anxieties you have about pregnancy or being a mother are brushed off, gently but firmly. They may try to quell your fears at first, but eventually their patience will run out and they tell you outright that you have no choice in the matter.
They may consider putting you on some form of birth control until they feel ready to give up their time with you, until they’re ready to become parents, but who knows how long that will last.
When they eventually do want children, no amount of begging or pleading will change their minds. Sobs and screams fall on deaf ears, and physical retaliation is met with stern discipline. They aren’t above tying you down to get what they want.
Out of the two of them, I imagine that Shota has more of a breeding kink than Hizashi does. 
Hear me out - while Hizashi loves the sexual act in itself, Shota loves the idea of you being pregnant, especially with his or Hizashi’s child.
Not only the mental image of you being pregnant, but also the idea of you relying on him during the pregnancy, having to ask him for help with anything and everything.
Washing your hair while you shower or washing your back and legs while you bath. He’d insist on bathing with you, slotting himself in behind you, gently massaging your shoulders, softly rubbing circles onto your back with the washcloth. 
He’d help you get dressed too, and he’d take his sweet time. He’d help you put on lotion, squirting it into his hands to warm it up first. He’d have you sit on the bed while he kneels on the floor between your legs, both of you covered by nothing more than a towel. 
His fingers would lightly massage your ankles, gently rolling the swollen joints, working his way up, kneading your sore legs. 
Of course he wouldn’t stop there - he would massage your hands and feet, your arms and back. He would save your stomach for last.
Still kneeling on the floor, his rough palms would smooth over your bloated stomach, rubbing in small, slow circles.
If you happen to look at his face, you would see him staring at you already, eyes dark and filled with a deep loving look.
Naturally, seeing you all pliant and willing would stir up something within him.
Sex helps with stress during pregnancy - that’s what he would tell you in those moments, gently coaxing you on to your back.
“I’m helping you. You and the baby.” He would say as he lowered himself between your legs, shifting you so that your legs lay over his shoulders.
He would stare at you with such adoration, placing soft kisses on the inside of each thigh, working his way up to the apex of your thighs.
Soft is the best way to describe him. His only focus is you, your pleasure, your desire. 
One orgasm turns into two, which turns into three.
After he’s had his fill, he’ll straighten up, dropping the towel around his waist. Still, he remains calm and gentle with you, slowly working his thick cock into your dripping cunt. There’s almost no stretch, no burn - curtesy of the three or four orgasms he pulled out of you with his mouth minutes prior.
He rocks his hips back and forth to a gentle rhythm, the veins along his cock dragging over your sensitive walls. Usually he’s able to push you into another two or three orgasms - pregnancy made you more sensitive than before, not that either of them ever complain.
Once he’s cum, buried to the hilt inside you, he’ll pull out slowly before pulling you into him, cuddling you close.
He never rushes to leave you, to clean you up or dress you. Oftentimes, you’ll fall asleep in his arms, still naked, and wake up hours later, clean and dressed, wedged between him and Hizashi.
Hizashi loves slow gentle sex with you too, though he hangs around you more than Shota does, if that’s even possible.
He seems to believe that pregnancy addles your brains, and he doesn’t trust you to complete tasks - he helps you put on your shoes, feeds you, brushes your hair for you.
It might have infuriated you, how both of them almost infantilize you - it should, but their softer demeanour is refreshing. Having them coddle you is far better than them punishing you in a cruel and painful fashion.
So overall, they love the idea of you being pregnant, and they definitely want to start a family one day, just not anytime soon.
Though when it does eventually happen, you’ll probably end up smothered and coddled to death.
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pardi-real · 3 months
Main Story Ep. 2 / Part 3 / Chapter 11 - Fennesz's Melancholy
[Devil's Palace, Your Room]
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~ On the night before the expedition ~
Knock... Knock...
Muu: “Oh? Who might it be?”
Fennesz: “Excuse me.”
Fennesz: “My lord, good work today.”
> “Fennesz”
Fennesz: “Since tomorrow is the expedition, I thought you might be too nervous to sleep... So, I brought hot milk to help you sleep better.”
> “Thank you”
Fennesz: “Last time, a large group of butlers crowded in and made a commotion... So, this time, I came as a representative.”
> “I see”
Muu: “Hot milk... looks delicious.”
Fennesz: “Hey hey, Muu. This is for the lord.”
Muu: “Oh, right... too bad.”
Fennesz: “If there's any left in the kitchen, you can have some, okay?”
Muu: “Really! I'll be right back!”
> “Take care” > “Just don't drink too much”
Fennesz: “My lord, thank you for what you did for Haures.”
> “It's thanks to everyone's cooperation”
Fennesz: “No, no... Since the day of the surprise you planned, Haures seems to have returned to his usual self.”
> “That's good”
Fennesz: “My lord, you're truly amazing.”
> “What's with the sudden compliment?”
Fennesz: "Actually... on the night you returned from the expedition... I approached Haures and talked to him, 'Are you okay?'... 'I want you to consult with me if something's on your mind.'... But... He declined, saying, 'Leave me alone for now.' "
> "Is that so?"
Fennesz: "I've spent more time with Haures than even you, my lord... I thought I understood him. But, in the end, I realized I hadn't understood anything... I felt a little down."
> "I see…”
Fennesz: "My actions towards Haures were somewhat self-centered... I mistakenly thought I was his understanding confidant... Certainly, to directly approach him, a proud perfectionist… I would indeed be declined."
> "It's difficult to get him to talk..."
Fennesz: "You, my lord, took all these aspects into consideration when planning the surprise. You're amazing for considering people's emotions and personalities."
> "Thank you"
Fennesz: "...Uh, apologies for rambling on for so long..."
> "No problem at all”
Fennesz: "W-well then, I'll excuse myself. Good night, my lord."
> "Good night, Fennesz"
After Fennesz left the room, perhaps due to the hot milk, I quickly fell asleep.
[Devil's Palace, Library]
Fennesz: "Phew... I somehow ended up here in the library. I wonder… Did I trouble the lord by talking about my worries? Or, perhaps... D-did I end up being disliked…
Sigh... It's my bad habit again. I tend to think in the worst possible way, even though nothing has happened yet. The lord is a kind person. It's not like such a small thing would make the lord dislike me.
Sigh... I need to change my mindset... …… But... It's really good that the lord is here. Haures has returned to his usual self... Hmm... But Haures is strong... Even though there was something that triggered his most painful past… He's still leading us properly. He's completely different from me... If it were me... I might have been broken and unable to recover. Sigh... Ah, I'm thinking negatively again... Sigh... i'm really hopeless... Hmm... But still… who was that girl? Was she really just a lost child? But getting lost under the ancient tower... Moreover, in such a remote area... Normally, it shouldn't be a place where people go.
Maybe... Was it prepared by the intelligent angel? To unsettle Haures... If Haures becomes agitated and can't fight, our fighting power will be significantly reduced. His ability greatly enhances the power of the butlers. If I were an intelligent angel and asked whom to target first, it would be Haures.
Hmm... But the intelligent angel shouldn't know such information about us, right? Maybe it just happened to target Haures... Hmm... Or maybe... The intelligent angel's aim is to turn Haures into a demon...?
...N-no, that's probably not it. After all, the intelligent angel shouldn't know about butlers turning into demons… So, it shouldn't be the case…
Wait... I shouldn't jump to conclusions. The intelligent angel is an unknown existence. It's better not to make assumptions about anything. Perhaps, over there, they have quite a bit of information about us. Actually, thinking that way might be plausible.
I should be cautious. Tomorrow, I'll secretly consult with Mr. Berrien and Mr. Lucas about this.”
[House of Grovaner - Main Residence]
~ The Morning of the Expedition ~
Knock... knock... knock...
Finlay: "Come in..."
Lucas: "Pardon my intrusion, Lord Finlay."
Finlay: "Lucas... How are the preparations for the expedition?"
Lucas: "Yes... Everything is progressing smoothly. We will depart around noon."
Finlay: "I see... That's good."
Lucas: "By the way... Why was I summoned today? Is there any change in the strategy?"
