dragonsbluee · 2 months
So I've recently been re-reading TCF And chapter 196 is such an excellent example of how Cale interacts with the people around him, how he views himself and how they view him. This is also at the point in the novel where he hasn't really accepted that he is Cale now, not KRS, because he doesn't feel like he can.
So anyway, we start the chapter seeing the people of Rain City react to Cale's shield and they say something important!
"Won't he faint is he uses such a large shield? Why doesn't he just activate it when the northern bastards come?" "Can't you tell? He doesn't want to see us or the territory getting hurt at all."
At first, I thought this was just the regular drama of people reacting to Cale, but then Choi Han, the kids, and Ron tell him he's being ridiculous, and I realize the townsfolk are right.
The Wyvern Battle is only the 2nd or 3rd major battle Cale has been in so far but only as Cale. As KRS, he's done this before, and having read later chapters, we know Cale holds so much guilt over those battles and how he wanted to keep those he cared for away from it all but couldn't. After all, record only gives him information to guide them and make plans; he often couldn't physically protect them. How many times has he defended a shelter or teammates and wished he could have just covered them all with a shield instead of giving commands from the back? We know how guilty he feels over Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk's deaths.
He knows he doesn't have to keep it up, and he's the one who spreads a rumour that it's taking all of his energy, but he's already considering himself a "bad person" for taking military command and only giving orders. (except that's what it means to take military command?) There is absolutely another motive for keeping the shield around the city. Cale wants the opposing forces to view him as weakened, or he doesn't want people to think his power is as strong as it is. However, at the same time, he's absolutely protecting them because, just like the townsperson says, he doesn't want to see any of them get hurt by an attack he could have blocked.
Cale is doing what he can to undermine himself while claiming he's going to make everyone else the hero of this battle, but he won't drop the shield, which means no one can disregard or forget his involvement. It's not intentional! He's just literally made himself the first line of defense as a direct parallel to every time he was the last line as KRS. He wants to stay at the back, he does not plan to get involved unless he has to, but Cale won't let himself stay out of it. So the shield goes up and stays for multiple days.
Meanwhile, all Choi Han, Ron and the kids see is Cale surrounded by paperwork (because taking command of the entire Northeast is a lot of work), keeping a shield up that's known to make him cough up blood (they don't know about it getting stronger or the vitality of heart), and only sleeping 1 to 2 hours a night (thank you crybaby), so they assume it's a combination of work and concentration to keep the shield up. As usual, they're worried and frustrated at Cale's self-sacrificing tendencies.
We haven't even gotten to the actual battle yet, but this is such a great setup of how it's going to go and how the novel goes.
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Allen got them gifts
Bonus: featuring Nea
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salemontrial · 2 months
Why the FUCK didn't Sasha apologize to Quinni.
#no im so pissed about that.#dude you don't give an autistic person a meltdown that big over something that hurtful#and just#walk away scot free#last time someone gave me a meltdown that hardcore I cut them off for a month.#that might just be the bpd tho#but still#quinni doesn't seem like the type to just. be chill without an apology and hearing sasha explain herself#and then she makes her her vice??????????#she already acknowledged sasha is only in it for the power trip#sasha didn't even do anything in the investigation she just followed quinni around#which as she should#but she hasn't made up for how she treated quinni AT ALL#in fact she's just gotten MORE of a performative activist#like why the fuck was she such a bitch to missy abt spider#i get it yea. ur friends sometimes have dogshit taste in men but you don't need to make them feel like trash abt it#and the way she was like 'he fetishizes u for being black omg its probably asian girls next omg i dont feel safe'#THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU????????.#also she 100% jumpstarted quinnis identity crisis#with how she was constantly switching between infantilizing her and undermining her autonomy over her own decisions#and treating doing things quinni wanted to do and the specific way she needed to do them as a chore#and then victimizing herself!!!!!!!#like from experience that relationship dynamic IS abusive to autistic people it just is#idk if nt people get it but it's really fucking awful to come from your partner#anyway. until sasha apologizes to both quinni and missy this will continue to be a sasha hate page.#heartbreak high#heartbreak high season 2#quinni gallagher jones#sasha so#missy beckett
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illicien · 1 year
Every so often I see... interesting takes about Zemo that leave me questioning if we... all saw the same stuff.
