#AI as a tool for Artists
nelehjr · 4 months
I Bit the Apple and Used AI to Write
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1v31182m5 · 30 days
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Maybe I'll rest. I'll rest somewhere among the trees. Maybe not a sunny day but at least I'll get to lie myself down on a soft spot
comms open
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blackkatdraws2 · 4 months
They are my lifeline
[individual drawings below]
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gawki · 1 year
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Ai art fuck off
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queerism1969 · 10 months
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toxictranny · 5 months
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Let me elaborate just a tiny bit on what I mean by using chat AIs as tools because I'm already seeing some alarm in the tags. To be clear, Chat AIs in their current form... Suck, basically. They've improved a lot, but they still suck, which is why you should not use them to replace research or work. You don't know if the AI is giving you accurate information. The AI doesn't know if it's giving you accurate information, because that's not what it's designed to do.
However! It's still filled with some exciting possibilities and will greatly aid in a lot of tasks in the future. I'm not against using Chat AI to augment doing schoolwork or assisting in creative projects. They can be used to fix up grammar, better structure your paragraphs, and work out plot points. You do need to be aware that chatbots take the information you give it and keep it to use in the future, so be very careful about using personal material or identifying information. Don't feed it your whole novel or anything.
You also need to be wary in how you use it to assist with doing schoolwork. Like online proctoring programs, education chatbot detectors are designed to assume the worst when it comes to plagiarism, but you can also use them for your benefit. Some detectors, like Grammarly, offer a free tool for students to check their own work to make sure it sounds original, and you can also talk to your instructors on how they would prefer these tools to be used.
And let me stress, a chatbot is merely a tool! If you use them to write computer code, for example, you still need to check that code to be sure it is correct. If a physical therapist asks a chatbot to create a therapy plan based on certain symptoms, they will still need to verify that plan is the best path forward based on their own education and experience. A mechanic or an electrical engineer using AI as a diagnosis tool still needs to verify that diagnosis actually fits the situation. If you use a chatbot to work out a thorny writing problem, you will still need to be sure it works with your own instincts for what's good with your story.
We are absolutely going to see some shitty usage of AI and automation because, you know, capitalist hellscape and all that. For good reason people who work in the field are pushing for regulation and oversight. But a chat AI is like a calculator, not Astro Boy. Remembering it's merely a tool, not a replacement for thought and creativity, and using it as such can be for your benefit.
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forsty · 8 months
feels like we need to be way more vocal about bullying people who do AI generated stuff
no fucking tolerance for that soulless piece of crap
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cacodaemonia · 1 year
These are statements that can co-exist:
Data scraping methods used to train AI text and image generators should be regulated by governments.
Researchers, journalists, and archivists use the same data scraping for their work, and AI text and image generators also have legitimate ethical uses.
Data scraping is legal in many places and it's not easy for websites with publicly available data to prevent it.
Some people have had/will have their income negatively impacted by AI-generated content. That sucks and they have my sympathy.
It's unethical to fire employees or contractors (or pay them less, etc.) only to replace their work with content from AI text or image generators.
It's shitty that tech bros are making fun of many people's concerns about AI-generated content.
It's shitty that a lot of people are throwing around blanket statements like, "Anyone who uses AI-anything is a thief."
It's likely that most individuals will never be harmed by AI-generated content because such generators do not 'steal' or copy specific works of literature or visual art—it's more like they're taking averages from huge amounts of scraped public data.
I'm concerned about both the data collection methods used to train AI content generators and how much information they have already used for training.
AI text and image generation is not inherently evil, nor are people who use it. It's a technology with many applications and can be used for both ethical and unethical purposes.
Capitalism is unethical.
(no, I don't check my notes, so if you want to call me names for pointing out that this is a complex and nuanced issue, have fun with that)
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onepawproductions · 4 months
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Now that I've got The Muddy Princess finished recording, I thought I'd make a snazzy lil' Book Cover, and remaster the cover art I'd previously made.
Then, it turns out that oh wow but you can actually get a single copy Print on Demand of soft and hardcover books.
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So I spent my Saturday making a Dust Jacket cover for The Muddy Princess! Woot! Or is it Sunday? WHAT DAY IS IT??
I like it~! Made with Canva, Sketchbook Pro for Tablet, A1111, and SDXL 1.0. Mascot Muse Seal of Audiobook Approval, included! ❤️
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vivenecii · 9 months
Apps without AI.