Finlay: "Hmm... There's someone I want you to meet."
Lucas: "Someone to meet?"
Finlay: "Can you come in?"
Knock... knock... knock...
???: "Excuse me."
Lucas: "Ah, you are..."
Yuhan: "Greetings…”
to be continued
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dduane · 10 months
In the digital art dep't...
Doing some work comparing renders in Daz Studio's (newer) version 4.21 to the older 4.15, which is where most of my rendering work has happened for the last couple/few years.
But also something else: starting to experiment with skin tone work on the main Middle Kingdoms characters... which I've been putting off because it's been incredibly complex and fiddly (and easy to screw up.). Then I ran across a new Daz-based tool which speeds this business up considerably.
(Adding a cut here because this goes on a little about subjects most people won't need cluttering up their dashes. Warning: contains volumetric- and non-volumetric-handling versions of Daz, character skin color work, complex (and complexion) lighting issues, image comparisons, and the local iteration of the These Two Idiots trope seen up close.
My attention right now is on the main characters, who come in a wide range of shades only casually referred to in the main-sequence books and the interstitial works. And among the core group—the human-born ones, anyway—there's significant variation. Herewiss, being northeast Darthene, is palest. Freelorn, being midlands Arlene with some Steldene ancestry, is darker. Segnbora, coming of people from the southeastern Darthene region along the Steldene border, is darkest of the human three of the Five.
All thee were details that had to go incorrectly depicted until now... because though I had the characters' faces and bodies pretty much sorted out, the skins were all, well, too damn unrelievedly white. And attempting to tweak that without sufficiently sophisticated tools (or enough understanding...) can cause real problems and a lot of lost time.
Now, though, with better tools I can start putting that situation right. Early attempts are inevitably going to be a bit spotty (I only got this tool over the weekend...). But the first few renders have been promising.
Compare this initial render of the Pride Month package "cover..."
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to this one (after initial skinwork), which more closely mirrors the reality I see in my head:
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(Over on the left, Tom's a bit pale in that run... but never mind. I'll sort him out shortly with the rest of the Young Wizards characters. Sunspark's human skin tone, meanwhile, can be expected to change without notice... especially when they've just seen a look they liked and want to try on.)
The difficulty with the above image is that for various reasons (like hiding the incomplete nature of the city behind them...) the lighting's from either a spring or autumn sunset, and therefore too warm for good clear comparisons. So as another early-stages test I took the version of Freelorn from the above image and repositioned him in one where the lighting was a lot better... at least when rendering in DSv4.15. Here's the "Short King" image from a year or two ago, before the skinchange...
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...for comparison to the one I did this afternoon. (Since I was importing it from the laptop to the desktop machine running 4.21, there are some slight changes in camera position and lighting. Oh, and a different set of clothes for Herewiss.)
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If the difference looks really subtle at the moment, that's okay. Lorn should be darker than this: Dusty's correctly a bit paler than last time. But it's a start. Further passes will get closer to what I'm after.
...So re-rendered versions of images on the MK website and elsewhere will start turning up with skin tones properly represented. (All this being secondary to cleaning out some of the 30K+ render files that have built up in the machine over the last ten years, and building a new tagging and indexing system for the ones that get kept. Whoopee. But it's gotta be done.)
Meanwhile, back to work on actual writing...
ETA: Meanwhile, no point in getting so caught up in image quality that you forget to move the camera around. Just look at these two idiots. :)
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telomeke · 1 year
So viewers who are familiar with the progenitors of My School President all had a collective chortle when its producer Aof Noppharnach Chaiwimol appeared in the persona of supertutor Kruu P'Nop (ครูพี่ณพ) in Episode 10:
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(above) My School President Ep.10 [2/4] 1.05
This was just the latest instance of a GMMTV director or producer popping up onscreen in their own show. 😍 In A Tale of a Thousand Stars (that he directed), Khun Noppharnach also appeared briefly as a tourist who bought Osmanthus fragrans from a blind man (in turn played by his Assistant Director Phyungsak Naruepai, also nicknamed Aof):
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(above) A Tale of a Thousand Stars Ep.5 [1I4] 10.22 – Director Aof is on the left, Assistant Director Aof is on the right and main actor Mix Sahaphap is in the middle (American singer Cassie also has a cameo on Director Aof's t-shirt 😊)
In The Eclipse, Director Golf Tanwarin Sukkhapisit also had their own cameo as the proprietor/manager of the Café for All:
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(above) The Eclipse – Ep.4 [3/4] 4.31
However, it was really in Bad Buddy that this trend of having production team cameos got deployed in a big way (possibly because the pandemic simply made it more expedient to use members of the crew as extras and for minor roles – see this blogpost here for more info).
Most notable in BBS was Director Aof's cameo as a pharmacist:
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(above) Bad Buddy Ep.1 [4/4] 4.24
Additionally, BBS Assistant Director Au Kornprom also took on a supporting role as Toto, Pran's senior and director of the Kwan-Riam musical, who changed the cishet period drama into a BL production:
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(above) Bad Buddy Ep.7 [1I4] 9.39
However, recalling the meticulously clever seed-planting and subsequent plot reveals orchestrated within Bad Buddy itself, we can now tell that this was yet another Aha! moment that they sowed in there – but it was done with the intention for the seed to burst into bloom only later, well after BBS.
For Khun Kornprom's minor role in Bad Buddy as the director of a fictitious BL musical (the story of Kwan and Riam) truly was also foretelling his future role in real life – as the director of an actual BL musical (My School President). 🌼😊👍
So when MSP Producer Aof appeared onscreen in My School President as Tutor Nop, I found myself rooting even harder for MSP Director Au to pop up in a cameo as well, since MSP is in many ways (in its stylings, themes and characterizations) the nong to BBS's phi (and as the younger sibling it also pushes its message out there with a considerably lighter touch, since its target audience is much less mature than BBS's).
With this in mind, for the past 10 episodes I've been on edge awaiting Director Au Kornprom Niyomsil's cameo in MSP – until it hit me that it's already happened:
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(top) My School President Ep.2 [3I4] 7.07 – "Suksa" means "education, study or knowledge", while "Niyomsil" refers to the arts, in addition to being Director Au's surname; (bottom) My School President Ep.2 [1I4] 7.18
With the boys' school sharing Director Au's surname ("Niyomsil") this MSP cameo is veiled, rather than openly face-to-face.
But at this point I think the director/producer appearances are not just random anymore – it's possible to read some meaning into them beyond the feel-good giggles each one provokes:
In Bad Buddy, Director Aof's turn as a pharmacist (who provides Pat and Pran with ointment for their injuries) highlights his role in delivering BBS's message of healing, especially the healing of relationships (see this write-up here for more info). This theme of healing is everywhere in BBS – between Pat and Pran (whose relationship was forcefully ruptured by Dissaya in high school), between Pran and Dissaya (after their rift in Ep.10), between Pran and his musical soul (see this write-up here), between Korn and Wai (see this write-up here), between Wai and the world (see this write-up here) and yes even between Ming and Dissaya (see these write-ups here and here – although their process of healing was only tentatively begun and might not ever be complete, like the relationship between the Archi and Engine faculties as well).
In The Eclipse, Director Golf's cameo as proprietor/manager of a café that is open to all, highlighted the role of that series as a safe, non-judgmental space to confront and discuss some hard truths and painful realities with regard to LGBTQ+ issues, especially the experience of growing into your authentic queer self while embedded within an often-oppressive environment.
And in My School President, Director Au and Producer Aof cast themselves in the roles of a school and tutor respectively – they're positioning themselves as educators of the younger set, imparting from phi to nong some heartfelt but no less important lessons on positivity and self-esteem for those just embarking on their LGBTQ+ journey in life (and indeed for their straight allies as well). 💖
I'm less sure of the meaning behind Director Aof's cameo in ATOTS – it was possibly just for fun, since it seems like the first time (or one of the first times anyway) that they did it in a GMMTV series.
