malibuzz · 4 months
L’ŒIL DU CONFRERE : «Il faut saluer la bravoure et la détermination des autorités maliennes qui ont fait de la sécurisation du territoire leur principale priorité»
Qu’est-ce que je retiens de 2023 au Mali ? Elle reste une année très difficile non seulement pour le Mali, mais pour tous les pays de la sous-région au plan économique, social et surtout politique. L’année 2022 a marqué la presque fin de la pandémie du Covid-19 qui a secoué économiquement​ beaucoup de pays. Et pour ce qui est particulièrement du Mali, économiquement, il a été plombé par les…
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tijdvoormemes · 2 years
een goed gesprek met Raven van Dorst zou me fixen, ik weet het zeker
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raisongardee · 10 months
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“Sous couvert d’explorer les angles morts de l’Histoire, c’est la responsabilité de la génération des pères, leur connivence directe ou indirecte avec le mal, et en particulier avec ce Mal absolu qu’incarna, de façon métaphysique et historique, le nazisme, qui se trouvent crûment mises en cause. Avec l’émergence des concepts de culpabilité collective et de devoir de mémoire, le passé est utilisé pour la première fois, suivant la formule de Laurent Fourquet, comme "arme de destruction massive". Dans la boîte à outils de ces nouveaux maîtres du soupçon, l’amalgame est un parti pris méthodologique et la reductio ad Hitlerum une figure rhétorique efficace qui fait l’économie de développements fastidieux et de scrupules excessifs pour conclure à l’essence criminelle des pères […] Le procès des dictateurs et de leurs complices sera celui de toutes les paternités superlatives qui sacrifièrent massivement et impunément des vies. Il a pour effet de propager le discrédit aux notions d’autorité, d’obéissance et de hiérarchie qui lui étaient corrélées.”
Patrick Buisson, La fin d’un monde. Une histoire de la révolution petite-bourgeoise, 2021.
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kafsho · 30 days
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mamaplaneet · 1 year
Autorijden is, op zijn zachts gezegd, prijzig. Denk hierbij aan brandstof, verzekeringen, belastingen, onderhoudsbeurten en parkeren. De gemiddelde bestuurder is er honderden euro’s per maand aan kwijt. En dan nu het goede nieuws: Net als met overige kosten in het leven zoals boodschappen, heb je ook hier veel invloed op. Dit zijn onze favoriete tips waar ook jij enorm veel geld mee bespaart.
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kingonews · 2 years
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kyreniacommentator · 2 years
It all happened at Geçitkale Stadium and what an Evening it was
It all happened at Geçitkale Stadium and what an Evening it was
20 TL Beer, 5 Goals, 2 Red Cards, 15 Minutes Injury Time  – What An Evening!…… By Richard Beale…. Tatlısu are on top of the pack, albeit just overnight before the rest of the teams play today (Sunday). With 3 teams on 7 points, it was a vital win for Tatlısu, who are on a roll having won 3 matches in succession. (more…)
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kirjutamisklubi · 2 months
Emakeelepäeva puhul AO3 eestikeelsete ficide statistikat
Andmed 13. märtsi 2024 seisuga. Vaadeldud on vaid Language: eesti keel tagi, mitte muukeelseid eesti autorite teoste fanfice. Välja on arvatud üks fan video. Võib esineda loendus- ja statistikavigu.
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Mitte kõik Language: eesti keel ficid ei ole eestikeelsed. Vahele on ära eksinud mõned ingliskeelsed ja üks saksakeelne fic.
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63 eestikeelset fanfici jagunevad 40 fandomi vahel, millest ligi kolmandik ei kuulugi konkreetse fandomi alla vaid kategoriseerub originaalloominguna. Veidi üle veerandil eestikeelstes ficides esinevate fandomite koguarvust on rohkem kui üks fanfic.
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Ligemale pooltest eestikeelsetest fanficidest on jäätud suhtetüüp kategoriseerimata. Teisel kohal on fanficid ja originaallooming, milles esinevad meestevahelised suhted.
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Enim levinud reiting eestikeelste fanficide seas on "G - lubatud kõigile", mis siiski alla poolte ficide koguarvust. "E - alla 18. a keelatud" fice eestikeelsete ficide seas ei leidunud.