Like, you know he commanded a death squad before his fam even died, right? This man is not a good dude. Sure, maybe it was in the name of his country but also... his country was a shit show and he said as much.
So I am absolutely perplexed by the number of "he wouldn't do x" and "why does everyone make him so toxic" kinds of things. He actively waterboarded Vasily Karpov like one of the first times we saw him. He was put in the RAFT because he is a fucking terrorist.
This feels like another one of those things I guess that reminds me of Hannibal. Him being polite doesn't make him any less of a cannibal. You can be both polite and a bad person.
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kikker-oma · 3 months
so, I'm really really sorry to anyone who's sent me an ask that has gone unanswered.
I have like, 17 asks in my inbox and some of them were art requests (and good ones), some of them were comments about Snoots that I wanted to draw doodles for, and some of them were just messages, but I've been avoiding my inbox because of some unknown reason and now it's stressing me ouuuttt😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Some of these askes span back to OCTOBER. 2023. AAAHHH
SO. I'm going to keep some of the art requests on my own little to-do list, but for my sanity's sake, I need to clear out my inbox.
Idk why this is stressing me out so much, but I've had like, inbox paralysis for months and then I feel guilty for posting things when I have 17 unanswered asks and then I avoid it more and then as soon as I answer one I get another and AHHH.
now LISTEN. I LOVE ASKS. it's just my time of the month so I'm acting super extra and now I have to DELETE FOR MY SANITY.
Feel free to still send me asks, I just need a clean slate.
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lurkingshan · 2 months
The only thing I wanted from this cursed show was to see Do Han walk away from all these assholes on his own terms, so I will be taking that with me and leaving behind the rest of this mess. Be free, Do Han!
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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@atereal :-]
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fanfic-lover-girl · 9 months
Make Rohan a Bender but NOT an AIRBENDER
I know Pema wants Rohan to be a non-bender like her. But what would be cool is if he turned out to be a WATERBENDER.
Imagine how happy Katara would be! Kya it seems will never settle down and give Katara a grandkid. And Bumi became an airbender due to that dumb harmonic convergence crap (screw Korra btw). Rohan being a waterbender would force Tenzin to acknowledge the water tribe part of his heritage for once! Also maybe Katara could teach Rohan too :). Katara deserves to have a waterbending grandkid damnit and to be more involved in her own freaking family! Give LOK Katara some love please!
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lylethewaterguy · 8 days
Idk man… maybe you guys are just overly negative. Have you tried enjoying something for once?
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landfilloftrash · 4 months
May I ask for more of your ShinKaru headcanons please? 😀🙏 or even about Manfred, do you have any HC about his wife?
Not gonna lie with you Chief, it took me longer than it probably should’ve to realize that you were using “Karuma” for the second half of the ship name lmaooo (very jovial)
But headcanons for Gregory and Manfred!!! I have those in spades! I won't go into tooooo much detail because we'll be here all day but I can give you some I sent to my partner! But as always I must preface; this is mostly based on vibes, certain lines I cannot quote off the top of my head, and fanfic-- because both characters and their backstories have not been TOUCHED let me see how they GOT HERE
Anyways /lh
In actual canon, my guess is that they met for the first time during the IS-7 incident. More specifically, the first time they’ve actually TALKED.
However, this alone is boring; So I imagine they’ve seen glances of one another in the courtroom. On Gregory’s end, he has seen von Karma in passing, fresh from the courtroom, going into battle, or going over something in the lobby and scowling, given a polite nod to the man or a nice tip of his hat if he was wearing it and mostly classified MvK as “older gentleman with nice taste in clothing.” if he ever sees him again.
MvK on the other hand might have heard of Gregory in passing? Extremely good defense attorney who regularly beats prosecutors; that’s not saying he’s perfect, that would catch the older man’s attention after all, but MvK has probably heard of him and his Justice filled ways and gone “bah. these fools don’t know how to prosecute that’s all, and he’s a naive fool.” If SEEING him without first noticing his badge, might politely nod back or huff a breath in lieu of greeting. If seeing his badge, 100% a nearly uncontrolled sneer. A mere defense attorney. A bug to crush.