But just as Tian in ATOTS helped the villagers sell their tea by perfuming it with Osmanthus fragrans (and in doing so also helped them bypass the mercenary and controlling middlemen), Director Aof may also have been signaling that the soft, sweet-scented mantle of the BL genre could in turn help productions that are supportive of LGBTQ+ equality get their message more directly out to a wider audience. (And if this is indeed the case, I'm not sure he's wrong. 🥰)
It's cool that GMMTV's director/producer cameos can be imbued with significance beyond just the sly wink and chuckle. I'll certainly be watching out for more of them in other shows! 🤩
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tiffany-chan123 · 3 months
Tiffany's Fancuries For Your Consideration
Hey there folks! This is actually the fourth Fancuries that I'll be participating in, and my second "For Your Consideration" post that I've made during my time as not just a pretty cure fanseries creator but as a pretty cure fan.
Over the past couple of years, my cures and by extension fanseries tend to change a LOT, I have been trying to experiment with Kisekae and my drawn art more and I am planning on getting back into writing fanfiction and my fanseries (In fact I'm currently writing episode one of the main fanseries I'll be talking about in this very post)
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Deep within the reaches of cyberspace, there is a secret world known simply as Arcadia, a place where all video game characters around can travel to their own games freely. However, the land of Arcadia was soon under attack by the villainous "Dark Network" and their army of monstrous glitches wanting to take over their world. However, a sneaky and speedy rabbit named Riki and a fairy named Aruna end up making their way to the human world and end up running into a girl named Mariko Asoda, but with Riki and Aruna on the run from the Baguras, Riki hands Mariko a Pixel Curesette and she then transforms into the heroine of exciting Action, Cure Action! Filled with determination to save the gaming world of Arcadia as well as her own, Cure Action's truly wild adventure is about to begin. Now! Pretty Cure Game Start!
The main themes of this series deal with stuff like technology, cyberspace, and reality and fiction, while motifs include stuff like video games, pixels, and 90's aesthetics. I plan on releasing this fanseries on a few fanfic sites (AO3, Quotev, even Wattpad) and I do have a wiki for it, if you are wondering about what I used to make the cures and other characters, it's Kisekae a pretty well-known dollmaker software (It can be pretty NSFW though just keep that in mind, though there is an SFW version if I remember correctly), though two characters have been made with picrew, but enough about that let's get into...
The Cures!
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From Left to Right: Nene Kanemitsu, Mariko Asoda, Kayla Coleman, Aruna Yushi
Mariko Asoda / Cure Action (Pink)
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A fourteen-year-old student council member with a soft spot for video games, a big daydreamer, and a selfless escapist who just wants to help people like the video game heroes she loves, but has a big sense of righteousness about her, loves to over indulge in her hobbies and always expects gratitude from others. Has a bit of a habit of saying "Level Up!". Becoming Cure Action, she is themed after action games and platformers and has fire powers.
Kayla Coleman / Cure Puzzle (Green)
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A fifteen-year-old foreign exchange student originally from Brooklyn, New York, and despite her quiet disposition she is very much a crafty inventor type who has a love for crafting new ideas, despite that confident mask she wears, she is a massive introvert with some slight confidence issues, with a love for sarcasm and darker topics and just wants to be accepted and loved by others for the games she creates and codes. When she becomes Cure Puzzle, she gains the powers of the earth via stones and tetrominoes, and is themed after puzzle games.
Nene Kanemitsu / Cure Song (Yellow)
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The daughter of the creator of the famous game mascot Riki the Rabbit, Nene is well-known as a passionate and competitive professional gamer who is a regular at the Skyblue arcade center, especially when it comes to rhythm games. Nene essentially acts as the mood maker of the group, going through life with a rather positive and takes life and everyday situations through good humor and optimism, but has a big obsession with idols and isn't afraid to talk about her hyper fixations for a long time, can be a bit careless, short-tempered, boisterous, and is not good with money at all. As Cure Song, she is themed after Rhythm Games and has the power of sound.
Aruna / Aru Yuushi / Cure Hero (Blue)
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Originally known as the fairy priestess Aruna, a character that originated from the video game RPG Valianta Quest X, she made her home in the Pixel Pocket (Basically the transformation items of the season) after she was saved by Riki, who always wanted to become a knight out of the want to truly help out her kingdom, she eventually transformed into a human via learning a spell. A very defensive girl with a hard shell and tries to convey a heroic and yet cool image, but is a way more sensitive person underneath it all. As Cure Hero, she is themed after Adventure games and RPG's, and wields the power of light via the Bravery Sword, instead of the Virtual Sticks the cures normally use.
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The protagonist of a popular platformer game series that Mariko is a big fan of. Riki can move at super fast speeds and pick things up with his ears, who is adventurous, lively, and a bit of an adrenaline junkie.
Princess Dahlia
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The fair and sweet ruler of the Bloomfield kingdom, and despite her dainty and cutesy appearance, she is actually the leader of the resistance fighting against the “Dark Network” in Arcadia, in which she comes from the popular puzzle game “Puzzle De Puyo”.
Fumio Kanemitsu
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Nene’s father and the man who created Riki the Rabbit, and currently works as a programmer for the video game company Kurotaki, moody, fickle, changeable, and obviously weirded out by the fact his creation is real, he ends up becoming a big ally to the team, mainly due to his knowledge about programming.
The Dark Network Fuguerror A mysterious glitchy being hidden within dark depths of cyberspace, he is a cruel, cunning, and yet oddly playful being, and is the one the Dark Network are trying to essentially complete, and summon him mainly via collecting Digi Data.
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Leader of the generals and the one who founded the Dark Network group in the first place after discovering Fuguerror, a rather seductive and devious enchantress who is known for her self centered-ness, her love of making her presence known, and getting a kick out of seeing people enraged and essentially teasing her enemies, she's also known for her love of making very odd smelling (And toxic!) "perfume". Belladonna comes from the medieval beat em up game "Radira Fight Knights"
Doctor Serpentine
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Riki the Rabbit's number one adversary and a rather dastardly mad scientist taking the form of a snake, he mostly tries to take down foes with the many robotic suits he builds, and he loves flaunting his intelligence skill in robotics, despite his aggressive way of speaking to others. Nikto
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A rather cunning if rather short wizard. Nikto acts as a mediator between the villainous group and tends to try and take Belladonna down the peg a little, he's also very skilled at magic, especially when it comes to illusions and trickery which he often tries to take advantage of to his own benefits, and really doesn't like it when people make fun of his height. He is the main villain of the famous RPG "Valianta Quest V". Adalram
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A Mysterious Swordsman with a wide set of tools, and a man who is a rather flirty soul who likes to use his wit and charm to recruit other villains to Dark Network's cause, but he is dedicated to protecting the other members, namely Miss Belladonna. He comes from the popular adventure game series "Secret Sword".
~~~ And do you think this is the only fanseries I have...No, I have another, a Ninja, family and Japanese mythology-based fanseries, that being... Doron! Kunoichi Precure!
I haven't made a logo for the fanseries yet and I don't have a lot of designs for it (Only the cures have been designed so far), so please bear with me.
For nineteen generations, the Kaminarimon school of ninjas have been protecting both Earth and the Celestial Plains from the Kagemashu Army of yokai, creatures who emerge from the shadowy depths of the underworld to cause fear and terror to those around them. But when it seemed that the nineteenth generation of ninja had finally sealed Nurarihyon and his army for good, one yokai ended up breaking the seal years later with the Kagemashu beginning their attacks again, with the current head of the Kaminarimon household Shosuke, and his daughter Tomoe beginning a plan to recruit some new legendary ninja to combat the new threat. And when a compassionate middle school girl named Shinobu Fuuno ends up stumbling upon a scroll hidden within the back of a shrine near the Kaminarimon household, and she ends up summoning five friendly spirits but ends up running into Nopperabo and the Kagemashu’s deadly monsters the Maganoke, however with the help of the Doron Commune she transforms into the legendary ninja of the wind, Cure Shippu! Protecting the Earth from evil, hiding deep within the shadows, now change! Precure let’s ninja GO!