Vanim eestikeelne fic A03s pärineb aastast 2013. Kokku on eesti keeles A03s kirjutatud üle 107 tuhande sõna. Eestikeelse fici mediaanpikkus on 570,5 sõna.
Enamus eestikeelseid fice on lõpetatud teosed, kõigest 11 teost on pooleli olevad, millest vanim on aastast 2015 ja ka viimati uuendatud samal aastal.
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winterxisxcomingx · 3 months
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just girlfriends holding hands and yelling at autorites together
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kocourmokroocko · 8 months
Já: "Haha, ne, nenechávám mazlíčky, aby mi přerostli přes hlavu. :) Jsem zodpovědný páníček s rozumnou autoritou."
Taky já: *meje si hlavu ledovou vodou a s otevřenýma dveřma od koupelny, aby se moje pyrura zelenolící mohla koupat se mnou, protože jinak trucuje*
Jsem nekompromisní, vostrej a vzbuzuju ve svý zvěři respekt, moje máma to řiká a tim pádem je to pravda
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malibuzz · 5 months
64IEME SESSION ORDINAIRE DU SOMMET DES CHEFS D’ETATS ET DE GOUVERNEMENTS DE LA CEDEAO A ABUJA : Une nouvelle opportunité de dialogue s’offre aux autorités Maliennes
Cet énième sommet de la Communauté économique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’ouest dans la capitale politique du Nigéria semble être une aubaine pour les autorités de transition au pouvoir, au Mali, au Burkina et au Niger, car en plus de la levée de l’interdiction de voyager dans l’espace CEDEAO, pour les présidents et les premiers ministres,  une nouvelle  porte  celle de l’espoir pour la reprise…
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archesa · 4 months
WIP Whenever (and that includes Wednesday ! )
I was tagged by @redwayfarers aka @i-mybrunettelady and unfortunately I have not moved more than a few words forward on the previous WIP, so... here's another WIP to feast your eyes upon 😊
This is set somewhere between Heart of Thorns and Season 3, so obviously spoilers for the former. Featuring, Vigil shenaningans, Laranthir being autoritative (hot!), Dairban and Galaëd being friends (also hot!), and Galaëd being a little shit.
Dairban is Meryw's podtwin, a Warmaster of the Vigil and Laranthir's close second and belongs to my ever partner in crime @lilypixy !
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Galaëd did not remember how it started. A word. An insinuation. And his antlers ramming into one of the recruits. Dairban seizing him by the waist and tearing him away from the fray only to join in himself. And here they stood, in Laranthir's office, while raised voices rattled the walls of the Vigil Fortress.
The doors slammed open and the Grand Warmaster stormed towards them, a disappointed expression on his face.
"Sit. Both of you." he ordered, before they could even rise from their seats.
His expression was cold and judgemental. A severe disappointment written in bright lines his face.
"I have six recruits harbouring bruises, cuts and electrical burns. Anything you wish to add to that list?"
Galaëd scoffed. There was a certain number of things he would have added to that list, yes...
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I tag in this my regulars ^^
@curiousartemis @monaskydancer @i-mybrunettelady (right back at you, Nero! <3 grace us with some gw2 inspired WIP fragment?) @kerra-and-company @dumb-dumb-mander @thorns-and-brambles @just-eyris-things @uselessidiotsquad and I'm quite certain I'm forgetting a few people so, really whoever finds this!
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sronti · 7 months
Ha nem akarod a gázaiakat politikai értelemben csak terroristák/elvhű szabadságharcosok népének látni, ez elég jó kiindulás hozzá. Gáza ugyanolyan fragmentált politikailag, mint bármelyik másik lakosság. A korrupció és a nem hatékony kormányzás ugyanúgy zavarja őket, mint az izraeli elnyomás (bár ez mostanra megváltozott) és a véleményük ugyanúgy formálható lett volna, mint ahogy máshol is az, de ennek szintén lehet, hogy egy jó darabig felszámolták az esélyét.
Jó lett volna többet hallani a módszertanról és az adatgyűjtésről azért, de már maga az, hogy lehetett adatot gyűjteni, sokat elmond arról, hogy bármilyen terrorszervezet is a Hamasz (miazhogy, nagyon is) és bármennyire autoriter elnyomással kormányoz (eléggé azzal kormányoz), azért Gáza nem az Iszlám Állam szintjén agymosott diktatúra és ezek a párhuzamok, amiket sokan hoznak vele, inkább kínosak.
