#AHHHH this is so great!
aye-of-newt · 7 months
if mizu isn't queer then why did they see gay heaven while bleeding out?????
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chiricat · 9 months
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let's dance, nanako! 🎶
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saffitaffi · 7 months
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I love this game so much! Slay the Princess’s Demos have been some of my favorite VNs this year and I’m so hyped for the full release! From the horror to the romance ughhh this game is so good
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l8tof1 · 1 month
bono’s voice was so shaky with excitement when he told lewis about p2 and what happened with norris, i bet he was this 🤏 close to finally saying GET IN THERE LEWIS when he saw norris move back up the timesheet in the exact same moment
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nosieposie · 2 years
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A peak inside Rena's photo album 😺
(alt. version under cut)
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maddymoreau · 3 months
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Mr. House and Courier Six by @ane-doodles
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wikitpowers · 1 month
One thing I kind of wish Cassie gave Kit is pointed ears!!!
“Rosemary was regarded as an extremely beautiful young woman. She had long blond hair, blue eyes, red lips, and—as a result of her faerie heritage—pointed ears.”
I know it would’ve made it so painfully obvious he was the first heir but I would’ve absolutely loved it!! He would’ve been the only one of Cassie’s protags with pointed ears!!
Not to mention how cute they are on Helen and Mark!😭😭😭
awww i love that!!! but honestly i think it was important to show that he was just a regular mundane, u know?,,, although i did see someone post a theory on here a while ago about how his ears (and maybe golden wings too if he has them) might be activated once he reaches his full powers!!! -> so there’s something to think about ;)
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
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"To dream the impossible dream, that is my quest." - Prince Fernando of Asturias
+ Seb not getting what he ordered
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+ the usual
Hello yes, look! It's baby Renault Fernando, isn't he so cute??? Who wouldn't want to force him into an arranged marriage, like cmon man be real. Here is the progress as usual, as well as his suit without the design, cause I'm pretty proud of it just blank even!
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Okay so this is pure Fernando, innocent Fernando, before he had his apirations ripped way from him. Well not fully ripped away tbf, because that's the crux of his character: is it more humiliating to never succeed or to only succeed because someone handed it to you with concessions? I guess that's up for him to decide though ;;;
The thing I love about this drawing and young Fernando in general is how much easier it is to see his and Seb's similarities. Look how similar they look! Seb is just a bit more evil.
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I think that's a big part as to why his feelings about Seb are so complicated. He both loves and hates how similar they are. From an egotistical point, he can appreciate and respect the familiar traits in Seb, the hunger, the exuberance, the pride, the ego. But also we hate seeing our own traits in other people, it's almost like turning a mirror on your worst traits and suddenly being able to see yourself from a new perspective. The biggest point here though is that Fernando turns that resentment onto Seb, as a way to clamp down on self hatred.
He becomes more bitter and resentful as he grows older, and loses a lot of his whimsy and joy. So it hurts him to see Seb, who in addition to getting everything he's ever wanted, also retain his whimsy. He, wrongly, just sees it as something that had to happen in order for him to grow up fully. It's more of a survival tactic, it started becoming unbefitting for him to have that level of unfounded confidence. That's the main reason he sees Seb as childish, immature and undeserving. He hasn't fully grown out of his capacity for whimsy and joy, and thus is below Fernando.
Well that was depressing oops! As the chibi art represents, this is probably a painting Seb got sent in the early days of planning their marriage. This is the Fernando who is still prideful, the Fernando who is still confident, the Fernando Seb vaguely remembers meeting his youth. Seeing this definitely pushes him even further towards the marriage(though tbf it's not like he even has a choice either.) Though when the time to actually start courting comes around, Fernando looks very uh different. This is both a joke about how different Fernando was in his first renault stint vs his second. But also I think he does show up very moody and disheveled, as a sort of last chance way to try and turn everyone on Seb's side, including Seb, off from the marriage. However, it's pretty much a done deal by that point.
Seb is uh, definitely confused, but I think he would be drawn to Fernando regardless. Actually, this might make Fernando even more appealing. Seb gets to push him all the time, try to break down his walls and get a glimpse at the real Fernando, if even just for a moment. Seb wishes he had more that just a blurry, vague recollection of Fernando at his peak confidence. Fernando definitely grows into something resembling his past self, after recovering from all the hurt, but there's just something about youthful exuberance that can't really be fully replicated.