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From left to right: Tomoe Kaminarimon, Fujiko Takayama, Shinobu Fuuno, Hiyori Hinomiya, Kozue Kobayashi
Shinobu Fuuno / Cure Shippu (Pink)
An airy girl with a love for Japanese Traditions as well as Samurai and Ninja Dramas (with her father being an actor in these drama’s himself in the past), she prefers not standing out among her classmates though can't help but run her mouth when she feels like it, but wants to find out what happened to her mother. Has the habit of saying “Feel the wind!” and as Cure Shippu, she wields the power of the wind.
Kozue Kobayashi / Cure Shinrin (Green)
A sensible, tall, reliable, and yet traditional girl akin to a Yamato Nadeshiko, Kozue is good at giving advice to others and is a geisha in training aside from her pretty cure duties and has a love for familiarity and making wagashi…However, she is a massive party animal and is terrible with technology, and such her fellow piers at her geisha training look down upon her because of it, and as Cure Shinrin, she wields the power of wood.
Hiyori Hinomiya / Cure Rekka (Red)
A Shrine Maiden working at a local shrine with a bit of a hot-blooded and passionate flair, she is skilled at archery and is very action-oriented, and can be a bit prideful and impulsive despite her being a bit responsible and mature. Is a bit jealous of Shinobu being the leader and has a habit of setting high standards for herself, mainly due to the fact she was chosen because her sister (Who was going to become a cure) had fallen ill at the time, and as Cure Rekka, she wields the power of fire.
Fujiko Takayama / Cure Gunzan (Blue)
A very emotional yet secretive and sensitive girl who is rather knowledgeable though with a bit of a hard shell, but can have her moments where she can get more than a bit dramatic, mainly because of her theater-loving background and has a soft spot for folklore, especially spirits, and yokai, and as Cure Gunzan she wields the power of the earth.
Tomoe Kaminarimon / Cure Raitei (Yellow)
The future head of the Kaminarimon household and a woman who acts as the mentor to the cures, and while she does have a rather cold and strict exterior, she actually has a rather adventurous and even unpredictable and spontaneous side to her, akin to that of lightning, which she wields as Cure Raitei.
Unfortunately, I only have basic ideas for the other characters currently. I'm planning on the mascots essentially being small spirit gods from the Celestial Plains which are ruled by the big good Amaterasu (Yes, the Shinto Sun Goddess herself). The villains I do have more ideas for, with them basically being a sort of criminal organization of Yokai with each general being based on one (The Nine-Tailed Fox, Tengu, Oni, etc.) with the big bad being Nurarihyon. But Aside from the cures I haven't designed em. ~~~ And that's all I have been mainly working on so far in terms of Fanseries, really hope you all have enjoyed reading this post, as much as I had fun making it.
See you later guys, gals, and enby pals alike!
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altraviolet · 7 months
reader polls for Echo Garden
Every once in a while I make a poll and take the winning answer into consideration for writing Echo Garden :) Important to note that I like all the choices- I don't think setting yourself up for something you don't want to do is a good idea in a poll.
This is a long post so after the first one I'll put a cut :)
1) puns
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This is the only poll I've ever made, I think, where the answer was 100% yes xD I wasn't sure if puns were Rodimus-y or not (he hates hats, for example. his tastes can be esoteric) so I asked. This is why he makes cold puns in Ch 23, Enceladia. Poll date: Mar 28, 2021 Ch 23 upload date: Aug 20, 2021
more 👇
2) spark jewels
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I was trying to think of a scientific name for the spark equivalent of kidney stones and liked a few options, so I asked for opinions. The colloquial term used in Ambulon's dimension is "spark jewels," a phrase that Velocity does not know. He switches to the medical term, "lapides stellae," to which she replies "asterliths." I recall not being able to satisfactorily combine Latin and Greek words for "star" with scintill or spitha so I went with both options in the first choice. This scene is found in Ch 26, Fuel Furnace. Poll date: Nov 29, 2021 Ch 26 upload date: Dec 9, 2021
3) other rarepairs
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I had a secret goal (it's not a secret anymore cuz I've told you) to put as many of my rarepairs into the fic as possible. I wanted to include more of either of the above, so let readers decide. I had a feeling Nautica/Blaster would win. I'm legit surprised Bluestreak/Hot Spot got as many votes as it did. Hmm. Looking back on this, maybe I'll try to give them another little nod before the fic ends. Anyhoo, yup, sprinkled throughout the fic are little bits of Nautica/Blaster. I like what they have. It's really loving and supportive :) Poll posted Dec 10, 2021. At that time the fic had 24 chapters.
4) liminal Cybertron
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Ok ok ok, so originally, Mirage's Cybertron was a destroyed, insecticon-infested world. I actually have most of a full chapter written in this original setting- Rodimus, SW, and Mirage going back to retrieve Skywarp. I might put that scene (and other discarded scenes) up after TEG is done, if people are interested. I don't have the exact date for when I wrote the original insecticon chapter, but I was still considering it in March of 2022 because I put foreshadowing for it in Ch 29 Progress, uploaded March 3, 2022. I don't remember now what made me think of doing a sterilized world instead, and then after I thought of it, I couldn't decide which to do. I was surprised by these poll results. The poll predates when I wrote the foreshadowing chapter, so I was still thinking of doing insecticons months later... I don't remember what ultimately changed my mind, but I remember why: insecticons have been done. The chapter I originally wrote was exciting and there were parts I was sorry to put aside, but a desolate, haunting, sterilized Apple store world was appealing because it hasn't been done before (as far as I know). I think people really liked the aesthetic and horror feel of it, so I'm glad I made the change =) Poll posted Jan 6, 2022 We first see 2938 Cybertron close up in Ch 39: Firelove Part 2: The After Burner, posted March 19, 2023.
5) Most Recents Club storytime
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I honestly couldn't decide who to have tell a story at the club, Ambulon or Trailbreaker, so I had readers choose. Ambulon was chosen, so we got some of his background story in Ch 30, Distress Call. I thought his story was hilarious. I laughed a lot while writing it. I suspect readers didn't find it as funny, though, as iirc only one person wrote about it in comments xD Poll posted March 6, 2022 Ch 30 posted April 25, 2022
6) ruining a big moment
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I've posted about this one before, but I'll put it here for posterity. This refers to the use of the ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬ in Ch 43 Firelove Part 6 The Shattering. The original scene was supposed to be very heavy and dramatic. The After Burner fleeing a bursting and breaking Cybertron, everyone beat up and kinda shocked after the encounter with Megatron. But ahhhhhhh the idea of including the emoji got the better of me. I wanted to do it! So badly! But I didn't know if it would be good for the chapter! So I had readers choose, lol. People seem to like it a lot so I'm glad it went in xD Poll posted March 29, 2023 Ch 43 posted Sept 10, 2023
That's it for now! Thanks for reading =)
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dre6ming · 2 years
Still got scars on my back from your knife.
“I stayed there” series-part V
〘Part I 〙〘Part II 〙〘Part III〙〘Part IV 〙〘 Part VI 〙
To be added to the tag list click here
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem reader
Warnings: anxiety, crying, consumption of medication, cursing, loss of parent, fluff, angst… hope it’s all
Plot: Austin has never really been good at waiting and is surprised to find out that (Y/n) herself has changed so they make a promise to try
Word count: 4250
Disclaimer: ok so little spoiler I decided to make the reader bisexual, so be kind to that, everyone deserves love. If you’re not comfortable with it you can just avoid those parts. :)) trust me it’s easier to look away than it is to spread negativity - love you <3
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As I walk through the supermarket, in my quest to buy eggs and some other grocery I might find I need, my mind keeps slipping back to him. It's hard to push him away, to forget him. I know he must be waiting for me to text him, but in all 10 days that past since he came over, I couldn't find the right words to say. I keep looking back to who he used to be. He used to be so loving and considerate and I guess the other night I saw some of that, but I don't know if it was enough to make me let him back in my heart. Since the break up, I built a thick, tall wall around my heart, a wall that has his name written all over. I was an introvert before I met him. And him getting me to open up, just so he could them throw it in my face? Well it's safe to say it scared me away from ever connecting with someone like that.