And if later down the line Gregory wants to be that cool bug that Manfred studies closer and finds interesting, that’s his own damn business, thank you very much /lh
The only way I see them happening would be if Manfred's wife was either divorced or dead; He brags about his wife's cooking in a contest about baking that man is a wifeguy fo sho
They are court rivals!
They match each other blow for blow, which means whatever Manfred’s brand of insane is that trial, Gregory is ready to go with it and turn the tide, and even if he doesn’t win (perfect win streak), the crowd goes away with a sense of “wow. Von Karma was really on the ropes a couple of times.” and Manfred HATES IT. Not the crowd’s whispers— but now people know there’s someone who can actually MATCH his damn insanity and that riles him up to the point of bloodthirsting lust
Gregory ALSO hates it but for a different reason; he's fighting for his gawddamn life with these cases, doing his best as a defense and usually coming so so close but missing just that little something, and von Karma wins.
But he’s stubborn. He will get people their Justice, and he WILL literally die trying so help him gods. That stubbornness extends to von Karma; he WILL win against this man one day, and he’s tenacious and firm, so one day, it WILL happen.
On other hand.. he’s also interested in the amused expressions and sometimes even delighted smile that pops up on extremely brief and rare one second occasions when Gregory pulls a trap of his own or turns von Karma’s trap around; It’s a predator amused that his prey thinks it can win, but playing along and once again trapping the poor creature, but he can’t deny that the expressions make him pause for a moment. Von Karma is very intrigued as he is incredulous about Edgeworth; the fact he only smiles when cornered, so deadly serious and matching fire with fire, a little bit of a nerd! What is this man and why is he so amused by him? He's gonna have an aneurysm
Outside of the courtroom, there’s not much interaction. But… on occasion, they will cross paths while investigating, and almost make a game of it.
They’ll bicker, snip at each other, get close to violence on a couple cases, occasionally even laugh at a stupid/funny comment the other made, quip and quote back and forth like their lives depend on it and should they fail they’ll disintegrate.
Most detectives, especially Badd, the one they most regularly have to deal with, have caught onto this and stay the FUCK out of their way; no matter if von Karma demands they don’t let Gregory onto the scene, they find out later he snuck past them and is up to his thighs in a mystery he’s two thirds of the way figured out
Meanwhile von Karma is already ‘hiding’ witness testimonies and figuring out what he might need to smudge to keep the 'innocents' safe and the 'culprits' put away. While this is a tried and true tactic, and a very welcome one, if he can get away with not doing those things, he prefers it.
Gregory on the other hand, has a notebook for every case he’s been on with MvK as the prosecutor because every time they go against each other he needs to write down every thought that comes to mind in regards to the case. In other cases not against Manfred, he’s decimated the prosecutions arguments before they get off the ground thanks to having to deal with the god of prosecution. But he goes over these notebooks and regularly writes new theories and ideas on what might’ve actually happened, or if he came across the truth and was unable to prove it, circles it, and when they're all actually solved, he closes that notebook permanently.
On the extremely rare occasion that they have NO culprit, but there’s a crime they’ve been assigned to, they have tossed theories at one another, simple to try and one up each other of course. But it’s a different kind of race and game. It’s slower, much more careful.
Manfred once couldn't get to a crime scene up on a hill because it was a terrible pain day and Gregory said nothing about it as he supported Manfred’s almost full weight and let him recover before they actually approached the police and the scene. They never bring it up again and Manfred hates the fact that it even happened, but Gregory soon after finds a small gift basket and a note that says “tell no one. they will never believe you.” and Edgeworth keeps the note.
Gregory is a very calm and chill man, but he has on multiple occasions yelled in true anger at Manfred for certain topics, and Manfred purposefully doesn’t bring those topics up again unless truly relevant, which is almost never.
Manfred absolutely hates Gregory the way you hate a dog. Gregory hates Manfred the way you hate a season.
That's where I'll leave those for now lmao-- but now. Ouuuh. Headcanons about Manfred's wife, huh? She's not so closely my department in headcanons/personal canons like my buddy @.nwdolphin is! But if I were pressed...