Ami most jön, az invázió után, az majd lehet olyan, de október 6-án még nem tartottak ott, és a Hamasz messze nem is kormányoz populáris támogatással.
Lehetett volna ezt máshogy kezelni, a mostani mészárlásokig politikai döntések sora vezetett, nem pedig valamifajta végzet.
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maaarine · 1 year
tech people are freaking out about GPT-4 and warning that users can easily be fooled by the chatbot, because it always sounds so autoritative and convincing even when it gives blatantly wrong answers
two thoughts:
1) they don’t seem to worry that this is exactly what Straight White Men sound like all the time
should we also warn and train people not to let their mind be fooled by those men’s air of authority and objectivity? I vote yes
2) it’s interesting that the chatbot’s apparent intelligence is purely based on language
the answers it gives emerges from statistical linguistic probability, from what is most likely to be said in the context
so in the same way that your phone can auto-fill words based on what you usually write, or correct the word “duck” to “fuck” because that’s probably what you really mean, the chatbot also processes the language it’s been fed, and comes up with the most likely sequence of words
and this whole thing reminds me of my niece, who as a very young kid would form complex sentences and sound totally legit, while I knew for a fact that she didn’t and couldn’t understand the meaning of what she was saying
it always struck me, how she managed to sound impossibly smart just by repeating what she’d heard adults say in a similar situation, and mimicking their cadence
the lesson I took from that experience is that this is what happens everywhere all the time, this is how people can sound so convincing without actually understanding anything
there seems to be a fundamental difference and disconnect between verbal ability and... whatever the other thing is — a meaning ability?
like there’s knowledge that exists in language form, and there’s Knowledge that exists in some kind of metaphysical form, and they run on different tracks, and can exist independently of one another
you encounter people who are human versions of the chatbot, who can give you the “right” answers because they’ve absorbed and averaged the language of the context, they’ve memorized the sequences of words from the textbooks
but their verbal ability is not a manifestation of a meaning ability, it’s like being able to solve equations without attaching any meaning to the math
and I don’t mean this in a “those people are sheeple NPCs who can’t think for themselves” kind of way
to be fair, I’m not sure what I mean
just that there are two kinds of “intelligence” at play here in a cognitive sense, and that it’s very hard to delineate and conceptualize them, because the meaning ability exists in an intangible realm
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Dr. Marcia Angell, Editor in Chief, Recherche clinique (The NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL of MEDICINE,): «Il n'est tout simplement plus possible de croire une grande partie de la recherche clinique publiée, de se fier au jugement des médecins de confiance, ou à des directives medicales faisant autorite. Ça ne m'amuse pas d'en arriver à pareilles conclusions, mais j'ai dû y arriver lentement et à contre cœur pendant les vingt années où j'ai travaille comme éditrice du New England Journal of Medicine.
(The New England Journal of Medicine est l’un des plus prestigieux journaux medicaux)
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chocoplagg · 13 days
First we have Luka, he is the leader of the band.
In one fanfiction that I'm making, one of the big changes it's that Luka it's on a polyamory relationship so I made this drawing of his boyfriends and girlfriends.
He is 15 years old, french and is against rules, babe!
Loves rock, comics and music, but hates being sick and being alone.
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Then we have Arthur, prodigious at the piano.
He is 16 years old, british and ALWAYS follows the rules.
Loves playing the piano, theater and drama, and of course photography. But he hates plagiarism, soup and being alone.
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She is Ziyue, loves to dance and sing.
She is 15, chinese and is always the happiest person on earth. Even with her deaf-mute.
Loves strawberries, milkshakes and sweets, but she hates popcorn, nuts (allergies) and being alone, what makes her sad. DON'T BREAK HER HEART!
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There she is: Moon!
15, korean, and the composer of the songs. She is the boss, so listen to her advice, or else!
Loves fashion, movies and orchestras, but hates XY and Bob Roth, she REALLY hates those two, also hates being alone.
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And finally, he is Autorite,
He is 14, french and really silly.
Loves rap, videogames and sweets. But hates sports and gym, spiders and being alone.
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