I tried, I really did, but I couldn't. At one point there was one girl who scratched the surface of my walls, but she couldn't break it. Betty and I tried to make it work, she was sweet and patient, but there's only so much patience someone can have when the want to love all of you and all you give them is a piece. We broke up after 2 months, she was the first girl I've ever dated, I didn't even know I liked girls that way until we got drunk one night studying and I confessed to her I might have I crush. I was the one to end things this time, because I could see she wanted more and I wasn't ready to give it, at the time I didn't think I would ever be ready to love again. Me and Betty still talk, but for the past few months she's been away in Switzerland on a experience exchange. Which good thing I remembered that, she's supposed to be back from Switzerland and in LA, where she also got matched for her residency at a different Hospital. Looking at the date on my phone, my eyes widen, she's supposed to be back tomorrow. How could I let that slip? Oh I know, Austin.
When my thoughts drift back to him, I sigh defeated. Hopefully me and Betty can talk it over a glass of wine so I can make some order in my brain. Scratch that, it might be a bottle or two of wine that we need to talk all this over. Making my way to the liquor aisle I go ahead and put in the cart 3 bottles of Chardonnay and one of Merlot, 4 bottles just to be sure, you know? I finish the rest of my shopping, pay for everything and start walking home. Today is a good day in LA, not to warm, it's clear that autumn is nearing, which means so is my 26th birthday. I hate birthdays, dread them. Ugh hopefully everyone forgets this year, but I doubt I could get that lucky.
Home, everything I quiet so I occupy myself with little things to do around the place. Evening finds me curled up with Boots, reading, music softly playing in the back and hot cocoa in my hand. The ring of my phone forces me to put down the book and see who it is. I answer the FaceTime call from Betty, a smile spreading on my face as soon as I see a mess of red hair on the screen.
"Show me! Show me! Come on!" I giggle and point the camera to Boots sleeping on my lap. "Oh my god, that's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Hi there kitty!" She says waving at Boots like the cat would actually wave back. When I move the camera to my face she pouts disappointed. "Really? I thought we were friends!" I say placing a dramatic hand over my heart faking pain. She laughs at my dramatics "We are, but you are not cuter than that kitty, sorry girl." I throw my head back laughing.
"So are you're picking me up tomorrow right?" She asks and I nod, putting some hair behind my ear. "Yes. Oh and I asked around the apartment complex and the apartment right above will be out for sale in a week. Good price as well, you can stay with me till then." Betty smiles as she lets out an excited scream. "Ahh this is great, I can't wait to see you, I have to go now, I plan to sleep a few more hours until I have to clear the dorm and leave for the airport, love ya'!" I blow her a kiss and end the call. I'm so happy to be spending time with her again.
The next day I wake up with a horrible headache so i decide the best thing to do is sleep in and lay in my bed. Unfortunately I can't even sleep, the pictures behind my closed lids keep waking me up and the exhaustion of my body makes me fall back asleep, so it's a vicious circle of being in and out of consciousness. Eventually I have to get up to go pick Betty up from the airport. The city is kind to me and instead of being it's usual overcrowded self, it's half empty. That's good cause I get anxious driving, especially on crowded roads.
The airport, on the other hand, is an entirely different thing. It's full of people going in all directions. I look at my phone and see that by now the flight should have landed. I decide to call Betty. "Hi, I was just about to call you, I'm waiting for my bags, are you here?" I smile at her babbling. "Yes, I'm waiting outside, by the Starbucks." I hear some commotion in the background and the she speaks again. "Ok, be there in a minute" I end the call and look around, I live watching people, wondering what might be happening in their lives. Are they in a crisis just like me? Are the anxious about a new job? Like me? Are there any other people like me?
"(Y/n)" at the sound of my name I turn around seeing Betty running towards me, dragging behind two huge bags. I can't stop the laugh that escapes me. "Betty!" Her body collides with mine, almost causing us to fall. "I missed you!" She says with her face buried in my hair. "I missed you to." I grab one of her bags and we move to the car. The drive back is a lot more interesting than coming here by myself m. We catch up on everything that's been happening in our lives. "I swear to you, that Swiss guy almost made me want to try and have sex with a man, he was too sweet and way too hot for his own good." I shake my head. "Until I see him with my own eyes, I can't say if it would've been worth it." She pouts and crosses her arms in front of her chest. "Fine, than tell me more about your man, if you won't believe mine was so good." I roll my eyes at her snarky comment. "I'll tell you after wine, lots of it." She nods and for the rest of the ride we sing along to her playlist.
When I park in front of apartment complex, I have to vigorously rub my eyes to make sure the headache I had earlier didn't leave any side effects, like hallucinations. I say this since, leaning against his black car is none other than Austin. Fuck him and his good looks. "My god is that?" Betty says. I turn to her and when she sees my scared face, the wheels start turn in her head, trying to come up with a plan. "Do you want to make him, angry? Serve him some of his own medicine?" I swallow and nod, I'd do anything to give him a crumb of what I got. "Ok, we are going to get out of this car, you wave to him, and we fake being a couple, he waved those girls all over socials, now you get to wave me off." My cheeks heat up at the idea. "Ok, but will Emma be ok with it?" Tying her red hair up she waves me off. "She knows it's not like that with us anymore, plus I'll show you the ring I got for her, I'll ask her to marry me, next month when she come. Come on now, I'll tell you all about it later." She pushes me out of the car and I make efforts to look composed as I wave to Austin. Despite all my trying the smile that creeps on my face when he waves back, can not be stoped. Fucker.
Betty comes around, getting her bags out of the trunk. I go to grab one of the bags, but before I can, she hugs me and kisses me. It's strange and awkward and I know it feels the same for her, but she like to torture men, so she does it well. When we break the kiss, we take the bags and begin walking. "Hi!" Austin says, smiling whilst his eye throw daggers at Betty. "I'll wait for you upstairs, babe!" I give her the keys and struggle not to laugh at Austin's face.
"Babe?" He asks when he's sure Betty's far enough so she can't hear us. I nod my head, hoping he won't see through my lie. "Since when? And a girl? I thought?" I feel rage take over me, of course he thought I was waiting on him all this time, so that I am now his to take. "What did you think? Hm, Austin? That I was free for you to take? What did you think I would never have a relationship again?" He licks his lips nervously. "You said I was your first and only boyfriend!" My laugh comes out bitter. "Betty is a girl, so I didn't lie." He nods brushing his hair back, with his hand. "So you kissed me, I thought that meant you were, single"
I close my eyes. Fuck him and his brain, he's not stupid, but it hurts me that he's right. "Why are you here Austin, I thought you were waiting on me, for when I was ready." He blushes looking away from me. "I came to come see if you wanted to go on a hike, I found this trail, it's very nice, lots of trees, since you like the shade."
"That doesn't sound like you waiting for me Austin." He lets out a breath taking a step closer to me. His arms come to hug me, but don't, he keeps them in air, not touching me. Like a cage. "I am, I was, but I'm going crazy here, I keep staring at that goddamn phone, waiting for you to text me." I take a step back, and walk past him. "(Y/n), wait, I'm sorry"
I turn around to look at him, I hate that he looks like he means everything he says. But I don't hate that the blonde boy standing before me looks like the one I fell for so many summers ago. "I can't just give everything to you, Austin, I'll call when I'm ready, don't push me. My Austin wouldn't push me." He swallows, blinking back the tears that gloss his eyes. Those beautiful blue eye. "I don't know that there is any of 'your Austin' left in me and if there is I'm afraid you might have to get to know me as I am now, it's not fair that you hold it over my head that I've changed." I breathe trying to calm down, he's right. I'm being mean and immature, but it's hard, to look at the person you loved and barely recognize them. "I'm sorry, it's just that- maybe I should-" I struggle to find the right words, but he's patient. "I should try then, I'll call you tomorrow, today my friend is back from being away for long, I want to be with her." He nods and smiles a bit, but it's a shy smile. "Ok, ok, have fun!" Austin gives me a thumbs up and climbs into his car. Before driving away he smiles at me and I smile back.