May perhaps not be a perfectionist like her husband, but probably strives for it in a way that Manfred saw, appreciated, and partially married her for
I'm not quite sure on ethnicity or name-- depends on if they met in Germany or Japanifornia, and even then it's a mixed bag either way-- but definitely not "noble birth" or whatever if going on with MvK's edwardian outfits /aff Just a normal person from a normal Ace Attorney universe family, so of course her name is a pun/irony.
That being said-- Business woman though. Possibly a CEO of some kind? Possibly just a simple worker. Either way, she commands attention
Softer face for Franziska? She's who it came from!
Like I said earlier in the post; Manfred brags about her cooking! Wifeguy for sure. Her cooking may not be "perfect" but it's made with a genuine effort and a love of the task/people it's made for, so it's perfect to him, goddamnit all, and he will stand by this until he dies
This is all not to say that she's perfectly fine with her husband's bullshit; she calls him out when he gets too Into It
Definitely challenges her husband in more than one way-- whether it be verbally, mentally, or maybe even physically in a sparring match when they were younger and Manfred's leg didn't act out as much!
Manfred fr wouldn't have it any other way; he strikes me as the kind of guy who would decay rapidly without a proper challenge in some way or another (enrichment for the caged tiger in his enclosure please)
I could definitely see her being the one that completely and utterly endorse her youngest daughter wielding a riding crop as little more than two so even she could defend herself
Both of them were definitely so proud of her
Of course her eldest also got a weapon (<- the one who gave them their weapons) who do you think she is
Their granddaughter is named after her, methinks; the eldest keeps in contact enough for Manfred to know her dog's name is Phoenix (whether or not he was simply bluffing on this is irrelevant, I'm taking it and running with it /lh) and even if it isn't, he still knows his granddaughter has a dog who she very much adores.
I think around the time she left his life (death, divorced, missing, etc.) is around the time he truly started to lose the way of how he wants Perfect Justice and instead started to perfectly embody everything wrong with the Law
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ariesbilly · 1 year
the duffers casually throwing a reagan/bush sign on the wheelers front lawn is wild because like you know theyre just establishing the fact that the wheelers are an (upper) middle class suburban conservative family typical of the era but because these are two cishet white men they have zero wherewithal of the implications of what this means for other characters within their own universe its so fucking tone deaf that it borders on comedy cuz like... what is this? what else am i supposed to think about the reaganite family as a person with even the most modest understanding of US history other than these people are villains. and you want me to think theyre heroes. be so serious right now
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tarisilmarwen · 2 days
Me as the resident curmudgeon whenever I see Kanan/The Bad Batch crossover or headcanon posts:
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steel-and-fire · 9 days
//Anon, I don't even understand what you wrote, and I don't care too much to learn. If you have beef with someone, take it to them, not me.
I'm not here to care for political bs, especially American one, to put it bluntly. I'm not one, and my own country has enough problems of its own already.
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hussyknee · 1 month
Since I'm on a Regency kick and have now read several dozen books of varying quality in the genre, I thought maybe I was too hard on Julia Quinn when I read the first Bridgerton book because I had only been reading Georgette Heyer at the time. Tried re-reading it again. Nope. Still utterly execrable absolute bottom-of-the-barrell USAmericans-writing-Brits shite. Clearly written for idiots who hate the "historical" part of historical romance. If anything I was too generous the first time because I enjoyed the sex scenes. The best thing that can be said for that Netflix atrocity is that it perfectly reflects the source material. Kill it. Kill it with fire.
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tony-andonuts · 4 months
Hey by the way. If you can't respect and acknowledge mentally AND Physically disabled people, people of color, immigrants who don't know your country's language, queer people (ESP TRANS PEOPLE), fat people, people who aren't of your religion, and overall anyone not like you,
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jade-of-mourning · 10 months
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hi y'all again(? to some mayhaps?) whaddup i'm busy rotting my brotherband brainrot badly and i thought the lack of fanart warranted a fanart.
may i offer a jesper in approximate accordance to my brain. i hope he looks punchable (affectionate) to you too
i'd like to do lydia next because i've had her in my brain for years but also i really want an edvin really badly pleas
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no really i spent thirty minutes contorting my face into very uncomfortable faces in an attempt to draw him with various punchable expressions and then i gave up
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