I used Google Docs and Notion for years but some time ago they introduced AI (and I do not have the best relationship with it, to say it mildly). And looking for alternatives is barely possible, because no matter how I write the question in any search engine, if it's no ai or apps that do not use ai or apps without ai, search results always recommend apps with it.
Do you have any recommendations for apps that don't have it? Literally any apps, can be for writing, photo editing, poster making, whatever. Just without ai.
I'll go first. Obsidian, app for writing, can be as simple or as advanced as you like (community plugins are a blessing). It saves files locally, though I believe there are plugins that allow for cloud sync (but I just copy it back and forth with USB cable, I'm this tired of technology).
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russet308 · 2 months
Tumblr artists, I'm running a poll on your opinion on Generative AI-created images
Bias is welcomed (and encouraged)
This isn't an official poll (run by little old me, and only me) but I'm writing an essay on the topic so. Go ahead and ratio it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
PLEASE if you feel like leaving your thoughts on the topic in the tags, or sending an ask (the anon option will always be there) to justify your answer, DO IT <3
Depending on how this goes, I might bring in some ideas from either side as evidence (I can also credit your username along with the statement - if you'd like credit please lmk in the same place you gave your opinion, everything I include will be anonymous by default)
Please be polite, it literally costs you nothing (and it's quicker and easier)
I'm not going to bring my personal opinion into this as that may sway the results, but that said if you want to make the results as biased as possible (ahem voter fraud ahem) go ahead
Please reblog for a larger sample size!
Liking a post doesn't really help here, I want as many people to see this and vote as possible <3
the poll will be open to votes for a week starting Friday, 5th April 2024
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thosemintcookies · 9 months
I think there's a huge disconnect these days where images are communal when it's about saying right click save to nft bros but somehow protecting the sanctity of image ownership when talking about artists online. Like follow the thread. Thinking you Own an image or idea just because ypu made it does a disservice to the idea of art-as-sharing including engaging with remixing and recontextualizing and replication.
Like yes artists deserve recognition over the products of what they make but monopolizing something intrinsically shred is so wrongheaded. IP law will not protect you when it's always the richer culture producer who can gird up with lawyers to defend that your works are derivative enough to be considered theirs not yours.
Like yes talk about injustices and bad usage as they exist but it's not a problem with ai. Same shit can be said about using Photoshop or something come on now
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kagrenacs · 3 months
I don't care to discourse, I don't have all the facts yet, but I know just enough to see people continually describing AI images as 'soulless' as kinda useless. I see it raising two questions
What does art with 'soul' look like? Is it art made by humans? That excludes some modern art pieces such as this, where meaning is prescribed to a factory assembled object by it's history and it's representation. Is it art with specific emotional intent? That excludes some fan art, where the purpose is often to just draw a person you like. It also excludes mark making most of the time.
How on earth is describing something as 'soulless' supposed to help me determine if an image is AI generated? It describes nothing about the image beyond 'the vibe', which is highly subjective.
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brainrotdotorg · 5 months
lrb im so angry right now. i think the prevalence of AI Art goes hand in hand with something im also pissed about- the death of the attention span
everything is just made to be so . fucking fast. people dont wait for things anymore- myself included! one of my resolutions for this year was to reclaim my attention span because ive lost so many hours to a time vampire algorithm or my own impatience. i feel like i cant sit down to do things anymore. its maddening.
and this doesnt just relate to the CREATION of AI art- obviously, obviously someone who is impatient and wants things NOW isn't going to spend the time waiting for a quality product. not when they could have something "sufficient" right now. they'll just generate it. but i think the worst part is when viewers of that AI art will look at it and see nothing wrong- all because they didn't LOOK at it.
if you aren't really observing, not really drinking in what you're looking at, just letting it slide over your eyes, then you're not going to notice all the fucked up blurry patches, or the way the dimensions are all off, when parts blend and there are random color splotches grafted onto it with no meaning. no one cares to look closely enough to see whats wrong. if it looks okay at a glance, why bother refining it? A glance is all people are ever going to give.
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gangles-toybox · 2 months
silly lil headcanon
Holden Caulfield would NOT fucking like AI art...bro doesn't even like cars because like they're not human like horses. Imagine if he knew robots were "drawing"...bro would lose. his. SHIT.
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