Upstairs I find Betty snuggling on the couch with Boots. "Look! Look! She loves me already!" She squeals, making me laugh. "Yeah I can see that." I go over to the fridge and get out all of the ingredients for extra cheesy mack and cheese, our comfort food. Holding Boots in her arms, Betty joins me in the kitchen. "So what did lover boy want?" I shake my head, begging to grate the cheese. "Just that he wants to talk."
"Hm and will you talk to him?" She asks. I don't know why she's asking, she knows I will, I'm stubborn, but when it comes to him, I'm jello. "Well he has a point, he's been living with this character for years now, it's normal that he changed. I think I should try and see if I like who he is now, there's no point in holding hope that he'll be back to who he was." She seems too really filter through her mind what I just said. I put the water on the stove and keep grating the cheese. "Ok, what about his 21 year old model girlfriend." I sigh, I know he said it didn't mean anything, that he didn't love her, but still, it's bugs me. It also bugs me that it dawned on me that if we kept our relationship secret for longer then a year, he might've done the same with several other girls, the 3 official ones being outed by mistake.
"He said they broke up... he also said that he loves me" I whisper the last part so she doesn't hear or so I think. "What was that?" I turn around to put the pasta in the boiling water adding salt and setting the timer for 7 minutes. "Nothing.." she puts Boots down, coming around the counter to look me in the eyes. "Uh uh girly, talk, what did he say?"
"Didn't you say something about proposing to Emma? What was-" I try to change the subject, but she doesn't let, she cuts me short. "We're talking about you now!" She points a finger in my direction, like a mom arguing with her child. "He said he loved me, ok? You happy?" She gasps taking a few steps back. "Aw, my love, come here." We hug tightly and before I know it I'm crying again. "I don't know what to do!" I say trying to control my breathing. Betty moves a soothing hand up and down my back as I shake in her arms. "It's ok, go sit down, I'll finish the pasta, we open the wine, talk, eat, drink." I wipe my face with my hands and nod. "We get drunk!" She says and I laugh.
We end up spending the whole night doing exactly what we said we would. She shows me the beautiful ring she got for her girlfriend Emma and she tells me about her proposal, at a small dinner, just the two of them and then a trip to Bahli. It's 3 am when we finally get to sleep, so the next morning we sleep in, until 12 pm. We have a light brunch and she goes out to run some errands.
Getting over my pride and fear, I pick up the phone to call Austin. After a minute I hear his voice on the other end. "Hello?" I have to breathe to try and calm my already racing heart. "I want to meet up and talk." I hear some ruffling and him breathing. "Ok, yeah, when?"
"Now? Are you free?" I ask, making an effort to keep my voice steady. "Yeah, meet me on the beach, our place in ...... let's say in an hour?" I nod, but then I realize he can't see me. "Sure, I'll see you!" He chuckles saying goodbye and then the line goes silent. I get up from the couch, running to my closet to find something to wear. It takes me thirty minutes to finally decide on a denim romper with a white tee underneath. I take my keys and leave for the beach, I already know I'm late, so I try to move fast, but without putting myself in danger.
When I get to the beach, as soon as I get close to the meeting place I see a makeshift tent made out of bed sheets. I can't help the tears that start running down my face. Austin comes out of the tent to grab something and then he spots me. When he does his face grows concern. "What happened? Did I? I-"
"It's perfect!" I cut him off before he digs a hole for himself. "But you're crying?" He's now more confused than concerned. "Happy tears, Aus, happy tears!" I say and pat his arm. He nods and blinks a few times, like trying to wake up. "Shall we?" He motions to the tent and I follow him inside. "Oh wow" inside he's laid out about 20 different pillows and a couple of blankets. In a cooler he brought sparkling water, wine and Coca-Cola. He's also thought about food, 2 trays with appetizers and a mixture of fruits. "Too much?" He asks trying to hide the insecurity in his voice with a chuckle. "No" I look at him and see that he's watching me closely. I blush and look to the ground. "I thought that later on as it gets dark we could watch a movie, I brought a small projector". I smile, he's really thought of everything. "Sure."
"Um, yeah, let's sit." I sit down and he opens the wine bottle, than faking a very formal server he asks. "Wine madmoizelle?" I giggle and bring my glass forward so he can pour me some. "So I guess we should start with talking? Getting to know each other again?" I say, trying to hide how nervous I really am. "How do we start?" Good question mister Butler, I'll give you that, only I won't say it out loud. "Um why don't you ask me something, that's how we started in the first place." I suggest.
He licks his lips and seems to really be thinking what he wants to ask first. "Ok, give me quick recap of the past three years?" Ok bold as always. As I sip my wine and eat some of the appetizers. I tell him about my time at college, the first time I went to a party and had a miserable night taking care of all my drunk friends. We laugh at that. I also tell him about the time I had to take sleeping pills for my finals week cause I couldn't shut my brain off to rest. He says it makes sense to be hard to unwind when you carry around so much knowledge. I argue that it's no big deal and he makes a point of me being a potential lifesaver very soon. "So what happened to (BFF/n)?"
"Oh she moved out of the dorm a few weeks after we broke up, she went to live with her boyfriend at the time, who is now her husband. She got matched in NY for her residency and we text sometimes, but she's got another life there. Josh, you remember him," he nods "yeah well he's been working in New York for a year now and she moved with him, so when school was over she already had a new life there" I shrug, I miss my best friend, but we grew apart, I guess Betty has the title of the best friend now. "And the girl? From earlier?" I laugh I knew this is where he wanted to get.
"Betty moved in, after (bff/n) left. We've been friends since, best friends." He analyzes the words in his head, but I don't think he can make much sense of them. "So friends?" I laugh half way through drinking wine and it goes shooting out of my nose. He hands me tissue, biting his lips to hold in his laughter. "Yeah, now, but we did date, for a few months." I pop some grapes in my mouth and wait for the next question. "So you like girls?" I nod. "Yeah, I think I always liked them, I just never acted on it. But then Betty happened" I smile remembering how awkward I used to be around her with my small crush.
"But you like men as well?" He adds. "Yeah, so you still got a chance, sir" I say giggling when he sighs relieved. "Now your turn, recap of the past three years" he clears his through and after a small pause he starts to tell me. Austin begins with the nightmare about his mom and the same thing that happened to her happening to me. We both cry at that, I've never met his mother personally, but the pictures and Austin's stories always made me feel like I did. He then tells me about meeting Tom Hanks and working in Australia. He also tells me about his bad habit of serial dating after we broke up. Turns out I was right, he dated more than three girls, but he thankfully spears me the details. He then tells me about the premiere of "Elvis" at Canes, he cried during the whole screening and at the and he looked around almost leaning in to hug his mom. He tells me about the preparation for the movie, how method he went, that eventually at the end of filming he was hospitalized with a perforated ulcer from stress and poor lifestyle. I bite my tongue at this, stopping from saying 'I told you so'. He ends the recap by telling me a bit of his future plans, he's in LA for a little over a month and then off to Budapest for 7 weeks to film 'Dune 2', beyond that he doesn't have much planned, but he's sure that won't stay for long like this.
When he's done we've been talking for hours and it's now dark. "So what movie are we watching?" I ask snuggling into myself, I guess late august nights get a bit chilly. He notices and puts one of the blankets around my shoulders. "Well I thought you'd pick." Austin says setting up the small projector. "Um can you show me 'Elvis', I haven't seen it." He hesitates for a second but then he nods. "Sure, yeah!" He opens up his laptop and starts the movie.
As the intro of the song 'suspicious minds' opens up the movie, he sits next to me, leaving a few inches between us.
After two and a half hours as the credits roll, we're snuggled against each other, my head on his chest as I quietly cry. I can't hide my sobbing for long, when he attempts to get up to turn off the projector. "Hey, what's wrong. Was it that bad?" He tries to crack a joke. Austin holds my face in his hands, wiping my tears with his thumbs, but I cry more than he can handle. I laugh a bit, but it breaks into a sob. "No, no, Aus, it-" I have to stop to take a big breath. "You were amazing, Austin, I'm proud of you."