Okay so about the quote. I went with Don Quixote this time instead of the typical Napoleon, because I thought it'd be funny. Fernando picks up the book at some point during his youth, and it inspires him a lot. He doesn't really see the satire in it, and comes to really admire Don Quixote's mentality, he's like "wow he never gives up! That's so admirable!" It definitely helps him through dark times to aspire to never give up no matter what. Though later Seb definitely rags on him for not knowing it was satire, and Fernando is like "wh-what do you mean satire?" But he's mentally strong enough atp for it to not cause his whole worldview collapse. About the quote specifically, there's definitely some part of him, even when young, that knows his aspirations are borderline impossible. I wonder if that part of him feels weirdly safe and comforted about the marriage. Yes, it's not ideal, but it's safe and secure. He gets what he wants, and there's no chance of anyone taking it away from him, no matter what.
I think his title would be Prince of Asturias? It was either that or duke, and I think prince fits him bettee(Machiavelli reference?) That title is currently the title for the heir to the Spanish throne. In this time period, it's also commonly used for the heir, but for Fernando it's a bit unsure. Like in real life, he's not directly the offspring, but he's still the most obvious choice for heir. But there's still enough room for Seb and his house to try to vie for the throne themselves, so it makes it all complicated.
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ghostlypanda · 2 years
reasons to watch rise: "wait... why did i just... change? what are we even dressing up for?"
please support rise of the tmnt by watching the show and movie over on netflix!! 🙏💙
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royalnavyart · 28 days
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Will you join me for prayer?
Perhaps I’ll just watch.
Hmph. Hopefully you’ll learn something.
I intend to…
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Sharing some close-ups cuz the speech bubbles took up so much space and I actly rly like how the colors turned out in this one. :3
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sysig · 3 months
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Anime good :) (Patreon)
#Doodles#MP100#Shigeo Kagayama#Reigen Arataka#Ritsu Kageyama#Forgive the anglicized name order lol#MP100 was another one of my breakfast anime! Admittedly I did not Just watch it during breakfast tho lol#It was too good ahhhh I kept finding my thoughts returning to it throughout the day!#I probably ended up watching an additional episode or so per day over however long it took haha - drastically cut down the number of days!#The lead ups to the finales especially got me - there was no way I could for the whole next day to see them through!#Plus getting to see those beautiful EPs gosh <3 What could be better than some absolutely stunning animation ♥#I was quite impressed the whole way through :D The cast was great and the animation was beautiful and fluid and impressive#And the technical ability that went into the painted animation! Gosh!!#But most of all - of course - it's just a good solid story <3 Of course it's beautifully expressed but it's just - good down to its bones#I love a story like that :) Mob is such a wonderful character and he's surrounded by good people ♥ It made my heart happy to see#He's loved and he loves <3 That's my very favourite!#Unsurprisingly to me I was most enamoured by the brother relationship who could've seen that coming lol me? Siblings? Pfsh ♪#Ritsu's a sweet boy as well <3 I cried at him crying from Mob not even considering forgiving him because there was never anything to forgive#Not me shorter older sibling feeling exactly the same way hhghghh I'm fine ;;#Reigen is such a fun deadbeat supportive adoptive dad haha ♪ He's hard to pin down! Loved his redemption arc(s) :)#Flawed individuals my beloved <3#Such an enjoyable cast and set of circumstances! I might actually have to give OPM a proper go sometime soon if this is the writing quality
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katsofmeer · 2 years
🙏❤️ putting my hands together for Oscar, who is giving us THEE queer regency metaphor in the fey, who is literally hand feeding us little chocolate covered strawberry morsels of pining and romance each week, who UNDERSTOOD the theme each week so well we are getting multiple representative outfit changes I just
his first dnd game!!! he cares so much about rue you can feel it thru the screen, what a joy, what an absolute treasure to have him on the cast <3
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cyle-stuff · 11 months
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Why must Fontaine have pretty characters??
How am I gonna decide who to get??
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scaredofstyrofoam · 1 year
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Tbh I thought Transformers: Animated was ehhh BUT the take on Blitzwing ✋️😫 I WILL NEVER TAKE BLITZWING DIFFERENTLY
(I had major art block and I'm not really into transformers [at the moment lol] but I saw a comic with him recently and he got smth in my brain working again so here he is😃)
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I know I’ll look back on this picture in a year and think he’s such a baby, but he’s looking so grown up to me right now!
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zepsei · 1 year
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Some doodles I did and then turned into actual coloured drawings , Kel is one of my favs :D
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