oldshrewsburyian · 25 days
for a made-up fic title, how about 'Breaking the Tulip?'
I feel as though this could be a short story in the universe of the Captain Alatriste novels, where tulip-smuggling is connected, of course, to broader political concerns.
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richardarmitagefanpage · 11 months
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Amazon Prime
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nyxshadowhawk · 2 years
Why not read The Club Dumas? We’ve got:
A book club straight out of Eyes Wide Shut
Murder and Intrigue™
Metafiction: “He'd have given a rare incunabulum, in good condition, to punch the face of whoever was writing this ridiculous script.”
Various collections of old tomes
A spooky grimoire with cool AF woodcuts
Loads of references to literature and occultism
Sexy Satan
Forget THS, this is the Dark Academia book. It’s a book about books. For people who like books.
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astrovian · 2 years
in case you wanted to know why The Seville Communion (soon to be The Man From Rome) seems weirdly obssessive with how Richard Armitage's character, Padre Quart, is just sooooo good looking and handsome and how clearly it is very important that he be so
apparently that's cause the author, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, is fatphobic as fuck
all you have to do is look at his latest tweet in which he calls an article slamming the body positivity movement as "the article of an intelligent man who does not resign himself to the dictatorship of stupidity"
the article he's calling brilliant btw has great quotes [note: sarcasm] like:
"[body positivity is a] delusional cultural battle to make [obesity] a source of pride"
"turning illness into a source of pride" is PC gone mad
People shouldn't celebrate "blindness, deafness, paralysis or obesity, as if they were gifts of nature"
"[PC] serves, first of all, to stop helping people with problems and instead persuade them that they don't have problems, or that their problems are something to be proud of"
[note: the "problems" being talked about are disabilities and weight]
Then literally drags PTSD-sufferers through the mud saying that it's PC gone mad that we no longer call it 'shell-shock' and it's all a big conspiracy to make people forget that fighting in war causes it and you don't have real PTSD if you didn't get it from war because the notion that a "Vietnam veteran and a debating freshman could experience the same suffering" is ridiculous apparently
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saintvamp · 2 years
You can make a text mean anything, especially if it’s old and full of ambiguities.
Arturo Pérez-Reverte, The Club Dumas
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buscando-que-leer · 2 months
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21 de Octubre de 1805, batalla de Trafalgar. Arturo Pérez-Reverte ofrece su particular visión del combate naval entre la escuadra hispano-francesa y la británica, comandada por el admirante Nelson, en las aguas españolas del cabo Trafalgar.
Nombre: Cabo Trafalgar
Editorial: Debols!llo
Autor: Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Año: 2004
En papel: Gandhi, Casa del libro, Amazon, Buscalibre
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amigosdepapel · 9 months
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Título: Una historia de España
Autor: Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Editorial: Debols!llo
Magnífico libro. Vale mucho la pena leerlo si queremos aprender del pasado para no repetirlo. Compré este libro en la tienda del Escorial y ha resultado ser una magnífica compra.
Encuentro tantas similitudes (aunque desde luego no son para nada lo mismo) entre esta historia de España y lo que conozco de la historia de México, que no me queda mas que recomendarla a todos. Ojalá muchos la leyeran con el ánimo de aprender de lo ocurrido en cabeza ajena, aunque esto nunca pasa.
Como ejemplo, dos citas del libro:
"La envida del español no es conseguir un coche como el de su vecino, sino conseguir que el vecino no tenga coche ( Julio Camba)"
O esta otra:
"Si al menos fueran extranjeros los enemigos de España, todavía. Pero no. Todos los que con la espada, con la pluma, con la palabra, agravan y perpetúanlos males de la Nación son españoles. (Amadeo de Saboya)"
El libro, escrito con el estilo muy personal e irreverente de Arturo Pérez-Reverte,  es citable y parafraseable. Me permito hacerlo:
La memoria histórica debe utilizarse no para enfrentar, sino para unir sin olvidar. No hay que volver a repetir errores, arrogancias e infamias.
La rebelión sentimental del pueblo, el odio a los mejores y la escases de éstos, la osadía de nuestra ignorancia, con nuestra irresponsable y arrogante frivolidad. He ahí la raiz verdadera del gran fracaso.
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cristinabcn · 1 year
“REVOLUTION” TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA Prensa Especializada – Periodista, Autora Siempre me ha gustado la novela histórica rigurosa, con personajes reales, donde se cuentan los hechos más o menos como sucedieron. Luego están los personajes ficticios, los que estructuran la novela. I have always liked rigorous historical novels, with real characters, where events are told more or less as they…
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“Zamknięta koperta stanowi zagadkę kryjącą wewnątrz kolejne zagadki.”
“I zastanawia się, czy w mrocznym miejscu, do którego zmierza, znajdzie na tyle miłosierdzia, by wymazać ostatnie skrawki pamięci.”
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soyaliciente · 2 years
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"Había aprendido que lo malo no era la espera, sino las cosas que imaginas mientras esperas". - Arturo Pérez-Reverte
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leam1983 · 2 years
Ah, to have a room filled with bookcases and to have filled these bookcases with ignoble truths and eldritch lies printed to paper...
I need to watch The Ninth Gate again. Either that, or re-read El Club Dumas.
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Nada puede hacer para que eso ocurra, pues los hilos del azar, los mecanismos raros de la vida y la muerte, los manejan crueles e imaginados dioses.
-Arturo Pérez-Reverte, El Italiano
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contremineur · 1 year
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Arturo Pérez-Reverte, from The Club Dumas (Random House 1996)
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astrovian · 2 years
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Photos from The Man From Rome premiere in Seville, Spain (13/10/22)
Richard Armitage was not present - he will be attending the Madrid premiere on the 17th of October
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milkshakeworm · 3 months
sometimes i read something in spanish and i get so fucking confused for a second like "im understanding these words they just dont sound right in my hea—OHHHH OKAY cambio d chip, reboot del sistema, olé olé, ya m entero gracias coño"
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vsthepomegranate · 9 months
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The Ninth Gate (1999)
by Roman Polanski
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