His eyes fill with tears, he tries to blink them away, but he can't. He hugs me to his chest and we cry together again, but it's not like the last time, this time we are happier. "It's still wasn't worth losing you!" He says after a while. "Well you've found me." He lets go of me so I can pull back a bit and look him in the eyes. "But you still feel so far away..." he whispers, his face getting closer to mine. I can now feel his breath fan on my face. He takes a hold of my chin with one hand as I take he's other hand in between mine and start drawing circles on his skin. "Because we've both changed, but I'm ready to meet you again Austin, you were right, it was hypocritical of me to hold you changing against you."
He chuckles. "I want to meet myself again, baby and I want to meet you again as well." He says licking his lips, he's fucking sexy lip licking. I shiver a bit, but it's not the cold. I close my eyes and lean forward to kiss him. Our lips touch and it's electric, butterflies fill my stomach and I feel light headed. Though the last one might be the wine, the rest is still very real and nostalgic. It's comfortable.
When we pull away we take a moment to look at each other, really look. Physically not much has changed, but mentally there are new layers to discover. "Together!" He says and I nod. "Together!" I agree
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mooifyourecows · 2 months
I'm sure someone's asked you this before, but I'm thinking about writing another short fic and I'm wondering what your process is for plotting out your writing? every time I try and write something I always struggle with knowing how to move the plot toward what I want. I'm wondereng if you have a structure you tend to follow? if you've answered this before feel free to tag me in that post or something, but it's been so long since I've written something and I want a good structure to start from. and you're one of my favorite authors so I figured you'd be the best to ask
ideas take time. I'm sure there are some people out there who can get an idea and then spit out a short fic immediately after and it's great and wonderful and amazing but personally, I can't do that. I gotta sit on my ideas and build them over time. even the short ones!
it's just not enough for me to want to write something. i gotta be into it, and i'm not going to get into it unless i've spent considerable time thinking about it and developing it in my head. whether that means building up plot or backstory or just witty banter, I need to have a good feel for the story before i can start writing it. most of the story ideas i come up with never get written. i come up with an idea that i'm into but then i can't brainstorm enough meat in the middle so i either tuck it away in my notes to try and salvage later or i forget it and move on
And that's okay! not every idea is a winner. but it's not a waste of time to come up with them. several of my stories were once ideas that i scrapped because i couldn't motivate myself to get into them. Summer Rain was an original story idea i came up with when i was a teenager that i stuffed into the very back reaches of my brain until years later i got into Haikyuu and dragged it out to rethink it into a fic idea instead. GMB too. Hard Times was a fic I started years ago and then abandoned because I couldn't bring myself to think up what should happen after the initial deal is struck.
when i am actually plotting out a story, i don't really have a structure that i follow. I just think of individual things and jot them down in my notes, then change or add to them as i continue to brainstorm. I mainly focus on the BIG parts, working them out in my head until I like them, and then write the little in between stuff as I go. I am one of those writers that prefers to write by the seat of my pants and it's worked well for me so far but I understand how some people prefer not to do that.
none of my stories come quickly though. For many of the long ongoing ones, i'm coming up with new stuff all the time. I've got a big thing planned for ATEGT that i didn't think of until I was like 15 chapters into it. Summer Rain is nothing like what it was supposed to be when i first started it. Ideas are supposed to change and bulk up over time, so if you give them the time they need, you can think up some really fun, amazing stuff!
Don't rush. I understand the need to write something and post it as soon as possible. There are times that i wish i could just bust out a fast one shot and shoot it out there for people to read but it's just not my style. the people who can do that are awesome and i admire them! but it's just not for me. I need to bat an idea around in my brain for weeks, months, or even years before it becomes anything concrete.
other than that, i don't really have much useful advice for you in this area, unfortunately. Just... take notes. Write down your ideas as soon as you think of them. It's not a contract. You don't have to keep them. I'm constantly jotting an idea down in my notes and then deleting it later because i changed my mind. It's fine! Get loosey goosey with it! it's supposed to be fun! don't stress yourself out with trying to force something thats just not coming. let it come to you freely and you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you think of.
i've also found that it helps for me to write my thoughts down as if i'm telling the idea to a friend. Just working through the plot on the fly from beginning to end. "I've got this new idea. So there's Character A who works at the airport and what they does is this and that. then one day as theyre doing this or that, someone comes through the line and then this thing happens and Character A is like what the heck? but they're cool so they're like hey it's no big deal and Character B is cute so Character A is like hey let's see where this goes, so anyway Character A does this and Character B is like that and after that Character C who is Character A's ex and a total douchenozzle shows up and Character B is like yo i'm gonna help you out and so-" you know? Just... write it out. If you don't know what happens next, say you don't know what happens next. "Some other stuff will happen and their bond will grow you know, like fun romantic and silly things where they learn some stuff about each other but it's clear that Character B is keeping a secret but Character A doesn't want to push them into talking about it so they just pretend like they don't notice and-" etc etc.
Walk yourself through the stuff you HAVE figured out and you might think up some others on the fly too. It helps to see it in a linear fashion. "And then and then and then and then". At least it does for me. Especially since my brain doesn't like to be organized and constantly jumps around to whatever is most interesting at the moment. my friends have gotten long strings of messages from me over the years about story ideas i've come up with and just want to get out to see if they have any real potential. and those are the ones that usually do!
sorry i don't have any real tricks or tips about this stuff. i really am just a sloppy disorganized writer and people probably shouldn't try to emulate me because it's a mess over here, take my word for it 🤦‍♂️
anyway, i wish you luck! You can do it! just make sure you are having fun. your writing should be indulgent and exactly the kind of thing you would want to read. don't think about what other people would want. You're not making a product to sell, you're creating art 🌈
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hyenahunt · 3 months
Rouge & Ruby: February's Situation - 2
Writer: Umeda Chitose
Season: Winter
Characters: Hiyori, Jun, Nagisa, Ibara
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Mirei (Adam) & hyenahunt (Eve)
Hiyori: I can't believe Jun and Ibara would leave us out of this, Nagisa-kun. This is a dire situation on our hands. How deeply upsetting it is for them to be hiding things from us...!
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Hiyori: Ahh, wasn't that fun! Getting to talk and sing together as the four of us is truly the best!
I gain a sense of fulfilment from working as Eden that I just can't get anywhere else... ♫
Jun: I thought we got some pretty good shots too, but you're crazy hyped about it, Ohii-san.
Hiyori: Well, that's because working as the four of us is just so fun, no?
So I simply wanted to do as much as possible. After all, we've had way too much separate work as Adam and Eve since the new year began!
Jun: I agree with you there, Ohii-san. I mean, I'll be doing location shooting with you both tomorrow and the day after that...
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Hiyori: What's that? Are you complaining about shooting with me?
Jun: No, dude, I was just going along with what you said about having too much work in separate units?
Don't take it out on me just 'cause you're getting stressed out lately, 'kay~?
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Hiyori: Hmph, it's all on Ibara for filling up our schedules with nary a word of explanation!
I'm sure he's got something in mind, but he hasn't explained a thing to us, though? Terrible weather, the way things are going!
Nagisa: … Fufu. Hiyori-kun is saying the same thing I said.
Hiyori: Eh?
Nagisa: … On our way to the TV station, I also asked Ibara what plans he had.
Hiyori: Ooh, is that so? Heheh, no matter how far apart we are, Nagisa-kun, we truly have a telepathic connection... ♪
Nagisa: … Yes, it really is telepathy.
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Hiyori & Nagisa: … ☆ (they high five)
Jun: (whispers) Hey, c'mon. Our seniors started having a lil' gigglefest on their own, so what're you doing staying all silent, huh?
Ibara: (whispers) Oh no, I was simply warmly watching their beautiful friendship blossom… ♪⁠
Jun: That's a lie if I've ever heard one... It's 'cause you'll get dragged in if you say the wrong thing, so that's why you're just watching on, aren'tcha?
Ibara: I felt that it would have been insensitive of me to interrupt a conversation between His Highness and Jun, or between His Highness and His Excellency…
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Ibara: They also haven't directly demanded an explanation from me, I saw no reason to insert myself into the talk.
Hiyori: And I'll have you know that's absolutely unforgivable!
The only reason I haven't demanded anything yet is because I've held myself back while suspecting something is up. In fact, I've been bursting to ask for an explanation!
Ibara: … Even if you say that, it is quite distracting for you to say that whilst continuing to hold hands after that high five. But I suppose I appreciate the consideration.
Besides, I was waiting to explain after you demand it… or more like, I’m thinking of explaining it once I manage to create enough foundation for the plan.
If it were something that only I know, I would rather take my time and proceed at my own pace. It would be much more convenient for me to keep it to myself.
Nagisa: … But back in the car, you said you'd talk about it when Eden is gathered. We can't do it now?
Hiyori: You said that, did you? Well, out with it, then, now that you've got all four of us gathered here.
Ibara: Not that we cannot, just not here.
I can’t bring out confidential documents here, and we also can’t occupy the dressing room for too long. Not to mention, we haven’t even changed our clothes.
Nagisa: … That's fair. We should change our clothes first, Hiyori-kun.
Hiyori: Mmm, you're right. I certainly got carried away, but I can't stay in this outfit forever.
Jun: (In the middle of changing) ...Actually, I think I've got a pretty good guess of what Ibara's explanation gonna be.
Ibara: You do?
Jun: Yeah. It's probably related to Chocolat Fes, I think. Over the new year, he said he'd slowly share the details with us.
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Hiyori: ?
Ibara: … Ah, is it when we met on New Year’s? Now that you mention it, I do believe I said that.
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Nagisa: ?
Hiyori: What's that? I had no idea of this! Just when did the two of you start keeping secrets from us?
I can't believe Jun and Ibara would leave us out of this, Nagisa-kun. This is a dire situation on our hands. How deeply upsetting it is for them to be hiding things from us...!
Nagisa: … I don’t think they are trying to exclude us from it, but if Hiyori-kun feels sad, then so do I.
… Ibara, can you explain?
Ibara: (whispers) …This is your fault, Jun. I already tried to delay their curiosity so I can talk about it at a time that suits me.
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Jun: (whispers) Hey, you didn't try to hide it either, y'know? Don't pin all the blame on me, alright~?
Ibara: … Even if I’m asked to explain now, as I’ve said before, this is not a good place to talk about it.
I'lll set up a proper opportunity for us, so let's meet at the agency at a later date.
Nagisa: … It's fine as long as Ibara informs us of the schedule later. However, what I wanted to ask was what happened on New Year's.
Jun: Honestly, nothing special happened.
I went for a run on New Year's, and noticed that the lights on the eighteenth floor of the ES building were on.
I wondered what was up, and when I went to check it out, it turned out Ibara was working there. We just had a little chat after that.
Hiyori: You went training on the day after SS, hm? Jun-kun, you truly never change. That goes for you, too, Ibara — to think you were working on New Year's Day!
Nagisa: … I understand that both of you are very strict with yourselves, but I would prefer it if you both take a break, too.
Ibara: There is no need for concern, Your Excellency. I also take efforts to get proper rest, after all.
Jun: Or so he says, but he's been hammering away on his keyboard since New Year's.
...Ah, was it 'cause—
Filming for COMP started right after New Year's, so you've been slaving away at preparations since then?
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Hiyori: Ahh... It was a rather sudden shoot, and I did wonder just when you even made the preparations for it. So while the rest of the world was enjoying their New Year's break, you’ve been working behind the scenes, Ibara?
Jun: He did complain it was a pretty sloppy project, so it makes sense to me why he was so ready to give up his break for it.
Nagisa: … You were working on many things, Ibara. But there was also talk about "Chocolat Fes" right?
… Does it mean there is a connection between the preparations that are still underway and the state of my activities?
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Ibara: Argh, enough, too many questions! Whatever you may think of me, you are free to interpret things as you like.
Besides, I already said that I'll explain it all another day, alright? No more questions! No more!
Come on now, get changed quickly and leave this place immediately! I’ve already arranged the return car ride, so don't be too slow!
[ ☆ ]
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masterqwertster · 7 months
🏴‍☠️ Laudna and Imogen or Ashton, whichever you prefer
Prompt Now that I've released the set-up for a "pirate" AU, let's have some fun with specific characters
Imogen doesn't usually retreat to the Green Cabin when she needs space.
The converted Captain's Quarters belongs mostly to Ashton, the rocks and soil keeping the Titan blooded genasi from going too stir crazy on a ship far from their element, and a little bit to Orym and Fearne, both keeping the plants growing within happy and healthy.
But usually her mother (who left never to return before Imogen could even remember her) isn't on her ship and necessitating a locked door to get the hint that she doesn't want to talk to her.
"Just say the word and this smuggling job never happened," Ashton says from where they lounge against their favorite dirt pile, eyes never leaving the grinding, rasping metal file they're taking to their nails.
"I do not want to murder my mother," Imogen insists, for once not entirely sure who she's trying to convince, and picks up the speed of her pacing.
"Then what do you want? Because right now, it looks like you're searching for floorboards the hard way in here," he says mildly, miss-matched eyes flicking up to track her for a moment.
Imogen groans in frustration flopping down next to the genasi. It's a fucking marvel that it feels like falling against a stack of pillows, and the brief thought of what kind of Titan bullshit they must pull to make it so wanders through her mind.
"I think what I want is for her to respect that I'm the fuckin' captain of this ship and not the toddler she left for whatever the fuck she thinks she's doin' that's gonna fix the whole mind readin' mess better than my circlet does," Imogen finally vents.
"Can't really help with that," Ashton shrugs, putting the file down on a spread cloth and picking up a bottle of rock polish. "Mind shit is yours and Letters's wheelhouse."
"I know. And even then, it's not like we can force people to change their minds. Plus she's probably better at it than me anyways," Imogen complains. "I just– It should not be too much to ask that she look at me and see an adult capable of makin' my own decisions, ya know? 'Cause I am capable. Got a whole ship to call my own to prove that I'm so capable."
"Laudna needs to find more words to describe you than 'capable' if you're going to start in on it too," Ashton muses.
"You take that back," she says in all mock seriousness as she shoves their arm for the slight against her girlfriend, equally gratified and annoyed when they choose to sway with the force that couldn't actually move them.
"I don't think I will," he deadpans, soldiering on before she takes it into a spiraling distraction of faux pettiness. "You want her to see something other than what she thinks she sees, you're going to have to shock her. Hard. Like the mutiny, when the fucker realized I could have sunk this ship the moment I decided I was fine going down with it."
Imogen shudders at the memory. The bloody battle of the mutiny had been scary enough for a back country witch-girl that barely knew what she was doing. But she'll never forget that moment when Ashton stalked across the deck for the then-captain. How the planks groaned as if Ashton's considerable weight was even greater still. How the sea was smooth and the air still under storming skies in that moment, all under the control of the eidolons answering Ashton's call. They hadn't known Ashton was Titan of blood back then, but there was certainly no denying in that moment that the ship's luck, it's fate, was in Ashton's hands. And he wasn't doing anything he hadn't been forced to do before to bring it there.
"I have no clue what would shock her enough to understand that I'm not the helpless little girl she abandoned," Imogen laments.
"You could get hot and heavy with Laudna in the middle of the deck," Ashton blandly suggests.
"...You've been hangin' out with Fearne and Chetney too long," Imogen chokes out after processing that suggestion. "I'm not subjectin' Laudna to- to voyeurism just to get my mom off my ass!"
"I dunno. She might be into it if Pâté's anything to judge by."
"Sh-shut up!" Imogen blushes furiously.
The asshole laughs at her.
"So definitely not Plan A," he continues blithely. "Could always murder the shit out of the next problem we come across. Nothing like being bathed in the blood of your enemies to break a sense of innocence."
Still not great, but definitely better than dragging Laudna into that.
"Maybe. I think it might be best to workshop it around," Imogen hesitantly agrees.
"Sure. Your problem, your choice. We'll be there."
That's what Imogen likes about this crew: everyone handles problems in their own ways, but they also have each other's backs. Always.
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